#Nero being best son
rangersbecket · 9 months
Those Proctors in RR were so lame. I would pay for the opportunity to punt deranged children off a floating mountain unpunished, and these losers get caught with their pants down? Some of them literally?? Couldn't be me. Literally just grab those kids by the scruff like misbehaving kittens and drop them off. If they bounce back up, great! Swat them down again until they get dizzy or whatever. The Proctors had the chance to do something so so funny and have a great time doing it and they utterly and completely blew it. Cringe.
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lecliss · 11 months
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OO has me in a fucking vice grip with the urge to lunge at Seph's throat!!!!!!! I can't fucking believe he convinced Kadaj to join him!!!!!! I'm gonna go fucking feral!!!! Leave my sonboy alone!!!!! He has no free will!!! He keeps being used for what Jenova wants cuz of the cells and he keeps being used by Seph as a remnant!!! Daj can never truly have something of his own accord cuz of the very meaning of his existence!!!!! He can never be an individual cuz of them, but without them he wouldn't exist!!!! LET HIM BE HIS OWN PERSON!!!!
And to top it off, Team Ninja dangles a Loz and Yazoo tease in my face after I just said I need Kadaj to have his real brothers back!!!! FUCK!!!! I FUCKING HATE FINAL FANTASY!!!!!!!
#i love kaien trying to help even tho this has nothing to do with him. thank you grandpa 🥺#kadaj and repliku would be a match made in heaven. i want them to talk and go on a murder spree for funsies together#im gonna kill seph so fucking hard. i hate it here!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#at least now i know why kadaj and seymour team up to be ducklings to weiss. tho im not caught up to know how/why they leave seph yet#im just. im gonna die man. im so happy OO added kadaj and gave him so much development and i love that the game takes characters seriously#but god. do they have to keep tormenting MY FUCKING SON!?!?!?!#LET HIM RETURN TO HIS NEW MOM AND DAD (zack and aerith)!!!! GIVE HIM HIS LITTLE BROTHERS BACK!!!! GIVE HIM FUCKING FREE WILL!!!! FUCK!!!!!#its such a good time to be so abnormal about a 2005 one off sequel movie villain. genuinely. it just hurts at the same time#i also like how everyone's fine with kadaj and is even trying to help him cuz despite being morally gray. at least hes against seph.#so hes a good kid in their books 🥺#brb gonna go speedrun the og 7 real quick so i can beat seph's ass in the name of my best boy#also when we get loz and yazoo i wonder if theyll be a joint unit like in brave exvius of if theyll be seperate but released back to back#like reno and rude 🤔#i was expecting sonon or nero next but i do think they wont come until after part 2. while i want genesis most then. i would actually rather#have the baby bro duo if it means they have a real chance of getting in. i didnt actually believe it would be possible. but no it looks real
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anarchywoofwoof · 8 months
so today i learned that there’s a piece of graffiti written on the wall of a brothel in Pompeii that reads, “Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!”
this lead me down a rabbit hole of Pompeii graffiti, in which i found the following:
From Herculaneum (a bar/inn joined to the maritime baths): "Two friends were here. While they were, they had bad service in every way from a guy named Epaphroditus. They threw him out and spent 105 and half sestertii most agreeably on whores."
From just outside the Vesuvius gate: "Defecator, may everything turn out okay so that you can leave this place."
From the peristyle of the Tavern of Verecundus: "Restitutus says: 'Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates.'"
From Herculaneum (a bar/inn joined to the maritime baths): "Apelles the chamberlain with Dexter, a slave of Caesar, ate here most agreeably and had a screw at the same time."
From the basilica: "O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin."
that lead me down a rabbit hole of obscene ancient Roman graffiti such as the following:
Floronius, privileged soldier of the 7th legion, was here. The women did not know of his presence. Only six women came to know, too few for such a stallion.
Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they ever have before!
Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
Apollinaris, the doctor of the emperor Titus, defecated well here
Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates
I was fucking with the bartender
Secundus likes to screw boys
Phileros is a eunuch!
Cruel Lalagus, why do you not love me?
I made bread on April 19th
Gaius Sabinus says a fond hello to Statius. Traveler, you eat bread in Pompeii but you go to Nuceria to drink. At Nuceria, the drinking is better
Anyone who wants to defecate in this place is advised to move along. If you act contrary to this warning, you will have to pay a penalty. Children must pay [number missing] silver coins. Slaves will be beaten on their behinds.
Epaphra doesn’t play football well
You can ride your maid whenever you want. It’s your right
Pyrrhus to his colleague Chius: I grieve because I hear you have died; and so farewell
O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin
My lusty son, with how many women have you had sexual relations?
If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a screw, he should look for Attice; she costs 4 sestertii.
Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!
If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend
To the one defecating here. Beware of the curse. If you look down on this curse, may you have an angry Jupiter for an enemy
We have wet the bed, host. I confess we have done wrong. If you want to know why, there was no chamber pot
What a lot of tricks you use to deceive, innkeeper. You sell water but drink unmixed wine
The finance officer of the emperor Nero says the food here is poison
Gaius was here – the oldest graffiti, dated 78 BCE; found in Pompeii.
Vote for Isidorus for aedile, he licks cunts the best
i fucking love human beings.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
the DMC boys (Dante, Vergil, Nero, V) finding out reader is pregnant???
Sparda boys + V x Pregnant!Fem!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Freaks the hell out--not out of disappointment or anger or anything like that, but out of excitement.
-Immediately starts researching dad jokes so he and Vergil can have a "dad-off" to see who can be cornier.
-Also helps you decorate and stuff, giggling and laughing the entire time.
-Talks a lot about his plans for the baby; how he wants to be a better dad than his was, how he wants to prepare it for demon hunting, and how he wants to train it to insult Vergil on sight.
-He's also got a whole-ass list of pranks to pull with the baby prepared, from chucking water balloons at your unsuspecting neighbors to TP-ing the neighborhood houses.
-Other than that clearly childish mischief, Dante's already rocking the "middle aged dad" vibes so he'll do fine.
■ Vergil ■
-His first thought was: "Oh no, not again."
-Vergil was legitimately afraid of having another child after what happened with Nero and his unknown mother, however, you managed to convince him that this would be different and that you wouldn't be going anywhere.
-Vergil had a lot of nightmares and troubled dreams the next few weeks. Though his heart wanted to believe you, his damaged mind had other plans, which it revealed to him in the form of horrible visions.
-With your help, and a lot of time, he got over these dark thoughts and began to see the light in having another child.
-Though he wouldn't dare speak it aloud, Vergil was convinced that the baby would reunite the Sparda family once and for all: Nero would finally have a sibling whom he'd want to visit, allowing Vergil to spend more time with his son, and since he, Nero, and the new baby would all be together, Dante would naturally join in and the boys could be bros again.
-After having that revelation, Vergil became noticeably more excited for the baby's birth.
□ Nero □
-Nero is excited but terrified.
-He's more than happy to learn you're expecting, but since he's so young, he's worried he won't make a good dad. You'd think he'd ask his parents for help, but no...he never knew his mom and his dad is less than pleasant.
-So, what does he do? Nothing. He puts his hood up and sits on the couch, doing nothing in tense silence.
