#Niri babbles
Akashi doesn't think this changes things. So, he sleeps - actually sleeps -  over at Furihata's flat.  Sometimes. So, he wears some of Furihata's clothes. Sometimes. So, most of the nights don't end up in sex and are still spent all snuggled up in bed.
Nothing big.
Nothing at all.
Fuck what Reo says.
Its only when he leaves office one day and goes to his penthouse, he realises.
He has been living with Furihata for more than six months.
Reo was right.
He was - is - in a relationship. With Furihata.
With Kouki.
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bakedbakermom · 2 years
Figured out a better climax for my novel when I haven't even finished the goddamn middle yet *shuffles off, muttering vaguely angry nonsense*
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Hello Niri. I love the Akafuri oneshot about Harpy Akashi and King Furihata so much that I wanted to read it again but I was sad that I could not find it. Sorry to hassle you for this but can you give me the link just for me to read it in for my self-indulgence?
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…………there is a Harpy!Akashi and King!Furihata fic that I have somehow not read????????????????????????Oh the utter blasphemy.
I am so sorry but I have no clue on this at all, AND, SO. 
This is me, asking my followers if they have chanced upon a fic with this trope and help me and this beautiful anon in reading it :”)
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Makoto sighs. Adjusts his glasses. Takes them off. Wipes them and puts them back on. And sighs again. The reality in front of him hadn’t changed in the process.
A “What is it?” interrupts his thoughts. It’s a nice voice. Deep, guttural. Not to mention, sexy. Makoto sighs again. Just like Sousuke to have a voice that fueled all of his fantasies. Fate is a cruel bitch. 
“Nothing, I-” Makoto breaks off, runs a hand through his hair, hoping it might awaken some of those inactive brain cells. Nope, just dead cells here. “It’s just-ugh. Nothing, Sousuke. This is...This is fine.”
Sousuke raises an artfully arched brow, real fucking dramatically - of course he would have perfectly shaped eyebrows, to go along with that perfect shaped.... everything, fuck you fate you utter whore - as if to say, “Oh really?” without actually saying it. 
Makoto’s tongue seizes up. He sucks in a deep breath, takes off his glasses again - out of sight out of mind, yeah right - and fumbles with the papers on his lap. He croaks, coughs and coughs again before clearing his throat decisively - get some fucking grip Tachibana - and says, “I can’t be responsible for the schedules again.” He sighs, his hands spreading over the various sheets with severely, unnecessarily complicated graphs,”I don’t understand why we do this every year, why I have to do this. Nobody’s schedule matches with everyone else’s perfectly and still I, as the captain - which I didn’t ask to be, by the way, nobody cares about that now, do they - and I have to do this. It was easier in school when we could go to the pool after classes but now in college and this is a serious step up and I am just-uggggh. Really, Sousuke, you don’t want to hear this-”
“No, I want to.” That voice should be banned for sounding so gentle. And those eyes - those fucking sea green eyes that he could fucking drown in - which were looking at him with ....fondness. Makoto suppressed the pleasant shivers that ran up his spine. Come to think of it, Sousuke should be banned. He was a walking disaster for Makoto’s system. He shouldn’t be getting away with it as he is. All the fucking time. It didn’t help that Makoto’s system wanted to crash everytime Sousuke entered the room, his face lighting up like it was fucking Christmas when he sees Makoto and sitting next to him in all the classes they shared. Fuck you, traitor system.
“-they wouldn’t be telling on you if you are harsh on them, you know?” Sousuke was continuing, his mouth was moving but Makoto had somehow lost his hearing to the roaring of waves or some other sappy Rin-type bullshit. He should kill Rin for making him watch those movies. “They love you. It wouldn’t hurt to be a little more firm. You are the captain, after all.”
Makoto zapped out and blushed to his ears. It seemed appropriate enough because Sousuke was smiling that Sousuke-smile, that one that just was showing up more frequently over the past few weeks that even Rin had commented on it, and says, “I am. Captain, I mean. I just don’t understand why.”
