#Nicola Capone
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Who: Nicola @smthliminal Where: Capone's Speakeasy
Drinks with friends was always a treat and Willa was happy to go out with Nicola for a cocktail and some complaining, because sometimes that was what you needed. Back home Willa had had her fair share of drinking friends, after work drinks often turned into late nights and Friday evenings were made for wine and discussion. Everyone was from the same world though, since moving to Woodside she'd discovered that there was so much more than that town and the people she'd grown up with or worked with. Willa took a sip of her drink, "so I went on a date from tinder yesterday, the guy was a dentist and kept suggesting procedures I could get done, do I just have a shit red flag radar or is dating a load of crap."
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NĂ© le 23 septembre 1947 Ă AngoulĂȘme, en France, Christian EscoudĂ©Â Ă©tait dâorigine tsigane par son pĂšre. La famille EscoudĂ©, qui Ă©tait dâorigine espagnole, sâĂ©tait installĂ©e en Charente lorsque les troupes nazies avaient envahi la France en juin 1940. La mĂšre de Christian Ă©tait dâorigine charentaise.
Ăgalement guitariste, le pĂšre de Christian avait Ă©tĂ© trĂšs influencĂ© par Django Reinhardt. Christian avait commencĂ© Ă apprendre la guitare avec son pĂšre et son oncle Ă lâĂąge de dix ans. AprĂšs avoir jouĂ© dans diffĂ©rents bals de la rĂ©gion, Christian a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ© en 1969, Ă lâĂąge de vingt et un ans, par lâorchestre dâAimĂ© Barelli Ă Monte-Carlo, dont il fera partie jusquâen 1971.
Au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1970, EscoudĂ© sâinstalle Ă Paris et travaille comme musicien de studio avec des vedettes de la musique pop comme Jean Ferrat, Michel Fugain et Nicole Croisille.
EscoudĂ© a amorcĂ© sa carriĂšre professionnelle en 1972 en se produisant avec le trio du batteur Aldo Romano, qui comprenait Ă©galement Eddy Louis Ă lâorgue et Bernard Lubat Ă la batterie. Plus tard, EscoudĂ© sâĂ©tait joint au Swing String System de Didier Levallet et au Michel Portal Unit. AprĂšs avoir remportĂ© le Prix Django Reinhardt dĂ©cernĂ© par l'AcadĂ©mie du Jazz en dĂ©cembre 1975 (il est un des seuls guitaristes de jazz Ă avoir remportĂ© cet honneur), EscoudĂ© avait formĂ© un quartet avec le pianiste Michel Graillier, le batteur Aldo Romano et le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz (qui fut bientĂŽt remplacĂ© par Jean-François Jenny-Clark). EscoudĂ© avait travaillĂ© par la suite avec Michel Portal, Slide Hampton, Martial Solal et Jean-Claude Fohrenbach.
En 1978, EscoudĂ© sâĂ©tait produit au Festival de jazz de Nice aux cĂŽtĂ©s de John Lewis, Bill Evans, Stan Getz, Freddie Hubbard, Philly Joe Jones, Elvin Jones, Lee Konitz et Shelly Manne. La mĂȘme annĂ©e, EscoudĂ© avait jouĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois au Festival de Samois dans le cadre dâun hommage Ă son idole Django Reinhardt. Il a aussi enregistrĂ© avec le contrebassiste Charlie Haden. LâannĂ©e suivante, EscoudĂ© sâĂ©tait produit au Festival de Dakar avec un trio composĂ© du pianiste RenĂ© Urtreger, du contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et du batteur et compositeur dâorigine suisse Daniel Humair.
Ă lâĂ©tĂ© 1980, EscoudĂ© avait obtenu une des grandes chances de sa carriĂšre lorsquâil avait Ă©tĂ© invitĂ© Ă jouer en duo avec le guitariste de fusion John McLaughlin, avec qui il avait fait une tournĂ©e aux Ătats-Unis, au BrĂ©sil et au Japon. LâannĂ©e suivante, EscoudĂ© sâĂ©tait joint au big band de Martial Solal. AprĂšs avoir jouĂ© aux Ătats-Unis avec le quartet du batteur Shelly Manne en 1982, EscoudĂ© a formĂ© son propre quartet avec  Olivier Hutman aux claviers, Nicolas Fitzman Ă la contrebasse et Jean My Truong aux percussions. Ces deux derniers avaient Ă©tĂ© remplacĂ©s par la suite par Jean-Marc Jafet et Tony Rabeson.
En 1983, EscoudĂ© forme un duo avec le violoniste Didier Lockwood. Le groupe sâĂ©tait par la suite transformĂ© en trio aprĂšs lâajout du guitariste belge Philip Catherine. AprĂšs avoir formĂ© un trio avec le violoncelliste Jean-Charles Capon et le contrebassiste Ron Carter en 1985, EscoudĂ© avait formĂ© le Trio Gitan avec Boulou FerrĂ©Â (le fils de Matelo Ferret) et Babik Reinhardt, le fils de Django. En 1987, il se produit en duo avec le pianiste Michel Graillier.
En 1988, EscoudĂ© sâĂ©tait joint Ă un quartet composĂ© de Jean-Michel Pilc, François Moutin et Louis Moutin. LâannĂ©e suivante, EscoudĂ© avait fondĂ© un octet avec les guitaristes Paul Challain Ferret, Jimmy Gourley et FrĂ©dĂ©ric Sylvestre, lâaccordĂ©oniste Marcel Azzola, le violoncelliste Vincent Courtois, le contrebassiste Alby Cullaz et le batteur Billy Hart.
En 1990, EscoudĂ© sâĂ©tait produit au lĂ©gendaire Village Vanguard de New York avec le pianiste Hank Jones, le contrebassiste Pierre Michelot et le batteur Kenny Washington. LâannĂ©e suivante, EscoudĂ© avait enregistrĂ© un album entiĂšrement consacrĂ© Ă des compositions de Django Reinhardt. Lâalbum avait Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© avec avec un orchestre Ă cordes. En 1993, EscoudĂ© enregistre Ă Los Angeles avec Lou Levy, Bob Magnusson et Billy Higgins.
En 1998, EscoudĂ© avait enchaĂźnĂ© avec ââA Suite for Gypsiesââ, un album de jazz-fusion destinĂ© Ă honorer les enfants gitans morts dans les camps de concentration nazis. Deux ans plus tard, EscoudĂ© remporte le Grand Prix de la SACEM.
