#obsidian dragon sett
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aurelion-solar · 8 months ago
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Dragonmancers in Wild Rift Tranquility Dragon Karma - Duality Dragon Volibear - Storm Dragon Lee Sin - Obsidian Dragon Sett - Steel Dragon Thresh
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druh19 · 3 months ago
Não sei se alguém já chegou a pedir iquinhos do Sett por aqui, então se for o caso, poderia fazê-los, por favor? 🥹
Tinha esquecido como esse querido é lindo
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໑ — Sett Icons ~ like and reblog if saved ‹3
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4thactsurprise · 2 years ago
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the power of hypnosis
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jjolees · 11 months ago
mini settphel mv - sweet time
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kakagowork · 9 months ago
Setthwei Milio's daddies Au
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i cant be the only person who see this... c'mon !
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heavenartrj · 4 months ago
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- Sett x Soraka Prestige- Fanart ❤️💫✨👑
In love with this couple ♥
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uranusport · 2 years ago
Título: Midnight Falls Categoria: League of Legends (LOL) Personagens: Ahri e Sett Formato(s): Spiritfanfics (600 × 400); banner (1280 × 508) Uso pessoal
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starwolfskin · 5 months ago
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Time to share the Pokemon teams I made for Phel and Sett!
I based Phel's team a lot on his weapons, and for Sett I based it more on his colors, style and skins! More details on each below cause I love to explain things-
Severum (Shiny Absol): an easy choice, really. Absol fits his style imo, and the scythe theme + shiny color being red is perfect for Severum
Calibrum (Inteleon): sniper! It just had to be, coloring may not be perfect, but still fits the team's overall style.
Infernum (Chandelure): well, flamethrower. I picked it mostly for the colors and being fire-type, considered Ceruledge for it but its such a sharp pokemon it wouldnt fit the flamethrower theme much...
Crescendum (Shiny Bisharp): the blade shapes work to fit the chakram! I picked the shiny for the coloring as well, the blades are white anyway so it works!
Gravitum (Galarian Slowbro): my fave of the team, it has the poison type AND an arm cannon, plus it fits the weapon theme of slowing down the enemy! It was a match made in heaven, it was my friend's idea but it really is so good I had to adopt it.
Lunari (Umbreon): I missed the opportunity to make it shiny and name it after Phel's ult, as someone pointed out on twitter (rip), but I like it just being a little mascot for him.
Firecracker (Typhlosion): badger pokemon, there's no wolverine so I'll make do with badgers. Fire type works for him, and the fire on its neck matches Sett's cape with all the fur!
Boss (Incineroar): I mostly think of Sett and relate him to dogs when not taking into account that he is a wolverine/badger, between cat and dog energy I think of him more of a dog, BUT! Incineroar is really good for him due to its style of being a fighter, a big show-off with a soft heart, it just had to be part of the team.
Heartsteel (Shiny Obstagoon): another badger!!!! When I saw the shiny colors matched Heartsteel Sett's hair and eyes I just had to include it on the team. A little rockstar buddy <3
Obsidian (Koraidon): wasn't gonna have legendaries on the teams but I just think it works. Koraidon is the only fighting type I managed to sneak into the team somehow, I wanted it to be his primary type but as it turns out I prefer the team matching in style than picking up random fighting-types to fill the gaps.... anyway, named and designed after Obsidian Dragon Sett!
Truffle & Southpaw (Shiny Lycanrocs): Spirit Blossom Sett has his little badgers, and here I translated it into 2 doggies! I think lycanrocs fit this duality idea well for having different forms, night and day, Akana and Kanmei... And the colors for the regular lycanrocs works too but to fit with the SB badgers I made them shiny!
I had abilities and movesets for all of them but I'm too lazy to detail them rn, just know I thought of them kfdnslgdk
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clefaiiiry · 8 months ago
I’ve had this in my WIP spinning in my brain but idk if I’ll ever finish it anyway
Thanks to multiverse tomfoolery the other universe versions of Sett are now in the Heartsteel universe
Heartsteel Sett and Aphelios are still uselessly pining on each other but now all these other Setts with various relationship statuses with Phel are hanging out causing problems and hey, some of them like Firecracker and Spirit Blossom are chill but Obsidian Dragon and Runeterra are kind of assholes, don’t even get me STARTED on Supreme Cells, that guy sucks.
Anyway the main part I had rotating like a rotisserie chicken is the body euphoria of Spirit Blossom telling Aphelios “well my Phel has a body like this and he’s worshipped as a god.”
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the-facebreaker · 2 years ago
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The Facebreaker
Ask/Rp blog for Sett, the Boss, League of Legends champion, incorporating his Obisidian Dragon verse.
Once an outcast half-vastayan child, Sett swore he would gain the power to destroy anyone who made him feel weak. The Obsidian Dragon took notice of his grit and ferocity and blessed him with obsidian-hardened skin. Sett now uses his superhuman strength to make a name for himself as a pit fighter, and every hit that bounces off his crystalline skin makes his enemies tremble.
The half-beast who reigned supreme in the pit now runs his illicit enterprises with the same iron fist. Any time someone challenges his authority, he personally reminds them where they stand. Every punch Sett throws is a blow to his old life of poverty and ostracism, and he intends to make sure that old life stays down.
-Mun/Muse well over 21, mature themes may appear in this blog and will be tagged accordingly.
-Be respectful, no hate nor drama is appreciated.
-Mun=/=Muse, make sure to remember this please.
