#Niki’s secret city
mellorphic · 1 year
In Defence of c!Niki - a Four Part Analysis of Every Arc
People who didn’t watch C!Niki see, in the fandom, a big sister type character with girlboss energy who wants to kill a child. Niki isn’t that. She has a well-written narrative which focusses a lot on her relationships with others. Here is me breaking it down!
PART ONE: c!Niki’s Early Days
PART TWO: c!Niki’s Rebellion
PART THREE: c!Niki’s Disillusionment (you are here)
PART FOUR: c!Niki’s Healing
TW FOR THIS SECTION: brief mention of sh, derealisation, a lot of discussion on grief and death. Let me know if I should add more tws
I don’t think c!Niki’s disillusionment arc started on Doomsday, randomly. I think it started on the day of the festival, when Niki watched her friend die, was chased out of her home, and saw how much her best friend had changed.
Despite her anger at Tubbo for his speech (which sounded very pro-Schlatt) she still told Schlatt to let him out once Schlatt and Quackity started to box him in. It still had not been revealed quite yet that Tubbo was a spy, yet Niki still stood up for Tubbo regardless of how she felt about him. That’s the thing about Niki. She is a good person with sound morals who will support people even if their views don’t align with hers, because she knows what’s right and what’s wrong and she won’t let ‘wrong’ happen to anyone.
Once Techno killed him, Schlatt literally fucking exiled her.
N: You killed him!
S: yeah, I did. I did fucking kill him, Niki.
N: you are so cruel- how could you do that? After everything he has done for you?!
S: he’s been a thorn in my side since-
S: he-
S: […] you can leave if you want
N: ….Where am I supposed to go?
Manberg may not be Niki’s home but L’Manberg is and it always will be. That’s why the thought of leaving for good hurt her so much. Wilbur comes out into the open after she says this, and he defends her.
S: you really crawled up here on the day of my festival, celebrating my country. That you are not a part of. And you started- you started crying.
W: You sounded like you were gonna murder another person.
S: no, I was only gonna murder Tubbo.
W: you sounded like you were gonna go for Niki.
S: he’s the only person- well I mean, Niki..
N: what?
S: I might murder Niki, actually. I might murder her.
Wilbur tells her to run. Fundy gives Schlatt arrows but he and Quackity tell Schlatt not to do it, all the while Niki’s getting chased out of the country she used to love. This solidifies for her the fact that she truly has lost everything. Ponk chased her down and he killed her - Ponk, who a few streams before, Niki had called a friend. Earlier Techno had also killed her, when he shot at the audience after killing Tubbo. According to the wiki neither of those are canon deaths but I think they should be. At the very least, being killed by Ponk should be.
She joined Pogtopia that day, and Niki already had heard about Wilbur’s plans from Tommy. He, her and Tubbo had all vowed to get L’Manberg back and at this point in time, Tommy was the person she trusted the most. Her relationship with Tubbo had been ruined because of her thinking she was on Schlatt’s side - and even now that she knew he hadn’t been, it didn’t change the fact that he did not stick up for her while she was there. Her relationship with Wilbur was still a close one but she was scared for him and worried for L’Manberg’s future. But Tommy hadn’t wronged her, and she knew she could trust him to help with Wilbur.
Her birthday party was where she really saw the extent of Wilbur’s mental decline first hand and was completely powerless in stopping it. The day had been going so well, and she’d been having fun, until Wilbur went to blow up Manberg. Niki had to beg him to stop playing the anthem and Quackity talked him down from blowing it up, but Niki was terrified.
This is when Niki began working on her Secret City - intended to be a safe space away from the conflict, or a last resort for refugees if the war went badly.
On November 16th, Niki was hopeful, especially after Techno revealed his armoury. That day, Niki also defended Eret when they were accused of being the traitor, saying she trusted them and that they helped her. Once again, proving her loyalty and the fact she was grateful for people who stuck by her side.
We all know what happened later. After they got L’Manberg back, and were cleaning up, Niki found the TNT Wilbur had placed under the podium. She made sure nobody else saw it and she hid it again. Because after everything, Niki still believed in Wilbur. She was still loyal to him. She still saw the good in him and trusted that he wouldn’t. But he did.
She’d kept her promise, she’d been loyal to him and L’Manberg, and it didn’t change anything. She didn’t manage to help anything. And Wilbur, the one person Niki believed would always be there for her, no matter what, betrayed her. And she couldn’t even ask him why. So after that she was left hopeless and never wanted to let anyone in again. But as much as Niki didn’t want to, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
Tommy reminded the L’Manbergians that the L’Mantree was still there. And I think Niki found that comforting, at the very least. She asked Tubbo what they were going to do with Wilbur’s body and his only response was “let him rot”. She and Tommy were the only ones who didn’t laugh.
At this point Tommy became a constant, for Niki. He’d been there since she joined, he was the only one who understood that she still wanted Wilbur back, and in her eyes he was able to take on his role in the sense of inspiring them all.
So, of course it hit her hard when he tried to blame her for burning down George’s house. Then, he’s exiled and the next time she heads from him it’s because he blew up the community house - we know he didn’t, but Niki didn’t. She begins to see Tommy as someone who just causes problems on the SMP, nothing more. She thinks he’s arrogant and a nuisance and that he doesn’t care for anyone.
When it comes to Niki’s character it’s vital that we understand - she has been through so much pain that got overlooked by everyone around her. At this point, she was poor, grieving, and felt as if nobody in New L’Manberg listened to her. She was going through the lowest point in her life and nobody in that nation seemed to care.
And she couldn’t hate everyone for it so she needed someone to blame and that happened to be Tommy. He didn’t deserve it but he was an easy target. And it’s true that he wasn’t kind to her, but he wasn’t the only one, and he was obviously going through his own things. But Niki was angry and she needed somewhere to put her anger. Is that fair? Not at all. But it’s what happened.
N: L’Manberg has not been L’Manberg. For many weeks. Maybe even months, maybe even.. maybe even, I don’t know.. since the start? […] I want the people to realise L’Manberg is not what they think it is. I want them to open their eyes and stop being in this circle.. in this circle of fighting for it. Because that will not bring us anywhere.
Do I even need to say anything? She fought for it for so long, on her own, and lost everything and everyone anyway.
On Doomsday, she spoke to Ranboo.
N: Do you.. do you really think L’Manberg should be safe today? …Ranboo, I will- If you think that we should fight for L’Manberg today, I will fight with you. Because I believe in you. And I always believed in you.
R: I think we should. […] the thing is, if we don’t fight with them, then what are we showing them? We’re showing them that we never cared about them.
N: .. i care about them, I really do. But I got.. hurt by them… They always talk over me, Ranboo. You know how that feels.
R: yeah. But like you remember yesterday, sometimes you just have to get louder.
N: You’re right..
R: sometimes you just have to get louder until they have no choice but to hear you.
And good god, isn’t that exactly what she did? Something something, peaceful protest is ignored (striking at her bakery, not paying her taxes, verbally standing up to Schlatt). OSomething something, she got louder. (Burning down the L’Mantree, blowing up her bakery)
An underrated line from Doomsday though? Niki telling her chat that she needed to save Puffy. I think she was muted so you’d only hear the line if you were on her stream, but she tried to help Puffy after and seemed distressed that she couldn’t get to her. Puffychu crumbs.
She held it together until she saw Ghostbur, believing she was hallucinating and repeating to herself that Wilbur was gone and that he betrayed her. She doesn’t want to care, but she does. And the idea of Wilbur still existing terrifies her, because what does that say about her grief? And if her grief isn’t justified, then the things she’s done definitely aren’t. As long as Wilbur is dead, Niki feels like she has a reason for her anger.
During her meltdown Niki is rambling. ‘Wilbur is dead’ becomes ‘L’Manberg is dead’ which becomes ‘L’Manberg is gone’ which becomes ‘I am gone’ and ‘I am L’Manberg’. This reveals a lot about Niki, even if it may seem nonsensical at first glance.
I’ve made a post before about how for crime boys, L’Manberg is interchangeable with the other person (For Tommy, it’s Wilbur. For Wilbur, it’s Tommy.) And I think that this is the same thing for Niki. L’Manberg is Wilbur. Wilbur couldn’t live without L’Manberg, and L’Manberg isn’t the same without Wilbur.
Then, she is gone and she is L’Manberg. Niki isn’t the same person she used to be and she’s starting to think that she can’t live without L’Manberg either, not happily, anyway. But at the same time, she helps to destroy it because the memories are too much to bare, and all it does is remind her of all the times she’s been hurt there. She can’t see the good in it anymore.
Destroying her own bakery was somewhere between emotional self-harm and trying to separate herself from L’Manberg as much as possible. There could’ve also been a sense of survivors guilt? Everyone else’s homes and things were destroyed but Niki’s bakery was untouched, and she found that really unsettling.
She talks to Jack about why she burnt down the tree, saying it was because she’s lost everyone.
J: that’s not a very good way of going ‘hey, I wanna be friends again’, burning down their sacred tree.
N: i don’t want to be friends with any of them again! Have you seen them?
J: then why do you care?!
N: because it hurt me! […] we both have been ignored by all of them all the time. We walk behind them slowly and-and carefully because they will ignore us all the time but we wanna be part! We wanna be part- we’re like little puppies, aren’t we?! Like little puppies, just walking and walking. But they’re never going to see us. All we are for them is something to take something from. […] whats the difference between these people and us? When we lose something, we lost it. And we grieve it. And it will be a part of us. When they lose something? They move on and they find something new.
I feel like people who think c!Niki is badly written or don’t like her just watch this stream and think she is overreacting because they don’t know her lore. But none of this came out of nowhere.
The thing is, Niki was ignored throughout Manberg and New L’Manberg by Tubbo and Fundy and sometimes even Eret. Niki has had things taken from her by Schlatt and Tommy. She has seen everyone move on from Wilbur when she couldn’t.
I think the other characters did care about her - Wilbur definitely did and Tommy did too. Karl did, Eret did, Puffy did. But it’s so difficult for her to see that because the love is so quiet in comparison to everything else. She’s no longer an idealist, she can’t see it when it isn’t right in front of her. And that doesn’t mean she’s wrong. She’s not completely right, but she’s not wrong about being used and feeling unwanted. That did happen.
So why does this turn into hatred at Tommy? Like I said earlier - he was a constant. The only one she still had after Wilbur, but he didn’t seem like he cared about her. In Niki’s eyes he became just like the rest of them - he used her left, and then when he came back she thought he’d replaced Wilbur with Techno and was now replacing him with Tubbo.
(I’m not saying I think that’s what happened but it’s what Niki saw. This part of my analysis is also partly speculation and partly based on things Niki said after the fact, because I can’t find the vod where she and Jack decided to target Tommy specifically, I think there’s a missing one between Niki’s Doomsday vod and the one where Jack tells her about the nukes.)
She directs her anger at him also because it gives her an ally. Jack blames Tommy for most of what’s happened to him, because Tommy resulted in him losing his second life; if Niki agrees that it’s his fault then she has Jack. So unconsciously she starts directing her anger more towards him.
The thing about Tommy is that he’s loud. He’s annoying. He can be rude. He doesn’t take things seriously, especially when he’s being painted in the wrong, because he doesn’t know how to handle it so he just deflects.
That makes him a really easy target for anger. But the vast majority of what happened to Niki was never Tommy’s fault. She blames him for Doomsday, she’s angry that he used her, and she’s processing her grief of Wilbur through hating Tommy. That’s why she does what she does.
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palajae · 5 months
pov: everyone thinks you’re lonely asf but that’s certainly not the case…
PAIRING... ni-ki x f!reader | GENRE... smau, secret relationship! au, fluff, romance, humor | warnings: food, i think that’s it??
a/n ▸ tried something a little different while im on break due to exam season :)
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ynln posted!
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liked by yfun, sunoo.ing, and 434 others
ynln aquarium!!!!!!
view all 92 comments
yfun CUTIE liked by author!
yfun 💕💕💕
ynln i should’ve brought you with me instead… yfun instead?
user did you go alone lol
sunoo.ing fr 🤔
user1 omg invite me next time
n.riki.120905 posted!
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liked by yy_jungwon, simjakeyun, sunoo.ing, and 601 others
n.riki.120905 me and my bestie steve
view all 58 comments
yy_jungwon yoiii why didn’t you take me
simjakeyun excuse me who is steve 🤨
n.riki.120905 second slide??? simjakeyun aint no way i got replaced by a stingray
lee.heehee steve is a mood
ynln posted!
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liked by yfun, yy_jungwon, n.riki.120905, and 321 others ynln took the city by surprise…
view all 67 comments
yfun BY YOURSELF (?&;!;:
ynln for once i was indeed not alone 🙏
yy_jungwon omg you went out
ynln and you went to the gym !! yy_jungwon bruh how’d you know that
n.riki.120905 posted!
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liked by ynln, sunoo.ing, and 509 others
n.riki.120905 late night shenanigans 😝
view all 18 comments
yy_jungwon i hope you fell down those stairs
n.riki.120905 is this because i made you do five sets instead of three yesterday
jong_park02 why were you out so late??
simjakeyun there goes mother jay again
ynln posted a story!
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yfun replied: who is that??
user replied: that looks too good neidjendne
n.riki.120905 posted a story!
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sunoo.ing replied: lol that’s crazy my friend y/n also got some
n.riki.120905 posted!
