#Newcomers to Canada Job Board
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Canadian Job Market for New Immigrants
Moving to a new country and finding employment can be a challenging experience, particularly when navigating an unfamiliar job market. For new immigrants, understanding the Canadian job market is crucial for a successful transition. This guide offers insights into the Canadian job market, essential certifications, work benefits, and where to find job opportunities to help you settle in and thrive.
What to Understand About the Canadian Job Market
Canada’s job market is diverse, reflecting the country’s rich cultural fabric and economic landscape. Jobs for Newcomers to Canada, here is a checklist to remember:
Economic Sectors: Canada’s economy is supported by several key sectors, including technology, healthcare, finance, and natural resources. Emerging fields like green technology and digital media are also gaining traction. Understanding which sectors are booming in your target city can help you tailor your job search.
Employment Trends: The job market everywhere is competitive & in Canada too, but there are opportunities in various fields. Recent trends indicate a growing demand for skilled workers in technology, healthcare, and skilled trades. It's important to stay updated on these trends through local job boards and industry news.
Work Culture: Canadian work culture emphasizes professionalism, punctuality, and respect for work-life balance. Networking is highly valued, and building relationships can be key to finding job opportunities. Understanding these cultural nuances can help you adapt quickly and effectively.
What Certificates Can Work for You: Top Canadian Courses for New Immigrants
Securing a job in Canada may require specific certifications or qualifications, depending on your field. Here are some top certifications and courses that can enhance your employability:
Project Management Professional (PMP): For those interested in project management, the PMP certification is highly regarded and can open doors in various industries.
Canadian Securities Course (CSC): If you are pursuing a career in finance or investment, the CSC is essential for roles involving financial services and securities.
Health and Safety Certification: In sectors like construction and manufacturing, certifications such as the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) certification can be crucial for meeting industry standards.
Language Proficiency Courses: Improving English or French language skills through courses like English as a Second Language (ESL) or French for the Workplace can significantly enhance job prospects and ease workplace integration.
Tech Industry Courses: For those in tech, courses in programming languages, cybersecurity, or data analytics from institutions like Coursera or Udacity can be beneficial.
Canadian Work Benefits and Employee Rights
Navigating work benefits and understanding employee rights are essential for a smooth employment experience in Canada. Here is what you should know:
Employment Standards: Canadian labor laws ensure various employee rights, including minimum wage, overtime pay, and statutory holidays. Each province has its own employment standards legislation, so familiarize yourself with the regulations in your province.
Health Benefits: Most full-time employees are entitled to health benefits through their employer, which may include medical, dental, and vision care. Additionally, Canada has a universal healthcare system that provides basic medical services.
Vacation and Leave: Employees are generally entitled to paid vacation days and leave for personal or family reasons. Understanding your entitlements and how to request leave is important for maintaining a good work-life balance.
Workplace Safety: Canadian workplaces are required to meet safety standards. Employees have the right to work in a safe environment and report any hazards without fear of retaliation.
Where to Find Job Opportunities and How to Settle In
Finding job opportunities and settling into life in Canada involves several steps:
Job Portals and Networks: Utilize Canadian job portals & job board for new Immigrants to search for job openings. Additionally, networking through local community groups, professional associations, and industry events can lead to job opportunities. Many cities also have immigrant-serving organizations that can assist with job searches, and offer networking events.
Local Job Fairs and Community Events: Attending job fairs and community events can provide direct access to potential employers and offer insights into the job market in your area.
Settlement Services: Many organizations offer services to help newcomers settle in, including assistance with job searching, resume writing, and interview preparation. These services can also help you understand local customs and integrate into the community.
Cultural Adjustment: Settling into a new country involves adjusting to cultural norms and practices. Engaging with local communities, participating in cultural events, and building a support network can help ease the transition.
Understanding the Canadian job market is a vital step for new immigrants aiming to build successful careers in Canada. By familiarizing yourself with the job market, pursuing relevant certifications, understanding work benefits and employee rights, and utilizing available resources for job searching and settlement, you can enhance your chances of finding meaningful employment and achieving career success.
Embrace the opportunities and challenges of this new chapter, and leverage the resources and networks available to you to make a smooth and successful transition.
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canadayouthjobs · 5 months
A Guide for Newcomers to Land Dream Jobs in Canada
Canada is the vast and welcoming country offers incredible opportunities, and finding your perfect job is the next crucial step towards settling in. While navigating the job market might seem daunting at first, with the right approach and resources, you will be well on your way to career success.
Understanding the Canadian Job Market:
The Canadian job market is diverse and regional. Major cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal offer a wider range of opportunities, while smaller towns might have specific industry strengths.  Here are some things to keep in mind:
In-Demand Skills: Research occupations in high demand across Canada. Resources like the Government of Canada's Job Bank provide valuable insights into current job trends.
Provincial Variations: Job markets can differ by province. Familiarize yourself with the specific industries and skill sets valued in your chosen region.
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Top Tips for Newcomer Job Seekers:
Highlight Your Skills and Experience: Canadian employers value transferable skills and relevant experience gained in your home country.
Craft a Canadian-style resume: Research resume formats common in Canada. Focus on concise yet impactful language, highlighting achievements and quantifiable results. Submit resume to us, we will guide you.
Bridge the Gap: Consider additional training or certifications to bridge any skill gaps identified between your experience and Canadian industry standards.
Network Works: Building connections is crucial in Canada. Attend industry events, connect with professionals online, and utilize newcomer communities and support groups.
Embrace Language Learning: Strong English or French language skills are highly valued by most employers. Consider enrolling in language courses to improve your fluency.
Best Job Options for Newcomers:
While every skill and experience is valuable, certain job sectors offer a higher chance of success for newcomers:
Skilled Trades: Canada faces a shortage of skilled trades people like electricians, plumbers, and welders. Apprenticeship programs offer excellent opportunities to gain valuable skills and secure well-paying jobs.
