#i live to make yall suffer
aatom87 · 5 months
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w/e I'll just post my cringe half foot fc's plus a few other misc. half foots I scribbled a while ago.
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today just will not let me rest huh. reasons are in the tags but i get very emotional just be warned
#hush n shush wifi#just a tad sad#actually more like angry as shit#okay let me TELL YALL about my day#first: the annoying#i was going shopping at a grocery warehouse and you know how those parking lots are always super crowded?#well it was. there were no parking spots and there were so many cars and people trying to go everywhere#i scraped my wheels too which is fine but one of my relatives who likes cars acts like it's a sin#so that shook me up enough that i didn't go outside for the rest of the day#and THEN#OHHHH AND FUCKING THEN.#if anyone remembers the absolute ass of a person from last year who i thought was my friend but said horrible things to me out of the blue#WELL THEY CAME BACK#i never got a chance to block them initially because they blocked me first#BUT I GOT FUCKING MESSAGES FROM THEM TONIGHT#AND ALL THEY WERE SAYING WAS ESSENTIALLY THAT THEY MEANT WHAT THEY SAID#they said some bullshit about the execution being wrong and that their ex wrote it for them#which by the way is just scummy on its own#and that they get mad emotionally which is a horrible excuse#and had the AUDACITY TO ASK IF I HAD ANY QUESTIONS#IN WHAT DELUDED SELF CENTERED WORLD DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN TO THINK I WOULD EVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN#my trust is a VERY VERY FRAGILE THING#AND THIS IS A VERY LARGE CONTRIBUTOR TO IT#this isn't an apology. they regret none of it#this is a way for them to make themself feel better#the scariest part is that this person by now is almost/IS an adult#which is terrifying if that means there are more people like that out there#i try not to wish ill will but i genuinely hope no one ever has to suffer through being their 'friend' ever again#anyways they're blocked on all of my platforms now.#if the person is somehow reading this. hi! never talk to me again. you're a horrible human being with no consideration for other's feelings
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Prior to Usagi's backstory where he mentioned his father's death and his mother and him living on the life insurance payout, I had a different headcanon for his backstory that explained why Meryl Mei insists he's a good kid despite constantly buying drugs from the gang and being an oddball.
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Usagi is the oldest of many siblings ranging from those just a few years younger than him to toddlers. The Alohaoes have lived below the poverty line for generations and the family were no strangers to losing their members to gang life, drug addiction, crippling debt, or a combination of the three. Some of those members, like Usagi's parents, try to make an honest living as working class folks, but both end up working long hours to barely get by and government assistance can only go so far.
As the oldest sibling, Usagi ended up being de-facto man of the house, making sure his siblings get to school on time, attend their games and doctor's appointments, tucking them in at the end of the day, staying up when one or five get sick. Usagi's parents do love him, but there's that underlying obligation and guilt Usagi feels if he doesn't step up to help the family in any way, and his parents can only do so much after being out of the house for so long and splitting time between their kids for quality time.
Usagi knows his parents are working multiple dead-end jobs, unable to be promoted or change to better careers due to lack of education and opportunities, and they end up coming home late at night to be taken care of by him before doing it all over again the next day. While balancing his own studies and trying to go through the day of caring for his family and house, Usagi ends up being addicted to hard drugs out of necessity rather than pleasure. Coffee and nicotine patches can only keep you up and alert for so long, and sometimes there are days where sleep is not an option; the longest he's stayed up is 31.5 hours straight followed by crashing for 5 hours and waking up to resume his schedule as if nothing happened. Sometimes, the drugs suppress his appetite, which allows him to go long without eating in case he doesn't get a chance to sit down.
The worst part and another reason for him being addicted to drugs is the fact that he's a natural genius.
Upon realizing how intelligent and inquisitive their son is, his parents are also banking on him to be the first of the Alohaoes to graduate high school and go to college without a criminal record or other issues. If Usagi gets a well-paying degree and job, the Alohaoes can breathe easier in terms of finance and Usagi can become an example for future generations to eventually get the Alohaoes out of the poverty cycle. So, not only is Usagi taking care of his siblings but he ends up overseeing the household such as taxes and bills, talking to authorities to prevent them from escalating situations near his home, filling out forms for welfare and arguing with health insurance companies at a very young age. His family unconciously expect him to be able to do anything because of his intelligence and they're hoping his grades would allow him to receive free scholarships among other things.
