krishijagranbengali · 2 years
আলু চাষ নিয়ে চিন্তা বাড়ছে কৃষকদের,জমি নিয়ে জটিলতার মাঝেই অমর্ত্য সেনের ...
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superspunarticle · 2 years
Cash-In On TikTok Ads To Get More Leads
Some helpful tips about Content and Video Marketing.
Do you overhear young people talking about TikTok and question the value of using it for your business marketing?
We’re here to tell you that this app, which is the fastest-growing in the world with 656 million downloads in 2021, is not just for sharing silly dance videos.
Here’s some context: social media giants Instagram and Facebook only had an average of 480 million downloads last year. 
TikTok may not be as large as Facebook (yet) but it’s catching on faster than any other app on the market. 
Why is it growing so quickly?
People love using it. In 2020, 88% of TikTok reviews were positive. It’s possible some users are migrating away from other apps that make them feel anxious or depressed to others that bring them joy. 
The other reason for TikTok’s success is its incredible algorithm that personalizes the experience for every single user. 
If you’ve never thought about using TikTok ads for your digital marketing strategy, now’s the time to consider it. It’s easy to use, affordable, and effective.
Keep reading the rest of this blog to learn more about the app and how you can use it to grow your business!
TikTok 101
Before diving into the specifics of marketing with TikTok, let’s cover the basics.
This Chinese app was first launched in 2018 by the company ByteDance. Known as Douyin in China, it was developed as a video-based app where users can share content like dances, pranks, or jokes.
Most videos are only a few seconds long but users can upload content that is up to 10 minutes in length. 
Shorter content will obviously perform better and TikTok experts recommend shooting for only 7 seconds if you want to hit the algorithm’s sweet spot. 
TikTok operates with hashtags like other apps and specific videos will trend, pushing others to replicate that content in their own unique way. Check out some of the trending videos here.
Like Snapchat or Instagram, TikTok also features sophisticated filters and effects. Users can also search through thousands of original sounds (recorded by users) to use in their videos. 
Many businesses or TikTok influencers will post videos about specific products or services. They allow a user to see how something works and TikTok’s algorithm ensures it reaches someone with that interest. 
The cosmetics industry has been killing it on TikTok but there are also videos on a variety of products.
TikTok gives your business the opportunity to promote its products or services organically, but there is also an ads manager that is similar to the one on Facebook. 
How Do TikTok Ads Work?
Once you’ve created a TikTok account for your business, it’s time to set up TikTok For Business. 
As stated above, the program works similarly to the Facebook Ads Manager. You select a campaign objective (Traffic, Conversions, or App Install) and set a budget.
Marketers are able to create up to 999 ad groups per campaign. 
TikTok also offers multiple placements: 
TikTok video ads
On the News Feed apps 
Pangle Placement 
Automatic Placement
TikTok operates other apps (BuzzVideo, TopBuzz, NewsRepublic, and Babe) where you can place your ads on the News Feed. 
A Pangle Placement allows you to extend audiences through TikTok’s audience network. 
And an Automatic Placement gives TikTok the power to optimize your ad delivery. 
The TikTok For Business platform allows you to select from three types of bidding: a cap on bidding, costs, or focusing on getting the lowest cost per event. You can even choose whether to separate your ad delivery equally or to go through as fast as possible. 
Another great option is to boost existing content, a quick and easy decision that is also popular on Facebook. 
Who Is TikTok’s Primary Audience?
No social media advertising campaign will be effective unless the marketer running it understands the primary audience on that app. 
If you didn’t know, social media apps have different audiences.
Globally, 35% of TikTok users are between the ages of 30 and 39. The second-largest audience segment of 28% is made up of users between the ages of 19 and 29. 
Women are the majority of users. They make up nearly 60% of the audience. 
While this app is the most popular in China, its other major markets include the United States, Indonesia, and Brazil. 
It’s clear that the primary audience on TikTok are young women. 
Overall, the app is an opportunity for businesses to start cultivating younger potential customers. They may not be a customer immediately but that may change in the future. Brand recognition would ensure that they reach out to you first. 
Some companies are even surprised by how well their products or services resonate on TikTok, even though they never considered targeting younger people directly. 
And one effect of TikTok’s rapid growth is that the population of older users will begin to increase as it did on Facebook. 
TikTok Ads vs. Facebook Ads: How Are They Different?
Previously, if you asked a PPC expert how these two systems were different, they would point out how Facebook is far more precise because they have collected so much data over the years.
That’s been true, until now!
