#Nesta doesn't want worship!
flowerflamestars · 2 months
Haunted holy and divine snippet
“I’ll bring you something,” Azriel murmured. Allow me, let me, my black stained hands were made for such work. He back away first, before standing, wings melting into shadow to allow her space. “You’re safe here. I promise.” An arched brow, her expression a wound long-festered. “What kind of safe, this time? Should I expect to be drowned, or beaten next?” Azriel had been made to kneel to lesser men his whole long life. There was no resemblance to the gesture when he slid to the ground at Nesta Archeron’s feet, Truthteller unsheathed. Pure and right darkness- it hurt, unexpectedly, her surprise. His blade did not bite, mournful. Azriel slowly, gently, wrangled her shocked still hands, until Nesta understood to wreath his grip in her own. Only then did star steel drink deep. “What are you”- She swallowed the sentence when Azriel raised his head. “I made my vows to Rhain. Rhysand inherited them. Yanked like they were leading strings my whole life. No vow is true without blood.” Black climbed through the silver of her eyes, pupils expanding. She could smell him bleeding. Not a monster, not a human, and not a faery either. “You will be safe,” Azriel whispered, drip of blood an echo, “I will keep you safe.” Nesta swallowed. “Why?” It was a question he deserved, though it made the sting no less. She let him meet her gaze. Stare. Morning skies and endless fire, corpse-pale dead and dreaming blue. Azriel told the truth. He would do nothing less, before her. “Because I cannot stand to do anything else.” “Fine,” Nesta exhaled, temper only in form, “Fine.” She pulled on his hands, as though to raise him. Nesta, who’d been a lady once- did those mortal lords render themselves supplicant for her favor? Had she ever accepted even one? “Rise.” She did not let go. Azriel could not stand without being near, so close the shadows hung still, silenced by Nesta’s gaze flickering over him. Her cold, brittle hands, hooked tight on his soul. A vow he had chosen. A vow he would keep. 
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wingsdippedingold · 5 months
does sjm know that a healthy friendship includes telling your friend when they do something messed up (as you should!) and not being an enabler?? pretty sure the IC is a cult
She in fact doesn't!
With the way she writes friendships it's pretty clear that she doesn't have many of her own. Like at all. She clearly sucks at navigating social relationships in general, and it shows bigtime with Rhysand and Feyre's lack of diplomacy, which is wild considering she wrote other decent high lords.
Also all her main friendships (the ic) are so weirdly involved in each other's sex lives, who tf fucks other girls in front of their friends? She made the batboys so homosexual but also the straightest men on earth. Also the only bonding they ever really do platonically is sex jokes.
I'm pretty confident the only long term relationship SJM has had is with her husband (which started when she was 19). Her "feministic" views are very pick me and reminiscent of girls who never experienced true female friendship. Now that's not to say m/f friendships aren't just as deep, but SJM has made it clear she hasn't really had those either. The way she wrote Feyre in Cassian (the only actual m/f friendship I can think of) seems more like a "one of the guys" girl's wet dream.
The entirety of Feyre's "found family" is made up of Rhysand's lackeys who would choose him at the drop of a hat.
Even the Valkyrie friendship is questionable considering Emerie blushed at Rhysand, despite him being one of Nesta's biggest adversaries. Any true friends wouldn't give him the time of day, high lord or not.
And you're totally right on the cult part, they all worship their charismatic leader Rhysand because they think he's this magnanimous guy who only wants the best, but he's actually terrible and manipulates everything to maintain his position
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achaotichuman · 15 days
I dont understand why you're anti Elain. Like there's nothing 4 u to anti considering we know nothing about her💀
Like all the bitch does Is bake and cook and yall hating over THAT?? damn
Anywayyyy, so to answer your question anon. You are correct! We know very little about her, we have only seen the shit she does, and we can only make judgements based on her actions with no nuance because we don't have her POV yet.
You also don't strike me as pro Elain anon? You're taking away from her actions quite a bit. She has done plenty of things throughout the series.
What I don't like about her is her has to do with how she treats Nesta. She throws Nesta protecting and helping her, even to the point of neglecting her own self, back in her face and acts as though Nesta never actually cared about Elain herself and was only interested in making her trauma about her. Which is completely incorrect from what we see in ACOWAR and how Nesta protects Elain in ACOMAF.
I actually find Elain's selfishness very intriguing- I made a post about it here is the link.
But the thing about Elain, is SJM cannot write inherently selfish characters and have them work through that. Elain could force Lucien to eat glass and everyone would still worship the ground she walks on.
She doesn't experience consequences, all she has to do is shed a few crocodile tears and people bend over backwards to accommodate her wants.
I don't like characters with no substance, and in my opinion Elain is set up to be Rhysand 2.0
I go into more detail on this in my post.
And in any case I fully believe you, anon, are simply a teenager with too much time on their hands.
If you need a job to occupy your time, I recommend applying for a pharmacy assistant position, that was my first job. They're always happy to accept juniors, at least where I live.
And if you are somehow an adult sending these messages, I sincerely insist you get out of the house. Go out with some friends, have a few drinks, remember there are still some good things in the world. And if you can't afford that, parks are always free, and a good walk clears the mind of hate.
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nikethestatue · 17 days
Gwynriels/Gwyn fans love to list all these reasons they ship gwynriel or love gwyn. They are so exessive in their shipping/worshipping that they say shit like this:
But if they're honest with themselves, they know their reasons for preferring gwyn over Elain is incredibly shallow, they know they are this huge gwyn fan because of teal eyes, coppery hair, freckles. They don't even try to be subtle about it. In every conversation or indirect posts and comments they tell elriels how plain looking Elain is with her brown hair, brown eyes, "smaller boobs than Nesta's" etc. etc. And constantly try to prove that gwyn is prettier than Elain, has bigger boobs than Elain. But when we say that they ship gwynriel because of looks they think we are threatened by "hOw poPular sHe iS". They refuse to acknowledge the part in acosf where gwyn's activities and words were clearly suspicious. If SJM's plan for gwyn is to reveal that she has ulterior motives then it's great for the next book that gwyn is popular.