“Because you are good at it.” Sousuke voice is firm and soft. Fuck me, now. “Because you care, because you see all the pros and cons and take a decision for the good of the team and you are unbiased. I could go on, but I think you get my point.” He smiles that smile again and Makoto’s heart is racing. He is sure Sousuke can hear it. “I am not sure anyone else is that qualified. Although.....I can help you with the schedules, if you want?”
Makoto gapes. Oh he wants. Definitely wants. Help, that is. With the schedules. Not with his cock that is twitching with sudden interest. Would Sousuke be opposed to help in that regard too? He blurts, “Sure! Anytime okay for you?”
There is a snowball’s chance in hell that Sousuke likes him back. No matter what Haru says. Or Rin. Or Rei. Or Nagisa. Or Gou. Oh okay fine. What everybody says. Because Sousuke does not like him back. Not that way, at least. Not in the fuck me up against the wall and then make breakfast and coffee for me kind of way. 
“Yeah, how about dinner tonight?” Sousuke sounds confident as usual but his eyes are not meeting Makoto’s suddenly. There is a slight clench in his jaw too. Makoto wonders why. 
Makoto nods, concerned a little. “Sure. You name the place. I will be there.”
Sousuke lets out a whoosh of breath and there is a definite lighting up of his features. He smiles a wide smile. A smile Makoto has seen very very rarely. And his whole face heats up at receiving it. “Yeah. Cool. I will pick you up at 7. Dress a bit fancy? Okay? And, ah, wear your glasses. See you!”
And he strides off with a skip in his step. Makoto watches him, his jaw somewhere on the ground and his face red. 
Wait, did Sousuke just ask him on a date?
It couldn’t be, could it?
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Makoharu, engagement
“Makoto! Wait, where-”
Makoto doesn’t answer. He jumps into the pool pulling Haru with him. “ComeoncomeonHarucomeon”
Haru doesn’t protest. Because a) he is in the pool and b) there is no b. 
Makoto swims lazily, contradicting the sprint towards the pool and dragging Haru from the house at the break of dawn. Its ten in the morning but shhhhhh. 
Lazy July mornings at the pool are the best. There is so much sun that it feels like the heat is melting your face off but there is a pool very near to the house that Makoto has the keys for, since he was working with Coach full time now. Haru swims languidly, dunking his face every now and then and coming up for air when he felt like it. Makoto loves watching Haru like this. So free, so at peace with the world. 
Makoto swims quietly beside him, watching him with a smile. This was it. This was exactly what he wanted. This was what he wanted for forever. This was what he had for forever even before he realised what he had.  
“Will you marry me, Haru-chan?”
Haru stops abruptly and opens his eyes to look at Makoto, intently. His face betrays no emotion but his eyes, his aquamarine eyes that Makoto feels himself drowning in, are swirling wondrously. Makoto drifts closer, a content smile in place as he takes Haru’s hands in his, feeling ‘yes right this is so right this is perfect this is what he wanted for so long and its the best thing ever’ and repeats, softly, “Will you marry me, Haru-chan?”
Its a lazy morning in July when the sun tries to melt the skin off their bones and the water is cool as it laps around them, pushing them closer, when Haru grips Makoto hard and crushes him in a hug and whispers a ”Yes!” and grumbles against his neck a second later, “Drop the -chan.”
[I hope you don’t mind that I did a Proposal, instead of an Engagement! This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the prompt and I went with it :”)]
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top ten favorite fics of all time? can be any ship you want!
You beautiful angel from the heavens above! Thank you for this ask!! I am literally bursting at the seams with all the screaming I want to do for drarry! (Which if you have been frequenting your dash, would be spammed with the arts, courtesy yours truly- no need to thank me//making grabby hands at you//).
Ah! Umm! Ughh the difficult part of this ask is to choose among the spectacular stuff I have read//wails// So here is ten stuff which is close to my heart (changes constantly because I am a fickle-minded fangirl who is easily distracted by the New Shiny Thing and still rereads the Classics and the ‘Not so popular but Totally - guilty pleasure - fluffy works’).
This is a Long Post. For skipping this, please click “J”. Thanks!