We wrote another blog recently about using Facebook Ads after the iOS14 update. To summarize, Apple devices are now prompting users to decide if they want to be tracked across devices. 
Most users are saying no and, as a result, the data is not as reliable as it once was. It’s also forcing businesses to focus on smaller audiences and 1st Party Data.
We’ve been using TikTok here at The HOTH to promote our services. Ads through TikTok are cheaper than on Facebook and they are effective at finding the right audience.
In our opinion, using TikTok is like the gold rush days of Facebook Ads in 2010. 
There are four available ad options in TikTok For Business: 
TopView: the first video users see when they open the app
In-Feed Ads: these ads appear in a user’s feed as they explore videos
Branded Hashtag Challenge: allows brands to start their own trends
Branded Effects: connects brands with stickers, filters, or effects for engagement
What other ways is advertising on Facebook or TikTok different? 
You can only do videos on TikTok because that’s the format (plus it’s only available on mobile devices).
Some Facebook Ads seem to go on forever but successful TikTok ads need to connect with viewers in seconds. Advertisers on TikTok target by interest and the algorithm is more precise the longer someone spends on it.
The average TikTok session is 10.85 minutes! That’s higher than any other social media app.
How To Develop a Winning Lead Gen Campaign on TikTok
Once you’re ready to dive into TikTok Ads, we would recommend setting up lead generation campaigns. Here’s how you do it.
Start by creating a new campaign. As you can see below, you have multiple options.
  When you create a lead generation campaign on TikTok, users complete your lead form on the app rather than being sent to a separate landing page.
Your next step will be selecting an audience by age, gender, and location. Check out the top right-hand corner where our selections can potentially reach more than 133 million users.
In the beginning, you have to do your best to reflect what interests your potential customers have. After a few days, TikTok will analyze the data from its algorithm and give you recommended interests.
Some of these recommended interests are relevant (like for us, IT services or Marketing & Advertising) but other interests are ones you never would’ve expected (for example, Agriculture, Forest, Animal Husbandry & Fishing). 
You should still run all of these recommended interests because nothing beats the TikTok algorithm.
Next, you will upload or create your content for the ad. A stellar blog post or lead magnet will work perfectly. 
    TikTok also has an incredible editing system in its manager where you can create an effective ad without needing professional help.
You can search through TikTok’s library of music or sounds, and even search by which “tracks” are getting the “highest spend.” Text and stickers can be added as a user would on the app.
After getting the video looking how you want it, your last step is to create a simple landing form to collect customer information. It only takes a few seconds and then your ad can go live!
Like TikTok—Then What Are You Waiting For?
The TikTok app is offering a big opportunity for many businesses to gain more exposure and collect more leads. 
Getting started with this popular app is as easy as opening an account. 
Once you get the hang of navigating the interface, finding trends, and posting your content using its sophisticated tools, you can establish your first-ever TikTok marketing strategy. 
As you read above, it’s cheaper than Facebook and runs off an incredible algorithm to connect you with the right users. 
Do you need help getting started with TikTok For Business? Simply schedule a consultation with our PPC team and we can guide you through every step. 
The above article “Cash-In On TikTok Ads To Get More Leads” was 1st published on this site.
I hope that you found the article above of help or of interest. Similar content can be found on our main site here: superspunarticle.com/blog Please let me have your feedback in the comments section below. Let us know which topics we should write about for you in the future.