Notice how Elain doesn't need to be compared to anyone. We don't compare her to Mor. Or Vassa. Or Gwyn. Or her sisters.
The size of Elain's titties isn't a flex. Her brown eyes isn't a flex.
If Gwyn is their 'religion' they wouldn't be trawling through TOG and CC looking for 'mate bond language'. Desperately trying to mate her to Azriel.
If she was their religion her needs and thoughts and desires would be front and center for them.
I am an Elriel because Elain wants Azriel. She was written as wanting this specific man. But if SJM wrote her with Lucien, I'd probably be an Elucien, despite not liking Lucien's character.
I am here to watch Elain's journey. Despite any man. I know it's a romance, and she'll end up with a partner. But I am curious about her story, what she has to offer, not who she'll end up with.
When GAs remove 'Gwynriel' from the equation, then we'll talk.
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highladyelenna · 2 months
It's "people are free to ship whatever" when they are shipping Rhys with his wife's sister cause they are jealous of Feyre and writing fics where he r*pes Nesta, cheats on Feyre with her ""sexier"" sister... Claiming he hates that Nesta doesn't worship him to fuel their hate
But it's suddenly a problem when it's a ship that they don't like??
Sure Jan, your hypocrisy is showing.
it’s okay when they draw fan art of rhys cheating on feyre with NESTA of all people, cause that’s totally his charcater right? he’s definitely not too busy worshipping the ground feyre walks on to even think about any one else.
it’s okay to draw tamlinxrhysandxAMARANTHA because it’s just a joke right?
it’s okay to draw tamlin x NYX because it’s just a joke and people can draw whatever they want right?
people can draw and ship whatever right?
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theladyofbloodshed · 10 months
If Elriel happens, do you think Azriel would put Elain above Rhys? We already know Cassian doesn't put Nesta above him, so what are your thoughts about Azriel?
I don't want Elriel to happen as I don't think it would be good for either of them to be together. Nonetheless, Azriel has the capacity to go rogue. He argues against Rhys' orders (chain me to a tree and I'll fly with it on my back - v sexy) and Feyre's orders (which he got told she's your high lady in answer). He's the only one who is vocal about disagreement of orders and Rhys acknowledges in his POV that there's an icy rage in Azriel even after all this time.
Azriel is also the one with attachment issues, so I feel like he'd be very clingy and overbearing with his mate. To me, Azriel is the one most likely to put his mate ahead of Rhys.
Do I think it will happen? No. I do think Rhys will still be worshipped. I also think his mate will end up playing second fiddle to Morrigan, as it was in Nessian's relationship. To Cassian, Mor is his sister who he's fucked but she's so beautiful that she takes his breath away. Azriel has been in love with her for 500 years. I do not want to hear the poetry he spouts about her.
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
I wanna talk about an elain headcanon I have
nesta has a very muscular build and always will because of her training. mucle mommy, and cass goes wild for that.
feyre is always gonna have a slender build. she's got strong shoulders and core, especially the way she learsn to use her wings, but she could never wield a sword the way nesta does or climb the stairs at the house of wind. its like how rhys is muscle-y and strong but not in the same way as az and cass.
now, elain. lets talk about elain. elain is thin to begin, very slim, mostly because she's been starving for years and was always seen as weak and lithe, that's what she was supposed to be. just grayson's small, quiet spouse. but now she's got her freedom and her life to be the way she wants it, anything, she can have it.
she has access to food, and not only that, she learns to bake. I think elain would start to put on weight, and fast. she doesn't really work out the way nesta does, she likes to go for a walk and tend to her garden, she exercises and she's healthy, but elain is a plus size girly. and the way her body becomes? she was always meant to be a plus-size girly. her boobs would fill out, her hips get squishy and soft in a way that she loves, her thighs get pudgy. she loves it. she likes the way she looks.
she never liked being able to see a gap between her thighs or her sharp edges in the mirror, it made her feel so vulnerable and exposed, and just reminded her of their poverty and her helplessness.
she likes it so fucking much. she likes baking and eating the things she makes, she likes that cassian and her bond over cooking, because he's got a big appetite too. she likes that she doesn't feel like she's going to break anymore. she likes that she doesn't feel so invisible, that she's seen.
she does it for herself, she loves it. one big fucking bonus, though? is that it drives lucien wild. she'd never been much concerned with how he thought about her at first. she wasn't ready for a mate bond, she was still working on herself. she didn't think about it at first, but one day when feyre says lucien will be coming for dinner, she realises it's been almost a year since he's seen her.
when he walks through the door, he practically falls over himself as he sees her. the opposite of all his usual elegance. she's ready to turn her nose up, to give him an earful about judging her appearance, until cassian is laughing so loud nesta winces and elbows him, teasing lucien with "someone likes his mate's new look. at least try to control your scent, fox-boy."
if elain wore a few more daring necklines and tighter corsets to show it off during his visit, that was nobody's business but hers.
now, lucien makes her feel good every single day about it. whether it be feeding her treats, running his hands over her body and squeezing all his favourite parts, picking her up like she still weighed nothing, or whispering dirty things between the sheets like "so much of you for me to love, you drive me fucking crazy, petal."
I just have this headcanon that given the choice to be whatever she wants, elain is a very happy plus-size girly. she loves never having to question her food or meals, she loves her new body and the happiness it signifies, and she loves the way lucien fucking worships her.
especially in those revealing Day court robes, which hang low on her chest and show off her beautiful thick thighs.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Acotar is Maas before she fall in love with Rhys. She created rhys, explore.more and let herself grew detach of Feyre. I can feel her love and wanting Feyre to grow into something else. Her resentment to Fae is very interesting too since maas made her trapped with a fae. An interesting dynamic.
