#No Duels Here || OOC
So I checked twitter
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millenniumdueled · 6 months
absolutely unhinged idea but would anyone at all be interested in the concept of a RP duel monsters tournament lol
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capucapo · 11 months
Brothers' Battle part 1/4
[ continued from here, directly copied from Discord w minor editing for typos and formatting. yes, we played out an entire Duel. it's going to be a little bit of a read but I'm really, REALLY proud of this group effort to rewrite the VR World arc and there's so much good Character behind the card games.
Seto Kaiba @blueeyesking, me as Noa, Mokuba, and the Yugis. Wyatt @seashaper, Hika @nameless-brand, and Pyre @redeyesandchilifries coming in later
Names with my posts don't always line up bc sometimes I just switch POVs too many times in one reply, but will be color blocked with purple for the Yugis, magenta for Mokuba, and black italic (like this!) for Noa ]
Seto Kaiba
Seto's grin immediately falls away, replaced with a slightly agape shock. Concern tugs at the muscles in his face, twitching into another barely-recognizable microexpression- but Mokuba should be able to read Seto's face like a book, and that book reads,
He's alive! He's not hurt, and doesn't seem to be at all restrained… but his clothes are very… muted. Maybe it's just the virtual world's expression of him.
Mokuba's reaction hardly looks relieved to see the eldest Kaiba. The Imposter. His brows knit tight, his jaw set.
[ High above, an alarm rings out through Noa's control room. The largest, central screen changes perspective, zooming in on a young man with dark, braided hair. If he had veins, his blood would have turned to ice inside them.
No. No no no.
Why was Mokuba putting himself in danger? ]
On the street below, Mokuba takes a defiant step towards the imposter.
"gee, and I thought losers were supposed to give up and die," Mokuba's tone is venomous.*
Yugi feels his heart sink as he utters the teenager's name in concern. His Other Self balls a fist, swallows the lump that forms in his throat as he spares a glace toward Kaiba.
The world seems to stand still.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's heart sinks, too, but it was already so deep it didn't have far to fall.
He… he couldn't be serious. He couldn't have said that, right? This must be another nightmare, only shared. Surely. Seto stops directing his Blue-Eyes, and it begins biting and slashing and firing beams at the insects on its own.
"That was what Gouzaburo believed."
Mokuba's glare doesn't falter.
"so then how many times do you have to lose before you listen???? just leave me and my Big Brother ALONE already!!!"
[ As he snaps at this Imposter, his so called Brother appears. A young man somewhere between the brothers in age, with an uncanny likeness to the elder. He wears a pleasant smile, but his eyes are cold and sharp as an icicle. He places a hand upon Mokuba's shoulder, and the way that the younger boy leans familiarly into the touch turns both Yugi's stomachs in unison. ]
"mokuba--" Yugi starts to step forward, only to be blocked by his Other's arm. Not yet, he feels inside his heart.
Seto Kaiba
"Your big brother… I don't even know who this clown is."
Seto covers his despair in biting wit, crossing his arms and straightening into a properly haughty posture. His eyes catch Noa's, and narrow.
"Whoever this kid is, he's not your brother, Mokuba. I am. And I'll do whatever it takes to bring you back."
The look on Mokuba's face is heartbreaking enough for Yugi. He gives a concerned look in Kaiba's direction.
["Give it up, Seto," Noa finally speaks, his gentle, song-songly voice uncomfortably calm. "Mokuba remembers the way that you hurt him, you hit him and then set your monsters lose upon him-- Isn't that right my Baby Brother?"]
"that's right. I'm not going ANYWHERE with you!!! my REAL brother and I are going to take Kaiba Corp back and remind the world what WINNING looks like!!"
Mokuba raises his left arm, a DuelDisk materializing in a wave of glowing cyan pixels. Noa's hand tenses on his shoulder.
["Mokuba. This isn't safe, you need to let me--" ]
"no. no, he HURT me. I need to do this, Big Brother. I've been waiting my whole LIFE to do this." Mokuba's words drip with poisonous resentment.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's eyes don't widen. Of course. This person has poisoned Mokuba against him with yet more realistic bending of the truth. Just like in his own nightmare, something terrible was done to Mokuba by some program wearing his face…
However, he wasn't expecting Mokuba to try and Duel him. Seto glances at the Yugis, then steps forward, removing the cards inside his DuelDisk and shuffling them. The Blue-Eyes nearby dematerializes as it is removed from the field.
"If that's what you want, Mokuba… I accept your challenge."
He looks to the stranger.
"The only danger here is the delusion you have, about taking my brother and the company I sacrificed my life for. We have suffered enough of Gouzaburo's lingering grudges!"
Seto flares a hand out dramatically, causing his coat to flap and emphasize the motion.
"WHAT brother??" Mokuba snaps. "'cuz MY only brother is Noa, and you stole that company from US. and once I beat you at your precious favorite game, I'm taking back what's ours," Mokuba snaps at the Imposter.
Yugi looks nervous, chewing on his bottom lip as he anxiously watches this confrontation between brothers. When Seto accepts the challenge, he gasps, takes a step toward the taller man again.
"kaiba, i don't have a good feeling about this--"
"shut UP, yugi. enough of your stupid friendship speeches, this is a family conversation!" Mokuba snaps. Then he turns to look up at the young man beside him, his expression and tone softening as he does. "you can do something about that, right Big Brother?"
[ Noa gives a dark grin in response, his cold, blue eyes locking onto the object of his animosity. "Of course I can, my Baby Brother. How about we take this battle somewhere just a bit more.. fitting," Noa hums.
Slowly he raises one hand in a grand gesture, and as he does, the streets of Domino City seem to crumble and fall away. The ground around their feet begins to rise high, high up into the blue sky, until the parties finds themselves on three separate rooftops. The brothers standing opposite each other on a long walkway, the Yugis and Noa occupying two smaller, round turrets, separated from the main platform by an endless chasm. ]
Yugi's heart skips a beat. His Other Self feels his stomach drop.
The details are different, but they recognize this playing field. The parapets at either end of the rooftop.
They both already know these stakes before Noa has to explain.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's heart pounds in his chest, the alarm he feels impossible to hide. His stance widens to steady himself as the terrain changes- into an all too familiar arrangement. They… they can't be serious. This is where Yugi learned their family's harshest lesson: to lose is to die. But he talked Seto off of the edge by conceding to his unfair ultimatum.
Seto's heart pounds in his ears.
"He's lying to you, Mokuba!" his tone is slightly more desperate. "You and I stole the company from Gouzaburo- and this boy has never been in our lives! I promised you we would- we would make theme parks, and entertain and support kids everywhere, so that they didn't have to suffer like we did!"
Regardless of his attempts at reasoning with Mokuba, Seto readies his Duel Disk.
Mokuba's never been here before. He's never seen this arena, never before heard the chilling ultimatum. But he doesn't need to. He already knows everything he needs to, as decided by Big Brother Noa.
"you're the one who's lying!! you really think anyone believes that?? YOU ?? caring about anyone but yourself???" Mokuba snaps as he draws his first five cards. "you threw away everything that made KaibaCorp what it was just to humiliate and MOCK our father's legacy!!! I'm going first!!"
[ "Let me remind you of the rules here, Seto," Noa purrs from the sidelines, his voice as deceptively gentle as ever. "You'll each take a step backwards for every 100 points of damage that you take. When your lifepoints run out, so does the rootftop you stand upon. Of course, these monsters aren't some cheap trick of light, like you're used to. The force of your attacks may be enough to bring this Duel to a conclusion before they even hit zero." ]
Mokuba stands confidently, a violent storm in his eyes as he finally looks down at the cards he's drawn. He can't help but smirk-- it's a perfect opening hand.
He sets the board wirh two face down cards, one monster, one a spell or trap, and ends his turn.
Seto Kaiba
The glare Seto levels at Noa may as well have the same level of threat as a gun barrel. But after a moment, he's more focused on the game at hand, brutal stakes clawing at his back.
In his first hand are Cyber Jar, Spirit Ryu, Burst Breath, Shrink, and Ring of Defense. He sets one and plays the monster in Defense Mode.
"The Kaiba Corporation, as a military entity, was a monstrous tool of destruction that gave the highest bidder the necessary firepower to massacre anyone in their way. Is that a legacy to be proud of, Mokuba? Or was it always our dream to save the world by making it a better place? To pursue our passion for children's card games? Open your eyes! Our adoptive father beat me every day, to teach me this world is cruel and unforgiving to the weak, and the world of business is worse. But we outplayed him at his own game, and with him gone, KaibaCorp has been flourishing as an entertainment technology company. You can't tell me you'd be happier facilitating the death of millions for money, just because it was what some old fool wanted you to do with his resources!"
[ Noa's own blue eyes meet Seto's threatening glare, but the smile on his lips shows only amusement as the fight begins in earnest ]
Mokuba draws a card to begin his turn. Effect Veiler.
"Kaiba Corporation was the epitome of power and strength. do you even hear yourself???? when the next great war starts, how many people are you going to save with children's card games???" Mokuba argues spitefully.
He takes only a second to look over the cards in his hand. His opening draw was good-- improbably so. Controlled as all things in this domain by Noa's divine will. That would be the only help offered to the youngest Kaiba, justified, in Noa's opinion, by the teenager's lack of experience as a Duelist. Not that he needed to justify something that no one, not even Mokuba, would know.
Mokuba plays Mystical Space Typhoon, targeting Seto's only set card for destruction. He then flips face up the monster he'd set on his first turn, revealing a weak and harmless Red Eyes Baby Dragon, now standing in attack mode. Plays another spell from his hand, Red Eyes Insight, sending one monster from his deck straight to the graveyard in order to add another spell to his hand. It isn't time for that yet, though. Instead, he activates his set trap card, allowing him to bring the Red Eys Archfiend of Lightning he'd sent to the graveyard immediately to the field. In exchange for his turn's normal summon, he activates the archfiend's effect, destroying the weak monster Seto had chosen to defend himself.
"you didn't outplay anyone. you cheated, and you stole away my Big Brother's rightful place at the head of our company!!!! don't act like you're above us, seto. how many deaths have YOU caused in your selfish rise to power, anyway??? what makes you any DIFFERENT ?? just because you like playing stupid little games for stupid little kids? it's time to grow UP already," he snaps, before ordering his baby dragon to attack directly.
Seto Kaiba
Seto's set card turned out to be the trap card Burst Breath! It disintegrates as Seto discards it, cussing quietly to himself. He knows Mokuba, having Red Eyes Baby Dragon on the field, will want it attacked so that it can activate its effect. He doesn't know all of Mokuba's deck, though, and the archfiend catches Seto off-guard, obliterating his Spirit Ryu and leaving him open to the Baby Dragon's direct attack. Its fireball pushes him back the required twelve steps, closer and closer to the edge…
"But we did outplay him, Mokuba! My plan hinged on you- I believed in you to make it work! This guy didn't exist-- we were Gouzaburo's only sons! He's using you!"
The taller brother calls over to Mokuba, even as he draws and glances at his remaining options. His drawn card is Pot of Greed-excellent. He casts Pot of Greed and draws his two cards, fishing for options to take out Mokuba's monsters without hurting him too badly. Even if he can deck his brother out without pushing him to the edge, will this bloodthirsty "Noa" still enforce the loss penalty…?
Vorse Raider, Heavy Storm, Thunder Dragon. Not terrible… Seto discards Thunder Dragon in order to draw his other two copies from his deck. Unfortunately, they both take one tribute to summon, themselves…
He summons the Vorse Raider in Attack Position. Then, he casts Heavy Storm, destroying Mokuba's trap card- and finally casts Shrink, targeting Mokuba's Archfiend, then begins his Battle Phase so that his Vorse Raider can attack the weakened Archfiend.
"My passion for card games isn't unique, no. But given our past, and my treatment by our adoptive father, I know how people shouldn't be treated. KaibaCorp under him would certainly have encouraged the next great war to have started already, in order to secure their bottom-line! Those resources could be better spent making people happy!"
