#Neros magical girl transformation
dezemberzwolf · 8 months
omega raids are my favourite because it features nero having everything wrong with him including but not limited to
coming pre-equipped with a magical girl transformation sequence that he just has on the ready
getting confronted with someone else expressing positive feelings for him and immediately saying he's going to go throw up
vanishing from the hospital because he wanted to make a quick escape after forging cid's signature authorizing nero to be paid an exorbitant amount of money for exemplary services"
saying he willfully drank an entire cup of coffee made with seawater and thats why he feels bad instead of admitting he got attacked by someone else
getting harmed and instead of admitting it and asking for perhaps first aid, keeling over facedown on the ground because he figured he could just tough out Being Poisoned/Concussed/Whatever Else
joining the Ironworks presumably exclusively to annoy Cid, and immediately dyeing the Ironworks uniform red because he refuses to wear anything other than his signature colour
the entire raid happening because nero showed up to the xiv equivalent of the UN as a wanted criminal and shouting I DONT SEE WHY NONE OF YOU ARE PAYING ATTENTION TO ME
truly the most character of all time
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cainluvr69 · 4 months
Let Me Tell You The Story Of A Rainbow - Chapter 16
Previous Chapter
Faust: Leno!
Lennox: On it. Mitile, get behind me!
Nero: Riquet, get over here!
Mitile & Riquet: …Okay!
Bradley: Tch. Those are some creepy-ass vines.
Rustica: They seem terribly wary of us, don't they?
Cain: I'd say they're looking around for us.
All of the vegetation around us was squirming and writhing towards us menacingly. Oz had Arthur by the collar, scruffing him like a mother cat with a kitten, but Arthur was still calm as he spoke.
Arthur: My apologies… This is likely because of the spell I cast. It's not that it's impossible to use magic here, but careful control is essential.
Oz: This "world" is a fragile one. To be too heavy-handed within it blurs its dimensions, leading to its eventual collapse.
Snow: Indeed. It would be best to refrain from using strong magic here, even for simple things, lest it interfere with this world's delicate structure.
White: It's a good thing it was Arthur who tested it. Had it been Mithra or you, Oz, this world would've crushed to smithereens.
Shino: Tch, that's so annoying. Just making mincemeat of these vines should be fine, right? At this rate they're going to catch our legs and it'll be over for all of us.
Chloe: Hey, is it just me, or is everything getting even more faded?!
Riquet: The sky is getting darker and darker. It looks like black watercolor paint dripping into water…
Murr: Well now, I'd say that's no good!
Rustica: The wind is picking up as well… Oh, I see, every time the plants move, the landscape around us breaks down a little bit more.
Figaro: Our time is starting to run out, it seems.
Owen: An unstable world isn't too bad. Why not just let it collapse in on itself and squish into a pancake?
Mitile: But that'd mean Luca and all of us would get caught up in it too!
Shylock: It seems our best course of action would be to find these pieces of her memory as quickly as we can… But we cannot leave this place unguarded.
Rutile: I can stay! I don't want to leave Luca all alone.
Akira: I'll stay, too…!
The wind howled past us. Heathcliff glanced at Aslan, who was still on the ground. The gentle way he talked about Luca, and the way he'd gradually revealed bit by bit how much he treasured her, were still at the front of my mind. I kept talking.
Akira: I want to help Mister Aslan save Miss Luca. So I'll stay behind, too!
Arthur: Then I shall as well! Casting that spell gave me insight on how best to utilize magic here. I will remain here to keep both Rutile and the Sage safe.
Mithra: I guess there's no helping it… If Rutile is staying, then so must I. Mitile, you stay behind, too.
Mitile: No, I…I want to do what I can to help Miss Luca. I'm going to help look for the pieces of her memory.
Mithra: Excuse me?
Mitile: I won't be on my own, so it'll be okay!
Mithra frowned, his expression dour, and then his gaze snapped to Figaro and Lennox--the pair that Mitile had just looked up at.
Figaro: You don't have to make such a scary face, you know. Don't you worry your pretty little head, we won't let anything happen to Mitile.
Lennox: Yes. We will protect him.
Figaro: Besides, it's not like we need to be too careful. That girl is the one who illustrated everything in this world in the first place. Even if she drew a species that would normally have a violent nature, it was brought into this world by her hands. I don't think she'd create something all that dangerous. Surely you've already noticed that if anything, this place right here is where the aberrations feel strongest. Right?
Mithra: Well…I suppose that's true. Still, if you let anything happen to Mitile, I won't hesitate to destroy you both.
Murr: 'Kaaaay, then I'll stay here too! It's pretty probable that little miss Luca here is the origin point of this world's transformation. Which means if anything else weird is gonna happen, it's gonna happen here first! An already weird wonderland getting even weirder! I can't let myself miss it!
Shylock: Yes, of course…you would find everything in this world irresistible. Taking you with us would be more trouble than it's worth.
White: Good decision. This world is full of rare and fascinating beasts, after all.
Snow: This world could fall to pieces around him and he'd still want to indulge in his curiosity more than anything else.
White: Now then, as a final precaution, we should have one more wizard experienced in combat stay behind…
Shino: I'll stay. Now you don't have to worry about anyone in this group.
Heathcliff: Shino… Then--then I'll stay, too.
Shino: Look, I can do this. Just trust me.
Heathcliff: But I'm worried about you. You always push yourself too hard.
Shino: That's what I mean. Look, I know I'd be even more reckless if I had you by my side.
Heathcliff: Are you…trying to threaten me?
Shino: Of course I'm not. I just want to show you my accomplishments.
Heathcliff: …I already know how capable you are, Shino. Is that…not good enough?
Shino: … Not much I can do if you're gonna go that far, Master. I won't do anything that would betray your trust in me. So please, leave the Sage to me.
Heathcliff: …Okay. I trust you.
Snow: We shall also place our faith in you, up to a point.
White: Master Sage, this is for you.
Akira: A…crystal ball?
White: Indeed. This will allow you to see what we see. At the very least, it will allow us to keep in contact. Now, Faust.
Faust: I know. Sage, give me your hand.
I held out my hand as prompted, and Faust drew a magic circle on it. As he did, the same circle appeared before the twins, Oz, Shylock, Figaro, and Faust himself.
Akira: What's this for…?
Faust: Once we've located the pieces of Luca's memories, we need to return them to you here. That'll be the fastest way to give them back to her. You and Rutile have interacted with her the most, I think. The two of you are much better suited for interacting with her heart than the rest of us are.
Akira: Alright. I'll do the best I can. And all of you, please stay safe…!
Roxy spun through the air, and then landed softly on my palm. It trembled, and I heard something like bells from its fluffy frame. And then the pink pearl in my hand flashed, and five rays of light radiated out from it.
Riquet: Are these meant to guide us?
Faust: I think it'll be easiest for us to coordinate if we split up by country…
Aslan: Um…
Aslan spoke up, still in Heathcliff's grip, but it sounded a bit strangled. He shook his head a little, as if trying to clear up any remaining fog inside of it.
Aslan: …I have a request. It…might be somewhat difficult, considering the situation, and considering what this place has become, but still… Please try to enjoy this world. The world that Luca drew.
Akira: Mister Aslan…
Bradley: Whaddaya mean by that? It's obvious just lookin' at ya that yer keepin' your eyes on the girlie here. So why're you sayin' somethin' so optimistic n' carefree when she's busy gettin' eaten up? I know you gotta have a good reason for it.
Aslan bit his lip, hesitating for just a moment before quietly continuing.
Aslan: …This is the world that Luca sees. This is where her friends are. I'm sure none of them mean to hurt anyone. Because Luca is… I know she's a bit odd, but she's a kind and gentle girl at heart. That, and this world is…
Aslan slowly, slowly reached his hand out. Beyond his hand, beyond his gaze, was the dark and faded landscape…but even then, there were gaps. What he was looking at was not what had faded, but what had remained the same--at the faint traces of pink clouds tinged with gold that floated across the sky. In those peachy clouds, I could see traces of vibrant green, too--it was a palette rarely seen in the world outside this book's pages. And yet despite that, something about those colors seemed familiar…nostalgic, even…
Aslan: It's so beautiful, isn't it? And so gentle.
His voice cracked, trembling like he was on the verge of tears, and his fingers shook as he traced something in the sky--the outline of a memory, perhaps.
Aslan: She told me about it. About all the gentle colors in the clouds in the sky before dusk. Every single thing in this world was something so beautiful that she wanted to put it into words, so that other people could have their hearts touched the same way hers was. I know there's a lot of strange things in here, but it's full of little sparks of happiness that you'd miss if you didn't take the time to notice them. I don't want you to hate what's inside of Luca's picture books, or to fight it, either. …I'm sorry for asking something for so selfish.
But as Aslan's hand fell limply, Rutile reached out and caught it. His eyes, the same soft green as the new grass that grew in the spring, faced Aslan dead on as he spoke.
Rutile: The world Luca draws is tantamount to her very heart. The sky, the trees…and everything that lives inside of it.
Aslan: Mister Rutile…
I saw some strength return to Aslan's body. It was a heartwarming sight.
Akira: …I want to protect this world, too. So I want to do what Mister Aslan said, and…
Murr: Start having fun! Right now! We are wizards, after all. We adore the unknown, even if it wants to attack us!
Murr smile was an innocent and genuine one. He placed one hand on top of mine, and one on top of Aslan's. The world suddenly felt a little bit brighter. Murr hadn't placed a spell on us, no. It was simply what his words and smile had done for us.
Murr: This place is a lot more wizard-ly than we'd usually see, right? I wonder why!
Murr playfully tipped his pointed wizard hat towards us. My wizards had been watching our exchange, and some of them tipped their hats as well, while others grumbled about it--but all of them were prepared for what was at hand.