Then she grew attach to rhys. I sense of this because of her pattern with Rowan and Aelin. I read somewhere that originally , it was not Rowaelin endgame. Rowan as just suppose to train aelin and that was that. Then Maas say that she wrote fanfic of Aelin x Rowan turns out well..
I would say Rowan x Aelin is a susccess. Yeah this man is hell to Aelin the beginning. But buttttt Maas dont water down Aelin to have her propaganda "rowan is perfect, rowan is most powerful fae" pushing to the reader you know. Aelin is still stubborn, she keep her plan to herself and refuse to share it with rowan.
It drove rowan mad if I remember them correctly. At least, we can see Aelin taking time and do according to her desire. Not blindly agree with Rowan. Then we have aedion in their family dynamic. Then rowan wanting to have allies, goes to each Whietorn ship and begged them to support Aelin. He said it jn the book, he wanted to support his queen and make her.proud.
And then the famous "where is my wife" scene. Wecan see them both as individual character. Very different character. Aelin is an ass a lot of time, selfish and a pick me. I know, but her character does not change simply for rowan. Water down for rowan. It took another whole book to shift their dynamic from stranger to friends to partner to lover. It feel long and develope to me. Then the scene Aelin share her favourite place in Adarlan, showing Rowan how to play the piano. It was small but sweet moment.
Rowan, slowly taking his time to calm Aelin after the mask and torture by maeve. Offering ring, telling aelin to eat and take break from training. It so diferent you know with Rhys and Feyre.
Feyre from headstrong, stubborn and independent water down to suit Rhys. I feel like she is over sexualized at one point and it feels each of their interactions is solely for sex. Even the reading moment "you look delicious today, feyre." Fuck off rhys. Can you chill and not make everything about sex? Let this girl breathe, read properly and learn about the world will you.
The only moment I like both of them have is when bring Feyre observing map sort of? Even that interaction is cut off. I want more interaction of Rhys sharing with Feyre whathe know. He seem to have this potential 'tutor' vibe. He is old, surely he learn a lot. But all we got is their interaction in the lbrary and attempt of having sex.
Then Maas keep worshipping Rhys and feyre lose all her personality for Rhys to check all he need to be the most powerful male in history. Tf, your wing get hurt ashes and you already dying.
I am not saying rowaelij is 100% but they have something rhys and feyre dont. Independent of their life from being water down by each other. They can stand on their own character because we all know, what is Aelin if not for her stubbornness and being pain in the ass? You just need to say blond, stubborn, confident and an edgy teenager. Everyone knows it is Aelin.
Something feyre already lose back in book 2 for rhys. I no longer recognize this feyre.
Hello anon
I think sjm is really attached to Aelin as a self insert. It's understandable since she developed the character from a young age.
But I don't see why she also has to self insert into Feyre? It's obvious she doesn't care about her.
So why SJM didn't just choose a different sister to carry on the second book. Anyone who knows my blog will know why I think it should have been Nesta but acomaf is supposed to be Hades and Persephone right? So why not Elain?
Acomaf Elain is exactly who post acowar Feyre turns into to suit the position of High Lady.
In acotar, it's possible to think of Feyre outside of her relationship to Tamlin. If you were making a moodboard or aesthetic edit you could include archery and painting, the forest and a wolf etc and all of that would be about Feyre.
If you try to do the same thing for Feyre from acomaf onwards, what comes to mind? It's hard to picture who she is outside of Rhysand's influence because it doesn't exist.
In acotar Feyre's love story is with Tamlin but also as an individual she is developing her relationship with the world around her. Lucien, Alis and, even Prythian itself, is something Feyre must work to understand on her own. As a result she is a different person by the time she goes home. She has matured. She sees that she was wrong about Nesta and she is able to let go of the promise she made to her mother.
In maf and war her relationships with others is dictated by their relationship with Rhysand. She meets people and is almost instantly friends or enemies based on if they are Rhysand's friends or enemies.
Feyre only knows 3 Illyrians: her mate and her friends who are 'brothers' but she hates Illyrians, why? Because Rhys does.
Feyre instantly connects with Tarquin on a really good vibe but still betrays him and almost dies stealing something important to his court. Why? Because Rhysand says so. Feyre could have told Rhys to give her a few more days to earn Tarquin's trust and then asked him to let Amren stay in summer and decipher it so they could nullify the Cauldron and save lives in the war. Tarquin wouldn't have said no. But she can't even think for herself.
At the end of tog, more than half the people who fight in the battle are there for Aelin. Her connection to them has made their appearance special. Aelin also shares the books with other pov characters.
In acotar, during the war, after 3 books of only Feyre as the main character - who shows up to the battle for her? No one.
Her sisters aren't there because they choose to be and Feyre's father doesn't even have a name. Maybe the Suriel is there for Feyre but they immediately die after only 2 or 3 interactions the whole series.
Bryaxis? Doesn't become Feyre's monster pet afterwards. Stryga and the Bone Carver? Useless and dead. And it's not like Feyre has been building friendships with these people.
Friends, enemies, allies - they show up for Rhysand. Even the king of Hybern mostly speaks to him. He is the main character.
Even in the end, I think the only person who helps revive Rhysand just so Feyre is happy, is Tamlin.
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femmefatallexx · 1 year
ACOSF Opinion. Possible Spoilers.
I finished the final book today, A Court of Silver Flames. Here were my most notable opinions. (P.S. postpartum is fucking hard. I've missed reading and loving things so much I cried.)
First, Cassian is fucking h.o.t. and Nesta is my goddess. I always thought Rhys was amazing because he just loves with his whole soul, but Cassian doesn't just love. He understands, he fights, he worships. He loves with his everything, despite the darkness that Nesta struggles with, and he *understands* it.
Second, this book changed me. To see someone like Nesta able to start anew despite everything she's gone through and the darkness and the Death (iykyk) inside of her, it was beautiful. And Gwyn and Emery, they hold such special places.