Mokuba seems completely unfazed as he watches Seto move backwards, closer to the edge of the rooftop. He does spare a glance in Noa's direction, seeking quick and silent validation that he's making his Big Brother proud with that opening combo.
"you think you know everything, don't you seto??? well news flash, WE were LUCKY to get to call ourselves Gouzaburo's sons!!!!!!! and you were ungrateful for that!!! but my Big Brother Noa was Gouzaburo's only REAL son, and he was kind enough to treat me like his own brother anyway!!!!! what did YOU do??? you hit me and you pushed me away!!! you tortured me when I lost to yugi!!!!! Noa would NEVER hurt me like that!!"
Mokuba frows as his continuous trap is destroyed more quickly than expected. Somewhere there's another one of those in his deck, but he's more disappointed that his lack of any monsters in his graveyard prevent him from activating the card's second effect on destruction. Before he can be too sad by that, though, his archfiend shrinks before his eyes, its attack halving as well.
The attack that destroys his archfiend makes the teenager hiss in pain. He's not a Duelist, he's not used to even the force of solid vision. Let alone these virtual monsters with their very real pain. But he takes his required six and a half steps back with a smirk on his face."
"how would YOU know how people should be treated??? you treat everyone on earth like they're below you. tell me again, seto!! how did you get those precious blue eyes cards again???"
He draws his card for his next turn, and his smirk falters. Brows knit as his lips press into a thin line. Enemy Controller. It's not a bad pull. But he recognizes this card, and not from setting up his deck or practice plays. It's one of his opponent's. He sets it face down immediately.
He eyes the field a moment, then delares his battle phase without summoning another monster. Instead, he orders his Baby Dragon to attack the much stronger Vorse Raider without hesitation. The tiny dragon is, expectedly, destroyed immediately, and Mokuba grits his teeth, takes his 7 steps back. But his grin returns-- in fact he's almost giddy.
As the Baby goes to the graveyard, it's replaced by another, stronger dragon. And with Mokuba's battle phase still active, he orders the Red Eyes Black Dragon to attack, destroying Seto's vorse raider and 500 of his life points
"you know, Seto!!!!! if I reallyyyyy begged him to, my Big Brother might let you live!!! you'd have to give up Kaiba Corp though, oh, and your body too…. but you could live forever here in this world instead!! you just have to give up now….. last chance! I end my turn."
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neverwavers · 1 year
what tragic death would you suffer?
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the sacrifice
you die saving the thing you love. maybe it is family, friends, perhaps even a cause. they will carry your face with them for the rest of their lives, and every milestone they pass will make them think of you. it does not matter because you won't be there to experience it with them. years down the line, they will meet people who do not even know the weight of your name upon their skin. this is what your selflessness gets you in the end.
tagged by stolen from: @kurai-honoo tagging: you!!
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sagebrush-and-sadness · 2 months
⟿ ˗ˏˋ𝐵𝑜𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶 𝓈𝒽𝓎 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇 ࿐ྂ
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Some sfw headcanons this time, but I just might make a spicier part two. gn!shy!reader, Boothill is pretty soft here, might be OOC since it's written before his release <3
Boothill who leans down to steal a kiss and uses his infamous hat to deflect the arrows of onlookers' prying stares – to hide your pretty, flustered face and his own toothy grin.
Boothill who cracks jokes every time you go stiff in his arms. He's a tease, quick-witted and silver-tongued ('Hey now baby, who's made out of metal 'ere, me or you?'), but he never lets his hands wander if he sees the crease of uncertainty between your brows.
Boothill who goes absolutely ecstatic if you do something as simple as smiling and giving him a thumbs up when he's dueling. Boy, will he giggle like a maniac while bullets sing and blood spills. He wants to impress you – always – and he doesn't need much encouragement to show off.
Boothill who, instead of tilting your head up with his fingers, crouches down to meet your averted gaze – much to your embarrassment and his own amusement.
Boothill who doesn't pry your hands away from your red-hot face, but rather nuzzles into them until he can get to his main prize – your lips.
Boothill who loves how warm your cheeks get when he flirts with you like there's no tomorrow. He knows damn well they're warm 'cause he'll definately press his own face against yours. Flustering you even further.
Boothill who is so used to the good ol' game of chase. He's a hunter, a predator if you will, stalking his prey like a wolf day and night, patient and relentless, waiting for the right moment to strike. Your heart is one of a wild rabbit, you're always on a run from him, embarassed, flustered, nervous and perhaps even scared of so many things. But he's a master of cat-and-mouse and he will catch you eventually.
And when he does, he will sink his fangs into you.
Notes: divier is by cafekitsune
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nicksolemnlyswears · 9 months
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pairing: opla!zoro x reader, opla!sanji x reader
word count: 1.7k
warning: 18+, smut, swearing, penetration (p in v), fingering, slight vouyerism (?), very little spit play, zoro has a biting and pain kink
a/n: i want to preface this by saying that i have never seen the original anime 'one piece'. if you have watched it and you think the character are super ooc i apologize but i warned you.
i watched the netflix live action and i fell in love with it and its characters. i liked it a lot more than i ever thought. as soon as i finished it this prompt came into my head and here i am 24 hours later.
this is my first time writing about opla so please be kind to me :')
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With everyone on the crew busy you have the perfect opportunity to slip into the cabin Zoro and Sanji share. Your green haired boyfriend waits for you on his hanging bed. He has an arm thrown around his eyes, pretending to take a nap.
You slide your shoes off and saunter to the bed where you straddle his relaxed body and lean over his chest. The pads of your fingers playfully trace his exposed chest. He calmly removes his arm from his eyes and wraps it around you instead. A soft grin adorns his sharp features.
He heard you coming down the hall, he knows the difference in the steps of his crew mates. That and he noticed your heated stare throughout the day while he practiced with his swords. A book may have been in your hands but your eyes were locked on his figure.
“Hi handsome,” you whisper with a bite of your lip.
“Missed me already?” Zoro smirks, twirling a strand of your hair with his finger.
He's surprised it took you more than ten minutes to seek him out. He had been expecting you to barge through the door as soon as he walked in. Guess he has to give you more credit than that.
“Desperately,” you say, catching his lips with yours in a heated kiss.
He knows what you want. The escape to his room in pretense of a nap was all a ruse to get you in his bed. And you followed the unspoken plan seamlessly. Your absence on deck went nearly unnoticed.
Zoro's hands firmly grasp your thick thighs, pulling you flush against him. You moan into his mouth as one of your hands gets tangled in his hair. The other runs up and down his chest, feeling the scar left behind from a duel and his hard muscles.
You love his strong hands and how they cling to your body whenever you’re near. His touch is hot on your skin, leaving blazing flames of arousal behind. The callouses in his hands add to the sensations coursing through you.
His fingers teasingly play with the hem of your skirt, lifting it to touch the skin underneath. He cheekily gives your ass a squeeze before grabbing a fistful of your dress and taking it completely off your body.
It forces you to break your kiss yet a string of saliva connects the two of you. Zoro watches this with lustful eyes, lips smashing back against yours, teeth nipping your bottom lip.
Zoro sits up with you still on his lap, holding onto his strong shoulders. Against your protests he pulls away, glancing at your nearly naked body.
"Tsk." He should’ve known you wouldn’t be wearing a bra, you tend to avoid the tight garment as much as possible. You smile cheekily at him, playfully arching your back to temp him into taking what he wants.
Just like in his day to day, Zoro is quiet in bed. Opting to make you moan and cry out his name. All you get from him are quiet hums of approval, grunts and the occasional swear word.
With one hand holding you in place, he lifts his other hand to grasp at your soft flesh. Your nipples perk up feeling his warm touch and Zoro takes advantage of that as he lightly pinches them between the pads of his fingers and pulls on them.
You watch his concentrated face with your lip between your teeth, holding back moans. Your breaths are shaky something he can clearly feel as he leaves open mouthed kisses down the expanse of your neck and chest, sucking pretty bruises on your skin.
Your hips begin grinding lightly against his to try and somewhat relieve yourself. Zoro is in no rush though as he takes his time sucking a nipple into his mouth, massaging it with his tongue. That's when he looks up at you and catches your eye. He mischievously shoots you a wink and bites down on your nipple.
"Fuck," you cry out in pleasure as he soothes the ache with his tongue.
Zoro quiets you down by kissing you once more. While you're distracted his touch trails down between your legs.
“Been wanting this a while, huh?” He teases, feeling the strings of your arousal coating your panties.
“All day,” you pant, planting another kiss on his lips.
“Thought you got your fix this morning,” he mentions casually, tilting his head. He's feeling you though the thin material, outlining every part of you as it clings to your skin.
“Not enough,” you pout, leaning your forehead against his.
“Typical,” he scoffs. “Let me take care of you.”
Your underwear easily snaps with a tug of his fingers. You glare at him disapprovingly. He laughs it off, kissing the pout from your lips. Then Zoro dips his finger in your folds, feeling and spreading your wetness without a barrier to hold him back. With your eyes scrunched in pleasure your head drops on his shoulder, begging in his ear to keep touching you. To give you more.
He circles your clit as his other hand touches the rest of your body. His hand grips your side, your chest, your thighs, it has a mind of its own as it does as it pleases with your body. Zoro bites your shoulder as he pushes one of his long fingers in you. He's always been one to play with the limits of pain and pleasure.
"Yes, Zoro. Baby, please." Your begging is chopped and incoherent but he understands what he needs without you telling him.
One finger becomes two and soon your hips rock along to the pace. You've returned to kissing his lips to keep quiet. The crew should be outside, out of earshot but you can never be too cautious. The only noise in the cabin is the squelching coming from Zoro's finger in your pussy and the smacking of your lips.
His digits curve just how you like it, hitting that spot inside of you as his palm hits your clit with each push. He's relentless once his teasing comes to a halt. Over and over Zoro sends jolts of electricity through you.
You're slumped in his lap as your hips ride his fingers. Your forehead falls against his as you try to keep your whines to a minimum. You whisper praises and words of encouragement until that knot in your stomach begins unraveling.
“Gonna cum,” you cry out. You bury your fingers in his hair and his back as your walls begin to contract around his fingers.
“That’s it, baby,” Zoro praises, feeling your pussy clench rhythmically around his fingers. Your thighs shake just the same, wave after wave.
You're flushed atop of Zoro, catching your breath. His fingers leave you but then soon come to rest on your bitten-red lips. You open them willingly, tasting yourself on his fingers as you lock eyes with him.
As he pulls his fingers back you say, “I wanna ride you, Zoro. Can I?”
"You can handle it, baby? All on your own?" He asks, teasing you. He's being a little shit who wants to give you a hard time.
You eagerly nod, unbuttoning his tight pants and taking them off along with his shirt. His cock is hard and pretty. He has a nice length but is more on the thicker side. You release a shaky breath remembering the delicious stretch it provides. The tip of his cock is a dark pink always enticing you to lick it.
“Get it wet for me baby,” he orders you as he lies back in bed with his arms folded behind his head.
You're wet enough to take him but Zoro likes to watch you drool over his cock. Grabbing his cock that lays hard on his abdomen, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out, letting a strip of saliva fall down to his cock. His precum and your saliva mix as you wrap your hand around him to spread it.
You look to him for approval and he nods. You adjust yourself over him, pussy hovering over his erect cock. You line him up and press his tip on your entrance, letting it gather your arousal.
With your patience running thin you sink down slowly, taking inch after inch. The sting of him stretching you out unmistakably erotic. Zoro's eyes jump from watching your fucked out expression to your pussy swallowing his dick.
Your eyebrows furrow and your mouth falls agape as you fall flush against him. The dark patch of hair at his base tickling your thighs. You could cry from how good you're feeling and the immense pleasure coursing through your body.
