#Nezuko coloring sheet
cutecoloringpages · 1 year
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aritsukemo · 2 months
Paradise | Chapter Three - Sabito and Makomo | KNY
Summary: Sakonji Urokodaki's grueling training begins!
Warnings: Nothing much. Tanjiro, Y/n, and Sumiko are in pain for the majority of this chapter.
A/N: Here's chapter three that's been sitting in my drafts for like two to three months now! This is my first time doing a first pov so I hope my lack of expertise doesn't show too much!😅 I'm going to re-remind everyone once the next chapter comes out, but chapter four will be posted alongside the first oc profile! You'll only be able to read it over on Wattpad, but I hope everyone goes to give it a quick read whenever I post it! :D
Tagging: @overluvsick, @nursedflowers, @jspidey5 + anyone who wants to be tagged! <3
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Third Person Pov
Crickets and other noisy bugs converse loudly during the night. Tanjiro sits at a small table, a singular lamp by his side as his soft hand holds a brush—which bristles already stained in ink and are coloring symbols into the once clean sheet. The brush glides across the page until it comes to an abrupt stop and  goes back to the start, hovering over the next clean area of the paper. Tanjiro looks behind his shoulder. Nezuko sleeps peacefully on the futon behind him. Y/n sits propped up against the wall with one of her legs kicked up, her eyes closed, and silent snoring coming from her in steady breaths. Sumiko leans against her, also fast asleep.
Guess it's finally time to get some rest. After all, his first day of training begins tommorow.
Closing the book, the light shines on the book cover. It displays in big symbols and clean, black ink, "Journal" with his full name written in smaller characters below that. Tanjiro's hands leave the book at last after spending his final free day writing for hours without end..
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First Person, Tanjiro's Pov
 "The Demon Slayer Corps has around several hundred members. It's an organization unrecognized by the government, yet it has existed since ancient times and continue to hunt demons today. As for the one leading the Demon Slayer Crops, however, that remains a mystery."
 "Demons. They mercilessly kill and feed on humans and their flesh. No one has a clue where or when they first appeared. Their physical prowess is remarkable. Wounds heal in the blink of an eye. Flesh is restored no matter what damage comes to it and limbs that are hacked off can easily regenerate. Some demons can shapeshift, others have otherwordly powers. The only ways to kill these heinous creatures are via sunlight or decapitation with a special sword."
 "The Demon Slayers battle demons with their mortal bodies. Since they're only human, they're wounds are slow to heal, and once lost, their limbs never grow back! Even so, they continue to selflessly fight to protect other humans!" Those were the first words Mr. Urokodaki spoke to us when our training to become demon slayer swordmen first began. As he was explaining everything, I couldn't help but look at her from the corner of my eye.
Y/n's face hid everything from me like an iron wall. Her scent opened a window for me to peer into, but whenever it did, it always left me puzzled. It always contradicted her in some way and that fact worries me.
I want to ask her so many questions. About these contradicting feelings, about her past that she for some reason refuses to tell.. I want to have a heart to heart with her like a brother and sister would..
But now's not the time for questions. For now, I need to focus on becoming a demon slayer so that I can start finding a cure to turn Nezuko back into a human!
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 "I am a trainer. I literally train swordsmen," Urokodaki said to us that early morning, "There are many trainers like me all over Japan, and each of them train their pupils with their own regimen in their location."
 "To join the Demon Slayer Corps, you must survive the Final Selection process held on Mt. Fujikasane. Whether or not you're eligible for Final Selection is up to me," He explained. I remember thinking at the time, "Simple enough."
How naive I was..
 Starting today, I'm going to keep a journal for Nezuko.
 I'm decending the mountain again today. I'm going to train my hardest so that I don't die during Final Selection!
 After repeatedly descending the mountain, day after day, I'm starting to learn how to avoid most of the traps. I've become stronger and I'm even more adept at detecting scents than before. Even so..the traps are getting more and more difficult. At this point, I'm starting to believe he's actually trying to kill us! I nearly fell into a hidden pit of knives today..
 Despite the increase in difficulty, I seem to be the only one struggling to keep up. Y/n and Sumiko have cleared the mountain a couple times without problems. At first, Sumiko would trigger traps left and right fearlessly and would just narrowly dodge them. She really worried me for a while, but after some scolding from Mr. Urokodaki, she started trying to dodge them at last. I'm relieved that he stepped in before she got seriously injured.
 As for Y/n, she seems to be on a whole different level! She's quick on her feet—quicker than both me and Sumiko—and her natural senses manage to keep her from triggering most of the traps on the mountain. In only half a day, she had already managed to make it up and down the mountain three times! Seriously, how does she do that?
I run down the mountain as fast as I my legs can take me and leap over an oncoming rope. As soon as I planted my feet back onto the ground, a log comes swinging right at me! I barely dodged it and stumbled a bit. Because of that, I nearly triggered a trap..
Mr. Urokodaki's scent hits my nostrils and leads a clear trail to the next trap ahead. Knives fly from the trees and I find myself stopping to look. My heart skips as I swing my body out of the way, just bsrely dodging as the knives dig into the tree behind me.
My legs felt like jelly and I wobbled right into an obvious trap. I nearly twist my ankle catching myself before I fell completely into the hole—thank goodness for that, because under me were sharp knives, threatening to cut me open with even the slightest touch.
I gasped out in horror without realizing. But really, is a pit of knives really necessary?
As this was happening, Y/n and Sumiko shoot past me. Y/n is ahead, her face still like a stone as she hopped over ropes and other traps without so much as pausing for a breath. Sumiko mimcks her, taking wide leaps over everything until her foot steps down on her demise. A snap is heard and I suddenly see her dangling in the air by her foot.
 "Ah, Sumiko!" I manage to maneuver myself out of the way of the hole and crawl to my feet. I jog up to my little sister in need only to realize that the rope was just out of my reach. Oh no.
In the end, I accidentally triggered a trap trying to help her down and got myself stuck as well. Mr. Urokodaki had to cut us down and we both got a scolding for our slip ups..
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 I made my descent down the mountain again today, sword in hand, but it really hampered my movements. I can't stop getting ensnared by traps! Sumiko seems to be having as much trouble as I am, if not worse. Her sense of balance has been thrown off entirely and she can't seem to dodge even the simplest of traps..
 Y/n started only a few days before we did, but she's already gotten the hang of her sword. She truly is amazing!
I run down the mountain, large sword hanging heavy on my hip and Sumiko by my side, and we simultaneously hop over a rope tied low to the ground. Urokodaki watches us in silence, arms crossed. And, although I can't see his face because of the mask, I know he's judging our every move.
Each trap I hop over, Sumiko lags behind, just barely being able to mimick my movements. She leaps after me, but she doesn't make it high enough to avoid a rope. I hear intense ruffling along with a small yelp and look over my shoulder to see that Sumiko's gone and there's a large pit where she used to stand.
 "Sumiko!" I find myself sliding to a stop, "Don't worry, I'll—" And then another snap echoes throughout the forest; a warning that I didn't process fast enough to heed. I fall back, but I wasn't even able to hit the ground before I'm snatched into the air..
We were kept stuck in our traps until Y/n finished her descent through the mountain. What makes things worse is that when Mr. Urokodaki cut me down, I fell right on my head..
 I swing my sword today. Well, it's not just today. After descending the mountain, I, along with Y/n and Sumiko, swing our swords until our arms nearly fall off. We do this every day.
 "Nine hundred ninety-one.. Nine hundred ninety-two..!" Numbers were shouted out in unison by all three of us as we stood side by side in a clearing at in the mountain. The evening glow shines down on us and our blades which causes them to gleam every time we swing downwards.
Every inch of my arm throbs with each tense of my muscles that are caused when I swing my sword. I've been clenching my teeth for so long that I'm scared they'll shatter if I don't ease up, but how am I supposed to do that? Even though they're beginning to numb over, my arms hurt so badly!
But at last, I can finally rest, "One thousand!" We all finally yell out, but immediately after we said that, Urokodaki gruffly follows up with his own shouting, "Five hundred more!" He told us.
And just as that demand reached my ears, I felt my tired soul completely shatter into pieces..
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 "Swords break easily," That's what he told us beforehand. Though it's strong vertically, it's weak horizontally, so you need to apply the force straight along the blade. The blade's direction and the direction in which you apply force must be exactly the same. And that's when Urokodaki added, "If you ever damage the blade, in other words, break it, I'll snap your bones as well," in a very threatening tone of voice. Just thinking about it, makes me nervous all over again..
 Today, we did nothing but fall. We started training to break our falls and get up quickly from any position.
 We wield our swords, charging at Mr. Urokodaki, really trying to kill him. In contrast, Mr. Urokodaki is bare-handed and unarmed. Even so, he's ridiculously powerful! He flings me away and I roll on the ground every time..
 Even someone like Y/n seems to struggle when up against Mr. Urokodaki. She starts off good, getting up faster than me and Sumiko and manages to get a few swings in. None of them ever hit him, however, and in the end, she's always flung away just like me.
 Sumiko seems to have it the worse since she tends to charge at him with the intent on fighting bare-handed. Her sword gets in her way and she's always flipped or tossed away quicker than either of us. Every time it happens, my heart skips a beat thinking she'll accidentally land on her sword and hurt herself..
We stand before Mr. Urokodaki, swords in hand. I merely blink and in an instant, my world is flipped upside down! ..Literally. Before I even had the time to process that my feet were no longer planted on the ground, my face was already sliding against the gravel and my nose was already being invaded by the strong, muddy smell of the dirt that I had begun to grow used to.
As I crack my eyes open again, I spot Y/n running towards Mr. Urokodaki. She had already managed to regain her senses after the temprorary lapse and got up. How does she do that?
With her face scrunched in conentration, she charges forward and swings her blade when she's close enough. She immediately follows up with an upward slash attack after her intial strike misses. The movements of her swings are sharp, but I get the sense of aggression towards the tail end of every single strike. It's passive-aggressive which contrasts Mr. Urokodaki, who's movements are pretty lax as he dodges the majority of her swings by simply moving out of the way of her blade.
That relaxed air around his being leaves him for a mere moment as he goes on the offense. He suddenly charges forward and Y/n immediately raises her sword. She swings downwards with the intent of landing a singular strike, but he sidesteps her attack and I find myself having to tense and squint my eyes as to not miss Mr. Urokodaki's next movements. While she's still focused on her previous attack, Mr. Urokodaki steps behind her and lands a kick to the back of one of her knees which causes them to fold. She falls on one knee and Mr. Urokodaki waste no time in kicking her in the side and sending her tumbling away.
Both me and Sumiko get up at the same time, but I attack first. I run as fast as I can, mouth open and yelling as I hold my sword above my head..
And in less than a second, my view of the world was flipped upside down again and spinning like a wheel. I couldn't feel the ground anymore either which made it finally dawn on me what just happened; Mr. Urokodaki had flipped me into the air and the momentum of his throw had me rolling midair!
The revelation hits at the same time that I hit the ground. I land right on my chest which knocks the majority of the air outta my lungs in a loud gusp. Quickly after that, I hear light groans that signal Sumiko's defeat.
 "Again!" I hear Mr. Urokodaki demand and I catch myself groaning softly as I peel myself off the gravel. I don't know how long I can take being tossed around like this..
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 Today, we learned breathing techniques and some forms. We'd get yelled at for not bracing our stomachs and clobbered to a plup..
 "Total Concentration breathing?" I questioned, my head instinctively tilting to the side a little.
 "That's right," Urokodaki said, "And I'm going to teach you three all ten of the Water Breathing forms."
 "Remember to take a long breath so the oxygen flows into every cell in your body," He told us, "This will enhance your body's natural healing power, and both stabilize and energize your spirit."
 "Relax your upper body.." He instructs and we do as he tells us to the best of our abilities, all of our shoulders' slumping, "..while bracing your lower half," I tense up my legs and feet. Y/n and Sumiko do the same.
 "All right, now breathe!" My head tilts back, and at a turtle's pace, I suck in as much air as I can. I exhale just as slowly, my whole body slumping..and then, bam! My eyes shoot open as pain shoots through my entire body and spit is propelled from my mouth and shot out in all directions.
Mr. Urokodaki had smacked me in the stomach and it felt horrible!
To try and ease the pain, my body curls into itself. I'm hunched over, shaking with my arms wrapped around my stomach and my knees bending when I hear Mr. Urokodaki yell, "Wrong!" And I hear groans. I guess Y/n and Sumiko had met a smiliar, painful fate.
 "Next! Forms!" Mr. Urokodaki shouts and we have no choice but to straighten back up. He didn't give us much to go off of, but I was determined and struck a pose anyways.
 "Right! Like this?" I ask, "Wrong!" He yells. And so, I snap into a different pose.
 "Like this?" I ask again only for him to repeat, "Wrong!" I change poses once again and promptly ignore the sideway looks of confusion, dissaproval, and embarrassment I get from my sisters—the latter two more apparent in the look Y/n gives me; the former one more accurately represented in Sumiko's dot-eyed expression—and yell out, "This?"
In an instant Mr. Urokodaki had popped me in the stomach once, then twice, then a third time, and unfortunately a fourth, fifth, and sixth which elicited a loud, whiny moan from me.
 After that, he told us to become one with the water.
We stood fairly high up on one of the ledges near the mountain we descend every morning as a warm up. Before us was a large waterfall that was so noisy that we struggled to hear each other despite standing side by side with one another. It loudly flowed it's abundance of water down to the bottom, which I couldn't really see all that well due to the constant stream blending together and crashing down producing a light steam at the bottom from the sheer coldness of the water..
And then, our demise rings out in the form of Mr. Urokodaki's voice, "What are you waiting for? Get in there!" And we're suddenly kicked off. Off instinct, I try to run away from my fate, but all it does is prolong the inevitable until gravity finally hits me and I go falling along with Y/n and Sumiko.
My stomach flutters in an uneasy sorta way at the airy feeling of falling from such a high vantage point. I scream, going to call out for the first person that pops into my head, "Nezuko..!" I drawl until I finally hit the water with a loud splash!
After a moment of floating along the stream, we all manage to pick ourselves up and huddle under the waterfall. As the heavy water comes relentlessly crashing down onto us, we stay firmly planted with our hands mashed together as if we were praying.
 "Nezuko..!" I find myself yelling, my voice being carried in the wind. Echoing and bouncing off the rushing waterfall, "I...! ..Am...! ..Water..!"
My constant yelling must've really irked Y/n, because after a while, she shouted at me, her voice strained but angry, "Could you..! Shut up..! ..For one second..?"
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 As of now, it's been six months since Nezuko was last awake. Mr. Urokodaki summoned a doctor right away and had him examine her, but he found nothing wrong.
 But it's not normal for her to stay asleep like this.. I'm scared. Scared that one morning, I'll wake up to find her dead. Not a day goes by that I don't worry..
 Sumiko had begun staying up later and later at night. I think she's also worried about that possibility and it's causing her to fear sleeping. I try to soothe her nerves as best I can, but I fail to do much.. At least she seems to be getting along with Mr. Urokodaki well. I sometimes catch them talking late at night when they assume everyone's asleep. I have no idea what their talks could be about, but soon after their late night talks began, Mr. Urokodaki had started supplying her with books. She tends to stay up all night reading them now and it got to the point where catching her fast asleep, face first in a book was a common sight we all saw of her in the mornings.
 Whenever we talk about Nezuko, Y/n's face scrunches and she always says that it's only a matter of time. It upsets me badly to hear that she has no faith in Nezuko ever awaking up again, but now that I think on it, this is probably her way of coping with the situation herself. I think she's trying to be overly pessimistic in case of the worst happening so that she doesn't fall apart. Looking back on it, she acted like that for a while when dad's health started to decline and he ws bedridden..
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 My descents are getting more dangerous and the air's even thinner since we've started descending from a higher point in the mountain. Time and time again, I think I might die, but at the same time, I've felt that, not just I, but all three of us have gotten stronger! Under Mr. Urokodaki's steady, stern guidance, we've all grown and I was sure at the time that we'd reach unspeakable heights with his help! ..And then it happened.. }
 "As of today, I have nothing more to teach you. The rest is up to you!"
 A year after we arrived at Mt. Sagiri, he told me that all of a sudden after I descended the mountain. I remember that initial feeling of surprise that struck me followed quickly by fear. After all, when he said that, it was just me there. I was the last out of the three of us to make it down the mountain. My first assumption was that this was some kind of punishment because of my own shortcomings, but then he told me to follow him. We walked for a long while—long enough for the air around us to grow colder and the snow to finally start falling—before we finally made it to a wide clearing with..a boulder in the center of it..