Akira: (…Goodness. I'm really no match for them, am I?)
I was so proud of every single one of them that my chest hurt.
Aslan: Thank you so much. Thank you, all of you…
I saw Aslan's expression relax, his faith in them secure. And then, he promptly passed out.
Heathcliff: Ah… He's fallen asleep.
Figaro: He probably has a light concussion. I'll heal his wounds, so it's fine if he just gets some rest here.
Snow: Alright. Just one last thing before we begin our hunt. As we've just touched on, this is an unknown world. And more to the point, this world has been created by a girl whose magic is weak and whose heart is fatigued.
White: You must restrain yourselves and refrain from using any magic that exceeds her strength, lest it interfere with this world's structure. In the worst case scenario, the world and the girl herself will fall to pieces. Should that happen, while we older wizards will be able to make it out alright, I cannot say the same for the younger ones. Should we choose to split up, we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to get to all of you if anything happens. Be sure to take care.
Bradley & Owen & Mithra: …
And with that, my wizards followed the five rays of light deeper into the world within the picture book. I peered into the crystal ball the twins had given me, and images of my wizards lazily floated through it. I watched over them, clutching the pink pearl tightly in my hand.
Akira: (Please… Collect the pieces of Luca's memory and come back to me safe and sound…)
Next Chapter
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yoonqua · 2 years
a/n: i had no idea what to do for this next part. i wrote and re-wrote about 5 different times. if you see any mistakes feel free to tell me! 
choi san x reader \\ 1k words \\ nov 3 2022
And Pose
11:45 am
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD! He touched my hand!!!!!” The volume of the girl’s vocal chords makes you wince. You watch as she frantically shakes what seems to be her best friend. Or just a girl next to her. You sigh at the hysteria that your partner loves to cause everywhere you two go. Don’t take it wrong—you cause some too, but you don't encourage it the way he does. He acts as if he were BTS–even creating his own fan-name, although you always forget it;  it’s too stupid and makes you cringe. 
Nero says it’s good to create a public image and interact with the people for trust or whatever, but you think he just likes the attention. LIke 100% sure that's why cause he never seems to leave you alone either. Every time you go to transform and you open your multi-use magical ladybug yo-yo, it’s always swarmed with random texts and voicemails for him about the randomest things. In the beginning when you two had become closer, it startled you how much he seemed to trust you, but you’ve gotten used to it. Now that you think of it, he kind of reminds you of Wooyoung.
You narrow your eyes  at him as he speaks to a little girl with cat ear headbands. You imagine Wooyoung’s features behind the black mask and under the goofy cat ears. You know he’s not Wooyoung. One, he would’ve told you by now and two, he’s literally in the crowd waiting for an autograph. You’re just bored now and you imagine what it would be like if Wooyoung got the cat miraculous and not whoever the fuck Nero is. You know for sure you wouldn’t get shit done, assuming he would act the same and you two knew of each other enough to be completely comfortable around one another. You two get into enough trouble as is during school, the city wouldn’t need to suffer through that.
Nero looks up now as his ring begins to beep frantically, so he quickly gets up and waves to the crowd. You see Wooyoung slump and you stifle a laugh. 
“Come on, sidekick,” he turns to you and beacons you to him in a dramatic arm wave.
You roll your eyes and begin following behind him, ignoring the people calling your name,“Why am I the sidekick you stu–”
“Shh” he puts his finger up to your mouth, “the children.” 
You roll your eyes again and push his arm away from you. You don’t say anything, but you assume he understands the look on your face that screams “I wanna go home.”
San furrows his eyes slightly once he really pays attention to your form as you two walk away from the crowd. He wonders if you had been waiting long for him. He remembers seeing you glare at him earlier and he begins to feel bad, but then he also remembers that today you used him as bait for the sentimonster to munch on, so the feeling dissipated quickly. 
As he begins to want to begin a conversation, he notices you’re gone. Oh well, he thinks, he’ll just see you tonight during patrol. He’s thinking of buying pizza to drag out the time. San’s never been a night owl until he met you–actually, until he got his miraculous, to be exact but you came soon after so his memory kind of lumps it all together. San shakes his head and laughs at your text through his staff. He always imagines what it would be like if he was the only hero in this city, especially since he grew up basically alone, so having someone to rely on was a complete change of pace for him. 
 He constantly thanks the Universe for having bestowed the cat miraculously unto him–especially since the previous holders had to give them up. He still doesn’t know how to feel about it though. The general public doesn’t seem to notice there were changes to the widely known heroes, so there’s that. All he saw during the beginning of his career were articles written about petty mistakes you two would make. Which was a lot and constantly made him wonder if it was really worth it. Whoever now had the moth miraculous was certainly making your lives a million times easier, though. He wonders if the previous holders feel jealous about it. 
San stands up straighter, investigating the area, making sure no one sketchy is around; darting his head left and right. Instead, he sees the college students that begin to file out the building on their way home to tell everyone of the trauma they endured today. He’s glad you two got the job done quickly. 
Having deemed the area safe, he begins walking on down to the park. He could get there much quicker, but he decides to take his time and stroll through the city. There aren’t too many people out so he easily hides in a two-way alley to detransform. He doesn’t understand how he’s never been caught transforming because there have been times where he’s pretty sure it's been out in the open, but he doesn’t question the magic. Because it already doesn’t make sense how he gets clothed in his costume and mask that can’t be ripped apart; if he were to think about it, he’d probably have a stroke or something.
He catches himself in the mirror and looks at his form. He’s been gaining muscle mass, he notes. He looks way different from the time he last saw himself. He definitely looks mature now. He flexes his right arm and giggles as the small biceps pops out.
“Cool.” he grins. He always thought it was the magic from his suit that controlled him while he was fighting, but it’s more like the magic controls his brain, so he knows exactly what to do. He’s definitely still not used to it.
It’s now been almost an hour since today's fight, so he decides he should probably get out of costume. He begins to swing his staff while thinking about where to go. Home is probably the safest option, so he quickly hits it on the ground and it extends, launching him between the buildings and he lands on his feet on top of the city hotel. He hears a few cheers from below and he waves at the pedestrians before taking off into a sprint.
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snobgoblin · 2 years
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I had to make this Quick sketch. Never watched sailor moon either. I wanted to give Nero’s tattoo on his arm a little magical girl transformation too but I don’t have zoom in eyes
omg!! very cool
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travelling-hydaelyn · 3 years
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someone help him
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ffxivkitiarayhima · 2 years
So, putting this out there for any other people who like to play with various ways their WOL could be multiple classes & jobs!
Now, sure there’s the whole magically switching “souls” which changes your outfit. I think that’s technically canon given the Shadowbringers trailer where you can watch the WOL do that.
But...The alternative I thought of, and useful for bringing Kit to universes with a different magic system, involves a special staff.
The magic I figure is inherent regardless of a magical girl transformation, and unfortunately said transformation DOES take time. (Based on me having no clue if/what the shortcut is so having to open up the menu, pick the class, etc) Now when transformed, the magic is more powerful but carrying both staff and daggers has their own uses as well.
So Kit has her usual stabbers, but after griping to Cid about lugging around a bulky wood staff, he and Nero built her a collapsible staff. They’re also constantly playing with various metals and crystals, to see how they can potentially improve things like potency, lightness, portability, etc. It’s a challenge! Well, also competition with those two. Plus Kit doesn’t mind paying them for every new staff.
Eventually the genius engineers at Garlond’s figure out how to trigger the soul switch with a press of a button on the staff. So Kit gets to do the cool thing of pulling the staff out, collapse it, then transform right after it collapses.
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Final Fantasy 14 Part 29: Such Devastation
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Gaius transforms like a magical girl and then we get exactly the uninteresting boss fight this dumbass deserves. 
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Most dungeon bosses have more engaging gameplay. I don't even know what his mechanics are because every time I've done this he just gets stomped into soup in a wave of particle effects by my gigantic party.
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After the fight he casually walks away.
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Okay bye
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No seriously, he fucking walks out. He doesn't even run. The lights don't even go out. Brash, you preposterous halfwit. 
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And, again, remember that usually there are eight people here. And ALL of them just stand there while Gaius moseys away towards his giant doom mech.
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okay there's the ultima weapon what now
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I've heard enough. Shoot him! Stick an arrow in his gob!
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The back of Ultima Weapon's neck opens up and Gaius climbs inside. Does it need a pilot now? Gaius wasn't piloting it the first two times we saw it. I guess someone else was? Maybe it was Nero, and just no one ever gave him credit for it.
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So Gaius switches the thing on and goes all bear witness to the demon weapon that will drag the world into the twenty-first century, and then we fight it. Or rather we stand around waiting for God to give us permission to fight it. The Ultima Weapon can't be damaged until about thirty seconds in when Crystal Mommy phones us up and tells us we must "look to the Light."
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Yay. I feel so involved.
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During the fight it barfs up Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan, and their ragdolls flop hilariously out of nowhere and onto whoever is tanking.
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"No, how are you doing this!?" cries Gaius. Don't ask me, man. God's doing all the work.
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Labradoodle appears and says some shit about the secret power within Ultima Weapon. Some ancient evil artifact I guess. Whatever, it doesn't matter, this never comes up again as far as I've heard.
Apparently Gaius didn't know. Gaius you complete tool, why did you listen to this guy? THIS GUY?
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I'm reminded of Kingdom Hearts when MALEFICENT shows up out of nowhere and tells Riku that his best friend for life Sora totally forgot about him and he should go be a villain with her now, and he's just like yes sounds legit. Then again that was basically true, Sora pretty much HAD just found new friends and forgotten all about Riku, but that's a rant about a different Square Enix game with a completely shit story that somehow became massively popular. Maybe I'll do a long hate analysis about that one too someday after I'm finished with FF14.
