#Next time I do something super finished like this I’ll put more attention in tha highlight details
noxchievous · 2 years
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Sherïn hi .. hey ….
of @ppencil ‘s oc. SHE IS SO COOL!! Sherïn <33
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mandowh0re · 4 years
Peter’s Emergency Contact
Summary: Peter meets the Avengers. It doesn’t go well.
A/N: I’m a terrible person tell me to finish my wips. Also I’m sorry about May :(
P.s. it’s been a long time since I picked this fic up so there are some continuum issues, please forgive me.
Part1/ Part2/ Part3/ Part 4
Part 4
Putting it mildly, Peter was fucking bored. It was summer, but both Ned and MJ were on vacation with their families. And on top of that, it was way too hot to go out and do anything, including patrol. He was, however, on stand by if Karen came through with anything that required Spider-Man’s assistance.
A few floors down, the ex-Rogue Avengers were doing god knows what. They had been pardoned a month earlier and moved back into the tower. Peter had yet to meet them, though Tony seemed okay with them. But Peter didn’t really trust them.
Well, okay. He more-so didn’t trust Steve. Even though the others fought against Tony too, it was Steve that scared Tony. Peter noticed minute things that Tony would do whenever the Captain was mentioned. He’d fidget, or grab his left wrist, or rub his chest, or bite the inside of his cheek. Mostly stuff that would fly past most people.
But Peter wasn’t ‘most people’. Officially, Peter was Tony’s child. After a car accident killed May about eight months prior, Tony legally adopted Peter. Since then, Peter has learned all of Tony’s tells. Wanting to get to the bottom of these anxious ticks, Peter hacked his way around FRIDAY’s systems to figure out what had happened.
Peter wasn’t one to give into rage, but that day he spent a majority of his time in the gym or swinging through the city because he was basically vibrating from the emotion.
But they lived in the same tower, and maybe Peter was desperate for something to do, so he decided to head down to the common room where FRIDAY had informed him that a few of the Avengers were hanging out.
The elevator dinged and Peter walked out to the sight of… Christmas decorations?
“What the…” He breathed, looking around the room.
“You’re not Stark,” Natasha said, suddenly appearing in front of Peter.
Peter had to literally fight down his fanboy excitement to greet the literal Black Widow!
“Uh, no. I mean, technically I am but-”
“You’re Peter, right?” Was that a smirk? Peter couldn't tell.
“Uh, y-yeah. How-?”
“I have my ways of finding things out,” Okay, now that was a smile, “I haven’t told anyone though. So you’ll have to introduce yourself to them.” She said as she tossed her head to the side, motioning to the others on the floor.
“Oh, right.”
Peter followed Natasha farther into the room, gaining the attention of the rest of the crew including Wanda Maximoff, Vision (who Peter had actually met before), Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, and Bruce (who Peter had also met before as he and Thor showed up about two months after May’s death).
“Uh, who’s the child, Nat?” Clint asked, sitting on the kitchen island.
Natasha looked at Peter, who began picking at the hem of his shirt. A nervous tick of his own.
“Uh, hi, Mister Barton. I’m Peter. Uh, Peter Parker. Or, Peter Parker-Stark now I guess? I’m-”
“Wait, excuse me, Parker-Stark? Since when the hell did Stark have a child?” Sam cut in.
“Let him finish,” Wanda berated the man, who seemed to currently be baking cookies, “Go on,” She said to the other teenager in the room, smiling kindly.
“Right, so uh, Tony hired me as his personal intern like two years ago, and we got pretty close. My aunt died last December and since she was my last family, Tony took me in and adopted me.” Immediately after mentioning his aunt’s death, almost everyone in the room looked at him with pity.
“I’m sorry kid,” That was Clint again, “Life sucks sometimes.”
“I’m adjusting,” Peter replied, but he quickly changed the subject, “Why are you decorating for Christmas? It’s almost a hundred degrees outside, not to mention it’s July.”
“Ah, that was my idea!” Sam called from the kitchen where he was currently pulling cookies out of the oven, “Since we’re on house arrest until further notice, I thought we could entertain ourselves with Christmas in July. It’s something we used to do when I was younger.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!”
“You’re welcome to join, kid.” Bruce called from his spot on the couch.
“Really? Thanks guys!” Peter jumped onto a seat at the island.
“Have a cookie, man.” Sam said, holding out a plate of santa shaped sugar cookies.
“Aw sweet!” The boy grabbed one and took a bite, “Thanks!”
About fifteen minutes passed by when Peter’s senses upped a few notches.
“Any cookies left, Sam?”
Peter nearly choked on his current cookie and jumped up to see Steve Rogers walking out of the elevator.
“Yep, a few plates full. There’s sugar, gingerbread, and chocolate chip.”
A few seconds passed before the super soldier noticed Peter.
“Um, hello. I’m Steve, you are?” He offered a hand for Peter to shake.
Peter tried to respond, but the room suddenly began spinning. He gripped onto the counter to steady himself.
“Son?” Steve asked.
“Don’ call me tha’,” Peter tried to glare, but he wasn’t even sure he was controlling his face properly.
Out of nowhere his legs gave out, and black began overtaking his vision.
A chorus of exclamations rang out as everyone ran over to tend to the boy. Fortunately and unfortunately, Steve was the closest and was the one to grab Peter before he hit the ground.
“No! Let me go!” He struggled against Steve’s arms to no avail.
“Calm down, son, I’m just-”
“What happened?” Bruce asked, feeling for Peter’s pulse.
“He just collapsed.” Sam answered.
Then Peter began seizing.
“Fuck, Sam, start a timer to time the seizure. Steve, pick him up and bring him to the medbay with me. Natasha, call Tony.”
“Why are we calling Tony?” Steve asked, following Bruce into the elevator.
It was silent for a moment where Bruce and Nat exchanged glances before Bruce answered, “He’s Tony’s kid.”
“Since when-”
“Later Steve. One thing at a time.”
“This better be important. Like, life or death because you pulled me out of a meeting and Pepper-”
“Shut up, Stark. Something is wrong with Peter.”
Tony was quiet for a moment before growling back, “Explain, Romanoff. Now.”
“I don’t know, Tony. He came down and introduced himself and was hanging out with us when he just collapsed and started seizing. We’re taking him to the medbay now-”
“Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I’m in DC. I’ll have to come back with the suit but it’ll still take me an hour.”
“What do you want me to-”
“Do not let him out of your sight, Nat. I don’t want him waking up alone and you and Bruce are the only two I trust enough to watch him. Keep me updated, I’ll let you know when I’m there.”
“Got it.”
“He’s showing symptoms of anaphylactic shock,” Bruce said to the other two occupants after injecting Peter with an anticonvulsant, “ FRIDAY, is Peter allergic to anything? Override code six one three three nine seven five.”
“Peter is allergic to peppermint, and as well has severe reactions when in close vicinity to insect repellents.”
“Was there peppermint in Sam’s cookies?”
“One moment, Doctor Banner.” A few seconds passed before the AI came back with an answer, “Mister Wilson has supplied that the sugar cookies had peppermint extract in them.”
“Peter had several of those,” Nat said quietly.
“Okay, okay at least I can work with that. Steve,” Bruce called to the soldier while pulling out an epinephrine pen, “I think it’d be better if you waited with everyone else. Thank you for helping.”
Steve wanted to argue, but he looked at Nat who seemed to agree with Bruce.
“Okay. Let me know if you need anything else.” He offered before walking out the door.
As soon as the door shut behind him Nat spoke, “If Peter hadn’t accidentally poisoned himself I’m pretty sure he would have punched Steve.”
Bruce finished injecting the medicine and pulled the pen away from Peter’s thigh, “He still might.”
Natasha helped Bruce fix an IV drip in Peter’s arm in silence.
“You don’t have to stay, I can watch him until Tony gets here.” Bruce offered.
“He won’t be here for another forty five minutes. Plus, I’m supposed to keep watch. Stark’s orders.”
Bruce nodded in understanding, “His vitals are starting to return to normal. I’ll go update the others.”
“I’ll call Tony.”
Peter felt like he’d been hit by a train.
Had he?
Honestly he couldn’t remember what had happened. He opened his eyes to see Tony next to his bed (why was he in the medbay?) talking to someone on the other side of his bed. Soon his ears stopped ringing and he heard another hushed voice. Probably whoever Tony was talking to. Why did Tony look upset?
Peter turned his head to see Steve standing there.
Without really having his wits about him yet, Peter jumped up and shoved the man back, pulling and knocking over his IV stand in the process.
“Woah, Pete! Calm down-”
“What? You didn’t get to kill him in Siberia so you thought you’d come and finish the job while I’m out?” Peter practically snarled.
Steve’s eyes blew wide, shock and shame overtaking his features, “Son, I-”
“And stop calling me that!” Peter shoved again, sending the captain into the wall, leaving a sizable crack.
“Peter!” Tony yelled, grabbing at the kid’s arm, “Calm down, bud. He’s not here to hurt me, or you for that matter. Can you please sit back down before you give me another damn heart attack?”
Peter obliged but his eyes never left Steve, who looked to be in too much of shock to really say anything.
“Cap, let the team know he’s awake, will ya?” It really wasn’t a suggestion or a question, more like a thinly veiled disguise to get him out of the room before Peter decided he hadn’t had enough.
Nodding, Steve hightailed it out of the room, but not before looking back at Peter and offering a quick apology.
It was quiet for a few moments, in which time Tony set the IV stand back up and made sure Peter’s IV was still in place. Finally the older man spoke, “Pete, buddy, what was all that about? How do you know what happened in Siberia?”
Peter’s demeanor fell slightly as he came back to himself, “Wasn’t hard to guess.”
“Mhmm. Wanna try again? Maybe with the truth this time?” Tony said as he sat back down next to his kid.
Peter crossed his arms and looked down at the floor.
“I hacked FRIDAY,” He mumbled.
“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Tony asked.
Peter sighed audibly before repeating himself, louder this time, “I hacked FRIDAY.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because you were beat up and withdrawn after we got back from Germany. Which, okay, fine. We weren’t in a place for you to tell me what happened. But then the pardon for them was beginning to go through and every time Steve was even mentioned, you had these reactions like you were nervous or something. And I wanted to know why. I already had a pretty good idea. Then I saw the footage and I just… I don’t want him near you..”
“Peter, buddy. Look at me, please,” Tony gently held the boy’s chin and turned his head so that he looked at Tony, “Thank you for looking out for me. But that’s not your responsibility,”
“Yes it is! I can’t-” His throat catches and a lump forms, tears making their way to the surface, “I’ve lost everyone because I couldn’t protect them. I can’t lose you too.”
Tony pulls Peter in for a hug, and cards his fingers through the kid’s curls, “It’s okay to cry, honey. But I’m not going anywhere. Remember that. The universe will have to personally fight me before I let anything get between us. Understood?” Peter nodded slightly, but clung to his father’s shirt as he cried.
Eventually Peter fell asleep in Tony’s arms.
“I love you, kid. I’m not going anywhere.” Tony whispered, placing a kiss on top of the curls on his kid’s head.
And yes. Peter did end up punching Captain America. We don’t bring that up.
IronDad tag list: @tranquility-or-chaos @a-black-pegasus @do-you-downey @ididntdothatnope @marvelbased @yourwhatisstuckwhere @terriblygoodrockandroll @love-every-fandom @starkaroos2034 @prism-opals @howisavebrainspace @multifandom-slytherin @insaneskyler @starlightfound
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!! I’ve removed several urls from my tag list because they don’t work anymore. If you would like to be part of my tag lists please send me a message or an ask!!
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hanna-kin · 3 years
Eagles season 3
Finished season 3 and would love to hear other people´s opinion on the finale and the season as a whole.
Here are my thoughts, with spoilers. 
Overall this is my favourite season so far. To be fair I never enjoyed season one that much but still decided to watch season two. Won’t gt too much into detail on these season in case I get feeling and post about it. 
Anyway, I really enjoyed this season and looked forward to every episode. I feel like season three went even darker and deeper than season two and I feel like it really benefited the storylines.
One thing I’ve always feard though is the writers ability to handle such deep topics. Overall I think the creators did a good job with this but I still think such deep topics could use more time. For instance what happened with Felicia and especially the aftermath. Ten short episodes is such a short time to dive deep into all of the characters storylines and I feel like it got a bit obivous in season three aswell. 
If they had made the show even two episodes longer I think that would have improved tha pacing quite alot. Felicia’s storyline obviously got the most focus and for good reason but I would have liked to see more time put into Amie’s storyline with her dad and the pressure of her going on tour and dealing with her record company. Felt like we just touched the surface on both of them honestly.  Same goes for the other characters.
With longer episodes or a few more added ones I feel like they could have gotten some more attention to the other stories as well.
 I´m not the biggest fan of all the time jumps either. The first one I can get behind. It was clever to have a year go by after the first ep. Didn’t mind that. But then I lost track of time. How much time passed between ep nine and ten? No idea. A week? A month? 
And green trees in december? In Sweden? Yeah...no. It’s a minor detail but it bothered me so much because they could have made the timeline make more sense. 
That was probably my least favourite aspect of the show. It just felt a bit jumpy in my opinion.
For the things I did like though. The contrast between the different families. Ludde’s family having a super strong and close bond all four of them and supporting eachother. The contrast with the Kroons being awkward friends (Felicia and her dad and the house warming party) or straight up not supporting eachother at all even through the hardest times and just yelling at eachother. We have Amie and Petra who have such a realistic relationship with Amie struggling with getting to know her father. In the end they have such a great relationship and its so telling that even if they sometimes clash Petra has always been there for Amie. Finally Klara’s family. So sad. She’s such a lonely person, isn’t she. With everything that happened last season I do feel bad for her. Having lost her dad thorugh a super traumatic event and having a shitty relationship with her mother who just seemed to disappear abit after her dad died. We have four families with such different dynamics. 
It’s interesting because outwards the Kroons and the Ceder’s probably looked like the most stable but obviously they are not. 
I also love the Kroon sibilings. I feel like their sibling dynmic is realistic. Loved how Elias was angry at Felicia but also just dropped at soon as he couldn´t find her. Also loved how Felicia noticed that Elias is not treating himself very kindly despite her own struggles. Best relationship in the series?
I also like the realationship with Ludde and Andreas,they really are ride or die with eachother. 
I can’t pinpoint exactly what I liked about this season but there was alot more. With the exception of the time jumps I found myself enjoying it alot. I liked the vibe and the storylines even if I would have wished for more time on them. Elias issues were hinted at but will they be dropped or developed further like Felicas were?
Thought I’d go through the main storylines one by one. I started with Felicia, planning to just do it in this post but wow it will take up so much space. I’ll make them in a separate post. 
I’m gonna be honest and say I expected something more from the season finally. I mean I guess we got alot but it wasn’t nearly as dramatic as I thought it would be. It’s not entirely a bad thing though. Loved to see Felicia getting help and her parents teaming up to go see her. I know many people loved to see Amias finally get together and I do love them together. I just don’t know. Even with the cliffhanger it was not as dramatic as I had expected. 
But what do you think will happen? NO matter what Andreas has such a sad fate. Either he dies/gets hurt or he gets back in prison? Or the shot just went off in the aiir? probably not though. 
It feels like the acting has gotten so much stronger since season 1 which is nice to see. It’s pretty solid across the cast with some reallly good performances (Alva, for instance) which makes me even ore excited for season 4. I feel like the writing has only gotten better and better and that it will continue to do so. Looking forward to next season alreay. 
What did you like best with season? What was your favourite/least favourite thing? What dou you think will happen in season four? 
I realise people probably won’t care about my opinions but ive been dying to discuss this show with someone since this season started, I’d love to do it. And I’ll probably do some more posts. Definitely on the different storylines and which ones I liked the most and maybe some predictions for season four. 
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Request: Can you do another cone song? Maybe lookalike or maniac? [Can you do it like harry dates a lookalike of you?]
A/N: I know this is way later than I said, I honestly wrote four version of this and deleted them before settling on this one and it’s still not the best. I’m just posting it so I can move on to my other ideas. I hope you enjoy it anyway! Soz it ends kinda on a cliffhanger, I didn’t want to make it super long. It already feels really long.
It was a humid summer evening, not the kind of evening you wanted to step out in. But here I was, in line with my best friend Jules who’d somehow gotten word of this pop-up club that was recently getting more popular with social media. The location would be dropped in code somewhere online for a limited time and then the rest was just word of mouth. Jules worked as a makeup artist so she usually knew what the “in crowd” was doing. This time, she knew where the club was going to be.
Myself, I was just a recent masters-graduate with low job prospects and big time loans. Always tired, single, and at the moment, very, very sweaty. The humidity was really damaging the effort I’d put in for this night out.
“Do you think we’ll spot Ed Sheeran?” Jules asks, her one true desire. “Then I can finally tell him how much he means to me.”
“Don’t know if this is Ed’s scene,” I tease her. “He seems more like a laid-back pub sort of guy.”
“You’re so right,” she still peers around us. “You hoping to see any celebs here? This one’s the biggest so far I’ve heard.”
His face pops into my head but I slam my guard down. “I’ll be lucky just to find a cute guy.”
“Two of you?” The bouncer asks Jules as we make our way to the front-she looked twelve, and we finally head inside. We’d stepped into a storybook.
Vines and tiny lights covered the ceiling and floors, rays of green and pink lights flash around us and the ground was littered with flower petals.
“Oh my god the seats are trees,” Jules whispers in my ear. This was insane.
“They probably have themed drinks,” I grab Jules’ hand and pull her to where I see the bar. We loved a good themed drink.
“This is amazing,” Jules shouts. “I think I just saw Adele!”
On a second look, we decide it was Adele’s doppleganger but we’re soon preoccupied by drinks. I order a Cosmic Boom and take another look around the open space. It was getting pretty full, people dancing but a lot of people hanging about talking.
Jules and I take our drinks to the dancefloor and enjoy ourselves. This was new all over-enjoying myself. I’d spent the last five months working hard at school, job searching, and then a bit of travel. But I was so busy convincing myself that if I worked hard enough I’d forget about the awful year I’d had. Would forget about Harry and the way he left me.
Nobody would believe it, but Harry Styles was my boyfriend for a solid year. We’d met when I was visiting Jules on set of some talk show. He’d been there, after his interview, and mistakened me for backstage crew. He asked me to show him where his room was. He’d been so embarassed when I told him I didn’t work there, but I volunteered to help him find it anyway. I was just killing time ‘til Jules was done.
We had gotten lost and ended up in this storage space where it was clear stage props were stored. We’d found half a car-cut clear through the middle and ended up sitting inside and talking. It was weird, just an hour before that, Harry Styles was this iconic and unattainable person who lived in the fantasy part of my brain. Sitting in the semi-dark with him, in a half-car, and being only a foot away, he was just another person. A regular bloke who was gorgeous, talking to me about his recent mother’s day disaster while I laughed and told him about something similar that had happened when I was a child.
It was quite silly to think we were going to leave that room the same way we walked into it.
He’d leaned in once quiet had settled down around us, both of us just watching the other, afraid that speaking would ruin the moment. His finger had ghosted my face, hesitating, asking me without really asking me. I’d leaned in the rest of the way to tell him it was okay. That’s when I knew I was a goner.
He was gentle with me, but also entirely self assured, leading the way. I couldn’t keep track of his lips or his hands but every part of my body was alive and I lived entirely in the moment for him.
He’d called me later that night asking if I wanted to have dinner at his place. We knew we had something good going. So we kept at it.
Until five months ago.
“Y/N?” Jules says in my ear. I snap out of my memories and look to where she’s pointing. And then back to her ecstatic face. There, sitting near the DJ was actually Ed Sheeran.
“Jules,” I say, lost for words. We had to do this now. We had to approach him, now or never.
“I can’t,” she says close to me. “I’m going to vom right now.”
“Come on!” I grab her and try to move her stiff body one step at a time until we’re only a couple feet away. That’s when the group he’s talking to shifts and I see Harry. Harry with a girl on his arm. My Harry.
“What’s wrong?” Jules halts as my own body goes rigid. “Don’t tell me you’ve got nerves now...oh hey isn’t that Harry?”
“Yeah...” my mouth was dry and I couldn’t believe it. He was here, I really didn’t think I’d see him ever again.
“I need to talk to you,” Harry says as I pour my morning coffee. It was the first week of my final semester so I was actually in a good mood, optimistic before all the deadlines hit. I never saw it coming.
“What’s up?” i was so innocent, drinking my coffee with no idea what else was brewing.
He takes the coffee cup from my hands and puts it down, gathering my hands in his. I notice his hands are slightly clammy, that was the first red flag.
“What’s wrong?” I ask again, the anxiety spiking up.
“No-nothing. I was just thinking about how I have to on tour for the next year. You’ve still got school to finish and a great big career ahead of you. I feel like I’m just going to hold you back and I-“
“That’s silly,” I interrupt. “You’d never...”
“I might. I’ll have tour and you’ll have school-“
“Hold on. Are you just trying to say...is it you who’ll hold me back or me who’s going to hold you back?” I asked, confused. How would Harry ever hold me back? I offered to go on legs of his tour with him when I could. I could do my work on the road. Nobody was going to hold anybody back
Harry opens his mouth to explain but I don’t let him get a word in. How dare he try to twist the situation. He should just say what he felt!
“Is that really it? I’m just a regular girl-next-door who’s run out of her luck with the famous superstar? She could never understand your fame, you could never want her in the public’s eye? Is that it? You’re too good for me? You can’t even think about going public with our rel-“
“Trust me you don’t want tha-“
“Don’t tell me what I want!” The coffee had curdled in my stomach and I felt like dry-heaving but I hold it together. I was so in love with this man, to think about living without him was painful beyond comprehension. But all he saw me as was deadweight. The realisation is crushing. “Just leave Harry. Just bloody leave then, I don’t want to see you! After all we had together I’m just deadweight to you? I’m going to hold you back? And yoy can’t eve be a man and say what you really want!”
He’d ruffled his hair, given some explanation, tried to tell me he loved me but I was somewhere else. My life felt like it was falling apart, and I had a lab to teach in a few hours. He was so bloody selfish. I decided I hated him.
“-show him who cares. Go right up and pretend you don’t even know who he is...” I wasn’t sure how long Jules was talking but she was right. I didn’t care about him. This was my night out.
Jules walks ahead and uses her charm to wriggle her way into the small conversation, inserting me right beside her. She knew the business, taking her time to talk to Ed Sheeran so as not to overwhelm him. In the meantime, my eyes catch Harry’s, and it’s like a movie line. Time slows down, I hear the breath I take and see the surprise register on his face. But I let my eyes skim past his, he meant nothing to me. Instead, they land on his girlfriend and that’s where I fight to hide the surprise.