Healthcare: With an aging population, Canada requires healthcare professionals like nurses, personal support workers, and medical technicians.
Information Technology (IT): The IT sector is booming in Canada, offering jobs for software developers, web developers, and network administrators.
Customer Service: Strong communication and interpersonal skills are always in demand. Consider call center or retail positions while seeking your ideal job.
Educational Sector: Qualified teachers and educational assistants are needed across Canada, particularly in French-speaking regions.
The Power of Job Boards and Resources:
Job Bank: The government-funded resources can be a great starting point. Create a profile, search for jobs across Canada, and receive notifications for relevant opportunities.
Provincial Job Boards: Most provinces have dedicated job boards showcasing local opportunities. Explore our Job Board for New Immigrants resources.
Settlement Agencies: Many settlement agencies offer job search workshops, resume writing assistance, and connections to employers looking for skilled newcomers.
Networking Websites: Platforms like LinkedIn can be invaluable for connecting with professionals in your field, and exploring potential opportunities.
What to Remember:
Finding the perfect job can take time and effort. Be persistent, refine your skills, and actively network. Embrace the resources available to newcomers, and do not hesitate to seek help from Newcomer Jobs Canada settlement agencies or career counselors. 
With dedication and a positive attitude, you will be well on your way to landing your dream job in Canada!
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jobpostnewcomer · 24 days
How to Effectively Post Jobs for Newcomers in Canada?
As Canada's economy grows and diversifies, employers are increasingly looking to tap into a pool of fresh talent by hiring newcomers. Whether recent immigrants or individuals relocating from other parts of the world, newcomers bring valuable skills and perspectives to the workforce. To successfully attract and hire these candidates, it’s essential to know how to effectively post jobs for newcomers in Canada. This article provides insights on crafting a compelling job post for newcomers that resonates with this audience and helps you secure the best talent for your organization.
Understanding the Newcomer Workforce in Canada
Canada is known for its welcoming immigration policies, which have made it a top destination for professionals from around the globe. These newcomers are often highly skilled, multilingual, and eager to contribute to the Canadian economy. However, they may face challenges such as adapting to a new culture, understanding the local job market, and overcoming language barriers. When you post jobs for newcomers in Canada, it's important to address these challenges directly in your job advertisements.
Crafting an Inclusive Job Post
To attract newcomers, your job post for newcomers in Canada should be clear, inclusive, and welcoming. Highlight any support your company offers to help newcomers adjust to their new environment, such as language training, mentorship programs, or assistance with understanding Canadian workplace norms. Use simple, straightforward language in your job descriptions to ensure they are easily understood by individuals who may not be native English or French speakers.
Here are some key elements to include in your job post for newcomers:
Job Description: Clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations of the role. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that may be confusing to someone new to the Canadian job market.
Skills and Qualifications: Focus on the essential skills and qualifications needed for the job. Be open to considering equivalent international experience or qualifications, as many newcomers bring valuable expertise from their home countries.
Support and Resources: Mention any programs or resources your company offers to help newcomers succeed, such as language classes, cultural training, or assistance with credential recognition.
Diversity and Inclusion: Emphasize your company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. This will reassure newcomers that your organization values and respects their unique backgrounds and experiences.
Where to Post Jobs for Newcomers in Canada
To maximize your reach, it’s important to know where to post jobs for newcomers in Canada. There are several platforms and resources specifically designed to connect employers with newcomers:
Immigrant-Focused Job Boards: Websites like WelcomeTalent, Hire Immigrants, and CanadaVisa's job board are dedicated to helping newcomers find employment opportunities.
Community Organizations: Partner with local immigrant-serving organizations, such as ACCES Employment or the YMCA, which often have job boards or can connect you with newcomer talent.
Social Media: Utilize platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to share your job postings. Consider joining groups or forums that focus on employment opportunities for newcomers in Canada.
Government Resources: The Government of Canada provides various tools and platforms for employers looking to hire newcomers, such as Job Bank and the Global Talent Stream.
The Benefits of Hiring Newcomers
Hiring newcomers can bring numerous benefits to your organization. They often bring fresh perspectives, a strong work ethic, and diverse skills that can enhance your company’s innovation and global reach. By creating a thoughtful job post for newcomers and understanding how to effectively post jobs for newcomers in Canada, you can attract top talent that will contribute to your company’s long-term success.
In conclusion, posting jobs for newcomers in Canada requires a strategic approach that takes into account their unique challenges and needs. By crafting inclusive job posts and leveraging the right platforms, you can successfully connect with talented newcomers eager to make a positive impact in their new home.
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“Creativity isn't just when you're writing poetry, it's about how you live your life.”
Meet Jai, the epitome of a “multi-pie guy”. His full life is a tapestry deeply woven with creativity, innovation, and community. A few of Jai’s pursuits span the realms of poetry, music, co-housing, writing, and cooking. His mind is constantly innovating and creativity is a part of his daily life. He also finds solace in slowing down to create space to fully savour his creative process. 
As a co-cordinator and instructor at the Capilano University, IDEA School of Design, he co-developed the Interaction Design program. Jai works in user experience (UX) research to help people and organizations discover how their products and services interact with people. People and technology are at the heart of his career. 
Jai’s heart also beats for service - he is a respite foster care parent and a board member with Brightside Community Housing as well as a volunteer at MOSAIC, assisting newcomers to Canada find job opportunities. In every facet of his life, Jai stays true to his values whether that be writing music or helping a family acclimate to a new country, he believes that life is an act of creativity. 
How does your creativity flow shift between all your different projects? 
“My values of collaboration, convening and creativity are at the center of everything. I’ve always worked in collaboration whether as a composer writing music for dance and theatre, creative writing, or in the work I do. And convening, I love bringing people together. I often have people for dinner and organize salons to help make sense of the world. It is bridging like-minded people together. Creativity is the last pillar of that for me and it is imbued in everything that I do. Creativity isn't just when you're writing poetry, it's about how you live your life.”