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eggi1972 · 5 years
[Information] Mehr Reichweite und Einnahmen für Journalisten, Blogger und Influencer: Das News Republic Experts Program
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Der Nachrichten- und Medienmarkt hat sich in den letzten Jahren stark verändert. Auch die Art, Medien zu konsumieren, hat sich gewandelt. Um auf diesen Trend zu reagieren, suchen Journalisten nach neuen Businessmodellen und nach neuen Wegen, um mit ihren Inhalten die passenden Zielgruppen zu erreichen. Hier bietet News Republic eine neue Lösung: das News Republic Experts Program. Die erste mobile Nachrichtenplattform für unabhängige Journalisten, Blogger und Influencer.  News Republic, die führende Nachrichten-App News Republic ist eine globale Nachrichten-App, die täglich die neusten Internationalen sowie Lokale Nachrichten in 32 Sprachen anbietet. Die App wurde mehrfach international ausgezeichnet, unter anderem mit dem Preis als "Best Media App". Mehr als 10 Millionen Leser lassen sich regelmäßig von News Republic auf Android- oder iOs-Geräten informieren. Auf News Republic findet man komplette Nachrichtentexte von mehr als 3000 lizenzierten Medien, wie zum Beispiel von Reuters, Deutsche Welle, DuMont oder der Funke-Mediengruppe. Die App bietet personalisierte Nachrichten dank Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ergänzt durch redaktionelle Bearbeitung.  Als Ergebnis erhalten alle LeserInnen auf sich zugeschnittene Nachrichten, die sie interessieren. Die Monetarisierung basiert auf mobiler Werbung. News Republic beteiligt die lizenzierten Medien an diesen Einnahmen.  News Republic Experts Program, die erste Mobile Nachrichtenplattform für unabhängige Content-Produzenten Die wichtigsten Vorteile:  Mehr Reichweite und neue Zielgruppen aus mehr als 1 Million regelmäßigen Lesern in DeutschlandMehr Einnahmen basierend auf dem generierten Trafficund Teilnahme an regelmäßigen Bonus-Programmen.  Die Experten können auch ihre bereits publizierten Inhalte auf News Republic veröffentlichen. Es wird keine Exklusivität erwartet.  Die Veröffentlichung ist einfach und funktioniert auch automatisch durch die Synchronisation von RSS Feeds oder auf der News Republic eigenen Plattform. In den ersten drei Monaten haben sich mehr als 600 Experten dem Programm angeschlossen. Die ersten Zahlen sind  vielversprechend: + 35 Millionen PageViews + 100.000 von Lesern geteilte Nachrichtenartikel+ 12000 Leserkommentare Die Registrierung dauert nur wenige Minuten: http://www.news-republic.com (> Deutsch als Sprache auswählen > auf "Werden Sie ein Experte" klicken). Nach der Registrierung sollten die Experten ihre News Republic ID an die folgende Email senden: [email protected]  Wenn ihr euch anmeldet, nehmt mich bitte ins CC [email protected] DANKE So erhalten sie vollen Zugang zur Plattform und zu den Bonusprogrammen.  Detailliertere Informationen hier  SlideShare Read the full article
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arnab goswami: trp scam: republic tv: prime time: अरनब की खुली पोल? prime time news with azad khalid में आज बात करते हैं न्यूज चैनल्स news channels trp की टीआरपी के खेल की। दरअसल मुंबई पुलिस mumbai police ने दावा किया है कि मोटी रकम के एवज कुछ चैनल्स channels trp टीआरपी को मैनेज करते हैं। मुंबई पुलिस ने दो mumabai police arrested two persons लोगों को गिरफ्तार करने के बाद कई बड़े दावे किये हैं। इतना ही नहीं हालल ही नंबर वन हुए रिपब्लिक टीवी republic tv और उसके अरनब गोस्वामी arnab goswami को लेकर भी कई गंभीर दावे किये गये हैं। हांलाकि इस बारे में अरनब गोस्वामी का कहना है कि मुंबई पुलिस ने बदले की भावना में यह सब किया है। देखते हैं आजाद खालिद की क्या राय है। #trpscam #arnabgoswami #arnab_goswami #trp_scam #republictv #republictv #primetime
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unfug-bilder · 4 years
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juliakor-blog1 · 8 years
4 вызов (22.01.17) - “1 день говорить/писать/читать и т.д. только на НЕМЕЦКОМ” - 🐱🐱🐱🐱
Несмотря на то, что предыдущий вызов еще в работе, сегодня я достаю новый! Как и планировала - каждое воскресенье новый вызов!
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На этот раз задание очень быстро, но, уверена, не очень легко осуществимое: 1 день говорить / писать / читать и т.д. только на немецком. 
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В целом, моего текущего уровня немецкого (В1) должно быть достаточно для выполнения поставленной цели. Посмотрим, что получится!
Ну что ж, с этим вызовом я справилась!! И отныне мой телефон полностью на немецком 🙃
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В общей сложности говорила/писала/читала я ТОЛЬКО НА НЕМЕЦКОМ ПОЧТИ 2 ДНЯ!
С вечера я подготовилась: перевела телефон на немецкий язык, отключила все возможные нотификации на русском, предупредила друзей и родственников, что 1 день отвечать на их сообщения не буду. Но небольшие сложности все ж возникали 😬
Сейчас я каждый день хожу на курсы немецкого (чтобы достигнуть уровня В2!), поэтому изначально мне казалось, что как минимум полдня общаться только на немецком будет очень просто. НО! я не учла, что в моей группе есть русскоговорящие люди 😆 С утра пришлось объяснить каждому, кто ко мне обращался по-русски, что так делать не стоит (естественно, это я делала на немецком).