His palms caress your thighs, encouraging you. It's a silent praise for doing it so well. You feel Zoro thrust from under you, a sign you should start riding him.
"Fuck," Zoro silently curses as his eyes zone in on your tits bouncing along with you. His hand instantly reaches out, flicking and pulling on your nipples.
"Zoro," you moan, hands splayed on his stomach, bracing yourself. With each bounce you feel him hitting that spot, again and again.
Unlike Zoro, you are not physically strong. You can't fight for hours without breaking a sweat so it's no surprise you start getting tired. Your thigh muscles ache, making your movement sloppy. Each time you slow down though he spanks you, making you jump and pick the pace back up.
Zoro could do more to help you but he doesn't feel like it. He likes seeing how far you'll go to get what you want. You just want to use him for your pleasure and he's letting you do just that. He has enough controlling himself to not nut so soon from the vice grip your cunt has on his cock.
Getting frustrated with Zoro's spanks you grab his hands pining them down on his stomach with yours. Any other day it would've been far from enough, but he lets you be.
You're no quitter though you won't let Zoro take over so instead you choose to rock your hips back and forth. The pleasure is just the same as your clit drags on his pubic bone. Your eyes close and your head is thrown back as you get used to the new sensation. Chasing your release is the only thing on your mind.
“Came to say dinner is ready but you two seem busy,” a voice speaks from the door. Sanji.
He's watching the spectacle in front of him. He should've known you were up to no good when he noticed your absence in the kitchen. You often like to keep him company and help him out wherever you can.
“S-sanji,” your eyes widen in surprise. Even from across the room Sanji can hear the lewd noises your wet cunt makes with each movement.
“You did a shit job this morning,” Zoro grunts as your walls choke his cock more than before. Sanji watching the two of you will do that to you.
Sanji walks up to the bed saying, “It’s not my fault she’s insatiable. I had her screaming into her pillow this morning. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He asks, grabbing your chin with two fingers.
"Yes," you breathe out, looking up at your other boyfriend. Sanji rewards you with a slow kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth. Zoro watches the two of you, rolling his eyes.
"Hmm," he mutters, "Good girl."
Sanji inspects you with calculating eyes. His finger follows his gaze as it wanders from your cheek to the mark on your neck he left this morning, it continues to your shoulder where it circles around the bite mark Zoro just created. It continues its descent down your sternum as he avoids touching your chest. As he nears your slit his finger lifts from your skin and a smack is delivered to your ass. How he wishes he can switch with Zoro at that moment. It's of no matter though he'll have you in his bed later in the night.
"Join us," you beg Sanji, trying to chase his lips but he pulls back. "Want both of you."
That same sentence is what got you in this predicament in the first place. Both men were attracted to you and you were attracted to both of them. It was too hard to choose one over the other so you all made a relatively simple agreement.
"I'm afraid I can't, darling," Sanji apologetically smiles, giving you one last kiss. “Finish up soon or Luffy won't leave any food for the two of you.” he says, leaving the room once more.
The last thing he catches is Zoro flipping you over to your knees, your chest pressed against the mattress and your surprised expression as he pushes back into you. Zoro loves when you take the lead, but it's time he takes things back into his own hands if either of you wants to have dinner.
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saetoru · 10 months
contents. archon quest spoilers, liddol weepy dragon neuvillette :(, established relationships, reverse comfort, lots of kissies 4 him, it’s a bit self indulgent my bad but he’s just a sensitive lil friendly guy who tries his best he makes me sad :(, maybe ooc idrk how to write him yet
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it starts raining out of nowhere on a sunny day, hard. you frown—you know exactly what this means, walking up to neuvillette’s office in concern.
“good afternoon, sedene,” you smile, patting the melusine on the head. she leans into your touch happily, content with the small show of affection.
“good afternoon. if you’re here to visit the chief justice, i have to warn you. today, he seems…” sedene trails off, unsure how to finish, and you hum knowingly as you nod.
“i see,” you murmur, “i’ll see if i can help.” you turn and knock on the office door—it’s silent for a moment before you call, “it’s me.”
you hear some shuffling before neuvillette finally answers. it’s a quiet, “come in,” and nothing more. you sigh before entering—that can’t be a good sign.
neuvillette looks…well, devastated. with red rimmed eyes and a slightly pink nose, his cheeks trailed with delicate tears that break your heart. you walk over, cupping his cheek and brushing away a stray tear with your thumb as he closes his eyes.
“what’s got you so upset,” you murmur, “the weather has taken a rather drastic turn, wouldn’t you say?”
he sniffles, the poor thing—it’s as precious as it is heartbreaking. “i believe…i believe i may have made a mistake,” he mumbles, “a terrible one, in fact.”
“oh?” you raise a brow, leaning down and brushing your lips against his forehead soothingly, “i’m sure you’ve done your best, neuvillette.”
“no,” his voice breaks, a fresh round of tears falling past his lash line and staining his skin. you furrow your brows, cupping both sides of his face as your forehead presses to his, “no, i didn’t…i didn’t do what i should have. in fact, i did nothing at all.”
“i’m sure that’s not true,” you reason, “you always do what you can.”
“i could’ve stopped the duel,” he shakes his head, and instantly you know what must be on his mind. “i thought…i thought i understood but i didn’t. i still don’t.”
neuvillette doesn’t understand humans as well as he hopes—it’s changed a bit since you’ve shown up, but their emotions are far too complicated for him sometimes. you help him, sometimes—you try to show him they’re not much different from him, but he’s learning slowly on his own.
you nod slowly at his words, as if you understand, before pressing soft kisses along his face. you scatter them along his cheeks, over the tip of his nose, just at the corners of his mouth and right on the center of his forehead.
he sniffles again, miserably.
“oh, love,” you murmur gently—callas has always been a complicated topic, one you’ve carefully treaded since it’s happened. his lips wobble, and you pull him into you, letting his head rest against your chest as you sit on the armrest of his chair. “callas wasn’t your fault,” you whisper, “none of us could’ve known.”
“i believed he was guilty,” he confesses, “otherwise, why duel? i…i didn’t think he would do it for…”
“and you weren’t alone in your assumptions,” you reason. that doesn’t seem to make him feel any better—in fact, you feel your shirt dampen, and the rain hits the glass of his window harder.
“but i am the chief justice,” he insists, “how i can be so if i let innocent men throw away their lives?”
you’re silent for a bit—it’s difficult to give him an answer. it’s difficult to offer him any solace over something like this. but you do know it’s not his fault—and soon enough, you hope he’ll accept that too.
but until then, you thread your fingers into his hair as you press a chaste kiss to the crown of his head.
“being the chief justice doesn’t mean you have all the answers,” you say quietly, catching a tear as it slips down his cheek with your thumb, “you won’t have all the answers. but you’ll do your best to find them. i think that’s enough.”
“lady navia yelled at me,” he tells you. you want to chuckle a little at the way he says it, like child who’s been scolded—but now is not the time, not when he’s so upset. “a few days ago. because i did not stop it. she…she was right—”
“lady navia is grief stricken,” you interrupt, “you have to understand. she didn’t mean—”
“but i could’ve stopped it—”
“anyone could’ve, neuvillette,” you insist, “lady furina, or even clorinde. but no one knew, and that’s okay. it’s how callas wanted it, i’m afraid.”
he’s silent for a bit, weighs your words as he presses against your chest further, let’s your fingers trail through his hair and stroke along his cheek for a bit.
it rains in fontaine—whenever there is something to mourn, it rains. perhaps the people can know this way that they are not alone in their grief, that there is always something, someone to share the burden of pain with them.
“i’ll visit,” he mumbles after some time, “to pay my respects to mister callas.”
“i think that’s a lovely idea,” you smile, poking the tip of his nose and pulling the tiniest of smiles from him, “would you like me to come?”
“no, i think i should do it alone,” he says thoughtfully, “but thank you.”
you feel his hand grab yours, his fingers lacing with yours as he gives it a small squeeze—perhaps he still has a long way to go to understand humans and their complex emotion. but this one, he thinks he understands well enough.
he loves you, just as much as you love him—it’s simple enough to understand.
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my lil cinnamon roll :( my emotional liddol weepy dragon :(
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g1rld1ary · 4 months
you never disappointed me ; luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
part one part two part three part four
➻ synopsis: charles beckendorf wants to go out with silena beauregard more than anything. one problem: she's not allowed to date until her shrewish older sister does, so he and percy come up with a plan. (10 things I about you AU)
➻ word count: 2783
➻ warnings: swearing ooc/kind of loser!luke, ooc silena, she/her pronouns used for reader
➻ this'll be a few chapter so this is p1!!!
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Charles Beckendorf arrived at Camp Half-Blood when he was fifteen years old. It was a wonder he’d lasted out in the mortal world so long with his significant stature, height enough to attract monsters, but Percy — his tour guide — guessed it was probably his more reserved nature which had kept him under the radar.
“Thank God it’s you showing me around,” Was one of the first things he’d said, “When you start things like this it’s usually all the kiss-asses that greet me.” With six schools under his belt, Percy knew what he meant all too well.
“Nah man, we’re chill. And if we get this done quick then you can meet my friends, we know how to have the real fun here.”
And so they embarked on their tour, Percy dutifully pointing out all the most important places around camp. First was the Dining Pavilion, where they met Grover as he chewed on some of the tin-can remains of lunch. Then came Thalia’s Tree, under which Annabeth was drawing out a map that Charles didn’t understand in the slightest but Percy explained was a strategy for capture the flag. After that they walked past the sword fighting arena, where they caught a glimpse of Luke in the middle of a fierce duel. They both passed quickly, and Charles got the distinct impression that you weren’t supposed to interrupt Luke when he was fighting.
As the two got to the lake, Percy explaining it was where most people hung out when they had the time, Charles faltered in his steps. Percy looked back to where he was frozen and followed his sightline to Silena Beauregard and rolled his eyes.
“Who is that?” He breathed.
“Don’t even bother, bro,” Percy replied. “She’s off limits. It’s a well known fact that the Beauregard sisters aren’t allowed to date — they’re only here over the summers and their dad is crazy strict about it for some reason.”
“But she’s so—”
“Self-centred? Shallow? Silena is all looks no substance, dude. You can do better.” Percy ushered him away but Charles was still daydreaming about the beautiful Aphrodite girl.
The tour was just finishing up by the Climbing Wall when they first saw you. You held the camp record for it, and so had been delegated the responsibility of teaching the younger kids. Today though you’d had to rescue a cocky bastard from getting obliterated by lava, singeing the fabric of your camp shirt all over your left shoulder, and you were not in a good mood.
Just wanting to get back to your cabin for a change of clothes and some ambrosia, you were certainly not in the state of mind to stop and chat with a new camper. So when Percy and Charles came along blocking the whole fucking path, you didn’t hesitate to yell “Move!” Pushing past them in a huff. You wouldn’t usually be so rude, but you were pretty sure your shirt was fusing into your skin which was so not what you needed. Plus, they were in the way. Beckendorf’s bicep was warm from where you’d shoulder-checked him with your injury.
“That’s your dream girl’s older sister,” Percy snorted, used to your disagreeable personality.
“That’s Silena’s sister?” Charles asked incredulously, “But she’s…”
“A shrew? Yeah. I’d watch out for her, and kiss your dreams of going out with Silena goodbye. Now c’mon, I’ll show you to your cabin.” Charles followed mindlessly, still thinking about the two Beauregard sisters.
When people thought of you, the consensus was pretty much this: Silena Beauregard’s older sister, and the most heinous bitch at Camp Half-Blood, a title you were extremely proud of. Whilst you really didn’t think you were that bad — in fact, you considered your actions quite reasonable — younger campers cowered away when you marched through camp and the older ones rolled their eyes when you spoke. Just the way you liked it. It wasn’t exactly unusual, camp had all sorts of kids living there, not everyone was going to get along, but it was pretty unexpected for you as a daughter of Aphrodite.