-After an hour or so of brooding, he decides, fuck it, he's gonna wing it and be the best dad the Sparda bloodline will ever see.
-He proudly announces this fact over dinner at Devil May Cry, eliciting mixed responses, particularly from the soon-to-be-grandpa.
-You and Nero will be excellent parents who raise a happy, healthy child, he'll see to that.
● V ●
-Doesn't even know what being pregnant means, and can you really blame him? The only piece of literature he's ever read is William Blake's poetry, it's a miracle he can tie his shoes. Oh wait, he wears sandals.
-Griffon knows, somehow, and explains what it is. The minute the realization dawns upon him is the minute his eyes widen, his mouth drops open, and he nearly passes out.
-A baby, a real life baby is brewing gestating in your tummy and it's his?! He helped make life!? What?!
-V is ecstatic! He can't wait to read this baby bedtime stories, sing it lullabies, and rock it to sleep.
-Even his familiars are preparing; Griffon is ready to give it a light show with his magic and Shadow keeps bringing dead birds as gifts.
-V might be a complete noob when it comes to living life, but hey, so is your baby, so they can figure things out together.
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lexsssu · 6 months
Soft (Vergil)
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TAGS: Vergil/Dragoness!reader, smut, breeding, pregnancy, heats/ruts, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Moooooommm, my hair’s already okay as it is. You don’t have to keep grooming it!”
“Hush, darling. Mother knows best and if I say that your hair needs to be groomed then it means that it needs to be groomed. Now, stay still and let Mama fix you up~”
Nero grumbled and pouted, but simply allowed himself to become limp in your grasp as you combed his snowy locks for him, a bright red blush lighting up his cheeks that were yet another feature he’d inherited from his father. To be honest, Nero took mostly after Vergil in terms of looks, but he was definitely more expressive than your mate.
“...’m not a lil kid anymore…”
“Regardless of how old you are, you will always be a child in my eyes, Nero. I bore you into this world with my body and nothing can ever change the bond between a mother and her child” You smile and nuzzle the top of the young man’s head, inhaling his scent while bathing him in your own, draconic instincts, particularly your maternal ones, overflowing as you carried another babe within your belly. 
“...Just let your mother be, Nero. Once your new sibling is born she won’t be babying you anymore,” said Vergil eloquently as he sat on his favorite armchair, reading through a well-worn poetry book and looking like painting straight out of a Victorian-era portrait.
“Your father is just teasing you. You’ll always be Mama’s darling boy~” You giggle and place a kiss on your son’s forehead, watching gleefully as his cheeks turn an even deeper red from your affections.
Though seemingly minding his own business, Vergil always had his eye on you both even as he read the ever so familiar words upon the inked pages. There is a softness in the blue of his eyes that is hidden from the world outside of your cozy little home. 
A softness that is reserved only for you, his mate, and all your offspring...and maybe Dante when the devil hunter wasn’t being an absolute insufferable moron.
It’s amazing how meeting you had allowed him to see the world in a different light. To rediscover parts of himself that he’d long thought to have died off on the night his entire life had changed forever and molded him into a man fraught with only the ambition for power.
He could still remember that moment so clearly, as if it happened just yesterday...
“Do you need some help? You looked like you had quite the fall from so high up…”
The eldest son of Sparda blinked, a rare look of incredulity on his normally impassive face as he stared at the small hand being held out to him and the young woman who owned it. 
Mundus’ grotesque form lay upon the blood red ground, a mass of flesh with hundreds of hands sticking out of him that would have struck fear in the hearts of most living and undead creatures. However, the Prince of Darkness was obviously deceased as he lay immobile, gaping wounds and terrible gashes littering his foul body as if his opponent had just tore through him without mercy.
“...Do you know that thing? It kept yapping ever since I dropped in here kinda like how you did and well...I just wasn’t really in the mood to deal with the monologues so I took him out of his misery,” you chuckle at the young man’s astonished expression, quite liking how expressive his reactions were despite having only just met him.
“So ummm...do you wanna go to the throne room with me? That thing’s lackeys said that I should sit on the throne to make my rule as their new boss ‘official’ and well, I dunno about you but any place is better than kneeling on the wet ground”
Still flustered with the turn of events, Vergil could only wordlessly nod and before he could get up on his own, you grasp his free hand and pull him up with surprising strength.
“Great! Since you’re new here too, we both can get a tour of the place!”
The katana-wielder would have normally pulled his hand back by now in disgust and or disdain, but strangely enough he didn’t mind how your utterly warm and soft hand clutched his own. Your hand is so small that he could easily cover it if he took the initiative to do so, but he found himself both reluctant to move and content with...whatever this was.
“Darling, please...fuck me open. Mate me. Breed me…!” You whine and whimper as you sway your hips tantalizingly, looking back at Vergil who’d activated his Sin Devil Trigger form with complete want and adoration. Everything about his current form aroused your most primal side, wanting nothing more than to have him fuck you until were bow-legged and undeniably swollen with his potent seed.
Though he couldn’t speak up in this form, the low grunts and the way his scaled hands took handfuls of your backside as he pressed his equally demonic-looking cock into your weeping slit had you keening and sighing as he sunk its entire length in one thrust. 
As Vergil had his way with your equally enthusiastic self, you couldn’t help but smile stupidly as thoughts of the future filled your mind. Specifically, the pitter-patter of little feet that would undeniably become an absolute reality soon enough, especially as you feel the base of your mate’s cock inflating in order to lock himself inside your willing cunt.
You always did like the name Nero...
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it's probably been said before but vergil is the driving force, either directly or indirectly, in every single devil may cry game except 2. maybe that's why the second game was just so uninteresting LOL but being serious vergil either drives the plot directly or effects it indirectly in every game otherwise. as a VERY long-time dmc fan, i remember when people didn't really give too much of a shit about vergil (at least as the fandom existed back then and my interactions with it ), and it was all about dante or nero. it wasn't until 5 that vergil finally got his time in the limelight and it was made clear how important he really is aside from being the 'evil twin'. IMO vergil has always been an interesting character beyond his general mystique and the fact he has a son. dmc5 just finally threw the fans some canonical-bones with actual meat on them when it comes to his character. i'm really glad vergil is getting the love and acknowledgment he has always deserved. devil may cry is ultimately an action game but i think it's the best of its kind because of how well it executes the common archetypes in storytelling.
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Sweet Serenade: Vergil x G/N Reader
MINORS DNI GO AWAY >:[ SERIOUSLY-- *grabs a broom and sweeps at you* SHOO
SUMMARY: Ever since you met the blue devil you’d loved to listen to him; be it a small noise or a loud shout, you always listened. Tonight, you found yourself home alone with him and begin to hear a different noise; one that you realize you aren’t supposed to be hearing.
BEGINNING NOTES: ♭ Top/Dom Vergil x (implied) Bottom/Sub G/N Reader ♮Unestablished relationship. ♯Everyone else can tell you are into each other. The two of you have gone “out” before; even though that’s not what either of you called it, it is what both of you wanted. ♮You live at the DMC with Dante and Vergil. ♭Smut--Vergil masturbation voyeuristic reader ♮Vergil enjoys the idea of the reader consensually submitting to him (I don’t want it to come across wrong) (The song is a link to a YouTube video of it if you want to listen)
     The Devil May Cry was alive and bustling as per usual these days. There was never a dull moment not since the twins’ reunion and return from Hell. Although the happier and more welcoming atmosphere was a nice change of pace, you couldn’t help but miss the peaceful quiet times. Tonight was one of those nights. 
