#Nin Life Update
kingnin64 · 1 year
Nin Life Update #2: I broke my social media addiction :)
I no longer feel the urge to open any social media. When I do, it's the same feeling regardless of which site. On both Tumblr and Twitter, I'm not invested in anything. I'm not attached. I don't feel any strong emotion about what the people I follow are doing. On both platforms, I am there to browse for a few minutes, then I close the tab and go back to other things. The other things aren't necessarily productive, but they're not doom scrolling.
Lately I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls. Finally beating the first game, and then I'll finally play and beat 2 and 3. It's been really fulfilling, since this has been on my bucket list for YEARS.
Also, been working at my job, and I'm miserable. I feel a bit better than before, but it's still the same job, and I still feel like shit because I can't meet expectations. However, my customer interactions have been much better, and I think I've realized that my interactions before might have just been bad because of my own attitude. I will try to keep that in mind going forward.
Still haven't been paid, and I'm struggling with food and bills, but I've literally been homeless, so I will suffice. I'm trying to stay positive. I'm still applying for other jobs as well, because I really don't like being out of my house. Bad shit just keeps happening around me and it's scary. Like, today I saw a dog get hit by a car and if I wanted to feel like shit, I think I'd just open Twitter. I don't really get that choice in real life, outside, where all the crazy shit is.
Anyways, I feel alright. Dark Souls is carrying me so hard rn
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diivinedecay · 2 years
finck friday! here’s robin with danny again !!
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maboroshi-if · 2 years
SNote: Maboroshi is intended for 16+ audiences. Strong Violence and Swearing/Cursing will be in the IF. The warning list will be updated as we continue. Intro Post is still being pulled together, so if there are any questions, let me know!
Maboroshi is an Interactive Fiction Game based in the world of Naruto, however, all events within the story span during the end of the First Shinobi War and the beginning of the Second Shinobi War.
Long ago, many years before you were born, the countries of the world were entrenched in warfare for land. Mighty warlords and noblemen wished to expand their territory; however, blood would need to be given in exchange; Unfortunately, for the people of the land, the blood given as payment was not theirs. Instead, shinobi across the lands sacrificed their lives to fulfill the greedy lord’s wishes. Villages would soon be pillaged, children and women would perish from famine, and demonic creatures would rise from the darkest parts of the world to roam the earth. This would later be known as the Warring States Era. 
Twenty years later, all the infighting, battles, and wars would just...cease to exist. No one knows what caused the wars to stop; many believe that an inner deal was made between Daimyo across the land, while others believe something much more sinister is at play. Regardless, the ninja world seems to have finally settled into peace and harmony.
It has been some years since the Warring States Era ended. Villages across the land have been ushered into peace, and the village of Kirigakure is one of them. 
Having just graduated from Ninja Academy, you're now a Genin placed into your forever squad. Focused on growing stronger and building a name for yourself. You set your sights on becoming the strongest nin in your village, and who knows? Maybe you'll even become Mizukage someday. Before that happens, you'll need to pass the Chunin exam, a test that is said to have painted the very soil underneath your feet red.
Exam preparations are put on hold when rumors of war begin spilling across the peninsula. 
Tonari Yuma, a missing-nin from your village once accused of kidnapping and killing five children from all across the Land of Water, has resurfaced as a chieftain in the small village of Kirostache. 
Proclaiming himself to be the rightful Mizukage of the Land of Water. He wages war against Kirigakure and denounces your village as a town full of traitors united in dethroning the Daimyo by the usage of dark means. Your father calls it foolish. There is no way that the Water Daimyo would believe such a basis. 
Or so he hopes.
A conspiracy is brewing in the Land of Water, and you will soon learn that life is not as idealistic as you believed.
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Fully customize your character!
I MEAN IT; fully customize them! Choose your 
Hairstyle and type
Hair color is locked to red, but you have the option to pick different shades of red, 
Skin color, 
How you appear to others, 
Eye color, 
Ninja outfit + civilian outfit
Name + Nickname
Genital choice + Body Shape will come in Part 2
Weapon (you can’t use your chakra ALL the time)
Birth Season
Backgrounds are locked based on your chosen clan
More to come soon...
Choose one of three clans to be your paternal lineage
Tsuchigumo: Become Spidewo-(man)! or not. 
Yuki: Possess the Ice Release Kekkai Genkai
Shirogane: Puppet Masters who originate from the land of Wind
Become a master of either Taijutsu, Genjutsu, or Ninjutsu
Or master a combination of all three!
Romance 8 ROs
Three are available for Part 1
Four ROs will be introduced in Part II. The last is a secret RO
Pass the chunin exam!
Failing means your death, so make sure you are ready when you take it.
Complete a bunch of D-rank and C-rank missions; you're only a genin, after all.
Learn forbidden jutsu or stick to a path of purity (aka, do nothing fun!)
Meet some fan favorites as they were when they were alive!
Determine your fighting style: are you more brutal, or do you have finesse?
Or maybe you don't want to fight at all!
Become a Jinchuurki? It could happen 
Choose to become a medic-nin if it suits your fancy!
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Izuna Uchiha (M): The Rival A boy shrouded in mystery, he is a constant reminder of your first C-rank mission and what went so terribly wrong. You’ve tried your hardest to make peace with him. But it feels impossible. He's a stranger in your tight-knit village and has found himself to be treated like an outsider. You would feel bad for him; if he weren’t so smug. Replacing one of your squadmates, he has shown an aptitude for warfare and finesse that makes you weary. How can a child who has grown up in a world of peace be so ruthless? Get to know him and you’ll unfortunately find out. 
 Izuna possesses an aptitude for Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu, making himself a triforce. And it makes no sense to you, considering that you hardly see the boy practice! It will be interesting to see how he grows. If he makes it.
Chihiro Inoue (F): The Dreamer
One of your squadmates, she is a loud and outspoken girl with large dreams and big ambitions. Working to become the first female Mizukage, Chihiro often displays headstrongness and an overzealousness that can often get her into trouble. Luckily for her, fortune always seems to work in her favor.
Chihiro possess an extremely high aptitude for Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, calling herself a self-proclaimed weapons master. She gives as good as she gets, and has no problem getting a little dirty.
Tanui Hozuki (M or F): The Jokester
A jokester, they seem to have no desire to become a ninja; but with all that chakra they possess, they are given no choice. Apart of Squad Six, it makes no sense why you seem to run into them all the time, but you find their presence comforting.
You know nothing about their fighting style; only hearing whispers of the ‘wicked’ things that they have summoned from the adults in your village. 
Shinichi Hoshigaki (M): The Lost One/Secret RO
The second member of your original squad. Shinichi is the complete opposite of what you would expect from the Hoshigaki clan. Known for being fierce and aggressive, Shinichi is the exact opposite of the savage reputation that precedes them. Soft and friendly, Shinichi is a gentle soul and abhors the act of violence. But when push comes to shove, he will protect himself and his friends with the vengeance of Asura. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough to save him. Or was it?
Shinichi possesses a high aptitude for the sword. Almost on par, if not matching Chihiro in strength and brutality. He favors the Water Release Jutsu; typical for someone coming from his clan. 
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Akane Uzumaki: your mother is revered as the five-tailed beast's holy priestess/vessel. Once labeled as one of the strongest Kunoichi in your village, she has settled into domestic life and has left behind a life of adventure. She seems content; however, you catch the sorrowful expression on her face whenever she looks at you.
[[Chooseable Name]]: Your father is a distant cousin of the Water Daimyo, considered a war hero for his actions in a rebellion that lasted almost ten years. He has been given the highest spot in the village as "supporting Kage," only second to the Mizukage himself. 
Hanabi Sugawara: Your sensei; is not what you had expected in a teacher. Seeming to coddle your small team of three more than teaching you. You feel that she is hiding something, something that could put everyone in danger.
DEMO (Coming soon) || RO Appearances || Discord (Maybe)
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elronds-meleth-nin · 7 months
Bruinen's Eastern Shore - Part 1: Flight
This is set just prior to the events of the first Hobbit movie, so take that how you will. I'll probably have four parts for this fic. If anyone wants to be tagged for any future fics or updates, let me know and I'll start a taglist. Anyway, this is my first LotR related fanfic, so enjoy!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Elrond x Reader
[A/N: I haven't seen RoP, and I don't plan to, so this is Hugo Weaving's Elrond. All of my knowledge regarding this universe comes from the Jackson movies and the books.]
Warnings: Slow burn, Elf x Human romance, age gap (obviously, I mean, he's over 6000 years old), mentions of combat, death, blood, undefined magic (I'm winging it rn so uh...don't think about it too hard).
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"Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me, Lord Elrond," the Man said as the pair walked through Elvish halls. The stone was older than the Human by several thousands of years, yet the Elf lord was there when they were first carved into bricks for construction. "I know your schedule is full to bursting–"
"Nonsense. I am always pleased beyond measure to speak with you, mellon-nin," the Elf interjected as they walked into his study. "Tell me, how are your people holding up with this new threat?"
That was precisely why the Man had come to Rivendell, in the first place. Even as nomads, Orc attacks used to be few and far between for his people, happening perhaps once or twice a year, but in the last six months alone, they'd repelled four assaults. Their losses were becoming concerning. The Man, their leader, decided that the time had come to seek advice and possibly assistance from one much wiser than he.
"They are shaken...frightened by even the smallest of things. The snap of a twig, a particularly loud howl from the wind..." The Elven host offered his guest a seat near his bookshelves - a quiet nook which he reserved for serious conversations or quiet contemplating - and took in his haggard expression. That Elrond understood more than anything. Remaining strong when you were just as afraid as the people whom you were trying to protect was a difficult task. Such endeavors could wear heavily on even the most seasoned and confident of commanders. "They are doing their best to remain strong, but I must confess, I-I am becoming less certain every day about the wisdom of my insistence that we keep moving. Perhaps we should find one good, defensive position and dig in..."
Elrond could see his dilemma.
"But if you took such an action, you would feel as though you were cowering, is that not so?" He offered no judgment and no solutions. Not yet. He wanted to guide his friend along the path to finding his own answer, not force his hand in one direction or the other. That was not his place. That was not his purpose.
