#No it's not cold feet
fairytalearista · 1 month
I saw a post that resonated with me the other day, and I'm now wondering if my experience is more universal than I realized. So, would you mind answering the following:
And, by "experience anxiety" I mean disordered anxiety, where your nervous system will go into disproportionate panic modes on a semi-regular basis. Bonus points if you have been diagnosed by a professional, but it's not necessary.
I also pulled out "trained in handling crises" as a separate options, because I'm more interested in natural tendencies here. You are welcome to ignore those options if you want to think of crises you are NOT trained to handle.
Please reblog to increase sample size, please
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canisalbus · 6 months
Scrolled for ages looking for Machete’s cute Finnish Socks but alas. :,((((
I could not find them
These socks:
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Knitting ornate woollen socks is a well liked pastime in Finland, and they're a common christmas gift (got another pair this year myself). The model he's wearing is called Jonsukat, a modern design that has been popular for a number of years now.
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collophora · 2 months
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"Let's fix this drawing" *redraw the whole thing*
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destructive-poet · 2 months
astarion cuddling in bed, with his super low body temp, clinging to tav and soaking up their warmth.
tav wrapping their arms around him and cocooning the two in blankets, holding his face against the crook of their neck.
him falling asleep to the lull of their beating heart, warm and content.
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prahacat · 7 months
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first snow
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mitski · 1 year
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RWBY (09x04)
Just answer the question. What are you? Are you sure you know? You have to be sure of what you are, and what you are going to be.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
you cannot tease wei wuxian and hua cheng hunting for funsies and not show that to us??? it has to go one of two ways right? either an absolute visious blood bath where everyone cowers in fear or the equivalent of a teenage girl's slumber party. both??? both.
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Hunting each other for sport is the keystone to a fun slumber party
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akiacia · 17 days
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(two) little words
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thyming · 5 months
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I think napping here would fix me a little. 🌙☁️
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morganbritton132 · 11 months
I read ‘zoomies with the kids.’ and assumed it was one of the boys running around the house with the fur babies lol. I see it being Steve and Eddie watching on found but annoyed because Steve is zooming in socks on the hardwood floors and head injuries…
Can I just say how happy this series makes me? I love these two and the world you’ve made for all of the party; your posts always brighten my day. Thank you for sharing them and for letting Eddie and Steve survive and be happy <333
First, I just wanna say thank you for the kind words! I think this little world is a group effort and I really appreciate everybody that throws their ideas into the ring and allows me to build upon them. It’s truly been the best even if I’m a lot slower at getting to them than I used to be.
No one considers how hard quarantine was on pets.
Some people have dogs that are trained to be around people and it’s weird for that to suddenly stop. Suddenly they aren’t going to school anymore or to the grocery store. Steve’s not doing trivia night or taking classes at the community center. They’re just home all the time now and Eddie is always with Steve so Ozzy just… doesn’t really have anything to do.
Not needing to be as vigilant as he is when Steve is more active, Ozzy’s left with an excess of energy and it makes him antsy. Much like his owners, he’s bored.
Joan gets stressed out if Steve is home when he’s not supposed to be because that usually means that there’s something wrong with him. The only time he’s ever been off work for more than a couple days at this time of year was when a medication switch caused cluster seizures. It takes a bit of time for her to get used to him being there.
The solution: They go on walks.
It calms Joan if Steve leaves the house for a bit and it helps Ozzy burn off some of that unused energy, and it also helps Steve who would otherwise be doomscrolling Facebook and thinking about Lucas at the hospital. He already had a semi-regular walking schedule for Ozzy a couple days a week but once COVID hit, they started walking daily.
Unless it rained. Eddie hates when it rains because…
Eddie looks visibly distracted during a zoom interview with the band. You can literally see him tracking something beyond the camera with his eyes because Steve is chasing their pets through the house, and they keep running by the room he is in.
Eddie finishes up what he was saying and then hits mute before shouting, “Stop running!”
Steve literally slides into the room on his socked feet, having to hold onto the doorframe when he lists too far over in one direction. He’s breathy and smiling when he asks, “Your interview over?”
“I’m muted,” Eddie says. “Stop with the zoomies before one of you get hurt because we can’t go to the hospital….Or, at least, take off your socks.”
“Why? So you can look my feet?” Steve asks, scrunching his face up with mock disgust. “Freak.”
Eddie can’t even formulate a response to that before Gareth’s voice is coming out loud and clear from his speakers, “Dude, you did not hit mute.”
“Shi-oot,” Eddie swore, looking away from Steve for just a second. He’s gone when he looks back up, already running back down the hall to play with the animals. He just shakes his head and asks, “We’ll cut this out, right?”
The interviewer asks if he has a roommate and Eddie is in the middle of trying to figure out what the funnier answer to that question is when he hears a loud crash. He nearly blows Gareth’s eardrum out with how loudly he shouts, “Did you fall?”
When this part is inevitably kept in the interview, you can hear faintly over Eddie’s mic, “I’m good!”
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captain-mozzarella · 1 year
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E epy
One of the clones on the 212th is called socks cuz he absolutely knits everyone socks or sth
Edit: I'm drawing socks because I love him and a couple of people seemed to like him
(ノ≧◡≦)ノ ♡
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went-out · 1 year
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I think I never fought so hard against a background! I didn’t know what to do with it... The side of the road somewhere will have to do...
Inspired by In the spirit that I crave verse by @friendshipgun​
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I hope I’ll never need to draw a car ever again
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natsmagi · 1 day
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maxstix · 1 month
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sol-insidious · 8 months
Luke: “For the last time, I’m a Jedi, not a wizard.”
Din: “But you make things float.”
Luke: “Yes. With the Force.”
Din: “And you’re literally wearing wizard robes.”
Luke: “I get cold okay :(“
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newestcool · 1 year
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''Cold Feet'' August 2020 Creative Director & Photographer Aaron Ricketts  Newest Cool
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