Ă lâoccasion du 50e anniversaire de la mort de Django en 2003, EscoudĂ© avait formĂ© un big band de dix-sept musiciens dans lequel il explorait lâhĂ©ritage musical de Reinhardt tout en y incorporant ses  propres idĂ©es harmoniques et rythmiques. LâannĂ©e suivante, EscoudĂ© avait crĂ©Ă© le  New Gypsy Trio avec David Reinhardt (un autre parent de Django) et Martin Taylor (aussi connu sous le nom de Jean-Baptiste Laya). AprĂšs avoir publiĂ© lâalbum Ma Ya en 2005, EscoudĂ© avait formĂ© le Progressive Sextet avec Marcel Azzola, Jean-Baptiste Laya, Sylvain Guillaume, Jean-Marc Jafet et Yoann Serra.
En 2012, EscoudĂ© avait rendu hommage Ă lâauteur-compositeur Georges Brassens dans le cadre de lâalbum ââChristian EscoudĂ© joue Brassens: Au bois de mon cĆur.ââ Participaient Ă©galement Ă lâalbum le contrebassiste Pierre Boussaguet et la batteuse Anne Paceo, ainsi que des artistes invitĂ©s comprenant la violoniste Fiona Monbet, le clarinettiste  Andre Villeger, le guitariste BirĂ©li LagrĂšne et le guitariste manouche de onze ans Swan Berger.
En 2019, EscoudĂ© avait surpris tout le monde en lançant Ă lâabbaye de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe un second album en hommage Ă son idole Django Reinhardt.
Christian EscoudĂ© est mort dâun cancer le matin du 13 mai 2024 Ă Saint-Amant-de-Boixe (Charente), prĂšs dâAngoulĂȘme, à lâĂąge de soixante-seize ans. La mort dâEscoudĂ© avait Ă©tĂ© annoncĂ©e par Max Robin, le directeur artistique de la compagnie Label Ouest qui avait publiĂ© son dernier album intitulĂ© ââAncrage.ââ DĂ©crivant EscoudĂ© comme un grand musicien, compositeur et improvisateur, Robin avait soulignĂ© son engagement dans la musique.
EscoudĂ© avait Ă©tĂ© victime dâun cancer particuliĂšrement foudroyant. Jean Ledroit, un ami et voisin dâEscoudĂ© Ă Saint-Amant-de-Boix ââOn devait jouer avec lui il y a trois semaines Ă Mansle mais il Ă©tait dĂ©jĂ malade. Câest brutal {...}. On a perdu un monstre sacrĂ© du jazz, le digne successeur de Django Reinhardt ââ.
François Ducharme, lâancien prĂ©sident de l'AcadĂ©mie du jazz et un des programmateurs de l'Ă©mission de radio "Club Jazzafip", avait ajoutĂ©: "Un musicien intuitif avec cette poĂ©sie au bout des doigts. Un enfant de la balle, comme on dit, Ă qui on a mis une guitare dans les mains et qui en a fait son mĂ©tier trĂšs jeune, jouant dans les bals, localement, avant de monter Ă Paris".
CaractĂ©risĂ© par un style trĂšs mĂ©lodique et trĂšs chaud, EscoudĂ© avait participĂ© Ă lâenregistrement de plus de 50 albums au cours de sa carriĂšre. Le style dâEscoudĂ© Ă©tait un mĂ©lange de bebop et de musique gypsy. PassionnĂ© par le jazz, EscoudĂ© sâintĂ©ressait Ă©galement Ă la musique de chambre. Comme compositeur, EscoudĂ© avait Ă©tĂ© trĂšs influencĂ© par Gil Evans, Claus Ogerman etïżœïżœAntonio Carlos Jobim. En 2022, EscoudĂ© avait vu sa carriĂšre ĂȘtre couronnĂ©e par la remise dâun prix Victoire d'honneur du Jazz.
Reconnu pour sa modestie et son sens de lâhumour, EscoudĂ© ne sâĂ©tait jamais enflĂ© la tĂȘte avec ses rĂ©alisations. Françoise Giroux-Mallot, la mairesse de Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, avait commentĂ©: ââCâĂ©tait quelquâun dâaccessible, modeste et bienveillant.ââ Au cours dâune de ses derniĂšres entrevues, EscoudĂ© Ă©tait dâailleurs demeurĂ© trĂšs terre-Ă -terre. Il avait prĂ©cisĂ©: ââOn les perd forcĂ©ment {nos illusions} Ă un moment mais je pense avoir respectĂ© mon intĂ©gritĂ©. Je nâai jamais Ă©tĂ© trĂšs loin dans les excĂšs, ce nâest pas dans ma nature.ââ
©-2024, tous droits rĂ©servĂ©s, Les Productions de lâImaginaire historique
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Life for Gaza a Napoli
Sono state centinaia le richieste di biglietti extra ricevute per partecipare al concerto pacifista Life for Gaza, in programma domani 25 febbraio al Palapartenope di Napoli ma non vi Ăš assolutamente modo di aggiungere tagliandi al sold out registrato al botteghino con diversi giorni di anticipo. Eugenio Bennato Tuttavia coloro che hanno mostrato solidarietĂ e compassione con il popolo palestinese, in questa fase di genocidio subito da Israele, possono ugualmente esprimere la propria vicinanza aderendo alla campagna di donazioni ancora attiva sulla piattaforma web Produzioni dal Basso o visitando il sito internet www.pergaza.it. SarĂ anche possibile donare 1 euro mangiando una pizza Stop War alla pizzeria Pizza Social Lab adiacente al Palapartenope. La somma andrĂ a Medici Senza Frontiere. I cancelli di ingresso apriranno alle 18 e a partire dalle 18.50 comincerĂ quello che Ăš annunciato come un concerto/evento per la pace, promosso dalla ComunitĂ Palestinese Campania e da Assopace Palestina per sensibilizzare lâopinione pubblica, sostenere la causa del popolo palestinese e raccogliere fondi da destinare a Medici Senza Frontiere e Palestinian Medical Relief che operano nei territori occupati dalle azioni di guerra. Nel cast multiplo figurano musicisti, cantanti, attrici, scrittori, fotoreporter, illustratori. Fiorella Mannoia Tra questi, Laura Morante, Enzo Gragnaniello, Osanna, Fiorella Mannoia, Franco Ricciardi, Eugenio Bennato, La Maschera, 99 Posse, Daniele Sepe con Capitan Capitone e i Fratelli della Costa, Elisabetta Serio, Francesco Forni, Dario Sansone, E ZĂ©zi, Sandro Joyeux, Ciccio Merolla, Valerio Jovine, Giovanni Block, Massimo Ferrante, Capone & BungtBangt, Lino Cannavacciuolo, Suonno Dâajere, Ars Nova, Carlo Faiello, Marzouk Mejri, Pietro Santangelo Quartet, Nicola Caso, Anastasio, Helen Tesfazghi & Afroblue, Alorem, Frente Murgero Campano, Vauro, Mimmo Lucano, Ascanio Celestini, Valeria Parrella, Alessandro Rak, Rosaria De Cicco, Eduardo Castaldo, Antonio Biasiucci. Condurranno la serata lâattrice Dalal Suleiman e la speaker radiofonica Sara Lotta. Aderiscono anche Moni Ovadia, Sabina Guzzanti, Piero PelĂč, Ferzan Ăzpetek, PeppOh, Marisa Laurito, Saverio Costanzo, Alessandro Bergonzoni, Antonella Stefanucci, KabĂŹla, Alan De Luca, Lino DâAngiĂČ, Fiorenza Calogero, Claudia MegrĂš, Fede Torre, La Terza Classe, Il Parto delle Nuvole Pesanti, Annibale, Maurizio Braucci e Falastin Hurra - Collettiva di fumettisti e illustratori italiani e internazionali per la Palestina libera. Laura Morante Ancora: Pagine Esteri, Cultura e libertĂ per la Palestina, Femminile Palestinese, Memoria in movimento, Santari per Gaza-Napoli, Donna in Nero Napoli, â Donne per la pace Napoli, Free Assange Napoli, Rete studentesca per la Palestina. Con il supporto di Time 4 Stream, Pibiesse, Radio zar zak, Pizza Social Lab e Kosmopolis. Read the full article
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Guadalupi decide il match. Toro vincente a Barletta.