     The last contract was large enough that the whole shop got involved which resulted in an enormous payout. So, the crew decided to go out drinking to celebrate--Most of the crew anyway.
      Nero was hesitant to join, not being one for social outings--like father, like son. However, Nico wasn’t taking no for an answer and was currently shoving Nero--quite literally--out the back door. Lady and Trish had already moved to the garage and were chatting. Then, of course, there were the Sparda twins; Vergil and Dante. The younger sibling had been nagging his brother for over ten minutes.
     “Come on,” Dante playfully poked at Vergil’s shoulder for the umpteenth time tonight, staring at him like a kicked puppy dog, “Pleaseeee--”
     “Dante.” Vergil sighed as he stood up, shutting his book with a loud thump, “For the last time, I am not going to your stupid bar and that’s final.”
     The younger twin pouted slightly and let out an exaggerated exhale, “You’re so boring in your old age, Verge; you gotta learn to live a little,” Dante turned his attention to you and flashed a wide toothy grin, “You’re coming with right?”
     You pursed your lips and shook your head ‘No’.
     The red devil dramatically groaned and slumped forwards.
     You gently patted his back, “Sorry, I'm just too beat to join in.”
     Dante looked up at you and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
     A warm smile tugged at your lips as you ruffled the red devil’s hair, “Maybe next time.”
     “If that’s what you want, sure.”
     He stood back up fully, a small smile tugging at his lips, “You’d best believe I’m gonna hold you to that, babe~!” He winked at you as he grabbed his coat from the back of the desk chair, sliding it on, “Just don’t go breaking the old man, alright? Kinda need him in the morning for a contract.”
     “Huh-!?” Your eyes widened as you realized what he meant.
     Vergil rolled his eyes and moved to stand beside you, just a few centimeters away from your side, “Is that a hint of jealousy I hear, Dante?” He folded his arms and leaned back a bit.
     “And if it is?” Dante raised a brow at his sibling.
     “Tch,” Vergil’s gaze thinned, “As if they would have such low standards.”
     “Careful there Verge might insult yourself since we are twins.”
     “Perhaps, but we--”
     The sound of Nero shouting and a loud thud caught everyone’s attention--it seems Nero finally gave in, or rather gave out, and fell face-first into the concrete of the garage. Nico stared down at the young man from the doorway before turning to the three of you, a semi-irritated tone to her voice, “We’re gonna leave your old asses if y’all don’t get a move on!”
     Dante sighed and walked towards the door, “Sorry, only one ‘old ass’ is leaving tonight.”
     Nico said something unintelligible as Dante shut the door, leaving Vergil and you alone. 
     The blue devil sighed quietly before addressing you, “I am going to retire for the night,” he moved toward the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, he paused for a moment with parted lips, as if he were going to say something; however, he said nothing, shut his mouth, and ascended the stairs, disappearing into his room. 
     You sighed through your nose. Part of you had hoped Vergil might want to spend some time together, but that was wishful thinking. He’s not the “hanging out” type, even if the two of you spend most of your waking hours together. Deciding to do the same as the blue devil, you turned off the shop’s lights and headed to your room. 
     The floorboards creaked as you entered your cozy abode and flipped on the lights. With a slight bounce, you flopped onto your bed with a loud sigh. Your room was the smallest of the three make-shift bedrooms of the Devil May Cry and shared a wall with a certain blue devil’s room. Through the thin walls, you could hear the faint sound of Schubert’s music from Vergil’s record player. Admittedly, you didn’t care much for classical music but that slowly changed when the eldest twin moved in. His music selection was so different than Dante’s; it was calmer, relaxing, and gentle, all of which were something you found reflected the man’s inner-self--even if Vergil doesn’t seem the temperate type. Tonight’s selection was no different. Currently, the record was playing one of your favorites “Serenade”. 
     A small smile tugged at your lips as you listened to the violins' crescendos and decrescendos; how each phrase changed and grew. You allowed yourself to relax into your bedding as you slowly began to drift off. However, just as you closed your eyes, a small stifled grunt came from the other side of the wall and piqued your curiosity. Then, a growl followed by a visceral groan emanated from the other room. Although you knew it was intruding--and downright voyeuristic--you couldn’t help but get up and set your ear against the shared bedroom wall, listening intently.
     Vergil had planned on reading and going to bed when he headed upstairs. Wishing to enjoy the few fleeting moments of peace within the walls of the shop. However, Vergil couldn’t get the teasing remark from Dante out of his head--the idea of Vergil making love with you. 
     As he read the same page over and over, Vergil found his thoughts devolving into more and more sinful ideas. He wondered what sounds you'd make when he ate at your body; what lascivious mewls and whimpers would you make? Would you enjoy it? How would you react to him holding you impossibly close as your bodies are neatly and sensually interwoven, connected together in an act of heated passion and lust? The endless amount of devilish sexual amusement he’d get from spearing your innards and watching you come undone under him. Your loud pleading cries from his overstimulating touch as Vergil plays with you long into the night and morning, not wanting to pass up this rare moment of privacy. 
     Admittedly he wasn't sure if you were into him as much as he is to you; however, that didn't stop the growing heat from spreading throughout his body. With an irritated huff, Vergil shut his book and grumbled to himself. He wasn’t typically one for masturbation and had mostly only partaken of such sinful delights in his youth. 
     Perhaps just one time wouldn’t be too bad, right?
     The blue devil carefully set his book down, still debating if he really was going to do this. However, an overwhelming throbbing in his pants answered the question for him. He bit his lip as he closed his eyes, allowing his mind to indulge such degenerative thoughts; thoughts of what he wanted to do to you. 
     He palmed his hard-on through his jeans, imagining it was your hand instead. The slow sound of his belt being unbuckled, the snap of the button of his fly, the smooth sound of the zipper coming undone; all of this he imagined was your doing. Despite his distaste for such joys of the flesh, he did keep a bottle of lube in his bedside drawer just in case he’d ever need it--and tonight was one of those times. 
     Setting the bottle on the tabletop, he closed his eyes and ghosted his fingertips against his aching tent. A shiver ran up his spine as he released his cock from its fabric confines. He opened his eyes for a split second to grab the bottle of lube and put some in his palm before quickly closing his eyes again; not wanting to break his fantasy. 
     It started slow, almost painfully slow, as he bit his lip. He was fantasizing about the wet feeling from the lube being instead caused by your cute little mouth being wrapped around his cock. A small groan left his lips as he continued to fall further and further into this fictitious scenario. What he wouldn’t give just to fuck your mouth at least once. As he continued, his lack of practice became more and more evident as his hand moved in uneven and unsteady strokes. A sudden intense hot feeling spread throughout his body causing him to grow uncomfortable. He knew exactly what it was; he was losing himself, being much too engrossed in his pathetic devilish desires, practically egging on an accidental Trigger. 