The sigh that escaped the Man's lips was ragged, and his shoulders slumped slightly as if the weight of all Middle Earth was upon him.
"I know 'tis prideful, but our people have never shied away from a fight. To dig ourselves into a trench...that would feel too much like desperation. And, each time the Orcs returned, they would know exactly where to find us and how many more it would take to breach our defenses," he muttered running a hand through his hair. Once vibrant and full of color, the strands were flecked with gray. The Elf lord was reminded quite starkly of how much of a toll time took upon the mortals. A pang of sorrow twisted through his heart. After over six thousand years of life, he was well aware that death was a natural part of life for those species who were irrevocably tied to mortality, but his heart ached no less for his friend's eventual fate. "If we keep moving, though, they still manage to find us. Each attack grows in strength. Every time, more and more of my people fall upon enemy blades."
Elrond nodded his head with sympathy and understanding.
"Have your people offered any suggestions about what you might do?"
The Man stood abruptly and began pacing.
"Mekor put forth the idea of joining with a stationary settlement - just until the hoards are cleared, you understand," he said, but he shook his head. "I did not tell him, but the last time we were near several of the major cities, I...scouted ahead. I spoke with their leaders, explained our situation."
"And, they all said the same thing: 'I cannot in good conscience allow you to draw such large numbers of orcs to our gates.' The difference is that they at least have gates behind which they can defend themselves," the Man paused near the window overlooking the valley. "And you know why I cannot go to the Rangers."
The Lord of Imladris drew in a deep breath and stood, making his way to his friend's side and laying a hand on his shoulder.
"Is there any help that I could offer which you would accept, mellon?" His question was quiet and probing, yet free of judgment. Elrond knew well the pride of Men and their desire to act as independently as possible. That would not, however, stop him from helping where he could. He would even go so far as to bring these mortals into Rivendell to stay. It was, after all, a refuge for just such an occasion.
After a long moment of consideration, the Man cleared his throat and lifted his chin as if to preserve his dignity.
"Our swords are old. Chipped and cracking. Several shattered during the last skirmish. And our supply of arrows and bow strings is...woeful. The few who were skilled at replenishing both were killed two months ago."
"I'll have Lindir draw up a list of supplies. No matter how small your need is, please tell him everything. We are more than happy to give you whatever help you require," Elrond said, and he could have sworn that the Human's eyes were filling with unshed tears of gratitude. Neither Man nor Ellon mentioned it. Trying to restore his friend's smile, at least to a small degree, the Elf lord changed the subject. "Tell me, how is your daughter faring through all of this?"
The grin that stretched the Man's lips was warm; the love he held for his only child shone brightly in his eyes, restoring some semblance of youth to his weathered features.
"She believes that this is all one big adventure. Though she be only a few years old, she is curious...asking more questions than I rightly know how to answer," he stated proudly. "She has her mother's intellect, and I am glad of it. I am no teacher, but I've managed to convey to her the meaning of a few words of your language."
Surprise was surely evident upon Elrond's face at his friend's declaration.
"Mellon-nin, I am honored."
"She'll need to be able to communicate with your people once she discovers what she is." The Human reached into his pocket and pulled out a small book, flipping it open and retrieving a loose piece of paper. "My late wife, as you know, was the artist of the family, however..."
He trailed off as he offered the page to his host. Elrond took it carefully, looking at the sketch of a little girl.
"Your daughter?" He asked almost reverently as he took in her joyful expression. Even in this simple drawing he could see the intelligence behind her eyes. After a few moments' keen observation, he tried to hand the drawing back to the Man who'd created it but was gently refused.
"Keep it. I brought you that, my dear friend, because if something happens to me...I want you to be familiar with her likeness. It will likely be vastly outdated by the time you meet her, but 'tis better than nothing." The somber tone of voice made Lord Elrond pause. "She is more important to me than all of Middle Earth, and if...if the Orcs take me from her, I must know that someone in this world knows to look out for her..."
Setting the sketch on his desk, the Elf placed his hands on his friend's shoulders.
"Should either of you ever need help, I will be there. She will have every protection that I can possibly afford her," he promised.
"There is...something else," the Man murmured looking into his friend's eyes. "It could be no more than an old man's imagination, but things have happened around her. Small things. Rain repelled from her as if it cannot touch her. Ripples in a pond by which she sits, though no breeze caressed the water's surface."
Elrond's posture straightened further at this new information. He knew that the blood of Númenor was thin in most, but if this was true, his friend's daughter might have a rare gift.
"Have no fear, mellon-nin. Your daughter will find her path, and if I can, I will gladly help her."
By the time of the Man's departure from Rivendell, Elrond had prepared a gift. With the weapons and extra supplies that he presented, the Lord of Imladris had one other item to offer. Opening a small, wooden box carved with Sindarin script, he revealed a silver necklace. The craftsmanship of his people was evident in the intricate curls and swirls of the metal. In the center was a forest green gem that, to the Man, seemed to glow with its own light.
"This is for your daughter. The pendant is a symbol of our protection - proof that she has favor with us. All she ever need do is show this to any Elf, and they will do whatever is necessary to assist her. If none of my people are near, she need only touch it and ask for help," Lord Elrond promised, and as if the gem could hear him, it pulsed with a warm, affectionate glow. The girl's father looked from the necklace to his friend, and this time a tear slid down his cheek as he offered his profuse gratitude. "I would be remiss to do anything less, mellon-nin."
After tucking the box safely away in his saddlebag, the Man embraced his friend. Neither knew that it would be for the last time.
"If you find yourself in danger, seek the elves of Rivendell."
My father repeated that to me more times than I could count as soon as I was old enough to comprehend the meaning behind his words. Our people were nomadic, constantly moving from place to place, setting up camp wherever we found ourselves. Every time we stopped, he made sure that I knew two things:
The first was the location of the nearest source of water.
The second was the way to Rivendell from our temporary encampment.
Long before I was brought into this world, my father ensured that we were on friendly terms with the steward of the valley. Each time we were even remotely close to Imladris, he made a point of speaking with the Elven lord.
Once, when I asked what Lord Elrond looked like, he brought out a small box of my mother's sketches. Rifling through them, he made a triumphant sound when he found the one he sought. Setting the box carefully aside on his bedroll, he had me sit beside him and turned the page toward me.
"The last time your mother and I visited, she made a point of drawing him. You must remember his face, my little love. One day you might need to request his help as I have done."
Much of the time, our wandering took us far from that sacred valley and the river that flowed before it. The final time that my father was able to visit, he brought back a gift. A necklace.
But it wasn't just a necklace. There was something about it that sent a wave of calm assurance through me. A sense of safety permeated my being every time I touched it. The cool metal seemed impervious to the elements, never rusting or tarnishing, as only the skill of the elves could accomplish. More than once over the years, I found myself looking at the pendant, wondering about the being who'd given me something so obviously unique on a whim.
Two decades and a handful of years later, I found myself sprinting through the trees with half of our remaining people. We were twelve desperate souls, flying through the underbrush with a hoard of Orcs behind us. Every few steps, I aimed an arrow behind me and prayed that it hit its mark upon my release.
"Come on! We're almost to the river!" I shouted, and my father's second in command, Mekor, let out an answering shout as we approached the ford. The snarls of Orcs and their Wargs nipped at our heels, urging us to move faster.
As much as it hurt, I was forced to ignore a terrified shout as the pack swallowed up one of our tired stragglers. This was a last ditch effort. If we stopped, we'd die.
Struggling for breath, I urged my people toward the sound of the Bruinen River and its eastern shore. Arrows from our pursuers flew through the trees, embedding themselves deeply within trunks and flesh alike. A few screams began and were silenced abruptly.
How many was that? Two? Four? No, we could count our dead once we were safe. Any who fell behind at this point were beyond our ability to save. Fifty Orcs against less than a dozen Humans? We would be lucky if any of our number survived the crossing.
Aiming another arrow backward, I allowed myself a moment's relief at the injured shriek of a Warg and the sickening crunch of its rider's bones as both crashed to the ground. Adrenaline rushed through me as the treeline appeared before us. The grass beneath our feet became a mix of pebbles and sand, rocks and mud.
"Quickly! Cross the river! Make for the eastern shore!" I shouted, and a few of the remaining people in our group echoed the sentiment. Two were cut down before they cleared the trees, their gurgling cries sending a bolt of helplessness through me even as I nocked and released arrows to buy time and space for my people. A few splashes reached my ears, and I prayed they'd make for the trees.
A yell of my name sounded from behind me.
"Come on! Get clear!" Mekor sounded much closer than I would've preferred. I needed him to live.
There were too many of them for me to hold off alone, so I turned and ran, beginning to cross the ford as quickly as I could. The pendant beneath my shirt thrummed against my skin, and an arrow whizzed by my ear so close that I could feel the displaced air from its fletching. That was too close for comfort. Much too close.
For the most part, the Orcs were afraid to cross into this territory. The Elves defended their land fiercely against such filth, after all, and very few of the cretins were stupid enough to seal their fate so definitively. However, a few who were brave enough - or perhaps foolish enough - to risk death started into the water after me. Not yet having reached the shore, I turned, grasping for arrows, but my quiver was empty. With a quiet oath, I turned and ran toward the trees. My boots were drenched, my lungs ached, and I blinked away sorrowful tears at having lost so many souls so quickly.
With a forest as ancient as this, the trees were rumored to whisper to each other and to those who remembered how to listen. The Elves listened.
Lord Elrond listened.
"Get to the trees!" I shouted, then I dug my hand into my shirt and grabbed the pendant. "Help us! Please! We're dying!"
The few brave Orcs who made it across and had not been shot down instantly apparently lent courage to their fellows. The Warg riders began to cross the racing waters, and I felt a horrible sense of dread settle into the pit of my stomach. The sight of boots disappearing into the trees was all well and good, but the Orcs would follow.
Someone had to make sure that they were distracted.
I had but one shot.