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liked by yy_jungwon, hooniezz, sunoo.ing, and 233 others
n.riki.120905 call me the animal whisperer
view all 41 comments
simjakeyun stop hanging out with these animals and pick up my call instead
simjakeyun why have you been so busy recently
hooniezz dang niki don’t like you anymore simjakeyun who hooniezz ?? what simjakeyun who asked
user dogs >>> cats
ynln posted!
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liked by sunoo.ing, yfun, n.riki.120905, and 198 others
ynln best decision ever was volunteering at the animal shelter <3
view all 56 comments
yfun omfg whose kitty is that 🥹🥹
user more like whose hands are those 👀
yy_jungwon why that cat looking kinda…
sunoo.ing familiar?
n.riki.120905 posted a story!
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simjakeyun replied: NOW HOLD ON A SEC
sunoo.ing replied: wait a minute…
ynln posted!
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liked by yy_jungwon, yfun, sunoo.ing, and 303 others
ynln why study for exams when you can not 😌
view all 74 comments
user wtf you have a boyfriend !?!!;&:
sunoo.ing no way that’s who i think it is 😭😭
ynln idk what you’re talking about??? sunoo.ing i feel betrayed
n.riki.120905 posted!
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liked by ynln, sunoo.ing, lee.heehee, and 586 others
n.riki.120905 the best company ❤️
view all 90 comments
ynln awww ig i could say the same to you 🙄
ynln bro what is with that second pic
sunoo.ing I KNEW IT
lee.heehee yo what did i miss
simjakeyun 💔💔
jong_park02 i’ve never seen ni-ki look so happy
simjakeyun ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
ynln posted!
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liked by n.riki.120905, sunoo.ing, yfun, and 450 others
ynln happy birthday to the best boyfie!!! 😼😻 thanks for the best year and here’s to the next ones 🫶
view all 71 comments
yfun MY Y/N CAN PULL 🤧
ynln HEY
yy_jungwon y’all cute ig… liked by author!
hooniezz i approve
n.riki.120905 nobody asked :D
n.riki.120905 i love you liked by author!
ynln ilyt 🥰 simjakeyun oh no am i the third wheel now sunoo.ing you’ve always been the third wheel..
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a/n ▸ i got inspired by various writers on this platform to make this but anyway this is the beginning and end of jae’s smau era. it was fun but i can’t do this anymore it took literal HOURS (jk who knows 👀). hope you enjoyed tho as i crawl back into my study cave for the next couple of weeks :))
MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine @kynrki @heesterical @nvertheless @duolingofanaccount
@hoeshii @love-4-keum @luvhyun3 @dimplewonie @yjjungwon
@who-tf-soddhi @microwvdstrawb3rri3s @asteria-wood @noajakah236482 @enhacatalog
@june-pop @ohsjy @ashtxrie @isoobie @lvyvsrk1
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lani-heart · 5 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst, self-harm word count -> 1.5k
abstract -> "i'm not a monster"
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y/n’s perspective
I don't understand why Jake would want to know how it feels. Seeing someone hurt should give him an idea… He even wanted to keep it a secret, but why?
I wonder if K already gave it to him… if he drank it knowing what it was. 
“Why are you so lost in your own head love?” I heard and smiled. “Just tired, Won,” I said and he chuckled. “Too tired even for me?” he teased and I smiled at him. He really was the best. “No, never for any of you,” I said and he smiled while kissing my forehead. 
“Jay is busy today, so he wanted me to tell you to eat at the cafeteria today,” he said and I nodded. “Are you gonna join me?” I asked and he chuckled. “I would, but I need to get my dinner at the cafeteria so I’d rather not let you wait,” he said and I nodded. 
It's been a while since I've eaten dinner by myself. Eunchae and Wonyoung are busy with after-school activities today. “Don’t miss me too much,” he said while speeding away. 
I packed up my stuff and decided to go to the cafeteria. 
While we could make our own food and eat at the cafeteria, we couldn’t get other foods made for different species. That's a concrete rule… humans have a specific process of checking food, it's quite similar to witches but our food has more nutrients for our energy in magic. Whilst werewolves consisted of a lot of meat… sometimes rare. Of course, vampires have blood bags and blood-infused food. 
Wait… if Jay was busy today, what was Jake gonna eat?
“I need help” I heard and I immediately got scared of the man behind me… speaking of the devil. “I know it's not your ideal way to spend the end of the day, but if I can't stomach a blood bag I won't be able to eat any of the cafeteria food,” he said and I nodded. 
“Why don’t you go into the city?” I asked and he shook his head. “The humans know I'm a vampire… It's on my uniform. They'll refuse to serve me. Why would a vampire go to a human-owned restaurant alone?” he asked and he proved a point. There was a lot of fear when it came to humans… some trusted witches and werewolves but when it came to other supernatural creatures like vampires… not so much. 
“Well… I could go with you? We could go to the witch area, there's food you can eat as a human '' I said and his eyes lit up and he grabbed my shoulders making me freeze. “Thank you! You’re a lifesaver!” he said as he let me go… I tried to calm down my over beating heart, but it wasn’t like he could hear it with the effects of the potion. 
“Do you need time to get ready?” I asked and he shook his head. “No… I just want food” he said and I understood he must be feeling an overwhelming amount of saturation. 
“Lets go wait  for the bus then”
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jake’s perspective
I was happy she was true to her word and was willing to help me. 
We finally got out of the bus that took us to the nearest city. It had a lot of different species-owned shops and restaurants. While shops were okay, restaurants were hard since vampires primarily drink blood scaring humans when they go in saying they're hungry. 
“This is a human and witch-infused place. I hope you can find something you can eat” she said and I nod hoping it was true. “Jake?” I heard and I saw a she-devil. I hid behind y/n who looked at me confused. 
“Jake, you should not be hiding behind the poor girl” she scolded and she smiled at the y/n who put her hand out. “Hello, if you know Jake you must know my brother Heeseung '' she said and I could see the shocked expression on her face. “I’m sorry for those idiots, they’ve always been that way,” she said and I scoffed.
“But you’re a witch and Heeseung–” “Is a vampire? The only vampires born from them are Sunghoon, Jake, and Niki the rest were turned. Heeseung was actually a witch” she explained. 
“That's a long story though!” she said and I scoffed… 
“Oh, it's nice to meet you,” she said, causing the she-devil to smile. “Be careful, Jake. Being human is a lot harder than you think” she said, seeing right through me. “How’d you know?” I asked as I stopped hiding. “I’m a witch… of course, I'd know, '' she said. “Besides any idiot could feel the magic radiating off of you” I heard as I now saw Vernon-hyung. “Oh, uhm she’s actually in HYBE Academy '' I explained and her eyes lit up. “I want to go into HYBE Academy when I graduate!” she said with an excitement I hadn't seen before. 
“Oh? Maybe you’ll be my junior!” she said and y/n smiled. “We should get going now, your mates are waiting for you” I heard as I saw Jeonghan also. 
“Mates? I didn’t know you found your mates yet?!” I said and she chuckled. “Neither do they,” she said and I should've guessed. From what Heeseung explained she knew who her mates were before even meeting them. 
“Bye! I would love to see you again y/n!” she said as she left. “I didn’t know he had a sister, '' she said and I nodded. “She’s evil,” I said and she laughed. “She seems nice…” she said and I nodded. “Nicer than Heeseung at least but those two are the worst. Now can we order?” I asked and her eyes widened. 
“Oh! You’re right, uhm here” she said while showing me the menu. “Oh, Rabokki sounds good!” I said and she smiled. “Let's go order then,” she said and I put down the menu as we got in line. “Are you not gonna get anything?” I asked and she hummed. “I was thinking of getting the same thing actually,” she said and I chuckled. “We could just order a big one and share?” I suggested. “Are you sure?” she asked and I nodded. 
“I’ll pay by the way… as a thank you for doing this for me”
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y/n’s perspective
My time with Jake was… nice. 
He was actually really funny and sweet so I felt comfortable around him. Even meeting Heeseung’s sister was shocking, but the evening was good despite my other soulmates being busy. 
“I’m so full!” he said as he yawned. “Why am I so sleepy?” he asked and I chuckled. “Because human food fills you so much that it just makes you tired. Unlike other species they don’t use anything to give extra energy to their food” I explained and he nodded. 
“Being a human… it's weird” he said and I was curious. “How does being a witch feel?” he asked, making me laugh. “I know it sounds weird,” he mutters softly with a smile. He was...
No, he likes Sooha, not me.
“Well, I almost have excessive energy that I need to release. Witches need to do magic to not only be healthy but practice” I explained and he nodded. 
“Vampires just have an excessive thirst,” he said and I nodded. “Does it make you uncomfortable with… you know eating with your mates?” he asked and I shook my head. 
“It's a natural thing, none of it bothers me,” I said and he nodded. “Being around you… is overwhelming” he said and it confused me. “Not right now! Just… as a vampire. I’m not the best with control so you constantly smell like blood” he said and I felt my eyes widen in shock. 
“I need to work on my control… control plus heavy emotions lead me to do horrible things. I’m sorry for that” he explained and I now knew it wasn’t really his fault. 
He probably was defending Sooha… but he didn’t mean to hurt me. “I still don’t know how it feels to be hurt. But I wanted to explain that” he said and I nodded. “Sorry for not hearing you out,” I said and he shook his head. 
“I don’t blame you” 
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jake’s perspective
I dropped her off at her dorm when I left the school again. I went to the plains to test it out. 
I took a deep breath and summoned my fire. It was warm… then it turned hot and then turned unbearable. I couldn’t even control the scream that I let out. 
“That pain you feel right now… remember it. It was only a fraction of what you did to her” I heard as I saw Heeseung? “Asking her for a potion to make yourself human? What were you thinking?” he asked as I could only feel my vision get blurry. 
The burns hurt… the smell of burning flesh even made me gag. 
“You’ve hurt countless people, you're under a rehabilitation program Jake. You're supposed to learn not to be a monster and yet you do monstrous things” he said and it was true. 
There were vampires like him… who were made and are taught how to control whilst there's one like me who has killed and needed to be taught morals. 
“I get it… I’m still a monster”
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taglist -> @sunus-sun @loumin908 @on-1ce @shinkenprincess-oh @b-a-nshee-blog @bnnyniky @sakuxxi @chiiiiiiiiis @cncreams @pre1ttyies @justanunstablefrog @graythecoffeebean @starzniiky @singlepringle4you @chirokookie @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @imtoanonymousforyou @lovgfrd @ilovecheese09 @sousydive @pink-but-rosie @kyleebob @jihyosgf @in-somnias-world @jilxxasu @bee-the-loser @mitchikeli @cyberpunksunwoo @lhspeachie @loafsunshinesworld @vixensss @zhenya109 @luumiinaa @rosas-in-the-garden @b3tt7boop @moony-mari @vixialuvs @ilovecheese09 @capri-cuntz
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please don't be a silent reader !! reblog, comment, and like <3
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tjodity · 3 months
Fun DSMP Fact of the Day: Niki did not know Wilbur was dead after November 16th. On November 24th, 2020, the CC mentioned that her character had no idea that Wilbur died after the explosion, does not know Ghostbur exists, and has presumably been in the secret city since the 16th!
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cnihachu · 1 year
nikis secret city means the whool,e world to me... a place she built and carved with her own two hands... just to have a place for people to be safe in if they couldn't handle the surface anymore. she dug a hole in the ground to protect herself and others. a place for refugees. and even though it was a place intended for peace and safety as her mental health got worse and worse and she got angrier it wasn't a home anymore, it was a grave. she dug her Own Grave !!!!!!!!!!.
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yeonzzzn · 10 months
🎨even closer: kim sunoo
a vampires bleeding series: five / seven
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pairing: sunoo x afab!reader word count: 5.5k
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synopsis: in hopes of the boys figuring out why dorian needed the witch and dhampir, the seven vampires and two humans travel into another large city, going on about their daily lives until you come along, offering them a chance at finding their lost mates.
genre: strangers to lovers, vampire!sunoo, elf!reader, nurse!reader fluff.
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, cute sassy sunshine ♡
☾ jungwon(1) | jay(2) | jake(3) | sunghoon(4) | sunoo(5) | niki(6) | heeseung(7) ☽
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Niki drops his school backpack onto the floor as he stands in the doorway of the house, the face of disbelief towards his six hyungs. 
“We are moving again?” 
Sunoo thins his lips into a line, crossing his arms and taking a step back away from his hyungs in case Niki decides to start throwing things. The maknae looked PISSED. 
Heeseung sighed, “Unfortunately…yes.” 
Archer slaps his hands on the table, “And what if Dorian comes back and my sister is with him?!”
Jake tucked his lips between his teeth, looking away from his mate's brother, his eyes getting glossy. 
Sunghoon chips in, “What if he has __ with him too! This land has all her coven's secrets, if he comes back with the girls we NEED to be here!” 
Archer agreed with Sunghoon, “And Jake, how can you agree to this when he took YOUR MATE!! my TWIN SISTER!!” 
Jake shook his head, “I don’t agree with this! I want to be here just as much as you two!” He snapped. 
The three of them started bickering, causing Jay to tense his jaw and start yelling, “HEY HEY HEY! That’s enough!!” 
The room fell silent. Everyone’s eyes are on Jay. 