I found myself staring on in awe. Before me, was the largest boulder I had ever seen in my life. It was taller than both me and Mr. Urokodaki and wide to boot! That being said, it was surprising to see that a rope with long shide attached to it was wrapped all the way around it.
 "If you can slice this boulder, I will allow you to enter Final Selection," Mr. Urokodaki said after a while of my gawking. Without blinking, my eyes glide over to look at him and I only move my head a little to gaze at him for a moment before my head slid back in place and my eyes found itself on the large rock again.
I found myself thinking, "Is a boulder, especially on so big..even capable of being sliced with a sword? ..I don't think I can.." I barely noticed it, but my hand had made it's way to wrap around my sheathed katana, just under the hilt, "My sword will snap, no question!"
During my silent distress, Mr. Urokodaki stayed just as silent. Without any advice or tips or instructions, he turned on his heel and began walking away from me, "Mr. Urokodaki, please wait! ..Mr. Urokodaki!" I called his name again and again, but he just kept walking without turning back or saying anything to acknowledge my calls, leaving me alone with the tough boulder and the soft snow falling around me.. 
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 After that, Mr. Urokodaki never taught me anything again. Not just me, he apparently did the same thing to Sumiko and Y/n, taking them to one of the many designated clearings in the mountain and giving them the same task before leaving. That thought comforted me a little knowing that I wasn't alone in this.
 Every day after that, I practiced what Mr. Urokodaki taught us over and over by myself. I was able to go over the basics like holding my breath and flexibility without trouble thanks to the notes I'd written down in this journal. But, even after six months had passed, I still couldn't slice the boulder. I felt frustrated. I wasn't training hard enough and it showed every single day I failed..
 But, just when the despair of the situation started to set in, he appeared..
A loud clank rang, echoing my failure throughout the area. I stood there with my sword laid against the boulder after having smacked my blade against the thick rock. My head hung low under the evening's bright, yellow glow and I huffed softly, unable to catch my breath.
 "Am I hopeless?" The thought stained my mind like ink on paper. It spread, inviting similar thoughts into my head until it plagued my brain entirely.
 "Have Y/n and Sumiko already sliced their boulders in half? Will they go on to become demon slayers without me?"
 "Is Nezuko going to die without ever waking up?"
Those thoughts made me anxious which made it hard to shake them away easily. They were dark, like black paint and had smeared itself all over and made it hard to think of anything else aside from this heavy feeling that had already begun to sink to the bottom of my gut; that depressing feeling of self-dissatisfaction.
But I can't give up! I've spent all this time training! It can't all be for nothing! I won't allow it to all be for nothing! This is for Nezuko!
Using those small pebbles of determination, I clench my teeth, move my sword out of the way, and headbutt the boulder. All while yelling words of encouragement into the air.
 "Keep working, Tanjiro!" I told myself, "You can do it! You have to!" And then landed another headbutt to the boulder. That seemed to anger it, because after that second headbutt, it screamed at me, "Shut up!"
..Wait, that wasn't the boulder. Looking up, my eyes immediately lock on a fox mask and I feel my brows scrunching from confusion. Sitting atop the boulder with his leg kicked up, was a kid seemingly around my age. His pink hair reminded me of a ripe peach and blended well with our surroundings, which were colored in orange and yellow to match the sky above. That said, his kimono top and calf leggings were covered in clashing, bright, yellow and green shapes that had me racking my brain from how familiar the pattern was.
 "A man shouldn't whine. It's unseemly," His voice caught me off guard because of how much deeper it was compared to my own. However, it wasn't gruff like Mr. Urokodaki's and still held this certain smoothness of youth that kept me from thinking he was older than me.
His sudden appearance raised questions that temporarily shushed the loud, disheartening thoughts screaming and running amok in my head. There was no scent to him which formed some of my biggest questions. Never in my life have I never been able to catch the scent of someone. Never.
 "No matter how much your suffer, a man should always bear it in silence," He got to his feet, and that finally made me take notice of the wooden sword in his hand, "That is, if you call yourself a man," And with that, he gracefully lept into the air. His plain, white haori raised, floating in the wind just like his hair. It distracted me, and because of that distraction, I wasn't able to process the shift in the air when he flipped. If it wasn't for my instincts, I would've also missed the raising of his wooden sword before it was brought down onto me with a sudden force.
His blade clanged against my metal hilt and before I was able to take in the fact that he was suddenly attacking me, the boy landed another attack on me. This time twisting to land a kick to my chin that had me flying back and landing on my head.
 "Slow. Weak. Immature. None of those are qualities of a man," He said and I found myself growing angry. Not because of his petty insult, but because of the fact that he attacked me without reason.
 "What are you doing?" I asked him only for him to mimic me and ask, "I'd like to know what you think you're doing."
 "What do you mean? I'm training," I told him, but he replied with a mean, "Hardly."
 "Now, how long do you plan to sit on your butt and not take a stance?" I don't know why, but when he said that, my body immediately moved. The authority in his tone was terrifyingly familiar so maybe that was the reason.
In so many ways..he reminds me of Mr. Urokodaki. I guess that's why my body jumped to do as he said.
He raises his hand and gestures me closer, "Come on. Come at me," He said, but I found myself hesitating.
 "But I have a real sword and you don't! What if you get hurt?" The question made him pause. I thought that was because it finally dawned on him how crazy he sounded for suggesting me to attack him wih an actual sword, but that didn't seem to be the case. Instead, his shoulders—no, his entire body shook and he threw his head back, laughing as if I had said the funniest joke in the world.
 "Well aren't you considerate! Thank you for worrying about me," He said, but the way he said it didn't sound the least bit grateful. He then said, "So, you think you're actually going to injure me?" And then he was suddenly in front of me. I stepped back on instinct with my blade raised halfway—a good move on my part, because he immediately brought his blade down on me and I was fast enough to meet him the rest of the way and block him.
He was strong. Even though he was fighting me with a wooden, practice sword, I still found my body shaking, quivering under the power he's putting against my actual sword. I remember it shocked me along with his next words, "Well, you have absolutely nothing to worry about!" He so confidently said to me, "I'm far more powerful than you! After all, I've already sliced my boulder!"
Those words echoed in my ears as they were slowly injested. He..sliced a boulder? The thought shocked me as much as it sparked hope in me. The fact that it's not impossible made a tiny weight lift off my heart.
But I had no time to dwell in that feeling, because the masked boy jumped into the air. As dust kicked up where he previously stood, I found my eyes closing—an almost deadly mistake. I was lucky enough that time to feel the shift in the wind. I turn at the last second, just fast enough to throw my sword up to block the boy's incoming attack from above. It didn't faze him at all. He jumped back and immediately jumped into the air again.
His speed was incredible. I could just barely catch the aftermath of his jumps as he zipped around me. I could only assume that he would touch the ground whenever he passed a tree because I could never catch him touching the ground. It was almost as if he was flying and it left me looking around like a chicken without its head.
Then suddenly, he was right beside me. I was able to see him at last, but him being right at my shoulder didn't process fast enough. In the end, all I had time to do was turn my head to look at him—with a look that probably told everything I was thinking in that moment—before the thunder of my first defeat was sounded and I was suddenly on the floor, my face and body stinging and shaking a little..
 "You've learned nothing," He stood behind me, totally composed aside from his voice that sounded pretty upset, kinda like Urokodaki when he used to scold me for my mistakes, "You haven't mastered a single thing! Certainly not the breathing technique taught by Mr. Urokodaki; Total Concentration Breathing!"
That caught my attention most out of everything else he said. It made waves of confusion and surprise wash over me and temporarily redirected me from the pain he inflicted on me, "He knew Mr Urokodaki? The breathing technique too?" Were the questions that intially surfaced, but his identity is still on the top of my list of questions for him.
As I turned my body to face him and sat up, he continued, "All you did was memorize it as fact!" He lifts his sword and points it at me, "Your body has no clue what it needs to do!"
 "Just what the hell were you doing for a whole year and a half?" The question rang out extra loud just as his sword clanged against my steel, "You need to slam it into your flesh!" He shouted as he broke away as did I only to immediately clash our blades again.
 "More!" As he picked up speed, I tried to do the same, trying my hardest to replicate his movements. Thankfully, I was just fast enough that his blade met mine continuously instead of my battered skin, "More!" I took the defensive, staying strong as he slammed and hammered his blade against mine in a quick succession, "More!" A particularly strong hit sends me back but I plant my feet into the ground and manage to still myself before he closes the distance and I was forced to go on the offensive once again, "So that you become the embodiment of what Mr. Urokodaki taught you!"
He sends me back again and I recover quick enough to watch him ready his next attack and swing it at me, all while screaming at me, "Pound it all into the marrow of your bones!" 
 "I'm trying!" I found myself crying out the next time our blades met, "Every single day! I'm trying with everything I got!"
 "..But I'm not making any headway!" As my own words sunk in like a rock falling to the bottom of a lake, I found my voice slowly cracking apart just as my resolve has been these past six months, and I finally admitted aloud, "I just can't go any further!"
Despite that all he did was tell me as he lunged at me, "Don't 'try', just do it! If you're a man.." And then he quickly landed his attack on me, smacking me in the chest. I clench my teeth as the striking pain begun to spread and my feet left the ground for just a moment before they're forced back down as he harshly slammed his sword down onto my arm, "..If you call yourself a man!" And just as I raised my sword to attack him back, he spins and his sword hits my chest again, but at an angle this time.
 "There's no other way to go but forward!" I stumbled back, my feet uncomfortably light which made me tip and sway in different directions. The boy followed after me as if he was chasing down a fleeing wild animal. Our blades clashed again and he shouted, "Bring it on!"
 "Show me what you're capable of!" He swings at me, but this time I'm quick enough to completely jump out of the way. His words had an extra surge of adrenline shoot through me and I found my mouth falling open and letting out a loud scream of my own. No words, just a strong yell that came from the core of my chest—from the depths of my heart—where all my pent up frustration resided.
But then I miss my swing and my second defeat is sounded in an instant. It's painful, moreso physically as I watched his arm swing up and I felt his wooden sword collide with my chin. It was an extra powerful swing, one that had me flying several inches off the ground when it hit me. My entire jaw immediately numbed over in a desperate attempt to soothe the searing pain that shot through it and up my cheeks.
And then, suddenly all I could feel was that pain as my vision slowly faded. I had passed out, but what made matters worse was that I hadn't even hit the floor before everything went black..
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The next time I opened my eyes, I was met with the sight of the crescent moon peaking through cracks made by thin clouds. All the pain in my face had dulled aside from my chin which stung like a bad bee sting. Everything around me had a blue-tinted screen over it that matched sky, signalling that nighttime had arrived. My eyes widen at the realization.
 "Are you alright?" A voice asked. It was soothing to my ears, kinda like putting a cool cloth on a bad bruise. It was nothing like his voice.
I shot up, immediately turning my head to be met face to face with eyes that match the night sky above. Despite her sudden presence, the only question I asked her was, "Did you see that?" She tilted her head, signalling to me her confusion but I continued regardless, my eyes blown wide.
 "That was an incredible blow! Not a single bit of unwasted motion! It was beautiful!" I praised. It really was amazing and my words could hardly explain it in a way that gave it proper justice which is probably why I started moving my hands and shaking my head to further exaggerate my point.
Now that I look back on that moment, I probably looked really silly to her.
 "I want to become a swordsman like that!" I exclaimed and then I asked her, "Do you think I can become like him?" And I watch as her lips widen into a smile. One without a hint of underlying doubt or hidden skepticism. It was a completely pure and trusting smile that she gave me as she spoke in a soft voice.
 "I'm sure you can..since I'll be looking after you from now on," She told me. And it was only then, when her thick eyelashes fluttered and her eyes closed, and that pure, trusting smile of hers widened that I realized just how pretty the girl before me was..
But who was she? It was then that it dawned on me that I didn't even ask. And so, with my cheeks tingly and warm and my heavy jaw having my bottom lip hung low, I mumbled out, "Who are you?"
 That night, she told me her name, Makomo, as well the name of the boy I sparred with, Sabito.
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 Makomo points out the defects in my style. Throughout countless days, she corrected my unnecessary movements and my bad habits.. I found myself wondering, why? Why is she doing this for me? Where did she come from? I once asked her, but she didn't tell me anything. Something in me refrained me from asking the others about her or Sabito..
 Speaking of which, Makomo often said, "We love Mr. Urokodaki very much." It was her favorite phrase. She said that Sabito and her weren't siblings and that Mr. Urokodaki raised them after they'd been orphaned.
 "They're other children besides us. They're always around, watching you, Tanjiro," was something she said to me once. You see, I've come to realize that Makomo is a bit of a strange girl. Her way of speaking is abstract and dreamy and she says things in a weird way..
 "See, Total Concentration Breathing accelerates your blood circulation and your heart rate. That causes your temperature to shoot up and makes you strong like a demon despite still being human," She explained, "You expand your lungs and bring lots of air into your blood and when it gets excited, your bones and muscles scurry to heat up and grow stronger!"
 "..Huh?" Was all I could say, my face twisted into a puzzled expression. Maybe it was the words she used to explain it, but I didn't understand the majority of what she said. And so, I asked her, "How can I do that?"
And she looked at me with that kind, angelic smile and told me in the nicest voice ever, "Train to death. At the end of the day, I don't think there's anything else you can do."
 I swung my sword over and over so hard until my arms and legs felt like they were going to fall off.. Until my lungs were ready to burst into flames, I did that for so long..but even then, I just couldn't beat Sabito.
 I would train hard under Makomo's gentle guidance until it felt like I was going to just kneel over and die on the spot, but he still always got the better of me. It was only until six months later, and six months after Y/n cut her boulder, when the snow coated every speck of grass and every wilting tree in sight..
I stood before Sabito once again. The sun was out, but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking due to the thick clouds that covered it and made snow fall in all ways and directions. The wind was icy against my dirtied skin—colder than when I first stood before him and the boulder—but I didn't flinch even when it blew so strong that my hair flailed it's grown out lengths wildly.
 When I challenged him that day, Sabito was wielding a real sword..
 "After six months, finally, you have the look of a man," I watched his movements as he gripped the scabbard and used his other hand to grab ahold of the hilt. The eerie sound of the steel sliding out didn't scare me and neither did the sight of his blade gleaming under the dim lighting as it was pulled out and pointed at me.
I had long pulled my sword from it's scabbard and gotten into my stance, my brows creasing downwards and scrunched into my dirt-covered skin, "Today's the day I win!"
 The head-on battle was simple. Who ever was stronger and faster wins.
My mouth opens as wide as a small crack—just wide enough for air to enter my mouth. Slowly, I breathe in. My chest steadily rises as my lungs swell with air. I then close my mouth, my grip tightening on the hilt of my katana..and dash forward at the same time Sabito does.
 The battle was over in an instant..
We immediately found ourselves closing the gap. Both of our swords were raised the entire time, and it was in that fraction of a second that I swung down with all my might..
 On that day, in that moment, for the first time, my blade reached Sabito first.
With a hollow clack, his mask split and fell on either side of him, suspended on the sides of his neck by that thick, red rope that was tied to it. His face..didn't match anything I had pictured originally. His eyes were a foggy purple and gentle like the falling snow around us. It contrasted that peach pink hair of his which barely covered the sides of his face so I saw that large, spiky scar that hiked up at an angle and covered the majority of his otherwise smooth skin. And his smile.. That smile that he gave me as his brows scrunched together..was so full of relief.
 That moment I won, Sabito smiled. It seemed like a sad smile to me at the time, but looking back on it, it seemed more proud and reassuring than somber..
 "Tanjiro.." I was so encaptured by him and that smile of his that it took Makomo's gentle voice to pull me back down to earth which, seemed much foggier than when I left it a mere moment ago. I find myself blinking, as if what I was seeing was an illusion or hallucination, but the thick fog never disappeared.
 "You did great," Her praise is what made me finally turn my head her way. Her body was steadily disappearing in the fog and I found myself looking on in silence, at a loss for words for what I was witnessing..
 The next thing I knew, Sabito and Makomo were gone..
 "Don't forget what you just did and win against them, okay? Beat that guy too," And she was gone, disappearing into the shrouding fog as if she was never there to begin with..
 ..And my sword, which I was sure had slashed Sabito's mask..
I turn my head back, but Sabito was gone too. Leaving me to gaze at the thick fog and watching as it slowly cleared away into nothing. Sabito and Makomo were still nowhere to be found, but that wasn't what made my eyes widen. What made my eyes grow wide like a bug's was the fact that I was gazing through a rocky opening  just narrow enough that only my blade could slip through.
 ..had sliced the boulder in half.
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Y/n Kamado | *Arms crossed* So, you actually managed to do it..
Tanjiro Kamado | *Smiles with hands on his hips* Yeah! I was shocked, too! I never imagined I'd be able to cut a boulder like that! I couldn't have done it without Sabito and Makomo. I can't thank them enough.
