#Nico and Bianca are the best
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badwolfarcadiabay · 1 year ago
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 1 month ago
oh jason grace they could never make me hate you
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faytears · 1 year ago
ermmmmmm can someone tell nico stans that it's okay for him to not be the strongest demigod in the series and that they don't need to slander percy or minimize his abilities to praise nico <3
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Something I love is that when there are ranking videos for the coolest/most powerful/loveable characters, Nico di Angelo always makes the top five. Like everyone thinks he's amazing, which he is. He's my favorite character and I'm so glad people can agree
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mrkeatingsblazer · 1 year ago
Idc anymore; the Percy Jackson series is bad and I blame Ricks stubborn ass
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nonascoldcoffee · 1 year ago
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i wonder if bianca or nico ever held each other after mass and wondered if they were too hopeless for even St Jude
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sisididis · 1 year ago
I might be giving away my age here, but one of the first games that got me into Greek mythology was Poptropica. (I did say that I might be giving away my age.) I haven’t played it in ages, but the Mythology Island quest was truly top-tier. And that mission where you have to rinse off the graffiti on the entrance to Hades’ realm?
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“Hades is a deadbeat.” 
After reading the Percy Jackson series, I can honestly say that out all the gods and goddesses, Hades is the least deadbeat parent. On the contrary, he might be the best parent out of all of them, at least according to godly parent standards. 
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the-ghost-king · 10 months ago
Hades hiding Nico and Bianca away so one of them could be the child of the initial prophecy never really made a ton of sense to me but the more I think about it him hiding them away after Maria's death to keep them safe like he promised. She didn't want her children to live in the Underworld and so he didn't do that, but also maybe at some point after she died and he failed to protect her he realized that nowhere would truly be safe for Nico and Bianca as the war raged on and he tucked them away in the Lotus Hotel because the safest place for them to be is at the end of the war. But then the pact was made, and he wasn't supposed to have anymore children and his brothers probably thought all of his were dead already because they didn't realize he'd hid cards up his sleeve, and so he just had Bianca and Nico in the hotel for all those years less because he didn't want them out, and less because he wanted one of them to be the child of the prophecy and more so because he was just waiting for his brothers to fuck up and break their pact and have kids so then he could be like "well if you don't want me to be mad at you and destroy your children your not supposed to have then you can't destroy my children either" kind of deal... also thinking about how Hades wanted Bianca to be the child of the prophecy, or maybe just expected it to be her, so he uses Nico more as a pawn and more as collateral which is kind of a whole thing in the plot.... idk if this is even anything
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titansarmy · 2 years ago
bianca di angelo really projected HER fatal flaw on her brother and we all just accepted it. 
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itsheartbeat13 · 1 year ago
I hope we get to blatantly see Nico when the trio goes to the Lotus Hotel.
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obsidianstrawberrymilk · 2 years ago
Thinking about my old Bianca Lives AU again lmao... like she’s implied to both have some sort of memory/dream manipulation powers and also Hellfire so tbh her powers would be fucking awesome to see expanded on
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whenicarusflies · 2 years ago
haha okay I just wrote something and it's bad but I did it so here it is
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perseusjackson-jasongrace · 2 months ago
and say it with me now: it works out more in his favour than not. say it with me now. it worked out for him to assume the best of people more often than it didn’t work out. percy got through every bad patch because he assumed the best of someone and they delivered and helped him or came back to help him when he needed them.
percy isnt stupid or unobservant he just assumes the best of people until proven otherwise
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vecimelon · 3 months ago
It breaks my heart just thinking about how Percy has been trying so hard and done do much for the world & people around him but there are still people saying he hasn't done enough *sighs*
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helenofsparta2 · 3 months ago
Having the whole plot between Nico and Percy be resolved simply with “You’re not my type” in Blood of Olympus was such a huge disservice to both characters
They are pivotal parts to each others journey. No person in PJO influenced Nico as much as Percy did, aside from Bianca, and no person represents Percy’s guilt and the responsibility he had to shoulder more than Nico does. The writing for both characters really suffers through this lack of a real satisfying resolution.
