#New sett skin
aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Obsidian Dragon Sett, Cascade Dragon Nami & Carnage Dragon Jack - Legends of Runeterra Level Ups
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lord-pigeon · 2 years
Hot take but as someone whose made bad life decisions by playing video games:
Genshin isn't bad. It's a solid gacha game all things considered. It's got good lore and some really nice designs.
It's just the Internet punching bag now because League has been shooting itself in the foot for the past two/three years. Since League has been dying rapidly since all the players have left it because it's become so hostile to any player not esports, the burden of "Hurr Durr Bad Game" has fallen to the next highly popular one--Genshin.
I play(ed) League too until again, they just ruined it for casuals. League also has a fantastic lore to it. Don't you holier than thou little shits go and say you loved Arcane and then call League lore garbage. It didn't come from nowhere.
Idk I'm just seeing a trend with how League was treated back in the day vs how Genshin is treated now and outside the playerbase, neither game is necessarily bad and its not a waste of time playing them.
Conclusion: Game Not Bad Cause People Are Dipshits
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For someone who isn't dyslexic i sure am bad at reading words where they're supposed to be
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blorbocedes · 3 months
I wish you would write more wag!nico a fic where girl!nico is married to michael but she fucks girl!lewis on the side 😁
a bridgerton inspired au, aka totally devoid of any actual regency customs/historical accuracy. please enjoy!
It is funny now but at the time it had felt like the end of the world.
In just one season, Nico’s life turned up in itself. It all happened in rapid succession. The Queen named Nico, daughter of Earl Rosberg, the diamond of the season. In manners, beauty, and pedigree she was unmatched. But the darker truth remained: the vicious storms that flooded left all her father’s lands upturned, all harvests spoiled – his emerald mining investments had failed, and gambling debt collectors were knocking at the door. Nico’s dowry was astronomical, she was the envy of every young miss and a bag of gold in a dress to every materialistic lordling. And then came the most eligible bachelor of the season: the newly widowed, wealthier than god Duke Schumacher in want of a new wife to secure his heir. It was a match the Queen herself approved. Nico’s opinion on the matter did not. She screamed and cried, she was supposed to be spinsters with Lewis forever on her father’s estate.
It wasn't until the gravity of their family situation which had been concealed to shield her was finally revealed, and the Duke’s promise to her father that he would settle the matter of the debts, that Nico finally relented. Above all else, she was a dutiful daughter. By the end of spring, she was in white to be married. Lewis did not attend the wedding, taking off to sail across the seas with her brother.
And then three years later, Lewis returned. Since locking eyes across the ballroom floor, and feeling her heart sing in a way it has not for so long, they were inseparable, occupied in each other’s minds to care for the stuffy, uppity world around them. Now Lewis has afternoon tea in Nico’s townhouse, sharing womanly vocations trading gossip and scandal, such as how the lady Browning’s oldest child bears a curiously striking resemblance to the gardener instead of the lord Browning.
“Put my sweet to sleep now.” Nico hands off the golden haired bundle of joy after it has finished suckling her breast to her handmaid. She lies back in the sofa, in no haste to fasten her laces, unashamed of the view she makes.
“Motherhood suits you.” Lewis remarks from across from her, at the other end of the sette. Her hair is tucked in the most intricate of braids, adorned in the latest fashions she picked up from France, her skin warm and a most healthy glow; the stunning image of a cosmopolitan, worldly woman.
Nico, by comparison, is tired and pale from having a newborn. “Yes, well. You say that now but when I was fat and round with child…” The maids practically had to force-feed her, while she bursted out of the seams of all her dresses, needing them altered. She lazily traces Lewis’ arm with her foot, thrilled at the touch of skin. It is unbecoming for a lady, for a duchess, but near Lewis she is a giddy maiden, spoiled for touch.
Lewis looks around to ensure no maids are in the drawing room, not a soul around, and then pounces on Nico; practically climbing atop, like they did so many times in their girlhood.
“I would keep you fat and round through ten summers straight if I could. A great big army. And you could not cease to be lovely if you tried.” Lewis whispers into Nico's ear. Her words make Nico’s cunt throb, her ears hot.
Nico pulls Lewis’ mouth inside hers, the place where it first learned how to kiss and thus always hers forever. Lewis pulls the neck of her dress down further, hand cupping Nico’s breast, still sensitive from nursing and fat with milk. Nico bites down on Lewis’ lip when she takes a nipple between two fingers and presses.
Nico’s knee presses in between Lewis’ legs amid her dress. Her pianoforte expertised hand chases under her petticoat, going up higher and higher, clawing her the soft flesh of thigh on the way. She smells intoxicating, like fresh apricot. Nico used the heel of her palm to put pressure and grind on Lewis’ cunt. They get lost in each other’s bodies, falling into a rhythm and soft moans and reluctant break from kissing to breathe pierces the ear.
She was always blessed with sharp ears, and could identity the sound of the carriage on cobblestone signalling her husband’s return home.
By the time her handmaid came to announce the Duke’s presence, Lewis and Nico were sitting at a respectable distance away from each other, not at all disheveled or in a state of half undress. Only the racing of their hearts could give such a sordid secret away.
The Duke is a tall man, taking up more space in a room by his daunting figure and the hard line of his jaw and beady steel blue eyes.
“Miss Hamilton, a pleasure to see you again,” Michael greets Lewis curtly before turning to Nico in German. “Emergency session at parliament, see to it my bags are packed. I shall be heading after dinner.”
“Of course,” Nico simpers, instructing the maids with a simple swish of her hand. She's careful in her tone, in German, while Lewis busies herself with a scone. “When will you be returning?”
“A week, at the least.”
The gears in Nico’s head shift, as she switches to English. “Husband, would it be possible to spare a carriage so Lewis can make way to her aunt’s house whom she is staying with? She would need to leave immediately to make it to town before sunset.”
A muscle switches on Michael’s handsome face. Nico provoked it on purpose, to send an unchaperoned lady away in the dark hours of the night at the Duke’s expense.
“Nonsense, miss Hamilton is our guest. In fact, I would insist she stay until I return. Give you two time to catch up on your bosom friendship.” Michael replies. His words may be sweet, but Nico knows after lady Browning’s scandal, Michael has been reluctant to leave Nico in his charge of his estate. Their gardener has not shown up for weeks, weeds growing overflown, and Nico is quite certain the new estate guards are eunuchs although she does not care enough to check.
With Lewis staying as a guest of the Schumacher’s, Michael can rest easy knowing Nico would not dare to bring another man to warm her bed.
“That is a most kind invitation. We do have much catching up to do.” Lewis smiles.
Her husband said nothing about another woman to warm her long, lonely nights.
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ghostlykeyes · 11 months
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HEARTSTEEL KAYN: HEADCANONS ♡ TW : Drug mentions/Usage ♡ TW: Food mentions ♡ No pairings/ not reader-insert
Ever since joining Heartsteel, Kayn's 'Rhaast' outbursts have lessened in frequency and severity. Of course, his alter-ego makes regular appearances, but being with a group that encourages and accepts him rather than holds him back and tries to get him under control has made it so that Kayn feels less need to express his feelings in such an explosive, reckless way. Of course, he'll never admit that his newfound friends are the reason for his recent (very, VERY slight) stability.
Kayn is extremely choosy with his jewelry. He fronts like he doesn't want to wear "cheap, lame shit"—but actually, he just reacts to most metals. If he doesn't check to make sure his earrings are hypoallergenic, he ends up with a massive rash. Why the excuse? He is NOT about to admit he has sensitive skin.
Probably not a surprise, but Kayn breaks his phone CONSTANTLY. With all his reckless antics, it's rare for a new phone to last him more than a few months. The silver lining is that he at least has his emergency contacts (the Heartsteel members, of course) memorized from entering them into his contacts list so often.
Kayn also has a burner phone he uses for Rhaast.
Maybe you'd expect Kayn to have an enormous rager for his birthday, but the truth is, he doesn't actually like that many people. Instead he invites a handful of his actual friends to the shared Heartsteel apartment for a joint Halloween/birthday party. Costumes mandatory, noise complaints expected. Kayn will tell you to your face if he thinks your costume is stupid.
Kayn's got a lucky guitar pick. Somehow, he’s never lost it.
Wherever Kayn goes, property damage often follows. For Heartsteel's sake, he's cleaned up his act a tiny bit, mostly because he's scared of respects Yone, who gets pissed whenever Kayn breaks too much shit. But come on, you can't deny a man all of life's simple pleasures—you gotta let him graffiti the side of a water tower every once in awhile, or blow up the occasional car.
Notorious for social media rampages, Kayn's been banned from using the Heartsteel twitter. (The last straw was him using the account to threaten a member of his old band. Apparently, Alune didn't think "I'LL FUKKIN DOXX U LOL" an appropriate use of the official twitter account.) He's still semi-active on his personal accounts, but only in sporadic bursts.