About an hour before he and his soldiers engaged the Orc hoard, Lord Elrond of Imladris had a vision. His gift of foresight showed a group of terrified Humans racing across the Bruinen with countless Orcs behind them. He was about to send out his guard, but the face of the young woman fighting so hard to protect the others made him pause.
He knew her face. She was older now - quite obviously an adult - but he still recognized the intelligence in her eyes and the determined set to her jaw.
More than that, the sparkle of the pendant that had escaped the collar of her shirt made him freeze. Icy dread washed over him as the vision changed to show her fleeing toward the trees. Her voice floated into his ears as easily as if she'd been standing right beside him.
"Help us! Please! We're dying!"
Elrond did not hesitate.
"Lindir!" He shouted as he began donning his armor. The younger Elf rushed into his lord's study. "Lindir, have my horse saddled. And ready a group of fighters. Hurry! Orcs are coming!"
When Elrond and his warriors caught sight of the group, the Orcs and Warg riders had just begun crossing the river. The glimpse he'd caught an hour before of her hair swishing over her shoulder as she fought repeated itself before his eyes, including her plea for help which now sounded as it should - like a whisper echoing through his very being, drawing him toward her. As he watched, she doubled back on her path, rushing back into the water.
She was trying to draw the focus of the Orcs away from her people - there weren't many Humans left. He urged his horse faster, his heart a racing drumbeat in his chest accompanying the galloping of his mount. He would not allow his friend's daughter to die within his borders while these lands were his to protect!
He'd just drawn his sword when the river's water began to whirl around her. Creating a wall between the Orcs and the remaining Humans, the water roared and flared with a shout from the woman. She lifted her arms, shoved them forward as if pushing a heavy weight, and the wall of water crashed over the majority of her enemies, washing them away as easily as pebbles in a current.
Magic. She'd performed magic! Her father had been right all those years ago.
But it was not the time to ponder her abilities. The time had come for him to fulfill his promise.
She'd bought just enough time for Elrond and his riders to reach the Orcs and cut down those who remained. Blades hissing and flashing, the Elves felled them easily.
By the time he turned back to the river, he saw her collapse onto the sandy bank, panting for air. He recognized the sight instantly: she'd overextended herself. Dismounting with a swish of his cloak, Elrond ran to her side, dropping to his knees and sheathing his blade before turning her gently onto her back.
Her glassy, exhausted gaze met his, and recognition flashed through her clever eyes.
"Elrond o Imladris, boe ammen veriad lîn." The words fell easily from her tongue despite how close she was to unconsciousness. She'd practiced them before.
"You have it, my lady," Elrond murmured, and almost as soon as the words passed his lips, her eyelids closed and she went limp in his grasp. He lifted her into his arms, cradled her close to his chest for one selfish moment, and with a few orders to his men to round up any survivors, the Elves brought their charges into the Hidden Valley.
Elvish Translations:
mellon-nin = my friend
Elrond o Imladris, boe ammen veriad lîn. = Elrond of Imladris, we need your protection.
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The Contestants Are Here!
Thank you for your patience, I'm now ready to announce our contestants for the Obscure Character Showdown! There are 300 characters, split up into 6 groups of 50.
Here's how the schedule will work: Day 1 is Group A Round 1 Part 1, Day 2 is Group A Round 1 Part 2, Day 3 is Group B Round 1 Part 1, Day 4 is Group B Round 1 Part 2, Day 5 is Group C Round 1 Part 1, and so on and so forth until we reach Group F Round 1 Part 2, and then the next day we'll fold back over for Group A Round 2. I'm splitting up the rounds because tumblr can interpret posting many polls at once as spamming, and each group contains 25 polls, so. 13 one day, 12 the next.
I expect to start polls by Wednesday, May 31, but I may be a little later than that. I'll keep you updated.
The polls will be tagged with 'obscurecharactershowdown,' 'obscure poll,' and their group letter and round number.
Under the cut is the groups and matchups. Thank you all for your submissions, and I'm sorry if your submission didn't get in! If it was a submission for your OC, a mythological figure, a Real Life Thing, an album character, a commercial character, etc, then you may not be out of the running yet. Be patient, I have something else I'm working out!
Please don't come into my inbox, replies, dms, etc, and tell me that a character I chose isn't actually obscure at all. No one's media experience is universal, and from my own experiences, I picked to the best of my ability.
Juan Salvo (El Eternauta) vs The Faceless One (Masters of the Universe)
Leila Vernon (The Magic Misfits) vs Malaya Walters (How to Be a Werewolf)
Rosalia Rossellini (Trauma Team) vs Hotwire (Transformers Universe)
The Blue Electric Angels (Matthew Swift book series) vs The Protagonist’s Mother (Milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk)
Syksy (Farragone) vs Chaerin Eun (Surviving Romance)
Miyabi Hanakouji (Persona 2) vs Valier / Reinhardt (The Demon Prince Goes To The Academy)
Merim Felspar (Three of Hearts Podcast) vs Gracefeel (The Faraway Paladin)
Ragna the Bloodedge (Blazblue) vs Shigeru Watanabe (Sakana)
Tragedian (Pathologic) vs Shin Kazama (Area 88)
Morga Eirsdottir (Arcana) vs Shadow Joker (Kaitou Joker/Mysterious Joker)
Rose Red (Ghost Quartet) vs Jacopo Bearzatti (The House in Fata Morgana)
Teardrop (BFB) vs Catherine Winters (Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll)
Nin (Paranatural) vs Naarah (CatGhost)
Rose Hsu Jordan (The Joy Luck Club) vs Seijyu (Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru/Mashin Hero Wataru)
Itakura Akira (Talentless Nana) vs Daryl Zero (Zero Effect (1998))
Tarisa Manandal (Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse) vs Whisper (Golden Treasure: The Great Green)
Isaac Yaga (Thistlefoot) vs Raikou Shimizu (Nabari no Ou)
Kasane Fuchi (Kasane) vs Taïs (Aïnako)
Kozlov Leifvich Grebnev (Biomega) vs Rosa Ushiromiya (Umineko no Naku Koro ni)
Bowie (Ginga Senpuu Braiger) vs Cyber 6 (Cybersix)
Kim Boksil (How to End an Unrequited Love) vs Zolophilia (Disciple of the Lich: Or How I Was Cursed by the Gods and Dropped Into the Abyss)
Kate (Shadow’s House) vs Michael Tutori (Wii Music)
The Guardian (Hyper Light Drifter) vs Salim Condo (La quete d'Ewilan books) 
The Queen of Hearts (Fool's Run by Patricia McKillip) vs Jyu Free (Dobutsu no Kuni/Animal Land)
Tom (Deltora Quest) vs The Player Square (Adventure (Atari))
Elliot Hemlock (Devil's Candy) vs Sulfus (Angel's Friends)
Togou Mimori/Washio Sumi (Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero & Washio Sumi is a Hero) vs Fengxi (Legend of Luo Xiaohei)
Shinozaki Yusuke (Shinozaki-kun no Mente Jijou) vs Yellow Tempest/Yellow Storm (Ending Makers)
Hiroki Dan (Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku) vs Tirsiak (Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion)
Tau-indi Bosoka (Seth Dickinson's Masquerade series) vs Sugar Peace (High Card)
Anima (Why Shouldn't a Detestable Demon Lord Fall in Love?!) vs Rinzen (Avatar Legends)
Walter Walzac (The Brave of Gold Goldran) vs Hoshi or “Star” (Arakawa Under the Bridge)
Lex (Cryptid Crush) vs Marshall (U.B.Funkeys)
Pappy van Poodle (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball) vs Cockroach Boy (Nekra Psaria)
Denzil and Cuthbert (Count Duckula) vs Mama Fireplant (Super Mario World TV series)
Isaac (Awful Hospital) vs Naki Kokuriko (Ayakashi Akashi)
Tughril Mahmut (Shoukoku no Altair) vs Mark (Galactik Football)
Mistake Bradley (Home Sweet Home (1981)) vs Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series))
Yin Yu (Heaven Official's Blessing) vs Jinwoo Shim (New Recruit)
Xuanli (Lanxi Zhen) vs Tenna (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac / I Feel Sick)
Ssrin (Exordia) vs Kondou Seiichirou (Isekai no Sata wa Shachiku Shidai)
Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu) vs Dr. Albert Krueger (Therapy with Dr. Albert Krueger)
Chris Wise (Anna and the Apocalypse) vs Chase Beckley (Elevator Hitch)
Cindy Caine (Halloween Horror Nights) vs Uncle Flipping Hades Terwilliger (The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death, by Daniel Manus Pinkwatee)
Juliana Valverde (The Hazards of Love) vs Red Savarin (Solatorobo)
Bennett (Hello Charlotte) vs Ruan Nanzhu (Kaleidoscope of Death (死亡万花筒))
Eve (Serina: A Natural History of the World of Birds) vs Senri (+Anima)
Nero (The Boy Who Fell) vs Yee (Outlander Fantastic Princess)
Atl (Certain Dark Things) vs Sheila (Witch’s Heart)
Josh Rumbles (Celia's Journey - a series by Melissa Gunther) vs Queenie (BACK)
Bolt (Crypt of the Necrodancer) vs Mila (The Quest)
Iris (Drawn: The Painted Tower) vs Pearl Forrester (MST3K)
Queen Seles (Sabrina the Teenage Witch: The Magic Within) vs Vella (Velouria Beastender Tartine) (Broken Age)