You didn’t get along with most of your siblings, despite all your efforts as one of the elder campers. You thought it was ridiculous that they wouldn’t participate in camp activities, regardless of the reason. What good was having all that beauty if it was wiped off the face of the earth by a monster? There were a hundred rumours flying about to explain you and your attitude, the most popular being that you were the secret lovechild of Aphrodite and Ares, which explained your affinity for fighting and permanent bitch face. You knew better. For one you shared too many of your dad’s traits not to be his child. Plus, Aphrodite had a long history of being associated with war in Ancient Greece which everyone at camp just conveniently forgot in favour of writing her children off as useless and vain. You hated it, and you refused to be who they wanted.
Even your favourite sibling was the polar opposite to you. Silena was a few years younger than you, and by all accounts was the model of a perfect Aphrodite child. Gorgeous, of course, and usually kind and patient. In your opinion, she was kind of annoying and self-absorbed, but you chose to believe she meant well so you could keep tolerating her. You didn’t know how the only two blood-related siblings in your cabin could be so different from one another, but it had been that way since you were fourteen and she was twelve.
You had made it back to your cabin, and your shoulder was all bandaged up after your shower. You were just flipping through The Bell Jar, your latest novel, when Silena came stomping into the cabin, waving a letter frantically through the air. You could assume what it was about.
“This is so unfair!” Silena whined, “Daddy doesn’t even know Ethan!” Ethan was the new boy Silena had been obsessed with recently, writing incessantly to your father in an attempt to get him to take back the no dating rule.
“What, can’t go swap spit with the vermin of the earth?” You exaggerated a pout. She sneered at you in the mirror.
“Worse. Now he’s saying I can’t date until you do, so now I’m going to die a stupid old virgin because of you!” You rolled your eyes and sighed.
“Have you ever considered there’s more to life than finding a boyfriend? Or, big shock I know, maybe I’m just not interested in the sweaty, uninspired pigs that are supplied here?”
“You suck!” She huffed, turning on a kitten heel and barging out of the cabin.
“You suck!” You mocked, turning back to your book. You knew Silena was really pissed at you for being so stubborn, but you hated the thought of changing your opinions over a man of all things.
Silena, in her frustration, was wandering around Camp Half-Blood to let off some steam. Charles, fresh from a kayaking lesson, spotted her across the beach and scrambled to catch up to her. Remembering what Percy told him about her not participating in many of the camp’s activities, he came up with the idea to offer his help to finish a project in the forges to get Chiron off her back. Silena seemed surprised but happy enough to agree, and Charles was ecstatic.
“She’s agreed to go to the forges with me!” He told Percy excitedly, and Percy raised an eyebrow.
“Do you even know how to weld?”
“Well, no, but I will!” As much as Percy liked the new kid, he was definitely a handful.
Charles’ first session with Silena didn’t go exactly as he’d hoped. She showed up already looking bored, and not keen to start off with a simple sword as he’d proposed. Soon he gave up with any welding, choosing instead to try and get her know better.
“If you’re not really into this we could try something else? I saw someone welding some metal flowers, you know, for like a date?” That caught her attention.
“Are you asking me on a date?” At his shy nod Silena couldn’t contain her slight laugh. “That is so cute! What’s your name again?” Charles told her quietly.
“Well, my Dad’s just changed our family rule — I can date when my sister does.”
“That’s great! So all you’ve gotta do is find someone who’ll date her!”
“One problem, Cameron-”
“My sister is, like, totally antisocial?”
“Yeah, but people jump out of planes and stuff all the time! It could be, like, extreme dating!”
They both looked across the forge where you were working, fixing up your favourite sword after an Ares kid had done quite a number on it. You had on both your signature outfit and expression — long, practical jorts with your camp shirt tied in a knot and a dangerous bitch face.
“The oversized look is out, Beauregard, didn’t you read last month’s Vogue?” Ethan was hovering around you, trying his hardest to get a rise out of you in front of his friends.
“Run along, dickwad.” You refused to blow up at him, knowing it would only be used to make you look hysterical and unbalanced later. Plus, Ethan would get bored sooner or later and find someone else to taunt.
As Charles recounted this story to Percy later that night at the bonfire, all Percy could do was groan.
“Charles — Charlie — I really wanna like you, man, but this is probably the most stupid thing you could have done. I know they’re hot, but it’s not even worth getting involved with one Beauregard sister, and you’ve just gotten yourself tangled with both — and not in the way that most guys dream about.” Charles flushed at the innuendo.
“I think you’re wrong about Silena, I think she’s worth it. I just have to figure out how I can set her sister up with another guy.”
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Percy laughed, hitting Charles’ knee twice before turning away to talk to Annabeth. Charles spent the rest of the night trying to hatch a plan.
Early the next morning he got Percy on board, albeit very reluctantly. Percy brought Charles over to every single guy he could think of in your age range, begging them to take you out. The responses varied from a nervous shake of the head to Travis Stoll laughing in both boys’ faces.
“Why would I go looking for a kick in the balls?” He asked, still wheezing from his initial outburst.
They found themselves once again at the bonfire, both disheartened. Percy at having wasted a day all for this new guy he barely knew, and Charles that he was no closer to getting a date with Silena. Finally, somewhat eager to get this distraction over with, Percy came up with an idea.
“What about you just pay someone to go out with her?” He asked, and Charles considered the idea for a minute, it wasn’t half bad.
“I have literally no money,” He settled on finally, and Percy rolled his eyes.
“So you get someone else to do it for you,” He suggested, and Annabeth joined the conversation with suspicious interest.
“Like a backer?” She asked, at Percy’s nod she bit her lip, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, guys, it seems like it could really backfire on you. I mean, what if she finds out? I heard she once tied a camper to the lava wall just for looking at her wrong.”
“She won’t find out! I mean she only has to date so Silena can, it doesn’t have to be a long term thing. She goes on enough dates for it to qualify, then they break up while it’s still casual and I can go out with Silena!” Charles explained excitedly, but Annabeth still looked skeptical.
“Plus, if we have a backer, none of the blame will go to my man Charlie here,” Percy added helpfully, which swayed Annabeth a little.
“Okay, well be careful,” She said, leaving for the dining hall to be distanced from the plot.
Percy thought the answer to who the backer would be was pretty obvious. Whilst most of the boys at Camp Half-Blood wanted to sleep with Silena, Ethan White was both rich and desperate enough to agree to it. Plus when Percy Jackson was telling you you’d look great with a girl, you generally listened.
All that was left was to find someone to set you up with. The boys used the bonfire to scope out their options, but it wasn’t looking good. For one, you didn’t even show up to bonfires if you could help it, and it was anyone’s guess what you did instead. Rumours said blood sacrifices but Percy was almost completely sure that was a lie. Truthfully you were sitting up on the roof of the Aphrodite cabin, enjoying the peace and quiet of the camp when no one else was around.
They were about to give up, Percy trying to find the right words to let Beckendorf down easy, when they saw Luke. Luke, with his brooding eyes and his cigarette, sitting on his own at the bonfire with headphones connected to a mortal mp3 player. Luke, who had never quite been the same since he returned from his quest — rumours swirling about the horrors he’d faced that he refused to speak on.
“I think we’ve found our man.”
It was easy to convince Ethan to get on board, he was so overconfident in himself and his looks he would never suspect that Percy or Beckendorf had any ulterior motives. It was equally enjoyable to watch Ethan try and approach Luke to get the plan in motion. Percy and Beckendorf were sitting with Percy’s friends on the beach the very first time Ethan spoke to Luke. He was all macho confidence, still trying to play the tough guy. Luke looked up at him from his place sitting on a rock, barely moving his head to give him any attention. The moment of eye contact meant Ethan knew Luke had seen him speaking, and the abrupt walking away communicated his absolute lack of interest. It took a gargantuan effort from Percy not to burst out laughing then and there.
The second conversation went a bit smoother. Ethan had a metaphorical tail between his legs, temporarily giving up his ego to be the smaller person in the conversation. That got Luke’s attention, having known Ethan and his antics for years at that point. And then Ethan explained his plan. Luke couldn’t contain his laughter — a sound Camp Half-Blood was rarely graced with anymore.
“Yeah sure, Sparky,” He laughed, almost wheezing in an uncharacteristic show of emotion.
“Look,” Ethan stressed, “I can’t take out Silena until her sister starts dating — their Dad is super strict and has this rule—”
“Touching story, not my problem.” Luke moved to put his earbud back in when Ethan stopped him.
“Could it be your problem if I provided generous compensation?” Luke had forgotten Ethan’s mother was filthy rich. He looked him dead in the eye.
“You’re going to pay me to take out some chick? How much?” He asked, entirely disbelieving.
“Twenty bucks” They both looked down at you on the volleyball courts, spiking a ball into a girl’s stomach with so much force she keeled over on the ground. You had the decency to look mildly apologetic while the opposing team glared at you.
“Fine. Thirty.”
“Let’s see,” Luke smiled something devious. “If I’m taking her out it means leaving camp. That’s a lot of risk I’m pursuing for you, plus the costs of taking to her somewhere — the movies maybe. And you know inflation lately, let’s say seventy-five bucks.”
“This isn’t a negotiation, burnout.”
“Fifty bucks and we’ve got a deal, Fabio,” Luke countered, knowing he had the upper hand. He had nothing to lose. Reluctantly, Ethan forked out a fifty. All that was left was for Luke to get you to go out with him, how hard could that be?
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
Can I have a yandere Poseidon with a Muichiro reader?
With him reacting that reader was able to give him a fatal injury?
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warning: violence, ooc, muichiro!fem!reader.
Poseidon refused to believe that a mortal soul could have the strength and the reputation to stand in the audience chamber of Hades’ palace, let alone a swordswoman even be granted permission to be by his side as a guard. 
 Like him, Hades is the very definition of a king: one without supporters and no need for scheming. He fought alone against the Titans during the Gigantomachy, and ruled over the underworld without so much as batting an eyelid whenever a crisis emerged. So why? The tyrant of the ocean thought irked. So why in the world would my brother need someone like that when we gods are already the definition of perfection?
Yes, it is a terrible thing that the Bifrost had been destroyed by the wretched human Nostradamus, but surely another god could more easily protect the gates between Helheim and Valhalla than an organization that had been created to exterminate demons? 
No. He refused to believe it. Hades was much smarter than this. And he will prove it, in a duel. He raised his trident and challenged the spacey-eyed human…who didn’t even seem to be listening at all. 
“I refuse.” The mortal said bluntly. “Lord Hades has not given permission to have a duel in his own audience chamber, nor would he ever do so because it would be a pain to clean up afterwards. The servants would get mad too. My blade is to be drawn against demons, not a god. And I happen to like my position, so…I’m not gonna. I’m respectfully declining.”
“[First Name], we have discussed this already,” Hades said stonily. “Watch your tongue around my guests.” The mortal immediately went silent, [Eye Color] orbs gazing off into the distance. 
The lord of the underworld sighed. “Apologies, little brother, she can be a bit -”
“She has disrespected the ones who are superior to her in every way.” Poseidon growled, pointing the tip of his trident at her sinewy frame. “And she will pay for that insult with her life. Or she will prove herself worthy of standing by your side, right here, and I will forgive these transgressions against us.”
“It is Lord Hades’ decision to entrust me with the responsibility of looking after the Bifrost.” [First Name] said. “I refuse to waste my energy -”
‘[First Name], do it. Now.”
Poseidon watched as the tiny mortal dressed from head to toe in black descended down the steps of the dias, unsheathing her sword with a push of her thumb. “Try to land a lethal hit on me. Refrain from using any attacks that could damage the audience chamber.” She said, ignoring the icy frown on Poseidon’s face, daring to look at him with that spaced-out, bored expression. Poseidon got into position, raising his trident to the level of his eyes and waited for the human to strike. 
