#Nik and Gia
soapsudsblog · 2 years
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Oh how I wish Spencer and Trina could live in Gia and Nik’s old cottage home 😩
A cottage home sounds so cute. I feel like Trina would adore something like that while Spencer would probably want something a little more extravagant (diva taste). He'd fold for Trina if she liked it enough though, obviously.
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burned-lariat · 2 years
It would be a nice parallel to Gia and nikolas relationship if Sprina got together/hooked up for the first time on Valentine’s Day because that’s what happened with them
That could possibly happen!
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230221 · 11 months
︎︎︎⠀︎⠀ ⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎⠀⠀.︎︎︎
kali tori defne elyse esma gia laurel jae monse wint avy viken juli nik mondioca leni arabella ayse bryn jules adna lula choi niv valvyn faye jenice
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apt502-if · 1 year
hi, nik! hope you’re doing good ♥️
if you’re still taking prompts, how about: ‘i wasn't staring at you’ for A or M? (whoever fits best!) 👀
have a lovely day/night! ♥️
~ Gia
hi! I am! and oh they both fit!! :p I'll go with M
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Ink on your arms. Ink on your fingers. A true testament to how long you've been here, working overtime to get everything done so you can go home and do what you want to do most: sleep.
Your hand cramps at the thought, and you drop your pen with a sigh to stretch your fingers. Absently, your eyes look around the empty office, dimly lit and shadowed by the single light that's lit on your desk.
You don't process the figure in the doorway at first, and it takes you a second and a double-take when you do.
Silence. Stillness.
"What?" you blurt, eyes wide.
It's M's turn to be surprised. They jump at your sudden attention, and when they see your eyes on theirs, they quickly slide their gaze away and awkwardly scratch their neck, looking everywhere but your face.
"What?" they toss back harshly, still not looking at you. Instead, their pout is directed at the floor, brows knitted together in a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. Almost like M doesn't understand their presence either.
"You were staring at me," you say, curious. You don't even have the energy to play up the competitive game, not with all the work you have to do. Really, you just want to know why M is here.
"I wasn't staring at you." The usual annoyance in both your voices is gone. In fact, M's voice seems...weaker and they chew on their lip thoughtfully as they wait for your response. Then, they blink. "Trust me, you're the last person I would want to look at after-hours."
It feels forced in a way. And when M slowly looks at your face, you realize there's no strength in those last words. They look vulnerable, awkward, and like they're teetering on an edge waiting for your response.
"M," you start slowly, "why are you here? Everyone has already gone home." Three hours ago.
M shrugs. Looks away. Then shrugs again. "I don't know why I'm here," they say, surprisingly honest. It makes your eyes widen. "But I am so...deal with it." Their voice is small.
You stare at them. They stare at you. Suddenly, the darkness in the room feels heavy with something you can't put your finger on.
"Fine." You huff, organizing your papers. "Then be useful and help me."
A scoff, but M obliges and saunters over to the desk. They grab a chair and sit across from you, taking a pen and paper and beginning to work. You do the same, silent. Feeling eyes on you, you catch M quickly look up, meet your gaze, and turn away, focusing on their work.
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museinspo · 5 months
hi love! could you please give me some names that would fit madison bailey? (would be amazing if they have a nickname that could be used for them too!) thanks so much. <3
oh, i love doing name suggestions so much! the first list are names with possible nicknames , and the second list are names that already sound like nicknames ! let me know if you'd like some more <3
alexandra ( alex , lexi / lex , xandra )
adriana ( adri , ana )
ashton ( ash )
aurora ( rory )
belinda ( billy / billie )
brooklyn ( brooke )
cassandra ( cas , cassie )
charlotte ( charlie / charlee , lottie , char )
ellery ( ellie )
emery ( emmy )
eva ( evie )
felicity ( flick )
georgia ( georgie , gia )
harriet ( harrie )
henrietta ( henrie , etta )
indiana ( indy )
isabelle / isabella ( izzy , isa , belle , bella )
janelle ( nellie )
jocelyn ( josie )
jordyn ( jordie )
jessica ( jess , jessie )
kaitlyn ( katie , kait )
kennedy ( ken , kenny )
lucinda ( lucy , luca , luc )
matilda ( tilly / tillie )
millicent ( millie )
nikita ( kit , nik / niki )
olympia ( pia )
quintessa ( quinn , qunnie )
rosalia ( rosa , rose , lia )
sylvia ( sylvi )
scarlet ( scar )
samantha ( sam , sammy )
teagan ( teags )
tayla ( tay )
valentina ( val , vallie )
winona ( winnie )
ziggy , zia , wolfie , shae , remy , romee , rhys , rocky , olive , noa , minnie , lux , kia , kirby , ivy , goldie , daisy , darcy , connie , cody , bea , bonnie , bowie .