“We are leaving because it’s no longer safe here!” Jay snapped, “Dorian is clearly planning something, and if there’s something with __’s coven here, he’s going to exploit that.” 
Sunghoon balled his hands into fists at his side, locking his jaw into place. 
Jay continued, “We have to protect who we can, and we have to be smart ab-“ 
Sunghoon interrupted, “About what we have to protect?! What about what I have to protect!!” 
Jungwon stepped in, “Listen we all have-“
“No!” Sunghoon yelled, pointing two fingers at Jay and Jungwon, “You two have your mates! Neither of you has to deal with that painful tug of them not being at your side like Jake and myself! Try to imagine how it must feel if Dorian took __ and __ !!!” 
“Sunghoon that’s enough!” Heeseung snapped, “We are a fucking family for crying out loud. We feel __ and __ missing presences too. We are trying here, Sunghoon, but we need to get information, and sitting here waiting for Dorian isn’t the right move!” 
Jake places a hand on his best friend’s shoulder. Sunghoon’s legs gave out on him, falling to the floor, “I’m sorry…” 
The room once again fell silent. Jay knelt down beside Sunghoon, pulling him into a hug as Sunghoon cried out for his lost love. 
Sunoo looked away, seeing his brothers hurt wasn’t easy. 
“We leave tomorrow,” Jungwon softly spoke, “Archer will be our eyes and ears if anything happens here.”
“Where are we going?” Niki asked. 
“Into another city,” Heeseung said, “We are going to split back up into living in different apartments, to keep our safety. We also bought a loft at another apartment complex that we will go to if needed for our safety as well.” 
Jungwon continued after Heeseung, “We won't discuss where the apartments are here, we believe there might be someone following us, so from now on we won’t discuss anything more until we get into the city, understood?” 
Everyone nodded.
“Good,” Jungwon nodded too, “Everyone get some sleep, we leave early.” 
Niki raised his hand, “Please tell me I don’t have to attend another school.” 
“You start the day after we get into the city.” Jay said, “Go to bed.” 
Sunoo walked down the hospital halls, eyes roaming until he found the correct room. 
Without knocking, Sunoo slipped inside the room, “Hyung! I have your food!~” he sang as he set the plastic bag on the desk. 
Jay looked up at him, eyebrow raised. 
Sunoo continued giving off his big sunshine smile, as Jay slowly opened the bag, “What are you doing here?” 
Sunoo pouted, “Can I not bring my older brother food?” 
Jay pulled out the bags of blood, glaring at Sunoo, “You carried these with you?! Just out in the open!?” 
Sunoo rolled his eyes and leaned over, connecting his elbows to the desk and face in his hands. 
“No, I snuck into the closet supply where you keep them and slipped them into a convenience store bag.” 
Jay sighed, slumping down into his chair, “Did you really?” 
Sunoo smiled, “No, I brought them from home.” 
All Jay could do was roll his eyes, sliding the bag into his desk drawer. 
“Why are you actually here?” 
“Was curious how this new hospital was treating you and Heeseung.” 
“It’s fine, we’ve both been very busy.” 
Suno scoffed, “Yeah, I know. Family dinners haven’t been the same since leaving that farmhouse.” 
Jay groaned, dropping his head into his hands, “It’s been almost two weeks and I feel like I haven’t properly slept.” 
Sunoo’s eyes soften, he knows Jay and Heeseung have been working their asses off since coming into this city. All seven of them haven’t fully been together in two weeks. There was always someone missing. 
“Hyung, maybe you need to request some time off and spend some time with the pack. Relax with __ a bit more.” 
Jay shook his head, sitting up straight and scrolling through files on his computer, “I can’t rest until we’ve caught Dorian, get the girls back, and put an end to all this.” 
All Sunoo could do was nod, he knew Jay wasn’t going to relax one bit. 
“Where is __ at anyways?” Sunoo asked, seeing it weird that Jay’s mate wasn’t at his side. 
“At our apartment,” Jay sighed, “Jungwon and __ are spending the day with her since she can’t be here at the hospital every day.” 
Sunoo nodded, the staff would definitely find it weird if she followed Jay around everywhere he went. Plus Jay is a doctor, she can’t be around his patients either. 
“How is Niki doing?” Jay asked in between writing something on his notepad and looking back at the files. 
“School wise?” Sunoo shrugged, “He’s hating it.” 
“Well, that’s to be expected. Little bro has graduated high school more times than the rest of us.” 
Sunoo nodded, “For sure. But he joined the soccer team, so he’s been keeping busy for the most part. His grades are high as well, no need to worry.” 
“Good, good.” Jay wrote something down.
“Can you not be a doctor for twenty minutes while I am here?” 
Jay glared at him, “I still have to fulfill my working duties. We still need money after all.” 
Sunoo rolled his eyes, knowing the older was obviously right, but choosing to be sassy anyway. 
“What about Sunghoon and Jake?” Jay asked, “How are they… coping?” 
Sunoo released a sigh, “Just as good as anyone would think. They don’t leave their apartment often. It’s mostly Niki and myself going to theirs and making sure they are drinking properly.” 
Jay slowly nodded. There wasn’t much to say about Sunghoon and Jake. Their mates were taken from them and are completely powerless on the whole matter. Nothing can be done until a way is found to stop Dorian. 
Sunoo felt sorry for his hyungs, watching them slowly tear themselves apart was destroying him too. Sunoo obviously felt that the presence of their mates missing, they were all in a pack after all, and everyone was connected. But Sunoo could only imagine how terribly more it was affecting them than the others. 
“How much longer are you going to be here? I have a surgery scheduled in thirty minutes.”
Sunoo smiled brightly, “Until you leave for the surgery. 
You quickly waved your hands over your ears, watching as they went from a point to being round like a normal human's ears. 
You took a deep breath in, holding it for a few seconds before slowly releasing it. 
You were nervous. It was your first official day as a nurse. 
It wasn’t the fact that you were now fully a certified nurse that had your nerves in a bunch. You are a magical elf who is still trying to learn to control your powers. 
You splashed water on your face and took another deep breath in. 
You decided becoming a nurse would be a better fit for you than anything else. You could help put your powers to good use, just…can’t get caught. You found medicine very interesting anyway, and want to help people. This way is the best option to go with. 
You double-checked both ears once more in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom, completely running into someone the minute you opened the door. 
“Oh, I am so sorry!” You quickly said, realizing who was in front of you. More embarrassment washing over you, “Oh my god, I am so sorry Dr. Lee!” 
Heeseung smiled sweetly, rubbing his arm where the door hit him. 
“Don’t worry about it! It didn’t hurt at all! And please, just call me Heeseung.” 
You slowly nodded, feeling your face heat up. 
“You’re the nurse on duty for myself and Dr. Park today, correct?”
You nodded again, “It’s my first day out of just clinical so I am a bit nervous.” 
Heeseung gave you a soft smile, “Well, from the two weeks I’ve known you, you are doing great!” 
You felt your face flush once more and your heart raced. Why was he so handsome? 
“I am actually heading over to Dr. Park’s office right now, care to follow?” 
You nodded once again, following behind him. 
You asked him how well he was adjusting to the hospital, mostly since he’s still a fairly new doctor here. 
Which is why you think you connected so quickly with him. You both were new (well, he wasn’t new to being a doctor but new to the area) and still trying to find your footing here. 
Heeseung opened the door to Dr. Park’s office and let you walk in first. 
To your surprise, there was someone else here too. 
He sat on the corner of the desk, slightly kicking his legs back and forth. 
He was smiling so brightly at Dr. Park, that his smile could be confused with the sun. 
He slowly turned his head and looked at you. 
The moment you both locked eyes, something in your heart pulled. 
Sunoo felt it too. The moment he locked eyes with you, his heart felt like it was going to cut his chest from the inside out and jump into your arms. 
“Oh, Sunoo! What are you doing here?” Heeseung asked, smiling at him. Walking closer, “Where is Niki?” Heeseung wrapped an arm around Sunoo’s neck, earning another bright smile to fall onto his lips. 
“School, he has soccer practice.” Sunoo continued swinging his feet, causing Jay to snap. 
“Hey hey! Get off my desk!” 
You chuckled softly, earning a gaze from all three men. 
“I am so sorry for laughing…” You quickly apologize, “I just never saw Dr. Park snap like that before.” 
“Yeah, Dr. Park,” Sunoo teased, “Why are you snapping at me like that?” 
Jay tensed his jaw, “Please get off my desk before I beat your ass.” He said through his teeth. 
Sunoo gave a wink and hopped off the desk. 
“Also, Y/N,” Jay said, looking at you, “Please just call me Jay. No need for formalities.” 
You nodded, kinda happy to be on that close of a level with them to go by first names. 
The three boys continued talking. You studied the three of them, listening as Jay complains about the one named Niki playing soccer and how Heeseung said he approved of it. 
The one named Sunoo you assumed was also one of their siblings. 
You’ve heard Heeseung talk about how Jay is his brother and there are five others. And from the way they are all speaking to each other, Sunoo has to be one of the five. 
Your eyes kept landing back on Sunoo, your heart doing multiple flips every time he caught you looking at him. 
Sunoo could practically hear how fast your heart was racing. It was taking everything in him to not completely crumble down at your feet. 
Sunoo couldn’t help but admire how beautiful you are. How cute your shy mannerisms were to him. How you would blush when he looked your way. It was way too adorable and he couldn’t handle it. 
But he also noticed something was…off. There was an aura that radiated off you. He just couldn’t put his finger on what it could be. 
“Okay. Sunoo,” Jay said checking his watch, “We have that surgery now. Go home.” 
Sunoo pouted but nodded, “Fineeeeee.” 
You stood off to the side, letting Heeseung and Jay walk out first, and then Sunoo. 
But to your surprise he stopped in front of you, leaning slightly down to be at eye level with you. 
Your face blushed at how close he was. You took a small step back, “what?” you asked, letting out a soft nervous giggle, “Is there something on my face? In my hair?” 
You used the chance to cup your hands over your ears, making sure they weren’t in a point and sticking out between the strands of your hair. 
Sunoo smiled at you, “Just admiring how cute you are.” 
Sunoo skipped away after saying that, leaving you as an actual puddle on the floor. 
“Oh, and it was Y/N, right?” He asked, turning around to face you again. 
You nodded, “And it was Sunoo, right?” you asked, copying his words. 
He nodded, “Mhmm. I’ll see you around, Y/N.” 
It’s been four days since you’ve last seen him. 
You found yourself always stopping by Jay’s and Heeseung’s office, peeking in to see if the ball of sunshine was there. 
You always sighed at the sight of him not being there, your heart feeling a sadness you can’t describe. 
Two more days passed before you finally saw him again. 
You sat in Heeseung’s office, looking over the X-rays from a patient who had broken their leg. 
Heeseung pointed out the area around the break with his pen, talking about the best course of action to help heal the bones. 
With your powers, you could heal this patient easily, but you knew you couldn’t. If anyone found out what you were…
The sound of the door opening jumped you out of your thoughts, seeing Sunoo skipping inside the room. 
You felt your heart jump for joy at seeing his bright smile. The pull feeling becomes stronger. 
“Heeseung Hyung~” Sunoo sang, “And hello miss Y/N.” 
You smiled softly, giving him a shy wave. 
You saw a face peek from behind Sunoo, his blond hair slightly covering his eyes as he looked around the room with his hands in his hoodie pocket. 
“Sunoo, and Niki,” Heeseung welcomed them, “What brings you two here?” 
“He picked me up from soccer practice and drugged me here,” Niki mumbled, “I am ready to go home.” 
Sunoo rolled his eyes, “It was an important stop.” 
Niki crossed his arms, “Was it?” 
Heeseung sighed, “Please don’t argue in my office, go bother Jay if that’s what you came to do.” 
Sunoo’s eyes perked up, “I am actually here for Y/N.” 
You looked up at him in surprise, “M-me?” 
Sunoo nodded, getting back into your personal space, his face inches away from yours, “How would you like to go on a date with me tonight?” 
Sunoo fluffed his hair in the mirror, making sure it looked perfect. Double checking all the piercings in his ears were all in place and rebrushed his teeth. 
Niki button smashed the Nintendo Switch controller in his hands at the video game he was playing, slightly turning around behind him for a second, seeing Sunoo freshening himself up. 
“Hyung,” Niki called out, turning his attention back to the television, “You're really serious about going on this date aren’t you?” 
Sunoo grabbed his bag and pulled it onto his shoulder, “Yes, what’s wrong with me going on a date?” 
Niki chuckled, “Nothing. It’s cute.” 
Sunoo nodded, “Obviously.” 
Niki paused the game, shifting himself on the couch to face Sunoo, “But I do think you’re going for another reason.” 
Sunoo raised a brow, grabbing a blood bag and quickly sipping it down, “And that is?”
Niki smiled softly, “To figure out what she is.” 
Sunoo smirked at the younger, “Funny you think I don’t already know.” 
You looked down at your phone, checking to make sure the directions Sunoo texted you were correct, and sure enough they were. 
The directions led you to a park. You walk past this park multiple times a day going to and from the hospital and your apartment but never once did you stop to actually come here. 
It was beautiful. Filled with gorgeous trees and families walking with their children and dogs. 
You searched for Sunoo until you found him sitting on a bench. 
He had a drawing book in his hands, the pencil moving across the page. 
You smiled, curious to see what he was drawing. 