And she did. Not once, but twice; the hilt of her sword rammed into his solar plexus, then she elbowed him in the chin. Quickly regaining his balance, Poseidon thrusted his trident forward, aiming at the center of her body. She sidestepped and rammed her sword into his right side, ribbons of crimson flowing through the cut. 
Hades was, of course, furious and glared at her icily. She just blinked, shrugging her shoulders before sheathing the sword back into its teal scabbard. 
“He wanted me to prove that I was capable of doing my job, and I have done so. He’s a god anyway, that wound will heal quickly. He promised that anything I did would be forgiven, so it worked out in the end. If that is all, may I go? It’s about time for the rotation of shift change at the Bifrost. I need to make sure everything is secure.”
Hades sighed tiredly, waving her off with a flick of his hand. Poseidon watched in stunned silence as she bowed deeply to him, gliding across the floor and out of the audience chamber, shutting the massive door behind her. The black lacquered scabbard of her sword shimmered a dark blue beneath the chandelier’s light, if only for a brief moment. 
Although his older brother was profusely apologizing and making promises to properly discipline the Demon Slayer, Hades’ words did not reach Poseidon’s ears. Curiosity, desire, and excitement thrummed in his blood even as it continued to seep onto the floor.  
He wanted her. He needed her in his court beneath the ocean waves, to hear her silver tongue and bask in her loyalty towards him, to obey his orders without question. She is…perfection. 
Surely Hades did not need her any longer if there are other Demon Slayers to take up the mantle of protecting the Bifrost, yes? 
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 10 months
Sagau another episode of reader getting pissed of for someone insulting some of thier favourites while begin bored when someone insults the reader to the point of counting how many times someone used some type of insult
Lyney and lynette begin bad mouthed becose they are form house of hearts reader will just launch a lawsuit for badmouthing thier favorites
Furina begin insulted by some pepole whonate not form Fontaine well the reader will want to throw them and drown under water thoses pepoles
That random who interrupts childe when he was talking to traveler and reader in fontain.....well begin punching bag for fatui harnbringer is now a mercy compared to how much the reader who......PURCHESE THE STEAM ROLLER AND DRIVES OVER ON THIS MO-* sorry for tehicaly dificulty*
Thank you so much for requesting, @zardas75 ! I would've been more dead otherwise lol :')
Click Me For Part 1! Click Me For Part 2!
When Someone Insults Lyney, Lynette, Furina, and Childe! (No Vice Versa Today, Sorry!)
(Warning: Slight Spoilers to 4.0 Archon Quest & Might be OOC!)
He was utterly flabbergasted that you would go out of your way for Lynette and he. I mean sure—he felt absolutely blessed and grateful that you would personally be his attorney (along with the Traveler & Paimon), but he did not expect you to jump on people that were insulting him because...of where his origin lies with.
It wasn't surprising that the entirety of Fontaine came to hear about the court case that held trial to press charges for a murder he didn't commit. so Lyney can't say he wasn't expecting the rumors, but you? Yeah, you were an entirely different wildcard than to those he's usually familiar with.
Lemme tell you, he was not prepared for you to be all up in the harasser's merchandise. If this was a trial duel to defend one's honor—you were not the champion duelist that made the opponent surrender. You were the opponent about to end the champion duelist's entire career.
This harasser was good at trash talking and gossiping—they were quite a hard opponent to overcome and beat, and here's you running your mouth about them and quite literally ending their career in a matter of minutes.
As much as Lyney would find this amusing after 5 minutes of overcoming the shock, some of the things you were saying were....a little too horrifying he'll be honest. So, rather to save himself than the insulter, he smoothly interrupts your "conversation."
"Ah, Your Grace! Welcome Back to Fontaine! May I Have the Pleasure to show you our latest magic tricks? Lynette and I have been practicing for our upcoming show!"
With your *cough* favoritism *cough* good mood shining through the previous rage that befelled your face, you of course accept to see more magic tricks appear out of the Great Magician twins!
And that was how Lyney hopes to never get you in a bad mood ever in your stay in Fontaine. He doesn't want to see you smiting anyone for anyone.
She's like Lyney, but more muted. She's honored that you would protect she and Lyney from this insulter, but if she was to give her opinion, it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. After all, with being well-known, there was bound to be both ups and downs eventually.
She'll admit, she was...pretty afraid after hearing many of the things you were spitting at the rapidly paling face of the insulter in front of you. After all, smiting people with the wrath of the power beyond all the gods was...terrifying and a true force to be reckoned with.
She's immediately helping Lyney to distract you from the situation while also giving well-hidden death glares at the insulter for making you mad. The last thing they needed was for you to deem Fontaine not a good nation.
"Tada~ I hope you liked that magic trick, Your Grace...If you would like, I can reserve a ticket for the best seat at our upcoming magic show for you to watch."
Lynette is both afraid and awe-struck of your abilities as the Creator. That doesn't mean she'll show it, of course.
In my personal opinion, I think Furina is both loved and hated by the people of Teyvat. While she is mostly loved by her nation, others (like Neuvillette) can't stand her or her enigmaticness.
You, as the Creator, understand both love and hate, but of course choose to love Furina regardless of her...dramatic and soap opera-levelled ideas. While you can respect other people's opinions...cursing and badly insulting them was just crossing the line for you. And you were not going to let it pass without planting your foot down first.
And, of course, Furina soaks up everything you said like a sponge to water. You, the Creator, beyond Celestia itself, were willing to defend her? If this were a live soap opera in the Opera Epiclese, Furina would say she was a 100% fan of you!
Alas, as much as she loves for you to go on, she is an idol within Fontaine. The last thing she needs is for her own people to think Fontaine might get smitten because of one insulter. After all, gossip changes the raw truth to make itself more interesting.
"Ah, Your Grace! I just so happens to realize that there will be a trial held in the Opera Epiclese. For, if you have the time to spare, wish to find new inspiration for your next creations, please—allow I, Lady Furina, to escort you there! Hehe, I can certainly garuantee that you will get the V.I.P. view up there with me!~"
And, since you have a soft spot for Furina, you happily accept. After all, you can get to know the Hydro Archon better than before, even if you don't like court sessions! It's a win-win for you. And at least that insulter will now think before striking again.
Next thing you know, gossip around Fontaine says that those who are granted visions are personally favored forevermore by the Creator, and that you should never cross with one else you face the wrath above the gods.
Boy oh boy...If you are an old Tartaglia/Childe Fan, this is for you. You were absolutely ecstatic that Childe was in Fontaine! I mean—he even came in the game's archon quest in a badass-ish way!
And OF COURSE you had to teach the guy annoying your boy a lesson. Like, hello??? You blind??? This is your boy here! What is this old man thinking?
So of course, you did. And you gave that man quite the scare. The Traveler and Paimon look at you taking this situation as both a physical and verbal showdown very calmly, since this wasn't exactly the first time you blew up at people.
Childe, however? Boy, he's taking notes. Your threats and insults were very interesting and unique—as expected of the Creator. And the fact you just summon a bamboo stick outta thin air and proceeded to give the man some back problems? The harbinger's wondering if he can borrow that idea as inspiration...
Nevertheless, he doesn't want to deal with court just yet, so he'll (unfortunately) step in and save this person's backside. Besides, he still owes mora to Northland Bank.
"Ahaha, Your Grace! Your prowress seems to only become stronger and even more gracious since we last met—as expected!" He grins at you. "How 'bout you leave him to me, though? He still owes the bank some mora."
And so you watched Childe beat up the man and yk the rest is history. Safe to say you were somewhat satisfied. One thing's for sure though—Childe 100% dedicated this battle to you. You did give him some inspiration to fight, after all!
AND WE ARE DONE! I hope you all enjoyed it :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Gosh, this took longer than i expected...I'm sorry everybody! IRL stuff has been hitting me like Truck-kun and there wasn't that much of a good time to properly sit down and write. I swear I'm not dying just yet!
Also, to whoever who shall be merciful to my very ghostful soul—please send in some Freminet requests—I must write for my boy. 🐧
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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itadorey · 10 months
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pairing: childe/tartaglia x gn!reader summary: a case of mistaken identity leads to childe challenging you to a duel. (and it's totally not because he thinks you're hot). genre: strangers to crushes, pre-relationship, fluff, meet-cute(?), humor, tension (hopefully), love at first sight (on childe's behalf) notes: probably ooc but i have a thing for flirty childe, childe is an idiot, idk i think he'd be attracted to someone who could beat his ass, he's a masochist, very slight fontaine/v4.0 spoilers, reader is a champion duelist but everything is made up since we don't know much about them, fighting/sparring/canon typical violence, a bit of blood wc: ~2.4k
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Soft pants leave your lips as you stand up straight, your hands slightly shaking from the adrenaline still coursing through your veins.
There's a sharp look in your eyes as you observe your opponent, your hand firmly wrapped around your sword's handle. The blade's tip rests underneath your opponent's chin, an irritated look on their face as you stare back fiercely. After a few moments, they sigh and lean back on their elbows, separating themselves from your blade and admitting defeat.
There's a beat of silence before slow, loud clapping fills the arena, and both you and your opponent turn to face the source of the noise. Your sword comes up instinctively, your eyes narrowed as you hold it up the newcomer.
His choice of clothing lets you know he's not a local, and you find yourself wondering how he got into the arena in the first place as he moves closer. You take the opportunity to study him, taking in his tall stature, handsome face, and messy, ginger hair.
"State your name and business," you say, your stance rigid yet casual, ready to jump into action at a moment's notice. You don't flinch as he approaches, merely raising an eyebrow when he comes to a stop right in front of you, his chest mere centimeters from your sword.
"That was quite the battle the two of you just had," he comments, ignoring your words as he shoots a quick glance at your opponent. You're met with deep blue eyes as he shifts his gaze to you, and you take note of the way he seems almost impressed when you don't look away. "You have a talent for fighting."
"Name and business," you repeat, face void of emotion as you stare him down. He huffs out a laugh, raising a hand to brush his hair out of his eyes.
"I'm Tartaglia," he says casually, his chest brushing the sharp blade of your sword with every breath he takes. He holds out his hand for you to shake, and you spare a quick glance at it before looking back up at his face. "You can call me Childe, but what should I call you?"
"That's your name, now what's your business?" you ask sharply, ignoring his question as you watch his eyes trail over your form. You click your tongue once in irritation, drawing his attention back to your face. He gives you a brazen smile, and you roll your eyes as you wait for him to answer.
"I'm here to spar with the Champion Duelist Clorinde," he proclaims, moving his hand to poke at your weapon. You lower it before he can touch it, remembering that Clorinde had in fact mentioned something about a challenger. You choose to ignore the small pout he sends you at the action, looking away from him and dismissing your previous opponent with a nod. You turn your back to Childe, as you follow after them, sheathing your sword as you do so.
"Should you really turn your back on your opponent?" you hear him ask, his tone playful as he follows after you.
"No, you shouldn't," you respond, coming to a stop near the edge of the arena. You bend down to pick up a canteen of water, quickly opening it before taking a sip. You can feel Childe's gaze on you, heavy as he watches every move you make, and you can't ignore the slight nervousness you feel. The silence lingers as you finish drinking and close your canteen, catching a glimpse of Childe's amused expression in the process. "But you're not my opponent."
Childe's face drops slightly at your words, and for the first time since he walked into the arena, his confident attitude is nowhere to be found.
"You mean," he begins, a puzzled look on his face as he tilts his head to the side. "You're not Clorinde?"
A surprised laugh escapes your lips at his question, and Childe freezes when he sees a smile spread across your face.
"No, I'm not," you finally say, shaking your head as you lean against the wall, one hand resting on the hilt of your sword.
"But your fighting style, it's basically perfect," Childe argues, his eyes drifting towards your weapon. "You're impressive, and I heard that Clorinde is the best of the best."
"She is," you confirm with a nod. "She's even better than I am. Unfortunately, she is also currently in a meeting, so she's probably running a few minutes late. You can wait for her here if you'd like."
