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je-to-slusny-clovek · 8 months ago
Stále mě zajímá proč jsem nemohla maturovat z této klasické literatury 🤔
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salcali-makarna · 3 months ago
İnsanların yazdığım mesajı okuyup da yanıt vermemelerinden nefret ederim.
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goodbuttaken · 4 months ago
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openaigeek · 11 months ago
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Netus AI distinguishes itself through its powerful features. NLP ensures that the system comprehends and generates human-like text, while machine learning enables it to adapt and improve over time. Sentiment analysis adds another layer, making it adept at understanding emotions in written content.
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livresgay · 2 years ago
Le Journal d'Uzbek (de ParisDude)
Synopsis Un vieux Persan explore avec stupeur et bonne humeur certains us et coutumes… Et aussi les replis de son cœur. Reprenant l’argument de Montesquieu, Michel Bellin a décidé de rouvrir son blog au printemps 2022 pour y mettre en ligne un billet quotidien. Son défi : des textes brefs, mordants, parfois tendres, impertinents voire libertaires. Bref, cet ouvrage atypique est le florilège de…
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jubslongtrails · 1 month ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce condimentum cursus sapien, non vestibulum justo venenatis a. Maecenas quis auctor nisl. Donec in commodo ex. Mauris consectetur convallis consectetur. Vestibulum at quam bibendum, lacinia metus at, pretium nibh. Etiam diam ligula, laoreet in mollis in, ornare ut nunc. Vivamus tincidunt scelerisque erat, sed vulputate massa dapibus eu. Quisque nec enim ac mi facilisis tristique vitae in dolor. Nullam fringilla risus non magna tincidunt consectetur. Nunc pharetra, enim placerat blandit aliquam, arcu leo ultrices leo, eget gravida nunc sapien vel nisl. Mauris vitae felis dapibus, malesuada metus eu, convallis nunc. Donec congue aliquam efficitur. Donec feugiat ex sed magna finibus, vel tempor justo consectetur.
Nunc quis ex felis. Pellentesque sodales, ante a fermentum sollicitudin, ligula odio volutpat erat, vel convallis purus tellus in enim. Nunc mattis at sem sit amet elementum. Curabitur euismod nulla nec varius mollis. Quisque non scelerisque sapien. Aenean congue tortor nec commodo venenatis. Suspendisse a felis eget ligula tempus lacinia. Praesent vitae nunc enim. Nunc cursus erat eu turpis sodales ornare. Vestibulum eu imperdiet lorem. Ut eros ante, accumsan vitae aliquam id, mattis eget magna. Pellentesque a leo eget ligula commodo efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In felis nulla, gravida a turpis ut, consequat fermentum urna.
Aenean porta tortor nisi. Nam sed ex eu lacus congue condimentum. Proin elementum fermentum erat nec facilisis. Phasellus pharetra non lacus sit amet mattis. Maecenas lacinia ut ipsum eu vehicula. Aliquam et ex vitae arcu porta ullamcorper a eu leo. Aliquam pharetra ante eu velit ultrices, non vehicula nunc ultricies. Vivamus ultricies hendrerit urna, quis congue neque gravida sit amet. Donec at vulputate nulla. Nullam id sapien sit amet ipsum imperdiet maximus. Ut orci urna, ornare tempus iaculis in, molestie ut velit. Integer eros ligula, ornare in lorem vel, consectetur dignissim metus. Aliquam sit amet elementum nunc, id cursus magna. Donec imperdiet ultrices libero, sit amet molestie massa maximus non.
Phasellus at aliquet eros, sit amet hendrerit felis. In eu mi et odio commodo egestas. Donec dapibus laoreet arcu, vitae consequat urna bibendum a. Suspendisse vel sem velit. Nunc non diam non tortor dictum elementum in quis quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi bibendum commodo eros, id fringilla dui bibendum quis. Sed vulputate diam purus, a porta mauris ultricies at. Quisque egestas mi non tortor efficitur pulvinar. Sed vitae ligula a ipsum bibendum efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin suscipit ullamcorper. Duis efficitur non neque porta finibus.
Aliquam sed lorem ullamcorper, euismod risus quis, pharetra dui. Phasellus diam velit, accumsan vel egestas in, auctor et turpis. Nunc semper pretium dui vitae posuere. Sed ac justo et neque mollis pretium ac a libero. Sed maximus diam ac urna consectetur pharetra at ut nunc. Donec finibus turpis id urna faucibus, et dictum risus ullamcorper. Donec placerat, lacus quis pellentesque elementum, ligula dolor commodo elit, mattis bibendum mauris mauris eget felis. Curabitur venenatis cursus sagittis. Maecenas sed magna maximus, venenatis orci ut, posuere velit. Nam blandit neque sit amet arcu convallis, nec vulputate nisi vestibulum. Ut nec ex non nibh malesuada bibendum.