     Quickly, he opened his eyes and shot up from the mattress, tossing his vest off to the side. Using one hand to hold himself up from the mattress, he continued to pleasure himself. His brow twitched as he closed his eyes again. In his mind, he toyed with the idea of you being pinned underneath him; completely submissive and powerless. A small growl came from his throat as he began to lose focus on staying quiet. The sight of you breathless and staring back at him with half-lidded eyes made his cock ache and his mind reeling. 
     Again he began to feel the hot feeling consuming his limbs, he needed to let his skin breathe--he needed to undress more. As he fumbled with the shirt buttons, he leaned upwards. Almost instantly getting frustrated with the small plastic clasps, he ripped his shirt from his body--shredding it--and tossed it off in a random direction. Vergil leaned back over the bedding, his hand that was supporting his weight had balled up the sheets; tearing it with his nails. The blue devil bit his lip again as his pace became even faster, however, this did little to deter the loud carnal snarling that he was making.
     Vergil leaned further forwards, placing his forehead on the, now disheveled bedding. In his mind he was laying his head against yours, enjoying the feeling of your hot skin against his. The feeling of your hands within his hair and your legs wrapped around his middle, pulling him closer and further into your hole. A thin layer of sweat adorned his body and his hair had fallen forwards. A mixture of spit and a small amount of blood was dripping from his lips and onto the bed. His breathing was heavy, uneven, and filled with a disgusting amount of lust; a side of himself that Vergil, not only tries to hide from the outside world but, despises. However, he couldn’t be bothered to think about how unrefined and how feral he probably sounded and looked, the only thoughts to be had were ones about you.
     As he approached his orgasm he began to whimper your name quietly to himself, wishing he had the courage to ask you out and to ask for you to give yourself to him--every bit of yourself to him. He began to rock forwards, bucking his hips into his hand. A greedy possessive feeling filled his heart, he wants to hide you away from the world, to keep you all to himself. A snarl left his lips at the thought of anyone else being able to have you, to take you from him. Vergil didn’t care how insane he sounds or how dangerous that kind of mindset is; he’s had everything taken from him his entire life and he will not allow anyone to take you from him. With each passing moment, he got louder and called your name more and more frantically. 
     When Vergil hit his peak, he leaned upwards and threw his head back. A loud thunderous growl and an almost whimpering moan came from him as his body twitched in ecstasy. Lots of smooth white ropes decorated his bedding as he opened his eyes to stare at the dark room’s ceiling above him, he felt several tears running down his face. Using the thumb of the hand still wrapped around his cock, he played with his tip, sending a jolt through his body; despite finding release, he was still just as worked up as before--perhaps even worse than before. 
     That’s when a set of knocks at his door made him freeze. 
     Was Dante back already? Or what if you had--
     “Vergil?” It was you.
     He panicked; despite not being clean, shoved his cock back into his boxers and jeans. Unable to find his shirt from earlier, he grabbed a random t-shirt from his dresser and slid it on so fast he failed to notice that it was backwards. Using the sweat from his brow, he slicked back his hair in hopes it would stay long enough for him to answer the door. 
     When he opened the door his words were discombobulated as he stumbled through his thoughts, “What?” 
     You said nothing but instead shyly looked away from him, your shoulders tensed up and you pursed your lips. That’s when Vergil noticed.
     The strong unmistakable scent of arousal that was coming from you. You were just as, if not more, horny. Admittedly, he wanted nothing more than to pin you to the ground and take you right then and there; but he found himself hesitant. 
     With a very shy voice, you mumbled to him, “You alright? The record has been skipping for a while now and…” Your voice trailed off, unable to look him in the eye. 
     As he spoke a dark husky sultry tone came from him, a voice you’d never heard him use before, “Oh? Has it now?”
     You nodded, “Yeah, I can hear it from my room…”
     He smirked and turned you to face him, “It is quite invasive to be listening to others, Love.” His eyes met yours, “Especially if you were enjoying yourself to it.”
     Your eyes went wide.
     Vergil chuckled lowly, “I can tell from your heart that you either just ran a mile or were having a good time,” he leaned in closer, “and I can smell it on your hands, Voyeur.”
     A set of sputtering unintelligible noises came from you, your face becoming flushed and Vergil enjoying the sight. 
     He stood back up and turned to face inside the room, “Now, why don’t you come in for a moment? I’ll remove the record after all,” He looked over his shoulder, “I’d much rather listen to your serenade instead.”
ENDING NOTES: ♯This has been sitting in my WIPs half-finished for a while so I wanted to finish it up; sorry if the ending is a bit weird, wasn't sure how to end it lmao ♮Fun fact: the beginning part (right up until overhearing Vergil) was the original start to “As You Wish (Part 1)” lol ♭“That Unwanted Animal” By The Amazing Devil really was a good inspiration for this fic. I’d highly recommend giving their music a listen “The Horror and The Wild” is a REALLY good album lol
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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lesbianshepard · 1 year
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Mother of the Gracchi brothers! Highly intelligent and influential woman who educated her sons and helped shape their political careers. OG Roman MILF
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Catullus' "Lesbia" Wealthy and highly educated woman who had a talent for poetry (none survives :( ) Cicero hated her and called her "the Medea of the Palatine" (huge W for Clodia) Known for taking many lovers and accused of incest with her own brother (Catullus did not take the breakup well)
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The first (real) woman to appear on Roman coinage. Married to Marc Antony (her third husband) and very involved in politics. Cassius Dio wrote "the following year Publius Servilius and Lucius Antonius nominally became consuls, but in reality it was Antonius and Fulvia. She, the mother-in‑law of Octavian and wife of Antony, had no respect for Lepidus because of his slothfulness, and managed affairs herself, so that neither the senate nor the people transacted any business contrary to her pleasure." Plutarch wrote "Fulvia wished to rule a ruler and command a commander and she schooled Antony to obey women." (marc antony is into femdom he's just like me fr fr) Acted as both a political and military leader.
Agrippina the Younger:
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One of the most powerful of the Julio-Claudian women and a big influence on behind the scenes politics. Mother of Nero by her first husband. Was exiled for a conspiracy to assassinate her brother Caligula, but later returned. May have poisoned her second husband in order to marry the Emperor Claudius. She was the one to convince Claudius to name Nero heir, instead of Claudius' own son. May have poisoned Claudius in order to make Nero emperor. Ruthless, ambitious, and domineering #girlboss. Fave moment was when Nero engineered a boat designed to sink specifically to assassinate her. She swam to shore, realized her shitty son had tried to kill her (again), and wrote a letter to him letting him know that she had survived a terrible accident by divine fortune.
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Third wife of Claudius and hugely influential, directly responsible for the execution of several people and tried to get young Nero assassinated so that her own son would have the throne. Hated Agrippina for obvious reasons. Executed for a conspiracy to assassinate Claudius. Pliny wrote a famous (and certainly fake) story of her challenging a famous prostitute to see who could sleep with the most men in one night. (Messalina won at 25)
Julia the Elder:
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Augustus once famously remarked that he had two difficult daughters: Rome and Julia. Married off by her father several times, all for political reasons. Clashed with her controlling father on many occasions about her spending, behavior, etc. Augustus passed laws making adultery a crime and then had to exile her for adultery (after killing and exiling her lovers) She was popular with the Roman people, who petitioned for her recall from exile, and was known for her kindness, intelligence, and wit. She never returned to Rome, and died in exile.
