#Nicky jam is a beautiful woman
isawthismeme · 10 days
Nicky Jam removed his endorsement!
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Walking In
a/n: lol not me realizing after i finished that all the songs are by the same people and are kinda old but whatever. theyre cool still prove me wrong
prompt: they come back and find you jamming in they’re dorm
characters: todoroki x fem!reader, midoria x fem!reader, kirishima x fem!reader
warning: none really, fluff, our boys being literal sweetie pies
 Shoto Todoroki
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- ugh hes so hot good lord
- ok so anyways, Shoto was just getting back from internships ok
- he had just had to listen to his father for a whole week with little to no complaint and to say he was dead is an understatement
- all he really wanted to do was see you and sleep and cuddle but ya know
- so what does he do when he gets out of the building?
- immediately texts you to wait for him in his dorm when you get back
- thats what he does
- you had your own internships but they were a closer and you would probably get back before him so you saw it and were like
- um
- so you get back and change, heading to Shoto’s room
- ready for some premium cuddles
- he had told you it was gunna take a while so you pull out your phone to play some music 
Shoto had every intention of getting back to his dorm, grabbing you, and passing out for the next few days. Between his fathers orders, the constant villains, and barely being able to talk to you this past week, he was so done. He came into the dorms, a few people waving to him. He would nod back, but no one really had the energy for anything. Well minus a couple of the girls chatting away and Sero, the hero himself, keeping Mineta away from them.
Dragging himself up the stairs he was surprised to hear music coming from the floor. Everyone on his level seemed to be downstairs. As he got closer to his room he came to the realization that it was coming from his room. And the soft music had switched to a more upbeat tune. As he walked in the music got louder as it blasted its way throughout the room. He was about to question it when his eyes landed on you.
You. His beautiful girlfriend. A girl now dancing like a madman while singing/laughing the lyrics.
“Rock my world into the sunlight’- laughing- ‘make this dream the best I’ve ever known!” you were spinning around, laughing at how bad you were saying the words. Shoto just stared.
‘How did I manage to find someone like this.’ ‘How did you find me.’ ‘I don’t care what happens anymore as long as you’re happy.’ ‘I’m going to to marry this girl.’ Thoughts went wild through his head as he say you jump around his room.
Thats when you turned around to find him at the door. He had a small smile on his face and pure adoration in his eyes as he watched you. You could feel your face warm, blaming it on all the movement. You went to your phone and paused the song, going over to Shoto. You wrapped your arms around him, peeking up at him from his chest.
“Hi,” you said sweetly.
“Can you do that again?” he asked, hugging you back and meeting your gaze.
“What?” he pulled you to his side, leaning over and grabbing your phone off the side table. Hitting play, he looked at you and smiled. Laughing you grabbed his hands, walking backwards and swaying your hips.
Ya, he could get used to this
Izuku Midoriya
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- it was the weekend and everyone was chilling in the commens, cooling down from a grueling week.
- Izuku of course was training out front a little before bed
- you went out to get him so yall could go up together but he told you he would meet you up there with a little nose kiss
- and so as you waited you thought to play some music to pass the time
Izuku stretched as he got back inside the the dorm building. There were still quite a few people downstairs even for the closely approaching curfew, all chatting away while they could. Izuku didn’t stay for long though, quickly heading up the stairs to meet you in your room. 
He could hear faint music playing down the hall and immediately knew it was yours. I mean come on you know this man has memorized your playlist to a T to show off to you. He happily jogged up to your door and went inside. He did think about knocking, but judging from how load the music was with it closed, he knew you wouldn’t hear it. When he stepped in he found you spinning around and singing the lyrics perfectly. He always loved watching you when you got into a song. 
The song in question however made him blush. You moved your arms and waist to the beat, singing to your hearts content.
“all that you got, skin on skin, oh my god, don’t just stop, boy,” you hummed out the instrumental basically burst out with the main chorus. “ Something bout youu.”
All Izuku do was watch until you noticed him walk in. You quickly pause the music and went up to him.
“hey sorry you should have said you were here,” you rubbed the back of your neck.
“I-I-I uhmm tha-that was r-really uhhh wow I-” he was red and stuttering at all of it. Has he been dating you for almost half a year now, yes. Was he still flustered as frick if you did literally anything, also yes. You laughed, reaching up to ruffle his hair.
“thank you for the complement Izu, but I now am in need of my cuddles I was promised,” you said, yanking him as you flopped onto your sheets. His face was still extremely red but he smiled.
“anything for you puppy.”
Enjiro Kirishima
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- once again OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM
- anyways he was training with Bakugou all weekend and both of you were in need of some together time
- i mean you had texted him that you wanted a hug a little bit ago 
- but he didn’t even warn you before he came
- literally you were just hanging in your room jamming and he just barged in for you but same difference
He could hear the music playing the minute he got to your floor and knew it was you. He had heard the song so many times on your playlist and not to mention everyone on your floor was down stairs. He smiled to himself and sped walk to your room.
He quickly turned the knob and slid in, smiling and watching the sight in front of him. He had walked in on your jam sessions so many times before but it never got old, watching the way you smiled and moved as if it was the only thing that would ever matter. You swung your hips around as you mouthed out the words the girl sung. His smile grew, here came the best part.
You hopped up on a chair during a short pause in the song, then started busting out rapping, never missing a word or a beat.
“its mys moscato, its friss in a bottle, its nicki full throttle, its oh oh~” you swayed along with the beat, hopping off the chair and sliding around your room. You turned around, jumping slightly when you saw your boyfriend at the door. You paused your music, walking up to him. “god babe you almost gave me a heart attack. Warn me a little next time,” you laughed a little.
“sorry I just wanted to see you during that section,” he said sweetly, wrapped his arms around your waist. You rolled your eyes as you ruffled his hair. 
“you just wanted to look at my ass,” you laughed. He put a hand on his heart and flopped down onto you dramatically. 
“oh y/n, how could you think so low of me,” he sniffled sarcastically. You laughed as he put more weight onto you. 
“E I’m gunna fall,” you whined with fake effort. He laughed into your shoulder, shuffled to push you towards your bed.
“good I came for cuddles anyways. Very manly,” he mumbled as you two fell over.
songs: todoroki- domino by jessie j
            midoriya- dangerous woman by ariana grande
            kirishima- bang bang by jessie j, ariana grande, and nicki minaj
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mrsbarnes107 · 4 years
Secret of the Widow
-part seven-
Summary: Post Endgame time period. The team is healing, trying to navigate this new normal they’ve found themselves in when Bucky and Sam bring home a stray with an attitude and a secret. Will the broken team take her in? Or is it too much to bare?
Warnings: language, *eventual* violence and smut, death, fluff, angst
Pairings: Bucky x OC
Disclaimer: this is posted to Wattpad as well and it WILL HAVE PLOT. I’m a Bucky hoe so there will be smut and romancy stuff but this is a series, so plot plot plot and slow burn.
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Something was blinding me and I was wrapped in a cocoon of warmth.
I cracked my eyes open, sunlight streaming in and effectively burning my retinas. A big yawn escaped as cat stretched across my bed, popping my joints deliciously.
Of course that's when I noticed that I was in my bed. The bed I was very much NOT IN last night.
I stumbled to the bathroom, throwing on some spandex shorts along the way. The mirror revealed a very distraught woman. Jeez I'm a mess. Puffy eyes, wild hair, pillow creases on my cheek. With a sigh I throw my hair into a bun and wash my face and teeth, staring down my reflection.
Where on earth did this ginormous hoodie come from? This thing is like a dress, I cant even see my shorts and I KNOW it's not mine.
The fact that i cried hard enough to pass out and NOT feel someone carry me to my room AND put a hoodie on me is very concerning. I need to reign in these emotions, no matter how hard it is being back in the tower.
I slip some fuzzy socks on and check the time. 6 am. Of course.
Making my way quietly down the hall I snuggle more into the cozy hoodie. It smells like musk, man, and crisp night air. This is mine now.
No one seems to be awake, so I decide to treat the team to an extravagant breakfast of waffles, bacon, and eggs. But first a very very large cup of coffee.
As the aroma of Heavens most beautiful creation fills the room I have FRIDAY shuffle my music, broadcasting it in the kitchen loud enough to dance around to but not wake the others.
Food is almost done when I'm in the middle of singing into the knife I grabbed to cut up some fruit.
I toss the knife behind me and spin around to flip the bacon, catching it with a little twirl. "I play my part and you play your games oooh you give loveee"  I begin setting the food on serving trays "a bad name."
As I'm dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the peace of cooking in an empty space, flicking the knife in the air and twirling it in my hand, I hear the team start to get up and around.
"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean" what a great way to start the day, bomb music and a dance party. "She was the best damn woman that I ever seen. She had sig-" as the knifes handle lands deftly in my palm, someone interrupts my concert.
"I feel like I should be serenading you right now Doll. Lookin like that, cookin food like this, definitely the best damn woman I've ever seen."
With a squeak I had launched the knife towards the voice, Bucky plucking it out of the air, right in-front of his amused blue eyes. He was leaning against the doorway, legs crossed and sleep rumpled hair. Apparently he's been there a while and apparently he was blessed with beauty no matter his state of dress.
"Barnes what the hell! Warn a girl, jeez." I put my hand over my heart to calm it while pouring a cup of coffee, walking it over to the super soldier. "And damn straight I'm the best. Glad you've noticed."
He follows me into the kitchen, leaning against the counter sipping his drink. "You're pretty skilled with this." I guess that was his warning as he catapulted the knife towards my stomach. Well I deserved that, I thought as I caught it while skipping a few songs.
"You'll come to learn I'm skilled in a few things." I say with a wink. "Although, I don't think anyone works a blade like you do Sarge."
I look up to find him staring at me with a weird expression before he shook his head and smirked. "Well Doll, I could always give you some pointers if you ever wanna train with me."
I'm jamming to Back in Black when the rest of the team walks in. Throwing Bucky a smile over my shoulder and a quick "your on, meet after breakfast?" He gives a nod and sits at the island beside the others.
This could be fun. Or a disaster. Definitely not a good idea. But a fun one for sure.
I'm still bouncing around to AC/DC when Sam scowls at me. Well he looks like a grumpy kitten in the mornings apparently.
"You are definitely Tony's creation." He grumbled, followed by a thank you, as they started scarfing down breakfast.
"Hey Ali, why are you wearing Buckys hoodie?" Peter mumbled around a giant bite of waffle, food flying everywhere.
I paused for a second then continued pouring myself some more coffee, giving Barnes a quick glance that he avoided, deeply interested in his bacon apparently.
"Oh I forgot I was still wearing it, sorry Sarge." I said with a chuckle. "Couldn't sleep last night so I watched a movie and Barnes ended up joining me. I got cold and he was ever the century old gentleman."
That earned a scoff from the old man.
"We're still leaving at lunch right? I'm craving a taco from downtown." Wanda pipped up from across the island.
"Yeah that sounds great, I'm gonna get a quick workout in beforehand."
Peter glanced up from his waffle mountain "Do you think you could stop by the lab and help me out with something? When you're done shopping?"
I see Bucky staring at me in my peripheral, eyeing the smile I force onto my lips. That lab just can't get rid of me huh Tony. "Yeah of course, I'll let you know when I'm headed there."
With that I head back to my room and throw on some shoes and a tank top, leaving Buckys hoodie on my bed. I did say it was mine now anyways.
The gym is a large, two story area with many connected rooms. I went into the sparing room, with mats on the floors and a wall of punching bags. After stretching and putting on some music, I work on the power behind my punches, trying to land harder blows for someone larger than me.
Getting lost in the feel of fist biting leather I let myself drift into thought. I still don't know how to incorporate myself into the team. They were all very kind and grateful this morning, talking about their plans and letting me know they will be interrogating the two bombers from yesterday.
Am I being too open? I'm usually serious and more reserved unless I'm comfortable with someone like Nicky or Tony. It's just that I want them to see more than my serious, throat slashing side. The team is already gloomy enough, but I don't want them too think I'm not taking this seriously. Finding that line is hard when I don't know how receptive three of them even are to me at the moment.
Wanda, Buck, and Peter all seem fine, but the others are more hesitant.
I finish a set with a spinning roundhouse, sending the bag against the wall, just as one of my favorite songs comes on shuffle.
Being on your own for essentially twenty-two years gives you very little option for conversation. Besides the times I stayed with Tony, I was alone. As a kid my teachers were just that and Nicky was there when he could be, but all I really had was myself.
So music is my release. All I ever really had to let loose and feel lighter when on the road or cleaning up after a mission.
So I sing along while launching daggers into a sparring dummy from across the room.
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britrockaholic2 · 4 years
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Nicky Hopkins was born on this date in 1944. He died on September 6, 1994 (aged 50) in Nashville, Tennessee, from complications resulting from intestinal surgery presumably related to his life-long battle with Crohn's Disease.
Nicholas Christian Hopkins was an English pianist and organist. Hopkins recorded and performed on many notable British and American pop and rock music releases from the 1960s through the 1990s including many songs by The Rolling Stones, The Kinks and The Who.
