#No I was kind of thinking to myself it was kind of funny how of the OG Shichibukai half of them are either dads or borderline dads
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samnoahalov · 2 days ago
0- tbh idk 😅. It's been like.... seven-ish years since I last checked it soooo... next!
1-Currently de 16, be 17 soon (I feel so old alredy)
2-Oh.. well, idk how shoe sizes work for english-speakers(and it varies from contry to contry) so I'll put the number in MY contry :D 29/30.
3- No >:(
4- Nah, I don't like the taste of most of them. Also I'm very happy with juice, water, soda, etc...
5- No.
7- from 25 to 29. Though sometimes people mistake me for 30ish. (I can't blame them tho, I have the spirit of a old lady)
7- Nop.
8- Not really. May change mind one day, but for now, no.
9- Nope and
10- Nope.
11- Every friend is best friend for me. No hierarqy(?? Dunno, you get it)
12- Well I'm not married.
13- I'm aego, but still, none.
14- None. (I mean, if we're talking about anything besides sexual, someone toxis is literally the only type that can turn me off and make me wanna go away)
15- uuuhhhhhh... Megamind? Idk, one of Barbie's??? I DON'T KNOW OKAY I LOVE THEM ALL EQUALLY.
16- Listen to me, give me food(optional) and be kind and my heart is (platonicaly) yours.
17- My late dad.
18- Ugh.. that's hard... when I almost got killed count? I guess. I wouldn't call it "traumatic", but like, I was in a lot of fear so.
19- . . . . Uh.... I'm... sensitive to people's rejection??? Does that count? I mean, I'm also senstive to their affection but-.
20- My body- and I mean it not by gender or anything, neither for beauty stuff, my body just is all wrong and it gives me pain and sometimes I just hate it a lot.
21- uh, I guess my curiosity? I love learning and love to be able to see so much stuff.
22- either related to art, theology or science(biology). Voice actor, veterinarian, neurologist, etc...
23- Older sis(Distant, but not bad.), younger Half-sis(Distant too, but we chat sometimes about silly stuff), youngest half-sis(very close and very good).
24-Dad's dead, but he was a nice dad!, my mother is a narcissist so we don't get along.
25- Be with the person and have a good time. Maybe have something specially funny to remember about it would be nice :)
26- people that don't close the door properly when I ask them to.
27- Pretty and lovable, goofy and silly. Also have very dark eyes that just capture your soul, and a simple yet beautiful smile that signal to you "I Love you, please keep talking I can't barely think when I look at you" or "I hate you so much I wish to kill you but my nugget don't allow me to because we don't want to clean the body later"... so yeah. Also I'm talking about my girlfriend, but like, people are so pretty, wanna put them in a museon ✨
28- a face that scream hipocrisy and lies, filled with the marks of her sucess in drowning her victims in self hate and depression. (That's mommy btw :>)
29- I was sick but didn't want them to feel worried because I'm always so fucked up...
30- Noises&Smells of regular people.
31- "luv u :)"
32- Angry and Sad. (Or derived)
33- Thanks. (With a weird-nice emoji)
34-Hair, clothes, eyes and nails.
(I also like earrings and other acessories :D, they're nice)
35- Hair, some type of beards, clothes, eyes and nails.
36- In a calm place, not cold for at least 3 seasons and that let me see greeeny green of plants.
37- My voice... I think? I mean, I like my voice and all, but sometimes I just get the wrong tone at the wrong time in conversation so-
38- Farmer and Writer 😅 (I also once wished to be a Biologist)
39-Mint with chocolate chips! :)
40- Myself? I don't wish to be anyone other than myself.
41- In a very comfy bed.
42- Rice.
43- sorry, no sexual attraction. But I think the prettiest person I can think of is..........ugh...wait, I CAN do this! Just- uh... gimme some time...... my sister! Is the prettiest I can think of right now 🤔
44- If a cat is raised with another animal it will not see it(or it's especies I don't remember) as "something else" but rather think of it as a cat... I think I may be wrong, I don't remember exacly and neither were I get this from. But I guess it counts!
nosy anons let's go
0: Height
1: Age
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke?
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best friend?
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love you if…
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work/school
31: What my last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career choice
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who I wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
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namesniche · 2 days ago
If it’s possible, can you tell us more about blueberry yogurt ? Like what is his personality ? is he the headmaster at blueberry academy ? What is his opinion on Truthless recluse ?, ect
I love this little gremlin so much (our short king)
Of course! Blueberry is still an enthusiastic lad! I think of the Beasts corruption as enhancing feelings and traits already there but dialed up to a 20 to make them worse than they already are. So I imagined Shadow Milk if he was turned down by quite a bit, He's very firm on the spread of knowledge and telling the truth. Everyone should be allowed access to all kinds of knowledge and do what they should for the good of earthbread! But like Shadow Milk, loves a good joke here and there and acting a little aloof when he's with his closest companions! Though unlike him he wouldn't act maliciously for their attention, or for the sake of a good laugh. He finds those within his inner circle (the other beasts) to be most comfortable and homey and his biggest supporters in his pursuit of knowledge! (Though maybe deep down he knows not all knowledge must be known.. and not all truth must be spoken.) Erm! Anyways!