How do you personally define creativity? 
“Maybe it’s an approach to the world. Creativity is a mindset where you see everything as endless opportunities for creation and imagination. I think our culture doesn’t encourage people to play like when we were young. Children are always curious, sharing, understanding, trying things out, and playing. And somewhere along the line, we get told that we have to be good at something for it to be good. You don't. Fail creatively!”
So, how do you manage to not lose that sense of play and wonder? 
“I’m pretty silly, always tweaking the nose of whatever I’m doing.  And maybe it's a mindset. It’s the way I see the world. I see the world in abundance of endless opportunity. Lately, I've been feeling overwhelmed with all the terrible things happening in the world. I think one of the things that we can do is be creative and bring something beautiful into the world. Being creative is making a choice to be optimistic.”
Can you tell me about a time you used your creativity to overcome adversity? 
“The pandemic was a hard time for everyone. My friend and I created a project called the Power of Portrait, and we put out a call to everyone to submit a photo and a story of how they were dealing with COVID-19. When all the businesses were boarded up downtown, we had this huge display of all the portraits that linked to their stories on the website. We wanted to create something that might capture the hearts and minds of people and inspire togetherness despite being a part. It was a beautiful display of collective creativity.”
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What advice do you have for someone afraid to express their creative voice? 
“First off, if people are feeling like they are not creative, ask yourself, “Where is that coming from?”. And be confident that you have something to say, something to add to this world. And then perhaps take a second to slow down and take a look at what you’re already doing. Reframe your thinking of what is creative. Whether that's cooking, arranging the pillows on your bed, or the way you dress; these are all creative acts.”
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allfirstnationsjobs · 5 months
Why Aboriginal Workers are Canada's Untapped Talent Pool
Canada's workforce is undergoing a significant transformation. As the baby boomer generation retires, a skilled labor shortage looms large across various industries. In this context, Aboriginal workers – encompassing First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples –  emerge as a vital and often overlooked talent pool.
Let’s discuss in brief why businesses are increasingly seeking to hire Aboriginal workers, and how both Indigenous communities and employers can navigate the path towards a more inclusive and prosperous future.
Why Aboriginal Workers are in Demand: The community have some unmatchable specialists
Unique Skills and Knowledge: The community holds a wealth of traditional knowledge and skills relevant to various sectors. From environmental stewardship and resource management to skilled trades and cultural tourism, Indigenous workers offer valuable expertise.
Strong Work Ethic: Aboriginal cultures often emphasize hard work, dedication, and a deep respect for the land. These values translate into reliable, resourceful, and environmentally conscious employees.
Diversity and Inclusion: Businesses that prioritize diversity and inclusion benefit from a wider range of perspectives and experiences. Hiring Aboriginal workers fosters a richer company culture and strengthens community relations.
Government Programs and Incentives: Many government initiatives promote the hiring of Indigenous workers. These Indigenous Jobs Canada programs offer financial incentives and support to employers who actively recruit and integrate Aboriginal talent.
Why Businesses Prefer to Hire Aboriginal Workers:
Beyond the ethical imperative of creating a more inclusive workplace, companies see tangible benefits in hiring Aboriginal workers:
Improved Problem-Solving: Indigenous knowledge systems often offer unique approaches to problem-solving, fostering innovation and creativity within teams.
Strong Community Ties: These workers can act as bridges between businesses and local communities, fostering trust and collaboration.
Addressing Labor Shortages: In sectors facing skilled labor shortages, Aboriginal workers can fill vital roles, contributing their expertise and propelling business growth.
How Aboriginal People can get Jobs in Canada:
Several resources and initiatives exist to help Indigenous people find meaningful employment:
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Programs: The Government of Canada offers various programs to equip Indigenous individuals with the skills and training needed to secure employment.
Indigenous Job Boards: Dedicated job boards like our Aboriginal Job Board connect job seekers with employers seeking Indigenous talent.
Settlement Agencies: Many settlement agencies provide job search workshops, interview skills training, and resume writing assistance to newcomers, including Indigenous job seekers.
Are Aboriginal Workers the Future of the Workforce?
The answer is a resounding yes. With their unique skills, strong work ethic, and deep connection to the land, Aboriginal workers hold immense potential to shape a thriving and sustainable future for Canada's workforce.
By removing barriers and creating inclusive workplaces, we can unlock this potential and pave the way for a more prosperous and equitable future for all Canadians.
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immigrantnetworks · 1 year
Building Bridges: Indian Immigration in Canada and the Power of Networks
 Canada has long been a popular destination for immigrants from around the world, and Indian immigrants have been a significant part of this diverse community. Over the years, Indian immigration in Canada has grown steadily, with Indians contributing significantly to the economic, social, and cultural fabric of the country. One important factor that has played a significant role in the success of Indian immigrants in Canada is the power of networks.
The Importance of Networks
When immigrants move to a new country, they often face a multitude of challenges, including language barriers, cultural differences, and navigating the complex immigration system. However, having a strong network can be a game-changer for newcomers, especially Indian immigrants in Canada.
Networks are formed by individuals who share common interests, values, or backgrounds, and they can provide a support system for newcomers in a foreign land. Networks can include friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances, and even online communities. These networks can offer a wealth of information, advice, and opportunities that can help immigrants navigate the challenges they may face in their new home country.
The Power of Indian Immigrant Networks in Canada
Indian immigrants in Canada have built strong networks that have played a significant role in their success. These networks have helped newcomers settle in Canada, find employment, and establish businesses. One such network that has been particularly impactful is the platform that connects Indian immigrants across Canada.