SOLOThe Tin Man Was a Dreamer (1973)No More Changes (1975)Long Journey Home (unreleased)SoundtracksThe Fugitive (1992)Patio (1992)Namiki Family (1993)
SELECTED PERFORMANCESThe Kinks, The Kink Kontroversy (1965), Face to Face (1966), Something Else by The Kinks (1967) and The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (1968).The Who, My Generation (1965), "The Song Is Over" and "Getting in Tune" of Who's Next (1971), The Who by Numbers (1975)The Rolling Stones, "We Love You" (1967), also "In Another Land" and "She's a Rainbow" of the Their Satanic Majesties Request album (1967); "Sympathy for the Devil" (1968), "Street Fighting Man" (1968), "Gimme Shelter" (1969), "Monkey Man" (1969), "Sway" (1971); "Tumbling Dice" and many others on Exile on Main St. album (1972); "Angie" (1973), "Time Waits for No One" (1974), "Fool to Cry" (1976), "Waiting on a Friend" (recorded 1972, released 1981)Jeff Beck, "Blues De Luxe", "Morning Dew" (1967), Truth (1967), and Hopkins's own self-penned "Girl From Mill Valley", on Beck-Ola (1969)Cat Stevens, "Matthew and Son" of the Matthew and Son album (1967).The Easybeats, "Heaven & Hell", and an unreleased album titled Good Times (1967)The Beatles, "Revolution" (single version) (1968)Jackie Lomax, "Sour Milk Sea" (1968)The Move, "Hey Grandma", "Mist on a Monday Morning", "Wild Tiger Woman" (all 1968)Jefferson Airplane, "Volunteers" (1969), "Wooden Ships" (1969), "Eskimo Blue Day" (1969), "Hey Fredrick" (1969), whole Woodstock Festival set.Steve Miller Band, "Kow Kow", "Baby's House" (which Hopkins co-wrote with Miller) (1969)Donovan, "Barabajagal" (1969)Quicksilver Messenger Service, Shady Grove (composer of "Edward, the Mad Shirt Grinder") (1969), Just for Love (1970) and What About Me (composer of "Spindrifter") (1970)P. J. Proby, Reflections of Your Face (Amory Kane) from "Three Week Hero" (1969)John Lennon, "Jealous Guy", "How Do You Sleep?" and "Oh Yoko!" of Imagine album ( 1971 ), "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" (1971); Walls and Bridges album (1974).New Riders of the Purple Sage, Powerglide (1972)Carly Simon, No Secrets (1972)Jamming with Edward (jam session with Ry Cooder, Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman and Charlie Watts (recorded 1969, released 1972)Harry Nilsson, Son of Schmilsson (1972)George Harrison, "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)" (1973), Living in the Material World album (1973)Ringo Starr, "Photograph" (1973), "You're Sixteen" (1973), "No No Song" (1974)Joe Cocker, "You Are So Beautiful" (1974)Marc Bolan, "Jasper C. Debussy" (recorded 1966–67, released 1974)Peter Frampton, "Waterfall" and "Sail Away" from Somethin's Happening (1974)Jerry Garcia Band, Let It Rock: The Jerry Garcia Collection, Vol. 2 (1975), Garcia Live Volume Five (1975)Jerry Garcia, Reflections (1976)Art Garfunkel, Breakaway (1975)Rod Stewart, "You're in My Heart (The Final Acclaim)" (1977)Badfinger, "Airwaves" (1979)Graham Parker, Another Grey Area (1982)Paul McCartney, "That Day Is Done" (1989)The Dogs D'Amour, "Hurricane", "Trail of Tears", and "Princes Valium" from the Errol Flynn/King of the Thieves album (1989)Spinal Tap, "Rainy Day Sun" on the Break like the Wind album (1991)The Jayhawks, "Two Angels" and "Martin's Song"[25] on the Hollywood Town Hall album (1992)Joe Walsh, "Guilty of the Crime" from the album A Future to This Life: Robocop – The Series Soundtrack (1994)Gene Clark (various recordings)Brewer & ShipleyIzzy Stradlin and the Ju Ju Hounds (album)
Ray Davies tribute to Nicky: https://www.nytimes.com/1995/01/01/magazine/lives-well-lived-nicky-hopkins-session-man.html
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latinmusic123 · 3 years
Top 8 Latin Music In 2020
- Sech "Relacion"
Sech is making the rounds with another anthem for the ladies, teaming up with Daddy Yankee, J Balvin, Rosalia, and Farruko for an empowering remix.
“Relacion” is about a woman who has moved on from a toxic relationship and is living her best single life. “Everything changed now, it’s her turn,” the chorus kicks off, celebrating lyrics on self-worth and self-love.
“The remix was born out of an idea that I had all of a sudden,” Sech previously told Billboard, “and at the same time, I heard that many of my colleagues liked the song.” The first person to jump on the track was Balvin, followed by Yankee, Farruko, and finally Rosalia. “This is truly something beautiful for me,” he added.
- Tainy x J Balvin "Agua"
Who would have ever thought that a timeless children’s song fused with reggaeton would make sense? Tainy and J Balvin made it work.
“Agua,” released in July by Paramount Animation, Nickelodeon, and NEON16, laces the iconic SpongeBob intro with a party-starting reggaeton, bass, and flute melody, making it the go-to summer song for the entire family. In the playful lyrics, Balvin gives a shout out to some of the iconic characters of the franchise.
The collaboration is the lead single off the forthcoming SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run movie soundtrack, which was executive produced by award-winning producer Tainy and renowned industry leader Lex Borrero.
- Ozuna "Caramelo"
After spending his best quarantine life out on the sea and creating TikTok videos, Ozuna returns with brand new music dubbed “Caramelo.”
“Caramelo," out Thursday (June 11), is a never-before-heard song with catchy hip-shaking and head-bobbing reggaeton beats. With lyrics such as “I tried you again, your mouth does not lose its candy flavor / we let ourselves go, you are my bandit and I am your bandit,” Ozuna tells the story of two people who have undeniable chemistry.
Paying homage to its title, which translates to candy, a colorful music video, directed by Nuno Gomes, shows Ozuna in a Candyland-inspired setting as models enjoy sweet treats such as ice cream, bubble gum, lollipops, and more.
- Nio Carcia x Anuel AA x Myke Towers x Brray x Juanka "La Jeepota"
After making the rounds with “Te Bote (Remix)” next to Casper, Darell, Nicky Jam, Bad Bunny, and Ozuna -- which landed at No. 36 on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart in 2018 -- Nio Garcia unleashed “La Jeepeta” in January.
The chorus was born inside a jeep after the power went off at Garcia’s recording studio in Puerto Rico. In January, he dropped the first version of “La Jeepeta” -- a catchy mid-tempo reggaeton -- in collaboration with Brray and Juanka, released via Flow La Movie and powered by GLAD Empire. Three months later, and in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Anuel AA and Myke Towers jumped on the remix, bringing “La Jeepeta” to a whole ‘nother level.
Unlike the original, which did not secure a spot on the Hot Latin Songs chart, the remix arrived in April and debuted at No. 41 on the chart dated May 9. The remix later entered the top 10, pushing 12-9 on the list dated July 18, securing Nio his second top 10, Anuel’s 17th, and the first for Towers, Brray and Juanka. Currently, it's at No. 4 on the Hot Latin Songs chart dated July 25.
- Bad Bunny "Yo Perreo Sola"
Bad Bunny has dropped a reggaeton anthem for independent women who like to dance alone at the club. “Yo Perreo Sola,” which translates to “I twerk alone,” kicks off with the voice of emerging Puerto Rican artist Nesi (real name: Genesis Rios) and forms part of Bunny’s chart-topping 2020 album YHLQMDLG.
On Friday, the Latin Grammy winner dropped the song's empowering music video, in which he is dressed in full drag, advocating for sexual diversity, women’s rights and the LGBTQ community.
In the clip, co-directed by Stillz and Benito himself, the Puerto Rican singer is joined by a group of women who are dancing freely to the song. “If she doesn’t want to dance with you, respect her, she twerks alone,” reads the empowering PSA message at the end.
- The Black Eyes Peas X J Balvin "RITMO [Bad Boys For Life]"
Spanglish music is taking the world by storm and J Balvin is at the forefront of this phenomenon. The Colombian singer has been collaborating with several English-speaking artists, including DJ Khaled, Dua Lipa, and Tyga, just to name a few. One of his most popular Spanglish songs is "RITMO" featuring The Black Eyed Peas, which earned them their first No. 1 on Billboard's Dance/Electronic Digital Song Sales (via Billboard). 
"RITMO," which means rhythm in Spanish, is a new twist on the Eurodance '90s hit "Rhythm of the Night" by Italian group Corona. The new version combines futurist and Afro-infused reggaeton vibes with verses of the original song plus new additions in Spanish (via Songfacts). The hit is part of the soundtrack for the 2020 film "Bad Boys for Life," starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. While Balvin and The Black Eyed Peas' version has become widely popular, there's also a remix featuring Jaden Smith in the movie soundtrack. What's behind the lyrics of "RITMO"?
- Black Eyed Peas, Ozuna + J.Rey Soul "Mamacita"
“Mamacita” is a Latin American word which basically translates to ‘sexy lady’. And in keeping true to the term’s origin, Jason Derulo has teamed up with Puerto Rican artist Farruko to present a song primarily in Spanish, though a good portion of it is also sung in English. Derulo handles all of the English sections, while he also drops some Spanish alongside his collaborator.
This is one of those songs where if you understand the title then you pretty much understand its contents. It features the homeys feening on a carnal level for a certain lady they are interacting with. What impresses them the most about this woman is her body. And the reason they are referring to her as “mamacita” is apparently because she is from Chile, a South American country whose official language is Spanish. And what they are imploring her to do, even more than anything is to whine, as in dance in a suggestive manner.
So this song fits the trend Spanglish (Spanish and English) songs which have been rising in popularity in recent years. And its specific purpose, besides being a dance song, is to express appreciation for South (i.e. Latin) American women.
- J.Balvin, Dua Lipa, Bad Bunny & Tainy "un Dia [One Day"
J Balvin is known for producing some super catchy tunes. Whether he's collabing with top artists like Beyoncé on "Mi Gente" or dropping solo smashes like "Azul," there's no doubt that Balvin has star power. After Balvin released "Un Dia" in the summer of 2020 with Dua Lipa, Bad Bunny, and Tainy, fans couldn't help but wonder: What do J Balvin's "Un Dia" lyrics mean in English? We've got the answer.
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flying-elliska · 4 years
Just watched The Old Guard yesterday....I have Emotions. Compelling characters, excellent rep, great action scenes. I see why tumblr is obsessed with it.
SPOILERS + lil essay incoming
It's not perfect obviously. It drags in places and I think it needed more flashbacks for the immortals that would have given that extra oomph (maybe they definitely couldn't afford that - the few historical flashbacks we got looked kinda cheap tbh). You feel like there is so much interesting stuff under the surface that isn't explored fully - how they got where they are because it does, at times, seem even more compelling than the present (which is already quite interesting, don’t get me wrong). The bad guy doesn't feel as scary as he should be, either - he lacks presence, he could have been more pathetic or more unhinged. The dialogue was a bit overly sparse in places. But overall, I loved it. Charlize Theron as queerish action queen badass with a gruff exterior but a core of goodness is like...my jam. And it NEEDS a sequel.
Some more thoughts :
- The tone of deep melancholy and sadness that pervades the film is so interesting. Yes, most of the main characters are the gruff action hero type who say little ; but there is so much underlying emotion there too, love and loyalty and loss, in the way they are played and interact with each other. So it doesn’t come over as the stereotypical macho cliché of ‘gotta repress those feelings and BE TOUGH’ - you really feel as if 1) those characters have spent so much time together that they function really well as a unit, they don’t need to talk a lot of the time, they just understand each other and 2) there is so much real grief and sorrow there that words wouldn’t properly adress it and it’s no use trying. AND at the same time, they still get an arc of ‘caring about the world is still good, actually.’ As an action movie fan who hates the ‘cardboard stoic is the only way to survive’ tropes of the genre, this movie just made me very happy. They have this intimacy within the group that feels so real and like...battle forged found families, again, my jam, but they’re also tied together by loss and loneliness and having no one else who understands. It’s so JUICY in terms of character dynamics. Nile’s more innocent but still a fighter thing fits very well with the older, more cynical ones. The ending, where they punish Booker with a century of loneliness for betraying them but ultimately still recognize why he did what he did and that he’s still part of the team...but that he might not ever see Andy again...my heart. 
- Also, it reminds me of this essay I read about how violence/battle/injury in film is often used an excuse to show male intimacy in a way that is not allowed anywhere else but in this movie, you both have platonic intimacy (and also between Andy and her team, which is cool! love a good m/f platonic soul bond!!!) AND you have a couple of dudes who both fight together and are actually lovers, which is awesome. The scene in the van is just so bloody brilliant because you have that idiot soldier who is at the level of homophobic taunts, ‘haha is he your boyfriend’ as if that was supposed to threaten their masculinity (because in their world it would). But Joe and Nicky are just way beyond those puerile games - they also met in this context of violence but because of their immortality, they were able to turn it into love. And it’s the thing that allowed them to survive the centuries with a relative level of happiness compared to the two others because they have each other. I love this because it 1) grounds gay love in history and clearly shows it as something that has always existed and can be an epic love able to withstand almost a thousand years (whereas gayness has been so often coded as something both modern and ephemeral) and 2) presents it as wiser, deeper and a lot more badass than the path of repression and violence as a baseline for men to interact even as a lot of male socialization is build up as brutal to avoid it so like YEAH !!!!! GOOD!!!!
- This is another movie that really REALLY shows the importance of having ppl who are not white and/or dudes behind the camera. (It was still written by one but I still feel a difference).The two leading ladies are never objectified, and their main emotional dynamic during the movie is with each other. The audience surrogate, who is also the emotional pivot of the movie who causes the other characters to change, is a young Black woman (especially since apparently Nile’s role and her relationship with Andy was expanded from the comics). Andy is the leader/main badass and mystery of the story in a way generally reserved for men. There is that scene, too, where Andy gets her wound patched up by a random woman in a pharmacy, which causes her to reflect on the good of humanity and the importance of good actions in a chaotic world. Chiwetel Eijofor’s villain being allowed complexity and a sort-of redemption. But it’s also more specific things in the way the movie is shot - especially in the non-Western countries. In action movie tropes, you have this cliché of ‘picturesque but dangerous’ ‘exotic’ locales, who are often used as the backdrop for action scenes, which is...not awesome tbh. This movie does take us to those countries, and there is action, but it’s also shot in a very humanizing way that reminds us that this is a real place where real people live : Nicky saying hello to the locals in South Sudan in their own language, Nile asking the Afghan women for help in the beginning, shots of kids playing with balloons, etc. The team accepts a mission in the beginning to rescue kidnapped Sudanese girls in the beginning - in most action movies often the populations to save are white/Western whereas locals/POC are shown as ‘tragic but acceptable collateral damage’. Or for instance, that scene in Marrakech’s Jemaa El-Fna square - a lot of the time foreign markets only appear as a ‘chaotic, dangerous’ backdrop for action to be ransacked through without a care ; here it’s just a cool lively place for the team to meet their contact, normalized instead of exotified. It’s shot the same way as the scenes in France, it’s interesting to look at and the shots take advantage of the beauty of the location but there are no weird color filters or shots that suggest that the place is bizarre, threatening, Otherized, etc. (Also interesting that most of the scenes in France take place in abandoned buildings like a church that’s half in ruins, a mine, etc...interesting reversal lmao.) The movie is not anti-imperialist by any means but it’s still...a tangibly different gaze, especially for an American movie, and it makes it a lot more humane and interesting.