Y/n Kamado | ..Who are they?
Tanjiro Kamado | *Speechless by his own slip up*
Y/n Kamado | ..Well? Who are—
Tanjiro Kamado | *Panicked* Uh- Now, It's time for a Taisho Era Secret!
Y/n Kamado | Wait, you haven't answered my—
Tanjiro Kamado | *Leans in and whispers* Why does Mr. Urokodaki wear a mask? I heard that's because demons used to make fun of him for looking too kind.
Y/n Kamado | *Visibly irked* Hey! Don't ignore me! Answer—!
Tanjiro Kamado | Everyone, we'll continue working hard to find a cure for Nezuko! And Ms. Ari, I hope that you make a full recovery soon!
Y/n Kamado | Who the hell is that? And who are you talking to—
Tanjiro Kamado | Next time, chapter four, "Final Selection"! Bye everyone! *Runs away*
Y/n Kamado | Tanjiro..! Get your ass back here and answer me! *Runs after him*
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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echantedtoon · 7 months
Everyone Wants A Brother Like You Part 3 Senjuro
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Nezuko wasn't sure how to take what had happened yesterday or why Inosuke tackled her.
But eventually she just decided to chalk it up to Inosuke's usual weird actions and let it go since Tanjiro seemed to and to be honest whatever Inosuke was doing wasn't all that bad anyways. Although it was both confusing and sweet he was suddenly going around proclaiming to be their brother now. He was probably just roughhousing as a way to show affection in his own weird way. Oh well. She'd still busy herself with other important things while waiting for Tanjiro's injuries to heal. She honestly didn't mind helping Shinobu and Aoi take care of everyone in the meantime. It felt awkward just lazing around while the others did all the work. So she volunteered to help with the cleaning today. Broom bristles sweeping again hardwood sounded out as she hummed and pushed the broom back and forth sweeping up the small dirt pile.
She paused turning around with a blink only to smile. "Senjuro! Hi!"
The sweeping paused. Her smile widened. The teen boy with flame colored hair and bright orange eyes. He has nervously smiled back to her shuffling nervously in the doorway and clasping his hands together. She honestly wasn't expecting to see him here since most of the time he would be with Rengoku as the flame Haishira was still recovering or visiting his friends or keeping to himself helping Aoi with something.
"How's Kyojuro doing? I heard he started breathing better."
Senjuro nodded looking away. "Um..B-Brother's doing a lot better thanks. H-He's busy right now and I'm not busy so I was thinking that...m-maybe I could help you with your cleaning today."
Nezuko smiled brightly. "I'd love that! If you could help me move the furniture to sweep under it'd be a really big help." She gestured to the bed she was currently trying to sweep under.
Senjuro lit up immediately. "R-Really? Yeah! I can totally do that!"
For the next ten minutes there was silence afterwards besides the sounds of Senjuro moving furniture and then moving it back into place once Nezuko was done sweeping the floor under it. Thanks to his help, she was able to get it done much faster and was able to start scrubbing the floors right after-
"I-Ill help you!," Senjuro insisted with a smile, "I'll even go get you the water you need."
"Are you sure? You already helped so much."
"Yeah! Besides you're gonna need help moving all the furniture again to mop under them aren't you?"
"Hm. Well I guess you have a point. Alright! We can get done much faster that way!"
Rinse and repeat the previous progress only it took a little longer as she had to literally scrub the floors on her hands and knees. She was surprised when Senjuro suddenly dunked another scrub brush in the bucket and actually got on his own hands and knees and proceeded to help her scrub down the floors of the large room with her. She sent a smile his way... Senjuro lit up a light pink at her cute smile before snapping back to his work and scrubbing down the floors with her. It was way faster with him helping her and soon both were standing in the hallway outside the room sighing. Senjuro had taken the bucket before she could grab it insisting on dumping out the water for her which she was grateful for.
"Alright! It looks like I'm all done!" She beamed at the spotless room before then.
"What? Y-You don't need anymore help with anything else? W-What about the sheets or windows?"
"Tanjiro already helped me clean the sheets yesterday and Aoi already cleaned the windows before I came in. So you don't have to do anything else for me, but I'm grateful for the help, Senjuro. That was very nice of you."
Senjuro sputtered a bit thinking- "MY BROTHER!!" He shouted out startling both of them and making her blink. "I mean Kyojuro!" He quickly held up his hands flustered. "He's still expecting his food! If you're not busy how about you come visit him with me?" He gulped a bit pink faced. "I-Im sure he'd really like to see you again Nezuko."
Nezuko paused blinking at him before humming. That was a good point. She really hadn't seen Kyojuro since she was changed back to human and began staying here. Tanjiro and his friends had visited him plenty of times but she hadn't seen him too often. 
"Ok." She nodded at him smiling. "Why not? It'll be fun to see him again."
Senjuro smiled at her again in relief. "Ok! C-Come on! We need to get his food from the kitchen first but he'll be really happy to see us!"
He gestured for her to follow him before walking away leading the way all the way to the kitchen which was mostly empty except for one of the butterfly girls getting a few apples. She greeted the both of them before scurrying away allowing them both access to the kitchen alone. Huh...Guess everyone else was busy doing other things, and it already looked like Aoi cleaned up here so there was no other reason for her to be here until dinner time. But Nezuko sat down and watched patiently as Senjuro got to work grabbing a frying pan, cutting board, and a decently sharp knife. He glanced back at her once with a smile. 
"Are you hungry too? I-I can make you some food too! In fact let's make Tanjiro some too!"
Nezuko stared at him in awe. "Really? That's so nice of you! Tanjiro would love that!"
He smiled wider. "Well let's get started. Can you hand me some bento boxes from the shelf behind you?"
Nezuko did as he asked placing four small bento boxes on the counter in front of him as he turned back to his work. Frying, cutting, placing, and cooking whatever he grabbed at before turning and starting to fill in the boxes with whatever he was cooking.
"That smells delicious, Senjuro! I can't believe you made this all by yourself!" She gushed mouth watering at the filled boxes.
The boxes were absolutely filled with rice and fried beef and onions but set on top of the big portions was smaller additions of pan fried tofu, grilled scallions, and two boiled eggs per box. It all smelt absolutely delicious and heavenly. She could eat all four of them if she wasn't so polite. She looked back up when a warm kettle was set onto a rather large tray along with a few cups. 
"Well, it helps that I was used to cooking for myself for a long time. You pick up a few things after doing it so many times.. B-But I'm glad you think so. Come on! Let's take this to Kyojuro. He's waiting for us."
He placed two  of the bentos onto the large tray before placing lids on one other for Tanjiro later. She happily carried the other two since Senjuro seemed to have his hands full and going ahead and digging into hers as they walked. She let out a pleased hum as soon as the food hit her mouth. A shy but pleased smile was given to her by Senjuro.
"D-Do you like it?"
"It's so good! I wish I had food like this all the time!," she gushed pushing another egg into her mouth.
"Yeah... It's too bad. If we lived closer I could cook for you a lot more."
"I just might have to visit you all more often then!"
He lit up hopefully. "I'd like that! ...You know. I really like cooking. I cook all the time for my brother and father. If I had anymore family, I'd cook for them too!"
"Aw. That's so sweet of you. You and Kyojuro are so nice!"
"Yep! That's us!... Y'know I would cook for a wife too if I ever meet the right one."
He nodded shyly. "Yeah...Wow. Speaking of family.." he tried shyly looking at her again. "I'm amazed Tanjiro and Kyojuro aren't brothers themselves. They're so alike and their names even almost rhyme."
Nezuko hummed thinking it over. "...Now that I think about it, they are pretty similar in personality." She giggled. "But they're both so caring. It's nice to see Tanjiro view someone as his own big brother."
"Hm...Well, you know there's a way where he could be Tanjiro's big brother."
Nezuko looked at him blinking as he smiled lightly pink faced. "Oh...Does your father want to adopt us?"
Senjuro nearly dropped the tray as he stared at her. "....I-...No. Not really..." He would've facepalmed himself if he could. But instead he looked down in embarrassment. "I was actually...maybe....m-marriage.... between.....two of..our families...."
There was silence for a moment before Nezuko gave him a pitiful look. "I'm sorry Senjuro but Tanjiro and I have no other sisters, and I certainly couldn't marry him."
"N-No! I-I Wasn't talking about Kyojuro!!" He stopped and looked at her flustered. "N-Nezuko, I-.... Y-You-..." He sputtered out trying to desperately say something similar to a functional sentence as she blinked confused at him. "I..really....well...You are....Pretty neat!"
Nezuko blinked again. "Thank you. I think you're really nice too. Are you alright?" She tilted her head at his shaky stuttery form. "You look about ready to collapse."
He gulped nervously. "I-"
"Nezuko." Senjuro jumped with a little yelp as both turned and found Aoi carrying a basket and raising a brow. "I thought you were going to come help me go pick food from the garden when you were done."
"Oh that's right!" She turned to Senjuro with an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry. I completely forgot I promised to help Aoi in the garden. But I will absolutely come visit Kyojuro first thing tomorrow morning! Thank you so much for the food though!" She gave a quick bow. "I'll be sure to give Tanjiro his!"
"But I-"
He didn't get another chance to speak before Nezuko already turned and quickly hurried after Aoi towards the end of the hallway.. although she did give him a quick look back at his flustered state before shaking her head again and quickly hurrying after her. Senjuro stood there for a moment before sighing, turning, and continuing to walk away. A few hallways away a room opened and a smiling face turned to him. Bandages around his middle and a patch over his left eye. An older copy of Senjuro almost.
"SENJURO!! There you are! So how'd it go!? Did my sweet brother manage to sweep Nezuko off her feet?"
Senjuro sighed. "Not exactly."
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kral-games · 2 months
Channel your artistic side with the adorable chibi Nezuko coloring pages. These charming sheets depict Nezuko, the beloved character from "Demon Slayer," in delightful chibi style. Adding life to her with vibrant colors can be a fun and relaxing activity for fans of all ages.PrintDownload
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fishlascl · 2 years
Make a fnaf character games
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See more ideas about friday night, funkin, night. Explore cassandra's board "tabi fnf" on Pinterest. Friday Night Funkin coloring pages can be printed on A4 sheets or simply downloaded. To do this, you need to repeat the pressing of the arrows as in the enemy, in order to keep up with the rhythm with the song in time. Have fun!Friday Night Funkin is a musical rhythmic game in which the player will have to fight for a girl's heart in musical battles. Self-reliance and perseverance to complete any job. Friday Night Funkin coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to develop creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, and color recognition.
Download and print free Tabi Ex Boyfriend Friday Night Funkin coloring pages. I like to draw and play games, hope you to see you around on stream, and thanks for your support! Goals. a greater spirit that became a vtuber under the guidance of Gaia, mother earth. Menus.Become a patron of Tabi patreon today: Get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world's largest membership platform for artists and creators. At the Heart of French Quarter Dining - Tableau.
Print and color the image Demon Slayer for free in. According to the plot, the main character and his sister, who is now a demon herself, must find a way to heal her, as well as find a monster that attacked their family. On the coloring pages you will find your favorite characters from the anime Demon Slayer: Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko and others.
See 8,548 photos and videos on their profile.On the coloring pages you will find your favorite characters from the anime Demon Slayer: Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko and others.
During their adventures, they find happiness, sadness, pain, decadence, violence, beauty, and wisdom.Takashi Murakami shared a photo on Instagram: "I am releasing a series of prints silkscreened on used paper coffee filters. Kino wanders around the world on the back of Hermes, her unusual motorcycle. Keiichi Sigsawa, Kohaku Kuroboshi (Illustrator), Andrew Cunningham (Translator) 4.27 Beat pf all it's completely free and i except most fandoms and characters. just send a image of the character(s) and what view you want. The main image thing might be freddy but we do more then just fnaf Ask me to make a model of any character(s) and I'll draw the model. Performing a dash will not make the player. The dash ability has a one-second cooldown between uses. It allows the player to perform a dash by double-tapping the horizontal movement key. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures.i have done nothing but teleport bread for three days straight!!!The Tabi is a Hardmode, post-Plantera accessory which has 8.33*1/12 (8.33%) / 15.97*23/144 (15.97%) chance to drop from Bone Lee in the post-Plantera Dungeon. This ballerina flat iteration displays a single-stitch to the heel, a motif synonymous with the label.When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Drawing influence from the traditional Japanese split-toe sock, the Tabi toe design has become a Maison Margiela signature. Maison Margiela Tabi leather ballet flats. Browse the user profile and get inspired. original sound.Check out Tabi-Coo's art on DeviantArt. Submit your writingTikTok video from huggy Wuggy "#DisneyPlusVoices #fyp #foryoupage #foryou #viral #drawing #tabi #fnfmod #fridaynightfunkin #funkinfriday". Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. See more ideas about friday night, funkin, fright night. Really big fanExplore 🖤💙+~'^*Luni*^'~+💙🖤 Ruv's Littl's board "Tabi x Agoti", followed by 237 people on Pinterest. I just love your artstyle, it is so calm and feels like cold water. I got an email asking me to send money to collect a Powerball prize.描いているのは、ブラジルに住む韓国人のおじいちゃん。. Therefore, a $1 million stack of $100 bills is 43 inches tall (10,000 x. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Marceline Tabi discover inside connections to recommended.
I think it turned out pretty goodView Marceline Tabi's professional profile on LinkedIn.
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moi-bento2 · 4 years
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Finally after a good 2 week period of off/on art block, color struggle, and fighting my art app. Mad’s Character reference sheet is 100% //for now//. (I used 5 different official character refs to make just this one ) ...qwq
Her info is below and I plan on making more art for her I promise!!! 
To get a glimpse of her Go to my KNY Fan Story 
Page HERE 
The KNY X Reader Fan story HERE
Height: 5’2 ft.
Age: 15 (Start of Story), 19 (current)
Weight: 156 lbs.
Name: Madeline Shion
Birthday: August 11th
Zodiac Sign: Leo!~
Ranking:  Mizunoto (Start), 1 rank below Pillar [idk the name for that rank] (Current)
Breathe style: Breathe of Mind
Hobbies: Making Home-made Mochi [Strawberry], Traveling, Drawing What she sees on her travels [places and people] 
Ethnicity: Pale and needs sun
 Mother (Deceased) -  Tsutsuji  Shion 
Unnamed father:  Unk status 
Demon Slayers~
Tanjiro Kamado: Friend, Mutual understanding and Very common traits 
Nezuko Kamado: Very Mixed feelings on her but considers a Friend. 
Zenitsu Agatsuma: Friend, She has a very similar personality to him. So they are Close . 
Inosuke Hashibira: Friend? ...She has a hard time with him. 
Genya Shinazugawa: Friend, She really enjoys his company but the more she learns about him, the more she gets nervous, she knows he is all good intentions. 
Yakashi Horebore: No longer Friends, Rivals?
Kyojuro Rengoku:  The “Brother she never had”, Big-Brother figure. 
Uzui Tengen: Her Role-Model, looks up to him for Strength.  She loves his Flashy personality!✨
Gyomei Himejima: Her Role-Model, She looks up to him for wisdom and mental guidance. He is often found Blessing the Beads around her ankles.
Sanemi Shinazugawa: Mutual Friends? At first she didnt mind him, Later develops A smol Crush for him...>.>
Others: She is pretty Ok/Mutual with the rest of the Pillars. 
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke with an s/o who at first comes off as innocent and sweet but turns out she's a huge flirt and enjoys getting them flustered? Thank you so much!!
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Thank you for your request, it was really fun to write! Enjoy~Amanda (This gif is the cutest thing I’ve seen today)
Warning: None
(1.5k words)
When Tanjiro first met you, he thought you were the sweetest person he’d ever had the chance to meet. You were so humble and kind, always putting others before yourself, much like Tanjiro! In reality, you were all those things and more; but you also fed off the thrill and excitement that came with teasing your sweet boyfriend. 
You were very meticulous with when and how you teased him, upping the level of flirtiness whenever you felt the moment was just right. This was usually when all your friends were gathered, Tanjiro just made it so easy. There was never any malice behind your witty remarks and suggestive smiles, it was just for fun, but you’d never deny how much you loved his reactions each time.  
Tonight had been like any other, Zenitsu and Inosuke were insistanly bickering about someing stupid, Nezuko was peacfully tucked away in her room sleeping, and Tanjiro was quietly sitting next to you. “Since nobody’s looking…” you scooched closer to the boy next to you, he turned his head and offered a friendly smile. “Tanjiro-kun!” you knew that he just loved when you called him that, it made him feel weak in the knees. “Y-yes?” he stuttered, color already rushing to his cheeks. 