Image Received by Trashness - SouMako 13k words 
Mobile phones are amazing and dangerous.They are communication devices, word processors, flashlights, calculators, gaming platforms, cameras…And capable of sending terrible photos to your crush, which end up being the perfect ice breaker(aka: Yes that is my naked ass on your phone. I am filled with shame and regret, but we somehow have a weird friendship out of it)
Entirely too funny and absurdly endearing work that has completely won me over! The friendship is hilarious and oh! Ace!Haru ftw!!
A Place to Call Home by Potatopierrot - AkaFuri 18k words
It was up to Kouki to show Seijuurou that imperfection was not a disability, that they were all only human.
An extremely underrated but utterly heartwarming work that deserves all the praise. This was one of the first works I read when I jumped onto the akafuri wagon and I still hold this very dearly in high praise. The dynamic of their relationship in this made me sit up and notice Akashi and Furihata very very differently than their usual fanon portrayals.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt by Ad_Astra - MakoRin 68k words
Rin comes to terms with something he never thought he wanted.
The classic case of Friends with Benefits to Something More - Which the author wanted to stop with the Friends with Benefits but ended up writing a whole 70k saga which incidentally became the MakoRin Bible. All of Astra’s works are hilariously charming and cheesy and sassy that you can never get enough of it!
Here are the Drarry works I picked out from the Best Ever and honestly, I am not doing any justice because there are just so many which are just too good, you can easily drown and I will take all the blame for it. Happily. 
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound - 150k words
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
If you need a work that just makes you wonder and enjoy and relish every single word written then this is the work for you! Also, pocketsies!!
The Standard You Walk Past by @bafflinghaze - 47k words
On returning to Hogwarts for their Eighth Year, Headmistress McGonagall decided to room Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter together. She may have hoped for a leading example of house unity; the other students fully expected insults and fights. But nothing happened.
That was, until Harry sleepwalked into Draco’s bed.
Such a beautiful work oh my god! Draco is so so caring here and he is cursed and he still helps Harry out, albiet unwillingly at first and its so poignant! Ahh!
Azoth by Zeitgeistic - 88k words
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
The author is the go to person for any, I repeat, any explanation regarding the working of magic. The work is marvelous and detailed and intriguing and! Portrait!Snape at his snarky best!!
Helix by Saras_Girl - 93k words
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
Anything by Saras_Girl is a must read. Anything. There are simply no questions. She has the command over the imagery of words that is incomparable. If you are starting out with Harry Potter Fanworks in general, please give this a try. I will swear, on my life, its so worth it. 
Pocket Full of Starlight (Never Let it Fade Away) by @femmequixotic and @noeeon - 46k words
When Scorpius Malfoy and Jamie Potter meet at Quidditch camp, they take an instant dislike to each other. Then they discover their lives are more connected than they could possibly imagine.
Parent Trap AU!! And oh man! So stunningly written! I almost cried when Draco hugs James and during the scene in the Hotel. The writing is exceptionally beautiful and you should definitely read it!
In the Shadow of your Heart by @lqtraintracks - 52k words
And thus began the very strange circumstance of their fake dating in public and real fucking in absolute secret. It was, with no comparison, the weirdest relationship Draco had ever been in – which was to say, it wasn’t one.
Fake Pretend Relationship and……wait for it…..Friends With Benefits trope!! At the same time! It makes sense…..in a way. And So Damn Good. Holy shit I am crying at the beauty of this hilarious fic I love it so much!
In Evidence of Magical Theory by @bixgirl1 - 43k words
In which Harry and Draco can’t fight, and so they fall in love instead. When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, the pair are forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible.
Magical Theories at their finest! A rec list should have atleast one Bonding fic in it and whats better than the best! This is so carefully constructed and beautifully written and I am so in awe of this fic! Ahhhh!
He was He and I was Bunny by bryoneybrynn - 37k words
The war is over and “eighth year” is about to begin at Hogwarts. But for Harry and Draco, nothing is quite the same. Harry’s looking for an escape, Draco’s looking for a friend. Does a little black bunny hold the answers for both of our boys?