- Overall, it left me wanting more, mostly in a good way. This could have made such an excellent series too. They seem to be setting Quynh as a villain for the next movie and that could be really interesting but I really hope they’re going for a ‘tragic villain gets redeemed in the end’ (with a side of lovers to ennemies to lovers with Andy...their story seems to have so much potential in such an epic tragic way) instead of ‘psycho lady too far gone to save’ thing. And that we get more flashbacks from the immortal’s pasts. Since it seems very successful, I hope we do get that sequel once the film industry starts again.
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hiphopscriptures · 3 years
Fresh Artist Fridays: Nicky Jam
This week’s Fresh Artist Friday comes with a twist. Today we are featuring Nicky Jam, a Puerto Rican reggaeton artist hailing from Boston, MA. He has just dropped his sixth studio album called INFINITY. Check out a break down of both the album and Nicky Jam’s impressive career below:
INFINITY is Nicky Jam’s most versatile album yet, taking the listener on a trip through all the genres he has mastered throughout his career. Starting with a bang, bringing his old school reggaetón sound to the forefront — yet feeling very current — the album then portrays all the different facets of Nicky’s artistry, from the raw and real rap verses to the romantic and melodic slow-tempo songs that really showcase his singing voice.
INFINITY begins with “Magnum,” an ode to old school reggaetón with a 2021 feel that will make the listener dive into the beats and rhythms and let go of their inhibitions. The track features one of “la nueva’s” (the new generation of reggaetón) most prolific voices, Jhay Cortez, adding his unmistakable style to make this meeting of two generations iconic.
“Tell me what are you going to do because I’m looking for someone who can drive it // I’m going to do to you whatever you let me // And the Magnum that protects me down below // To go all night so you don’t complain,” Nicky begins this cheeky song, while getting the listener in the mood for more, before Jhay Cortez disrupts with his unapologetic verse telling it like it is.
The music video, directed by Ariel Navarrete “NAVS” and produced by Maite Calzacorta with The Way Films, takes place in an underground party where people just enjoy the moment and live with no regrets. Throughout, flashes of both Nicky and Jhay singing on a stage are shown, matching their physical energy to the unparalleled vibes of the song, creating a visual orgasm for a track that is nothing like we’ve ever heard from the two artists.
Following “Magnum” on the album, Nicky Jam tones it down with “Miami” (6 million YouTube views), a slow-tempo romantic reggaeton that talks about missing a woman he met in Miami and the great times they had together. He then slowly turns the beat up again with “Te Hace Falta,” and “Celosa,” which features tropical vibes fused with urban sounds.
Then it’s the turn for “Se De y Se Da,” a more commercial reggaetón where Nicky asks his love interest for forgiveness, alluding that he wants to fix things and give the relationship another try. The track is followed by Nicky Jam and El Alfa’s explosive collaboration “Pikete” (14 million YouTube views), which tells the story of a woman who seems unattainable because of her beauty and attitude.
“Clavo” is up next with a more melodic tune, toning it down a bit to give way to “Te Invito” featuring up-and-coming artist Rios, which starts out as a ballad until the beat drops almost a minute into the song, transforming into a slow-tempo reggaetón that really highlights both artists distinctive voices.
Nicky Jam takes advantage of the mood to give way to “DM” featuring Manuel Turizo, which gets a bit sexier and more mysterious, talking about sliding into a woman’s DMs and trying to seduce her. “Guayaa” follows the story, as if Nicky were telling the listeners that he got the woman, and now they’re dancing, twerking, and having fun, to then give way to “Polvo,” featuring Myke Towers (93 million YouTube views), reminiscing of the fun times that ended, with a potential to reignite the flame.
The temperature rises with “Playa,” then the album takes a seductive turn with “Dándote,” to then surprise the listeners with “Melancolía,” a ballad where Nicky puts his vocal range to full display. He then ends with “Fan De Tus Fotos” featuring The King of Bachata Romeo Santos, a subtle reggaetón full of sensuality and rhythm with Romeo’s unique voice and Nicky’s distinctive flow, wrapping up Nicky’s most diverse, yet authentic project to date.
Besides the album, Nicky Jam also announced his upcoming INFINITY TOUR 2022. This will be Nicky Jam’s first official tour post-pandemic that will hit major cities across the United States and Canada. The tour will kick off in Boston on February 3, 2022, and end in Seattle on March 27, 2022 with stops in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Orlando, Houston, Hidalgo, Ontario, Los Angeles, and San Jose. CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS.
Check out his music through the links above and connect with Nicky Jam through his socials to make sure you never miss new music. Remember to follow Hip Hop Scriptures to stay updated on the latest Fresh Artist Friday.
Nick Rivera Caminero, Nicky Jam, is one of the pioneers of Reggaeton in the world. At the age of 11 he recorded his first album called "Diferente a los Demás." Nicky Jam reached the top of his career by achieving several radio hits such as: "Yo no Soy tu Marido," "Me voy Pal Party," "Fiel a tu Piel," "La Combi Completa," among others, that led him to travel the world and become one of the greatest international exponents of the genre. He was forced to stop his career for 3 years due to personal problems. But in 2013, he debuted his new look and came back stronger than ever. He scored five hits on the radio: "Piensas en Mí," "Curiosidad," "Juegos Prohibidos," "Voy a Beber," and the global hit "Travesuras." In February 2015, Nicky Jam teamed up with Enrique Iglesias to release "El Perdón," his most internationally acclaimed single to date. “El Perdón” reached #1 on Billboard's Hot Latin Songs chart for 30 weeks (the second longest single in chart history). In January 2016, Nicky released "Hasta el Amanecer" which also became the biggest Latin song of the year. In 2017 Nicky Jam released his hit "El Amante," and his studio album titled "Fenix." The single "El Amante" quickly became an international success, reaching platinum certification 7 times, as did his album, which was awarded 11 platinum certifications. In 2018 he achieved 3 new Latin Grammy nominations, and collaborated on the song “Te Boté Remix,” which became the most watched video of the year worldwide on YouTube. In addition, Nicky Jam had the honor of singing the official theme of the 2018 FIFA World Cup: “Live It Up,” which he performed alongside Will Smith and Era Istrefi. His autobiographical series “El Ganador” premiered on Netflix at the end of 2019, as well as his seventh studio album “Íntimo.” Nicky Jam returned to the big screens in early 2020 in the sequel "Bad Boys For Life," starring alongside Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.
In 2020, the artist bared his soul with the release of the single “Desahogo” feat. Carla Morrison. Right after, he premiered “Fan de tus fotos” with Romeo Santos (+60 million views on YouTube). Most recently, he released “Pikete” with the master of the dembow El Alfa, a solo single “Miami,” and a collaboration with Musicólogo, “No Hay Fallo.”
Nick Rivera Caminero, known as Nicky Jam, is recognized around the world as a pioneer of Latin Urban music. Born in 1981 in Boston, he moved with his family to Puerto Rico when he was just a boy. At the age of 11, he recorded his first album “Diferente a Los Demás” (Different From the Rest), which attracted the attention of DJs and artists on the island. 
As a young adult, Nicky Jam quickly rose to the top of his genre with radio hits including “Yo No Soy Tu Marido,” “Me Voy Pa’l Party,” “Fiel A Tu Piel,” and “La Combi Completa,” among others. He toured the world and became one of Latin urban music’s first international stars.
Just as he was enjoying his hard-earned accomplishments, his life took a 180-degree turn. Suddenly, instead of being on stage, he was in prison, and he fell into a deep depression. Finally, after three years out of the limelight, Nicky Jam performed a show in Colombia. There, he found an audience that was ready to give him a second chance. He vowed to show his fans that he had escaped drugs and alcohol. With discipline and hard work, he began to make up for lost time. 
He soon decided to move to Colombia to rebuild his career. In 2012, he created a low-budget music video that went on to rack up over 15 million views on YouTube. In 2013, he debuted his new image and returned stronger than ever. He notched five radio hits: “Piensas en Mí,” “Curiosidad,” “Juegos Prohibidos,” “Voy a Beber,” and the global hit “Travesuras.” At the time, “Travesuras” was Nicky’s international comeback hit, and after a 10-year absence from the charts, it peaked at #4 on Billboard’s Hot Latin Songs. His social media following grew 3000 percent by late 2014, making him one of Latin urban music’s most talked-about and respected artists.
In February 2015, Nicky Jam teamed up with Enrique Iglesias to release “El Perdón,” his most internationally acclaimed single to date. Tallying over 1 million YouTube views on the day of its release, “El Perdón” was #1 on Billboard’s Hot Latin songs charts for 30 weeks (second longest-running single in the chart’s history). An English version, titled “Forgiveness,” helped the song peak at No. 56 on the Billboard Hot 100 in September 2015.
In January 2016, Nicky released “Hasta el Amanecer,” which also became the biggest Latin song of the year. The single was #1 on Billboard’s “Hot Latin Songs” for 18 weeks, which was the longest run of 2016. The official music video reached 100 million views in the first month, averaging over 3 million views per day. It also scored the No. 1 year-end spot on the Latin Airplay, Latin Pop Airplay, Latin Rhythm Airplay, Latin Rhythm Digital Song Sales, and Latin Digital Song Sales charts. A remix featuring Daddy Yankee and an English version (“With You Tonight”) helped the song stay 19 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100 (peaking at No. 73). 
In 2017, Nicky Jam released “El Amante,” and his very first solo album, Fenix. The single quickly became an international hit, reaching 7X platinum status. The album also enjoyed quite the success, achieving 11 platinum certifications worldwide.  
Entering 2018, Nicky Jam began to conquer new territories in his artistic career. His songs achieved more than 14.5 billion views on YouTube and 1.1 billion streams on Spotify. Singles such as “X” (35X platinum certification) featuring Colombian sensation J Balvin and “Cásate Conmigo” (5X platinum certification) in collaboration with Silvestre Dangond, became international anthems. The singles obtained recognition in the most important Latin music awards, including the prestigious Latin Grammy, achieving nominations in categories such as   Record of the Year, Best Urban Song of the Year and Best Tropical Song of the Year.
His collaboration with the single “Te Boté” featuring Casper Mágico, Nio García, Darell, Bad Bunny, and Ozuna became a worldwide phenomenon. The single captured the world’s attention and became the main topic in all award ceremonies during the year. It also surpassed all YouTube records, becoming the most-watched video in 2018.
Additionally, Nicky Jam had the honor of recording and performing the official song for the 2018 FIFA World Cup “Live It Up,” featuring Will Smith and Era Istrefi. His undeniable success in the music industry earned him two Latin Billboard Awards that year in the categories Top Latin Album of the Year and Latin Rhythm Album of the Year (Fenix). 
Nicky Jam also dabbled in the fashion industry, becoming a brand ambassador for the elegant and prestigious watch brand Hublot. 
The Latin idol showed the world his acting side with his autobiographical series “El Ganador.”  Telemundo joined the giant Netflix in the creation of a series that tells the story of how the superstar came to be. The series trended in Latin American, Spain and the US at the time of its release in early 2019. 
2019 was also a year of vast success for the singer. Nicky worked with some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Sech, Anuel, Ozuna, Ñejo, and others, collaborating in the production of the most-played songs of the year, generating millions of streams on all digital platforms. His tour "Sorry USA Tour 2019" was a total success, with sold-out tickets in 13 different theatres nationwide.
On November 1, 2019, he officially released his seventh studio album Íntimo, one of the most anticipated albums of the year, hand in hand with Sony Music Latin and La Industria INC. Íntimo included 15 singles, including international hits “Te Robaré” featuring Ozuna and, of course, his the mega hit “X” featuring J Balvin. The album also features collaborations with Anuel AA, Darell, Sech, and Rauw Alejandro.
The urban pioneer finalized the 2019 like a real champion, appearing in the top 6 positions of Billboard Year-End count charts: Latin Rhythm Airplay Artists, # 5 , Tropical Airplay Artists, # 4. Latin Rhythm Albums Artists, # 4, Latin Airplay Artists, # 5, Latin Pop Airplay Artists, # 5, Latin Streaming Songs, # 6
Starting this new decade on the right foot, Nicky Jam returned to the big screen joining the cast of the new sequel of the action-comedy classic “Bad Boys” named “Bad Boys For Life,” working directly in Hollywood with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. Additionally, and for the second year in a row, Nicky Jam joined the list of nominees for Tu Musica Urbano Awards 2020 (7 categories), as well as Premios Juventud 2020 (3 categories). 
While 2020 was a challenging year for everyone, Nicky Jam made the most out of it. He started the year with a bang and joined forces with Daddy Yankee to release “Muévelo” (175 million views), then stripped his soul with the release of “Desahogo” featuring Carla Morrison (41 million views), started teasing his new album with the release of “Polvo” featuring Myke Towers (93 million views), and kept all of his fans entertained with his very own YouTube talk show “The Rockstar Show” featuring special guests like Maluma, El Alfa, Karol G, Luis Fonsi, and more.
