#Nikto wears a Large
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spookiboogi · 5 months ago
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Special thanks to Katy Perry and Doechii
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kortac-sweetheart · 18 days ago
had a few epiphanies over the course of two weeks about what traits i like in men thanks to getting into cod (discovered i love hairy men (๑>؂< ๑)۶)
i’ve been really hung up on finally reaching a level of trust that allows casual intimacy between kruger, nikto and you
like you coming up behind nikto while he’s cutting an apple up and slinking your hands under his shirt. and just leaving them there for a bit, so that he could decline your touch, but he doesn’t.
being allowed silently to roam your hands over him, gently roving your hands over his scarred skin from his time with mr.z, over his chest hair, over his happy trail. and he just happily lets you, because he trusts you and loves you enough to allow it. silently leaning into your touch, your warmth, your love.
him thinking that no one would adore him like this, not after what happened to him but you’re here (and kruger is too). letting himself fall into a sort of domestic and loving routine, full of casual intimacy and boundless love and affection.
kruger does not have any chest hair (unfortunately) but what he does have this that lovely and large tattoo adorning his abs. (also self indulgent but i think he entirely forgoes wearing a shirt in the comfort of your shared home)
so snuggling up into his side when relaxing on the couch and just, tracing a finger gently over his tattoo. he also adores your touch, how gentle and caring it is, and he’s a greedy greedy man of course (you and nikto and kruger practically spoil each other with your affections)
so he pulls you up to straddle his hips, “you’re not heavy at all liebling, don’t worry, just touch me some more.” he says it so casually, because to him it is. and what else are you gonna do except comply? his focus goes from the tv to you, on top of him and gently admiring and touching his tattoo. it inflates his ego, leaves him showing off like a peacock.
casual intimacy between nikto and kruger is much of the same, kruger indulging his greedy paws with kneading nikto’s chest and nikto running his hands along the hard and built plains of kruger’s muscles, and much much more
and of course they indulge themselves in touching you, perfect, sweet you. always keeping a hand on the small of your back or your shoulder when out, and casually grabbing your chest and giving it a soft squeeze. gripping your hips gently when they have to go past you. and always loving to indulge in squeezing that cute tummy of yours. yes, you are built differently in comparison to them but that makes you endearing in their eyes. so soft and warm and lovely, amazing to hold, just like you do to them. and they wouldn’t change it for the world.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 8 months ago
43 / 800 words / Nikto and honeypot reader (or a double agent a la red sparrow)
When Nikto comes home--appears in the kitchen doorway, duffel bag pitched over one shoulder and boots dripping mud--you’re not ready. You’re certain he can sense it with the way his eyes cut into you.
You straighten up and pull a grocery list nearby across the counter to cover your notebook without breaking eye contact. “You’re home early.”
“Short deployment.” His bag thuds to the floor. He walks to you with heavy footsteps. When he reaches you, he towers over you, cold eyes looking you up and down. Examining the state of his woman. “Perhaps you were hoping for a few more days away from me.”
You look up at him, plastering an overly saccharine, obviously fake smile on your face. "Perhaps I was."
Nikto chuckles. “A mouth like that will get you in trouble.” He grabs your face in one of his large hands as he looks you in the eye, forcing you to keep that fake smile trained on him. “You ought to close your mouth and keep that pretty smile on your face. It’s your best feature.” He's in a good mood, but that won't stop him from reminding you of your place.
Your fake smile turns sharp. "Anything for my darling husband."
He pulls you in by his grip on your jaw, bringing you close enough to smell the lingering gunpowder on his skin--the smell of blunt death that hangs on the edges of his clothes.
“Your attitude is making me want to do things to you that would be too rough for you to handle, doll,” he purrs, his large fingers digging into the flesh of your cheeks.
"It'll have to wait if you want dinner."
“I can think of several other things you can do to prove your usefulness besides making my dinner.”
"After," you reply. You need to hear the details of his assignment, but he's always more pliant when he's spent. And it's easier to get him spent when he's full. Makes him docile.
Nikto can't help the grin that stretches across his scarred face at your words. His cold eyes smolder and he releases your face, his hands moving to your hips. “You are learning to be a good little wife for me. I’m impressed.” He leans in to kiss you. His hand slips down to your thigh and caresses the flesh underneath your skirt. “And how do I know you're not planning to ply me with food and liquor so I fall asleep before I have my way with you again?"
"Mm." You loosen the first button on your neckline, then the next, gratified when his eyes snap down to watch. You make sure he can see the lingerie you're wearing under your perfect housewife’s dress. "You’re never so early that I’m not ready to welcome you home, darling."
Nikto's eyes burn as he watches you pop open another button, drinking in the sight of you. A low groan rises in his chest at the barest, most teasing glimpse of the lacy number underneath. His fingers flex around your thigh. “You expect me to wait until bedtime before having you?”
"Of course. What kind of wife would I be to serve you dessert before dinner?"
“Make me wait too long and you’ll be sorry,” he says. “I haven’t had a proper meal in weeks. I expect you to spoil me rotten.”
"I intend to. Now, out of my kitchen." You smack his hand off you with your wooden spoon the way a teacher might smack a grabby student's hand with a ruler. "Out."
Nikto scoffs. He hates being teased and he hates being denied, but he likes your fire. And he can do as you ask if it means getting what he wants.
He grabs one of the cookies in the glass display dome on the counter and takes a bite. “Temper, doll,” he rumbles as he leaves the kitchen. “Don’t make me put you over my knee."
You watch him leave and return to your work, sliding the grocery list off your mission notebook along with the ingredients you need for dinner. You'll get the details you need for the dead drop tomorrow by giving your darling husband a full belly and as much sex as he needs to loosen his lips. As long as you pretend to be uninterested in his work and interested in his advances instead, you get what you need.
Still, you can't deny the way your heart beats faster in your chest when you remember the way he drank you in.
more kortac / masterlist
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lostintransist · 23 days ago
Hell's Spawn | Back Again?
Part 1 | AO3
Stretching side to side all your focus is on the pull on your neck muscles. When the bell dings, signaling entry you ignore the trained urge to open your eyes. Blended scents of cigarettes and deadly choices told you who had come back for a visit. If anyone had the ability to exist in a changeless state it would be these men. They looked nearly the same as when you had seen them last, imposing and wearing nearly the same damn outfits.
You didn’t glare when you opened your eyes, but it was a near thing. Layers kept you safe from the demons your mother seeded your mind with from crawling from your pool of self-hate. Easier to ignore the glances at your chest when you wore a band tee that begged to be looked at. The one who hadn’t spoken to you last time stepped forward. The sense you got is that you had been a topic of discussion, and this would be another test.
‘Welcome in, what can I get you?”
The one who stepped forward, fuck you really needed to figure out what to call each of them to keep them clear in your head. Maybe you would text your boss. She had met them before or at least one of her boyfriends would be able to help you match masks to names.
“Four large hot coffees, please.” He tacked on the last word as if only remembering polite interactions required it.
“Milk and sugar for the table again?” You ask as you tap away at the screen.
He had an accent from east of here. A long way east. How far can one go east before you start calling it west? You snort lightly as you think of the answer, it only becomes west if you run into a colonizer.
“Also reserved the conference room again?” you finish up the transaction on your end and flip the screen to them to confirm if they want to pay a tip.
The tallest one, with blue eyes and a loud voice, tapped his card without discussion. Once the payment cleared you pulled the key from a small drawer below the counter.
“You remember where it is?”
“Ja, we know where it is.” Cocky. That is what you refer to this one as. The tallest one that acted like his stature could win him the world.
The shortest one, whose startling blue eyes haunted your nightmares some nights, took the key from you. He took care not to let even the stitching of his glove touch your hand. Turning from the counter you ignore their gazes scorching across your shoulders. When you had the four cups filled and the bowl and carafe ready you set them all in a line on the counter. Large hands with oval, well-trimmed nails grab the coffees two per hand and then he catches your gaze.
“Sorry about them. They are all uncouth and require a sharp bite to make them back off. Though,” he looked down at you, his brown eyes so dark you nearly couldn’t tell them from his pupils with his irises, “They might need more of a muzzle pointed their direction to truly get the message.”
You weren’t what anyone would call pretty. With your gaze too sharp and your disdain for stupidity leaking from every pore, you were eye-catching.
It was the fucking tits. It had to be. Between the fat sacks that caused a constant ache in your back and your bitch face, because let’s be real it didn’t only come out when you were resting, men were always in your space. Your friends often said you needed to fix your face; sometimes it came in handy in running off fuckers that didn’t get a hint the first time.
Your hair could be the only thing called beautiful about you without the addition of fancy clothes or a hefty slathering of makeup.
“Good for everyone I have a partner then huh?” You arched a brow in his direction. Sugar and milk in hand you step from behind the counter.
“It wouldn’t stop them from trying. I’m Horangi.”
“Tell me their names? Let’s start tallest to shortest.”
“Tallest? König. Then me, followed by Nikto and finally Kreuger.”
You start up the stairs to the conference room.
“Got it, König is the cocky one, Nikto is the creepy one, Krueger can’t keep his hands to himself. What about you?” You glance at him over your shoulder as you top the stairs to the conference room.
“Me? My kink is I like women to be nice to me.” The seriousness on his face has you falling into laughter.
When the door to the conference room pops open, Krueger again with not a lick of skin visible, holds it open for you. Setting down the extras for the coffee you fight back the laughter, wiping away the tears collecting in the corner of your eyes. König sat next to Nikto, the large space between their chairs eaten up with their impressive, combined manspreading.
You pat Horangi on the shoulder, still chuckling.
“Good luck with that one man. Could never be me.”
Tension flooded the room, a crowd watching a wick burn down on dynamite while they stood inside the blast zone.
“Well, Horangi,” you pat his shoulder again before returning your hand to your side. “And everyone else I suppose,” you let disdain drip from your teeth as you speak, “reminder we are closing at one tonight instead of two. I’ll come and kick you out if you aren’t gone already at 12:45. If you need something, please hesitate.”
Leaving the room, you click the door shut behind you. Three sharp voices explode beyond the door. You can’t help but grin as you bounce down the stairs.