There’s these photos I see online sometimes, you take a picture and draw it in your own style. His new girlfriend was kind of like that. She looked just like me, except slightly off. More like how I looked last year. Since then, I’d grown out my hair and let its natural colour grow in. But I nudge Jules and use my hair as a curtain, trying to tell her to look. She speaks my language so she sees right away and her eyes widen. She mouths oh my god.
I watch from the corner of my eye while pretending to be engaged by Jules introducing what she does to Ed Sheeran. Harry says something to his girl and she laughs. Jesus, even her smile was reminiscent of mine. I try not to stare, using my drink as a distraction but some small part of me-most of me is upset-but a small part of me feels like I’d won. Harry had told me I wasn’t good enough for him, and then gone out to find someone who looked just like me. That gives me the confidence I need to finally look him in the eye. It’s like he was tracking my moves because he looks at me too. He smiles and I just raise my eyebrows.
“Y/N,” he says in that deep silky voice of his. It carries across despite the noise. My heart squeezes.
“Harry,” I say. I let my eyes slide to his girlfriend and she raises a hand.
“Hi, I’m Katy.”
“Hi,” I smile, she’d done nothing wrong except look like me I guess. She looks up at Harry, waiting for him to introduce us. Ugh.
“And this is Y/N, she’s my best friend but she always says she never understands my absolute obsession with your music.” Jules from the right of me catches my attention. She was introducing me to Ed Sheeran-and exposing me.
“Okay. Ouch.” I give her a look which makes her laugh and shake Ed’s hand. Oh my god. “I’m definitely a fan, just not as big as Jules.”
“She’s more of an indie rock girl,” Harry’s deep voice comes from behind me and I’m surprised to find him standing right behind me.
Jules raises her eyebrow at him, glances at me while Harry and Ed talk before interjecting and resuming her conversation.
“I’d say I’m more of a pop girl.” I turn to Harry. I look for his girlfriend but she’d disappeared.
“But that’s not your guilty pleasure,” Harry says and I avoid the tingle in my stomach as he says it. “And Kat’s gone off with her friend, they saw Adele they want to get a picture.” I don’t bother to say it wasn’t Adele. “How’s it going with you?”
He has to lean in close to be heard and I find myself drawing closer to his orbit. I had to be careful here. I remind myself that I hated him.
“Same old,” I say. “I’ve graduated, now looking for full time work. Travelled a bit too.”
“You finally see those tourist traps you wanted to?”
I forgot how intimately Harry knew me, I wanted to forget how much history we shared. But it’s so painfully obvious now that that would be impossible. Even holding onto my hate was proving slippery.
“The Great Pyramids were better than the Eiffel Tower,” I reference an old conversation we’d had. “So I was right.”
This makes Harry laugh and the club narrows down to just us as he steps to the side with me to a quieter area.
We stand in silence for a moment, just watching each other, memorizing the details about each that time had blurred. Like the laugh lines around his eyes, or the depth to his eyes. It feels like he’s cheating with me, with how fiery and focused his gaze is on me. The unspoken words in his eyes.
“Harry I-“ I raise my hand to tell him I should go, I didn’t want anything to happen we would regret. But he takes my hand and puts it to his warm chest. The words leave my mouth as I look at him again. Really look at him. From afar he looked like he was doing better than he ever was but up close I notice the tired bags and the lost look in his eyes. It was the same one I saw in my own after we’d broken up.
This was ridiculous, I tell myself. He left me, I shouldn’t feel bad for him. I’d won. But I want to ask him about Katy, when he looked in her eyes, did he think of mine? And when he looked at her smile, did I cross his mind? I already knew that he saw me instead ‘cause she looks a lot like I did back then. I wanted to ask him and tell him not to lie.
“How are you doing?” I finally break and ask even though I want to ask, is she just a lookalike?
He looks away, his hand letting go of mine. His fake smile is back on his face as he performs for me once again. “Not too bad. I’ve got a break from tour right now so just layin’ low.”
I look around and point to the club around us. “Laying low?”
“Yeah,” Harry laughs at being caught. “My girlf-Katy-she really wanted to come out to one of these with her girlfriends. She convinced me to come along.”
I didn’t know what to say to that so I just smile. My phone buzzed and I see a text from Jules. I look for her in the crowd and she’s staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I give her the everything is okay smile and she looks relieved.
“Jules is overprotective as usual,” Harry notices. What did he expect, I think, when he’s the selfish arse who broke my heart. The small flame of anger reignites as I watch Jules smile at me with caring eyes.
“She just wanted me to hook up with a cute guy tonight,” I say to Harry. “Spending it with my ex kind of kills the vibe.”
There, I’d addressed the elephant in the room. And just as I suspected, Harry gets uncomfortable.
“So I take it you’ve not got a boyfriend?”
“Nope,” I cross my arms. “Was busy travelling...” and feeling depressed at home I don’t add.
“Right,” Harry straightens up. “Well don’t let me keep you Y/N. Sorry to...”
I look up at him, his pause. His apology seems to be about something bigger than keeping me from the rest of the club. But I don’t mention it. I don’t push it. Yes, I wanted to stay here in this corner of the club with him but I don’t want to make it a big deal. I give him a squeeze on the arm to tell him it was alright. He paints a smile on and I walk away even though I want to just stay.
I walk to Jules, tell her I’d get another drink for us. At the bar, waiting for our drinks, I notice Harry with Katy again, they’re dancing with her friends, she laughs, he pulls her closer.
That was us not long ago, before that morning chat. God. I really did hope, in his head, he saw me instead. Cause...he’d been in mine every day since then. I admit it, some nights, no almost every night...I still though about him. I tried to hide it, I did an amazing job at hiding it, but I couldn’t erase him from my mind. The thought almost makes me laugh as I get my drinks...maybe I just needed to find a lookalike.
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
The Taste of a Promise
(( So, @sirhisslot, I saw this picture that @thedemonconstantine made for you yesterday and, since I was already planning to write a piece with John and our favourite sassy bird, I thought to uh...sort of dedicate it to you? It seemed just fair since it’s all thanks to you if I got to enjoy all the shenanigans you guys have come up with! ^^ ))
(( It’s a bit of a piece of trash and I’m so very sorry for it, but hopefully the thought will make up for its lack of super high quality! Happy delayed birthday from this random twat person! ))
John slowly blew out a mouthful of smoke, watching as it raised up towards the night sky before dispersing in the chilly air. The scratch on his cheek was still stinging like hell, even after it had been cleaned and disinfected, and so did all the other small gashes and light cuts that covered most of the skin of his arms and chest. His shirt, while not exactly torn to shreds, would have probably ended up in the trash the next morning. The time and the effort he would have to put in repairing it wouldn’t have been worth the poor results.
Sticking the cigarette back between his lips, Constantine muttered a heavy curse under his breath. Normally, he would have paid no mind to that kind of wounds, since he was used to dealing with much worse, and by now he should have made peace with the fact that his clothes got ruined more often than not. It was part of the risks of the job, something that couldn’t be helped and that he had to put up with, no matter how aggravating for both him and his wallet it could be.
However, in that particular occasion, the culprit also happened to be the source of his current bad mood and, if there was something John was good at, it was holding grudges, even, and especially if he had to be honest, for the most stupid things. The events that had taken place that night were part of an overused, bad script that, somehow, never seemed to get old and kept repeating itself over and over and over, much to the magician’s chagrin. The fact that he was to blame for all that as much as his opponent was, in his eyes, a detail of no import. It didn’t change the fact that he had been forced to flee outside and get some air, instead of being inside with the others, enjoying his drink.
“Bloody fuckin’ bird,” he muttered under his breath, moodily chewing the butt of his cigarette.
His eyes moved up towards the sky. The feathered fucker constantly glared at him, no matter what he did or said, no matter if he had been paying any sort of attention to him or not. He probably thought that John was a bad influence and that he could exert his role as such even just by existing in the same room where Tim was. And deep down, even if he wouldn’t have admitted it out aloud, the magician might have almost agreed with the owl. However, that didn’t give the bastard any right to attack him at the slightest pretext.
Constantine let out a low groan. He wasn’t even sure of how the fight had started this time. Maybe he had said a word too much, maybe he had glared at the bird for a bit too long. Or perhaps it was because he had messed a little with the winged wanker’s food. Chas had advised him against doing it, but of course he hadn’t listened. In his defence, Tim had been around for a few days and John had really tried to behave at first, but it had been impossible for him to keep the act up. The two of them just weren’t capable of getting along. Why exactly, it was a mystery and John’s guess would have been as good as any, if he had cared enough to make one. It seemed to be one of those things that simply were as they were, almost as if they had been meant to be.
Oh, he was bad at handling those. Very, very bad.
The wandering trail of his thoughts was interrupted by the light sound of wings flapping and Constantine turned his head on his side, already scowling before his eyes could properly land on the bird that had come to perch on the railing next to him. There were several feathers missing from his plumage and the magician couldn’t help smirking in smug satisfaction, knowing that he had been the one to do such damage. He might have gained his own wounds during the fight, but the bastard looked just as worse for wear as he did.
“Woh’s up now? ‘Ell, can’t a bloke ‘ave a bloody fag n’ some bloody alone time?” He grumbled under his breath, turning his head away once again. “Didn’t yeh get enough already? Sod off, yeh tosser. ‘M not in th’ mood to go again rite now.”
The sharp look that Yoyo shot him was even harsher than John’s tone had been, but then the owl seemed to choose to ignore him and instead he started to preen, trying to make up for the mess that had been made of his feathers. That moron was a jinxed menace,  a walking magnet for trouble, and he reeked of alcohol, cigarettes, bad habits,  misery and, literally, of Hell itself. He shouldn’t be allowed near anyone, especially not his human companion.
And yet, for some reason that kept evading him, Timothy seemed to have grown quite fond of Fate’s Fool, against what most people would have surely agreed was common sense and good taste.
Seeing his words falling in death ears, John rolled his eyes and went back to his cigarette, barely holding back the impulse of blowing out the next mouthful of smoke directly in the bird’s face. His gaze, however, kept darting towards the owl. He didn’t trust him not to sink his cursed claws or damned beak back in his flesh the moment he had turned away for a moment too long.
The silence stretched for a few minutes, the time that Constantine needed to finish his smoke and lit out the new one, while Yoyo kept  trying to cover the holes in his plumage, taking the time to shoot the man an outraged look every time he lifted his head to move his attention to another spot.
“Yeh know, if me presence offends yeh tha’ much, yeh can’ fuck off,” John eventually commented, after the umpteenth glare. “Christ. Yeh could even jus’… ” He waved a hand, gesturing to his unwanted guest to scoot away. “Lots of space on dis bloody railin’, innit?” 
Once again he was ignored, just as he had expected to be, and he glanced away, muttering one more curse. He didn’t know what was worse, not being able to relax and breath, which was what he had come out to do, or the sparks of irritation that kept being fed by the bird’s snobbish attitude. It was another thing that he would have never admitted out aloud, not even under torture, but the fucker and his insistent scowling managed to make him feel every bit like the piece of trash he had to be in the bird’s eyes.
Something sharp suddenly jabed him in his side and he started. “Oi! Yeh fuckin’ wanker!”
He whipped around to fully face Yoyo. He had meant it when he had stated that he wasn’t in the mood for another round, but, if the bastard wanted to go for it, he would have made him regret it. However, he paused when he found the owl with one wing extended, pointing towards the window of the balcony.
Look, you idiot.
The displeased expression didn’t abandon Constantine’s face, but he reluctantly did what he was being told, his eyes landing on the small scene that was playing inside the apartment. Tim was sitting on the couch, holding a glass that was probably being kept dutifully refilled by Chas. Tha cabbie had to be spinning one of his stories, because he was gesticulating animatedly, perhaps a bit more than it was strictly necessary, most likely in the attempt of keeping the teen as involved as possible in whatever was being told.
Despite himself, John found himself grinning slightly. Poor old Chas. He probably felt like he was failing miserably with Tim barely offering polite nods to show his participation, even if the lad had to be appreciating the snacks that kept being shoved in his way, considering how quickly they disappeared from his plate.
What a domestic scene, carrying the taste of a normalcy and of the tranquility of daily life none of them was truly used to. An old cassette playing in the background, complementing the warm lights that lit up his best friend’s flat, the lingering smell of the homemade dinner they had shared. It tasted like warmth, like safety, like home. A thin and yet sturdy shield against all the possible, ugly realities they had witnessed.
The promise of a better, brighter future.
John turned back towards Yoyo, finding that the owl was staring at him expectantly. And, hell, if he couldn’t feel the weight of those expectations. He groaned and the bird hooted at him, irritated and firmly, preventing the magician from just ignoring him as he had been tempted to do.
So? Did you get it or are you that thick?
Constantine puffed out a bit more of smoke, but then nodded, glancing briefly towards the window one more time. “…Aye, aye, got th’ fuckin’ message,” he grumbled under his breath. “Loud n’ clear, mate.”
Those words, however, didn’t seem to satisfy Yoyo because the owl pecked him once again, a bit harder than he had done to get his attention. The flash of satisfaction that touched his dark eyes when the magician winced was impossible to miss.
“N’ ‘m tryin’, alrite? ‘M fuckin’ tryin’. Fuck, it ain’t easy, yeh know? N’…good t’in’s ain’t exactly me forte,” John was forced to continue, rubbing his forearm. Yet another bruise to add to the list. “But, if there’s somet’in’ I can do to stop all tha’, too keep ‘im ‘ere, wit’ us, away from…wohte’er ugly fate’s waitin’ ‘ed for us…Be bloody sure tha’ I’ll do it. N’ I’ll leave not’in’ untried. No ma’er th’ cost.”
Their gazes met for a moment and, after squinting at the man for a moment, Yoyo this time seemed pacified. His faith in John Constantine wasn’t the strongest and it would have never been, but he could recognise heartfelt sincerity when he saw it. There was no reason to believe that the magician’s attempts would have been enough, because history had often shown how useless will and good intentions could be at the end of the day, but it was a start. And it was something they could agree on. Some common ground, together with their shared despised for that filthy crow.
Fine. Truce. At least for tonight. But be ready to meet my wrath if you even just think about making a false step around Tim.
“Wohte’er,” John replied, bringing the cigarette back to his lips. Then a smirk opened on his lips. “…Fuckin’ stinky duster.”
The peck that reached his hand was strong enough to make him yell, but he found himself laughing mere second after, holding his bleeding fingers, not giving a damn about how Yoyo had puffed out his chest and his feathers, wings opened in a clear threatening pose.
His shout had been loud enough to attract Chas’s and Tim’s attention and the cabbie was already getting up from his seat, most likely to come and retrieve him, and perhaps even to give him another scolding about how he needed to stop poking the bird, but he found that he didn’t care about that either.
He grinned, widely, waving his injured hand, and damn. Behind the facade of offended anger and ruffled feather, he could have sworn that Yoyo was smirking right back at him.
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ranissupercool · 5 years
Fic Where Mari is Problematic - Ch. 1
Fandom: Love Live! Sunshine!! Characters: Matsuura Kanan, Takami Chika, Sakurauchi Riko, Ohara Mari Relationships: ChikaRiko, KanaMari Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 1,636 Summary: Mari kisses Riko and stuff. No one is happy with this.
this is dumb
Read on Ao3!
“So you and Mari are like, really close, huh?”
Kanan raised an eyebrow as she stared forward at Chika, who sat across the table from her. Although they were in the school library and meant to be studying-- Chika especially-- it seemed she had something else on her mind.
That, or she was simply making small talk as an excuse to not study. Both could probably be likely. Kanan decided to respond anyways, albeit with a very simple answer and a shrug. “Well, yeah. Have been for a while. Why?”
“It’s just…” Chika rested an elbow on the table, chin in her hand. “I was thinking, it would be really great if I could be that close with Riko, y’know?”
“You think?”
Kanan was given a vigorous nod to the simple question. Clearly, this was going somewhere. “Yeah! Do you think you could give me advice?”
“Advice…” Kanan furrowed her brow slightly. “On becoming closer with Riko? I don’t know… Considering you’ve known each other for less than a full year, I’d think you’re already really good friends with her in that time. Aren’t you?”
“Well yeah, we are, but not the same way as you and Mari!”
“I mean, I guess not, but…”
“Okay, um, if I have to just come out and say it…” Chika, likely sensing Kanan’s utter confusion, gave an oddly shy chuckle. Really, what was this about? “I... wanna know how you asked Mari out.”
Chika fidgeted, poking her fingers together as Kanan registered what was asked, the unexpectedness of the question making the process just a bit slow.
“...What? Asked her out? I don’t know what Mari told you, but whatever it was, she was probably making things up.”
“N-No, Mari didn’t say anything! Sorry, are you guys, like, on the DL? I didn’t realize--”
Kanan quieted Chika with a raised hand. “Chika, I… have no idea where you even got the idea that we’re dating…”
“Well… I thought it was obvious? I mean, the way you two act with each other… I never really saw you act that way in the past around anyone! Although I guess I never even saw you hanging out with Mari or Dia before I started high school… I was super surprised to hear how close friends you guys all were.”
“I mean, it’s always been like that between us… It was just hard to hang out outside of school because of Mari’s parents, and then she went to study abroad…”
Chika’s eyes practically sparkled, and she grinned widely. Kanan had a sinking feeling that this misunderstanding was just deepening... “Wow, you’ve been in love with each other for that long? That’s so cute...! Why didn’t you ever tell me, Kanan? Was it because your love is forbidden and stuff, so you had to keep it a secret?”
“Tha-- That’s not what I meant!” Kanan could feel her face starting to heat up, and she really hoped she wasn’t visibly blushing. This was just embarrassing! “I’m trying to say we’re not dating and we’re not in love with each other! A-- And I don’t even treat her that much differently from my other friends, so…”
“Eh? Kanan, are you… a tsundere?”
“No, Chika!” 
Before Kanan could continue, the two could hear an abrupt slamming noise which drew their attention to the front desk where Hanamaru sat, staring at both girls with a scolding expression usually just reserved for Yoshiko. Whoops, right, they were in the library…
Kanan frowned, but she turned back to Chika and lowered her voice. “She’s just really affectionate and stuff. It’s not like she wants to date me…”
“What if she does?”
“Excuse me?”
Chika tilted her head. “What if she does want to date you? If she did, would you?”
“If she really did, I’m sure she would have said something by now… given the type of person Mari is.”
“But what if, Kanan? C’mon, even just hypothetically?”
“Geez… You’re really pushing it, Chika. Look, I don’t… I don’t know, I haven’t thought about it. Not much, anyways…”
“S-Sorry. But… if that’s the case, you do like her at least a little bit, right? ‘Cause if you didn’t, you wouldn’t even consider it and you’d just say no.”
“Well…” Kanan let out a sigh. She wasn’t sure why Chika was so persistent… but it wasn’t like she was wrong, either. “Maybe. But really, what does it matter? You just wanted to… get closer to Riko, was it? You want to get close in that way, then?”
“E-Eheh… Yeah… I thought you were dating Mari, and I figured you’d have been the one to ask her out, so I thought I’d get some advice from you. But I guess not… I mean, that’s okay, though! No biggie, heh…”
“Why don’t you just… ask her?”
“Ask her out.”
Oho, was Chika blushing? That was new. She didn’t often get embarrassed or flustered-- certainly not talking about romance. Although come to think of it, as far as Kanan knew, this could’ve very well been Chika’s first time having a crush on someone…
“I-- I don’t know… I mean, it’s not that easy! I wanted to talk to her about it, but I get all nervous and stuff… and besides, what if she doesn’t like me like that? She might feel all awkward around me, and I don’t want that…”
“You still asked me for advice on asking her out, though…”
“Well, yeah… I’m nervous and kinda scared, but if I’m always like that with people I like, I might never get anywhere.”
It was a fair point. Honestly, Kanan hasn’t expected that Chika would put so much thought into such a matter.
Or any at all, like with many of the things she did and said. Chika was somewhat like Mari in that regard… Although both of them, Kanan had found lately, did think about their actions a lot more than they’d initially let on.
“Well… I’m not sure what advice you could even be given, really. I guess if you want to make sure it goes as well as it can… practice it? Sort of like practicing a speech or a presentation for school. You’d be more confident when you know what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it.”
“Huh… That’s actually pretty good advice, Kanan.”
“You think?” The suggestion was really just the first thing she’d thought of, but if Chika was happy with it, she’d take it. “Does that mean we can go back to studying now?”
“Wait, um…” Again, Chika bashfully poked her fingers together, apparently hesitant. “...Can you help me practice?”
“...Practice asking Riko out?”
Chika nodded.
“Can’t you ask someone else? I’m sure You would be happy to help.”
“Um… For some reason, You doesn’t seem to like when I gush about Riko and stuff. I think it makes her uncomfortable. I don’t think asking her would be a good idea-- but I guess I could ask Mari, maybe...”
“I-- I’ll help. But it’s going to be after we finish studying, okay?”
“You’re the best, Kanan!”
The two barely got anything done because Chika’s normally bad attention span seemed to be even further weakened by her mind being stuck on the whole Riko thing. Because of that, they ended the session earlier than intended. Kanan really hoped they could get this over with soon… not only so that Chika would stop worrying so much, but so that her grades didn’t suffer from an innocent crush.
“Okay, you be Riko.” The two sat outside the diving shop, Kanan drinking a grape soda and Chika a peach tea. Kanan still wasn’t sure about this whole “practice” thing, but she did want to at least try and help her friend.
“Alright, I’m Riko then. Hey Chika?”
“Have you finished those lyrics I asked you to work on?”
That got Chika flustered. “N-- No, not like that, Kanan! Geez… You can be such a meanie sometimes.”
“I’ll take that as a no,” Kanan replied with a chuckle.
“A-Anyways, let’s start over. I’m gonna go first, okay?”
“Fire away.”
Kanan quietly cleared her throat.
“H-- Heeyyy, Riko…”
“I-- I felt put on the spot, okay!?”
At the outburst and at Chika’s silly pouting, Kanan laughed. “Just relax, will you? If you talk to her like that, she’s going to think something’s wrong.”
“I know, I know… Ahem. Okay, so-- Hey Riko, wanna go out!?”
“T-Talk about straightforward…”
“Ehh? Is that no good either?”
“Man…” Chika really didn’t know what she was doing, did she? Not that Kanan had been expecting her to. “I’m not sure… but I don’t know how receptive someone like Riko would be to suddenly being asked that…”
“Um… Then…” Chika thought. For about two seconds, then she had a brilliant idea… or so Kanan guessed from her expressions, anyways. “Show me!”
“How to ask her out?”
A nod. “Yeah! I’ll be Riko. Or I guess Mari?”
“R-- Riko is fine. Different people respond better to different approaches, anyways.” She doubted that Riko and Mari had many of the same interests in that regard. “As for what she would like… I sort of have an idea, maybe… Chika, do you mind standing up?”
