#No but seriously he's the perfect example of 'don't listen to what he says ; look at what he does'
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sweettsubaki · 4 months ago
Ok I like characters getting better as much as the next person but every time a fic tries to tackle Sanji's sexism problem it just takes me out completely.
Like not every time obviously, but so many people seem to like...Not understand it ?
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For one thing, part of it is linked to Oda's own sexism and the general sexism of the series (highly lessened in a lot of places thanks to Oda being an actual good writer who cares about his characters but it's still there) which means most characters are somewhat sexists (yes even Zoro king of I'll cut up anything and my childhood girl best friend could have been the greatest swordsman). So the fact that they usually just focus on Sanji but keep the rest kind of weirds me out.
Then there's the common "the girls don't like you back because your special treatment makes them uncomfortable" often answered with something along the lines of "but I respect them, I think they can do no wrong".
Which is so wrong on so many levels. Not the idea itself, but its application to Sanji. Like, he doesn't want to get anything out of those women (except seeing them naked and being stomped on but we're not getting into his kinks here). He does believe women are better than men...which includes him. So at no point does he want or expect anything other than being able to serve them which is part of why Oda focuses his development on his own self worth rather than anything else.
That boy does not have the self worth to actually try to flirt with anyone with the expectation that something could come out of it.
So like...Not wrong per se but this advice is very much a "missing the forest for the trees" kind of situation. He also does consider them to be people with their own wants and personalities.
Then there's the Nami/Robin part of it. Because people seem to think that they aren't close and that it's because of Sanji's behavior ? So first things first, they are close. They can have conversations and have fun even if Sanji will put them ahead of everything and everyone including himself (I'll touch on that bit in the part after this one). And like while he always agrees with the ladies BECAUSE they're ladies and it is an issue, he still like...listens to them ? And does think they're right most of the time (he'll also say it when he truly disagrees with something, like he did in Water 7).
- Let's start with Robin who behaves toward him the same way she behaves toward the east blue crew + Chopper, aka all the kids (yes, again, including Zoro, just because he's calmer doesn't mean he isn't also just a dumb kid). She entertains their excentricities in a way different to the way she treats the other adults. Sanji and her are actually fairly close because thay have a similar personality (and now they both know they also have similar backstories too). While he puts a big horny and romantic flourish over everything, he basically just treats her similarly to how he would have treated Reiju (how he did treat her in WCI) had they not been on different "teams".
- Then we have Nami. And I find it the funniest because she also has a bias toward women. A slightly different one sure (because they don't have the same issues) and it's also something I'll go over in the next part but it is a parallel between them that's pretty important and people often act like it's non existent and does not play a role in their relationship. Now they're both friends and before they met Vivi they were the most "mature" of the crew, the caretakers, and this is something that bonded them pretty early on. So yeah they're not the closest and Nami doesn't understand Sanji perfectly (that's part of why she needed to be in the WCI part as opposed to most of the Dressrosa/Wano crew) because they have basically similar symptoms but different reasons for these symptoms to exist, one of them being their self worth. It does not mean that they're not close or even friends. And because of Nami's own bias she has no problem taking advantage of Sanji's simping even if she can get a bit annoyed during serious situations and she has no problem telling him off when she wants to. So she actually encourages him and plays with his simping. And most of the time they're both fine with it. It's not one sided ! They're basically in a symbiotic relationship at this point.... Edit: I just remembered that on Egghead Robin even confirmed that Sanji will forever be in Nami's corner.
Now let's talk about double standards and lack of them. Nami and Sanji both treat women better than they treat men (tho Sanji goes pretty girls first then other women, then boys while Nami just generally prefers women). Nami would give girls her treasures while making sure the men are indebted until even after their deaths.
So like...way better. That's why it's not just "treat them less like goddesses, more like people" or "this is the way to get girls to like you" problems.
Sanji's relationships with other men aren't "better" than those with the girls, and especially not because he treats them more "equally" than he does women. Like...Sanji is a brat, an asshole. He's closed off and emotional at the same time. He believes no man deserves women and especially not himself. He's kind but he's not particularly nice. He'll still protect and feed other men and just generally take care of them but he'll be mean about it.
And that's the thing, he's generally different in his overall words and attitude, but not really in his actions with a few exceptions. Like in chapter 700, he'll still make Onigiri for Law who doesn't want bread aka doesn't want sandwiches and he'll cut tiny sandwiches so Momo's tiny dragon hands can eat them normally despite being an ass toward them half the time.
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Women aren't the only ones who get tailored help. He just does it with heart eyes for women and for the men he does it while insulting them.
His level of closeness is the about the same between men and women and the difference depend more on how the others chose to take him at face value than their gender. Because he hides from everyone and feels empathy for many others (event if he often won't admit it). It's the main difference between his relationship with Nami/Viví and Robin. Because Robin and Sanji have clown to clown communication.
I've reblogged this post recently, about how Sanji's empathy is directly linked to how he treats women, how "Sanji has an understanding that sometimes a woman has to lie." is linked more to his trauma and empathy than sexism tho that's how it manifests. You can add that the way he treated Usopp in Water 7 was actually fairly close to those too.
Also generally you have people who are either team "he's sexist because of his mom and sister" or "he's sexist because of Zeff" and it's kinda...weird ? Like it's both. Zeff offered him a way to channel his trauma and the way his sister and mom play into it plus because Sanji doesn't do things by halves, he went ahead and ran with it way too far (plus it developed while part of him was scared Zeff would aba'don him).
So yeah Sanji has a sexism problem but so many fics (and fans in general) tend to see it as the cause of his behavior and not just a symptom of a different problem which is that his self worth is worse than that of a twig and his sexism is part of a coping mechanism for his trauma.
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beatrice-otter · 1 year ago
You’re seriously still blaming Trump on “Bernie Bros”? Time for democrats to start taking responsibility for putting up shitty candidates and deflecting blame toward everyone else, for once
Trump was elected by a very narrow margin. And there was a ton of polling and data crunching and statistical modeling going on during and after the election, so we actually know what the factors that tipped the needle Trump's direction are.
One of the biggies is leftists who thought Hilary was insufficiently far left. If every leftist who loved Bernie and disliked Hilary because she wasn't perfect enough had held their nose and voted for Hilary, Trump would have lost. They're not the only demographic that's true of; there are a number of others who, if they had turned out in force, would have turned the tide of the election. For example, if a higher percentage of Black women had voted, Trump would also have lost. You know what the difference is between your average Bernie Bro and your average Black woman? Your average Bernie Bro is white and thus a hell of a lot less likely to have his vote suppressed. He is a hell of a lot more likely to find it easy to vote. This is not me saying this because I don't like them, or because I think Hillary was a perfect candidate. This is me saying that when you look at the actual numbers, leftist ideologues who refused to vote for a candidate who was not their perfect choice was one of the main reasons Trump got four years in the White House.
In general, regardless of the candidates involved, if 55% of American adults vote in a national election, the Republican wins in a landslide. If 60% of American adults vote, the Republican wins by a bare margin. If 65% of American adults vote, the Democrat wins by a bare margin. If 70% of American adults vote, the Democrat wins by a landslide. If 75% of American adults voted--and voted regularly in every election--the Republican party would cease to be a significant force in American politics.
This has been known for decades. Republicans will show up and vote no matter what; a very high percentage of Democrats and left-leaning voters will only show up if the candidate in question is perfectly in line with their views. That's why we have a Congress that is dominated by Republicans despite most of the country not liking them, and that's why we have most of the political problems that they do. By waiting for a political candidate who is good enough, you are directly ceding power to the people who are making the world worse.
Elections are decided by the people who show up. If you do not show up to vote, your vote does not get counted. If politicians want to get re-elected, they have to listen to the people who will vote for them. If they try to listen to the people who don't regularly vote, they are far more likely to lose re-election than if they listen to the people who show up every election. And conservatives show up every election. If liberals and leftists changed our voting habits and voted in every single election--voted for the furthest left candidate in the primary, and whoever got the Democratic nomination in the general election--we would prove ourselves to be a voting bloc worth listening to and the party would move left in response.
You want a candidate who perfectly fits your vision and ideals for what America should be? That doesn't happen in a vacuum. That takes work, and the most basic level of that work is showing up to vote now and every time there's an election to vote in.
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ryssbelle · 6 months ago
The Brozone Misconception
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(This picture is more a joke don't take it too seriously)
This is a kind of long analysis, deep dive, and discussion about certain fandom misconceptions. I am 100 percent open for discussion but I would ask that you read the whole thing first before reaching out, and please be respectful!
A link to the og google doc with images as tumblr image limit killed part of the essay XD
Essay under the cut
There is a common misconception in a small subset of the trolls fandom about the character of Brozone. That is their reaction and treatment of Branch, their overall purpose in the story, and whether or not Branch should have forgiven them. Whether or not their trauma born toxic traits which they aim to grow out of should be forgiven or not.
Let’s begin with an analysis of the beginning, middle, and end of their arc progression more or less.
We start with our favorite problem child, Jonathan Dorian, mounting the pressure of tonight's show, building expectations, and showing us, the audience, a bit of what goes on every time these guys perform: 
Making Bruce do 100 more push ups in the time before showtime (1 minute) 
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Pressuring Clay to wear the funderdrawers even tho he clearly doesn’t want to 
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Rebuffing floyds attempts to calm himself down
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And his worst crime
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Making Baby Branch Nervous
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Now you could see all of these and think “Evil! Evil John Dory! Jail for John DOry for 1000 years!!” because he is being oh so toxic. Now JD’s main motivation for pushing his brothers so hard in this moment has to do with the “Perfect Family Harmony” which according to baby Branch no one has ever hit before
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And you can see the strain it puts on the other brothers not just through the scenes i showed before but Clay literally tells us
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John Dory not only sees it as a great achievement, but he is putting his own and his families self worth all on whether or not they accomplish the perfect family harmony
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(ignore the crappy cropping image limits)
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And when they fail he blames it on them not following his lead 
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He still believes after all of that that they can successfully complete the Perfect Family harmony 
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This looks to be about the first time the brothers air their grievances out to their older brother about how they actually feel about not only completing the harmony, but the direction of the band itself.
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All of this happens within the heat of the moment, and only continues to get worse as when confronted with all of this Negativity JD decides to leave. You can see by his facial expressions in the above screenshots he was already feeling terrible about the situation as a whole. Animation is very show don’t tell just as much as live action is, it’s very important for storytelling as a whole. A character should not have to SAY they are remorseful for you to be able to see it.
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So JD leaves leading his other brothers to leave as well. Ironically they are following his lead badum dum dum. 