In 2021, Nicky Jam surprised with an unprecedented collaboration with the King of Bachata Romeo Santos, “Fan de Tus Fotos” (61 million views), followed by “Pikete,” an explosive song with dembow king El Alfa, and then gave us another sneak peek into his most vulnerable and romantic side with “Miami” (6 million views), all in preparation for the release of his new studio album “Infinity,” out August 27. 
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 56
Jensen’s POV
Finding a lawyer who was willing to expedite my plans was easy. After all, money talked and I had plenty of it.
I spent over an hour on the phone with him, explaining my reasons for needing a speedy divorce; the desire of  wanting it done before the news got out to the tabloids, who always jumped on the opportunity to knock down a celebrity. When in all actuality, I can’t really propose to one woman while still married to another. Well, I guess I could but that just doesn’t seem right to me. It’s not how I was raised. I wanted to be a free man when I got down on one knee and asked Drea Murphy to be my wife. That is, after charming my way back into her heart.
Stephen Brett worked quickly and within three days, I had a petition for the dissolution of my marriage in my hands. I heard Drea heading toward the kitchen so I hastily jammed the papers back into their envelope and shoved it into the nearest drawer. Drea and Jackson entered the room none the wiser. 
“Good morning handsome,” I cooed as I lifted my son from his mother’s arms. “Ready for breakfast?”
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Drea and I went about our day as normal. Normal now consisted of just occupying the same space and being amicable but no real affection. I missed that the most. I caught myself many times yearning for her touch, her warmth. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and hold her close. But I screwed up and have lost the right to do that and now I have to work on getting it back. The package I received this morning is one step closer to that finish, I hope and pray.
After helping Drea with Jackson’s morning routine, I told her I had some business to take care of and headed toward town for Phase Two of “Wooing Drea”. Grabbing my truck keys,  I watched as Drea went toward the laundry room with a basket of Jackson’s soiled clothing. I still can’t believe I almost lost her; that I caused her to have any doubt about my love for her. I shook my head and walked out the door. I have to win her back, no matter what. She is my realized fantasy, the unicorn in my dreams.
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I jump in the truck and aim it toward the west part of town. Massage Sway, the day spa Jared had taken Drea to when she was depressed over losing Jacob was my first priority. Drea had boasted about the facility and wished to return. What better way than a girls’ day with Gen. I walk in and am quickly assisted with what I needed and walk out of the building with a purchase of two of the Revivafy package and a nice little bottle of massage oil. Maybe once I have attained my goal, Drea would allow me to use it on her. To help relieve stress and strain of raising an Ackles.
Hopefully, though all this is a step in the right direction; closer to restoring Drea’s faith and trust in me. 
Drea’s POV
Having Jensen home to help with Jackson and anything else that came up was wonderful. For the first month of being a new mother, I had been run ragged. Who knew the chaos one tiny human could create?!
But then after JJ’s party that all changed. After he got upset because Daneel was moving on and dating another man and leaving our home, albeit for just one night, I began to feel dismayed being near him.
It’s been a week, 7 days, since then. And 6 days since I kicked Jensen out. Now he sleeps down the hall in the spare bedroom but is still here to help with whatever needs to be done. For that I am quite grateful. I might have jumped the gun a bit when I threw him out but I am stubborn and am standing my ground. 
Not having Jensen by my side, beside me in bed at night is heart-breaking. Yes, I know it’s my fault but I still miss him. I miss having him to hold me and to cuddle with and just relax. Jensen was my go-to when times were tough. He’d just listen as I talked about my day or grumble about the lady in aisle 4 of the grocery store who took her sweet time, although I was behind her with a wailing child.
The suspicions began when he would tell me he had an errand to run and was vague with the details. It didn’t take me long to catch on, he was sneaking off to see Daneel and his daughter. I can’t blame him for wanting to see and spend time with JJ but he was lying about it and doing it behind my back. Before all this, we would go spend time with the cute little blonde together. That hurt! It hurt worse than when I thought Chad was cheating. 
Maybe it’s because we have a child together; maybe it was because Jensen took my broken heart and glued it back together but right now all I know is my mended heart was shattering again. And it was his fault.
Taking care of a child who looks like a miniature version of the person tearing your heart in two is challenging. Jackson’s eyes have recently changed from the pale blue he had at birth to an identical brilliant green, he has a dimple in the exact spot as his father and his nose is shaped the same as Jensen’s. It made things…..difficult, to say the least.
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Don’t get me wrong, I love my son. I love him beyond explanation but when those green eyes look up at me with that gummy smile, it just makes my heart hurt.
I sit in the rocker in Jackson’s nursery, arms full of a snoozing baby, just staring at the perfection. One thing is for sure, Jensen Ross Ackles has the genes to make beautiful kids.  I had ran off to the baby’s room once Jensen had told me had had a few errands to take care of. I couldn’t watch him walk out the door, leaving us to go see his other family.
Once Jackson is asleep, I carefully transfer him to his crib and grab the baby monitor before leaving the room. Since I had no idea how long Jensen would be gone, an important detail if you ask me, I decide to clean the kitchen and put a load of towels in the washer.
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I am putting the last of the clean dishes away when I hear the front door open. I quickly finish my task and speed out of the kitchen. Although I know where he has been, I don’t want to see the look of bliss on his face or hear about his time with them.
Thankfully Jackson’s cries sound through the monitor so I head to his room. Not only to welcome him from his nap but to give myself time to prepare to be in his father’s presence. By the time I have our son changed and calmed down, I am as ready as I was going to be to encounter Jensen. Lifting Jackson from the changing table I head back toward the kitchen.
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 31/10/2020 (Ariana Grande, KSI, Little Mix)
I haven’t heard that Ariana Grande album yet as of writing this but the lead single – and title track – “positions” has just debuted at #1 on the UK Singles Chart, her seventh song to hit the top and second this year after “Rain on Me” with Lady Gaga. Hence, that’s today’s #1 and we have a busy and pretty chaotic week of new arrivals. Welcome to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Dropouts & Returning Entries
A lot of their debuts from last week were completely wiped out on this week’s chart which surprises me, especially for songs I thought would hit it big like “One More Time” by Not3s and AJ Tracey. Our notable dropouts here range from bonafide smash hits like “Roses” by SAINt JHN and remixed by Imanbek, which hit #1, although I always preferred “Swoosh” from the same album, to pretty easy and quick fall outs from songs I’ve reviewed in the past few weeks. We’ve got songs that peaked in the top 10 like “Rover” by S1mba and DTG and “I Dunno” by Dutchavelli, Tion Wayne and Stormzy but otherwise that’s mostly it as a lot of these drop-outs are just songs that didn’t really reach their charting potential or have mostly had their day in streaming, like the surprisingly quick drop for “my ex’s best friend” by Machine Gun Kelly and blackbear, as well as “Destiny” by D-Block Europe, “Tap In” by Saweetie, “FRANCHISE” by Travis Scott, Young Thug and M.I.A., “OK Not to Be OK” by Marshmello and Demi Lovato, “Airplane Mode” by Nines and NSG and even “Outta Time” by Bryson Tiller and Drake. If you’re worried about the loss of MGK’s song being too soon for whatever reason, don’t fret as “forget me too” with Halsey, a much better song, is here at #72, our only returning entry for the week. I might as well run through the biggest gains and falls, those both being last week’s debuts. “Train Wreck” by James Arthur absolutely surged up to #24 whilst “Hold” by Chunkz and Young Filly absolutely purged down to #59. To be fair to the general public, I think I’d rather listen to something from four years ago than that song as well. Anyway, let’s start our new arrivals with a couple really interesting choices...
#75 – “Sofia” – Clairo
Produced by Rostam
Clairo is one of those artists where I feel completely out of the loop on, especially with all the recent buzz from TikTok, and I was not checking for that album last year, and whilst I didn’t mind her feature on Wallows’ “Are You Bored Yet”, I’d never been intrigued enough to check out the solo work until I guess here we see it on the chart, which is big for the genre of bedroom pop, which again I know next to nothing about. Now, I like lo-fi indie rock fine, but I’ve never really tried to look into the bedroom pop micro-genre – if anyone has any recommendations, that would be appreciated – so this will pretty much be a first gaze into not just Clairo but the entire scene surrounding her. I’m not a Vampire Weekend fan by any means but Rostam on production just give me hope, even if the mix here is a bit too drowned in reverb and echo to give the guitars any more impact when they really should have, at least I think so, they’re pushed back in a way that makes an already pretty calm, fleeting indie single even more lacking sonically. Clairo sounds great on this instrumentation, admittedly, albeit kind of uninterested, but it really is about that fuzzy distortion in the drop that feels... oddly anti-climactic and seemingly pointless considering how little progression is made before or after it. Maybe this genre just isn’t for me, but I feel myself turned off from how Clairo’s pretty beautiful vocal harmonies are not reflected by the production here, whether it be the stiff percussion, abrupt ending or overall lack of substance. This is kind of disappointing as I really wanted to like this. The song is a pretty vague but longing ballad mostly revolving around her crushes on people she saw in the mind, particularly Sofia Vergara and Sofia Coppola, hence the name, and I think it’s actually really well-written. I especially love how the chorus seems to acknowledge that not only are these crushes clearly out of her reach as a teenage girl just discovering her sexuality but also mentioning how afraid she is to really develop on any of these feelings because of how it’s prejudiced against and in some countries outlawed, but the song easily works as just a confession of love without really realising the statement, so it doesn’t feel forced or unnecessary. Sadly, I guess Rostam had to put his prints on this one, but the song itself isn’t bad at all. Hey, I’m not going to complain about a song where I can look at pictures of Sofia Coppola for “research”.
#74 – “All Girls are the Same” – Juice WRLD
Produced by Nick Mira
It’s so odd and kind of heartbreaking to see the Genius comments for this track where they say Juice is “up next for 2018”. It’s also pretty amusing to see some of these annotations...
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God, I love Genius.com. This is a 2017 Juice WRLD track from the late rapper that was released as a single from his debut album, Goodbye & Good Riddance. I don’t really understand why this had a resurgence – again, I’m going to assume TikTok or some kind of remix – but it is funny to see a bitter, immature and sloppily-written song about heartbreak and how “all girls are the same” next to a lesbian love ballad on the chart... and above said ballad because we clearly live in a society. I’m not going to mince words here: this is a pretty bad song, at least in my opinion. All respect to Juice but he’s clearly not on top form here, with an uninterested and badly-mixed vocal delivery over a really dull, jingly trap beat with awful bass mastering. In fact, the whole song is mixed awfully and sounds really muddy which may have been the point but it doesn’t complement Juice at all. The lyrics here are purposefully immature and at times stupid, especially when he compares himself to John Lennon and is so desperate for a rhyme the dude says this unnamed girl is from Colorado. I’m not going to deny some of the lyrics here are kind of haunting now due to tragic circumstances but I still get a chuckle out of the vocoder on his voice after massive empty spaces in both the beat and vocal track that makes the song sound clearly amateurish (to be fair to Juice, he clearly didn’t have access to the best studio equipment but it doesn’t excuse the major-label streaming release sounding this sloppy), as well as that opening line.
Broke my heart, oh, no, you didn’t!
Yeah, I’ll take “Robbery” over this any day, or even “Righteous”. Sorry.
#73 – “Martin & Gina” – Polo G
Produced by Hagan, Lilkdubb and Tahj Money
It seems we have two melancholy trap-rappers from Chicago appear consecutively on the chart. I love those types of oddities. If you don’t know Polo G, you probably should, at least from his hit “Pop Out” with Lil Tjay last year, and this is his most recent hit. I typically find his brand of mournful Auto-Tuned crooning about life on the streets remarkably genuine in comparison to most rappers but also admittedly really boring, at least for now. I can see this guy becoming a lot bigger and better but as of now he releases so much music and the quality and effort seems to fall by the wayside more often than not. In typical 2000s bling-rap fashion, this hardcore street rapper’s biggest hit from the album The GOAT (perhaps a bit early to call there, Mr. G) is a guitar-based R&B love jam for the ladies, except it’s not a sex jam...
Girl, I can’t wait ‘til I get home to f*** the s*** out of you
Okay, well, that’s one line.
Man, I’m tryin’ to get to know you sexually
Okay, but at least he’s trying to get to know her. The song’s lyrics do have a genuine heartfelt sense of love and companionship with his unnamed woman, and some of these lyrics are pretty funny and pleasant, albeit shallow. I love how in the first verse he says that even on her worst days she still looks “kind of cute”, in a way that makes this song more down to Earth than other thugs-need-love-too songs, especially when he acknowledges the troubles in their relationship, which may be undermined by the unfortunate implications that come with that “Martin & Gina” comparison but that’s really not the focus of the song, even if it is the title. He may talk about the shopping sprees now but there is evidence here that Polo G genuinely wants to live his life with this woman, especially when he says he wants them to move out to California and live in a mansion. There’s flexing there for sure but it’s less out of a desire to sound “cooler” than the other rappers or the audience, and more out of a desire to make the most out of this relationship in case, as he knows he might have to, he should “pull the stick out and shoot” to protect her. It helps that this is a damn good song with Polo’s catchy flow in both the verses and that infectious chorus, as well as a really slick guitar lick behind that trap knock. Yeah, this is pretty great. Check it out.
#71 – “Spicy” – Ty Dolla $ign featuring Post Malone
Produced by Ty Dolla $ign, Westen Weiss and damn james!