First to talk about what Percy represents for Nico:
Percy, first of all, represents Nico’s introduction to the mythological world
He is the first demigod Nico ever came in contact with
He saved him and Bianca from the manticore (somewhat)
Nico stated in Blood of Olympus than Percy had reminded of the heroes of his mythomagic game come to life
Nico wholeheartedly believed that Bianca would be safe, if Percy was with her and created this image of the perfect hero in his mind, putting Percy on a pedestal
In Nico’s mind Percy is irrevocably intertwined with Bianca and everything that happened to her
Despite Nico naively believing, that Bianca would be safe if Percy were around, he was instead the last person to ever talk to her, and present when she died
Percy informed Nico of her death (Dead silence. I stared at Chiron. I couldn’t believe nobody had told him yet. Then I realized why. They’d been waiting for us to appear, to tell Nico in person, Titan’s curse)
Nico turned him into the scapegoat for her death, so that he could let all his grief and anger and bitterness out on him
Bianca sent Iris-messages to Percy, so that he would find and help Nico (“Percy has been worried about you, Nico. He can help. I let him see what you were up to, hoping he would find you.”, Battle of the Labyrinth)
Her ghost only appeared to Nico when Percy was with him
Percy is the only person Nico knows of, who also grieved for Bianca (“Bianca,” I said. My voice was thick. I’d felt guilty about her death for a long time but seeing her in front of me was five times as bad, like her death was fresh and new. I remembered searching through the wreckage of the giant bronze warrior she’d sacrificed her life to defeat, and not finding any sign of her. “I’m so sorry,” I said. Battle of the Labyrinth)
Percy is the person who protected and cared for Nico more than anyone else in pjo
Tried to convince Bianca to think more deeply about her decision of joining the hunters, especially thinking of him (“Biance, this is crazy,” I said. “What about your brother? Nico can’t be a hunter.” (Titan’s curse)
Searched the woods in the dark for hours after he had disappeared (Annabeth and Grover helped me search the woods for hours, but there was no sign of Nico di Angelo.)
Didn’t tell Chiron about Nico’s parentage to protect him from the Gods. (I don't think Nico understands who he is. But we can't go telling anyone. Not even Chiron. If the Olympians find out—") Titan’s curse)
Decided to completely commit to the prophecy, solely so Nico didn’t have to bear that burden and go trough any more suffering(It was the last thing I wanted, but I didn't say that. I knew I had to step up and claim it. "I can't let Nico be in any more danger," I said. "I owe that much to his sister. I… let them both down. I'm not going to let that poor kid suffer any more." ) Titan’s curse)
Searched for Nico in the months after Titan’s Curse (Now, six months later, I hadn’t even come close to finding him. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. Battle of the labyrinth, chapter 3))
Saved his life on Geryon’s farm. (“Either way, you get my friends,” I said. “But, if I succeed, you’ve got to let all of us go, including Nico.”)
Always offered Nico a place at camp half-blood to the best of his abilities (“We missed you at dinner,” I said. “You could’ve sat with me.”“No.”“Nico, you can’t miss every meal. If you don’t want to stay with Hermes, maybe they can make an exception and put you in the big house. They’ve got plenty of room.”, Battle of the Labyrinth)
Invited him to join him on his birthday (“Is that… is that blue birthday cake?”He sounded hungry, maybe a little wistful. I wondered if the poor kid had ever had a birthday party, or if he’d ever been invited to one. “Come inside for cake and ice cream,” I said. “It sounds like we’ve got a lot to talk about.”, Battle of the Labyrinth)
Reminded him that he was still a child (I smiled. “Maybe it’s okay to still be a kid once in a while.” I tossed him the statue, Battle of the Labyrinth)
Helped him to get the sword of hades back to impress his father (Then I looked at Nico. Unfortunately, I recognised the expression on his face. I knew what it was like wanting to make your dad proud, even if your dad was hard to love., Sword of hades)
Acknowledged everything Nico did in The last Olympian and is one of the main reasons why Hades has a cabin at camp. ( “But your children should not be left out. They should have a cabin at camp. Nico has proven that.”)
Percy was Nico’s first, and after Will, his biggest love
Nico had feelings for Percy, which didn’t leave him for around 2 1/2 years, and accompanied him throughout the most challenging parts of his life. 
Feelings, which were so deep, the god of love personally acknowledged them.
Favonius even called Percy, the person Nico cares about most in House of Hades.
This was more than just a mere crush
Percy is so completely intertwined with most aspects of Nico’s character arc, in both PJO and Hoo, be it his feeling of ostracism, his relationship to Bianca or him coming to term with his own sexuality, that them not having a final interaction, makes his writing feel shallow and unfinished. Especially Nico coming to terms with his crush on Percy opens up the opportunity for a really heartwarming conversation and a moment of character growth and maturity for both of them, instead of it being wasted on one throw-away line.
And it’s the same the other way around. Nico is also a huge part of Percy’s journey.
He especially represents Percy’s biggest failure.
The first five Percy Jackson books are characterized by Percy having to take up responsibility and him being afraid of not being able to fulfill them. Be it responsibility for camp, the world, Bianca’s death, the prophecy, his friends, teh unclaimed demigods, or everything else. Most of the time, Percy was able to make sure everything turned out fine. He saved camp, he saved Olympus, he finished his quests, made the right decision for the prophecy, and he made the gods swear upon teh styx. But there’s one exception. And that is Nico.