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aurelion-solar · 2 years ago
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Legends of Runeterra Dragonmancer Skins
Tranquility Dragon Karma
Lagoon Dragon Kai’Sa
Obsidian Dragon Sett
Fae Dragon Ashe
Storm Dragon Aurelion Sol
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hordemama · 2 years ago
Who are your favorite league characters and what are some headcanons you have about them?
well, i have every sett emote, his obsidian dragon icon, and almost all skins(LOVE THE POOL PARTY ONE), so i think it's pretty safe to say who's my favorite haha. He's my most played champ with my highest mastery score :D
Although, teemo is a very close second for me and i own MUCH teemo content as well. Love yordles and vastayans! And veigar is so fun to draw...
I don't have many headcannons, per say, but i think it's really funny to picture veigar as absolutely Unscary. He just *pretends* to be evil y'know? secretly, he's a weird, lonely nerd who lives in a wizard tower only a mile from bandle city. He owns many platform shoes. Is also friends with teemo because i say so
Another one i'd say is i picture sett with an itty bitty tail. I think its silly funny and he deserves one!!! (similarly, why doesn't xayah have one??? rakan has one! cant believe the injustice.....)
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obsidianas · 2 years ago
talk about the necklace that nalice left behind for vanessa and edwin!
ty for indulging me sett ily
— @defias
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dragons are fond of their trinkets, jewelry often figuring among them. in game, most of them don't have unique enough models in their draconic forms that this features heavily, but in their visage forms, it seems more rule than exception that they wear gems in necklaces or bracelets, or even adorning armor and such. from wrathion to chromie or alex and ysera, that's something that appears fairly often, and specially posing as nobility, something that would have been true for nalice as well.
unlike onyxia, her jewelry didn't carry any form of enchantment; magical items' usefulness notwithstanding, the sort of sorcery her mother practices is not really the sort of magic she prefers. but she wouldn't have left just any piece of jewelry; edwin and vanessa mean a lot to her. if she's parting with anything to leave it to them, then it would be something meaningful.
there was a time when the black dragons were tasked with shaping the earth and beings its warders, and an affinity for what could be found beneath, be it gems or metal, is certain to linger even after corruption. the necklace is really old, and masterfully crafted; she doesn't know when it was made, but it likely predates her flight's fall. the delicate chain was weaved in platinum, which also frames the obsidian gem of the pendant. it was crafted with fine flowery lines and patterns that encircle the gem. the chain is long, but the pendant itself isn't really particularly big.
nalice first got it when she was still little, and even in her draconic form it seemed much too big for her to wear. she had an older sister, noxaria, who was honestly greatly responsible for teaching her and her twin to survive on their own since they were very young, and she was the one who gifted it to her. it was just a trinket with a silly story to help her feel safe, something to protect her, while noxaria had to leave to fight red dragons in the vicinity. but her sister never came back, and the necklace became the single possession nalice held on due to sentimentality.
it was easy enough to keep it with her, regardless of form; she never parted from it, even while disguised as adalyn prestor. until she did, leaving something to be remembered by, as it once served for her to remember someone loved. the family she had, with edwin and vanessa, was in many ways discovering what loving and being loved was like, to her; she never really let herself feel like that before, even if some people managed to leave a mark somehow, like her sister. when she had to leave, if she had to leave her heart behind, nalice just chose to do it completely. all of her love stayed with them.
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odekoyma · 3 years ago
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no-shxme · 8 months ago
my eyes hurt too much to look at google docs so instead i made a maybe controversial tier list of talon skins using @lcathia 's list.
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extra opinions below, just cause:
high noon and enduring blade are so smooth to use in game (enduring especially, even if the model's a bit crusty) but most of all i love how thematically it gives talon so much room to breathe. like the amount of kicking off points and extra headcanons both these skins spawn for me is soooo good and there's so much story potential. i like high noon a little more (cowboy bias) but enduring screams autism to me so i love them both. (also enduring sword talon can be mashed together with obsidian dragon sett so)
withered rose talon is a smooth skin but his splash looks way too much like kayn for me. and his thematic is a little shallow. in game he's cute though and he's got that one chroma with the collar. dragonblade talon is underrated and (most) of his chinese chroma splashes are sooo cute.
talon blackwood is cute in and out of game but i don't like fantasy/dnd much. (scream)
ssw talon is just a stand-in until talon gets an actual modern verse skinline.
i dont even know what this next skin is called i always call him homeless talon. he's ugly but if im jungling then its the one i use. ugly ass.
i think this is controversial but i dont like blood moon. snow moon is cooler and i think talon would be there instead if he didnt already have one, but i dont like bm much as a thematic. and i think this skin is ugly, he looks like a frog. (??? how? i dont know.) something about prestige high noon's pose fucks with me, though the quality of the splash is insane. i dont like his head and i miss when he had the undershirt. prestige icon is cute tho. and then crimson guard.... crimson elite(??) talon... idk, what is there even to say.
dude the primal ambush icon is soooo cute to me and i looove the idea that he gets to be in the catboy spotlight but man this was such a miss for me. thematically SO shallow, and the splashart looks a lil funky imo. his hair being the same color as the fluff on his cape implies that he used his own hair to make it and his hair is so fucked the way it sticks up like that. armblade design was cool i guess but i dont like the colors of the whole thing and it was such a letdown for me. idc im a hater, if you liked it then im happy for you.
oh and i know this isn't a Real skin or anything but..
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THIS SKIN IS SO CUTE and i would LOVE IT IN SR IM NOT IMMUNE. it would be wrong to put it in top tier due to it not being a real skin/having a bio but the amount of hc/words this has spawned already deserves it tbh. please i beg you
thanks if you read this. feel free to disagree, s just my opinion.
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cuppadoppio · 2 years ago
Good Soup
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