Third, the character of Eris and the dancing scene with Nesta. Eris has always been portrayed as a darkness, an evil man with no soul. This book showed his intention, his soul, and the dance scene with Nesta and Eris broke my heart for him. His darkness and his need to hide his goodness to protect himself is so sad. The way they danced... fuck. I wish someone could dance with my soul like that and watch the world burn with us.
Lastly, Nesta must have some Sexy Fucking Thighs ™️ after climbing down and up 10,000 steps every day like that and I get why Cassian just spends his whole day worshipping her. Sometimes I forget that I'm bi and I just want to worship Nesta for every day forever.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
hello! hope you’re having a lovely day! i wanted to ask, how do you think sjm will write gwynriel becoming canon? and if it was up to you, how would you want gwynriel to be written?
Gwynriel is difficult for me to predict because there seems to be a lot of little clues hinting at possible directions for their story to go but not enough major ones for me to go on to say anything with certainty (aside from the fact that I do believe their mates). As far as what I'd like to see based on some of those possible clues, I'd like to see Az's shadows rebel against him because they're tired of Az commanding them to do what he wants rather than him acknowledging that they too have their own desires. I think the shadows have found their own mate in Gwyn's song / breath and because Az is probably going to be clueless to his own bond for a bit, he'll ignore their hints at spending time with her. As a result, I do think they'll abandon him until he begins to treat them as independent of himself, taking time to listen to their needs. As far as Az and Gwyn together, I wish I knew more about Az to get a better feel for the direction SJM might take Gwyn. Is he going to like torturing? Is it something he'll always do? Or does he feel such immense guilt over it and only does it because he feels he has to? If he likes it and feels guilty because he likes it, I think SJM will create a similar feeling of guilt in Gwyn. That she realizes how much she enjoys revenge on her enemies and faces the dilemma of whether she can be that person and a priestess at the same time. But I think both he and Gwyn will work through that together, helping the other to see that they are still good despite having a bit of darkness. If SJM swings things the other way and he walks away from torturing then I feel like Gwyn's personality will be somewhat similar to what it is now and she'll help Az let go of his past and the things he's done, accepting that he's still deserving of good things regardless of what has come before. Some easier things to predict: I think Gwyn will definitely be the one to poke and prod Az to come out of his shell though they still will be the couple who still prefers being alone together to being in large groups. They'll definitely try to one up one another all the time with their competitive natures and I think it'll drive Az mad that Gwyn tends to beat him at everything. I imagine something will happen that gives Gwyn a reason to put Az in his place and express anger towards him for something. I do think she has a bit of, not exactly hero worship but intrigue over Az because of how they first crossed paths and he's now training her so she has respect for him because of that. To me there needs to be something to shift power to Gwyn so that they are on equal footing. I think it would be cool if Gwyn were the one to call Narben from the sea. I'm sorry, I know that wasn't a great answer but Az and Gwyn (while I definitely see how SJM is building similarities between them!) are still a little difficult for me to read because I've only seen Gwyn as Nesta's best friend (meaning we're only going to see certain aspects of her personality) and I'm really not sure who Az is. He's full of rage and anger and he's definitely got obsession issues but I can't tell if that's all because he doesn't know how to break the cycle and the guilt comes from what he's done in his past or if the guilt comes from his constant desire to continue doing it over and over again (in terms of torturing). That he knows it's always going to be who he is and he's been unable to come to terms that he's still worth loving despite it.
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Hi, this is your secret santa again! I hope you are well 💕 I'm gravitating towards brilin for your gift over elucien, and I'm curious to hear you talk more about them as a ship. It's obviously not a canon ship so interpretations may vary, buy how do you imagine their relationship? Their lives? What do they enjoy to do together? In your interpretation, does Briar somehow become fae or does Tamlin give up his immortality to be with her? Why do they like each other? Etc
I am well, thank you! 💖 Thanksgiving preparations are in full swing at my house. I don’t know whether you celebrate or not, but regardless, I hope that you are doing well, also. 😊
I'm so excited to hear that you're considering writing for Brilin!!
Even though it's been a while since I've written on my own Brilin WIP (I'm so sorry to the readers who have been waiting so long for an update!!), I have given a lot of thought to their relationship, not just their story.
I apologize in advance if I went overboard, but hopefully there’s something in my answer below that inspires you. I do not know how to give short and concise answers, it seems. 😅
It is canon that Briar is a former member of the Children of the Blessed, who worshiped the Fae like gods. After being kidnapped and tortured by Hybern, she was rescued and taken to the Winter Court to recover. I think it’s natural to assume that she has become disillusioned by her experience, and is reluctant to trust again.
Tamlin, as we know, is still the High Lord of the Spring Court, but he doesn't act like it. He tends to lash out at those who would help him (Lucien), and he cowers from those who would hurt him (like Nesta in ACOSF). He stays in his beastly form at all times, day or night, at least until a certain human appears on his doorstep (or so I like to think).
I've seen some people suggest that Tamlin should leave the Spring Court to become the wandering minstrel he wanted to be from the beginning, and give his title to Lucien. Honestly, I'm not too crazy about the idea. If that's what you're angling for, far be it from me to criticize. I could fall in love with that story! If it were up to me, though, I would prefer to see him rebuild the Spring Court and allow other people into his life to help him instead of shouldering the burden alone or giving up entirely.
On that note, it would certainly be a twist in the ACOTAR universe to see an immortal being give it all up so that they can grow old and die with their loved one, rather than the other way around. (Side note: the song “Who Wants to Live Forever” by Queen will never not make me emotional.) At the same time, though, I don’t want it to seem like a punishment, as if Tamlin’s only redemption can happen through his death. As for making Briar immortal, I have not yet figured out the when and how, but I’m more inclined towards that idea.