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Wife of Augustus and first Roman empress. One of, if not the, the most powerful and influential women in the early Roman Empire. iirc she was the first woman to be deified. Cassius Dio wrote "Livia was destined to hold in her lap even Caesar's power and to dominate him in everything."
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A skilled orator, best known for her public speech given in the forum in protest of a tax put on women to fund the civil war after the assassination of Caesar. She was successful, reducing the number of women taxed down to 400, with new taxes on men being levied to make up the difference. (Using this image of a fresco from Pompeii because there's, surprisingly, no art I can find of her from a google search)
Empress Theodora
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Byzantine empress. She was the daughter of a bear trainer and an actress, and worked as an actress and prostitute in her youth. Married the Emperor Justinian and became his advisor, preforming jobs that were usually only done by the emperor (receiving envoys and corresponding with foreign rulers) and helped pass laws for women's rights.
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serenescribe · 7 months
Hiiiii I saw that you opened ficlet frenzy again so I decided to drop by :3
I really loved the fic that you wrote about Lilia overblot and Silver’s sleeping curse, so I was wondering if by chance you could write Lilia being super overprotective of Silver(who is still sleeping) after his overblot? The others could be trying to bring Lilia back to his senses but it’s up to you! Have a nice day <3
[✐] ficlet frenzy i assume you're referring to two for nero with this request!
His head snaps up as soon as the door creaks open.
“Quell your nerves, Lilia,” a familiar voice calls out. Malleus emerges into view, stepping into the room. “It is just me.”
Though Lilia allows the tension to dissipate off of him, his nerves don’t quite settle down. They never really have — not since Silver fell to his sleep curse, not since Lilia’s untimely overblot. But despite the weakness that now permanently festers in his bones, fatigue dragging him down and rendering his muscles sore and weary, Lilia shuffles a little closer to Silver, who slumbers fitfully next to him.
He rests one hand against his sleeping son’s shoulder, eyes still trained upon their visitor.
Malleus looks upon all of this. Lilia can see the way he seems to bite back a sigh.
“Even if it is just you,” Lilia eventually begins, voice cracking, “I can’t just…”
He trails off, before he shakes his head. Even though Silver has awoken — properly this time, most of the curse expelled through the overflow of blot-tainted magic that had nearly killed its caster — Lilia still cannot help the way he tenses whenever someone stops by the dorm to visit him. He likens it to the instincts of a feral animal whenever he tries to describe it to Silver, a gnashing, slobbering beast that wishes to lunge in front of him, howling as it bares its sharp canines, fending off any and all who try to approach.
There is no danger now. Silver is no longer cursed. Lilia is no longer overblotting.
And yet, he still clings close to Silver, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt.
“I wish to talk with Silver,” Malleus says.
He takes a step towards the bed.
Lilia flinches.
He wants to lash out, scrabble at Malleus with his nails until the fae leaves the room. Silver is— is his to protect, that blot-dripping monster that had formed from the core of his wretchedly protective desires never leaving, not even after Silver recovered. It still festers underneath his skin, lurking in wait as though a predator stalking its prey, spurring him to chase off visitors with as many excuses as he can conjure, only succeeding whenever Silver takes a nap as he recovers from curse-sickness.
(If that beast had not sapped him of his magic, leaving the barest dredges of it left, would Lilia feel as uneasy letting anyone else around Silver? Or is his admittedly unreasonable protectiveness a consequence of the strength he lost? Lilia is aware of it, and yet—
He continues to ignore the fact that he can no longer protect Silver the way he longs to.)
“I think… it would be best if you came back later.”
Malleus stops.
“Let him rest,” Lilia says softly, gazing at Silver’s slumbering face, features smoothed by a peaceful dream. “You can talk to him when he’s awake.”
“Then let me talk to you instead.”
Lilia closes his eyes. “I’d rather not.”
“We can talk another time, Malleus.” Turning away fully from the indignant fae, ignoring the frustration painted across his face, Lilia stares down at Silver instead. “Let’s allow Silver to rest for now.”
(He isn’t sure how much longer he can keep dancing around everything — the loss of his magic, the way he’d knocked out Malleus, and above all else, the fact that he keeps clinging to Silver, even after everything has been said and done.)
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honeypot96 · 1 year
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So, I've never played the Devil May Cry games. However, I've fallen in love with the characters and the storyline. So have this short little Vergil fic that I just had to get out of my head.
If you guys like this, I'll add DMC to my list of fandoms I write for.
Warnings: Canon typical violence, ooc Vergil (maybe? I'm not sure)
Fandom: Devil May Cry
This job was supposed to be an easy one.
Get in, clear out the nest of demons, and get out.
And yet, here you were, fighting off waves of demons with Vergil, the two of you having separated from Nero and Dante in an attempt to cover more ground.
You are a very skilled fighter. Your ability to keep up with the sons of Sparda in a fight was what had earned you your current job at Devil May Cry.
But, right now, you felt less like a skilled fighter and more like an animal.
The two short swords you typically wielded had found purchase in a pair of demons a while ago and you hadn't been able to recover them since. The only other weapon you had was a dagger about 4 inches in length. It was effective enough, but the lack of distance between you and the creatures left you feeling almost feral. Like a caged beast, lashing out at anything that drew too close.
In a brief moment of hyper awareness, you caught a glimpse of blue leather out of the corner of your eye. You turned your gaze and spotted Vergil only a few feet away from you.
The half-devil hadn't even broken a sweat.
His silver hair was still immaculate and his gaze was as cool and confident as ever.
Vergil moved with such grace that, for a moment, it looked more like a dance.
Then you spotted it, the winged demon flying at Vergil, just out of his line of sight.
The dagger left your hand before you could even think. Within a second, the blade had connected with the creatures head. It landed with such force that it's body was pinned to a nearby wall.
The pride that swelled in your chest was cut short by the immediate realization that you were now without a weapon.
But there wasn't time to dwell on the realization as the demons wasted no time in trying to rip you apart.
You were, once again, a caged beast fighting for survival.
You immediately went on the defensive, dodging and weaving around their attacks as best you could. But there was only so much you could do without a weapon.
You desperately scanned your surroundings for anything to defend yourself.
Then you saw it, just out of the corner of your eye.
A beautiful katana sticking out of a demons body. The white cord wrapped around the hilt looked more like a beacon of hope in that moment.
With no time to think, or even fully recognize the blade, you pulled it from the deceased creature.
The blade was almost electric in your grasp, a strange energy flowing through your body.
It was as if your body began moving on it's own. You cut through every demon that came within reach with a grace you never thought yourself capable of.
As the last of the creatures fell, you were pulled from the haze of battle by a familiar voice.
"Perhaps I should let you use the Yamato more often."
At Vergil's words, you finally looked at the weapon in your hand.
Sure enough, it was the Yamato.
"I- I'm sorry. I di- didn't realize." The shock was clear in your voice.