You slowly walked up behind him, peeking over his shoulder to see what he was drawing. 
He was drawing the pond that sat a few yards in front of you both. Adding in the trees surrounding the area, and the family that was having a picnic beside the pond. 
It was a beautiful drawing. 
“I know you’re there, Y/N.” 
Your heart stopped as you slightly jumped hearing his voice. 
Sunoo hung his head back, giving you a smile, “Ready for our date?” 
You nodded, watching as he stood up and slipped the pencil and drawing book into his bag. 
“Let’s go~”
Sunoo reached his hand out to you, slowly placing your hand in his and following behind him. 
Sunoo and you walked around the park. Talking about how both your days have been. How working at the hospital was. 
You discovered Sunoo draws in his free time and sells them which helps pay for the apartment he shares with Niki. 
You watched as Sunoo talked about his family, how happy and brightly he smiled as he spoke. Sunoo from what you could tell was the sassy one in the family, but he dearly loves them with his whole heart. 
And that’s something that made you feel even more attracted to him. 
Sunoo might have looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, he felt his heart was going to burst. Your hand fit so perfectly with his and all he wanted to do was skip and swing your arms back and forth together. 
He might have multiple reasons to bring you here today, but he genuinely wanted to spend time with you. Sunoo tried so hard to mask how much he has thought about you since the meeting. Niki even noticed how hard he was trying to look presentable earlier. 
Sunoo didn’t quite understand this feeling he was feeling yet. All he knew was it was fate to have met you. 
“You must be really close with all your brothers.” You said, smiling wide at him, “It’s really cute.” 
Sunoo chuckled, “Well, we aren’t actually brothers.” Sunoo released his hand from yours to skip in front of you, walking backward as you both talked. 
“I kinda figured,” you shoved your hands into the pockets of your jacket, the cool breeze making them cold, “You all have different last names after all.” 
Sunoo smiles, “Nonetheless, they are still my family. And I wouldn’t trade them for anything.” 
Your pulled tugged even tighter to him, and you swore you saw it on his face that he felt that same tug. 
Sunoo took a deep breath and then turned around, his back now facing you. 
The sun finally set, leaving the park dark except for the few street lamps. 
Sunoo stopped walking, “It’s sure dark out here.” 
You nodded, glancing around the park, “You would think they’d add more lampposts out here.”
“Why don’t you set a light for us, hmm?” 
Your heart stopped as you stood frozen. You were scared to look at him, scared to even move. Did you hear him correctly? Did he figure you out? If so then how?
You slowly turned your head, seeing Sunoo was still facing away from you. 
“You don’t have to be afraid, Y/N.” Sunoo turned to you, “Just a small light will be fine.” 
You stared at his cocoa eyes, trying to read them and what he could possibly be thinking. 
Lifting your hand, you snap your fingers, and a small orb of light appears at your fingertips, illuminating the area around you both. 
Sunoo smiled, “That’s my girl. You don’t have to hide your ears either, I bet they look adorable.”
“How did you figure it out?” you softly whispered, removing the illusion at your ears, then slowly growing to their normal point.
“It wasn’t hard to figure out that you were an elf, Y/N. You have that aura. I could sense it the moment we met.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, the only way he could have sensed what you were was if he too was an elf or…something else.
“What are you?” you asked, your eyes not breaking contact with him. 
Sunoo closed his eyes and chuckled, slowly opening his eyes. 
You stare at the glowing crimson, and at the sharp point of his fangs as he smiles, his tongue slowly licking his top lip. 
“Vampire…” you whispered, walking closer to him. 
Sunoo looked down at you, “You aren’t afraid?” he teased, his fangs slowly retracting and eyes going back to the beautiful cocoa you loved. 
You shook your head, “No I’m not afraid.”
With your free hand you touched his face, tracing your fingers over his jawline. 
Sunoo leaned his face into your hand, planting a soft kiss on your palm, “Good, I don’t know what I would have done if you were afraid of me.” 
Sunoo being a vampire made all too well sense. 
“It kinda makes sense,” you giggled, “You’re in a pack. Heeseung and Jay have more knowledge about being doctors than everyone else in that hospital. The reason why Jay fussed about the youngest being in soccer.” 
Sunoo nodded, “We are a little crazy family.” 
Your heart pulled towards him more, feeling as if a string was being wrapped around the two of you. 
Your knowledge of vampires wasn't the greatest, but you knew enough to get by. Elves and vampires weren’t exactly enemies, but they weren’t exactly friends either. You grew up with your family teaching you about all the different creatures in the world. You were fascinated by them all and how different each and everyone was, mostly how vampires and werewolves are pack hunters and they find their mates.  
And now that you have a vampire standing in front of you, looking at you like you’ve put the stars in the sky yourself.
You can’t help but wonder if this pull was that mate feeling that they have. 
“Does anyone in your pack have mates?” you felt bold asking that question, mostly wondering if Sunoo already had one. You didn’t know how you’d handle the news if he did.
Sunoo sighed, taking your hand into his, he intertwined your fingers with him, taking a deep breath in. 
“Yeah, four of them do.” You could see the sadness on his face, “Jungwon, Jay, Sunghoon, and Jake do.” 
You couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved, but still sad at how he felt. 
“Why do you say that with such sadness? I am an elf you know, I can sense feelings.” 
Sunoo giggled at your words, making eye contact with you again, “Two of the mates are missing.”
You found a park bench to sit down on, listening as Sunoo told you the events that led him and his pack to this city. Your heart broke more and more as you listened. 
The events that have happened to Sunoo and his pack weren’t fair. They wanted to live normal lives, just as the rest of us mythical creatures. But they’ve had it so hard. and it broke your heart. 
It broke your heart even more seeing how Sunoo was also struggling with the loss of his brother's mates. They are all connected as one big pack, you can only imagine the pain Sunghoon and Jake felt. 
You reached for his hands, running your thumbs over the tops. 
“I am so sorry for what Dorian has done to you and your family.” 
Sunoo squeezed your fingers, “It’s no one’s fault, shit happens. We came to this city to find more information and to hide so we could protect the pack, but I can’t help but feel so powerless. All I do is make art and sell it to help keep a somewhat normal life for my family. Sunghoon and Jake are sinking without __ and __. I don’t want my family to hurt anymore.” 
You tuck your lips between your teeth, debating if you should say the next words or not. But when Sunoo looked up at you with glossy eyes, the words slipped from your lips. 
“I can attempt to use tracking magic to help you find their mates and make your family whole again.” 
Sunoo led you to his car, opened the door for you, and waited until you got in to close it and use his vampire speed to get in on the other side. 
Sunoo dialed Heeseung’s number quickly, putting the phone to his ear.
“Hyung,” Sunoo quickly said, his voice shaking. 
“Sunoo?? What’s wrong?” 
“I need you to gather everyone, I have Y/N with me so I won’t arrive as quickly, but gather everyone at the loft. This is important.”
Heeseung agreed and the line went dead. 
Sunoo dropped his phone into the cup holder, his other hand gripping the steering wheel as he drove quickly to the apartment loft. 
You grabbed his free hand, giving it a soft squeeze, using your calming magic to relax him. 
Sunoo slouched in the driver's seat, releasing a sigh, “I am so happy you’re here with me right now, and not just because you helped relax me as if I just smoked and got high.” 
You laughed at his sassy nature, “It’s the least I could do to help this situation.” 
“Can you really use some kind of tracking magic to get our members back?” He softly asked.
You nodded, “I am still learning to keep my powers under control, back at home we didn’t have to control our powers, but now that elves have migrated into the public eye to live normal lives, keeping my powers controlled is still a learning process.” 
Sunoo kissed the back of your hand, “I have full faith in you.” 
You pulled up at the apartment complex, Sunoo helping you out of the car and inside, taking an elevator to the top floor. 
Sunoo took your hand in his as you walked to the door of his pack’s loft. 
“Don’t be too intimidated by them, Sunghoon will probably have some words, the other might tease, but just be sassy to them like I am and you’ll be fine.” 
You giggled at him and how brave he was being with all the chaos surrounding him. 
Sunoo reached for the door handle and turned it, the door slowly opening. 
You walked in behind him, your hand tightly attached to his still. 
Eight pairs of eyes stared at you the moment you walked in. 
You looked at each of them, feeling their emotions flooding into you. 
Jungwon and Jay held their mates in their arms, while the others sat separately around the room. Jake and Sunghoon stood at the windows, leaning against them. 
Sunghoon looked out the window, but quickly back at you. 
“No! Absolutely not!” Sunghoon snapped. 
Sunoo groaned, “I knew you were going to say some shit.” 
“We aren’t fucking around with elves!” Sunghoon stood from the window.
“Why?” You stepped in front of Sunoo, him trying to pull you back behind him, “Because we were naturally born immortal, whereas you had to be bitten on your neck to keep yourself from dying to achieve immortality?” you sassed, not letting Sunghoon’s attitude get to you, “Plus I heard you mated with a witch, why can’t another magic goer join this circus of chaos?” 
Oh, Sunoo was so in love with you right now. It took everything in him to not fall to the floor and worship the ground you walked on along with laughing his lungs out at you teasing Sunghoon. 
Sunghoon’s face blushed a bright red, causing the other males to laugh. 
“Damn,” Niki said, “She got you GOOD.” 
“Okay, settle down now,” Jungwon said, looking between everyone. You could tell Jungwon was the leader of this pack the minute you walked in, “Sunoo, tell us why we needed to meet.” 
Sunoo pulled you close to him, “Y/N can use tracking magic.”
Jay’s eyes widened, “She’s going to help us find __ and __.” 
Jake quickly rushed to you, taking your hand in his, “Can you really do it? Help us find where my mate is?” 
Sunoo slapped Jake’s hands off yours, giving him a glare. 
You nodded, looking between both Jake and Sunghoon, “I will need something of theirs that you too have, and I can trace where they are. But I’ll also need a map.” 
“It will also give us a location where Dorian is.” Heeseung spoke up, “Thank you, Y/N, for doing this for us.” 
You nodded. You looked back around at the vampires and two humans in front of you. Each of them felt the pain of their pack. You felt it and could see it in their eyes. 
Jay pulled a map out, setting it on the kitchen table. 
Jake paced around the kitchen on the phone, before hanging up his call, “Archer is on the way here.” 
Jake handed you a piece of clothing from his mate, while Sunghoon handed you a bracelet from his mate. 
The moment the items were in your hands, you could feel the love and pain that ran through them. The dhampir struggles by losing her first mate but then meets her true mate, just to be taken from him. The witch's bracelet is filled with the sorrow of her coven being killed and being the only lone survivor, but finding a new family with Sunghoon. The love the four of them shared was beautiful, and it brought tears to your eyes. 
“Okay twinkle toes,” Sunghoon scoffed, “Do your thing.” 
You focused on the items in your hands, pulling all the energy into them, searching for their scent. 
Your eyes closed as you pictured where they were, your finger immediately touched the map on the table, pinpointing where they were.
The images of the surrounding area filled your mind. 
You opened your eyes, noticing everyone staring at the area on the map where your finger pointed. 
“You did it…” Sunoo said. 
Heeseung quickly circled the area with a Sharpie. 
You dropped the items onto the table, taking a deep breath in and out. 
Sunoo grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him. 
He wrapped his arms tightly around you, “You did it. We can find the girls and Dorian.”
You shook your head, “All I did was give a general area.” 
Sunoo placed his hands on the sides of your face, “We are even closer, and it’s all because of you.” 
You smiled at him, “I really did it.” 
Sunoo kissed your lips, his strawberry chapstick filled your senses. You leaned more into him, breathing him completely in. 
Sunoo couldn’t fight the string of fate much longer. He’s known since you two met that there was something pulling the two of you together, and it was fate. 
You felt Sunoo’s emotions, feeling him give into the string. You sensed the string floating around you both, waiting for you to accept your fate. 
An elf and vampire together? You loved the idea of it. 
You gave into the string of fate, accepting every ounce of love Sunoo had to offer. 
The others felt it too, the bond that you now share with each of them. 
“Oh great, just what we need,” Sunghoon rolled his eyes, “Another magic user.” 
You pulled away from Sunoo’s lips, sticking your tongue out at Sunghoon, “We are a family now, get over it.” 
Sunghoon half smiled, giving a small nod, “I’ll accept it only because you found where my witch is.” 
“You sure you can’t stay the night?” Sunoo pouted as he stood in front of your apartment door, refusing to let you inside.
You giggled at your soulmate, “Yes! I have a twelve-hour shift to do tomorrow, and if I stay with you I won’t get any sleep.” 
Sunoo pouted even more, “Fine, but I am going to bring you lunch!” 
You kissed his cheek, “I would love it if you brought me lunch.” 
Sunoo moved from the door, letting you unlock the door and walk inside.
Before you could close the door, Sunoo slipped inside, pulling you to his body, and planting his lips onto yours. 
He couldn’t get enough of you. Sunoo dreamed of what it would feel like to have this connection with his soulmate. How it would feel to hold them close and kiss them. To give all the love he had to them. 
And he finally found you. 
“Goodnight, my sweetness,” Sunoo whispered in between kisses, slowly releasing you from his arms and slipping out the door.