Now we can assume this is probably par for the course for these guys, cuz Grandma is right there, and she just lets them leave, you say plot convenience I say subtle story telling/ It is implied they do this all the time and will eventually come back. (they don’t)
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(Also ignore this image its also a silly and not serious XD)
Now you may be thinking, Ricky, you say that Brozone is not toxic, yet you show us the worst examples of their character. Listen dear reader, this is only the beginning, what I’ve shown you is merely the establishment of the eventual conflict that will be part of the driving force behind character growth and the story itself. 
Let’s move on to adulthood. The main arguments against Brozone happen here, other than the initial abandonment of Branch, which, I should remind you, happened when the oldest among them was still a teenager (teenagers are dumb). 
In this section I also have to mention another movie, and another character, as he is usually brought up in these discussions 
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Creek is usually used as a comparison to the Brozone bros in the argument that Brozone is EVIL AND TOXIC AND UNFORGIVABLE and Creek by comparison should be seen in a better light and not deserve the hate. To be honest I have never seen the level of hate that has been given to Brozone leveled at Creek in the slightest. He is canonically a toxic character, and one who is incredibly self serving which a majority of the fandom recognize and vibe with. Creeks admittedly rancid personality is a massive factor in his appeal (at least for me), and that is kind of the point of his character: To be awful and unforgivable. Creek wasn’t made as your average side character, Creek was specifically made to be an antagonist, to be a contrast to one of our main protagonists, Branch. That is why they are always at odds with each other within both 3D media and 2D media. 
Taken from the trolls wiki
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Creek has also shown disregard for Branch’s hobbies in the main show, tossing his puzzle into the fire. This was during Haircuffed, when Creek didn’t want to do Branch’s puzzle
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Which you think not so bad, its just a puzzle! Well…
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Puzzle’s have incredible significance to Branch, a comfort object if you will, and another way to feel connected to his Grandma. Now you might cry “Creek didn’t know it was significant! He can’t be held responsible for that!” HE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO KNOW THE TRAUMA BEHIND THE PUZZLE TO NOT DESTROY THE PUZZLE.
Conversely let's look at the Brothers:
Throughout the course of the film they are a bit rude to Branch and dismissive of him:
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(You could argue the face grabbing is just a troll thing cuz)
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But anyway
These scenes are minor things that add up during the course of the film for the purpose of showing off the traits they will put aside and grow out of for the sake of each other.
(brb reading xmen)
Lets talk about Xmen, you think JD is bad well watch this
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Before we tackle the entire argument scene let’s first tackle the individual character of each of the bros, Specifically: John Dory, and Bruce, who are most criticized for their actions.
John Dory is one of the first brothers we see return in the film, and his first and foremost objective is to collect Branch so that they can go get their other brothers to rescue Floyd. Some have called John Dory uncaring for his younger brothers, but if that were the case why start the rescue mission at all? An uncaring brother would just ignore the letter and go on with his life, but John Dory literally drops everything just to go rescue his little brother. The letter even specified getting the other brothers first, but John Dory goes alone to get Floyd out of danger as fast as possible only retrieving the other bros when he fails (and cuz he didnt know where they were, can’t waste time when you got a brother to save)
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A brother who didn’t care about his family wouldn’t go through all this effort. Some would say he’s only doing it for appearances sake, but for whom? Him and his brothers have been out of the limelight for 20 years, JD especially has been isolated in the neverglades, who is he trying to impress with this? No one, he’s just a good brother.
Also a reminder! When thinking about breaking Floyd out he is not the first to bring up the harmony! Floyd is, John Dory had a much more clever idea
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So it's not just to complete the harmony either.
He’s also held on to all the merch from their Brozone days, mementos of his family, it shows how he cares, but also the flaw he aims to overcome: his desperate attempt to cling to the past, the better days.
Now let's go to Bruce, easily the most scrutinized of the brothers (because of the baby comment) 
When he first sees his brothers again this is his reaction: 
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(Another point for JD, got ignored but is more happy to see his bros getting along)
Bruce is excited to introduce them to his family, excited to reconnect.
(Note: At this point tumblr stopped allowing images so i will be giving descriptions along with a link to the original google doc for reference purposes these are screenshots from the movie)
Cut image: Bruce introducing his wife to his brothers "These are my brothers, unexpectedly"
(Still excited and immediately introduces them to his wife despite them being “unexpected”)
Cut Image: Brandy saying "It's so nice to finally meet you"
“It’s so nice to finally meet you” Implies that he’s talked about them at length and the possibility of them meeting up with one another.
Also all of his kids completely ignore their mom, just to ask their father something, or tell on their sibling, or ask for his help as seen in this entire clip
With the ketchup kid he assures his kid he will handle it (and yes Brandy had to handle it but um rescue mission?) and that he loves them he just needs a bit of time to address, um who was it again? His brothers, right…
Bruce is argued as being incredibly selfish, I had seen a meme once that had suggested Bruce would let his own children die before he would give up his own life, which is horrendous and blatantly untrue. Bruce only tries to turn away his brothers when John Dory brings up the perfect family harmony and that’s before he knows it's for Floyd, once he finds out it’s for Floyd he is immediately on board! His biggest concern about the harmony at this time is how they’re going to do it. 
As for “abandoning his family again” Bruce is going on a rescue mission, which he asks his wife before hand if it is alright
Which she approves, he also agrees to cover for a WHOLE MONTH for the yoga retreat (Also seen in the clip above)
He spends the majority of the journey caring for Tiny Diamond as well, he lets Tiny into his hair, carries him around in a baby sling he’s a dad to any kid who needs him.
Clay doesn’t get as much scrutiny as either of the older bros, most likely due to his inability to leave the golf course and the fact he apologizes to Branch at the end. There are many things that mimic the same in the ending scene but let’s address the points brought up within the argument that people use to claim the evilness of Brozone. 
Also fun reminder, Clay is the one to start the fight, Not John Dory, not Bruce, Clay just a fun note (he is a lil problematic and argumentative and thats why i love him)
Clay brings up John Dory being bossy which sets everyone off into a tangent about the past, past actions that they think are resurfacing
Cut image, the beginning of the argument:
Clay: No. No, dude. You’re forcin' us to be perfect, just like you always have, so we can hit the perfect family harmony.
John Dory: Yeah. For Floyd.
Bruce: Is it? Or is this all just so you can tell people what to do again?
John Dory: Wha What?
Bruce: This isn’t gonna work if you keep on bein' the same old John Dory.
We all know John Dory’s reason for being “bossy” ; his reason for his perfection, once done out of an effort to impress, is now one out of necessity. They need to be perfect because now someone can die, and the others can’t see that due to their own trauma at the hands of JD’s perfectionism. 
As shown way at the beginning of the essay, all of the brothers suffered at the hands of JD’s past obsession, Bruce had to look a certain way pushing his body past its limits, Clay had to act a certain way disregarding his own happiness to keep up an image, Floyd was ignored and his advice pushed aside, and Branch was pushed to be perfect when he was only about 2 years old (or a month old if you go by the brozone blog). JD also suffered, pushing himself to make song after song, mentally exhausting himself and inadvertently hurting his brothers in the process of doing what he thinks is right for them. 
JD also had the responsibility (as a teen) to parent all of his younger brothers:
Cut Image:
John Dory: Well, I’m not allowed to change. I’m the oldest. I had to be the leader.
John Dory: Why do you think I moved to the middle of nowhere? So I didn’t have to be in charge of anyone. Four little brothers is a lot of responsibility.
You could argue it's his responsibility as the oldest but Grandma was right there, they shouldn’t be his sole responsibility. 
When most of them left it was done out of self preservation, to protect their sanity and to finally find happiness outside of a place that was no longer bringing it to them. They were kind of acting how most would want Branch to act, they cut out the toxic family for their own safety. 
Cut image:
Bruce: [stammers] Why do you think I left? So no one would treat me like you did.
Cut Image:
Clay: I’m gonna find trolls who take me seriously. Next to Clay is a picture of himself in a graduation cap
(Also that is Clays graduation photo, they are all around teen years in  the prologue which means this is either a middle school graduation photo or he graduated early and is still not taken seriously, which as someone who also faces that [only being seen one way despite your achievements] is incredibly discouraging and soul destroying) 
They most likely didn’t return due to the fact they didn’t want to be faced with this kind of treatment again (golf course entrapment aside) 
(Now you’re probably wondering about Floyd and he’s a whole other post, this is mostly focusing on the brothers who receive the most criticism due to misrepresentation)
During the argument they talk about going their separate ways, it is admittedly harsh they way they talk about leaving again, but they never say they’re leaving forever. Bruce has to return to his wife and kids, Clay left the golf course without one of its leaders, JD has his own life and routine, of course they’d go back to it once it was over, but that doesn’t mean visiting is off the table, and that they’d never see each other again. 
Cut Image: John Dory: What? The mission’s the mission. [chuckles] You didn’t think we’d all live together when this was all over, did you? Singin' songs and roastin' marshmallows?
Again i recognize JD is being an asshole here, but he is only knocking the idea of living together off the table, which kind of understandable they’re all adults with their own lives they don’t need to live together, I don’t get mad at my sister for going back to her house when shes done visiting. But again it is more how they say it then what they’re saying
Cut Image:
Branch: [scoffs] Oh, I’m sorry. Is that funny to you? That I might want us to actually be a family again? Tiny Diamond, pull over. Now.
Seen is JD's look of regret
You can see on his face that he regrets what he said when Branch says this, when he gets angry at him, he didn’t mean it like that. Thats when the don’t be a baby comment comes in, they still don’t actually understand why he’s upset, they think he’s acting childish, they don’t recognize he’s changed yet
Cut Image: The bros reaction upon hearing of grandmas death
These are their faces when they hear what Branch has been through, they obviously are upset, they’re hurt on his behalf, they are remorseful, this and their future actions signify the shift from who they were (hurt kids turned hurt adults, fighting over their past trauma) 
After Branch leaves, they, on their own accord, continue the mission to save Floyd, which is how they get caught, and during the final climax control freak JD relinquishes control, having changed and lets Branch take the lead. This is after Branch reminds them they don’t have to be perfect to be in harmony, just to be as they are together which they AGREE
Cut Image:
JD: We'll follow your lead, Branch
Once they save Floyd we are brought to Bruce’s restaurant, he brings them there to host their reunion, there is where branch gets encouragement from JD, where Clay apologizes, where Floyd reminisces and you can see JD engaging with his brothers more than just encouraging Branch he has joined Clays sad book club
Cut Image: JD reading a sad book behind Branch and Clay talking about said book club
This isn’t the end of their reconnection, this is only the beginning. They still have lots of time to grow, and to become closer as family. 