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bread-tests · 1 year ago
test comment
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Ok so, logically I know that Stargate SG-1 is episodic television that has to return to some semblance of status quo at the end of each episode. Therefore, physical injuries are always resolved before the top of the next episode, with no lasting ramifications unless they are relevant to the plot. Hand waved because the show format demands it.
So… I’ve got a little personal headcanon about it: I think Sam regularly uses the goa’uld healing device.
The healing device belonged to Kendra on Cimmeria and SG-1 obtains it after her death (and after Sam’s possession by Jolinar) in early season 2. Furthermore, we don’t see Sam actively use it onscreen until she heals Cronus in early season 3. So my little theory doesn’t account for earlier injuries, like Jack’s busted leg in Antarctica.
In any case, it seems silly for them not to use a resource like this.
So I’ve got a few points to this headcanon:
They prioritize study of the hand device first, trying to figure out how it works and if they can replicate it or create a version anyone can use. They can’t. It’s the only one they have unless they find more later.
They might be worried that repeated use might cause a milder form of the madness induced by a sarcophagus.
They’re not sure about the power supply and how much juice the thing has in it, so they don’t know how long it will last.
Due to the Naquadah in her blood after Jolinar, Sam is the only one at the SGC who can use it for quite a while… until Vala comes along, I think.
Sam takes a while to learn how to use it, just like there was a learning curve with her using a kara kesh in season 2. The thing requires Sam to tap into strong emotion/desire to use it and she is someone who keeps a tight lock on her emotions.
According to the tie-in novel, Roswell, it takes quite a lot out of the user, so I imagine Janet would try to restrict usage so that Sam doesn’t do any harm to herself. A goa’uld using one can easily repair their host, but Sam doesn’t have that luxury.
The same novel also mentions that the device can create a mental link, much like the kara kesh did between Sha’re and Daniel in Forever in a Day. I can see Sam being uncomfortable with that aspect of it and reluctant to use it except in the most dire circumstances.
The device can only heal, not bring back the dead.
There also seems to be a limit to the extent of injury it can heal, as evidenced by the failure to heal Daniel after he got irradiated. Or maybe Sam just isn’t skilled enough to handle the catastrophic failure happening in Daniel’s body at the time compared to a bullet wound or staff blast.
All this to say that I think they keep the healing device around and Sam is brought into the infirmary to help from time to time. But they don’t rely on it, and only have her step in to help with injuries that are life-threatening or may result long-term, crippling damage. They just use good old Tau’ri medicine for everything else.
So while Sam does truly enjoy her scientific work in her lab, this headcanon adds another level to her workaholic tendencies. She has an incredible sense of personal responsibility and self-sacrifice, so I think she would feel compelled to stick around the SGC in case they need her. I don’t think she’d forgive herself if someone died in the infirmary when she could have made a difference.
No wonder Jack can never get her to go fishing…
(Wrote up this whole longpost just to justify the shippy scene in my head where Sam uses the healing device to fix the staff wound on Jack’s leg after Netu. Because of her rattled emotional state due to the deep dive into Jolinar’s memories, she sorta fumbles when trying to heal him and inadvertently creates a strong mental link. Both Sam and Jack get a deep look into each others’ vulnerable mental state.)
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lamentable-s · 6 months ago
roleplay template for discord! (works for tupper!)
・・・𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝜗𝜚
👤 basics age: gender: pronouns: occupation: face claim:
📖 biography Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis. Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.
💙 personality Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus sed viverra. Tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis. Risus in hendrerit gravida rutrum quisque.
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can be used for tupperbox or in an introduction/info channel!
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mist-the-wannabe-linguist · 1 month ago
nemůžu z toho, jak všichni v mém okolí ví o podzemních krytech co mají vést pod celou Porubou, ale na netu o nich nemůžu najít absolutně nic
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nopanamaman · 1 year ago
How come on the Enter the Zone neocities website, all of the lore/analysis and character info just says this?:
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed viverra tellus in hac habitasse platea. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis eget nunc. Lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus turpis massa. Non enim praesent elementum facilisis leo vel. Elit pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Eu sem integer vitae justo eget. Nulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis tellus in. Bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a. Sit amet dictum sit amet justo.
Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue. Nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla. Sed viverra ipsum nunc aliquet bibendum enim. Vitae purus faucibus ornare suspendisse sed nisi lacus. Vestibulum morbi blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi tempus. Est ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed. Ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat. Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc. Eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam sem. Ultrices vitae auctor eu augue ut lectus arcu. Lectus urna duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas. Nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. Pretium fusce id velit ut tortor pretium. Amet justo donec enim diam. In aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt. Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis."
