#Niji to Kuro
vtuberconfessions · 5 months
i saw some1 on tiktok saying "you only like k9kuro caus he was mysta :( you are fake fans!!!" and its been making me laugh all the fucking time. yes of course I'm going to watch my oshi on his new life account. you twat
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khattikeri · 7 months
So Kyo Kaneko graduated on February 16. On February 21, his past life account hinted at a vtuber(?) redebut in March. [twitter link]
I know everyone is hyperscrutinizing every little thing that Nijisanji EN vtubers do now, but I think it's equal parts painful and amusing how of the seven members who've left the company, six of them pretty much immediately redebuted under new names.
Yugo -> Unnamed / U-san Zaion -> Sayu Sincronisity Nina -> MataraKan (Vshojo) Mysta -> K9Kuro (Vshojo) Selen -> Dokibird
Pomu hasn't since she's now a student in higher education, but even she makes twitter spaces to zatsu chat [link 1] [link 2] or sing karaoke on her personal account, which was originally to support her idol oshis.
Always amazed how a company can hire people who clearly enjoy streaming and can captivate large audiences, and then utterly fail at retaining them.
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cozey · 1 year
wait is the new member as [redacted] confirmed?? i saw the wine glass thing but i had mostly brushed it off as the same weird speculation that had been going on since she left.
the way the Twitter is being run, the way it was called twitch television and all the old movies, plus all the interaction with kuro its very heavily hinting to her BUT the icing is that the steam account Nani k is now matarakan
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farewell-in-veil · 1 year
hey guys i dont rlly fuck w vshojo but when the new liver sounds exactly like mysta
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neon-vocalist · 6 months
I wish we as a fandom could focus less on Nijisanji in this whole shitstorm. I see so much “Niji is losing everything!” “Niji is in huge trouble!” “Niji is going to suffer so much for this!” and that’s all well and good! I love shitting on Tazumi as much as anyone else (maybe more, if you look at my post history), BUT.
I think it’s of more value to highlight the great things the talents are doing NOW and let Niji rot, undiscussed, in a ditch. This isn’t ABOUT them. This isn’t about how much they’re losing. This is about the victory of everyone who’s escaped. So:
Let’s talk about Matara Kan, who’s finally getting to chase her wild creative endeavours. Who sounds so unspeakably happy and proud of herself for her achievements every stream. Who’s finally getting the help she needs to pursue incredible things with nobody shooting her down or leaving her on her own.
Let’s talk about K9 Kuro, who’s got a super sick model he’s clearly proud of. Who’s branching out to IRL streams and collabs and doing the things that make him happy without restriction. Who’s trying new things without the fear of losing money or being mocked by those around him, because he finally has a supportive community who lets him shine.
Let’s talk about Dokibird, who’s just… man. Doing everything and doing it all with a smile, all for her fans. She bounced back and she came back even stronger, and she’s living her newfound freedom to the fullest. Let’s be honest, nobody else ever deserved her. She’s chasing new goals and flying higher than she ever has before, and her passion and love for her community is one in a million.
Let’s talk about Maid Mint, who’s back with a vengeance.
Nijisanji? Never heard of them.
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incorrectvtuberquotes · 5 months
"The One Thing You Can't Replace" - Ex-Niji Version
AKA the closest I'll ever get to discourse-posting. But if you have quotes for Mint, Doki and the rest, by all means send them in!
Maid Mint: Another story I heard about myself... This one happened in Nijisanji. We had this boss, Mr. Tazumi, and I had a kouhai who went to our agency, Rosemi Lovelock. She was in Obsydia and I was in LazuLight, so she was a gen behind me.
Mint: So Mr. Tazumi was an asshole. And one weekend, he and his yacht decided to leave town, which you should never do if you're an asshole. And Rosemi decided to throw a party at the HQ - hooray! So everyone around Niji heard about it, and we all got up individually and said:
Quinn Benet: Okay. Let's go over there and destroy the place.