Now lets head back to Creek for a moment before we close this off:
We have brought up the puzzle destruction and his purpose as an antagonist. The main argument most people use is that Creek had no other choice but to sell out his entire race to be eaten and killed to save himself. He had a choice, Branch would’ve let himself get eaten if it meant protecting all of troll village as noticed when he protects poppy in twt (though he might’ve actually found another way out), Poppy would’ve as well. In tbt Floyd begs each of his brothers who meets him before the climax to let him die so they don’t face the same fate, these are all selfless acts. Creek reacts selfishly, eat everyone else but don’t eat me, then he smugly confronts Poppy, obnoxiously laments about how he has to live with his actions when if he were a truly good and selfless character wouldn't have been an issue. He smiles smugly, shrugs his shoulders, and lets himself be carried to safety when his people look at his betrayal with disbelief and sadness. 
Creeks actions in the 1st movie are awful, they’re supposed to be, they’re meant to be unforgivable crimes, and that is why he is killed in the 3D canon, legit he is dead in the 3D canon. 2D and 3D are different continuities, which is part of why I find them (Brozone and Creek) to be mostly incomparable.
Brozone’s arc only affects Branch and each other and in the end they grow stronger, and into better people. Creeks arc/actions affect an entire species and their survival, within the 2D continuity his actions only continue to be self serving, and rather toxic (more for funsies but you know) he should not have been forgiven, but he was. His actions were deplorable yet forgiven which then begs the question why aren’t Brozones? Creek also wrote the apology song solely to humiliate Branch in front of his friends which is not cool bro, Branch did not deserve the treatment he got in the episode from anyone. 
To conclude my thoughts are that Creek and Brozones actions are incomparable, Creek’s actions are not meant to be taken in a positive or sympathetic light, he is a villain cut and dry, that is who he was made to be and he does it wonderfully. I don’t hate Creek, I love his character, he is awful and that is great! Love toxic awful characters! Brozone are a representation of a broken family coming together again, they are toxic, and then they grow, they are meant to do so, the villains of that movie are Velvet, Veneer, and familial trauma all of which get mended by the end of the film. It’s not perfect but its there, and the ignorance of it is what causes these major misconceptions. 
TL;DR Learn media literacy please
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flamingspud · 3 months ago
Here’s day 6 of @mcyt-aspec-week , I hope you enjoy!
Changing Feelings - Platonic Soulmates
Soulmates weren't inherently romantic. That's just a stereotype that Hollywood wants you to believe.
In actuality, your soulmate is someone who shows up when you need them most. Didn't mean you had to like them though.
Take Pearl for example. Her soulmate hated her. His reasoning was that she wasn't ever there for him, which fair enough, but what did he expect when his life was oh so perfect?
On the other hand, there had been a few instances where he'd come to her rescue, despite how much she loathed to admit it.
It was for that reason that Pearl thought soulmates were bad news. That and how things were going for her roommate.
"I can't believe him!" Scar complained as he cleaned the kitchen counter. "You do everything to make someone feel loved and comfortable, and not only does he run off with the first man who looks in his direction, but now he wants the good silverware!"
"The good silverware?" Pearl asked, dragging her eyes up from her phone. She wasn't aware he owned 'good' silverware.
"He stole all the spoons when we were out at work!" Scar informed her, pulling the utensil drawer open with far more force than necessary. "I mean, who does that? How are we supposed to eat cereal in the morning, with forks?!"
"We could just run to the shop and get new ones," Pearl suggested, but Scar shook his head. 
"It's the principle of it, Pearl! If we do that then he'll have won."
"If you say so…" Pearl got up and grabbed her coat. "I'm going out." She had no interest in listening to Scar harp on about his ex for the foreseeable future.
As she walked down the chilly street she texted Grian:
Did you steal Scar's spoons?>
<Well, he *deserved* it because…
Pearl turned her phone off and put in into her pocket, before letting out a long exhale. What had her life come to?
As if things couldn't've gotten any worse, her favourite coffee shop was closed for repairs. She restrained herself from groaning and instead settled for a dramatic eyeroll, before making her way to a different place.
It was on this different than normal route when she spotted him.
She stopped walking as she took in the sight of Scott, Mr. Perfect, sitting on the curb, head in his hands.
Her first instinct was to run the other way. Unfortunately for her, she knew what he'd do in her situation, what he's done countless times before.
She let out a long sigh before walking over to him and plopping herself right down on the curb beside him. "Hey Scott."
He jumped, clearly not expecting company.
Pearl had really been expecting him to yell at her, but instead he just let out a defeated sigh. "What're you doing here?"
She tilted her head to the side. "I think you know why I'm here."
Scott's shoulders sagged, and his gaze wandered back into the street. "Yeah, I do."
Pearl blinked. "So…" 
She needed a little more to work off of if she was going to be there for Scott when he "needed her most."
Scott raised his eyes to the sky. "Where do I start?"
"How about the start."
Scott proceeded to go into the story of how Cleo was mad at him because he forgot their anniversary, and how everything he said only seemed to make it worse. They kicked him out of the house and now he wasn't sure what to do.
"At least she didn't steal your spoons," Pearl quipped once he was finished.
"What?" Scott asked incredulously.
Pearl shook her head. "Sorry."
Pearl bit her lip. She couldn't believe what she was going to say next. "Hey- I have a couch space open if you need it. That is, if you don't mind Scar's constant gripes about his ex."
Scott furrowed his eyebrows. "What happened to Grian?"
"Cheated on him."
"Well I can't say I expected that."
"Neither did Scar."
Scott huffed out a laugh, which Pearl hadn't expected.
She must've been staring, because he asked, "what're you looking at?"
"I didn't know you could laugh," she responded seriously.
Scott rolled his eyes. "And here I thought you had matured."
The pair shared rueful smiles.
They sat there for a few minutes watching traffic pass by, until Pearl finally pushed herself up off of the undoubtedly filthy curb. "Come on, I'll get you a coffee."
Scott got up as well. "I can pay for myself."
"Then we'll say you owe me one in the future."
Scott shook his head. "I can't believe you."
"Well I'm real whether you do or not."
Their playful jabs continued like that as they walked down the street together, each's spirit higher than it was before.
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acertaincritic · 8 months ago
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Episode 9 & the season overall
Do I need to say more?
Like yes, fine, overall, it's not as bad as the previous two seasons. Overall, this was the best season since season 2.
But let's be honest, it's not some high benchmark to clear.
Structurally, this episode's problem is that it's the final episode yet it has the structure of an early-in-season episode. It solves a personal issue of Rayla and it deals out Aaravos's backstory, and it even recaps early seasons! If not for Aaravos's return in the end, this could've been the first episode of the last season. It still could've been, just move his return one episode earlier and the rest could stay the same. No reason Aaravos can't explain his backstory to Claudia after she lets him out. The whole "cast spell with love" was a bullshit excuse.
But the most prevalent issue of this whole series is its refusal to put its heroes through any meaningful trials or tribulations. Any time they have any meaningful choice to make, the story ultimately makes it so they don't have to pay the cost. Some examples:
Rayla decides to lose her hand instead of killing Ezran - Zym just breaks her hand-cutting bracelet.
Callum decides to use dark magic and regrets it - he just gets primal magic he can use with clear conscience. He arguably chooses wrong and then he's still given the good magic in reward.
That also entirely nullifies his initial choice of "use dark magic or have no magic." He just gets good magic.
Claudia kills a deer to heal Soren's legs and in the end... Nothing? She gets ugly I guess? Soren is perfectly fine, it doesn't matter that such a powerful dark magic was used on him, at most it's Claudia who bears the cost, and it's not clear what "looking ugly" really does, if anything at all.
The Dragon Mom ignores her injury and pretends she's fine - when she stops being fine she just stumbles across a healer by accident.
Or just this season:
Callum gets healed from using dark magic by a ritual. They say it's dangerous but eh, it seemed pretty easy, half an episode and done, and he's fine and has his primal magic. No cost.
Rayla thinks she'll have to choose who to save, but in the end her parents are at peace and happy to go. She doesn't really have to choose, she just goes with what the other people choose.
The Sun Queen strikes out at her brother's forces and in the end nothing happens to her lol. That whole Z plot line was ultimately a nothingburger. The big sun dragon wasn't even needed to release Aaravos. You could've entirely cut it out and just have Claudia sneak into the castle to get the egg!
And so on and so on. And it's just so tiring, because we're dangled nice stuff in front of us, like a possession arc, but then nothing happens.
Claudia just lets Aaravos out like she's intended for three full seasons. It's just dull. It's boring! It's, well, it's the definition of meh.
Guys tell me, seriously, am I the weird one? Is it weird for me that I expect the heroes to have to deal with complex issues and hard choices, and not the villains? Am I asking for too much?
Because it feels like the creators had some nice epic pictures in their heads, like Katolis burning or a big battle among the Sun Elves, but they just can't or won't commit to them. They don't write a meaningful story to accompany those pictures. All the heaviness is put on the antagonists, while the heroes, if they have any issues, typically resolve them within one episode - like the Sun Queen had a one episode long "arc," but she just had to listen to a story and she's perfect and flawless again! Callum's arc of struggling with dark magic and possession is the only such one, and it still came to an anticlimactic, easy end with the cleansing ritual.
Yes, the show can still do something with it. If I had more trust in this series and its writing, I'd say that sometime in the next season, Callum is going to use dark magic to save Rayla, breaking his promise, and then she'll be unable to kill him, breaking her promise, and they'll need to put themselves back together and come back from that.
But... I don't have any trust in this series at this point. They used false advertising in the trailer! There wasn't any scene with Callum having black eyes this season, yet they even used it as a thumbnail?
So with my zero faith in the writing of TDP, I'm presuming there will come a moment when it'll look like Callum might use dark magic again, but he'll then refuse and instead of suffering any consequences, he and others will be promptly rescued by someone, like maybe the Dragon Mom coming back during the final battle or something like that.
Because the heroes just got to choose right and they'll suffer no consequences for it. I guess the moral of the story is "just be good and things will work out on their own." In other words... "trust in God/Fate."
Amazing. That's exactly the message to teach kids, instead of "sometimes doing good is hard but it's still worthwhile" or "be smart and creative and you'll find a solution" or idk a hundred other messages this show could've had.
Like seriously, the setup where humans don't have inborn magic and elves do is such an amazing one. It could've been a story about humans outsmarting elves, about figuring out other ways to use magic, about not letting their lack of power put them down.