It seems that Ty Dolla $ign has finally clocked that people like him for his features and not his solo work as he has released his most recent album fittingly named Featuring Ty Dolla $ign, following a trend of recent massive collaborative albums in pop music. This particular album features the likes of Kid Cudi, Kanye West (twice), Anderson .Paak, Nicki Minaj, Big Sean, Future, Young Thug, FKA twigs because, well, sure, and obviously, Post Malone. I haven’t listened to the album yet, I mean it sounds exhausting but I don’t necessarily like what I’ve heard. “Expensive” with Nicki Minaj is soulless, “Ego Death” with Skrillex, Kanye and FKA twigs is chaotically misguided and a massive disappointment, “Track 6” with Kanye, .Paak and Thundercat is way too boring for these four artists, and that’s all I’ve heard, except that “Dr. Sebi” interlude with Young Thug that I thought was actually pretty damn good for a one minute snippet. I did brief through some songs on the album right now as I was writing this and I wasn’t really a fan of any of it, not even the songs with Future and Young Thug, artists I actually really like. The song with Kid Cudi was pretty amazing though, which I pretty much expected, I mean it is Cudi after all and he’s really felt revived this year, even if he feels out of place on a sex song. The serpentwithfeet interlude definitely adds to that song though, and it actually leads into this track with Post Malone. This is their second collaboration after their #1 hit “Psycho”, but it’s a lot less interesting, replacing the serenity and smooth flows with more fast-paced trap skitters, hit-and-miss flows that only make Ty$ sound all that great in the tail-end of his verse. Post’s verse is out of place and feels like a regression for him, with the verse sounding like it was taken straight out of the Stoney sessions. The guys have no chemistry and Post doesn’t even contribute to a final chorus, which feels particularly odd as there’s not a bridge to round any of this out properly as it just transitions awkwardly to the sixth track, titled “Track 6”. At least Ty$ isn’t facing 15 years in jail for cocaine possession now, which is something I brought up a disproportionate amount of times in older episodes of this show, because, well, sure.
#69 – “Whoopty” – CJ
Produced by Pxcoyo
CJ is an “up-and-coming” rapper with only one song that pretty quickly went viral. There’s something fishy about this. The only other song by CJ on Spotify and I assume other streaming services is this CashmoneyAP-produced trap song called “On Me” that is completely garbage. It does sound pretty odd that while he doesn’t sound dissimilar in “Whoopty”, this uninterested Auto-Tuned mumbler took three years to get another song on streaming and now he’s an energetic New York rapper using a beat that was literally uploaded to the producer’s website as a “Pop Smoke type beat” weeks before “Whoopty” was released, which, by the way, was an immediate viral hit on YouTube. Very strange, very unusual but not very worth talking about as the one thing “On Me” and “Whoopty” have in common is lack of quality. Sure, I like the Indian sample but it’s quickly drowned out by the booming 808s and pretty rote drill beat. Somehow, CJ sounds too energetic and excited to the point where he’s out of place on a beat this menacing. He sounds like a joke made by a record label to create some kind of popular generic drill track and it does not help that there’s a single verse, with part of it repeated as a bridge, and two repetitions of the same over-long chorus. When Pop Smoke rapped over beats, he was aggressive, sure, but had a smoky voice and a lot more charisma than this flat tonal sandpaper CJ brings to the table. It’s almost offensive to Pop Smoke’s legacy that this was rapped over his “type beat”.
#57 – “SO DONE” – The Kid LAROI
Produced by Omar Fedi and Khaled Rohaim
I figured I’d have to talk about this guy at some point, well, what better time than in the midst of a lot of mediocre American hip hop, although this isn’t American, rather it’s actually an Aussie at it this time, with this 17-year-old kid propped up by Internet Money and Lyrical Lemonade and mentored by the late Juice WRLD. This kid really likes capital letters, and naturally I listened to his last hit “GO!” with his mentor Juice... and, yeah, it’s not good. That hook is stupidly infectious – and the pre-chorus is actually more so – but his delivery is obnoxious and unconvincing, especially in comparison to Juice on the same song. Man, I wish that entire song was as good as its pre-chorus. Anyway, this is a new song, not taken from his debut mixtape aptly and rather politely titled F*** LOVE. It uses an unorthodox ukulele loop as its main sample but once again I’m not a fan of this guy’s immature delivery. Maybe in a few years this Kid LAROI will sound less like a Kid LAROI and more like a genuine rapper but right now he is just barely keeping on beat with a jangly pop beat that would sound really interested if accentuated by the right rapper but here it doesn’t work at all. I do actually appreciate some of the lyrics here, even if they are repetitive and vague. Hey, at least they’re family-friendly PG clean for the most part so he’ll get that radio push, but it’s not like it’s matters here in the UK. I’m sure this lad is the hottest thing to come from Australia this year... okay, well, maybe the second hottest – but I’m not a fan, even if some of these melodies are promising. In fact, I really like some of his ideas, especially in the chorus, I just think that tragically, Juice could have done them more justice than this Kid LAROI ever could. Sorry.
#47 – “Bad Guy” – Morrisson and Loski
Produced by BKay and Harry James
Duh. Okay, so these are both UK drill rappers who I’m not very familiar with although I’ve heard of Loski before. Morrisson is a complete unknown to me. They’re both from London, as one would expect. Is the song any good? Well, I do like that chopped violin sample but Morrisson is only vaguely convincing when he claims to know Vinnie Jones and to be Stone Cold Steve Austin, and when he mentions getting “white-boy wasted” with a woman sniffing coke, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but that’s actually the point. I mean, the chorus says this:
You need people like me so you can point your f***ing fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy”
The issue here is I’m not convinced. Morrisson’s double-tracked vocals aren’t intimidating or menacing and are mostly overshadowed by a pretty great beat. His delivery is also something I’m not a fan of and while I can’t say he’s uninterested or not putting his all into it, it just sounds weak, especially when pitted against this beat. Loski is here too, but he doesn’t add much to the “bad guy” idea, especially when he starts talking about The Simpsons and Family Guy. Not Mr. Burns or even that angry chicken that fights Peter, just Stewie, Brian, Bart and Homer. Admittedly, “shell out the whip like Mario Kart” is a pretty fun line and I appreciate his flow more than Morrisson’s... but, yeah, I’m not really a fan. I like the concept but it misses the mark on execution.
#44 – “Golden” – Harry Styles
Produced by Kid Harpoon and Tyler Johnson
So this is the opening track to Styles’ sophomore effort, Fine Line, an album I thought was mildly entertaining pop rock at best and lazy, absolutely worthless trite at worst. I don’t mind Styles’ take on classic 70’s pop and glam rock but I’ve also never found it interesting, and the songs are at times disjointed and at most times just plain boring. I understand I’m probably alone in this but I really disliked this album and I’m not excited that he’s pushing yet another single. The beeping keys that start the song are immediately met with the crash of a drum beat that sounds as flat as Harry’s singing in that obnoxious, sloppy intro refrain. The verse is equally as awkward, with the song lacking in any kind of substance other than that one line of “You’re so golden” which has been overly annotated by fans on Genius to mean a lot more than it does and should. It’s a confession of love but unlike “Sofia”, there’s very little to grab onto in terms of compassion for the singer and I quickly lose interest in what little story there is to the track. The bridge with the high-pitched guitar squealing and squeaky pitch-shifted murmuring is over and done with as slowly as possible and that refrain of nonsense vocalisations just continues without fear or even self-awareness of how annoying it is. This is probably ultimately harmless but it annoys the hell out of me and whilst I predict success for the track, I really hope against it as I absolutely do not like this at all.
#39 – “Teadrops” – Bring Me the Horizon
Produced by Jordan Fish and Oliver Sykes
Yes, that Bring Me that Horizon. Yes, the metalcore band. At least they used to be metalcore and definitely on that heavier side of Kerrang!-core, but what I’m more amazed by is how they continue to ditch the sound and continue to get bigger as they do so. After 14 years, you’d think these guys would stop getting Top 40 hits – hell, the only other hit they had before 2020 was “Drown” – but this is their third this year! I’ll admit I’m not really up to speed on Bring Me the Horizon – I listened to their last record (which was just fine but honestly probably worth listening to for “wonderful life” alone) but not this EP that the singles have been from, and definitely not their older stuff. For the sake of REVIEWING THE CHARTS, however, I did listen to their earlier singles – you can’t say I don’t do much for this show – and I’m overall not really sure on how to feel about this stuff. I still like “Drown” – and always have – but I’ve never been too big on metalcore so I’m actually surprised how much I really enjoyed the Linkin Park rip on “Sleepwalking” (which I’m impressed I remembered the chorus for). I remember liking the practically nightcore track “ouch” and, yeah, it still slaps. Some tracks are very heavy on the electronic, and “Can You Feel My Heart” is reliant on that vocaloid drop, about two years before that became the norm in pop. Just from a skim of their biggest singles, I’m honestly kind of a fan, especially “Throne”, even if I feel like the EDM influences just kind of go nowhere. Also, none of this screams “metalcore” to me but I don’t know, these guys seem to change their style a lot with the only thing staying consistent being Oliver Sykes, and his tone that shifts between nasal pop-punk-style crooning and chopped-up Auto-Tune growling. I talked to a friend about them and they like their earlier stuff mostly, although he “wouldn’t recommend” their debut album to anybody at all. Another friend said he refuses to listen to their music based on the pretentious title of their third record and honestly I think that’s a pretty fair decision. This song sounds like pretty standard BMTH, or at least from what I can gather from the singles and the formula they follow. It starts with a funky and cute, chirpy electronic groove before it’s drowned out by heavier drums and heavy metal guitar riffs, but this time said electronic groove is less integral to the instrumental and the shift to a funkier bassline in the verse might honestly be for the best, although I do love the way the instrumental is chopped up a bit at the end of each repetition of the chorus. It makes the song sound a lot more unique and even if it sounds just as 2012 as their 2012 stuff, I honestly think that’s fine, especially with that abrupt sharp contrast of his raspy yelling over breakbeats quickly followed by some crooning with light piano backing, which may make the song feel messy or structurally disjointed but honestly it works for the chaotic tone of the track and the angst that is presented in the lyrics. Also, although I haven’t evaluated this band since I watched a couple videos on Kerrang!, this feels oddly nostalgic. Huh. Some additional musings: That falsetto Sykes hits in the chorus is great. My friend said that he couldn’t finish the last album they put out which isn’t a good sign but to be fair to them it was an hour-long IDM record, because, well, sure. I’ve written way too much about Bring Me the bloody Horizon at this point so I’ll just move on but I’ll make sure to check out some of their stuff after this.
#37 – “Loading” – Central Cee
Produced by HARGO
Now back to normality, at least I think so. This is another UK drill artist I’ve never heard of. I like this beat, especially that sample of the horns that I’m surprised wasn’t found by crate-digging but it works pretty well under the drill beat; it sounds like a menacing “gangster” song, especially because of how that sample reminds me of 1930s Chicago. I’m not good on my American (or gang) history so that might be nonsense but you know what I mean, right? Black-and-white footage of men in suits gambling whilst women surround them and they all got their money from drug trafficking and they send out hits. Something like that, I don’t know. The song is kind of boring though, this Cee guy has zero charisma and the references to COVID make this immediately dated (not that this song is lyrically all that interesting anyway), and by two minutes the beat has run its course and just starts getting annoying. Yeah, not much to say about this one at all, but it could have been better.
#8 – “Sweet Melody” – Little Mix
Produced by Peoples, MNEK, Morten “Rissi” Ristorp, Oliver Frid and Tayla Parx
I wonder if now that I listened to Bring Me the Horizon for half an hour straight that the last four songs all sound worse, or at least less interesting, in comparison. Well, I doubt that really, I think these songs will just end up being less interesting. I mean, five separate producers on a simple three-minute pop track? This’ll be as market-tested and manufactured as possible, as one would expect from Little Mix. I didn’t mind their last couple promo singles but this song seems to have some actual traction and even a high-budget video behind it and hence it debuted as high as #8. Well, is it any good? Well, it’s no 2013 Bring Me the Horizon, that’s for sure. Jokes aside, the nonsense vocal refrain is kind of awkward and the R&B production here is kind of minimal and just... off, particularly in the first verse and refrain, where the singing and hard 808 is met with only accompaniment from one stray snare that is just... there? The drop doesn’t feel like it has a proper build-up either, and doesn’t even feel like it lives up to that non-existent tension. I do love the harmonies towards the end of the track and the “he would lie, he would cheat over syncopated beats” line is kind of a bar, I suppose, but yeah, this production is awkward and I’m not sure if it really does the girls’ talent justice. I would have preferred something more dramatic and with more of a climax than the skittering hi-hats and vaguely dancehall-inspired bass grooves, but alas, here we are with a pretty mediocre, uninteresting track, which wasn’t exactly unexpected.
#3 – “Really Love” – KSI featuring Craig David and Digital Farm Animals
Produced by Digital Farm Animals and Mojam
Ah, the trio we all didn’t know we wanted but definitely deserved(?): YouTuber KSI, legendary R&B singer Craig David and a couple virtual elephants. KSI is more than a YouTuber or prankster now to be fair to the guy, with songs like “Lighter” he has cemented himself as a genuine pop star and not in the way that songs used to get viral or even back in 2017 with Jake Paul. KSI is taking this stuff seriously and having fun with it, and, hey, he beat up Logan Paul once or twice so I guess I respect the man to some extent. I’m honestly surprised he got Craig David to be on the song with him. I mean KSI may be popular but I never put much thought into his music or even think it’s any good although the song has clearly debuted this high for a reason. Craig David has a janky hook that just plopped onto the track for a chorus and bridge, with pretty generic lyrics about love, which KSI develops on in some oddly specific ways. He’ll buy this woman Amazon Prime – I hope you enjoy the Borat sequel, guys – and she’ll “wreck his balls like Miley”. Classy. Honestly, the song is mostly fine – KSI’s flow is kind of awkward and stiff still but it’s a lot smoother than it usually is and he does deliver a pretty convincing performance here, as does Craig David, who sounds as great as he did 20 years ago over this groovy house instrumental, with a great bassline that really does fit Craig David more than it does KSI. The trap breakdown is pretty well done as well, which surprised me as I assumed the song would lose all momentum afterwards but, no, it keeps on chugging. This is listenable and far from bad but it’s mostly just a serviceable pop tune. I have no issue with this sticking around as it probably will. Now for the big one:
#1 – “positions” – Ariana Grande
Produced by TBHits, Mr. Frank and London on da Track
Man, I’ve just reviewed 12 songs, I do not feel like talking about the biggest and most important one now. Well, maybe it’s not that and instead the fact that I have this conflict with Grande’s music where someone so unbelievably and obviously talented sounds so incredibly disinterested in the songwriting and production, to the point where her performance is irrelevant. Sure, sweetener and thank u, next had their highs but the former is a complete mess and the latter feels so dull and oddly characterless. Again, these albums aren’t all bad but I feel like they’re still so rushed and infuriatingly so, with Grande having very little involvement, or at least it sounds like that in these albums. Regardless of how much she contributes to each record, it always comes out the other end sounding impersonal, so I’m actually glad she dropped the pretence and is now just doing purely sexy R&B stuff. I haven’t listened to the full album yet but with song titles like “34+35”, I can kind of expect what I’m going into here. That said, I’m not really a big fan of the title track and lead single here, although I can understand why it debuted at #1. Firstly, the video where she becomes the President of the United States for practically no reason is great. Secondly, the beat is pretty good and produced by London on da Track, who I’m kind of disappointed didn’t put his producer tag here. It would have at least been kind of funny hearing it transition into Grande’s sweet whispery vocal tone. I like the slick trap percussion, cricket sound effects and that chirpy guitar pluck, and especially those strings in the second pre-chorus which sound genuinely awesome. Ariana’s a great performer but the chorus is kind of weak, especially lyrically – I don’t mind the opening and main line about switching positions, hell, it’s kind of clever, but “I’m in the Olympics the way I’m jumping through hoops”? Really? The bridge is also pretty short and lazy; I feel like it could have actually been done away with or put as an intro and would have worked just as well replacing the second chorus with that final chorus, background whistle notes and all. That said, the song is a solid lead single and I am kind of excited to hear the rest of the album, even if this is at least somewhat of a retread.