Kayn knows how to tie a knot in a cherry stem with his tongue.
Like most rockstars, Kayn dabbles in cocaine. His drug use is pretty limited, though, mostly because he doesn't really need drugs to be high-energy and unhinged. When clips of his erratic behavior surface or Kayn goes on a twitter rampage, newer fans often speculate about Kayn being on drugs. Veteran Heartbeats know that he’s just Like That, though. 
Kayn says he doesn't have a favorite bandmate. (He does. It's Ezreal.)
A lot of the time, Kayn has to be reminded to eat. When he's busy writing songs or hanging out with the band, stopping for a bite never crosses his mind. Thankfully, Sett's on top of his meal schedule (gotta hit those macros!) so he'll remind Kayn that lunch is a Thing That Exists.
Kayn spends a ridiculous amount of time on his nails. Cuticles? Trimmed. Polish? Immaculate, and always black or burgundy. Topcoat? Applied and glass-smooth. Of course he'll deny that his nail routine is so precise because it doesn't fit his devil-may-care image, but come on. Chipped OPI and hangnails? Couldn't be him.
Kayn hates nothing more than the passenger seat. Let him drive! Yes, he knows that he's gotten two speeding tickets in the past three months. Yes, he's completely aware that K'sante got violently carsick the last time Kayn drove everyone to Taco Bell. He does not care. He will NEVER care. Driving is fun and driving recklessly is really fun.
You won't catch Kayn in a salon. He dyes and cuts his own hair in his bathroom. (How is it still so perfect?!)
Kayn is way too eager to help Aphelios pull pranks on people. Unfortunately, he can dish it out, but he can't take it. A prank on Kayn has a 50/50 chance of putting him in a sour, bitchy mood for the next hour.
Of all the band members, Kayn's the one that spends the most time alone. He doesn't have many friends outside Heartsteel. And, even though he knows his band has his back and he appreciates them, he needs frequent social breaks.
Kayn's the ultimate night owl. It's rare for him to go to bed before 4 AM. Despite this, he's always up before ten. Maybe it's Yone's rigorous recording schedule that gets him up. Maybe he's so high-energy, his body can't stand staying still for more than six hours. Maybe, though, it's just all the Monster energy drinks.
Consider it a sign that he likes you if Kayn spam-texts you. If he doesn't, he won't even bother responding. (But, if he suddenly stops texting you out of the blue? Don't worry. He probably broke his phone. Again.)
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hiraethhh-h · 11 months
to a new beginning
note: literally writing this because the boyband leaks got me so excited i started fucking squealing and stomping my feet. enjoy <3
pairing(s): sett x gn!reader, aphelios x gn!reader, sett x aphelios
wc: 753
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“are you sure he’ll like this phel?”
aphelios gently placed his hand atop yours with a reassuring squeeze. “of course he will.” came aphelios’ soft voice. his dark gray eyes shone with warmth. a small smile began to form on your lips at the sight. with a firm nod, you looked to the hat you held in your hands.
it was a dark maroon beanie you had hastily knit, as the debut for aphelios and the others’ band was quickly approaching. it felt right to give such a gift of encouragement to sett. alune had already gifted aphelios a new headset so he could properly edit the mixtapes he and the others made. there was a matching dark pin on the front of the beanie. carefully, you moved one of the floppy ears out of the way. there were three main symbols on the pin; a sun, a moon, and a star all interwoven in some way. you had thought it fitting for your guys’ relationship.
the sound of jangling keys caused both you and aphelios to look over to the front door. it swung open, sett quick to emerge with a tired sigh. aphelios gave your hand one final squeeze before going to greet sett. the taller male pressed a quick kiss against aphelios’ dark teal hair, his other hand going to give aphelios’ hips a small squeeze. “hey mooncake.” sett greeted gruffly. he unceremoniously dumped his dark duffle bag onto the floor next to the door. with the dark gray tank top and light gray sweats sett wore, it was easy to tell he had just come from the gym.
sett was quick to call your name out. his golden eyes scanned your figure, a brow raised in silent question. “you look worried. did something happen?” aphelios took sett’s larger hand in his own, guiding his boyfriend to where you were seated on the couch. your eyes darted to aphelios, full of uncertainty and hesitation. your lover only gave you a small nod, the faintest of smiles on his lips.
“everything’s… fine, i just…” you exhaled shakily. “here, come sit.” you scooted further onto one side of the couch, gently patting the spot next to you. the cushions shifted under sett’s weight as he got comfortable. with a shaky breath, you cleared your throat shortly after. slowly, you lifted the beanie into sett’s view.
“i, uh… made this for you. since you guys are having your debut soon, i wanted to give you something.” you reached upwards to carefully place the beanie atop sett’s head. you gently brushed out any of his damp crimson locks out of the way. afterwards, you sat across from your boyfriend with your hands folded in your lap, unable to stop yourself from fidgeting with your fingers. you had slanted the beanie a bit in the end, as sett’s hair wouldn’t allow you to properly straighten the edges. the pointed ears of the beanie now stood attentively, which looked quite cute on sett’s built figure.
sett’s gaze softed, a lax smile finding its way to his face. he was quick to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his embrace. the smell of old spice flooded your senses and it was anything but overwhelming. “it looks fuckin’ cute.” he told you. sett gave you a small squeeze, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. you giggled upon feeling the faint stubble on his chin graze your skin. “thank you. and you ain’t gotta be nervous when giftin’ me stuff. if it’s from you or phel, i don’t give a damn what it is. i’m just grateful you thought of me.”
you could feel your heart melting in your chest at sett’s words. you wrapped your arms around his torso in return, resting your head on sett’s chest with a growing smile. behind you, the couch dipped yet again. you looked over at aphelios, a warm look in his eyes at the two of you being so close. but there was another look in his eyes as well.
“nuh-uh, don’t you say it phel. i can see it in your eyes.” you huffed with a chuckle. aphelios gave a chuckle of his own, soon to wrap his arms around you with his hands resting atop sett’s. he rested his chin on your shoulder, pecking your cheek with a smile.
together, the three of you remained in a group hug until sett proposed properly cuddling inside his bedroom to which you and aphelios happily agreed.
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mmmmmmmmhhhhh · 5 months
The perfect picture
Sett x reader (fem)
When you woke up this morning you would have never thought that your evening would have been spent like this.
You decided to pay Sett a visit, knowing how busy he was with the organization of the ring and who had to fight that night or not, you wanted to make him feel better, hoping that just your presence and the pastries you brought with you would have made him feel a little less tense.
The day obviously didn't end up as you imagined: when you arrived Sett was pacing left and right to try and make everything like it should be. All that stress partially dissipated when he saw you, only to ask you a tiny, little favour: to help him calming down. One could imagine basking the the other one's presence, eating something together and things like that. What you didn't plan was to have your guts rearranged from the inside by your boyfriend. You were bent over his desk, right in front on the door to his office... which you weren't even sure was locked. The idea of someone opening it and seeing you two only turned you on even more. He must have noticed your walls tightening around his length since not even some seconds later you were asked what you were thinking about. Unfortunately for you he didn't accept a whimper as an answer and only made you look at him by tilting your head back. The new position fortunately didn't last long, your bent back already in pain as he kept on pouding in you from behind. His grip on your hips never got gentler, not that you minded, but at that point you were a drolling mess, only sustained by his force alone.
"You don't know how good you make me feel doll, to know that only you can take me like this, even when you know how easy it would be for someone to come in right now" his words, whispered in your ear, only fueled your desire. After that his pace only got faster and after a moment you felt as if his cock, at this point basically kissing your cervix, was growing inside you. With your hazy mind you almost forgot that, as part vastaya, he had a knot. The thought didn't even have time to present itself in your mind that your lover decided to talk again.
"You know, it wouldn't be that bad if I knotted you up would it? Your womb flowing with my cum, the possibility of you carrying my children... now that would be a nice touch to the already perfect picture we make together". You would have liked to answer but your body betrayed you, his name kept being repeated like a prayer while your walls kept on fluttering around him, only making his cock unable to pull out, basically inviting him to do what he just proposed. Not even some seconds later you felt the warmth of his seed fill you up, as always it was too much for you to take it all, making part of it drop down your leg and unto the carpet. Small whines came from you, the sensation of fullness was too much, especially with his length still inside of you. After a moment his grip on you loosened, his hands rubbing gently over the red skin while he tried to pull out. When he finally did you felt even more of his cum leak from your hole, not having even the time to react he flipped you over, now sitting at the edge of the desk.