But nooo. Instead it's a story about those born powerful being always good and beautiful, and only a couple of them are bad apples - usually because they're deceived by one particularly bad apple. And if you're born without power (privilege, khy khy) you should just accept it and you'll be rewarded by fate/those with power.
This show is progressive?
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langernameohnebedeutung · 6 months ago
Thinking about writing a 14 year old girl who starts out bratty and grows and changes, but thinking about the best way to write her in a bratty manner without seeming like I'm bashing on teenage girls in general, any thoughts?
Oh, that's actually something I have quite a few thoughts about!
the shortest answer I can think of is to look at teenagers you know in real life and their behaviours - that's a good start to make that character authentic. A lot of people get age milestones wrong when writing kids (personally that's why I avoid writing kids) and especially with girls, it feels like a lot of authors can only write 'basically an over-sized toddler' and 'she only cares about boys and sex'. Now, teenagers are also tricky because they are all very different. I think learning about what actual 14yo do in their freetime, what interests them, what music they listen to, what jokes they make - or to maybe look at some of the things you did at that age - can be very helpful to avoid being too "how do you do, fellow kids!
Tbh, I always feel like the biggest issue with the way people write the 'bratty teenage girl' is that she's always there to be the 'reaction character'—because she's written by adults, and it reflects how adults feel dealing with teenagers, especially teenage girls. Usually, you have a main character, typically a middle-aged man, who is doing something, and the teenage girl character is standing on the sidelines, chewing gum and telling him he's boring or uncool or be like 'urgh, old people'. At the end of the story he wins her over and, in a heart-warming scene, she will say something like, '…actually, you're not that bad,' or '…okay, maybe you are pretty cool.' It mostly just feels like the adult author feeling insecure about their own age and whether they're still in touch with The Youth, and it's been done A Lot.
Then you often have teenagers as damsels to be saved—and the bratty factor often makes them more difficult to save. That's also a very common trope that often results in people hating on the character, even though, in my opinion, that's often unfair (and very often especially unfairly directed at female characters).
If you think of teenage girl characters who work really well, I think it's the ones that sincerely reflect the experience of being a teenage girl (or a teenager in general). Or whose experiences serve as a good allegory for those experiences. Think of your classic 'teenage detective' stories where the adults just. don't. listen. In those stories, 'bratty' is often a label assigned to the main characters BY adults who ignore them—we understand the context of why they are bratty. It makes perfect sense for them to be that way. Or think of your YA protagonists who stand a little outside society, who often try to do what is right but get very little recognition for it. Or think of all those shows featuring teenagers that have aged well and are still popular with adults—shows like Avatar or Kim Possible. They are usually stories that take the problems of teenagers and the world they face quite seriously - by placing them side by side with actually world-threatening events. While at the same time, the dismissive way adults treat teenagers is a giant threat to these worlds.
Now, obviously, these were shows specifically FOR kids—but I would argue that similar rules apply when writing a teenager in any other genre, especially if you want to avoid bashing them. Take their issues seriously. Explain why they are 'bratty.' Explore what it means to be 'bratty.'
For example, right now I'm rewatching Gotham (a show not for kids), and a major character is Selina Kyle, the young Catwoman, who is living on the streets as a homeless girl. She has a flippant, careless, often mocking demeanor and doesn't really let people in. A lot of people see her as a 'brat'—but because you see her in many situations, you understand what her life is like. You see how people treat her (she's frequently referred to as 'street trash'), and you understand perfectly why she acts that way.
When she does show that she cares about someone, when she lets people in, or when we find out, for example, that she takes care of other kids on the street or the stories she tells herself to feel better about her family, it’s not just to make some adult character feel better. In those moments, we actually learn something about her, build a meaningful connection with her, and see what makes HER tick. She is more than just the 'bratty teenager.'"
Obviously, it doesn't always have to be a giant tragic backstory. That really depends on the story you're telling. Personally, I would argue that even being a teenager (especially a girl!) in normal middle-class society comes with enough reasons to be a 'brat.' There you are, 13 years old, and old men are cat-calling you on the street. You're in your training bra while the beauty industry bombards you with insane beauty standards. Your parents are divorcing, and when you want to understand why, everyone talks to you in a baby voice. You get bullied in school, someone makes deepfakes of you and shares them on Snapchat, and when you try to explain that to the teacher, you can see their eyes glaze over because they don't have a clue what you're talking about.
One very common statement I hear about teenage girls is "they do it for the attention" - which, to a point, is true. Obviously, they want attention. Everyone wants attention to some degree. But notice how this is the same language often used to ignore and neglect the needs (especially medical needs) of adult women. Teenagers also often don't have the language to communicate the complex feelings and situations they are dealing with now. Being bratty or sulking or similar behaviours are they way of trying communicate their feelings. A good way to write a teenage girl like that is to explore her character and to be true to the motives and reasons why she is acting like this.
For example, I think a lot of teenagers are in a very alienated position in society. They're in a very difficult phase in their lives: They are growing into adult problems and adult feelings, adult routines. But those are still VERY big shoes for them to fill. It is overwhelming. This is also why they make convenient main-characters for these kinds of YA novels - because these are not yet integrated into society. They often have an outside perspective. They question the status quo. And this also appeals to teenage audiences because they are in the position where they start questioning the world around them, their family, school, gender, religion, politics.
Teenagers want to have an identity for themselves, make their own decisions, and explore who they are—but very often, the adults around them still treat them as kids, limiting them without even bothering to explain why. Much of the environment created for teenagers is out of touch with their interests—it's often condescending, lecturing, and not very empowering. Every time they have new hobbies - Pokemon Go, Fortnite, some new band, they are always mocked relentlessly by the same adults who don't even know how to entertain them. Some kids on youtube are eating tidepods and suddenly their entire generation is being blamed. The same messages are repeated over and over at teenagers and they're preached to in this way regardless of their own experiences or behaviour. If you are a teenager, no one cares about YOUR life, situations, or struggles—which, at this time, can be quite serious. You want to take charge of your own life, start captaining that ship—but very often, you stand by while some adult does it for you, telling you not to start smoking (it's dangerous!! Don't listen to your friends!!). (again, doesn't it make sense why teenagers see themselves in girls fighting dystopian governments?)
When kids become teenagers, their parents often stop being the most important go-to people in their lives—this is when their friends become their social bubble, and they share many things ONLY with them. So, the things adults often mock about teenagers (like 'But daaaaad, I reaaaally want to go out tonight!' or 'Muuuuum, I really need that One Direction tattoo!!') genuinely are that important to them. 'But everyone is going!!!' really is a valid reason in their eyes. And they often experience adults who not only don't understand but are extremely mocking toward them. Another reason why they might seem bratty to adults - when their behaviour might seem perfectly sensible to them.
Also, consider that when teenagers are portrayed as dumb or naive, that's usually the adult perspective on kids being less cynical and experienced than adults - and that's why they get angry when you say no to something or get bored and annoyed when you lecture them. They might genuinely believe that a new top or a trip to the clubs will help them win new friends, or that this boy might really like them if they do what he says. It seems real to them because they haven't lived through it yet. They have hope that these things will work, and they're a lot less worried about risks because they haven't seen things go wrong as often as adults have. (Just recently, I walked down a narrow street on a steep hill that I used to skate down at breakneck speed without any helmet or protection as a teen—where I could never have slowed down or avoided a car—and back then, it hadn't even occurred to me how dangerous it was. As an adult, I had a 'how am I still alive??' moment seeing that place.)
You know how we often say, 'Be nice to toddlers and babies, this really is their first time on a plane/in a car/in a supermarket'? The same applies to teenagers when it comes to things adults find childish. Wearing THAT outfit or going THERE really is that important to them. And do you know who they hang out with? Who some of their most important social contacts are? Other teenagers, who also think THAT is important. That romance book with its familiar tropes or those song lyrics we've heard a thousand times really are That Deep for them—because it’s new to them
They also don’t live within the same contexts as we do—they don’t have jobs, they go to school, and they don’t get money or immediate rewards for what they do. Is a teenager sulking during a trip or on holiday? Well, they worked just as hard at school this year as you did at work, but they don’t get a say in where the trip goes, most of the time. When they mow the lawn, they don’t really care what the garden looks like—because it doesn’t impact them. So of course they roll their eyes when you ask them to. They live in a world where they constantly do things without seeing any direct benefit, while the things they do find rewarding are often mocked or forbidden by adults
So yeah, one way to make a bratty teen sympathetic is to explore why she is bratty and to show her side of events.
Also: You can explore what makes her less bratty! Perhaps she's nostalgic for simpler times or she really loves animals or she moved and misses her old home or she is passionate about a hobby or music or drawing. These things might make her more approachable to people who also respect them and we see the personality beneath the brattiness.
And also you can explore what bratty means! There are many different flavours of "bratty teenagers". Some are already well-established tropes like the rich brat* or the goth kid. But the real challenge to making a bratty teenager likeable, imo, is to give them a distinctive personality and to make their bratty behaviour reflect real life motivations. In which way is she bratty? Does she disagree with everything you say? Perhaps there is a bigger thing she feels she's not listened to about. Is she reclusive? could be there are a lot of arguments happening around the house she wants to avoid. Does she have specific opinions and viewpoints she stands in at all times? Or is she contrarian on principle? Are there people she's particularly bratty towards? How does she act around her friends, teachers, strangers, neighbours, parents etc. I think the more you explore that the more she becomes a person and the more she becomes a person, the less it feels like you're bashing or mocking teenagers.
On the other hand, you could also write a character who really is a huge dick or even a villain. There's also many flavours of that - anything from the pissy older sibling to the mean girl bullying people in school to the Creepy Kid. (Think of characters like Joffrey from Game of Thrones, that's how far you can go with an evil brat villain even in adult story.) In these cases, I would also explore why they are who they are - even if the answers to this might be less sympathetic.
If you do that, you could also include other teenage characters with very different personalities to show that you are not making general statements about teenagers but that this is just one character you are describing. Or you could give her parents who act similarly. Or maybe it's a question of schooling - that's another popular trope for teenage villains, they might be a reflectin of a dysfunctional social environment like their school or the place they live.
*the thing about the rich brat trope: As someone who worked as a teacher at a boarding school for very wealthy kids, I often have issues with the very shallow depictions of this that basically boil down to "this kid gets everything they want so they suck". There are some very specific forms of neglect that are common among rich people and tbh, I think if you want to go in that direction, I would also look at what life this kid lives and WHAT they are lacking.
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laguezze · 2 years ago
PAC: Characteristics of your FS
This is for or all the people with intention to marry or have a long term relationship. Next up will be a soulmate characteristic PAC. I decided to split it in two to get more details!