Vergil never let the katana out of his reach. The blade being in your hand instead of his felt almost like a sin.
But, when you finally met his gaze, there was no anger there. Only pride, and something else that you couldn't quite place.
"It's quite alright." Vergil began to saunter over to you. "It looks better in your hands." He smirked.
"I'd have to disagree." You grinned, a sudden sense of confidence rising at his flirtations.
As Vergil drew closer, you held the hilt out for him to take.
He reached forward and took the hilt his grasp, but he didn't take it. Vergil simply stood there, gazing down at you.
At such close proximity, you were finally able to place that second emotion in his gaze.
It was lust.
Vergil leaned closer, his nose brushing teasingly against yours.
Your eyes fluttered shut, your body shuttering in anticipation of what would come next.
His lips brushed gently over yours.
He moved to close what little distance remained and-
"There you two are! We were wondering what was taking so long!"
At the sound of Dante's voice the two of you jolted apart, Vergil taking the Yamato with him.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: I’m now including Nero and Tara in my SoA preferences. Let me know if you want anyone else added xx p.s. it’s also really hard to sort them into Hogwarts Houses when they’re literally outlaws and would do anything for the club 
Warnings: mentions of death, guns, blood and swears
🌿ENTP 🍁Gryffindor (in Season 7 you could say he’s a Slytherin) 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Aries Rising  
・Jax would be best suited to someone who can handle the outlaw life. Someone who doesn’t care about breaking the law.
・What went wrong with Tara was that she couldn’t fully accept it (no judgement, as it’s very violent and different from the norm). She wanted Jax, and her sons, but they were too integrated in the club
・Jax’s perfect match is someone who is just as badass as he is; fierce, brave but also open-minded. That’s why air and fire signs are his best matches. 
・His feelings are a big part of Jax - he journals, and eventually writes down advice for Abel and Thomas. He would need someone who respects that side of him, who doesn’t see it as unmanly (it’s not unmanly anyway).
・Jax would love to stop and have deep, meaningful conversations with his s/o.
・ He’d also need a person who can look after his sons. Even though he’s one of the more progressive Sons, ultimately he wants a partner that can look after his sons.  
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
・In MBTI terms: most compatible with IJ types- meaning INTJ, INFJ, ISTJ, and ISFJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Enemies to Lovers
Sun (Jax) x Moon (You)
Insane Sexual Tension  
🌿ISFP 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising  
・Opie’s perfect match is someone who is loyal, humble and trustworthy. 
・Probably another Hufflepuff would be the best suited for him. And someone with a chaotic good alignment. 
・Although he’s dedicated to the club, he still has a moral compass and doesn’t want to go too far
・Opie is also set on making his family bigger, so a person who is family focused would be important
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Practical, reasonable, intuitive and hard-working. 
・In MBTI terms: most compatible with EJ types- meaning ENTJ, ENFJ, ESTJ, and ESFJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Height Difference
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top  
Innocent x Protective (Feels A Moral Sense Of Obligation)  
🌿ESFJ 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Capricorn Sun, Gemini Moon, Leo Rising  
・Chibs would be best suited to someone who is emotionally mature and independent. A person who can survive being days apart.
・Would work with someone who can be pragmatic but also imaginative. Probably another Ravenclaw or even a Slytherin. Chibs needs a person who is okay with doing what needs to be done for the cause/the club
・He’d love someone who is interested in Scottish/Celtic culture
・Although Chibs would love feeling wanted, he’d be so impressed by a s/o who can defend themselves. Someone badass, and intense
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: the other earth signs - Taurus, Virgo as well as the water signs - Cancer, Pisces, and/or Scorpio
・In MBTI terms: compatible with fellow SJ types - ISFJ, ESFJ, ENTP, INTP
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
You Confessed Your Love When Thinking He Was Unconscious
Tragic Past x Ray of Light  
The sarcastic duo that can finish each other's insults  
🌿ESTP 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Rising  
・Definitely best matched with someone who has a sense of humour and an open mind
・The person definitely needs to be chaotic neutral. I think he’d love it if his partner was even chaotic evil - he’d find that really sexy
・Tig loves being told what to do, and wouldn’t care if his s/o was domineering
・And would love being able to make his s/o laugh. That would be an important part of the relationship - the banter
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, and Cancer. Fierce, adventurous, exciting and sensitive. 
・In MBTI terms, someone with: ISFJ, or ISTJ.
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Teases Them (Tig) x About To End Them (You)
Isn't Scared of Anything (Tig) x Worries About Everything (You)
The idiot number 1 and idiot number 2 who are smarter individually but share 1 (one) brain cell when put together (can argue that Tig already has 1 braincell, but I think he’s smart at times...)
🌿ISTJ 🍁Hufflepuff 📜Chaotic Neutral 🔮Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising  
・Happy’s perfect match would be someone who is family oriented. And not just in terms of the club. 
・He needs someone who will get along with his family, who will come to family dinners and prioritise family life over anything else
・I know it’s a bit of a paradox having Hufflepuff and chaotic neutral - however Happy is all about brotherhood, loyalty, laying down his life for his family. And he would do anything to keep his family/the club safe. He’s a soldier who will carry out his orders without question
・Would do well with someone who knows what they want and won’t be told what to do. 
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo. Loving, stubborn, stands up for what they believe in. 
・In MBTI terms, someone with: ENFP, ISTJ, or ESTJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
They probably hate me (You) x Deeply, passionately in love … is terrible at showing it (Happy)
Opposites Attract  
Plant Dies (You) x Buys Them A New One (Happy)
🌿INTP 🍁Gryffindor although that could be debated 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Pisces Sun, Libra Moon, Aquarius Rising  
・The best type of person for Juice is someone who is nurturing. Who makes him feel seen, heard and loved. 
・He’s probably the most sensitive out of the Sons, meaning he needs someone who is attentive. 
・You know those hidden things that people love? Having soft teddies, blankies, maybe collecting weird things - Juice would totally be okay with that. He’d even get into it too - but you’d have to be okay with how organised he is. His organisation could be seen as OCD 
・To create a great relationship with Juice you would need to be open, communicative and sensitive. If you’re judgemental then it wouldn’t work. But I think Juice would totally be okay with a bossy s/o
・ The zodiac signs that would work best are: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and/or Leo. Creative, sensual and enthusiastic. 
・In MBTI terms: ENTJ, or ESTJ
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Always bringing them rocks they think they’d like (You) x Keeps the rocks (Juice)
The Gomez (Juice) and Morticia Addams (You)
Emotional Support Animal In Human Form  
🌿INFJ 🍁Gryffindor 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Aries Sun, Gemini Moon, Taurus Rising  
・Nero’s best match would be someone who is intuitive, passionate, loving and intense. 