You seductively placed a hand on his thigh, using it as leverage to come impossibly close to his warm face. His eyes averted from yours, “Y/N! We’re in public!” “I know, but it's just hard to resist those delicious lips of yours when they're so close. Besides,” you licked your lips in anticipation “ it's not like anyone's watching” your lips ghosted against his jawline, Tanjiro was so enraptured with your ministrations he’d almost entirely blocked out the noise of the other two unsuspecting persons in the room. “Unless you want them too”. That's it, he was under your spell; his hands gripped his pants and his breathing became unsteady, “Y/n please”.
You pulled away, satisfied with the mess of a man you left behind, “just teasing” your sly smile only emphasized how much you enjoyed your little game. “Tanjiro?”
Congrats, you’ve officially broken your boyfriend.
This poor boy had no idea what he was getting into when he entered a relationship with you. You were always so quiet and calm, so it took him by complete surprise the first time you became excessively flirty with him.
However you never wanted to make him uncomfortable so you always saved the teasing for when you two were safe behind closed doors. Zenitsu was so easy to rile up, it was adorable. His entire face down to his neck would glow a bright red and his entire vocabulary would automatically be thrown out the window. 
Of course, you knew when to scale it back and what boundaries were never to be crossed. You respected your partner too much to ever do anything you thought he wouldn’t enjoy or would upset him. 
You could feel the shift in the air as summer bleed into fall, the leaves already beginning to create piles on the ground outside. You decided to leave the window open just enough to allow the breeze to waft in and out of the dark room. 
Zenitsu’s tuft of blonde hair peaked out from underneath his sheets, the rise and fall of his form slightly ruffling the sheets. “He looks so soft when he sleeps” It was almost day-break and you almost felt bad about having to wake him to start the day. Emphasis on the almost. Morning wake-up sessions were the perfect time to exercise your flirting abilities to their fullest. 
“Zeni~” you gently called, running your fingers through the small patch of hair that you could reach. He stirred, ignoring your call “Be that way then” You nuzzled your entire body between his legs with little effort, your head and hands resting on his chest. Slowly, Zenitsu sleepy eyes began to open, revealing his brilliant golden orbs. “Good Morning sleepy head” 
Zenitsu stared into your playful eyes, not having completely registered the position the two of you were currently in. You began to absentmindedly trace invisible patterns into the clothes that hid his chest, your face lazily balanced on your other hand. As if someone had connected the wires in his brain, Zenitsu jumped in realization, scarlet engulfing his entire face. “Y-y/n what are you d-doing?!” he firmly held his hands to his side, refusing to touch your body (even though he kind of wanted to).
“Well you weren’t waking up, so I figured I need to try something else to get your attention.” you answered as if you knew nothing of the effect you were having on him. You definitely had his attention now, “But now I’m too comfortable to get up just yet, you don’t if I lay here a little longer?” your voice was like honey, your eyes begging in the sweetest way possible. Of course Zenitsu didn’t want you to get off of him, who wouldn’t want to wake up to their girlfriend being pressed flush against their body? “Of course not” he spoke, slowly growing accustomed to the weight of your body against his.
“That's good” you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his natural scent that drove you crazy. Tentatively, Zenitsu wrapped his hands around your torso, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles into the skin your clothes failed to cover. Needless to say, the two of you fell back asleep, enjoying the warmth of one another.
From the moment you and Inosuke started dating you knew it would be difficult to catch a rise out of the confident, self-spoken individual. 
The first few times you tried to get some sort of reaction out of the boy with your flirty antics, it ended up back firing. Either Inosuke would magically find a way to turn the situation on its head, making the focus fall on you causing you to be embarrassed or he just wouldn't understand what you were talking about.
Unbeckonest to Inosuke, you were beginning to feel impatient and frustrated with him. Why couldn’t he just take a hint and take a compliment? Didn’t he like you enough to become flustered when your hand would  accidentally graze his thigh or chest? Honestly, you were almost at a loss of how to get a rise out of this guy. 
That was until it became so painfully obvious on exactly what would cause Inosuke’s heart to hammer and his face to flush. You weren’t sure how it hadn’t occurred to you before.The next day while you and the other were taking a short break from an intense training regime, you decided then would be the perfect time to execute your plan. You walked over to your boyfriend, who was aggressively hammering his sword against a tree because ‘breaks are for weaklings’, a jug of water grasped between your palms.
“Inosuke! I brought you some water, it is seriously hot out today” you placed the jug in his skeptical hands, using it as some sort of offering to gain his attention. “I would have been fine without it women!” he voiced, however he drank the entire barrel in a few large gulps. “Oh I know, some one as strong and skilled as you are wouldn’t need anything from the rest of us” you shimmed your way next to the boy whose ears perked in interest like a puppy.
“You know earlier when you were training with Tanjiro I just knew you would win. You were much tougher and smarter than he was during your fight together, he was probably afraid” he listened to your words of praise in complete bliss. You took this opportunity to remove his furry mask without any complaints, shifting to his lap.
“Anyone can tell that you’ve been working so hard these last few weeks, much harder than the others. Just look at you! You're so musly and powerful, any demon will cower at just the mention of your name” your hand trailed down his chest and his arms, admiring every crook and crevasse that came in your way.
Inosuke’s ears began to ring slightly as blood rushed across his chest and ears, his skin tingled in the places your delicate finger grazed. He wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but he didn’t want it to stop. “Those weaklings have nothing on me” he remarked, voice subdued as he relished in the new found delight that was the feel of your nails aimlessly traveling his exposed skin.
“He’s had enough” you tauntingly thought to yourself, lifting your fingers away from his skin. He immediately frowned at the loss of contact, itching to feel you on him again. “Lets not keep the others waiting” you smiled mischievously  as you walked away, completely aware of the state you’d left the poor boy in.
Behind you, Inosuke sat extremely confused as to what just happened, but very desperate to have you on him again, soon. He was out of it for the rest of the day, stuck in the day dream that was you. You were hoping to have a bigger reaction from Inosuke, but you weren’t picky, there were other ways and times to get what you wanted out of him.
Main Masterlist
I’m sorry for the delay! I went on an impromptu vacation for the weekend and didn’t have a piece completed! I hope you all enjoyed it, thank you~Amanda
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Nandemonaiya [Your Name AU]
Word Count: 4,000
Pairing: Tanjiro Kamado x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Kimetsu no Yaiba manga
Summary: Of all the days for a miracle to happen, it had to be on the day of your math test. [Your Name AU]
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When you’d gone to bed the previous night, you’d been surrounded by your purple sheets and big queen comforter, stuffed animals clutched against your chest. You had a test first period in mathematics, and you’d spent half of your time actually studying and the other half dancing and spinning around your room, serenading your plushies. 
When you woke up, you were laying in a thin futon, in a dark room. You thought you were still dreaming for a brief moment, when you heard a loud snore beside you and glanced over; a pig head was right there next to yours, and you couldn’t contain the scream that bubbled from your mouth. The boar immediately shot up, and from the other side of it a smaller blonde boy rose as well. 
“What the hell are you screaming about?!” the boar yelled, and you shakily scrambled out of the blanket away from it. 
“I-it can talk!” you managed to get out, and the other boy looked over the boar’s human shoulder to talk to you. 
“Are you okay, Tanjiro?” he asked, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You didn’t respond, looking around wildly for your phone, patting at your clothes, when-
You glanced down at yourself and screamed again. The boar yelled back, though it was incomprehensible and you had no idea what it was trying to get out. You were wearing unfamiliar clothes, and when you looked at your hands they were foreign and calloused.
“Is everything okay?” The door had opened without any of you being aware, and both you and the boar screamed in shock again at the little old woman in the doorway. 
When Tanjiro Kamado had gone to bed the previous night, he’d been laid in his futon beside Inosuke in the Wisteria House. The three boys had come here to nurse a few wounds before they headed on their way to their next mission, and they were grateful for the warm place to sleep and home cooked food. The bed was much more comfortable than he remembered it being, but he just figured it was because it had been so long since he’d been able to rest, and he could smell the kind grandma cooking something in the kitchen. 
When he woke up, he was staring into the eyes of a round, pink dragon, and he screamed, scuffling away. He fell off the edge of the purple mattress he didn’t remember going to sleep on, right onto his bottom to the carpeted floor. He peeked his head up to look at the dragon, who had unceremoniously rolled over onto her side when he’d fallen. Behind her was an army more of small, pink things, ranging from bears to owls. Where was he?
“[Name]!” Behind him, the door slammed open, and Tanjiro cringed, glancing back to a small, [hair color] girl, who was glaring at him on the floor. “Get up, Mom just finished breakfast,” she told him, and he blinked owlishly at him. 
“Mom?...” he questioned, and the little girl gave a groan much too loud for her, rolling her eyes. “And put some pants on!” She slammed the door shut behind her, the mirror on the back of it swaying, and Tanjiro glanced up. 
“Pants?” he asked again, even though she was gone, and squeaked looking at himself in the mirror, immediately looking away, his face suddenly hot. What was happening to him? 
He sheepishly glanced back to the figure in the mirror, that was turning in time with him, and he shakily stood to his feet. The shirt the figure was wearing dropped down to cover her bottom, and he was holding his breath as he rose a hand and realized that she was raising her hand in sync. 
That was him!!
He jumped, running to the mirror, tripping on dirty clothes left on the floor. He pressed his hands to the mirror - his hands, your hands, your little unscathed hands with your pink painted nails - staring into [eye color] eyes. He blinked, and you blinked, and - oh my gods, what did he do? You were wearing only a oversized shirt that took him a moment to read, something about a school, something about a band, and polka-dotted underwear. 
“I’m sorry!” he shrieked, yanking the shirt down to cover his bottom again. He stared at himself, at you in the mirror, before he apologized and looked away. He had to find pants right now. 
He kneeled down to the dirty clothes on the floor, riffling through them. He picked up several articles, screaming again when he realized it was a brassiere, throwing it over his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry!!!!” he breathed out through his teeth, taking more care as he moved aside the clothes and finally found a pair of pants, grabbing them and pulling them on. They were tight and uncomfortable, but he didn’t want to keep staring at you, and the little girl told him to put on pants, anyway. 
“[Name]!!!” He heard the little girl yell again from outside the room, and he ducked his head. Was that your name? 
He stood up straighter after a moment, going to the door and slowly opening it. The little girl wasn’t there, and he blinked, wondering where she’d gone, when his nose caught the smell of bacon. Your sense of smell wasn’t nearly as strong as his, but he still couldn’t deny what it was, and he tentatively stepped down the hall towards the smell. The little girl was sitting at the kitchen table, spreading strawberry jam on a piece of toast, and she glanced up when he entered the room. 
“Why are you wearing jeans?” she asked, and he hesitated, shaking his head. 
“I - um,” he stuttered out, and the little girl rose her brow, waiting. “Um!” he continued, when the older woman at the stove turned around, shaking her head. 
“Leave your sister alone!” she demanded, and the little girl scoffed, though still went back to her toast. The older woman smiled at Tanjiro, and he felt himself relaxing as she put a plate down on the table. “I know you have that test this morning, so I thought I’d make you breakfast so you don’t spend all your money at the cafe. Don’t get used to it,” she teased, putting several pieces of bacon on the plate, and she looked back up to Tanjiro when he stood, staring. 
“Come on, sit down! You don’t have that much time,” she said, and Tanjiro hesitantly nodded, going to sit down at the table. Was this your mom? Tanjiro glanced up at her, though she’d already turned away and back to the stove. 
He looked back to the plate, at the eggs and bacon and toast, giving a quiet prayer. He hoped that the breakfast at the Wisteria House was nice for Zenitsu and Inosuke, and that they’d keep their eyes on Nezuko until he figured out how to escape this dream. He slowly took a bite of the bacon, reaching towards the jam the girl had left on the table. 
“Are you crying?” 
Tanjiro blinked as he took the glass jar, looking across the table to the girl who was staring back. He blinked, and he realized that he indeed was crying, fat hot tears falling down his cheeks. He reached up with his sleeve, wiping at them, though he couldn’t stop the sobs. He remembered having the breakfast his own mother had cooked, the last day he and his younger siblings gathered around the table before he’d left to sell coal. 
“She’s probably just worried about her test today,” your mother said, and even though her voice was still joking she went to Tanjiro’s side, wrapping her arms around his shoulder loosely and pulling her towards him. She held his head against her, and he slowly wrapped his arms around her, crying quietly into her shirt. 
“Weirdo,” the girl still murmured. 
Your mother let Tanjiro pull away, laughing at him as he sniveled. “You better have studied!” she chastised, and Tanjiro nodded his head, even though he wasn’t entirely sure what she was talking about. 
Tanjiro finished his breakfast in silence, thinking about his family and Nezuko. He was glad that you had a family to cook you breakfast, a sister to wake you up. 
“Better go get changed into your uniform so you’re not late! Your friends should be by soon to walk to school,” your mom said, and Tanjiro blinked at her, working out what she had said. Friends? Changing?
Oh no.
Tanjiro stood up robotically and went back to your room, closing the door behind him and leaning back onto the mirror. He clasped his hands in front of him, clenching his eyes shut. 
“I’m sorry!!” he hissed out again, going to your closet to grab your uniform. His face was a bright red, and he felt dizzy as he stared down at the collared shirt and pleated skirt. 
It took Tanjiro half an hour to figure out how to clasp your bra. 
Meanwhile, you were having much less luck with the boar and the blonde. Once you realized that, no, the boar was not a monster and just a kid with a mask, you took them much less seriously. You sat with your arms folded across an unfamiliar chest, cross-legged across from the two boys. 
“So you’re saying you’re not Gonpachiro?” asked the boar, who’d you been told was Inosuke. Well, he had told you his name was the Lord of the Mountains, but Zenitsu had butted in to tell you his real name. 
“I don’t even think that’s his actual name,” you said, looking instead to Zenitsu, who shook his head. 
“His name is Tanjiro,” he told you, and you nodded your head.  
“No, that is not my name!” you told them, hitting your palms against your thighs. “My name is [Name]! Where am I? How did I get here?!”
Zenitsu blinked at you, wondering if this was some elaborate joke that Tanjiro was pulling, though it didn’t seem like it, and he didn’t think Tanjiro could lie, anyway. You sounded different than Tanjiro, too, though Zenitsu barely had any idea as to what exactly was going on. If it wasn’t a joke, what was it?
“Wait - your name is [Name]? You’re a girl?”
And suddenly Zenitsu was just as useless as Inosuke.
You stood up from the floor as Zenitsu clambered towards you, something about asking for your hand in marriage, something about having to get you out of Tanjirou’s body immediately. You agreed with him on that half, at least. 
“Is there paper?” you asked him, and he didn’t hear you over his talk of your wedding. You rolled your eyes, standing up and going to the door, sliding it open. “Grandma, do you have a notebook I can borrow?” you called out to her. 
“What’re you doing, [Name]-chan?” Zenitsu asked, scooting towards you as you sat back down on the floor with a little leather-bound notebook. 
“I saw this in a movie once,” you told him, and he blinked at you, his face still red. 
“What’s a movie?” he asked, and you paused as you opened to the first empty page of the notebook, your head shooting up.
“What?” you asked him, and he still stared starstruck back at you. “... Zenitsu, what year is it?”
“Hmm?” he hummed out. “Oh. It’s 1913, [Name]-chan.” You stared back at him;  there was a disconnect between your brain and his words. 
You were screaming again, suddenly a stark pale, and you stood up hastily, almost tripping on the foreign feet. You reached up, touching at this random boy’s face, and wondered what on earth you’d done to deserve getting shoved into his body. You kneeled back down to the notebook and immediately began to scrawl in it, cursing Tanjiro and the year. You’d written 1913 at least twelve times when you stopped to take a breath, looking over your scrambled words before you leaned back down to write again. 
“What is Gonpachiro doing?” Inosuke asked Zenitsu, leaning over to get a glance at the pages. 
“Writing,” Zenitsu answered, and Inosuke shook his head. 
“What’s that?”
You were hastily writing down thoughts as they came to you - Was he stuck in your body? Or were you the only unlucky one? Had the cellphone been invented yet in 1913? Why did Tanjiro have such weird friends? - when you heard the box in the corner creak open and glanced up. A little girl was crawling out of the box, and your writing slowed, the pen dropping from your hands. 
“W-what-“ you began, though Zenitsu had already seen her crawling from the box, going towards her. 
“Oh! This is Nezuko, Tanjirou’s little sister,” he told you, and you gave a shaky nod. “She’s a demon, but she won’t hurt you. Tanjirou is looking for a cure right now for her.”
“A demon. Of course,” you whispered out, suddenly feeling faint. You glanced back down at the notebook and went back to writing YOUR SISTER IS A DEMON???!??!??????