Now onto the PAC!
Here are the piles!
Pile 1
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Pile 2
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Pile 3
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Pile 4
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Ready? Let's go!
Pile 1
This person is a rebel. Might be a bit hypocritical about it. Like they might come from money but decide to live out their best broke musician dreams while still living in their rich dad's apartment that he bought for them. That's just one case example, take it as it resonates.
This person loves to keep appearances, they love to be in control of how people perceive them. I'm seeing they want to be taken seriously.
Long, messy, brown, curly hair. Middle part is possible.
North America, Australia, Oceania, Hawaii, UK.
Dainty eyes?, Blue eyes, light eyes.
Not too defined features but also not ugly. Might be what people call "medium ugly" for some of you. Nothing too shocking about their features.
Musician, plays guitar, indie music taste, 420 friendly? Nirvana (the band), big social life, plaid shirts, leather jackets, bad boy persona, baddie aesthetic, motorbike, cigarette, old school lover, 70s aesthetic and fashion.
Pile 2
This person is very much hypocritical, they don't know what they want in life. Very much lost with their career and family life. You might help guide them.
They definitely have unconventional dreams like opening up a tea shop, or flower shop. Which is fine, but I'm seeing they want to do that for the wrong reasons. Very easily manipulated person, it'll be frustrating for you to see. But they'll get better with your help probably.
Probably from any capitalist country. Take that as you will.
Light eyes or medium eyes but not dark. Downturned eyes.
Short hair, pixie cut, wolf cut.
Wears bandanas, baggy clothes, long skirts, hippie style, boho aesthetic, activist. Necklaces and bracelets, lots of jewelery in general.
(sorry it's a bit short, your person wasn't too specific with the looks but rather with the personality)
Pile 3
You guys got yourselves a romantic, old school, kinda person. They probably listen to music from the 50s and 60s and jazz, lots of jazz. Might love to take things slow and smooth. Doesn't like running late to things and is always calm and early. Very collected person, never a hair out of place. Always is composed. They might have been different before they met you. They probably were chaotic and funny before they met you but something happened that made them this sophisticated, chic person. You might need to bring the fun in them back, I'm hearing. Might be a judgy individual.
Latinx, Hispanic, Southern Europe, North America (East Coast)
Brown eyes, very deep set eyes, intense gaze
Short hair, very short for men, curly hair, either Brown or dirty blonde.
Long eyelashes, very pretty features. Either small nose or large nose, no in between; defined face, high cheekbones.
Medium height, slightly muscular.
60s, 50s music and fashion, coffee and tea lover, might be a cook or love to do it, kitchen lover, architecture fanatic, probably loves house decor and renovation, secretive, mysterious, romantic, candle collector.
Pile 4
(idk i swear this is not Hozier themed, there's just something about him present here)
"imagine being loved by me"
This persoooon omg. So pure hearted. Truly has the best intentions at heart. They literally are sunshine personified. They radiate light, like their smile lights up a room and they always look clean and cheerful. The type of person everyone likes. No one ever dares say anything negative about them and if they do, it's because of jealousy.
They might have a lot of pretty privilege that makes this effect happen. Like if this person was a 6/10 (conventional attractiveness scale) their personality wouldn't be as appreciated. But because they're so beautiful inside and out, it shines through. I'm getting they realize this privilege and it rubs them the wrong way sometimes but they won't fight against it because it's helping them with their goals.
North America, Sweden, Finland, etc, Northern Europe and UK.
Blonde hair, short hair, curly hair, honey hair.
blue eyes, light eyes, almond shaped eyes
Bunny pretty (that one TikTok trend ifykyk), slim, short, cherubin look (if you don't know what that is, think cupid angel type of beauty), white clothes, flowy dresses, short eyelashes, defined jawline, big smile, straight teeth, bunny teeth, cardigans.
Hope it resonates for all of you!!! 💕
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anxiousbrazilianstuff · 2 months ago
So, yesterday I was really down and ended up deleting my two AUs, but today I'm feeling better so I'm reposting with more paragraphs, as always, enjoy!
Also, it's fixed!
The text is about a future where Jack and Kath never met, so Jack became an artist (🙏🙏) and Kath a very frustrated journalist, and they end up meeting in an interview that Kath needs to do with him, Jack's a bit of an asshole, but I swear he has reasons 😭
Damn this job, damn those men and their smug looks, damn her father.
That's what she wrote quickly in her notepad, in such a scribbled way that it felt like she was in third grade again. She had fought so hard for a high position in that world of journalism, and yet she was seen as weak and was always thrown into the most futile articles, there were people who didn't even know her name, they simply called her "the Pulitzer girl", "the little heiress" it was infuriating, but she bit her tongue, she needed the job. This was one example that she wasn't taken seriously; she was a journalist, but she would have to be an interviewer of an artist, who had a reputation for being the most difficult person to deal with, he was arrogant and it was impossible to get anything out of him, and obviously, the good old punching bag was there, as the reserve of reserves. She walked through the streets of Manhattan in a hurry, she had woken up late, and to make matters worse, because of the heat, everything seemed to be more sensitive, her waist, tightened by a corset that her father insisted for she to wear because she was too "chubby" to be a perfect wife with a perfect body, the thousands of clips and products in her hair to keep her curls perfect, the heavy makeup suddenly felt suffocating, and her mind was racing a million miles an hour as her heels clicked furiously on the streets floor. She reviewed her questions thousands of times and did little patience tests to make sure she wouldn't snap at the man and put her job at risk.
Suddenly she found herself in the man's house, she sighed, and clutched her notepad, her patience was already thin before she even saw him but even so, she knocked on the door, praying that the rumors were just rumors and that he was a decent person to be around, while she waited, listening to the footsteps inside the house, she tapped her fingers impatiently on the notepad, finally the door opened, revealing a tanned man, with a mess of curls where his hair should be, much like hers when she woke up, ink stains all over his clothes, he had a few, very few freckles, almost invisible, and she hadn't even spoke in but those two brown eyes seemed to judge even the way she held the pen, she forced a smile and said; — “ Good morning, Mr. Kelly, I'm-” — He cut her off with a scoff and a roll of his eyes, and she suddenly knew she was screwed, he looked at her with disdain and said: — “ I know who you are, journalist... Come on, don't waste my time any more than you already have. ” — Journalist. He didn't even try to call her by her name, she felt her blood boil, and she clutched her notepad so tightly that she was sure her fingers were already marked on the page, even so, she nodded, humming a "mhm" and entering the house, it wasn't big, but it wasn't a shack either, it seemed decent enough to have what he needed. Inside the house, it was full of paintings, most of them his own, a bit arrogant on his part, she wrote on the paper, but I couldn't deny that they were all beautiful, different colors and styles, they certainly didn't match the man who made them, but some say that fame goes to your head, it was notably the case with this artist, who by the way, was talking and talking about something completely uninteresting to her, so she just nodded and wrote notes of the pictures, suddenly he stops, and she remembered why she hated heels, they were not reliable in case you tripped, she honestly hated her clothes, uncomfortable heels, tons of clothes that made her hot, heavy and usually overdone makeup, it was difficult to try to please people, she almost fell.
He looked at her with a smug look, the one she saw every day at work, she was already used to them at this point, and they still bothered her, he he chuckled and said in a voice as smug as his eyes: — “ No need to pretend you're paying attention, journalist, I know you're impressed by the paintings, a pretty common reaction if you ask me. ” — For a moment she got tired of biting her tongue, she could no longer contain her immense anger towards that man and his behavior, they had only spent a few minutes together but he was already getting on her nerves. — “ Well, Mr. Kelly, at least something in this room is beautiful, because you? You are annoying, arrogant and disrespectful, I don't understand how you make such beautiful art. ” — Suddenly the hallway fell into a heavy silence, any shred of confidence disappeared from Jack's face and he just looked at her in disbelief, perhaps she had hit a sore spot, but anyway, they just kept walking, in silence. He opened the door to one of the rooms where she assumed the paintings were made, she took a moment to look around the room; Paints were scattered everywhere, as were canvases that were probably defective in his vision, and many broken brushes, he was definitely a bit destructive and that was a bit worrying. She sat down on a stool, she needed to start the questions, he also sat down, going back to work on the one he was doing before she arrived, probably. She cleared her throat, it was quite embarrassing if she was being honest, but she couldn't go home empty-handed, so she began; — “ So... When did you start painting? ” She asked softly, trying to ease the awkwardness that had been left after her little outburst, but could you really blame her? It was frustrating, she was trying to do her job and she was just humiliated, over and over and over again, no matter who it was. She was pulled out of her thoughts at the boy's response, she shook her head and began to write as he spoke.
“ When I was younger, my mother was into arts and since I had this "gift", she encouraged me to pursue it. — It wasn't much different from her, to be honest, her nannies, butlers and maids always said that the gift of writing was in her blood because of her father, the problem was, she became extremely strict with her writing, it needed to be perfect, she was already not respected as a working woman, if she didn't try hard, it would be worse. She saw a bit of fear on the artist's part in answering her question, maybe family was an uncomfortable subject, that was important, she noted. The problem with being here was that she had forgotten all the questions she made, and it was making her stressed, she knew how to improvise, so she took a deep breath and asked the first thing that came to mind; — “ Were you simply born knowing or did you attend some school? ” — She watched a little confused as the boy scoffed under his breath, muttering something she didn't understand, she frowned, tightening her grip on the pen and forced a smile, asking; — “ Mr. Kelly, believe me, I’m not the least bit interested in your life, but at least we can help each other to finish this quickly, I'll help you leaving you alone and you help me being decent and making this faster so I can leave, yes?”
What an insufferable man. That was what she thought over and over again, she felt that the next time that man underestimated her, she would end up with a frazzled nerve from pure stress, he sighed, clearly as unhappy as she was about that situation, the only difference was that he didn't hide it, she had to hide it, after all, it wasn't polite for a woman to get annoyed. After a few eternal minutes of silence, he replied; — “I taught myself, do you think I had money for a damn art school? ” — She flinched a little at the sharp tone, her father had the same tone when he talked to her after she messed up, and she realized he saw it, and his expression softened for the first time since he saw her standing in the doorway; — “ Look, girl, I had... Other concerns to worry about hobbies. ” — Again, he didn't call her by name. But she let it go, because that was important information, he apparently didn't have many money as a child, that was important, and so she began to write, she already had quite a bit of information about that man, but it wasn't enough for what her editors wanted. She was surprised when he started talking on his own, a breakthrough? Was she seeing the light?