Our platform is an online community that provides a platform for Indian immigrants to connect, collaborate, and support each other. It offers a wide range of resources, including job boards, forums, mentorship programs, and networking events, all aimed at helping Indian immigrants succeed in Canada. This platform has become a powerful tool for Indian immigrants to build their networks, gain insights, and access opportunities.
Networking Events: Building Personal Connections
Networking events organized by the Immigrant Networks platform have proven to be highly valuable for Indian immigrants in Canada. These events bring together Indian professionals, entrepreneurs, and newcomers, providing them with opportunities to build personal connections, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences. Networking events often feature guest speakers, workshops, and panel discussions on various topics related to employment, entrepreneurship, and settlement in Canada.
Mentorship Programs: Guiding the Way
Another key feature of the platform is its mentorship programs. These programs pair experienced Indian professionals with newcomers to Canada, providing them with guidance, advice, and support as they navigate their careers in Canada. Mentors can share their insights, provide career advice, and help newcomers overcome challenges they may face in their professional journey. Mentorship programs offered by the platform have proven to be highly beneficial for Indian immigrants, helping them gain confidence, build networks, and accelerate their careers in Canada.
Job Boards: Unlocking Employment Opportunities
Finding employment can be one of the most significant challenges for newcomers in Canada, including Indian immigrants. The platform addresses this challenge by offering a job board that connects Indian immigrants with job opportunities across Canada. The job board features a wide range of job openings in various industries, including IT, healthcare, finance, and more. This resource has proven to be immensely helpful for Indian immigrants in their job search, providing them with access to employment opportunities that may otherwise be difficult to find.
The power of networks cannot be overstated when it comes to Indian immigration in Canada. Networks, such as the Immigrant Networks platform, play a crucial role in helping Indian immigrants build connections, gain insights, access opportunities, and overcome challenges. These networks provide a support system that helps newcomers settle in Canada, find employment, establish businesses, and thrive in their new home country.
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thornstocutyouwith · 1 year
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Name: Raven Kingsley Colm Novak
Meaning of Name: Raven: Dark haired, wise. Kingsley: From the king's wood, glade or meadow. Colm: Dove. Novak: Newcomer.
Nickname(s):  Mouse, 
Age: 30
Birthday: September 25
Species/Nationality:  Human, Canadian
Accent: Yes
Language spoken: English, French, Japanese,
Flute Combat
Anime/Manga Manipulation
Shinigami Physiology
Raamiah Tamesis, two hand sword abilities:
----Redacted Information----
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies: Mortal weaknesses, Losing his sword, Partial hearing loss, Weed addiction, ---- Redacted Information---- , Pollen allergies, Asthma, 
Pet: None
Occupation: Reaper/Model Magazine Article Writer
Faceclaim: Iain de Caestecker
Description: Raven has pale peachy skin, white hair, and blue eyes. Burn scars on his chest. He has a scar over his left eye. Other scars also litter his body, related to his home burning down.
Outfit/Accessories/Jewelry: Raamiah Tamesis (Thunder Darkness, Two hand sword), 
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Height: 5’8”
Weight: 134
Body Build: Lean/Toned
Raven is born one half of a pair of twins to his mother, an author, and his father, a businessman based in Japan. Because of his fathers work at this time their father was hardly around so Raven’s mother would often raise the children alone. That was while they were living in Canada. As a child Raven would often wander around the area around his family’s home. This would lead to him eventually wandering far too closely to a pond near the family home and falling in, almost drowning. Following this incident and surviving Raven would soon after become quite sick and take some time to recover from this all together. He would suffer hearing loss because of this happening, making things more difficult for him overall.
Raven and his twin sister would soon start to go to a boarding school as toddlers for a while. Though this doesn’t last very long before their father decides to officially move the family out to Japan as he has found greater success in business there. Some time after arriving the twins would be sent to an academy and be taught to speak Japanese. This would help along with attending a school with both foreign and native students. Over his time there Raven would start to get into more and more geeky interests, especially in manga and video games. Though he would not have too many friends at this time.
Growing into his teenage years nothing all too exciting happens initially as Raven and the rest of his family lead a relatively calm and normal life at this time in their lives. That was until the night a fire broke out mysteriously and destroyed the house and killed both his parents and sister, and ended up maiming and burning the teenager who barely managed to survive the incident. Because of this event Raven, while still in ICU at the hospital is approached by a Reaper, who is able to contact Raven as Raven has brushed so close to death that his ‘sight’ has changed. Allowing him to see spirits and other such beings.
Raven accepts the offer and goes to make a near full recovery, with lingering asthma as the most significant thing to happen because of the fire. Orphaned now and with nowhere really to go Raven, now a recruitment for Reapers is invited to a Reaper school where he can finish out his normal schooling and take the Reaper courses with others who have been in a similar situation and given similar offers as he has been given. Raven graduates from the school with exceptional grades. 
As an adult Raven manages an average life still, when he is not Reaping. Raven takes on a job at a local Japanese Model Magazine that is one of the most, if not the most popular in the country. He becomes an article writer for it. As well he has also inherited his parents own wealth and partial ownership of the rights to his fathers company, and his mothers revenue for her stories. Though Raven refused to actually use the money from them as he desires mainly to use his own money to get himself ahead. As well as enjoys the simple work of writing articles for a magazine. As well, Raven has sold a few books and manga of his own, which has gotten him quite a bit of his own notoriety and fame with the people of Japan.
Almost making him as popular as some of the models that work with the magazine. He is also friends with many of the models and often pressured by fans and his friends alike to take part in more photos, not exactly as a model. Though Raven has got issues with that as he has kept most of his scars from the fire hidden and thinks that the scar over his eye would ruin any photo op.
