#Nixie's Head Canon
wjbs-bonkle-au · 4 months
Human AU (and also general but mostly Human AU) ideas: "Sleep Deprived At A Family Gathering That I'm At For Another Hour So I'm Sitting In The Corner And Listening To Music" edition!
Mahritoran have their weapons fused to their limbs, even after the Pit Mutagen reversed most of Karzahni's modifications. Sarda and Idris' claws can still be used as hands.
Axonn and Brutaka are canonically exes.
Main!Pohatu is a bottom, while r63!Pohatu is a top.
G1!Kohatu is twunk4bear while G2!Kohatu is bear4twunk.
G1!Pohatu is Texan whereas G2!Pohatu is Australian.
Since the Hordika and Rahaga look closer to their unmutated counterparts, Bomonga's Rahaga form is much taller than the rest, being slightly shorter than Whenua's unmutated Metru form.
Bomonga used to wear a wide-brimmed hat, but lost it at some point prior to being chosen to become a Toa Hagah, and he never found it again until long after the GSR's wreckage was salvaged.
Rahkshi have like. Crustacean shell texture. Also Kraata look like a cross between their Bionicle Heroes and Miramax designs.
Pohatu and Matau are transmasc; Nokama and Tamaru are transfem; Nixie is non-binary. There are more non-cis characters but this is just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Bitil's mandibles click together as he speaks.
The Golden Skinned Being is completely featureless, and speaks in all its constituents' voices at once.
Irnakk looks like a fusion of all 6 Piraka, but more monstrous.
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nixie-writes · 11 months
What if HuskerDust was canon? Nixie's reaction in a needlessly long fic I wrote in 30 minutes
I wrote this in a record 30 minutes so it isn't my best work but I've been thinking about the possibility of HuskerDust being canon and I wanted to write a piece on how Nixie would react to it. Under the cut for length this is almost 4 pages long in Docs
Nixie belongs to me, Willow belongs to @willowaudreykeyes
Willow’s POV
I sifted through my old stash of honey comb, now dried and useless. I tossed it into the trash bin and picked up a stray stem to examine. The thorns on the stem indicated it was a rose but the bulb was stripped off. Alastor left little gifts like that. I placed his gift on my work table and exited the green house. I entered the hotel and walked into my clinic, opening a drawer. Inside was a variety of small bottles with different labels on them. Checking that I had an adequate amount of each medication I kept in my drawer I left my clinic, locking the door behind me. Lord knows Angel would try to pick the lock to get to the morphine again. 
It was as I was preparing to end the night that Charlie ran up to me, her eyes sparkling. She appeared to have good news. She was prancing, a wide grin on her face, clutching a shopping list. “Guess what guess what guess WHAT!” She squealed, taking my hands in hers. “Angel and Husk came out as a couple! I already have Vaggie and Niffty out to get decorations for a celebration party here. Call Nixie and tell her to get her soaking wet ass here so she can celebrate with us!”
It struck me like a rock to the head. Nixie was going to be destroyed learning that Husk was with Angel. She was practically in love with the feline demon, adoring everything he did. I almost wanted to agree, pretend to call her and lie saying she couldn’t make it for some stupid reason but I knew she’d be both heart broken and beyond pissed if I hid this from her. 
Charlie was by far the most oblivious of the hotel staff. Everyone, excluding her and Husk, knew that she was hopelessly in love with Husk. I already knew Charlie wouldn’t leave me alone until I agreed to call Nixie, so I did. But actually calling her felt sadistic. Would I tell her over the phone what the party was about? No, I’d let her be excited for a party for just a little while. 
With Charlie next to me I hesitantly dialed Nixie. It rang once, then twice. I was hoping she wouldn’t answer but much to my disappointment she did. Charlie leaned over my shoulder to speak into the phone, telling Nixie there was going to be a [arty. She didn’t tell Nixie what the party was for and she didn’t ask, which was a relief. After I hung up I turned to Charlie. 
“You should know by now that Nixie has the biggest crush in the world on Husk, why would you invite her to a party celebrating him getting with someone else?!” I growled up at her. She appeared genuinely surprised. “Wow, really? Well fuck, I shouldn’t have invited her,” she mused. I rolled my eyes. Before I could reprimand Charlie further a portal appeared, specifically a portal made by an Asmodean crystal, and Nixie stepped through it. She wasn’t wearing anything fancy, just a black turtleneck and a pair of loose black jeans. 
“I don’t know what this party is about but I bought a couple things,” she announced as she opened the shopping bag in her left hand. “Let’s see, balloons, streamers, candles and cake mix.” Nixie passed the shopping bag to Charlie. “Thanks, I’ll be sure we use them!” She raced to the kitchen, leaving me alone with Nixie. 
“Oh, Willow. I got that Tundra Brittlebush you asked me to grab,” she told me, reaching into her purse. She pulled out a small bundle of stems adorned in leaves of different colors, most notably white flowers with small petals that curled into the bulb, creating a cradle-like flower. “Thank you,” I replied, taking the stems and placing them in my hair with other herbs I kept on my person for emergency cases. Tundra Brittlebush was native to the Envy ring, where Nixie was from, so she was perfect to get it for me. 
I took a deep sniff; the cake was done. Now all that was left were decorations. Vaggie and Niffty had just arrived with their decorations and Charlie gave them a ladder to set up the decorations. Nixie and I walked over to the bar to stay out of the way and Nixie lit a cigarette. I rolled my eyes. “You know you’re killing your lungs, right?” I countered. She rolled her eyes and took another puff. “They’ll be fine,” she replied nonchalantly. As she took another puff I smacked her on the back where her lung was and she spouted off into a fit of coughing. “You asshole, I had smoke in my throat,” she croaked between coughs. 
After about 10 minutes Vaggie and Niffty had set up decorations, and Charlie was filling the balloons and setting up the streamers. Nixie put out her cigarette and leaned back in the chair. “Any idea who this party is for? A new guest’s birthday?” I gulped. If I told her the truth she’d leave, and if I lied she’d be pissed with me for lying. I gave a noncommittal shrug. “I’m not sure,” Nixie dropped the subject and pulled her phone from her pocket and groaned. 
“For fuck’s sake I can’t leave those dumbasses alone for one night,” she growled. I peered over at her phone and read the news story. Apparently a turf war had broke out on Nixie’s territory; two demons unnamed, meaning they weren’t important, were causing problems in Envy. “Do you need to go?” I asked hopefully. Maybe this turf war could be an excuse for her to not have to be at this party. “No, I’m not worrying about it,” she replied before putting her phone away. So much for that. 
After another 5 minutes of waiting Charlie called to a room, “you can come out now!” Opening the door and walking out was Angel, carrying Husk along by hand. I snatched a look at Nixie, who had narrowed her eye in suspicion, staring at Angel. 
“As everyone knows, Husk and Angel are a couple! And this party is to celebrate them coming out as a couple, so let’s party!” Charlie announced. The whole room clapped for Angel and Husk. Angel was soaking up the attention and Husk looked a little flustered. Even Nixie was clapping, though her expression looked strained. As the clapping died down I expected Nixie to start a fight with Angel; she was looking at him with an expression that screamed anguish. Instead she walked up to Angel and Husk in a leisurely way and congratulated them. “I hope you’re both very happy to be together and I wish you the best of luck,” she told them before going behind the bar without Husk’s permission. “Now if you’ll excuse me…” She muttered as she grabbed a bottle of Hapsburg Absinthe and making her way out the door. 
“Is she uh, okay?” Angel asked, eyeing the door Nixie had just walked out of. I nodded my head quickly. “Oh, of course! She just, uh, likes to celebrate in private. I’ll uh, check on her,” and with that I left the hotel as well. Nixie was sat on the pavement at the beginning of the driveway. She had the bottle of liquor in one hand and a half smoked cigarette in the other. I approached her slowly so as to not startle her and I sat beside her, offering her a sympathetic smile. She gave me a look of pure misery before tipping her head back and chugging more alcohol. 
“Dear Satan I forgot how strong this is,” she muttered as she sat the bottle down on her other side. She took a long drag of her cigarette and breathed out the smoke, iridescent in the glow of the hotel’s lights. She looked over at me with an expectant gaze. “Did you want something?” She inquired, taking another drag. 
“Um, I just… I know this is a lot for you to take in and I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” I replied meekly. Nixie rolled her eye. “Peachy,” she growled before swigging down more alcohol. “Do you want me to sit out here with you for a minute or do you need to be alone?” I asked. Nixie’s shoulders slumped and she sighed. “I wouldn’t mind the company, even if just for a minute,” she replied. I leaned over to the white roses I was growing in the courtyard of the hotel and plucked one, passing it to Nixie. “You’ll find someone else, just be patient and open minded,” I offered my best advice. Nixie examined the rose, stroking the white petal gently. “This is what I get for falling for a sinner,” she mused, placing the rose next to her. I shook my head and gently took her hands. “This isn’t a punishment for falling for a sinner, it’s just bad luck. Maybe you’ll find another sinner you really like,” I suggested, trying to encourage her to cheer up. Nixie shrugged, pulling away. “I don’t know. It’ll take a while to get over him,” she sighed. I nodded my head in understanding. 