Стоит отметить, что мои одногруппники очень большие молодцы и пошли мне навстречу, а некоторые даже настолько заинтересовались моим экспериментом, что присоединились к нему! Тем не менее, на переменах я старалась читать немецкие новости. Кстати, нашла отличное приложение!
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Следующая сложность, с которой я столкнулась - мысли на русском. С утра было сложновато, нужно было постоянно заставлять себя переключаться на немецкий, но к вечеру стало уже проще 🙂
В общем, эксперимент мне понравился, и теперь я даже решила устраивать такой “день немецкого” с периодичностью несколько раз в месяц!
Единственная проблема в том, что словарный запас пока еще достаточно ограниченный и не все мысли удается выразить. Приходится мысли пересказывать упрощенными словами и конструкциями, в результате чего они теряют часть содержания 😒 Поэтому, опыту я поставила 🐱🐱🐱🐱.
P.S. Еще хочется выразить особую благодарность моему мужу, он героически поддержал меня и сам присоединился к “дню немецкого” 😘
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un-enfant-immature · 6 years
Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is raising $2.5B-$3B more
Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is looking to raise as much as $3 billion to continue growth for its empire of mobile-based entertainment apps, which include news aggregator Toutiao and video platform Tiktok.
The Beijing-based startup is in early-stage talks with investors to raise $2.5 billion to $3 billion, according to a source with knowledge of the plans. That investment round could value ByteDance as high as $75 billion, although the source stressed that the valuation is a target and it might not be reached.
It’s audacious, but if that lofty goal is reached then ByteDance would become the world’s highest-valued startup ahead of the likes of Didi Chuxing ($56 billion) and Uber ($62 billion). Only Ant Financial has raised at a higher valuation, but the company is an affiliate of Alibaba and therefore not your average ‘startup.’
The Wall Street Journal first broke news of the ByteDance investment plan.
But there’s more: Earlier this week, the Financial Times cited sources who indicate that ByteDance is keen to go public in Hong Kong with an IPO slated to happen next year.
ByteDance is best-known for Toutiao, its news aggregator app that claims 120 million daily users, while it also operates a short-video platform called Douyin. The latter is known as TikTok overseas and it counts 500 million active users. TikTok recently merged with Musical.ly, the app that’s popular in the U.S. and was acquired by ByteDance for $1 billion, in an effort aimed at combining both userbases to create an app with global popularity.
The firm also operates international versions of Toutiao, including TopBuzz and NewsRepublic while it is an investor in streaming app Live.me.
The company’s growth has been mercurial but it has also come with problems as the company entered China’s tech spotlight and became a truly mainstream service in China.
ByteDance had its knuckles wrapped by authorities at the beginning of the year after it was deemed to have inadequately policed content on its platform. Then in April, its ‘Neihan Duanzi’ joke app was shuttered following a government order while Toutiao was temporarily removed from app stores. It returns days later after the company had grown its content team to 10,000 staff and admitted that some content it had hosted “did not accord with core socialist values and was not a good guide for public opinion.”
Ambitious new media firm ByteDance is no longer a secret outside of China
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shihtzuman · 7 years
Hey internet, get ready for another big fight over net neutrality
Battle stations.
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samdelpapa · 5 years
"Tassare i cittadini è da imbecilli"
Erza Pound
Il fisco preleverà denaro dai conti correnti con la Virus Tax
2020/03/14 9:40
Il fisco preleverà denaro dai conti correnti con la Virus Tax
Mentre l’Agenzia delle Entrate ha ricevuto mandato di mettere sotto torchio ancor di più i contribuenti per lottare contro l’evasione fiscale, la magnanimità del Governo che ha stoppato tasse e canoni vari per venire incontro ai cittadini in quarantena potrebbe tradursi presto in una Virus Tax.
Sebbene vi sembri un ingiustizia, in realtà potrebbe essere la naturale conseguenza della della libertà economica concessa dall’UE al nostro paese per fronteggiare l’emergenza. Tuttavia l’Italia è preoccupata dal fatto che la stessa UE sta già chiedendo un aumento delle tasse sulle spalle dei contribuenti per rientrare nei parametri della manovra fiscale.
La Virus Tax, o come si chiamerà, dovrà quindi far fronte alle enormi spese che il Governo sta sostenendo a copertura di salari e aziende che per il blocco da Coronavirus sono costretti a chiudersi in casa.