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Ultima Weapon does a giant glowy explody spell, but luckily Brash is protected by the power of boobs.
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Not sure how this wasn't your intention, you're a dumb strong man. Blowing stuff up for no reason is all you're here for. Oh I guess this was your base huh I guess it probably wasn't your intent to blow up your own garage like a Floridian on the Fourth of July.
ohyeah also An Ascian Pisses Off Without Trying To Kill Brash With Lasers: 8
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Anyway none of that shit about Ultima Weapon's true form matters because we smash the fuckin thing by punching it. Or rather my buddy smashes it by casting his doom spells at it doing like triple my damage.
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Ultima Weapon starts exploding and Gaius forgets to buckle his seatbelt. He babbles a bit more of his vapid philosophical crap and then falls unconscious.
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Should we like hide behind something or
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Huh. Missed.
And so ends the threat of Ultima Weapon. All it took was God. 
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Yen Press Announces New Manga and Light Novels for November 2021
North American publisher Yen Press has big plans for later this year, with nine new releases revealed for November (and one for October). Among the latest licenses are six manga—including Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Wraith Arc—and four light novels, so dig into the details below.
  The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengeance a Second Time Story by Kizuka Nero Art by Yamo Yomoya (This one is listed for October)
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    Kaito has been summoned into another world as a hero, and though all goes well for a time, one day, his entire party betrays and mercilessly kills him. So when he suddenly gets a chance to redo his life, starting from the point he was first summoned to this world, he swears to exact vengeance on everyone who stabbed him in the back...
  The Hero Laughs While Walking the Path of Vengeance a Second Time is a dark isekai tale based on a Yen On light novel scheduled for an October 2021 release. Fans of dark fantasy manga are sure to enjoy this upcoming release that does an amazing job adapting the highly-anticipated light novel.
  Let This Grieving Soul Retire  Story by Tsukikage Art by Rai Hebino Character Designs by Chiko  
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  This man—is he an extraordinary hero or an ordinary person?
  "What I'm seeking is to be the world's one and only strongest hero."
  Cry had made an oath together with his childhood friends to become the strongest hero, but he realized right after that he has no talent.
  Nevertheless, for some reason, the expectations of those around him keep rising rapidly every day. And (at least according to Cry), things will always head in an outrageous direction!?
  Let This Grieving Soul Retire is a manga adaptation of the fantasy light novel series by Tsukikage, the creator of Defeating the Demon Lord’s a Cinch (If You’ve Got a Ringer) and The King of the Dead at the Dark Palace by Yen On. This comedic adventure about a reluctant hero appeals to fans of the recently released Hazure Skill: The Guild Member with a Worthless Skill Is Actually a Legendary Assassin.
  Namaiki Zakari
Story and art by Miyuki Mitsubachi
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    Basketball club manager Yuki has a secret—she’s in love with the team captain! But when Naruse, her cheeky kouhai, discovers her big secret, she’s in a tight spot! Just how long is he going to keep teasing her about it!? Stupid pretty playboy…
  Namaiki Zakari is a gorgeous romantic comedy shojo filled with charming boys and love triangles. With a story filled with adorable romance and school-life elements, much of which revolves around the events of the characters’ basketball team, Namaiki Zakari will surely be shojo fans’ next favorite series!
  I’ve Been an Omega Since Today
Story & Art by Maiki Sachi
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    It all starts with your typical childhood friend love story—average Kanade pining after his dandy best friend, Munechika. There’s just one big problem with their high school romance—Kanade’s a Beta and Munechika’s an Alpha! And everyone knows that Alpha/Beta pairing just aren’t compatible…on a physical level. But when Kanade goes into heat as an Omega for the first time, will Munechika be there to give him a helping hand?
  Fans of boys love rejoice! Following hot new releases, such as Sasaki and Miyano and I Cannot Reach You, Yen Press is releasing I’ve Been an Omega Since Today. This standalone title is filled with beautiful artwork and omegaverse elements—truly irresistible to the growing boys love fanbase!
  The Splendid Work of a Monster Maid
Story and Art by Yugata Tanabe
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    Sumire, a “nekomata” phantom, has lost her beloved master. After wandering alone, she stumbles into…a foreign demon world!? Now Sumire serves under the president of a company, alongside an undead named Rose and an android named Ivy. In order to get back that “certain someone,” Sumire’s splendid work begins!
  The Splendid Work of a Monster Maid is a fantasy slice-of-life manga surrounding the events of maids in the demon world. With art and story that are both beautiful and very unique, this series is reminiscent of the likes of Black Butler and Kaori Mori’s Emma.
  Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Wraith Arc
Story by Magica Quartet
Art by Hanokage
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    All the witches in the universe, past and future, may have disappeared, but in their place, emotion-eating “wraiths” prey on humanity. The magical girls fight to protect Mitakihara City once more…
  Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Wraith Arc is a spin-off of the iconic manga and anime property, one which takes place between the events of Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion, with much of the story told through the perspective of fan-favorite Homura Akemi. This series debut follows the recent omnibus release of Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story.
Story by Iris
Illustrations by Noboru Kannataki
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    Reincarnated as a character in the legendary eroge title “Magical☆Explorer,” our hero ends up as an unlucky side-character instead of the game’s lady-killer protagonist. Not to worry, though! Armed with his deep knowledge of the game (not to mention a few cheat codes), he’ll do whatever it takes to win the hearts of the game’s heroines and emerge as the most accomplished student at the Sorcerer's Academy. 
  Magical☆Explorer is an isekai light novel series that involves a protagonist using his expertise of visual novels to dominate the world when reincarnated within the game. Fantasy isekai and romantic comedies are among the most popular genres in the world of light novels, making Magical☆Explorer a series that will appeal to a wide range of readers.
  Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie
Story by Hiroro Akizakura
Illustrations by Dangmill
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    Reincarnated as a villainess in an Otome game, Cecilia realizes that as the heroine’s rival, she’ll die no matter what route she takes. Convinced that she can avoid her death flag by becoming a man, she crossdresses and takes on a new identity. In the process, however, she ends up replacing her brother-in-law as the knight charged with protecting the heroine! Now the prince who should be condemning her to death wants to hang around her all the time...?! Cecilia will do whatever it takes to achieve a peaceful and carefree life, but if her guise ever slips, it’s Game Over! 
  Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie takes the isekai concept of being reincarnated in the world of an otome game and turns it on its head! In order to save her life, our protagonist masquerades as a man—a choice which leads to a whole lot of chaos in this fun-filled light novel series!
  The Girl I Saved on the Train Turned Out to Be My Childhood Friend
Story by Kennoji
Illustration by Fly
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    While on his way to school one morning, high school second-year Takamori Ryo saves his childhood friend Fushimi Hina from a sexual harasser on a crowded train. Although the two are practically opposites in appearance and popularity, not to mention the fact they haven't spoken since middle school, Hina finds herself smitten with the oblivious Ryo. A frustratingly sweet, zero-stress romantic comedy!
  The Girl I Saved on the Train Turned Out to Be My Childhood Friend is a sweet slice-of-life light novel that tells the story of love interests who reconnect in high school after years of separation from their middle school days. This rising star in the light novel world is written by Kennoji, the author of Hazure Skill: The Guild Member with a Worthless Skill Is Actually a Legendary Assassin, and illustrated by Fly, the artist of Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki.
  Rust-Eater Bisco
Story by Shinji Cobkubo
Illustrations by K Akagashi and mocha
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    In the far future, a disaster known as the “Rusty Wind” has transformed the majority of Japan into a barren desert and left civilization in tatters. After his teacher falls prey to the rust, the roguish Bisco Akahoshi embarks on journey through the sandy wastes to obtain a mushroom known only as the Rust Eater, rumored to cure the ailment. Together with the dashing young doctor Milo, the pair will have to contend with the unforgiving environment and their fellow wanderers in order to make it back alive.
  Rust-Eater Bisco is a compelling, post-apocalyptic light novel series with excellent world building complemented by amazing illustrations. An anime adaptation of this award-winning series was recently announced for future release.
  Source: Press release
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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…fffucking.. okay, we can’t find the first post we did about CEs so we’re making another and this one’s gonna be in the pin.
Basically, bond CEs confer small powers on their owners, at least in our timeline. Our bond CEs include:
Hundred Personas: lets us manifest separately
Raikou: Extreme static shock almost on command
Nero: Terrible/excellent singing voice (depends on who you ask)
Spartacus: One stack of Guts, refreshes at an unknown rate (and we REALLY don’t want to be on the wrong side of finding out)
Bunyan: Can slowly grow/shrink, at a rate of a few inches a week. Unsure of upper/lower limits, but we’re not particularly interested in testing it out. (Come on, being two feet tall would be fun!) We Are Not Interested In Testing.
Kingprotea: Can magically change into/out of a wedding dress in seconds. Akin to a magical girl transformation.
Asterios: If a maze has an entrance and a center, we can find them. Does not help in finding the exit.
Waver: Reduced wind drag while riding at high speed.
Andersen: Depression.
😭: Geronimo: Increased ability to grow tabacco.
Cu Chulainn: death at a slightly younger age. (...are we sure we should've gotten this one?)
Billy the Kid: faster clicking speeds! (also shootin, if ur into that)
Cursed Arm: we can reach slightly further than you'd think. (think zoom punch from jojos)
Hessian Lobo: we can eat raw meat without getting sick!
Eric Bloodaxe: People tend to ignore us.
Mecha-Eli MK. II: a lil robo bit floatin round us
Frankenstein Saber: Reduced heat protection during the summer
Buster: +108%. Nigh-on superhuman strength
Quick: +33%: much improved reflexes
Arts: +23%: Magical power roughly on par with modern mages
Critical hits: +65-75% Assessment of enemies' capabilities roughly on par with Clairvoyance rank D. Improves mid-fight.