In this au yes he's headmaster and founder! He still teaches classes and hosts lecture and the students find him to be rather accessible! Or he tries to be.. though he seems to have a shadow lingering with him these days.. funny right? As for Recluse, in regards to his soul jam he's very interested in his story, and why he's here /how/ he's here. Why he has his soul jam.. he has plenty of questions and absolutely no answer. Especially with my most recent posts concerning the witches, he's a little wary of what kind of omen the Recluse is. Whether he's good.. or bad.. or entirely neutral.. he's trying to be careful yet friendly. Though Recluse finds him and his curiosity... annoying. Since his only goal is to /just/ get back home and find Vanilla Orchid. Though I'll admit I'll be jumping around in the timeline for them and won't make each comic for them linear unless stated otherwise lol. I'll probably try to compile a google doc with all this info so i can keep myself sane ;p
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americansarentpeople · 15 hours ago
You want to know how funny Americans are? Like, they not aware they're funny. But they're exceptionally funny. They think this matters. They think THEY matter. That they're all super hero John Wicks that can't be defeated. But, and this is something I'm reiterating, they don't actually exist. There is no core. Nothing. They have no friends. Companions. Hobbies. No intellectual pursuits. No games of chance or sport. No accolades or accomplishments to review and take pride in.
No. They have nothing except being an American. They are hollow vessals to pour in the accomplishments of others. I've called them names. I've called them gay. Derided them. But it often instills in me an intense melancholy. Imagine being that kind of person whose only pride is debasing themselves online for no benefit. To please someone you perceive to be of a social class above you, even though they'll never see it.
There is one more thing. Americans are incredibly cringe.
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So again. He doesn't know where I'm from or where I live. But his response is telling. It reveals his true self in this moment, because he thinks I would care about it, that means He cares about it a great deal.
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So here's the second point. Being incredibly cringe. Like, devastating levels of cringe. Remember his above comment when you read this one. He is obsessed with USaid because his overlords, his betters demand it to be so. But, the real cringe is the "you lost" sentence. As if any body either wins these scenarios or implying I do anything other than just call people retarded.
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I told you to prepare for devastating levels of cringe. But we're not here yet, this is, frankly, preamble to the unstoppable tied of childish, submissive, pathetic cringe that is coming. Again, look how seriously and delusionally he is taking this.
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As if we're engaged in a herculean battle of wits. And it's not just me repeatedly calling him a beta cuck retard. Like it's an actual fight and not Me calling him names.
But look at the phrasing. "Get wrecked." The phrasing not only of a child. But a child from, conservatively, 2006. Deep, deep childishness.
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I speak for myself here.
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So again. The Americans arent people thing. I'm not the ones dehumanizing them. They are. A revolving door of soundbites and catchphrases, spun to them by their masters. Nothing but animals to defend their betters. Imagine taking pride in a nation, ever, let alone the way he manifests it.
And, in 2 months, he won't even remember USaid because HE doesn't believe anything. He merely does as instructed and thinks as commanded.
But, I bury the lead. Above you have seen a man laid bare. A spiraling, comedic descent into a vapid husk. An empty shell. A hollow half man, born to serve and proud to attack.
Take a moment on this journey to REALLY think about what this person would be like to interact with. To converse with. To be forced to toil along side for long hours and bad pay. Just to be near this angry, delusional, fat shell.
After you're done pondering that. I will leave you with the most absolutely disgusting reveal imaginable in this situation.
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He is at least 37 years old. IMAGINE that dude. Really think upon the waste of a live, the pointless sin he has committed. Look into it and know, for the first time, what it really means to be damned.
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confused-rat · 21 hours ago
I kinda ended up watching Lily's Pokemon retrospective and it was fine at first.Nothing great or revolutionary, or even funny, but okay
Then she started modding in her Ralts, which felt unnecessary, but whatever. Kind of feels like it ruins the fun of making friends with new Pokemon, but that's just my opinion
Then she got to Black and White and I almost got scared by the way she repeatedly lost it on N? There was nothing funny about that. Especially if you remember that the kid was horrifically abused, but of course she doesn't mention that, she calls him a sweaty debate bro and derails the plot synopsis for minutes at a time to unload on him
Also she seems to think that every Gardevoir is her specific one, like from the Madhouse comics? Based on the way she talks about it and how she keeps posting images from that same comic and it's weird
She complains about Black and White having basic ass dialogue about dreams and ideals, but her favorite game series is Kingdom Hearts with its light and darkness galore
Oh and she kept addressing Junichi Masuda personally to blame him for everything she dislikes because he's the director? Kinda like how she blames Rebecca Sugar for everything Steven Universe. Junichi Masuda was the director of the game. The writer was called Toshinobu Matsumiya. It took me three seconds to google that
Junichi Masuda was also one of the composers, which is interesting because she was praising parts of the soundtrack in Ruby and Sapphire but didn't feel the need to name the people responsible for that
I actually didn't get farther than her Black and White review and after this, I'm not sure if I want to based on the velocity with which we hit rock bottom
Lily’s hatred of N is so weird. Like yeah, shit on the dude raised in a cult by an abusive father, who never knew how the real world worked and was raised thinking all Pokémon were horribly abused until he encountered the Player Trainer. Did she ever cover Blank and White 2? Or did she just bypass that bit of character insight?
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(Oh hey, it’s worse in the manga!)
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I’m not going to subject myself to a hours long Retrospective by a person who obviously doesn’t give a damn about the actual franchise or engaging with it in good faith. Power to you though anon for trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.
(Also, the way Lily can’t even do the bare minimum of looking up sound design or writers when she does these retrospectives/reviews just shows how, even if she didn’t do all the horrible shit she’s done to others, she would still be a shitty YouTube critic. She made a whole joke about a straight dude writing gay characters better than gay writers and didn’t even look the writer up to realize HE WASN’T EVEN STRAIGHT. Basic fucking research. Didn’t fucking bother, because she wanted to potshot Rebecca Sugar more.)