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Goal: 21' Guadalupi.
BARLETTA (3-5-2): Sapri; Inguscio, Capone, Lacassia; De Marino (69' Diaz), Fornaro (81' Belladonna); Schelotto (81' Basanisi), Cafagna (Ngom) Garofalo; La Monica, De Marco (55' Eyango). Reserve: Bufano, Camilleri, Lippo, Rizzo. Trainer: Leonardo Bitetto
NARDO'Â (3-5-2): Viola; De Giorgi (88' Urquiza), Lanzolla, Gennari; Milli (71' CiracĂŹ), Borgo (65' Latagliata), Guadalupi, Gentile, Di Benedetto; Dambros (85' Ferreira), D'Anna. Reserve: Della Pina, Dammacco, Cellamare, Rossi, Mariani. Trainer: Nicola Ragno
Arbitro: Daniele Arone di Roma 1 Assistenti: Francesco Raccanello di Viterbo e Massimiliano Cirillo di Roma 1
Ammoniti: Milli, Guadalupi (N) De Marino (B)
Guadalupi ritrova il goal su punizione dopo un anno e mezzo e il NardĂČ sbanca Barletta. Una partita proibita agli esteti del calcio che ha visto prevalere la concretezza dei neretini determinati a difendere il minimo vantaggio fino al fischio finale.
Non era scontato, nĂš facile per la compagine di Mister Ragno, oggi sostituito in panchina da Luciano Volturno per squalifica vincere al Puttilli. Il Barletta aveva l'imperativo di fare punti in chiave salvezza in un periodo di stravolgimenti tecnici e di possibili cambi societari con una tifoseria in fermento. Il NardĂČ ha saputo mettere da parte tutte le possibili pressioni psicologiche e ha portato a casa una vittoria di valore tecnico e morale.
La cronaca Ăš scarna ma significativa. Il NardĂČ subito approccia con il pressing alto impedendo al Barletta giocate lineari e mettendolo in soggezione nelle ripartenze con palla rubata. La difesa barlettana regge concedendo a De Giorgi e Gentile solo dei cross su cui Sapri e il pacchetto difensivo prevalgono sulle punte Dambros e D'Anna.
La svolta arriva al 21' quando Borgo scambia con Guadalupi e centralmente fila verso l'area barlettana. Ci pensa Schelotto con uno spintone ad atterrare il ragazzo ex Lecce. Punizione dal limite. Sul pallone va Guadalupi e dopo il solito convegno sulla formazione della barriera e dell'antibarriera, il regista granata piazza un pallone velenoso proprio sul lato del portiere che, con visuale coperta, non riesce a intercettare la velenosa palombella. 0-1 ed esultanza sotto la curva neretina.
Il Barletta reagisce di nervi e manca di luciditĂ ma nel finale di tempo arriva l'occasione d'oro per pareggiare. Lunga sgroppata centrale di Garofalo con tiro radente deviato in tuffo da Viola, La Monica raccoglie da posizione defilata ma il tiro si infrange sul palo esterno.
Nel secondo tempo il NardĂČ pensa bene di tenere alto il baricentro per evitare sgradevoli sorprese in area. Viola deve intervenire in uscita alta sui cross di Schelotto e Lacassia. I biancorossi non pungono e Bitetto inserisce Ngom ed Eyango per dare maggiore incisivitĂ alla manovra. Il NardĂČ perĂČ non arretra e va vicino al raddoppio con D'Anna al 70'. Cross di CiracĂŹ, spizzata dell'ex brindisino e reazione immediata di Sapri con palla alzata sopra la traversa.
Il Barletta guadagna un corner con Eyango con traversone spazzato da Lanzolla. Gli ultimi 20 minuti il NardĂČ li gioca col cronometro puntato. Falli, palloni trattenuti in attacco, interruzioni ad arte e tempo di gioco ridotto ai minimi termini.
I biancorossi non riescono mai a impensierire i granata che al 93' avrebbero la palla del definitivo match point. Gentile si libera in area e batte a colpo sicuro ma Sapri si oppone da campione deviando in corner. E sugli ultimi giochi sotto la bandierina si spegne il match con il NardĂČ ad incassare tre punti per stare ancora alle calcagna dell'Altamura mentre a Barletta il futuro si fa fosco e la zona play out molto chiara e delineata.