When Tanjiro woke up the next morning in his own body, he was both relieved and disappointed. He sat straight up, and when he looked over to see Inosuke and Zenitsu he couldn’t help the large grin he grew. Beside him in his futon, tucked under the covers was a small notebook, and when he opened it his brow furrowed. So it wasn’t just a strange dream? After glancing the pages over, he chuckled; you looked so cute, but wow. The first few jumbled sentences were all just cursing him, before it just went on a continuous rant of what year it was. It had to be jarring for you, he was sure, because he knew he was very confused when he found out what a television was yesterday. In bold, taking up over half of a page, was your declaration that Nezuko was a demon, and then is dissolved in to just small words about the day; how Zenitsu kept asking you to marry him, even with you in Tanjirou’s body, how Inosuke barely knew his name, how would he ever remember yours, to your small writing at the bottom that you braided Nezuko’s hair for her, and that you hoped he didn’t mind. 
When you woke up in your own bed, your blanket wrapped around you, the first thing you noticed was that you were very uncomfortable - why were you wearing pants? You threw back the comforter, and recoiled at seeing you wearing a pair of tight skinny jeans, immediately going to unbutton them and pull them off. You didn’t remember wearing these to bed, in fact-
You jumped, reaching over for your phone on the bedside table, not plugged in how you’d left it the last time you’d gone to sleep in your own bed. You unlocked it, and it was still open on the notes app, several lines of text incomprehensible at first.
Hello!! I had to ask your little sister how to use this…
You reached up and pinched the skin in between your eyebrows, sure she had a field day with that.
I’ve never seen a cellphone before. Your friends asked me (or you?...) where it was, but I didn’t know what they were talking about at the time, so I asked your sister when I got home. I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t go through anything…
Your friends!! You immediately closed the app and went to text the group chat messenger, asking what happened yesterday before you went back to the note. 
My name is Tanjiro Kamado. I’m not sure if this was just a dream or what exactly is happening… but stranger things have happened! 
Yeah, like having a demon as a sister, except for real!! you thought, shaking your head. Maybe weirder things had happened to him, but this was otherworldly to you. 
I thought it would be nice to write some notes for you, but I’ve never typed before. Your cellphone fixes it for me, that’s so cool!
Your phone dinged with a message, from your friend Bunko, who always woke up before everyone else. “You remember how to use your phone today [Name]?” she asked, and you hid your face in your hands. You were going to get made fun of that for the rest of your life. 
“You were totally stumped by the math test yesterday. Seriously, I looked over and you were just staring at it!” said another member, Yoshiki, completely with several laughing emojis, and you gaped at your phone. Not that math test! You had studied for hours. 
Your mom made a really nice breakfast, Tanjiro had typed, and you skimmed through it, looking for any mention of a test. He mentioned something about never seeing anything like it before, and you groaned, leaning back in your pillows. Of all the days for a miracle to happen, it had to be on the day of your math test. 
I forgot your lunch (I didn’t know I had to bring lunch to school, I’m sorry!) but your friend Bunko-chan was nice enough to split hers with me. Your friends are very kind!
You thought of Zenitsu and Inosuke, who accepted that you were someone else in Tanjiro’s body without a second thought, and cute little Nezuko jumping and clapping her hands when you braided her hair. You supposed his friends were okay, as well. Even if his sister was a demon. 
At school that day you got back your test from yesterday, and thought about ripping it in half when you saw that Tanjiro hadn’t even attempted to guess and only doodled in the margin. 
This phenomenon happened randomly throughout the months, to the point where you’d been writing down rules for him in your notes; one of the first ones was that he couldn’t use your schoolwork as paper for his bad drawings. (There’s no need to be mean… I thought they looked good! Tanjiro had written back.) There was also another in there, how every Friday afternoon you and your friends met at a cafe after school, and Tanjiro loved it. Your friends were lovely, funny people, who, even if you acted odd one day, only joked around and nudged at you. When Tanjirou had walked in as you and stared blankly up at the menu, Bunko, Yoshiki, and your other friend, Hisao, only raised their eyebrows and ordered for you. After that, you had written down your regular order in your notes for him. 
You, on the other hand, did not have as much luck as Tanjirou. Sure, there was Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko, though there were also all of the other Demon Slayers, and you did collapse and faint on spot when they told you that Tanjiro was one and that you were expected to at least hold a sword. It turned out that maybe Tanjiro wasn’t very good at drawing, but he was an exceptional Demon Slayer, and you were far from a prodigy. You were shocked that Tanjiro was so well-respected - of all the Demon Slayers who’s bodies you could have gotten, you got this one? He did not look exceptional, you thought, except for maybe his big head. His hands, though, were calloused and scarred, rough and worked; some days you caught yourself staring down at the foreign palms, marveling at how much work Tanjiro must put into things that weren’t math tests and doodles. 
The day after Rengoku’s passing Tanjiro found himself in your body. He was restless, and was not at all as happy as he usually was to see your stuffed animals beside him when he woke up in your bed; he reached out and grabbed limply at the pink dragon, who you’d made a note to tell him was named Mochi, before he slowly sat up in the bed. That day in class, your three friends gathered around Tanjiro, Hisao wrapping his arm around you. 
“You okay, [Name]?” he had asked, and Tanjiro gave a weak smile, nodding his head. Yoshiki and Bunko exchanged glances, and Yoshiki reached down, nudging your shoulder.
“Come on, let’s head to the cafe. Strawberry cheesecake on me,” Yoshiki offered with a smile, and Tanjiro blinked up at him.
Your friends were lovely people. 
“Hey, stop crying!” Hisao objected, pulling away from Tanjiro as he reached up and wiped at his eyes. 
“I-it’s just so nice-“ Tanjiro sobbed out, and Yoshiki laughed, though it wasn’t awkward. 
“Maybe I shouldn't have offered,” he teased, as Bunko reached into her bag to offer Tanjirou a packet of tissues. That strawberry cheesecake Tanjiro had at the cafe that night was the best thing he’d ever tasted, and the air on the walk home had been sweet and fresh on his tear-stained cheeks. 
When he woke up the next day he checked his small notebook, where you had written I am very sorry for your loss. 
Every time you woke up in Tanjiro’s body it seemed like he was nursing a new wound, sporting a new scar, and though you were embarrassed one day you scrawled at the bottom of a page that you were worried about him. It seemed like he was working harder than ever, and you didn’t want him to get hurt. He wrote back that he didn’t want you to worry, and that he promised he would be safe. It seemed like all the Demon Slayers were collectively holding their breaths for something, though you had no idea what for, no idea how large this all was. 
And then one day, it stopped.
You could not remember the last time you woke up as Tanjiro; the notes app on your phone said it was last updated just shy of a year ago. Part of you had managed to convince yourself that it was all some weird dream, but there were too many pictures your friends took that you didn’t remember, too many failed math tests than you thought you had. 
You were on your way to the bakery - you and your friends were close to graduation, and tonight was Yoshiki and Bunko’s final orchestra concert, so you had wanted to get them a cake. You and Hisao had called it in last week and split the cost, and you were skipping down the street, ecstatic for the night of celebrating ahead. Hisao was already on his way to the concert hall, and you’d agreed to pick up the cake early to surprise them. 
You pushed open the door to the bakery, a small bell jingling above your head. You were already grinning as the boy working the counter greeted you, and you glanced up from your phone to tell him you were here to pick up your cake, when-
You met his eyes and your phone fell from your hands, clattering onto the floor. You were left staring straight ahead for several moments, as the world around you went quiet; you couldn’t hear the music playing softly overhead, the slight buzz of ovens in the back, the boy coming around from the counter to ask you if everything was okay. 
He reached down to pick your phone up from the ground, handing it back to you. You saw him open his mouth, though you couldn’t understand the words that came from his mouth; you could only focus on one thing, on his hanafuda earrings that swayed to the side as he cocked his head. He blinked at you as you slowly came back to life, as the world swelled back around you, and you cut him off, reaching to grab the hand that held your phone. He was suddenly silent as you touched him, and he stared back at you, remembering the strange dreams he had months ago of a pretty girl with soft hands and lovely friends. 
“Tanjiro?” you said, your voice pleading and desperate, at the same time his mouth shot open and he hesitantly asked, “[Name]?”
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yukimoji · 4 years
My World: Part 2 ( Tanjiro Kamado x Reader )
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( a/n: hi! welcome to part 2 of the “my world” series! so, originally, i planned to write two parts for this series but after writing part 2, i realized i couldnt stuff everything here or else it’ll get too long lol. so, part 3 will be coming soon! thank you for reading and enjoy!)
(this can also be read as a oneshot, but u can also read part 1 for more insight :3)
Part 1 I 2 I 3
Total words: 3840 words
Genre: Fluff
No manga spoilers
Warnings: None
It’s baffling to think how much the world can shift within moments in time.
From the scorching red Summer heat, to the endless warm and orange horizons of Autumn, the solemn and pleasant chill blankets of Winter, and the freshly blossoming flora announcing the arrival of Spring.
Seasons come and go, the ocean tides constantly growing and crashing, and just like the ever-falling Sakura petals drifting in the gentle morning breeze,
You could just only stare as warm rays of sunshine have embraced your dark and cruel world.
Ever since that night you have shared with Nezuko, you found yourself spending time with the soft-hearted demon more. When the sun came down, you would spend time with her in the garden of the Butterfly Estate. You would introduce her to all the sorts of flowers and plants that the garden had to offer.
It had become quite a routine for you to spend the night out with Tanjiro’s sister, and the trio observed how much you would be spending time with her for days now.
When Zenitsu found out about your newly discovered activity, he was desperate to leave with you in order to see Nezuko. Unfortunately for him, he was in such a bad condition that he was forced to stay in bed until he completely recovered to his normal self. Each time you left the ward, he’d kick, whine, and scream profanities in complete anguish.
“YOU’RE GOING TO LEAVE AND SEE NEZUKO-CHAN AGAIN?!” The blonde screamed, pointing at you with such frustration that you could only sweat from his outburst.
“Zenitsu, please stop yelling! You’ll disturb the people working here!” You barked back, trying to make the blonde to shut up.
He went on with his hissy fit, jumping and shrieking on his mattress. You could only look at him with such disgust as he howled out complete baloney.
It was a miracle when Aoi marched into the ward, with frustration clearly written in her face. Her face darkened as she observed the boy in his excessive freakout.
“Shut up!” Aoi yelled out, as she hits Zenitsu, leaving him a whimpering mess.
“Stop yelling! You’re not the only one in this Estate! How many times do I have to tell you to stop being so loud?” The blue-eyed girl hissed, continuing to scold the lightning-breath user as he continued to tremble in his bed sheets.  
Inosuke could care less about you spending time with Nezuko. All he ever did whenever you left was stuff his face with Tempura.
Geez, how much seafood can this guy fit in his mouth? You could only stifle a cackle as he would constantly demand for more food when you’d already be out of the room.
Yeah, okay.
On the other hand, you would also find yourself spending more time with Tanjiro, too. Each time you would interact with his sister, he would also come by, smiling and laughing, as you played with Nezuko like she were your own sibling.
One night, you traveled through the halls of the Butterfly Estate, with the intent of reaching the Garden to see your demon friend.
As you reached a corner, you were knocked by a sudden flash of pink. You were shocked at first, but your entire face lit up as you recognized the rose-colored eyes that you had grown to be fond of.
“Hello, Nezuko!” You greeted, as the demon’s face brightened and engulfed you in a warm hug.
You were giggling at her display of affection. You couldn’t react quickly when she suddenly took your hand and raced to the Garden. She was so fast! You’ve had a hard time keeping up with her pace, because you haven’t even fully healed from your injuries yet.
When the both of you arrived, your hands fell on your knees, gasping for air. The girl made a concerned noise, kneeling down to your eye-level, as she looked at you with worry.
“Oh no! It’s all right!” you waved your hand, trying to reassure your friend. When your breathing got steady again, you got up, smiling at her. Nezuko stood up and started to pat your head, with a pleasant expression on her face.
As you observed the girl in front of you, you noticed how long her hair was. When your siblings were still around, you recalled the moments when your sisters had begged you to braid their hair. Of course, you’ve been pretty good at it, after doing it so often. You felt nostalgic as you remembered how happy they were after you braided their hair.
“Nezuko?” You started. The girl looked at you, her head slightly tilting to the side. “Would you like me to braid your hair?”
Nezuko’s eyes lit up and nodded vehemently, cheerful “mmhm” noises coming out of her bamboo muzzle. You laugh softly as she leads you to the nearest Wisteria tree. You sat against the trunk of the tree, and Nezuko immediately knelt down with her back facing you, revealing her long hair in it’s full glory. You grabbed small strands of her hair, and begun working your magic as the demon begun humming in satisfaction.
You hear rustles and footsteps approach you, and then felt a presence behind you. You look up and were greeted by a gentle pair of crimson-hues that belonged to a certain slayer that you’ve learned to cherish so much.
“Hello!” Tanjiro chirped, a bright smile on his face.
“Hi.” You greeted back. You temporarily retreated a hand from Nezuko’s hair, and you patted the ground beside you. “Sit with me?”
Tanjiro lets out an incoherent noise, as blood started to rush to his face. Nevertheless, he nods and positions himself beside you. He’s glad that it was night time, so you won’t have to see the increasing blush on his face.
There was a soothing silence. Your eyes were fixed on the task ahead of you, as your fingers danced and weaved themselves through Nezuko’s locks. Tanjiro could only steal glances of your concentrated form, as his heart pounded in his chest.
In that moment, It felt like Tanjiro was going to be deaf because of how loud his heartbeat was drumming in his ears. He felt himself tensing up with how close you were, and he starts to draw silent breathes to try and calm himself down before he could make a complete fool of himself.
But he had trouble, just because a beautiful girl was sitting just beside him! And on top of that, you were bonding with his sister! He couldn’t stop a shy grin forming as he basks at the blessing in the form of [ Y / N ] [ L / N ].
Oh, how lovesick he truly was for you.
Tanjiro wondered, where will his words reach? Will that be enough for you to understand how much he cares for you? He’s afraid that one day, you might leave and vanish from his life. How much he wishes to hold onto you, so that you won’t have to be alone anymore.
How much he wishes to be your home.
The Burgundy-haired boy snaps away from his thoughts as Nezuko cheers and sings happy melodies, signalling that you’ve finished braiding her hair. Tanjiro observes his little sister’s hair and claps his hands happily. He was amazed by how expertly you turned Nezuko’s hair into a piece of art!
“Wow! You look beautiful, Nezuko!” He brightened, as his demon sister admired her hair with a satisfied expression on her face.
You chuckled, and Tanjiro could feel cupid shooting an arrow to his love-struck heart.
“I’m glad you like it, Nezu-chan!” You hummed, and laughed softly when Nezuko unleashed a big hug of gratitude at you. She pulled away after a few minutes, and fondly pats the top of your head. Tanjiro just stared, a soft expression plastered in his face.
Then, Nezuko stands up, holding up a pointed hand as if she was telling to stay where you are. She then turns around, and runs off to god knows where, leaving her poor brother alone with you.
You sighed softly, and you turned your gaze at the crimson-eyed slayer beside you. The corners of your mouth pulled up, as you gazed at the boy.
You can’t explain how much you appreciate Tanjiro. You’re forever grateful for him for saving you back at Mt. Natagumo. The last few months with him, you felt like living in a whole new world, as his soft, welcoming smiles embraced what was once your gloomy life. You gazed at him with such fondness, and his crimson-hues stared back with the same amount of warmth you gave him.
God, he looked so handsome under the moonlight.
“You know,” you started, “I wish that we could be like this forever.”
Tanjiro chokes out from your words. You wanted to be like this forever, too? His lower lip quivered, as he tries to mutter out a response. He noticed that your face had a red tint, and his mind screamed of how absolutely pretty you looked. He stutters, squealing noises coming out from his trembling mouth.
Your smile widened at how adorable he was acting, and his brain went overdrive from the amount of embarrassment he cannot suppress.  In that moment, he felt like he was in heaven.
Thankfully, Nezuko arrived just in time, and she barely saved him from fainting from heat and shame. You averted your gaze from Tanjiro, and noticed that Nezuko was hiding something in her back.
The demon girl used hand motions to tell you to close your eyes, and you obliged. Then, you felt something being placed on your head, and Nezuko lets out a satisfied “mmhm!”,  signalling that it was okay for you to open your eyes again.
When you got your vision back, you were faced with an absolutely red-faced Tanjiro and a proud Nezuko. You reached up to feel the object on your head, and felt flowers. You were wearing a flower crown! You beamed at Nezuko, eyes sparkling with gratitude.
“Thank you!” You exclaimed, and you can’t stop smiling just from how happy you were.