They kept coming back; three of them were met with glares that must fuel fantasies and Horangi with a smirk—no real schedule and never in the daylight. You start referring to them to your friends as “the vampires”. König and Krueger always tried to talk to you, getting rebuffed with stares or a sharp smile and a customer service stare. Nikto watches. Horangi makes you laugh and then gets yelled at when you leave them to their business. The interactions work until they change it up on you.
Hell Masterlist | Masterlist
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kyumisyumi · 6 months ago
Something something something eldritch Nikto something something something
I've sifted through so many ideas for this because I didn't wanna just pick a random eldritch creature from my box of horrors and slap Nikto's name on it. But also I don't feel like I have enough info about him(ironic, considering I write about him so much) to craft him into a creature. I watched some documentaries on eldritch horrors, dived into Russian cryptids and still drew blanks but here's what I managed
Rating: E for everyone who loves Nikto
Eldritch!Nikto x F!Reader
Word count: 1
Part 2
~Taking requests~
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You weren't running from the consequences of your actions, more like briskly walking in the opposite directions. Looking forward all the way because backwards held the sounds of large dogs and angry men. Their boots cracking every twig and foliage along the way, voices interrupting the once peaceful ambiance of the woods. You could hardly tell whether the growling was from the hounds or the men. And really, who wouldn't want to run away from such a thing? Not run; walk. Quickly, very quickly. You were being smart, not cowardly.
No, never that.
You weren't cowardly when you snuck into that guardsman's post. You weren't cowardly when you tried to steal the gold he confiscated from the Miller's wife, the only woman that kept you fed while the streets were your home. You weren't cowardly when you defended yourself once he caught you. And you weren't cowardly when you accidentally bashed his head in with a clay pot. He should've worn a helmet, really. A guard should always have their helmet on! What was he thinking? Now look at you, running for your life and deluding yourself as if it would change the actions of the past.
You ran your mouth, ran your mind, but no matter how fast you moved, you couldn't outrun hunting dogs. Your fault, really, for trying to do so while wearing the long, ugly skirt you stole from someone's unattended clothesline. You should've maybe stolen the guard's old pants, you knew he had some because he mentioned wanting to give them to his nephew who was in combat training. Instead you dashed out the home the moment you realized he wasn't breathing, panicked by your first time taking a life. What were you thinking?
"I wasn't-" you spat a thick glob of blood out your mouth, it's red color staining the putrid black floor. Tears staining your vision and pain plaguing your mind. "I didn't mean to." You said it over and over again but it was little defense against men who'd lost a comrade because of you. A good man. A good man who stole from widows and bullied the elderly? It's weird how two people can look at the same person but see someone different. But that train of thought was halted by a kick to your stomach. And when one of the men took the final hit, the force of it sending you against the edge of the pit, you finally felt that feeling in your stomach. The one you hid away behind conversations with yourself. Locked away behind a naive expectation that things will either go your way or go away. Your first taste of true regret. Because you got a glimpse of where that attitude has lead you. That attitude that kept you going when your parents had left you. That attitude that kept you alive when your survival was in your own hands at an age where other children were being coddled and sung to. That attitude that protected you in the harsh village slum, now had you staring down into hell. 'The pit'; a giant hole defacing mother earth's perfect form. It's surface covered in black ichor, you couldn't tell whether the walls were moving or you'd been hit so hard your vision was thoroughly fucked. This was considered a punishment worse than death. Jokesters and troublemakers got a stern talking to. Thieves and crooks got jail time. Murders and adulterers got death. But the truly damned got the pit. The punishment didn't match the crime but judging by the hate filled glares of the men surrounding you, they didn't much care.
Or maybe they did care, they cared about you as much as you did yourself, these days.
That was a more comforting thought, maybe? Maybe not. Either way, thinking about it felt a whole lot better than thinking of the weightlessness you felt as you fell. Your vision quickly losing the greens and yellows of a gentle forest to being plunged into darkness. A darkness beyond description. One that surpassed what's seen when you close your eyes for the night. That surpassed the unconsciousness of sleep when dreams escaped you. A darkness that felt like death yet was somehow alive.
The walls were moving, they shifted uncomfortably as they felt the presence of another. Voices that whispered of uncertainty and conflict. Voices that yelled intruder and ones that yelled fodder. But one voice just hummed in curiosity at seeing the source of blood and spit and tears it tasted. He had consumed many of your kind but what little it had of you ignited interest rather than hunger. So it did not eat. Didn't wrap you in its tendrils and rip you apart into easily digestible pieces to be absorbed by its mass. The tendrils held you, confused by their many intentions and wants, before simply bringing you lower into the pit. To the very bottom that no other creature has ever seen. No other creature would ever be allowed near. Far too close to it's more vulnerable organs. But you wouldn't hurt it, would you? Wouldn't hurt them. Not with those blunt nails and teeth, not with those little limbs and severed ties to the natural order. You were weaker than it's weakest points yet you fought against his tendrils like you believed you could win. Struggled and resisted as if you had a fighting chance. 'Hush, little human.' It thought as it strangled you, only enough to render you unconscious. Give it enough time to build a prison home inside itself for you. Then build a form for himself more perceptible to your primitive eyes, he'd tried once before but the human face was so hard to mimic. There was so much anger inside you, more for yourself than for him. And Nikto couldn't understand it. There is only one 'you' inside that tiny, fleshy form. How can one be angry at their own/only self? That would be one of the first things he asked. He felt there was nothing a creature like you could teach him yet he had so much he wanted to ask regardless. Maybe once he had his answers he could finally consume you in peace. Maybe then the voices that called for him to spare you will quiet down. And the ones that screamed for him to bond with you will stop. Your body couldn't handle the things he desires... Could it?
Regardless, he has time. All the time in the world and beyond.
Silly human, getting yourself thrown down here, what were you thinking?
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All in all, I didn't want to forget the eldritch and just make a monster.
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batshitferalejsimp · 5 months ago
My Particular EJ Headcanons!!
(I don't have a particular last name or nothing decided, like I've seen some of the cool folk coming up with)
Minors DNI
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My eyeless jack is big, VERY BIG, like brick shithouse big, he's 6ft8, and very large and very muscular. I wouldn't say he's shredded, though. He's got like an off-season body builder or power lifter build, with like a healthy layer of fat over it. He's very gifted in the chest department✨️
In my mind, he was a Russian transfer student, studying over in America for his medical degree, feeling a bit isolated due to the lack of peers and friends, and that's when the cult snatched him up.
His voice is usually even and calm, but when he's pissed off, it gets almost layered... but not quite, and it's just off.
He has a bit of an accent (think Nikto from COD), and couldn't care less about hiding it.
He doesn't really care too much for being called EJ or Eyeless Jack. He prefers just being called Jack, but he won't really correct anyone on it because he doesn't care enough.
Over the years, he's set up some contacts through slenderman and has a somewhat successful career in the organ market. He also has a credit card and the like for when he needs to buy new supplies and whatever else he would need. He's probably one of the more put-together creeps, not that it says much about him.
He moves so quietly that it's actually scary, like you turn around and suddenly he's behind you, just watching.
He does a lot of watching and staring and has a habit of tilting his head when confused or trying to investigate things.
He can eat things other than kidneys or just human flesh. He just NEEDS human flesh fairly regularly and will start talking/mumbling to himself, getting aggressive and violent if he goes too long without human flesh, until he snaps and attacks the nearest human, no matter who they are. It usually takes 2-3 days for symptoms to start showing, and he keeps himself well fed, so it isn't usually an issue.
He sometimes hums to himself while working.
Believe it or not, he does sometimes go out in public, especially during and since the pandemic, wearing a mask and sunglasses with a hoodie, isn't suspicious if he pays, acts polite and doesn't act an ass. He can't go out and about as easily as jeff can, though.
He's very clean and sanitary, and oftentimes, if it can be helped, he doesn't kill his victims. He keeps his space clean.
If he needs to get organs, he usually targets men or criminals. He's not fond of harming women and children(he will if he MUST, but he won't be happy about it. )
His morality and emotions are somewhat dulled and disconnected from him.
He can see, and he can see quite well. However, he can't look around without turning his head. He can't side eye as much as he would like to with some of the shit that goes on in the mansion.
He can cook, and he's decent at it, but he usually doesn't because he can eat his food raw and the rest of the people in the mansion are assholes.
He's often getting stuck in fights with Jeff due to Jeff wanting a fight and knowing just how to make EJ fight him. EJ doesn't enjoy this but wins 60-70% of the time.
He enjoys going on walks or reading in his free time, watching a good amount of documentaries, and trying to stay on top of the lastest medical science.
He drinks and smokes, and he can get drunk, but cigarettes do not affect his lungs at all. Which disappointed him when he found out...
He has a strong sense of smell, and when he smells something he doesn't like, his face scrunches up visibly like a cat. It happens a lot around the other creeps in the mansion, particularly Toby.
He sometimes gets like mini zoomies, but he usually just goes out for a run and comes back when he's done.
He sleeps on his stomach or his back depending on how safe he feels, but he never really sleeps on his side unless there's someone else in the bed.
He eats A LOT, often times raw meat(think cow, deer, pig or chicke), he's large and does a lot of moving around and exercise, so he definitely EATS
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dreamerofvalyria · 10 months ago
Hi I love your Nikto fic! Can you tell us what a zmei is though? I've never heard of one before
That is a most excellent question, anon!
Not too many people seem to know what a Zmei is, but that's understandable, it's a bit of a more niche legend. Obviously, if you don't want any details spoiled for the fic at all then you're more than welcome to skip this ask, but it'll be a while before it's fully explained in the main story. Honestly, it's not much of a spoiler since I've already touched on it a bit in some of the baby fics.
I'll be mentioning some concepts and characters from @ghouljams (obviously lol) so head up for that!
To begin, Nikto isn't a fae himself, despite this being the fae AU. I looked at different types of fae and faeries found in Russia and the surrounding areas, but nothing really jumped out at me until I came across the legend of the Zmei.
In Russian mythology, the Zmei is a three headed hydra who typically features as dangerous, malevolent creature, intent on tricking and killing humans. There's multiple stories that have the Zmei as the antagonist and stories vary about his exact appearance, but it's typically a large, black, three headed hydra - sometimes he can breathe fire, sometimes lightning - and can vary in size from a large horse to a mountain.