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stop-entropy-lie-down · 2 days ago
this post is kinda mean. or at least, people are saying enthusiastically 'I do this!' or 'i should do this!' and i think ppl should be careful about punishing the ppl they care about for things they can't control, and in general any joke where the premise is "imagine how funny it would be if i were just an arsehole for no reason" bc we are what we pretend to be and also bc when i have added that kind of joke to my repertoire i have ended up expressing genuine annoyance and emotional friction with a jokey tone, which makes it hard to address the actual friction and just made me quicker to anger and the other person defensive.
i thought this for a while but didn't turn off reblogs because i liked that the number was getting bigger and that i would always have new notifications in my notifications. and also people tell me how their cats probably think this and the names of their cats, which is cute.
an episode of minor selfishness from myself. I'm turning off reblogs now because the notes have slowed down a lot so the post is of less benefit to me. no less selfish i suppose. but not a big deal either way.
"why are you doing that. i don't like that noise." - new alternative to "bless you" for sneezes.
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skepticalarrie · 2 days ago
One thing I find weird (in regards to larry) is how Liam said in an interview that he hadn’t spoken to Harry in three years. Especially since he and Louis seemed to keep regular contact? Like, I just find it difficult to understand how that could’ve come to be in that context? I’m just wondering what your thoughts on that situation is, if you don’t mind sharing them. I’m an (old) larrie myself, I’ve been here through most of it, but these are the kind of things I struggle with - more so than dating stunts etc. I have been abscent from tumblr a lot over the last few years, so I weren’t around when he said it.
Anon, I really appreciate skepticism, it means you're thinking critically, and I’ll always support that. It’s not my job to change your mind, but you can't have double standards if you're going to analyze things this way, real-life context matters.
I’ve never really understood why people expect celebrity relationships (especially ones like this) to follow some predictable pattern when real-life relationships do not. There’s this idea that if Louis and Harry are together, they have to always be in touch with the same people. But is that how relationships actually work? Life happens... careers, obligations, and different social circles pull people in different directions. Some friendships fade, some stay strong, and some people just aren’t big on keeping in touch, even if they’re close.
What’s funny is that people don’t apply this same logic to other celebrity couples. If they aren’t constantly seen with mutual friends, no one automatically assumes they’ve broken up or that their relationship is fake. But with larry, people need that confirmation to believe it’s real... when ironically, not following a perfect script actually makes it feel more real.
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lastofthewardens · 2 days ago
after tonight's episode, i'm just kind of sat here
thinking about why it's so hard for adaptations to just respect source material these days.
not really related to anything that happened. i don't watch the episodes, i won't do it unless i hear foggy is back. i read about what happened and see some relevant clips on social media and that's it.
i know the original show wasn't perfect in this regard but it captured the spirit of many things imo. it's certainly not above criticism, but i think they cared, generally speaking. and there are many adaptations in the past that have made changes but still largely functioned as love letters to the source material. i think the original show did a good job at balancing things, for the most part.
so i don't expect 1 to 1 adaptations of stuff. i really don't. but i do expect respect, and for certain ingredients to be included and matter, because otherwise, what's even the point, right?
the reason this came up is, i was on twitter today and saw some clips from a k*tie c*ssidy interview talking about when her character got killed off on arr*w, and it made me remember how mad that made me. i started reading gr*en arr*w comics specifically BECAUSE i was so pissed about that choice when it happened in season 4. (at which point i learned much more about the source material and had many other issues but still).
it's funny because.. i remember so clearly that when arr*w killed off bl*ck c*nary, the arr*w subreddit changed to be a daredevil subreddit for a while. it was funny as hell, just everyone united under the idea that killing her off was just wildly stupid. the ratings of the show went down when she died! that's how much people cared about comic book integrity and respect for the source material.
and make no mistake, killing bl*ck c*nary in a gr*en arr*w show was WILD. most of the fandom KNEW that was an insane choice because of how important she is to arr*w lore. but foggy gets killed in daredevil and parts of the fandom.. what? praise the show so hard you can't say anything bad without getting downvoted on reddit? lmao
truly the meme of die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
i don't know. foggy is a necessary part of daredevil to me. i don't want to watch a show without him. i don't feel that killing him off shows an understanding of any of these characters or the things that matter to daredevil as a character/story/source material. sure, it's nice to hear matt say wonderful things about foggy, and even i have to admit that that one particular scene was well done, but i don't want that in retrospect, i want matt to be able to say those things to his face. i want foggy to be there in all of the places he should've been in all of these plots. i don't think telling another story about grief is worth losing his entire place in the narrative.
like even if i somehow eat my words and foggy comes back alive (i'm not letting myself hope and i got bad vibes that it's going to stick after watching that scene with frank because that was A Lot for a fake death), i'll be happy to have him back, sure, i'll go back and watch the show, yeah, but.. it doesn't really erase all the problems that exist from this choice being made at all. it just makes them slightly more tolerable because there'd be a light at the end of the tunnel. but this show will never be the same again. they've already covered things and plan to cover things that foggy should be there for, and it's just so noticeable to me that he's not.
my wife and i have been discussing this pretty much since ep 1 came out basically because i've been very upset. i keep telling her that this show is "missed opportunities: the show", and i really believe that. every time i hear about something that happened, or a plot point that could've been cool, or an adaptation that missed something out, i can only think of how much better it would've been in the hands of the old team or even just a different team.
but these days, they don't care about these things. they're not hired to care about these things, they're hired to make something that will make as much money as possible. arr*w only brought back k*tie c*ssidy because their ratings went down.
it's just a huge shame that adaptations now just constantly want to do their own thing and subvert expectations. like.. i guess it's just me, but that's absolutely not what i want. i don't want my expectations subverted, i want to see my favorite stories either continued or brought to life in ways that show love and care. i know i can just watch the original show or read the comics or whatever, but man, i miss adaptations being made by people who just genuinely love the source material. you can always tell the difference, always.