— “ I started painting more because of the encouragement of my adoptive mother, she owns the local theater and would ask me and pay me to paint sets for the theater.” — Her eyebrows rose, she knew the local theater, she had been there to review one of the shows, the owner if she was not mistaken, was Miss Medda Larkin, now the question was, how could such a sweet and kind woman have educated someone so difficult? That was none of her business, so she just wrote what was passed on to her, apparently his background was humble, so she sympathized with him just a little bit, because his life probably wasn't easy. As she wrote down her own deductions about the boy, she heard Jack utter some less than desirable words in her presence, in a language she knew was Spanish, She had to thank the thousands of language lessons her father made her do, after all, it made her resume more eye-catching, which was necessary if she wanted to be someone , an immigrant? That was a good question, she turned to him waiting for him to finish his mumbled rants and said; — “ You aren't a native here?” — He looked at her in surprise, He probably thought she hadn't noticed, and hesitated for a few minutes, notably this was another subject he didn't like to talk about, but he after a sigh answered.
— “ I was born here, but my parents were Mexican. ” — With the melancholic way he had spoken, apparently his parents were a sore spot, she knew how immigrants were viewed, so it was probably an injustice, it made her furious, and she took the opportunity to write this, after all, it was a good topic, she just hoped that her editor wouldn't block it because it was a frowned upon subject. She noticed the room was getting dark, frustratingly she wouldn't be able to get all the information she wanted, but what she had was probably more than enough. She stood up, if there was one thing she learned from a young age, it was not good to go out alone at night, so she began to speak; — “Well, thank you very much for the answers, Mr. Kelly, I will probably have to go back tomorrow, but you've already given me enough material, so thank you. ” — She forced a smile, although it wasn't as forced as the previous ones, she waved and left the room, with hurried steps she also left the house. She was quickly thinking of ways to start writing the article. She couldn't just talk about her unpleasant experience, but she also couldn't leave something unrealistic, and she remembered how difficult writing was, especially for a newspaper where your word could influence many people, but she had to try, and she would.
SO GUYS, That's it for now, if you like it I'll write more, but for now that's it because my hand is sweating from writing/typing
( Guys please see this, this was a LOT of work)
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otdiaftg · 1 year ago
Nicky and Neil continue their heart to heart.
"The only reason I stayed when Coach offered me a spot was so I could fix this," Nicky said. "I thought if I had more time I could show Aaron and Andrew how to be brothers again. And I'm not giving up, not by a long shot, but I've realized by now I can't fix it on my own. I hate to say it, but I wish Renee would hurry up and make her move." Neil had no idea how the conversation had gone from murder to Renee. He ran over the last couple seconds of their conversation in his head, then gave up and asked, "What? I thought you didn't like her." Nicky bolted upright like Neil struck him. "Who doesn't like Renee?" Neil almost volunteered himself as a prime example, but he didn't want to derail the conversation further. He amended his words to, "No one likes how friendly she is with Andrew." "Not to throw my own cousin under the bus, but everyone knows he's not good enough for her. In a perfect world Renee would settle down with a nice Christian boy who'd invest in her charity projects and love her half to death. In this world she's got her eyes set on Andrew. I'd intervene for her sake but I'm getting desperate. Andrew needs something to distract him from all of his issues." Neil thought about his conversation with Kevin a few weeks ago. "What about Exy?" "Now you sound like Kevin." Nicky rubbed at his temples like he was warding off a headache. "Exy isn't an option here, okay? You can love Exy all you want, but it's never gonna love you back." Neil should let it go, but the challenge was out before he could stop it. "So?" "Oh my God." Nicky looked torn between horror and pity. "Seriously? That might be the saddest thing I've ever heard." Neil should have just kept his mouth shut. "I need to study." "Don't you dare." Nicky snatched his math pamphlet off the desk and dropped it on the ground by his chair. "Listen up. There's obsession and there's dysfunction. You can't make Exy your end-all be-all. This won't last forever, okay? You'll shine bright, then you'll retire, and then what? You gonna spend the rest of your life at home alone with all your trophies?" "Leave it," Neil said. Maybe Nicky heard the quiet warning in Neil's voice, because he gentled his tone. "You can't be just this, Neil. This isn't enough to live for. I could take you down to Columbia sometime, just the two of us, and have Roland introduce you around. He's got a lot of great friends. At this point I won't even care if it's a girl so long as you—" "Why don't you like girls?" Nicky looked startled by the interruption, but he rallied quickly and made a face. "They're so soft." Neil thought about Renee's bruised knuckles, Dan's fierce spirit, and Allison holding her ground on the court a week after Seth's death. He thought about his mother standing unflinching in the face of his father's violent anger and her ruthlessly leaving bodies in their wake. He felt compelled to say, "Some of the strongest people I've known are women."
Day: Thursday, October 5th Time: 11:20 PM EST
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fuck-customers · 2 years ago
Perfect example of why customer service is a pox on this world and why I hate my fucking job. Sorry this is so long, tried to condense as much as I could.
Guy comes to collect his food, points to the sauces with it and goes "That's it?" Ye. "I want another;" Okie dokie. Take it out to him, he looks pissed, "Seriously? That's all you're gonna give me just one?" We have a policy wherein if customers want extra sauce they have to pay like 10 cents. I explain this to him and say he can have this one extra sauce on the downlow or he can pay for as many as he wants. He sneers and walks away; interaction over right?
WRONG. He comes back later to ask for a takeaway container. I try to be really nice to customers who've been dicks just to make them feel stupid, so I know I did nothing to provoke this when responding by asking what size he'd like: small or large. This guy. This motherfucking guy decided to snark back with "I don't know why don't you be smart and show me the fucking containers?"
I go out back grab both sizes and in a pretty condescending tone go, "Here you go, small or large?"
"Are you serious, was it really that hard to do that? You could've done that the first time without the fucking attitude. Be smart next time."
"Haha k mate, what size container do you want?"
"You know what? I'm gonna go out there and find a manager, I'm gonna report you. You've got a real bad attitude, if you don't wanna be here don't fucking show up."
"Oh you want to report me to my ~manager~? I can call him for you right now! Do you want me to do that sir?"
"Yeah go on, fucking call them! They're gonna look on the cameras and see how you treated me." (He thought the cameras recorded audio, they do not, unfortunatly for me in this instance)
This whole time I haven't raised my voice once even tho he's yelling at me, I'm just keeping that overly saccharine sweet 'you're a moron and I'm patronising you' customer service voice and smile.
Ring my DM and he says he'll be over in five, I relay this to dickhead and he slinks back to the bar to wait.
I go out the back to cool off for 5 then head back out front and resume cleaning. Guess who storms back up to the register in the third part of this shitty trilogy.
"Oh so you're fucking cleaning now are you? Now that you know your manager is coming and you're on camera you're doing your job huh?" (I'm not even exaggerating the swearing, this dude dropped the F bomb almost every single sentence)
"Beg your pardon? I've been cleaning-"
"Yeah bullshit, you just want to look like you're actually working you lazy dog. I know what you're doing."
"Yeah keep talking to me like that and you're getting kicked out the front door!"
Managers showed up at that point and dude was being a dick to them too.
Cherry on top of this whole ordeal? His wife/mother/whoever the hell she was comes up and asks for a container while guy is off to her side arguing with DMs. Me being kinda a dick knowing he's listening/watching go back to default nice customer service attitude infront of him and repeat the same question: small or large? Intentionally neglecting to get the containers in a moment of pettiness. To her credit she did politely ask to see them but when I bring em out has the audacity to say: "See? If you had've just done that the first time he wouldn't have had to react like he did."
No. You. Did. Fucking. Not.
"Actually no, he was the one who decided to make a smart comment first."
"Well if you had've just brought the containers out to begin with-"
"And what stopped him from just asking politely instead of being smart about it?"
"You should've just brought the containers out, then he wouldn't have had to react the way he did."
"He didn't have to react the way he did regardless, he could've just asked me decently and there was no reason to swear at an name call me." At this point I said fuck this and walked off.
Apparently guy made remarks after this to DMs about what he'd 'do to me' if I did that to him again. So if this unhinged motherfucker comes back and reads my body language wrong I could be in shit apparently?? Okay psycho.
Trying to tell my managers to ban him but they're saying unfortunately he'd have to do more then that to be banned so it's off the table atm but they'll review it. They're semi-regulars too so this most likely won't be my last run in with this moron
This is very specific and if, for whatever snowflakes chance in hell, the people who this is about see it and realise this is them and I'm that employee: you're a bunch of dogs with no manners who should stay the fuck home. You've got issues that clearly need sorting out and if you're gonna flip over one fucking takeaway container then stay out of the public thanks.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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dearweirdme · 8 months ago
So I saw the response you gave that anon about "closeting" and you mentioned how taekook tend to take some risks. You also gave as example "the live in bed". Can you elaborate?
The live in bed is in fact sus but I don't get the fuss. Where is this coming from and why are people so convinced that it is Jungkook?
Hi anon!
So, there's people that don't hear anyone next to Tae... there's people who do hear someone next to Tae, but think it's definitely not Jk, and there's people (me) who think we hear Jk sleeping next to Tae. To me it's very clear that there's someone next to him. The breathing sound we hear in the beginning does not match what Tae is doing. There's also some shuffling that is perhaps done by another person. It's perhaps hard to asign a breathing sound to a specific person, but the sound does fit what I feel could be Jk. Aside from that, from my perspective it makes perfect sense for it to be Jk. I believe they are together, I believe they sleep in the same bed often. This live was one of three in a few days... starting with the one where Tae listened to To Find You, ending with this one, and the other one was the one when Jk had just arrived home and people heared him in Tae's live. The sequence of these lives very much looked like: Tae misses Jk, Jk went to Tae straight from the airport, they ended finally spending the night again together.
When this live aired, immediately the discourse was that it's Jk. Seriously, I felt overwhelmed, and I think many people did. There also was quite a bit of discourse (from Tkkrs) who felt that Tae was being too risky and that he was putting Jk and his future on the line. The percieved risk was that Jk might've woken up and made himself actually known. I have always felt that it was Tae's responsibility and not ours to judge. If anyone knows Jk and his sleeping habits, it would be Jk. If anyone would know how Jk felt about this situation.. it would be Tae. Just.. lay the responsibility with the people who are actually involved, imo.
But basically, everything they do that possibly outs them as an actual couple could be percieved as taking a risk. We aren't able to judge if that risk is actually there, that is for them to do. One could say that Jk kissing his hand before highfive-ing Tae was 'risky', one could say that Tae pointing at his heart and then to Jk was 'risky', one could say that Tae kissing Jk's neck was 'risky'... etc, and yet none of those things led to any actual risk. There's a rumored Taekook kiss from when they were in LA, them kissing in public would be risky, but then again there is no evidence.