"Now we don't want any of this to go to waste no?" You could only nod, earning a "good girl" from him. His lips got close to yours, finally being able to kiss him after all this time, if it wasn't for your breath to be knocked out of your lungs when you felt two of his thick fingers push into you again, scooping up the cum that was dripping from you and repositioning it inside you. Your moans were blocked by his mouth, now completely against yours while the pace of his fingers never got slower.
At least if what he said would happen actually happened his mom finally stop pestering you about having grandchildren.
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opiumkitten · 9 months
A Special Delivery
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It is Christmas Eve, and there's no better way than to bring in Christmas than with the Boss himself. Sett is one of my favorite characters and I'd just been complaining about not having a Santa Settrigh when the Winterblessed line refreshed, this amazing artist created this masterpiece (which i own no rights to, but this man is truly amazing) and he wasn't included. Whether it's due to lore that he remains a Chinese New Year Skin or not, I'd prefer to sit on his lap more than Gragas or Braum...
There isn't much Sett smut, and I aim to change that little by little.
Anyway. Enjoy this Modern Delivery Man AU with our favorite Honey Badger/Wolverine!
The Collection
Word Count: 2760
*Note: My works are written from the eyes of POC. There will be descriptions as such in my works. If that makes you uncomfortable, please replace the words in your head ok?) Also I'm thinking of maybe adding a part 2 where they explore further? I'll let you know.*
Warning: Smut, Oral: Sett Receiving, Ass Eating (Reader Receiving, Yeah. I went there.)(There's more surprises...but you'll just have to read and find out.)
Shuffling down the stairs, I hurriedly tied the robe around me as I tried to focus-
“Hey, packages for Y/FN Y/LN?”
“Y-yes, that me..” Sighing through the-
“Ok, let me just pull up the signature page.” Silence filled the doorway…or…actually there was a…buzz..?
Drumming her fingers on the door seemed to drown it out, her chest leaning against the frame. Her eyes seemed a bit lazy-
“Settrigh, is it?” She was looking at his name tag, biting her lip as she took in just how big he was.
Not that she had any other choice, everyone was tiny in comparison to him.
The smell of hot cocoa wafted through, making him shiver. This was his last delivery of the night. It’d been freezing all day, what’d he do to have some.
“Yeah, um…?”
“Your nose is really red…” Peaking down at her, her robe fell from her shoulder, catching on the swell of her breast…a peak of her areola showing-
“And your face seems windswept…are you ok?”
“Just…really cold out today. This uh…a gift for your boyfriend?”
Chuckling, he handed her the device-
Her hands were shaky, her dominant hand clenching the E-pen to steady her grip.
“No…best friend…we spoil each other.” She stopped signing, closing her eyes as she breathed deep.
“You ok?”
“I’ll take these inside for you.”
“No, its ok I can-“
“-Ma’am, let me help. My ma would give me hell if she’d knew I let a pretty woman lift something like this on her own.”
The compliment had her biting her lip and scissoring her thighs together.
Which far exceeded what's he'd expected.
Though.. she already looked flustered-…?
The buzzing came back. Low and a bit closer as he got his hands around the box-
Pulling open the door she pressed behind it as she pulled the robe down while shivering.
The chocolate smell was much stronger, making him hum as he came in.
“Where do you want me?” Y/n's eyes became hooded, but she hid her reaction as she pointed to the elegantly decorated tree. Sett did as told-
The clatter of the pen hitting the ground brought his head around.
And he finally found out what the buzzing was.
A light…in the center of her ass as she bent over illuminated the robe…and droplets of arousal peaked from under the lapel. So…this is why she was so shaky, hm?
“You a holiday kinda girl?”
“…sort of…” Getting to her knees, the cheeky reply was an understatement as the red and green tinkled proudly, her round ass on display as she reached under the shoe rack.
“It looks great in here. This was my last one for the day, was thinking about getting a hot chocolate on the way home, and you definitely convinced me now.” She chuckled anxiously, collecting the pen as she stood slowly while he walked pass.
Collecting the second box, she bit her lip as he set it down, flicking the ornament-
A sharp breath brought his head around, her nervous smile as she tried slowing down her breathing.
“Thank you, Settrigh.”
“Sett is fine. I’ll be on this route permanently now, so you'll see me more often, Ms. Y/N.”
“You didn't have to bring these in. As thank you and a welcome…can I interest you in a cup of hot chocolate?”
Sett raised an eyebrow, he was sure of what he saw.
Could she really hold her bluff-
Panting, she leaned against the sofa.
“You sure? You don’t seem to be feeling well…”
“I-I’m ok…just need to do something before i-“
Sett didn’t finish the sentence however, watching her claw at the arm.
“-Make it.”
“…Then let me go lock up the truck.”
“You can wait in here. I’ll be back down.”
He didn’t raise suspicion about it, going a bit slower to lock up everything before closing the door behind him and taking off his shoes. As he settled onto the couch, the coziness of the place sunk into his bones, knocking off the chill-
A muffled airy moan peaked through the quiet drone of the house before silence was heard again.
Sett couldn’t help but laugh, taking out his phone as he clocked in his hour break before ending the day.
When she finally came back down, she seemed a bit better, leaning against the threshold to the kitchen as she crossed her arms.
He looked so good, draped across her couch like that.
“Yeah, thank you again for this.”
“Of course, how do you want it?” Sett took a moment, watching her hips sway as she disappeared into the kitchen.
“Creamy. With milk. If you don’t mind.”
Hearing her rummage through, he waited before-
Peaking around the corner she held up vanilla almond milk.
“Do you mind?”
“No, I prefer that one. It’s what I use anyway."
Smiling, she went back in.
“In that case, do you like peppermint?”
“You reading my mind or something?”
“Califia has a peppermint mocha almond creamer. I'll need you to show me how much you want, though.”
He watched her set things up, turning on the stove before his footfalls met her ears, bringing her glance towards him as she reached for the cabinet-
“Can you pick your mug? They’re in there.”
Grabbing a large mug with cat ears, she put in the powder before making a divot.
“I usually do half milk, half creamer…”
Watching her pour in the half cup, she looked to him as she picked up the creamer.
“Show me?”
Grabbing her hands, he got in close. The crisp outdoorsy scent filled her nose, the slight smell of his pheromones a pleasant aroma she welcomed.
Y/n didn’t pull away as he poured in the liquid, and then a bit extra-
Her robe slipped from her shoulder, revealing her caramel skin.
The smell of jasmine danced through the blooming chocolate aroma.
“That should do it.” A faint hum answered him, her weight shifting back as he rested his chin on her head. In the quiet droning, their heartbeats drummed loudly before she picked up a spoon.
The soft scrape and tacking only made him realize just how close he was. His hand had found purchase on her hip, the other on the counter as he thumbed over her belt.
His first day on his new route, and he was getting cozy with one of the residents.
But what could he do?
She was so cute.
And she wanted him too.
He could tell by the fact that she’d pressed into him more, the round of her ass plush against him-
Taking the measuring cup, she put a bit of the warm milk in the powder before stirring, making sure it dissolved without making air pockets before repeating the process-
Her vigorous stirring brought Sett’s attention south, her ass jiggling as the robe slowly shifted.
By the time she finished, the beautiful umber of her nipple was teasing him again.
“There." Sett leaned into her neck, breathing deep as he tried to calm himself. Only, his senses were intoxicated by her lovely scent, making him crank down on her waist.
“Smells good. Thank you.” She didn’t move till he did, turning around as she rested against the counter. Watching as he took a sip, warmth greeted her as he smiled.
“It’s so smooth.”
“When you slowly add the milk and stir it quickly, it ends up like that. It’s the only way I make it.”
“You spoil all your delivery drivers like this?”
“You hug all you residents like this?”
Sett laughed as she made her way to the living room, fixing her rob as she smirked over her shoulder. Following after her, he to res in his previous position as she put down a coaster, placing the cup on top as she tucked her knees under.
“No, actually. You’re the first one I’ve ever taken up on being invited in.”
“Hm? That wasn’t what I asked you though.” Stretching her leg, Sett allowed Y/n into his lap, rubbing her calf as she leaned on her hand.
“I asked if you’d ‘hugged’ anyone else…” Smirking, he took his time sipping from the mug.
“If the answer is no, will you let me hug you?”
“I find it hard a guy like you hasn’t.”
“Why? Think that just cause I’m handsome I take every invitation for a bit of warmth?”
“You telling me I’m the first one you just couldn’t turn down?”
Taking another drink, he hummed as the chocolate settled just right.
“You got a lot of questions for someone who answered the door with a buttplug inside them." Sett caught Y/n’s leg before she could pull away.
“Let alone have a full conversation while it’s going…and even inviting me in while you finish. It’s not as quiet as you think.”
Pressing into her calf, he pulled her a bit closer, getting a good look at the flustered look on her face.