Mr Morris Lessmore (The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore) vs Garrett Miller (Extreme Ghostbusters)
Dr. Anna May (Scott the Woz) vs Ocoho (Radiant)
Bai Lang (My Tooth Your Love) vs Aleida Rosales (For All Mankind)
The Scorched Apostate (A Practical Guide to Evil) vs "Järnarmen" ("The Iron Arm") (Jönssonligan dyker upp igen (1986))
Aliya Elasra (Heaven’s Vault) vs Roc (Xenoblade 2)
Sawamura Tetsuo (Yuureitou) vs Kid Twilight (Story Thieves by James Riley)
Doris Frances Barbara (Blood & Syrup: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast) vs Mikey McGil (The Skinjacker Trilogy) 
Psianop the Inexhaustible Stagnation (Ishura) vs Gu Nanyi (Rise of the Phoenixes)
Sawtooth Rivergrinder (Freefall) vs Katook (The Katurran Odyssey)
Kim Koizumi (Chroma Key) vs NIL (Hyperbolica video game)
Kathryn (Fixation) vs The Spider Core (The Lab - Core Slingshot) 
Satyarani (Raven: The Secret Temple) vs Alys Hunter (Prosiect Z/Itopia)
Bamba (Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger) vs Barago (From Far Away) 
Grunty (The World Well Lost by Theodore Sturgeon) vs Ink (Going Home)
Rook (Griftlands) vs Rambler (Happy Happy Clover)
Elisabet Grimurdottir (Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness) vs Felix Iskandar Escellun (Last Legacy)
Nancy Neil (Snowboard Kids) vs THE-MEASURE-CUTS (The Blackout Club) 
Nephis (Shadow Slave) vs Rina Shioi (Magical Girl Site)
"good" Tom (El Goonish Shive) vs Tomoe Tachibana (Trauma Team) 
Enik (Land of the Lost (1978)) vs Ernő Nemecsek (A Pál Utcai Fiúk (The Paul Street Boys)) 
Dee Kennedy (Dayshift at Freddy’s) vs Eamon Bailey (The Circle by Dave Eggers)
Bob Sparker (Electricopolis) vs Kirinda (Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger)
Todoroki Kakeru (Chō Soku Henkei Gyrozetter) vs Lelee (Cursed Ones DnD)
Engine (Gachiakuta) vs The Exsurgent Virus (Eclipse Phase)
Therese 'Tess' Dombegh (Tess of the Road) vs Heart (Moonlight Chicken)
Captain Grace (Magical Girl Raising Project: Limited) vs Gongyi Xiao (Scum Villain's Self Saving System) 
Es (Milgram) vs Fox (Mirrorworld series)
Kindersnatch (Prey and a Lamb) vs Copen Kamizono (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
Lady Bat (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch) vs Pepper (Hello From Halo Head)
Marziale (NOISZ) vs Ulala (Space Channel 5)
Soloman (Soloman) vs Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)
Matatagi Hayato (Inazuma Eleven GO Galaxy) vs Phon (3 Will Be Free)
Riley (Nexomon) vs Hizame (Amatsuki (Takayama Shinobu))
Brutha (Discworld) vs Colt / Coltia (Monster Rancher 2)
Raven (Gravity Rush) vs Holy Joo (Oh! Holy (Webtoon))
Kit Devlin (Kitty Corner) vs Kusuriuri (the medicine seller) (Mononoke)
Dandelion Tuft-Flores (Soil That Binds Us) vs Tin (Triage The Series)
Sparky & Whoosh / ポチ & タマ (Pochi & Tama) (Ribbit King (Kero Kero King DX)) vs The Biologist (The Southern Reach trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer)
Silver (Oneshot) vs Allumi Niumbirch (Shaman King Flowers)
Kronoculus (Costume Quest 2) vs Raven (Raven (CBBC))
Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity) vs Appare Sorano (Appare-Ranman!)
Roxis Rosenkrantz (Mana Khemia) vs Abby and Zara (Doctor Who / Graceless)
Shijima Tsukishima/Shimeji (Shimeji simulation) vs Sym (I Was A Teenage Exocolonist)
Oona Wong (Kiki Strike Series) vs Cynthia (Incryptid)
Felix Leiter (James Bond franchise) vs Jefferson (Death's Door) 
Gerald McBoing Boing (Gerald McBoing Boing (1950 short)) vs Gruftine (Die Schule Der Kleinen Vampire / The School for Little Vampires)
Nuch (Not Me The Series) vs Sad Ghost (Shattered Pixel Dungeon)
Percy Blakeney (The Scarlet Pimpernel) vs Sarah Collins (Dark Shadows (1966-1971))
Grace Summers/Poppy (Blood for Poppies (An interactive novel)) vs Tangie (The Tangerine Bear)
Pleck Decksetter (Mission to Zyxx) vs Zaknafein Do'Urden (The Legend of Drizzt (Forgotten Realms))
Tusk (Shrine II) vs Richard Conway (Gunpoint)
Zinn (Monstress) vs Detective Victor Spooky (Deep Night Detective) 
Teddyco (Sanrio) vs Leonie Beaumort (Aviary Attorney)
Magda (Vapors) vs Yokoe Rei (School Zone Girls)
Mini Kapoor-Lopez (Pandava Quintet) vs Maki (Darker than Black)
Edward Manners (The Folding Star by Alan Hollinghurst) vs Reo Miyao (Bokutachi no Ikita Riyuu (Our Reason For Living))
Cian (Bear and Breakfast) vs Principal Shirley Oddwell (Oddport Academy)
Curse Bringer Angel (Baroque) vs Daniel da Silva (Think of England by KJ Charles)
S.T (Hollow Kingdom by Kira Jane Buxton) vs The Cashier (Midnight Museum)
Inien (Thrilling Intent) vs Vola ('Pax' & 'Pax Journey Home' by Sara Pennypacker)
Seaweed (Gloomverse) vs Fangus Klot (Oddworld)
Osari Hikaru (B-Project) vs Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)
Randy Rosebud (Maggie's Apartment) vs The Lacewing King (Honeycomb)
Akama (The Idiot (1951)) vs No Significant Harassment (Rain World) 
The Nigh Furies (Wen Yan, Mo Xiao, and Hai Die) (The Wolf) vs Libby Day (Dark Places)
Sally Swing (Betty Boop) vs A (Tomorrow Will Be Dying)
Puck Reverie (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) vs Conrad (The Castle of Otranto)
Monmouth (100 Cupboards series) vs Goo (Inanimate Insanity)
Shrimp (The Upturned) vs Suren Darga (DC Comics)
Kim Jinhyuk (Antique (2008)) vs Cecilia Sylvie (Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie)
Sullen the Magic Mirror (Barbie as Rapunzel CD-ROM) vs Bea (Brawl Stars)
Zachary Ezra Rawlins (The Starless Sea) vs Dash X (Eerie, Indiana)
Kiyoshirou Ushimitsu (As the Gods Will 2) vs Su Moting (God Troubles Me/Hanhua Riji)
Gabrielle (Gabrielle's Ghostly Groove) vs John Dough (John Dough and The Cherub)
Michiko Hada (Helter Skelter: Fashion Unfriendly) vs Corrun Crosslight (Spell Check)
Moondance k'Treva (The Heralds of Valedmar books by Mercedes Lackey) vs Liv (Spooky Month)
Ibuki Momoi (Dai-Guard) vs Etcetera (Cats (musical)) 
Li Ching Lung (DNA Says Love You) vs Fumi-ba (Kamen Rider Ghost)
Uguisu Anko (Call of the Night) vs Corona Hoshino (Swans in Space (manga))
Frog (QuickSpot) vs Karl (All Hail King Julien)
Wolfman (Darkwood) vs Kenna De Poitiers (Reign)
Granger (NeverHome game series) vs Chopfyt (oz)
the Doctor/Doc (Boyfriend of the Dead) vs Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
Magnate Arabo (Stars in Shadow) vs The God of Hunting (A Herbivorous Dragon of 5000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized)
Iroha Irohazaka (Cipher Academy) vs Mission-chan (Mission-chan no Daibouken)
Forest Friend (Gris) vs Chiitan (Astro Boy)
Simon (Ma vie de Courgette ("My Life as a Courgette")) vs Ellie (Monster Tale)
Melatonin Protagonist (Melatonin) vs Topsy (The Only Harmless Great Thing)
Harp (Star Guardians) vs Dadish (Dadish)
Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale) vs Sha Sheng Shi ("Killing Stone") (Qing Ya Ji (Yin Yang Master))
Guillermo "Dixon" Alverez (Rebelde (2022)) vs Avery (Hellbound Guardian)
Agent (Penguinronpa) vs Sasana (Nekogami Yaoyorozu)
Uhh… these guys? (Rhythm Heaven Fever) vs Fernando Carvalho (Ordem Paranormal)
Mallory (Escam) vs Elle (Starcrash)
Miyauchi Rena (Blue Reflection: Second Light) vs Adelade (A A Prime by Moto Hagio)
Yamabiki (Starving Anonymous) vs Tiger of the Wind (Monster Rancher (1999))
The High Ki of Twi (the enchanted island of yew) vs Malkah (He, She, & It by Marge Piercy)
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crescentroscs · 7 months
naruto dash simulator
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🍂 comrademadara Follow
🔥 shinobifurious Follow
reminder that sarutobi hiruzen was a WAR HERO who should be remembered as such :)
👘 yukata-yuri Follow
reminder that sarutobi hiruzen was a LITTLE BITCH and that we should all PISS on his GRAVE
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👅 trueartisanexplosion Follow
@tobi this sake isn't doing shit get ur ryō ready
👅 trueartisanexplosion Follow
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i wnr himn to imroreganate mpe
63,399 notes
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💜 rinnegone Follow
she village on my hidden until i leave
💜 rinnegone Follow
easy website
17,280 notes
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🌊 7swordswag
93 notes
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🍥 orangehokage Follow
save me instant cup ramen
🍥 orangehokage Follow
instant cup ramen
🍥 orangehokage Follow
instant cup ramen... save me..
7 notes
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☀️ sandkaze Follow
regardless of any nepotism that may have been involved, I just think it’s messed up that they let a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD become kazekage. not to mention other villages could take it as a sign of weakness that the most powerful shinobi we have is so young
🦝 goatedgaara Follow
idk wasn’t the yodaime mizukage really young?
⚡️ codenamekage Follow
lol you’re clearly new to kageblr. that rumors been debunked for ages, the guy was just super short
feels like they’re just letting anyone be a kage these days. how could tsunade be the best choice for hokage when jiraiya is clearly superior in strength 🙄
🌸 blossom-princess Follow
12 Butsuma Senju Ave, Konohagakure, LOF 118211
[This post went to heaven.]