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Ginger e Fred Official Trailer #1 - Marcello Mastroianni Movie (1986)
TONINO GUERRA Federico Fellini2 BALLERINI: QUANDO SI SEPARERANNO L UOMO ANDRA' IN MANICOMIOSoggetto Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra. Sceneggiatura Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra, Tullio Pinelli Produttore Alberto Grimaldi Fotografia Tonino Delli Colli, Ennio Guarnieri Montaggio Nino Baragli, Ugo De Rossi, Ruggero Mastroianni Effetti speciali Adriano Pischiutta Musiche Nicola Piovani Scenografia Dante Ferretti Trucco Amedeo Alessi Interpreti e personaggi Giulietta Masina: Amelia Bonetti/Ginger Marcello Mastroianni: Pippo Botticella/Fred Franco Fabrizi: Aurelio, il presentatore Ezio Marano: scrittore TotĂČ Mignone: TotĂČ Jacques Henri Lartigue: Frate Gerolamo Augusto Poderosi: Evelina Pollini Friedrich von Ledebur: ammiraglio Aulenti Friedrich von Thun: Armando Bissanti Antonino Iuorio: ispettore di produzione Fabrizio Fontana: Floris Tartarina Barbara Scoppa: Barbara, giornalista di gossip Elisabetta Flumeri: giornalista Claudio Botosso: giornalista nello studio televisivo Salvatore Billa: Clark Gable Leonardo Petrillo: Marcel Proust Daniele Aldrovandi: Marty Feldman Eolo Capritti: Telly Savalas Ginestra Spinola: chiromante Sergio Ciulli: figlio della chiromante Elena Cantarone: infermiera Alex Partexano: marinaio Stefania Marini: Stefania Roberto Accornero: autista pulmino Francesco Casale: Catanzaro, il mafioso Rosario Galli: Angelo Stefano Gragnani: De Nittis Ennio Antonelli: il facchino Giorgio Juorio: Salvatore Gianfranco Alpestre: avvocato rapito Franco Marino: impresario nani Davide Marotta: un nano Ivano Marescotti: un uomo del presidente Doppiatori originali Alberto Lionello: presentatore Tv Gianni Bonagura: TotĂČ Mario Maranzana: Frate volante Corrado Gaipa: L'ammiraglio Aulenti Marco Bresciani: Travestito Oreste Lionello: presidente della rete televisiva, Woody Allen, scrittore Claudio Capone: un intervistatore Enzo Liberti: cameriere Pino Ammendola: onorevole Tartina Pino Insegno: cameriere Oreste Rizzini: presidente TV Solvejg D'Assunta: signora Silvestri, attrici, donna con corona Carlo Croccolo: signor Guadascone, frate guardiano Mario Maranzana: frate Gerolamo Piero Tiberi: Angelo HD
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4 novembre, exp - caffĂš delle esposizioni, roma: incontro con epp & stalker su "trame. ratiche e saperi per un'ecologia situata" (tamu)"
4 novembre, exp â caffĂš delle esposizioni, roma: incontro con epp & stalker su âtrame. ratiche e saperi per unâecologia situataâ (tamu)â
https://www.facebook.com/events/555833126543621 Evento di Libreria Trastevere, Tamu Edizioni e Carmine Conelli Ecologie Politiche del Presente (EPP) incontra Stalker a partire dai temi del libro Trame. Pratiche e saperi per unâecologia situata (Tamu). Ne parlano: Daniela Allocca (EPP) Daniele Valisena (EPP) Lorenzo Romito (Stalker) Giulia Fiocca (Stalker) il libro Trame raccoglie, partendo daâŠ
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#«Sud»#Daniela Allocca#Daniele Valisena#difesa dei beni comuni#ecologia#Ecologie politiche del presente#Gaia Del Giudice#Giulia Fiocca#Giuseppe Orlandini#giustizia ambientale#Ilenia Iengo#laboratorio#Lorenzo Romito#Napoli#Nicola Capone#Nina Ferrante#Pratiche e saperi per un&039;ecologia situata#Roberto Sciarelli#saperi#Stalker#Sud del mondo#Sud Italia#Trame
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Kaamelott, Livre VIÂ : Dux bellorum
#kaamelott#french side of tumblr#nicolas gabion#bohort#vous pourriez prendre la peine de rougir risible capon#série#KT L06E05
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#⧠| telling me I'm running out of time â· f a m i l i e | âŠ#;;wolfe fischer#⧠| and he told me i was holy â· m i r a g e | âŠ#TheNightingale119;;nicola capone#q u e u e
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Sorted screencaps from The Boys, S1-3. Found HERE.
A-Train / Jessie T. Usher #16,800
Actress (Stormfront) - Charlize Theron #500
Adam Bourke - P.J. Byrne #1,370
Alastair Adana - Goran Visnjic #1,800
Also Ashley - Sabrina Saudin #900
Anika - Ana Sani #1,300
Annie January / Starlighter - Erin Moriarty #78,000
Ashley Barrett - Colby Minifie #14,700
Becca Butcher - Shantel Van Santen #7,800
Billy Butcher - Karl Urban #64,800
Black Noir - Nathan Mitchell #183
Blue Hawk - Nick Wechsler #1,600
Cameron Coleman - Matthew Edison #1,300
Carol Manning - Jessica Hecht #915
Cassandra - Katy Breier #3,500
Cherie - Jordana Lajoie #1,000
Connie Butcher - Lesley Nicol #248
Crimson Countess - Laurie Holden #1,700
Donna January - Ann Cusack #3,200
Eagle the Archer - Langston Kerman #1,400
Elena - Nicola Coccia-Damude #2,900
Ezekiel - Shaun Benson #1,000
Frenchie -  Tomer Capone #30,000
Gecko - David W. Thompson #357
Grace Mallory - Laila Robins #7,500
Gunpowder - Sean Patrick Flanery / Joel Gagne #950
Homelander - Antony Starr #80,000
Hugh Campbell - Simon Pegg #1,300
Hughie Campbell - Jack Quaid #82,800
Janine - Liyou Abere / Nalini Ingrita #1,300
Jonah Vogelbaum - John Doman #1,500
Judy Atkinson - Barbara Gordon #400
Kenji Miyashiro / Mouse - Abraham Lim #1,800
Kevin Moskowitz / The Deep - Chace Crawford #22,174
Kimiko Miyashiro - Karen Fukuhara #20,000
Lamplighter - Shawn Ashmore #4,300
Lenny Butcher - Jack Fulton #800
Little Nina - Katia Winter #2,200
Madelyn Stillwell - Elisabeth Shue #12,400
Maggie Shaw / Maeve - Dominique McElligott #23,600
Mesmer - Haley Joel Osment / Aram Avakian #3,700
Mindstorm - Ryan Blakely #411
Monique - Frances Turner / Alvina August #1,500
Motherâs Milk - Laz Alonso #25,000
Nathan - Christian Keyes #2,500
Popclaw - Brittany Allen #3,300
Robert Singer - Jim Beaver #1,800
Robin - Jess Salgueiro #800
Ryan - Cameron Crovetti #8,000
Sam Butcher - John Noble #500
Soldier Boy - Jensen Ackles #8,900
Stan Edgar - Giancarlo Esposito #6,400
Stormfront - Aya Cash #15,400
Supersonic - Miles Gaston Villanueva #3,400
Susan Raynor - Jennifer Esposito #2,900
Tessa (TNT) - Kristin Booth #600
The Legend - Paul Reiser #1,800
Todd - Matthew Gorman #1,200
Tommy (TNT) - Jack Doolan #600
Translucent - Alex Hassell #800
Victoria Neuman - Â Claudia Doumit #7,500
Young Butcher - Luca Villacis / Josh Zaharia #300
Young Lenny - Bruno Rudolf #800
Young Mallory - Sarah Swire #1,600
Young Nadia - Elisa Paszt #200
Young Sam Butcher - Brendan Murray #150
Young Stan Edgar - Justin Davis #800
Young Starlight - Maya Misaljevic #500