Animagus as Bunny!Harry and Snarky Draco who rants to him about him…..all the time. Its funny and gorgeous and crazily wonderful and ahhh yes!!!!
All these are just tip of the ice berg, if you are willing, please check out the other works of these authors and believe me, they will sweep you off your feet. The HP fandom has some of the classiest, astoundingly magnificent works known to the Internet. Thank you JKR for making all of these wonderful writers fall for your writing and create these works for us to enjoy. 
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I have one question... can I /please/ scream you with about drarry? I have /no one/ else to talk to them about and also thank you the long fic rec. Short fics always ends to early for me and makes me want more!
I am not particularly good at organising fic recs and I am doing these just based on my personal interest and mood right now but here are a few ones that I missed out on in the previous rec post!!
Hope you enjoy and spazz to me and the authors on how much you enjoyed them!! They would LOVE to know what you think!
This is a long post. Please click “J” to skip it. Thank you!
Right Hand Red by @lqtraintracks - 73k words
Harry felt Malfoy’s breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory.
Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy.
Malfoy felt inevitable.
You want UST? You want Eighth Year Snarky Draco? You want Muggle game nights that turn just this side of naughty? Well! Look no more! This fic offers all that and more!! Gods, yes this fic. SO MUCH LOVE. 
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl - 115k words
Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
Anything, I said, didn’t I? Anything by Saras_Girl is worth giving your soul to. Its so good, so perfect, so sweet that your heart melts everytime the beetle rushesover to Draco. Everytime Harry and Draco interact and everytime you read this fic. Again and again. 
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi - 58k words
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Oh man this fic is so lovely. Its so carefully crafted and Harry’s emotions are so hilariously written I feel like reading this all over again. Just do it, please!
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered - 65k words
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations.
There is literally nothing better than this. The conversations in here are sparkling! I am so enamored with anything Lettered writes but this remains close to my heart!
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound - 81k words
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter’s help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn’t been enough to dim Draco’s obsession with him.
This fic man!! Oh man! I could very well marry this fic I love it SO MUCH. It has everything! Sixth Year AU, creature fic, auror fic, banter, UST, bonding (mating which is SO GOOD). This remains my favorite of creature fics argh just please do yourself a favour and read it ok?
The Shape of The World by @bixgirl1 - 48k words
Five years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco’s life is finally getting back in order. Until, that is, he sees a familiar face that has been missing since that last awful morning of the war.
When has knowing Potter done anything other than complicate his life?
Although, for two people such as Potter and Malfoy, how can they fall in love except to put aside their preconceived notions about one another?
Memory loss fics are tricky and oh man this fic is so carefully crafted, so wonderfully dealt with that you THINK its effortless but damnnn! Draco does everything to help Harry here and MAN their interactions are GOLD. So good, so well done, just trust me, read it!
Harry Potter and the Future He Doesn’t Really Want, Thanks. by @seefin - 70k words
It was addictive, the feeling of Draco Malfoy telling him things in a soft voice early in the morning. Harry felt like he was taming a wild animal, or petting a cat that hated everybody else. This train existed outside of time, that was the only explanation Harry could come up with as to why Malfoy was actually having a civil conversation with him right now. 
Harry can see the future. He gets visions. And. Then there is Malfoy in them. So naturally, Harry now wants to chat up Malfoy. You would think the boy has had enough of fates playing with him, but no. This fic is just so snarky, so classy, its the best thing to read on a snowy night with hot chocolate on your side. 
There’s a Pureblood Custom for That by lomonaaeren - 106k words
The day that Harry stops Draco Malfoy and his son from being bothered in the middle of Diagon Alley starts a strange series of interactions between him and Malfoy. Who knew there was a pure-blood custom for every situation?
Lomonaaeren is like a force to be reckoned with, ok? There are no genres, no tropes, no writing style they haven’t dipped their fingers in and made it their own. They bend things to their will and make a fic so classy it leaves you speechless. So beautiful man….like wow. 
In Pieces by @dysonrules - 85k words
Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost.