Percy did everything in his power to make sure Nico would be spared any more hardships. He took up the burden of the prophecy, explicitly, so that Nico doesn’t have to go through any more hardships
He searched for him after Titan’s curse, kept his identity a secret and even risked himself, Annabeth, Grover and Tyson dying if it meant saving Nico
Still, Nico is one of the characters, if not the character, who has suffered the most in PJO and Hoo, even partly because of Percy (though, of course, Nico having a crush on him was not Percy’s fault at all)
He lived alone at 11 years old on the streets and in the labyrinth, while getting manipulated by an ancient evil spirit
He was isolated and ostracized at camp half-blood
He experienced the horrors of Tartarus completely on his own
He got captured by the giants and slowly suffocated to death in a small jar
He had to deal with internalized homophobia and his complicated feelings regarding Percy
He has been a vital part of two wars at only 15 years old
Had to admit his crush involuntarily in front of Jason, etc.  
One of the things Percy battles with in Heroes of Olympus is this overwhelming sense of guilt. He blames himself for almost everything that went wrong over the last few years. Be it for Iapetus, Calypso, or especially Nico. Having Percy acknowledge this complicated relationship he has with him during House of Hades, but not allowing the two of them to talk it out is genuinely baffling to me, and one of the (albeit many) reasons why I really don’t like most of Percy’s writing during Heroes of Olympus, despite the fact that he is my favourite character by far. This could have led to a moment of character growth, where Nico helps Percy to aknowledge that he feels guilty for things he had little to no control over, while Nico himself realizes how important he actually is to Percy.
They are also so similar in terms of who they are and what they’ve been through, that even if you ignore their history with each other, it seems insane, that they didn’t interact in any meaningful way:  
Both were ostracized at camp half-blood because of their parentage, and so far are the only two half-bloods we know of with that experience
They are (together with Hazel) the most powerful demigods in the Riordan verse, and have feats which far surpass anyone else’s
Both are in some way afraid of their powers
Both went through Tartarus
Both have relatively similar relationships to their godly parents
Both have gone through immense trauma and loss
And if you read heroes of Olympus, it actually very much seems to build towards a final resolution of their relationship
Percy and Nico were, aside from Frank, the two people closest to Hazel; both saw her as a little sister, and Hazel treated them both like her brothers
Nico was the first person Percy met from his old life
Percy was the one, who received the visions of Nico being captured
From everyone present, Percy trusted Nico to lead the others to Greece in his moment of greatest desperation
They both had introspections about the other in house of Hades, Nico having to deal with his crush and Percy with his guilt in Tartarus
But, in the end, after they met again, nothing happened. The only scene we really got was the “You’re not my type” line and Percy being surprised by it for a couple seconds. That’s it.
We saw no meaningful conversation between the two of them, no acknowledgement of what they’ve been through together, no lasting feelings. Nothing.
In regards to their relationship, Percy acknowledging everything that Nico has been through led to nothing. Nico acknowledging his feelings for Percy and finally letting go of this pedestal he had placed him on led to nothing. You could argue that their entire relationship, which has been built up since Titan’s curse led to nothing. And considering that they are so important characters for each of their character arcs, their characterization very much suffers from this writing decision.
The two of them, together with Hazel, are my three favourite Riordan verse characters by a long shot, but some very important aspects of both of their characters fall so flat to me through this lack of a satisfying resolution.
 Both of them deserved so much better.  
They are the friendship with the most missed potential in the entirety of the Riordan verse and probably the most fleshed out and nuanced relationship Rick ever wrote.
R.I.P.  Nico di Angelo, and Percy Jackson, you will always be brothers in my mind.
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britney-rosberg06 · 1 year ago
he put nico and bianca in the hotel to protect them from Zeus yes, but he also knew what could happen should they reach 16 so by putting them in the casino he offset the prophecy for as long as he needed
and then Zeus broke the deal. And Thalia started getting dangerously close to safety where she ran the risk of unknowingly starting war just by getting older. Anyone can admit that attempted kidnapping and murder was excessive, but he got what he wanted in the end. Thalia was “dead” she couldn’t turn sixteen and the world was safe.
with the helm and bolt missing, he probably figured either the Percy problem would take care of itself on the quest or after. But then he met the kid, and he heard about Kronos and you can just almost see the panic moment thinking about his own children locked in the Lotus Casino and the girl in the tree. All of the sudden it’s “i have to stop this i have to stop this i have to stop this” but the sanctuary was rejected, the boys left and now Kronos will rise
but not without Hades doing his best to stop it
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