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Cassandra crashes through your OCs' window, battered and covered in blood. It looks like she just lost a fight with the supervillain of the week, and she has a broken wing that she can't reverse the transmogrification spell on without hurting herself more. What do they do?
Ooooh, thank you!!
Rae: Actually knows how to set a broken wing, thanks to living with Warren, and promptly does so. She bandages up Cassandra's other wounds, offers her some water and a quick meal if it'll help, and sends her on her way.
Robin: Sends her down to Hank's lab to get medical attention, and immediately calls someone to repair the window - it wouldn't be the first time she's had to get that replaced.
Madison: Probably throws a knife at her at first, just as a reflex to her crashing through the window, but once she gets over the immediate shock she offers some field first aid and tries to get her broken wing set well enough for it to starting healing or for Cassandra to reverse the spell.
Ophelia: Brings her into her lab and patches her up, but asks way too many questions about how she's able to spontaneously generate functional, biological wings without any apparent conservation of matter. Probably also grabs her actuators to take care of the supervillain herself, once she's finished cleaning Cassandra up.
Gia: Screams and throws flowerpots at her until Cassandra staggers out to find some other help, then patches up the window with duct tape and a sheet of plastic and checks her bank account to see if she can even afford to have it replaced. She also doesn't sleep for a week after that.
Jasper: Dealing with wings is... new, but they look up a few anatomical diagrams and veterinary guidelines and are able to set the bone using that and their medical background to guide them. Cassandra might be a little surprised at how nonchalant Jasper is (at least after they've gotten over the shock of her crashing through the window), but they've dealt with witches before.
Kestrel: Goes to grab Warren, since he's got more experience with it than they do (hard to set your own broken wing when you're in kestrel form, and all) (also it's funny that both Warrens would have experience with this lmao), and he gets the bone set and splinted. Kestrel then uses a healing charm to heal it up enough for Cassandra to reverse her spell and remove the wings.
Katherine: Calls on Heka to regenerate Cassandra's own magical energy, so she can take care of her own healing and transmogrification spells, and the two of them proceed to spend hours talking about and comparing their respective forms of magic.
Quinn: Assumes it's some sort of hallucination and literally ignores Cassandra until she just gives up. Only realizes it was real when Billy asks her why the wall of her trailer is all dented in.
Eris: At best, offers to cut Cassandra's broken wing off so she can reverse the spell (it can't heal wrong if it's not there, right?). At worst, immediately jumps into the fight and probably does more damage than the original supervillain.
Nikoletta: Tries to help as best she can (there's a half-formed idea somewhere about sending Cassandra's wings to the shadow realm as a makeshift way of reversing the spell, but I'm not sure that really makes sense), but makes Cassandra promise in writing to pay for the window repair since Nik really can't afford to pay for it herself. She's also really curious about Cassandra's shadow-based magic and spends a while talking about it (and secretly spends the next week trying to see if she can summon wings of her own)
Jimmy: With much respect to Jimmy... what the fuck would he do? I guess he'd call someone at the Paranormal Research Center and see if they can help, but there's really not much he can offer here.
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anyathefandom · 10 months
Have u ever watched Nik and Gia’s journey? I looooved their angst.
I haven't yet but their story is definitely something I plan on getting to since people have compared them to Sprina at times.☺️
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jewelrychic88 · 1 year
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I love the way that Nik always moved Gia’s braids back from her shoulder or her face. It was very sweet.