We sat outside for about an hour in silence, Nixie drinking and smoking, and me examining the flowers growing in the courtyard. The comfortable silence was broken by Charlie, who came outside to tell us the party was over and everyone should get some rest. I took Nixie’s hands and led her inside, being sure to keep her away from Husk and Angel. I yawned; I was more tired than I thought. “Will you be okay on your own?” I asked her. She nodded her head. “I’m drunk enough to deal with it, go to bed,” she replied. I obeyed, leaving her alone. “Are you coming to bed, Alastor?” I asked my husband. He nodded his head. “Yes, of course, just give me a minute,” he replied. I sighed and went to bed. I knew he was going to talk to Nixie, I could just only hope he wouldn’t be too crass or sadistic. 
Nixie’s POV
After Willow had left I took a seat on a bar stool, placing my half empty bottle on the table and pulling my cigarettes and lighter from my pocket. I was painfully aware of Alastor watching me like a predator would watch prey, but I tried to ignore it and lit my cigarette, taking a long puff. The silence was deafening. 
As if he didn’t know what personal space was Alastor took a seat right next to me, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “You’ve been dreary all night my dear, what’s wrong?” He asked, smiling brightly as ever. I narrowed my eye at him. “Don’t play dumb with me radio prick,” I warned, a hiss in my voice. 
Alastor sighed, patting my back gently. “You poor thing, losing your only love to a hooker,” he mused. “You don’t have to remind me,” I growled at him. Alastor looked me in the eye, his smile more sympathetic than anything. “No, really. I couldn’t imagine losing my lovely Willow to a floozy. Anyone with eyes could see you were lovestruck for that stupid cat for some reason or another, and now he’s with someone else. That must be painful.” He rubbed small circles on my back soothingly. Despite my hatred for him I couldn’t help but appreciate his kindness. 
“Alastor?” I prompted. He hummed in response, gazing at me expectantly. “How do you get over heartbreak?” I inquired. Alastor chuckled; “it sounds cheesy but the only way is to give it time, they say time heals all wounds. Just be patient,” he replied softly. Feeling incredibly drowsy and not caring about my rivalry with the radio demon I leaned my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes. I was immediately drifting off to sleep. Alastor picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room, the static surrounding him playing an old melody I couldn't think of the name of. He dropped me off at my door and patted me on the head, his claws gently touching the tuft of water on my head. “Be patient my dear, you’ll find love again.”
Be patient. 
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zartikus · 9 months
Some redesign ideas I had for Eugene and the Pooka (or pookas since I assume they’re a species and not a singular entity) after watching S3. I honestly do like them how these turned out, so I’m hoping to use them for future projects and fanfic stories I have in mind, especially since I plan on doing more S3 redesigns soon if the interest for it is there.
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For Eugene, I took some inspiration from the original myth of the Nordic Nixie, water spirits that attract women, children, and even men through their enchanted playing of the violin, either for the audience or to drown them, and attempted to figure out how to properly translate that to the show’s art style and tone. I decided to make him a bit more menacing by giving him a bit more pinniped inspired features, like the elongated skull and enlarge nostrils, while mixing in some cues from Mike Mignola’s Abe Sapien, specifically with the gills and the eye markings, and some from the Gillman from the CotBL and the Amphibian Man from Shape of Water, in terms of scales and general physique.
Also a bit unrelated but I’ve no doubt the Amphibian Man may have legit influenced canon Eugene as well, what with the use of bioluminescence, but that is a discussion for another time.
As for lute, I thought it be interesting to switch out his comedy and singing routine to a musically based one, with the idea of him being more of a bard regaling specific hymns and laments rather than using a violin to lure in victims. I also simply like the idea of the lute having an adult deerfox antler as a neck that connects the strings, mainly to imply the weird ecological interconnectedness of the creatures in Trolberg.
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For the Pooka I started off by simply taking features from real extant animals like rabbits and horses while trying to take some inspiration from the descriptions I’ve read from the original folklore involving the puca, which can vary from black fur or white fur, humans with some animal features, a weird hybrid of animals, or an amorphous goblin like that sketch that inspired the look for the show’s canon puca.
Obviously I decided to lean into giving them more animalistic features, with giving Astrid’s Pooka rabbit ears and some fur tufts to correlate with the rest of the creatures in Trolberg while still keeping the original shape of the design, and making the older Pooka a weird mix of an opossum and a horse, what with the hooves, the head shape, and the mane to compliment other features like the rat-like tail with the fur tuft at the end of it and the little button nose.
I probably have more in mind with the redesigned Pookas but for now, I rather attempt to do more designs for some of the S3 characters and actually try to make a Hilda side blog so I don’t annoy ya’ folks with my ramblings. Regardless, I hope ya’ll like this.
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shewasverynice · 4 months
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Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS
Rating: Explicit 
Major Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Non-Consensual Drug Use
Additional Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use
Categories: F/M, Multi 
Relationships: Takami Keigo | Hawks/Original Female Character(s), Original Character/Other(s) 
Major Characters: Original Characters, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Hero Public Safety Commission, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
. . . . . ╰──╮꒰ Halcyon - Part 2 ꒱ ╭──╯ . . . . .
Kiwi walked into Hawk's hospital room, a magazine tucked in her pocket and a wide grin on her face. He greeted her with a small wave, propped up comfortably in bed. Despite feeling perfectly fine, the doctors opted to keep him overnight as a precaution. With his lungs and wings already healed, they were monitoring his heart for any potential issues.
"Hey!" Kiwi said with a chuckle, "Look at you! Right as rain?"
"Yeah, no worries." Hawks said with a grin.
"Yah, nah. Look at your wings, bro." Kiwi said, reaching for Hawks feathers.
He pulled it back instinctually, covering that motion by touching the feathers himself. "Well, they'll heal pretty fast. The pins are already starting to come out."
Kiwi shrugged, sitting down on a stool and scooting it closer. "You know, I got the call from Phoenix."
"Really?" Hawks said, his brows raising, "I figured you found out some other way, like maybe a civilian or something."
"Nah, little things taken a liking to you I reckon." Kiwi laughed, "She was heaps excited!"
"Really?" Hawks tilted his head, "Well, that works out for me. I'd like to get on her good side."
"She'd probs the easiest to get in good with." Kiwi nodded, leaning to rest her chin on her hand and her arms on the edge of the hospital bed, "She's kinda like a little kid really. Little sister type."
Hawks nodded, "Yeah, I noticed that. Singing and chirping and stuff?"
"Yeah she's a little wack." Kiwi grinned, "But I like her. She only shows up to rescues."
"Rescues only." Hawks repeated, "I'll remember that. I'm gonna try to thank her and maybe talk to her about Halcyon."
"What about Halcyon are you trying to figure out?" Kiwi asked, "Like, what are you trying to accomplish?"
"I want to see if they can be reasoned with in some way." Hawks said, "Because if we can get in good with one we can find out what it is that made them all decide not to go pro. There has to be a good reason."
"Are you sure it's a good reason?" Kiwi suggested, "Like, don't assume they're in it for the good of the world. They might just be getting a profit somehow."
Hawks wings fluttered a little, "That's... Very true."
"Exactly." Kiwi nodded, "Although, I doubt Nixie is. She's not really the type."
"Nixie?" Hawks chuckled, "You nickname everyone, huh?"
Kiwi grinned, "Yah, you'll get one too when I figure it out."
Kiwi left after some time, wrapping up the paperwork before allowing Hawks to take a break for the night. He felt grateful that she had visited him, but he couldn't shake off the fact that Phoenix had informed Nest about his injury. It puzzled him why she would do that, especially since Tiger wouldn't have reported it if he had discovered a fallen hero.
The following morning, he was permitted to depart, but he was already annoyed. His wings felt burdensome and awkward, the healing causing his pinfeathers to sprout rapidly and irritate him. Feeling incredibly itchy and uncomfortable, all he wanted was to hop into the shower and allow the steam to loosen the casings and peel them off.
Chickadee met him at the door, her eyes a little dark underneath. She smiled at him, hurrying over after she got him from her desk. Stopping short, she looked him all over before she stood in front of him again.
"You alright?" She asked, her brows knit together, "That was pretty scary!"
"I'm all good!" Hawks said, giving her a thumbs up, "No big deal, Chicky."
She giggled, "Oh good! Thank goodness." 
Chickadee tilted her head, observing Hawks' wings. He noticed her attention on his large, weighty pinfeathers, and her concern was still evident in her eyes. As she approached his wings with her fingers extended, he quickly retracted them and took a step back. His expression clearly displayed his unease, and he couldn't help but feel bad for his exaggerated reaction.
"Oh, I'm sorry I just--"
"No! No it's fine." He said quickly, "They're just a little itchy right now."
"No, really. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to touch them without permission." She said just as fast, covering her face with her hands, "My goodness, I'm so embarrassed!"
He blushed, suddenly feeling like an ass for some reason. "N-no! It's fine it's fine really I just-- they're just itchy!"
"W-would you like s-some help with them?" She stumbled out.
"Sure! Yes, that would be great!" He blurted out, then immediately regretted it.