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#the boys#the boys screencaps#the boys caps#the boys resources#a train#jessie t usher#charlize theron#adam bourke#p j byrne#alastair adana#goran visnjic#sabrina saudin#ana sani#erin moriarty#colby minifie#shantel van santen#karl urban#nathan mitchell#nick wechsler#matthew edison#jessica hecht#katy breier#jordana lajoie#lesley nicol#laurie holden#ann cusack#langston kerman#nicola coccia damude#shaun benson#tomer capone
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sign0010, Nicola Capone
digital art- round blue
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It was beautiful. All of this festival was damn beautiful even if Alexis usually never was into that sentimental bullshit. But the best werenât the lights or the drinks and food, it was the way Hana was walking up to her with that wide smirk and that outfit her family probably wanted to see her in. It was a short silver dress and Alex couldnât deny that it was unusual for her but definitely looked in any way more stunning that she had hoped for. Damn keeping the distance would be a problem here.
With a soft hey they greeted each other, Hana gesturing over her shoulder to tell her where her parents were who organized the event. Alex was only invited cause she was the families private lawyer, but in fact she came to see Hana, even if she wouldnât admit that.
âThis is gorgeous.â Alex spoke like she was meaning the festival but in reality she was looking at the girl in front of her and couldnât help the big smile. âWanna show me around?â Luckily Hana agreed and Alex hoped that they could at least sneak around a corner for a moment so she could give her a kiss. Just one. Or two.
Sadly the event was so crowded that there werenât really empty corners, but as they stood behind a big buffet table, Alex linked her pinky secretly with Hanaâs and stepped as close as possible while she was filling them some glasses. âYou look beautiful tonight.â she hushed into her ear and took the offered glass a moment later which forced them to unlock their fingers.
âOnly tonight?â Hana asked back in a playful tone, knowing that she could say that as loud as she wanted cause no one would understand it anyways.
âNah, always.â Alex corrected herself with a wink and clinked their glasses to take a sip before Hanaâs parents finally found their personal lawyer and welcomed her with open arms, while Hana could just stand and watch to not reveal their actual connection.
she rarely ever humored her parents when it came to elaborate events; her being here at all was a miracle in and of itself that at least kept her mother smiling. her mother...happened to be the most capable and dangerous person within their family, but one wouldnât know that at first glance or even at a hundredth glance. she was kind and gentle, she was adoring and spoke softly, genuinely too. in truth hana couldnât complain about her family in ways that most people likely could; she didnât have that sort of troubled upbringing that was so common, she had never been abused, she had never wanted for anything materialistic, the only thing she had wanted for was her freedom to stretch and flee and explore adulthood long before her parents had been ready for that, but struggles with her parents? not entirely.Â
nicola, her mother, was extremely beautiful, inside and out, the mother who only wished to cook large meals and bake and decorate the family home according to the season. yet she was the one with the capone name. her father, wolfe....liked nice things, he liked his gun collection, antiques, he enjoyed the classics when it came to cars meant to be polished not driven, and he....liked the capone name marriage had tethered closely to his. he enjoyed the business that nicola shunned more than she acknowledged. his work, was no doubt the reason lawyers were so important, not due to ending up in court rooms. in fact...hana couldnât recall a time her family had ever been in a court room, but that was due to the large number of connections. in any case...despite hanaâs mostly detached and passive relationship with her parents, she was grateful for having met alex as one of those many connections, no, assets, acquired through the years. seeing her tonight looking as incredible as she did...hana was even more thankful.
her wine glass was brought to her lips, another symptom of âhumoringâ her parents event and making an appearance. the first reason had been because it was the holidays. around christmas hana was always more agreeable to show up, both to small parties at the family estate, larger events, and then back to her hometown for mass at her familyâs catholic church. after the holidays she would become more flighty, at least until easter called her home again. quickly becoming the main reason hana was here? alex. her mother approached first to wrap alex into a warm embrace of greeting, genuinely happy alex was there. after all...it was hanaâs father who caused most of the issues that made alexâs job necessary. her mother simply beamed when she saw alex around, happy with the party by itself, not like her father was happy to have potential business deals come his way. when her mother stepped back, her father was there to greet alex, and then hana took one more sip of wine and set her glass down, reaching for alexâs hand even in front of them.Â
âi promised to show you around. before they start suffocating me towards the door.â hana shot at her parents, smiling though as clearly her words were teasing. she tugged alex away and left them to go back to whatever they wanted. hana pulled alex towards a door in a direction they hadnât tried, and while the corridor just outside was a bit crowded...she pushed her way through with her eyes set on the other end of the corridor...where the lights were dimmer, and where no one seemed to be gathered...because maybe in that direction they could find somewhere to be alone. Â
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The best and worst films of 2020
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Letâs be honest - 2020 was an extremely shitty year for moviegoers everywhere, as the Queen would say an annus horribilis.
Due to the Covid pandemicâs dramatic impact on nearly every facet of human life, cinemas closed, film festivals went virtual and film productions became an intricate mess of insurance and safety challenges.
Yet despite these dire challenges and an unpredictable future, cinema remained very much alive throughout the year, with a wide range of ambitious undertakings snaking their way into whatever form of release seemed viable. Blockbusters receded to the background, allowing a wide range of movies to trickle through an uncertain marketplace that would have been hostile to them even in pre-pandemic times.