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ruiwitana · 2 years
Tema: Ring van die Republiek
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Thomo: Ek is 'n dragoman in die Sultanaat van Egipte; Vir die Farao Ra Ousule
Die presedent is aan almal bekend: dit het vyf jaar gelede gebeur, in Trento, waar die klein graaf Valentino, nie eens drie jaar oud nie, vermoor is. Net ’n jaar gelede het die Raad van Gereformeerde Diakens ’n slagting ter ere van hom gemagtig. ’n Skynheilige keuse, gemaak om die pelsbejaë afguns wat pandjieswinkels en woekeraars omring, glad te maak en diegene te dreig wat ’n geel O op hul bors moet vaswerk. 'n Keuse, dié van die Gereformeerde Diakens, wat die vonnis van hierdie selfde Senaat weerspreek: die moord op Konte Valentino is 'n vieslike uitvindsel wat in die ore van goedgelowige Trentino-mense gefluister word deur skelmgeestelikes. En ek weet vir 'n feit dat niemand in hierdie vergadering glo dat Jode putte vergiftig nie. Hulle mengsel, magies en vervloek, sou gemaak word met akkedisse, paddas, die hart van 'n Christen en spinnerakke wat goed in 'n mortier gedruk is, alles saamgesmelt met slangolie, wat egter niemand weet wat dit is nie. Wat my betref, is daar geen spreekwoord meer dwaas as Vox populi, vox Dei nie. God en die mense het nog nooit oor die weg gekom nie, en om eerlik te wees, beide van hulle maak my vies: hulle is niks anders as raserige skaduwees wat deur ons onnoselheid op die toneel van die geskiedenis geprojekteer word nie. Adam se afstammeling is 'n dier wat veroordeel is om homself te oorskat, spraak, sover ek verstaan, kan die mees bose gawe van die Natuur wees, altyd spottend, dikwels vyandig. Maar ek buig voor die godsdienstigheid van die ander gelowiges van Aruna: wie ook glo in die Maagd Moeder, in die God van Abraham of in dié van Mohammed, ek verstaan ​​sonder om enigiets te weet die daad om jouself by die gedagte te plaas om nie dood te gaan nie. Ek dink nie so nie, want toe die wolf my met sy speeksel gemerk het, het my bloed gered. Ek het gedagtes soos 'n man, ek is nie bang vir die dood nie, inteendeel, soms, alhoewel sonder entoesiasme, soek ek dit, so die donkerte wat sonsondergang volg bring my dikwels verligting, nooit angs nie. giā-hili-yya Egiptiese term ( afgelei van die werkwoord gia-hi-la-la «om ween’) wat letterlik dui op 'n toestand van hartseer met respek van die Egiptiese; inkonsekwent word dit gebruik om die Islamitiese era aan te dui, onkundig.
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soapsudsblog · 2 years
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Yea Nik was sooooo down bad for Gia. I watched their love story recently on YouTube after I saw people bring them up and I would have never known he had a whole fiancé before Emily.
They also did this mess with Keesha and Jason. I loved them and then they ruined it with his memory loss. I felt so bad for Keesha since Jason treated her like shit afterwards and moved onto Robin. Then they gave her AJ as a consolation prize.
I think that’s why some people are so cynical when it comes to Sprina, because for a minute there it did seem like they are about to let them fade out like previous IR/bwwm couples on the show with how long it was taking.
I should definitely sit down and watch the Nik/Gia story one of these days but I'm not surprised to hear that Nik was down bad for her. Nik always loves hard and even if he isn't that in love with the woman, he'll do his damndest to convince himself he is. It sounds like they erased Nik/Gia's impact as it didn't fit with the Nik/Emily story they were trying to tell. As someone who was a Nik/Emily diehard as a kid, that kinda sucks and definitely makes me view things more critically.
I've only ever heard about the Keesha and Jason fiasco and I have no interest in watching it. It sounds horrible and I can't imagine how awful that was for black viewers to watch in real time.
In a weird way because the era of GH I watched was so white, I just didn't really view the show through the lens of representation. I expected nothing like that from it. This is why Trina is such a pleasant surprise to me. But I totally get why people were cynical about the slowburn of Trina and Spencer.
There were definitely moments where it felt more like stalling than deliberate storytelling. And I continue to resent Esme's presence in their story to this day for that reason.
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burned-lariat · 8 months
Laura being "friends" with Black people (Claudia, Brian, Mary Mae) is different from wanting them as part of your family and accepting the children from that union. The former does not negate the reality. Laura treated Gia like trash when she was with Nik. She went way overboard while kissing and coddling all the pale young women in his life. Now she is doing the same with Spencer. She was fine with Trina going to jail yet heaven forbid Esme does. Laura represents the views of TPTB.
That last sentence...what a condemnation of the writing room we have. Using the beloved longstanding woman and matriarch she is to do this is really something, and I believe that's entirely the case.
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mxtantrights · 2 years
portia and taggert being hell bent on keeping Trina away from Spencer is only gonna blow back on them. But! maybe Taggert can finally speak on his sister Gia and Nik's relationship?????