“Hm? Oh yeah, sure.” With an inelegant scrape of her chair against the floor, she stood.
The next thing Chika knew, her back was against the wall of the shop, Kanan bracing an arm against said wall and leaning in… really closely.
“Hey Riko, have you ever thought about the two of us being… a bit more than just friends?”
“...K-Kanan, I--”
The two heard a thud nearby, and so their heads automatically turned to the source of the noise…
Only for them to see Mari and Riko kissing rather intensely right by the shop.
Oh. Huh.
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Chapter 5: Fear and Loathing in Hawkins
(( Before I begin, I want to say that I found nowhere Billy’s canon birthday, so I’m just using my best friend’s as a reference.
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“You did it, babe! You did it! Congrats!” I jumped up and down, hugging Billy as he got 87% for his 5th test and his grades kept getting better and better. “At this rate you’re gonna get an A, not just a B!” I grinned widely, taking his test and putting it in my archives portfolio. “Say, are you tryina steal my scholarship, love~?” I teased with a poor excuse of a smirk. “I did it thanks to your help, Kitten. And thanks to you, we got an A+ at the project, so there’s only the exams to take and we’re settled for life.” he chuckled, leaning in to steal a kiss. “Do you…Do you wanna go back to Cali? It is one of the states we can study in with our scholarship, and the Uni is super close to the beach.” I jumped on the desk, dangling my feet back and forth, imagining how it’d be. “If that gives me an excuse to see you in a bathing suit, then sure thing.” he laughed, sitting down on the chair in front of me and putting his head on my thighs. “So soft…” he muttered, closing his eyes. “I’ve never been to the beach before. Could you teach me how to swim?” I asked, my eyes gleaming with stars imagining the cool water and the hot sand. “Anything for you, babe. It’ll be fun, I assure ya.” he smiled, most likely imagining as well. “Well, there’s only like half a year until we go there. It’s already April 1st and the exams are in June…Have you thought about what you wanted to study?” I asked, playing with his hair soothingly. “Mhh…I was thinking of Engineering…I’m no genius like you, babe, but I ain’t stupid. I think I could handle that.” he muttered, almost as if he didn’t want to think about the future. “That sounds lovely! Engineers are very well paid and nicely seen in society! We’ll be so cool together!” I clapped a bit in excitement, earning a chuckle. “You’re so adorable when you’re happy.” he smiled slight, looking up at me.
Things were looking promising for us and everything seemed like a real life Nirvana…But as usual, the good stuff doesn’t last too long and there’s always something that completely ruins everything and reminds you that life is cruel and maybe you shouldn’t trust anyone…Maybe not even yourself.
When I went to put some books in the locker, I notice something shiny, which proved to be Billy’s ‘K’ necklace that I gifted him at Christmas, only, the latch was broken. I wonder how did it get here…? I thought nobody else knew my locker combination. I put in the necklace in my pocket and closed it, making a mental note to change it soon before anything weird happens again and I walk to my next class. On the way there, I see Billy on the bench with two girls on either side of him, shamelessly flirting and he seemed to be enjoying it. Huh…
“Hey…Billy…” I go in front of him, ignoring the glares from the girls. “How are you?” “Pretty damn good, to be fair.” he smirked up at me. “Why you askin’?” “Uhm…I found this in my locker. Thought you might want it back…But the latch is broken.” I explained, showing him the necklace, and yet, he was barely paying any attention. “Oh, yeah, I took it off for Basketball practice today and then forgot where I put it. Can ya repair it for me?” he asked, leaning back on the seat. “Yeah…Sure. See you later.” I muttered, walking away to the class, holding the necklace tightly in my fist, a very dark feeling overflooding my heart.
Just…What the hell is going on…?
This kept repeating more and more with each day, sometimes outright ignoring me, or giving me empty answers, going to stay with his 'friends’ and so on…And I kept asking myself what did I do wrong. I kept trying to call him every night, but he either ignored it, or picked up the phone and then closing the call the next second. And trying to talk to him at highschool seemed to be close to impossible nowadays… But at least Nancy, Jonathan and Steve were okay with me staying with them, and they made me feel slightly better. After all, it was nice to have friends…I guess.
I kept myself busy with studying and I didn’t even realise that I didn’t speak to the kids in quite a long time. It’s just…Everything was making me get in such a Vertigo state that I forgot that I was alive.
It all just felt like a never-ending nightmare from which I found no escape… Until April 12th. Billy’s birthday.
It was a fine Friday and I was going to put his gift in his locker, then give him the necklace I managed to repair. I was looking down, walking down the corridor, holding the neatly wrapped package in one hand, while in the other I gripped the necklace really hard, until I saw a sight that made me wish I wouldn’t have woken up that day.
Billy and Tina were making out like there was no tomorrow, her pressed on his locker.
My face was shocked, but my heart felt stabbed and betrayed more than Caesar with Brutus. I let out a breath of amusement and disbelief, making him realise someone was there, and upon seeing me, he pushed Tina off him and tried walking towards me. I just shook my head in disgust, throwing the package in the nearest trash room and letting the necklace fall to the ground, not realising that I kept gripping it so hard that the sharp edges broke skin and let a few droplets of blood escape.
“Don’t even dare get closer to me. I don’t want to ever see you again. You’re nothing more than a liar, and fuck, your asshole of a father was right about you. Hell, maybe everyone was right about you. You’re just a fucking jerk and a whore with no morals or cares in this world. I regret the day I got to talk to you. I was so wrong to trust someone again…” I gritted my teeth before rushing out of the building, wanting to drive back home already. “Wait! Kitten, wait up! I can explain! It’s not as it looks like!” he tried to yell after me, but I turned around with such a poisonous glare, despite tears already escaping my eyes, that it made him rooted to the spot. “Explain WHAT, Hargrove?! That you cheated on me when you promised you’d never leave me? That you betrayed me, when you promised never to hurt me?! Really? What about 'Respect and Responsibility’? What about 'I’m a man of my words’? Are all of those lies too? Tsk…You’re just a spoiled brat, that’s it! Never speak to me again! And don’t call me Kitten! My name is Katrina Black, a name you will never get to speak again in your life!” I sneered at him, about to leave, but then I remembered the accessory around my neck, which made my roll my eyes in annoyance and go in front of him. “Oh, and one more thing…Give this to your next hook up, so they’ll feel good that you claimed them.” I growled, ripping off the necklace from my neck and hitting his chest with it. “Wait, don’t do that, you’ll get hurt!” he tried to say before seeing me rip the necklace, but it was too late. “Not more than what you did to me.” I said in a low voice before getting on my motorbike and stopping by the nearest market on my way home.“Happy Birthday, fuckass!”
As soon as I got home, I changed in only my AC/DC Tshirt and went to sit on the bathroom floor with the cassette next to me, putting music at max volume and staring at the many bottles of vodka and cigarette packs surrounding me. Well…Here goes nothing…
5 hours later, my head was spinning like crazy, the bathroom was smokier than London’s great smog and I kept screaming the lyrics to the songs that kept playing on repeat, not even realising that anymore, nor that tears kept wetting my face. I was a mess because honestly, I really couldn’t take this betrayal. I hate liars so much…
After I finished the 2nd Vodka bottle, I got up somehow and wanted to get a 3rd, but the phone ringing in my room made me groan in annoyance as I gripped the walls and fell on the bed, picking up the phone.
“Ye…? Who dere?” I slurred out, not even sure what I was saying was coherent or not. “Hey, Kat? Are you alright? I heard what happened today with that jerk and…Well, he went livid. He kept beating up anyone who dared to say anything about you…It was quite the sight.” Nancy’s sweet and worried voice called out, making me sigh. “Ye, ’m fine, j'st super drunk. Fuck tha’ asshole. He ain’t worth shit. F'kin cheat'r.” I managed to blurt out, making Nancy sigh as well. “Do you want me to come over and take care of you? Or I can call Jonathan or Steve if you feel more comfortable with them? I know you and Max were very close, but at this hour, I doubt she’d be able to come over…” she tried to suggest, but I only shook my head, forgetting that she can’t see it. “’S fine, Nance, thanks a lot fo’ worryin’ 'bout me. Appreciate it. I’ll be fine, ’m jus’ super pissed off. T’ll go 'way soon.” I declared, clearing my throat. “Okay, Kat…I hope you know what you’re doing. Please take care of yourself…Sweet dreams.” she told me before she hung up, making me groan as I put back the phone and went to get the vodka bottle and sit back in the bathroom. “Mhh…Wonder how long till I pass out…” I muttered, forcing myself to open the 3rd bottle.
It was now Monday, and please, nobody ever leave me next to alcohol and cigarettes 'cause I swear to God I’m gonna go crazy. I puked so much that I thought my guts were out and my lungs exploded from the smoke. And the fact that I’m still exhausted like hell was understandable.
Everything went as it usually did, classes and then lunch, where for some reason or another, Billy decided to sit down next to me, making me groan and leave without a word. Of course he followed me to the courtyard, where he just had to stop me and spin me around to look at him.
“First of all, what the hell do you want?! Secondly, who gave you the right to TOUCH me?” I yanked my wrist from his hand and glared at him. “Can we please talk?” he tried to say, but I only tsked in annoyance and looked away. “Why would we? We have nothing to talk about. You fucked up, it’s all on you. I’m leaving.” I shrugged, ready to leave, but he stopped me again. “I…I’m sorry. I fucked up, you’re right. I hurt you, I broke my promises and I did exactly what I promised I wouldn’t do. You didn’t deserve any of that.” he confessed, looking at me. “Funny you should say that…Considering that you’re almost quoting what I said a few days ago…When you were too busy fucking Tina.” I scoffed, giving him a sarcastic smile. “Yes, I know, I fucked up, and I can’t ever ask you to forgive me. I deserved the phone call from two days ago where you cursed me into oblivion-” he started, making my eyes go wide in shock. “I did WHAT?!” I asked in horror, making him look confused at me. “You…Don’t remember that? It lasted for about an hour. You were crying, cursing and insulting me. It really broke my heart…” he muttered, looking away, but my face of horror was still there. “Fuck, I must have been really drunk to remember talking to Nancy, but not calling you to randomly curse you…Great.” I slapped my face in annoyance. “You hate alcohol.” he stated, but I only shrugged. “I hate cigarettes too, but that didn’t stop me from going full auto-destruct mode for 3 days before getting back to normal when I didn’t care about anyone. Bye, Hargrove, I have nothing more to say to you.” I turned to leave, but for the millionth time, I got stopped. “On the phone…You said…You said that you loved me. Did you, really…?” he barely breathed, making me stop dead in my tracks. “What, you thought I’d stay with you out of pity or something? 'Cause I felt lonely by myself? OF COURSE I DID, DUMBASS! Use that stupid brain of yours once in a while and maybe you’ll answer your own questions!” I threw my hands in the air in exasperation. “You…You also said you wanted to beat the hell out of me…So, you deserve to let your anger out on me. Do what will make you feel better.” he said in resignation, looking at the ground with a pitiful look. “I deserve everything and I will take anything. I hurt you…And I really suck.” he said in such a godamn pitiful voice that in made anger boil in me like never before. “What the FUCK do you want?! Do you want my pity? Do you want me to forgive you? THAT’S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! You just want to fuck, that’s all you want! I was always just another girl on your stupid list, just another name and another challenge! I HATE YOU!” I turned to slap him, but…But just as my hand was about to collide with his face, I stopped and I started shaking and crying. “Fuck’s sake…I can’t do it…” I muttered with a sigh as I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “You can’t hurt me even now, after how much I hurt you…You still love me, and all I did was throw away your love like a spoiled brat…The truth is, I…I realised my feelings for you…I realised how much I care about you, and it was all so foreign and intense that…I got scared. And I tried to make those feelings go away by doing the same things that have been shielding me for all these years.” he explained, holding my hand as he made me touch his face, leaning into my touch. “Shut up…J-Just…Shut up! I don’t want to hear any more excuses! We’re done for, anyway! Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t possible trust you again. You…You just…You can’t even imagine the damage that you’ve done to me.” I shook my head, feeling my heart in pain like never before, making me take back my hand and jog away, having spotted Nancy and Jonathan going in the highschool to their next class. I needed a distraction, and studying/doodling always helped. “Hey, Kat, how are you holding up?” Nancy asked worriedly, hugging me. “I’m fine, all cool. Ready for Physics, I guess.” I shrugged, trying to play it cool. “Oh, I remembered. Next weekend there’s gonna be some charity party or something at our highschool and all students are asked to sign up and participate with anything interesting they’ve got. Mostly singing, as far as I know, but it works. Wanna go? I have to go there to take pictures for the event, so I can get you girls really good seats.” Jonathan suggested, making me and Nance look at each other and smiling simultaneously, and clearly agreeing. “Sure, that should be fun, right? I’m looking forward to it.” I smiled at them, feeling quite better, as if I finally belonged somewhere. “Hey, guys, hold up!” a familiar voice called out, making us 3 turn around and spot Steve. “Hey, so, uh…This weekend our basketball team has the 2nd last match and I wanted to ask if you’d come cheer on us. It will help a lot if I were to see some familiar faces…” he chuckled awkwardly. “I don’t know, Steve…With that git, Hargrove there, Kat might feel bad…” Nancy mumbled, looking at me, but I only grinned at them. “Nahh, who cares about him? My friend needs support? Then, Harrington, I will be there to support you. Just…Don’t steal my book again, please.” I winked at him, making the both of us laugh. “Thanks a lot, Kat, I really appreciate it. Jonathan, Nancy? Are you coming?” he asked as he put his arm around my shoulder. “Yeah, sure, man, why not.” Jonathan shrugged and we all agreed and made plans for these two following weekends.
Should be fun, huh?
“Okay, Steve, so like, how do you want me to cheer? 'KING STEVE!’ or 'GO! GO! HARRINGTON!' ? ” I laughed as I rubbed his shoulders, the anxiety radiating off him. “That’s bloody awful, Kat, what the hell.” he grinned in disbelief, making me laugh at his reaction. “Okay, okay, I’ll just read my book until I see everyone screaming and I will do the same, how does that sound?” I tried to hype him up for the match the best I could. “Just…Just act natural and do what you want, okay?” he rolled his eyes and shook his arms a bit. “I have faith in you, Steve. GO FUCK THEM UP!” we high fived and I jogged on the bleachers, almost missing Billy’s lingering eyes on me and my friendly actions with Steve…Almost, being the key point. “Think they’ll win?” Jonathan asked, making me shrug. “I honestly have no idea what this game is about, but for everyone’s good, I hope they do.” I declared, paying attention to the game as soon as the first whistle blew.
It was a bit difficult properly paying attention and following the game since I honestly had no idea what was going on, but what I noticed was that Billy wasn’t really the same, while Steve was energetic like never before and managed to easily score like 4 times.
The points were tied and our team scored very rarely, which made me mess around a bit with the game, making sure Steve scored every time he threw the ball in the basket, or that the enemy team would randomly trip.
Hey, we won, what a surprise! Time to celebrate!
“KING STEVE! KING STEVE SCORED A GAZILLION TIMES! GO, KING STEVE!” I laughed as I jump-hugged him as a congratulations, but he only shook his head, grinning. “Thanks, Kat. Thanks a lot for the help.” he smirked, looking at me with a mischievous look in his eyes. “What ever could you mean by that, Harrington?” I chuckled, looking away. “I’ve been around you, El and a bunch of monsters enough to know when the ball moves anti-Physics law.” he laughed, ruffling my hair. “Jerk, not my hair! And come on, you played really well! What I did was just a bonus!” I tried to fix my hair a bit. “Hey, seeing the enemy team fall like idiots made my confidence boost like never before. I’d have laughed like an idiot if we weren’t mid-game. Come on, I’ll treat you to ice cream.” he proposed. “Oh, I won’t refuse free ice-cream! Go take a shower and I’ll take Jonathan and Nancy to the car, okay?” I asked, earning a nod. “Nancy! Steve is getting us free ice-cream! Let’s go!” I waved the two over, completely ignoring Billy coming over and looking crestfallen. “Did you just call him King Steve?” Billy’s soft voice asked from behind, making me turn at him with a bored look. “Yeah, I did, 'cause he won the game.” I shrugged, waiting for Nancy and Jonathan to come over. “Do you like him?” he asked again, his voice barely audible, somehow heartbroken. “No, we’re just friends…Not that it should concern you in any way. You see…He’s not a fuckass like you…Well, not anymore, that is. Bye now, free ice cream is waiting me and my friends.” I smiled fakely at him before hooking my arm to Nancy’s and going towards Steve’s car, where I got so much ice cream that I thought my brain would freeze, making the other 3 laugh at me.
We had such a nice time together, celebrating Hawkins’ victory and not having any worry in our heads… Except, maybe, the fact that Billy’s broken voice kept echoing in my head, making my heart cry…Stupidly weak heart…
It’s been already about 3 weeks without letting Billy talk to me more than necessary and I hate to admit to myself that it just keeps hurting more and more seeing him going down the way of self-destruction like never before. But tonight I was supposed to have fun with my 3 friends, right? Watch random students pretend they have talent and everyone to make fun of them 'cause they can’t sing, dance, or do anything really.
One guy completely butchered one of Michael Jackson’s dances, a girl hit all the wrong keys while playing a Beethoven piece another guy sounded strangled while attempting to sing “Stayin’ Alive” by Bee Gees… Okay, I mean, some of them were actually pretty good, I won’t deny, but I and Steve loved to make fun of the fails…It was just TOO hilarious!
It was all nice and giggles, until a very familiar instrumental started playing in the background, making me gasp in shock. “No…Way…” I barely managed to breathe out before snapping my head in the direction of the stage…
And there he was.
Billy Hargrove stood on the stage, holding the microphone with both hands, looking down, before up to scan the audience, before somehow managing to spot me, and we connected, neither of us daring to break the eye contact.
And he began to sing, in a soft voice like never before, earning hundreds of cheers and screams of excitement and adoration.
But I knew better than anyone else what this meant.
He wasn’t here for charity, or to impress anyone with his singing skills…
He was here to apologise.
He was here to try to reach my heart just like he used to before, and try to win me over again.
Time, it needs time to win back your love again I will be there, I will be there
His voice was sweet and warm yet sorrowful, like that of an angel, and I could feel dry sobs threatening to escape. “Kat, are you okay? What happened?” Steve asked, concerned at my sudden change of behaviour, but I wasn’t sure I could trust my voice much. “He…He’s…Apologising…And saying that he loves me…” I managed to choke out before covering my mouth, trying to control myself.
Love, only love can bring back your love someday I will be there, I will be there
He didn’t break eye contact even for a split of second, and I didn’t even realise tears were already going down my face until Nancy pulled me into her arms and offered me her napkin.
Fight, babe, I’ll fight to win back your love again I will be there, I will be there
“Go closer, it’s going to be okay. It will be okay, Kat.” Nancy reassured me, patting my head, but I was a bit scared that my legs would fail me from the intense emotions bursting in my heart.
Love, only love can bring down the wall someday I will be there, I will be there
Clutching my heart, I took a sharp breath and stood, holding the banister with dear life, afraid that I might collapse, as he started smiling, seeing me approach.
If we go again all the way from the start I would try to change the things that killed our love Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can’t get through Is there really no chance to start once again?
I’m loving you
I quickly managed to climb down the stairs and started walking towards the stage, and as soon as those last words were so lovingly dragged out, I started crying, hugging myself as my heart was completely weak for him and him alone, and he extended his arm out toward me slightly, proving once again that he was trying to reach out me and my heart.
Try, baby, try to trust in my love again I will be there, I will be there
I started smiling and looking at him with such adoration on my face that it seemed to give him some sort of confidence as well to keep on going.
Love, our love just shouldn’t be thrown away I will be there, I will be there
I couldn’t contain myself and I started mouthing the lyrics to the song along with him, which made him put his hand to where his heart would be, in a way to match my action.
If we’d go again, all the way from the start I would try to change the things that killed our love Your pride has built a wall, so strong that I can’t get through Is there really no chance to start once again?
I nodded at him with a soft grin on my face, telling him that yes, I forgive him, and that I could feel he was being genuine with each word he’d sing and each emotion he’d express so openly.
If we’d go again, all the way from the start I would try to change the things that killed our love Yes, I’ve hurt your pride, and I know what you’ve been through You should give me a chance, this can’t be the end
By this time, I wasn’t sure if I just wanted him to stop singing so I’d be able to hold him close to me, or if I wanted him to keep singing because oh god, it did so many things to my heart that I couldn’t believe it was me who felt all these things.
I’m still loving you I’m still loving you I’m still loving you I need your love I’m still loving you
Still loving you, baby
He kept singing, so much force and emotion in his voice, that I started wiping the tears from my eyes as I kept repeating the same lyrics with him, confessing our undying love for each other over and over again.
Still loving you I need your love Still loving you I need your love, oh Still loving you I need your love, oh I need your love I need your love…
The song ended soon, making everyone stand up and cheer wildly, but he only had one thing in mind- He did a fast bow before walking down the stage and throwing his arms around me and holding me close to his chest, as tight as he could without leaving me breathless.