Before he could even consider how to take it back he ended up in the shower wearing swim trunks, accompanied by Chickadee who was sporting a cute tank top over a modest one piece swimsuit. Surprisingly, she didn't seem to find it odd at all, but he couldn't help feeling a bit embarrassed. He had never witnessed a woman even near a shower in real life, let alone sharing one with him. Even though they were both dressed, it just didn't sit right with him. He just hoped she would think his blush was from the heat.
The faucet was running, but only enough to create steam in the room. The moisture in the air made him feel at ease, his eyes shutting as the pinfeathers became softer and the irritation faded away. The shells were dry and fragile, waiting to be removed. Chickadee was calmly washing her hands in the water as if it was the most ordinary thing to do at that moment. He couldn't help but gaze at her, not knowing what to say. 
He'd never had anyone help him with his wings- well not since becoming an adult. The HPSC had brought in a kind older woman to help him understand how to care for his wings and he'd done it all alone since. Her words echoed in his ear suddenly as Chickadee picked up a soft towel and put it on her arm. 
"Only let someone special preen your wings, little chick." The woman had said with a laugh, "It's a private thing for someone important to you."
He blushed, looking away as Chickadee's hands reached out. When they didn't touch, she cleared her throat before softly asking, "I'm assuming your feathers are very sensitive because of your quirk, right?"
Hawks nodded, glancing out of the corner of his eyes. He felt like an idiot, blushing like a teenager or something. Well, he was technically still a teenager at eighteen, right? Right! She wasn't much older than him either. This was weird. She should definitely think this was weird too.
"I'll be really gentle, okay?" She said softly, "Stop me if it's too much."
Her fingers brushed against his skin, causing him to take a sharp breath. The velvety touch of her hand made his heart race. With closed eyes, he felt her fingers glide over a delicate pinfeather, checking the looseness of its casing. Slowly, her touch moved down the shaft, releasing the new moist feather. Hawks instantly felt a sense of relief wash over him.
Chickadee carried on, taking her time and pausing frequently. She spoke softly, allowing him to take the lead. His cheeks were red, his teeth digging into his lip. Her touch was light and tender. It made him feel like letting out a groan, but he resisted the urge. 
His wings were always sensitive, but when he was turned on, the sensation heightened even more. He had experimented a bit in private moments, but having someone else touch his wings was a whole new experience. As her fingers traced down a feather, his eyes almost crossed. His own fingers twitched at his sides. It felt amazing. Really amazing.
When the final casing rolled off he couldn't help the groan of relief. His eyes shot open and he looked at Chickadee, but she either chose not to react or didn't notice. With the garbage bag she'd brought in, she gathered up the pinfeather casings before stepping towards the glass door.
"Well, I'll let you do your thing." She said with a smile, "Hope that helped!"
"Y-yes. It really did." Hawks said, an awkward smile on his face, "Thanks so much Chickadee."
As soon as the bathroom door closed and he sensed her leaving his apartment he slumped against the shower wall, letting out a massive sigh of relief. That was just way too overwhelming. Like, seriously, way too much. His wings quivered, and his nether regions were ablaze. He never saw that coming, especially from such an innocent gesture. It wasn't even close to spring yet!
Chickadee couldn't have missed it, right? She definitely would have noticed his reactions. But she didn't even mention it. He pondered this for a moment, his forehead landing on his arm on the shower wall.
"Just being polite." He muttered aloud, "She's just being nice."
He spread his wings, the exhilarating sensation of fresh feathers compelling him to extend the rest of his back too. He let out a contented sigh, fluttering his wings a bit more and experiencing a sense of astonishment. She had done an impressive job, unexpectedly. It was impressive considering she didn't have wings herself! Did she do that for the others at the Nest as well?
His brows lowered and eyes narrowed. Surely not, right? She wouldn't just help anyone like that right?
He took a deep breath after a moment of silence, pushing those thoughts aside. Running his hand over his face, he straightened up and took a deep breath as his wings drooped and loosened. It was absurd for him to entertain such ideas. He was well aware of his boundaries. It would be unwise to even test them.
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Hawks started his patrol the following day bright and early. With his feathers feeling fresh, he enjoyed being back in the air. He lazily swooped and glided, smiling at the clouds above. Breathing in the autumn air deeply, he embarked on his mission for the day: locating Phoenix.
She only did rescues. Specifically that. It was obviously not a good idea to hope for something like that to happen for real so instead he decided to put in a fake call through the civilian network once again. He hovered high above the streets, waiting to catch sight of her flaming wings.
"Oooh~! Did you play a little tricky trick on me, Pretty Bird? ⁠♪⁠♪" 
Hawks grinned looking up at Phoenix descended, stilling her wings to hover beside him, "Just the girl I was hoping to see!" 
"Mm? Reallyyy~? ⁠♪⁠♪" she cocked her head to one side, fluttering closer, "What do you need, Birdy? Helpies? ⁠♪⁠♪"
Hawks smiled at her, "In a way, I guess. Would you mind talking to me a little bit?"
She tilted her head to the other shoulder, "Mm? With Phoenix? Not Tiggy or Turtle?"
"No, I want to talk to you." Hawks insisted, then pointed down at a nearby rooftop, "Can we land over there?"
She nodded, "Mmhmm!" And began a slow descent. 
Hawks touched down, sliding slightly on his feet. He watched Phoenix, her petite figure gracefully landing on her dangerously sharp talons like a ballerina. As she retracted her arms, the fiery wings dimmed down allowing her to fold them. It was at that moment he realized she didn't actually have hands in that state.
"Do you want to change back to normal?" He asked, hoping maybe she'd be that naive.
"Ha-ha!" She playfully huffed, then laughed for real, "No, no Birdy. Not that silly!"
Hawks shrugged, a half-smile tugging at his lips, "Well, can't fault a guy for tryin'."
Phoenix stepped forward, her talons clicking on the cement rooftop. Up and onto the edge, she peered down at the people on the sidewalk before looking back at Hawks. 
"Talk, Birdy." She said, "Phoenix is listening."
Hawks walked over the edging, leaning down with his arms resting on it and watched the people below as well. "I heard you four got along well with Kingfisher." He said, his eyes flicking over to her to catch her reaction.
The fiery look of her hair brightened for a moment, her eyes widening. She kept her eyes on the sidewalk, but nodded. "Yes. We liked him very much." She said softly.
"What happened?" Hawks asked carefully, surprised by her demeanor.
She shook her head. "Don't want to talk about it." She said sadly, "We thought he was our friend."
"Did he break your trust in some way?" Hawks asked, "Hurt you?"
Phoenix tilted her head, "Only our hearts. King broke a promise before he left. So we broke ours."
Hawks acknowledged with a nod, shifting his gaze towards the sidewalk beneath. It was a logical explanation. He had already suspected that it was something similar to that. From what he had gathered, Kingfisher appeared to be a decent person and likely had his own motivations. Eventually, Hawks planned to discuss this matter with him too.
"Tiger seems not to trust pro heroes a lot." Hawks asked, changing the subject, "Is that how all of you feel?"
Phoenix nodded, looking away from him. "Yes, Birdy. Pro heroes are no good. Sorry, Birdy."
"It's alright," Hawks said with a calm smile, "I understand."
She looked up at him through her long eyelashes, "Do you want to help us, Birdy?"
Hawks' brows raised, "Hmm? Help you?"
Phoenix glanced downward, anxiously nibbling on her lip. Her face displayed a mix of emotions, her eyes darting around restlessly. Stepping back from Hawks, she shook her head while he straightened himself, his wings fluttering with unease as hers flared up once more.
"Birdy," she said, her voice nervous, "Talk to Turtle. Or Dragon."
Something in her eyes seemed off, like she didn't quite want to say what she was saying. Hawks lips parted, unsure of what to make of the situation. His wings spread just as hers did, but she shook her head.
"No. Talk to Turtle. Dragon." She said again, "See you later, Pretty Bird."
Her wings caught a sudden warm breeze, sending her soaring away as she made a quick escape. Hawks watched her departure, folding his wings neatly against his back. The encounter definitely didn't exactly unfold as he expected. Her abrupt change in attitude is what was bothering him the most. Something about it felt wrong, almost like she was in danger.
Putting his hands in his pockets, he ascended to the ledge and stretched out his wings. Phoenix suggested speaking with Turtle or Dragon, so that's exactly what he planned to do. Turtle had been quite rational during their last encounter, but Dragon? Now that would be intriguing. He had only caught glimpses of her before, and each time she had been openly unfriendly.
After a series of false reports, he finally managed to successfully entice Turtle specifically. It appeared as though Turtle had anticipated this outcome, as they arrived at their own leisurely pace. Hawks lifted off from the wall he had been leaning on, readjusting his wings. With a casual wave, he made his way towards Turtle.
"Hey, don't believe we've talked yet." Hawks said, holding out his hand, "I'm Hawks."
Turtle took his hand in a solid grasp as they shook his hand. Their skin was very rough and covered in patches of hardened scales. Unlike their compatriots, Turtle wore only the bike shorts as their shell covered their top half.
"They call me Turtle." They said, their snake tail twisting as the second head looked at Hawks, "You've spoken to Phoenix, so I know what you want."
Hawks nodded, "Cool. Let's make it easy then. What was it Phoenix wanted help with?"