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hoony2k · 9 months
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🌷 fav 🎐 fluff 🫧 angst ☁️ horror
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-> sweet crazy love! 🎐
-> hold this for a sec! 🎐
-> annoying things they do (hyung line) 🎐🌷
-> one and only 🎐
-> bewitched at first sight 🎐🫧
-> call me love sick? 🎐
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idol enha x idol you
-> we dating fr? 🎐
Synopsis: How could they react around idol!you when no one knows about the relationship.
crack, established lovers, secret lovers, idol x idol
-> heart to heart 🎐🌷
(3k total)
SUMMARY: Idol!enha giving idol!you heart eyes in professional settings.
crack, established lovers, secret lovers, idol x idol
-> cut the cameras! 🎐🫧
Synopsis: The last thing you expected was to see your and your bf's names on the newest relationship reveal headline above a giant picture of you two hiding in a darkened alley sharing an ice cream...what now?
crack, established lovers, secret lovers, idol x idol
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-> fan behaviour 🎐
Synopsis: Heeseung gets a call from cupid during a fan sign.
Latina!reader. Idol x fan au! , 1k words.
-> blossom with you 🎐🫧
SUMMARY: Curiosity gifts you with more than what you bargained for and it's up to your knight to change his scout boy ways to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart and place them back together.
Knight! lee heeseung x reader, period drama!, royalty au!, friends to lovers au!, 2k words.
-> worming around 🎐
Synopsis: Heeseung debates whether or not he'd still love you if you were a worm.
Established relationship, 600 + words
Synopsis: Desperate and helpless, Heeseung sends a dm to the trusted CupidConfessions.Com in search for a "love connection" with you. Unfortunately, he's oblivious to the fact that his crush is the anonymous Cupid. You're a fulltime hopeless romantic and part time admin of the university confessions account. Sparks and tension ignite when you realise that your love life wouldn't be as simple as the connections you made for others.
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-> I'd love to hate you in each life 🌷
Synopsis: You were a werewolf, he was a vampire, both corporate slaves, can I make it more obvious?
vampire! Jake x werewolf! reader ft human! sunghoon, enemies to lovers, 1k+ words
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-> winter blues 🫧 🎐
Synopsis: A road trip where Sunghoon can't tell the difference between car sickness and a fever but thankfully you and the boys can.
Established relationship, 2.5k words
-> fight club 🌷🎐
Synopsis: You discover why Sunghoon is always mia during the weekend so you decide to visit the sketchiest place in the city to see him in action- too bad Sunghoon has other plans.
potential lovers, fight club au!, fluff, crack
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-> text me back! 🎐
Synopsis: it's the middle of the night, the phone keeps buzzing, you've been trying to fall asleep, there's a knock on your window...wait what?
Idiot x idiot. Established relationship. Older brother!heeseung. 1k words.
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aria-recs-17-fics · 14 days
~JOSHUA (HONG JISOO) fic recs ~
part 1
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(will add more in future)
[personal fav.= ✨]
City Lights by @hannieween (✨)
Golden Hour by @dkfile
Oceans and Engines by @renjunphile
Fine Line by @heartkyeom
Prove it, you won't by @leejungchans
Vanilla by @milfgyuu
Isohel by @toruro
wildest dreams by @viastro
Birds of a Feather by @onlymingyus
Beautiful Day, Sunday Morning by @sluttywoozi
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jinxedmuse · 1 year
secret dating idol!svt — 95z line, & if you guys get caught
authors note: idk this just seemed fun! i wanna release a one shot for another member but i’m stuck between which one ;-; so for now we have this plz enjoy!!!
warnings: uhm reader is famous but it fluctuates between each member (ie: actor, idol, etc)? , should be gender neutral but tbh may (???) come off as fem.
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choi seungcheol
probably another idol (+ leader) he liked how you managed your group and definitely gives off the vibe he’d approach first if he was really interested.. which thankfully, he was!
dates (although rare bcs ur both busy taking care of ur children, ie: team members lol) definitely consist of: driving around the very low-key parts of seoul, pre reserved dinners at extremely exclusive restaurants, weekend golf dates at elite and selective country clubs (with matching outfits), and obviously going over his place to sleep in and play w/ kkuma!
surprises you with gifts every time you can meet! or, he’ll just have it directly ordered to your place. definitely have an over flow of couple items like that man is as obvious as can be without completely blowing the lid over??
he wants matching couple rings sooo bad but he knows that svt is known for their pinky rings & people would immediately notice if he had another one that he suspiciously never took off.. hm? so he’d opt for matching sweat suits (ie: hoodie/sweatpants sets/athletic sets/lounge sets etc). he’d buy you the gray ver of his all black adidas sweatsuit and everyone would be like.. wait a min? but also can’t pin point if they’re overthinking it (hint: they’re not ;)
when things get serious, and they most likely will, he’s probably the best long term partner ever.
yes, he’s a man at the end of the day so obviously he’d wanna have fun and we do not know him outside svt content BUT i feel like he already has so much responsibilities to bare and he’s too busy to even be dating but he chose to! with you! because he likes (dare i say loves) you a lot! so why would he wanna waste his precious time that he barely has??
definitely gets matching tattoos with you somewhere down the line. i feel like if you guys were like YEARS into it , parents have met, etc etc then he’d get your initials on his ring finger or somewhere on his back or along his neck :(
at this point, dispatch has a wholeeee book on you guys. definitely planning to expose y’all as the new years couple but you know hybe is swimming in money so they paid them off and saved your asses! aka, you don’t get caught.
lucky you!
yoon jeonghan
probably dating a idol or well known model. either way, you’re both known for your otherworldly visuals! you guys met at a exclusive ysl event/after party and he asked his manager to talk to your manager and boom! things went off.
dates are actually pretty regular. don’t get me wrong, you both have pretty hectic schedules, and yours are pretty random because you never know which city you need to be in next but since you both don’t like doing as much interviews/variety shows as your counterparts, you use that time on dates!
you guys reserve 1- sometimes 2 hour tours at those interactive park places (where you can hold/feel animals etc) and takes lots of pictures for each other (which means matching lovestagram!!!) , you guys go on secretive sauna dates to catch up on your work weeks, and hang out at each other’s apartment while eating your fav food at odd hours lol!
LOVEEE couple items! matching lego sets, pet rocks, any new jewelry he gets, especially if it’s a bracelet, he buys another one for you and you guys wear them 24/7 like seriously it doesn’t come off! would probably even get the cartier love bracelet if he wasn’t so dedicated to ysl…
fans are saurrrrrr suspicious because like.. is he even trying to be subtle or are they just making it up in their head??? svt would be playing the character quiz and you’d come up and his brain would literally malfunction like all he can do is smile and apologize for “getting you wrong” while the rest of the members are trying to (not so) swiftly move on.. yeah!
you guys are definitely the on and off type! nothing toxic just every time you both get genuinely TOO busy you’d cool off from each other and bounce back like nothing happened.
i feel like he’d want something long term but wouldn’t be too set on marriage? idk, if you guys did end it wouldn’t be on a bad note and you’d both just play it off (to the public) as if you were always “just” friends but bffr.. anyway!
you guys wouldn’t necessarily get exposed by dispatch/a news outlet but both your fandoms would like low-key know you had something going on and respect that privacy.
joshua hong
i can see him dating a gorgeous high class actor/actress. you guys meet at an award show and slowly got to know each other before comfortably settling into a relationship.
dates are superrr frequent, even your personal managers are shocked because damnn that devotion? you guys already told them that any free time you have in your bustling scheduals go to each other. very cute.
dates are very spontaneous and depend on where you are. believe it or not most dates are at home and consist of you laying your head in his lap as he makes bracelets and you revising your lines. (as with ll the boys) you get backstage concert privilege with kisses between sets and he visits you on set with coffee trucks for everyone and your fav pick me up snack if you're feeling down during filming.
couple items are very low-key! he's known for his handmade jewelry so he'll give you one or two but anymore will land ya'll in the mouse trap. so the more intimate matching things never see the light of day.
fans start getting suspicious when they realize that all the films or dramas he's been recommending lately have you in it but he just plays it off that he's been getting interested in more films during his down time and you became his favorite actress/tor .. right! also you suddenly keep singing seventeen songs (his parts) in your behind the scenes and they're just like..? okay maybe you just really go into seventeen outta no where.. whatever that means!
you both are very private people by nature so you guys leave 0 trace behind when planning dates etc like everyone is signing NDA's lol! so dispatch (and your fans) may have a feeling, but they have no proof.
does have marriage in mind for the long run but you guys would date for a longgggg time before that like 5+ years. would probably announce it randomly after you guys are satisfied with your career and respected enough to the point people don't throw a fuss but are genuinely happy for you. ya'll end up nicknamed: the nations unexpected but ultimate visual couple, for sure!
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
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binilpol · 1 year
niki x reader Latte love Strngers to lovers
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In the heart of the bustling city, there stood a quaint coffee shop, its aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. It was here that Y/N found solace in the midst of chaos, a place where she could lose herself in the world of words. The shop's vibrant chatter provided a comforting backdrop to her writing.
One fateful day, as she entered, all the familiar seats were occupied, except for one. With a sigh, she settled at a corner desk, strategically nestled by the window. Her fingers danced across the keyboard, thoughts flowing freely.
It was then that she noticed him, a young man with a cap perched on his head, engrossed in a notebook. His face was etched in concentration, scribbling fervently. Intrigued, she couldn't help but steal glances.
Days turned into weeks, and their encounters became routine. They exchanged polite smiles, a silent acknowledgment of their shared love for this sanctuary. Gradually, they began to exchange a few words, discussing their respective projects and sharing snippets of their lives.
Y/N: "That looks intriguing, what are you working on?"
Niki looked up, a spark of recognition in his eyes. "Oh, just some lyrics. I'm a musician, you know."
Y/N's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "Really? I'm a writer, so we have something in common."
Their conversations evolved, effortlessly transitioning from casual banter to deep discussions about dreams and aspirations. Y/N admired Niki's passion for music, while he marveled at her way with words. Their souls intertwined through their shared interests.
One chilly afternoon, the air was charged with anticipation. Niki looked up from his notebook, his gaze fixed on Y/N. With a soft smile, he confessed, "You know, this place has become even more special since you started coming here."
Y/N's heart raced, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush. "I agree, niki" she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
Months passed, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. They discovered new coffee blends together, debated over the perfect writing spot, and even shared intimate secrets under the warm glow of the shop's pendant lights.
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Niki, now knowing Y/N's penchant for dark academia aesthetics, surprised her with a vintage leather-bound notebook, a perfect companion to her writing.
Niki: "I thought this might be a good home for your words, among its own kind."
Y/N's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "It's perfect, Niki. Thank you."
Their first date was a beautiful symphony of shared glances and lingering touches. As the sun set, casting a warm glow across the coffee shop, they sat at their favorite corner, hearts entwined.
Y/N: "I can't believe this is our first official date. It feels like we've known each other forever."
Niki: "It does, doesn't it? Maybe that's because our hearts recognized each other long before we did."
In that very place, where their story began, they toasted to their future, grateful for the serendipity that brought them together. From that day forward, the coffee shop held not only the aroma of rich coffee but also the sweet scent of their love story, forever imprinted in its walls.
After their date, they exchanged kisses, a promise of more moments like this. Niki couldn't wait to see her again, and he messaged her the next day.
Niki: "Hey, would you like to meet up again? Maybe for a walk in the park?"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly replied, agreeing to the plan. When they met, the connection was even stronger, and as they sat on a park bench, Niki couldn't hold back his feelings any longer.
Niki: "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you. I can't stop thinking about you, and I've realized that I'm in love with you."
Y/N's eyes sparkled with happiness. "Niki, I feel the same way. I've never met someone who understands me the way you do."
And so, in the midst of a quiet park, surrounded by the rustling leaves and the distant sounds of the city, they shared their feelings, sealing their love with a tender kiss. They knew that their story was just beginning, and they couldn't wait to see where life would take them, hand in hand.