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canisalbus · 5 months ago
So i remember an ask mentioning your mortal enemy, Felis Atra and their cats, and i thought it'd be fun to draw what Felis Atra's version of your italian dogs would be.
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I think they would be called Butter Knife and Flamengo! Butter Knife is not his real name, it's an nickname given by his peers because of how harmless he is. I choose Flamengo because that's the name of Vasco's rival football team here in Brazil, so i thought that was the perfect name :)
Cat Machete was slightly inspired by the Oriental Shorthair cat because of their long noses and thin head shape.
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Cat Vasco was inspired by the Scottish Fold cat, because FLOPPY EARS. I gave Flamengo longer ears and orange fur to make him more like his look-alike.
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The last doodle is a reference to this ask (https://canisalbus.tumblr.com/post/728923918314946560/me-i-am-machete-ear-fan-number-1-those-ears) and contains the tumblr ask stand-in dog, whose cat version was inspired by the American Curl cat! They have round ears that are slightly floppy outwards.
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Final notes: I know cardinal clothes don't come in vibrant blue, but i was ADAMANT on switching Machete's and Vasco's clothing color patterns. I would draw the rest of Butter Knife's and Flamengo's clothes, but i suck at designing cool outfits.
Speaking of outfits, for Machete's iconic void outfit, i figured it would be fun to make it more baggy for Butter Knife, in contrast to Machete's, that looks very tight-fitted. I think it's cute, it kinda looks like a sweater. Also i can't imagine a Machete doppelganger without high heels boots, so those HAD to stay.
Oh, and just to be clear, i'm not like, claiming ownership of these guys or anything. I just thought it would be a fun exercise. Hope you like them!! I love your art and your characters.
#imagine if Vaschete but CATS and REVERSED -> Butter knife ;_; and Flamengo <3#this ask is from last year and I'm sorry I've allowed it sit in my inbox for so long ´m`#but I've been thinking about it intermittedly#the context was that someone said that somewhere out there existed my mortal enemy (felis atra = black/dark cat)#and they had frenzied cat ocs instead of melancholic dogs#first of all they both look so darling I'm getting radiation poisoning just from looking at them aaaaaa#and the fact you put so much thought and effort into this concept is making me go absolutely rabid#extremely strange seeing Machete with big pupils and Vasco with tiny pinpoints#Butter knife purring like a fluffy jackhammer is instant serotonin I love him#and yes if you turned Machete to a cat he'd probably be something resembling an oriental shorthair#especially one of those really exaggerated ones with giant bat ears and roman nose#and I keep visualizing Vasco as a scottish fold as well but it's kind of giving me sad bad feels personally#I can't look past their painful and debilitating health issues#the same mutation that causes the floppy ears also destroys the cartilage in their joints#it's such a shame because they're a terribly cute and charming breed#and in this case they really do have those similar rounded friendly shapes that Vasco does#if I ever draw them as cats myself I'll probably have to think of some other breed for him even though it would be such a perfect fit#also I think it's funny how you can swap everything else but Machete's heels have to stay :'> don't separate the crinkle and his boots#thank you so much! this was such a cool ask to receive I love how you designed their cat forms#gift art#dingergum#Machete#Vasco#own characters#Vaschete scenarios
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threegoldfish · 16 hours ago
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Steven has to admit, he's actually quite surprised about how adamant Sasha is with him not being a Capybara - he didn't expect her to have so many feelings regarding the topic... which is kind of amusing, actually, in a rather confusing way; It promps a bit of a lopsided smirk onto his features, followed by a shrug.
"Ah, well, she'd... been a bit special anyways." His coworker, he means. A young lady, couldn't have been much older than eighteen, perhaps, having worked there for only a few weeks to gain some extra money. That being said, she'd been quite funny and easy to talk to - just... odd, in some ways.
But then, Steven's not one to judge. At least that young lady hadn't ignored him, even remembered his name from early on! Some of his current coworkers don't manage to do that, so it had felt quite refreshing, all things considered...
Anyways. He chuckles, then looks down at the offered phone while Sasha scrolls through the few possible locations; She calls his vegan diet lovely, which causes him to blink, but before he can really comment on it they've found a suitable spot that's still open. Dani's Diner? Steven's never heard of it, but he's excited to give it a try.
Their travel toward said location is uneventful - briefly interrupted by the lady talking about how hungry she is, mentioning her desire to eat a house (and yes, Steven has to giggle at that, softly) before they enter the Diner - which appears to be lovely indeed, cozy and warm, quiet.
Their tea is served minutes after, and Steven's hands are immediately wrapped around the mug once Sasha has pushed it over to him, long sleeves covering half of his hands in the process - lips nursing the edge of the ceramic, taking tiny sips in an effort to not get burned in the process.
Milk and sugar it is for him as well, though he's not always adding those - just feels right tonight, so here he is.
"Uhm." Upon her question about why he's so interested in ancient Egypt, Steven shrugs and offers another, slightly apologetic smile; Because, well...
"---Actually, I'm... not too sure. It just happened." Which is very much a boring answer to give, he knows. "Dunno, really - I remember watching a documentary many, many years ago, and... it fascinated me. The whole history of ancient Egypt, the way people used to live, the many gods that existed back then... the Pyramids! I wanted to know more, went to the library to get myself a book on the matter and... well! here I am."
And part of him wonders whether that memory he has is even real to begin with; He knows that some are fabricated, made up by his brain to fill empty spaces that wouldn't make sense anyways. Steven decides to not think about it right now, though - it could only make him feel stressed, and he doesn't want that.