In a way, I’d like to see Briar stay human for a while, to let her grow up a little as their relationship grows. (Of course, that could just be me wanting to see older women portrayed as viable love interests, not just the eighteen, nineteen, and young twenty-somethings, especially when the male love interests are perceived to be in their late twenties/early thirties. As a single thirty-something myself, the joke that men like Leonardo DiCaprio break up with women once they turn twenty-five becomes less funny and more icky over time. But that’s another rant for another day.)
Anyway, I love the idea of Briar and Tamlin realizing together that they want this relationship to last, and to last a long, long time. Let them decide together how they can make this happen, etc. Not that I mind what happened in canon with the Archeron sisters being turned Fae, but I think Briar and Tamlin have both been through enough that they don’t need Briar to be turned immortal in this intense, dramatic, death-defying way. (@/separatist_apologist wrote a version of Brilin where she is a sort of Sleeping Beauty transformed through an old magical tree in the Spring Lands, for example.)
One thing I appreciate about Tamlin’s character in Book 1 is that he fell in love with a human despite the nature of the curse: Feyre was the one who had to fall in love, not him, but he did anyway. It doesn’t seem so unreasonable to me that he would fall for another human. He has a protective instinct (often to his detriment, as we saw with how he treated Feyre later on), but I think that comes from the fear that he’s going to lose everything he cares about. Despite his “best” efforts, his worst fears have come true: he’s lost his family, his fiancee, his best friend, his Court, and his self-respect. I’d like to think that there’s some small shred of something left inside of him that wants to protect this woman that has suddenly come into his life. Perhaps it started in a begrudging sort of way, because to him she’s just another fragile human, but she is tied to the Winter Court and he doesn’t want Viviane and Kallias freezing his roses in retaliation, so he might as well look after this one to keep them off his back. But the first time Briar smiles at him, it’s not a pitying smile, and he realizes he would do anything to have someone smile at him like that again.
Meanwhile, Briar is wary of this big, growling monster who somehow isn’t like the monsters who tortured her and killed her fellow Children of the Blessed. And to be honest, this beast is kind of a mess and his house and his garden are, too, so while she’s staying there she might as well clean things up a bit, you know? And she gradually learns that beneath the dirt and the fur and the fangs is someone who has a wicked sense of humor, who cares about his mother’s rose garden, who likes poetry and takes notice of the little things.
And that’s just as they’re getting to know each other. 🥰 Part of this process involves them understanding and accepting that she's not like Feyre just because she's human, and he's not like the King of Hybern just because he's a High Lord and High Fae. As they begin to trust each other and, yes, love each other, touch becomes vital to their relationship. It's accidental at first. Shoulder touches. Playful nudges. Then it becomes more personal, especially when he starts staying in his High Fae form full-time. His hand at her waist when he stands next to her. Her hand on his arm when she wants to get his attention, and lingering there afterwards. He brushes stray hairs from her face as she’s trying to prune the roses or weeding even though he insists he has plant magic and can take care of it, but she says she likes getting her hands dirty. And speaking of hands, hand kisses. I melt into a puddle for hand kisses. Fingertips, palms, the inside of the wrist... *swoon* 
I believe it was @/isterofimias whose version of Briar is self-conscious about the scars on her hands from being tortured, and I just fell in love with the idea, and not in a sadistic way. (I’m actually jealous that I didn’t think of it!) I imagine that Tamlin makes more of an effort to keep his claws hidden because he doesn’t want to hurt her or scare her away after what she experienced. So little touches mean that much more. You can write a version of Briar with or without physical scars, by the way, but both she and Tamlin do still carry the scars of what happened during the War with Hybern, and more.
In my Brilin WIP, Briar is nervous around fire because of what Hybern did to her, so she keeps her distance from open hearths and hot stoves. So, until Tamlin hires servants again, he does all the cooking. @/bookishfeylin wrote a one-shot where Tamlin cooks breakfast, and it seemed so fitting for his character. If Brilin cooks together, she chops the vegetables, and he handles the cooking itself. She starts singing while she chops. They slow-dance around the kitchen. He thinks her eyes are the color of cinnamon, but when they kiss, she tastes like honey.
He understands that it will be a while before she's no longer afraid of open flames, but he admires her for not being afraid of him.
They go on long walks together, hand-in-hand. She likes the way her hand fits in his; that though his hands are larger, he is always gentle with her. They read together. Their relationship is not loud or flashy or particularly adventurous, but it’s peaceful and comfortable. Perhaps one day, he feels confident enough to take her to the Pool of Starlight, because he has many fond memories of that place, despite having shown it to Feyre and the fallout that happened afterwards.
And speaking of fallout... Whether directly or indirectly, Tamlin did save Briar when he intervened to save Feyre, Elain, and Azriel from Hybern’s naga-hounds in ACOWAR. I personally haven’t decided on how significant that incident is in the nature of Brilin’s relationship. @/readingwritingwatching wrote about it in her fic and interpreted it as Tamlin sensing his mate was in danger and therefore needed to intervene. You can interpret it however you like. 😊
Side note: I did not tag any of my fellow writers in this answer because I didn’t want to make anyone feel pressured to respond in any way, but I wanted to give credit for those creative ideas I admired. ❤️ And if I have missed any other Brilin fics, I apologize. I haven't stopped to read anything new on AO3 lately.
Whew! This took a while, but I’m satisfied with my answer. If you have further questions, my inbox is open! 💞
P.S. I don’t know how much research you’ve done for Briar, but the current fandom theory is that she is the same Child of the Blessed that the Archeron sisters met early on in ACOTAR Book 1. That particular character was not named, but was described with black hair and brown eyes. Canonically, Briar in ACOWAR is described as pale with black hair, but her eye color is never mentioned. Just thought I’d mention it in case you were curious. 😘
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You something else i hate about Acotar?
Its the way family is portrayed.
Weather it be the IC dynamic or the Archeron family dynamic its just so fcking messed up!