Like many who experienced living below the poverty line, the idea of mental health and attempts to ease this load while the system is intentionally working against you is met with "just deal with it" instead. Finding someone to vent to or provide help is difficult and could cause more harm than good if someome takes things out of context. Someone called CPS on them once because Usagi made an offhand remark on how tired he was; Usagi had to stop the case from escalating in fear that his siblings would be separated "because he made a stupid mistake" and feels guilty for what he did despite being honest at the time.
The drugs Usagi takes doesn't only keep him up but also hide who he really is. While he appears jovial, irresponsible, and amicable on drugs, he's the complete opposite when sober. I imagine him to be like Fugo: cynical, bitter, easy to anger but unable to express it. The bodysuit he wears is intentionally fitted not only to minimize issues caused by skin irritation and bug bites (seeing how he has that in his backpack) but it also doubles as a calming compression suit to ease his bottled emotions. It could be hiding other things but who knows. He's good at hiding things... too good.
Usagi doesn't want to lash out on his loved ones nor show what he's going through. He keeps himself high to maintain his fake persona and remain likeable, but it would only be so long before he breaks and shows who he really is.
Anyways, what do y'all think?
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clowningaroundmars · 21 days
i'm watching finance youtubers and their interviews with ppl who are struggling with debt
and like literally every single one of these ppl are making p good money and they have cars and stuff but... then every single one of them are drowning in debt bc they order so much food on doordash and ubereats and spend it on dumb shit all the time???
like... you have a car??? wtf are you spending over 500 bucks a month paying that car note for if you're not gonna use it to avoid doordash and ubereats fees?!
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royaltea000 · 1 month
Man I don’t wanna go back to school… or2
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hozaloza · 5 months
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me when the hiatus gets extended and I have to wait another 2 weeks to see my lovelies again
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my poor ryan
give me my stinky
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is okay! I can wait <3 I had to endure the year long hiatus as well, this is nothing 🤗🤗💖💖
me bc fanfics
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I should totally make angst of the sbg gang--
(That character gets no mercy)
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Oh boy, Ms Winchester is burning on the ceiling
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nururu · 10 months
I don't understand why there's such a pressure on representing your gender identity outwardly when it's literally so fucking dangerous. If you're brave enough good for you. If you have enough mental strength, good for you. But y'all need to stop taking that and using it as an example of how trans ppl should present themselves and then making them feel less than and invalid when they don't do it your way. It takes a lot of strength and a lot of bravery and a lot of mental strength, to be able to do that. Like an astronomical amount. Expecting everyone to have that ability is weird. And I know, logically, people don't expect that. When you actually sit down and have a nuanced conversation, everyone understands this.. but the way trans ppl who don't pass or don't outwardly represent a binary gender on their bodies, get invalidated and treated like they're not good enough bc they're not as brave as you,is ridiculous. It needs to stop.
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not me giving anxiety tartar and orca this really cute long lost sibling dynamic in a fic because i need to see them both happy for once
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4sidedtrianglz · 1 year
Hunger games was a great book to have read when I was a pre teen but it is also such a fucking annoying book to have to see meta-analysis abt on tumblr and tiktok a decade later
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ronithesnail · 2 years
People really be like “uwu look at these quirky trans people born in the wrong bodies owo what a quirky lifestyle lol” like no bitch im in so much pain rn that i cant fucking get out of bed and my spine is so fucked up from slouching in order to cope with the dysphoria and ive been binding so much that its causing severe chest and stomach pains and I STILL KEEP DOING IT BECAUSE ITS GENUINELY BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE
“Being born in the wrong body” is a fucking dehibilitating condition and i desperately need medical treatment for it.