As mentioned by Ghoul in one of their asks, dragons and their kin were probably a thing in the past, but have since died off because of how difficult it would be for them to hide among humans. However! An important part of the Zmei legend, is that he can change his form from a hydra to a human accompanied by a black dog, a raven/crow, and a large black stallion.
In my version, the animals are extensions of Nikto himself. Each of the three heads are all Nikto, just different parts of his mind, which I found fitting given his potential DID. When in a human form, these animals are just those other parts of his mind. The human is Nikto, the dog is Nikto, the crow is Nikto and the horse is Nikto.
Since Zmei is capable of becoming human, the lack of other dragons/wyverns/hydras in the world doesn't prevent him from reproducing, hence how Nikto was born: his sire was Zmei and his dam a young Russian woman. Hence the title of the fic, Son of Zmei.
Their human forms aren't perfect - Nikto has some black scales on most of his body, including his face, which is why he prefers to wear a mask and clothes that cover every inch of his body. He's inherited the same ego and sense of superiority that most hydras have, along with a highly possessive and obsessive nature. He collects anything and everything that he finds interesting and, recently, he's found his attention drawn to the cute human running the antiques store.
The Zmei is actually the main inspiration for the design of King Ghidorah from Godzilla! So, just think of that bad boy and you'll get an idea of what Nikto looks like in his proper form.
Hope that answers some of your questions!
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lonetile4 · 6 months ago
A semi-crack fanfictions including organizations from Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Dragonball, and Marvel.
This is a work in progress. Whenever you see "==Place Holder==" it means there is a gap where I need to fill in a good transition between sections. Whenever I get writers block, I move on to the next plot point and fill things in later.
"We're glad you came," Nikto said, voice rough.
"It's been a while, Andre." Liliya answered. She sat down beside him at the bar. She observed her friend. He was wearing a sweatshirt; the hood pulled over his head to hide his face. He held a glass of scotch in his hand.
"We told you not to call us that," Nikto muttered. "Just Nikto is fine."
"Sorry." Liliya ordered herself a drink. "So... what made you call me after all these years?" She swirled the golden liquid in her glass, listening to the ice clink.
"We... need help." Nikto glanced at her. "A mission came up. It involves robotic weapons. And you know more about robotics better than anyone."
"I'm a civilian now, Nikto," Liliya said quietly. "I can't." She got to her feet when Nikto grabbed her wrist.
"It's Hydra, Lily," Nikto said. Liliya paused. She looked at the hand that had grabbed her arm. There was a long pause between them. Liliya clenched her fists.
"God, dammit," she hissed. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine."
"Ain't this amazing?" Philip Graves asked, hopping off the chopper.
"Yeah... wonderful." Jill Valentine replied, crossing her arms.
"Come on!" Graves laughed. "The BSA, Shadow Company, Spetsnaz, and Red Ribbon... all working together!" Liliya tensed.
"Red Ribbon doesn't exist anymore." Liliya said. "So I don't work for them."
"Whatever," Graves scoffed. "Powerful people coming together to fight for the same cause." Liliya rolled her eyes.
"Hey," Chris Redfield walked over and patted her shoulder. "Relax."
"If I had known the BSA was called, I wouldn't have agreed to this." She glared at Nikto, pissed that he left out an important detail.
"Look, what happened with Claire, I don't..."
"This has nothing to do with Claire!" Liliya snapped. "This has nothing to do with the fact that I nearly sent your sister... my *girlfriend* at the time, to her death trying to take down what was left of Red Ribbon." Liliya pinched the bridge of her nose.
"And now I'm back to taking out another evil organization. Who knows who I might send to their death."
"Well, Graves is always an option," Chris said with a small laugh. Liliya rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile that formed on her lips.
"I heard that," Graves said. Liliya flipped him off, but had a smile on her face. Her smile faultered before she turned back to Chris.
"She's doing okay, though.... right?" She asked. "I know it's been... 2 years..."
"She's doing great," Chris answered. "And you?"
"Hanging in there," Liliya answered. The teams walked together into the large hanger.
"We're sorry for not telling you about the BSA," Nikto said.
"It's fine. Whatever," Liliya grumbled. "But if the BSA is here... robotics and bio-weapons don't exactly mix well... if B.O.Ws start having Red Ribbon tech? That's more than any of us can handle."
"Your gas mask will remain on at all times," Chris said. "We don't know what Hydra has been cooking, meaning we have no cure and no idea how this thing works. We could be dealing with simple zombies or B.O.Ws."
"So this is a suicide mission...?" One of the Shadows asked.
"I'm not going to sugar coat it," Chris replied slowly. "This will likely be the most dangerous missions you will ever do, which is why we need to work as a team, have each other's backs."
"We'll be learning on the job, so keep your radio on for updates." He glanced around the room. "Communication and teamwork are important."
"So, you're a cyborg..." Graves said, looking at Liliya's legs.
"You could say that..." Liliya grumbled. She looked through the binoculars at the facility door.
"Did Red Rocket leave you with any cool gear? According to what Chris said, those B.O.Ws ain't pretty." Graves was squatting nearby, gun at the ready, just in case. It did make Liliya feel a little better to have someone watching her back.
"I have a few," Liliya confessed. Well, she had more than a few. Just some little trinkets in her back pocket just in case.
"You know, that makes me feel a lot safer." Graves said. "I've seen the aftermath of what happens when the BSA has to get involved."
"Yeah... it's not pretty." Liliya grabbed her radio. "Clear. Safe to move in, but stay cautious."
"Roger that." Chris replied from the other end. Liliya put the radio down, returning to keeping an eye on the teams. She could hear Graves's men communicating with the BSA as they moved in.
"What happened between you and the BSA?" Liliya's eye twitched in annoyance.
"Curiosity killed the cat, Graves. Mind your own business."
"Alright," Graves went quiet again. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"Let's move." Liliya lead Graves and a small squad of Shadows towards a different entrance. "Remember what Redfield said. Communicate." She looked at everyone, memorizing their faces. She wondered how many good people would be left after this mission. She wanted to say something... to tell them to say goodbye to each other and to prepare in case they need to shoot their own brothers, but she knew the moral was low enough. She didn't need to add more to it.
Once the door was breached and cleared, Graves and Liliya walked in. The place was quiet... but quiet never met safe.
"Heads on a swivel," Liliya warned. "That includes on the ceiling."
[To be continued...]
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aoioozora · 6 months ago
Call of Duty Masterlist
🌸 - Romantic fluff 🌻 - Familial/Platonic fluff ⭐ - Comedy/Slice of life ☔ - Angst ⚔️ - Gore 🌹 - Steamy
🌸⭐ Simon. ~ Simon 'Ghost' Riley - Synopsis: A lone biker saves a woman from being assaulted and they form a friendship from there [Civilian AU] - Tropes: Strangers to friends to lovers, biker boy x book girl - Status: Ongoing - Chapters: 16 - Chapters Masterlist 🌻🌸⭐ The Ghosts Comfort You [COD Ghosts] - Synopsis: A series of oneshots where each of the Ghosts give you comfort in different situations - Status: Ongoing - Chapters: 4
Drabbles and Oneshots:
GHOSTS David 'Hesh' Walker 🌸 Kiss 🌸 Bulwark 🌸 Is It Me? 🌹 Soul Meets Soul on Lovers' Lips Keegan Russ 🌸 Attracted ⭐🌹 Cat Got Your Tongue 🌸☔ Mending Promises Logan Walker 🌸⭐ Volleyboy Elias Walker 🌸⭐ Insomniacs 🌻 Valentine
MODERN WARFARE Nikto ☔ Final Comfort Alejandro Vargas 🌸 She's Mine Simon 'Ghost' Riley ⚔️ Watery Grave 🌸 Cuddles 🌸 Cat-Like , Cat-Like pt. 2 🌸 Brown Eyes 🌸 Ever The Same John 'Soap' MacTavish 🌸 Therapist Friend 🌸 Coorie Doon
CALL OF DUTY 1 Cpt. Foley 🌸 Large Portion
GHOSTS 🔸Ice cream preferences 🔸As songs I've downloaded on my phone 🔸Ancestry 🔸Hesh with you as a worm 🔸Sharing an umbrella 🔸Platonically sharing a bed 🔸Logan at Target 🔸Riley waking up Hesh 🔸As civilians 🔸Romantically sharing a bed 🔸Gifts you'd receive
Incorrect Quotes:
GHOSTS 🔸Would you love me if I was a worm? 🔸Keegan on being horny and suicidal 🔸The P in Keegan P. Russ 🔸When Logan gets hurt on mission 🔸Y/N's favourite gun 🔸I wanna ruin our friendship
MODERN WARFARE 🔸Soap: Gordon Ramsay isn't Scottish 🔸Ghost is gifted a cat 🔸Gas Prices 🔸When Soap wears cologne 🔸Priceless Price tag
🔸Thoughts on CoD Ghosts 🔸Hesh and Logan songs
🔸The Ghosts: Names spelled wrong
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sw5w · 3 months ago
Someone to See Ya, Honey
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:31:40 - 00:31:42
Here's a diagram I made of Dex's Diner. It's not to scale, but I think this shows all the characters who appear and where they're seated (except FLO and Hermione Bagwa because they're all over the place).
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#5 Seboca and human patron #20 leave while Obi-Wan and Dex are talking, and #24 Bogg Tyrell only enters for a drink and staggers back out.
Here are Kajain'sa'Nikto #1 and #2 sitting against the back wall beside the door. Maybe this door leads to the refresher because they are missing in a few shots. Nature might have been calling!
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In front of them, you can see human patron #3. She has a hairstyle similar to Wilst Molan from the Outlander, who is glimpsed briefly at the Outlander Club, but it looks like a different actress.
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Here is human patron #3 and the unnamed Pacithhip #4, with the two Niktos behind them missing. They return a minute later.
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The Pacithhip might be drinking Jawa Juice like Obi-Wan as he's got the same style of cup!