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🐸 jiraiya-updates Follow
Update on the cease and desist order from Konoha:
This blog will be deleted in 48 hours. We never considered the harm our hyperfixation could have on Konoha's national security, and for that we are sincerely sorry, both to Jiraiya and the residents of Konoha. For those wonderful people who have expressed concern for the mod team, the legal case is still ongoing but right now it's looking like a fine.
More information on the case, the ANBU incident and the situation with @orochimarupdates can be found below the cut.
Keep Reading
1,622 notes
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🎎 fyeahhistory Follow
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The Valley of the End
These statues were constructed by artist and stonemason Hikaru Aburame in 1737 KY. Commissioned by the Shodaime Hokage Hashirama Senju, the statues depict Senju and his longtime ally and rival Madara Uchiha. Uchiha and Senju were responsible for the Uchiha-Senju Alliance which founded the Hidden Leaf Village and put an end to the Warring States period. The monument, which potrays the two opposite each other forming the confrontation sign, was constructed in the valley where Uchiha lost his life to Senju during their battle a year prior.
Photo taken by Ami Sugiyama
6,410 notes
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geffenrecords · 3 months
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update on my physical media collection (not including books / records ). list of everything shown in the pictures below the cut ⬇️
IT (1990)
it / it chapter two
ready or not
glee season 1 (sorry)
glee season 2 (SORRY)
the secret of nimh
jurassic park, the lost world, jurassic park 3
the breakfast club / sixteen candles / weird science (John Hughes collection)
bill & Ted's excellent adventure / bogus journey
the lost boys
diary of a wimpy kid
Grey's anatomy season 1 (SORRRYYY)
alien resurrection
TMNT (honestly idk why I still have this)
the outsiders
over the edge (matt dillon first movie)
Donnie darko
Jennifer's body
jackass number 2
the karate kid
the princess diaries
fight club
star wars phantom menace, attack of the clones, and revenge of the sith
Narnia the lion the witch and the wardobe
the osbournes season 1
little miss sunshine
spiderman 1, 2, and 3
the amazing spiderman
Kung fu panda
the passion of the christ
pay it forward
original star wars trilogy
the polar express
a clockwork orange
life as a house
surfs up
bowling for columbine
natural born killers
terminator 2
mysterious skin
moonrise kingdom
American idiot Greenday documentary
that was then, this is now
jackass the movie
suicide kings
the matrix
the Goldfinch
the day after tomorrow
stand by me
rumble fish
the black parade (mcr)
danger days (mcr)
American idiot (green day)
21st century breakdown (green day)
in love and death (the used)
may death never stop you (mcr)
baby one more time (britney spears)
life on the murder scene dvd / cds
nevermind (nirvana)
dookie (green day)
nimrod (green day)
uno, dos, tre (green day)
nirvana greatest hits
blue weezer
selfish machines (pierce the veil)
collide with the sky (pierce the veil)
three cheers for sweet revenge (mcr)
from under the cork tree (fall out boy)
teens of denial (car seat headrest)
in utero (nirvana)
licensed to ill (beastie boys)
lost and found (mudvayne)
what it is to burn (finch)
no strings attached (nsync)
infinity on high (fall out boy)
fallen (evanescence)
green weezer
mellon collie and the infinite sadness (smashing pumpkins)
Tallahassee (the mountian goats)
bleach (nirvana)
in the areoplane over the sea (neutral milk hotel)
the downward spiral (nin)
facelift (alice in chains)
smash (offspring)
dirt (alice in chains)
peace sells but whos buying ? (megadeth)
garage days (metallica)
folie a deux (fall out boy)
devil put dinosaurs here (alice in chains)
spit (kittie)
alice in chains
incesticide (nirvana)
hot fuss (the killers)
load (metallica)
american beauty / american psycho (fall out boy)
among the living (anthrax)
oops i did it agian (britney spears)
viva la cobra (cobra starship)
almost here (the academy is...)
kill em all (metallica)
and justice for all (metallica)
lets knife (shonen knife)
lithium single (nirvana)
ride the lightning (metallica)
homemade bullets cd my dad made for me for christmas using scans he found online :)
nirvana unplugged
killings my business (megadeth)
enema of the state (blink182)
take off your pants and jacket (blink182)
pretty hate machine (nin)
screaming for vengeance (judas priest)
fabulous disaster (exodus)
let go (avril lavigne)
hidden treasures (megadeth)
dude ranch (blink182)
there be squabbles ahead (stolen babies)
master of puppets (metallica)
the black album (metallica)
twilight soundtrack
neighborhoods (blink182)
south of heaven (slayer)
angst (kmfdm)
adios (kmfdm)
nevermind the bollocks, heres the sex pistols (sex pistols)
hybrid theory (linkin park)
the lion and the cobra (sinead o connor)
seasons in the abyss (slayer)
reign in blood (slayer)
meteroa (linkin park)
anything is (my bloody valentine)
pearl harbor attack story
music from hungary
so far so good so what (megadeth)
the four seasons (vivaldi)
concerti (vivaldi)
hangin' tough (new kids on the block)
tchaikovsky / liszt paino concertos
bach flute sonata
mozart symphonies
cats musical
days of future passed (the moody blues)
60s surf hits
doomsday for the deciever (flotsam and jetsam)
st elmos fire soundtrack
phantom of the opera highlights
defenders of the faith (judas priest)
a year and a half in the life of metallica (original 80s tape from my dad!)
cliff em all (also original 80s tape from my dad )
walking with dinosaurs bbc
dead poets society
the lost boys
family values 1998 tour (korn, limp bizkit, ice cube, rammstien, orgy)
attack of the clones
the terminator
not pictured are my books (way too many and way too unorganized to actually take pictures of), and my records. im not big into record collecting but i do have;
life on the murder scene soundtrack
three cheers for sweet revenge
the black parade is dead!
kill em all
master of puppets
16 notes · View notes
sotwk · 2 years
Welcome to "Sons of the Woodland King" (SotWK)
Last updated: 7/18/24
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The Elvenking and Elvenqueen: Commission by beelzeebub
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SotWK Masterlists and Content
I've organized all my original content and other fun goodies in the pages linked below:
FanFiction Masterlist
Headcanon Masterlist
Fanfic Request Guidelines
Blog Archive
My Ao3 Page (All works are public)
My Ko-Fi Page (All tips received are used to commission fanart)
Commissioned Tolkien Fanart Gallery (Collection on Ko-Fi)
Summer Campfire Sleepover 2024 (Works written for event) [New!]
Featured Tags:
anon asks - If you sent me an Ask on Anon, and I've answered it, it will be tagged with this. Anon friends, please check here!
sotwk headcanon - Captures all headcanon posts I write, including minor ones that might not be on the Masterlist.
visit Eryn Galen - Photo and aesthetic posts of how I imagine the great forest kingdom of Eryn Galen to look like.
fics of friends - Looking for fics to read? I have super talented writer friends in the Tolkien fandom!
art of friends - I have super talented artist friends too! Please support them (and all artists)!
get to know me - Want to know more about me as a writer and a person? Here are my answers to questions and tag games!
get to know others - Tracks answers from "get to know" asks I've sent to friends and random folks
Other Fun Stuff!
SotWK's Headcanon Ask Game
Ask and Tag Games Archive
SotWK's "Ask Away" Initiative - a post people have reblogged to indicate they'd welcome receiving random asks!
I regularly update my masterlists, but please consider becoming a Follower/Mutual! I'd love to connect with you and exchange works--maybe even collaborate!
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About "Sons of the Woodland King": a Tolkien AU & Fanfic Series
SotWK tells the story of Thranduil, all the way back from his childhood in Doriath to the final years of his rule over Eryn Lasgalen. There is a TON of history to cover in almost 7,000 years of the Elvenking’s life!
In this version of Thranduil’s story, he falls in love and marries a Noldorin elleth, Maereth, before he eventually inherits the throne of Greenwood the Great. Together they bear and raise five strong sons: Crown Prince Mirion, Prince Turhir, Prince Arvellas, Prince Gelir, and Prince Legolas.
SotWK chronicles their lives together, centuries filled with triumph and tragedy interwoven with the fates of many other famous figures in Middle-earth history.
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The Elvenking's Five Sons: (L-R) Legolas, Arvellas, Mirion, Turhir, Gelir
Art: Commission by hffhifjou
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About Me: SotWK the Blogger
Mae govannen, mellyn nin!
Please call me SotWK (pronounce an invisible "i" between the "w" and "k"); or you can use Nana/Naneth ("mom" in Sindarin) as some of my mutuals do, if you'd like.
I'm a fangirl in my late 30s, dividing my energy and hours among my husband, our two boys, a full-time job, and my fandom hobbies. I reside in the US (PST).
I have been an on-and-off LOTR fanfic writer since 2003. I started this blog in October 2022 after deciding to dust off and resume my writing project, "Sons of the Woodland King", a fanfiction series focusing on Thranduil Oropherion, Elvenking of the Woodland Realm.
I also write for various Tolkien canon characters alongside my own OCs and take requests for Reader Insert fics.
I reblog media from some other fandoms as well, mostly in the fantasy, period/medieval, superhero, and sci-fi genres. I use meme gifs from my favorite sitcoms a LOT.
This is a PG-13 blog (I do not post or reblog adult/explicit content), so minors are welcome. This blog is meant to be a safe space for everyone regardless of background or belief, and should be conflict and drama-free at all times.
The SotWK mission: for Mutuals, Readers, and Visitors to come together in appreciation for everything Middle-earth (esp. Thranduil and his kingdom!), relax while hanging out with friends, and feel better about the world and themselves.
In the name of the Elvenking--may you and your house always endure!