#im not saying that being trans is a disorder or something#i do like being trans imean i wouldnt be the same person if i wasnt trans#but i just think that people need to realize that this isnt a fun or easy thing this shit is mentally emotionally and physically painful#and causes so many problems like omygod if i wasnt such an optimist i would be dead so long ago#being “born in the wrong body” or whatever is a lot more painful than just being mildly uncomfortable with social norms#For me at least#others are different and thats valid#But like#i can’t go to the fucking grocery store because of this dysphoria its just too much#trans is not a disorder…#but imean… some of yall would benefit from that kind of view#like any disorder- treatment needs differ from person to person#for some people its as simple as acknowledgement and some mild accommodations#meanwhile others may be in such high risk that they need surgery and prescription drug therapy#neither is more valid than the other#we all have needs that need to be respected and treated if we are to ever live healthy happy lives#why are yall so obsessed with mistreating people who are already in pain like fr first ableism now this shit#When you force your trans kids into clothes that make them dysphoric you’re not disiplining a bratty punk or protecting them from anything#You are not only ignoring an “accommodation” that your child needs to live a normal healthy happy life#But you are also adding to the pain of an already painful experience. You are choosing to amplify the sufferring and the limitations caused#Jesus chrsit im so tired my body hurts so much rn#I wrote this a while ago actually but i had it saved in my drafts and completely forgot about it
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beatbawksradio · 1 month
#i think im done actually. i think im gonna throw in the towel#i dont think this is working out for me#i think the world of the online public is just too hostile. too violent. too uncaring#i dont belong here. i wasn't built for this world. its not ready for someone like me and I'm not ready for it#the internet is a world where human interaction is filtered through words on a screen. what kind of interaction is that#you cant see how you affect people. you don't know what people are going through. you can only judge by the words they let you see#that's not how humans were meant to exist. we're meant to see each other. care for each other. feel each others suffering and support#but that doesnt happen here. this world is designed for those who thrive behind a mask. those not afraid to hurt others who take theirs off#and anytime someone does take off the mask. the reaction is to twist anything they say or do into how theyre actually bad#everytime i post in public i worry about that. how is this going to be purposefully misinterpreted. how is this going to be used against me#how are the people who hate me going to use this to further make even more people who don't know me hate me#and that's not healthy!! that's paranoia!! mental illness!! im putting the symptoms of my abuse on display and it only hurts me more#no one cares about caring though. its all about how this person just wants more attention than everyone else. they just wanna be special#i can tell people i don't wanna see g*ns and theyll act like im a baby for it. i tell them ive had my life threatened & they think I'm lying#bc that's what you do on the internet. you don't trust people. you don't validate them. you abandon them when they're opening up#bc all you see is a screen and not how the person is actually reacting in real life to these things. its just words#and if anyone comes along trying to just be a nice person. then its either “they must not actually be nice and I'm gonna expose them”#or they just get abused by the people not afraid to abuse nice people. its all the same. there's always another war. peace doesn't exist#violent people arent afraid to be violent. they're not afraid to hurt someone getting in their way. peaceful people dont stand a chance#the only way to survive the game is to not play the game. find a pocket somewhere and stop existing to the world.#thats the only way to make everyone happy when everyone hates you. there is no redemption. this is the land of careless wolves#and I'm just a rabbit telling the wolves to stop being wolves. of course ill be killed. that's what happens to rabbits#so i hope all the people still reading this who used me as entertainment or as a stepping stone for their own manipulation are happy#ill be gone. i won't be here anymore. i won't be something that you ever need to think about anymore. you can go ahead and celebrate#tell everyone you've won. the evil is defeated. you killed the person who you and everyone else hated so much. go ahead and be a hero#ill be dead to this world. and that's okay. bc ill be living a much better life in the real world#ive had my time in the spotlight. now it's over. now it's time for a different chapter. yall can go ahead and enjoy your spotlight#go ahead and keep proving to everyone how good and nice you are by screaming at everyone who opposes you and destroying their lives#im sure you'll be proud of the legacy you leave behind. im sure you'll be proud of how much peace your violence brought into the world#im happy with the people i love. and ill continue to find my happiness away from this deplorable hostile world. ill be floukru