Turtle signaled for Hawks to come along, guiding him down the narrow alley. The snake head observed him warily, its tongue darting out as it trailed behind Turtle. Hawks moved in closer, raising his aviator goggles to examine the creature. It pulled back as he approached, prompting him to playfully stick his tongue out in return as it continued to flick at him.
Turtle chuckled, looking over their shoulder at Hawks, "I can see you, you know. I see out of that head as well."
"Neat." Hawks said with a smile, "You can control both at once?"
"Yes." Turtle nodded, "Though I find that others find it unsettling when that head speaks."
Turtle led Hawks through the alleys and streets, eventually bringing him to the slums. Hawks kept his hands in his pockets, sensing the tension in the air as the residents stared at him. The coldness in their gazes and the glares on his back made him feel uneasy and his feathers ruffled with agitation.
"Don't be nervous." Turtle said calmly, "You're with me. You're safe."
As Hawks looked up at Turtle, he watched as they exchanged casual nods with the people they passed by. Hawks couldn't help but notice how popular Halcyon was once again, and suddenly a realization struck them like a puzzle piece falling into place. It became clear to Hawks that the people in the slums specifically were the ones protecting Halcyon. Although he wasn't sure how they managed to conceal this connection, it was now obvious to him. Not only were the homeless involved, but many of Halcyon's supporters resided in this part of town.
"Phoenix told us you helped out at the fire." Turtle said, "We heard about it later anyway, but I think you should all know we respect you for it."
Hawks shrugged a little, "Just doing what should have been done."
"That should be the normal action a hero should take," Turtle said, their expression darkening, "It shouldn't be that we respect you for doing what you should." They turned to look at Hawks, "And yet here we are."
"So that's what it is then." Hawks said with a scowl, "That old lady that helped me, she had told me that the city doesn't rush to calls on this side of town. No one does."
Turtle nodded, "Yes. That was Mrs. Toni. She's lived here for quite a long time." They smiled a little, "One of our best, she is." Turtle turned to face Hawks, "The city doesn't care about us. They left us here to rot and burn."
Hawks shook his head, "That's so... So messed up." A realization dawned on him and he looked up at Turtle, "Nest. Nest abandoned you too, didn't they."
Turtle nodded, "Yes. They did."
Hawks ran his fingers through his hair, feeling completely dumb struck. The people that he'd been working with, the people he was learning to understand and get along with. They were all complacent in letting this entire section of the city fall apart.
"We're supposed to be the pros." He rasped, his fists clenching.
Turtle nodded again, crossing their arms, "It's not just this city either." Their gaze scanned over the dilapidated buildings marred by graffiti with brick façades that fell away in chunks. Broken windows, tents on the sidewalks and trash littering the streets. Worst of all people of all walks of life that all looked beat down and defeated. "This is an unfortunate situation across cities everywhere."
"Disgusting." Hawks grunted, "Absolutely disgusting." 
Reflecting on his past, he remembered the bleak days of his childhood when he doubted the existence of heroes. He'd longed for someone to rescue him from the darkness of his home. It pained him to think that there might be other children enduring a similar nightmare, hidden away in an abusive environment with no hope of escape. 
He'd been taken in by the HPSC young, but he recognized his luck. If not for his impressive quirk he may never have been spotted. If he hadn't had the opportunity to take action when he did, what then? How many children with more common quirks would be stuck like he was?
"You have my word," Hawks said, his voice heavy with conviction, "I will fix this."
Turtle looked at Hawks, their eyebrows raised. "Don't make a promise you don't intend to-"
"No." Hawks cut them off, moving to stand in front of them, "This is my top priority now. This is unacceptable and I'm not going to let it continue."
"Well," Turtle said softly, "I won't deny that I am impressed, but I will say this. You are not the first hero that has promised us something like this."
"Kingfisher, right?" Hawks asked.
"Yes, Kingfisher." Turtle confirmed, "And that promise was forgotten."
"Well, hold on." Hawks said quickly, "Have you considered that maybe there's more to it than that?"
"In what way?" Turtle asked.
"Maybe there's a good reason he couldn't do it." Hawks suggested, "Have you tried to talk to him?"
"No." Turtle said coldly, looking down the street away from Hawks.
"Well, then I'll take care of that too." Hawks said, "Put your faith in me."
To Hawk's surprise, Turtle smiled and nodded. "Very well, Hawks." They said, "I will. But you will be the last hero that I give an opportunity to. Phoenix has taken a liking to you and I will trust in your conviction."
Hawks smiled back, "So any chance you can put in a good word for Dragon and Tiger for me?"
Turtle chuckled, "Dragon, though it may be hard to believe, will be much easier to convince than Tiger if you intend to get our support."
"Really?" Hawks asked, his fingers stroking at his facial hair, "Dragon is..."
"Spooky." Turtle said, "But predictable. Each of us had a very distinct personality, as you've noticed. Dragon is aggressive and overwhelming, but not necessarily angry."
When Hawks did eventually get his chance to meet Dragon, he still found himself unsettled by her. Turtle had agreed to have Dragon meet him in an alley a couple hours later and when Hawks arrived she was already there flexing her wings. Her thin tail lashed and her dark eyes narrowed as he approached.
"Bird." She said, rising to her feet, "What is it you want from me?"
"Turtle didn't tell you, huh?" Hawks, asked with a sigh, "How dramatic. So, what I-"
"Stop talking." Dragon hissed, stepping closer as her wings stretched and adjusted on her back, "Turtle told me enough. I want to know what you want from me."
"Ah." Hawks pointed at her, "Cool. Let's make it easy then." He smirked, his own wings spreading wide, "Let's race."
"Race?" Dragon sat back on her haunches, "Interesting. Why?"
"Well," Hawks smirked, "I'd like to prove myself capable. I'm completely serious in my intentions and I want Halcyon's support. Let me show you what I can do and I promise you won't be disappointed."
Dragon's lips pulled back into a grimace-like smile, "Interesting."
The narrow alleyways of the city became a labyrinth of shadows and noise, the air thick with anticipation. Dragon, sleek and serpentine with her white scales glistening in the dim light, darted forward, her bat wings beating a rapid tempo. Her movements were a symphony of grace and power, each turn and dive executed with fluid precision.
Hot on her tail was Hawks, his crimson wings spreading wide, catching the currents with expert ease. His eyes were sharp, locked onto his quarry as he maneuvered through the chaotic urban jungle. The contrast between his golden hair and the fiery red of his wings was striking, a beacon of determination against the twilight backdrop.
As they raced, the alleyways grew tighter, the walls closing in like the teeth of a trap. Dragon's slender form twisted and turned, avoiding obstacles with uncanny agility. She burst through a narrow passage, her wings folding in just enough to slip through, leaving a trail of disturbed dust and echoes of her passing.
Hawks followed, his wings adjusting, angling to match her path. He pushed harder, gaining speed, his feathers brushing against the rough brickwork, sending a rain of loose mortar to the ground below. The chase drew the attention of the city's denizens, who watched in awe and confusion as the two figures streaked past, a blur of motion and color.
Bursting from the alleys, they emerged onto a bustling street. Dragon leapt into the air, her wings propelling her upwards, high above the crowd. She scanned the skyline, seeking the next route. Hawks was right behind her, his wings cutting through the air with a powerful whoosh.
They soared above the heads of the crowd, their shadows flickering like ghosts on the pavement. The people below scattered, looking up in wonder and fear. Dragon banked sharply, heading for the rooftops. Her claws scraped against the ledge as she pulled herself up, her wings flaring to maintain balance. The man followed, his landing precise, his wings a burst of crimson against the twilight sky.
The rooftops became their new arena, a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. They leapt from building to building, their movements synchronized yet contrasting. She was a streak of silver, twisting and turning with an almost hypnotic rhythm. He was a flash of gold and red, powerful and direct, every beat of his wings echoing his relentless pursuit.
They raced toward the skyline, the city's heartbeat thrumming beneath them. The woman took a daring dive, plummeting towards the streets below. At the last moment, her wings snapped open, catching the air and propelling her forward. The man mimicked her dive, his eyes narrowing as he adjusted his trajectory, determined not to lose her.
In a final burst of speed, they neared the city's edge, the horizon ablaze with the setting sun. The dragon-woman made a last-ditch effort, her wings straining as she aimed for the open sky. But the blonde man was ready, his wings pumping with powerful strokes. He surged forward, closing the gap, his fingers brushing against her tail.
With a final, defiant roar, the woman twisted away, her bat wings carrying her into the fading light. The man, panting but resolute, watched her retreat, his wings beating a steady rhythm as he prepared to follow, their race far from over. The last stretch was ahead and it was exactly what Hawks excelled in. 
A dive for the empty lot, that was all it would take. She had him in agility, but Hawks' speed was unmatched.
They reached the apex of their flight, the city sprawling out beneath them like a patchwork quilt. The Dragon's wings flared wide as she paused for a heartbeat, then tucked them in tightly, plunging into the steep dive. The air whistled past her, the ground rushing up to meet her in a blur of colors and shapes.
Hawks followed instantly, his crimson wings folding against his back, streamlining his form. His speed was breathtaking, the gap between them closing rapidly as they plummeted towards the earth. The air pressure built up around them, the rush of wind a deafening roar in their ears.
