#Ninjago concept au
oshawottarchive · 2 years
Give me asks about my aus
- Quaking Roots
Evil Cole post Crystalized, granddad issues(tm)
- Possession au
Cole dies in Winds of Change
- Snake King Cole
Cole stays hypnotized
- Concept au
I’m using the concept art, ALL OF IT
- Rewrite
- Afterthought
It all starts when Kai disappears one day
- Vipers of the Elements
Snake ninja
- Crystalized rewrite
- Prequel au
Lots of lore, mostly focusing on Tournament of Elements
- Year of the Oni
Oni Cole
I’ll add more eventually!
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wyrmswears · 5 months
concept for the silliest administrator ever
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someone tell jay that its not normal to read your boss bedtime stories. he doesnt know hes never had an office job before
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spicekooki · 3 months
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One of what will likely be several iterations/drafts of Cole from my AU!
In this AU, Cole is the Captain of the Guard, following in his mother’s footsteps as a warrior of the empire. He knew Zane since they were kids, and had harboured feelings long before he even knew it himself, and fell in love with the others after meeting them later on.
I’m still struggling trying to design the armour/uniform he’d wear. It is heavily based on what I could find on Chinese armour, and armour designs made for danmei and Chinese historic-fantasy genres. But even with this flexibility, designing armour is incredibly difficult. Hopefully, this fits though.
For anyone who might be curious, this and a design I made for Zane is for my AU “The Emperor with the Warm Heart” (TEWTWH) - a long fanfiction project I am planning to write - hopefully soon!
Any suggestions or critiques with this design it welcome!
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fhhvuh0 · 7 months
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Concept art (Will change in the future)
IMPORTANT: armor design will most likely be simplified in the future!
my version of Oni Lloyd. I really liked the idea of ​​making the mouth torn:)
(only two hands, although in fact there should be four :/ , let's imagine that this is Lloyd from the set, and not from the series)
Концепт- арт (Изменится в будущем)
ВАЖНО: Дизайн брони скорее всего в будущем будет упрощён !
моя версия Они Ллойда
Мне очень понравилась идея сделать рот порванным:)
(всего две руки, хотя на самом деле их должно быть четыре :/ , давайте представим, что это Ллойд из набора, а не из сериала)
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taddymason · 1 month
Ok, a little more of this bc I love drawing wolves and I'll go to sleep
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To explain a little why Cinder's form is a little disproportionate, I like to think that using shatterspin as often as he does has many side effects mentally and physically. For example, as Cinder uses the gong of shattering more often, there is a greater chance that his powers will be more difficult to control, that after using his smoke powers to disappear it will be more difficult for him to return to normal. Also I like the idea that shatterspin simply makes users more mentally unstable, and they may have a tendency to become more aggressive, so he would also lose consciousness when using his wolf form and behave more like a wild animal.
I just want to see him a little crazy and even more violent for using that thing every time he fights, that's all.
nothing to say about Jay and Kaida except that I accidentally made them seem related again, it's fate at this point
(btw I got inspired by @wyrmswears and his werewolf Jay AU, go check it out it's what made me obsessed with this concept)
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saline-coelacanth · 11 months
So I know there's been a lot of discussion going around lately about Jay constantly having to hold back on his powers, but the question I've been wondering is do you think the others know? Do you think the other ninja know that Jay has been holding back the ENTIRE time? I feel like Wu would definitely know since he's probably the one who helped teach Jay how to have better control over his powers to where he doesn't accidentally kill someone. I also feel like maybe Zane and Pixal would be able to figure it out since they're nindroids and they may be able to like... scan Jay and figure out he's only using a small amount of his power. But I feel like Lloyd, Cole, Kai and Nya probably don't know, or if they do, they don't realize just HOW much Jay has to hold back. (Although maybe Lloyd does know since at the start of the series he could control all four elements of creation but idk)
Cause like... thinking back to season 4 for a specific example, when Jay and Cole had to fight each other, Jay was freaking out because he thought he didn't stand a chance against Cole, and then Neuro reveals that Cole also thinks Jay doesn't stand a chance. But like, if Cole knew just how powerful Jay is when he isn't holding back, then I don't think he would think that. Because even though Jay would never use his full power to fight Cole, no matter how mad he was at him, Cole might not see it that way and would probably have that tiny amount of doubt telling him, "Jay could literally kill you with his powers, you should be worried." And yeah, that's still pretty early on in the grand scheme of things and it's possible Jay could have said something to him at a later point, but idk.
