#No kinkshaming in this blog
ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 9 months
As the year wraps up, I gotta get something off my chest, don't worry I'm not making a habit of this. Even though I know that the people who it's pointed at won't read or care, and the people who do see the resemblance to themselves likely won't be the ones I'm talking to. but I just had to delete multiple asks again, and it's stuff I get all the time, so I'm going to indulge in a little angry rant that you're free to ignore. Because seriously, I LOVE getting asks, I'd turn them off if I didn't. but some of ya'll REALLY don't understand there's a person on the other end of this. ...also, this is explicitly not pointed to the happy anon with the super long slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad post last night, you're cool. I was just a really tired last night and hit delete on accident.
- Every time a post gets reblogged, it finds more monsterfuckers, but also more non-monsterfuckers. A less monstrous person doing well or winning does not mean you're the only monsterfucker here. don't fill my inbox with multi-paragraph "everyone here's supposed to be a monsterfucker" hate essays every time a monstrous option isn't in a massive lead, take it up with your followers if it matters to you that much. -Some of you are fine always voting against bone devil no matter what, but can't comprehend something auto-losing for a different reason. Like "I hate heat." Or strong smells, or frogs. Sometimes people don't like the option they chose, they just hate it less. I see the merit in near any option I post, even if it's not for me...but seeing why you like it doesn't me I do too, stop asking me to take sides. - Or the opposite, one of the most common tags is "I love both, but I have a core memory or fetish with one so that's my default." Choosing one doesn't mean they hate the other option and you specifically. I'd happily fuck them both, but one indulges a fetish more core to me than some of my organs. - Someone who would fuck a werewolf or manticore or such is a monsterfucker, even if they don't go further. You don't get to say they aren't a REAL monsterfucker because you decided their preferred monsters aren't monstrous enough. Do you to see someone thirsting over a butch and say they're not a REAL lesbian because you decided that's not girly enough? There's no need to be elitist or gatekeep. Especially in an ask, but also in general tbh.
- I'm a basic bitch too sometimes! Just because we like the weird stuff doesn't mean we have to start hating the basic stuff and those who indulge in it. kinkshaming goes both ways, neither of which should be sent to me. You are not the standard by which all is judged, you being relatively more kinky does not make them objectively less kinky. - Seriously, if tumblr is anything, it's the "Labels" site. where people come to learn thier labels, give themselves labels, show off thier labels, surround themselves in similar labels until they forget it's not the only label. Often while saying they hate labels. It's not even the monsterfucker website, Tumblr's just more neutral toward it instead of openly hostile. I get the disappointment, but don't direct it to me. TLDR: That shoggoth or whatever isn't going to become real and fuck you because you flooded my inbox with rants on how "anyone who didn't choose X is fake, and all ya'll aren't TRUE BELIEVERS of the ONE TRUE MONSTERFUCKER GOD." Sarenrae on a bike, It's my blog, and I say everyone's welcome as long as they stay civil. so be civil before I take the anon button away. At least some people have the guts to show their face when insulting anyone who likes ___ over ___
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Well in that case. Cmon guys :( #t's not a kink it's just alternative analysis. really really bad alternative analysis
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nanamiscocksleeve · 4 months
Just a reminder!
I am an 18+ blog, and post a lot of explicit content. If you do not have your age in your blog somewhere, I will block you indiscriminately.
Also, this blog does not kink-shame (check out Rules in my pinned if you want to see what isn't allowed). My policy for anyone who tries to shame is blocking.
This blog below seemed to think their opinion was needed. By the love of all that is good, no, we do not need your opinions on something one of my followers sent in what they thought was a safe space.
After checking this blog, I also saw there was no age. Instant block.
Please scroll on by if you read something you do not like.
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mermaidsirennikita · 23 days
I remember struggling to enjoy The Dukes Perfect Wife because of Hart’s relationship with his mistress (Mrs. Palmer?) I couldn’t get over the fact that he went back to her after she ruined his relationship with Eleanor. This was years ago so maybe I’m misremembering… Was my reading wrong?
Nope, Hart does go back to Angelina Palmer; I think that for me, it's just not really an issue and honestly something I find to both make sense and act as a supporting factor for his journey.
I don't believe he went straight back to her—there's the gap in time during which he briefly is married to Anne, who it sounds like he was pretty incompatible but Determined to Make It Work with, and then Anne AND their baby son die. So he's lost Eleanor, he's lost his wife and his son (and feels immense guilt over those things), there's the whole "and I killed my dad for Ian" thing...
I'd be kind of surprised if he DIDN'T go back to Angelina. Because the thing is that SHE didn't ruin his relationship with Eleanor at all lol. Hart did. Hart ruined it by not being open with her, and by being domineering and trying to aggro his way into making Eleanor forgive him. AND, as I think is often dismissed when people critique this book, he didn't just have a big fight with Eleanor and have that be final. He went to her DAD and told him he'd slept with Eleanor (which would be humiliating today, but way more so back then) so that her father would force her hand. He told her she'd been seen as his "leavings".