I think the whole situation of being in the same band, having a relationship, but being closeted sets them up for things that might be perceived risky. People's eyes are constantly on them. Behavior is at times so automatic, and you can actually see how Tae and Jk hold back movements, look down when smiling because of the other, bite smiles away... so often.
In reality, they can probably get away with quite a lot. Taekookers might be numerous, but we are still a minority when it comes to Army. I think non of the general public would suspect anything. So sometimes maybe an interaction or action might look risky to people who pay attention, but the majority of the public simply does not notice.
And again, if they feel like taking risks.. that is totally up to them It's their lives. If they were to come out as a couple tomorrow, they will have my full support and I will personally hide them in my spare room until the media madness will blow over 😁.
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highfantasy-soul · 1 year ago
Quick list of things I particularly loved from NATLA Episode 3 - Omashu before my in-depth overview
The whole rebellion inside the Fire Nation - love seeing EVERYONE fighting back
"I think that's what they said - I never listened." ^_^
"What makes you think we're outsiders?"
"We ARE Fire Nation, even out here"
"Irrigation, am I right?" :D
Aang darting through a crowd messing up everyone's day - just straight from the animated!
And the first tease of the cabbage merchant!!!
Our Gaang wasting NO time after the explosion to run in and help
Bloodthirsty Teo ready to recruit Aang to carpet bombing the Fire Nation - yet another example of children's morals and sense of self being warped by this war
How proud Teo is of his father!!
Sokka being able to show his interest in tinkering and engineering!!!
And did I spy some ECLIPSE glasses????
Aang's "no, I'm not going to just leave people in trouble, I'm going to stay and help them any way I can" moment
"He's done the impossible" in the most mocking voice imaginable! XD Adore that Azula isn't afraid to mock her father
And Mai and Tylee cameos!!!!
And the Yuyan archers! So many hints to the future here
Katara practicing her waterbending forms even in the background - really showing that she's taking every opportunity to hone her skills - she's not just perfect immediately
Honestly first thought cart-boy might have been Haru, but once he caught the Mechanist meeting with the spy, my Jet senses started tingling
Jet's combat - perfect! Katara's skills - growing!!
LOVE how there's such a marked upgrade in Katara's control from her single ball of water and big splash of last episode to her controlled twin water ball attacks
Jet's bird-whistle signal
I started giggling maniacally, knowing what was coming!!
And that DAMN piece of straw XD
Sokka saying 'No, my role is to be a warrior and protect the village' with the most heartbreaking look on his face as he sees the skills he truly loves being devalued (or the perception that their devalued) and then Sai reassuring him and his frown turning into a hopeful look on the verge of a smile. Seriously, my heart, guys
Chills every time Smellerbee throws up her hand and shouts "Freedom Fighters!" and the whole camp cheers - really you see how they're a family, a community, healing together the best way they know how
Honestly, everything with Jet is great - him actually giving GOOD advice to Katara, making him a real person rather than someone who only cares about himself - I believe this Jet actually cares about Katara the person, not just Katara the weapon
Also the fact that there's only the small hand-brush as a romantic gesture, the rest of Katara and Jet's interactions keep strictly platonic - nowhere near as charged as all Sokka's interactions with Suki and Yue
Katara's mom smiling in the sunrise D;
Zuko's annoyance at Iroh loving the city XD
And Lotus tile reference!!
Sokka's paper bird!!!
And oooohhh here comes the fighting!
Such a great choice to pit the Mechanist (Sokka) against Jet (Katara) where they're BOTH bad! This isn't a one sibling is right scenario - both their new allies are doing bad stuff! Very juicy and great plot thread/theme weaving
"To prove you're a jerk!" "Oh yeah, well I don't need proof of that!!"
Cabbage merchant tease #2!!
"This guy - again?" *rolly eyes*
Sokka's first mad plan!! Riding the crates to the palace!!
The Zuko/Aang fight - beautiful, stunning, stylized, classic
Zuko being beaten by a woman furious that he's hitting a child
Water HAWHIP!!!!
Iroh's first firebending in the show is him using it to draw attention to him so Zuko can escape :( not to harm anyone, but to protect
Aang's little "Uh oh o.o"
This was the first episode where it ended and I thought "I HAVE to watch the next one RIGHT NOW"
Damn you cliffhangers
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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the-very-rubiest · 2 years ago
Alright my lovely mutuals, I'm pulling you aside for a sec.
Every day I come on here and see so many of you talking badly about yourselves. Every day I open this website and see lovely, kind, passionate, creative, talented people calling themselves unlovable, unworthy, unwanted, and so many other nasty things that they don't deserve. And I get it. When you grew up being made to feel like you were all these things, not internalizing that thought is goddamn hard. But I'm still here to tell you all a story.
Last semester I knew a guy who was, frankly, the biggest Negative Nancy I've ever met. I don't remember a single time he had something nice to say about anything. Personally, I thought he was a bitch and had to bite my tongue really hard to keep from arguing with him. Sometimes I failed.
But guess what? The guys in my group loved him. They thought he was the funniest guy on earth, did activities with him, invited him to visit each other's places after the semester ended and everyone returned home. In fact, he was better liked in that group than I was—he was consistently included while I was slowly iced out, because I guess having one random girl there ruins the feeling of boys' night. (Which I understand, I just think they handled it poorly.)
Another time, in the intro group I mentored, there was one of the creepiest men I've ever met in my own age range. I won't get into the details of his creepery, only that he made me and several other girls severely uncomfortable every time he'd had a few drinks, and sometimes even sober. The kind of person where you really, really ask yourself how anyone could possibly stand their company.
But guess what? For the longest time, the whole group still enjoyed his company. They thought he was fun, they included him in conversations and on the dancefloor at parties; and even after he'd crossed the line so many times that we mentors were considering kicking him out, the very girls who had brought it to us were willing to give him another chance after he'd apologized. In my opinion it wasn't even an apology. But people were still willing to keep including him.
And those are just two examples. I've met many, many people. And I can give you many, many stories of people who were mean, selfish, immature, or objectively terrible who others saw, flaws and all, and still considered worth their time. Who still had friends, even close ones (and yes—often perfectly lovely people), who looked past their bullshit and enjoyed their company.
Now let me ask you a question.
Do you seriously think you're less worthy of people's love, time and attention than people who don't even try to be likable, considerate, or remotely kind?
There is no magical threshold for how amazing, charismatic, and super speshiful you have to be to be liked by others. If you feel like you always have to be perfect, always interesting, never make a single mistake, to be liked—you're probably with the wrong crowd. If the people around you make you feel like that: You. Are. With. The. Wrong. Crowd. There's nothing wrong with you. And finding the right people is hard, especially as an adult with limited time and energy, but you have to hold onto the knowledge that this isn't all that's in the cards for you. You're not hopeless.
Or maybe it's not even that. Maybe you just lack confidence. And listen, I get it. I, too, grew up as "the friend nobody liked" for many years. But you know what helps? Pretending to have confidence. If you go into interactions convinced that nobody cares anyway, or that you're annoying, or whatever else you tell yourself—that belief will show, and other people will pick up on it and think the same. You gotta stand behind yourself. That's the whole trick all the above-mentioned people used to get a foot in the door—they believed they were worthy of everyone else's time and energy, so others believed it too.
And I know this speech won't make deeply ingrained feelings of inadequacy or loneliness go away overnight. It won't change old patterns. But maybe it'll give you food for thought. Because if you care about your surroundings, and you try to be kind, and you have things you love and care about—what more can anyone expect from you? What more can you expect from yourself?
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the-sky-queen · 1 year ago
Thoughts and spoilers under the cut :D
So, I gotta talk about the Grim Birdies first. They are really cool and super powerful! Like they are just epic. Their screams are haunting, but i wish they had more than two. It gets a little annoying to have to listen to the same two sound effects over and over again. But I really like the main one who got her face crushed. I kept looking at her in the trailers and seeing that little 'scar' she has and wondering how she got it, and now I know! Yay!
Next, OH MY GOODNESS THEY WASTED NO TIME GETTING EVERYONE TO TEAM UP. I wish they spend a little more time on everyone's reaction to each other, rather than just having the two Bigs look at each other, but it's fine. THE ROSE TRIPLETS HAVE UNITED AND I LOVE IT. I noticed how when they were all saying what they were gonna do when this is over, Thorn said jungle, Black said adventuring, but Rusty didn't say anything, which I hope means she's gonna go back to No Place. Whatever happens to her, I'm putting her in No Place for With Great Power Comes because I can't bring myself to separate Rusty from Black. They're too perfect. :)
Let's see, uhhhhhhh oh yeah! So, Nine being a giant floating head is kinda silly. Like yeah, it makes total sense, but just not being able to see what the rest of his body is doing leads to some awkward bits. I kinda wish they just didn't make him able to do this? I was imagining Nine only getting info from his bots and like, making it so we don't see him as much can help build some suspense for the finale, you know? Not showing your villain can do WONDERS for the story and the fear factor. Take Sauron from lotr for example. We barely see him throughout the trilogy, but we FEEL his presence in every single movie. If he was shown more, his fear factor would decrease. He would become less impressive. So, yeah, I don't think Nine should be a floating head, but that's just me. I hope he won't feel the need to pop up constantly in the coming episodes.
And of course, CAN WE TALK ABOUT SONIC??????? So, it looks like one of my original predictions was semi right in a way. Sonic's going to be losing his energy gradually over the course of the season. GOODNESS JUST. THE WAY HE STUMBLED OUT OF THE ROOM. BOY YOU ARE NOT OKAY. YOU BETTER NOT JUMP RIGHT BACK INTO THE ACTION NEXT EPISODE. SIT DOWN. TAKE A NAP. IT'S NOT GOING TO FIX THINGS BUT IT MIGHT HELP A LITTLE BIT.
Oh yeah! And also MANGEY IS THE CUTEST LITTLE BOY EVER. During that one scene where they were talking about Nine I think he was slinking out of the room because he felt bad for being connected to Nine and I was like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT LO AND BEHOLD, HE'S ALSO STILL A GENIUS EVEN THOUGH HE'S A FERAL BOY AND I LOVE THAT SO MUCH. Mangey also seems to be sticking close to Sonic and I love that. He's filling in for Tails. :( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Also, where is Shadow?????????????????? We're seriously not checking back in on him????? aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Boy really is doing that one Undertale AU down there. (says the girl who has no knowledge of Undertale besides the comics for said AU)
And to end it off, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did you leave the rest of the Kraken crew in No Place???????? Did you think you'd be coming back?????????????? There's no way you thought that, the entire world is falling apart. Come on guys, we're in the final showdown, the time for dumb mistakes is over.