“Plus, with the lightshow it was giving off? I’d say you were planning this-“
“-I wasn’t…but you’d caught me at a bad time…and I didn’t want to wrestle with it and risk missing you.” She didn't meet his gaze as she chewed on her lip, his hand flitting higher as he gripped her knee.
“Getting redelivers around this time of year is a hassle.”
“So, do you spoil all your delivery drivers like this?” Rubbing at her thigh, he felt her jolt-
Her eyes finally met his, glazed over with curiosity and desire.
“No…but it’s the holidays, right? If a gift like you shows up, why wouldn’t I want to unwrap it?”
Thoughts of her climbing into his lap as she undid his shirt flitted through his mind. She’d be so tiny, her hands trying to work him inside as she straddled him.
She’d probably feel like heaven, warm, wet and so fucking tight around him-
“As good as that sounds, I’ve been working all day and-“
“-I know we just met…but you don’t…I like your scent. So let me decide if I want this or not.”
Of course…she did want it.
But he didn’t think she’d want this.
Growling out a sigh, his head fell back as a loud slurp rang through his ears. Her tongue wrapped around him as she suckled harder-
The groan he was holding in was forced up his throat as the plush underside of her tongue slowly massaged his head. Her robe was just didn't want to do it's job today, her full breasts peaking at him as those pretty eyes met his.
The wet chirapsia of her grip slowly eased the stress of his day up his shaft as she moaned over his length. One of her hands disappeared-
The dull drumbeat was heard again before her moans became awry, her hand slowly matching the rhythm of her mouth.
“Y/N…you didn’t…oh fuck…” As she swallowed around him, he sucked in a breath-
Her moaning pitched higher, her thrusts going deeper.
“Shit…I’m gonna cum-!” Gripping her hair hard, he tried pulling her off- her throat was so warm and tight as she drank him down, her tongue still snaked around him.
His husky whimper only egged her on, her eyes pleading as she pushed on his hand in her hair…
Begging him to push harder.
Sett tried to be gentle, but the pressure was not helping as she went faster, he went deeper, rougher till his hips started-
“Y/N-! Fuck!”
Her erratic moans were cut off as he thrusted hard into her throat, every inch of him being devoured by her plush lips.
Y/N milked every drop and moan from him as she swallowed around his length, her hand wringing him dry before lightly squeezing his heavy sac-
Slowly easing off, she suckled hard at his head, her shallow thrusts making his tense body tremble as his broad chest struggled to breathe.
“Y/N-! I already-!” The loud pop of release made him moan loud, kitten licks catching on his sensitive spots before she laid on his thigh, marveling at his manhood as she held it.
“Finished already? For someone so big I expected you to take a bit longer to cum. But you’re so sensitive, Settrigh.”
“Just had a long day at work…is all.” A happy little coo met her-…but Sett wasn’t going soft.
At all.
“Are you satisfied…?” Sett finally caught her gaze as she slowly became flustered again.
“Oh? You scared now?”
“No…” The lie made him smirk as Y/N pried her paws off of him, the thick slap on his abs only making her more anxious.
His phone went off, signaling his 15 minute warning as he silenced it.
“Don’t worry. I don’t have enough time to get you used to it. So do me a favor and get up here.”
He didn’t wait for her to reply as he pulled her up, kissing her before resting her on the arm of the couch as he pushed her ass in the air.
“I’m sorry I have to rush, Doll, but I got about 15 minutes to make you cum. So be good and don’t hold back, ok?”
He was raised to be a gentleman, and he never left a woman unsatisfied.
So undoing the robe quickly,  he lifted the lapel as he kissed her thighs, licking over her spilled arousal as he hummed.
“You taste so good. Fuck…” Kissing her clit, he sucked hard at the nub, making her jolt as she grabbed a fist full of his hair.
“I’d love to eat you out. But I just had that cocoa. And my hands are dirty. So I’ll be eating this instead…”
Pressing the plug in further, he pulled at it slowly, her taught hole unwavering as she bit down to keep it inside.
“Your ass is so fucking needy. Come on pretty girl. Let it go so I can put my tongue inside-“ The pop as she finally released it made her moan hard, Sett marveling at the length and girth-
“Y/N, I’m so fucking happy you answered the door with this in.” Truly, he never enjoyed work as much as he did today. He took a moment to take in the pretty hues of her asshole, the beautiful contrast of the pink and sepia as he massaged her soft ass made him hum with excitement.
Diving in deeper, he hugged her thighs closer as he pulled her up into him, making Y/N pull him in by his hair as she tried to steady herself.
His tongue was thick and long as he dove into her, the wet muscle undulating inside before he pulled out and spread her wider.
This was definitely moving up on the list of best Christmas' too.
Her hips moved on their own, Sett following as he allowed her to use his face anyway she saw fit. Her ass bounced and cut off his air, his hot pants tickling her flower-
Smacking her ass with both hands, he gripped her open before tongue fucking her hard and fast, making her still as she clawed at the couch.
Thanks to the toy, she was already close. And Sett being so good and hungry for her she was-
“Gonna-please-!” Just as quickly as the words left her, she tightened down on his tongue as she came. Keeping his tongue deep, he rode her through till she couldn't take it anymore-
He didn’t stop, rubbing his face in her warm slick. He knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t waste his reward.
Especially when she tasted so fucking good.
Y/N allowed him to lick up every drop, even as her sensitive spots fluttered for reprieve and the tingle of the mint started tickling her till his kissed over his handprints, the reddening marks still stinging as he worshipped her.
“And you say I come quick?” He watched as her pretty holes winked happily at him.
He wanted to fill them so fucking badly.
“You…had a head start…” Ragged breaths left her as she tried to steady herself.
“Hmmm…how about next time we see who can do it faster?”
The alarm blared loudly, making him tisk as his fun ended. He had to return the truck before ending the day, and that meant he had to get in gear.
“Next time?”
“I don’t have work on the weekends. I’ll drop off more than head then. Deal?” Y/N smiled at he kissed her asshole, making her bite her lip as she looked back at him.
“Only if it comes with this special delivery.”
“For you? This is just the basics. I got something that'll keep on giving for naughty girls like you.”
2023 Copywritten and Owned by @opiumkitten
Do not claim or repost anywhere. If you see any works on any other site claimed by anyone else but @opiumkitten please report it to me and report it to the site. Thank you
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odekoyma · 10 months
random question:if you made a star guardian Phel, Sett and Kayn (The dream team members who currently dont have a star guardian skin) how would you make it? Ive been having brainrot over this idea but Im not sure how to make it work
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Have my two concepts back from 2018, I'm dreaming of SG Kayn EVER SINCE THEN!
My original Idea was with Kayn using a weapon from voidlings which SG girls were fighting against at Season 1 and 2
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NOW after Season 3 and 4 we have new evil forces which are called Star Nemesis and that can fit Kayn and Rhaast's theme very well, and maybe much better in today's canon.
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Sett is Dio. that's it. i don't have anything to say as I wasn't really thinking about him fitting there. Perhaps he has TWO pets like in his Spirit Blossom skin and he has a personality like in Heartsteel - tough on outside and a softie on inside.
Aphelios may be a loner who griefs of death of his dear sister - Alune. She was lost in the fight against Morgana (or other super evil character) and never was seen again. Perhaps she isn't dead! (wow) Maybe she has the same story line as Xayah\Rakan where they turned into controled minions of Zoe. She can be someone who haunts Aphelios in his dreams yada-yada. Too much possibilities here.
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settphel-enthusiast · 11 months
Headcanons ―
Aphelios is trans, female to male - he's been on testosterone for 2 years and had his top-surgery, he's reluctant about bottom surgery
He collects poro plushies and the plushies of Tactictions from Team Fight Tactics
Aphelios has a hard time remembering to eat, especially when he's hyperfocused on his work, so Ezreal or Alune often give him little reminders by bringing him a snack or a meal.
He's picky about food as well; he usually only eats Alune's or Sett's Mom's cooking, but he's started to try K'sante's cooking.
He lost his voice when trying out for an [UNNAMED] metal band (Not Pentakill), he's never recovered from it, so he signs most of the time
He's aloof and reserved to new people, especially his fans, he's not sure why they like him or stan him so much. There's some things that Ezreal and Sett keep from Aphelios, since he's not very active on social media.
He's really good at making beats and tunes, and also editing sounds, he's really in touch with music making.
His instagram has photos of the band, cats he finds, Alune and his food, he never really liked showing his face, hence the mask.
CEO of Sass and attitude
He enjoys reading BL manga, and slice of life manga.
He's learning how to cook from Alune and Sett's Mom.