Ad ogni modo un aumento delle tasse era purtroppo già in programma nella Manovra fiscale, laddove è previsto l’aumento dell’IVA nel 2021 come stabilito dalle clausole di salvaguardia. L’UE plaude agli aumenti d’imposte come l’IVA perché vuole che l’Italia sposti progressivamente la pressione fiscale sui consumi, ottenendo così una legge di bilancio più leggera di 20 miliardi di euro.
La Virus Tax dovrebbe rappresentare una tantum che si tradurrà in un prelievo forzoso dai conti correnti dei cittadini, ovviamente misurato e proporzionato in base al reddito. Lo fece già l’allora Governo Prodi nel 1998 con l’Euro Tassa per rientrare nella nascente UE, mentre oggi l’esecutivo guidato dal premier Conte sta pensando di tassare i cittadini per l’emergenza Coronavirus.
Apri su NewsRepublic
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teknobiorg · 6 years
✓iyi boyut
NotBir çentikiziyok
✓İyi pil ömrü
✓Kulaklık jakı
✓microSD üzerinden genişletilebilir bellek
✕Kamera uygulaması yavaş
✕Ekran çok hassas
✕yok hızlı şarj
Orijinal ve kullanışlı
Dikkatimi ilk olarak yeni ortağımma çeken, zarafeti ve özgünlüğü idi. Orta menzilde biraz heyecanlanmak hala mümkün görünüyor. Ve cinsel çekicilik. Teşekkürler, HTC! Ve tekrar etsem de, 8 yıl önce bana eşlik eden bu Desire ile hiçbir ilgisi yok ve kıyaslamaların hiçbir yeri yok, yardım edemedim: yıllar HTC telefonlarını iyi yaşlandırdı. Cihaz şu an çok seksi. Özellikle de arkadan bakarsanız.
U12 Life alt sırtında, HTC 3D Ultra Stripes denilen bazı estetik ve yeni çizgiler sunuyor. HTC’nin gövdesi için iyi bir uyumun ötesinde, bu 0,3 mm’lik derin çizgiler dokunuştan hoşlanır ve U12 Life’ın karakteristik parlaklığını kaybetmemesini sağlar. Ayrıca, parmak izi lekelerini çok fazla göremezsin. Çok şükür, çünkü artık her yerde yeni akıllı telefonlar ve parmak izleri ile dayanamıyorum. Bu yeterli.
Bu karakteristik şeritler sayesinde, kristal tasarımı (marka tarafından Likit Yüzey olarak adlandırılır ve U12 satırından kalıtsal olarak adlandırılır) kusursuz görünür – neredeyse modele bağlı olarak mavi veya menekşe farklı tonları yaratan bir ayna gibi ve yansıttığı ışık. Buna katkıda bulunmak, HTC’nin bu güzel akıllı telefon kapağını oluşturmak için kullandığı özel işlemlerin metalik görünümü.
Arkada ayrıca mermi gibi hızlı parmak izi okuyucuyu da buluyoruz. Bu noktada hiçbir şikayetleri – bu harika. Solunda, dikey olarak yerleştirilmiş çift kamera, iPhone X, XS veya XS Max’ınkilere oldukça benziyor . Aynı şekilde dışarı çıkmışlar bile.
Bir başka güçlü nokta da HTC U12 Life’ın boyutu, ne küçük, ne de çok büyük. Tek eliyle (ve bana inan, elim çok büyük değil) ve tutması çok rahat, yuvarlatılmış kenarları ve köşeleri sayesinde, yeterince küçük. Bu HTC U12 Life’ın gerçek bir “vücudu” var.
Çentiksiz ultra hassas ekran
HTC U12 Life sadece arkadan güzel değil. Önden baktığımızda, telefon zarif ve şık. Önde aynı zamanda iyi bir çözünürlük, canlı renkler ve daha iyi bir parlaklık sunan 6 inç Full HD + ekran da bulunuyor. Bu, kullandığım tüm durumlara iyi uyum sağladı (her zaman otomatik modda manuel modda size en uygun olanı da seçebilir). Berlin’deki bu güneşli sonbahar günlerinde bile gün ışığında, ekranı çok net bir şekilde okuyabiliyordum.
Çentik yokluğu öne çıkıyor. Bu günler çentikler her yerdedir ve 18: 9 oranından vazgeçmeden en sevdiğim birini bulmaktan mutluluk duyar.