Hawks' golden hair streamed behind him like a comet's tail, his eyes locked onto the ground with unwavering focus. The distance between them shrank with every passing second, the ground now perilously close.
With a powerful beat of his wings, he surged forward, pulling alongside her. They were mere feet from the ground when he finally overtook her, his crimson wings a blur of motion. At the last moment, he flared his wings wide, braking sharply and landing with a triumphant thud on the ground below.
The dragon-woman landed a heartbeat later, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her eyes filled with a mixture of frustration and reluctant admiration. The man stood tall, his crimson wings folding elegantly behind him, a victorious smile playing on his lips.
"Damn." She panted out, "Impressive, Bird."
"Thanks, Lizard." Hawks grinned.
She seemed taken aback by that nickname before she grinned a toothy sharp grin herself, "Well, then. I think we--"
"There!" Heron's voice called out from above, "Dragon is here!"
Hawks' head snapped up, seeing Heron hovering just above them. The white haired man looked over as Hummingbird quickly joined his side and shortly afterwards Kiwi was standing below them. Hawks eyes widened and he turned to Dragon before looking back at them. 
"Wait!" He was too late though, his feathers flying out from his wings to slow the heroes. 
Kiwi lunged forward, grabbing Dragon's legs and holding her down while the tired woman attempted to escape. Heron was preparing to dash forward as Hummingbird came to restrain both of Dragon's wings. Dragon's tail whipped around and Kiwi forcefully brought her elbow down on it. Heron's swift attacks were the only instance where he could surpass Hawks, and in that instant Hawks barely had time to react before Heron was already charging towards Dragon. Dragon exhaled, releasing a chilling mist into the air just before Heron struck her head with his knee.
But then...
Hawks blinked in surprise as the mist dissipated, leaving icicles on the ground. Kiwi's legs were stuck in the ice and Hummingbird had been forced to retreat. Kiwi arms were still wrapped around something, only to realize it was Turtle's snake head instead of Dragon's tail. The pro heroes stood in shock, trying to make sense of the situation. Dragon was missing, replaced by Turtle. Heron's knee had hit Turtle's shell, causing him to kneel on the ground with his wings outstretched.
Turtle clenched their teeth, forcefully yanking the snake tail away from Kiwi. Hawks swiftly sprang into action, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. With a wide span, his wings extended and feather fanned out and secured his fellow heroes by their garments to the ground. Hawks' gaze remained fixed on Turtle, anticipating the inevitable.
Heron ripped at his outfit, ready to make another move, but Turtle had already withdrawn their arms into their shell and swiftly twisted their body. Suddenly, Tiger's form emerged from the shell, towering over the other heroes. Letting out a fierce growl, he dashed past Hawks while Hummingbird urgently called for Hawks to give chase.
Hawks darted out onto the street after Tiger, locking eyes with the man before he morphed into Phoenix. Hawks' jaw was slackened, watching as Phoenix ascended and flew off into the evening sky.
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Assorted 1:30am oc (and maybe canon) headcanons/facts with absolutely no rhyme, reason, or context go!
Pequod has all of Ahab's drive, obsession, and insanity but none of the captain's revenge motives; she's just here to kill things, hog glory, and fistfight The Whale™ (Whaleship Essex) at the back of an abandoned port at 3am
If you start hearing Pequod's shouts from the other side of port, get ready to hear crunching bone and tearing flesh because Rachel is ruthless when it comes to shanking her (in her defense, if I had to deal with a walking physical disaster for extended periods of time I'd lose my shit quickly too)
Rachel keeps a blue plastic hairbrush in her hull's storage
The Otherworld-Nixies have done a book exchange
Argo II has been electrocuted to death by Nautilus once
Pequod and Rachel once stole a bag of CCS Birmingham's beads and learned the hard way that greek fire can't be put out by normal means
(Rachel claims to be the voice of reason; she is not. She's just Pequod's impulse control and is just as bad)
Whalex has ripped out Pequod's heart on one occasion and crushed her windpipe in another
Whalex has also been given strict orders by Galley to not infect Pequod, as much as she wants to do so
Occasionally, Ruby (Royal Fortune) tries to seduce Ranger; the only results she gets is an incredibly flustered Ranger and Cerise (Good Fortune) whacking her over the head with a tome
(She keeps doing it because it's funny watching Ranger short circuit)
Eighty has that gun that will literally dislocate your shoulder as a part of her rigging
Gerald is a dork. She just has no clue how to express that + she silently enjoys the cool factor
Bethie instantly turns into a pile of anxious mush once she leaves a crowd
Adele does not ask questions about customers, no matter how weird they are
Lucena will occasionally kick Cal's shins in a bout of Cain Instinct
Agincourt has an extensive collection of masks, including ones she's hand-decorated
Yorxtown has a prized gun collection and likes hunting
Hornex often needs to be dragged out by her sisters to go anywhere
Magician has a genuine magic kit in her storage unit
Scripon's hair changes from blonde to greenish-blue when not under direct sunlight
Issac is Tiphereth's de facto second in command and leads the Magical Girl Squad™ during their turn of NatSci receptions
Molly occasionally gets sick from pallidification, those days she drapes herself over/cuddles up to Whalex
Princess Andromeda looks like a Siren to anyone outside of Tempesta, makes her great for infiltration so long as she doesn't go batshit
Unlike Thanatos, Akhlys' form shifts around a lot, since misery is a more fluid concept than death
"What do you have there?" [Holding Pequod's half-dead body by the leg in one hand and a drink in the other] "A smoothie. In fact, it's a new type of juice that the humans came up with recently!"
("For the love of the gods can you please stop killing her?" "Oh zeus forbid women do anythi-" "Argo." "Okok fine geez-")
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nixie-deangel · 3 years
HC ask, obikin and bed?
So keeping this HC more in canon verse, Nonnie!
During the war, both are ready to jump out of bed at a moment's notice but after?
Everyone would assume Anakin is the one who wants to stay in bed as long as possible, but it's actually Obi-wan that's hard to get out of sleep warmed sheets. Some mornings it takes Anakin just a few nudges, sweet words and making sure his favorite tea (or the absolute rare cup of caf) is just hot enough for perfect sipping as he slowly makes his way out of bed.
Other mornings though, it can take Anakin up to an hour just to get Obi-wan moving his head out from where he's tucked it underneath Anakin's pillow, and blinking blearily at him, lips tugged into a pout that he'd deny till he was blue in the face before deciding it was too bright and pulling the pillow back over his head.
Send Nixie a ship/character + a word, and I'll give you a HC.
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opalsiren · 3 years
i have very mixed feelings on mako mermaids but zac and evie AND sirena and david are absolutely adorable
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shewalked · 4 years
sorry.  i’m  still  just.  martha.  was  engaged.  to  lucifer.  i’m-
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tiredspacedragon · 3 years
Possible 2001 Bionicle Timeline
@toaarcan asked about the possibility of a coherent timeline of events in the 2001 story, and now that I'm finished going over everything, here's my attempt at that. An as-close-to-canon-as-possible 2001 timeline:
(Long post beneath cut)
- Takua is banished from Ta-Koro
- Takua travels the island of Mata Nui, rescuing the Turaga from dangerous situations, running errands, and recovering the Turaga's staffs and the Toa Stones. He visits the villages in this order: Onu-Koro, Ga-Koro, Po-Koro, Le-Koro, Ko-Koro, Ta-Koro
- After escaping the Mangai Volcano, Takua arrives at Kini-Nui, where he encounters the Turaga, who have gathered to discuss what to do about him. Takua returns their staffs and activates the Toa Stones at the Amaja-Nui, summoning the Toa and getting himself blasted into the sky in the process. He lands on his head at Ta-Wahi and is knocked unconscious
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Day 1:
- The Toa arrive and reassemble themselves and begin to explore the island. Tahu notices Takua, now amnesiac for the third time in his life, following him, but pays the Matoran no mind. Meanwhile, Lewa saves a baby Taku he accidentally ejected from its nest. Kopaka encounters Matoro at this point, as well
- The Toa discover their villages. Lewa, Pohatu, and Onua stumble across their people and are received well, but Kopaka has to fend off a Nui-Rama before speaking with Turaga Nuju, and Tahu is attacked by his villagers, but Vakama steps in before a real conflict can break out. Takua attempts to follow Tahu through the Charred Forest, but becomes lost. Gali has not yet left the ocean
- The Toa are informed of their quest and leave their villages. Pohatu begins by running from Po-Koro to Mount Ihu in about 5 seconds. Takua encounters Kapura in the Charred Forest and soon afterward finds his way out of the woods. Gali encounters a Tarakava and escapes it by summoning a wave to carry herself to land, where she enters the jungles of Le-Wahi
- Takua arrives at Ta-Koro and learns what the fuck is happening from Jala and Vakama. Vakama has already been having visions of a seventh hero, perhaps a Toa, perhaps not. Lewa and Gali encounter each other in the jungle and agree to seek out the other Toa together. Pohatu and Kopaka meet and together they travel to the Place of Far-Seeing, where Kopaka collects a Kanohi Hau.