“I love you so much, Kat. I’m so sorry for letting trauma get the best of me. I was weak, I was a shithead and I hurt you. I was scared. I didn’t even realise that I turned back to my back habits until I saw you again…When I got the courage to actually look AT you, not THROUGH you. I don’t know what I was so scared about…What I still am so scared about…Maybe I am afraid that I will turn into my father and I will drive you away, like it made my mum leave me…I’ve been so afraid of fucking up…That I did without realising…I’m sorry, Kat, I really am. And I love you with all my heart.” he confessed, letting only one stray tear fall down his cheek, his eyes red from trying not to let his emotions get the best of him in front of the whole highschool. “I love you, Billy. I forgive you…And…Call me Kitten. I’m not leaving you.” I smiled softly, wiping away that tear before kissing him gently, before pulling away, earning a happy, almost choked out laugh from him. “I really don’t deserve someone like you…” he shook his head, but I paid that no mind, and instead, I trailed my fingers down his face, down his neck and to his chest, touching the 'K’ necklace that shined so beautifully. “I thought you’d throw it away.” I managed to say barely above a whisper. “No…Truth it, I started hyperventilating that day in the locker room, alone, thinking about everything going on, and I was suffocating. I tried to take it off carefully…But that didn’t work very well. I’m sorry I lied…I was embarrassed to tell you the truth.” he admitted, biting his lip. “It’s okay…I forgive you. I wasn’t expecting you to do what you did today…I…I never realised I could feel so many things at once…I thought I was gonna faint or something…It’s…It’s so weird…But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I appreciate the effort and sentiment you put in everything…Even if it took you quite a long while.” I let out an amused breath, making him take out something from his pocket…The 'B’ necklace. “Do you…Do you want it back…? I fixed the latch.” he asked softly, putting it on as soon as I put my hair on the side. “It’s funny, don’t you think? We keep breaking things, but we repair them for each other. We’re a bunch of idiots.” I laughed, making him put his forehead to mind. “Maybe from now on we’ll only fix each other and nothing bad will happen. I know I promised before, but this time, I am a new man and I am not afraid to brave any storm, if I have you by my side. Will you have me back…Kitten?” he smiled at me, making me roll my eyes. “I just said I will, silly! It will be as if none of these bad things happened. And we will be happy. We…We ARE happy.” I grinned, but he shook his head. “No…I hurt you, you shouldn’t forget that. It was my fault. Instead, I will make sure none of that ever happens again and I will focus solely on your happiness…Because Kat, if you are happy, I am happy, and that’s all I need from life. I love you.” he confessed once again, making me bury my face into his chest and hug him tightly. “Billy…Y-You’re doing that thing wh-where you’re stirring t-too many emotions i-in my heart a-and I can’t take it. C-Can you, like, s-slow down? I-I-I’m feeling faint.” I stutter out, hiding my face in his shirt, making him chuckle in amusement and kiss my head. “Oh, baby, you have no idea what YOU do to me every time you’re being so cute and adorable…And only I can make you so flustered. It’s doing lots of things to me and you’ve no idea.” he smirked lightly, but before he could say another thing, he started groaning in annoyance. “Who the fuck thought singing this stupid song was a good idea? Fuck The Police and this song.” he grumbled, making me laugh at his reaction. “Hey, Billy…I’m SO not kissing you on this song!” I grinned in amusement, barely managing to stifle my giggles, both of us having the throwback from the Snow Ball where everyone kept kissing on The Police’s “Every Breath You Take.” “Got me there, babe. And as if the song wasn’t stupid enough, his voice makes it even worse…” he pouted, resting his chin on the top of my head. “I had no idea that was possible…Until now.” I declared, holding him close to me and swinging back and forth to the soft and somehow broken rhythm of the music.
“Billy! Hey, Billy! I’ve got news!” I ran to him, panting, out of breath since I had 0 physical endurance. “Huh? What happened?” he straightened out on the bench, not paying any attention to his stupid buddies anymore. “The exam results JUST appeared! And…Well, hope you don’t mind, but I peeked a tiiiiiny bit at yours before I even looked at mine and…Haha, don’t be mad!” I grinned sheepishly, making him roll his eyes and let out an amused breath. “Okay, Lady Scholarship, I’m sure you got all the good grades and snatched away the Studies Scholarship, right? How much did you get at Biology? 100%? ” he asked with a knowing smirk, making me blush at the confidence he had in me and look down, nodding, the grin on my face never faltering for a second. “That’s my Kitten! See, I told ya! You really need to trust yourself more, you’re a smart babe!” he got up to hug me tightly and kiss me on the lips with much passion. “Okay, okay, enough of this! Now, sit down and let me tell you about your results, okay?” I made him sit down again, trying to look as passive as possible. “Fine, babe, shoot.” he kept bouncing his leg up and down, trying to relax himself, but to no avail. “So, uhm…You got all the good grades…But uhm…At Biology, you didn’t get a B…” I trailed off, making his face fall into complete horror, before realising the smirk on my face that I couldn’t stop. “You got an A, babe. You got 97%! The Scholarship is yours!” This made him and everyone around his jump on their feet and roar in happiness, clapping and cheering for 'King Billy’, he bent down to my level and kissed me with so much passion that I thought my face would be worse than a tomato and that my heart would leap out of my heart from embarrassment, shock and all other emotions at a time. “WE’RE GOING TO CALI, BABY! WHOOOOO!!” he screamed as loud as he could to the sky, feeling like nothing else could go better for him in life. “Yessss! It’s gonna be so cool!! We did it, Billy! We really did it!!” I cheered with him, making him pick me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. “We’re gonna move in together, and it’s gonna be just us and nobody else to pressure or fuck with us. I’m so not letting you go, babe. The things you do to me, Kitten, you’ll never understand.” he smirked as he whispered that against my lips before shamelessly making out with me in front of everyone which made me blush like I was gonna die in the next second, but, well…They’re not gonna see us ever again so…So I just put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me and smiling into the kissing. “You’re gonna be the death of me some day, honey.” I said in between kisses, softly and playfully biting his bottom lip, making him smirk widely. “Oh, Kitten, you naughty girl, you’re doing things to me and you are fully aware of that. You’re so lucky I love you.” he confessed before capturing my lips again, with just as much fire as before. “Oh, yeah, I really am lucky~.” I giggled softly, trying to tune out any new person passing by.
“So, uhm…First of all, I wanted to thank all my teachers for being incredible moral, emotional and intellectual supports for me all these years of highschool…I want to thank my friends, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve, for being there for me when I needed them the most…I want to thank a bunch of 13 year olds for accepting me as their Party Nerd Leader…I want to thank my boyfriend, Billy Hargrove, who loves me so much and whom I love endlessly…” I trailed off a bit, looking at Billy, who already did his diploma acceptance speech, as a Scholarship winner, and I smirked widely. “And also, I want to thank all of you for being a bunch of dumbasses and for letting me steal your Scholarship and Loverboy so easily from right in front of you! You suck, guys! Toodles! See you in Cali!” I laughed, taking the diploma from the hands of Mrs. Green and I ran off the stage, jump-hugging Billy and kissing him deeply. “Now, babe, THAT is what I call a real badass speech. I’m so proud of you for showing them who’s the real Queen here.”  he smiled proudly at me, kissing my forehead. “WE’RE GOING TO CALI, BABY!” I couldn’t stop radiating with glee, just like a sunshine, and before ending the Graduation ceremony, we all threw our caps into the air and cheered that highschool is finally over.
And the best thing?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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a-strange-world · 6 years
I Lost My Grace - Chapter 2
Summary : When an angel becomes human, there’s a lot to learn and discover. For him, but for you too.
Pairing : Future Castiel x Reader ?
Word count : 2,140
Warnings : None.
[Note 1 : Okay, first of all, this is my first fanfic that I post on tumblr so pleaaase be indulgent. Also, I apologize if there are spelling mistakes or agreement errors or whatever else. I’m a french woman and I don’t have a perfect level in english, but I would love to improve it. So, if there is any mistake, just let me know and I’ll correct it :)
Note 2 : I wanted to try something in this chapter about the way of writing (check the italic and bold type text (some sentences are from the original script by the way, not mine)). The scene is very clear in my mind but I don’t know if I transcribed it well. I hope you’ll understand what I wanted to do. In any case, don’t hesitate to tell me if it’s comprehensible or not.
Note 3 : Okay, I stop the “blabla” now and let you read the chapter ! :) I hope you’ll enjoy it. I’ll try to post the next as soon as I can ! Oh and don’t hesitate to send a feedback ! I would be glad to know what you’re thinking about the chapter. I wish you a nice reading ❤ ]
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Cas is human.
You couldn't realize it. Castiel, angel of the Lord, who had saved Dean from Hell and Sam from madness, who had fought by your side against demons, leviathans and even angels, was now human.
His face suddenly popped in your mind. Those eyes. Once again, you could see so many things in them.
Distress. Pain. Emptiness. Your own old demons.
You hated the fact that Castiel had to feel all these terrible feelings. He didn't deserve all this suffering and most of all he hadn't been prepared for that. You didn't know how he would react but you were sure about one thing : it wouldn't be good. You knew too well these feelings and their consequences. You had experienced them before and they hadn't been a good phase of your life. Not at all. You just hoped that Castiel would not live what you did.
At the thought, you instantly felt your eyes getting wet and you bit your bottom lip, trying to control yourself. Not now (Y/N).
You focused on your breathe, letting in and out the air in your lungs very slowly and finally managed to get back your composure.
That's better. You thought to yourself. I have to be strong. For him. He will need the three of us to overcome this situation.
You paused a moment, starting to remember all the hard times he went through. Lilith, the apocalypse, the civil war in heaven, the purgatory... He had survived to everything.
He is brave and strong and good. Being human will not change anything of that. He will survive to this too. And I'll be there for him, like I'm here for Sam and Dean. I'll pay attention to every single of his needs. I will do everything I can to help him and he will be ok. Everything will be o-
The sound of footsteps approaching suddenly cut your thoughts and you blinked a couple of times, knowing that it would help you to come back to reality. Then you looked down at your hands to see that without even realizing it, you had finished the batter's preparation.
"So, what are you cooking for us, little head chef ?" Dean asked while he rubbed his hand against the top of your head, causing your bun to get messy. You faked to grumble in frustration, hiding your smile from Dean. You didn't want him to know that you loved when he did that. That it conforted you and made you feel really part of their family, like a little sister.
You felt Sam coming closer to you and watching over your left shoulder. "Flour, eggs, milk..." He started to enumerate, noticing all the ingredients that were placed on the countertop. "Oh wait, I think I know." He started to say proudly. "Is that-"
"Salty pancakes !" You said joyfully, knowing well that the boys loved that recipe.
"Oh God bless you ! And pancakes too !" Dean exclaimed, raising his fist toward the sky after having kissed it.
"You. Are. The best." Sam stated with a big grin.
You chuckled at their reactions.
"I thought that it would be a good..." Your voice lowered. "first meal for Cas." You ended your sentence in a whisper, the words hurting your throat and the memories hurting your heart.
"Of course it is, (Y/N)."
You raised your head to look at Sam who was smiling at you. You perfectly knew this smile, this look, this face. He knew. And he knew you knew he knew. He always guessed your feelings. It was like this with Sam. He had this "super" empathy that made you feel naked but safe at the same time. And more you tried to hide your emotions, better he understood what was happening in your head. It was destabilizing at first but you were now used to be an open book to him. He wasn't your friend for nothing after all.
"So." Sam said, changing the subject on purpose. "Do you need help ?"
You faked to think about the proposition before answering. "Actually yes. Dean, can you take care of bacon's and egg's cooking ?" You asked him.
"Sir, yes sir !" He said abruptly, saluting you military way what made you smile.
"And Sam, what about making some salad with it ?" You suggested, exchanging a knowing look with him.
"Oh no !" Dean suddenly spoke before Sam could say anything. "Please, don't tell me that this meal will contain some green healthy things." The eldest brother said, looking desperate.
"Haha, I think it will !" Sam replied, winking at you.
"Compromises Dean. Compromises." You said with a laugh.
You perfectly knew that all of this was just an act. Smiling, joking like nothing had happened earlier. In fact, it had always been your way to escape the reality and its hard times. Sometimes the three of you simply needed to relax and think about anything else that the daily crap. And today you really needed that. Castiel really needed that.
You felt your heart clenching at the thought
"How is he going ?" You asked to Dean with sad eyes.
"I..." Dean sighed. "I don't know, it's hard to tell." He went to the fridge and opened it, searching for the bacon's box. "I explained him how to use the shower, how to regulate the water temperature, how much use shampoo etc. I think we'll have to do that with everything now." He suddenly straightened up, his head only poking out above the door fridge. "And before you too are saying anything, I tell you : I won't be the one who will explain how to flush the toilet !" He said, laughing a little while returning to his task.
A sad smile crossed your face, knowing that behind the joke, Dean was really concerned about his friend. Humor was his best defense against any emotional stuff.
"Ah got it !" He suddenly exclaimed, finally finding the box. "Anyway. I think it won't be easy. When I left him, he seemed still in shock. I never saw him like that before."
"Yeah. Me neither." You replied quietly.
You saw Dean contorting himself as he was going deeper in the fridge. He muttered something inaudible - where you just heard the words "Damn it !" and "this shit" - then he finally get out of it with a bag in his hands, a disgusted expression on his face.
"Ew..." He said while putting the salad in Sam's hands.
You shook your head and smiled at his funny behavior while Sam rolled his eyes.
"You're really a lost cause, ya know." Sam said what made you giggle.
The three of you were going to focus on your respective task when you realized that something were missing for doing yours.
"Oh Sam, wait ! Just before you start, can you grab me the frying pan please ?" You didn't wait more of 4 seconds until he was handing it to you.
"Thank you." You said to him as you grasped the pot. But instead of letting go of the pan like he would have to, Sam had a tight hold on it. Slightly destabilizing by the unexpected force, you looked at him to discover that he was totally still, his gaze locked on something unmaterial in front of him.
"Sam ? You're okay ?" You asked, suddenly worried.
Dean moved in front of his brother. "Sammy ! Hey !" He said, starting to shake his left shoulder with one hand.
"Yes, Sam is fine." Sam finally answered with a neutral tone while putting the pan on the countertop.
There was one second of silence during time seemed suspended, before Sam's eyes moved again and fixed on you and Dean. His face wasn't reflected any emotion, it was just like a stone. Hard, cold and empty. That's when you understood what was going on. Ezekiel.
"Ezekiel." Dean repeated your thought out loud. "You know that we discussed about this, don't ever do it like tha-"
"Castiel cannot stay here." Ezekiel proclaimed, cutting Dean off.
The statement made you freeze. Your heart skipped a beat as you instinctively held your breathe, your body's reactions following the state of shock of your brain.
In the corner of your eyes, you saw Dean shaking his head then frowning. "Wait what ?" He said, not believing what he just heard, just like you.
"Castiel cannot stay here." The angel repeated patiently. "He will bring the angels down on all of us."
Your eyes fixed upon the angel again and all your suspicion about him came back to the point.
"No, no, he's got the Enochian tattoo. He's warded."
You never trusted him. You just couldn't.
"He was warded when some angels found him, and tried to kill him."
There was something in him that was bothering you.You didn't know what exactly.
"Yes, I know that, but this is Cas, okay, who vouched for you when I didn't know you from Jack. The bunker is safe."
Of course, Dean have had his own doubts when you first met Ezekiel. You two agreed about one thing : there was no coincidence. You couldn't believe that just when you needed it, an angel just presented himself right away with a solution, without any ulterior motive. It was way too good to be true.
"Bartholomew is massing a force. We cannot stand an incursion. Castiel is in danger, and if he is here, I am in danger."
But the strange situation wasn't really what setted you thinking. It was more a feeling. A terrible bad feeling that was eating you away since the first day.
"Wait, you're in danger? From who, the angels?"
You couldn't explain it but you were deeply convinced that there was something wrong with the angel.
"If he stays, I am afraid I will have no choice but to leave."
You couldn't explain it but you always felt that something were...
"Oh, no, you can't do that. Sam's not well enough. If you leave his body..."
... fake.
"I know. I am sorry."
The last words suddenly cut your thoughts and brought you back to reality. You felt your checks starting to burn red, anger flewing through your veins. Sorry ? He was sorry ?
“Okay, that's enough." You interrupted them. "Listen to me carefully, Zeke !” You said with a revolted face when your mouth prononced his name. “I don't know what's on your mind and what you're planning but let me tell you that." You made a pause to let some air filling your empty lungs. "YES, we need you to heal Sam and bring him back in one piece. YES, you are our last hope for this. But NO, this act doesn’t give you the right to order that Castiel has to leave. HE is our friend. Don’t forget that YOU are still alive only because we need you to keep SAM alive ! I could simply kill you right now !" You finally said, raising your blade from under your top and placing it on Sam's throat.
You detected a slight flinch coming from Ezekiel but he didn't let anything appear on his face. And as your gazes were silently fighting, you could feel your own eyes slowly getting wet due to the outpouring of emotions.
"Wow wow, (Y/N). Hey, calm down okay ?" Dean spoke to you quietly while grabbing carefully your hand to push it away from his brother's body.
"I am calm. I just want to be sure that this stupid and selfish angel understands well my thought." You replied, still holding the gaze of the angel.
You felt Dean's hand slowly pulling yours, forcing you to step back.
"Threatening me will not change anything (Y/N)." Ezekiel said, looking at you emotionless. He then turned toward the older brother and stated once again. "If Castiel stays, I will leave."
The ultimatum let Dean voiceless. You could read so easily his pain on his features as he didn't know what to do. Castiel, his best friend. Sam, his brother.
"Know what ? I'm done with it !" You intervened just as he was opening his mouth to speak. "We won't choose between the two of them. If Cas has to go, then I'll go with him ! I will not let him all alone, especially now. This is the time when he most needs us." You paused, looking at both of them. "I guess that everybody will agree with this." You concluded in a low voice.
You then turned toward the countertop to finish cooking the pancakes, not wanting to talk to the angel anymore.
"I suggest Sam should look after Cas to see if he's okay." Dean said to Ezekiel and you heard footsteps moving away from the kitchen.
Tag list : @thehoneybeecastielfollows
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dangertronic · 6 years
Since Ao3 wants to be a bitch today. Here is the Stenbrough request for one darling @agrimny
Treat as super secret bonus chapter to Not A Monster that just focuses on these guys.
Date Night
Living in a closed minded town such as Derry did not leave a same-sex couple much choice in dates, and Stan absolutely hated it. He could not, no matter how hard he tried, understand just how what he felt for Bill was wrong, but according to ninety-percent of Derry that’s exactly what it was.
Not that he let that bother him.
The small ten percent of people who didn’t care about who he was attracted to were the only ones that mattered, so they were the only ones he ever needed to talk to about it.
Though sometimes he wondered how Richie and Eddie made it through an entire school day without touching each other or kissing, because sometimes Stan wanted nothing more than to be able to hold Bill’s hand walking to classes like he saw other couples do.
“It’s all about discretion, Staniel!” Richie had said one day when Stan had asked him about it.
They were standing on the bleachers of the football field, Richie sitting on the bar of the fence that lined the top of them with a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he watched the football team training.
“You just gotta…” Richie shifted the cigarette to corner of his mouth, far away from Stan. “Okay so like, you’re in the cafeteria sitting together at the table, yeah? And it’s perfectly normal and okay to do that because friends sit together so you just gotta slide your hand under the table and rest it on theirs, or on a leg. Discretion, Stan my man! You have to find the little things you can do in-between the moments you can ravage either other!”
“Do you have to be gross about this?”
Richie raised his hands in defence while simultaneously taking a long drag of his cigarette. “Okay, okay, sorry. But seriously, it helps. Especially in this backwards fucking close minded town.”
“Yeah… so… what about…” Stan paused, seeming unable to say the word, his attention still fixed on the field where Mike had just performed the most brutal tackle he’d ever seen him do.
The person on the receiving end of the tackle, Charlie, was limping off the field while laughing and giving Mike a thumbs up to assure him that he was okay.
Richie cocked a brow, removing the cigarette from his mouth and delicately tapping a single finger against it to remove the excess ash from the tip. “Dates, Staniel? Well… let me tell you, that one was the hard part for a while but… movie theatres are pretty dark, you know?”
Stan glanced to Richie, arching a brow. “If you make this disgusting –”
Richie chuckled, placing his hands onto the bar either side of his legs before sliding off. “Staniel.” He stressed, pressing his hand to Stan’s shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “They’re dark and people can’t see if you sit too close if you’re in the right place, or if you’re holding hands. It’s the ideal secret date.”
“You didn’t make it disgusting. I’m impressed.”
Richie took a bow. “You’re welcome Staniel! Cleaned it up just for your sensitive little ears, I did!”
Stan shoved Richie who let out a chuckle before he started his descent down the bleachers, long legs making the step across each bench easy.
Didn’t he know how to use stairs?
Friday nights had quickly become Bill and Stan’s date nights.
They would eat dinner at home and then spin some lie about studying or hanging out with the whole group before heading into the main part of town to the movie theatre to see whatever movie was currently playing; not that they ever paid much attention to it.
This Friday, however, was different.
With their upcoming senior exams a couple of weeks away, Stan was pretty much on lockdown because of his parents, studying late into the night to try and retain some kind of information, which put a large dent in what little time he was actually able to spend with Bill.
He hated it.
It was around one in the morning when a noise at the window startled Stan, who had been sitting on his bed surrounded by an array of text books.
“H-how the fuck does Ruh-Richie do this?”
Stan couldn’t help the smile that came to his mouth, dropping his pen onto his notebook as he looked up at the open window. “Are you kidding me, Bill? We all know Richie built like a damn spider.”
There was a grumble outside on the garage roof that stretched out under his window, and then Bill was there, slinging one leg into the room. Stan raised a brow as he caught sight Bill, half in his bedroom window with a paper bag hanging from his mouth from the local fast food place, complete with a drink in each hand.
“Do you –”
Bill shook his head before Stan could finish. “Igotit.”
Finally managing to plan his foot onto Stan’s floor, Bill steadied himself and swung his other leg into the room, twisting his body as he did so he didn’t somehow manage to topple back out of the window.
Once safely inside Stan’s room, Bill stood and crossed the space between the window and the bed, holding one of the drinks out to him. Stan took the Styrofoam cup from Bill, allowing him to remove the paper bag from his mouth.
“Eh-Eddie said you’ve been driving yourself insane studying until two in the morning.” Bill said, nudging some of Stan’s books aside with his knee and taking a seat on the bed. “I thought I’d come keep you company since it is technically our date night.”
“And this?” Stan asked, shaking the cup.
“One struh-strawberry milkshake.” Bill dropped the bag onto Stan’s open history book. “And food because I’m pretty sure you keep forgetting to eat when you’re in study mode.”
Stan smiled, and Bill saw the all too familiar fond look that Stan gave him at times like this; when Bill showed just how well he knew him because he was so damn attuned to him after all these years.
“Thanks Bill.”
Bill returned the smile with a grin. “Nuh-no problem. Now take a break and eat before I fuh-force feed you.”
“Alright, fine, I’ll take a break.” Stan chuckled, closing his notebook and moving it to the side while Bill opened the bag to distribute the food between them.
They were silent while they ate. Stan hated the sound of someone eating and talking at the same time, something he often berated Richie for doing, and was thankful that Bill wasn’t like him. Bill chewed slowly and carefully, looking down at the open text book that was upside down in front of him.
He swallowed, taking a quick sip of his own milkshake before glancing up at Stan. “So do you reh-reh-really need six books open at once?”
Stan shrugged, balling up the wrapper that had been around his burger before tossing it into empty paper bag. “Probably not, but I take breaks from one thing and study another for a while. It helps information from the previous thing sink in better… or so I’m told.”
“Suh-sounds like something Ruh-Richie would tell someone.” Bill commented, scrunching up his own wrapper and dropping it into the bag. “I miss our night, you know.”
“Me too, Bill.” Stan sighed, adjusting his position slightly.
Hunching over the books had really done a number on him, and he supposed it was his own fault for locking himself in his room between the hours of four and two while he killed his brain with his studies.
“Tha-that’s why I came over. That and tuh-to make sure you’re actually eating.”
Bill saw the fond look return to Stan’s face before he spoke. “I appreciate it, a lot, though I’m surprised you didn’t do it sooner.”
“Duh-didn’t wanna bother you. I know this is important.”