Nezuko cheers, clapping her hands contentedly. Tanjiro looks at his sister, and he’s proud that his sister has adored you, just as much he adores you.
If he thought you were beautiful before, you now looked absolutely breathtaking.
The way your cheeks have a flushed tint in them, the way you smiled with such glee, and how the flower crown seemed to complete you.
The stars shone brilliantly above everyone, and the Wisteria petals fell around you, giving you an ethereal glow. Not only that, all the sadness and resentment he picked from you before seemed to wash away. Now, he only picked up the pleasant scent of love and gratitude. You looked so happy, and he will forever cherish your radiant face for the years to come.
He could no longer explain the magnitude of his feelings for you, because all he could think in at that moment was how special and important you became to him.
Soon enough, you all recovered from your injuries, went through a brutal rehabilitation regime, and now it was time to go back to the real world.
You felt the familiar uniform hugging you, as you prepared yourself for a new mission. It was sad to think that your time at the Butterfly Estate was over, and it meant that you would be separated from your friends. You were especially upset that maybe, you could never see both Tanjiro and Nezuko again.
Everything felt bittersweet. The months you spent in the estate was total bliss for you, and you cherished every single moment. You sighed and recalled those memories, those days where you felt like you weren’t living in such a cruel world. Your brows knitted together, as your eyes started to water. You wiped the tears threatening to fall, as you try to recompose yourself.
After finishing up, your legs carried you to the garden, so you could see it one last time before you leave. When you arrive, you stared at the beauty of the garden. You had so much memories in the area, and you could only smile sadly when you accepted that maybe it would be the last time you might see it. Now that you’re back in the field, you weren’t even sure if you could last until tomorrow to be able to visit the Estate again.
“[ Y / N ]?”
You snapped your head to the direction of the voice, and your face softened when you saw Tanjiro.
He walked towards you, a determined expression plastered on his face.
“Hello, Tanjiro. You’re going to leave for a mission, I presume?” You asked, looking at his eyes.
Oh, how you would miss those eyes.
The boy nods. “I’m going to where the Flame Pillar is dispatched. Shinobu-san said that he could help me regarding my family’s Hinokami Kagura dance.” He explains. You put a hand on his shoulder, and offered him a smile.
“Good luck, then.” You said. You could only look down, as you felt sadness wash over you again.
Tanjiro just stood there, as you fought back the tears trying to spill from your eyes again. He, too, felt bittersweet at the thought of leaving the Estate after spending so much time with you. His eyelids drooped at the sight of you holding back tears, as sadness starts to engulf him. His jaw clenched at the thought that this could be the last time he could look at your [ E / C ] orbs.
The checkered-clad slayer musters all of his courage, as he takes a deep breath to calm his nervous nerves. He wanted to tell you all the wonderful thoughts he’d have about you, how much he was delighted to be around your presence all the time he spent in the estate. He was determined to see you again, to spend more time with you, to hold on to your hand without hesitation, and hopefully to grow old with you.
He wanted you to be part of his future, one way or another.
It was now or never.
He takes your hand from his shoulder, lifts your other hand, and intertwines them with his own. He stares at you, reassurance and confidence evident in his face.
“[ Y / N ], there’s… there’s been something lingering on my mind these past few months.” He starts, as his hands gently caressed your own, fingers rubbing circles to soothe you. His lips transform into a shy smile, as he chuckles lowly to calm himself down from the overwhelming feelings of embarrassment starting wash up to him.
“Ever since I saw you back at Mt. Natagumo, I’ve felt.. a strong urge to protect you. Just seeing you all battered up broke me, and you don’t realize how happy and relieved I felt when I saw you in the ward, alive and resting. If you didn’t make it, I.. I don’t know how I could forgive myself for leaving you to fend for yourself.”
You could only gaze at him, your lower lip trembling from the uncertain emotions that began to consume you. Your face started to heat up when you realized how close Tanjiro was. You could almost feel his hot breath fanning over your bewildered face, his calming palms holding yours so tenderly. He felt so warm, so intriguing, so fascinating,
And so absolutely wonderful.
“As I got to know you, I could always find myself getting red faced, with the feeling of butterflies fluttering around my belly that would never go away. At first, I.. I was confused.. I didn’t understand why I felt like this, why my heart would thump so hard whenever I see you.” Crimson hues started to look down, Tanjiro’s face getting redder and redder as each second passed by.
“But then.. when I saw you become so close with Nezuko, the feeling intensified.. A-and I could always find myself breathless when I.. when I watch you smile and laugh with her.” He looked up at you once more, his brows drew together as you could only look at him with warmth and compassion.
He squeezed your hands tighter, but not enough to hurt you. He trembled on the spot, confidence now being replaced by a sheer amount of embarrassment and shame, but he was determined. He was desperate, he wanted to show you how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
“I want to see you again, [ Y / N ]. Please, I know it’s selfish of me to ask you of this, but please..” He whimpered, his eyes starting to well up in tears. In a flash, he embraced you, placing his head on your shoulder to hide his flustered expression. You were stunned, but as his warmth surrounded you, you immediately hugged back. You could feel his hold on you get even more desperate, feelings his hot tears starting to stain your shoulder.
“Please.. promise me.. that we will see each other again. I want you to know, that in your embrace, I have finally found a place to call my home. Just please.. please stay with me and you won’t have to be alone anymore. Promise me, that you will return, and I promise.. I promise you that I will always stay by your side.”
Your were trying to catch your breath, but that seemed impossible at that moment. Tears spilled from your eyes endlessly, as you sobbed and cried your heart out. You hugged him even tighter, as you tried to muffle your sobs in his chest.
“Why?” You manage to stutter out, as you proceeded on to cry in his embrace. His hands started to rub on your back, trying to comfort you. However, in the heat of the moment, you feel a sense of relief radiate from the boy. Tanjiro smiled softly, as he continued to lock you in his protective arms.
“Because you mean the whole world to me, [ Y / N ].”
The stars above appeared to glow brighter than ever before.
You walked across the clear field, the soft grass crunching beneath your shoes. The flowers around swayed with the breeze, as the wind sang soft melodies into your ears.
You were en-route to your next mission, which was located a few villages away. You continued on with your journey, as you pulled your beloved haori closer to you for comfort and warmth.
As you walk, there were sounds of Cicadas that sang all around, the tall trees that seemed to dance the night away, and the delicate touch of the soft breeze that eased your nerves.
You sealed your eyes shut, basking in your positive memories, as you recalled the way Tanjiro held you close as he expressed his love for you.
How you missed his touch already.
You chuckled quietly, thinking about the moments you shared with him that brought a feeling of nostalgia to your heart. Your eyes fluttered open again, your heart pounding as you put your hand on your chest. You felt the butterflies on your stomach, as you remembered the Burgundy-haired boy’s warm smile.
Ever since that day, you promised yourself to fight harder. Harder than you’ve ever fought before. Even when it’s all dark, you’d always look away from negative thoughts to push yourself forward. You would fight, and you would continue to fight, for every demon’s head you cut off would save the life of another human person.
You made a promise, too. You would fight and survive, determined to be triumphant in combat no matter what, because you promised.
You promised to come back to his arms.
“CAAW! A LETTER! A LETTER FOR [ L / N ] [ Y / N ]!”
The sound of your Kasugai crow screeching snaps you out of your thoughts. You looked up at the creature, and saw a tiny envelope attached to its legs. You snickered, as you already had a guess who the sender was.
Your Kasugai crow flew down to your eye level, presenting the envelope. Gently, you took the letter out of its grasp. You then rummaged through your uniform to find something to feed the crow. You smiled as pulled out your hand, and offered the crow a small rice ball. The crow takes the treat from your hand, crying out in delight.
“Thank you.” You called out, as the crow flew back to where it had come from.
You looked down at the small piece of paper on your hand, and you open it up to see it’s contents.
Dear [ Y / N ],
How are you doing? I hope you’re doing okay.
Me, Inosuke, and Zenitsu just arrived at the city where we would find Rengoku-san. I was overwhelmed, at first. There are so many people here! Though, it seemed like I wasn’t alone, because Inosuke kept clinging on to me the whole time.
Zenitsu’s leading us around the city, because fortunately he knew his way around cities. We’re trying to find a “train station”, where we could find the “train” where Rengoku-san is dispatched. Everything is so bright and advanced, and I was genuinely shocked at how technology was rapidly evolving!
Nezuko misses you, you know. When we departed, I could pick up the scent of sadness coming from her as we got further and further away from each other.
I miss you, too. So, so much. Oh, how I wished you were with me right now. How much I want to see your beautiful smile again.
I want to write more, but looks like Zenitsu already found the “train station” were heading towards. He’s already complaining about how I’m taking my sweet time writing this letter. Hehe.
Remember this, when you’re having trouble, remember that I’m always going to be with you every step of the way. Don’t get frightened when it gets dark. Instead, look up and see the stars, and I assure you, I will be looking at them, too.
Please, stay safe. I will always be thinking about you, [ Y / N ].
You mean the whole world to me.
- Kamado Tanjiro
You grinned, already feeling the flush crawling up to your face.
You looked heavenward, longing evident in your [ E / C ] hues. The stars twinkled, and the moon reflected your figure perfectly. You gazed at the stars, and you could feel Tanjiro looking at them, too.
“You also mean the whole world to me, Tanjiro.”
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l2demonmoons · 5 years
The Letter
Rengoku X Reader
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(This is not requested, but I’ve had this bad boy swirling in my head for a bit -Mod Beast)
Lanterns were off. Night was high in the sky. Crickets chirped and activity was low.
You, however, were not sleeping. Not for a long time. Your futon blanket wrapped around your shoulders, clutching it like a lifeline. Your cheeks were tear-stained, and while you wanted to keep crying, you couldn’t will them into existence anymore. 
Rengoku Kyojuro passed away just mere hours ago.
You just shook and ached, your heart feeling like it had been squeezed. 
There would be no more sunshine. Just rain. 
The worst, absolute worst part to all of this?
You never told him you loved him. 
You never could find the courage to speak up about your feelings. You had feared that speaking your thoughts would drive him away and crumble your friendship to dust. So you kept them tucked away, wanting to tell him when you felt it was right. There were plenty of failed attempts, but you still wanted to tell him someday soon.
And now you were only filled with regret. 
The timid knock at your shoji knocks you out of your thoughts.
“Please, no visitors,” you say in a hushed tone. Your voice was broken, ebbing away from the sobbing. 
Kamado Tanjiro. 
You pause, sniffling. You never brought yourself to be angry at any of those kids. Maybe for a few seconds, but it had only went away just as fast. You adored them as if they were your own sons. How could you be angry at them? They’re just children.
“C...come in,” you reply hesitantly. He carefully opens the shoji, all geared up in his uniform and haori, Nezuko in her box. “What are you doing out of the medical wing, Kamado?”
He chuckles sheepishly. He was still clearly in pain, yet was stubborn as he paced over to where you sat. 
“Rengoku asked I do a few things after he...” Tanjiro pauses, letting you take a moment to inhale deeply and exhale.
“It’s alright, continue.”
“This is for you.” He presents a white envelope, handing it to you. You look at it, analyzing it for a moment. On the back, was the kanji for your name.
“Thank you...”
He bows deeply. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save him,” he apologizes, shutting his eyes tightly in remorse. You shake your head, shakily reaching out and stroking his hair. 
“I’m not angry at either of you, Tanjiro. You all gave your all and did your best, it’s all I can ask for. I don’t expect any of you to defeat an Upper Moon so easily.”
Tanjiro sighs, nodding. Even in your depressed state you still comforted him anyway.
“Thank you,” he says softly. You nod. 
“Whatever you’re doing next, please, be careful. And when you get back go straight back to the Butterfly Estate, alright? You shouldn’t be straining yourself too much,” you lightly scold. 
“I will! I promise!” he stands straight, a beaming smile on his face. You shake your head, watching as he goes off. Probably to the Rengoku Estate, you realize with a weak smile. 
You glance back down at the envelope after he closes the shoji, carefully opening the flap with your thumb. 
You unfold the white sheet, finding a letter addressed to you.
Dear (y/n),
If you’re receiving this, it must mean I fell in battle! I apologize for not telling you this in time. I’ve known about your feelings about me for a while. But you seemed so determined to tell me first, I decided to give you a month before I told you that I felt the same. I love you, (y/n). I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in person. But even if I am gone, even if I am out of reach, I am always with you. You were the flame in my heart! Every time you light a fire, every time you feel unspeakably warm at night, that’s me. Always there with you until we meet again. You can cry until your heart feels ok again, but promise me you’ll always be strong. I adore your smile the most, and I don’t want to see it gone for too long. 
Your tears stain the paper, and you quickly hold it out of reach of your tears so you didn’t ruin it. 
You let out a croaked sob, reading it over and over again as the tears that once were gone poured from your eyes once more.
You hold it close to your chest, kneeling over as you let your feelings out once more. Your sobs were strained, wailing into the night.
When you inevitably fell asleep, you felt safe.
You felt warm, like someone was next to you.
You walk down the halls of Kimetsu Academy, looking for your first class. You were the new English teacher, and knew you’d be switching out with the history teacher soon. 
Spotting it, you peer through the window in the door. It was complete chaos inside, and you watch with eyes wide. Was the history teacher having them perform a Calvary battle?!
You duck, a rubber ball hitting the glass of the window. It doesn’t break, but it doesn’t hurt to take precaution. You felt intimidated.
The door opens, the history teacher looking a little sheepish but radiated so much confidence and cheerful energy you felt you were staring at the sun.
“Sorry about that! The kids can get a bit rowdy. You’re the English teacher, right?” 
You peer behind him, watching as the children clean up for the next class. You then look at him again, tilting your head up a little.
“Y-yes, I am.” You peer up at his eyes.
Golden. Odd colored hair. His eyes are as wide as yours as you two take in each other. For some reason, you could feel a blush trail up your neck to your cheeks. A familiarity you could not place blooms in your chest, along with melancholy and a warm, known fuzzy feeling. 
“Have we met before?” you both ask at once. 
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forevermybubblegum · 4 years
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THE forest hummed with life all around you. Your eyes squinted open slowly, mind still trapped in a foggy haze, as you gazed up at the orange painted sky, searching for the birds that flew about. The sun broke through the cracks, lighting up the dark bushy greenwood decorated with outgrown roots, wildflowers and fallen leaves that crunched as you tried to sit upwards. You shielded your eyes, taking in the fragrance of minty grass and damp earth. Each breath feeling like water, fresh and cleansing, flowing freely into your lungs.
You feel little bit of shock spark through you as you feel a heavy body on your lap, it's Tanjiro's head resting gently on your lap as he breathes slowly through his mouth, face dusted black with dirt and debris.
"What....?"You mumbled as your eyes widened when you spotted your other teammates Inosuke and Zenitsu sprawled on the floor unconscious and beaten.
You gasped, "Nezuko!"You exclaimed as you spotted Nezuko out of her box in the same state as others, you pondered through your thoughts trying to remember the events of the nightfall. Oh yes,You all were fighting a duo from the twelve kizuki, they were the most powerful foes you had ever faced and from the looks of it your team had succeded because they would have either kidnapped or killed you all if they had won.
Just then while you were recalling back your memory, A flash from the past whiffed through your mind in a blur,
"Tanjiro!"You had yelled, as Tanjiro whipped an arm to tell you to stand back, "Stay back Y/n!, your gonna get hur--Ack!" The female opponent landed him a powerful flying spin kick to the head, causing him to collide into the ground as figments shattered about.
"How dare you!"You had screeched as you sheated out your black katana from its scabbard. You held it firmly in both hands, the gradient glimmering in the blood moon light.You weren't the strongest and your hands were shaking more than it ever had, but you couldn't afford to let fear falter your determination to protect your comrades. Zenitsu and Inosuke were busy with the Male Demon, you could at least stall her for a while.
"You're mine pest!"She taunted as her long tongue fell out her mouth and she sped towards you, you screamed as you charged towards her but she slid under you and wrapped her long lizard-like tail around you neck, you dropped your sword in the rush of things and tried to loosen your neck as you were being chocked.
"Y/n!Y/n!"Inosuke and Zenitsu immediately charged towards you but were immediately blocked further by the male demon,"Oh no you don't!" He sang, cackling melancholicly.
She unwrapped her tail from your neck and dropped you to the floor as you gasped for breath heavily then feeling her tail tug unto your right leg and pull you up to hang you upside down, "Hmmmm, such nice soft legs..I wonder what will happen if I break them"She whispered,red eyes gleaming as she ran her tongue down from your knee to your ankle and you bit your lip in disgust,eyes shut tight.
"Heheeheee..."You heard a crack, not believing it was yours till the strong wave of pain ran through your veins. You screeched in pain as surprised birds flew out the trees they had being hiding in.