Mint: I walked into this party. Everyone I had ever met was there, and everyone was drinking like it was the end of the world! We were drinking like it was the Civil War and a doctor was coming to saw our legs off. It was totally unsupervised. We were like dogs without horses - we were running wild.
Mint: I walked down... I walked down to the basement. They had a pool table in the basement.
[Cut to Michi Mochievee, jumping onto the pool table]
Mint: One kid took a running start and threw her body onto the pool table and broke it in half.
[Cut to Kuro, plotting mischief]
Mint: Another kid found out which office was Tazumi's and went upstairs and took a shit on his computer.
Mint: So the party was going great.
[Chat cheers]
Mint: I'm standing in the basement, and I'm holding a red cup - you've seen movies - and I'm standing there, and I'm starting to black out. And I guess someone said, like...
Sayu: Something, something, managers.
Mint: And in a brilliant moment of word association, I yelled:
Mint: And everyone else joined in! Three dozen drunk EN children yelling "Fuck. Da. Managers." with the confidence of guys who have, like, already been to jail and aren't afraid of it anymore - you know, that "I served my nickel! You come and take me!" confidence. But EN children.
Mint: The reason someone had said "something something managers" was because the managers were there. So an Anycolor manager walked down the stairs and got to the bottom in the basement, and looked out over a sea of drunk toddlers yelling "Fuck the managers!" in his face! And he was almost impressed! He was like, "Wooooowww..." And then he leaned into his walkie-talkie and went: "Get the paddywagon!"
Mint: And my friend Matara - who is now a mother, this woman has babies - she grabbed a 40, smashed it on the ground and yelled:
Matara: SCATTER!!!
Mint: And everyone ran in a different direction. We all ran in different directions. It was like that scene in Rat-tat-touille when the humans come in the kitchen and all the rats go in different ways - we all ran in different directions.
Mint: I ran into the laundry room and I jumped up on a washing machine, and I crawled out through a window into the back alley, and now I'm running through the back alley and there was this big chain link fence. And I thought:
Mint/Pomu: I have never climbed a fence that high before!
Mint: And then I woke up at home.
[Chat laughs uproariously]
Mint: On Monday, I went to work, because that's what we did back then. And I'm walking into the collab, and who do I see but Rosemi Lovelock. And she says to me:
Rosemi: Hey, were you at my party on Saturday?
Mint: And I said no. You know, like a liar. And she said:
Rosemi: Things got really out of hand. Someone broke the pool table. Someone took a dump on Tazumi-san's computer. But the worst thing is, someone stole these old antique photos of Tazumi's grandmother. And our bosses are freaking out about it.
Mint: And I had that thought that only blackout drunks and Steve Urkel can have: "Did I do that?"
[She pauses as chat reacts]
Mint: I figured no, I wouldn't have done that. But I was never sure - until, a year later... Relax!
Mint: I'm playing video games with this kid named Dokibird, that we also went to Nijisanji with. A year later, we've graduated by now. We're playing video games for a couple hours. And then Doki says to me:
Doki: Hey, come here, I wanna show you something.
Mint: And she takes me into her bedroom, and then she takes me into a side room off of her bedroom - never a good thing to have.
Mint: And she shows me a tiny room that is covered wall to wall in stolen antique photos from Nijisanji parties over the years. And I said: "Why? Why do you do this?"
Mint: And Doki said:
Doki: Because it's the one thing Tazumi can't replace.