- Kopaka and Pohatu battle a Kane-Ra on their way down Mount Ihu to meet the other Toa.
- The Toa have their first meeting and argue about how to go about their quest until their bickering is ended by a display of power from Makuta. Afterwards, they all go their separate ways
- Lewa and Gali encounter each other again in the jungle, and Lewa pulls her from an "angry" stream
- Gali encounters another Tarakava while searching for Ga-Koro and traps it in a cave. At the same time, Jala tells Tahu of an Akaku hidden in Onu-Wahi's deepest cavern and the Toa of Fire sets out to claim it
- Gali finally finds Ga-Koro and speaks with her people before departing to begin her quest in earnest. Tahu defeats the Kofo-Jaga guarding his Akaku, claiming his first mask. Lewa is also underground, fighting a large Rahi to claim his Kanohi Pakari. Kopaka encounters a Kuma-Nui on his way to Po-Wahi. Onua and Pohatu team up to take on a Nui-Rama
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Day 2:
- Takua meets Maku on Ta-Wahi beach and travels to Ga-Koro while Maku goes in search of Gali
- Takua attempts to repair the Ga-Koro Pump and Maku successfully finds Gali, telling her of the disaster in Ga-Koro
- Gali defeats the Tarakava attacking Ga-Koro by removing his Infected Mask. The Tarakava is then cared for by Kotu while Gali returns to her quest. Meanwhile Takua meets Turaga Nokama and Nixie, and learns to use the Great Telescope
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Day 3:
- Takua travels to Po-Koro. Meanwhile, Lewa claims his Kanohi Kakama from a deep pool in a cave in Le-Wahi, but is beset by Rahi soon afterward
- Takua and Pohatu successfully rid Po-Koro of the Comets' plague. Onua saves Lewa from becoming Muaka food, and decides to call another Toa-meeting.
- Onua and Lewa separate to gather the other Toa. Kopaka finds his Pakari in Ta-Wahi, while Gali claims her Miru from a rocky spire in Ga-Wahi, but is surrounded by Rahi immediately after
- Lewa saves Kopaka from becoming lava bones, and Tahu saves Gali from becoming lunch. Gali and Kopaka receive visions of the Toa Kaita after suffering blows to the head. As Kopaka does not slip completely into unconsciousness, his vision is incomplete
- On the way to the Toa-meeting, Kopaka and Lewa meet up with Kongu, Matoro, Jala, Onepu, Maku, and the freshly recovered Huki, who are on their way to a disk-throwing competition
- Takua is appointed Chronicler by Nokama, who gifts him the Book of Chronicles. Jala, Maku, Kongu, Onepu, Huki, and Matoro form a Matoran Nui to defeat a Nui-Jaga blocking their path. The Toa meet for the second time and defend themselves against a large-scale Rahi attack from Makuta. Afterward, they decide to seek the Kanohi as a unit
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Day 4 and onward (It's virtually impossible to keep track at this point)
- The Turaga meet at Kini-Nui to discuss the Toa. Shortly after they return to their home villages, Matau is abducted and taken to the Nui-Rama hive
- Takua meets Midak and Puku at the entrance to Onu-Wahi.
- Takua travels to Onu-Koro and meets Onepu, now returned from the disk-throwing competition, learning of the village's many problems.
- Takua restores access to Onu-Koro's Lightstone supply and opens the Great Sundial. The Toa make significant headway into their quest; at one point Gali, Kopaka, and Onua dive off the coast of Po-Wahi to retrieve Tahu's Miru, following a tip from a Ta-Matoran (Meaning Kopaka and Onua have already found their Kaukau by this point)
- The Toa go their separate ways again for an unknown reason
- Lewa faces off against a Muaka guarding a cave in Le-Wahi in which a Kanohi is hidden. He defeats the Muaka and is saved by Kopaka from being ambushed by a Nui-Rama
- At some point, Lewa finds all of his Great Masks, but is defeated by a swarm of Nui-Rama and Nui-Kopen and forced to wear and Infected Kanohi
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- Takua and Taipu travel together to Le-Koro, but Taipu is abducted by a Nui-Rama and taken to the Hive
- Takua enters Le-Koro and joins the battle against the Nui-Rama as Kogu's second
- Takua and Kongu reach the Rama Hive where they witness Onua confront Lewa and free him from Makuta's control (Onua has collected a Hau and a Matatu by this point) A celebration is held in Le-Koro shortly afterward as Matau and all the captured Le-Matoran are returned safely home
- Takua returns to Ta-Koro, where Jala honorarily inducts him into the Ta-Koro Guard and tasks him with investigating the North March
- Takua travels to Ko-Wahi, meets Kopeke, and enters Ko-Koro
- Takua enters the Drifts in search of Matoro, but is unable to endure the blizzard and passes out, having visions of the Bohrok. Matoro finds him and nurses him back to health
- A Muaka attacks Matoro, but he is saved by Kopaka (Kopaka has claimed at least a Huna and a Mahiki by this point)
- Takua consults with Nuju. Meanwhile the Toa finally reunite and clear out a nest of Nui-Jaga
- Takua travels the island, showing the other Turaga Nuju's message. The Toa split up into groups of three. Pohatu, Kopaka, and Lewa travel to Po-Wahi to recover Pohatu's Kaukau, while Tahu, Gali, and Onua go to Le-Wahi in search of Pohatu's second-to-last Kanohi. While in the jungle, the Mistika team also find a Kanohi Kakama wedged into a tree, and Tahu burns the tree down out of impatience, angering Gali with his carelessness
- On Vakama's orders, Takua circles the island again, assembling the Chronicler's Company. The Toa find the final mask, Tahu's Kaukau, on the slopes of Mount Ihu
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- The Toa and the Chronicler's Company travel to Kini-Nui
- The Toa and the Chronicler's Company consult at Kini-Nui. Gali establishes a mind-link with Takua to keep him up to date on events below the surface
- The Toa acquire their Golden Kanohi and enter Mangaia using the Makoki Stone
- The Chronicler's Company defends Kini-Nui from Rahi attacks while the Toa Kaita battle the Manas beneath the earth. Takua receives visions of the Toa's progress from Gali
- The Gukko Force, Ussalry, and Ta-Koro Guard arrive to assist the Chronicler's Company and drive the Rahi away from Kini-Nui for good. Makuta dissolves the Toa Kaita back into the Toa Mata
- Takua travels to Mangaia through the secret entrance beneath the Great Sundial while the Toa are confronted by the illusory Shadow Toa
- The Toa face off against Makuta while Takua watches
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- The Toa impress the Makuta, actually managing to tire him, so he feigns defeat and teleports them back to the entrance of Mangaia so that he can recuperate and activate the next stage of his plan: the Bohrok Swarms
- Takua witnesses the awakening of the Bohrok and manages to escape the nest using the ancient "carving tool" provided to him by Turaga Onewa
- Takua finds Vakama on Ta-Wahi Beach and finally learns his own name
- A celebration takes place in Ta-Koro, soon to be interrupted...
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ginger-grimm · 3 years
If they had a kid oz and malia
Name: Lori Kylie Baker
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Hair worn loosely, minimal jewlery (only a necklace from aunt Nixie), mix of sporty and spice tbh, some tattoos
Personality: Kinda bougie, definitely a rebel-rowdy but fancy about it, funny, loving, fiercely protective
Special Talents: Wood carving, musical theatre, kickboxing
Who they like better: Oz
Who they take after more: Malia
Personal Head canon: She spends weekends with aunt Nixie and aunt Tilly or uncle Bear and aunt Jasmine, she cannot stand the Hales - especially Peter, she likes grandpa Tate better
Faceclaim: Julia Rehwald
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TAGGING: @firsthorror @eddysocs @raith-way @foxesandmagic @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @decennia @hiddenqveendom
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decembersylph-a-t-u · 3 years
This idea was something that I thought up way back during my unholy Naruto Warring Era period kick and Fairy Tail craze. Don’t judge.
A Fairy Tail x Naruto AU where Tobirama (bc heck yes water Boi is best there ever was!) got trained and somewhat raised by a water dragon named Nixie during the warring era between the Senju and Uchiha clans, having met Nixie at a hard to find waterfall area after his mom passed away.
Tobirama became a Water Dragon Slayer, keeping it a secret from even his brothers. I want to say he’s a little older than Gajeel and Natsu in this AU, so he gets to spend more time with Nixie before she inevitably leaves to go back to Fiore, which is on another continent altogether nearly on the other side of the world!
Izuna lives AU bc I ain’t even going to touch on how else this AU would work without Izuna, as Tobirama heals Izuna after wounding him, and later on when peace gets made and Konoha gets established, Tobirama decides to head out because he made a promise that one day, he’d meet Nixie again. She told him that if he wanted answers as to why she was leaving, he’d best go to Fiore, her home which he got told stories of back when he was training with her.
It surprised EVERYONE when Tobirama decides to leave, and when Hashirama asks why, Tobirama says he made a promise to someone a while back that he’d see her again. Cue teasing at it being a “her”, probs from either his cousin or Izuna since I see him as the type to make jabs and poke fun, especially at rivals, and Tobirama states that “Ew, Nixie was like a mother to me!”