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The next table has 3 named patrons: Seboca the Dug holovid star, another Dug named Rednax, and the Nuknog private investigator Slyther Bushforb. (Love that name lol)
They're most easily seen when Obi-Wan first enters the diner.
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Seated at the next table are two Rodians, Honka and Sidewa, along with a human companion wearing a helmet (patron #10). You see them several times during Obi-Wan's chat with Dex.
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We all know who's sitting at the next table: Obi-Wan and his old pal, Dexter Jettster!
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The next patron, on the other side of the entrance, *might* be Lowle Ch'red. She's wearing similar clothing as an extra who didn't appear in the movie (as far as I've found) who was identified as Lowle Ch'red, but they're played by two very different actresses.
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Personally, and for obvious reasons, I think they should be separate characters. The black actress doesn't wear a headdress or metal armbands and has a tattoo on her chest, while the white actress doesn't. They just have similar fashion sense!
The next two patrons (#14 and #15) we never get a good look at. #14 might just be a human wearing a tall collar (much like patron #21 at the counter), but we just don't know as their back is always turned. #15 is an older human with white hair.
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The table along the far wall is interesting. There's a human patron (#16) but their companion (#17) is tricky. It looks like a Weequay mask possibly, but without hair or maybe with white hair? Or it could be a different kind of mask, but the wrinkles kinda look Weequay to me.
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Beside them, we have a single human patron looking wistfully out the window by himself. There might be another booth there, but I think it's more likely a set of stools like the Niktos are sitting at on the opposite end of the diner.
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Speaking of the other end of the diner, let's head back to the back and check out who's sitting at the counter. Patron #19 is a bald human seen briefly at the beginning of the scene, blurry as the camera moves, and again later when we get a wider shot of the diner.
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Next to #19, we have the diner patron played by Sara Elizabeth Joyce. In this interview with Amy Richau, Sara explains that George told her that she was a bounty hunter and doesn't like Jedi, hence why she exits the scene shortly after spotting Obi-Wan.
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Also in that interview is this behind the scenes photo, which also shows a better look at diner patron #19.
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Next we have another diner patron wearing a big hood, like patron #14, again with their back turned to us so we don't know if it's a human or a different species. It looks like they might have a large blaster hanging on their side too.
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Two spots down we have another human patron, #22, who gets a close up shot when Obi-Wan enters the diner. He's got a pretty interesting looking collar on his suit - and it looks like he's carrying a blaster on his belt too!
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The last sitting patron is this human patron, #23, at the end of the bar, close to the kitchen. In another shot, we see that he's chowing down on one of Dex's famous sliders!
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And finally, the last patron, #24, who enters and abruptly leaves is Senator Bogg Tyrell, who we saw earlier during the speeder chase with her significant other, Seboca (who's sitting nearby). She grabs a drink and then walks back out, followed shortly by Seboca.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 2 years ago
Hi Hal!
Just curious how do you imagine Nikto's scars?
Ooo, I'm excited to explain my thoughts on this one.
Warnings for topics of intense gore, torture, etc.
Okay, so, first off - all of the facial scars he has are most likely extensive and probably very deep. Torture is drawn out for information retrieval, so they would be made slowly and with purpose.
I think there would be a lot of fissuring in the scars - think of a tributary breaking off from the main river - because of Nikto struggling. The large ones would probably be across his forehead into his scalp as well as on his cheeks, and I also see him with half of a Glasgow smile too.
But also, just a headcanon, I think Nikto dislikes hospitals just like Seraph does - everything reminds him of past trauma. So, if there was ever a complication with his stitched wounds or infections right after he was saved, etc., there's a good chance he took care of them himself instead of going in to have them looked at properly.
This would lead to even more improper healing, damage to the skin, and so on.
So, overall:
Large, long, scars on his forehead & into his scalp
Also along his cheeks
Half of a Glasgow smile
Fissures in the healed, but still very damaged, skin - perhaps even some very bad hyperpigmentation as well
Indented portions of the skin that had been cut away and thus can never fill out
As well as other torture remnants like burns and badly cauterized sections
In a barebones sense, he's not pretty or handsome - there's a reason he wears the mask and it's most likely for his own sanctity of mind. He doesn't like how he looks, in fact, I believe he hates it.
But I'll be going into that more in Ravishing Allure 100%.
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kortac-sweetheart · 3 days ago
uhmmm uhmm uhmmmm happy nikto thirst friday MDNI 18+ content
cw: (consent is fully and well established before each scene) CNC/dub-con, predator prey play/primal play, sub space, exhibitionism(ish), nikto is a masochist AND a sadist(kinda), small choking mention, slight blood kink, aftercare aficionado nikto (NOT PROOFREAD)
not intimately described in detail, reader wears a dress and is smaller than nikto but gender is ultimately ambiguous
whenever you and nikto fall into your bed together it's always sweet, soft-- reverent in the highest degree. it's not boring at all, it's enjoyable everytime, but there's always a guilty fantasy of yours that lingers afterwards. it's not like your husband is opposed to trying new things, he's made it vehemently clear that he's open to trying new things with you (within reason) at least once.
it's how you find yourself in this position now, curled into his side while a shitty werewolf horror movie plays on screen. the big hulking beast, frothing at the mouth, chasing the female lead through the dark woods. you mention it sort of off handedly,
"hmm, i wish we could do that." he doesn't reply, but you can feel his questioning gaze flickering to you.
"just. want you to chase me through the woods, and when you catch me... you have your way with me right there.." you squirm in your seat besides him, thighs clenching and nearly panting at the thought. nikto doesn't say anything in response, but he tightens his grip on you, slipping a hand into your pants and taking care of your needs right there, the movie long disregarded.
you think he's nearly forgotten about the whole thing until he brings it up a week later. breaching the topic to you over a lazy sunday afternoon, with you sitting right next to him at the dinner table.
"little one, about the thing you mentioned last week. the one where we chase you through the woods, how does today at midnight sound?"
the way he mentions it so casually makes you nearly choke on your coffee, sputtering whilst he pats you on the back. when you recover from your shock, you're quick to reply.
"i'd-- i'd like that, yeah." a pleased hum rumbles in his chest, sweeping you tighter underneath his arm as he discusses verbal and nonverbal safe words. he makes you repeat back "red light" to him, and makes you tap him on the thigh three times, smiling when you do so.
and so after the moon rises, you find yourself at the edge of the woods near your home, clad in a little white number from the back of your closet you bought a while ago. ruffles and lace fluttering softly in the wind, a large bow perfectly aligned on the center of your chest, the sheer quality of the dress makes you glow in the moonlight-- the shining aura of an angel amidst the dark backdrop of night.
nikto can't wait to ravage you.
his voice simmering as whispers in your ear "go, little one. don't let us catch you." and sends you sprinting off into the woods with an encouraging pat on your ass.
he's so kind isn't he, little one? allowing you a two minute headstart before the hunt truly begins. it has your heart racing, nerves alight and dripping in adrenaline. even after running for who knows how long there still isn't the faintest trace of your husband, although you can feel his icy gaze following you, shrouded within the trees.
the scant moonlight barely illuminates the path in front of you, and it leaves you vulnerable to your husband all but pouncing on you. he does not strike this time, merely ghosting behind you to remind you of his presence. his masked visage slips away as quickly as he first appeared, vanishing back into the inky blackness.
only moments later does he reappear again, unmasked, seizing your running body as you pass his hiding place. your body suddenly caged beneath his on the forest floor, his broad chest blocking out any trace of moonlight seeping through the canopy.
"caught you." his tone dances on the edge of teasing, almost singsong in quality-- abnormal for the situation you're in. you look ravishing like this, underneath him and panting. your face flushed from exertion and the skirt of your dress rucked up past your thighs.
he leans down and licks a stripe up from your collar bone, up the side of your neck and to your cheek, tasting your sweat.
mmm, simply delicious.
he's everywhere after that, he's all you see, all you smell, hear, feel.
your senses are all flooded with one thing only. nikto. nikto. nikto. you can't even fight back in the state you're in, the outside world melts away in the face of nikto pinning you down. folded up like a crumpled piece of paper beneath him as he reaps the rewards of a successful hunt. he's not kind in the way he's handling you, his bites walk the razor's edge, stopping before drawing blood despite how much he desires to. his hands gripping all over your body, bruises blooming along his path of conquest.
"tired, little rabbit? don't tell us you're going to pass out already hm? we haven't had our fun yet. go on. fight back, maybe you'll get away." he taunts you, whispering right into your ears, as you feel another bite blossom on your shoulder. you kick and writhe as best you can under him, scratching him, beating against his broad frame, it's a fruitless endeavor-- only serves to rile him up more. if you had managed to move even an inch away from him, his hands would fly to your hips in an iron grip, pulling you back into his gaping maw.
"what's the matter little one? are you only pretending to fight back hm? you want this don't you? want someone to see us having our way with you, is that right? dirty rabbit." he pants into your ears, the grip he has on your throat is iron, your mind and brain turning fuzzy as he lays his claim on you once more. his posession of you clearly visible everywhere, but especially dripping between your thighs.
soon after nikto is done having his fun with you, you're bundled up in his jacket and brought back home. you snuggle into it, into him and his comforting warmth, his jacket smells just like him and you slip into easy sleep.
you awake with him pressing a kiss to your forehead, carrying you to the bath as he methodically goes through your usual bathing routine, but with more care than usual. nikto make sure not to scrub too hard, as to not irritate the love bites and bruises he left on you, his darling. lathering shampoo into your hair and tenderly telling you when to close your eyes to rinse it out, once done he pulls you out and pats you dry. clothing you in his big sweater and those sweatpants you like.
once cleaned, he pulls you besides him at the dinner table, a warm meal already waiting, your favorite. eating is non negotiable. he's hand feeding it to you, heart fluttering as he watches your sleepy expression morph into ones of sleepy joy from the food. his warmth and the food in your tummy only serves to make you even more eager for bed.
he crawls into bed with you, pulling you to his chest to cuddle you close. you're out like a light as soon as your head hits his chest. it's ok darling, he'll ask you how it was when you wake up again. but for now, sleep well, little one.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years ago
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Author’s Notes: The following story takes place a few weeks after the Rise of the Emperor expansion.