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232 notes · View notes
tessa-quayle · 1 year
FanFiction Recommendations
before I disclose my favorite Pedro Pascal character-related fan fiction here, a few caveats and disclosed biases: I’m a woman of a certain age.  I was your average English lit major.  I’m the dork who - upon listening to Jewel’s debut album and hearing the lyric “you can be Henry Miller and I’ll be Anais Nin” in the mid 1990s  - legit hauled my ass to the local public library and looked up Anais Nin - using the Dewey Decimal system - to read her elevated smut.  Right now I’m a content but exhausted, ragey American woman in a mid-life crisis.  I hate bullshit, I have an ok attention span, I scroll/read after the family’s gone to bed.  
if you look at my semi-neglected Tumblr page, you’ll see I’m relatively new to the Pedro fandom.  What a privilege to dive into really superb writing.  This is clearly not an exhaustive list and reflects my tastes (and to each her/his/their own)!  But if you’re an exhausted parent in a mid-life crisis and have no time, this may be for you! 
in no particular order...
@fuckyeahdindjarin - masterlist - Cee describes herself as a writer who pens romantic comedies - and she does a stellar job with them - but she sells herself short and fails to mention the sex scenes she writes are hot.  especially love the consent series (dieter bravo), the grays 2-part series (frankie morales), and of course, the ongoing joel miller/pin series.  a delightful mix of angst, sweetness, spice.  and a thoughtful writer with an inclusive mindset. 
@absurdthirst - masterlist - if you told me Keri has a few stories published in several “best of erotica” anthologies, I’d believe you.  good smut is fucking hard to write.  this is great smut.  this is smut you read and then take a cold shower afterwards or do whatever it is you like to do to get yourself off.  it’s smut that even as a non-smoker and knowing all the terrible health risks you may think goddamn I need a cigarette.  I'm partial to a few Javier Pena and Agent Whiskey pieces, but you’d be satisfied reading any of her stories.
@something-tofightfor - masterlist - Rachael should give a master class on how to write the best slow burn.  Her Joel Miller stories stand out for several reasons including - 1) she thoughtfully incorporates elements of the original canon/game into her fanfic which is uncommon in the PP fandom (from what I’ve seen/read at least), 2) every Joel story/chapter is compelling and well imagined.  Her current series on Tim Rockford has me on the edge of my seat and I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.  And judging from the titles of her stories, we have similar music tastes (ha!). 
@disgruntledspacedad - this writer hasn’t updated in several months, but their Javier Pena multi-chapter fic (and folks, there are MANY out there) called Better Love is the one that kept me going and going and wanting to read more (see mention of short attention span in a tired mama above).  being in the healthcare field, I also arch my eyebrows out of curiosity when someone weaves medical stuff into their writing and wonder what line of work they do.  (yes I'm a terribly biased nerd, I’m a sucker for when someone puts a f!physician reader into their PP-character related drabble).
@jomiddlemarch - she is a great friend and a gifted, amazing writer who always makes me wonder “how does she do this and how does she do this so well and so quickly while the rest of us plebes are just getting through our day.”  she writes for MULTIPLE fandoms (and judging from the notes on her posts, I think her readership is more into those than Pedro and the Last of Us but it’s ok!), and started writing Joel Miller and an OFC (she created!) named Grace Yang (NOT ME - but maybe there’s a chance she created this OFC to shut me up since I’ve been rambling on and on about how besotted I am with Pedro 😂).  If you’re into OFCs, read her stuff.  Check out the (ongoing) entire series on her AO3 here.  Here’s one story that you can find on her Tumblr.  Two of the five stories are Ted Lasso crossovers - all her stories are written so richly and so layered - she’s the star in your writing workshop who’s showing and not telling - I’m still thinking about how there’s so much to unpack in the latest one. :) 
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kingnin64 · 1 year
Nin life update #1
Let's get the big one out of the way: I'm going back to my old job.
I hate that I'm saying that, and I've felt a pit in my chest all day. They called me again, begging me to come back because they only have 4 workers. After I quit, the lady that drugged me eventually went to jail again and got fired, finally. Then, one of the people I convinced to work there quit because he found a better job. One worker is on vacation, and the other is only available on weekends.
So, after failing to get a job over the past month and getting to a financial point where I am consuming the last of my groceries and not paying rent, despite all the job applications I put in, I am going back to Dollar General, the job that almost sent me back to self harm.
Now, for some less depressing news: speedrunning is going very well :)
No world records or top 5's yet, but I'm doing great. Sludge Life 2 released, and I got to experience what it was like to make a speedrun route for a game. I feel like I did a very good job, because my sum of best is much faster than the other runners. I think, as long as I get my run done, I'll hold the world record for like... a day lol.
I had one really good run, but I got to the very end and realized I missed ONE tag. The door on the balcony opens if you've collected all 100 tags. You can see my heart fall out of my chest and shatter into a million pieces on the ground.
Don't forget to follow my Sludge Life speedrunning blog if you wanna see more about the runs :)
Finally, I checked out my old YouTube videos.
Nothing too big to say about it, but I do still feel really proud of everything I've created. With some inspiration from @voltbuttumblin during his streaming anniversary, I've kinda been playing with the idea of making YouTube content again. Unfortunately, this has to coincide with me getting a job that physically and emotionally drains me again, so it probably won't happen.
I just miss when I was making those "record while I play with friends and turn it into a video if it was funny" days. I was documenting the time I was spending with the people I care about. All my friends are very funny, and I love every minute I spend with them. I miss them so much.
And now, for some bonus rambling:
Nowadays, I'm more antisocial. My time at Dollar General really broke me. I lost a lot of friends, and my relevance has really died down since leaving Toiu's community way back then. I don't know if my relative popularity would have survived even if I stayed though, so I try not to think about it too much.
I've met a lot of new people I'm too nervous to talk to. I used to be a natural at approaching and communicating with people, but now I really think a ton about each thing I say to them. I don't think that's so much due to my anxiety as it is due to my self hatred. Over the years, losing friends, developing bad habits... working in retail... it's all really put a dampener on my self-image.
I used to not be a good person. A lot of people with BPD can probably relate to having some bad behavior in the past, or perhaps they're even struggling with it now. So now, any time someone even says the word "manipulative," it feels like it's instantly aimed at me, I take it to heart, and I feel like nothing's changed. This happens with almost everything negative now. All the lost friends? It's most certainly due to my behavior, and not due to people naturally drifting apart.
I get so much shit in my head. I take normal, meaningless shit, and I add so much meaning to it to make myself feel bad. Friend said something entirely unrelated to me but it potentially could be about me? Oh honey it's about me. It hurts to live like this.
Every time I'm in a group, I know I will eventually lose it because of my own insecurities. Even when nobody has anything against me- even if I was a perfect human being, I would imagine some dramatic reason people might slightly dislike me. EVEN PEOPLE I DON'T EVEN TALK TO. Like, I tweet a lot of shit, and there's some people I really respect that follow me, even though we don't talk, and I always worry that they will block me or something.
It sucks, dude. That's all there is to say. See you next update <3
0 notes
unolvrs · 1 year
uhh, there are both upcoming works and upcoming updates! i have sneak peeks for each one! but here they are:
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少年A (jjk ft. male!reader; possibly megumi/reader)
In a remote village in Sapporo, a thirteen-year-old first year student in an unnamed junior high school allegedly killed three classmates known to bully his best friend who they had driven to suicide. (Or, none of that is true.)
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少年A (or: Boy A) was initially made as an OC out of nowhere. i shared him to a few friends before i realized that the set-up of him being nameless and just being called 'Boy A' was perfect for a reader-insert. and before i knew it, i was already writing everything down and it was really, really fun. the term 「少年A」 is something akin to 'John Doe' and it's mostly a name used to minors involved in a crime. there are lots of criminal 「少年A」 in japan so if you want to read about them, i'd give you a big trigger warning because the most well-known 「少年A」 was involved a horrific case.
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2. among dawn flowers (the face of god), an extra chapter
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i always get notifications about comments concerning dawn flowers and i've read all of them. thank you for your very kind words! they make me feel very happy every time i read them :D i'll be replying to them soon. but the most common comment is about gojō's... well, reaction to everything and what he truly felt for the main character, and there were a couple of misunderstandings in the comments too. i would normally just leave the misunderstandings be to let people have their own interpretation but i've been getting lots of comments and DMs about dawn flowers all the time, so this extra chapter happened. it has the following AUs too:
zen'in naoya marries tengai-san instead
tengai-san survives
tōji snatches up tengai-san (not at all romantic but a found family of sorts because their dynamics are really interesting! because they're the people who neither needs the least!)
and idk, maybe some more? i'll be reading through the comments again!
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3. kirigakure-centric naruto fic
“Kirigakure didn’t need help. They needed salvation.”  No one knows anything about the Mizukage. Only that she’s kind. She likes to smile. She likes seafood like every other Mizu-born. And that there’s something inexplicably wrong with her. There’s something wrong with the Mizukage whom the Kiri-nin call a ‘god’. —or, Wataru Wataru was never really a powerhouse, in this life or the last, but she’s resourceful. She knows cults, pyramid schemes, and corrupt politicians like the back of her hand, so of course, she becomes the Mizukage and becomes a god along the way.
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it's highlighted because it's undergoing editing... but yes, the mizukage cultist fic that i was talking about a month ago. it currently has four chapters in my drafts. i'm testing the waters on whether or not i can maintain it. so far, i have everything planned... like the timeline... it's too detailed.
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4. shintō pjo fic
Beyond the eastern seas, Sen'no Hyōran wages a one-man war. (Or, if all she needs is the Golden Fleece, if all she needs is to steal that damned thing, then she will. Those Greeks standing in her way or not.)