"Wait, you're leaving?" Childe asks, a smirk appearing on his face when he sees the mild surprise on yours. "But we were getting along so well."
A hum is the only response he gets from you as you turn your back to him once more, lifting your hand in a lazy wave as you head towards the exit. He watches as you get further and further away, and he takes a few steps forward before speaking once more.
"How about we spar while I wait?"
His words cause you to falter, and you eventually come to a stop before throwing a glance back at him. He shifts awkwardly as you look him up and down, watching as you raise an eyebrow when you notice his lack of weapon.
"And what exactly do you plan on sparring with?" you ask, turning around to face him. The smile on Childe's face is visible even with the distance between the two of you, and he gestures towards the backup swords displayed along the back wall of the arena.
"One of those should be fine," he comments, giving you a sly look before stalking over to them. He studies the swords for a brief moment before picking up one of the steel estocs, earning a pensive look from you.
"Are you sure?" you ask, receiving a nod in return from the ginger. You place your canteen back on the floor.
"How cute of you to care about my well-being," Childe says, earning a scowl from you. "But it's not needed. I'll be fine with this."
You hesitate slightly before unsheathing your own sword, nodding stiffly and approaching the center of the arena once more. Your rigid posture is a stark contrast to Childe's casual stance, soft hums leaving his lips as he swings the estoc back and forth in an attempt to get used to its weight.
"Ready? If I win, I get to know your name," Childe says, earning another nod from you. His lips spread into a wide smile, and you're momentarily caught off guard by the fierceness shining in his eyes. "Give it your all, I won't be going easy on you."
There isn't any time to think before Childe springs into action, thrusting his sword forward in an attempt to catch you off guard. You block it without hesitation, swinging your arm up and then quickly slashing down in an attempt to strike him. He does a quick spin, gracefully dodging your attack before attempting to slash at your hand.
You breathe in sharply as you let your sword go, dropping your hand as you catch the hilt with the other. You immediately go on the offense, darting in close and swiping at his legs with the flat of your blade. A shocked noise leaves Childe's lips as he goes tumbling backwards, rolling out of the way when you go to pounce on top of him.
"So you're good with both hands?" he asks, barking out a laugh when you scowl at the innuendo.
"I am," you say anyways, bringing your sword up to block another strike. He leans in close, your swords crossed as he observes your face.
"You know, the heat of battle really suits you," he says, voice low as he leans in closer. You roll your eyes before shoving him back, chuckles leaving his lips as you do so. "See? Breathtaking."
"Shut up! Do you flirt with every opponent you come across?" you ask, taking the chance to kick at his chest. The action earns a laugh from him as he stumbles back a few steps, his sword coming up as you creep closer in a weak attempt to keep you at bay.
"Only the pretty ones who like to fight dirty," he teases, laughing once more as you lunge at him. You scoff loudly, shaking your head as you sidestep another attack.
"All of our duels are no holds barred," you explain, eyes narrowing as he backs away from you. His movements are confident, and you find yourself wondering what his next attack will be. "It will do you good to remember that. Especially when you fight Clorinde."
"Noted," he mutters, dropping low in an imitation of your earlier move. You jump over his blade, smirking to yourself as you land lightly. Your smirk drops however, when he immediately straightens up, swiping his right leg under both of yours and using his free arm to pull you down to the ground.
Your back hits the ground with a thud, and you huff softly as you feel the air leave your lungs. Childe is half-kneeling next to you, the tip of his sword digging into the dirt as he uses it for support. He looms over you, a satisfied smirk on his face as he leans in closer.
Blue eyes bore into you as Childe studies your face up close, and you find yourself struggling to keep your expression neutral at the intensity of his gaze. Your can't help the way your eyes trace the curve of his mouth, and you hurriedly look away when you see the glint of amusement in his eyes.
"You're strong," Childe says quietly, removing his arm and tilting your chin up. You manage to meet his gaze evenly, watching the surprise flit across his face when you smirk. The action has left him slightly unguarded, and you take the opportunity to act against him.
"You're right," you whisper back. "I am."
Childe reels back as you throw yourself at him, your hand shoving at his own at you push him down. His sword gets knocked out his hand in the scuffle, and you make sure to kick it far away from him before pinning him down. You're quick as you kneel atop of him, knees on either side of his torso as you press your free arm against his neck. You lean forward as you place your sword underneath his chin, digging into his skin in case he tries to get up.
There's a moment of silence as the two of you stare at each other, and you faintly register the movement of his arms as he brings his hands up to rest on the sides of your thighs.
"Interesting predicament I find myself in," he comments, but his expression lets you know that he's not entirely bothered by the situation.
"I win," you hiss, a victorious grin on your face. "I'll admit you were a worthy opponent."
"I dunno," he says back, a lopsided grin on his face as his thumbs brush against your thighs. He doesn't react to the way your blade digs into his flesh, and you pull your sword away slightly when you see tiny red droplets well up underneath the steel. "From my point of view, I feel like I'm definitely the one who won."
He catches you by surprise when he suddenly sits up, one hand now resting behind him to support his weight as the other remains on your leg. The ease he moves with has you wondering if he let you win, and the way he jostles you around in an attempt to get comfortable basically confirms your thought. By the time he settles down, you're left straddling his lap, your sword now hanging limply from your hand as the other rests against his chest in an attempt to steady yourself. There's a lazy grin on his face as his nose brushes against yours, and you lean back slightly to try and put more distance between the two of you.
"You're insufferable," you comment, looking away from him.
"Oh, I know," Childe murmurs, a sly smile on his face as he leans in slightly once more. You do your best to ignore him. "Can I get your name anyways?"
"Am I interrupting something?"
Clorinde's voice has you scrambling to your feet, and you find yourself sheathing your sword in an attempt to avoid her gaze.
"Clorinde," you greet, waving a hand towards the ginger. "This is Childe. He said you'd be sparring?"
She raises an eyebrow when you meet her gaze, eventually choosing to ignore the scene she walked into in favor of turning to face Childe.
"Apologies for my tardiness," she says, bowing her head slightly as she hold a hand out for Childe. He pulls himself to his feet before shaking her hand. "Lady Furina required my assistance with something."
"No apologies necessary," Childe insists, waving off her apologies with a laugh. "I had great company while I waited."
A curious glance from Clorinde is all it takes for your cheeks to heat up, and you simply wave before taking a few steps backwards.
"Well now that you're here, I'm going to go," you mutter, swiping your canteen from the spot you had left it.
"You're not going to stay and watch?" Childe asks, pouting when you shake your head. He watches as you head towards the entrance, sending a wave towards Clorinde before giving him a hesitant nod. "What about a good luck kiss?"
His words go ignored as you hurry out of the arena, and he only sighs and turns his attention back to Clorinde when he hears her unsheathe her sword.
"I trust you know the rules?" she asks, watching as he walks over to the abandoned estoc. She's met with a nod, and she hums lightly when she notices the way he keeps glancing at the exit.
"No holds barred, right?"
"Mhm," she confirms, taking a battle stance. Her face remains stoic as Childe gives her a wolfish smile, different from the ones he had given you. He blocks her first strike easily, and she gives an impressed nod at his quick reaction before immediately launching into a follow up attack. Childe finds himself completely focused on the fight, all signs of teasing and playfulness gone as he does his best to end the fight as quickly as possible.
After all, the faster he wins, the faster he can find you once again. (And perhaps even get to learn your name).
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rbs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!!
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I am not inactive, I'm just finishing events 😅 Have some cat pics <3
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
The Final Round
So this is what it all comes down to. Despite his Duel with Kaiba predicted in ancient stones, somehow Yugi knew this would be the final match.
Except, he isn't really Yugi, is he?
Of all the stakes on the line, that seems less important now. His memories, his past, his name seem insignificant. It's something else that drives him now as he steps onto the Dueling platform.
Mai Valentine's life on the line. The unstoppable Darkness Marik could unleash with all three God Cards. Joey's pride as a Duelist, and the fight they've promised each other.
Yugi's heart pounds as the platform ascends.
He adds the cards he's received from Kaiba to his deck, Obelisk the Tormentor and another, a gift given to him without explanation. Devil's Sanctuary? Without time to read over the card's descriptive text, he simply chooses to trust his fated rival with the addition.
"And now, the Battle City Finals!! Finalists Yugi Mutou and Marik Ishtar! Please approach your opponent to cut and shuffle each other's deck!"
The air swirls with tension, with hatred and resentment, with the scorching winds of battle as the two do as told. Marik towers over the shorter man, but Yugi's eyes burn with determination, a firey passion fueled by the support of his friends, of everyone counting on him.
I see that Kaiba gave you a little help. Doesn't that make 41? Oh well, no advantage will protect you from the might of Ra,
Marik sneers.
Yugi's brows crease as he hands his deck to the enemy. "I will defeat you, Marik. I'll take all of the pain and suffering you've caused and send it back to you tenfold," he spits.
Hahaha!! Unfortunately for you, Pharaoh, I enjoy pain!
Marik's laugh is wicked, deranged, his tongue hanging ludely from his mouth as he shuffles Yugi's cards.
Decks returned to proper ownership, the two finalists walk back to their ends of the platform.
Did you shuffle thoroughly? Hoping Ra would sink to the bottom?
"Heh. Don't ask me, ask your deck." Yugi turns on his heel, gripping the collar of his jacket draped over his shoulders to cast it off into the wind with dramatic flair. "It already knows you're going to lose!!"
Once again, the announcer's voice rings out. "Going first is Marik Ishtar. Duel, start!!"
The moment the game begins, black clouds swirl overhead, darkening the sky until noon turns to night. The air grows heavy, choking not only the Duelists, but the friends cheering from below. Another Shadow Game. Of course. Why would this final, dire match be different than any other of Marik's unsavory fights?
Look around you Pharaoh, the hungry shadows are calling. They're saying this will be the greatest Shadow Game of all! Darkness will reign, and the gates of hell will open... I'll snuff out every pathetic life on this planet!!
Yugi grits his teeth.
Starting with... This one!
The shadows come together, swirling inky blackness that parts to reveal another figure, a human form suspended in mod-air, visible only to the Duelists on stage and none of the spectators below.
Yugi's eyes go wide in horror.
Yugi, little Yugi, his Partner, his other soul. Bound and suspended by rings of inky darkness, held aloft and spread eagle as his big, violet eyes flutter open.
"wh. what's going on?!" he gasps, struggling to comprehend the situation he's been forced into. his panicked gaze meets a similar pair of eyes from below. "other me?!"
Marik doesn't give the pair another second, using their mutual, horrified confusion, as a chance to summon his first monster.
Vampiric Leech!! Direct attack!!
Though the monster has only 500 attack points, the pain as it bites into the Pharaoh is excruciatingly real. But the scream that cuts the air doesn't come from him.
The Other Yugi looks again at his helpless Partner, only to see Yugi's face twisted in agony and horror as a section of his leg seems to melt away, skin sizzling and burning as it does.
Marik laughs at his cries.
Not only does your sacrifice feel the pain my attacks inflict on you.... His body will be devoured based on the life points you lose!
Again, the Pharaoh calls out to his Partner.
As for me, my Sacrifice is this guy.
Marik hooks a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of another suspended body. His own other half floats helplessly, bound in a similar fashion as Yugi.
The moment the Player's life points hit zero and the Sacrifice's body consumed, they'll both suffer the ultimate pain. You'll both feel every fiber of your existence shredded, ripped apart as you die, separated and alone!!
Marik's eyes narrow, an almost perverse expression on his face as he licks his lips.
Pleasure and pain, life and death... Even if you win, can you live with yourself, Pharaoh?
The Other Yugi's stomach twists. He's made so many promises this tournament, including one to his precious Partner. No more killing. For a second, his focus shifts below, to Marik's sister Ishizu.
"other me!!!"
Yugi's voice draws his attention once more.
"don't let him get to your head!!! please!!"
"But Partner, you--"
"just fight him!!!"