Yine de ekran ile iniş çıkışlarım olduğunu söylediğim için üzgünüm. Her şey çok güzel olamazdı. U12 Life’ın paneli o kadar hassastır ki, akıllı telefonu elimde tutup parmağımı ince kenarlara kaydırmak yanlışlıkla bir uygulama açmıştır. Ve bu drama başladığında. Yapılmaması gereken videolar, uygulamalar bir ekrandan diğerine taşındı ya da klasörlerden birine kaydı, WhatsApp sohbetleri seçildi … Size kaç kez akıllı telefonu kaptığımı ve kilidini açtığımı söylemek istemiyorum. Bana BOOM hoparlörü bağlamak istediğimi sordu … Bana biraz deli çektiniz, HTC! İş arkadaşlarım bile bunun için kefil olabilir. Hassas olmak güzel, ama bu kadar mı?
Güle güle Android One, HTC Sense geri döndü
Geçtiğimiz yıl HTC, bizi biraz şaşırttı ve Android One ile HTC U11 Life’ı, yani Android’in saflığını ve yükseltme garantisini verdi. Bu değişti ve gerçekten utanç verici. Şimdi, üretici tekrar Sense arayüzüne güveniyor. Bu yineleme, Sense Companion veya NewsRepublic uygulamasından yoksun olarak daha basitleştirilmiştir. Ama Blinkfeed hala gemide. İtiraf etmeme rağmen, kullanmadım ki, bazıları için yararlıdır.
HTC, uygulamalar için kendi simgelerini kullanır, ancak Google uygulamalarını bir kenara bırakır. Kullandığımızdan oldukça farklı olan telefon uygulamasının, SMS ve kişilerin simgeleri dikkat çekiyor.
İşletim sistemi Android 8.1 Oreo ve Android Pie’ye yükseltme henüz onaylanmadı. Yazık…
Günlük kullanımda sorun yok
Yüzeysel tarafı gösterdikten sonra, HTC U12 Life’ın kaputun altında ne saklandığını görmenin zamanı geldi. Cihaz her gün kullanımda mükemmel performans gösteren Snapdragon 636’yı kullanıyor. Performans sıvıdır, çoklu görev sorunları yoktur ve hızlı ve etkilidir. Oyunlarla da iyi bir performans sergiliyor, ancak özel bir oyuncuysanız, bu sizin ideal arkadaşınız değil. Çok yüksek gereksinimleri olan oyunlar, zaman zaman mücadele etmesini sağlayacaktır.
Ek olarak, U12 Life, microSD ile genişletilebilen 4GB RAM ve 64GB dahili belleğe sahiptir. Onun lehine iyi bir nokta.
Kulaklık jakı ve stereo hoparlörler.
Bu U12 Life, mini kulaklık jakı, sonsuza dek takdir ettiğim bir şey ve stereo hoparlörler ile geliyor. Ses kötü değil, aynı zamanda muhteşem bir şey de değil, söylemek zorundayım. Ancak, kutuda bulunan kulaklıklar sadece daha iyi bir çiftiniz yoksa sizi kurtarmak için vardır. Aramalar için iyi ve birazcık daha iyi. Şehrin etrafında yürürken WhatsApp seslerini dinlerken bile sorun yaşadım.
Resimler senin güçlü takımın değil, HTC.
Davaya bağlı olarak beni en çok veya tam tersi ilgilendiren konuya geliyoruz. Kendini biliyorsun, biraz dene ve sonra kendini kanıtlamak zorunda olduğun günden güne geliyor. Ve akıllı telefonlar açısından, benim için kamera bu. Her zaman, her şeyden ve fotoğraftan fotoğraf çekiyorum.
HTC U12 Life’ın arka lensi dikkatimi çekti. Bu, özellikle Google ve Piksellerinde , daha iyi fotoğrafların bir işareti değil , HTC’nin bu yönü ciddiye aldığını doğrudur . İki arka 16 MP ve 5 MP kamera, akıllı telefonun dikey modada çok şık bir modaya sahip olmasını sağlıyor. Çok fazla kullandığım bir şey değil ama buna sahip olmak güzel.
Pratikte, iyi aydınlatmaya veya dış mekana sahip olduğumuzda sonuç optimaldir. Normal fotoğraflar için aynı. Gündüz vakti iyi. Gece veya düşük ışıkta, kamera titreder ve renkler canlı kalmaz. Dışarıda küçük bir gri görünmeye eğilimliydiler, ışıklar açıkken evin içinde biraz sarı bir alana gidiyorlar.