"I tend to hyperfocus on what interests me, I guess. So I got myself a lot of books and papers, watched tons of documentaries, spent a lot of time researching... I just really enjoy it. Everything."
Another slightly awkward chuckle, another shrug, and Steven takes one more sip of his lovely tea. Oh, tastes amazing...
"---I'm... not sure if I'm as proficient in anything else, really. I did branch out a little and own a few books about greek history as well, some are about ancient Rome... but my knowledge is very limited in that regard. Haven't really read as much yet - I'm not quite done with Egypt, I guess." He laughs now, soft and quiet, a little breathy. "I know it's unusual, my... passion about such a specific thing. I wished I had an answer for that!"
an almost wicked smile curls on her lips at his admittance, feeling quite proud to give him such a title. instantly frowning at 'capybara' though.
" the giant rat thing? the furry hippo? " brows furrowed while her gaze lowered, swiveling while she thought about it. " that---" putting her hand up as if it offended her on his behalf. " no--that is not you. at all. "
giving her head a shake and rolling her eyes. why would someone say such a thing?
the pair continued down the pavement, sasha clicking on a few locations until she noticed him attempting to look with her before he backed away. she raised her brows with a light noise of question, shifting herself and the phone closer so he could see with her.
she looked almost shocked to been have given such a basic form of information about himself, the look on her face transforming into a warm smile. " are you? how lovely, steven. " sasha mused, bringing her attention back to her phone to quickly tick for vegan options.
" mmm-- okay here's what we have. " stopping before they proceeded any further. since it would really depend on which one he wanted.
" ohhhh--that's closed, that's closed, that's closed---" she squinted, scrolling her thumb. " ahh--- dani's diner it is. " beaming before she put them arm in arm so they could cross the street, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear with her free hand.
a quick sigh left her, muttering under her breath. " I really worked up an appetite with all that despair and destruction. I'm so hungry--I could eat a house. " in true foreign fashion, getting the analogy wrong. it wasn't but a few more steps until they approached it, the diner practically empty and dimly lit. rows of deep red booths that looked cozy and private.
she couldn't remember the last time she had went out. even if it was just something as simple as this. they seated themselves and grabbed the menues to look. the waitress coming soon after to take their orders and leaving. sasha placed her elbow on the table, ducking her chin her hand to just quietly observe him for the moment.
" ....I have to know, " she started while hot tea was placed on the table, sasha scooting his cup toward him and taking hers. beginning to prepare hers how she liked it.
milk and two sugars.
"what made you so interested in ancient egypt ? " flashing him a smirk.
" and would you say you're proficient in any other fields as you are as that ? "
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hopeswriting · 5 months ago
daily life arc miura haru. does anyone know who i'm talking about. do you guys remember her. i still can't believe what happened to her 😔
#katekyo hitman reborn#khr#khr text post#miura haru#the fandom confessions blog reblogged a confession about the girls and how it's kind of a shame they're always given more depths through#the badass/girlboss who now knows how to use weapons route#and it made think of haru because like. of all the khr girls imo she's the one that route actually makes sense#both narratively and character wise#like if her characterization stayed the same post daily life arc and she was given decent focus and room within the story#post future arc or somewhere along i could have totally seen that happen and would have bought it no questions asked#like look me in the eye and tell me she wouldn't have gone 'so you're telling me you're dealing with the honest to god mafia?#okay so when do /i/ get a gun too so i can handle myself and give you guys a hand??'#i mean. she literally slapped then punched tsuna upon their first meeting because how dare he corrupt innocent children#and then challenged him through a duel wearing armor because how dare he not see the wrong of his ways#then tsuna saved her and she was /immediately/ like 'oh you're KIND and care about the people around you? okay nevermind i'll just become#the future vongola decimo's wife'#also she was literally right there when they attacked the tomaso's headquarters#and was also there to witness tsuna's 'first kill' and was like 'it's okay tsuna. i'll wait for you to come out of prison' lmao#she's so unhinged#she's so funny#she's ready to throw hands at all times no questions asked#amano free my girl she can do everything the boys are allowed to do too 😔
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deoidesign · 4 months ago
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Quick re-do of a 4 year old piece
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azurenightzz · 1 day ago
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WORLD STOP WORLD PAUSE THE SUNGBEAM IS BACK AND SHE DELIVERED ‼️‼️‼️ this was such a new writing style and i find it SO CUTE ACTUALLY HAHAHHAHA it's kind like reading a magazine interview they're so chaotic (as expected tbh)
some of my fav moments:
[The words “As expected from our resident The Notebook enthusiast” flash across the screen briefly.]
hshshshsh pls the notebook will never leave this man's memory i fear 😭😭😭
ERIC: It was when Sangyeon hyung first introduced us to her. It was at a bonfire party at the beach, and I remember how excited he was. His eyes were just… brighter than the flipping fire whenever he talked about her, talked to her, looked at her. Man… [He shakes his head with almost a wistful smile.] Anyways, the first thing he does when they get there is introduce her to every single one of his friends. He started talking about how she liked Kimi ni Todoke, and I got excited, but I couldn't fucking talk 'cause— ERIC: Basically, hyung wanted her to build connections with all of us. He made the effort to take that first step, and she continued walking that road. They're perfect for each other.  SUNWOO: You interrupted me.
[HAKNYEON purses his lips.] HAKNYEON: I feel like it wasn't really a moment for me, but a gradual realization, y'know.
bcs my boyfriend knows best 🥰🥰🥰
HAKNYEON: Ah! It was Changmin. He was doing that fake gagging thing, and Yn and Sangyeon just did not give a shit.