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Im a dry texter sorry💀
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hyunverse · 6 months
hi my love! i’ve slowly been getting into skz fics so i’ve been watching you from afar for a little while now and reading your amazing fics (i have so many in my liked posts, waiting to be read - i promise i’ll get to them soon 🙏)
i just wanted to say congrats on 5k and i was hoping i could join your event !! it’s such an adorable idea and sounds like so much fun hehe <33
my ideal date is something unplanned, romantic, and childish. i’d love to go to an arcade and play all the games and lose track of time and later maybe we could go out for ice cream on a late night drive with no destination in mind or we could stop at the beach and it’d be cold so he’d give me his jacket while we walk around and talk about everything and nothing under the stars 🤭
sorry for being a hopeless romantic anyway, just wanted to say i love your fics and i look forward to getting through your masterlist eventually <33
— the cupid's heard your wish, your match is yang jeongin .ᐟ
note: ahhh you're so sweet and kind ^.^ thank you so much for the kind words, do take your time to read them!! i hope you'll like them, and that you'll like this <3
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back to the old house by the smiths ・ because you're pretty by giriboy ・ 18 by one direction ・ bad by wave to earth ・ 10,000 hours by prettymuch ・ dance, baby by boy pablo ・ every summertime by niki
boy next door trope!! jeongin's the boy next door you've had your eyes on throughout your teenage years. one day you become friends with one of his brothers and with his help you manage to get closer to jeongin. i feel like he gives off such boy next door vibes tbh.
dating jeongin = spontaneous dates. all the time!! if he has time after practise you'll get a call and he'll ask you to dress up and takes you out on a spontaneous date.
due to his tendeancy of having impromptu dates, i think you'll end up discovering a lot of secret spots together. a beautiful pond that overlooks the city, a hidden gem of a cafe in the corners of the city, and instagrammable spots. you name it!! jeongin keeps track of these places to revisit with you.
loooots of time spent in arcades. he gets competitive!!! always either trying to beat you in a game or trying to win you a plushie. either way, you're pretty sure he's used up a lot of his money in arcades.
your instagram game will 100% be upgraded. seriously. jeongin would take so many pictures of you and insist for you to post them because he's so proud to have you <3 occasionally, you'll wake up to see a candid photo of you posted in his instagram story.
losing track of time while hanging out with jeongin is so easy. he's just so comfortable to be around with. some nights, you get to stargaze with him in a field as you lay on his lap and he plays with your hair <3
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crimeboys · 1 year
monsterloot fic masterpost
ignite the light: dsmp, canon divergence/reincarnation au/political drama, techno-centric sbi, where technoblade is new in town and everyone keeps trying to make his day worse (6/14 chapters)
the sun was sinking: dsmp, superhero au, tommy-centric crimeboys + discduo, where tommy has been taken by dream to become the best hero the city has ever seen but keeps having dreams about a man he doesn't know but could swear he does (4/?? chapters)
washed up: dsmp, modern au, wilbur-centric tntduo + crimeboys, where wilbur and tommy are washed up actors and quackity is wilbur's long-suffering agent trying to move them along (6/?? chapters)
ache performing apathy: dsmp, modern au, wilbur-centric sbi, where semi-estranged wilbur comes to his father for help without actually asking for it and finds a whole new family has been created in his place (1/?? chapters)
canon oneshot
it's nice to be wanted (2.8k): dsmp, pre-prison break, techno-centric peerpressureduo, where technoblade and michael meet for the first time
nothing is wrong, all of the time (3.8k): dsmp, exile snapshot, tommy-centric discduo, where dream shares a secret with tommy
26 going on 40 (4.7k): dsmp, post-inconsolable differences, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur has lost track of the days and tommy reminds him
your world and mine (1.7k): osmp, vaguely in s3, jack-centric rocketduo, where jack gets a wetsuit that lets him visit niki
crime and peace (1.8k): dsmp, post-inconsolable differences, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur and tommy have a not-so candid conversation about burgers
oh, how i want to be free (24.2k): dsmp, post-prison break timeloop, tubbo-centric cabinetduo + beeduo, where tubbo gets trapped in a timeloop and finds it's not all that different than before
the original and best (of men) (1.8k): dsmp, post-boundless sands, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur is in utah and haunted by the things he left behind
has the moon lost her memory? (4.4k): dsmp, post-nuke finale, crimeboys-centric crimeboys, where three guys visit a gas station and wilbur doesn't understand why tommy doesn't recognize him
best friends (1.6k): dsmp, post-prison break, tommy-centric clingyduo, where tommy visits a sick friend
a good pillow (3k): dsmp, post-prison break, techno-centric emerald duo, where steve is mad at technoblade and phil clowns him for it
our Love is God (354 words): dsmp, poem, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur haunts a body that is a country that is a brother
squeeze (3.2k): dsmp, post-inconsolable differences, wilbur-centric sand duo, where wilbur tells phil about leaving, tommy, and how those are connected
we're not getting better (1.6k): dsmp, post-tubbo apology, tommy-centric clingyduo, where tommy and tubbo discuss wilbur
moderation (8.1k): dsmp, post-boundless sands/the end of las nevadas, quackity-centric viceduo, where quackity thinks wilbur is dead and he and tommy decide to drink about it
in the middle (1k): dsmp, set vaguely before inconsolable differences, technoblade-centric bedrock bros, where technoblade and tommy find reconciliation through breakfast
buzz (1.4k): dsmp, set during burger arc before ho16, tubbo-centric cabinetduo, where tubbo and quackity talk about love
three-man operation (4.2k): dsmp, set vaguely sometime after bust, tommy-centric benchtrio, where tommy, tubbo, and ranboo decide to go sledding so of course a heist must occur first
(and burst) (4.1k): dsmp, post-boundless sands, continuation of “squeeze”, tommy-centric angelduo, where tommy talks to phil about wilbur leaving
we can make it up again (5.2k): dsmp, set sometime after ho16/jailbreak, tommy-centric crimeboys, where wilbur gets a cat and tommy is NOT having it
au oneshot
they can't take the sky (4.2k): dsmp, zombie apocalypse au, wilbur-centric crimeboys + quirkyduo, where a paranoid wilbur struggles in the apocalypse and saves a couple of teenagers who return the favor
something like revival (10k): dsmp, modernish paranormal au, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur and tommy were friends one day brothers the next and now try to make a life in an apartment that may or may not be haunted
flying (3.6k): dsmp, circus au, tina-centric tinarose, where tina is in love with the circus flyer but knows that the job will always come first for hannah
everything you hid inside (23.6k): dsmp, modern + powers au, wilbur-centric sbi, where wilbur secretly has reality warping powers he refuses to use and then he gets deliriously sick
maybe the path is gory (whatever it takes) (6.4k): dsmp, zombie apocalypse au, quackity-centric las nevadas, where quackity will do whatever it takes to make las nevadas great
blood and cigarettes (10.9k): dsmp, vampire + fae au, wilbur-centric tntduo, where it is the 1800s and wilbur is trying to kill the local priest
close your eyes (4.2k): dsmp, hunger games au, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur tries to give tommy a moment of peace in the middle of the games
the brains of this operation (3k): dsmp, zombie apocalypse au, same universe as "they can't take the sky", tubbo-centric fireflyduo, where tubbo and dream discuss the ways they are similar
as my eyes shut (3.5k): dsmp, hannibal au, wilbur-centric tntduo, where wilbur is having a breakdown and makes impulsive decisions to gain some feeling of control
two guards (1.2k): dsmp, modern au, cabinetduo, where quackity and tubbo are hosting a funeral
the dark of our graves (4.2k): dsmp, hunger games au, same universe as “close your eyes”, wilbur-centric tntduo, where wilbur and quackity dig a grave
neither of us will be missed (23.4k): dsmp, modern minecraft/post-exile au, wilbur-centric crimeboys, where wilbur is a police officer investigating tommy innit for the murder of dream
break me, i am bread (15.3k): dsmp, royalty au, wilbur-centric tntduo, where wilbur is marrying sally, in love with quackity, and terrified of disappointing his father who doesn’t appear onscreen once
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neolxzr · 1 year
various hiiai related hcs bc they are all i think about
aira taught hiiro how to properly use his phone camera once and now he LOVES taking pictures. he sends tons of pictures of stuff he thought was cool to aira whenever they're not together and he takes a bunch of pictures of him and his friends to print out and stick on his wall
after getting over the initial 'oh god pretty boy i cant function help' phase of knowing midori he and aira actually become good friends and bond over liking cute things. they also talk about their pathetic little crushes together
before they're actually dating the ryuseitai juniors are acutely aware of hiiai's mutual crushes on each other (aira told midori and hiiro told tetora) and they occasionally try to push them into just confessing
aira is nosy and loves to hear about pretty 5's relationship gossip but tries really hard to change the subject whenever they try to get him to talk about himself. eventually they force him to invite hiiro with him to a meeting once and aira is mortified but hiiro has a good time
hiiro is a little bit sad that he can't see the stars as well in the city as he could back home. he tells aira that someday he'll take him somewhere where they can properly look at the stars together (he will point out all the constellations when they do)
aira purposefully does not wear a jacket when its cold sometimes so he can steal hiiro's. hiiro knows that he does this on purpose and thinks its cute
aira actually needs glasses but wears contacts because he thinks he doesnt pull of the "idol who wears glasses" thing. hiiro comes over to his dorm unannounced and sees him in them when hes studying or something and thinks its adorable. aira starts wearing them occasionally after this
hiiro is very curious obviously and asks aira about his manga which he reads frequently and it starts with him giving hiiro recommendations and lending him stuff and eventually gets to them reading manga together. aira like sits in hiiro's lap and hiiro has his head on aira's shoulder and cuddles him while they read (aira holds it and turns the pages because hiiro reads faster)
aira tries to get niki to teach him how he makes his omurice so he can make it for hiiro as a present but its hard to be secretive about it because he lives in the same room as him. aira's a little mad it didn't stay a secret but its cute anyway
aira likes to bring hiiro shopping and put outfits on him because he's pretty and looks good in everything. also aira buys them matching jewelry
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gluion · 1 year
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moni's masterlist ➵ the boyz
✰ - personal favorite | ✧ - audience’s favorite
current works
lee sangyeon ➵ here’s much to do with hate, but more with love ✧
when you land the lead role for your university’s upcoming play, you expect your scene partner to be your best friend, lee hyunjae. but when your eyes discover a different lee beside romeo montague’s, you’re certain that the universe is not on your side. (enemies to lovers, suggestive, university/theater au)
jacob bae ➵ of guitar strings and peeled tangerines (i’ll bruise my fingers just for you) [series masterlist] ✰
when you are unable to continue living in the city, you are forced to move back to the small provincial town you begged to stay away from. but when you come face-to-face with the reliable village co-chief, jacob bae, you learn that your stay won’t be so pleasant after all. (childhood friends to bickering strangers to lovers, angst, explores themes of grief, forgiveness, & childhood trauma)
➵ satin ✰
the pink ribbons that you and your daughter used to dress up jacob now used on you. (smut, fluff)
➵ safe haven (how much longer do we have?) ✰
you can only hope for more tomorrows with jacob. (strangers to lovers, heavy angst with a happy ending, apocalypse au)
➵ somehow, i’ll gather the stars just for you
even in the nights where the stars refuse to show themselves, jacob will round them up just for you. (fluff, hurt/comfort)
➵ with every storm, i have you.
no matter what you may bring, jacob will choose to stay. (angst, fluff, hurt/comfort)
lee hyunjae ➵ here’s much to do with hate, but more with love ✧
when you land the lead role for your university’s upcoming play, you expect your scene partner to be your best friend, lee hyunjae. but when your eyes discover a different lee beside romeo montague’s, you’re certain that the universe is not on your side. (friends to sort-of lovers, suggestive, university/theater au)
lee juyeon ➵ persist and resist (but still, fail)
all it takes is one phone call for you to realize what you could’ve had with juyeon. (angst, almost lovers, inpsired by "the 1" by taylor swift)
ji changmin ➵ finger trapped (ripped to its seams) ✰
with an unexpected reunion, you and changmin relive the memories of cheongju—and confront what could’ve been between you two. (almost lovers, angst, explores parental issues, inspired by “seasons” by wave to earth)
➵ of linked arms and bruised hearts (you are the reason i keep on going) [series masterlist] ✰
you and changmin have been best friends since high school, having seen each other at their best and worst. now in your second year of university, you are given the opportunity to work with the unattainable 5th-year you have had a crush on since—jacob bae. with your best friend on the receiving end of your rambles, you could only hope for something to come out of your time working with jacob. that is until changmin decides he wants something more out of his relationship with you. (f2l, slow burn, explores the importance of platonic love)
➵ on the drive home
the three times changmin thought you two would be okay, and the one drive home that made him realize he was wrong. (angst no happy ending, requested, inspired by “on the drive home” by niki)
➵ somebody
you needed somebody to give you what you crave. will you allow changmin to be that for you? (smut, requested, inspired by “somebody” by keshi)
kim sunwoo ➵ familiarity (it's all sticky) ✰
you’re not sure why you decide to show up at your ex’s place all wounded up from tonight’s battle. (exes to sort-of lovers, ghost-spider au, hurt/comfort)
➵ of boundaries and secret glances (i'm lucky to be loved by you) [teaser] [one] [two]
as a well-respected independent producer in the industry, you get requests from different companies for collaborations. when you accept to work on chanhee and sunwoo's unit track for their upcoming album, you are left to your own devices as you work closely with sunwoo. who is to say what can happen over the days? (strangers to lovers, idol au, explores the mistreatment in the kpop industry)
➵ the perfect pair [series masterlist]
being a woman in the esports league is hard, but dealing with cocky kim sunwoo is unmatched. with the valorant champions tour about to commence, you two are forced to team up to retrieve the trophy. what will be tested—team morale or your patience around sunwoo? (enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, smut, esports au, explores misogyny im video games and esports league)
➵ surrender to me ✧
you despise everything about him—detached, shy, a blind follower. if anything, being in the same room as him infuriates you. so how did a leader like you end up in this mess with him? (smut, fuck buddies au)
eric sohn ➵ first to know you, first to love you ✧
all you should care about is graduating with flying colors, so why are you starting to care about your seatmate? (strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, requested, inspired by “valentine” by laufey)
➵ serene (it’s what i hope for me) ✰
you should’ve known that eric wouldn’t be the one. (angst no happy ending, exes au, inspired by “california and me” by laufey)
more coming soon...