Tobirama gets leave, especially since at the moment he isn’t really needed since the village is in working order and they have their borders pretty heavily guarded and Hashirama can see this means a lot to his little brother, so signs off on Tobirama’s leave.
Tobirama goes to Fiore and becomes part of Fairy Tail after running into Natsu and learning he was also a Dragon Slayer, looking for his parent dragon. Tobirama’s guild mark is white and is on his chest, upper left near his heart.
I had a funny thought that his hair got dyed partially pink in a prank ironically after he went and began working for Porlyusica to learn how to treat the wounded from her. Tobirama just kept it that way never really bothering to fix the damage and just let it grow out. Dunno if I’d keep that bit or not though.
I also had the idea that he found an Exceed kitten he named Yuki that looked sonewhat like a snow leopard just bc i love Tobirama being the snow leopard summoner even when it’s not canon.
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mxnstersarereal · 3 years
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@savagc asked If they had a kid (Caspian/Luna)
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Name: Alexandria Selene Belma Kaiser-Stewart
Gender: female
General Appearance: looks a lot like caspian but has lunas eyes
Personality: Curious and sarcastic, she's just as strong willed as her mothers are and never hesitates to stand up for what she believes. Is more than capable of taking care of herself.
Special Talents: she's an excellent rider and feels perfectly at home on a horse, she's also a very skilled archer and also grows her own herbs
Who they like better: luna
Who they take after more: cas
Personal Head canon: the eldest of four siblings, she's always been very nurturing to her two younger sisters (Livia Sterling Indigo & Nixie Yvaine Rowan)and little brother(Luan Adder Otieno). She's quite protective of her younger siblings and would do anything for them, but they still don't get away with calling her by her full first name.
Enneagram: type 8w7; the noncomformist. She's incredibly self-confident and has no difficulty when faced with decisions. She's a strong-willed and ambitious girl that hates being controlled and rarely likes being perceived as weak.
Face Claim: alicia sanz
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ao3feed-bamon · 5 years
by Anitzei_Neko
Nixie tilted her head in confusion, brows furrowed as she looked at the cat on her doorstep. It wouldn't be something out of the ordinary if it wasn't for the ribs showing and the vibrant green eyes staring back at her. Gently, as to not scare away the risen creature, she kneeled. "Hey there, little guy," she slowly reached out. "Did Ana give you something for me?" ~~~~ Caroline glanced at her, pouting. "How come you don't have a boyfriend, or girlfriend?" She asked innocently; Tyler - who had just taken a sip of his beer - spat it out. The Mikael girl shrugged, taking a sip of her tea. "I guess I am just too stubborn to want to. I'm not dating anyone until I'm eighteen, swore to my brother."
Words: 753, Chapters: 1/23, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The Vampire Diaries
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries (TV), The Originals (TV), Legacies (TV 2018), Aquaman (2018)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Damon Salvatore, Tyler Lockwood, Jeremy Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Matt Donovan, Freya Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman, Lexi Branson, Aurora de Martel, Sophie Deveraux (The Originals), Annabelle "Anna" Zhu, Jenna Sommers, Marcel Gerard, Lucien Castle, Mera (DCU)
Relationships: Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore, Caroline Forbes/Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore, Lexi Branson & Stefan Salvatore, Lexi Branson & Kol Mikaelson, Lexi Branson & Damon Salvatore, Lexi Branson & Caroline Forbes, Damon Salvatore & Stefan Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman/Jenna Sommers, Alaric Saltzman & Damon Salvatore, Lucien Castle/Freya Mikaelson, Aurora de Martel/Sophie Deveraux
Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Blood Drinking, Vampires, Injury, Past Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Minor Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore, Sassy Damon Salvatore, BAMF Bonnie Bennett, Witch Bonnie Bennett, Protective Bonnie Bennett, Stefan Salvatore Ships Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore, Confused Stefan Salvatore, Eventual Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore, Lexi Benson is Awesome, Teacher Alaric Saltzman, Jenna Sommers Knows, Necromancy, The Necronomicon, Undead, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Atlantis, Atlantis Culture
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/23158327 via AO3 works tagged 'Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore' http://archiveofourown.org/works/23158327
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buckybarnesbingo · 5 years
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Week 22 Roundup!  We’ve got some good doses of sugar and spice in this week’s batch, so click through to check it all out!
Title: The stranger addition - Chapter 1 Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: K3 - KINK: BDSM Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: No Powers, PWP, BDSM, Power Play, Bondage Summary: The man steps in. Tony stares at them alternately. “Who’s he?” “He’s Steve,” Bucky says, “my shadow.” “I’m your best friend,” Steve corrects him, “has been since childhood.” “Yeah, that too.” Bucky waves it away, and there’s certainly a story behind this, but Tony can’t decipher it with the limited information he has, and he’s frankly preoccupied with other activities to figure it all out. Like with how Bucky keeps kissing his neck, gentle this time, like making up for the harsh treatment a moment earlier. “And this is Tony,” Bucky continues with the introductions, “my owner… and my pet.”***Tony bought Bucky in a horse auction. Bucky became Tony's property, his bodyguard, and later - while they remained in their original roles to the wider audience - Bucky became Tony's Dom in the bedroom. This balance seemingly provided everything they needed. But one day Bucky announces a guest, and a new addition comes to the equation in the form of Steve Rogers. Word Count: 8765
Title: Soft morning kisses! Collaborator: massivespacewren Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K4 - Waking up Married Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: I imagined it to be 616, but after the bad things happen. So after brain deletion and Bucky being presumed dead, they’re together again and happy with it. The fireworks dates really did their magic ;)
Title: The stranger addition - Chapter 2  Collaborator: Menatiera Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - KINK: body worship Ship: Stuckony Rating: Explicit Major Tags: No Powers, PWP, BDSM, Power Play, Bondage Summary: "It’s not just what they do (though that’s phenomenal, hands down the best blowjob Tony’d ever got), but the situation itself, the safety and familiarity with Bucky plus the excitement and novelty of Steve, too. Tony is just… so gone for this, so on board with everything, he wants to please Bucky - he wants to be his good pet - and he wants to give Steve what he needs too. He wants to be good for them - not the best. For once, he doesn’t need to be the best, he just has to be good, and it’s relaxing and liberating." Word Count: 8765
Title: lap full of you Collaborator: kimannhart Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y4 - AU: Teacher Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: Modern Setting, College/University, Sickfic Summary: It's near the end of the fall semester, or as Tony described it as, 'The Time of the Year Where My Body Decides to Hate Me and Gets Sick.' And instead of taking the exams and papers he has to grade home, he decides to try to power through his sickness and just stay in the office he shares with Bucky. Though, his sick mind has mistaken Bucky's lap as his office chair. Word Count: 1527
Title: The Door Into Winter Collaborator: tisfan Link: AO3 Square Filled: C4 - Winter Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fantasy, Chronicles of Narnia Fusion, Faun Tony Stark Summary: Bucky opens a door… and finds himself somewhere else entirely. Word Count: 1541
Title: Tale As Old As Time Collaborator: Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa) Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - AU: Fairytale Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Hurt Tony Stark, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Misunderstandings Summary: Once upon a time... A young prince, an elaborate spell, and a soldier who just wanted to help his friend and ended up in a fairytale he never could've imagined. Word Count: 2622
Title: Bite with a Bullet Collaborator: kimannhart Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B4 - Iron Man/Tony Stark Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Mob/Mafia AU, mention of injuries Summary: A short little ficlet with worried and protective Bucky pretty much. Word Count: 515
Title: A New Dawn Collaborator: Caitriona3 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B3 - Soulmate Ship: Bucky/Clint/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: College/University, Soulmates Summary: Bucky plays hero . . . and picks up a new soulmate. Not bad for a night's work. Word Count: 3975
Title: Hit the Spot - Chapter 2: A Few Surprises... Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - IMAGE: Tony fixing Bucky's arm Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Gen Major Tags: Attempted Assault, Panic Attack, Depression Summary: Bucky's been feeling a little depressed since the incident in the coffee shop. It takes an unexpected visitor with a slightly unorthodox plan to start prying him out of it. Word Count: 10,558
Title: In Need of Comfort Collaborator: caiti-creative-corner Link: Tumblr Square Filled: U2 - Picture/Winter Soldier on ice Ship: Bucky/Clint/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: Alternate Universe/Canon Divergence, Not Loki friendly Summary: When Bucky’s nightmares drag him from sleep, all they can do is be there for him. Word Count: 1476
Title: Double Booked Collaborator: mariana_oconnor Link: AO3 Square Filled: U3 - identity porn Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: Identity Porn, Misunderstandings, Roommates/Housemates, Deaf Clint Barton Summary: Bucky has finally managed to get a date with Clint. There's only one small problem: the guests of honour at this fancy gala are the Avengers, but he's got it covered.Clint is having a really weird night. Word Count: 11,118
Collaborator: nixie-deangel Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C2 - Sam Wilson/Falcon Ship: WinterFalcon Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: SamBucky moodboard
Title: Y1 - Domestic Collaborator: nixie-deangel Link: Tumblr Square Filled: Y1 - Domesticity Ship: BuckyNat Rating: Gen Major Tags: moodboard
Title: Never Let Me Go - Chapter 3 Collaborator: Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa) Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - Abandonment issues Ship:  WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: Developing Relationship, Aquaphobia, Panic Attacks Summary: As they continue meeting up at night, Tony and Bucky grow closer. Then they find out that they can actually sleep when they're together, and really, what else is there to do but cuddle as they finally find some peace? Word Count: 6884
Title: Ain't That a Kick in the Head - Chapter 5 Collaborator: Faustess Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y1 - would you rather Ship: Bucky/Maria Hill, Bucky & Tony Rating: Mature Major Tags: Dad Bucky, Deaged Tony, BAMF Maria, protective Bucky, Tony needs a hug, enemies to friends, pre-relationship Summary: A drabble and a moodboard to commemorate what might have been the shortest sledding adventure ever in Marvel history. Word Count: 16,459
Title: Three is a Perfect Plan Collaborator:  Caiti (Caitriona_3) Link: AO3 Square Filled: C1 - Baker Bucky Ship: Bucky/Clint/Darcy Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard, coffee shop/cafe AU Summary: Bucky and Darcy are complete as a couple, but they wouldn't mind adding one more. Word Count: 2330
Title: False Starts Collaborator: mariana_oconnor Link: AO3 Square Filled: Y5 - Bucky/Clint Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Teen Major Tags: identity porn, roommate AU, deaf Clint Summary: The first time Bucky met Clint Barton, he was sure the dumbass was going to get himself killed. He thought that would be the end of it. He definitely never expected they'd end up living together, or that he'd get a crush on the guy. Word Count: 2680
Title: Under the Boardwalk Collaborator: ruckystarnes Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B2 - last chance Ship: Bucky/Reader Rating: Teen Major Tags: typical young adult/teen stuff Summary: Bucky and Reader are on their last date night after graduation. Word Count: 977
Title: It's Only In My Head Collaborator: pherryt Link: AO3 Square Filled: K1 - KINK: masturbation Ship: WinterHawk Rating: Explicit Major Tags: angst, dream sharing, explicit sexual content, touch starved, hurt/comfort, first kiss Summary: Bucky Barnes might have a bit of a crush on Clint Barton, fellow Avenger and human disaster, but that was something that would never happen. Not in real life, anyway. Bucky wasn't that lucky. But his dreams were something else entirely... Word Count: 4209
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nixie-deangel · 3 years
Headcanon ask: superbat + honeymoon? And if I can send in a second, how about Dinahelena + driving?