Eleanor doesn't blame Mrs. Palmer; she calls her on being manipulative, sure, but she also understands that the woman is basically operating in a no-win game and is doing her best to win by whatever means she can. And then she learns that Mrs. Palmer would go even further to try to keep Hart's interests at points... and Hart would be disgusted.... and he wouldn't leave her...
And based off what we can see in both that book and Ian's book (when Mrs. Palmer is alive) they pretty much had an incredibly toxic relationship in which she framed herself as the person who could take his darkness~ at a point when he had a pretty low sense of self worth despite telling everyone he was THE SHIT, and he both felt like he didn't deserve any better than their shitty relationship, AND felt like nobody else (i.e. Eleanor) would accept him. (Plus, there was the whole thing where he fully knew that he'd encouraged Angelina's dependency on him and didn't realize the consequences until it was too late.)
Like... should Eleanor have accepted him as he was when they broke up? Nope.
By the time Hart and Eleanor get back together, Mrs. Palmer has been dead for two and a half years. And even before she died, the relationship had collapsed to the point where she was doing some WILD SHIT to try to keep him, and he was on his way out, but he also was clearly aware that it had gone a bit far and she might kill herself if he left. Just a MESS. And he did care about her—it would be kind of worse if he didn't after this long-term deal. The point being that the Hart who got back together with Angelina is not the Hart who was with Angelina when it ended, AND. Even after that point, he's still not in the place he needs to be with to be with Eleanor.
I think it's a better creative choice to have Hart go back to Mrs. Palmer, ESPECIALLY in the midst of a fuckton of grief and trauma. Because if he doesn't, he's either with some other lady who functions similarly to her (take aside her relevance to Ian's book) OR he's... what? Celibate? That doesn't track at all.
But if he is, say he doesn't go back into that toxic place... Why are he and Eleanor apart for so many years after Anne dies? Why doesn't he reach out to her? Why doesn't she reach back out to him? What's keeping them apart—because it sounds like Hart learned his lesson, at least on that level.
The point is that he didn't learn his lesson. He lost the thing he loved most, AND he then lost the other thing he loved most (his baby son), and he still kept fuckin' going. Because rather than rising to the challenge Eleanor basically laid out for him, he sank internally while projecting success and power externally. Some ground work is laid in Ian's book (and tbh the other books before Hart's) for him to have his real turning point, and I do think it's so deliberate that he basically gets stepped on by all his little brothers before he gets his HEA... He's basically getting a reality check that his mythical suffering to protect them is bullshit that he uses to ignore the work he needs to do on himself....
But Hart has to decide to be worthy of Eleanor, and before that I think he has to get a lot of narrative punishment.
(In turn, I think that Eleanor has to learn that she can call him on his bullshit and expect him to LISTEN... while also placing more trust in his feelings. Because he didn't cheat on her lol, and she did kinda just take another person's perspective on him wholesale versus hearing him out.)
And then I mean if we put all that aside I'm still very... Well why the fuck wouldn't he go back to a woman he had a long-term relationship with, with whom he was very sexually compatible, if he legitimately thought there was zero way that he'd ever be happily with the person he wanted to be with again? Lol, it's very human to me.
I get why a lot of people don't like it, but I sort of prefer romance novels where people fuck up in a way that rings at least somewhat true to life. One of the reasons why Hart and Eleanor are two of my favorite leads is that the relationship feels very real to me. They read like two people in their thirties who had this wild passion for each other and still do but have sense Been Thru It. He is finally ready to be with her, but it's in part because he fucked up like 7x between their breakup and now (and I also frankly just appreciate that he actually reads as someone who's been through the degree of trauma he went through as a kid, because there are a ton of books where Hart and Eleanor's initial courtship IS the love story, and he immediately throws his pride aside and grovels after their fight and she forgives him, HEA, and that is NOT satisfying to me... People who have been THROUGH IT tend to fuck up more than once) and she's finally ready to hear him out because she had time to take the stars out of her eyes and become a grown woman who has an existence separate from him.
Lol I opened my copy of Ian's book to confirm something before I type this out, and then I opened it back up and forgot than Hart was twenty and Angelina/Mrs. Palmer was thirty-three when they started up. (Which also means she'd been his mistress for about seven years when he met Eleanor.) Which isn't illegal! But does explain a lot about that relationship.