(Work In Progress)
Graceful, Clean, Unpredictable, Sensitive, Moody, Sweet, Kind, Odd, Unbothered, Smart, Foolish, Prankster, Creative, Energetic,
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Really likes taxidermy and has an impressive collection, Is Agnostic, Sits backwards in chairs, Cracks Knuckles, Eats toppings off his pizza first, Talks to animals as if they are people, Mediocre at almost everything he does, Takes things apart when nervous, Dramatises things, Believes in vampires, Skills: Playing Piano, Reading/Writing, Falconry, Computers/IT, Tight Rope Walking, Seduction, Furrier, Sign Language, Hobbies: Magic, Book Restoration, Candy Making, Kayaking, VR Gaming, Writing Sheet Music, Playing Card Games, Cartography, Beatboxing, Rughooking, Napping, Vegetable Farming, Drawing, Roller Skating, Bonsai Trees, Aerial Silk, Miniature Art, Rafting, Baking, Parkour, 
Likes: Long Walks, Race Walking, Fish, Surprises, Open Meadows, Science, Action Movies, Being Alone, Light Winds, Learning Languages, Beekeeping, Publicity, Writing Fanfiction, J-Pop, Magic Tricks, Swashbuckling Adventure Heroes, Birdhouses, Ballroom Dancing, New Things, Learning, Chalk, Libraries, Small Spaces, Writing, Clowns, Mystery Novels, Frogs, Web Design, Humid Weather, Crowds, Ghosts, Popularity, Being on time, Following Celebrities on Social Media, Early Spring, Locked Doors, 
Dislikes: Bowling, Horror Books, Makeovers, Photography, Gymnastics, Being With Family, Incense, Touching arms, The Sound of birds chirping, Alcohol, Meditating, Mimes, Valentines Day, Astronauts, Talking, Documentaries, Dinosaurs, Magical Girls, Clay, April Fools Day, Midnight, Challenges, Ghibli Movies, Werewolves, Topiaries, Wolves, Llamas, 
Fears: Horses, Germs/Dirt, Birds,
Personality Tests:
Other: Libra,  
   -> Father:
   -> Mother:
Sibling(s): Twin sister, 
                                                             Alternate Universes
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ghimmigrationsvcs · 2 years
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The Canadian Government actively encourages immigration to smaller communities across the country According to a report from the Conference Board of Canada, immigration programs that bring people to Canada's smaller cities and towns – such as the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) and Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) – promise higher economic output for lower costs. These initiatives could be some of the most beneficial investments in developing Canada's economy. Canada's two regional immigration programs, the AIP and the RNIP are designed to promote immigration to smaller, more rural areas. The employer-led AIP is a unique initiative which encourages candidates from abroad to fill job postings where employers are having difficulty in finding Canadian workers. #AIP, #RNIP, #Rural_immigration, #immigration_to_Canada, #rural_communities https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2022/01/government-of-canada-invests-35-million-to-expand-settlement-services-for-newcomers-in-small-towns-and-rural-communities.html (at Brandon, Manitoba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDaZ4dOdTe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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admintrust · 2 years
Wrdsb firstclass login
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Visit our International Languages – Secondaryprogram page. Have a child in high school or are you an adult interested in learning a language NEXT SEPTEMBER? Students who know more than 2 or 3 languages typically do better in school overall, and are keen to pursue other interests and hobbies with greater achievement. Our commitments provide us with a value-based framework that will guide the work of providing Waterloo Region with a first class public education system.
develop language skills that will open a world of possibilities.
Students who enrol in an International and Indigenous Language program will find learning a language will support One of the most important contributions that we can make to our country’s cultural and economic future is to learn another language. In Canada and overseas, in commerce, in technology, and in government, there are a growing number of opportunities for graduates with knowledge of languages. By logging onto the WRDSB network, I agree to use the WRDSB technology (equipment and related resources) in accordance with the WRDSB Responsible Use Procedure. Young Canadians who study languages improve their chances for job success. Tests/Quizzes/In-Class Assignments: Students who miss a test due to an unexpected event, will be required to write the test the first class back from the. When we learn another language, we find ourselves speaking effectively, thinking more clearly, and writing more logically. It introduces us to the culture of a people, their literature, their history, and to their contributions to the worlds of art, music and science.
AugOnline registration has reopened for parents, caregivers and families in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB). Language study includes more than grammar and vocabulary. The 2022-23 school year in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) starts on Tuesday, September 6. Knowledge of other languages offers us a better understanding of Canada and Canadians, providing an opportunity to see both the similarities and the differences among people. Landon, OCT Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health & Physical Education, Drama and Dance Ms. Drawing the map of Canada-ish on our first class of social studies. Click here to learn more about FirstClass Client for BlackBerry. Click here to learn more about FirstClass Client for Android. Knowing languages is more important today, than ever before. Good morning ALL buses are CANCELLED and ALL SCHOOLS are CLOSED today. Click here to watch a 1 minute video about logging into your account for the first time. Language study is a passport to our future. Care for Newcomer Children – Childminding.Summer International Languages – JK-Grade 8.Core Essentials – Literacy and Basic Skills.Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC).Phone: 51, press 3 Fax: 51 General email: kciwrdsb. Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Graduation Requirements Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School.
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newcomersjobcentr · 3 years
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Newcomers Job Centre is one of the fastest growing career job board for Newcomers to Canada Job Seekers. Our employment portal at NewComersJobCentre.ca is fully-dedicated to assisting new immigrants (Newcomers to Canada) Job Seekers in acquiring opportunities to develop their careers. Our platform provides the best for newcomers or newly arrived and established permanent residents’ employment opportunities in Canada and also brings value, and functionality to the world of Canadian online job boards.