Both the families revolve around one person (Rhys and Feyre) and the characters are judged based on how they treat/talk to that person. They are defined and labelled 'good', 'bland' and 'evil' with respect to that one character. Lets look at the IC first then we'll get to the Archeron family.
Mor is a girl boss, and "loves freely". She can tell Nesta, a traumatised child in comparison to her that she deserves to be sent to a torture prison from which she escaped and that can be justified by saying she is "protective over her family".
Now, I personally fcking hate Mor. And i also know that her being queer is a retcon but fck! it says so much about her relationship with her so called family. After 500 years she still doesn't feel comfortable coming out to them? Now thats saying a lot.
In acosf, Amren, Cassian, Mor almost everyone treat Cassian like absolute shit. He is their brother yet Azriel says that Elain should not be out in danger but its perfectly ok to put his brothers mate in danger? Amren totally treats Cassian like some jock whose acting out again cause he wants his dick in some bitch. Mor, don't even get me started on that dipshit. If she supposedly loves freely, she wud actually think about how it must hurt those she cares (feyre and Cassian) about because of the way she treats someone they care about (Nesta). Like the way the entire IC treat Cassian like absolute shit throughout the entire book. Force him to watch as they slut shame his mate, force him to watch as they put her in dangerous situations, force him to watch as she is kidnapped into a dangerous rite that can get her killed, force him to watch as the force her to seduce another man?
He legit treats Cassian like he is nothing more than his dog. He is a fcking general of the armies yet he treats him like he is a dumb hunk who needs to improve himself to be of any use? what was even the part of making him play courtier? who gave rhysie the right to "test" cassian? This is not the relationship between two brothers who are equals. This is fcking toxic if not downright abusive.
Also with the Azriel bonus chp. Instead of understanding and consoling how his brother, who feels left out (rightly so) and calling him out on his fck boy behaviour towards his sister in law, he just orders him around and pulls out his HL status.
And then with Mor, inviting her abusers into her safe place (Velaris), making deals with her ex-fiance who was the cause of said trauma, ( I highly doubt she's saying the full/true story bout that) that involves Eris to visit frequently. All this without her knowledge. He invalidates her? No wonder she doesn't feel comfortable coming out to them even after 500 years.
Now one could argue that Azriel and Casshole are brothers. And uk what yeah to some extent I wud agree with u. The only brotherly love shown is between those two. And uk why? Because the power dynamic is equal. They are both ostracised bastards. They are both powerfull Illariyans. They both hold High Positions in the NC. But Rhysand on the other hand? He literally pulls out his HL status all the time. He uses his power over his family members. It's doesn't matter that he doesn't like doing that. He still does it.
Mor, Azriel and Cassian all came from fcked up backgrounds but they didn't find love and acceptance among each other. No they found it in Rhysand. Their position, power and family only exists because of Rhysand. Because he deemed them worthy of being his family. And that gives him power over them. Which ultimately makes the whole concept of family fall apart.
I mean thats not the Inncer Circle, its the Rhysand Worship Circle.
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vidalinav · 2 years
I would die for scene in your nezriel fic (is it a fic? is it a long snippet?) where Cassian sees a hickey Nesta left on Azriel’s neck and starts questioning him about his new lover and meanwhile Azriel’s inner monologue is just like: well fuck… I bet he’d kill me if he knew…
To fit "canon" and I mean my fics world, Azriel would probably be more envious about Cassian and the mate bond in particular, and petty because he wants to rub it in that she's not his. Also technically, I've pretty much established that the hickeys don't stay for long periods of time, like they immediately heal, which is why Azriel hates that he can't have something permanent on/with Nesta. I suppose because of the last snippet, there's less time for them to disappear since he spent the day with her. But they disappear pretty quickly (I would assume because fae healing) and also I'm assuming that he needs to leave earlier so that he can get rid of her scent.
So... I tweaked it a little (A lot).
Cassian's smug as he orders another drink and Azriel takes a sip of his water. He wills himself not to pull out Nesta's ribbon, a token he's stolen from her vanity, and wave it in front of his nose. This is who you're missing. This is who you can never have. The scent--her scent--is for his nose only.
It would coat his skin even now, if they knew for a fact the situation wouldn't blow up in their faces. Azriel would never go against Nesta's wishes to keep their relationship a secret even if his own wishes have now changed, and there's too many moving pieces.
In another court, there might be a duel. If their court was crueler, there might be a law that would put Nesta at risk. Whatever keeps Nesta safe, he tells himself.
Secrets are safe...
At least, he's told himself that. Their secrets are safe with him. But are they safe when they keep secrets?
Azriel's begun to wonder that. He's known his brother for centuries. Right now, Cassian orders another drink and swipes at Mor playfully when she pleads for him to come dance with her. He's half drunk already, but are they safe from him?
Azriel's fucking his mate after all.
Still, some part of him wants to pull out the ribbon, he keeps touching in the pocket of his jacket. I'm fucking your mate.
What will he do? What will he say?
Azriel is above such childish things, yes, and frankly it'd be disrespectful to Nesta and their time together. She isn't a stolen toy--a weapon he waves around saying look what you don't have. So Azriel takes a sip and looks to crowded room.
Sevenda's is blooming this evening, and the noise makes his skin itch. In just a few more hours, he'll be with Nesta again. He'll kiss her until she's blushing red, until her lips raise and he'll think he's seen the sun. Something angelic. And he'll worship her with his lips, with his touch, with books... if that's what she likes.
Time is precious now and though he loves their trysts by moonlight, he doesn't want her to think he's only there for the lay. Azriel wants all of her. The way she inhales romances... the odd little routines she has for her hair. She uses several kinds of soap for her bath and he wants to pour it in, to see exactly what makes Nesta smell as sweet as she does.
"You're quiet today," Cassian remarks, laughing under his breath. "Hot date?"
I'm fucking your mate.
"Nothing of the sort."