So what cinematic gems and unmitigated disasters were dropped upon audiences during the year?
Ladies and gentlemen, may we please offer for your consideration...
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Hot off the critical success of his debut feature âThunder Road,â writer-director Jim Cummingsâ refreshing yet effective take on the werewolf genre amped up the dark comedy whilst delivering quite a few chills. Tinged with realistically flawed characters and clever scares, âThe Wolf of Snow Hollowâ might not have been your typical werewolf flick but it successfully managed to bring that classic legend to life once again.
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Previously last seen together as Clark Kentâs adoptive parents in âMan of Steel,â Diane Lane and Kevin Costner were reunited onscreen as husband and wife again in writer-director Thomas Bezuchaâs neo-Western drama âLet Him Go.â Adapted from author Larry Watsonâs 2013 novel, the film featured stunning landscapes, full-blooded moments of sudden violence and compelling performances from Diane Lane, Kevin Costner and, most memorably, Lesley Manvilleâs turn as a gritty and cunning matriarch.
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Based on the classic short story by HP Lovecraft and featuring another scene-stealing performance from Nicolas Cage, this clever adaptation was an effective horror film with an unrelentingly grim sci-fi bent. In addition to the truly disturbing and inspired images of queasy body horror, âColour Out of Spaceâ also marked the eagerly-anticipated re-emergence of filmmaker Richard Stanley (his first time back in the directorâs chair since being fired from his 1996 remake âThe Island of Dr Moreauâ).
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Who knew a remake could be so refreshing? With this updated take on the H.G. Wells tale, writer-director Leigh Whannell did just about everything right, delivering a tense, clever thriller with touches of both horror and sci-fi. As the fascinatingly flawed yet appealing tough protagonist, Elisabeth Moss gave a captivating performance in a film that was chilling in all the right ways, packed with plenty of twists and a deliciously nasty resolution.
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Whilst the subject matter of âThe Trial of the Chicago 7âČ shared an uncanny relevance to todayâs politically charged times, as a gripping courtroom drama with a stellar cast, the film ticked all the boxes. âWest Wingâ creator Aaron Sorkin put his trademark traits - razor-sharp wit, rhetorical flair and political insight - to very good use in this masterful retelling of the trial following the 1968 anti-war protests outside the Democratic National Convention.
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In his debut feature film, Australian director Ben Lawrence created a spiritually rich and immersive drama about the relationship between a grizzled, broken war photographer and a Sudanese refugee. Whilst Hugo Weaving was note-perfect in his portrayal as a crumbling man wrestling with his past, equally impressive was first time actor Andrew Luri who delivered a quiet yet memorable performance in what was an affecting piece of cinema.
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Watching a documentary about the COVID-19 crisis in the middle of a global pandemic might not sound appealing but prolific filmmaker Alex Gibneyâs latest work was easily the most essential non-fiction film of 2020. Shot safely in secret for five months, âTotally Under Controlâ played out like a tightly-wound thriller as it placed the Trump Administrationâs inept response to the coronavirus pandemic under the microscope.
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As far as crime stories go, embezzlement isnât always the most thrilling subject. However, âBad Educationâ turned a relatively simple white collar crime story about a New Jersey school administrator caught stealing money into a compelling drama, thanks to an incisive and nimble script and spot on performances from Allison Janney, Geraldine Viswanathan, Ray Romano and especially Hugh Jackman.
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Director David Finchâs dazzling portrait of Herman J. âMankâ Mankiewicz, the screenwriter who collaborated with wunderkind filmmaker Orson Welles to write the first draft of âCitizen Kane,â was a cinematic jewel from start to finish. Similar to last yearâs âOnce Upon A Time in...Hollywood,â âMankâ delivered a layered depiction of the filmmaking process, whilst Gary Oldman continued to excel at immersing himself in playing real-life characters, this time as the hard-drinking, intellectual screenwriter.
Writer-director Chloe Zhaoâs intimate drama about an unemployed widow living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad was a thoughtful, contemplative and reflective piece of storytelling. It may have touched upon mature themes about loneliness, financial instability and restlessness, but âNomadlandâ remained an uplifting and hopeful piece of cinema that captured the various bittersweet reasons people choose to live a life on the road.
With an outstanding performance from Frances McDormand, brought to life through the charm of the âreal lifeâ supporting cast, great direction and Joshua James Richardâs mesmerising cinematography, âNomadlandâ was the perfect film for 2020.
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To quote Red Letter Mediaâs resident film critic Mike Stoklasa, âthis movie was the cinematic equivalent of the Bluesmobile.â Directed by Patty Jenkins, this 80âČs-set sequel to the 2017 DC superhero hit was lethargically paced and featured a completely bonkers narrative that made absolutely no sense. Horribly scripted, disjointed and overstuffed (a runtime of 2.5 hours), âWonder Woman 1984âČ sadly jettisoned everything that made Jenkinsâ original film so compelling. The result? An appalling misfire.
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A curiously talented and interesting cast were somehow lured into - and subsequently wasted in - this pointless, tired, reboot/revival of the long-running âJu-Onâ Japanese-based horror series. Despite director NIcholas Pesceâs attempt to disguise the rudimentary nature of the plot via back-and-forth timeline jumping, âThe Grudgeâ was just a formulaic paint-by-the-numbers meander through a poorly developed story that existed only to prop up a bunch of uninspired jump scares.
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There are many movies that have no reason to exist - and this latest misfire from DC Comics was one of them. Directed by Cathy Yan, âBirds of Preyâ was a mire of uninspired ideas and recycled genre conventions that got old real quick. Penned by Christina Hodson (âBumblebeeâ being the âhighlightâ on her resume), the script was as simplistic as it was thin, with needless subplots merely introduced to inflate the film to a decent running time. Even Margot Robbieâs manic performance as the âMistress of Mayhemâ couldnât save this mess.
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What couldâve been a dream film for fans of these two classic stoner characters instead was nothing but a string of cameos and callbacks in a plot-less bore. Director Kevin Smith sucked all the life and fun out of this watered-down story, that suffered from a constant series of awkward and forced jokes that were painfully unfunny. An unfortunate stinker.