SANGYEON: You're right. I guess I've always known, somehow, that she was the one. It's really hard to envision where I'd be without her with me. I can't see myself rolling out of an empty bed or having coffee by myself in the mornings. I can't go without her hugs anymore, her smile and laugh. It's funny how much of a person can become so integral to your life that they almost become merged with your own.
im framing this shit on a picture frame idc im putting it on my desk bcs sangyeon loves me the mostest 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
[He pauses.] SANGYEON: It was snowing. Maybe the first snow of that year—it probably was. But I was making dinner, and she came barreling in all covered in that fluffy ice, but her eyes were twinkling and she was grinning from ear to ear. She pushes my coat over my body and drags me outside to see it fall… and I fell in love with her all over again. And I think… I think maybe that was when I realized I wanted to experience this—her—for the rest of my life. 
y-you're telling me he saw me in that way im 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
SANGYEON: My love, I can't wait to marry you and experience everything, new or old, with you. I love you so much.
when did you know?
nonidol!lee sangyeon x f!reader
1.8k words, sangyeon and his friends are asked a very important question in wake of your wedding, fluff, est relationship au, transcript-style writing?, mild swearing, mentions of food
a/n: wrote this on the plane ride home :')
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[The camera shifts and focuses on the figures in its viewfinder. They're a pair of handsome, young men—one of several to come in this series. A soft cough is heard from behind the camera, drawing their attention toward the sound.]
[JACOB and KEVIN flash the interviewer twin smiles.]
INTERVIEWER: Hi, thanks for being here today.
JACOB: Oh, it's our pleasure!
INTERVIEWER: As you may know, this will be a part of a short documentary-style film for the bride and groom. This session should be brief depending on what your answer to the question is.
[KEVIN's eyebrows arch slightly.] KEVIN: Oh, a question? Only one?
INTERVIEWER: Yes, just one. You and the groom are all good friends, right?
[JACOB and KEVIN nod, exchanging glances.]
KEVIN: Definitely. We're all in this big circle of friends. We kind of accumulated numbers throughout college, so to speak. Is that the question? [He chuckles.]
INTERVIEWER: No, no. My question has to do with the couple themselves. When did you know they were the ones for each other?
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[ERIC claps his hands with a boyish grin, palms warming against one another as a response cooks in his head. Beside him, SUNWOO glances over with a silent look of contemplation.]
ERIC: I remember exactly when.
[The words “As expected from our resident The Notebook enthusiast” flash across the screen briefly.]
ERIC: It was when Sangyeon hyung first introduced us to her. It was at a bonfire party at the beach, and I remember how excited he was. His eyes were just… brighter than the flipping fire whenever he talked about her, talked to her, looked at her. Man… [He shakes his head with almost a wistful smile.] Anyways, the first thing he does when they get there is introduce her to every single one of his friends.
[SUNWOO starts to nod.] SUNWOO: You know, I do remember that. Hyung brought her over to me and I had half a hot dog in my mouth. He started talking about how she liked Kimi ni Todoke, and I got excited, but I couldn't fucking talk 'cause—
ERIC: Basically, hyung wanted her to build connections with all of us. He made the effort to take that first step, and she continued walking that road. They're perfect for each other.
SUNWOO: You interrupted me.
[ERIC only smiles, but it's clearly with a strain of pettiness at the corners.] ERIC: Well, you ate my ramen. And no one wants to hear about how you had a hot dog in your mouth.
[SUNWOO sticks his tongue out at his counterpart.] SUNWOO: Yn would…
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YOUNGHOON: Well, this should be fun. [His face lights up with a smile, impish or innocent, no one can tell. He is just that good.]
[HAKNYEON purses his lips.] HAKNYEON: I feel like it wasn't really a moment for me, but a gradual realization, y'know.
[YOUNGHOON nods.] YOUNGHOON: I think you're right. It's like what they say about love: it sneaks up on you; but for us, it was the epiphany that our friend had found his perfect match.
[The friends share a smile with each other. Their answer is surprisingly wholesome.]
HAKNYEON: But if you want a specific moment—
YOUNGHOON: What about that one game night? They were being so sickly domestic, and I can't remember who said it…
HAKNYEON: Ah! It was Changmin. He was doing that fake gagging thing, and Yn and Sangyeon just did not give a shit. [A bright laugh falls from his mouth.] I bet they were already talking about rings then.
YOUNGHOON: That would make a lot of sense. 'Just get married already.’ And I don't think anyone expected them to look at each other like that.
HAKNYEON: Like... the only thing stopping them from going through with it right then and there was that there was no minister to ordain them.
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CHANHEE: Yah, Ji Changmin, take this seriously!
[CHANGMIN lets out a high-pitched laugh, landing a playful slap on his friend's shoulder.] CHANGMIN: I will, I will—I swear!
[A sigh.] CHANHEE: As for your question, that specific moment probably came when Yn-ie confided in us about being scared. D'you remember that?
[His companion suddenly nods with an incredible amount of sobriety compared to just a few seconds ago.] CHANGMIN: Mmh. Yeah, that actually was… pretty revelatory.
INTERVIEWER: Scared? How would that correlate to your confidence in their partnership?
CHANHEE: Well, that night she told us how scared she was about it all going wrong. This is the longest relationship she's been in—I hope that's fine to say, Yn-ie—but her feelings were so overwhelming that she just…
CHANGMIN: There were a lot of things going wrong at that point in her life, but one of the few things she stressed about most was making sure that she and Sangyeon hyung were okay. She didn't need to say that he was her person; it's just something that you knew.
[Another surprisingly wholesome answer.]
[CHANHEE nods his agreement.] CHANHEE: Well said. I think when you're scared to lose a person in the way that she was, that's when you know.
CHANGMIN: Still don't know why she wouldn't let Chucky give her a hug though.
CHANHEE: Absolutely no one wants a hug from that cretin.