Bro that's not even my website, that's a fan project lol
Also Lorem ipsum is a standard placeholder text, it's used in graphic design a lot. So I assume this means the info will be entered later
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institutexpermentalnitvorby · 3 months ago
Dnešní doba: Nesmí se diskriminovat na základě pohlaví, vzhledu, věku, rasy, náboženství, sexuality...
Taky dnešní doba: Jo, tak ty máš v dospělosti řečovou vadu? Na hranici a házet rajčata k tomu.
Mnohé logopedky na netu bych ráda důvěrně seznámila se svou lešenářskou trubkou.
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latin-phrases-showdown · 1 year ago
Round 1 Poll 24
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. (Etiam eget ligula eu lectus lobortis condimentum. Aliquam nonummy auctor massa. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla at risus. Quisque purus magna, auctor et, sagittis ac, posuere eu, lectus. Nam mattis, felis ut adipiscing).
"there is no one who loves pain, who seeks after it, wants to have it simply because it is pain" : for the part adapted from Cicero (and not in the parenthesis here), the rest is gibberish
Lorem ipsum is a common placeholder text to demonstrate a typeface/visual form of a document without using content with actual meaning
In saecula saeculorum
"Unto the ages of ages"
Expresses the idea of eternity, or an indeterminate number of time
It's a Bible phrase I don't remember from where but it is in the New Testament. BUT i heard it. more at the church and when old ladies and people raised by grandmas are complaining about long periods of wait/expectation is very funny
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justplainmels · 2 years ago
When do you think Jack/Sam fell in love? Before they admitted feelings in season 4. What season and or episode do you think? 🥰
When did Jack and Sam fall in love?
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Just kidding. Well mostly. There was obviously immediate attraction on both sides starting from that first meeting in the briefing room. That attraction turned into a crush which turned into some feelings which developed over time into love. However, I think both were in love long before they realized it. I also think this happens at different times for each of them.
Short answer:
Sam fell first. It was a gradual thing (see my "watching Sam fall in love one head duck and smile at a time" gif sets) so it's hard to pick an exact episode. Definitely by Out of Mind/Into the Fire but she didn’t realized it/admitted it to herself until A Hundred Days.
Jack fell harder and faster but refused to realize it because he thought Sam was unobtainable and deserved better. I'd say he started having feelings more than a crush around Jolinar and finally realized he loved her sometime after POV (maybe around Netu).
Ok now the longer (much longer) answer below the cut!
Jack was a goner even if he didn’t know it from the moment Sam challenged him to an arm wrestle. He developed a crush pretty quickly and definitely had thoughts about things…
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Cue the adorable flirting and looks. Jack likes to make Sam smile and their unspoken communication is a love language in and of itself. There are too many instances to point out but you can check out my gif sets for some examples.
I’d say his crush starts to develop into actual feelings probably around the time of Jolinar. He stops calling her “Sam” after Serpent’s Song to try and create some sort of emotional distance. We all know how that didn’t work and “Carter” became just as much a term of endearment, but it at least provided the illusion of a purely professional relationship.
He’s content with the small stolen moments because he thinks she’s unobtainable and frankly deserves better. She’s a young, brilliant, gorgeous badass while he’s just...Jack.
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I think this changes after POV. Yes, he still thinks she’s way out of his league, but this is the second alternate reality they’ve encountered where they’ve ended up together and not just together but engaged/married. Those other Jacks apparently did something right that convinced their Sams to say yes and they couldn’t have been too much different than him, could they? He allows himself to dwell in the possibility, but he still questions if this Sam—his Sam—could feel the same way.
They go to hell and back to save Dad and then comes A Hundred Days. I hate that it’s never addressed on screen, but I like to believe that somewhere between Shades of Grey and Crystal Skull, Jack gets the full picture of the lengths Sam went to when he was stranded. How could he not admit to himself that he loves this woman who literally defied the laws of physics to save him. And maybe, just maybe, she feels the same way—which brings us to Nemesis and the first invitation to go fishing.
Ok let’s take a step back a moment and get caught up with Sam.
She also develops a crush early on as she learns that there’s more to Jack under the rough exterior. You know that she’s read his file and no doubt she had some preconceptions evident by the way she came guns a blazing during the first briefing. However, the more she's around him, the more she realizes that he is as gentle with what/who he cares about as he is dangerous to those who dare threaten what he cares about. He loves and protects with the same fierceness.
Also c’mon how can you not fall in love with a man who’s as good with kids and dogs as Jack.