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autotheophagic · 4 months
if anyone ever and i mean EVER. says "delulu" in my presence again. i will actually get violent
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yeah but i really got fucked over by the people i told this abt loll
#some of yall might remember my vent posts and stuff and yeah this situation didnt end well for me#i could talk abt this for hours honestly this is so messed up#yknow ive been thinking how i never really tell my friends what i go through at home anymore bc i began to doubt myself#even tho i KNOW it all happened. They did abuse me. Still do. But some part of me thinks#that i just made this up or that it wasnt actually that bad. even though it was. it was so much fucking worse. and having to go through it#again and again and again. i have no words. sometimes my mind just goes blank bc i dont want to think abt this stuff. i just want it to be#over.#some part of me thinks that if i tell somebody im ruining my abusers lives. even though theyre the one ruining mine. nothing can harm them.#especially my words. they will never face consequences bc the system doesnt work. and i dont want to ruin their life.#i just want it to be over.#i just want to go on and live my life and leave this all behind and start anew.#im an awful person. i have younger siblings and this was the only reason i decided to go through with telling someone at school abt this. bc#i didnt want them to suffer like me. i knew what their mindless actions did to me. and to see my siblings go through that.#but my sister absolutely hates me for telling the school#she says shes ashamed to go there bc people know#she thinks i made it up for attention even though she literallywas there when they beat me. she was fucking there lmfao#im sorry if this is too much but i need to get this somewhere out. writing it down is not enough and i cant tell this at anyone#kill me💗 the only thing keeping me alive is dreaming. very corny i know. but fantasizing abt my far away future is the only thing making me#go on. thinking abt my life after this ends. but sometimes its not enough and i just spend all my time watching stuff or reading or whatever#just watching stuff abt lives totally different from my own. that helps me focus on something else for a while. sighhhhhh
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snekdood · 1 year
God guys yknow. I just never ever noticed that my dogs coat makes them hot in the summer !!!
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epicthemusicalstuff · 3 months
My Thoughts on the Thunder Saga
I’m going to go in order of the songs, but oh my gosh, these songs were something else. I knew it was going to get dark, but this was so fast-
Suffering: JORGE LITERALLY SHARED A CLIP OF THIS AND LET US THINK IT WAS A CUT SONG? At this point in the saga I was confused, thought either I or Odysseus was hallucinating an alternate timeline. We weren’t, it was sirens, which brings us to my second point HE TOLD US THERE WERE NO SIRENS?! Which maybe he could have meant no sirens like they appear in the Odyssey, but rather twisted them to fit his own story? But still. Sad that there was no real Penelope, but I’ll keep waiting.
Different Beast: Holy Smokes. I knew he would become the monster, but I didn’t expect like that?!?! The tone shift?!?! The rawness?!?
Scylla: Probably my favorite song from the saga, it’s was beautiful, it was haunting, “you know that we are the same”. EURYLOCUS. He’s a huge hypocrite, like, I get that Poseidon was already mad at yall, but due to his actions one could argue that’s how men died. Sure Odysseus is also at fault, BUT ITS PARTICALLY HIS FAULT TOO. Lighting the torches to intentionally sacrifice six men?!?! I thought that like the Odyssey the six men would be random, BUT NOPE.
Mutiny: THEY STABBED HIM. “You miss your wife so bad you’d trade the lives of your own crew” now this children is what we call a self fulfilling prophecy. Eurylochus thinks Odysseus will sacrifice them all to get home. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t. But through his actions he has brought that upon himself, because if he wasn’t going to before, stabbing Odysseus and killing the cows definitely brought it around. HELIOS’ COWS. DUDE. Luck runs out reprise. I’m not normal guys.
Thunder Bringer: A while back I predicted this would be one of my least favorite songs, purely because I don’t like Zeus as a character, but I am taking that back. I still might not like Zeus, but, OH MY GOSH. HE MADE HIM CHOOSE. ODYSSEUS ACTUALLY HAD TO CHOOSE. AHHHHH. He fights for Penelope. We’ve known this since the start. And now he must make another decision to see her-
Overall, 10/10, love this saga, but it is definitely heavier/darker than the ones in the past. Will definitely be going feral over these for the foreseeable future.
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