He's got a tongue piercing but no tattoos, he'd like to get some over his top surgery scars
Constantly dying his hair, used to be lilac before heartsteel
Enjoys doing his makeup and trying new things
In touch with his skin-care routine
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chasingpj · 2 years
𝐈𝐈𝐈. 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬
"What do we do now?"
pairing: percy jackson x fem child of hecate!reader
words: 4,558
warnings: incident involving a car, being chased, that's all??
timeline: the lightning thief
a/n: this is kinda unedited because i didn't want to gatekeep it much longer. this took so long to post, and half of the chapter was sitting in my drive for like three months. it's okay if you hate me cause i hate me too. overall, I hope you guys enjoy it regardless.
prologue chapter ii chapter iii
Summer nights granted some rest to the stifling heat during the day. Vincent shrugs on a light sweater, his skin prickling at the chilly breeze tonight. The car engine rumbles, headlights on as he packs his twins suitcases in the trunk. He told them to pack heavy, which took them by surprise. They were bursting with questions but he dodged them all, not ready to explain himself just yet. For now, he leaves them to their assumptions of a possibly long road trip to a certain destination. 
Florida. They 100% think they’re going to Florida and it was a cherry on top for the news Vincent was about to reveal. He wasn’t sure how they were going to take it, other than the predictable disappointment they weren't going to Disney,
Should he just market it as a regular summer camp? He considered it but he didn’t want to leave them in the dark. Honesty and finally revealing the secrets he’s held onto felt like the only way to do it.
“I call shotgun!” You shout. You knew well enough that claiming your dibs meant nothing to Atticus. As you expected, his footsteps quicken but he fails to outrun you. As your hand reaches the door handle first, Atticus whines something unintelligible. “Neither of you are sitting in the front,” Vincent declares sternly, wiping your look of victory straight off your face. 
“What?” Your father doesn’t respond right away, shutting the truck closed. “Why?” 
“Because then you’ll argue about it the whole way. Just sit in the back together.” 
He doesn’t react to your scrunched face, making it clear this wasn’t up for negotiation. It was a little selfish but you and Atticus arguing wasn’t the only reason he wanted you to sit in the back. He read somewhere it’s easier to be confrontational when you aren’t looking at the person. To do what he needs to do tonight, he’ll take any advice; even if it’s from Psychology Daily. “No fair,” you grumble as you slide into the backseat, Atticus moves in behind you with his own teasing smile. 
Vincent settles in the driver's seat and glances in the rearview to make sure your seatbelts on. “Alright kids,” he begins, switching the gear shift. The pedal feels heavy under his feet, and his knuckles tighten around the wheel. “Here we go.” “Where are we going, actually?” Atticus asks, sitting up in his seat. “You haven’t said.” “Somewhere,” Vincent answers vaguely. You and Atticus exchange a look, the corners of your lips turned upwards. It must be a surprise, and surprises are always good, you concluded. There couldn’t be any other reason for his ambiguity. 
“How long until we get ‘Somewhere’?” “About 2 hours.” 
That wasn’t the answer you were expecting. Okay, so definitely not Disney. Little bit of a bummer but anywhere you go with your dad is always fun. 
Atticus meets your gaze, your brains recalculating every place you’ve been to that might take that long. 
“Are we going to Rhode Island again?” You guessed. 
“No.” “Atlantic City?” Atticus chimes in. “No.” “Are we leaving the state?” “No.” 
You and Atticus sit back in your seats in defeat, pondering in silence. Vincent gulps hard. You two were never patient for answers. Or patient for really anything. His vision falters from the road, the silence in the car is becoming increasingly uncomfortable. 
The radio.  
Suddenly reminded of the tool's existence, his fingers, almost frantic, feel around for the button. He doesn’t care what he ends up listening to as long as something plays. Turning the dial, he skims through stations and settles on the first one that runs clear of static. 
NSYNC’s “Bye, Bye, Bye” plays through the speakers and it rips through your train of thought. Atticus catches you side eyeing him with a wicked grin. Your brother was never one for pop songs and his instant dread brought you satisfaction. 
“Don't want to be a fool for you. Just another player in your game for two!” You sing, scooting closer to the boy despite Atticus’s physical attempts to keep the distance. 
You sit back in your seat, quiet for a moment. Seemingly done with your torment, your brother settles down. The moment he turns to look out the window, your mischievous smirk returns. “Might sound crazy but it ain't no lie! Baby, BYE BYE BYE!” “STOP!” 
“Y/n, please,” Vincent groans and you press your lips together hard in an effort not to laugh. 
“Sorry,” you apologize to your dad and abide by his wishes only.
Checking in the rear view mirror, Vincent catches you quietly whispering the words to the pop songs that play back to back and Atticus occupied on his game boy. Unaware of how long it will take before you are interrogating him again, he takes the time to plan out what he was going to say. Soon, he found out no matter how he worded it, he knew he’d sound insane. 
Your mother is a goddess and I’m taking you to a special camp with other demigods. 
That’s ridiculous…
Vincent considers perhaps it wouldn’t be so farfetched. You and Atticus are aware you have abilities other kids don’t. Hearing and seeing spirits was one, the disastrous consequences of your anger was another. Cordelia ruled it out to be a sort of telekinesis. Especially after realizing, you and Atticus had a habit of stealing cookies from the table by willing them to fly towards you. 
Plenty of times Vincent told you not to use your powers outside of home and to not tell people about the spirits you vividly have encounters with. 
Still, it all felt too much. Having abilities and being told you’re half god was on very different ends of the supernatural spectrum. 
The signs greeting him to Long Island came earlier than he expected. Vincent knew he had to tell them, rip the bandaid now. He can reveal the news, stop at a gas station to fill the tank and leave them alone to digest everything. The method of telling them they’re going to a summer camp and leaving them to figure everything out felt like the easiest option but it didn’t feel right. The twins deserved to hear the news from their father and no one else. Before he can back out, he turns the dial for the radio volume. 
“I have to talk to you guys about something.” Vincent fights the quiver in his throat, his eyes set on the road. 
“Are we in trouble?” Atticus asks. 
“No, you’re not in trouble. I just have a few things to tell you.” 
Vincent shifts in his seat from the silence, his twins waiting for him to continue. “For a long time, you both have had questions about who your mother is.” 
If your father didn’t have your full attention a second ago, he definitely had it now. Your mom, were you finally going to meet her? The day you exchange your first words with her, suddenly it felt closer than you thought.
Vincent sighs shakily. “Grandma always tells you that your gifts are because of her.” “She was a witch like grandma. A powerful one,” you chime in, and Vincent nods slowly. “Your mother isn’t just a witch though, She…” 
Atticus exchanges a look with you before his eyes return to the side of your father’s face. 
“She is a goddess.” 
That was the last thing you expected. The silence that followed was deafening. Vincent felt silly, as if he was telling a lie.
“Dad, are you okay?” Atticus asks half jokingly. Surely, your father was playing a prank on you. Your mother being a goddess? Impossible. 
“You're playing a prank on us,” you accuse and your father shakes his head before you can finish. 
“I am not joking. This is serious.” 
Slowly, you sit back in your seat. The tone of your father, the sternness of his face didn’t look like he was kidding. It confused you even more. 
“I’m taking you two to a summer camp where there are kids like you. They have powers, and godly parents and you’ll learn everything you need to know as demigods.” “Who’s our mother?” Vincent shifts in his seat, his eyes flickering at the rear view and his heart sinks when they immediately meet yours. At times, he catches a glimpse of your mother in your face. Every time he catches it, it strikes too many emotions in his chest. Grief, pride, longing, were only a few he could name. Right now, it makes him nervous.
“Lady Hecate.” 
“How is this possible?” You whisper to yourself but loud enough to be heard. Vincent swallows hard but it does nothing to ease the rock in his throat. “When you study to be a professor, you have to write a really long presentation on an original concept in your major.” 
His fingers adjust on the wheel. “I was having a hard time coming up with a topic. So much so, I had considered leaving school. Grandma knew and she prayed to Hecate as her patron to help me. I didn’t know it was her at the time but at a presentation I was doing for an academic convention, I had seen her in the crowd and I fell in love with her.” 
Your father took a pause. It was as if it was too painful to recall the memory. Plenty of times you’ve heard this story but never from his mouth. It was always told from a third person, that person being your grandmother. Clearly, she failed to mention the goddess part. 
“She introduced herself to me as Florence. She told me she transferred from another school and was my new colleague. We studied together and we became very close friends. She helped me a lot and led me to my dissertation topic. Once I had everything ready to put together, she left. Her errand was complete.
I didn’t know she was going to leave. The night I began working on the project, it was halloween. Grandma heard a knock on the door and she found you two in golden cradles at the doorstep. Your mother had left you two with me as a gift, to commemorate the love we had for each other. She didn’t want to leave but she couldn’t stay. There are rules the gods have to obey when it comes to humans, one of them was she could not raise you like a normal mother.” Dad got dumped badly. 