・He’s quite an independent person, someone who handles his sh*t, rather than being overwhelmed by it 
・Nero has a good heart, and doesn’t like brutality. He wants to give his son the best life he can. Like a parallel to Jax, except Nero is set on leaving the life of gangsters and clubs
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: Libra (sometimes, opposites attract), Sagittarius, and Leo (fellow fire signs will speak their same passionate language)
・In MBTI terms, someone with: EP types- meaning ENTP, ENFP, ESTP, and ESFP
・The character tropes with his s/o would be:  
Two damaged, vulnerable people swearing to protect each other no matter what
Confident & Flirty (Nero) x Screaming Internally (You)
Great At Driving, Could Be Considered A Professional (Nero) x Drives Like They Have Nine Lives (You)
🌿ISFJ 🍁Ravenclaw 📜Chaotic Good 🔮Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Cancer Rising  
・Someone who is stable and makes her feel safe 
・Tara needs to be respected and included
・She would have advanced so far in her career if she didn’t have to look after Abel, and then Thomas (again, no judgement). So having a s/o who supports her rather than having to do the majority of the supporting, would be a fresh and amazing feeling for Tara
・She would do well with a person who is committed to their work, who is grounded and down to earth
・Tara needs to feel like she belongs, and that the person she’s with is completely loyal to her. Cheating is a deal breaker. 
・She needs a person who wants a long-term relationship, rather than a fling
・Would need to be in a relationship with someone who is more open-minded than traditional. Although there’s nothing wrong with being a housewife (only if you want that!!!), but being forced into that role stopped her progression. 
・The zodiac signs that would work best are: most compatible with EP types- meaning INFJ, ENFP, ISTJ, and ESFP
・In MBTI terms, someone with: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus, or Cancer. Grounded, perceptive, balanced and/or sensitive. 
・The character tropes with her s/o would be:  
Are they friends? Are they lovers? Who cares they’re happy and adorable together
Aggressively Supportive Of Each Other
Looks Like A Softie, But Can Kill You (Tara) x Looks Like They Can Kill You, But Is A Major Sofite (You)
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pilot-boi · 7 months
If your third oc from the left (in your mental lineup) was in a royalty au, what would they be and what would they look like -crdl
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Anon you know not what you’ve done
Makes it better that third OC from the left is Demetri. And she would be forced to be PRINCE Demetri by her parents
She’s set up for an arranged marriage by her parents, and she panics so Nero (son of the court witch) smuggled her out of the castle. The escape plan involves disguising Demetri as a maid, and she (little baby egg) puts on the dress and just goes “…Oh”
Nero her to Nick’s family’s farm because fuck he didn’t actually plan this at all, his crush looked sad and he just acted. And Nick is just sitting there like “Nero what the heck man”
Demetri is just standing there, watching these two argue about how best to keep her safe, wearing a peasant dress and FEELING safe for the first time in her life, and it’s only then that she realizes that she’s never felt RIGHT being called “Prince”
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best-underrated-anime · 8 months
Best Underrated Anime Group D Round 1: #D8 vs #D1
#D8: Singer idol android goes back in time to save humanity
When highly evolved AIs set out to eradicate mankind, the carnage that ensues fills the air with the stench of fresh blood and burning bodies. In a desperate bid to prevent the calamity from ever occurring, a scientist bets everything on a remnant from the past.
Turning the clock back a hundred years, AIs are already an integral part of human society, programmed with specific missions meant to be carried out for their entire course of operation. Vivy, the first ever autonomous AI, is a songstress tasked with spreading happiness through her voice. In a theme park where she hardly ever gets a proper audience, she strives to pour her heart out into her performances, bound to repeat it day after day—that is, until an advanced AI from the future appears before her and enlists her help in stopping a devastating war a hundred years in the making. With no time to process the revelation that flips her world upside down, Vivy is catapulted into a century-long journey to avert the violent history yet to come.
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#D1: Prohibition era Mafia revenge story
As a child living in the town of Lawless, Angelo Lagusa has witnessed a tragedy: his parents and younger brother have been mercilessly slaughtered by the Vanetti mafia family. Losing everything he holds dear, he leaves both his name and hometown behind, adopting the new identity of Avilio Bruno. Seven years later, Avilio finally has his chance for revenge when he receives a mysterious letter prompting him to return to Lawless. Obliging, he soon encounters the Vanetti don’s son, Nero, and seeks to befriend him using the skills he has quietly honed for years. Set during the Prohibition era, this show tells the story of Avilio’s dark, bloodstained path to vengeance, as he slowly ends each of the men involved in the killing of his family.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#D8: Vivy: Fluorite Eye’s Song
Most first think that this anime is an idol show. I promise you, it is NOT. Quite far from it. Vivy is regrettably underrated despite having great animation—just watch the fight scenes. It has the best of songs that will get stuck in your head for a long time. Character growth for characters - you will adore them. It even won some recognition from anime awards, yet no one talks about it. You have to watch it at least once and appreciate how this anime is made with love as it talks about experiences that make us human. You will be surprised how well the storytelling is.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide
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#D1: 91 Days
This series has character designs by the art director of Baccano. In fact, the setting of it being in the early 1920s in America is sort of reminiscent of Baccano. However, the story is much crueler and more grounded than that other famous series, even if it involves a similar amount of guns and blood.
The anime follows a broken and traumatized young man fueled by revenge. It’s a tragedy and a thriller and a Mafia series. We see the lengths Angelo Lagusa goes to avenge his family, whom he’s the last living survivor of. He changes his name and leads a double life, getting close to the Vanetti family, who killed his birth family. But in the process of trying to do this, he gets adopted into this Mafia family.
He must wrestle with his morality as he keeps on the bloody road of revenge. People that don’t deserve to be hurt get hurt or killed because of his actions—even dying by his hands.
It's an anime that shows just how far someone is willing to go for revenge, willing to break everything in his path for it. And considering the Prohibition era came to an end in history, was all the trickery and killing even worth it?
Trigger Warnings: Animal Cruelty/Death, Cannibalism, Emotional Abuse, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide, Alcohol and Smoking.
This entire series is a mob story so there's lots of guns, blood, and killing. There is an assisted suicide of an important character. Also the family dog dies when the main character's family is massacred in the first episode.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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My Oc's Relationships with the Varia
@childe-of-saulot @myrmyrtheorca
Okay! Fair warning before I start on this oc, there will be a lot on her lol. I've been able to play around with her the longest of my KHR ocs and I have her entwined with a handful of other ocs (That I might post some other day).
Secondly, she's the wife of the Arcobaleno and partially cursed as such, so Viper/Mammon will be done later when/if I ever get around to writing out her dynamics with that group lol.
Thirdly, Fran will be on a different post too if/when I get to the Kokuyo Gang.
Celeste Thorne or Celeste Épine is naturally a very caring and kind woman. If she's not actively taking care of someone, she's inevitably mother hen-ing someone. The type of person who's always wanted to be a parent; someone who's always dreamed a big family. However, her chances of being a mother were mostly dashed when her spouses were cursed into infantile forms and her own age permanently frozen no matter how many years pass. Even so, she did everything to keep herself hopeful and positive for the sake of Aria who she was now raising.
Squalo: Celeste is best friends with Squalo's mother and is his godmother. She was one of the first few people who held him as newborn and basically helped raise him throughout his life. Right there for almost ever major milestone of his life, and for the few she wasn't, she showed up not long after. She adores him with all her heart, having a slight tendency to still view him as the ambitious little boy she knew so long ago; the baby who'd stubbornly fuss in her arms no matter what she did as his mother got some much needed rest.