Jonas Balkar’s eyes scanned the south balcony of the Star Cluster Casino on Nar Shaddaa.
From the nearby Strategic Information Service observation post, the senior agent had multiple angles to choose from on his monitor displays, both inside and outside the venue. Years before, Jonas and the Republic SIS – with the assistance of Havoc Squad – had remotely sliced the establishment’s nigh-impregnable security system ever since, giving them a backdoor to the casino’s entire network. Say what you will about the Hutts, but they weren’t stingy on surveillance. They wanted every credit and every gaming chip accounted for, and they were committed to keeping (unsanctioned) violence away from their lucrative hotels and casinos. There were literally hundreds of security holo-recorders and sensors throughout the Star Cluster, and Jonas had access to all of it. What’s more, he could adjust what the Hutts and their goons saw at their end, meaning they wouldn’t get wise to what Jonas was up to.
This had all made the Star Cluster the ideal location for a discreet handoff between their contact – a rather gullible Rodian information broker named Rox, who had a nervous demeanor – and a Nikto working for a Black Sun arms dealer who was (allegedly) supplying off-the-books weaponry for the new Sith Intelligence and their covert operations on the Smuggler’s Moon and other Hutt-controlled worlds. (Why waste time smuggling in ordinance that can be traced back to your government when you can just as easily buy large quantities of untraceable weapons after you arrive, and all at a reasonable price?) The plan was for the Rodian to pass a large bribe to the Nikto for a data-disk on these (alleged) shipments to Imperial safehouses. In one swoop, the SIS would pick up the drop-off points of the network.
But the plan got even better. If things went well, then two days from now, Jonas – through a proxy –would approach the Nikto – the fellow was named Fhentar – with all the information the man had illicitly provided to the Rodian, along with a recording of the hand-off. Using that evidence as leverage, he would turn Fhentar into an SIS informant by threatening to share what the Nikto had done with his boss. The Nikto would then realize that his future lifespan could be measured in minutes if that happened. With Fhentar in Jonas’ pocket, the arms shipments could be disrupted at the Republic’s leisure, forcing the Imps to resort to smuggling their own weapons to the planet. That would further antagonize the Hutt Cartel, causing the Empire even more problems.
Within a few weeks, the Empire’s entire Nar Shaddaa network – so carefully reconstructed by Lana Beniko, the new Minister of Sith Intelligence – would be compromised.
A beautiful plan. All it relied on was this handoff going well over the next few minutes. Just in case, Jonas had an SIS security team – disguised of course – standing by just a few minutes away.
The balcony hadn’t been the obvious choice for the hand-off, but Jonas was convinced it would work. When the action was going hot inside, most of the people tended to ignore the balconies; everyone liked a party, after all. He’d spent weeks surveying the surrounding buildings. A sniper from a nearby high point – should the Exchange or Black Sun or even Sith Intelligence choose to intervene – would find no clear shot of the south balcony. Surveillance – aside from that of the SIS, of course – would be problematic with these acoustics. Rox was wired, but any other audio monitoring would be suppressed.
It worked.
To ensure relative quiet on the balcony, a simple ruse had been arranged to distract any potential witnesses. At the appointed moment, a million-credit jackpot would miraculously (and conveniently) hit on one of the Star Cluster’s Kingpin machines to get the crowd’s attention. An undercover SIS operative would then create a diversion on the floor of casino, feigning drunkenness and staging a fight with the gambler who’d won the jackpot. The altercation would draw the remaining bystanders, all but clearing the balcony of potential witnesses and making it an ideal exchange spot. In Jonas’s experience, nothing drew eyes like a fight on the floor of a casino.  
Still, the SIS agent found himself nervous about this operation for some reason he couldn’t quite place. That’s why he’d called in backup to help him observe everything from his post.  
“You know, of the two of us, I’m supposed to be the one with the anxious reputation.” said the voice from behind him.
Jonas turned, giving Theron Shan a rather haughty smile. One of the top agents in the SIS and (technically) still a division head, Theron handed Jonas a steaming cup of caff, which he accepted with genuine gratitude.
“Well, maybe you’ve been rubbing off on me.” Jonas quipped. “I’ve seen you fret on these things more than a few times. Besides, you were the one who needed to get off Coruscant, remember?”
“I know, I know.” Theron held up a free hand. “Everyone’s still upset with me over that mess I made on Ziost.” He sipped his own cup of caff with a shake of his head as he let out a sigh. For a moment, his normally care-free demeanor slipped away, and Jonas could see the guilt weighing heavily on him.  
“I tell you, Jonas, I honestly don’t blame anyone for being angry with me. I should have called in the cavalry the moment I heard from my contact that the Emperor was back. Instead, I got most of my team killed, and that was before Saresh even called in the invasion out from under me.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “What a mess.”
Jonas felt an upswell of sympathy for Theron and his troubles. He knew the SIS agent had only ever done what he thought was right, even if that was exactly what got him into trouble most of the time.
“Hey, don’t beat yourself up too much.” Jonas patted Theron on the shoulder of his trademark red jacket, giving him a smirk. “At least I still like you.”
Theron wrinkled his nose affectionately at his fellow agent, then rolled his eyes.
“It’s true.” Jonas shrugged, still grinning. “And anyway. I did owe you one from that one incident at the Dealer’s Den back on Coruscant.” Jonas attempted to imitate Theron’s reproachful tone. “‘Jonas’ you said to me, ‘Casino jobs are always tricky. You need to plan to the last detail.’ And hey – you were right.”
“Well, at least this time you actually told me what the operation was. That should make it a little easier.” Theron gave him a scrutinizing look. “So you had a funny feeling about this exchange, and decided to call me in for backup?”
“You are here to add ambiance to an otherwise dreary observation post. Even if it is in an unofficial capacity.” Jonas found himself smirking again. “And hopefully, to start the process of rehabilitating your image with the top brass, even if you aren’t actually here officially.”
Theron nodded in gratitude.
“I appreciate that. I know you didn’t have to do this for me.”
“Don’t mention it. Just help me make sure tonight goes down alright.” Seeing that Rox was in position, Jonas turned back to the bank of monitors, noting the chrono indicator.
It was almost time.
Theron silently gave Jonas a thumb’s up signal as the slice command went through the system. From inside the casino came a blast of celebratory music as the jackpot hit, followed by a series of cheers from the crowd. Most of the handful people still on the balcony started making their way inside. The casino was known to offer a round of complimentary drinks for such rare events. Mere seconds later, shouting could be heard, indicating the scuffle had begun. On one of the peripheral screens, Jonas could see Dionne – a junior agent who showed promise and could play the ‘drunken bruiser’ well – shoving the beleaguered and confused Mon Calamari who’d won the rigged jackpot. The Zabrak’s antics drew even more interest from the casino’s guests than the jackpot had, both inside and out on the balcony. Four or five stragglers made their way inside, eager to watch. Jonas smirked at their reaction as he checked the chrono once again. Perfect timing. Within seconds, Rox, their contact, was one of only three people left still standing on the balcony.
Jonas’s eyes narrowed as he regarded the remaining two individuals; a young human couple who were standing in the far corner, holding each other in an intimate embrace. Jonas watched the man and woman carefully; you couldn’t be too cautious in this business. Both were wearing the revealing attire that had become so popular among socialites on Corellia since the battle there had ended three years before; the ‘Euphoric Corellian’, this look was called. Their arms and shoulders were laid bare, though their hands were gloved. The cut of the tunic was provocative, leaving their flanks bared and showing plenty of skin. This duo wore the outfits well, the woman’s was a deep green while the man wore a royal blue.  
He focused on the woman first; a beautiful brunette with shoulder-length hair, fair skin and green eyes that seemed to match her dress. Jonas would place her in her twenties. The Corellian outfit hugged her impressive feminine curves, but Jonas noted the equally impressive lean, athletic muscle of her arms as well. She wore no jewelry; her only accessory was a green purse she wore over her shoulder, and like her outfit, it matched her eyes perfectly. She was beaming adoringly up at her lover, with a dazzling smile that could have made even a Trandoshan’s heart flutter.    
Damn. Lucky boy. Jonas marveled, turning his attention to her companion.
The man was tall and broad-chested; from what he could see, Jonas would normally assume that he worked out extensively. The scarring, however, across his arms suggested otherwise, telling the tale of injuries suffered over the years; this man – like his companion, only in his twenties by Jonas’s eye – was no doubt a veteran soldier. Probably he’d seen action on Corellia during the war. Based on his attire, maybe he hadn’t been regular Republic military but part of the planetary militia or maybe CorSec. His hair was as raven black as Jonas’s, though the SIS agent suspected the man’s might have been dyed. Regardless, he was a good looking fellow, Jonas couldn’t help but notice. He could easily imagine him on a recruitment poster for the military or for some holo-ad campaign, and his hazel eyes were completely enraptured with the beautiful woman in his arms.  
Huh. Lucky girl. Jonas reflected, chuckling to himself.
His initial anxiety about the couple quickly faded; these two were clearly in love and hardly looked like they could be carrying any concealed weapons. They both clearly enjoyed an active lifestyle. He couldn’t pick up any audio from here – the device Rox was wearing was designed for conversations near him – but they were obviously whispering ‘sweet nothings’ in each other’s ears, holding each other and occasionally leaning in for a teasing kiss. They certainly weren’t paying attention to anyone or anything else but to each other and probably hadn’t even heard the jackpot or the fight from inside. They were plainly just enjoying each other’s company until it was time to withdraw back to their room in the hotel for the evening.
Jonas sighed inwardly, trying to remember how long it had been since he had withdrawn to his room with someone special. Almost on reflex, he glanced over at Theron, who seemed distracted scrutinizing another monitor.
No. Jonas thought to himself. Theron Shan had been fun enough on that late night years ago after a mission when they’d each had far too much to drink, but they’d both agreed afterward that it was better that they remain friends. And honestly, Theron was a good friend, one of the best he had in the galaxy. He shook his head to clear it and then turned back to his own screens.  
Regardless of anything else, that young couple shouldn’t be a problem during a simple handoff.
Confirming once more that Rox was otherwise alone, and naturally that he was looking nervous, Jonas turned to the entry door to the balcony. The time was one minute past the agreed time for the exchange; not enough to call it off just yet. This was always a concern for intelligence agents, but it was the price of working with criminals.