Stan frowned, his brows furrowing before he leaned over to place his drink onto the nightstand next to his alarm clock. “You know, Bill, you’re hardly Richie who is loud and distracting. You could have come over at any time. Just because I’m on lockdown doesn’t mean I can’t have study partners, or did Eddie neglect to mention that since he was here just two days ago?”
Bill snorted, leaning back on the bed. “Eh-Eddie’s brain is either oh-on stuh-studying or Ruh-Richie.”
Stan chuckled, reaching over and starting to close his textbooks. “True. It’s a little worrying sometimes.”
“Yeah it – what are you doing?”
“Getting rid of these books.” Stan said as though it were obvious, stacking the books one by one into arms as he closed them. “They’re all over the place if you didn’t notice.”
“Yuh-you don’t need to stop juh-just cause I’m here.”
Stan smiled, leaning over the bed to place the books onto the floor. “I want to. I’ve been studying for hours, Bill, and it’s rude to ignore a guest unless that guest is Richie.”
“He been annoying you again?”
Stan rolled his eyes, dropping onto the bed with his head in Bill’s lap. “He’s loud and hasn’t mastered to art of sneaking into my window. He kind of just… topples in every damn day.”
Bill smiled, reaching out and running his fingers through Stan’s hair. “He’s coming over here a lot?”
Stan nodded, rolling onto his back to look up at Bill. “Eddie is getting a little testy. Everyone is, actually. Richie said that Eddie’s been getting snappy at him more than usual and that Jess and Lucille had an argument one night because they’re so tense. I hate finals.”
Bill’s other hand joined the first on Stan’s hair, and Bill enjoyed the way Stan relaxed under his touch, a small content smile on his face as his eyes closed. “You don’t seem testy.”
Stan chuckled sleepily. “It’s probably because I’ve been avoiding everyone during my study hours.”
“Except Ruh-Richie.” Bill said, amusement in his voice.
“He breaks into my room Bill!” Stan practically whined, throwing his arms up into the air. “He wakes me up and then topples into the room! He paces around like some kind of malevolent gremlin and vents! Then he topples back out of the room!”
“Huh-how has he not broken a leg?”
“I don’t know, but next time he comes into this room after midnight I’m breaking one for him. He’s taking advantage of this warmth forcing me to keep my window open.” Stan huffed, dropping his hands to his stomach. “I hate it.”
Bill smiled and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the tip of Stan’s nose. “I’m guh-gonna get you a fuh-fan so you can lock your window at night.”
“I’d like that… a lot.”
“Okay, so we’ll get you a fan.” Bill said, pressing another kiss to Stan’s nose.
“Thanks Bill.” Stan said, shifting to lie more comfortably on the bed. “You know, this isn’t our usual Date Night but… I’m really enjoying it.”
“Muh-me too Stan.”
Bill smiled again, moving to awkwardly kiss Stan in their position. “Shu-sure thing. I’ll stay.”
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gripefroot · 4 years
Cheese and Whine
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The moment Bucky jolted and fell backwards in a chorus of gunshots, was the moment you stopped running for your life - heart suddenly in your throat as his groan crackles through the com in your ear, you turn on your heel, and run back towards the bad guys. Well, not for the bad guys - for Bucky, now sprawled on the sand of some crystal blue lake in the middle of nowhere, Croatia, where his blood is now ruining the otherwise pleasant scene. 
“That didn’t sound good,” Sam’s voice says through the com next as you fall to your knees beside Bucky, hands shaking as his blue eyes flit up to yours, you reply, 
“You think? How about you do something useful and take out whatever alarm system just peppered Bucky like some French cheese.” 
“On it, 28.”  
“I’m fine,” Bucky rasps, but with sand on half his face and utterly drained of color - you don’t believe him for a second. But you don’t bother replying, either - unbuckling his combat vest, you rip it away as he groans again, sucking in a breath as you take in the sight of his torso.  
This is really not good - the jet is thirty miles away, and with only Sam for backup… 
“How many times did they get me, babe?” Bucky’s tongue darts out to lick his lips, his eyes never leaving your face.  
He sucks in a breath. “Not bad. Steve got eight, once - I was hoping to one-up him.”  
“Got any anywhere else?” 
“Er - I guess my legs hurt but I did trip over that driftwood… Maybe you should take off my pants and see.” 
He’s making jokes. That’s good, if it didn’t make you want to smack him. Choking back a laugh, it’s hard to believe he won’t be ok - so in all likelihood, he probably will. 
“You’d like that,” you tease back, patting his cheek as he grins widely.  
“How does it look, nurse?” Bucky asks, pretending to be woeful. “Will I live?” 
“You might have to change your nationality to Swiss after this.” Your fingers grow steady as you push his clothes aside, carefully studying the six - no, seven holes. Shrugging off your pack, you unzip and search around for some first aid supplies...which normally aren’t needed, but at least you have them. 
“You could eat me up, huh?”  
“If I had some wine, yeah.” 
“That sounds like a good time.”  
Ah, there it is - a nanotech 3D skin grafter. Oh, and antibiotics. And wet wipes.  
“Wouldn’t it be a better idea,” Bucky says suddenly, starting to sit up with a grunt before you push him back down automatically - glaring at him, he winces, and finishes in a hoarse voice, “To get me to a professional?” 
“You saying I’m not a professional?” you snark, pulling out a handful of wipes - most of which end up in the sand. Bucky’s eyes widen in alarm. 
“Babe, I love you and all, but…” 
“But what?” 
“You’re not - um, a medic.” 
“None of us are. Would you rather bleed out nobly on your way to a hospital?” 
“Well, no, but - ” 
“Sam,” you say briskly into the com. “Bucky doesn’t want medical attention. There’s only one thing left to do: put him in the fridge and let him age.” 
“What the hell is going on over there?” Sam’s voice is fuzzy, and out of breath. “I got the control panel with the alarm sensors - I’ll be right over.” 
Bucky groans again. But he doesn’t tease back - that’s really not good. More rummaging through your backpack, and you find what you’re looking for: a shot of morphine. You tear off the cap with your teeth, spitting it aside as Bucky visibly blanches.  
“I’m gonna get sepsis,” he deadpans.  
“Better than a cold hard case of death.” 
“Wow, babe. You really need to work on your bedside manner.”  
You tug down the sleeve of his shirt, exposing his bare flesh arm - gritting your teeth, you plunge the shot into the muscle. Bucky whimpers.  
“I’m gonna die on a beach,” he says faintly.  
“Don’t be dramatic. And save the whining for when I get a bottle of Chardonnay - oh look, Sammy’s here.”  
A shadow above the beach, and then a thud and running footsteps. Sam is maybe a little more calm than you (not as calm as Bucky), but his lips are pressed together in a thin line as he squints at Bucky’s bare, bloodied torso.  
“Want me to run down to the liquor store for some wine to go with this cheese?” Sam asks, and suddenly it’s hard not to laugh like a lunatic. He grins back, shrugs off his wing pack, and starts into the backpack next, looking around for...well, something that’ll help. Probably. 
“Ok, I get it, there are a lot of holes in me,” Bucky says. His words are starting to slur, and taking advantage of that, you start wiping down his chest and stomach, smearing blood everywhere.  
“Well, shut that one and 28 and I will fix you right up.”  
“I don’t...I don like that sound of...of tha’.” 
“It’ll be fine,” you assure Bucky, peering over at his fluttering eyes. “Sam and I are experts.” 
“I’m - I’m gon die…” 
“Aha!” Sam holds up a device, which you’re pretty sure you’ve been trained on, but don’t recall. “This’ll get the bullets out,” he adds smugly, and Bucky tries to flinch away, but with the morphine in the system he only just twitches.  
“Hold still,” you say to Bucky, patting his cheek. His eyes are usually bright as they flicker to your face. His mouth opens, then closes - he smacks his lips a few times, and finally - he starts mumbling in...in French?  
“'Bouge pas, Bucky', comme si t'étais ma mère ou j'sais pas quoi. Huh! Comme si je savais pas ne pas bouger; c’est pas la mer à boire. Je suis pas Steve!” 
“Wow,” Sam says after a startled moment - he’s hovering the device over the first bullet hole. “Whatever you gave him - that stuff is hardcore.”  
“It’s just morphine!”  
The first bullet zips out of Bucky, and into Sam’s device as Bucky’s head lolls. Eyes on you, and a loopy smile stretches across his face.  
"Du bist ja hübsch, weißt du das?"
“Okay, Bucky.” Amused, you pull out more wipes to keep cleaning.  
“I’m starting to get worried,” Sam comments. He gets two more bullets out - and empties them into the sand. For mid-morning, it’s getting pretty hot - Sam’s forehead is glistening, your skin feels flushed beneath your combat gear, but Bucky is still pale.  
“If you aren’t seeing anyone else, maybe we could go out sometime.” Bucky’s metal hand absently pats your knee. His teeth gleam in a smile. Finally. English. 
“I don’t know, Bucky,” you say, pushing his metal hand away so you can clean up his side. “My boyfriend might not like that.” 
Bucky groans. “All the pretty ones are already taken…” 
Sam snorts, and two more bullets fall in the sand. “I’m never going to let him forget this,” he says gleefully.  
“Good,” you grin. “Me neither.”  
“Se o teu namorado não for bondoso para ti, vou encará-lo,” Bucky declares a little weakly, squeezing his eyes closed as he faces the sky. His voice is hoarse. “Vou ser o homem que tu mereces. Tu és tão bonita. Mereces o melhor.” 
“What language is that?” Sam asks, face wrinkling. 
“Beats me. I barely passed high school Spanish.” 
All the bullets are out. Bucky is singing in another language you don’t recognize, but at least he’s not moving. Bent over his middle, you squeeze antibiotics into each gash, and Sam starts to fill them with the nanotech skin grafter. Your fingers are covered in blood and sand, which makes you wonder if Bucky really will get some infection - extra antibiotic, and you wipe your hands on your combat pants.  
“Den lille Ole med paraplyen,
ham kender alle småfolk i byen...”
“Almost out,” Sam says, shaking the grafter. The final bullet hole is barely covered, and you sit back on your haunches with a deep breath, lips twitching at Bucky’s singing.  
“Hver lille pige, hver lille dreng,
han lægger sødt i sin lille seng…” 
“If I didn’t use up my phone battery to hack into that outpost, I’d be filming this right now,” you sigh.  
“It’s perfect blackmail,” Sam agrees, grinning widely as Bucky lifts a metal finger to start conducting along with his own mumbled (and pitchy) singing.  
“Han vil fortælle om stjerner klare,
og om den dejlige engleskare,
og om den yndige lille fe,
som alle børn vil så gerne se…” 
“Did Stark’s jet-call controls ever get past the beta stage of testing?”
“Not sure. Let me program Redwing really quick…” Sam hops to his feet, busy with his tech as you sigh again. A smile, and you bend over Bucky, stroking along his face as he gives a loopy grin.  
“Hey there,” you say softly. “How are you holding up?” 
“The sky,” Bucky declares, attempting to lift a hand towards the deep blue expanse.  
“Sammy and I got you fixed up,” you tell him, even though there’s probably not much point. “And we’ll have an actual professional look at you when we get back to New York. They’ll probably give us honorary medical degrees for the great job we did.” 
“Нью-Йорк,” he slurs a little, eyes unfocusing. “Нью-Йорк. задача 83, украсть планы для новой технологии, изобретенной - ” 
“Bucky!” A sharp pat on his cheek, and he jerks away. But he stops the Russian spiel, and the haziness in his expression is less terrifying.  
“Jet’s comin’,” Sam calls. “Four minutes out.” 
“Good,” you mumble. “Come on, Bucky. Let’s get you home.” 
The sky beyond the massive windows is dark; even for a weeknight in Manhattan. But the city has very little interest for you - instead, you grimace at the tablet in your hands, and then grin, and type in,  
Subject showed very little pain following administration of 20mL of medical grade morphine. Stayed awake and somewhat lucid - showed some signs of understanding surroundings, but babbled in foreign languages. Attempted flirtation with mission partner.  
The beeping of the hospital machines are not your favorite background noise to filing reports - one for Stark, and one requested by the medical research team about how Bucky and his super-body reacted to the treatment - but it’s worth staying by him.  
Your eyes flick up (again) to see Bucky’s peaceful face, turned slightly away. His color is back, and the doctors had informed you it’s probably just a matter of time before he’s back on his feet. No sepsis, no blood poisoning, no lead poisoning - even if he has been out cold for over five hours now. He should be awake any minute.  
Any time now.  
The hospital chair isn’t comfortable, either. With your feet propped up on the bed by Bucky’s side, you sigh, and put in more notes about Bucky’s condition on the jet ride over. Not great, not terrible - but definitely hilarious.  
Sam really is never going to let Bucky live it down. And neither will you.  
You smile, and keep typing the report.  
Bucky starts to stir. It’s a twitch at first, and then a quickening of the beeps on the heart monitor. Then he squirms, and groans, and you put the tablet away with some relief.  
“Hey,” you say softly, scooting close to squeeze his flesh hand. “You feeling okay?” 
“Babe.” His voice is groggy and weak, and deeper than usual. His head lolls, and finally a sliver of blue peeks out at you as he blinks. “Where am I?” 
“At the Tower. We got back from the mission just fine, thanks for asking.”  
Bucky groans again, scrunching his face very cutely - and you smile as you pat his hand. “What happened?” he mumbled. 
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
A pause, and he licks his lips. “Completing the mission,” he decides.  
It’s difficult to hold back laughter, but one tiny giggle escapes. “You missed a lot,” you tell him, voice shaking despite yourself. “Um, you got shot while we were escaping. Several times. Sammy and I did, um, surgery on you, stabilized your condition, and brought you back to New York.” 
“I really must have been out of it,” Bucky muses, lifting his metal hand to rub his face. “To let you and Sam Wilson touch me in a medicinal manner.” 
“We did great. All the doctors said so. And you sang to us a lot, too. It was beautiful. I think Sam got a video…” 
“Oh, no.” 
“Oh, yes!”  
Poor Bucky - well, mostly. It’s still amusing, but you squeeze his hand in condolence.  
“It was cute when we got back,” you tell him. “You started speaking Cantonese with one of the doctors - he said you wanted to know how his grandma made hot and sour soup.”
“He - he wrote down the recipe and everything.” And you don’t bother stopping it anymore - you laugh. Wheezing, tearing up - and Bucky gives you a plaintive glare. Worth it.  
“Can I go now?” he asks irritably, squirming again in the bed as he glares around at the hospital equipment next.  
“Sure,” you chirp. “You were only kept down here because the med research team wanted to study how you reacted to the treatment. I had to write a report and everything - so you owe me one.” 
“How do I owe you one?” Bucky grumbles. “It’s not my fault.” 
“Well, you got shot, so, kind of.” 
He starts to fumble with the IV patch on his flesh arm (new tech; needleless and much less painful to remove) - but you push his metal hand away, and peel it off yourself.  
“Are you sure you’re up to going upstairs? How do you feel?” you ask, finding the button to sit the bed up. Bucky nearly jolts, eyes widening as he clenches the railing as he’s lifted up.  
“I feel like Tony stretched me out and used me as a landing pad for his experimental jets,” he deadpans as he swings his feet over the side of the bed. The hospital gown isn’t doing him any favors, but he still looks better than you would, under similar circumstances.  
“Oh, come on,” you say lightly. “It was just a few measly bullet wounds. You’ve had worse.” 
“Have I?” Bucky’s brows crease as his expression narrows at you, and you chuckle.  
“Fine, so it’s the worst you’ve had,” you say fairly. “But you seem to be doing alright.” 
“There’s a breeze around my backside.” He slumps over himself on the edge of the bed. 
“Oh, well, I picked out these swell duds for you,” you tell him with a wink. “As a fan of your backside, I thought, why not show it off?”
Bucky pauses, horror lining his face. Then, “Who else saw my butt, babe?”
“Um - the doctors. Don’t worry, they see butts all the time. I’m sure it’s nothing special to them. But to me?” You grin as you pat his unshaven jaw. “My favorite butt of all.” 
“So I must not have been in mortal danger, if you’re joking around like this,” Bucky grumbles.  
“Nah. Takes more than a few bullets to get rid of you.”  
“Wow, babe.”  
“Let’s get you upstairs.” 
He gnaws on his lips as he slides off the side of the bed - arm firmly around your shoulders, and you place a hand on his chest to keep him steady. Your other hand? Well, that bare backside needs a little love, too.  
“Babe!” Bucky growls in warning.  
“You’re not numb anywhere, are you? Numbness is bad,” you say innocently.  
“You don’t care if I’m numb. You just wanna touch my butt.” 
“Never said I didn’t.”  
“And why isn’t your butt on display, then, huh?” 
“Because I’m not an invalid,” you say, as if it’s obvious. “I’d get in trouble for public indecency - can’t have that going on my crystal clean record.”  
“I can’t wait to get into real clothes,” he sighs.
“Mmm. We’ll see.” 
Bucky’s steps grow stronger, and more secure as you head for the door. By the time you reach the elevator, he’s only squeezing your hand - albeit tightly - and he’s taking deep breaths. Oh, and is that a smile? You grin, and he smiles back as he runs his fingers through his dirty hair.  
“You need a shower,” you tell him as the elevator whirs to life. “I’ll help.” 
“That sounds promising.” 
“It is.”  
Even though he braces himself against the wall, he’s standing tall. He’s a wonderful sight, and after a moment his nose wrinkles in thought. 
“Why does cheese sound good right now?” Bucky asks, as the door opens with a ding! on the residential level.  
“Oh,” you say, snickering. “No reason, I’m sure.”
0 notes
memoriesofkpop · 7 years
Adoration of U Ch 3
Tags: Fluff, Angst Jihoon; Jun; Soonyoung (Hoshi); (Y/N) Female Reader; ft. other members of Seventeen Series: 3/?   
 Ch 3: Lean on Me
 "Maybe..." she started, but then stopped herself. 
"Hm?" Jihoonie questioned as his hands toyed with the coffee machine. 
"Nevermind," she replied, settling on the ground. 
"You're thinking about leaving, aren't you?" He asked calmly, grabbing for the cups this time. 
She stayed quiet for a few seconds that seemed like hours. 
"Maybe.. I just need a break from all of this. You know?" 
A soft chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh, I know. I understand completely. There have been plenty of times where I wanted to run from it all. Quit everything." 
"Why didn't you?" 
"What else can I do with my life? I dedicated so much time and effort into my work in order to get to where I am today. I ask myself if I'm ready to throw it all away. And sometimes, I think to myself that I'm ready. I'm ready to give it up." 
"But then I would be letting down so many people. Not just me. All the lives I will ruin. Am I prepared to destroy their dreams?" 
"Ah... this must have been hard for you. I'm sorry" 
He slowly shook his head as he handed her the cup of hot coffee. 
"I like what I do. It may be stressful at times, but it's worth it in the end. The eyes of the ones you care for lighting up when you press play for them. The curve of their lips as they smile and carefully listen to the melody. The way she gets lost in my music. The sight is breathtaking and honestly addictive. " 
He took a sip as he sat down across from her. 
She thought for a moment before looking up at him. 
"You have someone in mind?" She asked. 
"You said 'she'. 'She gets lost in my music'" 
"I- um. Wh- I. I meant tha- wh- Its not like that. I mean. I do. What. I mean I-" the stuttering and struggle for words quickly answered her question for him. His face flushed red. A small chuckle left her lips this time before taking another sip of coffee. 
"Who is it?" She further questioned. 
He shook his head. 
"Someone I can never be with," he answered after some time. She paused and thought for a bit as the hot coffee grazed her tongue. 
"Can you tell me about her?" 
He thought for a bit. "It can probably help you with lyrics" she nudged. 
He sighed softly before smiling at his cup, half the coffee already gone. 
"Well, she has this amazingly kind heart. The way she cares for others is... well.. breathtaking, for a lack of a better word. The amount of care and effort she gives to make others happy. She... she is always smiling. And when she's not, you can tell something is definitely wrong. But you have to be careful, you see. She may always be smiling, but she isn't always happy. She smiles for the sake of others. She really tries to be happy, I can tell. She also has this stunningly sweet voice when she sings and speaks. She's as beautiful as one can be. Honestly can't find anyone more genuine. She loves music too, which is amazing of course, being able to talk about music with her. And did I mention that she's super smart. Brilliant and beautiful. She's dedicated to her work. Sometimes she reminds me of myself. And at that point, I want to tell her that she should take a breath and enjoy the beautiful world, but I have no right to say that," he stated, his head still lowered but he was smiling just at the thought of her. 
"She sounds perfect for you," she said. 
"She's perfect overall," he replied, his smile fading slightly. 
"She doesn't know, does she?" 
"Not a clue..." his smile completely gone. "But it's better this way." 
"But you two sound like you could depend on each other." 
He looked back up at her. He forced a smile. 
"She already has someone she can depend on." He replied softly. 
"Oh... I'm sorry." She said. "Maybe she will one day realize your great potential" 
He chuckled, "I doubt it. Even if she and her boyfriend are done, I could still never be with her," 
"What? Why?" 
"It's complicated. I cherish our friendship. "
"But what if she likes you back?" 
"Ah.. quite the optimist for someone in your situation" 
He was right. 
"Sorry. Thinking about this stuff makes me remember times when I was happy with him. Where did we go wrong." 
He hesitated before answering "it's not your fault." 
"You know, I can't help but think it is. If I was a better girlfriend, maybe this wouldn't have happened." 
"If he's with Minah, then it's for show." 
"The way he looked at her.. and held her...was so different from the way he looks at me. He looked like... he was in love...and for show or not, every single time I hear his voice or see his face or even just hear his name, I imagine him kissing her. " 
"But you love him, don't you?" 
"I... I don't know... I don't know what to even think anymore. What if I never really loved him. Only the idea of him... Do you think we can learn to unlove?" 
"Unloving is possible. Learning to love again will be more difficult though." 
"Do I really love him?" 
"Isn't that something only you can answer?"
"Well...Do you really love her?" 
He hesitated. "More than anything." 
"And here we are. Sitting here. Talking to each other about love. I'm sorry about this. I know you didn't intend for this conversation to occur, nor to be pried of info about your love life." 
He shook his head once more. "Looks like we're in the same boat. So it's fine. The ones we love, love another. " he laughed. 
She laughed at the ridiculous, but true, thought. "Ah... how'd we end up here, Jihoonie oppa". 
He shrugged as he finished the small cup of coffee, contemplating the question. 
"Ready to go back?" He asked, slowly standing up. 
She nodded, looking at her now empty cup. He helped her up without hesitation. 
They both walked back to his studio slowly. 
"Are you sure you don't want to go somewhere? Maybe getting out of this place would help?" He suggested. 
"I'll be here for movie night... if that's still going on tonight." She said. 