The Other Yugi's eyes narrow, directing his anger and his focus to the game at hand again.
"Hang in there, Partner. I will get you out of this alive."
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capucapo · 1 year
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I love Duel Links Mokuba I love him so much THIS is the inspiration. I'm so so so glad this dumb game let him keep his bratty little gremlin side and his constant dragging Yugi and the fangs that the anime never let him have
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argreion · 5 months
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A Dance with the Devil
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WARNINGS: P in V, Leon being a little animalistic, small blood kink, FANGS- LEON HAS FANGS! A little fingering and humping. Leon regrets what he did. Dub-con and non-con(?) Semi-OOC Leon. Subtle breeding kink. Suicide mention. CHOPPY WRITING AND SHIT DIALOGUE TOO!
Val here - This is still KIND OF smutty, but I like fucking around with emotions. I like to just kind of get into the mindset, y'know? I hope you guys can still enjoy this! I might do headcanons abt my version of Las Plagas Leon. :)
Not proofread cause TIREDDD. Yay :3
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Imagine this...
Being forced to find Leon Scott Kennedy, the man who 'saved' Ashley. While sacrificing himself to the Plagas, as he would survive the island being blown to bits. Somehow can understand everything around him, unlike the people in the village. However, he's changed... for the worse.
Having his fangs bite into your shoulder, rutting into you. Blood down your back. Your top discarded—no, RIPPED into scraps on the floor. As was the broken Springfield XD on the floor. The box of ammo was torn apart, bullets scattered. Whimpers coming from your mouth as he would dry hump you. This isn't what you signed up for, trying to see where Agent Kennedy went. Was this even Agent Kennedy?
“I can read your mind, y'know?” He would purr, letting himself lap up the blood on your back. “Pretty, unsavory, all the reason to love it.”
This was an invasion of privacy, as you felt him delve deeper into your mind. Picking every single little memory, wet dream, embarrassing moment, anything he could use. As if you were laid out on an operating table, your skull cut open. Tools shoved in and out of it, taking every bit of your life away. That's what it felt like, being forced to stay still. Even as he just rubbed against you.
“Don't be afraid of me, doll. See, am I hurting you?” Uh, ya just did hurt me... You bit my shoulder! What the fuck!? You were bleeding, and he seriously just had to say that?
A shriek came from your lips as he pulled your head back. One hand on your throat, squeezing as his fangs trailed up to your jugular. Teasing a painful death, that would end in blood squirting from your throat.
Even worse, was when you felt him pry into your psyche more. This time, making your body freeze up. Forcing a freeze response on you, fear trickling slowly into your veins. Adrenaline accompanies that feeling as it creeps up your spine. Your mind screamed to move, as his hands struggled with your belt.
“No grites, amada, no duele. Sigo siendo yo, siempre he sido yo.”
What the fuck did he just say? Beloved? Love? Icky, disgusting, vile. Wanted to kill yourself, just had to grab that knife...
You attempted once more to break free of this little revolting mind game. Only to be met with a throbbing, stabbing pain. Images flashed in your mind as it felt like your sanity dripped so slowly from your body. Like that needle in Sleeping Beauty, instead, it would bring you an inconceivable amount of agony.
Tears came from your eyes as you could feel his claws meet your pants. Feeling them threaten to slice them apart, and oh so they did. Claws that you would say possibly an inch, now grew to be six inches. Ripping them, alongside your panties, off.
“Empapada. Perfect, you are my little breeder, la esposa perfecta.”
Chuckling as he would trace your folds, letting it seep in. Letting that dread seep into your bloodstream more and more. Stifling the moan as he would rub your clit. Cold claws against a hot pussy wasn't a good mix. Especially when the claws you speak of could rip you in half.
Rubbing you off, letting his claws go lower. Up and down, a coin trying to find its slot. Hit that jackpot with the insertion of his fingers. Making you cry, as it was relatively easy to find that spot. He'd have to thank Saddler if he were alive.
“Does that feel good? So tight, Haré que encaje.”
Please, stop mixing Spanish with English. You only knew a little, the numbers, hi, bye, all the simple-ass jazz. It was annoying as you couldn't understand him, but that was the point. He didn't want you to truly understand what was happening. Yet, you did, you were here to save him. Ashley already told her dad what happened, the dad to the lower, and the lower to the units. Commanded to find the agent, dead or alive. Yet, never said he'd be infected. She left that out... A genuine fuck you, Ashley, for that. You wouldn't have claws in your pussy if you knew about that. Would've taken the next plane back to the U.S.
Leon decided it was enough preparation, throwing you on the cold, rough ground. Stone scraping against your back and arms. Skinned, and still bleeding. At least he was kind enough to stop fucking with your body. Letting you use the adrenaline from earlier to push yourself up. Screaming as you were forced to take a knee. Footsteps coming after you, alongside the sound of a belt unbuckling.
“Don't run, little lamb. It'll be fine... There's no reason to be scared of me. It's paradise here, with me.”
With you? As if. The body that pressed against yours wasn't a paradise. It was hell, chaining you to the ground as he would grip your wrists together. A small rut of his hips as his head met with your folds. Lubricating himself for what's to come.
“Do you feel it?” He asked, letting his mouth caress your ear again. Claws holding your hips as he would gently, yet forcefully enter you.
“T-the dick?” You wheezed out, being met with a chuckle wasn't a good sign.
“No, of course not, little lamb. I mean, the squirming inside your veins already.”
What did he say?
“What?” You froze, turning your head towards him. Was that bite from him infecting you? Was that how he could force your body to freeze up?
“Do you feel my love? Do you see what I show you?”
Planned like always, images started to flash. Like a mind link that was forcefully shared. Images of Krauser, Saddler, Rámon, and many more could flash. Through their eyes, under the watchful eye of Saddler. An educated guess was that it somehow passed from Saddler to Leon. Now, throwing away most of the man's humanity for reproducing. At least he wasn't eating your organs, you've seen... Things.
D̵͙̲͔̻͚̋͐̊̀̚ȍ̷̢͇̀͋͗͛ ̷͈̈́̚y̵͎͖̤̅͠o̸̲̟͈̰͆̽̆̚u̴͈͂ ̶̢̱̺̹̠̄̀̀͘ś̸̙͑͂͛̊e̶̛̙͖̦̘̐̑̇̿ḝ̸͉̈̚͝ ̷̗̟̩̙͔̈͝ţ̶͇̦͍͐͂̑̓͘ḩ̵̛͇̍̊̾e̶͓̜̓͌͆ ̴͍̎̾i̷̩̟͌m̷̧̹̞͍̺̎͝ạ̷̭̣̭͒͌͋ģ̶̼͎̩̪̀́̄͗ę̷͍͘s̸͉̺͍̙̩̎?̸̼̜̈́̿͑͗͋ ̴̜̒̌Ď̵̢̰̣̜̠o̵̠̐̎͒ ̵̫̖̲̬͌͐̚y̵͔͔͙̠̩̋̓̀̈́́ő̵̖̊̓ụ̴̡̡̘̔͌ ̷̥̄͂̍̈́ś̵̥̣̼̃̍̄̂e̸̮̗̣̰̩̋́̓͋e̷̳̓͋ ̴̡̘̭́̈́͋ͅt̵̢͍̉ḥ̸̨̥̗̰̉̑̓ė̴͇͘ ̶̞̤̈͋͗͝p̷̧̫͚̯̾̊a̸͓͋̃̽̐i̸̞̟̬̐n̸̲͚̞͐̓͝ ̶̭̙̤̳͖̈̅̉͛͝t̶̤̦͋̾ḧ̵͚̺̪̔̐e̸̺̲̒ͅŷ̵̖͇͈̖̈̌͝ ̴̬̙̞̉͐̓̑͘h̷͈̻̲̰̭̃ạ̷̧̠́̊d̷̬̔̏͝͠ ̴͇̟̦̅̎͘b̵͇̦̗͕̀̓̈́͌̚͜e̴̢̬͌͘͠f̸̡̧̠̉͂̓̽͜ǒ̴̟r̷̨̢͕̥͐̒̎e̸͕̠͉̖͆̒ ̸̡̯̙͎̒̈́͂̕t̶̫̞̗̼͊̆̾h̷̪̥̹̥̿e̴̤͈̐y̸̘͔̙͖̮͊ ̴͖̟̦̘̫̈́t̷̢͎̼̘̳̃u̷̩̎̎̎͠r̴̘̗̬̣̊͊͒n̴̺͆̄͗̚e̸̺̱̳̩̽̉ḓ̷̗͊̾͊͘?̴̙͛̈́̓̋ ̵̟͈͎̅͜I̸̝͛͛̾s̴̱̩̟̼̲̆̓n̵͈͇̼̳̰̆̑̎͘͠'̵̧̢̻̽̉t̵̡͕͑́̇̌͠ ̴̨̻̺͎͓̏̿į̴̛̻̪͓̐͆t̸̡̩̙̏́ ̵̪͐͋͐́l̴͎̖̥̺͛ǫ̷̯̲̹̚v̷̮̠̲̜͗e̴̢̩̭̺͋̾͐̎l̴̝̮͕̞͚̑́ŷ̸͖̗̮̗͗͜?̵̨͕̹̂
You could only scream, struggling against him, as he continued to show you image after image. His words burn into your mind, lighting the fire in your mind. Cinders turning into dead bodies, bodies to 'paradise'.
All while this happened, veins started to creep up your body. A soothing feeling as your mind began to calm down. The images would no longer burn, as his thrusts wouldn't burn either.
Thrust after thrust, the squelching of your pussy. Plagas ruining through your veins, submitting to its whim. All while that monster stared at you. Fangs bared as he'd use your very body to create something he wanted.
The actual question was, did he even know what he was doing?
Deep in his subconscious, you could feel it. Connected by that parasite he stuck inside you. Seeing a shivering little boy, turning to that eager rookie for his first day. Growing into a stoic man after seeing the horrors of the world. His stage was lonely, as was his life. Watching as his hands no longer became his own, veins covering his body.
Watching as he would turn to you, eyes scared. Afraid. Afraid of what was happening. An agent, trained to be someone who protected you against horrors. Scared to fight it, terrified as he became it. Startled as he raped you into the ground.
Moaning outside your mind, praising a good lamb for being so willing. Leon hunched over your body, hugging you to himself. Tears came down his face as he squeezed his eyes shut. Screaming at himself for this, why was his body doing this? A sick pervert. Would God even accept him into the heavens? How would he atone? Sure, he didn't pray often, but he hoped someone was watching him. Mom, Dad, even an old friend, someone.
“Accept this, please,” Leon begged, thrusts becoming more forceful. Moans fell from your lips as you accepted this. Both of you were fucked over. The two of you to be lambs of slaughter. Fucking the pain away, and using the Plagas as a drug. A drug that helped you forget the pain of life.
You could only scream again and again. Fingers digging into his forearms, with one hand to support both your weights. Sweat dripped down your face as you worked yourself.
Leon's courteousness was nice, at least the generosity he could sneak through. Feeling him somewhat lift himself off your body so you wouldn't become a human pancake from a muscular man.
“Que Dios nos salve.” He let out a final breath, halting as he would press you back down into the stone. You couldn't speak well, overwhelmed by what had happened in a mere thirty minutes of being here. Well, technically hours, but thirty minutes with him.
The bubbling in your uterus didn't help, as you felt something be inserted. Followed by a soft burn with a bulge. Fucked, implanted, impregnated. Couldn't even register the burn. Thinking it could've been your vagina screaming at Leon to pull out.
Hearing Leon let out a grunt, and his boots thudding against the floor, caught your attention. Turning your head to see him struggle to come to terms with what he had done. Veins faded from his arms, and his eyes lost that sinister look in them.
“Are you ok?” You asked, still laid out on the floor. Honestly, with the way things are right now... The stone seemed better than standing.
“Yeah, I'm good.” Was his reply, the thudding of his boots growing louder. Till they came up behind your head, halting. A hand reached out to you.