Hearing the story from him for the first time left you dumbstruck. Years of wondering why your father avoids talking about your mother suddenly made sense. Now every assumption you made about her, you had to reformulate. A goddess mother? That wasn’t even on your list of possibilities. 
Your mouth opens to say something but your father cuts in. “It is a lot to process, I know. It seems unbelievable but this is very serious. Because of who your mother is, you guys are different from other people. You have powers and bad things like monsters and entities gravitate towards you. Remember how Grandma always has to cleanse the house because you two get nightmares or scary things happen?” He catches your nods through the rear view. “The reason that happens is because you two are demigods. Your auras and scents are different from regular mortals.” 
Atticus nods his head slowly. “This feels like I’m in a superhero movie.” 
Your brother's awestruck expression makes your father chuckle. It felt nice; the comedic timing allowed Vincent to lower his tense shoulders, just a bit. “You two remember the stories I used to read to you at bedtime, right?” 
“The ones about Hercules, and Jason?” “And Odysseus, Achilles too?” 
“Yes. From those stories, you know being a demigod is a hard life but I know you guys are strong. I know that you two will be okay and do extraordinary things. At this camp, you will be safe and you’ll train to use your powers and abilities. I wanted to spend one last summer with you but grandma and I decided it was time for you to go there.” 
“It’s just for the summer, right?” You ask nervously.
“Yes, only for the summer. I know Grandma will protest but if you wish for me to pick you guys up for any reason, I will.” Vincent smiles sadly at you before his focus returns to the road and he pulls into a gas station right off the exit. “I am going to stop here for gas and then we’re going straight there. Any snacks?” “Oreos!” Atticus jumps in and a small smile spreads across your face. “I want Oreos too.” “Copycat.” “Shut up.” 
A huff of laughter leaves your father. “Oreos, got it,” he says and the moment he closes the car door behind him, you and Atticus whip your gazes at each other. “Do you think it’s true? Or is dad losing it?” Atticus’s eyes are filled with every emotion under the sun. He was excited but also nervous. Concerned but ready for the reality he was about to accept. 
“I don’t know. It sounds crazy but he looked serious.” Atticus nods in agreement. He never pegged his dad to be an actor so he couldn’t even begin to deny what he said was untrue. 
“That’s so cool!” Atticus shouts, his voice too loud for the confined space you’re in.
“It is pretty cool, isn’t it?” The laugh that bubbles in your throat is cut off by a gasp. Unexpectedly, you slide toward him, the buckle of the seat belt digging in your hip.“What?” you mutter to yourself, a sense of urgency filling your chest as Atticus yelps. “A cyclops!” 
“Cyclops?” You quickly follow your brother's gaze and sure enough, there it was. A tall statue beams over the window on your side, shaking the car frantically and roaring in determination. Frozen in your spot, you blink a few times, your brain barely processing the monster you’ve only heard about in stories. 
You simply watched, leaving your brother frantically trying to find a way out of the situation. One eye catches your gaze after its attempts at shaking you out of the car fail. There’s a furrow of a single eyebrow, a pause of thought and you jerk back hard as its soccer ball size fist starts banging on the window. 
You find some instinct to slide away, watching the cracks slowly spread like spiderwebs. Then suddenly, there is a loud crash of glass followed by a muffled call of your name under a deafening roar. Atticus grabs you by your collar, hauling you out from the other side of the car like a limp doll. Barely out of your trance, your shaky legs move to keep up with your brother. 
There aren’t many options where you could go, running down the massive road would leave you to deal with a monster and cars. Desperate to lose the monster, you decide the hill into the woods was your best option. 
“The woods,” you choke out through your panting and Atticus doesn’t argue, running straight ahead with a grip on your hand so tight your fingers are turning white. 
“ATTICUS? Y/N!” Goosebumps riddle your body, your ears tingling at the sound of your father’s voice. The desperation, the scratch of his yell made your eyes prickle with grief. You didn’t dare look back, refusing to see the look on his face. It won’t hurt him, you rationalized. It’s trying to hurt us because of our scent. 
As much as you wanted to make a u-turn straight to your father, the thumping footsteps of the cyclops were too close. You knew you had to get away first, then you can worry about making your way back to your dad. 
Atticus leaps over a log, twists and turns through trees. As much as you wanted to free your hand from his violent grip, you didn’t want to risk losing him. Crashes of thin trees being mowed down by the monster and its frustrated growls start to sound faint in the distance. 
Your heavy pants made your lungs hurt and just as you thought you were out of any line of danger, a boulder speeds right past you and crashes into the trees ahead. 
Atticus gasps, his other hand patting the pocket of his jeans, “We’re not going to lose him,” he says, his tone frantic. “He’ll knock us down before we’re able to.” 
Before you can ask what you should do, Atticus makes a sharp turn to the right treading off course. “If we can get far enough, I can try to blind him,” he says and you furrow your eyebrows. “With what?” Your question is cut off by the desperate hitching of your breath. Atticus doesn’t say anything, turning and flashing a quick smile at you which is the last thing you expected. He raises his slingshot in the air and you scoff. “Dad told you not to bring it!” “Well, it’s a good thing I did anyway. C’mon!” Atticus picks up his speed and you sigh in relief as you come upon a flat patch of land with rocks big enough to hide behind.
Taking cover behind a boulder, the cyclops missed the sight of you by a second. His shout of anger echoes through the stillness as he realizes he’s lost the two of you but in his persistence he sniffs around, trying to catch the familiar demi-god scent once again. 
This doesn’t even feel real, you think to yourself, fully expecting to be woken up by your alarm clock for school any minute now. Beside you, Atticus ruffles the ground, trying to find a rock big enough to cause damage but not big enough to compromise the distance he needs.
“Whatever rock you’re looking for, you need to find it now,” you whisper frantically as the monster’s vision snaps in your direction. A gasp leaves your lips, back pressed against the boulder in panic and as you turn to your brother, he practically shoves a baseball size stone in your face. He beams proudly and hops up into view. “Alright, big guy,” he shouts.
Your eyes widen. “What are you-?” “Come at me!” “By the gods, you better not miss,” you whisper sharply and he chuckles in response. Cringing at the sound of the cyclops stomping towards you, there is a stretch of Atticus’s sling. Strategically, he adjusts his direction, one eye in focus as he aims right for the monster’s eye. “Get ready to run,” Atticus warns, barely giving you time as he gages on the right moment and releases his hold on the sling. There’s a quick rush of air and a cry of agony follows afterwards. “NOW!” 
You hop up, grasping your brother’s hand once again. “Did you-?” “Hell yeah, I did,” Atticus shouts proudly and an excited cackle leaves his lips. You were amazed at Atticus’s enthusiasm at this moment. You were scared out of your mind but to Atticus, this was a video game in real time. 
It didn’t take long for the two of you to lose the enraged monster behind. Blindly, it throws whatever he can get his hands hoping to knock one of you down but alas, he was unsuccessful. For a while, you hear his raging and as the sounds grew distant, you eventually heard nothing but the cicadas. 
“What do we do now?” You ask, Atticus perched on a rock to keep his sights on the vast forest. You’ve been running for so long, the possibility of finding the road again without running into something else would be slim. 
“I don’t know.” His voice is filled with fatigue and shaky with anxiety. Atticus only had a slingshot, not a compass; it wasn’t even a question if the two of you were lost. Sitting on the dirt, you sigh softly trying to think of a plan. 
You could keep walking until you find a road. At some point, you and Atticus would stumble upon something but who knows how long that would take you and how many monsters will be in your path. Shifting in your seat, you do the only thing you could do comfortably in this moment. 
Lady Hecate is your mother, after all. Cordelia was always adamant she would be there for you whenever you needed her. 
“Hekate, dark mother, keeper of the keys to the door between worlds; Hekate, lovely dame of earthly, watery and celestial frame; Mighty Hekate, mother of all witches, please assist my brother and I back to safety. Help us find dad or this camp we’re supposed to go to, please. Hear my voice, know my gratitude, Hail Hekate.” The prayer leaves you pleadingly and your brother’s fingers interlaced with yours as he repeats the prayer himself. 
For a second, there was nothing. You looked up for a sign, something different from the chirps of insects and the sounds of the wind rustling in the trees. As time passed, you begged in your mind for help or even a strike of intuition. Just as you were inching toward defeat, there’s a snap of a twig and a white iridescent glow appears further ahead. 
Immediately, you stand up but Atticus grabs on your calf. “It could be something dangerous,” he points out and you frown. 
“Or it could help us.” 
The feeling in your gut was telling you it was from your mother. Slowly, you inch closer, the dark outline amongst the iridescent glow becoming more pronounced. Atticus hovers behind you, ready to take off if this thing charges at you but soon he also notices a snout and the proud statue of a well trained dog. 
