#Ninjago afterthought au
oshawottarchive · 2 years
Chapter 1 - Dreams
Sunlight shone through the cracks in the roof, dust floating in the beams. A figure sat on the wooden floor, staring at nothing. It tried to sigh, but nothing came out. It couldn’t breathe, it felt suffocating.
A door creaked, and the figure turned around. It tilted its head, confused. “Why are you here?” Its voice echoed around the room.
It blinked sadly. “Oh, okay.” It sat down. “I’ll leave.” The figure started to fade, and eventually there was nothing.
All that was left in the room was the dust dancing in the sunbeams. All there was, was silence. . . .
—— —— ——
Jay was training in the Monastery courtyard. He whipped around his nunchucks and used them to strike a training pillar. “Haha! Take that, Skulkin!”
Kai watched from the steps, leaning on Zane’s shoulder. “What was that?” He called teasingly. “This is feeling like amateurhour!”
The blue ninja scoffed. “Well I’d like to see you try it!” He smirked at Kai. “Do you wanna?” He taunted.
“Kai is currently tired.” Zane stated. “He had a fight with an owl last night, and did not get any sleep.” Kai glared at him. “You know I can still fight, I have plenty of energy!”
Zane looked at the red ninja with concern. “But you are still injured, you do not want to reopen the injury.” He pointed to a a bandage wrap on Kai’s upper right arm. The Blakiston’s fish owl’s claws were sharp, and the raptor had been large, having a six foot wingspan.
Kai waved him off, though the gesture clearly caused him pain. “I’m fine, Zane. Nya and Sensei fixed me up.”
“Sooooooooo, no fighting?” Jay pouted, though he was clearly exaggerating. His expression changed to something more sorry. “I hope you’re okay, honestly.” He told Kai. Something about his voice seemed forced.
Cole walked out onto the patio. “I can train with you.” Jay’s face lit up. “Okay! Come over here!”
Cole smiled, walking over to his boyfriend. On the way, he lifted his scythe from the rack, holding it over his shoulder. “Ready?” Jay swung his nunchucks confidently. “Ready!”
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
Give me asks about my aus
- Quaking Roots
Evil Cole post Crystalized, granddad issues(tm)
- Possession au
Cole dies in Winds of Change
- Snake King Cole
Cole stays hypnotized
- Concept au
I’m using the concept art, ALL OF IT
- Rewrite
- Afterthought
It all starts when Kai disappears one day
- Vipers of the Elements
Snake ninja
- Crystalized rewrite
- Prequel au
Lots of lore, mostly focusing on Tournament of Elements
- Year of the Oni
Oni Cole
I’ll add more eventually!
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
Gimme info about your afterthought au
I wanna know why Kai is missing
So, Kai goes missing after Lloyd starts causing problems, and he runs off to Darkley’s to train the students.
Lloyd joins the ninja, and Kai allies himself with the Venomari and the Darkley’s kids.
Eventually, Kai finds PIXAL and she and him return to the ninja
That’s about all I have planned for Kai as of now
also, Zoltar (the Venomari) and Kai become bitter exes, cause that’s basically their dynamic
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oshawottarchive · 2 years
Putting all my AUs here for easy finding :)
Fog and Bones
Other Serpents
Next Gen
Curse of the Departed
Glitched Ghost
Haunted by Mistakes
Color Coded
Serpents of the Tooth
Pirate of Lightning
Soul of Darkness
Trapped in the Temple
Year of the Oni
The Council
I have too many, and most of them are Cole-centric. Help
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