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Most Noticeable Ontario Law Firms The Greatest Guide To Canada Immigration Lawyers - The smart Trick of Canada Immigration Lawyers That No One is Discussing
In truth, many will come to Canada to get a put up secondary training on a scholar visa, best immigration lawyers and finally develop into landed immigrant. But with undergoing a session of Reiki Healing Ontario, Canada immigration lawyers there is a good likelihood that they will get an introduction of the life classes that they'll encounter in life and be ready for any conditions that they could face. A superb lawyer could be worth his or her mass in gold, Canada whereas a poor one might simply add to your issues. So long as you keep present with different mortgage lenders, one might probably have a superb credit score standing in 2 years after the stroll-away. Everyone knows it's now a lot harder to qualify for a mortgage even with a few of the bottom curiosity charges in historical past. You can belief all authorized issues together with your authorized consultant from baby safety, guardianship, and even separation. That you must additionally work with a superb lawyer to guard your children in the event you stay in the course of a separation. Large numbers of individuals make the straightforward error of not understanding some small information or methods of rising there probabilities of getting accepted and drop their likelihood, an immigration lawyer is the one who facilitate you with that. We're in a time the place a majority of persons are in debt and we're in debt to the very main establishments that present poor service. Unemployment fee in Canada has dropped steadily however incessantly for Canadian-born folks from 9.2 p.c to 6.7 % in Toronto. That is regardless of the rising unemployed price amongst newcomers immigrating to Canada within the period of final 5 years. Latest official information by Statistics Canada disclosed a excessive increase within the determine of unemployed immigrants in Toronto. As a Toronto lawyer, I'm glad to share some insights into what private damage attorneys who work in Toronto can do for you.
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New York and European Stock Exchanges have seen share values tumble and rally and likewise the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) has taken hits. Shareholders have three primary rights: 1) The proper to vote at legitimate shareholders' assembly after receiving correct discover and paperwork; 2) The fitting to attend a gathering of shareholders; and 3) the precise to correct and full info concerning the affairs of the company, together with the articles of incorporation and any amendments, the administrators' register, the by-legal guidelines, minutes of administrators and shareholders' conferences and the monetary statements, whether or not audited or not. They are going to usually take a look at three years, Canada immigration lawyers and in some circumstances even greater than three years. He has greater than 12 years of expertise in immigration issues, along with fruitfully arguing instances earlier than the Executive Office of the Immigration Judge, Board of Immigrations Appeals and the Administrative Appeals Office. Canada Immigration Lawyers Atlanta can file appeals for you and use their data to handle what may come up. Top-of-the-line methods to actually be sure your course of and strategies of being excepted into a rustic is to take into service an immigration lawyer that can provide help to with all the things you'll want to file and know relating to immigration. It is feasible to take care of such a course of by your self, best immigration lawyers but there are a lot of causes about why you have to take into consideration working with a divorce lawyer that can assist you out. When you've a authorized consultant that will help you out, you'll be able to make sure that proceedings will definitely be taken care of accurately and likewise this likewise conserves time. The principle trigger is that they're solely well-known by Canadian immigration regulation and the opposite cause is that immigration legislation and society doesn't assist and never even assist unlawful immigrants.
Toronto Law Firms
1. You take pleasure in skilled recommendation - Experienced household attorneys make it easier to in making the fitting choices and taking the perfect actions all through the process. A Mexican spouse often let her man lead the household and be a superb housewife. Most jobs in Canada allow you to to cowl all of your on a regular basis expenditure and really feel secure sufficient. Also, Canada immigration lawyers that you must get demolition insurance coverage when you began to just accept jobs. Even in case you have the power to get flowers delivered for a lot cheaper charges, the sting and quantity of the plants is just not respected. If the attorneys give consumer references, use the contacts to get a improved understanding of the legal professionals' work kinds. Ask relations, associates or contemporaries in the event that they know any immigration lawyers. Consequently, there are a wide range of businesses in addition to organizations dedicated to immigration lawyers solely. And there are beliefs due to which you stay a bystander caught in inaction. Immigration regulation is among the primarily tough areas that there's within the regulation area. It's best to not likely really feel terrified to proceed with any sort of movement simply as a result of yet another relative’s sensations or preferences. When you are sure you have discover an immigration lawyer you are feeling at ease with, there's just one factor left to do earlier to signing a contract for companies.
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ghtyyioli9-blog · 5 years
Identifying a Ponzi Scheme and Scam Artists - Part III of III
 III of III in this series of write-ups on Ponzi schemes will certainly check out a real world, recurring scam, the con man behind it and a few of the hundreds of financiers victimized by his criminal venture, Millennium III Corporation.
Background: At a very early age, Gregg Scott Luce was incorrectly converted that his Maine based blood line was directly connected to the storied Time-Life Henry Luce tradition. It's uncertain whether this misconception was instilled within him by personal mental deterioration or a collective domestic dementia. Luce fled his very dysfunctional household at age nineteen and also began trafficking in marijuana. Within a five year period, petty trafficking expanded to major circulation: freight planeloads of product, much of it brought in directly from Jamaica.
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10 years into this venture, Luce understood that a much higher earnings margin was to be recognized in trafficking drug. It was the very early 1980's and drug was a popular and accepted leisure drug amongst the establishment. There wasn't the preconception connected to the numbing that exists today. Luce was driven to the quick fix by rashness, an entrepreneurial spirit, fierce and also limitless ambition, and also an insatiable food craving for the acknowledgment, cash money as well as cache that had actually thwarted his household for the better part of a generation as it made every effort, futilely, to recognize itself with the opulent Time-Life Luce lineage.
Sociopathology, single minded emphasis as well as indifference to the body count in his wake, both actually and also figuratively talking, enabled Luce to establish a port of entrance circulation center in Seattle, Washington, and also quickly control the unclaimed US Northwest territory. Originating from a family of commercial fishermen, Luce was well versed in nautical maps. The Pacific Northwest's unclear, remote shoreline enabled unnoticeable ingress as well as egress of transport airplanes from Colombia. Luce leased a pier and houseboats off Lake Washington, hosting drug fueled parties often visited by popular location musicians, magnate, attorneys, politicians as well as lenders.