"Y/n!!"Your teammates yelled as the other crack was heard, the pain was unbearable, tears streamed down your eyes as you screamed and could do nothing more than tha--.
You snapped out of the nostalgic recap and looked to see yourself still staring at Tanjiro as you gently ran your hand through his red hair with a smile on your face.You then removed his head from your lap and placed it gently on a folded piece of your robe next to you as you stared at your right leg, the bruise was more than noticeable and you gently tried to massage it to see if it would help but- "Ow!" You winced in pain as you shut an eye.
You then began to hear footsteps inching nearer and nearer to you, you stiffed yourself, scared to death that it was another demon when Hashiras and medical care came in the sight of your E/c pupils rushing to you all. You let out a loud sigh in relief as Shinobu rushed to you and you rested your head on her lap when did.
"Shinobu...san..."You breathed out with a smile on your lips as she gently shushed you with a worried frown on her face, you slowly began to lose consciousness once more as you fell into a deep sleep.
*Few Weeks Later*
"Y/n...I miss you, I'm so sorry for not protecting you..Y/n.."You felt a pair of warm hands cupping your right one as you slowly squinted your eyes open, sun kissing your skin lightly through the scraped space of the half opened window.
"T...tanjiro?"You asked softly as you turned your face to look at him, his worried eyes widened in joy as he jumped up from his chair.
"T-tanjirooo!"You tried to match up his enthusiasm as he hugged you while you were on the bed, your right foot wrapped in a cast filled with colorful signatures. You giggled in joy and you hugged him back with one arm patting his back.
"Y/n forgive me..."Tanjiro said in a serious tone gently and calmly,falling back onto his chair. "Tanjiro I--"
"I let you down, its my fault that your leg...and you were so badly injured I--"
"Tanjiro its not your fault, I charged in when I shouldn't hav--"
"BECAUSE YOU WERE PROTECTING ME!"He yelled furiously as you were taken aback by his outburst.
"I-I'm sorry Y/n.."He mumbled in a downhearted tone as you reached in and placed your hand on top of his.
"Yoshi yoshi Tanjiro-kun"You sang gently as he laughed and sniffed, giving you his usual kind smile.
"Okay I know what im going to do!!"He exclaimed with his hands resting on his hips like a superhero.
"Hm?What?"You asked gently with a smile on your face.
"Im gonna be the one to take care of you while you recover!!"He annouced as your brows shot up.
"Ehhhh! Tanjiro you dont have to do tha--!!"
"I will and I will!!"He exclaimed as you smiled to yourself, knowing you couldn't stop him anymore after he had made his choice.
"Y/nnnnnnnnn!!!"You heard Zenitsu burst into your hospital room with tears streaming down his face.
"I knew I heard your voice! I missed you!!"He cried and went up to hug you which you reciprocated, "Zenitsuu! Y/n needs her rest!"Tanjiro warned as Zenitsu stuck his tongue out at him and skipped out of the room,wiggling his eyebrows at both you and Tanjiro as you noticed Tanjiro's cheeks dust in a light shade of pink.
"How is Nezuko and Inosuke?"You asked as Tanjiro gave you a reassuring smile.
"Ah they are well and hearty,Nezuko really wanted to see you after she woke up"He informed as you giggled, Nezuko was your closest and only girl-friend in the group, both of you were inseperable.
"Ahaha, I want to see her too"
"Y/n! You better get well so we can fight each other again!"You heard Inosuke's voice as he walked past your room,You chuckled and yelled "Will do!"in response, just happy to hear from everyone again.
A few days passed and....,"Chu chuuu!"Tanjiro mimicked a moving train as you opened your mouth and he placed the spoon filled with steaming rice and curry inside your mouth and you chewed it slowly.
"Tanjiro, you know you don't have to say chu chuu everytime you feed me"You pouted as he laughed and ruffled you hair in a caring manner and you ate more of the curry.
* * * * * *
Another day passed by and the morning had reached quicker than expected, Tanjiro as you've guessed had never left your side, he even read you a book every night as you doozed off.
"Good morning Y/n, It's time for your bandage change, Tanjiro would you like to stay?"The nurse asked as he nodded in response, both of you had been chatting before the nurse had come in. The syringe needle then came in sight taunting you as your eyes widened in horror,
"Not again"You whined, squirming in your bed as she smiled in pity,knowing this was your worse part of the day.
"It will be okay Y/n,I'm here"Tanjiro said as you took a deep breath and as much as you wanted to jump out of the bed you took his hand in yours and squeezed it tight instead.
"Ow.."You yelped startled as she injected you and few seconds later she was done, then changing your bandage and leaving.
"See that wasn't so bad"He smiled causing the tips of your lips to quirk up as well,"Yes, it really wasn't"You replied gently as you then realized both of you were still holding hands.
"Um...I-"You face increased steadily in its temperature as your cheeks reddened in a noticeable manner.
"Y/n?What's wrong?Are you coming down with a fever?"He asked, worry dipping from his wrods as he raised up your straightened h/c bangs and placed his strong forehead on yours causing you heartbeat to quicken.
"I-I-I need to rest! Yeah, thats what I need!"You blabbered in a flustered manner as you fell onto your bed and faced the opposite side of him so that he could see your back instead.
"Okay, I actually do have to go train now, Sleep well Y/n"Tanjiro's gentle voice rang through your ear and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"Why does he make me feel this way?.." You thought calming yourself down as you began to doze off into a serene state of rest.
* * * * *
"Y/nnnn cmon just take it!"Tanjiro whined, pleading you as you shook your head even more.
"You wont get better if you don't"He said giving you another reason to take your disgusting medications from the tray they laid on.
"Ugh fine..I hate this"You mubled as he beamed, happy yhat you armgreed and placed them on your palm accompanied by a glass of refreshing water. You shut your eyes close and quickly downed the drugs,grimacing in distate.
"Bitter..."You mumbled, smacking your tongue against your upper mouth as Tanjiro patted your head as his usual form of comfort.
* * * * *
"The Traveler then strolled into the forest and was never seen or heard from, 'again'"Tanjiro narrated the book in a scary way as he shut it close, laughing at how scared you were quivering under your bed sheet.
"Y/n dont be scared, Im here to protect you and this time without fail"He smiled as you removed the blanket from you and looked up at him.
"Thank you Tanjiro, I lo--"You stopped yourself, were you just about to say you loved him?, Do you love him?, Does he love you the same way you do? Do--
"Y/n!"Tanjiro yelled worriedly as you snapped out of your thoughts and back to reality.
"Are you alright!?"He asked as he placed both hands on your shoulder and you laughed in response, "I'm fine Tanjiro-kun, thank you for taking care of me"
"Don't thank me for doing my duty Y/n"He replied as he took your right hand into his warm ones,beaming once more as your heart thumped like it usually did when you were around him.
* * * * * *
"Slowly, one more step, yes you're doing it"Tanjiro smiled and instructed you as he helped you to walk down the hallway , your leg had actually recovered to the point where you were allowed to leave your hospital room and see your friends.
"I can't do it Tanjiro-san!"You whined with an arm slung on Tanjiro's shoulder for support.
"Yes you can Y/n, try try!"He supported you with encouraging words as you smiled and continued to walk with him. Ignoring the pain and limping to the field where Inosuke, Zenitsu and Nezuko were according to Tanjiro.
"Mina!!Guys!"You exclaimed as Nezuko who had been running away from Zenitsu paused to stare at you, you could see the edge of her brows perk up in worry as she hurried towards you and engulfed you in a hug.
"Yoshi yoshi Nezuko-chan, I missed you too"You giggled as Nezuko cuddled her head on your chest.
"I see you're ready to spar me again idiot"Inosuke smirked as the same expression found its way to your face.
"Come at me stupid"You responded as he began to run up to you but was blocked by Tanjiro.
"Leave Y/n Alone Inosuke, Fight me instead"Tanjiro said as Inosuke thought about it for a second and accepted his offer.
"Wait..."You thought as you stared at the space Tanjiro was supposed to be in next to you, only see blank lines of his body causing you to fall to the ground.
"Owie...my butt.."You mumbled, rubbing your backside as everyone gasped and ran up to you. You stared at their distraught faces and couldnt help stifling and then bursting out laughing. Everyone except nezuko joined in while she just blinked and looked around like usual.
* * * * * * *
"Can I open my eyes now?"You asked pouting as you waved your arms around to make sure you didn't hit anything since all you could see was black because Tanjiro was covering your eyes.
"Almost there"He told you as you pouted even more and continued walking,you then noticed you were in the field because of how normal the grass had felt tickling your feet.
Your eyes were uncovered and you stared at the beautiful arrangement of hung flowers,decorations and tables filled with food and snacks, it was nighttime as well and in the background of the midnight sky you could hear the whistle of fireworks as they bursted in a pure bliss of colorful sparks all around.
"HAPPY RECOVERY Y/N!!!!"Everyone including you team, friends, nurses and even the hashira's came out of their hiding spots and yelled out to you as the fireworks continued in the background.
Gentle and silent tears streamed down your cheeks as your heart ached,"Thank you guys,thank you so mu--"You were surprised to feel yourself held by the shoulders and twisted right to face someone.
"Tanjiro, w-what are you--"You were cut off by his lips pressing gently on yours as he placed his hands firmly onto your waist, with eyes wide and a thumping heart his kiss stole all thoughts that had enveloped your mind.
The crowd began to cheer loudly as your eyes fluttered close and with hot cheeks you willingly kissed him back, wrapping your eyes around his neck gently and humming in gentle pleasure.
"Yeah Tanjiro go get some!!"The Fire Hashira yelled as he was smacked in the head by Giyuu.
"Young love...so b-beautiful"The Love Hashira mumbled as she wiped the tears forming at the corner of her lids.
He then pulled away causing you to whimper at the lost of his lips as he placed his forehead on yours, "Y/n, I love you"He said, breathing heavily but still gentle enough to not be heard.
"Tanjiro, I...I love you too"You smiled genuinely, heart skipping in the background.
"Will you be mine?"He asked as he knelt on one knee, holding a rose that came out of nowhere with a hopeful smile on his face.
"I--"You then nodded, being too nervous to answer his question properly, "Oh my God guys she said Yes!!!"Tanjiro yelled to everyone as they all began to cheer and clap excitedly. He then embraced you in a warm and loving hug which you accepted. Standing on your tip toes to peck him on the lips, its a good thing your leg was fully healed.
"You and I forever Y/n"He whispered in your ear as you smiled and nodded.
"Mhm, You and I forever, Tanjiro-kun."
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Hot Nights | Tanjiro | Zeal | x OC
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Request: A small drabble for Tanjiro :)
Word Count: 738 words
Page Count: 2.2 pages
Authors Notes: Hope you like it! :)
Tags: @tanjirou-s-wife​
“ᴵ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖ. ᴹʸ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ʰᵃˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵉⁿᵈᵉⁿᶜʸ ᵗᵒ ᶠᵃˡˡ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗ ʷʰᵉⁿ ᴵ'ᵐ ᵃʷᵃᵏᵉ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ?” ― ᴱʳⁿᵉˢᵗ ᴴᵉᵐⁱⁿᵍʷᵃʸ
        Crickets played their various tunes and cicadas sang along with them harmoniously, the heat of the summer soaked into every living being, causing a lazy slumber to tug on all of their bodies. The moon was full and large, illuminating the night with its cool rays, the wind doing the same task though much more thoroughly. It was a perfect night, the stars littered across the sky showing their patterns that even our ancestors looked up too, the night was eternal and so was this moment. 
        White hair flared with the soft breeze, Zeals eyes locked onto the shattered glass that glistened and littered the sky, calming the melting girl. Her skin stuck to the sheets as her skin was bare, a lazy hand lifted into the air as she glued her sight on the faint scars that graced her skin, nails freshly painted a beautiful teal color.
        ‘It’s too hot’ She thought to herself, the thin sheets laid vicariously on her body, covering only her stomach at this point. The tank top was ridden up to just under her chest and the lack of pants helped to an extent. She felt the buzz of the air around her, the dragonfly buzzing around her window made such little sound, but the vibrations were felt on her sensitive skin. Sighing aloud, she turned her head from the open window to the sleeping man next to her.
        His usual slicked back burgundy hair was messy and wild, matching round eyes closed in a gentle manner, his skin was cool to the touch. He laid on his stomach, head facing Zeal, his hand on her arm that propped her head up. The sweet man always had a habit of needing to touch her when he was asleep, a touching action to the milky haired woman, even when they were much younger.
        She moved her arm from her head, laying it down gently, as she grabbed his scarred hand and kissed the calloused skin that always held her so delicately. Each knuckle was given a small peck, a small yet intimate show of affection, something she would be more open with once her tongue had left her mouth. It was so long ago, but the memory made her cringe a bit still, before allowing her thumb to caress his hand to calm herself.
        'It’s okay, he’s here.’ She started in her head. 'He’s not… that anymore. He’s human. Alive. Here.’ She managed to calm herself, closing her eyes slowly as Tanjiro shifted beside her, groaning a bit in his sleep. She knew he wouldn’t wake up. He was a deep sleeper, very deep, Zeal was so sure of this- as sure as his forehead was deadly.
        'Okay. That was dumb.’ She smirked to herself, chuckling lightly as she felt his breathing even out again.
        'I don’t understand how he’s always so cool- even during these hellish months. Even the devils ass wasn’t this hot.’ She whined in her head before turning around to hug him from behind, instantly cooling the over heated woman. Though she was pretty tall (what she considered tall was moderate or short to others) Tanjiro definitely grew up, now standing around six foot. She looked so small compared to him, almost like the box he used to carry Nezuko in when she spent her early teen years as a demon, but she didn’t mind one bit.
        At least she wasn’t melting anymore.
        Sighing again, her fatigue now over came her, weighing down her eyelids as her hands settled on the red heads bare chest, a small flush on her face. From the heat or being so close to the man she loved- she couldn’t decide. At least she was cooling down and the summer breeze was dancing across their skin. It was a perfect night for some perfect sleep. And all came to a peaceful halt once she closed her eyes, easing into slumber to be ready for the day ahead.
        Tonight was a good night, a memorable one, carved into her head. Something to hold to herself and pass on to her children and grandchildren of moments where she realized she loved this man, moments where a simple touched could ease her mind, moments held in her soul for this life and the next.
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honeybeesiness · 4 years
part one. | part two. | part three. | part four. | part five. | part six.
word count :: 1.3k.
Tanjirou flexed his fingers one by one in a slow fashion, almost as though he was just beginning to register the fact that he had fingers and could grasp things. The bed he was laying on felt foreign and the sheets against his skin were scratchy, but he was sure that he was imagining all of this. This bed was the most comfortable bed he's ever been on, but the circumstances made him feel otherwise.
A bead of sweat trickled down Tanjirou's temple. The room was cool, courtesy of Aoi, but the boy felt as though he was on fire. He had been told that he had acquired a fever and that it was best to relax and wait for it to pass as his body recovered from the mission he recently completed.
It had also been at least a month after he sent his letter reply, and you had yet to respond. Tanjirou's worry increased with each passing day that went by without a letter until his mind had begun to assume the worst, but he had never been able to find a time where he could take a break and go visit your estate. He was a promising Demon Slayer and was slowly gaining recognition, so he had started to receive more and more missions from his crow. If he got injured during a fight, he would be sent to the Butterfly Estate for recovery, and when he was fully healed, he would be sent on another assignment. There was no gap period for him to sit back and relax on his own accord.
Tanjirou wept soundlessly on his bed. He missed you. Even if he did end up getting a letter from you, he wouldn't be able to write a reply. His fingers felt numb and his arms were made of lead, and he could only move his head left and right. The rest of his body felt fine (aside from a few minor wounds), but his legs or his torso or his feet weren't needed in the writing process. To put it plainly, Tanjirou Kamado was sad. Incredibly sad. He had grown attached, and this was his consequence.
The door opened and a figure clothed in warm colors slipped in, approaching his bed. It was Nezuko. She didn't say a word, but she used her thumb to brush away tears that were sliding down the side of her brother's face. He couldn't see her other hand, as it was covered by the edge of the bed. The image of Nezuko's face was blurry from the tears, but Tanjirou stared at her, wondering what she could want.
"A letter," She beamed and it was beautiful. "has arrived for you."
Tanjirou laughed— It was one of happiness, and the tears were now of joy. He knew that it was from you without Nezuko even saying it, because you were the only one who would take time out of your day to create something handwritten.
Nezuko held up her other hand to reveal the item of interest, and Tanjirou was left only somewhat disappointed; The paper was not folded into a shape, so he was left staring at an envelope.
"Can you read it for me?" He asked, his throat dry.