And the other thing is that even if Jay did tell them, would they even fully believe him? Because Jay can be really dramatic about things so I feel like it isn't too unlikely to say that the other ninja would kinda downplay what Jay tells them. Cause if Jay said, "Hey guys, you don't understand just how strong my powers are. I constantly need to be holding back and it can be really exhausting sometimes." The other ninja might think of it like, "Yeah, we all need to hold back sometimes and all of our powers have some sort of strain on us, it's not a big deal"
Idk I just have a lot of thoughts about Jay and how strong he would be if he didn't need to hold back and all of the discussion that's been going around lately has just caused this to be on my mind constantly. It's definitely something that I want to explore more in my fics and aus and stuff because I find it super interesting to think about.
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neteyammeowmeow · 1 year
about that… arcane kind of ninjago alternate universe…
(btw the designs aren’t final or anything, i also might delete this later, i jus wanted to show you guys what. lloyd and harumi might look like) but feel free to ask questions (on the ask button thing idk) lol, i’m not sure if i can answer everythinf cuz this au is like, barely written out yet but go ahead :3
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nyaskitten · 2 months
Anyways I know that there's an insane oversaturation of multiverse shit nowadays but Ninjago AU where the ninja get scattered over the multiverse and have to find one another across each universe, but they all take the place and memories of their counterpart in their universe.
This is a good idea for One reason: So you can have a small duo (Nya and Lloyd) knock on the Walker's door, only to find they don't Have a son named Jay, and Nya takes a longshot and takes Lloyd to Cliff Gordon's estate asking for Jay, only to find they have no Jay, only a son named Edward, who happens to be Jay!!! Yay!
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nocturnal-nexu · 6 months
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OK, ya'll remember Mini Pix 7 who saved Wu, Skylor, and Pixal from the monastery?
After "Crystalized" Zane and Pixal built her a new body and she is now their daughter!
It's cannon! You can fight me on this!!!
Seriously though, I have a lot of thoughts about this concept, and I'm going to expand on it in future posts.
Like there's a full story knocking around in my brain right now, and as soon as i get some of it organized and written down I'll share it with you all.
I think I'll call it the "7 AU" for now.
Edit: I finally finished the general story for this AU!
Here it is if you're interested.
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vivilingriphyn · 6 months
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I made a post a while ago about maybe creating some cover pages for my Njnjago AUs
And so in my spare time I was able to sketch up some concept art for these AUs
And one of my AUs "The Sham" which I've already started working on the short comic/manga I have planned, and you'll find some concept art for the cover page of that AU on the 2nd photo incase my chicken scratches of a writing wasn't illegible enough lmao
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berryblu-soda · 3 months
ninjago reincarnation AU where the world ended, and from it´s ashes rose another, similar yet eerly different, growing and changing from being little more than a rock in space, to a modern society much more like our own (show to movie setting :D!). with new old faces, flashes of a world long gone, a simple wish at the end (beggining?) of it all, etc etc...
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wyrmswears · 3 months
Kai getting the hots for Libber… Jay being like DID YOU FUCK MY MOM-
this is the true origin of his villain arc
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spicekooki · 5 months
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I have been working on an AU for a while now with Zane as a kinder Ice-Emperor.
And since I’m held in the clutches of hyperfixation, I’ve been trying to narrow down a design for the characters, starting with Zane! I can’t say it’s complete, because it isn’t, but this design is the closest I’ve come so far in getting his design “right”. I will definitely post an updated version of him at some point, but Inwould really appreciate any bits of constructive criticism, feedback, or even ideas for him!
His design is heavily inspired by ancient Chinese clothing, as well as designs usually seen in danmei for anyone wondering!
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lara-prism-light · 4 months
Soon, these characters will interact with each other...
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How and when? What do you think?
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fhhvuh0 · 3 months
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Редизайн главной четверки в моей ау
Redesign of the main four in my au
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Okay it’s 3am and I have to be at my first day of work at my new job in seven hours.. but I just had a THOUGHT.
So hear me out- Jay can control electricity. Obviously.
But has anyone else considered the idea of him being able to basically mind control other people?? Or hack their bodies?? Since humans literally run on electrical impulses??
Now I know Nya can’t draw the water out of his lungs, but that doesn’t mean that using your element inside someone else’s body is impossible. Maybe that’s just confined to other elemental masters. And of course I haven’t seen DR yet (two episodes away from finishing Crystallized!! I’ll have caught up with DR by this time next week for certain), but I’ve heard a lot of discussion about Jay coming back as a villain in S2… can you imagine how absolutely batshit of a villain Jay concept would be if he came back and just mind controlled people?? And it would totally tie into his cult leader antics as well (I’m still so sad that the League of Jays was pretty much abandoned after the first couple episodes… it was such a funny concept and could’ve actually been used for some fantastic plot/character development … but… alas :( )
Anyway. Basically all that to say I just got smacked in the face with a new Villain Jay idea and I’m soooo going to start using him for fic stuff. Maybe I’ll even tie it in to the AU concept I’ve been working on for a while.. maybe..
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