"I'm sure it will. Let me ask the boys," he said, pulling out his phone as they walked. She then realized that she had left her phone in his studio, understanding why it was so peaceful. He swiftly texted the boys and immediately got a reply. 
"Mingyu said that we can meet up in the green practice room at 10." He said. She nodded in reply as she followed him into the dimly lit room. She plopped herself back on the couch. 
He smiled at her as he watched as she settled down. She looked back up at him, their eyes meeting. She smiled back at him.  
"She's doing it again" he thought to himself. "Smiling for the sake of others". 
 "Can we get a five minute break?" Vernon asked, breathing heavily after the vigorous dance routine. 
"Not until you guys master this." Soonyoung replied, still focused on the mirror, carefully watching the boys. The room filled with groans of protest. 
"It's been hours. Soonyoung, let them have a break before they themselves break." Seungcheol said. 
"I thought you wanted them to master this before we have to perform it. At the award show. Where everyone will be watching." Soonyoung snapped. 
"Soonyoung...." Seungcheol started. 
"I'm sorry." He said, realizing his words. "Go. Take your breaks. I think I need a break myself." 
The elder nodded to him. He sighed and grabbed his water bottle before sitting against a wall. 
"Must be frustrating," said a voice. Soonyoung looked up as Mingyu sat next to him. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"You love her don't you?" 
"How'd... am I that obvious?" 
"I would have done anything to protect her too if she were someone I loved in that way. Even from a member. "
"I didn't mean to..." 
"Mean to what? Love her?" 
Soonyoung nodded. "I never intended to... it just... happened... " 
"You do realize that you can't be with her..."
"Of course... the ex of another member.. my best friend.... sigh..."
"(Y/N) is really beautiful too."
"She is..."
"Can't believe I was right! You ARE thinking about (Y/N)! I was guessing but you went along. Oh my god," Mingyu whisper yelled. 
Another sigh fell from Soonyoungs lips, utterly defeated. 
"Don't tell. Please. Especially her." 
"Of course, my dear performance leader." Mingyu said with a smirk. "She will be here for movie night at 10. Green room. Or Why don't you just go see her. Since you graciously gave us a small break. ." 
"Oh sh-  we have to finish the choreo" he said, standing up and clapping to gather the attention of the others. 
"Let's get back to work," he suggested. 
 She woke with a startle, quickly noticing the blanket on top of her and the soft hums from Jihoonie. She must have unknowingly dozed off. She sat up and listened to the gentle melody that was spilling from his lips. The way his eyes were closed, head leaned back on his chair, and absorbed in the music, was heavenly. The soft blanket was carefully placed on top of her. She scanned the fabric and smiled at the simple pattern that adorned it. She looked back at Jihoonie, knowing he was the one that put the blanket on her. It was the same blanket he kept with him in case it got cold in the studio. He was still lost in his world. She shuffled to sit in a better position, pulling the blanket up to her chin. The comforting smell of laundry detergent and softener hit her like a wave. There was a hint of something else, something that reminded her of... home. It smelled like him. 
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Immediately her attention turned to the door, but she was the only one. Jihoonie was still humming a melody, trying to figure out the next part. Quietly and slowly, she rose and headed for the door, gently placing the blanket back on the couch. She turned the door knob gently and pulled the door open ever so slightly, peeking through cautiously. Who could it possibly be?
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loljulie · 7 years
title: future girl
genre: dunkirk
collins x reader
word count: 3153
(so, lil backstory - my friend and I were talking about other Collins x Reader fics that were all p much the same concept and how AUs would be super cool so this is like, a time traveler AU? that I originally wrote just for her and I to read but, fuck, let’s put it here)
Years from now, when he looks back on his youthful days as on old man, he’ll only remember you as the ‘future girl’. He’ll sit in his arm chair, his face riddled with wrinkles and his hair all colored white, and look back on the days he spent with you. 
You weren’t supposed to meet him. Your mission was simple – go back to 1945 and retrieve the data that has since been lost through numerous pillages and burnings ever since and is essential for your country’s success. You come from a time where time travel is possible, where two more world wars have been fought, where countries have fallen and new ones rise in their place. 
You catch his eye as you walk down the deserted street. He was walking at a snail’s pace compared to yours – out on his nightly stroll, you’d come to learn, that he always went on, looking up to the skies to remember a dear friend that never made it home. You were reviewing the folder, safely in your hands, when you rammed head-on into the tall, lean figure. The folder was sent flying out of your grasp, though you managed to keep from landing on your backside. Not much could be said for the one you ran into, however. 
“Sorry – didn’t see you there,” A heavy Scottish voice called from below you as you picked up the folder from the sidewalk. 
“Don’t worry about it – I wasn’t paying attention myself,” you replied, your eyes glued to the contents in your hands and not once glancing to the stranger. Your accent was different than your normal one – you’d studied British accents from this time period to be able to blend in – and thus had to fake the way your voice sounded.
“I should’ve been paying attention, as well,” the man started in a tone that held a bit of playfulness to it, and you let yourself peek over to who exactly it was you had collided into. Bright, breathtaking blue eyes pierced into your own, causing your breath to stifle in your chest for a moment. You both were so entranced that you didn’t even notice the silence lingering between the two of you, which the stranger broke with a stifled cough. “Uh, so, uh… would you let me treat you to a drink for the trouble I’ve caused?” 
It should have been an automatic no from you. You knew just how dangerous it was to mingle with anybody from the past – a strict rule placed by your organization for good reason – and that anything you do could have adverse effects for the future. On the other hand, a drink to relieve the tension from the mission you just successfully completed. You deserved it, after all, you had the future of the world on your shoulders. Plus, you were a tad caught up in the idea of a random, handsome stranger taking interest in you enough to offer a drink – and it’d be an amazing story for the water cooler. One drink couldn’t hurt, right?
He led the way to a pub nearby and held the door open for you. Your muscles relaxed as you entered the warm room and escaped from the chilly night outside. He ordered drinks for the both of you, and soon enough you two were conversing over the glasses of beer. 
Jack Collins. He fought in the RAF. He flew to Dunkirk, but crashed in the sea and was thankfully rescued by some civilians. You remembered the story faintly from an old history lesson – the incredible story of home coming for soldiers trapped on a beach. 
“So, Y/N,” Collins started after he swallowed a sip of the golden liquid. “Now that you kno’ all about me, I figure I should get to learn about you.”
You’ve prepared for questions like this – it’s part of your training, after all. You answered the question easily with the fake story you’d worked up. “My family is from Surrey. We had a bakery there, before the war. I helped my mom keep the business going while my dad and brother went to fight. They made it back alive, thankfully.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Collins grinned and held up his glass. You did the same, clinking yours against the rim of his and bringing the glass to your lips as you took a sip. 
After a few more drinks, the responsible side of you snapped out of the fantasy and realized it was time to go back home. Your stomach fell when you relayed this information to Collins who – oblivious to the literal meaning of your statement – asked to accompany you back home. 
“I’ll let you walk me halfway, deal?” You compromised, a spike of panic hitting you as you hoped he wouldn’t be too gentlemanly. 
“Fine, but only if you promise to meet me again,” His tone held a note of desperation – one that you struck you even worse than the panic did. 
“Of course,” you replied easily, though your insides turned cold at the idea of him eagerly waiting for you, only for you to never show up. He asked you to meet him at the same pub the next night, to which you agreed with no qualms.
“Before you go –” he hastily added as you turned to leave. “I need, uh, collateral. So, I know you’re serious about showing up. Otherwise, I’ll embarrass myself by being stood up.”
A playful smirk stretched your lips. “Collateral? What did you have in mind, then?”
He stepped closer, closing the gap between the two of you. Your breathing hitched once more as you stared into his blue eyes, which kept glancing from your eyes to your lips. “This,” he whispered in a deep voice as his lips pressed against yours. One of his hands pressed against the small of your back to pull you closer in the embrace. You could have melted from the kiss, but the annoyingly responsible side of you nagged to pull away after a few moments of bliss. 
No words needed to be exchanged after that private moment. You flashed a smile his way before turning away from him – leaving a dazed Scottish boy alone on the sidewalk, his heart fluttering in his chest. 
Maybe it was the kiss that brought you back. Maybe it was the riskiness of it all – of time traveling back and forth and hoping not to get caught like lovers who sneak out in the late hours of the night. And, maybe, it was him. The charm, the blue eyes, hell, even the accent. Something kept pulling you back – and you ended up traveling back and forth a few more times after that to meet with him again. A month into the endeavor, though, you almost got caught in your miscellaneous travels, and had to lay low. There were dangers to excessive traveling – especially when you were traveling to around the same time each trip.  
Consequently, you knew being caught would come with worse ramifications – your equipment revoked, your termination, and a possible memory wipe to keep you from wondering about your experiences. So, you waited. For nearly a year and a half, you kept your time traveling to work-only. In this time, you read up on Collins – anything you could find online you’d consume instantly. 
What you found was… heart breaking, to say the least. You’d read that he married and had kids and grandkids and lived a full and happy life, without you. It was selfish of you to think that way, but you couldn’t help but have your heart sink every time you thought of it. And so, you came up with a solution. 
If you don’t go back – if you leave him heartbroken – what if he never meets the woman who he will marry? He broods, stays indoors, and misses his life-changing moment. You couldn’t do that to him; you wanted him to be happy. Even after all this time, his happiness was important to you.
You’d decided to come clean to him the night you went to his house for the first time, which was only a week since you last saw each other for him but forever for you. It was risky to tell anybody in the past of the secrets from the future, but to leave Collins without the truth would kill you. 
It was a night like all others you had spent with him – bellies filled with beer, giggles cutting off most of your sentences. After spending so much time away from these memories, seeing them alive again felt like a wave of nostalgia hitting you. In fact, upon seeing Collins for the first time that night, you had to stop yourself from tearing up and remarking over how good he looked (though you may have hugged for just a tad too long - but you’re sure he didn’t mind).
You walked with him back to his house, knowing that a private place would be the best location to reveal your deepest secret. The stars were shining brightly that night as he kept an arm around your shoulders to keep you warm from the chilly night air. In another life, maybe this could have been a lovely routine. 
“You can take a seat, if you’d like,” he stated as you entered the front door into the living room. It was modestly decorated, and you saw that he was referring to a brown couch in the middle of the room. He finished hanging your coat up on the coatrack before joining you.
“Jack, I need to tell you something,” you started, your eyes transfixed on your folded hands in your lap. You could feel him tense up beside you, as if expecting some terrible news. To be fair, it wasn’t going to be good news. “I don’t know if you’ll believe me, but I sincerely hope you do.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, causing you to continue. You looked up into his eyes as you began to speak, though the concern and desperation was easily noticeable. It made your stomach tighten as words struggled to come out. “I’m a time traveler.” 
Dead silence. You wondered if he thought you were crazy, or just coming up with some lie to explain not being able to see him. You shook the thoughts from your mind and continued. “The night we met, I was on a mission to retrieve important documents. I’m from the future, and I didn’t mean to meet you or keep this going for as long as it did, but –”
“If you wanted to end things, you could’ve just said so,” he cut off, his voice sharp and filled with hurt. “I would’ve understood that instead of stringing me on.”
“No, no that’s not it, I swear,” you hastily tried to explain as you searched his eyes. Your own filled with tears as you denied his assumptions. Your words came out in a blurry as you hoped he would listen to your explanation. “They always warned us not to even say hi to anybody on our missions because we could grow attached and I see what they mean now because I’m in love with you and I don’t want to leave you.”
He froze when those words came out of your mouth. You did, too, for you didn’t realize what you had said until moments after you had uttered it. You saw his eyes soften, offering you a small glimmer of hope to further make him believe. 
“Look,” you said, fumbling through your pockets to find the time-travel device you always kept on you. It was a thin, rectangular device that projected a clock with blue digits, showing the year, month, day, hour, and second.  “I can change the settings to a few seconds from now, if you want me to demonstrate –”
“No.” Collins interjected, his eyes moving from the projected numbers to your own gaze, then he brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes. “No, I believe you. I just – it’s hard to think about.”
“I know,” you pocketed the device. The next part was going to be even harder to get through. “It’s dangerous for me to keep teleporting back and forth. This is going to be the last time I can see you.”
“What?” His head shot up and searched your eyes for any sign of deception. “What do you mean?”
“Time traveling excessively to the same place and around the same time can severely alter the future, and that’s the best-case scenario,” you continued, your throat tightening as you saw the desperation cross his features. “I can’t come back here again.”
“Then just stay here. With me, in this time,” Collins offered. You knew he’d plead for that, and you had toyed around with the idea of staying in this time – but ultimately you knew that couldn’t work out. “I can take care of you here.”
“I can’t leave my home,” you answered firmly, though inside you were anything but. You felt like you would break at any moment. “I’m sorry, Collins, it’s just not an option. If I stay here, something worse could happen to my timeline in the future. I could even cease to exist.”
The last sentence cause Collins to understand why you couldn’t stay behind. What would be the point in you staying if you ended up disappearing in the end? Wordlessly, he got up and disappeared into a hallway. You watched him go, puzzled as to what he was doing, and saw him come back with a record in his hand. He placed it on the record player sat on a table in the living room, and soon the melodic sounds of a trumpet began to fill the air. 
He walked back to you and offered you his hand. In an effortless action, he pulled you to your feet and held you close to him. You two began gently swaying as the music swelled, his hand on your waist and his other clasped around yours tightly. 
“I figure we can have our first and last dance together, right, future girl?” he whispered into your ear as you spun around his living room. You smiled at his nickname and nodded into his chest. 
“Of course.” 
He held you tightly throughout the song, as if you would disappear from him if his grip was too loose. 
“I’m in love with you, too. And if this is the last time I’ll ever see you, I want you to know that.” He whispered into your ear. You kept yourself from looking at him then, for you knew you’d start crying if you did.
You finally looked up at him as the song came to an end and, without a moment’s hesitation, he brought his lips to yours in one last, longing kiss. When the kiss ended, you noticed his eyes welling up with tears. You wiped one stray tear away with your thumb and brought his cheek to your lips to give it a small peck. 
“Listen, I need you to forget about me,” you started, and you saw how your words made his features mix with confusion. He was about to protest when you began again. “If our meeting stops you from your destiny – from meeting your future wife and having the kids you were meant to have – who knows what could happen to my world. I need you to live your life like I never existed.”
Collins was silent for a few moments, as if trying to find any reason to disagree with you. Finally, he sighed, and nodded. “It won’t be easy, you know. You’re unforgettable, and I won’t ever stop wishing for my destiny to be… you.”
Silence fell between the two of you, as you melted back into his arms for a last embrace before going into the dark of the night and leaving Jack Collins alone in his living room, his heart plummeting in his chest.
Jack Collins sat in his room at the nursing home, his eyes reading the morning newspaper behind a pair of thick bifocals but not taking in any of its meaning. He was in his 70s, his hair faded into a white and slowly falling out. With his faint hearing, he thought he heard the melodic beginning of a Louis Armstrong song play from the doorway. He turned slightly, and started when he saw who was standing in it.
You. And you looked the same as you did that night all those years ago. He stood up, afraid that he was imagining it. You set the speaker playing the same song the two of you danced to on a nearby table and smiled at him.
“Mr. Collins. Fancy a dance?” You asked as you held your hand out. His wrinkled one was placed in yours and the two of you began swaying in a much similar fashion to the way you did in his living room, though a bit slower. Nurses passing by the doorway pondered for a moment if one of his granddaughters had come to visit, but the truth of it was only shared between the two of you. 
“Are you going to leave again?” He asked when the song ended, though his tone was more playful than it was sad. 
“Actually, I’ll be here for a while this time, I can afford to be,” you replied with a smile. Soon the two of you were sitting in the two arm chairs in his room, you listening to the stories of his life after you left. You listened with excitement, your soft hand placed over his aged one, as he even retold how excited he was when he met you. His wrinkled face lightened up with the recalling of all his fond memories. How nervous he was when he waited for you to arrive each night, afraid you were too out of his league to come back to him. 
“But you always showed up, and knowing now how difficult it was for you to keep your word, well, it means a lot to me even more.” He said and smiled fondly at you. “And look, you even came back to me now. A little late, but I guess it’s better late than never.”
“You have not lost your sarcasm,” you replied with a giggle. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“I do mean it, though. It’s great to see you again – I never thought I would.”
That night, Jack Collins passed away peacefully in his sleep at the age of 73. He lived a long and fruitful life, and is survived by his children and grandchildren. You, of course, knew this when you traveled back to see him, and hoped that he was content that the last thing he’d see before falling asleep that night was the smiling, happy face of his future girl.
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princeoftheironfist · 7 years
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CHAPTER 2 - The Electric Bosozoku: Johnny Zappmoore!!
<<Previous Ch. Next Ch.>>
Characters Appearing (In Order of Appearance): Ace Nonkina, Master Jigu-Jo, Johnny Zappmoore
Chapter Summary: Word of Ace’s goal to become the Strongest Clown In The World has finally caught wind and has been find out by a local Bosozoku (Bike Gang Leader)!!
Johnny Zappmoore is his name, and wanting to beat Ace is his game! Will they fight? And will Ace come out on top?
(Real) Author’s Note: Well it took another year, but I’ve finally got a second Chapter out for one of my stories. Thank god. I may take forever to get something out, but hey, at least I’m doing something instead of nothing!
Truth be told, I actually had a lot of Ch.02 finished since earlier this year. I just never got around to putting it all together because of College and my Kinnikuman Muscle Fight review.
Will I get another Chapter out soon? Hopefully! Now that Ch.02 for Ace is finished, it’s time to work on my much neglected street racing story, PowerGEAR! But until then, Nonkina Ace Ch.02~ TAKE IT AWAY KIDD!
Oh, and one piece of advice: You’re gonna wanna zoom in because my blog has terrible fonts.
Author’s Note: As I wrote this Chapter and the character who’s making their debut in it, I came to a weird realization: A lot of my friends are Delinquents.
My best bro, Tabayo? Delinquent. His friends? Delinquents. Heck, even my girlfriend and inker Dot was a bit rowdy before she met me and I shouldn’t forget her sister(?) Baller.
I guess everything came full circle?
It was a serene Saturday mid-day up in the Diamond Star Mountain range. For the last few weeks Ace Nonkina has been coming to a secluded Dojo up in the mountain, undergoing Clown-Po training with the wise yet devilishly handsome Momotaro Jigu-Jo.
Ace was finished with his training for the day but he decided to hang around to help his Sensei with some chores around the Dojo.
Walking with Jigu-Ju from a near river with some pails of water, Ace asked his teacher a question that had been lingering in his mind.
“So Jigu-Jo, I was wondering….Don’t you ever get lonely up here?”
“Hmm, sometimes I do, but I prefer the quiet~ It allows me to focus more on all the little things~ Why do you ask?”
“I dunno. Guess I was just curious…”
“Hmm…Something tells me that’s not the question you wanted to ask me. Is there something else, my pupil?”
“Well…I’ll be honest, I wished we had another student with us or more Clown-Po users in general! I enjoy sparring with you Sensei, but man, I really want to get my fight on!! You know?”
“Oh I know. I was like that when I started my Clown-Po training~ But I wouldn’t go out looking for someone to rough up. You’re strong Ace, but you’ve still got a lot of training ahead of you.”
“I know, I know….But what if some guy comes up to me and challenges me to a fight?”
“You politely decline. There’s nothing wrong with turning the other cheek.”
“Hmm…What if he has Clown-Po? Can we clash fists then?”
“...Tch, I suppose so…Otherwise no getting into random fights. Are we clear?”
Somewhere across town that same day, a meeting of the minds was happening at Diamond Star Technical High School, with a Gang Leader making some important announcements.
“And for our last bit of news, I got’sa big announcement for ya’ll” spoke the gang’s leader. “As you know, I make it a big point to take down any tough guy who thinks he’s the toughest around. And so far, I’ve made good on that for a while. But now some new guy popped up across town. ‘Heard he hit a speed bag so hard that it fuckin’ EXPLODED.”
“WHOA” the gang Whoa’d.
“YEAH, I KNOW…So I’ve decided that I’m gonna go transfer to his school and beat this guy into the dirt!!”
“But Boss, what about us???” a Goon cried out.
“Relax, boys. I ain’t leavin’ the gang forever, It’s not like I’m going out of state!! Look, if’n somethin’ happens and I need some extra muscle, I’ll drop ya’lls a line~ Alright?”
The gang nodded collectively and began cheering for their great leader.
“Monday can’t come any sooner~” the leader thought, as a wicked smile grew on his face.
The weekend passed and it was already Monday morning. Ace was walking to school today, still thinking about Jigu-Jo telling him not to get into fights.
“Man…What does he know? I’ve got great control over Clown-Po!!” Ace muttered to himself. “I mean, it’s not like all the energy that’s building up in me is exploding out or anything…”
“No…Jigu-Jo is right. If someone wants to fight me, I’ll turn them down. Even if they have Clown-Po…”
Walking by the foot of an electric tower, Ace noticed the gate door was busted open. He looked up at the tower and saw what looked to be someone sitting high up near the still live wires.
“Oh my gosh!!” Ace thought “Who’d be crazy enough to go up there?!”
“He-Hey!!! Get down from there!!!” Ace yelled, trying to get whoever it was’ attention. “You’re gonna get hurt if you stay up there any longer!!”
Just then, the mysterious person stood up and walked off the side!
Ace froze in fear, thinking he had just witnessed a suicide, but to his shock the person appeared to be grinding down the side with a large wave of sparkling electricity trailing them behind.
Midway through the sick grinding, the stranger lept off and landed in front of Ace, who was still stiff as a board.
“Well….That was…quite the spectacle” Ace said to the blond, pompadoured stranger.
Dusting himself off, the stranger stood up and stared at Ace from behind his pointy anime shades.
“Tell me fella…Is your name Ace Nonkina?”
“Uh…Y-Yeah…Do I know you from somewhere?”
“No, no ya don’t…But I know about you….”
“My name’s Johnny, Johnny Zappmoore. I’m the leader of the Diamond Star Speed Tribe…”
“And I’m on a mission, a mission to prove that I’m the toughest fighter in town!!…”
The Bosozoku leader continued in his monologue, going on about toughness and being the strongest. The promise of a fight did get Ace interested, and Johnny looked to be a strong fighter, but hearing him talk on and on made him sound like that’s all he had.
“...So I’ll cut to the chase: I’m here to challenge you to a fight!! You may be strong enough to explode a speed bag, but I doubt you’re strong enough to take me down!!! So what do ya say?? You wanna throw down or what??”
“Yeah….That sounds like it could be a fun fight buuuuuuuuuuuuut…I gotta get going. Have a nice day…” Ace flatly replied, walking away from Johnny as he continued his dramatic monologue and posing.