[Chat erupts into laughter and cheers]
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spirit-girl-nijisanji · 5 months
I have ones for the following;
Possibly fulgur
And for indies;
Possibly U-san
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mondaymelon · 11 months
but on the topic of anime men HAVE U SEEN THE LUXIEM X SANRIO COLLAB. OMF TAKE MY WALLET IM SO BROKE BUT ITS A NEED n have u heard/seen k9 kuro from vshojo? :) 🤫💞😹
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me 2 u <3
NOOO DAN HENG WOULD COOK. HE WOULD CLEAN. HE WOULD CARE FOR AND PROVIDE. WE ALL NEED A DAN HENG IN OUR LIVES. where is he. i placed an order for him on aliexpress months ago and he still hasnt arrive oh noooo did he suffocate in the packaginggg...?? (FR DAN HENG IS JUST BUILT DIFFERENT. THE OTHER MEN IN HSR CANT EVEN COMPARE... okay but like j i n g y u a n allll im saying is that i would kiss himm and maybe)
K9 KURO??!?!? OMG. LOVE HIM. WAKE UP eARLY EVERY FUCKING dAY. WHEN I TOLD YOU. I S C R E A. M E D. S O B E B. E D . C R I E D . when i heard him again. actually wild. i was so miserable for the weeks after his graduation but im so glad to see him happy and reincarnated!!! matara chan too heheheheh gotta love vishoujo for it :) i just dont watch streams on twitch very often which is a bit of a shame cause thats all vishoujo really does but yk ill get more and more into it :))) k9 KURO MY BELOVEDDDD <3333 LOVE HIM SO MUCH I WATCHED HIS ENTIRE FIRST STREAM AFTER DEBUT AND CRIED-LAUGHED FOR LIKE THE ENTIRE DURATIONNN ESP DURING THE HORROR GAMES PART WAAHH
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henlo. for you <3
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the-faramir · 10 months
The Niji-iro Family
Niji-iro Tetsu and Niji-iro Sakura were diplomats from the Minkai Empire on the continent of Tian Xia on Golarion. They spent most of their time traveling around the globe for work with their children in tow.
Tetsu and Sakura had eleven juvenile children.
Haiiro was the self-appointed defender of the family.
Kuro and Shiro both wanted to help defend the family like Haiiro would. They spent a good portion of their free time sparring with their wooden bokken swords.
Chairo, however, preferred archery.
Kiiro also liked roughhousing like her brothers, oftentimes swinging off of chandeliers and ropes to join in the fray.
...which sometimes led to Mizuiro grabbing a medical kit to come to the rescue of her siblings.
The other siblings were more low-key.
Orenji liked to take care of the plants.
Murasaki spent time in the kitchen coming up with new concoctions.
Akane liked to shoot the breeze with everyone.
Pinku just worried about everybody in general.
And, in all of the chaos, Midori would sneak cookies from the cookie jar when nobody was looking.
They had a happy life together.
Until the Absalom incident.
Niji-iro Midori: The Reluctant Ringmaster
Chapter 1: We Are On a Diplomatic Mission to Absalom
Chapter 2: The Circus Arrives Without Warning
Chapter 3: Hi-Diddle-De-Dee, a Carny's Life for Me
Chapter 4: Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
Chapter 5: One Does Not Simply Walk Into Abberton
Chapter 6: The Circus of Wayward Wonders
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yushiroll · 8 months
-Before i rant my ass out please follow DokiBird on youtube and twitter! She gave us the go signal to spread awareness of her socials. 🏆
Our favorite racer dragon's socials!
-https://youtube.com/@Dokibird? si=nFFfQjQe5khcnljP
Im not even sugarcoating this anymore, nijisanji is a horrible company who treats their livers like shit. what they did to selen just really sealed the bag for their reputation, they're basically a black company atp.
Terminate her for copyright infringement? Alright. Fucking go ahead, Whats NOT alright is practically shunning away the fact that selen was possibly being harassed and abused by someone INSIDE of the company, and what's worse they implied that it was an affiliated liver AND THEY LEFT IT UP FOR SPECULATION. Which inevitably caused everyone in the community to point fingers, in which millie was a victim of. Everybody started blaming millie, flooding her comments with negative words.
Selen had lost access of her socials on roughly December 26, making her posts from December 28 onwards rather concerning considering the two days of radio silence we had from her, and then following the one month silence.
NOT TO MENTION THE UTTER HYPOCRISY OF NIJI? In the official announcement, it read and i quote, "For transparency,". FOR TRANSPARENCY?? AFTER THE SHIT YOU PULLED?? You literally left us with NO information about selen for a literal month and then started privating and deleting all of her vods and you guys still have the urge to say that you're transparent?