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of course, there's also the writing of kill the goose (3 chapters in my drafts now!), rain on my parade (a very slow rewriting), sunday without god (i wrote the next chapter and it was too long like 8k words and i'm not even halfway done so i'm stuck)! and posting some comm'd works that have been rotting in my drive for months!
some possible fics but no promises:
floating blue (nanami/reader)
Aoi's josei romance manga life starts when she's saved by Nanami Kento after almost falling down the train tracks! (Or, it turns out that Aoi is the main character of a supernatural josei manga! She's so excited!)
starts off as a cliché josei manga set-up bc aoi is a josei manga protagonist! then turns deep :D might become a reader-insert instead but without the [name] insert things. just second pov. this was really meant to be a rom-com than a sudden "omg! i'm in a supernatural josei manga!" might write bc it's a cute concept.
the prostitution of learning (jjk & male!oc)
There is no other main character but Kikuchi Eita. (Or, defeating enemies, exorcizing Curses, facing conservative higher-ups, there’s no adversity that Kikuchi Eita cannot push through because Kikuchi Eita is the main character. That is until Itadori Yūji.)
i made this guy before 少年A and while eita is my favorite oc i've ever created in jjk, 少年A's story is easier to write. but the prostitution of learning is a bit more complicated even just with eita's planned CT and while i'd love nothing more than to write this one, idk if i'd have the time but i really want to!
willow diaries / 柳日記 (kakashi/oc)
Kakashi gets a nobleman's concubine pregnant. Whoops. (Or, I no Yanagihaya's honorable brother-in-law said to surprise him. She did.)
first of all, it's not cheating or infidelity. said nobleman is dead. anyway, i think this is the most likely to be written bc i've written the first chapter a hundred times but couldn't get satisfied. anyway, this one's fun. and i love civilian ocs! especially writing nobility. the research was a pain but i loooove this one.
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pls... don't ask me about frog in a well :"") i'm working on it! idk, froggie's become that weird cousin idk if i wanna talk to or not. it's awkward between the two of us right now bc ik i could start writing the chapter anytime and get it done and over it quickly but i've been lazy and focusing on other stuff hehe &lt;3
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cat-of-the-anbu · 7 months
The Character of Cat
Canon divergent, canon compliant, canon critical, and alternate universe friendly version of Yamato. This specific version went back into the ANBU after the war instead of taking the job of babysitting Orochimaru. (Which I will still never forgive Kishimoto for.)
Can do all versions, as well, from Kinoe, to young Tenzo, adult Tenzo, part 2 Yamato, Blank period, and up through the English dub of Boruto.
After Tenzo rejected the name Kinoe, and with it, the Foundation, that moment started his life out of the darkness. He began to actually learn how to be a person. This pivotal moment of choosing himself over who Danzo wanted him to be marked a point of no return. He wasn't Orochimaru's experiment, or Danzo's tool. He was his own person.
See here for rogue nin Tenzo. (Still a work in progress, may be updated in time.)
Tags for my rp-verse will be updated as needed.
What I have now is cat has claws in reference to ANBU Tenzo/Yamato as an adult.
I think I'll use kittenhood for young Tenzo, should a need for that character arise.
Blank period Yamato has the tag all cats look grey at night.
Rogue Nin Tenzo tag will be morals of an alleycat.
Modern AU tag will be like herding cats.
Other universes slash versions will get tags of their own. Anything art related including Yamato will be tagged as claws out.
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Naruto re-read XXVIV
Chapters covered: 236 - 244 Twentyseventh Volume of the manga
Site used: https://manga4life.com/manga/Naruto (VIZ translation of the manga)
Disclaimer: This is intended as a list and simple observations of the topics that particularly interested me in the aforementioned chapters, in that sense, do not expect a linear -or totally deep- analysis.
Tumblr’s update doesn’t allow me to attach more than 10 pictures, therefore, all of them will be LINKED. Apologies.
349) Medic-nins: “They demand a different skill-set from a warrior. To utilize the chakra, it takes light and precise hand… an enormous amount of expertise… an adaptness at practical application… patience.. besides, there’s a special something required  of anyone intending to become a first-rate medic…” (here). That special something seems to be someone to care for (x)
350) Anti-Sakura fandom (often Hinata stans), tend to shit immensely on Sakura for “burdening” Naruto with the promise of bringing Sasuke back, despite her not forcing Naruto to promise a single thing (he’s the one who promises, x), yet she -despite learning Sasuke left (x), smiles at him and refuses to allow him to apologize (x). She’s being a good friend here. She’s heartbroken (x) yet she vows to help Naruto and not be a burden to him (here); she even seeks Tsunade’s teachings for this very same reason (x). Like, you do have plenty of reasons to dislike her, but this isn’t one.
351) Once that was said… the fact that Naruto just straight out says he has no time to wait for her (x), lmao.
352) Akatsuki won’t try to take Naruto again for three to four years (x), it’s not clear where Jiraiya is taking the intel from (Itachi?), or why they are willing to wait four years (giving Naruto a chance to grow in power) to kidnap him. Likewise, Jiraiya tells Naruto Orochimaru won’t be able to take over Sasuke’s body for another three or four years (x) given how the jutsu works and how Orochimaru was practically forced to take another vessel. 
Akatsuki is shown together and they comment on the three years time-span (x), apparently, they will be hunting down every tailed beast, leaving the nine tails for last.
353) “...and Sasuke is of the same cloth as Orochimaru. Forget bringing him back. It is the tragic path of self-righteous fools.” Says the man that taught three orphans him and his kind created in the first place to make himself feel better, only to abandon them and never look back to check up on them.
354) It took three months for Sakura to revive a fish (x), Tsunade even says she might be of a talent similar to Shizune.
355) Hinata canonically faints at the sight of Naruto (x).
356) Did the Suna brothers stay in Konoha for three entire months? (x).
357) “More than ten years ago… the rule of the five principal shinobi territories was destabilized. Skirmishes arose near the borders, drawing small countries and shinobi villages into the fray. The prolonged warfare reduced the influence of the Land of Fire, even its base of military power, Konohagakure was struck by a heavy loss of life. Later on, this conflict would be known as the Third great ninja war.” (x).
358) I’m genuinely, genuinely, trying to understand what’s so great about Minato’s leadership skills that Hiruzen chose him as Hokage before Fugaku, (who listened to his kin’s wishes and followed suit). He states that the four of them will be separating as Kakashi became a Jönin and is fit to lead (x) despite the fact that he is aware that Kakashi diminishes Obito constantly and the later isn’t even willing to respect him (x, x). Everything he does about of this animosity in between them it’s ignore it and allow Rin out of all people to try to calm them both down (x). Kakashi even takes a very bad decision during their mission (x), risking his (x) and his team’s lives (x), and jeopardizing the mission they were sent to do (which was incredibly important, as Minato states) and the only thing he does is: telling Kakashi not to “follow always the rules” (x) and scolding Obito for keeping his guard down. He tells the three of them that “the most important thing is teamwork” (x) yet do you mean to tell me he had this group for such a short period of time he couldn’t even create a pleasant atmosphere between them? Even Kakashi, who only had Team 7 for a little less than a year and who practically did nothing to fix their dynamic was able to get a more functional team…
Furthermore, it was Obito who sought Minato’s advice about Kakashi (x), and not only did Minato tell him about a very personal issue of the young leader (x, x, x), but also tried to fix the whole situation by speaking with just half of the problematic duo, despite Obito never denying any request from Kakashi (as Kakashi never told him to do anything in relation to the mission).
359) Kakashi's Chidori: It was named after Minato's surname (x) and it involves chakra nature transformation, the user channels chakra to their hands and transforms it into lighting; the whole attack implies the use of the user's speed as they need to charge against the opponent. Such momentum is dangerous as makes the user move too fast to assert the opponent's counterattack. In short, it blinds the user to a specific point, creating tunnel vision (here). This specific setback is later fixed when Obito gives Kakashi his Sharingan, making him capable of predicting his opponent's movements, which is why Kakashi uses it when his Sharingan is uncovered (here).
360) According to Minato, Iwagakure invaded Kusagakure, which is next to Konohagakure, by deploying a thousand shinobi to the battlefront (Team Kakashi focuses on infiltration and sabotage, while he is the front-line combater). His feat, killing “thousands of enemies”, is false, as he arrives at the battlefield when there still are Konoha’s shinobi (x), as his comrade says, there’re FIFTY Iwa ninjas still alive, not a thousand, so most of the soldiers were already taken care of by other Konoha shinobi. Furthermore, Minato didn’t even throw the fuinjutsu kunai he needed in order to perform, making the remaining four survivors do so, so he had help even performing the task he became famous for.
361) Team Minato isn’t even surprised or nervous at being deployed in the middle of a war, by their (lack of) reaction, they’ve experienced this type of mission before (x). 
362) Obito is capable of using fire nature release at a high level when he’s twelve years old how is he considered a failure? (here) Yes, I know he is a “loser” by Uchiha standards as people of the clan are considered top tear, but you do realize no one else in K11 (but Sasuke) is able to use this type of jutsu at his age? Not even Kakashi can correctly perform Chidori yet (and he wouldn’t be able without Obito’s Sharingan either, see point 359), Kakashi even states the difficulty of such a task when he fights Sasuke the first time! (x).
363) Rin was able to perform surgery at twelve years old and transplant Obito’s eye into Kakashi’s eye socket (x).
364) Do you realize it was Obito the one crying?? Not Kakashi? Jesus fuck Kishi you genius you… (x)
(previous post) - (next post)
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laalaaisqueen · 8 days
Tinky Winky with his electric spear: I know you killed my friend with a rock Guardian.
Guardian, thinking: *play dumb*
Guardian: Who’s Guardian? 
Guardian, thinking: *Not that dumb!*
Tinky Winky: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
Guardian: Bees?
Guardian: Wait-
*Po approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Laa-Laa: My therapist started crying mid-session.
Dipsy: I think that means you win!
Laa-Laa: *gasps horrified and rips her wanted poster off a wall* Oh no….nononono, this is bad. This is very very bad. This is REALLY bad!
Laa-Laa: They just can’t get my antenna right! 
Tinky Winky: Does that really matter? 
Laa-Laa: Well that’s easy for you to say! *gestures to Tinky Winky’s wanted poster* You look amazing!
Finn: sapnu puaS.
Miles: What??
Richard: What language is that.
Finn: Turn your phone 180 degrees.
*Finn was removed from the groupchat*
Blinky: Do you know that we are made out of atoms? And atoms never touch each other. So in my defense, Papa. I did not punch Gary.
Guardian: Wait, you're gonna lie to people?
Lenny, mostly joking: It's not lying when you're in charge, Snowball. It's politics.
Blinky: I’m going out
Gary: Okay, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Blinky: Like what, get a boyfriend?