“ALRIGHT!!! LET’S GET THIS BRAWL’A GOIN’ RIGHT N-” Johnny had turned around to where Ace was standing minutes ago. “What tha’?? H-HEY!!” Johnny yelled, turning around to face the walking Ace who stood in place as his name was called.
“Oh I did, and I declined your fight. Now if you’ll excuse me…”
Running up to Ace, Johnny grabbed Ace by his shirt collar and began to give him a stern talking to.
“Listen here Cherry Coke, when a Delinquent challenges you to a fight, YOU FUCKIN’ ACCEPT IT.”
“Says who!?”
“Oh yeah?”
“YE-ARGH!!” delivering a straight blow to Johnny’s stomach, Ace escaped Johnny’s grasp and ran off as fast as he could in a full tilt sprint. Johnny, slowly getting up from his knees, watched as Ace ran off.
“You can run Red Head…You can’t hide forever….”
Minutes later, Ace had arrived at school. Thankfully the first period teacher was late, so he wouldn’t be penalized for tardiness, but he did get an earful from Hall Monitor Ryosuke.
As the other students were talking amongst themselves about their weekends, Ace sat at his desk in the back of the class thinking about that Johnny guy from before.
“Man, that guy was nuts!! Who goes around just challenging people to fights?? Does that guy think he’s in a fighting comic from the 80’s or 90’s?? And are Bosozoku still a thing too?? I thought those died out in the early 2000s. Ah whatevers. I’ll probably never see him again so I shouldn’t worry~”
The classroom door had bursted open and Teacher Yamada had hurried inside.
“Oh my goodness, good morning class!” Ms. Yamada spoke. “I’m so sorry for being late! Please take your seats and open up your history books to Pg. 100 an-OH, wait! We can’t start yet! *Ahem* Everyone, we have a new student joining us today!”
Ace looked back up from his book. “Hmm?”
“They just transferred over from Diamond Star Technical High, so please give a warm welcome to your new classmate, Johnny Nakamoto Zappmoore~!! C’mon in Johnny!”
“Johnny Zappmoore?? Why do I know that name???” Ace thought with a confused look on his face. “It couldn’t be…No, no it couldn’t…That guy was a Biker, no way he’d come from a Technical School!”
The door was violently kicked open, and in walked the new student, clad in a large white sleeveless Bosozoku jacket with matching pants, large yellow and blue streaked pompadour, pointy anime shades, and knee-length metal toed boot which clanked as he walked in.
Perfectly Face Book’d, Ace did his hiding.
“Oh my~ That was quite the entrance! But I’m gonna have to ask that you don’t kick the door next time…Anyways, tell us about yourself Johnny!”
“Thanks, and sorry ‘bout that! Won’t happen again! Anyways, I’m a fairly simple guy. I like bikes, and I like fightin’. That’s pretty much me~”
“Oh, ok…So, why the transfer from the Technical School?”
“Eh, it just wasn’t my style anymore. Y’know?”
“Uh…I see…Well, welcome to our class and school! Now then, let’s get class started! Hmm, are there any open seats for you? I….Oh! There’s one right next to Ace!”
“EEP!” Ace eeped, still Book Facing it super hard. Johnny looked over at this Ace, and noticing his cherry red-ish pomp brought another wicked smile on his face as he walked over to his would be opponent.
“Ohhhhh, hoohoo~ This is gonna be good~!!” Johnny smiled, sitting down next to his prey.
“Well, well, well~” whispered Johnny to a tightly Booked Face Ace “Isn’t this the mother of all coincidences~?”
“It’s the mother of something foul...” Ace muttered from his history book, still not batting an eye at Johnny.
“This is gonna be so great, man! It’s gonna be fun to get to know ya and then pummel ya~!! Hahah!!” Johnny bursted out laughing.
“Please leave me alone” Ace mumbled from behind his book, still tightly holding it close.
“Ahem” went Ms. Yamada. “I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Zappmoore, but I'm trying to start class, and I don’t really appreciate your outburst….”
“Hmm? OH, I'M SUPER SORRY! It's just that me and Ace-bro here used to be classmates way back when in Elementary School an-”
“WHAT!? NO WE WE-” Ace muffled as Johnny put one arm around him, covering his mouth.”
“Ah, I see~ Well do you think you could save your excitement for after class?”
“You got it Teach!!”
“MMMMMMMMMMMMH!!! (Unintelligible)”
“Thank you~ Now then, as I was saying…”
The class went on, and while Ace tried his best to focus on the studies at hand, Johnny kept on whispering to Ace about how they’re gonna fight and how he’s totally gonna spank Ace’s ass.
“Look dude, you know it’s gonna happen. I know it’s gonna happen~ How about you stop playing hard to get and just agree to a fight, eh?”
“Oy, ‘ya hear what I said???”
As the day went on, it eventually became a week. Johnny kept pestering Ace on with no end in sight, talking about their big fight. He even resorted to sliding Ace a piece of paper during class that read:
You D.T.F.? Down To Fight?
-Yes! -Hell yeah!! -FUCK YEAH!!! -LET'S GO RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!
Needless to say, Ace wasn’t phased. He simply crumpled the paper up and threw it back in Johnny’s face.
“Ah. Still undecided huh? That's cool, I understand. The thought of fightin' someone like me is probably making you nervous~!”
Eventually Johnny’s pestering lead to an outburst from Ace.
“SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FLUFFIN’ WEIRDO!!! MOVE THE FUNK ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!” Unfortunately for Ace, he yelled right in front of his Math teacher, and he didn’t take it all that well.
“.…I. Hate. Johnny.” Ace angrily muttered in the empty Detention Hall, as he gripped the end of his desk, slightly bending it in the process.
“HEY. BE QUIET” yelled Hall Monitor Ryosuke, who was tasked with watching Ace for his hour long Detention. “I HATE THAT ROWDY BOSOZOKU SCUM AS MUCH AS I DO, BUT YOU’RE HERE TO SIT AND BE QUIET.”
The Friday detention came to pass, and it was already Saturday morning. Ace was at Jigu-Jo’s dojo doing his regular weekly Clown-Po training, but for the lack of a better word, Jigu-Jo noticed that Ace wasn’t giving it his all like he had been these past few weeks.
“Ok, I think that’s enough for our warmup exercises. Let’s break for a few?”
“Yeah…Sounds good…I need to think about something…”
“About what?”
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just something school related.”
“I see. Homework getting you down? You know you can always come to me if you need help with anything outside of Clown-Po, right?”
“I know, I know. It’s not homework related, it’s something else…”
“And what could that be?”
“Well…There’s this Biker guy in my class and he wants to fight me, but I keep telling him ‘No way, I’m not gonna do that!’. But no matter what I say, he doesn’t get it!! He’s driving me fluffin’ nuts!!!”
“Hmm, I see…Well I commend you on not fighting him, it sounds like you took my words to heart~”
“Yeah, obviously. But what do I do to get him off my back???”
“Simple: Just keep ignoring him.”
“Really? That’s it?”
“Mmmhmm~! If you can keep this going long enough, he’ll eventually tire out. Oh ho~! I made a joke!”
“I don’t know if I can keep that up…”
“Believe me my pupil, it’ll work.”
“Man, I hope it does…”
The days continued, and so did Johnny’s pesterings. Nonetheless, Ace kept giving Johnny the cold shoulder. But it didn’t take long until Ace got to his boiling point again. He wanted to believe his Sensei’s advice, but he was convinced that it was all a big stinky load to keep him from fighting.
He decided that enough was enough. The next time he had the chance, he was gonna be Frank.
As Ace was walking back home from school, Johnny was trailing behind, endlessly asking Ace to fight him over and over. Ace tried his hardest to stay quiet, but now he knew it was time to tell him off.
Ace stood still, clenching his fists tightly and taking in a deep breath before turning around to face Johnny.
“Ok….You want to know why I won’t fight you?”
“Alright….I’ll show you…”
Picking up a rock from the side of the road, Ace held it in his right hand, holding it right in front of Johnny’s face. With one clench of his hand, he grinded the rock to dust, letting the sand pour out from between his fingers. Johnny seemed fazed.
“That’s why….I’m stronger than you’ll ever know. I've got a special power that you don't have. A strength that only lies in a lucky few...If we fought, you'd need more than physical strength and roughness to beat me. It'd be an unfair fight that'd probably leave you crippled…”
“So if you value your life, I suggest you’d leave me alone…Good bye…” Ace spoke, as he left Johnny, walking down the path by himself.
But Johnny wasn’t phased at all.
“You ain’t the only one with powers…” Johnny muttered as he reached into his inner jacket pocket, pulling out a metal throwing needle. He growled as the needle began to sparkle with electricity, before throwing it towards Ace.
The needle whizzed by Ace’s head by inches, coming so close to piercing his left ear. Ace jumped back and saw the needle pierce a telephone pole. Unsure of what it was, he went to touch the sparking blue needle, only to be mildly zapped by it.
“YEEEEOUCH!!!” Ace cried, leaping back as he clutched his now tingling right hand “WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!”
“Cool, huh?” Johnny asked as he walked back to Ace, putting his arm around him. “I did that~ See? You ain’t the only one who’s special~”
“W-What??? No way….Oh my....gosh...Are you a Clown-Po user?!?! Oh my goodness, you are!!!”
“Clown-Po?? The fuck is that???”
“It’s a special power that only Clowns have!! And out of all the Clowns I know, I’d never suspect you to have it…”
“Clown-Po?? Man that name fuckin’ sucks!! My dad always told me it was called Delinquent Soul…Pssh, whatevers…But now that we’re both on the same page here, how about it?”
“How about what?”
“Uh…Give me a moment….”
“Hmm…Jigu-Jo told me I shouldn’t get into random fights with people, even if they have Clown-Po…” Ace thought, as he weighed in whether or not he should fight Johnny. “But this guy couldn’t have any real training, so he’s probably a novice like me…”
“Well? We gonna fight or not??”
“.…Y’know what? Yeah. I’ll fight you!!”
“Name the time and place, and I’ll be there!!”
“Alright~ Meet me at the abandoned Boy’s Private Academy at the southern end of Diamond Star next Friday, 4PM.”
“Hmm, alright! I’ll be there!!”
“Good~ Until then, you better prepare for that asswhoopin’!”
“Same to you!!!”
Johnny and Ace walked their separate ways, both pumped and ready for the fight. With a week of prep time, Ace knew what he had to do: More training! Thank goodness tomorrow’s Saturday!
The next day at Jigu-Jo’s dojo
“YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?” Jigu-Jo yelled.
“Heh heh~ I kinda had the feeling you were going to react this way…”
“I can’t believe this!!! Ace, what happened to ignoring him!?!? God I’m so disappointed in you right now, I can’t believe it…”
“But Jigu-Jo! I have a good reason!! Honest!!”
“Hoo boy, you’d better!!!”
“I do!! Johnny has Clown-Po!!”
“Yeah! He charged electricity into some needle thing and threw it at me!! If that wasn’t Clown-Po, I don’t know what is!!”
“I see…Hmm…Strange….”
“What’s strange?”
“What’s strange is I felt your Clown-Po aura, but I never felt this Johnny character’s…”
“Alright...So what now? Should I call the fight off?”
“Hmm…No…No, you’re going to fight Johnny. And when you win, you’re going to get him to join us!”
“What?!? No way!!”
“Yes way!! Who knows how strong he is with his Clown-Po! If he really starts to use it, he could do serious damage to himself and others! But if we can get him to join us, I could teach him how to handle it and keep him from using it recklessly!!”
“Do we really have to?”
“Good. Now then, let’s get on with today’s lesson~!”
The week passed, and Friday had finally come. It was finally Fight Night. Er, Fight Afternoon.
Ace and Jigu-Jo had arrived at St. Akira’s All-Boys Private Academy, a rich kid’s high school that had closed down nearly a decade ago.
The once bustling school grounds had rotted away after years of neglect. Broken windows, graffiti all over the walls, trash in the hallways. It was a mess.
And in the courtyard, squatting in front of a dead fountain with his head cocked down was Johnny, eagerly awaiting Ace’s arrival. Hearing footsteps, he looked up, greeted to Ace and his extra.
“Well, well…You actually showed~ Not gonna lie, totally thought you were gonna ditch me~”
“Yeah well, I’m a Clown of my word.”
“Clearly. I like that in a man~ Oh? But who’s this robed dork?” Johnny asked, as he got up from squatting, looking over and inspecting Jigu-Jo.”
“I’m Ace’s Clown-Po Sensei, Master Jigu-Jo. I-”
“You’re a Master??? BAH, YEAH RIGHT!!! The only thing you look like you’re a master of is the hair brush and eyeliner” Johnny laughed.
“Grrr…I’d be more angry if that weren’t true…Anyways, I’m only here to watch my pupil fight. This is his first battle outside of our practice sparring.”
“Hmmm….Alright, you can stay an’ watch. But if’ya jump in to save Cherry Coke’s butt from my beat-down, that counts as a loss!!”
“I understand” Jigu-Jo replied as he walked away from the rowdy Johnny and Ace before telling his pupil “Please kick this moron’s ass…” before jumping up to a tree to watch the fight.
“Don’t worry, I will….”
Taking a Boxing stance, Ace readied up for the fight, while Johnny simply cracks his knuckles, sparks some electricity between his fingers, and tilts his head back a little, like any other Bosozoku. The two then took 15 steps back from each other.
“So…You ready for this?” Johnny asked.
“Been waiting a week for this!!” Ace replied.
“Good! I love that energy!! But hey, before we start this shit, how about we make this a lil’ more interesting?”
“Ok, I’m listening.”
“If I win, you gotta join my gang and do whatever I tell ya to!”
“Alright, and what about me?”
“I dunno, what about you?? What do you want if ya win?”
“Hmm…Oh!! You have to leave me alone forever!!”
“Oh…Uh….You have to join me for Jigu-Jo’s training...”
“Heh, alright~”
“Good!! Enough standing around!! Let’s do this!!!”
“Alright then!! Let’s get this on!!! OH. Wait. Almost forgot something~!”
Johnny claps his hands, and seconds later, a large horde of his gang members pour out from everywhere, hooping and hollering, forming a large circle of bikes, cars, and rowdy Delinquents around their leader and Ace.
“RIGHT ON TIME BOYS!!!” Johnny cheers as his gang grows rowdier!
“What the?!?! HEY, I THOUGHT THIS WAS BETWEEN MY STUDENT AND YOU!!” Jigu-Jo yelled out, furious at this turn of events.
“Don’t worry, Pretty Boy!! My boys are here to make sure Ace doesn't run off if he gets scared!! They won’t get in our way~”
“Heh…Me, run away from this?? Nuh-uh! I’ve waited a week for this!!” Ace readies up again. “Enough talk!! Let’s get this on!!”
And so the fight began.
Ace comes out swinging, giving Johnny a right hook to the jaw!
Johnny stumbles back after the blow, and charges back towards Ace. Johnny delivers a headbutt, and a few punches to Ace's chest!
Ace falls on his back, as Johnny jumps on top of him and gets in a few good punches on Ace's face before blocking the blows, and shoving Johnny off.
Johnny and Ace both get back up, and began slowly circling each other, before charging at each other again. Johnny's gang cheered on for their great leader as put Ace into a choke, throwing more punches to his face, with each punch letting out a honk from Ace's red nose!
Jigu-Jo sat quietly in the tree, observing the match. “Hmm...This punk is strong, but he lacks form. Yet his more aggressive style is giving him an advantage over Ace...Come on now my pupil, I know you can beat him…”
Wriggling free from Johnny's grip, Ace stood back and quickly caught his breath.
Johnny gave Ace a smug look and said "So, you havin' fun yet, guy?"
Ace smirked and nodded. "Actually, yeah~ I'll have even more fun when I wipe that grin off your face!"
Ace started to get serious with the fight. As Johnny kept blindly swinging, Ace kept evading, side-stepping Johnny, blocking all his shots, trying to tire out the Delinquent. Johnny's gang boo-ed at Ace, whilst Jigu-Jo cheered on.
“Haha! That's it, Ace! You've got him now!”
"Man...This guy's really giving it to me now...I can barely get a beat on'im...His footwork is something else, and those punches are fuckin' nasty..." Johnny thought, as he looked at Ace, trying to figure out how to counter act his opponent.
Then it hit him "Wait a minute...Footwork...Ah, I got it!!!"
Charging back towards Ace, Johnny dodges another Hook, side stepping Ace, and kicking Ace in his right ankle.
The force of the blow, combined with the metal caps on Johnny's boots, Ace let out a painful scream, as he staggered to the ground, barely able to stand.
"AHHHHHHRG!! That really smarts an-AH OW!! Oh fluff, I can barely stand straight now!!…Johnny must be smarter than he looks…”
Jigu-Jo gasped, but the gang cheered.
“Damn...That was a cheap and dirty shot, but I'll be cursed if I didn't admit it was smart…” Jigu-Jo muttered to himself. “By impairing Ace's movement, he's given himself an advantage over speed...But Ace can still fight through the pain.”
Struggling to stand back up, Ace tightly clenches his fist and gritted his teeth to fight the pain.
“What’s the matter, Ace~? Can’t bear to ‘STAND’ your defeat~?” Johnny laughed with his gang
“Hah…hah…Real clever~ Gah…But your fighting style is just like your pun…Bad and formless!!”
Hobbling towards Johnny, Ace raised his right fist for another straight, but right as he was right in front of Johnny, Johnny slammed his boot over Ace's toes, causing Ace more pain and leaving him open for Johnny to strike.
And strike he did, as Johnny kept punching and kicking Ace to the edge of the ring. Exhausted from the pain, Ace fell back, leaning against some of Johnny's gang before being shoved off. Riding off the force of the push, Ace hobbled towards Johnny again, connecting with a huge blow to his stomach.
The strength behind the punch was so intense, it was enough to send Johnny flying towards the opposite edge of the ring, hitting the hood of one of his member's cars.
Ace, heavily breathing and bruised, smiled and asked "Had enough, yet~?”
Johnny slowly regains consciousnesses, and gets mad. He knew it was time to get serious.
Getting back on his feet, Johnny began charging electricity all over his body, reading up his Clown-Po.
"Alright, guy...That's it...No more fuckin' around!!" he yelled, rushing towards Ace with two needles in his hands.
Leaping high into the air and falling down right above Ace, Johnny landed on Ace's shoulders, leaping off before stabbing the two needles into each shoulder! Jigu-Jo gasped in fear as Ace screamed in pain, still standing tall as he tried to fight through the pain.
"GAHHHHHH...N-Nice shot...I'll give you that....But that's not gonna stop me!!"
Johnny chuckled "You say that now~" Unbeknownst to Ace, the needles were connected to thin electric wire, with Johnny holding the ends in one hand. Clenching his fist tighter, Johnny sent shocks to the needles in Ace, greatly immobilizing him.
Ace screamed louder and louder as Johnny cranked up the voltage with each clench. Jigu-Jo couldn't bare the sight he was seeing, watching as his student fell lower and lower to the ground. "C'mon my student, get up!! Don't lose to this jackass..."
Ace's screaming eventually went quiet. His body numbed from the pain and vision coming in and out, it seemed like he was down for the count.
Assured of his victory, Johnny yanked the needles out of Ace with a devilish grin. "Well, looks like your road to being the strongest ends here, buddy~" he gloated. Johnny's gang cheered on their great leader as Jigu-Jo hung his head in shame. His teachings have failed, and Ace laid on the cold hard ground, shocked to death...Or was he?
"G-Get....Up...GET....UP" Ace thought to himself, as he staggered to his feet. His body was still numb, but he wasn't going to go down like this. As Johnny was distracted by his gang's cheers, it left him wide open for a counter attack, and Ace seized the opportunity. Seeing his student stand up, Jigu-Jo beamed with Joy.
“Yes~!! I knew you wouldn’t go down that easy!! Now finish this cheap bastard off!!”
Running at a full tilt sprint, Ace dashed towards Johnny. Noticing the running fighter, Johnny's gang tried to warn their leader of the attack.
Turning around at the last second, Ace's fist landed square in Johnny's face. The impact was so strong that Johnny's bulbous blue nose didn't even let out a squeak or honk. The only sound to be heard was a sickening CRUNCH as Ace dug his knuckles deep.
Ace stood still with his jab still in Johnny's face for a full 30 seconds of silence.
After the 30 seconds, Ace followed up his counter with a sudden barrage of rapid fire punches, with the impacts of each punch echoing out for miles like a machine gun with his arms glowing red hot!
“Is Ace tapping into Clown-Po for this last quarter of the match??” Jigu-Jo wondered. “His aura seems to be burning off of his arms-OH WHAT AM I SAYING?! OF COURSE HE’S TAPPING INTO IT!!”
Finishing off his barrage, Ace delivered a straight punch right into Johnny's chest with enough strength to send him flying to the other end of the ring, crashing into another car.
Ace stood stoic, breathing heavily with blood and sweat dripping down his body in the afternoon sun, as the Jigu-Jo and the gang were stunned by the sudden comeback.
Johnny tried to get back on his feet, but couldn't keep himself up. He was done. He pushed himself off from the car, but only walked 3 steps before collapsing.
Ace smirked "Stay down, I won this."
Johnny's gang rushed to help their leader up, but he managed to stand on his own without help. He stood there in silence, his head hanging down in shame with blood and sweat beading down his face.
And then he started to....laugh?
Ace was confused. "Why is this guy happy that he lost?" he thought. "Oh my goodness, is he one of those people who 'like' getting beat up!? OH GROSS!!"
“A-Are you...Uh...Alright??" Ace asked as he slowly approached the Bosozoku.
"HAHA, NEVER FELT BETTER!!" he laughed, giving Ace a lil' bump on the shoulder. "Man I gotta tell ya, it's been FUCKIN' FOREVER since I had a fight like that!! Gotta say, you really handed me my ass with those rapid punches!"
“Uh, yeah….”
"Y'know, me and you should hang out sometime!!"
“"Uh, NO?! Did you forget?? I said if I won, you had to get lost!!!”
“Nono!! You changed your mind! You said if you won, I’d have to join you and Pretty Boy!! SO I GUESS WE’RE GONNA BE TIGHT BROS!!”
“Yeah we are~!! Like we're like Turner and Hooch, Peanut Butter and Chocolate, the guys from Perfect Strangers!!"
"I don't even know two of the things you just referenced!!! Besides, you know nothing about me!!!"
"Ok that it's, I'm out of here. Jigu-Jo, let's go…"
Leaping down from the tree, Jigu-Jo joined his student. "Right behind you…"
The next day, as Ace readied for another day at school, he thought about what had happened yesterday.
"(Sigh) Yesterday sure was a thing. That was still a fun fight, but man, that Johnny guy...I really hope he doesn't think we're friends now. I mean, losing to someone and then they become your friend?? That's crazy and unrealistic!! It’s bad enough that he’s going to join me and Jigu-Jo…"
"At the very least I was able to get bandaged up by Jigu-Jo and hide all my bumps and bruises from mom and dad...Well, here’s to hoping that Johnny’s gone somehow…" Ace said as he opened the front door, only to be greeted by Johnny of all people.