➵ other masterlists
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lee sangyeon ➵ burning at the center of the universe [coming soon]
you will never be the special companion. no matter how much you long to stay with the doctor, he will always leave as quickly as he came. all you can hope is that you left your mark as much as he did with yours—and you'll never know how much you truly meant to him. (doctor who au [won't be heavy on it!], angst no happy ending)
kim sunwoo
➵ untitled [coming soon]
summer to you is meant for everything casual—hookups to short-lived romances. when a new boy shows up at the beach, you are determined to have fun with him. unbeknownst to you, he is set on changing your mind. (s2l, summer love au, ton of suggestive content)
eric sohn
➵ crossing boundaries (i’m already yours) [coming soon]
the five times where the boundaries were blurred with eric and the one time where it became crystal clear. (situationship, fluff, angst)
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sirowsky-stories · 1 year
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Part 2
Description: While struggling with how to keep Niki safe, Pero ends up making some hard choices, creating far reaching consequences.
Warnings: Pero Tovar x OFC, no reader insert, Pero's pov, hospital scenes, cursing, shooting, gunshot wounds, minor character death, angst, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, secret identity, AU fic. Rating: Mature/Explicit 18+ONLY Word Count: 5700 Series Masterlist
Author's Note: Well, that didn't take me long... We get a bit more history on Pero here, and I hope you won't be put off by my attention to detail on hydraulic lifting.
   The unknown man has seen her. He doesn’t just know what Niki looks like, even covered in tubes and wires and completely unmoving, but also which equipment she needs to be connected to. Which things that are keeping her alive.    And it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that if she’s moved, all anyone needs to do to find her, is look for any place where that array of machinery can be plugged in. Which basically rules out everything but one of the patient rooms.
   He can try to hide her by switching rooms with someone, but there’s no guarantee that the people hunting her would even care about looking at records. They might just search through the entire hospital, and since he doesn’t know how many of them there are, he can’t say how effectively they might be able to do that.    It’s not a big city hospital, the patient capacity is only a couple hundred in total, and it’s not like he’s gonna risk these people tearing through a children’s ward.
   “Excuse me,” Pero says to the nurse at the front desk, another new face to him. “Can you tell me what your protocol is for if a patient’s life is threatened? I mean, not medically, but if someone actually threatens them?”
   The young woman looks him over before answering, as if trying to ascertain if he might be contemplating threatening someone. But she seems to decide that he probably isn’t.
   “We alert our security team and if the threat is serious or ongoing, they stand guard by the affected patient. If it’s deemed necessary, we call the police and on rare occasions we will move a patient to an undisclosed location within the hospital.”
   Exactly what he expects to hear, but it’s not good enough. He knows it won’t save her. Even under guard this eerily calm man can get to her, either himself or by proxy. He just knows it.    He looks around the ward while he tries to think. There are nine other people there at the moment. All of them potential threats, because as good as he is at reading people, there are those who are just as good at hiding in plain sight.
   The nurse is still looking at him, and she’s starting to worry now, seeing his eyes repeatedly dart towards Niki’s bed.
   “If you have any concerns about Ms. Morse’s safety, I’d be happy to call security for you.”
   “It’s just… I can’t prove that there’s anything wrong,” he says, nervously drumming his fingers against the taller front section of the desk while he keeps scanning the halls.
   “Why do you think that she’s in danger, Mr. Tovar?” she asks, and he meets her eyes.
   She’s young, probably no more than twenty-three, but there’s a lot of experience in those eyes. Like the unknown man, her calmness is also practiced. Tested by years of overcoming her own stresses and fears.    But where the two differ, is in the warmth that she projects around her. Her tribunals have been about understanding the value of helping others, about leaving a better world or even just ward behind, at the end of each day.
   The man doesn’t care about living things.
   “Because the crash that put her here was intentional. Someone wants her dead. I know it, but I can’t prove it,” he frustratedly admits, and resumes his survey of the ward.
   He needs to come up with a way to get Niki out of here, there’s no other option. The nurse is kind and means well, but she can’t help him. Not really.    He leaves the desk and heads back to the same spot where he’d been when the man had walked in. A corner at the far end of the hallway which connects the arrival lounge and nurse’s station, to the four ICU slots.
   From there, he can see almost the entire ward, and he can just make out the third slot behind its curtain, although only if he stands.    Leaning against the wall, he tilts his head back to rest his neck for a moment. He’s so tired. It’s only 7:30 am and this has already been the worst fucking day ever. But he can’t stop.    He’s not supposed to care about her, but he does. And because he does, he won’t stop.
   What will it take to get her out of here safely?
   An ambulance won’t work, her bed is too big, and he can’t risk transferring her onto a gurney, not with her injuries. Plus, all that equipment would have to come too.    He knows that all the machines have a battery back-up in case of power failure, so as long as the journey isn’t too far, they’ll be fine in transit. But it’s gonna take a truck of some sort to move her, and that’s if he can even get her out of the building.
   He stands there, seemingly idle, as his gaze is drawn to the medical staff gathered at the nurse’s station. There’s no visible hierarchy among them there. Doctors and nurses sit together, trading information as well as insights, equally dependent on each other, and not just to manage their work.    Banter passes between them effortlessly, keeping their hearts light, despite the many horrors which surround them.
   A long time ago, in a different life, Pero knew what it was like to have that kind of relationship with his coworkers. He’s all but forgotten it now, but the thought brings his mind to his current colleagues.    People who know how to handle precious cargo with ease and efficiency, who are experts at safely lifting heavy and delicate items, who can work under the most stressful conditions without losing their heads.
   They’re not his friends, but they’re good people. Maybe… they’ll help him if he asks.
   He can’t use his cellphone in the hospital, and while he doesn’t want to step outside, he also can’t call from the front desk where any number of people might overhear the plan that’s begun to take shape within his mind. And he’s quite certain that the staff will try to stop him if they find out what he’s thinking.    So, he takes the risk of walking outside to make the calls.
   “Brandon,” his supervisor answers.
   “Hey, it’s Tovar.”
   “Hi,” the guy replies, suddenly sounding unsure and clearly stunned to hear from him, because Pero never calls anyone at work unless he’s there himself and there’s a work-related issue.
   “I need to know who’s on shift right now,” he demands.
   “Okay, that would be, uh… Haig, Kurtz, Olivera and Andersson.”
   “Thanks,” he says and then hangs up, having gotten the information he was after.
   The two people he needs the most, Carrera and Boon, aren’t working so they might be available. But that also means that he’s gonna have to convince them to go to the warehouse anyway, if they’re gonna be able to help him.    He has no reason to think that they’ll even want to. They don’t owe him or Niki anything. He’s placing all his hope on the idea that they’ll at least be willing to help her, as most everyone at work likes the quiet mechanic who never fails to fix their problems.
   “Hello?” Boon’s deep voice asks as the call connects, having not recognized the number.
   “Hey, it’s Tovar.”
   “Tovar? Why you callin’ me? Isn’t it your weekend off?”
   “I need your help,” he admits, and the other man scoffs, but with surprise more than anything else.
   “Well, that’s a first.”
   “Yeah. Sorry to spring this on you, but I don’t know how much time I have. Morse is in the hospital and she’s not doing so good,” he rattles off, nervously treading on the spot because he doesn’t like being out here while she’s alone inside.
   “Shit… What happened?”
   “I think someone tried to kill her, and I think they’re here, monitoring her at the hospital. That’s why I need your help.”
   There’s a moment of silence on the line. Then…
   “What do you need me to do?” Boon asks, and his tone is sure now, any hesitation or confusion blown away by his determination to protect.
   Unlike most of the guys that Pero works with, this man is a father. Of two girls. Even if he doesn’t know Niki or care about her the way that a friend would, he sort of automatically cares when bad stuff happens to good people, and especially women.
   “I need to move her out of the hospital, bed and equipment and all,” Tovar explains, and the guy instantly sees where his head is going.
   “You’re thinking of using the modified hydraulic table?”
   “And the new flatbed lifter. We can run the table out of the building without a hitch, there aren’t any thresholds, but it won’t get the bed into a truck,” he explains, giving Boon enough information to work out the details himself, without wasting time on lengthy deliberation.
   “So, we’re gonna need to borrow all three, without getting stopped at the gates and preferably without losing our jobs.”
   “All within the next hour,” Pero confirms, and hears the other man sigh.
   “I was thinking Carrera.”
   “Yeah. It’s gonna have to be,” his colleague agrees, and while he sounds worried, there’s no doubt that he’s onboard. “Let me make some calls, alright. Can I get back to you on this number?”
   “Text me, I’m going back inside to keep an eye on her.”
   “Sure. Hey, you keep that girl safe til we get there.”
   “Trying to. Just hurry.”
   He hangs up and half runs back to the ward, where he quickly notices that another new face has turned up.    A man with the same impassive expression as the unknown man that he saw before, has taken a seat in the general waiting area, leafing through a magazine, but not reading a single word as his entire focus is on his surroundings.
   Boon walks into the ICU fifty-three minutes later and immediately clocks Pero, who’s now pacing as close to the slots as he’s allowed to get.    The same young nurse who was at the desk when he’d asked about security is standing between him and the area that’s off limits, with her arms crossed. But her face is calm, and her eyes are compassionate.
   “Hey, Tovar. Everything okay?” his coworker asks as he reaches them.
   “Not really,” he grumbles between tight jaws, but he can’t find the words to explain why, so the nurse takes over.
   “There was an incident. Mr. Tovar got into an altercation with another visitor here.”
   “He is not a visitor,” he persists with absolute certainty, to which she patiently sighs.
   “Unfortunately, there’s no way to know for sure, because you broke his humerus. You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t press charges.”
   “He won’t, because then he’d have to explain why he was loitering here for half an hour before making a beeline for Niki, a person he definitely doesn’t know or care about,” Pero spits, still high on adrenaline from the encounter, and only more worried now that there’s no longer any doubt that he’s right.
   “Shit…” Boon says, nervously scratching his neck. “Why would anyone wanna kill Morse?”
   “I have someone else working on figuring that out. In the meantime, we gotta get her somewhere safe.”
   “I understand your concerns, Mr. Tovar, but she can’t be moved yet, she’s too fragile,” the nurse interjects. “I can have security stand guard, but she needs to be right here for the time being.”
   He’s been too preoccupied the previous times he’s met her, but Pero now looks at her nametag, hoping to create a temporary relationship of trust, which seems more likely to succeed if he at least knows her name.
   “Gillian, please listen to me. This woman is the only person in the entire world that I give a shit about, so you need to understand me when I say that I will not leave her lying here as a sitting duck for the next assassin who shows up, which I know they will.”
   “Sir, you’re being dramatic. I admit, he had a cold manner about him, but an assassin?” she poses with incredulity, but Pero merely sucks in a deep breath, entirely undeterred.
   “No actually, I’m not being dramatic, I know what I’m talking about. There were two of them, one to scout ahead and make sure they had the right location and the correct patient, and then a second guy to perform the job.    That guy then sat there, waiting for an emergency to come in so that most of the staff would leave, and then he snuck past you, heading straight for her. The only reason she’s still alive is because the guy failed to notice me.    But now they know that I’m protecting her, which means that the next time they come, they will have changed tactics, and I might not be lucky enough to figure out what they’re doing until it’s too late.”
   She stares at him with her mouth hanging slightly open, and she looks as though she’s unsure of whether to laugh in his face or back away to a safer distance.
   “You were watching him?” she deduces, but phrases it as a question, probably to emphasize how abnormal she must find all of this.
   “Yes, because I know when people don’t belong. He was either gonna bomb the place or come after Niki.”
   “What are you? CIA?” she whispers, and when he exasperatedly shakes his head, he sees that Boon is looking at him with the exact same expression that she is.
   “Oh, for fuck’s sake… I used to operate outside the law, alright. I was a criminal. And the type of crap I did, was the type where knowing people at first glance was the difference between a safe job, and a death-trap,” he admits, and they both look a little sheepish.
   He hates talking about the past, for several reasons, but primarily because he isn’t proud of any of it. He’s nearly forty years old and he’s got nothing to show for it.    Life as a crook had its benefits, sure. But the downside for a man who had specialized in extorting people by using their secrets against them, was that it was impossible, and dangerous, to make friends.
   He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, feebly trying to chase the past away.
   “The point is, I’m not wrong about this. There’s at least two of them, and the other one might already be here.”
   “Okay, I hear you. But you need to understand that there’s no point in protecting someone if you kill them, and if we try and move her, that is entirely likely to happen,” Gillian counters.
   Pero had lowered his voice considerably while he’d spoken about his past, but he now realizes that the nurse is following suit, to the point where only the two men in front of her can hear what she’s saying.    And there’s no reason for her to try and hide anything, unless she’s already contemplating doing something that from the hospital’s standpoint, would be wrong. Which means that there’s every chance that so long as they have a good enough plan, she might help them.
   “Moving her is risky, I agree. But leaving her here is worse. Now, my colleagues and I have a plan, and it’s not as idiotic as you might think. Please, just hear us out.”
   As it turns out, Gillian doesn’t just approve of their plan, she decides to improve it by becoming the boss of it. And for someone as young as she is, the authority that she commands when she sets her mind to something, is admirable to say the least.    First, she somehow convinces Doctor Leo that Niki needs a new CT scan, to give them an excuse to move her off the ward. Then she manages to rope in two other nurses, without even telling them what’s going on, to help move all the equipment without having to disconnect the patient from it.
   And when they’ve all crammed into the elevator and Pero presses the button for sublevel two, the garage, the two nurses are understandably confused.
   “Radiology is on the third floor, sir,” one of them needlessly informs him, since each button has the relevant floor information printed next to it.
   “We’re not going to Radiology, Chris,” Gillian firmly announces, and both nurses turn to look at her with confusion.