Debuff Resist: +10% Protection from colds.
NP Generation: +35% Increased magical capacity, allowing for further-ranged projections.
NP Strength: +30% Increased magical power, more stable projections
Death Chance +20%: Able to slightly more easily assess physical weaknesses of creatures or structures.
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literallyjusttoa · 4 years
(Warning: this is going to read like a crack post, because it is. I’m sleep deprived, and also so very sorry)
So it’s ToA, but Zeus has a real fucked up sense of humor, cuz he decides the only way Apollo can access his godly powers is by transforming into a magical girl. And everyone who joins Apollo on his quests also has to transform into magical girls. That’s it, that’s the AU
(I’m going to hell Jesus Christ)
In book one Apollo doesn’t know how to use his fucking wand so he can’t use any of his powers. He makes the oath to the Styx because he legitimately thinks he’ll never figure it out.
He does end up learning how to use it tho!! But it’s in the myrmekes nest. Imagine being Meg in this scenario. You’ve been captured, you might be dying, you here an incredibly sad song that shatters all the assumptions you made about your new godly partner in crime, and then said god partner runs in wearing a pastel dress and heels.
Meg can fly with her magical girl wings, but Apollo can’t. This pisses him off to no end.
When Meg leaves at the end of book 1 she takes her magical girl wand with her, and proceeds to completely terrify Nero and bedazzle Commodus with her new magical girl transformation.
Yes, magical girl transformations happen in this Au
When Apollo goes insane in Trophonius’ cave, he starts acting like an actual magical girl. This probably legitimately traumatizes Meg.
Peaches is Meg’s animal sidekick
When I say everyone working with Apollo has to become a magical girl, I mean everyone. Leo, Calypso, Piper, Jason, Lavinia, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, they all join in.
When Apollo shoots an arrow, a cloud of sparkles forms around him.
When Meg kills a monster, it explodes into flowers.
Every action scene is now an anime action scene, filled with magical girls. Do with that what you will.
Also yes, Jason dies as a magical girl.
Did someone say: Madoka Magica
The Arrow of Dodona transforms into a hot person while they’re fighting because it’s an anime what do you expect everyone turns into a hot person. (Holy shit I’m totally drawing that next y’all are not prepared)
Crest gets a magical girl wand and it makes him unbelievably happy.
Eventually, I will find a way to shove every anime trope into this Au. In fact, y’all can send me tropes so I make sure I get them all. No one is safe and my sanity is dead.
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crazyclownthanos · 4 years
White Clover
Page 1: Passing the baton
Words: 3823
The Clover Kingdom
The title of 30th wizard king, now belonging to an orphan who grew up in the forsaken realm, who had no magic and better yet was a devil host
Asta achieved his long life dream and he couldn’t be more happier
Standing on the clover castle balcony with his wizard king crown on his head and his signature smile
Right beside him was his fiancé at the time Noelle Silva who was given the role of one of the many advisers
Standing on his left side Secre Swallowtail or known as Nero in simpler times,another adviser to the wizard king
Along with Finral Vaude, another advisor to the wizard king
Together with Noelle was Mimosa Vermilion known to be clovers best healing mage
The whole entire kingdom was there to watch
From the noble realm
From the common realm
From the forsaken realm
All the citizens were there to watch
Sister Lilly, Orsi, Nash, Recca, Auru and Hollo were standing on one of the castle towers. smiles all around, cheering and some tears from father Orsi.
House Vermillion, House Kira and House Silva stood proudly watching the ceremony. King Augustus was actually bothered to watch the ceremony but all the swine did was sit and squirm in his throne. Some people don’t ever change.
All the captains stood proudly with their squads and robes on
The magic knights all yelling praises and singing for joy
Drouot within the crowd crying happy tears proud to see that boy grow up and soar over the years
The diamond kingdom mages showed up too
Human Fana
All showed up to show their support to Asta
The seabed temple folks also saw
Kahono jumping up and down screaming to see Noelle on screen.
And the rest of the citizens
The Witches Forrest were also able to watch the ceremony
The elves were invited too. Patri, Elf Fana, Vetto and Rhya watched from the top of one of the buildings filled with joy
The newly crown spade king was just arriving landing right beside Asta with his crown and not to forget Belle still sitting on his shoulder
They didn’t say anything to each other but only smiled. Yuno and Asta shared one last bump fist
The journey ends. A new era starts......
A story of a new devil
This story starts off in a library, dusty books in sight, lightly lit candles illuminating the space, a chalkboard in sight and in front of the chalkboard was a wooden table and chairs
Two boys, one standing in front of the chalkboard and the second one sitting on one of the chairs
The first boy apperance was thin and fair, he was wearing a black turtle neck hemmed to his hips, along side white pants and an over sized wool cardigan. Cherry colored triple bangs and eyes of blooming sakuras seen from a distance
The second boy had two light grey braids on the left side of his head tied up in in a ponytail with bangs on the ride side sprouting out. Heterochromia irises of blue on the right and purple on the left. Wearing long puffy sleeves faded blue shirt connected to circle pins with the house Silva emblem splatted on, having a bit of a hole appears above it on both sleeves and on both side of hips, a lilac slash tired around his waist with the knot on the right side, navy blue pants along side pockets with the same pin at the ankle and the hole above.
Please meet
Ace Silva! The youngest of the Ideale Branch
Reagan Silva! The second son of the main Silva branch
“When making a paper crane you need to pull the wings, but not too hard!”
Placing the paper crane on the table Ace gleed with Joy considering it was his 1000th time making a paper crane.
Meanwhile Reagan on the other hand was still struggling doing the top fold, his cheeks were turning red out of embarrassment
“You’ll get the hang of it!” Ace remarked hands on his hips smiling ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat. Hearing someone slam the door open frightened Ace causing him to fall on the ground and duck for cover.
Three people walked inside two girls look around the same height, and one male taller than the two girls
“Yo-ho! Regan, Ace!”
Please meet the next generation of Silvas
Be mentally & physically prepared
There beasts.
Haskell Silva.
Nozel Silva’s first son and the heir of the royal Silva family. A hyperactive 20 year old and a 1st class senior magic knight of the Silver Eagles squad. Currently rocking ankle length blonde hair to the ankles tied up in low length ponytail with bangs out. Wearing a sleeveless tight shirt of yellows and golds showing the design of a golden eagle in the middle and golden rays of the sun symboling the eagle, white pants and calf length white boots with golden edges.
Next was Nozel’s first daughter, claimed to be one of the finest ladies in the kingdom. A cunning lady who went by the name Nereida Silva. A rookie member of the Black Bull who got into the squad by persuasion by her aunt, Noelle. She had the facial features and silver hair, a normal Silva appearance (though unlike her yellow eyes that textured her irises) tied up at the buttom and pinned up by a clip with a somewhat curly fringe the swooped up a bit. Wearing something similar to Haskell but instead of the golden edged boots it’s dipped in a silver color altogether. Her tight singlet that caressed her skin in a purple color.
The last one of the bunch
Josslyn Silva.
The eldest of the Ideale branch.
Told to be one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom, blessed with mint green eyes like her grandfather, pink luscious lips, quite noticeable and long cherry blossom hair that was normally tied up in a high ponytail along with her bangs that covered her forehead and hair spilling out at the front. Complementary to Nereida and Haskell she of course rocked the silver edged boots, white pants and a pink tight top.
“A-ah! What bring you guys here? I thought you guys were meant to do your intense trial or something else...” Ace murmuring his last couple of words, peering his pink eyes at the three
“I’ll comment and say Haskell was a walking fire hazard in today’s sparring session.” Nereida shared a smile making it look like nothing happened at all.
“Now we’re punished to read all books on magic tool history.” Josslyn cocked her head towards her younger brother.
A vein popped out of Nereida still fuming with rage knowing she got punished for something she didn’t do though appearances such appearances had no effect on her smile.!
“Oh I’m sorry Regan and I will take our leave” Ace stumbled on his words picking up the pieces of the paper he walked to the door expecting Regan following right behind him
“Rega- Aaah!” Ace let out a girly scream seeing Regans face turn purple from being suffocated from the squeeze of Haskell’s biceps
“HASKELL YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM~!” Ace mustered all the strength he could to let Reagan have atleast one breath of air pass his lips. Unfortunately it had no affect on Haskell, the guy was just too buff not like Asta buff just the unequaled type of buff.
Noticing the tears swell up in Ace’s eyes he took note of the state Reagan was in and joined the panic feast
“AAAAHHH WHAT DID I DO?!” Letting the poor six year old rest on his back, Haskell had no other option but to perform cpr on him.
Performing at least 60 chest compressions per 30 seconds, Haskell and Ace haven’t even checked for a pulse better yet done mouth to mouth.
The sound of a sharp inhale was a wave of relief crashing over Haskell and Ace.
“AAH! MY SWEET BROTHER BLOODHOOD YOURE BREATHING AGAIN~!!” Haskell shaking Reagan by the shoulders, waterfalls spilling down his cheeks. Concurrently Josslyn and Nereida stood there witnessing the turn of events not even changing their facial expressions
Squirming around the young boy Reagan sat there dumbfounded still picking up the pieces on what just turned.
Exhaling sharply, Josslyn stepped one foot forward resulting in both Ace and Reagan sitting on their assess kicked out of the room.
Somewhere outside Clover castle, busy by a chain of stalls selling fresh produce and in an alleyway a red fox growling its teeth at some crows over a crushed rotten apple. Successfully the red fox scared the crows away able to eat the apple without disturbance.