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oneknightstand-if · 9 months
you know seeing the anime interpretations for merlin makes sense but unfortunately every time i go through the demo i can’t help but see them as that one gandalf big naturals meme 😭
Merlin: Well, if that's your fetish then I can certainly accommodate... (ノ☉ヮ⚆)ノ ⌒*:・゚✧
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your-dark-desire · 3 months
Take a bite from the poisoned apple
This is where you can let go of your inhibition and take a sip of freedom. Release your inner slut and send me your thoughts.
You want to be given a naughty task?
You itch to send a picture of your boobs to a stranger?
You just can't that one erotic thought out of your mind?
You've come to the right place
Welcome to this blog!
My DMs and asks are always open
My only rules are:
NO minors. Not even for not horny things. There is nothing here for you
NO cis-male dick or ass-pics without asking permission to send them
NO pictures of others you don't have the permission to send
NO Illegal stuff
NO scat
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blimpixels · 10 months
I feel like it’s easy to say “kinkshaming is bad” when you’re able to also say that things you find reprehensible aren’t kink
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worshipme · 3 months
how much for your feet pics?
??? what the fuck are you on about ??? i am not selling feet pics
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jittyjames · 1 year
jcs kinktober masterlist
(sorry minors, but pls don’t interact with this. nothing personal, of course, but this just isn’t the space for you lovelies)
cw: heavy mentions of kinks under the cut obviously
i'm going to be so fucking fr with y'all rn. most of these are poly even if they're labeled as a single ship. that's just the universe i write for babes. i'm so embarrassed to even post this list. i would ask god to help me for when i post these in october, but anything good and holy has long left the chat. i'm scheduled to be struck down by lightning by november 1st. anyway here's wonderwall.
(also fair warning. i'm the most vanilla person in existence. if you look up the term vanilla is the dictionary, it's a photo of me. i say this to clarify THESE ARE (mostly) NOT MY KINKS. DO NOT JUDGE ME. I AM BUT A WRITER WHO REALLY LIKES DYNAMICS OKAY?? DON'T PERCEIVE ME. nyway, more warnings and stuff to come in the actual fic.) also watch my tumblr get shadowbanned for me posting this. maybe i should censor the words. IDK.
pegging- jesus x mary
roleplay- jesus x mary x judas
hate sex- mary x judas
rimming- jesus x judas
omo- LMAO JUST KIDDING. honestly don't know for this one. open to suggestions!!! EDIT- COLLARING WINS OUT
frottage- jesus x judas (kudos to gav for the inspo on this one)
virginity- jesus x judas
gore- jesus x judas (this sounds worse than it is lol. i swear it's not bad at all. gore is more of just a theme, not a sex thing. but... it is the bible... so...) this is also mixed with the bonus prompt bathing so!! y'all can work that one out
stripping- jesus x mary (modern)
praise kink- jesus x judas
sensory deprivation- jesus x reader's choice (ooo jami is trying new things for once 👀👀)
somnophilia- jesus x judas
size difference- god x judas x satan
orgasm denial- jesus x judas
temp play- mary x judas
gags- mary x judas
threesome- peter x judas x james
spanking- god x judas (modern)
voyeurism- jesus x mary x judas
mind control- judas x satan x jesus (lmao i’m sorry i had to)
lingerie- jesus x judas
BONUS PROMPTTT: dancing together- jesus x judas
rough oral sex- jesus x mary x judas
sex toys- mary x judas (modern)
edgeplay- jesus x judas
s&m- jesus x judas (was totally singing the rihanna song the whole time i wrote this one)
body worship- jesus x judas
breathplay- jesus x judas
free use- judas x everyone
this is a free day so... ONCE AGAIN OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS
EDIT: i have been harassed but i’m not using my free day on it… so…
32. BONUS DAY- the piss fic.
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furby-organist · 3 months
> "Welcome, new listeners! What's my audience demographic like this evening?" (cw: ment of like... underage/inc*st kinks)
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> "I don't know what my broadcast has to offer you, aside from the meth, but have fun!"
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lost-estradiographer · 8 months
Hope you're not a fucking plushophile
I'm not, but who the fuck cares? Come off anon next time you want to bash on someone's kinks. Either you've got your own stuff or your bedroom life is as exciting as a warm vanilla shake.
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eurosleaz · 1 year
unfortunately, i don't think sadie is immune to the booktok smut...i do think she enjoys the dark romance genre
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Alright guardians I have returned
I needed some time to clear my head but now I am ready once more for asks
… but if I have to deal with vore shit one more time I am going to tear apart the perpetrator with my bare hands
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
DO NOT let billy and Stu breed bruh ‼️⚠️‼️
LITERALLY DO NOT!!! This is such a disaster scenario for literally everyone involved. It would be fucking child abuse to allow them to have a kid.
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girlsweat · 1 year
Maybe somebody on staff has a detrans fetish and that's why they keep flagging trans content
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eurosleazarchive · 1 year
putting spice on main again bc i don't care anymore...live and let live ig
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