Suberbat - So, in fact because they had three different weddings, they also got three different honeymoons.
Their first, was of course the real one, with them as who they are, Batman and Superman, joining together in front of the Justice League (with Young Justice members in attendance as well) before they got to go on a three week long honeymoon because they had to escort a serious criminal back to their home planet -in reality, John Stewart had called in a friend who posed as the criminal, and Bruce didn't call them out on it because it meant he basically got to be with Clark for three weeks with no emergences, just them, a bed and food- and back to Earth.
A couple months later, they did it again, this time going to a court house, before taking a long weekend at a cabin up in the mountains.
The last one was the big society wedding Gotham expected out of it's darling former playboy. It takes months to plan, and it's ridiculous to pull off but they do. And for their honeymoon following it, they take a month long voyage on Bruce's yacht -though in reality, Bruce is still working nights in Gotham, and Clark flying off for any Superman call.
DinaHelena - So despite being great at riding her motorcycle, Helena is actually bad the minute you put her inside an actual car. Dinah does not understand how her girlfriend is so bad, but the very few times she let Helena drive they somehow ended up rear-ending a city busy, running over a mailbox, Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne's feet, and she somehow managed to get it wrapped around a tree.
So Helena is officially never allowed to drive, unless they are taking her bike. Otherwise, Dinah is behind the wheel of the car.
Send Nixie a ship/character + a word, and I'll give you a HC.
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thinthle · 6 years
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Simsala Grimm AU with Emile Picani as Doc and Remy/Sleep as croggy (could be wrong with the names here my memory of the show is not that fresh).
Once upon a time the sides got stuck in a nightmare lured there by the dark sides with what they most desired. 
Team Remile leaps to the rescue but realises they’ve been deceived. The sides they knew and loved nowhere to be found. Dreams and nightmares have existed in different realms each containing their own plane of existence of reality. The Multiverse expanding with each new headcanon, theory, fanfic and plenty of AU’s accompanied by unique and different art styles from Fanders all over the world. 
Now their quest really begins can they get their sides back to their world before Thomas wakes up and forgets them. Emile: Traveling through fairy tales sounds fun right ?
Lets see if my taglist will finally work again also feel free to send them questions in my ask box to progress the story or just get to know more about them.
@thelogicalloganipus @romanpizza @helloprincey @hellomusicalnerdhere @lacteouslesters @lucifer-in-my-head @warnadudenexttime @angstyteenv @airakorainies @gay-space-rain @dorothyannewise @andlipstickboys @bunny222 @creepyfloof @the-queen-of-fandoms @healinghufflepuff @thatsmsmactoyou @futuristicinfluencernerd @delarpix @pailettehazel @aloa2u @lazycb @squirescreen @thecollectorofdarkness @panfilet @lucho-arts @dootdoodley @monstrous-madison @delphox-lover @skip-the-potato @escapedoodland @mangomonkeyboy @thatsweaterchick @twoframesstudios @awesomesilvercat @goldenfoxination @callmetrash1 @ebeanie @tj-the-nonbinary-alien @the-paper-head @pipiana-chan @galaxxibeast @official-alien-pancakes @10cloverfield @fux-nixi @imaginatekate @theaestheticworld @invisible-bunny @blacknwhiteblog @harrisonburg44 @sachikoaiyuki @so-fucking-proud @thatrandomfangirl28 @gigi-is-drawing @skythehooman @thatonelegobrickuhate @turtledog-loves-her-anime @artsy-6321 @crazybutcalm2 @thatonerandomromanian @drbblud
@cremafied @blackholebunny @s-t-s-g @craftymelongirl @jennijam07 @randomslasher @tragicillustrator @infinitesimal-heart @oli-smiles-sometimes @elkius @kingsketchdoodle @themightylotad @angelic-ace @turtley-gay @all-these-things-that-ive-dun @lucho-arts @rayray2425 @shinsyl @akwardly-magical @shyrenthedawndragon @mint-bees @meplushyou @demigosh @moriarrtty @necro-nova @lilis-doodle-dome @internally-screeming @kobaltski @breloomings @peachy-pattoncake @ethanhanbury @romanasanders @purpsart @mimiloverfox @ec-sanderssides @finnlinnaj @jojoztar @swerve-art @2queer2deer @could-always-be-gayer-2@featuredfander @morallogic @fangirltothefullest @novaedream @cattonsanders @notafeeling @parano--vigilant @logically-asexual @colorful-unknown @the-sanders-sides @the-sanders-snides @sidespart @charmingsides @imtoobiforyou @ifitsbritishimprobablyafan @fandergecko @pantton-sandacers @sugarglider9603 @misplaced-my-notes @meyonto @thomassandersownsmysoul @moxieties @ellistruggle @sander-sides-fangirl-with-pma @sanders-sides-fantasy @voidsides @cnv99 @paperghastly @im-basically-logan @caffibun @shesavampirequeen @tiny-mudkip @flatlinesunrelenting @blue-stopsigns @sanders-sides-thuri @aharleigh2 @pumpkinofspace @menaciingly @justisaisfine @notalwaysthevillian @fantasyinsanity @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @officialwaterfairy @sunshine-in-a-petal @galaxy-warping @toastraccoon @finiteframe3 @quietgamesart @quietlypondering @why-did-the-jax-fall-over  @the-pastel-peach @prettyinaccurate @phhiih @blombla-art @unknownsandersfan @purplepatton @angsty-hoodie @angst-patton @violetvirgil @basementtreasure @nightcatssketchbook @rocithefangirl @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @sanders-trash @deceitful-deception @akuryoudraws
@panic-at-the-everywhere-lol @chatterghosts @jewelsafecorner @demonlucy-chan @sinningbutwithstyle @sandy-sides @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @reba-andthesides @menacefh @simplypatton @pipapatton @agayfairy @pastel-patton123 @rose-gold-roman @lollingtothemax @smedenn @altruistic-skittles @peachy-pattoncake @minnie-monnie @melchann @goodjobmiranda @sidespart @never-logical @luarpice @strangerthings-and-phan  @thatsthat24@sparkedawg @allthemetalsoftherainbow @kirsten-the-freak @the-darkness-art @aliferous-ly   @pattson @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @saphirestrike @redundant-statements-for-400  @proudhufflepuffgeek @birdybabybird @quinintheclouds   @yourpalmogar @all-my-fandoms-are-killing-me @dementeddracon  @thatgaydemigodnerd @sanderdrabbles  @countessmissyshort @anxiousravenclaw @creativenostalgiastuff  @koalaaquabear @deep-ocean-blues  @heythereprincey @devastate-my-space  @inalandofmythandtimeofmagic @ffsas-side-account @urtrashthemes  @the-incedible-sulk  @savingshae @somepostontheinternet @grey-lysander @reba-andthesides @rose-gold-romantic @thatonenerdtm  @septifanderplier  @dementeddracon
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