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cat368net · 2 years
Cách đây 4 năm, thầy trò huấn luyện viên Park Hang-seo cũng khởi đầu hành trình AFF Cup bằng trận đấu trên sân của đội tuyển Lào và sau đó đã giành chức vô địch một cách đầy thuyết phục. Cùng chúng tôi xem ngay tỷ lệ kèo tốt nhất qua những thông tin cập nhật dưới đây. Lịch thi đấu của đội tuyển Việt Nam ở AFF Cup 2022 Ngày Giờ Trận Sân vận động Kênh phát sóng 21/12/2022 19:30 Lào vs Việt Nam SVĐ quốc gia Lào FPT Play, VTV2, VTV5, VTV Cần Thơ 27/12/2022 19:30 Việt Nam vs Malaysia SVĐ quốc gia Mỹ Đình 30/12/2022 19:30 Singapore vs Việt Nam Jalan Besar 03/01/2023 19:30 Việt Nam vs Myanmar SVĐ quốc gia Mỹ Đình   U23 Việt Nam vs U23 Malaysia (20h ngày 8/6): Thắng đậm để nắm quyền tự quyết [caption id="attachment_55234" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] U23 Việt Nam vs U23 Malaysia (20h ngày 8/6): Thắng đậm để nắm quyền tự quyết[/caption] Tại AFF Cup 2022, đội tuyển Việt Nam lại một lần nữa là ứng cử viên hàng đầu của giải đấu khi sở hữu đội hình gần như mạnh nhất, trong khi các đối thủ mạnh như Thái Lan hay Indonesia lại thiếu vắng nhiều trụ cột. U23 Việt Nam bắt buộc phải giành chiến thắng trước U23 Malaysia để giành tấm vé vào chơi tại tứ kết U23 châu Á. Nhận định trước trận đấu: U23 Việt Nam [caption id="attachment_55235" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Nhận định trước trận đấu: U23 Việt Nam[/caption] Trải qua 2 lượt đấu tại vòng bảng, U23 Việt Nam vẫn đang mang đến màn trình diễn tương đối ổn định, trước những đối thủ mạnh là U23 Thái Lan và U23 Hàn Quốc. Lúc này, thầy trò HLV Gong Oh Kyun chỉ đang xếp ở vị trí thứ 3 trên BXH với 2 điểm. Tuy nhiên, chúng ta hoàn toàn có cơ hội vươn lên nếu giành hạ gục U23 Malaysia trong cuộc đối đầu sắp tới. Hàn Quốc và Thái Lan, 2 đội bóng sẽ chạm trán trực tiếp ở vòng đấu cuối cùng, cũng chỉ nhiều hơn chúng ta vỏn vẹn 2 điểm. Điều này đồng nghĩa với việc, nếu muốn giành quyền đi tiếp, U23 Việt Nam bắt buộc phải giành một chiến thắng, thậm chí là chiến thắng đậm trước U23 Malaysia để nắm trong tay quyền tự quyết. Đây được coi là một nhiệm vụ khả thi với thầy trò HLV Gong Oh Kyun, bởi xét về nhiều khía cạnh, chúng ta vẫn đang vượt trội hơn hẳn và cả phong độ lẫn tinh thần so với đối thủ. Nhận định trước trận đấu: U23 Malaysia [caption id="attachment_55236" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Nhận định trước trận đấu: U23 Malaysia[/caption] Trái ngược với U23 Việt Nam, U23 Malaysia lại đang mang đến bộ mặt vô cùng bạc nhược. Sau 2 vòng đấu, họ đã nhận tới 7 bàn thua và chưa có được bất kỳ điểm số nào. Chính vì vậy, cánh cửa đi tiếp đã chính thức khép lại với thầy trò HLV Brad Maloney. Phong độ của U23 Malaysia trong suốt khoảng thời gian qua cũng khiến những người hâm mộ rất thất vọng với 4 thất bại và 1 trận hòa trong 5 lần ra sân gần nhất. Thậm chí tại SEA Games 31, chính họ cũng là bại tướng của U23 Việt Nam, với thất bại tối thiểu 0-1 ở vòng bán kết. Mặc dù nhập cuộc với tâm lý thoải mái nhưng đối đầu với một U23 Việt Nam quyết tâm giành trọn vẹn 3 điểm, U23 Malaysia được dự đoán sẽ khó có thể tạo nên những bất ngờ. Phong độ gần đây U23 Việt Nam: 2 trận hòa - 1 trận thua - 2 trận thắng. U23 Malaysia: 4 trận thua - 1 trận hoà Tình hình lực lượng U23 Việt Nam: Thủ thành Văn Toản dính chấn thương U23 Malaysia: Đội hình đầy đủ Đội hình dự kiến & dự đoán tỷ số [caption