Miles: I’m telling you, if you want boys to respect you, you have to show them that you’re serious. Blow something up. Shoot someone. Nothing gets a guy’s attention like violence.
Anne: Hey, do you know the password to Dutch’s computer?
Finn: Fuck you, Anne.
Anne: Hey!!
Finn: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouAnne".
Anne: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Dutch: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Finn: Stepping on a fox’s tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Dipsy: Yesterday, I overheard Baa saying "Are you sure this is a good idea?" and Duggle Dee replying "Trust me." I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my entire life.
Lenny: *master chef* 
Cave: *knows a few recipes* 
Blinky: *can follow instructions on a box* 
Yeti: *made toast once* 
Arrow: *banned from the kitchen*
Lenny, pointing to the wall: What color is this?
Finn: Gray?
Dutch: Gray.
Lenny, turning to Richard: Now tell them what color you think it is.
Richard: Dark white.
Miles: Why is Richie making me do the dishes again? You haven’t washed them in a week, Lenny!
Lenny, currently has a broken arm: It’s because I’m Richard’s favorite.
Miles: I hate you.
Ping: My mom died when I was little so whenever someone jokes about fucking my dad I’ll pretend to be really sincere and say some shit like “Glad to see he’s moving on, my mom’s death hit him pretty hard.” Then watch them absolutely fumble trying to figure out a response to that statement.
Ping: Update, he got a new partner I can no longer make the joke.
Umby Pumby: Whoops
Mi-Mi: Whoops? Whoops? This is not a “whoops” situation. We are far past whoops. “Whoops” is a distant speck in the rear view mirror. We are solidly in “oh fuck” territory, and I expect you to act like it.
Daa-Daa: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way?
Ru-Ru: Excuse me Sir. Would you give me the honors of indulging in sexual activities with you?
Baa: What the fuck is wrong with you two?
Nin: Shh, here comes Po! 
Duggle Dee: Quick, Baa, start talking about boring nerd stuff! 
Baa: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist. 
Duggle Dee: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Baa: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. 
Mi-Mi, struggling to not laugh: 
Baa: Vroom vroom, come out already.
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piggyette · 4 months
if you don't know me, i treat ask games like surveys because ask games as we know 'em are pretty much dead. here's the og
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
guitar hero 2, deviantart x reader fanfics, not being allowed to watch horror movies as a child
show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
i'm not a big movie person, but probably zero day, the original child's play, and crash
what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
kitty synth, "wentzian", bathroom updates, pig as a slur
what made you start your blog?
old one got too much anon hate
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
there are so many images of pretty men to be found. some of them are dead.
what scares you the most and why?
probably the prospect of instability. i imagine its bc i moved a lot as a child
any reacquiring dreams?
in the case u meant reoccuring, not particularly. i have a bad memory.
tell a story about your childhood
oh, you dont want that.
would you say you’re an emotional person?
i learned apparently im more emotional than i even knew, recently.
what do you consider to be romance?
sensuality and the human connection.
what’s some good advice you want to share?
goal setting without clear vision is like building a couch with no instructions, just a picture of the end result.
what are you doing right now?
listening to pretty hate machine by nin and filling out this questionaire
what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
learn to drive
what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
my partner
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my need to dig up the corpse to make sure it's really dead down there
name 3 things that make you happy
i. discovering new fetishes ii. my partner system iii. animals
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
its a fool's errand to try and define our surroundings with our limited perception. radio exists. anything is possible.
favourite thing about the day?
the kids playing on the street loud enough to hear from inside.
favourite things about the night?
the quiet coolness.
are you a spiritual person?
that part of me ain't dead yet
say 3 things about someone you love
i. prevailing ii. patient iii. not appreciated enough
say 3 things about someone you hate
when will it ever be enough for you? nothing can learn you. nothing will.
what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
trying again.
fave season and why?
autumn. bugs are going away, coats are coming out. halloween and thanksgiving. the bus is going by again.
fave colour and why?
pink, green, and black. they're just nice to look at.
any nicknames?
i get called lee more often than not.
do you collect anything?
records, tarot decks, stuffed animals.
what do you do when you’re sad?
attempt to logicize if i can help it.
what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
a live set for my current favorite artist
are you messy or organised?
messily organized
how many tabs do you have open right now?
one pinned, three unpinned
any hobbies?
writing, art, producing music
any pet peeves?
sloppy eaters
do you trust easily?
i'm working on trying to. i can be paranoid, but i don't want to be
are you an open book or do you have walls up?
i think i have more walls up than i realize
share a secret
i'm currently organizing with a stranger to have her steal a dog being neglected by someone in my neighborhood
fave song at the moment?
the only time (nin)
youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
dollar tree dinners. the sheer culinary efficiency and humble kindness...
any bad habits?
worthless martyrdom.
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ukranianacearo · 1 year
"Maybe in the next lifetime, I will be able to love you the same you love me"
Type of fic: Angst
Legolas x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of war crimes/invasion, mention of death
Summary: After the ring is destroyed, you recall memories of your life before you appeared here, some of the journeys and adventures you went with Gandalf, the company of Thorin Oakenshield, the Fellowship of The Ring, etc... And suddenly your peaceful moment is disturbed by the elven prince that you knew for more years that you can remember.
P. S. I'm really sorry if this is messy, English isn't my first language 😭 update 01/07/2024: I corrected some of the grammar, but it's still a hot mess😔
You were standing at the edge of the platform, Gondor's palace and the tree of the Kings various meters behind you. It was the day of Aragorn's coronation. Even though the official part of "coronation" was done many hours ago.
You were looking to the stars, remembering all the things you've done and experienced before and after your death in your world. You remembered some of your childhood memories, teenager memories, when you got into the university of Technology and Science. You remembered your death. You remembered how surprised you were when you first got here, into this world. You weren't that lucky that day, and you could tell that by the way you died and by the time you got here. You were shocked when instead of nothing you saw battlefield. You saw the army of orcs and the army of elves and humans. You were even more surprised when you discovered that you could create anything you know how worked or it's purpose with nothing needed. You remembered how Gandalf, your now old friend, invited you to assist a company of dwarves and a hobbit to reclaim Erebor, and you agreed. You didn't have something to do anyways. You remembered every visit to the Shire with Gandalf. You remembered every Bilbo's birthday. You remembered how the Fellowship of the Ring were formed and how you were surprised that you knew most of the members of the Fellowship personally. You remembered everything you could before hearing footsteps behind you.
After so many years in this world, you already knew who it was, but you couldn't understand why would he leave the party so early. You hoped that it wasn't for what you thought he came here.
"Legolas" You said calmly, not turning even your face to look at him. "What are you doing here?" You asked, turning your face to look at him when he was by your side. "I could ask you the same question, mellon nin" He answered looking at you. You turned your gaze back to the stars. "You know I hate being around so many people, even more if I don't know them" You heard him laugh softly at your answer. You couldn't hide your little smile. You loved moments of peace and you loved them even more if they were spent with dear to you people, and Legolas definitely was one of them. Even though you were scared of ruining your friendship with him by rejecting him. You were really surprised when he didn't seem to be in love with Tauriel, witch was very weird to you since you knew that he's supposed to be in love with Tauriel, but instead he seemed to be in love with you. You hoped that you were wrong with your conclusions, but when even Pippin and Merry suspected something, you knew. You were right. And it scared you. You knew that you could never love him the same way, you were just born without that type of interest at anyone. You just hoped that he will forget about his love, but the way his eyes glowed just by looking at you told you that it will be impossible.
His voice was what brought you back to reality. "I know, mellon nin. You couldn't even stand being at the party after we won the battle for Rohan, so it was obvious that you will not be able to be at this party for more than 2 minutes" He said while looking at you with a warm smile and his blue eyes glowing bright. You giggled at his comment which made him smile even more. "Yeah, that's true, but... Why would our dear prince of Mirkwood leave the party? I thought you were going to have another drinking or even eating competition with Gimli" You said as you looked at him with curiosity in your eyes. He turned his gaze to look at the stars. "Actually, I wanted to be more with you and talk about something.." he said after some time of silence. You were quiet, looking at him with curiosity, but at the same time with hope that it wasn't what you were thinking. After a minute or so, he spoke again "...I wanted to ask you about something, if we specify... Could I braid you hair?" Shit. Your only thought. You knew perfectly what braiding hair meant to elves. There were no going back now. It will be very difficult to joke it off now.
You were looking at Legolas shocked. "Oh Legolas..." You said after a minute of silence. "I'm sorry, but... I cannot answer to you with the same feelings... I'm sorry" You said and you could perfectly see how his face that looked at you with love and adoration looked at you now with the same expression just that... There also was sadness in his eyes. You looked at him with the look that tried to say something like 'I'm really sorry for this, but it's better for both of us'. After some minutes of silence you saw that he wanted to say something, but before he could you spoke. "Maybe in the next lifetime, I will be able to love you the same way you love me" After you said that you hugged Legolas. And he hugged you back. After some minutes you pulled back and said "Please, do not waste your love, your tears, your time or anything so dear of you on me. It's not worth it. I'm sure you will find someone who will love you the way you deserve and you will love them too...". Before you could continue Legolas interrupted you by saying " No.. No, I will not be able to find someone who will be at least a little bit close to what you are and the way you make me feel." he said, but now, it was your time to interrupte him "Don't waste your time on me, don't waste your time on someone, who will never be able to love someone. Please... You will only burn out and fade away. You deserve much more than that.. " You said as you cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead and then started walking away. You both needed time to recover and not fail to mask your feelings the next time you meet. You hope that he will forget those feelings for you soon and find someone he deserves, someone who will love him. And you hoped that by the time you will meet at Valinor, after you will go there with the last board to there with Gandalf, Bilbo, Lady Galadriel and her husband, he will at least not love you so much.
Because you didn't want to hurt him that way. You hoped that the next time, you will be able to answer his feelings equally.
Hii, I hope you liked this post of you have any question/request for me, you can write it at request or in the comments
Have a nice day❤💮
Mellon nin - My friend
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