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6. AVA
This latest foray into the âfemale assassin for hireâ genre was about as cliched as you could get. An emotionally troubled female killer whose male mentor assumes the role of the surrogate father? Check. Pounding dance music score? Check. Obligatory nightclub fight sequence? Check. Confused love interest? You betcha! Humourless, dry and uninspired, âAvaâ played out like a poor manâs âLa Femme Nikita.â
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Hollywoodâs obsession with repackaging Gen-X childhoods continued with this absurd attempt to reboot the classic 1970âČs TV series as a low-budget horror joint under the Blumhouse label. At a dangerously close two hour runtime, there was simply nothing interesting about the filmâs characters or its inane plot about a mystical island that grants wishes (aâla âThe Monkeyâs Pawâ). Our advice? Turn âde planeâ around if you ever plan to visit this âFantasy Island.â
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For every âHarry Potterâ that explodes into the public consciousness, there always seems to be a dozen or more failed franchises. Sadly, Disneyâs âArtemis Fowlâïżœïżœfound itself in the latter category. Director Kenneth Branaghâs dull and superficial attempt to transfer this popular childrenâs book series from page to screen suffered from a lack of character development, an over-reliance in CG effects and featured a lifeless performance from newcomer Ferdia Shaw as the titular character.Â
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A month before last yearâs Oscar nominations were released, Adam Sandler joked on âThe Howard Stern Showâ that if the Academy snubbed him for his role in the film âUncut Gems,â he would make a movie âthat [was] so bad on purpose.â And thatâs exactly what happened. Supposedly a comedy, âHubie Halloweenâ was unfunny, disposable and completely devoid of any originality. Sadly for audiences, Sandler signed a four-movie deal with Netflix last year, worth up to $275 million - so we can expect to see more of this shit soon!
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Aliens visit New Zealand and get high smoking human faeces? Someone should have advised Kiwi director Shae Sterling that audiences have moved on from such puerile comedies as this abomination. Suffice to say, if anybody ever admitted to finding this film remotely funny, theyâd probably be outcast from society. An embarrassment to all those involved.Â
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Director Harmony Korineâs generic stoner comedy about a prolific poet who drifts through life in a drug-induced haze had all the natural high of an unfiltered, soggy joint and was easily, hands down, 2020âČs worst film.
âThe Beach Bumâ was a pretentious and uninteresting movie whose lead character, considered to be an âartistic genius,â was nothing more than a relentless shithead to everyone around him. As Moondog, the semi-naked, bongo-playing, pot-fuelled beat poet, Matthew McConaughey was insufferable and grating in his portrayal of a character you would quite easily want to punch in the face - repeatedly. Blazed and confused, âThe Beach Bumâ had no plot, no class and no entertainment value whatsoever.Â
From the classic to the abstract, here is just a sample of some of the best poster designs from a highly unusual year of movies.
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âI've never wanted anything more. But he's gone, and that's the truth. And everything has a price. One I'm not willing to pay. Not any more. This world was a beautiful place, just as it was, and you cannot have it all. You can only have the truth. And the truth is enough. The truth is beautifulâ (âWonder Woman 1984âČ).
And who could forget this little chestnut of advice...
âThat is the only truth and truth is all there is. You cannot be the winner because you are not ready to win. And there is no shame in that. Only in knowing the truth in your heart and not accepting it. No true hero is born from liesâ (âWonder Woman 1984âČ).
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List of Movies / 2020 Movie Trailer Mashup
* * * PART I - LETâS ROCK * * *
0:10 - Wander
0:11 - The Wild Goose Lake (double shot)
âI donât know who you are, but Iâm coming for you.â - Aaron Eckhart, Wander
0:13 - Iâm No Longer Here
0:14 - Freaky
0:15 - The Rental
0:16 - Deerskin (double shot)
âWhat do you want?â - Chris Messina, The Secrets We Keep
0:17 - 15 Years
âItâs not what I want, itâs what I need. And I need you to learn... what a bad day really is.â - Russell Crowe, Unhinged
0:19 - Unhinged
0:20 - Fatman (double shot)
0:22 - Alone (double shot)
âWhoa.â - Lesley Manville, Let Him Go
0:24 - Let Him Go
0:27 - Becky
âI did something... unexpected today.â - Haley Bennett, Swallow
0:28 - Shortcut (double shot)
0:29 - Promising Young Woman
0:30 - The Mortuary Collection
0:31 - The Craft: Legacy (double shot)
âDonât try to understand it. Feel it.â - ClĂ©mence PoĂ©sy, Tenet
0:33 - Swallow (double shot)
0:35 - The Rhythm Section
0:36 - 1BR
0:37 - The Grudge
âRepent, and you will find salvation.â - Jarred Atkin, The Lodge
0:38 - The Lodge
0:39 - Saint Maud
0:40 - Behind
0:41 - The Call
0:42 - Come Play
0:43 - Saint Maud
âRepent.â - Jarred Atkin, The Lodge
0:44 - The Lie
0:45 - Freaky
âIt wants to take over us.â - Elle Lorraine, Bad Hair
0:46 - Bad Hair (triple shot)
0:49 - Come Away
0:49 - Kindred
0:50 - Nocturne
âNo one... loves their kid more than I do.â - Sarah Paulson, Run
0:51 - Run (double shot)
0:53 - Brahms: The Boy II
0:55 - Host
0:55 - Vivarium (double shot)
0:57 - Come to Daddy
âI donât go in that part of the house.â - Brooklynn Prince, The Turning
0:58 - First Cow
0:59 - The Turning
1:00 - The Owners (double shot)
âIf I donât make it... the world needs to find out about this place.â - Tongayi Chirisa, Antebellum
1:02 - The Devil All the Time
1:03 - The Invisible Man
1:04 - The Wretched
1:05 - The Secrets We Keep