[And there it is. But it's the thought that counts, right?]
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HYUNJAE: Man! Do I have a shit ton of stories—oh, we're allowed to curse, right? There aren't kids watching this at the wedding, are there? [He winces slightly, suddenly thinking of Sangyeon's nephews. Quickly, he mouths a very clear apology to the camera, but he doesn't know that others have already cursed in this video, too, and cared far less.]
[Like a couple of his friends, JUYEON is the one to marinate on the question a little longer. He's not as vocal about his romanticisms, but they do exist. There's a reason he loves Paris like he does.] JUYEON: Once, hyung wasn't feeling great. I forgot which finals week it was, but he'd had such a Hell week already—
HYUNJAE: So we can curse? Wait, is saying Hell a curse? [He waves away the thought.] Whatever. Yeah, I remember that one. I think it was our senior year of uni and he was trying to land a permanent position at his internship, too.
JUYEON: It was brutal out there. He got sick, but refused to rest when any of us tried to get him to.
[A nod.] HYUNJAE: Yn was the one who talked some sense into him. I don't know what she said to him, but I saw that man's defenses crumble right on his face. It was incredible.
JUYEON: Yeah… and I think besides making me realize that they were meant for each other, it made me also realize… if Sangyeon takes care of us, then who takes care of Sangyeon?
JUYEON and HYUNJAE, together: Yn.
INTERVIEWER: They take care of each other.
[JUYEON nods.] JUYEON: Of course. It's like they know exactly what the other person needs at that moment. It's magic. I want that one day.
HYUNJAE: I would call it a hive mind, but—who am I kidding? They're kind of perfect for each other.
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[JACOB and KEVIN glance at each other again, and it's as if they've communicated through looks alone.]
KEVIN: We went ring shopping with him. [He grins brightly.]
JACOB: And it was an honor. Even though it was also very stressful. I can't imagine how stressful planning this wedding was, though.
[KEVIN wipes an imaginary bead of sweat from his forehead.] KEVIN: I am so glad I was not the Maid of Honor. I do not envy Soyeon. But yeah, we went ring shopping with him, and when we were at the last shop of the day, he got a call from her, from Yn.
JACOB: Mhm. Very standard ‘I’ll be home by dinner’ call, but at that moment, Sangyeon finds the ring.
[They nod.] JACOB and KEVIN, together: The ring.
JACOB: And time just kind of stops for a moment, before he's furiously pointing to it and waving us over—
KEVIN: All while Yn's on the other side of the phone, mind you.
JACOB: When the jeweler pulls the ring out of the case—and he just melts. It was the one he was looking for; we all knew. And he motioned for the ring to be bought and packed up, and then went right back to the call.
KEVIN: You could just tell that he was happy to just hear her voice. She must've said she was tired or something, because he offered to go pickup dinner and meet her at home.
JACOB: I know this isn't like the moment we realized they were meant to be, because obviously we thought that before, as well.
KEVIN: Somebody needed to talk about the ring shopping fiasco.
[They point at each other.] JACOB and KEVIN, together: Agreed.
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INTERVIEWER: Do you need more time?
[SANGYEON glances up, rubbing his palms against his thighs. It's somewhat anxious, but there's a simultaneous calmness to his facial expression.] SANGYEON: No, I think I've got it. Though, it might sound cliché to some, but it's true, at least for me.
INTERVIEWER: That's all that matters—that it's true to you.
SANGYEON: You're right. I guess I've always known, somehow, that she was the one. It's really hard to envision where I'd be without her with me. I can't see myself rolling out of an empty bed or having coffee by myself in the mornings. I can't go without her hugs anymore, her smile and laugh. It's funny how much of a person can become so integral to your life that they almost become merged with your own.
INTERVIEWER: Some of the testimonials say you're close to soulmates.
[He chuckles, eyebrows raising.] SANGYEON: Is that what the kids are saying? I'm surprised. Soulmates is a… good way to put it.
INTERVIEWER: Do you not agree?
SANGYEON: No, I do agree. I just—we’re just two people in love. I think she would be in so many brilliant places even without me, but she makes me better. I am a better man with her by my side. If I had to pinpoint an exact moment, though?
[He pauses.] SANGYEON: It was snowing. Maybe the first snow of that year—it probably was. But I was making dinner, and she came barreling in all covered in that fluffy ice, but her eyes were twinkling and she was grinning from ear to ear. She pushes my coat over my body and drags me outside to see it fall… and I fell in love with her all over again. And I think… I think maybe that was when I realized I wanted to experience this—her—for the rest of my life.
INTERVIEWER: What would you say to her now?
[He takes a moment to gather himself, and there's a smile crawling onto his face when he raises his head to look straight into the camera.] SANGYEON: My love, I can't wait to marry you and experience everything, new or old, with you. I love you so much.
[The screen fades to black, marking the end to this section of the video.]
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a/n: remember to reblog if you enjoyed!
tbz m.list
permanent taglist 1: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @luumiinaa @lotties-readings @tinkerbell460 @kaaimins @hyunjaespresent-deobi @otterly-fey @gluion @floatingpluto @winterchimez @ethereal-engene @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @coffeebymofy @zhaixiaowen @leaz-kpop-life @amourdsr @pxppxrminty @kqyutie @sseastar-main @kxthleen14 @fluorescentloves @mosviqu
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greatestjubilee · 1 year ago
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mariesbee · 2 months ago
why can't i enjoy things like a normal person? casually, just a few episodes/chapters here and there, then move on with my life. but no, whatever it is, it worms its way into my brain, consumes my thoughts and it slowly drives me insane. i am unable to think about anything else but the Thing of the week, or month, sometimes year(s) if it gets that bad.