"Of course." Nezuko chimed as she knelt and pulled the flap of the envelope upwards in order to remove its contents. Her eyes scanned the first sentence or two before she began.  
"Dear Tanjirou,
Sorry that the letter is long overdue. My family hasn't been in the safest of conditions, so I haven't been able to set aside time to write something. My father, he... Well, he's not around anymore, and I think you can figure out why. My mother is a very smart woman but she doesn't handle pressure very well, especially since she's now the head of the house. Things have been stressful lately, so I'm sorry.
To explain what's going on, since I'm definitely not cliché enough to be vague, my brother had broken free of the restraints we had gotten him, completely decimated the door of the room he was in, killed my dad, and put us all in danger. It's just my mom and I now. We are currently in this underground bunker thing that one of our ancestors apparently built. I am pretty sure my brother's still roaming around the area, as I think I saw him when I snuck out to send this. My theory is that he simply is confused on where to go, and just doesn't know what to do with himself. Our estate is familiar so he's sticking with what little he knows. Or remembers.
We don't know what to do exactly. Neither my mom or I are good with weapons, and we care too much about my brother to leave him. We are biased fools stuck on the line between giving him up to be killed by the Corps, or hanging on a little while longer in hopes that you can find some sort of cure soon. I am starting to lose faith in a cure— But don't take it the wrong way, Tanji. I will never lose faith in you because you have neve failed me. It's just the solution is the thing that seems impossible. I'm not saying that you should give up, however, but I'm not saying that you should continue searching either. Do what you think is best, but just keep in mind that your actions might not impact the outcome.
My mother is pushing me to leave her to go live at either the Butterfly Estate or with Giyuu, but I just can't. Yeah, I might be at risk by sticking around, but at least I know that my mother will be alive. If my brother ends up having to be killed, then she would be the only one I have left. If I leave her... Then I would never know until it's too late. I'm scared to lose her, Tanji. Since most of my family live far from here, I don't talk to them as much, so I don't know them very well; I just don't love them as much as I love my mom.
Please don't come here just yet. If you go, then that means the Corps will be aware of this situation too and that's the last thing I want. I'll send you another letter if anything good happens."
  Nezuko lowered the paper and Tanjirou looked at her, bewildered. "Is that all?"
She nodded solemnly and folded the note back into the envelope. Tanjirou stretched out his fingers in hoped that Nezuko would get the message, and she did, placing the material into his outstretched palm. Tanjirou felt the surface with his thumb and closed his eyes.
From beside him, Nezuko said confidently, "She will survive. She doesn't have it in her to let herself die!"
Tanjirou managed a smile— A weak one at that. What Nezuko said was true, but he couldn't stop himself from worrying. You were a soft soul, empathetic as well, and you had inherited your mother's weakness to stress. Tanjirou was concerned that the peer pressure of your needs and wants and the situation at hand would result in a breakdown or something similar. And Tanjirou knew that in the situation you were in, a breakdown would not benefit you in the slightest. It was not what you needed.
Tanjirou didn't know what to do. He wanted to beg his superiors to give him a few days break and go to see you, to help you, but he had specifically told by you to not do exactly that. Tanjirou felt as though you two were at a turning point in your.... Friendship. If he went to go save you, then he would be betraying you by going against your trust, but you would be safe. If he didn't go after you, then you would still be able to trust him, but then you wouldn't be safe. He was conflicted, and his head hurt. He knew what was best for you, but did you know what was best for you?
Well, there was only one way to find out.
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otaku553 · 5 years
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More Kimetsu no Yaiba roleswap au sketches, will probably color later :P
If the notes aren’t legible, basically inconsistency in tanjirou’s height is because during the day he shrinks himself so his sleeves will cover all of his hands, and at night, when he doesn’t need the sun coverage, he grows back to his normal height so he can move faster and protect Nezuko.
Though a lot of times, he’s mistaken as Nezuko’s little brother because of his height during the day.
Should I make ref sheets with notes on all the changes?
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sol-korolevas · 5 years
—haunted house tour, part i 
pairing: pillars x reader 
summary: it’s the season of the witch and you’re invited to take a tour of a haunted estate by your friends. 
warning: none
words: 2k+
note: a long overdue halloween fic that was originally a super spicy sanemi story with no plot whatsoever. then i decided to incorporate a few of the other pillars so a monster fic was born. i had so much fun writing this and there will be a part 2 coming soon so please enjoy! my inbox is open for requests. 
someone managed to convince everyone that the western tradition of halloween was a fun social event that could boost morals. while a fun event was an indisputable fact, you’re not quite sure if it will boost morals. for starters, the pillars themselves were partaking in the event as individual monsters they’ve picked out from a book that were imported from overseas. 
shinobu was in charge of decorating an empty estate, alongside aoi and the butterfly girls. however, shinobu wanted to be a witch, so during the evenings, you saw her wearing a large pointed hat that looked a bit big for her small head. from what sumi said, she even hand painted the marks of a witch onto her face. the craftsmanship was so well-done that you thought shinobu had contracted warts. 
“maybe i should paint something on your face too?” her soft voice couldn’t hide the vein that’s pushing upwards underneath the skin of her forehead. “you and everyone else who’ve asked me this question!” her lipstick-stained mouth twitched upward into a grin that hid malevolence underneath, causing you to shrink back and excuse yourself. 
when the night of the haunted house tour arrived, you were the only person who wanted to go as a single. everyone else went as groups of three or more. when tanjiro and his friends came out, you noticed the immediate reactions. while inosuke insisted on going inside so he could fight everyone, zenitsu was dragging him back, while crying over the horrors within the building. tanjiro, on the other hand, seemed to be the only one who enjoyed it. 
“where’s nezuko?” you asked, noticing the absence of the demon girl. 
“she’s part of the attraction with the others,” tanjiro replied, beaming with pride. “we got a good glimpse of her, but i think she’s trying a little too hard to be scary.” the last of tanjiro’s words came out in a whisper. he then waved at you, just as both inosuke and zenitsu started tugging at his arms. “you enjoy the house, okay?” 
once the butterfly girls came out, sniffling and laughing at the same time, it was your turn. you handed murata your ticket and he beckoned you in. 
the first thing you noticed was the sheer darkness of the interior, followed by the subtle scent of wisteria flowers flowing through the air. you knew that the estate was a bit far away from the other buildings, so they put wisteria incense around to deter potential demons from slipping in. according to the people who already went, the path was just a one-way destination. after you finish, you go around the building and collect a wisteria pouch for your trip down. 
when you enter the first room, you noticed that you’re face to face with a well placed in the very center. it didn’t look real enough to be one so you suppose it must be made from scratch materials. nothing else was in the room, though you notice a thin mist covering the bamboo floor. 
the only logical thing to do was to interact with the well. steeling yourself, you made your way up and gazed into it. 
“boo.” muichirou popped up, dressed in the clothing of the dead as he dropped a white ceramic plate onto the floor. he looked absolutely emotionless, perhaps even bored. when you didn’t react, he propped his chin on his arm and tilted his head. “strange,” he said softly, “everyone else was shocked and scared.” then, looking embarrassed, he sunk down into the well again. 
for a moment, you were left startled by the suddenness of muichirou’s appearance. you’ve never thought of him to be an easily embarrassed type, so you felt guilty for not pretending to be scared. you walked over to the well’s entrance, seeing him adjusting his accessories within the darkness, and said, “you did a good job!” there was silence, before you distinctly heard muichirou’s voice respond with a ‘thanks.’ 
moving on, you trudged through a hallway lit with lights behind partition doors. the way they made it look like some of the lights were floating, but you noticed the people behind, moving the lights themselves. shrugging, you continued until you felt someone pushing you into a room. “from now on, random monsters will come and try to scare ya!” the voice said, muffled by a fabric covering their entire face. 
and they were right, because for a short duration, multiple people covered in make up and cot sheets were jumping out from room and oddly placed furniture. they each attempted to grab at you, only for your hand to automatically come up and slap them lightly. soon, you began muttering more apologies than actually being scared. fortunately later on, the people started dwindling until you found yourself in another room. 
the second room you were in was lit with individual lights of orange, red, and yellow. someone had brought in thick wax candles that were carved to look like ghoulish faces. you also saw two fake western pumpkins perched behind a group of candles, no doubt the brainchild of someone from shinobu’s estate. despite the wisteria scent still hovering in the air, you noted a vague smell that lurked underneath. 
suddenly, mist poured forth in thick waves. a shape appeared, before it slowly lumbered over to you. their hands were stretched out, as if vying to grab hold of something. you then saw the paper talisman hanging off of their face and the mane of fiery hair underneath the hat. 
your heart hammered with excitement as you watched rengoku amble towards you. a groan escaped his mouth, before he stopped, body frozen in mid-walk. “[name], you’re supposed to run around the room!” he quickly said in a whisper. then, he was back at walking, now hunching forward as he made his way around the room. frequently, he would shift his body towards you, but you stood there, stifling a laugh and body unable to move. 
instead, you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around rengoku’s midsection, giggling. he froze then, arms sagging as he dropped his gaze to you. a faint breeze from your movement lifted a portion of the paper talisman upwards. through the tiny amount of light, you noticed that rengoku’s face was in shock—and if you dare to say—with darkening cheeks. but the shock coming from rengoku subsided and soon you felt two hands cupping your cheeks, gently lifting your head up. 
“you’re quite a troublesome victim, [name]!” he said, voice bright and cheerful as always. in response to his comment, you stuck your tongue out before waltzing back. 
“next time, i think you should be more fast and really grab someone!” you replied, holding your hands behind your back. “i wasn’t scared at all, not when you look so nice in that outfit.” 
rengoku laughed, but you knew he was feeling more than happy on the inside. he then waved at you, just as the lights flickered off. now, it was time for you to leave his room and move on to the next attraction. 
upon stepping into another corridor, you smelled the faint scent of something sweet. coupled with the wisteria scent that drifted through, it felt more like stepping into an oiran’s room. you also noticed that this hallway was a bit brighter than the last, with colorful decorations that were most liely imported from overseas, and some fake flowers that lined the walls. you pondered about staying here for a moment, just to gaze at everything, before you heard someone cough and whisper for you to go on to the next room. 
before you could slide open the door, mitsuri came out, dressed in fake ears and several fake fox tails. she was absolutely giddy about something, but it wasn’t her expression that caught your surprise. no, it was the desserts that were placed on a long table behind her. none of these desserts were the same and some were even new to you. 
“hello [name]! welcome to my banquet!” she said, holding your hand as she took you to the table. “i made most of these, but sanemi made the ohagi and—oh! he was here a moment ago, but i guess he went off to prepare for his room.” briefly, mitsuri looked disappointed before she perked up and tugged at the sleeve of your uniform. “but don’t worry your cute face, i’ll make sure to feed you well!”
“feed me?” you said, taken aback by the drastic change. however, you were feeling hungry and the temptation of sweets tugged at your mind. so before long, you were eating, with mitsuri piling more on your plate every time it goes empty. while doing so, mitsuri was talking about her room. she wanted a more western themed banquet that aligned with halloween, so everything was made to look like some type of spooky creature and item. 
“i must say, sanemi was really good with reshaping those ohagi so they looked like cats, but i wouldn’t put it past him, he’s good with his hands after all!” mitsuri squealed and clapped her hands to her cheeks. she’s gushing about all of the pillars and non-pillars while you shove food into your mouth. suddenly, you heard the familiar sound of a snake’s hissing and accompanying footsteps. 
“ah, iguro!” mitsuri said, moving to sit next to you. she then embraced you from the side, pulling you so close to her chest that you felt heat rushing into your cheeks. when you saw him, you almost choked on your food. wrapped around him was a fake cobra made from paper, but it looked so realistic that you thought it could’ve been breathing. 
iguro looked at mitsuri first, then his eyes turned to you. “hurry up, you’re taking precious time away from us.” he was leering down at you, but you only swallowed your food and offered iguro your plate without saying a word. instead of decisively turning away, iguro stepped back. “..i didn’t say you can share your food with me!” he then turned around, but not before muttering ‘idiot’ under his breath. 
“oh stop that, [name] was being nice!” mitsuri said, plucking a small onigiri off of your plate, before throwing it into her mouth. “iguro wants to join us, right?” there was a teasing tone in her words and you were certain iguro noticed. but in the next moment, he was sitting directly besides you. you were now sandwiched between both love and snake pillar, an d their close contact was making you shift with a fluttering sensation inside your ribs.
“here, a gift,” iguro said gruffly, showing you a sock puppet with eyes made of flat stones and a smile painted crookedly by hand. you set your plate on your lap, before mitsuri reached over and took it from you. you then slid the puppet onto your hand and played around with it. 
“thank you! it’s lovely,” you said, “you’re really good at making these, you should show me how to do it later.” you saw iguro cross his arms against his chest, but all you heard was a grunt as he turned his head away. mitsuri was cooing at the leftover food, which she was too busy fawning over while eating. noting how much time you’ve already spent in this room, you then stood up and thanked both for their individual hospitality, sock puppet still on your hand. 
“oh don’t mind us, we’re just looking out for our cutest member,” mitsuri said with a light giggle. she then stood up and lightly pushed you out of the door on the other side of the room. then, leaning in, she added, “he may not look like it, but i think iguro likes you a lot! and watch out for the dog up ahead.” just when you were about to turn around, mitsuri plants a kiss on your temple. 
you felt yourself inhaling a deep breath, cheeks now hotter than ever. throwing your gaze back, you saw mitsuri watch you leave, hands clasped together. she wasn’t hiding her face nor did she look embarrassed, so you began to wonder if, perhaps—
but your thought was quickly pulled away when you felt someone lift you up off the ground. a small whimper escaped your throat as you feel them move, your legs hovering uselessly off the ground. but you sensed no malice from this person, so instead of fighting you close your eyes. 
after all, this was still part of the attraction right?
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knybits · 5 years
Character Sheet
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big thank you to @wittlecowokie!! i chose their art of akiko to be the character ref bc they drew akiko in the manga art style, so i thought it best fitting to use! please give their art a look!! 
also, please keep in mind that i decided to age everyone up two years bc it makes more sense imo :,) 
without further ado, heres the long awaited oc ref sheet! 
Name: Tamura Akiko
Kanji: 田村 晶子
Age: 17 
Birthday: October 10th
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual & biromantic
Height: 158 cm (5′2″)
Weight: 47.5 kg (105 lbs)
Nationality: Half European and half Japanese
Affiliation: Demon Slayer Corps. 
Occupation: Head physician 
Rank: None
Abilities: Enhanced sense of sight
Breath: None
Fight style: None 
Weapon(?) choice: Scalpels, bone saw 
Nichirin color: Clear
Kill count: 1
Save count: 637 (as of ch. 17)
Power: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ D
Speed: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ E
Technique: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ S
Intelligence: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ A  
Cooperativeness: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ C
Personality: Ohhhhh my goooood she’s so bratty sometimes. This is thanks to her upbringing, where she’s an only-child with a fiance that saw her as his whole world all throughout her life. She learns and grows out of this though, but it’s still very much a part of her. But due to her professionalism, she’s calm and collected in front of her patients (Zenitsu is,,, the only exception). a whole other ball park with Tanjirou. also, she loves power. akiko will try to deny this to remain humble, but she’s grown up with the fact that she will have to inherit a hospital and the village title of ‘doctor’ and likes the idea of being in charge and important.  
Myer-Briggs: Logistician; istj-a/t
Tanjirou: fiance, nuff said
Zenitsu: bff (she doesnt know how it happened)
Aoi: right hand woman 
Kanao: ?? friends? 
Miyuki: mom figure!! ( @kny-writings oc) 
Kanon: older sister figure!! ( @kny-imagines oc)
Nezuko: best sister!! 
Shinobu: mentor 
Genya: buddies! 
Giyuu: meh. 
Ray Wilson (father) 
Tamura Hiratsuka (mother) 
Tamura Higuchi (grandmother) 
Likes: tanjirou. carrots!! leadership and being relied on. her moga magazines. western and japanese cultures clashing. 
Dislikes: crows. also, men that look down on her
Taisho secrets:
i named her after two very prominent feminist novelists: Yosano Akiko and Tamura Toshiko. Hiratsuka and Higuchi are also named after two prominent feminists of the time! and Ray is also a legit famous doctor of the time period!
akiko was set to be born october 13th! 
she really really likes dorayaki 
akiko is awful when it comes to the arts. please stop her from drawing or singing 
she’s a libra! 
her eyes are thought to be a gene mutation on chromosome 2 of the AceIn gene which is ok so now that only the big brains are reading ill let yall in on a lil secret and its that akiko’s favorite thing to do is be held by tanjirou and to sleep in the same bed as him bc lowkey shes had attachment issues since his ‘death’ and thats why akiko’s eyes are such a wack ass shade of yellow 
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