Ve düşük ışık koşullarında, kamera yavaş ve beni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayı başardı. Fotoğraf görünene kadar çekimi birkaç saniye sürer, bu da fotoğrafları bulanıklaştırır. Bunu farketmem biraz zaman aldı, ancak anlık görüntülerin bozulmasını önlemek için aynı konumu koruyarak düzeltmeye çalıştığımda tamamen imkansızdı. Ön kameranın 13 MP’si dikkat çekiyor ve özçekimler hiç de kötü değil.
Özerkliğe aşık olmak
Akıllı telefonum elimin bir uzantısı gibi. Her yerde benimle gider ve neredeyse her zaman onu kullanırım. Evet, itiraf ediyorum, biraz bağımlıyım. Bu HTC U12 Life ile değişmedi. Bu, cihazın beni gerçekten bulduğu yer. U12 Life’ın çok fazla dayanıklılığı var. Hiçbir zaman beni askıda bırakmadı, pil birden fazla vesileyle geceye kadar sürdü. Sadece uyuyacağım ve ertesi güne ihtiyaç duyduğumda ücret aldım, ama eminim ki, en azından işe giderken gelene kadar bir ücret ödemeden sabah dayanmış olurdum.
3,600 mAh batarya fark edilir. Günlük kullanımımda veya WhatsApp sesli mesajlarını göndermenin kötüye kullanımı , arama, Google Haritalar’a neredeyse her yerden ulaşma, e-postaları okuma, sosyal ağları kontrol etme, Instagram’a fotoğraf yükleme , düzenleme, AndroidPIT web sitesine bakarak makalelerin nasıl gittiğini görmek İnternette herhangi bir saçmalık arıyorsanız, HTC U12 Life beni asla hayal kırıklığına uğratmadı. Bu beni çok mutlu etti ve bu yüzden HTC akıllı telefona aşığım.
Hızlı bir ücrete sahip olmadığı ve% 100’e geri dönmesi için yaklaşık iki saat ihtiyacınız olduğu doğrudur, ancak geceleri fişe takılıyorum çünkü bu durum herhangi bir rahatsızlığa neden olmamıştır. Ancak, fiyatı için olumsuz bir nokta.
  HTC U12 Life incelemesi İyi ✓iyi boyut NotBir çentikiziyok ✓İyi pil ömrü ✓Kulaklık jakı ✓microSD üzerinden genişletilebilir bellek Kötü ✕Kamera uygulaması yavaş
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is looking to raise as much as $3 billion to continue growth for its empire of mobile-based entertainment apps, which include news aggregator Toutiao and video platform Tiktok.
The Beijing-based startup is in early-stage talks with investors to raise $2.5 billion to $3 billion, according to a source with knowledge of the plans. That investment round could value ByteDance as high as $75 billion, although the source stressed that the valuation is a target and it might not be reached.
It’s audacious, but if that lofty goal is reached then ByteDance would become the world’s highest-valued startup ahead of the likes of Didi Chuxing ($56 billion) and Uber ($62 billion). Only Ant Financial has raised at a higher valuation, but the company is an affiliate of Alibaba and therefore not your average ‘startup.’
The Wall Street Journal first broke news of the ByteDance investment plan.
But there’s more: Earlier this week, the Financial Times cited sources who indicate that ByteDance is keen to go public in Hong Kong with an IPO slated to happen next year.
ByteDance is best-known for Toutiao, its news aggregator app that claims 120 million daily users, while it also operates a short-video platform called Douyin. The latter is known as TikTok overseas and it counts 500 million active users. TikTok recently merged with Musical.ly, the app that’s popular in the U.S. and was acquired by ByteDance for $1 billion, in an effort aimed at combining both userbases to create an app with global popularity.
The firm also operates international versions of Toutiao, including TopBuzz and NewsRepublic while it is an investor in streaming app Live.me.
The company’s growth has been mercurial but it has also come with problems as the company entered China’s tech spotlight and became a truly mainstream service in China.
ByteDance had its knuckles wrapped by authorities at the beginning of the year after it was deemed to have inadequately policed content on its platform. Then in April, its ‘Neihan Duanzi’ joke app was shuttered following a government order while Toutiao was temporarily removed from app stores. It returns days later after the company had grown its content team to 10,000 staff and admitted that some content it had hosted “did not accord with core socialist values and was not a good guide for public opinion.”
Ambitious new media firm ByteDance is no longer a secret outside of China
via TechCrunch
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webdevelopment010 · 6 years
Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is looking to raise as much as $3 billion to continue growth for its empire of mobile-based entertainment apps, which include news aggregator Toutiao and video platform Tiktok.