Dysonrules was one of the first authors I read when I ventured into drarry and damn she stole my heart and still has it. Her writing is so wholesome and funny and sweet I cannot imagine going a month without re-reading some of hers. Here, Malfoy is a ghost and Harry works extra hard to bring him back to life. Also, ghost sex which REALLY wont freak you out trust me. Its so hot!
Playing the Hero by @l0vegl0wsinthedark - 30k words
Nobody kissed me like Harry did. He kissed like he flew; he kissed like he duelled - with his whole being, not caring about anything else. I had never felt as vulnerable as I did when he kissed me, seizing all and any control I had over myself. But when Harry kissed me, I felt free…
Break up and Make up fics ARE MY CALLING I TELL YOU. You write that a hundred times, I will still read it. A hundred times. This fic is so hot, the writer has some extra smut writing gifts I tell you because the porn is just too awesome argh//clenches fist// 
Anyway! These are just 10 fics, once again off the top of my head. I have missed so many, and oh man so many are gonna be added with the New Erised (//screams// YESSSS!!!!!!!) I cannot wait to read them all!!!
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Everyone knows Seamus loves to bet but what they don’t understand is how everyone gets roped into it. Its been only months since the war and nobody understands how the Interhouse Unity has become way popular than it was supposed to be. The other houses were supposed to be cold towards Slytherin and Slytherins were supposed to be aloof but there it was; Millicent and Ginny arguing about Quidditch, Hermoine and Draco working studiously on Arithmancy projects together, Blaise and Seamus betting like pros while Pansy and Dean look on fondly, shaking their heads and Ron is busy eating all the cookies Goyle was making, its the 10th batch now and “taste-testing” has long lost its relevance. But what Harry doesn’t get is why their entire Eighth Year is hell bent on him and Malfoy. Which brings the above betting into discussion. 
One date, one whole day date, spent holding hands. Whoever backs out first, loses. Whoever refuses to have fun, loses. Whoever acts like an asshole to the other, loses. 
Naturally its Harry and Draco. 
Truth be told, the date goes on fine. His friends were watching he thinks, following them around Hogsmeade. Both he and Malfoy have put effort into dressing. Well, him more than Malfoy, because Malfoy dresses nice all the time. 
The handholding, the cafe where they eat, the talking politely - no mention of the war, no - they even have friendly banter on the teams playing this season and bicker about their friends. Its all going nicely and he and Malfoy look like they are getting it on pretty well but the whole thing is laced with “Oh you would like that, wouldnt you well I am better at this than you fuck you I am going to show you a good time you better watch out you are not winning this Potter/Malfoy”
Its hopeless and nobody wins and it takes them three more dates before figuring out their friends are trying to set them up. THE IDIOTS. 
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I was rewatching avengers movies with my cousin the other day and I am............having sudden thoughts of akashi as Loki and furi as Iron man???? I mean, its so easy to see Akashi as Loki, wrecking havoc on Earth because he found out he was adopted and there is this cute little genius Furihata flying in a suit and almost dying in space because of Akashi and instead of that comfy prison back home Akashi gets banned to live with humans to repent for his mistakes and somehow they meet and this reforming Akashi slowly but surely falls for this prodigy (and for once furi is the rich guy) and I am...........shit I want to write this but why am I so lazy? 
Also can you imagine Cashier Akashi wishing he had rather blown up the planet instead of dealing with humans like these rude customers ok bye
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Ahaha! Yes. Loved it. And another prompt came into my head: "Fuck me, fuck you, fuck eVERYTHING!" I can see Izuku from BnHA saying this being the frustrated bean he is... idk with whom doe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ... maybe everyone 👀
“Fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything!!” Izuku stormed, wailed, punched the wall, held his broken knuckles close, wiped off the angry tears that sprang up instantly, in rapid succession. “You don’t get to decid-....You alway-....argh!”
Todoroki stayed silent. He stood where he was and held his chin close to his chest and swallowed inaudibly. He put his hands in his pockets to stop them from shaking. More, to stop people from seeing them shake. 