A gust of wind came along not disturbing the red fox but the newspaper blown right in front of the apple. Looking at the newspaper the front cover was in view displaying the new generation of Silva’s all standing, hands behind their backs, legs straight plus posture and not to forget their serious expressions. Wrinkling the red foxes expression somehow it didn’t happen to wrinkle on the last boy with the red hair on the left instead it only tilted it’s head. As the red fox shifted its head to the visible sign of the House Silva emblem.
Back at the Silva palace Ace and Reagan walked down the corridor going pass all the Silva’s portraits that came before them, their luxurious silver hair was never out of sight, they had forgotten they were the first generation of Silva’s that all possess their own individual hair color, the pressure was definitely on for them. At the rate their generation is going the pressure might be able to kill them knowing that both Ace and Reagan have not manifested a magic attribute yet, always the word “yet” has to taunt Ace, other children his age are already performing and practicing magic.
“Grandmother......” Reagan said in awe
Hearing those words Ace tapped back into reality seeing that both him and Reagan approached the portrait of Acier Silva looking all beautiful, Ace could only bite his lip in shame, knowing that this was the woman he was named after, he wasn’t reaching the expectations of royals, he wasn’t out there with his cousins using magic neither doing his duty as the bridge between royals and peasants making a difference.
Why wasn’t he never good enough.....?!
Ace’s hands started to shake, noticing this Reagan took Ace’s closest hand to him and started to pet it attempting to give it warmth. Taking his hand out of Reagan’s grasp, Ace held them together forward and bowed deeply altogether with a sad face for a few minutes. Standing back up he turned to see the stern expression of what Reagan was making, squeezing his fists right near his face, quivering his lip and his eyes look like they were about to pop out of his head. Ace almost felt if he we’re to poke his cheek he would explode. Lifting up his hands in surrender, not knowing what he could do next. “R-Reagan d-do you need to go p-p-potty?” Reagan took back his composure, he stopped squeezing his fists, took them to hip level and made hand gestures to Ace ordering him to get onto his height level. Somehow Ace cleary understood what Reagan was communicating and did what he got told. Now kneeling right in front of Nozel’s second son, Ace was not prepared on what was going to happen.
Reagan slapped him.
Before Ace could recover from the first slap a mountain of slaps came flooding in.
Screaming Bloody Mary for a good 5 minutes. Reagan finally finished. Sitting on beaten up Ace’s stomach, huffing and huffing before speaking out to him one last time. “Now have you learnt your lesson?”
“A lesson?! How is this a lesson! You just continuely slapped me without say?!” That’s what Ace really wanted to say. Instead he just breathed out, saluted him and replied back. “You got it captain Reagan.”
Reagan nodded his head in approval. Getting off his stomach. Reagan starred at the glass door near by echoing the songs of spring. “Hurry along Ace! It’s time we go outside.” Pointing to the glass door leading to House Silva’s garden. Ace lifted up his head (still red slap marks kissing his face) scrunching his nose in confusion.
“But why?” Ace questioned. Replying to the question, Reagan had already walked over to the glass door and tried to grab onto the door handle.
He had to open to door for Reagan. Forgetting that Reagan was shorter than the average six year old male and the door handles around the palace tend to be far higher.
While Reagan was running around the garden on a quest to find as many bugs as he could. Ace spent his time laying on the grass, face down and pretending he wasn’t listening to a kid on crack. Feeling the sudden pain of an object hitting his head, Ace lifted his head off the grass to search on what could of strike him. His eyes couldn’t pick up anything unusual, maybe it was just the pain of the slaps finally coming to fry his brain. Scanning one more time Ace finally saw what it was. An acorn? Sweeping the acorn off the ground Ace held the acorn in both his hands, lifting up his upper body to take a proper look, the acorn was just another ordinary acorn but what felt odd about it that squirrels don’t even take habit around the capital, usually their spotted in places like the woods.
The curiousity caused Ace to take a closer look around the garden to see if maybe Reagan had shifted from scouting bugs to acorns instead. Wasn’t the case at all. Instead of a kid on crack Ace had spotted a baby red fox using it’s amber eyes as a somewhat attempt of brainwashing him. This wasn’t the first time Ace had crossed paths with a red fox, you can spot them sometimes, never in packs but just a single red fox always startling Ace somehow.
A few blinks was traded among the two, soon enough Ace passed on a small smile and wave. The red fox maybe had mistaken the small gesture as a way to tell the fox come fourth. One paw in front of the other Ace did wonder where did the red fox came from. Maybe it was the adult foxes baby? But shouldn’t it stay close to its mother? Finally in arms length, Ace sat up cross legged and let out an open hand for the baby fox to get a closer sniff on his scent, it all went well until Reagan decided to run pass still continuing to scream. The scream had startled the baby fox causing it to hide behind Ace. Evoking Ace to crackle a chuckle he simply laid a hand on the foxes head, while he continued to chuckle with his other hand over his mouth. This brought back a memory of the times whenever he would get scared and hold onto his mother’s leg or hide behind her dress as hypocritical it sounds. Maybe this was the feeling Nebra got whenever Ace would do this
The baby red fox came back around with pleading sounds of joy that only worked Ace over more. Starting to come closer the baby fox began to lay its head on his lap for comfort. Not wanting to wake up the baby fox Ace sat there only focusing his eyes on the sleeping fox.
Regrettably that soothing peace didn’t last long. Reagan came up to Ace holding bugs that he dug up, together with dirt in between his fingers. This time the fox ran out of sight as soon as the oath approached. Ace pulled a face of disgust stirring his head away from the sight.
“Something the matter Ace?”
“Uh. Not really actually.” Ace held the barf in his cheeks.
“You look sick...wanna go see Mimosa?” Dropping his hands. Having the tone of a concerned mother.
Ace cocked his head the other way not wanting to see the sight of his hands again.
“No thank you! Really appreciate it but I think I’ll be fine.” Just when Reagan was going to say something else the scent of gasoline hit them like an arrow.
“Is that the smell of gaso-“ Ace didn’t even finished his scentence. The damage had already been done. The three tater tots had successfully blown up one of their families libraries and some areas outside the library. They can already imagine the headache in front of them.
“Oh come on you old meanie! Is hitting us THAT necessary?!!” Haskell yelped just after gotten a smack a head from one of Nozel’s Mercury stick thingos.
Haskell, Josslyn, Nereida plus Ace and Reagan was currently getting interrogated none other then the head of the family. Nozel Silva, for damaging their “beloved” library.
“Indubitably it is. I could punish you 5 far worse but by all means I’ll keep you alive for now.”
“Oooo you’re so intimidating Mr frostbite~ What are you going to do to that library? DIG IT A GRAVE?” Haskell was getting sharp with his words, he wasn’t the compulsive type though if you were to trigger that all you could do was pray and hope for the best.
That triggered Nozel. The air became thin and the room began to shake in an attempt to scare these children.
Unsuccessfully his plan didn’t work out at all. These children weren’t fazed in the slightest bit. Haskell stood there crossing his arms and tapping his foot, Nereida only stood there with no facial expression expressed and Josslyn could only stare at the ugly paperweight on Nozel’s desk. Meanwhile in Ace and Reagan case they couldn’t even detect mana at all, not to forget this rapid cold feeling wasn’t the first time they had felt it.
As soon as the room felt more lighter Haskell had a bucket of insults ready to missile at his father, however Nozel was able to summon a piece of mercury taped to his mouth to keep him shut.
“At this age of your lives. You three should know how to maintain your magic and keep it away from harms way.” Walking past all Silva’s like they were at military camp.
Nereida lifted up her hand to say something.
“I competely agree with you father, but if you will I need to comment that it was all Josslyn’s and Haskell’s fault. You see Haskell kept on mocking Josslyn and you get the idea that Josslyn is quite short tempted. To flourish her anger she activated one of steamed based spells to fill the area of gasoline so on and so forth.” Ace sometimes wondered how Nereida can stay efficient.
Josslyn rolled her eyes. Haskell was trying to shout profanities with the mercury still taped to his mouth. “Thank you Nereida. I do appreciate your truth. Momentarily I assure its all time you five gets some shut eye for tomorrow’s event.”
All of them except for Haskell saluted and 4 of them made their path outdoors in the meantime Reagan rushed to his fathers side. Ace whispered to Nereida covering his mouth “wait. I still don’t understand why Reagan and I were dragged into this.”
“Better not to question it.” Nereida replied keeping her hands behind her back. Ace slopped forward looking forward to the comfort of his pillow.
The baby red fox ran through weeds in the moonlight. Stopping at a rock placing both paws onto the rock. Then the impossible happened. A illuminating red glitter had taken shape over the fox. The red fox shifted into a baby red fox to an adult red fox. Gawking at the offical royal magic grimoire tower in front of it.
It was already mightnight. The grandfather clock had sure done its job waking up Ace. Reaching out towards his bed side table for his glass of water but this time as he picked up the glass and lifted it towards his lips no water dropped down.
“Dammit.” He had ran out of water. He had two options. Go downstairs to refill the glass or two swallow his own saliva. He went for the first option. Getting out of his comfortable position, Ace walked down stairs wearing a white shirt and grey sweatpants. Walking down silently, wary not to wake up his parents or sister. Refilling the glass cup he had caught something phenomenal.
The semita blue butterfly. A rare butterfly that glows, which can only be founded during darking hours. He wasn’t letting this chance slip through his fingers. Taking a big sip of the water he started to walk towards the butterfly. Unlike other butterflies that would fly away if they spot danger, many have stated that the semita blue butterfly dosen’t fear danger.
Following the butterfly through the double doors outside the sleeping quarters of the Ideale branch. Pass the portrait of his grandmother. Flying through the main kitchen. Cursory every corner. Making it to the outdoors where Ace never stopped chasing the butterfly. Even when approaching the royal grimoire tower he didn’t take his eyes off it. The butterfly was his goal.