1:06 - The Platform (double shot)
1:08 - Fantasy Island
âItâs just the color.â - Nicolas Cage, Color Out of Space
1:09 - Gretel & Hansel
1:10 - Color Out of Space (double shot)
1:11 - Blood Machines
1:12 - Nocturne
âWho wants to party? Without smiling.â - Anna Kendrick, Trolls World Tour
1:13 - Trolls World Tour (double shot)
âLetâs rock!â - William Sadler, Bill & Ted Face the Music
1:18 - Bill & Ted Face the Music
1:19 - Trolls World Tour (double shot)
1:20 - Monster Hunter (double shot)
1:22 - Tenet (double shot)
1:23 - The Invisible Man
1:24 - The Empty Man
âCome out or Iâll do it!â - Christopher Abbott, Possessor
1:25 - Old Guard
1:26 - Sonic the Hedgehog
1:27 - Bad Boys For Life
1:28 - The New Mutants
1:29 - Parallel
1:29 - Spree
1:30 - The Wild Goose Lake
1:31 - Monster Hunter (double shot)
1:32 - Birds of Prey (triple shot)
1:35 - Echo Boomers
1:36 - Spontaneous
1:37 - Train to Busan 2: Peninsula (double shot)
1:38 - Guns Akimbo (double shot)
1:40 - Extraction (quadruple shot)
1:41 -Â Train to Busan 2: Peninsula
1:42 - Capone
1:43 - Underwater
1:44 - Greyhound (double shot)
1:45 - Iâm Your Woman
1:46 - Greenland
1:46 - Bloodshot (double shot)
âI canât hear anything.â - Riz Ahmed, Sound of Metal
1:48 - Sound of Metal (double shot)
âHey Winnie, itâs me. Can you tell me if youâve ever heard this sound before?â - Sierra McCormick, The Vast of Night
1:54 - The Vast of Night
2:06 - On the Rocks
2:08 - The Invisible Man
2:09 - Earth and Blood
2:10 - Promising Young Woman
2:11 - The Rental
2:13 - The Burnt Orange Heresy
2:14 - Relic
âHey Winnie, itâs me. Can you tell me if youâve ever heard this sound before?â - Sierra McCormick, The Vast of Night
2:16 - The Assistant (double shot)
âI just want you to know that, I know that I failed you. And I hope that, one day, you can see in me, the man that you once hoped I would be.â - Ben Affleck, The Way Back
2:19 - Relic (double shot)
2:20 - The Roads Not Taken
2:23 - Downhill
2:25 - Another Round
2:26 - Nomadland
2:28 - Artemis Fowl (double shot)
2:30 - The Nest
2:31 - The Photograph
2:33 - The Way Back (double shot)
âIâm on the verge or forgiving you.â - Juliette Binoche, La VĂ©ritĂ©
2:36 - Artemis Fowl
2:39 - La Vérité
2:40 - Love and Monsters (double shot)
âNow I understand... how much that means to you.â - Yifei Liu, Mulan
2:41 - To All the Boys PS: I Still Love You (double shot)
2:44 - Rebecca (double shot)
2:46 - The One and Only Ivan (double shot)
âIt is my daughter... that means everything to me.â - Tzi Ma, Mulan
2:49 - Mulan (triple shot)
2:55 - Come Away
2:56 - Over the Moon (double shot)
âI need your help, I canât do it alone.â - Ibrahima Gueye, The Life Ahead
2:59 - The Life Ahead (double shot)
3:02 - Looks That Kill
âWhat if Iâm not supposed to be healed?â âDonât say that. - Ibrahima Gueye, I Still Believe
3:03 - I Still Believe (double shot)
3:06 - Zombi Child
âI didnât get to say goodbye.â - Marina Domingues, Vitalina Varela
3:07 - Papicha (double shot)
3:10 - Ordinary Love
3:11 - Minari
3:12 - Only
âYou try harder than anyone Iâve ever met.â - Leah Lewis, The Half of It
3:14 - The Half of It (double shot)
3:16 - Wild Mountain Thyme
3:17 - Hillbilly Elegy
âIâm sorry but I canât put you through that.â - Charlie Plummer, Words on Bathroom Walls
3:19 - Words on Bathroom Walls (double shot)
3:21 - All My Life
3:23 - Endless
3:24 - Ordinary Love
3:25 - Life in a Year
3:26 - A Perfectly Normal Family
âHow many days do we have while the sun shines?â - Emily Blunt, Wild Mountain Thyme
3:28 - The Call ìœ
3:29 - Weathering With You
âItâs not shining.â - Jamie Dornan, Wild Mountain Thyme
âI believe that it is.â - Emily Blunt, Wild Mountain Thyme
3:31 - Wild Mountain Thyme (double shot)
3:33 - Hala
3:34 - Kindred (double shot)
âDad... told me to give you this.â - Chris Pratt, Onward
3:34 - Onward (quintuple shot)
âDo I have to keep listening to Beethoven or can we f*cking get on with it?â - Betty Gilpin, The Hunt
3:39 - The Hunt (double shot)
3:52 - She Dies Tomorrow
3:53 - Hope Gap (double shot)
âWithout really knowing, I wasnât worried about what would happen if I lived. I was worried about what would happen if I wouldnât. What I would miss. I worried about not remembering. Not remembering that there are bright places, even in dark times, and that if there isnât... you can be that bright place.â - Elle Fanning, All The Bright Places
3:56 - Project Power
3:59 - The Photograph
4:02 - Yellow Rose
4:05 - Uncle Frank
4:06 - Yellow Rose
4:08 - She Dies Tomorrow (double shot)
4:11 - Iâm Thinking of Ending Things
4:14 - Beans
4:17 - All the Bright Places
4:20 - The Broken Hearts Gallery
4:21 - The Midnight Sky
4:22 - The Burnt Orange Heresy
4:23 - Monsoon
4:25 - The Lie
4:27 - Wander Darkly
4:28 - Babyteeth
4:30 - Life in a Year
4:32 - Nocturne
4:34 - Come Away
4:35 - Love and Monsters
4:36 - Gagarine
4:37 - Ammonite (double shot)
4:39 - Kajillionaire
4:40 - Call of the Wild
4:41 - And Then We Danced (double shot)
4:43 - Dolittle
4:44 - Emma.
4:46 - Summerland (double shot)
âThat place.. will never abandon you.â - Paul Raci, Sound of Metal
4:47 - Dolittle (double shot)
4:49 - On the Rocks
4:50 - Black Beauty
4:52 - Stargirl (double shot)
4:53 - Mank
âThereâs so much in there that the world needs to hear.â - Lil Rel Howery, Clouds
4:55 - Clouds (double shot)
4:57 - Palm Springs (double shot)
âGet ready... Your life is about to start.â - Jamie Foxx, Soul
5:00 - Ma Raineyâs Black Bottom (double shot)
5:02 - Soul (double shot)
5:04 - The Secret Garden
5:05 - All My Life (double shot)
5:07 - Undine
5:08 - Unpregnant
5:09 - Wonder Woman 1984 (triple shot)
5:11 - Over the Moon
5:12 - The Croods: A New Age
5:14 - The High Note (double shot)
5:15 - Prom
5:17 - Birds of Prey
5:18 - Eurovision
5:18 - Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey
5:19 - The Witches
5:20 - Borat Subsequent Movie Film
5:20 - Valley Girl
5:21 - Life is Beautiful
5:22 - Wolfwalkers
5:23 - Bill & Ted Face the Music
5:24 - The Midnight Sky
5:25 - Jiang Ziya
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