“¿Necesitas ayuda?” Leon paused, coughing as he corrected himself. “I mean... Do you need help? It comes randomly at points. Part of preserving memories.”
“Preserving memories makes you speak Spanish? Are you sure it's not just you spewing out random Spanish words?” I mean, you've never heard of something making someone change their language. Unique. Also, freaky since it possibly rewired his whole brain.
“Not my choice.” He chuckled, before noticing the bite mark on your shoulder. Mentally wincing at the fact he bit someone. Reminded him of RC heavily. “Sorry about the bite, too. Not my choice either.”
Leon gently sat you up, a hand on your back. “I'm surprised they sent an agent after me. Do they know I'm...?”
“They do.” You answered, already knowing the question he would ask. No doubt, he probably was curious why the government was here, Probably for the remnants Las Plagas.
“Not surprising.” He mumbled to himself, letting his fingers comb through his hair. Worrisome. It had only been months, and they were coming after him. Was it good? Yes. Was it bad? Yes. They'd test on him, use his blood, just like they did with Sherry. Probably did something like that with Manuela, too.
As you let him be by himself, you reached for the knife on your waist. Only to be stopped by yourself. Your mind began to ache again, and Leon took notice.
“I'd recommend not trying to use anything that can be a weapon, at least for a week.”
“Why?” You asked, before noticing he didn't even have any weapons. “Did you try...?”
“Of course I did, who wouldn't try to kill themselves? It's a given at this point.” He stated, bluntly. At least he tried to be reasonable. Seeing the look of utter defeat in his eyes hurt a little. Watching as he would try to think of something for you. Pushed you into a corner and hurt a poor lady. Mom would kill him for that if she was alive, too. Manners, Leon, manners.
“Do you want my jacket?”
A small wave of sheepskin entered your peripheral. Leon was turned away in an act of respect for your 'indignity'. Perhaps blushing a little, poor guy didn't jerk off often. His compression shirt was dirty, covered in dried blood, mud, and probably a bit of shit. Forced to deal with his mess, even for a clean freak.
Gently taking it from him, feeling the texture in your hands. Nice. Expensive. He must've liked fancy coats, 'cause this was one. Sliding it over your body was... Warm. It was warm. Comforting, reminded you of home. Made you look up at Leon, watching as he walked back and forth.
"T-thank you?" You chuckled, pulling the jacket closer to your body. Huddled in it like a newborn baby. Your 'mother' clearly stressed out.
"Wait, why'd you infect me?"
You could hear the small sound of his boots rubbing against the stone. Like nails on a chalkboard.
"Do you think I want to do this?" He enquired, staring down at you.
"Clearly not, but... It's a question. Am I going to be like you?"
A question he couldn't actually answer. Judging by the way he stood there, just staring.
"Let's not worry about that, for now."
Really? Ok, look, you're fuckin' stranded. He's been infected for months. He literally just raped you, apologized, and now it's awkward. What the hell are you supposed to do? You can't literally grab a knife, your mind doesn't even want you to grab a knife. It physically freezes you from it.
Secondly, you can't even try to get help. What do you tell someone like Hunnigan? Your F.O.S. agent? Someone in AMERICA? Oh, I'm infected and found Leon S. Kennedy infected too! They'll kill you!
It made you wonder why you were forced here. Was it supposed to be a scheme from the government? They knew Leon was alive, or supposedly, from Ashley. Now you're here with him.
"Did I get fucked over?" Asides from the dread from earlier, another type of dread settled in. Did they just fly you out here because you should've been killed? The government was always corrupt, but you didn't do anything at all. Not you can recall anything unusual...
"Yeah, you did." Leon answered, a small look of regret in his eyes.
"I'm sorry you're stuck here with me forever, now."
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Honestly got really fucking tired writing. So sorry for the ending too, btw. nbfiecdswhcnj
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ethical-cain-vinnel · 8 months
hear me out, you and anakin have been enemies for years like just constant head butting and competition, and one day y’all both are training and your both trying to show off competitively, and afterwards, just to piss him if you say your master is kind of attractive or something and what happens next happens 🤭 sorry i’m famished for enemies to lovers anakin stuff
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x reader
Teaser Trailer: Your Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi usually has you and Anakin separated when training. He’s worried that the animosity between you two could eventually lead to one of you getting hurt because you two don’t know when to stop. But today, on the rest day for training, he’s woken you two up and has decided that you two would hash out your differences and train together for the first (and probably last) time.
Tags/Warnings: Bickering, porn with plot, very little use of Y/N, no gendered terms (girl, she/her, etc) but AFAB anatomy (im sorry idk how to write AMAB anatomy), hatefucking, lowkey dubcon at the start but quickly turns consensual, mentions of Padme (they’re broken up in this), bath sex, rough sex, little to no prep (make sure to prep irl or that shit HURTS, coming from your local whore), unprotected p in v (don’t be silly, wrap ya willy), choking, fluff at the end
Notes: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I LOWKEY HAD NO IDEA HOW TO START IT LMFAO but im really glad you sent this in cause I had a lot of fun writing this!! I did change it a little bit but it still has that enemies to lovers plot that you said you were jonesing for so I hope you like it! Also im so sorry if anakin is ooc i really tried to make him true to his character.
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In the heart of the Jedi Temple, a place of serenity and wisdom, were two dickheads who couldn’t stop bickering and driving their master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, absolutely insane. Every word moved him more and more to the dark side (kidding, not kidding). “You’ll never be a true Jedi, Skywalker,” You taunted, your eyes flashing with defiance. “You let your emotions control you too easily.” “And you’re too focused on rules and regulations,” he shot back, his tone dripping with disdain. “The Jedi Code has made you blind to the real world.” You were about to respond when your master spoke. “Enough. Both of you.” He turns around and gives you both a sharp glare. This shuts you both right up. “Sorry, Master,” You both mumble like scolded children. Obi-Wan sighs and continues taking you to the training ground.
When you arrive at the grounds, you and Anakin shoot each other confused looks before Obi-Wan begins to speak. “In the past, I have not let you two train together. This is because I am afraid one, if not both of you, will have bad physical injuries by the end. But,” Flashes of annoyance and exhaustion from months of your constant bickering show in his eyes. “You two have officially worn me down. Today, you will train together. I will not be supervising because I feel you two should work this out by any means necessary. As long as you both come out of the training alive, I don’t care what happens here.” You begin to feel a bit guilty. You and Anakin have indeed pushed your master to his limits. But that’s quickly replaced by excitement and needing to beat Anakin.
Obi-Wan laid out the rules of the training before quickly leaving the grounds. With Obi-Wan's departure, you and Anakin found yourselves standing on the training ground, lightsabers in hand, the tension thick enough to slice through. Anakin couldn't resist taking the first jab, both verbally and physically. "Well, Y/N, let's see if you can back up all that talk." You smirked, your eyes glinting with determination. "Oh, Anakin, I've been waiting for this moment. Let's see if you can finally prove that you're not all bark and no bite." The clash of lightsabers rang out as the duel commenced, the blades creating sparks of energy that mirrored the sparks flying between you. "You're still too aggressive, Anakin," you taunted, sidestepping his lunge. "The Force doesn't respond well to blind rage, you know," Anakin grunted, his frustration evident. "And you're too busy following the rule book to see the big picture. Sometimes, you have to do what's necessary." Your retort came swiftly, "Sometimes, what's necessary isn't letting your emotions run rampant. That's how we fall to the dark side." The battle raged, each strike and parry accompanied by another biting remark. It was as if the Force itself reveled in your ongoing rivalry, fueling the intensity of the duel.
"You know, Anakin, maybe if you focused on your training more than your obsession with winning, you'd improve," you quipped, dodging a particularly aggressive swipe from his lightsaber. Anakin's eyes blazed with anger, and he pushed harder, but you deftly countered his every move. "And maybe if you let loose a bit, you'd discover there's more to the Force than ancient texts and lectures." Your movements became fluid, almost graceful, as you expertly parried Anakin's attacks. "I'll take wisdom over recklessness any day, Anakin." As the duel continued, your words stung as much as your strikes, and it was clear that Anakin was growing frustrated, his resolve wavering. He overextended himself in a moment of vulnerability, leaving an opening you quickly seized. With a swift maneuver, you disarmed him, sending his lightsaber flying out of his grasp. You held your lightsaber at his throat, a triumphant smile on your lips. "Checkmate," you declared, breathing heavily but victorious.
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Later that night, you were getting ready for bed. The training with Anakin was rewarding but so fucking tiring. You had bruises and small cuts all over your body that stung as you entered the hot bath, the salts meant for relaxation causing your muscles to tense up and a small, involuntary whimper to leave your mouth. As you sunk deeper into the water, you relaxed more. Your cuts still stung, but it was all worth it to wipe that stupid smile off of your rival’s face. God, his stupid face. You had no idea what Padme sees in him. His stupid brooding blue eyes, his full lips that always turn into a scowl when he sees you. Fuck. Even you, his number one rival, can’t deny that he’s really hot. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you hear someone enter the bathroom. You immediately make sure your entire body is below the water, the bubbles covering you. You look to see who it is and it’s Anakin. “Anakin, what the FUCK?? GET OUT!” you begin to scream when he covers your mouth, glaring down at you as he leans over the tub. Your voice got caught in your throat as his glare sent shivers down your spine and warmth down to your pussy. When he can tell you’ve officially shut up, he slowly takes his hand off of your mouth and for a moment, you two just stare at each other, a mix of hatred and lust. “You're a real spoiled bitch, you know that?” he seethes and you scoff. “Oh, I’m spoiled cause I was able to put you in your place?” His hand shoots to grab your neck, choking you slightly and you let out a small whimper, not expecting it. He smirks and pulls you into a rough kiss, your mind going a million miles an hour. You pull away and he lets you, not wanting to force you into anything you don’t want to do. “What is wrong with you??” You say, obviously bothered. “You’re dating Padme and you’re trying to kiss me and fuck me?? What is wrong with you??” You fume. He smirks a bit, thinking your reaction is a bit funny. “Padme and I broke up a month ago.” Those words make your jaw drop and your eyes practically bug out of your skull.
But he knows that all of your inhibitions were limited only to him not being single, as you immediately pull him into another heated kiss, tongue and teeth clashing as you help him hastily strip off his robes and you pull him into the tub with you. You lay back against the porcelain and he gets on top of you, his hand coming up to choke you slightly again. He begins to kiss down your neck and to your collarbone, his free hand coming to pinch your soapy tits and you whine. Your hand found his cock in the water and lined him up with your entrance. He quickly pushed in and gave you no time to adjust to his (massive) size as he began pounding you roughly. “Stupid spoiled bitch. Always a pain in my ass yet I’m dicking you down.” He mumbles breathily as his cock hits your g spot over and over again, leaving you breathless. “Say thank you.” He demands but you’re already too fucked out to hear. It isn’t until he slaps you across the face that you can listen. “I fucking said thank me. Do it and maybe I’ll let you cum tonight” “Thank you!! Thank you Anakin!!” You moan loudly and his hand comes back to your throat, a smirk on his face “Yea thats what I fuckin’ thought. Good fuckin slut f’me. So fuckin good” He pants as he fucks your pussy with reckless abandon. He can feel your cunt clenching on him, signaling that you’re close to cumming and if he wasn’t also on the brink, he woulda stopped right then and there and ruined your orgasm. “Cum f’me. Cum f’me, baby” He moans and the chord in your belly snaps, covering his cock with your juices as you moan his name. He whimpers softly and you feel as he fills you up with his cum. You’re both left panting and after a few moments you two start to laugh softly, looking at the mess you made. Water and bubbles all over the floor, the water in the tub left white and milky and your bodies sweaty and bruised. He looks at you in a way he never has before and he leans down to kiss you sweetly. “C’mon. Stand up and I’ll help you shower” He says with a sweet smile. You have a feeling things are going to be different from now on between you.
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