But a slight problem occurred. Reaching the insides of the royal grimoire tower the butterfly started to fly up out of Ace’s reach. To describe the interior of the grimoire tower it was not like any other grimoire tower scattered all over the kingdom. There was windows near the top displaying crystal shaped windows, circling that part. Most fascinating there was floating book shelves carrying books.
Ace had no facnation checking the place out. All he wanted was to get one touch from the semita blue butterfly.
Reaching out his right hand trying to grasp the blue butterfly, his eyes went wider and wider.
He lost contact for a minute then somehow a miracle transpired.
A blue arrow shot out of his palm.
And not like an arrow you find in a bow and arrow. The symbol arrow.
The blue arrow came streaming out of his palm, the length continued to grow as it went up. The blue arrow punched one of the floating book shelves resulting in some books losing balance and to fall off the shelve, flying towards the ground. One of them happened to come flying down to Ace. Covering his head with his hands pleading that the book will somehow move. Taking one more good look at the book as it’s about to hit him. The book stopped. Floating in the air. Wait did he saw a thumb by the spine?!
Taking the book out of his sight Ace flexed his head towards the book direction uncovering a man twice his height, pale skin, black split hair on an angle and pericing red eyes.
“Nice to finally meet you. Ace”
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deploybits · 3 years
You are lucky some types of torture are legal, i now will have an anxiety attack looking at the sky
So here we are... The Ultima Weapon will almost certainly be housed in the depths of the complex. This is it, my friend! Gaius! Ah, Cid, my boy... You are late. There is something I always meant to tell you, yet the time never seemed right. It concerns your father. ...What of him? In the winter of his years, Midas came to abhor his part in Meteor. He told me that he wanted nothing more than to wash his hands of the whole sordid business. But he did not wash his hands of it. He helmed the project until the day it killed him! Come now, Cid... you must know that he did not have the luxury of choice. By the time he realized his error, it was too late. Meteor had him completely in its thrall. Shortly before his... transformation, mayhap sensing that something was amiss, your father confided to me all the regrets of his life. Most of them concerned you. Early on in your career, he realized that while you had a talent for devising armaments, it would never fulfil you. Long before you knew your own mind, he saw that you would be far happier using your knowledge for peaceful purposes, and the thought touched him. He was a changed man for it, though he could not let it show. You blew holes in this place just so you could say this to me!? What is it you want, Gaius!? I want you at my side, Cid. Take up your father’s mantle, and become the Empire’s lead engineer. It is your destiny. My father had a change of heart - you said so yourself! Besides, I have long known my destiny, and I assure you, it lies not with the Empire! A pity. And what of you, adventurer? Will you not consider making common cause with me? No? And I can expect no better answer than this? So be it. It was your strength that made me proffer my hand in friendship, and it is your strength that makes me proffer now my blade. Save as an ally, you are too dangerous to be let to remain. Run, Cid. Or stay. It makes no matter. You cannot escape the past. Gaius, wait! ...Damn it! Knowing Gaius, he is headed for the Ultima Weapon. If we find him, so too will we find our quarry. With these instruments, we can monitor every nook and cranny in the castrum. I think it’s time we divided our forces. Pray go on and give chase. I’ll track your movements from here and guide you through the complex. We’ll stay in contact via linkpearl. Be careful, all right? Ah, there she is! I trust you recognize our old friend. “Maggie,” was it? They must have shipped her here from Centri. Considering all she’s been through, it’s a wonder she’s still operational. Tough old girl! Now that you’re suitably armed, you can blast open that bulkhead. The external walkway will take you back there. Follow it till you come upon a way down to the lower level. That bulkhead is composed of a special alloy. Extremely tough. Ordinary fire won’t leave a mark, I’m afraid. You’ll need to divert all power to the magitek cannon, as I did so memorably once before. As you may recall, the armor’s core is like to expire from the strain, but there’s no help for it if we want to press on. Now, listen well. Press...<buzzzzzz>...the control...<fizzzzzz>...engage ancillary...then fire away. Don’t mind the warning lights. You’re a natural at this! All right, the way’s clear, but it’s just you and your own two feet now, so be careful. You have been leaving a fine mess in your wake, adventurer. Is someone there!? Garlond, old friend. How it warms the heart to hear your voice again after all these years. ...Nero? Is that you!? You sound well. It would seem this savage land agrees with you. The highest ranking tribunus of the XIVth... It was you all this time? Tell me, Garlond. How long do you intend to keep all the glory for yourself? Uh...what? You’ve lost me. Don’t play the fool with me. Ever since the Academy, I have been condemned to live in your shadow. By all objective measure, I was the more talented of the two of us, yet that fate counted for naught beside your privileged birth. You were admired as the young prodigy simply because your father was the great Midas nan Garlond! When you defected, I felt sure my star would finally rise... But by disappearing, you acquired the status of a legend - your reputed genius gaining credence merely by dint of your absence! Instead of cursing you for a traitor, the people actually came to think of you more fondly! To this day, you are still the young prodigy of magitek! I, meanwhile, have ever been made to feel second-rate - I who have continued to serve our nation faithfully. Whenever I fail to excel - why, it is only to be expected! Yet when I exceed all reasonable expectations, people proclaim that I walk in the footsteps of the great Cid nan bloody Garlond! Nero, I... I don’t know what to say. It matters not a whit what I achieve. Your existence has rendered mine worthless. Even Lord van Baelsar saw fit to offer you a place at his side - and this in spite of your betrayal! Did he extend any such offer to me - the man who has remained loyal to him for all these years? Why, no. He did not. Long have I endured this injustice...but no more. Lord van Baelsar is in the midst of activating the fully powered Ultima Weapon. It is my magnum opus - the creation that will win me the recognition I am due. I will not let anyone interfere. Nero! What are you-!? Ever since I first set foot in this benighted land, I have watched you - ever move you have made, every step you have taken. You have felled eikons, a feat made possible by the Echo, a peculiar power which shields you from their corrupting influence. It is of little wonder that my lord has taken an interest in you. As have I, if truth be told. It is my desire to harness your power for use in the Ultima Weapon. Should I succeed, Lord van Baelsar will surely take notice! Beside this, Garlond’s achievements will be as child’s play! Come, adventurer, and yield to me the secrets of your power! This changes...nothing... Ahahahaha! The Ultima Weapon is activated, and it brims with the power of eikons! Nothing can withstand its might! Are you all right!? What of Nero!? ...Fled!? Damn it! In the instant prior to the blackout, the instruments detected a massive power surge from the deepest chamber. Gaius is certain to be there! We have no time to waste! Word arrived from the Alliance a short while ago. It seems the Order of the Twin Adder has completed its blockade of Castrum Centri. What hands they can spare are hastening this way even as we speak, and likewise for the Maelstrom. All that’s left is to destroy the Ultima Weapon! ...I should warn you: the chamber which houses the target appears to be saturated with aetheric energies. There’s bound to be heavy interference. But even if we lose contact, you must go on. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, all right? Look for the lift’s control panel - it’ll be somewhere nearby. Take the lift down, and you should find yourself in the chamber of the Ultima Weapon. Keep your eyes peeled - Gaius could be waiting for you down there. Oh, and don’t even think about dying. You’re too bloody useful! The interference is getting worse. I don’t think the connection will last much - Tell me...for whom do you fight? Hmph! How very glib. And do you believe in Eorzea? Eorzea’s unity is forged of falsehoods. Its city-states are built on deceit. And its faith is an instrument of deception. It is naught but a cobweb of lies. To believe in Eorzea is to believe in nothing. In Eorzea, the beast tribes often summon gods to fight in their stead - though your comrades only rarely respond in kind. Which is strange, is it not? Are the “Twelve” otherwise engaged? I was given to understand they were your protectors. If you truly believe them your guardians, why do you not repeat the trick that served you so well at Carteneau, and call them down? They will answer - so long as you lavish them with crystals and gorge them on aether. Your gods are no different from those of the beasts - eikons every one. Accept but this, and you will see how Eorzea’s faith is bleeding the land dry. Nor is this unknown to your masters. Which prompts the question: why do they cling to these false deities? What drives even men of learning - even the great Louisoix - to grovel at their feet? The answer? Your masters lack the strength to do otherwise! For the world of man to mean anything, man must own the world. To this end, he hath fought ever to raise himself through conflict - to grow rich through conquest. And when the dust of battle settles, it is ever the strong who dictate the fate of the weak. Knowing this, but a single path is open to the impotent ruler - that of false worship. A path which leads to enervation and death. Only a man of power can rightly steer the course of civilization. And in this land of creeping mendacity, that one truth will prove its salvation. Come, champion of Eorzea, face me! Your defeat shall serve as proof of my readiness to rule! It is only right that I should take your realm. For none among you has the power to stop me! I had not thought to be so hard-pressed. Your strength is...most impressive. Such power befits a ruler! Yet you lack the resolve to put it to proper use. A waste. Allow me, then, hero, to do that which you will not! Bear witness to the true power of the Ultima Weapon! But the Ultima Weapon is all-powerful! Why does my enemy still stand!? Can her strength truly be so great? It is the blessing of Light that confounds you. Lahabrea. Your foe acts under the protection of the Crystal she bears. So, this is what empowers her. Beyond mortal limits. If you are to prevail, the hammer of Darkness must needs be brought to bear upon the shield of Light. And so it shall, for the Ultima Weapon is host to a power of which you are as yet ignorant. Speak plainly, Ascian. The Heart of Sabik. It is the Weapon’s core - an enigma whose surface even the vaunted scholars of ancient Allag failed to scratch. The magic within has lain dormant for eons. Of what magic do you speak? A spell without parallel. Ultima. I sought the life force of the primals for no other reason but to quicken the core. For the true power of the Ultima Weapon lies within its now-beating Heart! Lahabrea... What have you done? No more than was necessary...for my god to be reborn. Damn you, Ascian! The hour is at hand! Behold but a sliver of my god’s power! And from the deepest pit of the seven hells to the very pinnacle of the heavens, the world shall tremble! Unleash Ultima! Ahahahahahaha! Such devastation... This was not my intention... Oh, Hydaelyn...it seems the task of keeping your champion alive has exhausted what strength you had left. Van Baelsar... Your enemy’s shield is broken. The rest I leave to you. We will speak later, Ascian. But first, I must deal with you. The question of who is mightier remains! Come, adventurer! Let us find the answer together! No... No, no, NO! Uh! Heed me... The subjects of a weak ruler must needs look to a higher power for providence... and their dependence comes at a cost to the realm. The misguided elevate the frail... And the frail lead the people astray. Unless a man of power wrests control...the cycle will never be broken. You... You of all people must see the truth in this. You who have the strength to rule... Pathetic. You boasted of unrivaled power. You were entrusted with the ultimate weapon. The ultimate magic! And still you failed. So much for the glory of man. The growing imbalance afflicting the planet must be redressed. If it is permitted to worsen, the very laws of existence - both aetheric and physical - will be warped beyond all recognition. Know you the root of this corruption? Hydaelyn! Like a parasite, she must be burned out if the planet is to recover. And naught but the return of the one true god will ensure her complete excision. Yet to pave the way for the master’s return, a chaotic confluence of untold proportions must needs be brought about. And that will necessitate the presence of the primals. needless to say, both you and your Scion accomplices can not be suffered to interfere in this endeavor. You will not leave this place alive. It is past time your flame was extinguished...“Bringer of Light.” If thou wouldst pierce the shadows...make thee a blade of Light. What!? The Light...it binds them... They are too many!