The Beijing-based startup is in early-stage talks with investors to raise $2.5 billion to $3 billion, according to a source with knowledge of the plans. That investment round could value ByteDance as high as $75 billion, although the source stressed that the valuation is a target and it might not be reached.
It’s audacious, but if that lofty goal is reached then ByteDance would become the world’s highest-valued startup ahead of the likes of Didi Chuxing ($56 billion) and Uber ($62 billion). Only Ant Financial has raised at a higher valuation, but the company is an affiliate of Alibaba and therefore not your average ‘startup.’
The Wall Street Journal first broke news of the ByteDance investment plan.
But there’s more: Earlier this week, the Financial Times cited sources who indicate that ByteDance is keen to go public in Hong Kong with an IPO slated to happen next year.
ByteDance is best-known for Toutiao, its news aggregator app that claims 120 million daily users, while it also operates a short-video platform called Douyin. The latter is known as TikTok overseas and it counts 500 million active users. TikTok recently merged with Musical.ly, the app that’s popular in the U.S. and was acquired by ByteDance for $1 billion, in an effort aimed at combining both userbases to create an app with global popularity.
The firm also operates international versions of Toutiao, including TopBuzz and NewsRepublic while it is an investor in streaming app Live.me.
The company’s growth has been mercurial but it has also come with problems as the company entered China’s tech spotlight and became a truly mainstream service in China.
ByteDance had its knuckles wrapped by authorities at the beginning of the year after it was deemed to have inadequately policed content on its platform. Then in April, its ‘Neihan Duanzi’ joke app was shuttered following a government order while Toutiao was temporarily removed from app stores. It returns days later after the company had grown its content team to 10,000 staff and admitted that some content it had hosted “did not accord with core socialist values and was not a good guide for public opinion.”
Ambitious new media firm ByteDance is no longer a secret outside of China
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The post Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is raising $2.5B-$3B more appeared first on Fadsmedia.
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fmservers · 6 years
Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is raising $2.5B-$3B more
Fast-growing Chinese media startup ByteDance is looking to raise as much as $3 billion to continue growth for its empire of mobile-based entertainment apps, which include news aggregator Toutiao and video platform Tiktok.
The Beijing-based startup is in early-stage talks with investors to raise $2.5 billion to $3 billion, according to a source with knowledge of the plans. That investment round could value ByteDance as high as $75 billion, although the source stressed that the valuation is a target and it might not be reached.
It’s audacious, but if that lofty goal is reached then ByteDance would become the world’s highest-valued startup ahead of the likes of Didi Chuxing ($56 billion) and Uber ($62 billion). Only Ant Financial has raised at a higher valuation, but the company is an affiliate of Alibaba and therefore not your average ‘startup.’
The Wall Street Journal first broke news of the ByteDance investment plan.
But there’s more: Earlier this week, the Financial Times cited sources who indicate that ByteDance is keen to go public in Hong Kong with an IPO slated to happen next year.
ByteDance is best-known for Toutiao, its news aggregator app that claims 120 million daily users, while it also operates a short-video platform called Douyin. The latter is known as TikTok overseas and it counts 500 million active users. TikTok recently merged with Musical.ly, the app that’s popular in the U.S. and was acquired by ByteDance for $1 billion, in an effort aimed at combining both userbases to create an app with global popularity.
The firm also operates international versions of Toutiao, including TopBuzz and NewsRepublic while it is an investor in streaming app Live.me.
The company’s growth has been mercurial but it has also come with problems as the company entered China’s tech spotlight and became a truly mainstream service in China.
ByteDance had its knuckles wrapped by authorities at the beginning of the year after it was deemed to have inadequately policed content on its platform. Then in April, its ‘Neihan Duanzi’ joke app was shuttered following a government order while Toutiao was temporarily removed from app stores. It returns days later after the company had grown its content team to 10,000 staff and admitted that some content it had hosted “did not accord with core socialist values and was not a good guide for public opinion.”
Ambitious new media firm ByteDance is no longer a secret outside of China
Via Jon Russell https://techcrunch.com
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blacklacetemptation · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/nikkalace
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fusion0589 · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/ASK_DuBois
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hari4games · 7 years
#gamedesign | #videogames | Pittsburgh steels itself to become a regional game hub https://t.co/ZCT24vx2Tc via @NewsRepublic
— Harshit Rawal (@harshitrawal) July 30, 2017
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