What a mixed bag. I’m generally pleased with what we have here though and I am going to give Best of the Week to “Teadrops” by Bring Me the Horizon with an Honourable Mention to Polo G for “Martin & Gina”, although Clairo would have gotten close without Rostam on the boards. There’s nothing all that bad here except “Golden” by Harry Styles which does get an easy Worst of the Week, with a Dishonourable Mention to CJ’s “Whoopty” for just being lazy. Here’s this week’s “spooky” top 10 – it is Halloween after all:
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You can follow me on Twitter @cactusinthebank for political ramblings if you so wish but I wouldn’t recommend it, especially if you like Keir Starmer, but all politics aside, thank you for reading this far and I’ll see you next week.
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Over The Hill (Bucky x Reader)
This has several prompts but I don’t wanna spoil the story so I won’t say which ones. Just be warned, this is very heavy on the angst and has major character death... 
 James Buchanan Barnes was almost indescribable.
 He was like the last rays of sunshine on the best day of summer. There was beauty and brightness there but was tinged with loss.
 He was like that song, you know the one? The one everyone has, the song that is so sad, so painful and still so beautiful. With every note you feel your heart break a little bit more and no matter how many times you hear it, you still cry every time. But you still listened because even the sadness itself felt like a privilege if you got to listen to the song.
The melancholy sadness that radiated off of him was almost unbearable. Part of you wanted to avoid him because seeing him that way, it just hurt. But then he would smile, this soft, pain filled smile. And even though it hurt worse than anything you had ever felt, it was a privilege to see it.
 All the pain in him wasn’t enough to temper his kindness, his desire to help. He would bend over backwards to make sure nobody else was suffering, even if it was something small and unimportant.
 Couldn’t reach a cup on the top shelf? Bucky was there, handing it to you.
 Too many bags to carry? He would be taking them all off of you before you even realised he had approached you.
 You water bottle was empty on a warm day? A cold, fresh one would be handed to you mid run.
 Steve admonishing you for messing up a mission? Bucky would be there, pointing out everything you had done right and how you could learn from your mistakes.
 The guy Natasha set you up with turned out to be an asshole? Well, you couldn’t prove it but that guy quickly transferred away from the compound after writing you a very long apology note.
 But the one thing he couldn’t help with, the one pain he couldn’t sooth was the heartbreak of loving him and knowing he didn’t love you back. It was the worst sort of pain you had ever felt in your life, an all consuming ache that you carried in your chest at all times. But if you could go back and never have met him, saved yourself all that trouble? You wouldn’t do it. Knowing Bucky Barnes was worth it, even if it destroyed you.
 ~~~~~~~~~~In The Beginning~~~~~~~~~~
 “You’re wasting your talents.” You cousin chided you.
 You tucked the phone between your shoulder and ear, trying to balance the massive pile of files in one hand and your coffee cup in the other as you walked through the bustling halls of the Quantico headquarters.
 “Maria! I’m working for the FBI, it’s not like I’m driving the forklift in a Walmart Warehouse.” You protested.
 “Fury would take you back in a heartbeat, it’s not Shield but it’s better.” She tried.
 “In that it’s not secretly hosting a parasitic Nazi organization?” You snorted.
 “Yes. Just call fury, you can’t tell me you aren’t bored.” She sighed.
 “I’m a little bored, but Nicky hates me.” You refuted.
 “He hates that you call him Nicky but time has made him forget how annoying you are and reminded him of your good qualities.” She argued.
 “What, that I’m really good at shooting people?” You scoffed.
 “Maria, I followed you into Shield but honestly, Shield falling was kind of a good thing for me. Yes, I’m bored but I’m not unhappy to be out of that game.”
 “What about The Avengers? I could put a call in for you, and Barton and Romaoff would back me up.” She offered.
 That made you pause.
 “They looking for Agents?” You enquired.
 “They’re always looking for good agents.” She said victoriously, knowing she had you.
 “And I wouldn’t be under Nicky’s thumb?” You checked.
 “Fury has no authority there.” She confirmed.
 You looked at the obscene amount of paperwork as you dumped it on your desk and absentmindedly stroked the holstered gun on your hip, the one that hadn’t been fired outside of a shooting range in months.
 “Alright, hook me up with The Avengers.” You agreed.
 That was how you found yourself dragging a duffel bag into the Upstate Avengers compound two weeks later.
 “Can I help you with that?” A soft voice said from behind you.
 You turned your head to see a long haired, beautiful man standing a few feet away nervously, waiting for you to give him permission to approach. His hand was outstretched and you noticed it was metal, which drew your eyes back to his face.
“I would appreciate that.” You said gratefully.
 He took the bag from you, eyebrows raising when he realized how heavy it was.
 “What do you have in here?” He asked, blushing when he realised it was probably a personal question.
 “Pretty much everything I own. So a lot of weapons and a lot of shoes.” You said, grinning at him.
 “Are you moving in?” He asked curiously, carrying the bag towards the elevator.
 “Actually, yes I am Sergeant Barnes.” You nodded, following him.
 “You know who I am?”
 “You’re recognisable. And chivalrous but not blonde, so that narrowed it down.” You joked.
 “Bucky. Call me Bucky.” He said softly.
 “Bucky… I’m.”
 “Oh no.” He groaned and you froze up in alarm as he turned to you with a deer in the headlights look.  
 “Will you marry me?” He asked in a rush, eyes wide.
 “We met three minutes ago, you don’t even know my name!” You laughed, puzzled by the request.
 “Please, please just pretend that we are madly in love and getting married!” He begged.
 “Ok?” You agreed.
 He sighed in relief and slipped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Before you could even let out a noise of surprise you heard someone yelling his name.
 “Oh Sergeant Barnes!”
 Even you winced at the shrill tone and you had a pretty good idea of why you were now engaged. You glanced up to see a tall, blonde woman barrelling towards you. Whether she was in a rush or just couldn’t stop the momentum, you weren’t sure. If you were wearing heels that high, you’d probably keep moving as well, too afraid of toppling over if you stopped.  As she drew closer her eyes zero’d in on you and narrowed hatefully as she sized you up.
 “Who’s your friend?” She asked with forced friendliness.
 “Uh, Babette, I told you about her right. This is my fiancée.” He explained, looking between the two of you nervously.
 “I’ve told you, everybody calls me Babe.” She laughed, glaring at you through the cackle.
 “Well hey Babe, I’m Agent Hill the younger.” You announced, offering her your hand.
 Bucky’s hand tightened on your waist as he realised who you were.
 “Agent… Hill?” She gulped.
 “”That’s right.” You said, grinning up at Bucky with a mischievous twinkle in your eye.
 “Well we should get you settled in upstairs, everyone’s dying to see you.” Bucky said, trying to pull you away.
 “Bye Babe!” You yelled as he dragged you away.
 As soon as you were on the elevator he dropped the charade.
 “I’m so sorry!” He gushed, releasing your waist like you’d burned him.
 “Why exactly are we getting married?” You asked him.
 “She.. well she’s relentless and I didn’t know how to get her to stop flirting with me without being rude. So I told her I was with someone and when she asked if it was serious I said I was engaged. She still didn’t want to back off so when I saw her coming over, I panicked.” He admitted, blushing slightly.
 “Ah. You should have told her you were gay.” You said, shaking your head in mock disappointment.
 “You’re glossing over the whole panicking thing aren’t you?”
 “Well, if you need a fake fiancée to ward of the Babe’s of the world then let me know.” You offered, trying to reassure him with a gentle smile.  
 “Thank you. For going along with it.” He said genuinely.
 He was so sincere and soft spoken, charming and kind that you immediately found yourself drawn in by him.
 “Anything for you Bucky.” You said, meaning it to be a joke.
 Turned out, the joke was on you.
 “Steve, we can stop the detonations from decimating the city but we need to do it from here.” Bucky said into the comms, his eyes haunted.
 He was right, Stark had done what he could to ensure that the bombs wouldn’t go off by jamming the signals. But the catch was, he couldn’t jam the signal to the bomb where the three of you were stood and someone needed to be here to keep jamming the signal.
 “Get her out of here.” Bucky said to Tony, ignoring you.
 “Barnes…” Tony argued weakly.
 “You can fly, you have a better chance of getting her away.” Bucky said decisively.
 “Bucky, I…” You gasped, looking around desperately.
 “There’s no other way.” Bucky said apologetically, knowing what you were looking for.
 Tears stung at your eyes as you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
 “I love you.” You whispered in his ear before you pulled away.
 You saw the shock on his eyes at your admission, the pained look on his face. And then the horror as the metal pipe you’d grabbed slammed into his skull.
 “What the hell?” Tony demanded as Bucky crumbled to the ground.
 “I can’t carry him out. You have to do it.” You said coldly.
 Tony looked between Bucky’s unconscious body and the firm, stubborn look on your face as he realised what you’d just done. You’d backed him into a corner.
 “Agent Hill, it’s been an honour.” He said sadly, knowing there was no time for a long drawn out goodbye.
 “Tell Maria it was my choice and I didn’t regret it. Please?” You begged as he picked Bucky’s prone form up off the floor.
 “I will.” Tony said, with one last pained look of regret before his visor closed and he was gone.
 You got to work, typing the code Tony had input into the system that jammed the radio signals.
 Bucky woke up a safe distance away from the building, just in time to see it go up in flames with a ground shaking boom.
 “Where is she?!” He roared, swaying as he stood up and tried to move towards the building.
 “She made her choice Barnes, I’m sorry.” Tony apologised, pulling him back.
 Bucky struggled against him, frantically trying to get to you even as he watched the building crumble.
 “NO!” He screamed, the futility of the situation slamming into him and forcing him to his knees.
 “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tony repeated, trying to push his own pain aside.
 “She can’t be gone.” Bucky whispered.
 “Barnes… look!” Tony said in shock, hoping his eyes weren’t deceiving him.
 The red figure flying out of the building flew closer and Vision landed in front of them, carrying a very bloody, very burned but very alive you in his arms. Bucky scrambled to his feet and gently grabbed you from Vision.
 “I tried to get there before the explosion but I was unable to save her.” Vision apologised.
 “S’alright Vis, you did good.” You assured weakly.
 “What were you thinking? You could have been killed!” Bucky demanded, cradling you to his chest carefully and angling you towards Tony so Friday could scan your vitals.
 “I was thinking that you were in danger and I would happily die rather than live in a world without you in it.” You told him sincerely.
 “What you said… You didn’t just say it to distract me?” He demanded desperately.
 “I love you Bucky, I couldn’t tell you because I didn’t want to lose you.”
 “You wouldn’t. You won’t. I love you, I fucking love you, I’m sorry I ever made you think otherwise.” He professed.
 Tony gently grasped his shoulder and he looked up to see the other mans heartbroken expression.
 “She’s got major internal bleeding, Ambulance is coming but..” Tony trailed off.
 Bucky looked back down at you and noticed the way you were rapidly losing colour and your eyes were fluttering closed.  
 “I will spend the rest of my life making it all up to you but you need to live, please just hold on.” He begged.
 “Sorry. I’m sorry.” You whispered.
 “Don’t be sorry, just live.” He pleaded.
 But you were only human, and not even force of will could help you survive the force of a bomb and a building collapsing on you. By the time the ambulance arrived less than a minute later, you were already gone. They tried to revive you but your heart wouldn’t restart, and Bucky’s heart broke. He clutched your hand as the paramedics called the time of death.
 “I love you. I will always love you and I will tell you that every day for the rest of my life, I just wish you were alive to hear it.”
A/N - Yeah, don’t worry, I hate me as well for writing this..... 
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the-type-a · 5 years
Can you post your Duncney playlist since I don’t have Spotify? Please!
Of course! (I might have to do it in two parts so make sure to check the RBs!)