A majority of the livers are taking breaks and/or vaguely commenting about the situation. We can take u-san's tweet, kuro's tweet, and dearsqn's tweet and we can all see them agree that its a rather unfair and unjust situation. Every single one of them is feeling for not only selen, but for their fellow livers as well.
Selen tatsuki, An amazing entertainer who had worked hard her entire career for an awful company, has been mistreated poorly and has been terminated without her even knowing. But please, despite everything thats going on lets keep on supporting our dragoon! 🏆💜
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juiceedapplee · 8 months
Full under the cut.
Selens grad shocked everyone including her, people are taking breaks which is understandable,
the en notice was missing important parts of the jp notice, niji essentially blames the livers,
Other livers leaving is great but also scary, head of overseas management is unqualified,
Niji kept her merch but nothing else, Zaion told us about management before,
And please Stop bullying Millie
I heard of Selens graduation, that she herself NEVER KNEW WAS GONNA HAPPEN, last night and I was so incredibly shocked.
I was then on twitter for about three hours looking at drama and everything
And the English translation left out an entire sentence and has mistranslations in it which piss me off so fucking much
And people are taking well deserved breaks because a surprise graduation, that the liver wasn’t even aware of, is scary and upsetting
And then Niji has the gall to try and blame one of the livers
Turning everyone on their oshi’s
And im so scared not just for my oshi but everyone else and especially people like scarle who stream almost constantly, like the girl streams pretty much everyday
Now I’m not a big stream watcher I usually watch vods and clips and I’m not someone who watches scarle often either but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her on break
And I want everyone to find better management and better opportunities but there’s also the part of me that doesn’t want them to go
Because if they leave they may not come back, and I’m so scared of my oshi’s leaving and never finding them, like kuro, matara, dokibird, and u-san are all amazing and I’m so happy to see them but i can’t help but feel like that’s luck, we got people who wanted to come back and did
But others may not
Some may just leave and not show up, those who haven’t had a past life may never come back
and I’m not one for digging into finding livers past lives in case they quit or anything, and I try not to follow any alts that a liver may have while they’re still streaming
No business experience and is a singer which he’s still doing btw.
And management literally incriminating themselves by saying that they removed her access to accounts on dec 24 but she posted tweets after that.
That’s not good for them at all
And they kept her merch up but got rid of all her vids, vods, shorts, everything and privated her twitter.
It’s basically saying
Support us and make us more money!
And they admitted to doing public stealth graduations and terminations
Like it’s not going to do you any favors in the long run dude
And I never followed the Zaion drama but apparently she said something about management being bad and she was right.
And to everyone bullying livers and especially Millie,
Please Stop.
I get it. Selen is/was an amazing person but Millie didn’t do anything, she wanted to help fix whatever the problem was.
She wasn’t bullying or anything of the sort.
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vtuberconfessions · 11 months
Say what you will about him, but Mysta making his graduation a funeral to literally kill "Mysta Rias," & then imply that Kuro is partially made of his corpse is an amazing final potshot at Nijisanji.
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inmaki2 · 9 months
hello nkox followers im so sorry for disappearing <\3
i got caught up in working on stuff for my other blog and kinda procrastinated on making this post but yeah i dont write for vtubers anymore!!! since mysta left and turned into kuro or wtv idek 😭 he was honestly the only one i watched consistently and found funny but,, yeah!! without him i had a feeling i’d lose interest overall (atm the only remnant of niji in my life is: watching mysta vods, kyo and enna sometimes, and lucas phony cover that i still listen to LOL).
now i do stuff for jjk over on @inmaki so hop over there if u wanna keep up w me :) all my old work here will stay up tho! mwah
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rudegizmo · 1 month
Who is your favorite nijisanjis and holopros vtubers english ?