"You've been gone a lot lately," but it's Amren who speaks this time. She holds the glass of wine and it's the same color as the blood she used to drink. Interrogation, Azriel thinks as he resists rolling his eyes. Not so deadly anymore.
"I've been on assignment," he offers raising a brow. He doesn't look to Rhys, nor does he offer his mind up for chatting. Azriel doesn't care what that prick of a brother will say to him now.
But Feyre catches his gaze and she purses her lips as if she's disappointed by these state of affairs.
Affairs is not a good word to describe Nesta's and his relationship. Nesta is single. He keeps trying to remind them. She's not owned by anyone, least of all him. But the person she wants to spend time with, is him.
Cassian sighs, a deep, torn sound. "Too many things have changed... and not at all."
Mor glowers at that, as Cassian swirls the drink in his hand. Clearly, he's much more drunk than Azriel's realized if he's already getting melancholic.
"You're gone," he says, taking a sip wistfully, "Mor leaves more now. Rhys and Feyre are always fucking... Amren's the same, but I don't want to spend time with her."
"Spend time with the girl then," Amren says, rolling her eyes at Cassian's dramatic antics.
Azriel feels his heart skip in his chest, but he breathes a guilty sigh of relief when Cassian sighs once more. He rubs the ribbon with his thumb willing himself to calm down.
"She doesn't want me."
No, she wants me.
Mor opens her mouth, probably to say something cruel abut Nesta, but Feyre glares up at her friend. It's silent at their little table, and Azriel can feel a stare on him.
He doesn't need to look to the side to know it's Rhys.
See, he probably wants to say, this is who you're messing with. Don't you love Cassian? Your own brother.
But why does Cassian deserve Nesta? Here he is whining over drinks, instead of earning his keep and doing right by his mate. He's here with Mor, letting her pat him on the arm and placate him with worried words, while his mate on the other side of town is stuck in her apartment with four locks on her door, because she's deeply changed from what she's been through.
Don't you love Cassian?
"Do you even love Nesta?"
Azriel straightens at the bitter taste of his words. Cassian, luckily, is too drunk to hear the anger. His head lowers, like puppy who's been kicked. "She doesn't love me," he says.
As if it were that simple.
She loves me, though, Azriel wants to say. There's an ugly part of him that wants Cassian to hate him, to hate Nesta too, if only so they could be free from him--from this guilt. He can see it every time he's there, the hesitancy in Nesta's gaze. That brief admission of her eyes, that it might just be easier to give in to that mate bond and do away with this, because their relationship will never be easy.
It will never be accepted like Cassian's would be. Gifted by the Mother. Blessed and holy.
Maybe that's why her kisses taste like sin. Mother damn him then.
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silverflameataraxia · 3 years
I hate how Mor acts like everyone's in love with her.
I hate how Mor assumes everyone wants to fuck her.
I hate how Mor expects everyone to just worship at her feet.
I hate how Mor flaunts herself on Cassian, even when he's clearly into Nesta and Nesta is clearly into him.
I hate how Mor can't have a freaking converation with Az and just tell him she doesn't love him.
Maybe Mor should be dumped in the human lands for her behavior.
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nikethestatue · 6 months
I literally hate that azriel never acknowledged who killed koh. Like we ship elriel but he hero worships Nesta . I really don't want an elriel book where elain is a background character in her own book whilst we get excessive Nesta and Az bonding scenes where Nesta is again the hero and elain does nothing
Also I think Nesta is pathetic to not mention to her glee bestie that elain , her sister, actually killed koh . Glee also knows who's knife was used. But elain gets 0 credit
She wouldn't have a mate if elain didnt step up.
I dont like it either, but i think it will happen.
With Gwyn, I think the bigger question that always bothered me was HOW did she know that Nesta 'killed' the king AND how did she know that it was done with 'the shadowsinger's knife'. And how she always calls him 'shadowsinger'. Like he is this separate entity to her which she seems to be rather interested in.
That aside--I don't think Azriel hero worships Nesta actually. I think of EVERYONE he has the most realistic and the most unbothered approach to her. Like he puts her in her place again and again and again. He doesn't tiptoe around her, but he also doesnt flip his lid at her. I think he gives her credit where credit is due. Him not acknowledging Elain (yet) I think was done on purpose.
But we'll see. I dont know what SJM will cook up.
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ladynestaarcheron · 3 years
A month or so ago I read that one tweet and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. Most likely a one-shot, but you know how these things go. AU where Cassian actually makes an effort when Nesta is actively killing herself. Enjoy!
The nights of the Night Court have no shortage of beauty, but it has been a long while since Cassian has experienced any of them the way they were meant to be enjoyed. He only has three kinds of nights now.
The first are the nights Nesta Archeron does not leave her apartment. Months ago, he had been agitated by how frequent these nights were. He could kick himself for it. How precious those nights are to him now, the nights when he only has to worry about how she's feeling and not if someone else will hurt her. These nights are few and far between.
Most common are the nights where he watches. She leaves a little after eight. He doesn't know how she chooses whatever dump she spends the evening in--she favors the White Wolf, but he cannot fathom why. He watches her enter the establishment and survey the crowd. She picks her table carefully. She'll play the males sitting there. She'll win. And sometimes, she'll take one home.
Watching is the hardest thing he's ever had to do. But he can't always stop her. Because then she'll stop listening to him on the nights where he has to. The nights where he intervenes.
The nights where he intervenes are the worst of his life. The first one had been terrifying beyond belief, and they haven't gotten any better.
She had been drunk. Really drunk. Not as drunk as he'd been on his messier nights, but certainly far more than she had ever been before. He knew he was going to walk her home--but then she took a male's hand and began tugging him out the door.
Cassian wanted to flay him alive for even considering taking her to bed when she could barely walk, but the male pled ignorance and ran. It was either chase him down or make sure Nesta got to bed safely--hardly a choice.
He thought she'd learned her lesson, and would stay away from stronger stuff. He was wrong.
He remembers when the drinks were the worst of it. Now it's the males.