Let's see . . . I think that's all my thoughts. Still not big on the council, but I don't think anyone is. (I kid you not, I was begging Grim Birdy to tear Babble's mech open and kidnap him so we don't have to listen to him for a few episodes. Alas. Not so.)
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hecatesbroom · 9 months ago
Back to The Crown (s1 e3 now) and I'm jotting down some notes here because I've got no one to watch it with today (and knowing me I'll have a lot to talk about that I can't keep to myself)
A flashback ;-; it opens with a flashback everyone!!! This one in particular always breaks me oh god.
That abdication speech on the radio, framed with glimpses of the princesses and the new King... it gets me every time
"I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility" from the former King right when the nanny (or governess??) turns Elizabeth around to put her hands on her shoulders. The symbolism!! Heavy burden of responsibility (metaphorically heavy) being cast from Edward's shoulders and, in the future, shifted to Elizabeth's (whose shoulders are literally bearing a weight at that moment). The attention to detail is beautiful
It all ties right back in with the letter Queen Mary sent Elizabeth on the plane right before she got off after George's death, too. (About having to mourn herself just as much as her father)
The tension in the room with George, his wife, and his daughters... they're listening to the radio as if they're listening to the announcement of an important person's death — and they are. Albert Windsor is listening to the announcement of his own demise, because his brother chose (selfishly) to live. And he's watching his daughter, his eldest, knowing full well that this girl will have to sacrifice her life for duty one day, too. All because of his brother doing something they were raised not to even consider an option. (I'm not crying. You are)
"A son who gave up the throne and effectively killed my other son" Queen Mary please have mercy on my poor heart. I wasn't over that flashback yet
I couldn't stand the Duke of Windsor the last time I watched this and I can't stand him now. He's interesting enough as a character (an outsider and an insider at the same time) but he just really gets on my nerves. If anyone ever asks you what a hypocrite is just point them to this man in this episode
"The King" on that red box oh dear...
"You're.—" "Nobody." "—the Queen of England." AAAA. But who is the Queen, if not a woman made to (publicly) set aside her identity to conform to the image of the crown? Nobody, a person even without a passport, bearing a title — living and breathing a title. (etc etc I could go on)
"You never apologised." (...) "To me. You don't think I'm worthy of one." The little speech Elizabeth gives the Duke of Windsor after that... ooh boy. The way she never quite admits (in so many words) to wanting that life outside the spotlights, but the way she talks about it, the way she poses her questions... that + the indirectness of her admission is so so so good. It's one of those instances of this thing the crown does so well: saying things even more clearly by not outright saying them. The fact that Elizabeth leaves it implied says so much more about her character than if she'd gone right out and said "that simple country life, outside the spotlights, is the life I would've preferred." (I will never not go a little insane over the way this is done so well and so often in this show. Seriously. This isn't even the best example but it hits so hard!)
The physical distance they put between Elizabeth and everyone else in this episode... her mother & sister, whom she was aligned with when Windsor visited, but immediately moved away from the moment he left the room. Philip and Charles playing outside. She was right there with them in the last episode before she was Queen, but now she's looking out at them from the inside, a perfect metaphor for the fate of a sovereign. And those are only 2 examples!!
Anyway that's it for this episode. Knowing me I'll be back with more thoughts soon; there's something about The Crown that kicks my brain into full gear haha
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i-promise-i-am-not-on-drugs · 7 months ago
Alright, I'm rewatching st 04×02 and I'm going to write stuff while it happens so I don't forget anything.
I'm going to dissect the episode by scenes, so it's going to be pretty long, but whatever.
1) Max and the boys
Nothing much to say here, but I like that it's pretty clear who Lucas and Dustin listen to the most in the serious kinds of situations. (Lucas looking at Mike after Max asked him what they were talking about, Mike shaking his head and Lucas not even hesitating to turn Max off.)
(Also, Mike being the one to stay with Will, and he probably asked Lucas to bring the others outside)
2) Joyce and Will(+ the MF)
There's so much r@pe analogy in there I don't even know where to start, and I don't think I'm going to go too far on this subject anyway because oh boy, does that make me uncomfortable.
I know people who have been r@ped before, and the way Will talks about what he feels during his episodes are so similar to how they talk about their assault. Also, the flashbacks are cristal clear about these implications. Moreover, Will feels guilty of letting the MF get to him.
(here's a direct copy-paste of the subtitles)
Will: And I tried.
I tried to make it go away.
But it got me, Mom.
Joyce: But what does that mean?
Will: [crying] I felt it... everywhere.
I-- I still feel it.
[sobbing] I just want this to be over.
Joyce: It's okay. It's okay. Hey.
Listen. Look, look at me.
Will: [sniffles]
Joyce: I will never, ever let anything bad happen to you ever again.
Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I will fix it.
I promise. I'm here.
Alright. Now let's get out of the MF/possession situation, and just read this.
To anyone who's seen/read anything that relates to r@pe victims guilt, does that seems familiar? It does, right?
I won't go further about this for now, but think about it.
I like that Joyce is trying her best to be supportive of Will without making him feel ignored or like he's overeating. It's nice to see. :)
3) Eleven and Hopper
Alright, that scene was a perfect example and definition "what to not do when my kid put themselves in danger by not following the rules I gave them to protect them because I let them place expectations in me that I knew I wouldn't be able to reach before they loose their mind."
Because, seriously Hopper? You really expected that kid to not go out after almost a year without seeing anyone but a grumpy old man? Wow, really smart of you.
I'll be honest here: I don't like Hopper, and the only thing that makes me not hate him is his relationship with El. Most of the time. Not this one.
Eleven was in the wrong here, she put herself in danger by breaking the rules. Alright. But you know who was the wrong by even putting these rules in the first place? Hopper. Now, I know this was for her safety, but I'm sure they could've find something much more efficient than completely isolate her from anyone, and with only company a fucking TV.
In my opinion, the worst thing about this argument is Hopper insinuating that he was going to send Eleven back to the lab. I'm really fucking mad at him for that. Because of course, the logical thing to do when a traumatized teenager does something wrong for the first time in more than 300 days is to menace her to send her back the incredibly abusive hellish place she's been living in her whole childhood! Of course, what a wonderful reaction!
And about the TV thing, of course you should cut the rebellious teenager of their only distraction from the fact that they're literally forbidden from having any fucking life! That was such an amazing thing to do! Good job Jim, how smart and logical of you!!
I can't believe this man is an adult. Urgh.
My poor girl El was probably send straight back into a flashback too.
Alright I'll stop taking about this now, next scene.
4) Jonathan (+ Will being fucking possessed HELP--)
Jonathan my boy I love you <33
5) The Wheelers
Love Mike and Nancy asking Holly things <33
6) Nancy and Jonathan
Nancy: You don't have to do this, you know.
Jonathan: Stop saying that.
[both nods]
I love them :3
7) Joyce and Will
Joyce calling the police and never getting Hopper to aweser is getting kinda old tbh--
Anyway, this isn't about them
My son Will is getting possessed and I'm excited sad about it.
8) Dustin (+Dart)
Nothing much to say here, but aww. Dustin's taking care of his murderous little friend. :)
9) The boys and Max
Okay, first of all, ew.
Now, second of all, your crush is showing so bad Dustin it's crazy lol--
And then, last but not least, I like how the boys just assumed that Mike know if/when Will is coming. It makes me happy. :3
10) Will (+Mr.Cleark's speech about fear) and Joyce
Holy shit, I forgot how fast the possession went.
11) Hopper (+ Eleven)
Ok, fuck you Hopper, this is not how you deal with teenagers. Learn to be the biggest person and apologize you dumbass adult.
Also, "for my sake, please, deal with her! (Florence to Jim about Joyce)" lmao--
12) Steve (+Billy and Tommy)
Well damn, more reason to hate those two assholes that I forgot about.
13) Jonathan and Nancy
Love how creepy that whole scene is. :)
14) Will, Joyce, Hopper
Holy cow. My poor boy's going though it.
Also, this is the part were I realized why this episode is called "Will the Wise": While Will was explaining how he felt about the "now-memories" of the vines, Joyce looked at a drawing of Will the Wise looking at a Cristal Ball, impling that he's seeing something supernatural that most people don't know about.
15) The party (+Max)
Rip Max, I promise they have nothing against you my girl!
Still love how it's clear that they trust Mike's judgement almost without hesitation. They really act as a team, and they all have their own roles. They trust and listen to each other, and I think that's beautiful. :)
16) Eleven
I like that even if she's frustrated (and has every right to be!!), she's not putting herself in danger and is actually listening to Hopper.
Also, she found the document!!
17) Nancy and Jonathan at the Lab
"you guys 'been together for long?" Lmao--
Still can't believe that the Russians were brought up already! These guys are everywhere!
18) Will's drawings
Hopper: Vines. He's drawing vines.
Wow, good job Hopper. First actually smart thing you've said today.
Sorry sorry, let's be serious for a bit.
These drawings are actually really cool. And also pretty disturbing, but that was a given.
I'm really impressed at how fast Will draws too, tbh--
19) Max and Lucas
Now that's kinda sad.
They signed NDAs Max, they can't tell you wear, sorry 😔
20) Max and Billy (+Lucas)
Urgh, here comes the racism.
My girl Max deserves a hug, and Billy should shut his crap and die already.
21) Hopper
I forgot what he's gonna do with those pumpkins ._.
22) Eleven
Noooooo, El my baby :(
23) Mike and Joyce
Joyce at this point you should know that you son tell Mike everything. Including the shadow monster shit. Stop trying to deny him.
24) Nancy and Jonathan
I love how Nancy's being a total badass, and Jonathan's like "yep, okay, that's hot-"
25) Dustin (+Dart)
I trusted you Dart :((
Anyway, on a more serious note, how the fuck did Dustin hide those big-ass blood stains from his mom??
26) Hopper
Holy shit, that hole's big as fuck. Every kid's dream beach hole. (Sorry, sorry)
Alright, he's underground, Jesus fucking Christ, I forgot about that.
— End note
Can we talk about how amazing Noah and Millie's acting skills are?? I got chills from Will's overfocused looks and really bad for him while he was crying. Millie made me feel so bad fol El istg I wanna hug her. :(
Obviously the same goes with everyone else, but these two are the ones who made me feel the most things during this episode!
Alright, I'm done with this episode! I might start with the next one soon. :)
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