Most of my Niji oshis died♡
and I uh, don't know abt some of the ones I liked before if you know what I mean
Kyo, Selen, Mysta, Pomu, Nina, Yugo, Hex, fuck I even liked Zaion tbh, didn't realize a lot of what happened tho but we're not gonna go there
I know she wasn't EN, but Mika was always one of my faves too
Shu Yamino, Claude Clawmark, Aster Arcadia, Doppio Dropscythe, Sonny Brisko, Fulgur Ovid, Ren Zotto, Ryoma Barrenworth, Vox Akuma is also very creative, which I love to see. Aia Amare, Victoria Brightshield, Klara Charmwood.
Gavis Bettel, Magni Dezmond, Banzoin Hakka, Machina X Flayon, Regis Altare, Vesper Noir, Jurard T Rexford, Crimzon Ruze
The thing is, like STARS EN fucking cooks bro, like I personally don't think they have MISSED. I love all of them, so it's hard to pick, and I'm not ashamed to shove my dead babies in there either.
Mori Calliope, IRyS, Ouro Kronii, Nanashi Mumei, Hakos Baelz,
Okay and then I kinda didn't get to pay much attention to Advent, but my guess would be Nerissa or Shiori probably
And then I run unto like OMG I LOVE JUSTICE, Literally every single one of them, but Raora Pathera, and Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame won me over (Raora already did but shhhh) but idk it's so hard! I think they're all so funny, and so kind, and so creative it's just totally blows me away.
Oh and again, not EN but I love Kureji Ollie
You didn't ask about Vshojo, but I'll tell you anyway.
Ironmouse, Kuro Kurenai, Michi Mochievee, Matara Kan
They're also filled to the brim with beautifully talented and creative people who I just love to see thriving♡
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Nijisanji wasn't a vtubing company that I watched often, I was more into hololive/holostars and vshojo, so learning more about them since selen/dokibird has been really eye opening. Like all the ex talents that went indie or joined VShojo have all said they are way happier and Kuro had talked about the debt he was in as Mysta and how Mouse and Gunrun offered to help. I do hope that others still with the company find a way to jump ship soon.
Absolutely same. I was introduced to Hololive and Niji around the same time and when Luxiem debuted I fell in LOVE with Mysta and Vox.
Mysta got me through the worst mental health dip I've had in literal years just by being a lil fuckin weirdo dork. I cried like 4 dif times during his graduation stream (and I'm extremely hard to make cry <- not a flex). And then he pops up as Kuro months later. I was like THAT BITCH. But I'm so much happier seeing him happier. :]
I hope Vox and Ike do the same bc they're the only ones I have any real emotional investment in anymore with Fulgur being a close third.
It's just. Been a fucking MESS the last year or so fr. It's embarrassing. But hey, spring cleaning and all that. Don't stop the party 🔥🔥🔥 Bless you Dokibird (and Shelby Shubble in mcyt).
Never thought I'd go from dreading the next graduation announcement to being like PauseChamp Ike Eveland Finally???
Speaks volumes that Pomu, a FOUNDING MEMBER of EN dipped because of (and supposedly a talent still in EN using an anonymous/pseudonym acc on 4chan or smth confirmed) mismanagement. Which, given stuff Niji fans already know from past shit that's come to light, 110% tracks.
So I'm just over here holding Kuro in vShojo and Bettel in Holostars like :3 while I watch Niji burn. Which sucks bc Niji was my favorite company prior to,,, well. Everything.
So I wish my other faves a very RUN BITCH RUN I BELIEVE IN YOU (FOR NOW)!!!!
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songbirds-wish · 7 months
”I’m not fighting for Kuro, Mata, Doki, etc I’m fighting for [the fifth luxiem member] [the fourth Ethryia member] [the third Obsyida member]!!!” You do realize that they are the same person right? Nothing about their personalities changed,, Wouldn’t it be better if you supported them as who they are currently instead of who they were in the past?
some people are so fucking dumb just because an ex Niji member goes indie or goes to an agency doesn’t make them not worth supporting,, if anything people should support them more because they can finally make and do the content that makes THEM happy and I feel that’s how it should be,,
yes, they left a memorial legacy at Niji don’t get me wrong, but they are doing bigger and better than ever and achieving so much and that should be acknowledged and celebrated
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