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scificrows · 2 years ago
Okay, my brain refuses to think about anything other than Murderbot, so I looked at every use of the word "friend[s]" in TMBD and... created some pie charts. Normal human activities.
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Some Thoughts™ I had while putting this together (under the cut):
In All Systems Red, Murderbot notes that the PresAux crew are all close friends (twice! and goes on to explain their internal relationships which I think is very cute). This is pretty much the only use of 'friends' in ASR, except for when Murderbot says that SecUnits can't be friends with each other.
It seems that this may be one of the first times Murderbot has ever really been around a group of friends before? Murderbot notes that this is not the norm for its contracts and admits that the fact that they are all friends and the way they interact with each other make it actually enjoy that contract (before!!!! the hostile attack, so it already enjoys this contract before they start seeing it as a person etc ghghhhh). [Inference: Friendship seems enjoyable.]
The first character that calls Murderbot its friend is ART in Artificial Condition. Murderbot immediately refutes this (and then goes on to call ART its friend to its clients for the rest of the book). [Inference: Maybe ART is Murderbot's friend. And maybe that is... agreeable]
Rogue Protocol has more than twice as many instances of the word 'friend' as any of the other novellas. Why? Miki. Friendship and its implications for non-humans are a central theme because Miki is friends with everyone. Murderbot initially scoffs at the notion that Miki and Miki's humans are friends. At the end of the book, after witnessing how desperately Don Abene tried to stop Miki from trying to save them, and her grief after its death, Murderbot has to admit that she had in fact been Miki's friend. [Inference: Humans can be friends with bots and can sincerely care about them]
In Exit Strategy, Murderbot tentatively uses the word "friends" for its humans for the first time (several times actually). It questions whether it can actually call them its friends or not and later realizes that it had been afraid what admitting that the humans are its friends would do to it. At the end of the book, Mensah tells Murderbot the PresAux crew are its friends, which is the first time a human has directly said that to it (at least on-page). [Inference: Humans can and want to be Murderbot's friends]
In Network Effect, Murderbot seems to be more habituated to the word 'friend', confidently calling ART and Ratthi its friends, like it is no longer just trying the concept on unsure if it fits. There are many instances in which other characters refer to MB as ART's friend or the other way around and Murderbot's humans refer to Murderbot as their friend several times. Generally, there seems to be less hesitancy, because yes, all of them are Murderbot's friends, why wouldn't they be. [Inference: SecUnits can have friends. This SecUnit has friends. They care about it a lot.]
Conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries tell the story of a construct that does not seem to consider the possibility of friendship for itself and is fine with that - until it accidentally starts caring a little too much and suddenly more and more people annex it as a friend (ew) to the point where it can no longer deny that this is happening and has to begrudgingly admit that yes, it has friends now and maybe that is actually not a bad thing.
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i-dreamed-i-had-a-son · 7 months ago
Broke (2016): BBC Sherlock is a phenomenal piece of media and anything that seems like a flaw just hasn't been fully explored yet
Woke (2020): BBC Sherlock is an incredibly flawed series run by an egotistical writer, it never deserved the hype and is actively bad on so many fronts (especially representation)
Bespoke (2024): BBC Sherlock is flawed and bogged down by increasingly poor writing, which many fans refused to see while it was airing, leading to hugely misplaced expectations (particularly for the final series), AND it has the seeds of some compelling characterizations and portrayals, some genuinely solid performances, and touches--albeit imperfectly--on complexities that are still being discussed today (particularly as it relates to the relationship between Sherlock and John). The huge cultural impact of the show has created a massive pendulum effect in its public perception, leading to most people today remembering a caricature of the show (whether positive or negative) rather than appreciating its nuanced merits and failings...that being said Season 4 sucked
#these just sum up my personal takes at the years in question and also what i'm seeing on tumblr/other social media#bbc sherlock#sherlock holmes#and i actually have a lot more thoughts to share on this series#specifically relating to the cultural impact#there is SO much about the show that goes unappreciated in hindsight because of how public perception of it has soured#and i totally fell into this as well--i still regularly rewatch hbomberguy's video absolutely dismantling the series and he isn't wrong!!#but what i'm saying is that i think it's easy for us to look at a piece of media (especially one so massively popular) like sherlock...#with very black-and-white lenses. it wouldn't have become so popular if there wasn't something inherent in it that resonated with people#and that's being buried (and i totally forgot it) because 'sherlock is cringe and problematic. can't believe i liked that'#which again it IS full of issues and those are well-documented as they should be. future portrayals should not repeat those mistakes#BUT being able to impact so many people is a merit in itself. and that's only possible because of other genuinely good things about the show#yes the way they handled the relationship between john and sherlock was riddled with problems YES it was often queerbaiting#AND the way they portrayed that relationship had a deep effect on me. i saw a lot of myself in sherlock and the complex way he loved john#the nuanced feelings he had about john's marriage to mary. the part (in s4!) where john calls him inhuman for not feeling romantic love#there was genuine intention and care put into some parts of this show and it comes through in scenes like those. they impact people.#and because of this realization i'm going to (eventually) do a rewatch of the show. i'm much older and i want to see how i'll view it now#but i want to go into it--and i want everyone who engages with it still--to have an open mind and evaluate it for what it is#not what we expected it to be (secret episode anyone?) or what the cultural drift has turned it into (the tiktok of sherlock's mind palace)#but the messy problematic somewhat-heartfelt massively significant and ultimately meaningful piece of media it actually was#anyway that's my thoughts would love to hear y'all's perspectives#funny how after all this time making a sherlock post still feels like i'm poking a bees' nest lol please be kind!#kay can i just catch my breath for a second#kay has a party in the tags
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