Within a five year period of time, the circulation network prolonged north to Canada and as far Southwest as Aspen, Colorado, where his cartel's administrative team supervise procedures. The growing company invested in a Nascar race group. Product was moved to merch decline points in trailers utilized to ferry vehicles and pit equipment from city to city.
Just like the majority of narco-centric companies, Luce's endeavor operated borrowed time. When the DEA and Feds separated the drug ring, all senior personnel, save for one person, got away. The captured operative rejected to transform state's evidence, permitting his associates to quietly seek other organisation opportunities. Luce took a two year hiatus lying low and pored over current financial trends. It was the early nineties and also the Nasdaq bubble had started to gestate. Silicon Valley, Boston, Austin as well as Seattle were the brand-new Wild West. Greed and also eco-friendly were in the air. In the fast paced globe of new media start-ups, the "alcoholic drink paper napkin to boardroom" standard ruled, as did drugs, violence, betrayal, and also lawful adjustment: or else known as 21st century company ideal techniques. Easy bargains were the money of success; futures contracts and also penny stocks were the new impact. The careful vetting of organisation strategies demurred to the haste of being first to market with a provided item. Venture capitalists indiscriminately bathed IT newcomers and veterans alike with more venture capital than most could reasonably want to match in profits. Boom-bust high tech gold fever remained in full force. Luce couldn't have scripted a much better meal right into legit organisation.
Ponzi System: Therefore marked Gregg Luce's introduction from the mob of medication trafficking to the organized crime of Wall Street. The starting of Millennium III Corp. (MIII) honored Luce's intro to Fortune 500 culture at the VC cotillion. In order to fly under the radar of SEC guidelines as well as regulatory authorities, the recently minted Chief Executive Officer of MIII, a broadband media streaming business, limited his initial investor swimming pool to thirty-five non-accredited investors. He later broke the SEC Regulation 505 exception provision with inclusion of an additional 10 capitalists As opposed to concern shares to capitalists, Luce provided "exchangeable note car loan arrangements": a tool exchangeable to either buybacks or shares in MIII at growth. Luce took his hurt service version an action even more, saying the company maintained a non-profitable count on that protected investor monies. In this and succeeding cons, Luce suggested, with poetic license, that the first business form would certainly somehow morph into a "bank", thus making sure the liquidity of MIII's funding funds and also the protection of financier cash.
In keeping with Millennium III's smoke and also mirrors business structure, its Chief Executive Officer was functionally uneducated in New Modern technology: the company's core item offering. Luce was able to effectively pass himself off as an IT avatar by surrounding himself with skilled, authentic technology professionals, providing the Ponzi system with a patina of authenticity. He preserved an entourage of tech wise breakthrough people, lest his shareholders and also customers recognize that the emperor had no clothes.
Seven years after the beginning of MIII, I was preserved to review intellectual property problems. Roughly twelve months right into my job, original note owners started contacting me, expressing worry that they had received no yearly declarations from MIII-- for that matter, no interaction whatsoever from the board of supervisors or corporate police officers for a number of years. More uncomfortable, to a male, every investor had actually required buyback upon growth of their exchangeable note funding contracts. Luce declined to recognize the cosigned promissory notes. The paper trail showed Luce made use of money from the non-accredited investor pool to line his own pockets, and cash from brand-new financiers to pay gotten staff members that held supply choices; consequently, perpetuating the ruse. A textbook definition of the classic Ponzi scheme with a small twist: making use of cash from new investors to pay dividends to initial investors.
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canadayouthjobs · 5 months
How Youth Employment Job Boards Empower Vulnerable Youth in Canada
Canada's future hinges on its youth. Yet, many young people, particularly those facing vulnerabilities, encounter significant barriers when entering the workforce.  Youth Employment Job Boards (YEJBs) are stepping up to bridge this gap, creating a crucial bridge between vulnerable youth and meaningful employment opportunities.
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Understanding Vulnerable Youth:
The term "vulnerable youth" encompasses a diverse group facing challenges that hinder their smooth transition into the workforce.  These challenges can include:
Socioeconomic Background: Youth from low-income families might lack access to education, technology, or professional networks, hindering their job prospects.
Disability: Young people with disabilities often face discrimination in the hiring process.
Newcomer Status: Newcomers to Canada might struggle with language barriers, cultural differences, and lack of relevant Canadian work experience.
Indigenous Background: Indigenous youth may confront unique challenges related to systemic barriers and historical disadvantages.
How YEJBs Empower Young People:
Youth Employment Job Board is an online platform that specifically designed to connect vulnerable youth with employers seeking skilled and motivated young talent. Here is how they make a difference:
Targeted Job Postings: They cater to employers who actively seek to hire and support vulnerable youth. This creates a targeted pool of opportunities catering to their specific skill sets and needs.
Focus on Inclusion: These boards promote diversity and inclusion within the workforce. Employers seeking diverse teams can connect with talented youth from a wider range of backgrounds.
Skill Development Resources: Many Youth Job Board offer resources to help youth develop essential job search skills, including resume writing, interview preparation, and networking tips.
Mentorship Programs: Some of them connect youth with mentors who can provide guidance and support throughout the job search process.
Benefits for Employers:
YEJBs aren't just beneficial for vulnerable youth; they offer significant advantages to employers as well:
Access to Diverse Talent Pool: These portals provide access to a pool of motivated and eager young talent who might be overlooked through traditional channels.
Socially Responsible Hiring: Recruiting from diverse backgrounds demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and can enhance employer branding.
Government Incentives: Some government programs offer incentives to employers who hire vulnerable youth.
The Road to a Brighter Future:
YEJBs are playing a critical role in empowering vulnerable youth in Canada. By offering targeted job opportunities, skill development resources, and mentorship programs, these platforms are paving the way for a more inclusive and successful future for young Canadians.  If you are a young person facing challenges entering the workforce, explore Canada Youth Employment Program in your area.  Employers seeking diverse and motivated talent should consider utilizing these valuable resources.  Together, we can create a brighter future where every young person in Canada has the opportunity to thrive.