id="attachment_55237" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Đội hình dự kiến & dự đoán tỷ số[/caption] Đội hình dự kiến: U23 Việt Nam: Văn Chuẩn, Tuấn Tài, Thanh Bình, Việt Anh, Văn Đô, Hoàng Anh, Duy Cương, Văn Trường, Mạnh Dũng, Văn Tùng, Văn Khang. U23 Malaysia: Rahalim, Azri Rusmini, Adam Afkar, Zikri Khalili, Cheng Jin Ho, Nik Mat, Amzi Murad, Salwan Mazlan, Luqman Hakim, Abdul Razak, Ajmal Mahadi. Dự đoán tỷ số: U23 Việt Nam 3-0 U23 Malaysia Qua bài viết trên, CAT368 hy vọng bạn sẽ có sự lựa chọn đúng cho mình và có những phút giây thật thăng hoa, thư giãn cùng Giải AFF CUP nhé. #cat368 #soikeonhacai #keonhacaiVietnam #casinoo
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444names · 2 years
mythical humanoids BUT short
Ado Alafaur Alahag Alti Anak Ant Ast Asten Aswangu Aswarf Balie Balka Balkik Ban Bla Blard Blarf Blibang Blinnix Blins Bogrech Bold Bolf Boltes Bro Brogu Bropess Broppa Brow Brownin Bun Bune Buns Bus Busa Busat Busatyr Can Cang Cappa Cat Cean Cear Cencubi Centad Chalka Chaun Chaur Clo Clopod Clur Clurich Clurit Cycan Cyclur Del Delf Delgan Delgar Demork Demot Demph Devila Devilar Dopolti Dra Draugon Draun Dry Dryan Duda Dududa Dul Duldry Dull Dur Dura Durie Dwangu Dwar Dwart Elittle Emlich Emliell Emlinna Emot Enacie Encubus Ene Enehun Enn Ente Ere Erman Eroll Faia Faid Farpy Fart Farus Faur Fiur Gan Gangu Ganna Gant Gard Gare Gares Garf Gart Garus Gia Giad Giadle Giado Gian Giangu Giantan Gigan Gigo Gigon Gigork Gigotun Gno Gnombit Gobgo Gobollo Gon Gona Goylph Gre Gredcan Greist Grenn Grent Gres Gress Gwist Gwister Haga Hagar Halka Halkap Han Hanix Hant Har Haruda Harus Haugan Haun Haune Hauner Hauno Haunyip Haura Hauraun Hiban Hin Hine Hing Hins Hobla Hoblan Hoblie Hoblin Hoblinx Houl Hould Hull Hun Huner Huns Imo Imon Ing Innid Inoppan Inx Jenacie Jendins Jene Jent Jente Jin Jins Jinx Jinyes Jora Jorc Joro Joroll Jot Jotad Jothman Kap Kappe Kappes Kie Kielins Kikie Kion Kit Knopes Knot Kobbie Koblins Kora Koraun Korauns Korecan Korrine Lafaun Lahalin Lahan Lame Lamebie Laminx Lamp Lantito Larpy Leprech Leprius Leti Lettle Liban Lichaur Lie Liel Lin Linx Lycalka Lycap Lycappe Lyclo Lyclur Maiangu Maid Maidhe Man Mang Mangumo Mannin Mant Manten Mebi Men Menna Ment Mer Mero Mian Miana Min Mine Minx Mon Monak Moni Monid Monn Monome Morow Mumo Mumon Mumorc Mumotun Nacie Nag Nagarf Nak Nere Nid Nik Nikban Ninyip Nixie Nukeres Nukimo Nukimot Nukimp Nun Nune Nuns Nyen Nyes Nyip Nympire Nympiry Nympus Ocear Ocker Ockeri Ockerit Ogga Oggan Oggang Oggarpy Oggart Ogrene Ogrente Ogres Ogummy Ona Onid Ora Oraun Ore Oress Orgeid Orgergo Orgonak Pannie Pel Peope Pess Pire Pirent Piryan Pix Pod Pold Poldra Puga Pugan Pugotun Pus Pusa Pusalie Pusatyr Rehun Reneres Ruda Rududa Rudur Rus Rusa Sala Samebi Samer Sampix San Sant Sat Satyres Self Selibag Selins Selka Selkyr Sid Siress Siry Siryang Sph Sphins Spre Sprecan Sprengu Spri Sprigan Sprin Sun Sune Syle Sylepri Tencang Tending Ter Terigga Terowni Tes Tess Tich Ticora Ticorc Tija Titsun Tiyad Tiyadle Tiyado Tri Trich Trichag Trie Trigan Trin Trito Tro Trope Trople Trownix Tyr Une Unehun Uno Uns Vala Valar Valin Valka Vame Vamer Vamin Vet Vetich Vetito Vettess Vettle Vil Vilahan Vilana Wen Wenagan Wendman Wene Weng Wenni Went Wer Were Wereid Weren Werent Wermaid Wermana Weroll Weroppa Yen Yeng Yenna Yent Yenten Yer Yes Yet Yetit Yettle Yukion Zomber Zombi Zombit Zome
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