3:00am - Finding Hope
5 O’Clock - T-Pain, Lily Allen, Wiz Khalifa
7 Things - Miley Cyrus
About You Now - Miranda Cosgrove
Alive - One Direction
All I Ever Wanted - Basshunter
All I Do is Dream of You - Emilie Claire Barlow
All That Matters - Justin Bieber
Almost is Never Enough - Ariana Grande
A.M. - One Direction
Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer
Anaconda - Nicki Minaj
Animal - Neon Trees
Animals - Maroon 5
Apologize - OneRepublic
As Long As You Love Me - Justin Bieber
A Thousand Years - Christiana Perri
A Whole New World - Mena Massoud, Naomi Scott - Aladdin
Baby Boy - Beyoncé, Sean Paul
Backseat - New Boyz
Back to Sleep Remix - Chris Brown, Usher, Zayn
Back to You - Louis Tomlinson, Bebe Rexha
Bad Boy - Cascada
Bad Decisions- Ariana Grande
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
Beauty And A Beat - Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj
Beauty and the Beast - Ariana Grande, John Legend (also Disney Version)
Bedrock - Young Money, Lloyd
Bedroom Floor - Liam Payne
Behind These Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson
Best I Ever Had - Drake
Better in Time - Leona Lewis
Better Than Revenge - Taylor Swift
Better Than Words - One Direction
Bound 2 - Kanye West
Bow Chicka Wow Wow - Mike Posner, Lil Wayne
Boyfriend - Ariana Grande, Social House
Boyfriend - Justin Bieber
Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz
Can I Have This Dance - High School Musical 3
Can’t Stand It - NeverShoutNever
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Check Yes, Juliet - We the Kings
Close - Nick Jonas
Closer - Ne-Yo
Closer - The Chainsmokers
Cold - Maroon 5
Come Back to Me - Vanessa Hudgens
Come & Get it - Selena Gomez
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Confident - Justin Bieber
Contagious - Avril Lavigne
Controlla - Drake
Corazon Sin Cara - Prince Royce
Crazy - Prince Royce
Crazy in Love - Beyoncé, Jay Z
Criminal - Britney Spears
Crush - David Archuleta
Dangerous - Prince Royce, Kid Ink
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande
Dear John - Taylor Swift
Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
Despacito Remix - Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee, Justin Bieber
Dile al Amor - Aventura
Dirty Little Secret - The All-American Rejects
DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love - Usher
Does He Know? - One Direction
Doin’ Dirt - Maroon 5
Don’t Forget - Demi Lovato
Don’t Stop - 5 Seconds of Summer
Don’t Stop the Music - Rihanna
Down - Jay Sean, Lil Wayne
Drunk In Love - Beyoncé, Jay Z
Dusk Till Dawn - Zayn, Sia
Earned It - The Weekend
El Amor - Tito “El Bambino”
El Amor Que Perdimos - Prince Royce
El Malo - Aventura
Eres Mia - Romeo Santos
E.T - Katy Perry, Kanye West
Everytime We Touch - Cascada
Fallin’ For You - Colbie Caillat
Familiar - Liam Payne
Feelings - Maroon 5
Fifteen - Taylor Swift
First Time - Liam Payne
Flicker - Niall Horan
fOoL fOr YoU - Zayn
Fool’s Gold - One Direction
For The Nights I Can’t Remember - Hedley
Friends - Justin Bieber, BloodPop
FU - Miley Cyrus, French Montana
Genie In a Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Get Back - Demi Lovato
Gimme More - Britney Spears
Girls & Boys - Good Charlotte
Girls Like You - Maroon 5, Cardi B
Give It Up To Me - Sean Paul
Give Me Everything - Pitbull, Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer
Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects
Good Girl Gone Bad - Rihanna
Good Girls - 5 Seconds of Summer
Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship, Leighton Meester
Gotta Go My Own Way - High School Musical 2
Half a Heart - One Direction
Handcuffs - Prince Royce
Hands to Myself - Selena Gomez
Hate That I Love You - Rihanna, Ne-Yo
Heartbreak Girl - 5 Seconds of Summer
Heartless - Kanye West
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here - Ed Sheeran
Here We Go Again - Demi Lovato
Hero - Enrique Iglesias
Hips Don’t Lie - Shakira, Wyclef Jean
History - One Direction
Hold It Against Me - Britney Spears
Home With You - Liam Payne
Hot Mess - Cobra Starship
Hot N Cold - Katy Perry
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever - Zayn, Taylor Swift
I Fall Apart - Post Malone
If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes
I.F.L.Y - Bazzi
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
I Knew You Were Trouble - Taylor Swift
I Know You Want Me - Pitbull
I Like It - Enrique Iglesias
I’ll Take You There - Sean Paul
I Love You 5 - NeverShoutNever
I’m a Slave 4 U - Britney Spears
I’m Yours - Jason Mraz
In My Feelings - Drake
In My Head - Jason Derulo
Into You - Ariana Grande
Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls
Irreplaceable - Beyoncé
I See the Light - Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi
I Think We're Alone Now - Tiffany
I Wanna Love You - Akon, Snoop Dogg
I Won’t Give Up - Jason Mraz
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) - Hercules
Jealous - Nick Jonas
Juego Prohibidos - Nicky Jam
Jungle - Drake
Just Like You - Louis Tomlinson
Just the Girl - The Click Five
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne
Kill My Mind - Louis Tomlinson
Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
Kiss Me Kiss Me - 5 Seconds of Summer
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy, Sammie
Kiss the Girl - Samuel E. Wright - The Little Mermaid
Kiwi - Harry Styles
La Bella Y La Bestia - Romeo Santos
Last Kiss - Taylor Swift
Let Me - Zayn
Let Me Love You - DJ Snake, Justin Bieber
Let Me Love You - Mario
Lights Up - Harry Styles
Like I’m Gonna Lose You - Meghan Trainor, John Legend
Listen To Your Heart - DHT, Edmee
Little of Your Time - Maroon 5
Little Things - One Direction
Love While We’re Young - One Direction
Llevame Contigo - Romeo Santos
Love Me Harder - Ariana Grande, The Weekend
Love More - Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj
Love On the Brain - Rihanna
Love On Top - Beyoncé
Love Song - Sara Bareilles
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Love The Way You Lie - Eminem, Rihanna
Love You Goodbye - One Direction
Love You Like A Love Song - Selena Gomez
Lucky Strike - Maroon 5
Mad - Ne-Yo
Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5
make up - Ariana Grande
Mercy - Shawn Mendes
Midnight Memories - One Direction
Mine - Taylor Swift
Mine - Beyoncé, Drake
Misery - Maroon 5
Miss Independent - Ne-Yo
Miss You - Louis Tomlinson
Moments - One Direction
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
My Boo - Usher, Alicia Keys
My Favorite Part - Mac Miller & Ariana Grande
My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
Nice To Meet Ya - Niall Horan
Needed Me - Rihanna
Need You Now - Glee Cast
Neighbors Know My Name - Trey Songz
New Rules - Dua Lipa
Next To You - Chris Brown, Justin Bieber
Night Changes - One Direction
No Air - Chris Brown, Jordin Sparks
No Control - One Direction
No One - Alicia Keys
Odio - Romeo Santos, Drake
OMG - Usher, will.i.am
Once in a Lifetime - One Direction
One Dance - Drake, Wizkid, Kyla
One More Night - Maroon 5
One Thing - One Direction
One Thing Right - Marshmello, Kane Brown
Only Angel - Harry Styles
Only Girl - Rihanna
On The Loose - Niall Horan
Ordinary People - John Legend
Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
Partition - Beyoncé
Payphone - Maroon 5
Perfect - One Direction
Perfect - Ed Sheeran
Photograph - Ed Sheeran
Picture to Burn - Taylor Swift
Pills N Potions - Nicki Minaj
Please Don’t Go - Mike Posner
Polaroid - Liam Payne, Jonas Blue, Lennon Stella
Pop Princess - The Click Five
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
Princesita - Aventura
Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado, Timbaland
Promise - Romeo Santos, Usher
Propuesta Indecente - Romeo Santos
Red - Taylor Swift
Reply - Iyaz
Right Here, Right Now - High School Musical 3
Right Now - Akon
Rocket - Beyoncé
Rock Me - One Direction
Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake
Rolling in the Deep - Adele
Rude - MAGIC!
Rude Boy - Rihanna
Same Old Love - Selena Gomez
Say OK - Vanessa Hugdens
Senorita - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello
Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
Shake It - Metro Station
Shape of You - Ed Sheeran
She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer
She’s Kinda Hot - 5 Seconds of Summer
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nottheripperjack · 5 years
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Write My Story - Olly Anna
I'm the only one that can write my story And nobody else's gonna do it for me Anything at all that I wanna be I got it all right in front of me
Polaroid - Imagine Dragons
I'm a reckless mistake, I'm a cold night's intake I'm a one night too long, I’m a come on too strong All my life I've been living in the fast lane Can't slow down 
Speechless - Naomi Scott
Try to lock me in this cage I won't just lay me down and die I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
The gods may throw a dice, their minds as cold as ice And someone way down here, loses someone dear The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall It's simple and it's plain, why should I complain
You - Wrenn
I'm so scared, quiet lover, can't keep my voice down Soon the whole world will know I don't do good in crowds So if I panic and I tell you, don't want you around, know I'm lying To you
My Mistake - Gabrielle Aplin
Am I jaded, am I meant to feel this way I'm a loser, getting beat by my own game But if I falter, well at least it was my mistake Well, at least it was my mistake
Watching for Comets - Skillet
You were a comet and I lost it Watching for comets, will I see you again Everybody needs someone but they can't feel like this How can I breathe with this burning in my chest You were gone so fast, I want you back
My Dark Disquiet - Poets of the Fall
Without names we're fantasizing, dancing like flames, mesmerizing  My dark disquiet playing such eerie harmonies Making waves and diving under, lightning to the sound of thunder My dark disquiet singing such haunting melodies
Small World - Idina Menzel
Still rising towards the dark Don't care what's down below 'Cause no one can see me And no one has to know
Sweet Dream - Greg Laswell
If I could write out my own dream, for the next time that I sleep You'd be the first one that I see And I the last one that you keep And the dream would go on and on, while we sway against all things thrown our way And the morning would be so cruel, when it came with sunshine and warmth to blame For announcing the end of my sweet dream For announcing the end of my sweet dream
Work Bitch - Britney Spears
I Like That - Luciana ft. Richard Vission
Bang Bang - Jessie J
The Rhythm of the Night - Corona
Funky Town - Lipps Inc. 
Pump Up the Jam - Technotronic
Turn Down For What - DJ Snake
Turn Me On - David Guetta ft. Nicki Minaj
Break Free - Zedd ft. Ariana Grande
I Love It - Icona Pop ft. Charli XCX
Can’t Be Tamed - Miley Cyrus
Call on Me - Eric Prydz
Keep Breathing - Congratulationz
I want to change the world, instead I sleep I want to believe in more than you and me But all that I know is I'm breathing All I can do is keep breathing
Magnetised - Tom Odell
'Cause it's not right, I'm magnetised To somebody that don't feel it Love paralyzed, she's never gonna need me But sure as the world keeps the moon in the sky She'll keep me hanging on, she'll keep me hanging on
Hurt - 2WEI
What have I become, my sweetest friend Everyone I know, goes away in the end And you could have it all, my empire of dirt I will let you down, I will make you hurt
Goner - Twenty One Pilots
Though I'm weak and beaten down I'll slip away into this sound The ghost of you is close to me I'm inside-out, you're underneath
Let Me Go - Startisan
One last time, I tell myself every time But always return to the scene of the crime Just like a ghost to the place where they died Cause you make me yearn to be refused You intimate hope for a life you won't choose    
Are You With Me - Nilu
Wake up, stay with me Through the flood and through the fear Right now I need you here, I need you to stay strong To remind me where I came from and where I belong So wake up and stay with me
Ava - Famy
This world is rabid, this world is through Follow me through an empty dream, I’m sleeping next to someone new My conscience burning, my beastly flaw The headache pill, the necktie on my bedroom door I’m such a coward, these wretched things I do Disgrace and treachery I’m a sickness and I know its true
One Day I’ll Fly Away - Vaults
I make it alone, when love has gone Still, you made your mark, here in my heart One day I'll fly away, leave your love to yesterday What more can your love do for me When will love be through with me
Anger - Sleeping At Last
Till it all spills out Reckless but honest words leave my mouth Like kerosene on the flame of doubt I couldn't make it right
Repeat Until Death - Novo Amor
Don't go, you're half of me now, but I'm hardly stood proud I said it, almost Oh, I've been low, but dammit I bet it don't show It was heaven a moment ago I had it almost, we had it almost 
Good Times Gonna Come - Aqualung
'round the bend, the sun is in the sky It's starting to look like it's gonna be, yeah, it's gonna be A bright beautiful day Yeah, the good times gonna come
Wouldn’t It Be Nice - The Beach Boys
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up In the morning when the day is new And after having spent the day together Hold each other close the whole night through
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & the Waves
I used to think maybe you loved me, now I know that it's true And I don't want to spend my whole life, just waiting for you Now I don't want you back for the weekend Not back for a day, no no no
Feeling Good - Avicii
Stars when you shine, you know how I feel Scent of the pine, you know how I feel Oh, freedom is mine and I know how I feel t's a new dawn, t's a new day, It's a new life for me and I’m feelin good
My Way - Frank Sinatra
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew And through it all, whenever there was doubt I ate it up and spit it out, I faced it all and I stood tall And did it my way
Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Swede
I said I'm hooked on a feeling And I'm high on believing That you're in love with me Hooked on a feeling
Build Me Up Buttercup - You, Me, And Everyone We Know
But I love you still, I need you More than anyone darlin' You know that I have from the start So build me up, buttercup Don't break my heart
Shut Up and Dance - Walk the Moon
Oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me I said you're holding back She said shut up and dance with me This woman is my destiny
Dancing on My Own - Elle Fanning
I'm just gonna dance all night I'm all messed up, I'm so outta line Stilettos and broken bottles I'm spinning around in circles
Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver
I hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me The radio reminds me of my home far away Driving down the road, I get a feeling That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
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musiquedujour · 5 years
26 Aug 19
Kelly Clarkson: Broken & Beautiful
Kelly Clarkson: Since U Been Gone
Carrie Underwood: Last Name
Maren Morris: Girl
Gretchen Wilson: Redneck Woman
Darius Rucker: Wagon Wheel
Patsy Cline: She's Got You
Juice Newton: Angel of the Morning
Juice Newton: Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me
Zion & Lennox ft. Nicky Jam: Mi Tesoro
Sean Paul: Get Busy
Sean Paul: Temperature
Sean Paul & J Balvin: Contra la Pared
Rosalía & J Balvin: Con Altura
Ozuna & Romeo Santos: El Farsante (remix)
Jory Boy ft. Juhn el Allstar, Miky Woodz & Ken-Y: Mala Suerte (remix)
Karen Harding & Tujamo: With U (David Puentez remix)
MKLA, Vintage Culture & Adam K: Save Me
Iselin Solheim & Alan Walker: Faded
David & Tamela Mann: Good Love
Regina Belle: Show Me the Way
Mariah Carey: Love Takes Time
Mariah Carey: Vision of Love
Listen to this playlist:
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babyi · 6 years
Sweetener: In Review
           Sweetener (Album):             8/10
I like it a lot. I have a lot of reasons why I like most of the songs. You’re never gonna like them all, and that’s okay too. But I like so many of them and I’m really relieved. It doesn’t change whether Ariana’s personality is any better but it matters that I actually like her music. It’s so funny to me that some people like DW better because for me, this album is far more up my street. I wish a lot of the songs had their beats like 20% more subtle as a review of the songs as a whole, and some of the more pharrell-y tracks are worse. But overall this isn’t a bad album attempt. I can see myself stanning this album and still listening to it in the future. And I’ve had several songs stuck in my head or on repeat, and that’s nice because I’ve actually wanted to listen to the album more and more the longer it;s been out. It may be as much of a grower as the singles but I do think it’s a good album and I’m proud of it.  