There he is.
The Nikto finally walked in, eyes glancing around the balcony, briefly noting the intimate couple in the corner before dismissing them just as quickly, finally focusing on Rox and approaching the Rodian. A quick holo-scan confirmed that he was unarmed; Jonas was confident the Casino’s security was up to that task of keeping lowlifes like Fhentar from carrying weapons, as they’d had far too many incidents of violence here over the past few years. Fhentar himself was a strange story; supposedly he’d been part of a cult on Taris that had worshipped a fallen Jedi years ago. The SIS file on that situation was still sealed tightly, even from someone of Jonas’s rank. How Fhentar had wound up working for Black Sun after his ‘religion’ had collapsed was anyone’s guess.  
Rox folded his arms, trying to give the Nikto a hard look, but to Balkar, it merely came off as petulant.
“You’re late.” The Rodian said in Huttese.
“And you’re impatient.” Fhentar retorted. “Give me a break. Didn’t you hear the commotion? The casino is going crazy right now.”
Jonas couldn’t deny the validity of the excuse, even if he didn’t trust it. It came with the territory of being a spy.
“Whatever.” Rox shrugged dismissively. “You have the disk?”
“Depends. You got my credits?” the larger Nikto wasn’t giving up any ground. It was the normal underworld posturing, practically clichéd at this point.
“Of course.” The Rodian pulled out the high-denomination credit stick from his belt. Jonas hoped the credits would prove to be money well-spent. The SIS budget was not unlimited.  
The Nikto knew the game, producing a data disk from his jacket.
“So who’re you selling this to, anyway?”
As Rox’s ‘tough’ demeanor – such as it was – started to falter, Jonas could almost smell the Rodian’s nervousness from here.
“Come on. I’m an information broker. You know I can’t talk about that. Not when my clients are paying for discretion, anyway.”
Jonas suddenly noticed some distortion on his monitors. He checked the sensors, but they all seemed to be coming up blank… wait.
There. A series of vibrations against the side of the Star Cluster that weren’t accounted for anywhere else; four distinct series in fact. Rapidly heading down towards the balcony.
Theron Shan noticed it, too. Jonas watched as he urgently plugged into the sensor grid through his cybernetic implants. Jonas hit the ‘standby’ button for his backup team.  
Meanwhile, the conversation was still ongoing.
“Ah, well.” Fhentar shrugged, with a degree of smugness. He tapped the button on his chrono-wristband. “If you’d actually told me now, it would have saved us all some time.”
Jonas was hitting the alert button before the Nikto even finished speaking.
“Team two! Move in! Move in!”
He watched helplessly as the four series of vibrations converged on the balcony. A moment later, he saw the tell-tale shimmer of stealth field generators shutting down as four armed figures in sneak-suits had suddenly surrounded Rox and Fhentar, each one attached at their belt to a rope running up the wall. The SIS agent realized immediately that they had rappelled down the side of the building. The Star Cluster’s sensors should have normally picked up the anomaly well before this. Something had gone wrong.
Many somethings were obviously going wrong.  
“My bosses want to know who’s got their eyes on their business, Rox.” Fhentar chuckled. “So my friends here are gonna take you up to the shuttle pad on the roof. I hope you aren’t afraid of heights.”
Jonas’s communicator beeped as the Rodian started to look around, panicking.
“Chief!” Wynnefred’s voice came through. “The kriffing catering trucks have blocked us off! We have to go around!”  
“Dammit!” Jonas’s hand slammed against the table, checking the layout and realizing he’d been outplayed. “My backup team is more than a minute away!”  
Theron just looked up at the array of screens and smirked.
“Mine’s not.” He reached up and tapped the relay on his earpiece.
Even afterwards, even with the benefit of re-watching the recordings at reduced speed, Jonas could still barely comprehend what took place over the next two seconds.
One second, the Nikto and the Rodian were surrounded by four armed assailants, ready to restrain Rox and take him away the same way they had come, all while the young couple in the corner of the balcony continued to bask in each other’s company, completely oblivious to the abduction taking place behind them.
The next second, there was a veritable explosion of movement. The young couple were gone and Fhentar and all four of his accomplices had been knocked to the ground. As for Rox, the panicked Rodian had fallen to his knees and found himself flanked by a pair of bodyguards… each of them brandishing lightsabers.
Jedi. Jonas marveled to himself.
Other things registered to Jonas. The long dark wig had fallen from the brunette’s head - he now observed her short red hair - and was lying on the floor of the balcony, an obvious consequence of coming out of a Force leap. Her purse had likewise been discarded, and he realized that was likely where they had been hiding their weapons. He noted that the woman’s lightsaber was of the fluorescent green double-bladed variety, while the man brandished a pair of radiant blue sabers.
But these were all secondary observations to Jonas, as he watched all four assailants – apparently oblivious to the fact that they were completely outmatched – attempt to rise to their feet and to press the attack, only to be cut down in a flurry of brutally efficient lightsaber strikes.  
Apparently wiser than his fellows, Fhentar remained prone on the ground. Jonas could hear his lamentations through Rox’s audio device.  
“No! Not Jedi again!” he groaned, raising his hands in the air and plainly giving himself up.
Jonas was right about to turn to Theron in for an explanation when recognition dawned on him.
Jonas’s eyes refocused on the man. The shade of his hair and eyes were off, and he was missing that distinctive scar going down his left cheek, but his physical build, the twin blue lightsabers and his red-headed companion…
Jonas’s jaw dropped in realization and he gaped.
“That’s the Hero of Tython!” he whirled on Theron.
Theron Shan was doing absolutely nothing to suppress his amusement.
“Yup. Colored contact lenses, some hair dye, and cosmetics. Plus a wig on Kira – his partner – obviously. No one in their right mind would ever expect to see a Jedi dressed like that.” Theron smiled. “I put a scan-blocker in Kira’s bag. Hutt security trains to look for blasters, knives and explosives, not for lightsabers.”
Jonas finally let out an exhale, realizing only then that he’d been holding his breath.
“I’d heard you’d been working with him.” He offered, turning back to his screens as the gears of his mind started to turn. “Not a perfect night, but its salvageable. Rox is still breathing and we took Fhentar alive. It shouldn’t be too hard to flip him, even without the recordings. Not ideal, but he should at least be able to give up some Imperial drop points.”
He nodded, turning back to Theron with a grateful smile.
“Well. Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” Theron chuckled. “Like you said, something about this exchange felt off. I might have waited too long to ‘call in the cavalry’ on Ziost, but I wasn’t going to make the same mistake here.”
“After all, everyone needs backup sometimes.”
“That we do. Please make sure to pass on my appreciation.” Jonas smiled back, then turned back to the monitoring station.
“So you had Halcyon and Carsen pose as a couple?”
Theron smirked boyishly, obviously pleased with himself at the deception.
“Clever, huh? I was worried they wouldn’t be able to pull it off, being Jedi and everything. But they were great out there. Hell, they could have fooled me.”
Jonas turned away from his fellow SIS agent, regarding the screens as Wynnefred and his team finally arrived to take Fhentar into custody and to deal with the bodies of the four fallen assailants. Despite the Nikto’s importance going forward, Jonas’s focus again zeroed in on the pair of young Jedi.
Halcyon was cautiously turning Fhentar over to the security team. Clearly, the Jedi Battlemaster wasn’t taking chances. Carsen was standing beside him, positioned protectively over Rox. But their postures were aligned towards each other; Halcyon turned just so his wide stance was open to Carsen, who likewise was turned towards him, her eyes gazing up at him affectionately as he conferred with Jonas’s backup team leader.
Theron Shan was one of the cleverest intelligence operatives Jonas knew, and he was nearly as good an analyst. But sometimes, he couldn’t see the forest from the trees.
For once though, Jonas decided to keep his observations to himself.
Well. At least somebody’s going to bed happy tonight. He suspected, with an envious look back at the couple.
 Author’s Notes: I just take it as a given that Theron and Jonas once had a brief thing.
Fhentar shows up on Taris during the Imperial Agent story, serving the memorable Ki Sazen. Obviously, in my legacy, he survived his encounter with Cipher Nine. Unfortunately for him, his new employers don’t appear to be much better than the old ones. Rox and Balkar’s subordinates are my own creation.
The mention of Havoc Squad’s trip to the Star Cluster Casino for the SIS is obviously a reference to the Trooper’s class mission to Nar Shaddaa.
The Euphoric Corellian armor set is a real thing. It’s probably illegal on some planets.
Rodians get shafted in this game and in the greater Star Wars universe in general. So I feel bad for piling on.
Tagging people who expressed interests - @swtorshipping​ , @swtor-writers-guild​ , @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ , @ask-an-andalite​ , @a-muirehen​ , @taraum​ , @theravenassassin95​ , @sleepswithvillains​ , @blueburds​ , @sunnysayshello​
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aion-rsa · 3 years ago
Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 Easter Eggs Explained
This Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett article contains spoilers.
Despite the desert planet’s reputation as the middle of nowhere of the galaxy, a lot of things happen on Tatooine. In the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett, the bounty hunter turned crime lord digs further into Mos Espa’s underworld and learns from the Tusken desert-dwellers. Along with the Tusken culture we detailed last week, there are quite a few Star Wars deep cuts to see in “The Tribes of Tatooine.”
Take a look at all the Star Wars easter eggs and references we spotted in this episode…
Black Krrsantan
The Hutt twins’ Wookiee bounty hunter is Black Krrsantan, a key character in Marvel’s Doctor Aphra series and other comics. He worked for Jabba the Hutt in the era of the Empire as well as Darth Vader. During this part of his career he also fought Han Solo and Chewbacca. Black Krrsantan was a brutal fighter, whether in hand-to-hand combat or with his species’ signature weapon, the bowcaster.
Read more about Black Krrsantan here.
Pyke Syndicate
The Pyke Syndicate appears here after numerous animated appearances in The Clone Wars and their live action debut in Solo: A Star Wars Story. A large gang, they traffic in spice, fuel, and people. The leader of the gang in this episode appears to be a new character, but wears a smaller version of their signature snake-inspired helmets.