The both of you jump in surprise when it barks, but it didn’t feel malicious. Quickly, the hound turns on its heels and gallops away. At first, you didn’t move but when it halted and stared, you realized you should follow. “Should we go?” “It’s Hecate’s sacred animal, it has to be safe,” you say, your legs taking you toward it. There’s a short huff before the hound continues its way through the forest and you and Atticus follow as best as you can while also keeping your eye out for any more monsters.
“Where do you think it’s taking us?” Atticus whispers. 
“Probably to the camp. I don’t think this is the direction we came from.”
Your brother nods, his hand becoming sweaty in your grasp despite the cool air. The nervousness coming off of him was adding to your own feelings, suffocating you.
“You know, what you did back there was really cool.” At the compliment you can feel Atticus’s anxiety begin to lessen. A small smile forms on your lips as he gleams with pride. “All those times of me flinging golf balls at your forehead paid off, didn’t it?” Atticus chuckles at your side eye. “I guess some good came out of you tormenting me,” you mutter in playful defeat. 
Before Atticus could tease you anymore, the hound ahead of you begins to growl. At first, you thought it was toward you but as you look further into the trees, you catch the hoard of cyclops coming from the right side of the forest. “You two blinded my brother?!” 
The gravel in his voice makes goosebumps form all over your skin. Atticus slowly moves towards the dog and he chuckles nervously. “No, I think you have the wrong people.” “I don’t think I do,” the cyclops responds and suddenly, he and his four other friends are charging at you, yelling threats that definitely aren’t empty. A yelp leaves your lips, you and Atticus hauling yourselves along the trees once again. 
“Um, could you slow down!” You shout at the dog much too far ahead and you swear it rolled its eyes and mumbled something when it halted. You ignore the sass coming from the canine, just happy it waited for you and your brother before continuing its route. Atticus tries his best to sling over rocks and twigs while he was far enough to stop but it did nothing but anger the cyclops.
With quick thinking, your hand reaches out, your sights focused on a decent size log ahead. You’ve made plenty of things fly with your will alone, a log couldn’t be much different. As the log ascends from the ground quickly, you visualize it shooting back and slamming into the gut of the leader. You didn’t think it would work but then you heard a groan and a thump as if someone fell.
“Nice!” Atticus chuckles before the hound barks frantically ahead. Returning your sights forward, you notice a post and a giant sign over an archway reading: CAMP HALF-BLOOD. “We’re almost there!” You shout in relief before you scream at the arrow passing right by your face. 
“ALERT! Potential threat sighted!” Annabeth calls, binoculars pressed on her face. She squints, a dog and two kids her age running full force in the direction of the gates but that didn't interest her. Her main concern was the gang of cyclops’ hot on your heels. 
Annabeth hears the rustling of her postmates and bow's stretching as the archers line up beside her. Amongst the growing seriousness of the situation, she suddenly hears a giggle. The sound is so misplaced, Annabeth furrows her eyebrows. Removing the binoculars from her face, she finds Silena nudging Beckendorf's shoulder playfully. “Beckendorf, Silena, stop flirting!” Annabeth commands and Silena finds only amusement at the younger girl's orders.
As unserious as the twelve year old looked, Silena and Beckdenorf quickly straightened their postures, “Yes ma’am!” They shout and turn to the scene ahead right as the cyclops roared. “FIRE!” Annabeth shouts and just like that there’s a whizz of arrows flying right into the cyclops with great accuracy. One by one, the cyclops fell to the ground like flies. A smirk of satisfaction appears on Annabeth’s lips, as her archers cheer in success. 
“Do you think they’ll shoot at us too?” Atticus asks nervously and you look up at the small people perched up on the post, waiting expectantly for your arrival to the gates. 
“I hope not,” you pant, hand coming to your chest as if it would help relieve the burn. Once the monsters were taken down, the hound began to slow down and you and Atticus followed. You were grateful the chase was over but your destination made you nervous. 
“HEY!” A girl’s call catches your attention. She stands at the foot of the entrance, her hand waving around wide for you to see. Unsure if it was safe, you double checked with the hound but it was gone. His errand was done, you realize. Hesitantly, you wave back, following Atticus as he jogs over to the girl. A boy appears on her side, much bigger in stature and much more intimidating-looking but the warm look on his face tells you you shouldn’t be scared. 
With a welcoming smile, the girl with pretty blue eyes and long dark hair cascading over her shoulders nods proudly. 
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. You made it.”
masterlist my lobby:  ♡
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New Sett soul fighter skin, new doodle for me
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Soul Fighter Samira, Lux, Sett & Gwen teased in new TFT Emotes:
Samira (ultimate skin) - “Guns Blazing”
Lux - “Luminous Souls”
Sett - “Heroic Brothers”
Gwen - “We Studied the Blade”
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hum-suffer · 1 year
Tagging: @o-merebholebalam @multifandom-boss-bitch @alhad-si-simran because they told me to!
We'll say hello again. (Nevermind the chasm between us) 1.
Bhabhi says that she's making a funeral pyre for Bhallaldev.
Why does Gauri feel like she's the one burning?
She dreams of Bhairav that night. Eyes closed, back sore and feet bleeding, Gauri still smiles.
He shouldn't have died, she thinks. He shouldn't have died. Her darling. Katappa told her what had actually transpired. A large part of her resents him. He took her brother away and indirectly took away her husband but she can't bring herself to hate him. He raised her husband. He directed her and Bahu to better manners.
In the dream, Bhairav looks young, because he never got to be older. His eyes hold the same fire and there are no wrinkles or laugh lines on his face. "Lakshmi," he calls her, because it never mattered weather she was princess or not, she was his prosperity. Gauri grimaces like she is in physical pain and maybe she is. Chained to a pole from the past twenty five years, she's known no comforts she was born with.
Bhairav takes hold of her hand and leads her somewhere. She doesn't know where she's going, only that his hand feels the same as it did twenty five years ago and she's cursing the life she's lived. She can't feel his hand properly with her hand half burnt. He leads to sit on a sette and she remembers it from her childhood chambers. She had begged for a settee near the window in her room, so she could see the moon every night, and fast with her brother every full moon. She finds she doesn't care for the moon anymore. It was only beautiful when her brother cheered at its sight and worshipped it.
Bhairav holds her face between his hands and Gauri crumbles in his proximity. A sob leaves her undone and she's hunching over, his presence a reassurance as well as a punishment.
"You will live, my happiness," Bhairav says, leans closer to press a kiss on her forehead. She doesn't remember the last time she was held so gently. Bhabhi isn't always available to talk most of the time, let alone hold her. Chained and caged, two animals displayed.
"I do not wish to." She confesses in a slow tone. What will she do by living, if her brother isn't here? She'd said she would never live in a world that did not have Babubhali in it, and now, with her brother gone beyond reach, she is still alive. "I wish to see you again, my love."
Bhairav leans and smiles at her. She thinks he looks tired, his eyes are drooping. "And you will. But I will not have your blood spilt; no more, my happiness." And she doesn't have the heart to tell him that there is a band of criss crossed scars on her back. She doesn't tell him that she will gain new ones soon. As soon as his golden idol is erect and he has time, Bhalladev will instruct her and bhabhi to be whipped.
She doesn't say anything to him.
The next day, when the statue is supposed to be erected, Gauri spies her brat of a nephew wearing the necklace that used to be Bahu's, she sneers. Gauri remembers sympathizing with the boy when he lost his mother to a sickness seven years ago, but he had seemed only indifferent to the death of the Queen. Bhallaldev ensured his loyalty by supplying the brat with everything he wanted.
Bhadra is a copy of his father; greed runs in their bloodline.
Her people, the people of Mahishamati, are being whipped to carry the golden statue of that kinslayer. Gauri wants nothing more than to grab a sword and plunge it in Bhallaldev's heart.
The Sun is scorching on her skin as she stands chained to that pillar. Bhadra paid special attention to make sure no space for movement remained. She turns her head to look at Bhabhi, who's standing too, still collecting twigs. Gauri spies red stains under her feet and wishes Bhabhi would at least sit down for a moment, she's only aggravating her injuries.
But she understands. That pain brings relief some days. Some days, the pain in her back is all that can keep her awake. That pain is all that reminds her that she's alive. She's alive. (While her brother isn't.)
Gauri looks at the unobtrusive sky for the last time. As soon as the statue is up, it will block the view. "Maa," she thinks bitterly,"you should have ordered Mama to kill me as well."
The welts on her back itch and she shifts again. There's a sudden flare of pain in her throat and she hears chains clank on her right. Bhabhi is standing, taller than she ever has before, as she looks at the sky too. Gauri tilts her head.