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The track by track listing is below, the opinions inside are all my own, just a personal opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion whether you agree with me or not. 
1. Raindrops (An Angel Cried)           8/10
A gorgeous way to start the album, I really enjoy hearing just a pure acapella representation of Ariana’s voice to kick off the album. It’s clean and gorgeous, and it really gives you everything you need to know about Ariana’s talent - look no further than track. 1. However, this is Ariana’s 4th album and there are two covers on it which I think is a little stretched; at this point in her career Ariana should be defining sounds, not recycling them. I think that this acapella genius could have been better if it was an original. The cover is beautiful but, as with most of her career so far, Ariana is still relying on others to provide her with material to sing to, it’s time she stepped up artistically. 
2. Blazed            5/10
I don’t hate it, I know a lot of people hate Pharrell’s production and his parts of this song, but personally I don’t hate it at all. I think it’s a far more relaxed sound than a lot of this album’s other disasters like the sampling in TLIC or the yuh’s/sheeh’s in Sweetener etc. Blazed has a basic backing track which isn’t anything special but the melody of the singing is one of the most upbeat on the album and makes it special and stand out a bit from the overall ambiance of the rest of the album. The lyrics are a bit confused but it attempts to create an image of a new relationship, it also has some of the most underrated lyrics on the album with Pharrell’s line “your magnetic demeanor”. If this song was on a different album it could have been more of a filler track but it’s one of few tracks you could potentially dance to. However It is a wasted feature, the song isn’t so good as to forgive it for it’s basic sounds and taking up a slot on the album when this song could have happily been a soundtrack song for tv/film instead. 
3. The Light Is Coming           0/10
Trash. There is too much going on, the lyrics are a mess which should never have been aloud to make it to the studio floor. Nicki isn’t bad but it’s another of many wasted features: Ariana and Nicki have done better things together and this ain’t it. It was supposed to be some commentary on people with loud opinions and simultaneously about finding the light.... when in reality neither of these concepts came across and it was just a big messy trash pile of hot garbage. The beat is too heavy, nicki doesn’t say anything about the light, ariana isn’t giving any vocals, the lyrics are all over the place, and the sample in the background is distracting and ugly. 
4. R.E.M Wake Up            7/10
The first song we come to which is actually representative of the album vibe. It’s the definition of a slow jam and I fuck with it heavy. It really only has one soul concept ‘’you’re such a dream to me’’ and everything else is frills around it but it is really pretty. We get some harmonies and some cute verses courtesy of Beyonce of all people. It’s very inoffensive and cute, if I were to critique I would say, as usual for Pharrell’s whole vibe, the beat is a bit too heavy for the sweet, light, dreamy song. It’s worth noting that people find this song a bit boring, too. And it’s hard to completely forgive it for ‘’when I was sleep’’. But Ariana’s vocals and the overall almost r&b cloudlike vibe work well for Ariana. I can see why this one is her fave right now, and why she feels it sounds the most like her. 
5. God Is A Woman            9/10
This song could have it’s own review just by itself, so I’ll only focus on it as far of the album. This song is a bop, it’s controversial and it’s just about sex, but the sound is iconic. It has big sounds and big notes and big ideas. It fits well within the album and it is a very good single choice. it could do with less ‘yuh’s and better lyrical concepts - because for all the will in the world this song is not what empowerment is, no matter how much she wants it to be. However, with that known, as a sex song with an eye catching concept, it nails it and gives us some much needed vocals. 
6. Sweetener  Bop It             2/10
The biggest disappointment on the album. As the title song, it was always going to be much anticipated and have a lot of it’s shoulders. And when the first verse hits, I almost cried because it’s so good, beautiful, with such an amazing first verse lyrically and it was exactly what she said it was about - sweetening the situation. That verse is some of my favourite lyrics on the album. And then the chorus hits. And it’s trash from there. The bop it aesthetic is ugly to me and although you can warm to it and tolerate it, it could always have been so much better. It has all the ugly Pharrell ‘sheesh’ parts in the back which we could have done without, and I don’t think I need to talk more about the lyrics in the chorus. To me, this song is like trailmix: it has lovely, amazing parts but overall its ruined by the abundance of nasty other shit mixed in. 
7. Successful            6/10
I can both take this one and leave it. This song was part of the reason I took so long to review because I couldn’t decide if I liked it or not. I quite like the melody/sound, but the lyrics are a ruiner. For others, they’re put off by the basic wii music beat in the back of it, and I don’t mind that so much, personally. However, the lyrics make me cringe a bit- I think the song was supposed to be an attempt at celebrating her journey and how far she’s come, and be an empowering song for herself and other women. However, it missed the mark just slightly and ends up sounding like she’s bragging about how successful she is, which is a shame because I like the concept a lot she just needed a better lyricist to smooth it. When I listen close enough to hear her pat herself on the back I can’t help but enjoy the song less, I don’t find a millionaire born into money and opportunity celebrating her fun cute life, relatable. I can’t ignore the existence of songs like IDC/YDKM and then Successful, but the lack of songs celebrating friends/family/fans or any type of humble thank you? This song, to me, feels like another addition in the line of songs which make her sound like a dick. And then there’s the sex aspect which is as unnecessary as me mentioning it in this review. But the beat is poppin and I can’t fault the vocals or choices made on the sound front. 
8. Everytime  Back To You            10/10
Amazing, stunning, phenomenal, genuis, iconic. I can’t get enough of this song I love it so much. It’s my favourite on the album and I ADORE the story it tells. The lyrics sing to me, the vocals and the pop feel of the whole song just really vibes with me. This pop-y slow jam reminds me of space and lavender, and a sincere pop song for Ariana. This song is everything that I enjoy in her music and I am so happy she put this on the album and let us hear it. I can’t even describe how much I like it honestly it’s just something that I need to listen to repeatedly for the rest of my life. 
9. Breathin’            10/10
My baby. This is a powerful song and I appreciate everything about it, I think the lyrics are necessary and the way the song is formulated with the long pauses and beat drops are genuis for the subject matter. It’s truly one of her better songs on her discography, one without the mention of sex and on a subject which can be so personal yet so easily relatable to so many people. This song deserves to be a single, it’s fan favourite and if Ariana and everyone on her team had any sense they would see the success of this song already and run with it, give it the day in the sun it deserves. It’s the pop equivalent of Get Well Soon, better articulated and with such clarity it just blows me away. 
10. No Tears Left To Cry            9/10
I still like it. When this one dropped I was nervous that I only liked it because it was new, but here we are with the whole album and I still think it’s one of the better songs on it. It bridges the gap well, between albums. It’s just an all-round good song. My least favourite parts are the ‘pickin it up’ parts but at this point it’s normal for me to hear that in the song. I also wish it hadn’t mentioned a boy at all, and I wish she hadn’t tried to say that the ‘boy’ was her gays at her shows because it reminds me of how lesbian-exclusionary she is with her lgbt advocacy. However, I do think it’s the perfect nod to Manchester. I would have hated a song dedicated to it, and the subtle hints about moving on are very classy. It’s a good, strong song, and it has longevity. 
11. Borderline            1/10
Nahhhhhh. I can barely pay attention during this song. It’s the last of the wasted features, and it is the most forgettable song on the album. I’m not even gonna spend a lot of time thinking about it. It’s very one dimensional sounding. The wifey type and ice cream parts are an odd mix and a lot of people find them cringy. Missy’s part is forgettable. Ariana will forget about it just as quickly as we will.  It just doesn’t do it for me at all. 
12. Better Off            9/10
Sweet. I have no problems with this song at all, it doesn’t call to me like some of the other songs but I like it a lot when it’s on. It’s very ethereal and very deep. it feels personal and the lyrics tell a story very well. It sounds like the rundown of a real relationship. My favourite line is ‘’i’d rather have your body than half of your heart’’ which sticks out to me in such a plesant way. The whole song is pleasant to listen to, which is a clever contrast to the painful subject matter: it’s like you’re being sung to sleep with a lullaby by a widow. And those surprise strings at the end are everything, they’re a huge throwback to her earlier music and sound gorgeous in this song. Just overall a lovely listen. 
13. Goodnight N’ Go            9/10
A cover, but I would never want this song not to exist. It’s an amazing take on the original and I like the twist of the beats in the first verse then diving into the well known chorus which sounds just so goddamn pretty. The song sounds like a beautiful swirl of classical vs modern versions of the song and Ariana does it so much justice. It’s stunning, I can’t really comment too much further on it because it’s not actually her song lol. I wish she had an original as gorgeous as this. 
14. Pete Davidson  Happy            7.5/10
I gotta say that I like it. I’m not keen on the ‘look at my mind’ section. But when the song gets good, it gets so good. It’s so cute and I’m so happy that she’s this happy. I wish the song was longer instead of an odd interlude near the end of the album. It would have been better as a full song, and it would have been better focusing on happiness. But it’s cute as hell, and I’m not objecting to it being on the album at all, it’s a nice little song. 
15. Get Well Soon            6/10
Powerful. This song might be the most important song she’s ever made, it’s definitely the most personal and I love it for that. Personally, I don’t have anxiety so I find it quite loud and confusing- which I know is the point of it and that’s amazing and clever and artistic which I’ve been waiting to see from her for such a long time. However, that doesn’t make it an easy listen for me, and it’s important but not one of my favourites. I appreciate everything that it is, but I don’t like all the song rapping, and I don’t like the different clashing styles. I like about half of it a lot and the other half just doesn’t appeal to me much. I like it more because I know how much it means to other people, and how accurate it is in describing what anxiety is for them - it’s a healing thing for them. And it has the extra silence in remembrance at the end which is also a powerful and important move to end the album with. Basically, I respect this song a lot. But I don’t put it on for nice listening. I love it for everything it stands for. 
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mizz-kraziii · 6 years
Tag Game
We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire library on shuffle and report the first ten songs that pop up, then choose ten victims.
Tagged by the talented, amazing and beautiful @winchesterswantmypie
Snooze - Snow Tha Product
For My City - Smoothvega
God is a Woman - Ariana Grande
Lucky You - Eminem ft Joyner Lucas
Problems - Snow Tha Product
Say Amen - Panic at the Disco
Jumpsuit - Twenty One Pilots
Sangria Wine - Camila Cabello
Princess - MC Magic (English or Spanish version)
X(equis) remix - J Balvin ft Nicky Jam, Ozuna and Malima
I know it's only supposed to be 10 songs but I can't help myself 😊😊😊😊 so here's a bonus playlist
1,2,3 - Sofia Reyes ft Jason Derulo and Dela Ghetto
All About Us - Jordan Fisher
I wanna know her name - South Park Mexican(SPM)
Rompe remix - Daddy Yankee
We're Here - Snow Tha Product
Llevame Contigo - Romeo Santos
Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake
OMG - Camila Cabello
El Clavo - Prince Royce
El Préstamo - Maluma
Reggaeton Lento remix - CNCO ft Little Mix
Get Down Low - Snow tha Product
Jungle - X Ambassadors
Survival - Eminem
Si Una Vez - Play n' Skillz ft Frankie J and Leslie Grace
Bodak Yellow - Cardi B ( English and Spanish version)
Motor Sport - Migos ft Cardi B and Nicki Minaj
No Frauds - Nicki Minaj
No Scrubs - TLC
Bad Bitches - Snow Tha Product
Tags: @queenofslytherin71 @papi-chulo-bucky @justsomebucky @gryffindorwriter @zombryz @vivabucky @v-2bucky @brokenglass7 @broken1413 @marvel-is-ruining-my-life
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bangcakes · 6 years
Music Shuffle Tag~
Tagged by: @mydaystan & @sungjinhearts. Thanks for tagging me !!
Rules: Shuffle your music and write down the first 20 songs that play (and tag some friends to try it too!!) This is an easy way to get to know a lot about a person! (I combined the tags cuz like...... they were pretty much the same Kjlkgdsjf)
man! i feel like a woman! - shania twain
follow me - got7
sweet lie - seungri feat. dannic
bae bae - bigbang
el perdon - nicky jam & enrique iglesias
when you love someone - day6
hold my heart - sara bareilles
shampain - marina and the diamonds
misery business - paramore
looking hot - no doubt
me & mr jones - amy winehouse
congratulations - day6
first time - day6
hercules - sara bareilles
my cherie amour - stevie wonder
beautiful - ikon
back to black - amy winehouse
stop the rain - day6
just a dream - carrie underwood
a - got7
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this :p
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