Order of the Night Wind
The assassins who went after Boba and Fennec turn out to be from the Order of the Night Wind, a new (or at least newly named) group. They bear a passing resemblance to the Kage Warriors, a group Boba Fett encountered in The Clone Wars (also in an episode with a train), but there doesn’t seem to be any connection.
The Hutt Twins, Nal Hutta, and Hutt Space
– The Hutt twins are new characters, said to be Jabba’s cousins.
– They delayed their trip to Tatooine because they were enjoying the “debauchery” of Nal Hutta, the Hutt homeworld. This planet has appeared in numerous tie-in media, including in The Clone Wars, which showed the ruling body to be a “Grand Hutt Council.” George Lucas created the original design of the planet, a swampy place. Later, The High Republic series stated that the swampy state isn’t natural, but a result of an invasion of the sapient plant creatures known the Drengir.
– The Hutts have carved out their own empire at the edge of the Republic, known as Hutt Space. It has remained independent under both Republics and the Empire, although it faces attempts at takeovers from both inside and out.
– The insult the assassin throws at Boba Fett is “E chu ta,” a Huttese curse. It featured in The Empire Strikes Back to show the dire straits the characters found themselves in at Imperial-occupied Bespin, as C-3PO is shocked even a fellow protocol droid would be so rude as to say it to him.
Mayor Mok Shaiz, Ithorians, and Robert Rodriguez
Showrunner and director Robert Rodriguez voices Mayor Mok Shaiz, the Ithorian in charge of Mos Espa. Ithorians speak in a multi-layered language with one mouth on either side of their necks, requiring the mayor to wear a translation device to speak Basic.
Laze “Fixer” Loneozner, Camie Marstrap, and Tosche Station
One of the most famous Star Wars locations that never officially appeared on film, Tosche Station is where Boba rustles up some speeder bikes. It’s established as Luke Skywalker’s local hangout in A New Hope.
A scene that would have shown Luke hanging out with his friends and watching the battle where the Empire captured Princess Leia was cut from the film but today can be found pretty easily online. At the time of A New Hope, Tosche Station was more of a garage and repair shop than a bar. It was a sleepy place for rural teens to hang out. It appears to have gotten much seedier in the meantime, now serving as a bar where alien Nikto miners push the human regulars around.
Those regulars are Laze “Fixer” Loneozner (Skyler Bible) and Camie Marstrap (Mandy Kowalski), two of Luke Skywalker’s friends from the aforementioned deleted scene. Both tended to gently mock Luke and his friend Biggs, calling Luke “Wormie.” Laze and Camie were originally played in A New Hope by Anthony Forrest and Koo Stark, respectively.
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Kessel, Mustafar, and Kamino
– The spice on the train is coming from Kessel, the infamous planet where gangs use slave labor to harvest the drug. It has appeared as a criminal hot bed in both canon and Legends after C-3PO first mentioned the dismal conditions of the mines in A New Hope. The planet finally appeared on the big screen in Solo.
– The lava planet Mustafar makes a fitting metaphor for being in hot water. It’s the site of the climactic fight between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith. It later appeared at the start of The Rise of Skywalker.
– Like in the first episode, we see a glimpse of Kamino, Boba Fett’s homeworld from Attack of the Clones. Its destruction at the hands of the Empire was dramatized in The Bad Batch.
Pod Racer
The rocket engine on top of the train looks salvaged from a pod racer, the dangerous race cars of Tatooine as seen in The Phantom Menace.
Western Tropes
– Tuskens continue to take roughly the role Native Americans tend to take in Western movies, as people with knowledge of the land and little technology who work with a heroic outsider.
– Trains and train robberies are a staple of Westerns, with too many appearances and subsequent parodies or references in other genres to list.
Steph Green
The episode was directed by Steph Green. You’ve definitely seen her work in many other genre series, including Luke Cage, Watchmen, The Man in the High Castle, Bates Motel, and Preacher. The Book of Boba Fett is her first Star Wars credit but hopefully not her last!
The post Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett Episode 2 Easter Eggs Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
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capricornus-rex · 5 years ago
Inseparable Dyad (3)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: When Cal follows his instincts to revisit Zeffo, you sense a great disturbance and urgency in the Force. A trap was set by bounty hunters who wanted either—or both—of your heads, but no one knows who has put the price.
1 | 2 | 4 | Masterlist
3 of ?
Cal wakes up to the sound of crackling electricity and hollow clanging metal. This cell looked different from the Haxion Brood’s, and he guessed that the place is much more different too. He was relieved to find BD-1 still well and with him, but he did not find you and his lightsaber with him.
“[y/n]...” he muttered your name. He ran up to the door and slammed it, raising his voice to call your name and hope for a reply.
Impatient of the silence and the absence of your voice, he yelled. “[Y/N]!!!”
“Oy, shaddup!!” a warden appeared and hit back Cal’s door with his baton.
“Where is she?!”
“She? Dunno what yer talkin’ about!”
The warden walked away, ignoring Cal’s cries to him. Cal retreated to the metal slab sticking out of the wall and sat down. Slowing down his breathing, he resorted to sitting down on the floor—in the middle of the room—and planting all ten fingers on the floor.
“[y/n]...” he whispered.
Cal hoped to get something—a pulse, a jolt, a push, something. Anything that could lead to you meant something. Anything would give him hope that you are in the same place as he is. He was speaking to the wind, but he meant his words for you, he spoke in a hush—albeit the wardens could care less if they had heard. 
“[y/n]... I will find you. You’re here, I know it. Your presence…” he suddenly trailed off.
He saw a series of images and sensations, but it appeared to be in your perspective: a long hallway with a light at the end, incoherent roaring, and cracked sandstone walls. He wondered if you were the ones sending those to his mind. It was only pure speculation—but a likely one. 
Although the images were abruptly cut off. Intuition tells him that it was you but something or someone interfered—and he’s right. You were dragged out of your cell and brought to an office chamber which you presumed to be the leader’s.
“I take it you’re the one who runs things here?” you dryly asked, tired of hearing the suckling sounds of his etiquette-less way of eating whatever’s on his plate.
“Ah, you’re as sharp as you are pretty,” the boss wagged his oil-covered finger at you while he sucks on the other.
“I’m afraid we haven’t met,”
He stood up from his seat, leaving his food, and stepped closer to you. The leader was a male Nikto—skin as orange as burnt sand, a sickly yellow pair of eyes with matching teeth to boot, and spikes that have begun to flake. Now that he was closer, you can see the wrinkles on his face, you could tell that he was either middle-aged or old.
“I am Mux Odra. Pleasure to make your acquaintance!” he presented himself flamboyantly, taking one step back to make a curtsy.
You did not respond to his introduction, you kept silent while sneering down at him.
“Come now, sweetie, and you are?”
“The person who’s going to destroy you,” you smiled, your answer tinged with sarcasm hiding malicious intent.
Mux Odra chuckled, somewhat amused by your bravery, “You seem to be very brave, aren’t you? I wonder if your price is higher compared to your ginger boyfriend because of that bravery,”
You did not flinch at the mention of his name so as to not give Mox Odra an idea of exploiting you in any way. You were able to maintain your cool while keeping your dry, indifferent tone when conversing with Mux. He returns to his seat, continuing where he left off with his meal and drink.
“Where are we? Who sent you?”
You stayed still, concentrating on his stature and voice, and casually observing portions of his office. When you have focused hard enough, you secretly tried to use the Force and find Cal using a connection. It worked earlier before you were taken out of your cell.
“Now, now, one at a time now, dear. Firstly, you are in Tonduk—a planet in the Outer Rim, away from the Empire’s reach, and where the only law is that there is no law.”
“Who sent you?” you repeated.
Much to your chagrin, Mux ignored that question, pretending that he did not hear. He stared at his goblet while gently swirling it around to mix the liquor in it.
“Okay, what are you going to do with us?”
“Oh, you’ll see,” the tone in his voice was sinister.
Mux leaned back to his chair, smirked and brought his glass to his lips to drink.
There wasn’t much time to lose, Cal needed to think of something quick if he wanted to get to you. He realizes that this was similar to the time he was held captive by Sorc Tormo, the only difference is that you were captured too; though he theorizes that this couldn’t be Sorc Tormo’s doing. He slightly remembered the face of the one who tied his hands together—they were masked, lightly armored but heavily armed with a large blaster cannon, he just couldn’t make out if it was human or another species.
The cell door suddenly opens, standing at the doorway was a male human who was clad in the same armor as your captors, except he wasn’t wearing his helmet. He was also accompanied by two other lackeys, possibly human too.
“Whatever it is you’re thinking, kid, it’s a bad idea. You best come with me,” the guard coaxes Cal with his blaster and he follows.
Cal was obedient—for now. It wouldn’t be wise to pull off a Jedi mind trick on three armed guards. But what he wanted to happen to see the images that you see, just like what happened moments ago before he was brought out of the cell. He continued walking, occasionally getting shoved at the back with the barrel of the blaster when the guard was in a rush, and eventually was led out to another arena.
“Oh man, not again,” Cal groaned to himself as he shaded his eyes from the blinding light amidst the roaring crowd.
He ignored the crowd, searched the arena for the top box where the boss is expected to sit and watch in a front-row view, it didn’t take him long to find it—there was a large balcony sticking out of the wide row of bleachers.
“There he is, ladies and gentlemen! Our fabled Jedi!”
The crowd went wild, waving streamers and small flags, throwing their fists in cheer at Cal’s introduction.
“Boy oh boy, do I have a lot in store for you! Though I hope you make it to the end,”
“I think you have something of mine!” Cal called out to the balcony.
“Ah! Of course, give the pretty boy his pretty toy.”
One of the guards that escorted him tossed his lightsaber to him before vanishing into the darkness of the tunnel from which they emerged.
Mux’s announcer impression got the crowd’s blood pumping, with most of the audience already standing up while throwing their fists in the air and screaming at the top of their lungs until their throats tear.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Mux chuckled, and then his expression instantaneously shifted from suave to sinister. “Let’s see if he’s really like what the bedtime stories say!”
Mux snarled and with a touch of a button, the cage doors around the arena open and release an array of small creatures.