Bhabhi turns to look at her and there's tears in her red eyes. Her smile is trembling, and her throat flexes in a way that Gauri knows to spy when she's trying not to cry. The pride in her shoulders is unmistakable and Gauri feels her heart thud louder.
Oh, Shiva. What is happening?
She gets her answer naught a few moments later.
Panic rushes through her as the statue starts to fall.
Her brother's name on the lips of her people gives her the prideful rush nothing else could. Bahubali lived in the hearts and minds of the people of Mahishamati even if Bhallaldev killed him.
Pride tastes alien to her now. She was stripped of it twenty five years ago.
Bhabhi shares a look with her and Gauri almost staggers at what she understands wordlessly. The people are thinking of Amarendra Bahubali but the name they're uttering is of Mahendra Bahubali.
Gauri's nephew is in Mahishamati.
Shiva, she prays as she looks at the cooling sky, now obstructed by the outlandishly ugly statue. Please, let that boy live. Take my life, gladly, but let Bhabhi at least have her son. You took my daughter, let her have her son. Let my brother's name live. Let his blood live.
She doesn't know if Mahadev listened to her or not, but the whisper Bhabhi breathes in her ear makes her feel alive again.
"Your brother will be avenged, Gauri," she said, chains rattling as she was dragged away smiling,"We will see this empire burn."
Looking at the gold of the palace, Gauri wants to get her hands on the nearest fire as soon as possible. The fire in her lungs burns brighter.
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My thoughts on HEARTSTEEL (even though no one asked):
I should start off by saying that my expectations going into this were very low. I know that Riot's music team never disappoints, but the leaked splash art was a bit of a let down in my opinion so I tried not to get my hopes up and I was hoping some things would be changed before the skins' release.
Regardless, I watched the music video as soon as it premiered... and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since. The song is SO GOOD!! It took me a couple of listens before I really got into it, but to say it's grown on me is an understatement. Sure, it's not better than POP/STARS (that's a given), but I can honestly say I like it better than GIANTS.
The song might be a banger, but my grievances come from pretty much everything else.
First of all, I think the casting could have been better. Baekhyun as Ezreal was great, but everyone else just felt... Off?? I got whiplash when Kayn started rapping because his voice just caught me so off-guard (though I suppose it was Rhaast rapping, so that makes more sense). Sett and K'Sante were a bit better, but I still think it was iffy casting overall. There's just such a stark contrast between their singing/rapping voices and their normal talking voices that doesn't sound quite right to me.
Second, the music video was pretty decent. As I stated before, my expectations weren't very high, so considering how low the bar was I wasn't disappointed. There were a lot of good moments in it that I really enjoyed, but overall I felt that it didn't flow as well as it could have. I thought it was very flashy, fast-paced, and chaotic. This is all subjective, but I think the video could have been better. For what it was, though, it was decent.
Lastly, I wanted to talk about the skin designs. I said before that I was disappointed when the splash art was leaked, and the same holds true now. What I liked about K/DA and True Damage is that the skins provided a new, modern spin on the characters while still holding true to who they are. The HEARTSTEEL designs were disappointing for me because it kind of feels like they tried to change too much. Some of them work, but some of them don't. Ezreal and Yone both look amazing and I'm considering picking up Yone just so I can play the skin when it comes out. I'm still on the fence about K'Sante, Sett, and Aphelios. Kayn just looks mid, which is upsetting for me because I literally started maining him just for the skin. Sett looks like a car mechanic. These skins could have been so good, and I think what they should have done instead is gone for a more edgy/punky vibe all around. There are a lot of bright colours in some of these designs, and I think that's what's throwing me off. Kayn is the literal edgelord of Runeterra, and you CANNOT convince me that he would actually dress like that. The pink hair is fine, but the brightness of the pink should be balanced out with darker clothing (PLEASE just get rid of the yellow pants, Riot, I'm begging you. The design would immediately go from a 6/10 to 9/10 if you just made the pants black instead of piss yellow). The same goes for Aphelios, who is often characterized by dark, emo aesthetics. His design doesn't look bad, but again, it could have been significantly improved by incorporating some darker elements. This is kind of a gripe that I've had with HEARTSTEEL in general. Riot went with the same pop vibes instead of innovating and coming up with something new. The band in general should have been more punk-rock oriented than what we got. I saw someone online saying that Kayn should have been a screamo rapper, and I can't agree more. Overall I don't dislike the designs, but they could have been done better.
So that's the end of my spiel. I love the song, but there are a lot of things about the band that left me wishing. I just hope that Kayn gets a black chroma or something, and I hope that when they get a comeback after 5 years or so (if Riot doesn't forget about them before then), Riot listens to fan feedback and we get something even better. I think the group has a lot of potential and I've really been enjoying the Discord chats on Twitter. If you have opinions about the group, feel free to add on to this, as these are all just my opinions.
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weldfists · 2 months
not just a scratch in hs verse pls ...
send me    ‘ not  just  a  scratch ‘    for your muse to catch mine trying to patch up a wound in secret…
Maybe he shouldn’t have stormed off—
What’s the point in being collaborative if he was just going to take everything to heart? This wasn’t like before. He wasn’t nineteen standing before his own flesh and blood, where he was presenting something and already bracing himself for it to be torn apart. It’s so far divorced from everything he’d gone through for years with his music and yet it still made the weight on his shoulders unbearable, the strain in his jaw almost crushing. And before he could let the wounds from the past tear open at the drop of a simple critique he’d excused himself from the studio, despite the odd look Yone had thrown him as he shoulders past K’sante roughly (much to his offense). 
He doesn’t care what it looked like, up and leaving and shoving his seat backward with a growl as he did it. But the sting from just… he can’t even fucking remember what it was that Ezreal commented on that triggered that dread that manifested bone deep within him. But he knows it was enough to echo the words of his father once upon a time and it was enough to make him fly off the handle. This is how he ends up outside the studio; his back pressed firmly against one of the trees nearby as his ears pin flat against his hair despite hidden in the pockets of his beanie as an itch spreads across his arms while he tries to shake out the trepidation. Fruitlessly, really— he knows better than anyone how to shake it.
Is he overreacting? Maybe. 
He can’t think about it now, not when the sting of wood splintering beneath his knuckles scratches that itch far better than talking this out ever could. At least that’s what it feels like. Another wind up, another punch, more wood cracking beneath the hit and digging into his skin. It doesn’t stop till his breathing evens out and it doesn’t feel like there were ants crawling all over him. Doesn’t stop till he realizes just how stupid he was to start in the first place. A flex of his hand blooms a new pain, knuckles bloodied with skin split. Fuck.
Sett up and leaves, angry but not really, set off by something he can’t quite put into words yet with the boys, doesn’t have the patience to talk about it anyways, but to then come back with his hand fucked up? How the fuck was he supposed to explain this? As soon as the adrenaline is gone the regret begins to flood in as he holds his hand carefully, fangs bared at no one but himself. 
Sett thinks he’s been gone for what feels like forever, rushing back inside and moving as quickly as he could to a bathroom. He had to wash it away, hide the fact he wasn’t as in control as he thought he was. Suddenly he’s nineteen with watery eyes and a busted lip and a bloody nose, washing his face silently until the water ran clear and he could stand to look at himself again.
So, no— he doesn’t hear when the door to the bathroom creaks open. Doesn’t hear the footsteps that approach him cautiously, methodically, before stopping not too far behind him— watching. Sett’s only concern was cleaning his hand until he could stand to look at himself again. When the sting of the cold water blasting away the splinters and scabbing was enough to make him wince, that's when he catches the glimpse of white hair posted behind his reflection and he stills completely. Mouth falling open to try and speak only to find nothing to say, distress lingering in the crease of his brow while the water continues to run down his mangled handiwork.
Sett doesn’t try to hide it, but it’s evident in how he sucks in a harsh breath and clenches his fists that being found was frustrating him beyond what he’d ever admit. Perhaps it’s good then, that his ears stay pinned closely to his head, his tail flicking roughly from side to side as he begins his ritual of cleaning his fist once more. In moments like these, Sett’s rather thankful he has them opposed to the myriad of times where they’ve done him dirty. Either way, Yone of all people finding him bloody knuckled and mere moments from panic had not been something Sett was looking forward to.
“I don’t need ya checkin’ on me. S’fine.”
The words cut clean and dry when he does eventually speak, his eyes locked on the other man through the mirror. He wasn’t planning on opening up about what he felt right now or about what dragged a knife across the tender scars within his chest in the studio any time soon. Silently, Sett just hopes that the image of him frantically scrubbing away blood stays hidden within Yone’s mind, and dies with him really. 
But he knows better.  He knows what this will lead to later when the two cross paths in the early mornings and Sett wants nothing to do with it.
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