Izuku breathed heavily and leaned beside him. “You really don’t think that, do you?” Todoroki still didn’t respond. Izuku slid down and sat on the floor, pulling up his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. “We would love to have you with us. My mother was serious when she asked you, you know.”
Todoroki looked away. “I don’t want to impose.”
Izuku stared at him, disbelieving. “That’s what this is about?!” He got up too fast and gripped Todoroki’s shoulders hard enough to pain, enough to make eye contact - something he had been steadfastly avoiding, “You wont. Listen, Shouto, I don’t know where you got that idea but my family. Forget it, I, would love to have you for Christmas dinner. Heck, even Kacchan invited us to spend a day with him and Kirishima. So you get your head out of the clouds and fuck all that, we are going to spend the holidays watching old shows back to back on my ratty couch in our pajamas and eat junk all day till Christmas and then eat with my mother and All might which will be the ultimate fun and you know it. Now come on. Let’s go.” 
He pulled Todoroki by his hand towards their rooms, all focused on leaving as soon as possible when he heard the chuckles behind him. “When did you learn to speak like Bakugou?”
Izuku grinned gamely, “I came to realise a bit too late that there are things only swear words can fix.” He, then looked up and down at the amused Todoroki, “Oh well, maybe not too late.”
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For that cool kids fic stuff: "I literally have no idea what I'm doing." Go nuts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I can see Klance here, but you can do whatever)
“....wait, what are you doing, man?” Lance is this close to tearing his hair out. “Those papers....the kids...its-it is not a fuck-Keith!”
“I know, I know” The ‘you don’t have to tell me how to do my job’ hung unsaid in the air. Keith went back to scoring the test papers. Harshly. As if he hadn’t heard Lance at all. “I just want them to know the standard I expect out of them, is all.”
“......” Lance plonked himself on the seat opposite Keith, eyeing him unblinking. “........I got it. You just don’t want them to take you out for a ride, don’t you? Just because you are new.”
Keith visibly flinched. And refused to meet Lance’s shrewd eyes.
“Hey. Keith, hey, look up, would you?” Keith grit his teeth and did. “Hey man it’s fine you want to slash their throats on their first test but you....how to say this....you can relax a bit, you know? Give suggestions? I dunno.....” Lance trailed off, but implored Keith to follow.
Keith deflated. He set down the papers and took out the hair band and mussed his hair free. “I have literally no idea what the fuck I am doing.” He sighed, “Care to help me with this?”
Lance, momentarily stunned into silence - long hair long hair fuck how does it look so silky oh my fucking god no let me muss your goddamn perfect hair - gulped audibly. “Um, yeah. Help. You. Help you. With the kids. Yeah. Totally. Piece of cake.”
If only it was.  
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Tagged by @brickerbeetle​ (thank you Cora<333)
1. Are you named after someone? - No, actually! My name was an accident. My parents saw a commercial on TV and named me after the Girl Character......Excuse me. I have a bone to pick with them now. 
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. I came out as Bisexual to my mother (I am not, I am Biromantic Graysexual, but that’s a discussion for another time - aka after I make my mother understand what asexuality is) and she was totally cool with it. She said, you cant decide who you are attracted to and that is not something that needs to be fixed. Free to love, Niri. And I, like the emotional fool I am, burst into tears. Happy tears I think. I hope. 
3. Do you like your handwriting? Yes! I love it! I have changed styles since school and the years after but recently I started writing on paper again and am glad to have my penmanship back on track! (Eof if you are reading this, my letters are NOT examples of my writing ok, that was scribbling).
4. What is your favourite lunchmeat? I am a vegetarian! 
5. Do you have kids? HA. No, thank you. I love to sleep. 
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Maybe! I am very “in my own world” type but an ambivert as well. Oh! I love to binge watch shows so YES! That’s a plus!
7. Do you use sarcasm? ”Me? Sarcastic?”- gasps dramatically - “Why, I haven’t the faintest clue.”
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Nope! Removed and Ice Cream heaven was visited the same day. Yes!