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tyranochaos · 3 years
Day 4 A trip to Venice
So to start the day off right Bismarck (Azur Lane) woke from sleep for a meeting her Queen Elizabeth (Azur Lane) and Belfast (Azur Lane) to which we had a long discussion about properly rationing the food and tea. After the first day we ran out of a years supply of tea as Elizabeth consumed entire barrels within hours.
After wards I got out off the ship by using my Azurial key that allows me to walk in one door and out another as long as I know where the door is. The key was a gift back when I signed as an Azurial investigator which I got relieved of not long ago, but got to keep the key.
My sister Elana was having an argument with my brother Shuuho. I have no clue what they were fighting over but it got rather heated and Belfast was forced to separate them. This was rather humorous as Shuuho screamed in Japanese to be released however Belfast gave nothing but a wry smile and dragged him to his quarters.
I was having a conversation about how I constantly leave the ship to continue working on mercenary contracts with Bismarck when a door opened right next to us... realizing where it lead I tried to ignore it but Bismarck grew annoyed at the sounds of young girls begging for help and kicked through the portal, gapping me to Gensokyo where Youmu (Touhou) and Reimu (Touhou) were fighting a 20ft. tall anthropomorphic elephant with six arms and swords in each hand.
I hid with the girls as I tried to figure out what this being was here however gathering no information decided on an eradication measure. So I pulled  Black Gold, my katana, from it’s sheathe using many techniques and hundreds of parries I managed to weaken the elephant only for it transform into a dragon. So I played DDR with the dragon for a while and eventually managed to waste enough time for my power to fully manifest allowing me break parts of reality to attack my enemy. One “Broken Wing” later (my ultimate technique) and I had removed the problem from reality shattering it in the space between dimensions.
I left Gensokyo as fast as possible those girls have given me enough trouble in the past and the last thing I needed was to get shot. I remembered that the ship name the HMS FU was docked in Azur Lane territory in the port of New York so I went somewhere a decent distance away, Venice except that I screwed up and ended up in Fortuna.
When I arrived I was greeted shortly by Bismarck who had stolen something from my house in NYC that made it easier to track me, she had requested a portal from Amy (my sister) who obliged. While we began talking she pointed to the sky at a meteorite coming into the vicinity that crashed in the city.
The meteorite burned with the heat of a star while cracking open revealing a giant chicken aragami (Ra), because of course it did. Ra exploded with flames and I managed to pull nearby civilians to safety as I began to walk continuously towards Ra where Nero (DMC) was already engaging the large monster. He was running in circles around the beast avoiding its flaming bullets while returning fire with his own gunfire. Bismarck had held back to escort the Civilians out of the hot zone. I proceeded to run towards Ra unsheathing BG for the second time today slicing though Ra. The monster had regenerated all the damage instantly super heating its body searing it’s flesh together.
Ra had to Pac-man like flaming orb satellites that produced the flame bullets I attacked them with my Chaos magic and managed to temporarily disable them as Nero flew in cutting off it from the neck. For a second the structure seemed silent until it erupted violently the bright red orbs changed to resemble bloody faces as they charged for us, Nero managed to dodge effortlessly however during my dodge I had been nicked by the orb tearing of a portion of my flesh.
As I recoiled in pain the Aragami entered burst mode seemingly healed from any damage we had managed to accumulate. I pulled out my book of the Azure to receive the last of the healing that I could receive for the day and continued to fight using a technique called shadow slashing allowing me to remain nimble despite the pain in my hand. Nero had managed to distract the large chicken monster by taunting it and as it flew into a rage the last bit of my power activated and the moment my dark chaos cloak surrounded me I released one more “Broken Wing” with everything I had left.
Ra was to powerful to simply shatter the reality around it and call it a day apparently as it got back up as Nero and I left to check on the people however it was most certainly not expecting a bombardment from her main cannons. Ra faded into ash at this last attack and the day was saved. At this point I do not know exactly what happened as I passed out. When I awoke some of the locals were badgering Bismarck about how much damage was caused but as she looked over to me and gave me a face of “I got this”. She then fired a flare and booked it over to me dragging me across the streets of Fortuna as Nero simply chuckled at the absurdity of the situation. 
After an emergency call to the HMS FU Amy created a portal for us to get back aboard and Bismarck and I agreed to never kick each other through portals to other dimensions as the consequences were to severe. After this we got patched up by having Amy call the Death Knight medics and after an Evaluation, that showed that nothing major was wrong, managed to bandage both of us up we went to my quarters so I could make this report. Today was rather crazy but we managed to save another dimension and a whole city from total destruction and now we can continue our journey to the Amazon now that the ship is restocked with food and supplies as well as enough oil to get us there and back several times over.
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katzenkrieg · 4 years
Nero is the best
Just finished Deltascape and opened up Sigmascape, and I can’t get over the fact Nero literally does a magical-girl transformation in the Sigmascape-opening duty.
And Cid takes his glasses from him when he transforms and then gives them back when he de-transforms. /chef’s kiss /so good
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avidrawsthings · 4 years
Going from your aus with Reina in the JJBA, DMC and now Winx universes, what's your brief story for her in each one? For DMC you brought up her having her own Devil Trigger. Can you give details on it? :0
In all settings: Reina’s Empath ability remains, allowing her to read and understand the emotions of others. That way, she can help accordingly if the situation requires it.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
Set in mid Spring 1989, when Reina is 15 and in her 5th Year. 
She gets abducted off of school grounds by two overly ambitious rookie members of R, but a Portkey mishap lands the three in Egypt instead of R headquarters (wherever that is).
At the same time, the Stardust Crusaders JUST arrived in Egypt on their way to kill DIO. Thinking the R members are more enemies sent after them, Jotaro and group take them down in no time.
After regaining consciousness, Reina forces her kidnappers to flee and she then joins the SDC in gratitude, accompanying them for the final 20 days of their journey.
Reina has had her own Stand, Atabey, since she was a toddler. With Stands being even rarer in the Wizarding World, they were seen as a special type of ghosts. Reina learns all there is about Stands while travelling with the group. She strikes up quite a fast friendship with Kakyoin over this.
With her training, she acts as the group’s Healer as well, allowing the SDC to recover from injuries faster.
As it follows the Eyes of Heaven setting, all of the Crusaders survive.
Devil May Cry (original series)
With Dante and Vergil being 18-21 in DMC 3 depending on the source, I made Reina be a few years older than them. By DMC 3′s setting, she’s already had her quads, who are 3-4 at the time.
For this setting, her ancestral clan are powerful demons that sided with Sparda and served him loyally over the years. A genetic override causes every generation to be born half-demon regardless of who they have children with, human or not.
Reina’s Devil Trigger activated for her when she was already an adult. As she was unknowingly pregnant at the time, this caused her quads to already display abilities of their own at a very young age. 
Not their own DTs since they’re still very little, but more like what would be seen as developing superpowers like flight.
Talbott is definitely in the picture. While not part demon himself, he has powerful magic which ties to him having possible demonic ancestry. One of those magic abilities is turning into his Golden Eagle form.
Rowan and Nico would be friends almost instantly.
Reina still runs her bakery, and in this setting it could be a place for Dante, Lady, Trish, Nero, Kyrie, Nico and Vergil to simply relax in. Think of it as a nice hub world where the sweets and drinks she sells could boost certain stats or something lol
Her title would be The Queen of Flames.
A popular fanon headcanon is that the DMC and Bayonetta universes are one and the same, and I'm on board for that. That being said, I don't think I'll be making her an Umbra Witch cuz she already has a Devil Trigger, so combining both would be very OP.
Winx Club
I decided to keep Reina as a Witch simply because they’re not as explored as the Fairies are outside of the Trix. (I’m biased toward the Witch Transformations)
Reina would be an Earth-born Witch, being from the Dominican Republic and coming from a long line of magic users.
Since Bloom already has Fire as her element, Reina’s power could be Summons (like Bayonetta but to a far less violent extent). 