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I do think Sam fell first but he’s still her CO and it’s not like she can do anything about it, so she avoids facing it. I can’t pinpoint down a specific episode because I think it was definitely a gradual thing which made it easier to bury. But in my opinion, she’s definitely in love by Out of Mind/Into the Fire. (Even if she wasn’t defying orders, she goes straight to find him even though as far as she knows he’s a Goa’uld!) She wouldn’t admit it to herself at this point and maybe didn’t even realize it. Regardless, there’s no running away from it in A Hundred Days.
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She’s understandably hurt at the end of that episode and then of course comes Shades of Grey. Sam’s face when Jack tells her that he hasn’t been acting like himself since he met her…and then later he elects to go back to the planet she just spent every waking moment for 3+ months trying to bring him home from…🥺. Even though she knows he was playing a role, I can only imagine that a part of her is left to wonder how much of it might be true.
Ok that brings us back to Nemesis. By this point, both have realized that they love the other person. Jack thinks Sam might feel the same way. They’ve mostly patched things up post-Shades of Grey (enough to work together at least), but Sam still has some doubts.
Now imagine Jack trying to work up the nerve to ask her to come to his cabin with him. He stops to check on Daniel in the infirmary first and throws out the idea—maybe she’ll go if Daniel goes. When it’s obvious Daniel better listen to the Doc, he heads out. Entering the elevator, his finger hovers over the buttons until finally he pushes “19” and finds himself shielding his eyes from the sparks as he enters her lab.
Invitation is offered. However, she doesn’t catch on. Gah why am I so bad at this? he thinks.
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She hesitates. He quickly brushes it off trying to save face. Maybe he read too much into it. Must. Escape. Now.
Jack is actually really kind of bummed. If you look closely when he’s leaving her lab, he has this little quirk with his mouth thinking “well that didn’t go as planned.” Sam was genuinely surprised. She kicks herself for hesitating and making him think she’s completely opposed to the idea so she runs after him.
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You can feel the emotions in their looks in the hallway. He makes one final attempt. She really wants to say yes but just can’t seem to take the final step. Then he gets beamed away, they save the world, and now fast forward to Small Victories.
Ok…now SOMETHING happened on P4X-234. How much exactly idk but something happened on that planet and there’s a very noticeable shift. Just look at how comfortable and flirty they are compared to the scene in Nemesis.
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No hesitancy from Sam. No disappointment from Jack. No feelings of potential regret or uncertainty. Just flirty looks and smiles.
At the very least, they’ve acknowledged that they like each other more than they’re supposed to. They’ve just saved the world for like the third time, but who’s counting—Teal’c that’s who—and now have to wait out a return home. Eventually, Jack realizes that it may not be Minnesota, but he kind of got his vacation with Sam where there are no doohickeys or end of the world crises to distract her. It’s just them and their oh-so-knowing observant Jaffa friend who occasionally makes himself scarce.
It’s nice and peaceful on the planet where they can just enjoy each other’s company away from the reminders of the war they’re fighting. They’re surprised that it comes easy and natural. At some point they have a conversation of sorts about how one day when the world doesn’t need saving from bugs and snakes, that maybe life could look a lot like this. They go home with the hope and promise of some day in their hearts and for now that is enough.
Then Anise arrives with those damn armbands and we have the point of no return. They're faced with fact that some day may never come. I know D&C is where we get as close to a verbal love confession from Jack, but if you ask me—which you sort of did—they had already confessed their love to each other on opposite sides of that force field. For two people whose non-verbal communication means everything, those looks say everything.
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How Sam ever decided to listen to her concussed self that this man doesn’t have feelings for her is beyond me but that’s a rant for another day.
This turned out a lot longer than I intended, but I just love talking about these two. Thanks for the ask! 😊
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youhavethewrong · 6 hours ago
UM ACTUALLY I THINK YOU'LL FIND THALorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Montes diam massa interdum maecenas blandit. Netus consectetur praesent eu dictum laoreet, vitae interdum. Fringilla enim dis ante nunc nullam sem maecenas feugiat metus. Nec risus varius sed felis vulputate pharetra. Aenean commodo potenti proin, dictum nunc magna. Metus proin volutpat nostra ultricies pellentesque diam. Ac arcu elit porta nulla pretium aenean.Rhoncus gravida laoreet senectus litora erat co
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rainbowsuitcase · 8 months ago
Lidičky, nevíte kde se dá v Čechách najít nějaká pořádná fanouškovská komunita? Nejen na netu, i když to taky ocením, ale rádo bych se vydalo na nějaký srazy nebo tak něco (aneb hledám kamarády se stejnými zájmy se kterými se můžu potkat osobně, víte co)
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