9. Would you bungee jump? Yes! Oh yes! 
10. What is your favourite kind of cereal? Chocolate crunchies!
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I have no idea?? I have not worn a shoe with laces in a while. A long while. I have worn only heels and sandals and cut-shoes. 
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Nope! Definitely not. But everyone around me are and that pushes me forward. And also guilt. 
13. What is your favourite ice cream? Triple chocolate with brownies. 
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their walk, look and their vibe. Vibe part I think every person feels but they ignore it. Its the most important thing for me. 
15. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? My ankles. They are dark and they keep getting darker. 
16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? No shoes but blue sweats! And a blue tee! 
17. What are you listening to right now? The ceiling fan and my AC whirring
18. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Crimson.
19. Favourite smell? Jasmine. Sandalwood. Fresh Indian Spicy Food getting cooked in the kitchen. (the masala is mouthwatering).
20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My sister.
21. Favourite sport to watch? No idea. When did I last watch non anime.....
22. Hair colour? Black! Nice ebony black!
23. Eye colour? Dark chocolate-y brown!
24. Do you wear contacts? Nope! Just glasses, thank you!
25. Favourite food to eat? Indian food! Dosa! Pav Bhaji! Any Indian Food! 
26. Scary movies or comedy? Comedy please! And not the sleazy kind. 
27. Last movie you watched? Kapoor and Sons! Its wonderful.
28. What colour of shirt are you wearing? Blue!
29. Summer or winter? Winter! Indian Winters are pleasant and soothing.
30. Hugs or kisses? Hugs! Ten million hugs! Virtual Hugs! Yes please!!!
31. What book are you currently reading? No books. Just fanfictions. 
32. Who do you miss right now? My mother. She has gone for work for the week out station and I miss her presence. 
33. What is on your mouse pad? …Is this a legit question? Nothing…
34. What is the last TV show you watched? Ha ha! No man. Just reading fanfictions and scrolling tumblr is my way of passing time. I watch movies if I am interested. And maybe anime. 
35. What is the best sound? The calming sound of the kitchen utensils being used in cooking. And keyboard clacking in an otherwise quiet office. Its soothing and makes me focused. 
36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? Beatles!
37. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Dubai! Destination wedding for one of my cousins and man! What a nice place!
38. Do you have a special talent? Does special talents include overthinking and going into panic attacks over inconsequential stuff that happened years ago but being blase and complacent about the self destructive behavior and poor coping life choices I have made? Then yes, that is a special talent.  
39. Where were you born? India. Cant you guess that from how much I love my own cuisine?!
Tagging my amigos! @irrevocably-delicious @umisabaku @jubesy @bi3n3nstich @shinjuasaka!!
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10, 20, and 50 for the End of the Year Meme~♡
10. What song sums up this year for you?
Skyfall by Adele man. I know its an old song but this year has a total pain in the rear and it has been like that since the start with no hope of changing at all. Its been an utterly hopeless year all around where I faced so many setbacks, made mistakes and didn’t learn and had relatives straight up die just like that and enveloping me and my family with negative energy so much I could prolly choke on it. The only thing good about this year is that it went by too fast, toooooo fast like I couldn’t even count the days between the bad events because there were one too many and I keep thinking this is still jan but jan 2018 itself is upon us now. to hell with this year man. If i could i would roll and crush this year between my hands and throw it into the void. Thank you for patiently reading the rant I didn’t even think I would write this much. 
20. Did you develop a new obsession?
Oh yes! I discovered drarry this year in march/april and oh man it was like a siren call holy shit I am drowning still and i dont want to get up. The authors the artists the sheer classiness of the fanfictions for this pair is just astonishing and the fandom has some really positive people I am just so in love aaaaaa I have read a sizeable amount of works for these two and there are new super amazing fics being released with each fest like there is no dearth of good fics here I dont think I can get up out of the hole I made for myself here ha ha
50. What do you wish for yourself?
For next year? Yeah I just wish the next year me doesn’t freak out too much, actually shuts off tumblr and gets shit done. This is more than enough to get my life back on track. And I know for one thing that next year is going to be a tumultuous one. //shivers//
Juli I LOVE you for sending me an ask but oh man I never expected to get so melancholic about it I am so sorry you didn’t ask for this I think its the holidays its messing up my emotions ahhhhhhhhhhh
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@rebornforavel asked me: How do you go about doing Science?