They were too easy for Cal to deal with. Mux had only released a bunch of acid-spitting spiders like the ones in Dathomir, and then a batch of unusually large womp rats in the middle of Cal dealing with the spiders.
“Hmph, not bad, but I guess little pests like those are just too easy huh? Alrighty then, a challenge it is!”
Mux released a Slyyyg and then a swarm of Mynocks altogether. Cal pulled the swarm towards him with his Force-pull, he severed them in many parts with his graceful footwork and spinning technique. The Slyyyg spewed out its red-hot secretion towards Cal but he was quick to evade and then counterattack—he severed the slug in three parts. The crowd cheered again with animalistic vigor, they root for the blood and carnage that seems to entertain them.
“Oh come on, you’re really slacking there now. Perhaps you need a little motivation?”
Cal was quick enough to read between the lines. He sensed something in Mux’s words, Cal knows that Mux is keeping you somewhere. He can feel your presence near him but he cannot find you… yet.
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velociraptors-dont-lie · 4 years ago
My Way (Four)
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Summary: Anita passes the eye of the storm. 
Warnings:....More swearing? perhaps.  
A/N: Short one. Before it all kicks up. I wanna say, Anita is british for any that are confused by the way she seems to be. We’re all bit crazy over here. lol. Also....i hate this, hehe. 
Read on AO3 ,Part one here. Part Two here. Part Three here.
Chapter Four
Kuiil had given her a cloak and a pair of ratty old shoes to wear to protect her healing feet. Thankfully enough the cloak kept her dry from the rain that had decided to appear on their journey to find the Jawas.
The blurgg, as they had called it, was dragging a large... Anita was going to call it boat because that's what it looked like. It's what she and the Mandalorian were sat on... in the rain.
Luckily enough, Scamp was more than content to stay hidden inside his pod, safe from being pelted with falling water. It rained all through the night but somewhere during the journey she had fallen asleep, woken only when the sun had reared its ugly head.
''They really don't like you for some reason.'' she heard Kuiil speak, addressing the Mandalorian who was still sat in the same position as when they had left.
''Well I did disintegrate a few of them.'' Anita rolled her eyes at his reply to Kuiil opening the pod to check on Scamp, who was already awake and waiting to go. He crawled out of his pod and into her lap, looking up at her and fiddling with the jewellery around her neck.
Kuiil had told The Mandalorian to drop his weapon and after little arguing, he reluctantly did so. She stayed with the child on the makeshift vehicle as Kuiil and Mando went to talk to the Jawas about getting his parts back. Scamp seemed interested in everything going on whilst also clinging onto the crystal hanging from his mothers neck.
Anita watched them calmly, noting that the Mandalorian's weapons were close by should she need to use or throw them to him. Squinting with annoyance as they mocked him for his broken Jawa he tried to speak, amused when he tried to fry a few alive.
Though her guard was instantly up and her arms wrapped around Scamp when two Jawas came up to them, interested in the green creature in her lap. Anita's eyes darted to the gun left beside her when a sudden shout called out.
''Get away from them!''
It was only a minute later when they started chanting something in their language. Excited when the deal was struck and everyone was ushered onto their crawling fortress.
''What do they want?''
''An egg.'' The Mandalorian replied.
She sat between him and a Jawa in the fortress as it made its journey to wherever this egg was. Only slightly creeped out by the one who drawled out the word in his language whilst staring at the Mandalorian.
They stopped seemingly in the middle of nowhere but Anita thought the entire planet was near enough deserted, so she trusted the Jawa's enough to assume they knew where to go. She, Scamp, Kuiil and the Mandalorian were stood by the door as it dropped waiting to leave to find the egg.
He moved and the pod followed, but as Anita went to take her steps to follow, he stopped and turned to look at her. ''You're staying.''
Anita smiled sweetly, hummed out her laughter and shook her head. ''No.''
He watched her walk past him, bag on her shoulders still and though impressed that she was ready to face whatever dangers awaited them, she was still injured. ''You are still hurt.''
''No more hurt than I was without the shoes. Thank you, kuiil!'' Anita bent slightly over the pod, making sure her white lab coat was cushion enough for Scamp to be comfortable on. ''He's going? I'm going. Bye now, I actually want off this planet.''
She gripped onto the pod with one hand and dragged it off into a direction, intent on getting the egg herself if he was just going to sit there and complain that she shouldn't go. She heard him sigh, his armour making noises as he approached and took her upper arm in his hand.  
''It's this way.''
Smiling in victory, yet surprised at the gentle hold he had gripped her with, she followed him with little care. Warming up to the man hadn't been all that hard, he barely spoke, hadn't cared to annoy her with anything and only kept them safe from harm.
She had no idea who she would be with when they got to Nevarro, but she hoped they were as gentle as the Mandalorian seemed to be. After walking for another long while, he finally stopped in a crater, there was a hole in the side of the sand wall where Anita assumed the egg would be.
''Wait here this time.'' He told her, lifting his arm and fiddling with something. She wanted to argue but held her tongue since the pod stayed next to her when he walked away. Anita had a bad feeling about this, something about the whole area screamed danger, but she didn't want to leave Scamp alone to fetch their protector.
Jumping in her spot when he fired in gun and then once more when he was thrown from the hole. Something roared then showed itself, large and Rhino like except it was covered in ...moss like hair and mud.
The Mandalorian tried to prepare his gun and fire it but was hit by the horn of the space Rhino and was thrown backwards again. Anita scrunched her face and hissed as though she had felt the pain herself.
His gun knocked away from him, the Space rhino turned its attentions on Scamp and herself, her heart dropping into her stomach. The pod was moved away from her and out of danger at the wave of his arm, and he yelled out as Anita didn't move until the last minute to avoid the creature turning at the last moment, instead going face-first into the wall behind her.
Attention back on the Mandalorian, Anita wondered what she could do to help as if she had any fightings skills whatsoever. She worried about him, none of his weapons are defences were affective, and she could feel something within her stirring. A pain and a fear of actually losing the one person who seemed to helping, who seemed to have a heart.
Scamp looked up at the woman who cared for him, seeing her step forward in hesitation, her face contorted in worry and he himself wanted to do something. The woman who had adopted him and treated him like her own son had never cried, had never expressed a fear such as this and he wanted nothing more than to stop the tear she didn't even know was trailing down her cheek.
The creature brace and prepared to charge, The Mandalorian pulled a tiny knife from his side and took his own last stand but before the creature could hit him, it stopped and struggled. Lifting into the air as though some invisible force was doing it, both pairs of eyes turning to look down at the child in his pod who had a hand reached out.
Anita panicked when Scamp dropped his hand and fell back, checking him over for injuries as the Mandalorian won the fight against the creature. Satisfied that her child was merely exhausted and sleeping, she turned her attentions as she dropped her bag next to the pod.  
''Manny!'' her feet slipped in the mud, but she hardly cared for as she slipped to her knees to next to him. ''Are you okay? Any bones broken or gashes that need cleaning? Your head hurt? I'll close my eyes, and you take of the helmet to check for wounds!?''
Glad the helmet kept her from seeing his confused face as she searched him over for injuries, he gently caught her wrists in his hands and, though she couldn't see it, smiled gently. ''I'm fine. The child-''
''He's fine! He's sleeping! Whatever he did, it exhausted him.'' She glanced over to her boy sleeping in his boy. ''did you feel it? The energy in the air?'' she watched his helmet shake from side to side, confusing her.
Anita did feel it in the air, the raw energy that swirled in the atmosphere in a way that she could have touched had she just lifted her own hands. She tried to help him up, but what with the mud so slippery, they only ended up crashing to the floor again, covering her in just as much mud as he was covered in.
He disappeared inside the cave again and reappeared with the egg in hand. The pod following him once again as they made the journey back to the Jawa's and Kuiil.
''He's never done that before.''
Anita shook her head. ''No. I've never seen him do anything like that. But it now tells me why the Nikto's were so hell-bent on keeping him.'' He hummed in reply, not another word said between them even when they arrived back to the Jawas.
They seemed happy to see the egg, cheering and when they had it, they cracked it open and began to scoop out its contents like Pooh bear and jar of honey. Anita rested on the thing she had been calling a boat and when all his ship parts were piled on, she rested back against them.
She pulled Scamps pod in close, closed her eyes and drifted off as though his own energy bending had exhausted her as well. They were working on the ship when she woke up, watching them contently and learning as she tried to feed Scamp while he slept.
The ship slowly but surely ended up looking pretty cool, and she couldn't wait to see it turned on.  Exploring its little characteristics while the two men talked.
''Thank you for the shoes and medical supplies, Kuiil! I hope to see you again!'' Kuiil waved from the blurrg and Anita climbed the ladder into the cockpit, sitting in the passenger chair. Leg's bouncing excitedly as the Mandalorian pushed the pod into her lap and prepared to turn on his ship.
The rumble of the engines were almost as loud as the heartbeat in her ears, The ship lifted from the ground and flew off into the sky.
''Oh wow.'' The Mandalorian looked over at Anita as he heard the whisper, seeing her eyes scouring the vast darkness of space, the numerous stars, and he could see the slight sheen ion her eyes.
''You act like you've never seen space before.''
''Not like this.'' She replied. ''Only ever from the ground. Space travel was limited to our moon on my planet. We're nowhere near this advanced on space travel -'' She lifted her feet slightly ''-medical supplies. Bacta? Amazing.''  
''you must have felt out of place.''
''Very. But it's nice to see this now, before you hand us over to whoever. I doubt space travel is gonna be in my future when we get to nevarro.''
He felt guilty all of a sudden, remembering how he'd lied to her. The client wasn't going to need her for whatever they needed the child for and she wasn't going to be happy about it at all. Whatever trust she had built up for him was going to be torn down, shredded and eaten by the anger she'll direct at him.
The gentle cooing of the child distracted Anita from asking anymore questions. He told her where she could clean up and she took the child with her, leaving him to wallow in his own guilt.
Picture (if its there) was made with some xmen dress up game thing I found. It’s what Anita’s hair looked like before the months on Arvala-seven. as of this chapter. There’s about 3 to 4 inches of brown virgin hair grown in. and its probably faded to less vibrant blue
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