They're all scum. None of them worthy of her. None of them with any spine or--or--whatever it is Nesta surely wants. But some of them are worse. Some of them are dangerous.
They stay away, for the most part. Everyone who frequents Velaris' slums knows to look out for him, for the Lord of Bloodshed who sweeps in on blackness, murder in his eyes when someone goes too far with Lady Nesta Archeron. But sometimes--gods, it makes him sick--she beckons to them. And they don't turn her down. Mother above, who would ever turn her down?
She can drink. She can fuck undeserving males if she wants to. But he won't let her go home with someone who would hurt her.
And on a night like tonight, when the male she's chosen has two knives hidden under his belt and she's skipped her past few meals and drunk three glasses of brown liquor--no. It won't happen. Not so long as he's alive.
Nesta's coat is stained with wine and she could use a new pair of shoes, but her hair is perfect as ever. She was born to be a queen, to be worshipped. Who else comes naturally equipped with a golden crown shining atop her head?
"This one," Nesta says, gesturing to her apartment building. "Third floor."
"That's a long walk up," the male murmurs, tugging her away from the door and pushing her against the wall. "Why don't we start down here?"
He leans in, to kiss her. Right there in the street. And Nesta--she would allow it. Nesta, who doesn't wear her hair unbound in front of her sisters, who's never worn anything cut below her clavicle, who only let Cassian kiss her in front of others when they thought they wouldn't live to see another day--
"Good evening," he calls, and the male jerks backwards. Maybe not as stupid as the one she brought home last night, then. "How are you tonight, Nesta?"
"What are you doing here?" she seethes.
Making her angry on these nights are his only chances to see that fire in her eyes nowadays.
He gives her a lazy grin, which he knows makes her see red. "Out for a stroll." He glances at the male. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here."
"Mm...he doesn't."
The male takes a step back. His eyes dart between Nesta and Cassian. Without a word, he disappears into the night.
Nesta blinks. Exhales through her nose with a slump. She closes her eyes and stands there for three long seconds, before opening them and shoving past him.
He grabs her arm. "Nesta, I..." Is she...hurt? That's not what he wanted. It's not as though the male has rejected her. And she didn't actually like him, so what does it matter? He doesn't know what to say. To reassure her that there is no shortage of males eager to take his place--no, he doesn't want to say that. Instead he says the truest thing he can think of. "You're better than he is."
She raises her head slowly, from the ground to his hand on her arm and then his face. For a moment, he thinks the anger will come back, that she'll shout at him. He'll taunt her. Offer her a chance to take him up to her rooms and make her forget about the other male. She'll spit at him, storm up the steps, slam the door in his face.
But nothing happens. Her eyes are a blank, lifeless grey. "Let go of me," she says.
He doesn't. Can't. He's afraid she'll fall.
"You're worth so much more than any of them, Nesta."
A flicker of recognition in her eyes, but it's not him she's seeing. "When I was...around nine or so," she starts, and Cassian's heart skips a beat. She's never talked to him like this before.
"We had this vase. Priceless. From the Continent. This ancient dynasty...we had a book about it. The vase was printed in the book. And Elain and Feyre were running around the house...and they broke it. I was...distraught. I cried. My mother came and she saw and she told me...that it was just a replica. It wasn't real. And she called the maid over to clean it up.
"I remember looking down at the pieces of the vase, shattered on the floor. It didn't even matter. It didn't even matter that it was broken. It was worthless, and no one cared."
Cassian can't breathe. She blinks, seeing him again, dazed. She breaks out of his grip and leaves to her building.
He lets her go. But he doesn't move for hours.
Nesta wakes up heaving over the toilet. There isn't enough in her stomach to push up, so it's a painful ten minutes, but not a messy one.
Bright side, she thinks to herself flatly.
Her head is pounding. There hadn't been a mediocre orgasm last night at the hands of some male to push the pain away, and she had walked upstairs too upset with Cassian to use her own hand.
He had said something to her. She can't remember what. Or she doesn't care to, not right now. This headache is too sharp to bother thinking...
Hours later, she can stand without wincing. There's no food in her kitchen, so she'll have to visit the market for some broth. Only thing she can stomach, when she bothers.
She only fixes her hair, but she doesn't change. She's wearing a coat anyway, what does it matter if the dress underneath is from yesterday, slept in? It doesn't.
She opens her front door. At her feet lies a brown box. Atop it, a bag from a foodshop.
Take it or leave it? Nesta considers her options. She doesn't want to accept anything from him, but if it means she doesn't have to leave her apartment while the sun is up...
Nesta sighs irritably, bending down to pick up the packages. She lets out a small "Oof" in surprise--it's heavier than she had expected.
She places the box on the table and opens the bag. Broth, like she had intended for herself. And a loaf of bread, still warm.
With the bag fluttering to the ground, Nesta can see a note is taped to the top of the box. She opens it and reads, in an unfamiliar, messy scrawl: I care.
She frowns. It must be from Cassian. But whatever riddle or drama this is, she doesn't know or have any interest it.
Her frown deepens as she opens the box. Then she looks inside and sees. And remembers.
Cassian hadn't said much to her, but she had spoken to him.
She can hardly breathe as she takes the vase out. She holds it gingerly in her hands--and almost drops it when she registers what she's seeing.
The vase is white, where theirs had been red. But it...it has been shattered. Smashed on the floor into pieces, like theirs had been.
Like she is.
But this vase...has been pieced back together.
And on each piece, outlined with a thick gray paste, in the same messy scrawl as the note is written...something.
Your eyes.
The way you stand up for Elain.
The way you never let fear stop you from doing the right thing.
How your hair is always perfect.
She stops reading after that. Can't. Can't even see.
Eventually, she puts the vase back in the box. It's too much to look at.
But she eats the broth. Finishes it.
She doesn't go out that night. She doesn't want to. Instead, she sits at her table.
Just shy of midnight, she opens the box.
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