   But before either of them has had a chance to speak, she continues.
   “No questions, just do what I say. That way, you can rightfully blame me as much as you need or want to, when you’re being asked about it later.”
   And that’s the end of it. Neither nurse dares to say anything more.    They reach the garage and gently maneuver the bed and the five machines, each one individually mounted onto either a pole on wheels or a cart, out of the elevator. The truck is standing by, parked in the middle of the driveway, and the moment he sees them, Carrera jumps out to open the back.
   He waited so that he’d be able to move if anyone should see it and worry that a truck standing with its tail-end in front of the elevator is terribly suspicious. Which it is, especially for a garage with no loading dock or goods reception.    Once the back is open, he jumps in there to start up the electric flatbed lifter. The hydraulic table is already positioned on top of the metal bed, being unloaded along with the lifter.
   It’s a very clever machine, designed specifically for cargo needing to be loaded into a trailer from the ground, without having to be tilted or removed from the lifting mechanism at any point. The only drawback is that once loaded, the machine goes wherever the cargo does, but for this endeavor, that doesn’t matter.    The hydraulic table is just that. A smooth flat surface, approximately five by eight feet, and only two inches thick, capable of lifting eight thousand pounds at the most.
   Together, these two factory tools should be enough to get Niki, her bed, and everything attached to her, into the truck and safely away from the hospital. But since no one has ever tried something like this before, they’re going to have to take it slow and make sure that they get it right.    The hospital bed sits on top of a hydraulic system of its own, and it has wheels that need to be securely locked throughout transfer. Contrarily, most of the medical equipment can’t be locked into place at all.
   The two nurses exchange a look of nervousness as they begin to realize what’s happening here, but to their credit, neither of them tries to back out.
   Once the machines are on the ground and positioned, the delicate work begins.    The bed is lowered to its bottom setting to put the center of gravity as far down as possible, then Pero and Boon carefully roll it up on top of the table, while all three nurses manage the equipment, constantly keeping it close enough that no tubes or wires are being stretched to the point where they might detach from Nikita’s skin or blood-vessels.
   The wheels are locked, and then the table is raised just a few inches from the ground. Only enough for the flatbed to be able to slip underneath.    Unlike what the name suggests, it isn’t simply a solid flat surface that makes up the lifting area of the flatbed. It’s actually made of eight parts, all of which can be shifted individually with a series of levers next to the steering wheel inside the cabin.
   Carrera is thus far the only one to have mastered this new piece of machinery since it’s arrival at the warehouse just a week ago, which is why both Pero and Boon decided that he needed to be involved.    Either of them could technically have operated it, mechanically it isn’t that different from a forklift, but since they’re unfamiliar with it, that would’ve taken five times as long and it wouldn’t have been nearly as smooth as the seasoned Latino is managing.
   He shifts six of the sections up and out of the way, leaving just one at each end of the lifting area, and then slides them under the edges of the table, slowly taking up its weight while checking that nothing is misaligned or slipping.    Once he gives a thumbs up, Boon presses the button which lowers the hydraulic table back to its bottom setting, and then everything stops while the medical equipment is lifted onto the flatbed as well.
   The nurses have to climb on too, in order to keep the unsteady carts and poles from rolling or tipping, and then Carrera begins the precise task of raising the entire machine along with its cargo, off the ground and up to the edge of the truck’s cargo hold.    There, he engages a different engine, which pushes the entire flatbed into the trailer, but not by dragging it along the floor. Instead, there are little wheels, much like the ones in commercial airplane cargo holds, embedded within the underside of the flatbed, letting it slip effortlessly and with minimal vibration, into position.
   Next, the machine itself needs to be brought onboard, because it can’t be detached from its loading bed. But it has another trick for that. Another engine, this one operating two legs which are pushed into the ground and thereby lifting the machine. The engine which works to push up the flatbed now works in tandem with the one that operates the legs, so that the bed remains on the floor of the truck even as the machine rises.
   It’s clever, but not quick. Nearly ten minutes have passed since they stepped out of the elevator, and just as Carrera has completed the maneuver, they run out of time.    The legs have just been retracted into the belly of the machine and the engine switched off, when the elevator doors open, and the first of the unknown men that Pero encountered up in the ICU, steps out.
   This guy doesn’t have a broken arm, or anything else to slow him down, so when he realizes what he’s looking at, he reaches into his open leather jacket and pulls out a revolver. Down here, there’s no reason to be discreet or quiet, and his quarry is conveniently trapped inside a trailer along with all the witnesses.    But, as is usually the case with people and guns, once the first shot is fired, panic ensues.
   At the foot of the bed, Boon is closest to the opening of the cargo hold, and being the protective person that he is, he jumps out of the truck and runs straight for the assailant. He gets there without getting shot, as the unknown man is focused on Niki, and tackles him to the ground.    While the two men wrestle around, Gillian all but shoves the other two nurses out of the trailer and screams for them to run for the stairwell.
   Meanwhile, Pero remains at the head of the hospital bed, trying to keep the equipment from toppling over in all the ruckus, and Carrera, having still been in the cabin of the flatbed when the shooting started, has gotten out and is trying to close the double doors at the back of the truck.    He eventually manages to get a hold of them, but then seems to change his mind about something, and jumps out before closing them, leaving Pero and Gillian trapped in there, with no light besides the faint glow of the digital screens on the medical gear.
   A revolver holds either five or six bullets, and Tovar can’t remember how many shots he’s heard in total, but another two suddenly hit the back doors. They must’ve hit at an angle, though, because neither shot manages to penetrate the metal.    He worries about his colleagues out there, both of whom are only here because he asked them. But he can’t help them now. He can’t even help himself.
   The sound of the driver’s door opening behind him draws his attention. There’s no window between the cabin and the trailer, so he can’t see who is climbing in. But the sound carries over well, and he hears the door close and keys rattling over there.
   “Carrera, is that you?!” he screams in the direction of the driver’s seat.
   “Yeah… hold on!” the Latino calls back while starting the engine.
   “What about Boon?!” he asks, but there’s no reply.
   The truck begins to move just as another shot is fired and hits metal somewhere on the truck, but he can’t tell where.    The father of two is left to fend for himself, and Pero tries not to blame himself. Tries not to think that those girls are fatherless now. But it’s possible that they are. Maybe even probable. And if so, how can he not blame himself?
   To him, Nikita is worth it. But to those girls, she’s nothing but a stranger.
   Carrera tries to drive carefully, but the ride is still not free from bumps, and every time she’s jostled, Niki’s breathing hitches. But like the nightshift doctor had observed, her heart never misses a beat. And that is tremendously reassuring.    Soon though, the truck is brought to a stop, which is not surprising because he hasn’t had time to tell his coworker where they’re going.
   It seems to take longer than it should for him to get out and walk to the back, before unhooking the locking arm and swinging one of the doors open. But when he comes into view, Pero understands why.    He’s been shot. It must’ve been one of the very first bullets, since his position while he’d been sitting in the flatbed’s cabin had put him in between the shooter and his mark.
   He falls backwards onto soft grass, and Gillian rushes to try and help him while Tovar secures the medical gear and then follows.
   “Sorry, man…” Carrera gasps once he’s by his side.
   “No… It’s not your fault. You did perfect.”
   “Thought you were exaggerating… but that guy…”
   “Yeah. A real fucking assassin. But don’t worry about it anymore, we’re gonna get you some help,” he says and then reaches into his pocket to grab his phone and call for help.
   There’s no point. The bullet went through his liver and this long afterwards, there won’t be enough time to save him.    All three of them know it, just like they know that they can’t stay there and wait for emergency services to show up, given that they’d find a stolen patient and a truck with bullet-holes in it, along with a gunshot victim.
   “Get outta here…” Carrera says, putting his hand on Pero’s to stop him from dialing.
   It’s not fair that a good man should die for trying to help someone. But that is what’s happening, and there’s no stopping it. But leaving him there alone while he takes his final breaths would be inhuman.    They’re not safe out there in the open, but they risk it. He’s earned as much.
   Gillian stays with Niki while he drives the rest of the way. He’s impressed that she hasn’t run off yet. He won’t blame her if she does.    As he drives further and further away from the city, the streets grow quiet, and traffic becomes sparse. He sticks to the larger roads for as long as he can, because they’re smoother, better maintained than the one’s he’s going to have to travel as they near their destination.
   But it’s a six-hour drive all in all, so he stops about halfway there, to buy some food and supplies. To avoid prying eyes, he parks half a mile away from the store, at a rest-stop, and then jogs there and back.    He climbs in the back to give the nurse some food and water and check how Niki’s doing after so long on the road.
   “She seems to be coping well, right?” he asks, since he can’t see any obvious changes in the readings on the various monitors.
   “Considering the circumstances,” Gillian nods, but she’s still concerned. “She needs fresh IV's, though. And her wounds need to be re-dressed.    How much further?”
   “We’ll be turning onto smaller roads in a few miles, which is gonna force our speed down. I’d say another three hours. Do you think she can handle that?”
   She deliberates for a few seconds, looking at her patient and then the battery levels of the equipment.
   “Don’t dawdle,” she sighs, looking up at him, but then something occurs to her. “Are we going to some kind of medical facility? Because unless there’s medical supplies ready and available-…”
   “Everything she needs is there,” he gently cuts her off. “But no, it’s not a medical facility.”
   The rest of the drive demands his entire focus for every yard that passes. The smaller roads are okay for the most part, but the larger cracks and dips are often hidden in bends or at the crest of a hill, so he can never relax. He has to scan every inch of the road surface every second, or he risks missing something that could jolt his passenger into cardiac arrest.    It drains his energy and his nerves, but he doesn’t even dare to reach for a snack for fear that he’ll mess something up.
   All of which means that by the time they finally get there, he’s exhausted. And that’s when the next strenuous task begins: Getting the bed out of the trailer.
   The process is the same, just in reverse order, but he’s never used the machine in any order before, and there are no extra hands to keep track of all the medical gear this time.    Thankfully, there’s also less of a time-restraint, so he can go into the garage and fetch rope and duct tape to secure the poles and carts for the maneuver this time. But it’s still nerve-wracking to try and use the machine smoothly and prevent jostling, when he barely even knows the controls.
   He’s got no wiggle-room at all, there’s no trial and error here, if he does one thing wrong, it could kill Niki. And he’s so fucking tired that he almost uses the wrong controls twice, only managing to avoid it by triple checking his every move.    But he does eventually get her down, safe and sound. It takes nearly twenty minutes, though, so it was a good thing that Carrera had been there for the loading, or she would definitely have been dead now.
   “What is this place?” Gillian asks once they’ve gotten the bed through the extra wide front door and are gently pushing it through the front hall.
   “My place,” he offers, and sees her eyes widen with surprise.
   “I’m gonna need a bit more than that…”
   He waits until they’ve completed a ninety degree turn into the master bedroom before answering, both because he needs to concentrate on one thing at a time when he’s this tired, but also because it’s far from his favorite subject.
   “I told you I was a criminal, but I never mentioned that I was also a very successful one. And this is what I did with the fortune I was able to amass.”
   While he paused to lock the wheels of the bed and start untying the equipment, she looked around the room, admiring the exposed wood panel, the floor-to-ceiling glass walls and the woodlands beyond.    The house stands on the edge of a cliff, so along this side of it, one is literally among the treetops. The floor above looks out over the entire valley below, but here in the bedroom, the conifers seem to embrace the house, creating a soft green duskiness.
   “The idea was to have a place where none of the people who I’d scammed would ever be able to find me, so this place has no address. I own the land here, but under a different name that can’t be tied to me. The water is pumped up directly from the bedrock, the sewage system is self-supporting, and the electricity comes from the wind, sun and an underground river.”
   From a cabinet inside the closet, he retrieves an IV bag which he hands to her, and an extension cord with ten extra sockets into which he begins to plug in all the gear.
   “You have all this stuff laying around here just in case?”
   “It was always meant to be a safehouse, especially if I needed medical aid, because hospitals are really fucking unsafe, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
   Her face turns somber then, and he regrets the harshness of his tone. It’s her second home, as most workplaces are, and chances are, she’s never felt unsafe there before. Not like today, at least.
   “I don’t know what happened to them… Chris and Talia,” she whispers, referencing the two poor nurses she’d roped in to help. “I told them to run but I never managed to check if they made it.”
   She finishes with the IV and then checks to make sure that all the equipment is functioning properly, and that Niki’s vitals are still good.
   “Thank you,” Pero says once she’s done, and she turns to meet his eyes.
   He doesn’t need to tell her what for, she knows what she’s done and that she could’ve backed out at any number of points along the way.    She nods at him and then moves to take a seat on the protruding edge of the wood frame of the bed. He wants to lay down on the bed and sleep for about two days, but he remains standing. Once he allows himself to rest, the fatigue is gonna make him crash, and he can’t let himself do that yet.
   “So… What now?” she asks, for the first time letting him see that she too is exhausted.
   “Get some rest.”
   “And what are you gonna do?”
   “I’m gonna find out who’s trying to kill her.”
Part 3
Thank you for reading, and remember: I have no taglist anymore. Follow @sirowsky-stories and turn on notifications for updates on my writing :)
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loudlyunladylike · 2 years
c!niki survived the nuke in her coolass secret city btw, it's full of flowers and smells like freshly baked bread,,, if you even care
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