Oh! Um..Uh!! Wow a vague question and what should I answer because my mind is now flooded with the different angles to this question! Alright//rolls up sleeves// here we go!
If you, my friend, refer to theoretical science by any chance, you got the wrong person here. I cannot describe the levels of fear and stress and anxiety I have, just thinking about this topic. I have run and will run at the mere mention of it. 
Practical science on the other hand! Give’em to me! Give’em all to me! I love, simply love, cherish, enjoy the experience! Be it any field of biology, chemistry or physics, just give me all the practical experiments on it and I would spend all my time happily absorbed in all the fun!
And, if this ask is based on career advice (is it???), then, my dear friend, with any field of Science you choose, just remember to have fun. Remember what you are in it for, what you want to gain out of it and never lose sight of the Goal. If you are having second thoughts, do more research on the same until you are sure. Go with the gut. Always. 
If all this nattering is totally not what you were thinking about when you asked me this (most likely I think???), I would happily natter to you on what you actually want to chat about!
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Hello! Just wanted to know if you know any other active Akafuri blogs I can follow? Sorry and thanks! :)
Hello!! And welcome to the fandom!!!
Active……in a sense would be, me (I reblog whatever catches my fancy but I write primarily only akafuri, you can check out “my fics” tab or the  “niri scribbles” tag if you want//hides the shameless self promotion//) 
@umisabaku (mikki writes tons of stuff and regularly updates - i secretly think she sold her soul to the devil but oh my god her writing is ahhhh//clenches fist//chokes// so….goOOD, check out her akafuri tag along with her mikki writes tag to get your fix)
@lunenari (ronnie is the akafuri queen, you gotta follow her. you just gotta. no questions asked.)
@breedafool (her art is to die for. akafuri lifeline seriously. not kidding. once again, she reblogs hella random stuff so check the akafuri tag on hers)
@humanitys-shortest-soldier (all of us are dying for the next update on exactly my type and rightfully so. super snarky and awesome blog)
@jubesy (Juli writes for various fandoms and has a super amazing fleet of ships - i have no idea how she manages to create awesome and fun and imaginative content everytime for every ship ahhhh//suspects dark forces// - but she writes for akafuri ever so often so check her akafuri tag)
@shinjuasaka (fluffiest art ever. the way she draws hair gives me floof just thinking about it. check the akafuri tag!)
EDIT: @andthenifound5dollars​ (the latest addition to the fandom creators and by god THE MEMES YES NICE GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE. go to them. NOW.)
These are off the top of my head, currently active in the akafuri fandom, blogs. Every fic that gets updated here is shadowed in ao3 so you can keep track of them better there so you dont miss out. And mostly every author on ao3 has a tumblr link at the bottom - in the notes - of their fics so you can trace it back here and chat about it to any of them. 
I might be missing some people, then again, i am a very sporadic writer and even more sporadic blogger so if any of you want to add to this list please do so. 
Also, I hope you enjoy your stay here in the fandom!!! Being a relatively small ship that soared to importance and then died down with the end of knb, you have a good chance of finding some real quality fics for these two. 
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How about a small sneak thought of that vampire AU?
Ha ha! Umm! I....actually can say that it will be different? Ah that wont make much sense since every fic is different in its own way so.....Ah! Ok ok. I think I got it. Instead of what it might be, I can rule out what it shall not be. So. For one thing, vampires here wont be like those in twilight. And no character would be pitiful or weak puny humans. And. There is a happy ending that definitely doesn’t involve all eternity for it to exist. 
The work in and of itself is going slow, slower than ever I think, but I am hoping I can get it done soon. I am quite excited for it!! It is probably going to be the 100th addition to my Oneshots (100! Can you believe it? I most certainly cant!!).
Thank you for the ask, love! I want to scream more about this but ahhhh I am going to have to be mysterious about it!
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