All of the Summons have served her family loyally since ancient times, and that tradition still remains. They don’t take kindly to others trying to take control of them without permission.
Can also conjure amazing food, so she can also be referred to as the Witch of Summons and Feasts.
Best friends with Rowan, who herself is a highly intelligent Witch (haven’t figured out what her element would be). They’ve been inseparable since the day they met.
She’d be 16 like the Winx girls, and alongside Rowan is seen as an honorary member of their group. 
Talbott is also here because why not. Same age as Reina, he’s a magic user and Specialist at the Red Fountain school. 
Still likes keeping to himself, but is gradually breaking out of this shell.
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
Project Updates - What to Look Forward To
<3 Hello all! I've realized (humbly) that I have a small following of very nice people that seem quite interested in what I've written so far, and after seeing some mutuals post update-status posts, I thought I should share what's going on with my projects, also. (Thanks for the encouragement, @queenmuzz!)
Updated Dec-10-20
Sons of Fortune
Probably somehow my main focus now, though I am steadily working on other works. Currently working on the “In Between” special short before I start on Chapter 12.
I would also like to talk a little bit about my plans for this story: if anyone has paid attention to this story's tags, yes, I am touching up on the plots of most of the games. In fact, all of them, and the anime. (I already dealt with DMC4. No, I will not tear apart Fortuna lol.) Not all relevant tags are in, yet, because small spoilers. It looks like it's going to be a long while before I even get to the Temen-ni-gru, though. (There is a reason why that event is getting pushed back.) I want to have fun with the family fluff that is the twins each learning how to parent, first. 
Hell Froze Over, and We Shall Reignite It
The drama of it all! Dante and Vergil are finally back from Hell, and Nero doesn’t even know his mother is now standing right in front of him. Meanwhile, even I’m anticipating seen how Snow and Dante is going to handle the obvious things currently unsaid... and I have a feeling a small measure of stupidity is still going to be involved.
Current chapter progress: Outline complete.
It's going to feel so interesting, shifting from "Fortune" back to Reignite. I get to write Sera and Vergil falling in love all over again, with a different set of circumstances. Whoa.
And, and... Nero meeting Sera... odd that I'm saying this as the writer, but I have a "I hope he likes his mom" feeling going on. 
Also, no doubt Dante's brain is going to 404 when he sees Snow. 
Nico prepares popcorn.
This is Not an Office Rom-Com
I have... about 8 new skits planned out. Nothing more written just yet.
That’s all I’m saying about this for now. =P
Hierarchy of Kings
Purely indulgent M/M romance of Vergil and an OC, existing all thanks to
Working on chapter 2. 
I know I said 3 chapters only. I might have lied depending on how much I want to write. It's supposed to be just... awkward fluff of a listless part-devil who somewhat-recently lost his mate, got in a bit of a tiff with his brother, and now his children are trying to set him up with the prospective-king-of-hell, Vergil. 
I think about this one a lot but I haven't written anything new for it yet, only because "Fortune" is taking over my life right now, haha.
Through the Lens of the Beholder
Okay, so...This story has no real plot. As a result, my drive for it is purely down to "if I think of a badass or cool photograph to describe." There is a TINY bit of plot. Only a little. And I don't know when I'll update. But this is why I'm trying not to START new projects. Four  is a lot already! But because this one is supposed to be simpler than the other two, I will most likely finish this one before the others, so I can open a new project. 
Speaking of new projects... Here are things ideas bouncing through my head:
- I still have a prompt from @maybeishouldwait sitting in my inbox. I WILL have it done one day, when I find the perfect way to write it. 
A whole, entirely royally late set of Dadgil week fics.  Yep. I want to write them. They just won’t be on time. 
Written in Ink
A plot-less post-DMC5 story. 
I say plot-less. There is a plot. The plot is:
Dante: Damn it, Verge, are you trying to turn my office into a zoo??
In which Vergil compulsively starts contracting strong demons he's defeated, left and right, because he's discovered "the joy of pets." The demons all take on a dark animistic form and things get wild. 
A Persona and DMC fusion/AU
I have no title for this yet, and I absolutely cannot start this one until I have finished one of my other big projects. This one will take a lot of big planning, because I am making a new plot, using the mechanics of Persona, with DMC characters and setup.
What I want to write, is a teenage Nero as the protagonist, trying to solve a mystery... probably starting with the sudden disappearance of his mother. (Most likely Sera.) And he meets a lot of "new" people, and even finds new family... and yes, he will find his dad. (I'm thinking he'll know about Vergil, though. At least in name and a photo? Isn't that an interesting difference?)
For those of you not familiar with Persona, the major theme I really want to play with is that of the protagonist growing as a person (and in power) by befriending different people that helps them grow as a person. Each party member and important NPC is represented by a Tarot Card, signifying the type of journey the protagonist (The Fool) "embarks" with that character. There is growth in both the protagonist and that characters. 
Again, this is ambitious to try and pull off... but it's in the back of my head. I'll focus on it once I've cleared some other stuff. 
Sugar Sweet
A somewhat short-chapter series reader fic... of a surgeon/doctor!reader (barely 30 and good at what you do) who often saves the lives of shady people (e.g. mafia) because you care about saving lives, not the politics. But you do make good money out of it. (Hey, you gotta be at least a bit morally ambiguous if you're going to deal with devils.)
You meet one mess of a young mercenary named Dante, who is totally not human and deals with things like having bullets healed into his back, and he can't reach them to cut them out. 
Dante doesn't care about bills for his office, or a lot of the debts in his life. You don't know where his money is going, or if he even makes much money at all (for the kind of specialty work he does? Money's going somewhere, but that's none of your business.)
You won't pay Dante's bills, or his debts, but he will accept pizza and ice cream. And new parts for his jukebox. And maybe a motorcycle. Or a new coat. Or a new car...
And you might complain to him about your dumb patients. Or just listen to him talk about his job. Or you two watch a movie together.
And this just continues. For years. 
Tokusatsu DMC fusion/AU
So. First thing's first: I'm a big fan of Sentai/Tokusatsu. What is that, you might ask? It's a Japanese genre, and if you're familiar with Power Rangers, that's derived from Sentai. 
Basically: Masked heroes with transformation gadgets, sometimes with motorcycles, fighting against evil. ("Magical girls" but strictly the opposite, a lot more physical combat involved, may involve upgrade gadgets, and not strictly limited to male heroes though mostly a male cast. Also not strictly for male-only audience. Girls like the eye-candy, too. :eyes-emoji:)
Why am I thinking about this?
Because I have found out that: Vergil's VA, Dan Southworth, was the Quantum Ranger (WHICH WAS RED). Nero's VA, Johnny Yong Bosch, was a Black Ranger and a Green Ranger. 
...And Dante's VA, Reuben Langdon, had a role in a Japanese Toku show as "B-Fighter Yanma" forever ago???? (HE WAS BLUE!!)
What am I going to do with this info? I'll let you know later. But my Sentai/Toku-loving little heart is about to burst with hyperfixation overlap. 
If I ever write this out, expect it to be just as cheesy as an actual Kamen Rider show. Or, at the very least, expect some art. I love Kamen Rider stuff!
Family Fantasy MMO
Snow introduces Dante, Vergil, Nero, and Kyrie to Final Fantasy 14 (because that’s the MMO I play) for family bonding. Yep. Mainly for silly indulgence.
Stardew Valley Visit
Post DMC5, Vergil and Dante accidentally end up going on a vacation when they try to leave Hell. No pairing with the farmer, but instead just a relaxing and somewhat introspective moment of the boys being stuck with most of their power temporarily sealed, learning how to take care of a farm, and maybe do a bit of healing by interacting with the townsfolk while they try to find out where their swords went and how to get home. 
Otherwise what I would call the “re-colour of Nero and Snow” AU. 
What if Vergil was found by Kassy’s family and raised among them? What if Dante ended up briefly in Fortuna and then convinced Sera to run away from the island?
What if we have a Nero who, though brash, is outwardly more soft and open-hearted, and has red-orange and gold colours instead? What if we have a Snow who is named Chiyuki, who wields her katana more like Vergil does, and has a more ice-queen aura about her, and has a teal and blue colouring about her?
This is my excuse to switch up the pairings, but also write Vergil being taught to fight more like an assassin. 
Raised by the Blade
Imagine: Yamato, cracked, broken, and separated from her Master... desperately searching for a way to get back to him, and ended up washed up on the shores of Fortuna. Humanoid, but clearly not if anyone saw the cracked, broken, and no-normal look of “shattered” in her torso, that she would have to keep covered. 
Made from the power of Sparda, she is pale with white hair... and she finds herself drawn to the orphanage...
Where she finds the toddler that is Nero.
Devil Hunters’ Podcast
Nico “accidentally” finds entertainment in recording the Sparda Family arguments as they talk about hunting; after all, they all share one braincell. 
Ascended Monochrome
A white angel remains by the side of Nelo Angelo. Mundus was not pleased by the behavior of his second creation, from the human woman that he had picked up with the treacherous Son of Sparda. But he later discovered that by using her, he could keep Nelo Angelo complacent. Eventually, underestimating love will be his downfall.
Fall to Royalty
A story of where Vergil wins against Mundus the first time, and takes the throne of Hell. But what is he to do next? Eventually, ruling Hell seemed meaningless when there was no one by his side, so he goes to seek out the Lady Knight that he had vowed to never think of or go back to unless he had obtained the power he sought.
Doppelganger Woes
So, I heard Capcom retconned Gilver to be some sort of imitation created by Mundus. I’m all for this! And I’m going to DO something with this.
Side-Project: DMC Tarot List
I started on this maybe months ago; and I have a tentative list oh what characters go with what card and a few detailed descriptions. I think I should confer with
at some point about this, and anyone else interested in, well, Tarot stuff. 
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