"YO BRO!!!"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" Ace screamed, jumping back in shock.
"Well as it turns out, we both live in the neighborhood!! Hell, my house is right behind yours!!!"
“You're kidding…Right??”
"Nope! Man, THIS IS SO GREAT!!! We're now only a couple feet away from each other, we can head to school together, shoot the shit like bros! This is the best thing that's happened this week!!"
"More like the worst thing…" Ace cried as Johnny cheered about this new friendship.
Next Time on Nonkina Ace: Clown Fighter!
Yo! Ace here!!
Man, I thought Johnny was a real pain in my tush, but Hall Monitor Ryosuke is worse!! Now that Johnny keeps hanging out around me, despite my protests, he won’t stop getting on my case!!
That’s so unfair!! I’ve done nothing!!! And what’s this? He might be the local superhero Bikkuri Ranger? Bah!! I’ll believe it when I see it!
Great Yeller!! Ryosuke Bikkuri!!
Don’t miss it!!
11 notes · View notes
kookieloverfan · 7 years
Summary: He was the love of your life and he was about to die, until he came and saved him.
BTS Angle AU
Pairing: Jimin X Reader?? Genre: Fluff (eventual angst later in the story)
A/N: Note single quotations mean their thoughts ‘...’ where as this “..” means speech. But the single quotations is more for the others thoughts rather than the readers’.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt. 3 Pt.4
You quickly changed into his clothes t-shirt and then remembered you had a pair of comfortable short in your bag in case of emergencies so you didn’t need Jimin’s shorts.
You tried as best you could to dry your hair and you brushed your teeth. You then slowly opened the door after folding your clothes. You peaked your head out. You slowly walked over in an large black T-shirt to the couch where he was sitting and gave Jimin back his shorts though he gave you a questionable look. Guess he thought you weren’t the wearing shorts, he had to do a double take. But truth was you were wearing black shorts that were elastic and very comfortable.
Jimin’s eyes were lingering on you a bit to long. Eyes traveling from your hands to your legs and back up to your eyes. He stopped when he caught your eyes with his. He quickly averted your eyes and as he did you got closer.
‘she looks so good with her hair wet….Pabo what are you thinking!’ Jimin thought to himself. And then quickly turning to face you feeling your presence next to him.
“About earlier (y/n) I’m sorry that I didn’t knock it was just tha-”
“It’s okay Jimin you where just worried, and I should have told you that I was going to shower and I should have locked the door too. And it’s not like I could leave anyway I don’t even know how. So don’t worry to much.” you said laughing a bit. Changing topic you asked where you could place your clothes.
“S-so, you can put your clothes over here and you can put your clothes and bag here. You can take the bed I’ll just take the couch.” Jimin said while you followed his instructions as they came. Just as you put your clothes away Jungkook knocked on the door.
“Hey, is (y/n) sleeping with you tonight?” He looked over to Jimin and then to me.
“You know you can sleep with me if you want I wouldn’t mind since our ages are closer.” Jungkook stated.
“Nice try Kook but (y/n) is going to stay here.” Jimin said and Jungkook rose his arms up in a surrender and closed the door behind him but not before he gave you a wink.
You settled into his bed while he took the couch. You had to admit you felt quite bad but didn’t say anything. The bed felt super soft and fluffy. You tried to sleep but it was a failed attempt. You tossed and turned for a while but gave up so you decided to look at the stars. The stars in the night sky and the shining moon was one of your favorite views to see since the world was quite and you yourself was more of a night person.
Your mind started to wonder back to the day of the accident. Maybe if you two had left earlier or left a bit later maybe you wouldn’t be in this situation but there was no helping it at least you both were ‘okay’ well at least physically. Man that was one of the worst birthday’s ever considering you were in a life threatening situation and you lost the one person you loved.
A lot had happened today you where thinking while laying in bed considering you couldn’t fall asleep. You also thought back to Jungkook and Taehyung making you suddenly heat up in bed. You weren’t really use to those kinds of things and the attention. Even though you had experience dating before you where quite inexperienced. Sure you and Myungsoo had kissed before and made out before but every time you did you would be embarrassed even thinking back. You and your relationship was slow which you liked.
You slowly drifted off into a slumber. You then had a dream, well more like a nightmare, it was the accident over again with Myungsoo and you actually loosing him.You woke up covered in a bit of sweat and fearful of your surroundings not knowing where you were. Only to then take in your surroundings and realizing where you were and that you just had a nightmare. You waited a bit to calm your breathing.
“Jimin” you whispered.
“Are you still awake?” And you heard movement and looked over to the couch where you saw his Carmel colored hair pop up.
“Can you come over here and stay with me?” You asked nervously. Jimin quietly grabbed his blanket and stuffed animal pillow over and sat on the bed.
“What’s wrong?” Jimin asked in a concerned voice.
“I just had a nightmare.” You stated.
“About what?”
‘The accident and losing Myungsoo.’ you thought but realized you were in a bit of an awkward position considering you kind of did lose him and one contributor was Jimin so you choose not to say that. It wasn’t like Jimin was a bad person anyway at least from what you could tell so far.
“Just a nightmare.” you said. Quickly changing topics again you asked.
“Did I wake you up?”
“No, you didn’t wake me up. I couldn’t fall asleep anyway.”
“Is it because of your bed? You can sleep here.” and before he could say anything else you said.
“I could also use your presence here…” Considering you had a nightmare you needed someone to help calm you down and you felt Jimin was comforting. Jimin didn’t say anything and proceeded to lay on the bed. The bed was large so you didn’t have to worry about space. Which you actually happened to take up a lot when you slept.
You still couldn’t sleep though so once again you laid in bed and waited for the tiredness to creep up on you. Which wasn’t seeming to happen anytime soon.
“Jimin? Are you still awake?” You felt him turn his whole body to face you and so you did the same. You two stared at one another across the bed.
“Can you maybe tell me a story or sing a song?” you asked hesitantly knowing it was a bit much to ask. But Jimin without question began telling you a story about a princess and her prince. You found it a bit funny at times but listened intently the story was a sweet story. As you listened and you looked at Jimin he looked very calming and looked mesmerizing. With the factor of the moon illuminating him and seeing his very clear brown eyes.
You slowly started to drift off but trying to stay awake. As you feel asleep your hair came down over your face. Jimin seeing that you had fallen asleep moved closer to you and tucked your hair behind your ears. As he was reaching over he studied your features. Your long hair, soft skin, pink lips, and the way your face looked squished against the pillow. Laughing silently Jimin pulled the blanket to cover you better and scooted back over to his side and tried to get some rest as well.
You awoke to find yourself close to a sweet warmth. You slowly opened your eyes only to find that you were mere inches away from Jimin’s face. You panicked and tried to move away as quickly as possible and trying to be quite but ultimately ended up falling off the bed with a loud thud. Gee did that hurt.  You prayed that he was a heavy sleeper, only to hear rustling and then seeing Jimin’s face appear over the bed to see you on the floor.
“Are you okay?” He asked genuinely concerned. Which you didn’t expect, you expected him to be laughing. Heck you would laugh at yourself too.
“Yep, I’m fine.” you said slowly getting on your hands and standing up. Jimin moved over in the bed so you could lay back down. Which was exactly what you did. You plopped yourself down onto the bed with your eyes closed. That was embarrassing  (ノ_<。) .
It was 6:30 AM when you woke up. And you were not exactly a morning person so this was going to be such a wonderful start to your day. You laid in bed for about another ten minutes and then decided to get up. You quickly walked over to the bathroom to freshen up.
You came out then there was a knock on the door which you were about to answer but was swung open.
“Hey guys lets g-” Jin abruptly stopping as he saw you. You in an oversized T and short shorts. And Jimin just getting out of bed.
“S-sorry” Jin said stuttering but still relayed his message.
“You guys should get ready breakfast in 10 minutes.”
You and Jimin finally came out to where the rest where sitting. And Taehyung quickly got up from his seat and rushed over to you.
"(Y/N), sit by me!" Taehyung said while grabbing you by the shoulders and leading you to a seat where you where placed between Taehyung and Yoongi.
"Hi Yoongi" you said while Turing to him and and he replied with a small smile followed by a nod. You then said your hello to the other members at the table. As you guys were eating you heard Jungkook comment.
"So why are you wearing Jimin's t-shirt huh?" He said while smirking.
"I'll take (y/n) clothes shopping today." Jimin quickly said.
"Or I could just get some clothes for her instead. Like go ask some of the girls." Jungkook suggested. Jimin was about to say something but you already began speaking.
"Yeah that's cool too, thanks Jungkook." You said. Hm maybe he isn't as bad as he seems.
"Cool I'll get them to you in about an hour or so? Sound good?"
"Yeah, thanks." you answered. You guys continued your morning meal. You noticed Jin who had stuffed some food into his mouth looking like a chipmunk.
"Jin you look so cute!" You exclaimed. Jin nodded his head knowingly at you and gave you a small heart shaped lip smile. Feeling a tapping on your left shoulder you turned to see another cute chipmunk.
"Yah, (y/n) don't I look cute to?"
"You do, very cute Taehyung." Honestly he was so cute his doe eyes looking at you with his filled cheeks and his mouth small and his little v sign pose. Well at least they seemed to accept you here and pretty quickly. And strangely enough you liked them too even though you where kind of here against your will
"Here (y/n) I got you your clothes!" Jungkook yelled to you through Jimins door since you guys had already finished breakfast and you went back to the room.
"Hey Jungkook than-" as you reached for the clothes you noticed that they happened to look very provocative.
"YAH! Jungkook ! What do you think you’re giving me!"
"Your clothes." He said trying to sound innocent. So you turned your heel and was about to close the door in him. But he stopped it by putting his arm out and blocking it.
"Here, I'm just kidding (y/n)." You looked at him and shortly after looking at the bag in his hands.
"Don't worry those are some normal clothes and I also put some of my clean white t-shirts in there so you have some comfortable clothes to sleep in."
"Oh..thanks Jungkook....sorry for yelling. Thanks for helping."
"Yeah no problem." Jungkook said. Then he turned around to leave and you closed the door after him. You went over to the bed to dump out the contents onto. (( There were 10 tops and 10 t-shirts. 2 hoodies, 5 pairs of jeans, 4 pair of short shorts, 12 pairs of underwear, a pair of new sneakers, 3 pairs of sweat pants, 10 pairs of elastic shorts and some of Jungkook's white T's.))
"Wow they're all in my size (excluding Jungkooks shirts)." You said out loud. 'Wow how does he know my size?' You thought as you began to put the clothes neatly away.
The day soon passed and night came once again.
“Hey (y/n) do you want to use some of my T shirts for a while?” Jimin asked.
“Oh, thanks but Jungkook already got me clothes so I’ll just ear those to sleep.” You replied.
“Okay” Jimin said.
And so this time instead of Jimins clothes you wore Jungkooks T shirt, boy was it comfortable. As you were about to go to bed you noticed Jimin looking your way out of the corner of your eye following your every move.
“Um, is something wrong?” you questioned turning to face Jimin. And to that he replied with a blank face,
“No, nothing good night.” and headed over to the couch for the night.
You lay in bed with the lights off staring out into the sky. Thinking even though this was only your second night you were surprised at how things were going. How fast they excepted you and how fast you were to accept your situation. The guys were pretty nice too and maybe Jungkook wasn’t so bad after all.
And at the same time Jimin laying on the couch thinking ‘Yes somethings wrong, you’re wearing his T shirt and not mine..’  ,and with that you two fell asleep as you drifted off in your own thoughts in the night.
A/N : Haha sorry that I haven’t updated in a while for those of you interested in this, but anyway I hope you enjoy it so far?? Having a hard time thinking of how to continue but I’ll get there ! Anyway thank you to those who are reading these it means a lot, I also have other ideas and might start another fic after this one or during this time but I think I’ll save it for later.
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itsdanystormborn · 7 years
MAGI 345 Full Spoiler Translation
Disclaimer: i only to this for fun, to share it with you guys, and to practice my japanese :) which is very basic so keep in mind that i could be completely mistaken in some parts.  This is just a fan translation of incomplete spoilers so: Don’t forget to support the official releases of Magi!
Source: From Tieba Baidu’s Japanese scans and from Jump-Netabare’s texts ^^
@sayakakat2012 @maumauxmau
UPDATE:  I added the jump-Netabare info that was missing. I checked it while looking at the korean scans so i would be able order it as if the texts were the in word balloons ( you can read it that way if you want to, while you look at the pics on the korean scans) ^^ 
 Page 1
Even if he dies, he won’t give up!! How did he came back to life?
*Netabare text: Wahid, Setta and Tess are piling up stones. Lethargic people are floating around them.
Alibaba: I want to come back to life!
Wahid: Again, with that? Come do masonry too, Alibaba! Everything will be fine among us anyway!
Alibaba: Nothing will be fine!
Wahid: Since Alibaba came here, he has been investigating around and listening to everyone’s conversations nonstop.
Tess: Hey big brother Setta
Tess: What kind of feeling is “to want to be alive again”?
Setta: Who knows, but Tess was also alive a long time ago.
Tess: Hmm.
Night 345: Magical Connection
Page 2
*Netabare text: Tess is watching Alibaba desperately talking to Wahid.
Tess: “wanting to live”, what kind of feeling was it?
Tess: I don’t understand… That big brother, he is strange…
*Netabare text: Tess stares motionless at the desperate Alibaba.
Alibaba: Which reminds me, aren’t all the people in this place magicians? Please lend me your strength!
Wahid: There is no strength to lend you. We can’t even use magic in the first place.
Alibaba: Eh! Why?
Page 3
Wahid: The things that are on this place might be nothing but an illusion! Maybe even our bodies.
The rukh doesn’t dwell in this place. Naturally, there’s no Magoi either. That’s why we can’t use magic.
Alibaba: I see… there’s also no rukh in my body, right?
Setta: There’s not.
Setta: Ah! But… you see, there is rukh in this stone.
Alibaba: huh?! In the stone?!
Setta: Only these stones aren’t illusions. They were picked up by the “dimensional hole”
Alibaba: The “dimensional hole”?
Page 4
Setta: Hey! We told you during this time, right?  A little before David was resurrected, in accordance with his prediction, there was a turmoil that opened the “dimensional hole”
Setta: In that moment, various things came and slipped into this side from the other side of the hole.
*Netabare text: In the background, there is a depiction of the stones falling from the dimension whole when it opened.
Setta: On the other side, there was something like a war taking place, there was a black giant who had a lot of hands growing from its head…
Alibaba: Yes, perhaps that’s the sight of Magnostadt’s war and the “medium”, so therefore, these are stones from the world I exist in?
Alibaba: Therefore, in this place there are objects that have rukh and aren’t ilusions?
Setta: That’s right.
Page 5
Alibaba: Then, this is a heavy crop*! Isn’t it? Rukh is the source of Magoi, right!? In other words, if you use these stones… doesn’t that mean that you will be able to use magic?
TN: *Sorry, it’s weird but I didn’t know this word and the dictionary says it refers to a heavy harvest but I see that it can mean “a big deal”
Wahid and Setta: Ohh!
TN: Alibaba starts to get the other people’s attention, the manuscript on the corner of the next panel says: “what’s happening?”/ “what is it?”
Wahid: Now that you mention it, that’s right. I hadn’t thought about that.
Setta:  Because we don’t want to do anything in particular…
Tess: …
Tess: Big brother Alibaba! I Heard you but…
Alibaba: yeah?
Page 6
Tess: How will you live again? I don’t want to do anything in particular…
Tess: I Think that I’m okay this way, in this place, doing masonry…
Setta: Tess…
Wahid: Yes! That’s right, that’s right!
Alibaba: There are a lot of things that I want to do!
Alibaba: There’s people that i want to see, a country I want to protect, promises that I couldn’t keep, things that I have left undone… There are a lot of things that I still don’t know.
Page 7
Alibaba: oh! I have never even dated a girl!
Alibaba: Please lend me your strength!
*Netabare text: Alibaba blushed with his face down while the others stare at him blankly.
Wahid: oh, you died without knowing a woman that way? What a pitiful guy you are!
*Netabare text: Wahid starts tearing up.
People: Wahaha
Setta: However, neither this material nor the white rukh belong to Alma Torran. It is doubtful whether it can be handled by us or not.
Person 1: If this stone is from Alibaba-kun’s world, Can’t Alibaba-kun use it?
Person 2: No, first of all we have to create that Magic to revive…
Tess: How do you create magic, papa?
Wahid: eh!? How do you create it? That’s…
*Netabare text: Wahid becomes silent while he sweats
Page 8
*Netabare text: After being Silent for a while, Wahid smiles while he gently brushes Tess’s head.
Wahid: ... you do your best and you create it.
Setta: Tess’s dad is not very good at dealing with such complicated things. Since long ago, brain work was completely left up to Ugo and me…
*Netabare text: Wahid grabs Setta’s chest.
Wahid: You are so noisy! I tell you that i can make more than enough magic! Bring something to write on! I will perform a Magical formula* at a super-fast speed!
TN: i put magical ceremony before, but given tha they are developing something that looks like a formula in the later pages, i guess formula fits better the context. but this is also some kind of ritual so formula/ceremony are both correct in my opinion. The kanji can have any of those two meanings.
People: hahaha
Random Person: But, what is magic to revive? I wonder if it’s like a telepathic system?
Random Person 2: No, it might be power magic.  Because, to start with, it is said that it’s beyond the dimensions…
*Netabare text: People who were lethargic are happily talking and consulting each other.
Page 9
Tess: Somehow, this place has become lively!
*Netabare text: Tess’s eyes are shining.
*Netabare text: The people are drawing smoothly the magic formula on the ground.
People: Because time is the only thing that we have more than enough of, we can research a much as we want! 
People: An unknown magic invention.  It’s been too long, right? … since we had this feeling!
*Netabare text: Tess is trembling and watching with excitement.
Wahid: Ah! Alibaba! There’s nothing else left but to train!*
TN: *Something like that.
Tess: !!
Page 10
*Netabare text: Alibaba is being trained by Wahid until the magic formula is completed.
Wahid: Come now! Even if the magic formula is put together, you will not come back to life if you can’t use magic!
Alibaba: Can I do this even if I’m not a magician?
*Netabare text: Tess runs to Alibaba’s side.
Tess: Should I show you the secret?
Alibaba: Yeah! Thank you, Tess!
Tess: We finally rest!
Tess: What kind of people are the people that Big brother Alibaba wants to meet again?
Alibaba: A lot of different people! The people who I grew to care are in crisis!
Tess: hmm
Tess: What about your mama big brother?
Alibaba: My mother is dead, so she’s not there.
Tess: Hmm, that’s sad, right?
Alibaba: That’s right. At the time when Tess died, Tess’s mom also seemed really sad…
Tess: Hmm... Mama…
Page 11
*Netabare text: Tess looks down at his feet and swings them.
Alibaba: Hm? What is it?
Tess: I… think I want to see my mama again…
Alibaba: ….
*Netabare text: Alibaba observes Tess silently while the people in the background become engrossed about writing the magic formula.
Tess: Such a feeling, why did I ever forget it?
Tess: I want to see my mama again!
*Netabare text: Tess blushes a little and smiles to Alibaba. Alibaba gazes at Tess’s face. After that, Tess shows Alibaba the secrets*
TN: The secret tips Tess mentioned to Alibaba on the previous page.
Page 12
*Netabare text: And, as the sun goes down, the magic formula is completed.
People: We did it! The magic formula is finished!
Page 13
Tess: What is this stone statute? It’s so cool!
Person: Because, even if Alibaba will come back to life, a body will still be necessary, so we are making a custom one with the stones!
Tess: I see, so when big brother Alibaba revives, he won’t die right?
TN: haha it seems like it doesn’t make sense but it does, I just don’t know how to phrase it English. Tess means that the reason they are making that body is because if he revives without a body we will “be nothing”.
*Netabare text: Tess observes Alibaba and the others. Wahid and Setta make Alibaba stand on a black circle.
Setta: Listen, Alibaba-kun! The great magic that we created is a magic that connect dimensions with one another just for an instant.
Setta: You will go through that path and return to the original world.
Alibaba: Then, will I be able to come back to this place again?
Page 14
Setta: No, the load of this great magic can’t be endured by a human flesh body. it’s a strange way of putting it, because you are already dead, please think of it as a separation technique that can be used only once.
Wahid: It will be a slow training of your spirit* You will have to become able to move on a temporary body made of stone. How will you feel in 100 years? How will you feel in 200 years? Will you be able to remain sane?
Alibaba: Let’s find out!*
TN: *Put in a simpler way: “i’ll try”
*Netabare text: Alibaba starts training inside the black circle.
Page 15
Narration: The day of departure
Alibaba: Well then, see you later! Thank you so much for everything until today!
Wahid: yeah! I hope you can stop it! The downfall of your world!
Alibaba: And in addition to that… I thought about one more thing that I want to do.
Tess and Wahid:  ?
Wahid: Something that you want to do?
Page 16
Alibaba: This magic that i received, it can connect dimensions, right? Maybe it can even connect rukh?
Setta: Connect the rukh? What do you mean?
Alibaba: The people that die on my world become white rukh,  and go to the place of the “great flow”
Alibaba: But the fallen guys become black rukh and are left out. You guys that are inside ill illah are in a different place. The guys from Al Thamen are also in a different place…
Alibaba: why do dead people have to become all dispersed now? If i could connect them all together…
*Netabare: People around have surprised expressions.
Page 17
Setta: Can we meet again? Brother...
People: I want to see my family!
Tess: I want to see mama!
Tess: I want to see mama!
Wahid: Can we meet again? Falan...
Wahid: Alibaba, if it was your intention to sell us a favor so you could be repayed, you would have better said it since way earlier.
TN: Still not sure about this line...
Alibaba: You are wrong! This is what I want to do.
Alibaba: Living and rescuing the world.
Alibaba: I won’t stop for anyone else’s reasons…
Page 18
Alibaba: Even if it’s not wanted by anyone else, i will live by my own will…
Alibaba: That’s what i have decided.
*Netabare text: Alibaba becomes Hanibaba and departs with* the magic formula
TN: by means of.
People (Manuscript) : Take care, Alibaba!
Setta: Thanks to him, it was fun for the first time in a while.
Wahid: He was a weird guy! He constantly believed that he could be revived by his energy alone… just like that guy…
*Netabare text: Setta and Wahid exchange glances
Wahid and Setta: HAHAHA! It can’t be!
Text in white: 
His will is strong!
( i think that after that, it says something about the next issue having some coloring)
As always, thank you for reading ^^
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