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csufguide-blog · 5 years
CSFU Guide
1. Multidisciplinary think about projects
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The University of Bordeaux offers 250 Master programs, 150 Bachelor (incl. professional) programs and 55 national certificates in wellbeing.
Science and Technology
Law, Political Science, Economics, Management
Life and Health Sciences
Social and Human Sciences
An enormous scope of capabilities are conceivable, including obviously a national confirmation in oenology, on account of our aptitude inside the area of Vine and Wine Sciences.
2. Global examination programs
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Roughly 12% of understudies at the University of Bordeaux are worldwide. The college has built up a wide scope of universal investigation programs that are instructed in English (or different dialects, for example, Spanish) and that offer understudies the likelihood of finishing joint or twofold degrees.
Almost 60 global investigation programs exist at Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels including 18 EU-named programs. The University of Bordeaux is a main college in France for support in the Erasmus Mundus Program.
3. Exceptionally qualified instructing staff
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The college utilizes around 5,900 staff individuals, of which about 4,000 are scholastic and research staff. They are perceived for the nature of their logical and educating capabilities. They all hold doctorates or PhD degrees and the medicinal speakers are on the whole dynamic emergency clinic specialists at Bordeaux University Hospital.
> Find out additional info at https://www.csufportal.info/
4. Bleeding edge look into
The field of research is a main thrust of the University of Bordeaux. The brilliance of its skills in every single logical field was perceived in July 2011 when the college was granted the "Activity of Excellence". This honor comprises of a blessing of 700M€ to help the development and improvement of research. In 2016, the University of Bordeaux was one of the principal colleges in France to get affirmation of this program.
The college invites right around 2,000 PhD understudies, as of now has 260 joint proposition (co-tutelle) understandings running, flaunts 20 universal related research facilities and significantly more. Look at our key figures segment to find the extent of our examination exercises.
5. Worldwide acknowledgment
The University of Bordeaux is positioned n°56 in the Times Higher Education Young University Ranking, n°30 in Reuters Europe's Top 100 Innovative Universities and 201-300 inside the Shanghai General Ranking (2018).
6. Open to the world
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The University of Bordeaux stays consistent with its open and humanistic reasoning. This receptiveness is shown by means of the various associations with global colleges (more than 1,000 participation understandings have been marked with more than 500 foundations around the world). Committed projects have been actualized with Japan (Tsukuba, Kyoto, Kyushu), California, Canada (Laval, Montreal, Waterloo) and the Basque grounds of magnificence, "Euskampus".
7. Ensnared and included understudies
Understudies play a functioning and significant job in college life. They are chosen to the college sheets (Board of Governors, Scientific Council, Council on University Studies and Life) and take part in different consultative bodies.
Understudies are likewise engaged with the yearly examination of the showing staff and become dynamic individuals from social or workforce affiliations, all contributing in their own particular manner to keeping the college "progressing". There are altogether more than 135 understudy relationship inside the college.
8. Vocation direction and expert addition
Because of the large number of study programs on offer, understudies can structure their own customized course of concentrate that is best adjusted to their own and expert plans. Numerous courses are structured alongside expert associations, particularly in the fields of pharmaceuticals, oenology, sport the board, and so on., with expert degrees and sandwich courses, just as obligatory work experience beginning in the main year.
For the term of their examinations, understudies can profit by vocation direction experts on location. Inside the area, strong modern organizations have been set up with the different financial segments that exist (aviation, space, science, wellbeing, IT, optic/laser, ranger service and wine) and that offer promising profession viewpoints for our graduated understudies.
9. Dynamic grounds
The University of Bordeaux has one of the biggest grounds (187 hectares) in Europe. It is made out of a few destinations that are situated close to the city and that offer a wide scope of administrations and luxuries. As far as games gear, the offer is broad: 3 manufactured and 1 football turf pitches, 5 rugby turf pitches, a games corridor of 2,000m² for ball, tennis, table tennis, badminton and so forth., 3 squash courts, a sports track, a loads room… the rundown goes on!
Inside each site, devoted workplaces (for understudies and worldwide specialists) offer exhortation and data to help the newcomers' incorporation to college and city life. Likewise, the future looks splendid! Task Campus is a progressing redesign venture of 538M€ bound to modernize and better prepare the four principle grounds locales.
10. An interesting area
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Bordeaux is situated at the very heart of Southern Europe, just a couple of hours from real EU capitals and urban communities. Here are only a portion of the city's most noteworthy qualities:
It is a piece of the UNESCO World Heritage List, depicted as "an extraordinary urban and design gathering"
It is a dynamic city, favored with an especially lofty authentic and social legacy. It is delegated "City of Art and History"
It is the wine capital of the world with around 10,000 wine-delivering châteaux
It is found only one hour from the Atlantic Ocean, subsequently getting a charge out of a mellow maritime atmosphere and rich characteristic environment...
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jobsfornewcomers · 2 years
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Jobs for Newcomers is one of the fastest growing career job board for Newcomers to Canada Job Seekers. Our employment portal at Jobs for Newcomers is fully-dedicated to assisting new immigrants (Newcomers to Canada) Job Seekers in acquiring opportunities to develop their careers. Our platform provides the best for newcomers or newly arrived and established permanent residents employment opportunities in Canada and also brings value, and functionality to the world of Canadian online job boards.
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newcomersjob-blog · 6 years
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Newcomers Job Centre is one of the fastest growing career job board for Newcomers to Canada Job Seekers. Our employment portal at NewComersJobCentre.ca is fully-dedicated to assisting new immigrants (Newcomers to Canada) Job Seekers in acquiring opportunities to develop their careers. 
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