One thing she still does for him that she's done since he was young is get him at least one birthday gift with his birthstone, something she does for anyone she loves. For Squalo, he has plenty of jewelry and charms with aquamarine, but his favorite (though he'd never fully admit it to her) is the bloodstone locket that has the Varia logo on it with a picture of him and Xanxus inside. She got it for him for his first birthday after he became part of the Varia; the bloodstone being both March's second birthstone and a bad joke about him being an assassin now.
Nowadays, when she visits him, she tends to fuss over his hair a little. Celeste knows full well that he can take care of himself and his hair is doing just fine with how he cares for it, obviously. However, as someone with really long hair herself, she instinctively wants to take care of it for him. In fact, she tends to fuss over his health in general, if he gets snippy about it she will point out all his near-death experiences and how he cut off his own hand when he was young. In her eyes, this perfectly warrants her concerns over him.
Bel/Belphegor: Since she was a little girl and knew she wanted a family of her own, Celeste would go on and on about wanting twins. As she got older and older, she was certain one day she'd have twin sons. And well... She wasn't wrong per se, but the method wasn't exactly conventional at all.
She met Bel and Rasiel when they were 4 years old, or more specifically, 3 years old and 11 months. She was in their kingdom after their father contacted the Giglio Nero Famiglia, wanting to discuss the idea joining the mafia life. She was hesitant at first, but after learning he had young sons and running the idea of the visit past Aria, she couldn't help agreeing. Thus, her and the then 12 year old Aria, ending up staying in their kingdom for almost a year. She thought she'd be getting into a situation where the boys were loved dearly by others and that their father was an actual parent to them. That was not the case and she was so angry for the sake of both boys. If she could've, she would've killed their father a million times over and taken them far away from there. The only thing that held her back is the risk that regicide would pose for Aria and the Giglio Nero Famiglia as a whole.
Bel's first memory of Celeste is of him opening a birthday gift she got him. The toy inside was a simple stuffed animal, but it was a mink stuffed animal. To a little him, the fact she took effort in getting him his specific favorite animal instead of just grabbing him something generic meant the world. To this day he has that toy, far more weathered and aged, but still the same. Its also where his dear box animal, Mink, gets its name from.
Celeste tried everything she could to get the boys to stop fighting each other entirely. She could get them to pause for moments, namely by distracting them with activities or singing for them, but it'd never last for too long. Even so, she never yelled or used force or do anything that could hurt them forever. She'd gentle scold, explain why the actions were wrong, then tend to any injuries that may have happened or would clean them both up.
She did everything she could to make sure both twins knew they were loved, but especially Bel. She knew the pains of being the spare heir(ess) very well herself. She knew what it felt like to have everyone's eyes on an older sibling rather than you. So she made sure he knew that she was always there for him. That her eyes were always on him too, not just on Rasiel. Celeste also did this by giving both unique and kinda silly nicknames. Bel's are: Little prince, mon loup, and Baby-Bel Cheese. She still calls Bel these to this day.
I don't think we're ever given a proper timeline as to when the twins gave each other laxative and worms. So! When Bel got sick after being force fed worms by his brother, Celeste stayed right by his side. She took care of him and made sure he got better instead of force. At the time, he was bitter because she'd done the same for Rasiel a week earlier when he poisoned him. However now, whenever he's sick, he will often find himself missing her soft words and gentle touch and how she'd only leave to get things he needed, to check on Aria, or when he was asleep.
Both of them equally hate when she had to leave and leave him behind. Celeste just also hates that she had to leave Rasiel behind too given she loved both twins as her own after all.
Celeste met him again basically right after he joined the Varia. When Viper had called her and said they had a gift for her, one of her lost babies wasn't what she'd expected. But she was so happy to have Bel back in her life, even if she couldn't be right there for him full time. Of course it hurt to learn Rasiel was gone, but she'd never tell him that directly. And it's not like it was a big surprise to learn given that she was the only trying to actively curb their violent tendencies towards each other, there was a part of her that figured one of them would end up killing the other as much as it hurt to think.
To this day, he's the Varia member she spends the most time with outside of Viper. She loves taking him out to places he wants to see or to events or even just short shopping trips. She wants to give Bel the best sense of normalcy that she can despite his upbringing and the fact both of them are so deeply involved in the mafia. As, she knows he'll never fully be able to get it for himself.
Lussuria and Levi: Combining these two because there's not much to them and her! However, that doesn't mean she doesn't care for them at all. She simply didn't get to know them well until after Xanxus got frozen. Celeste did small thing for them to show she cares for them too. Though, her biggest act involving one of them has to be when she bought Lussuria a whole set of diamond jewelry (necklace, bracelets, and earrings) because he's an April birthday like her.
Xanxus: On all level except physical, Xanxus is her son. That's how she sees it at least. They met at a Vongola party when a then 9 year old Aria dragged a less than happy 9 year old Xanxus right up to her, declaring the boy her new best friend. From that day on, he became her own son in her heart. She hated Timoteo, but she was willing to set all of that completely aside so Xanxus could spend time with her and Aria. She doted on him like any spoiling mother would. She showered him with attention and praise. She helped him with homework and made sure to reward his good grades. But she knew that she wasn't the one he wanted that from.
Celeste wasn't stupid. She knew all the boy wanted was his father's acknowledgement. Part of her wanted to fight Timoteo until he gave Xanxus what he wanted. In her eyes, her baby was more than deserving of it. But she held back, knowing it'd just hurt him if he ever learned she had to step in to get him what he wanted most. And she doesn't want him in pain after all. She didn't know what eventually caused Xanxus to hate Timoteo too, but she supported him.
For her, like with the rest of the mafia world, Xanxus simply disappeared. She mourned like any mother would when their child is missing without a trace. However, it wasn't hard for her to learn the real story from the others she's close to in the Varia. She was pissed, beyond pissed even when she learned. At Timoteo, at the rest of Vongola, at the rest of mafia in general, and even at herself.
To her, she failed Xanxus. She didn't love him enough clearly. She didn't give him everything he needed, that's what caused this. Maybe she should've fought Timoteo into give Xanxus the attention he wanted, even if it hurt him emotionally. Hurt feelings are better than being frozen in ice after all... She should've done more for him...
The main reason she hates the rest of the mafia for this though is for a simple reason: They don't miss her son. They miss Timoteo's heir. They don't miss the boy who always struggled getting up in the morning after sleepover with Aria. They don't miss the boy she helped finish hard math homework. They don't miss the boy who loves ligers, who's favorite color is orange, and who loves to read. They don't miss the boy who'd struggle to fall back asleep after a nightmare. They don't miss the boy she taught to swim. They don't miss the boy she carried to bed when he and Aria fell asleep on her couch. They don't miss that Xanxus, her Xanxus. They miss the Vongola Decimo candidate, Xanxus.
For every year he was frozen, she still got birthday gifts for him. Of course, she wasn't sure if he'd actually like them at that point, but she took an educated guess of what he might've liked as he got older. His fist birthday after he got unfrozen, she sent him every last one of those gifts.
Nowadays, she still love him with all her heart as her son. He'll always be her baby after all. But, he's not a kid anymore and she knows it. He doesn't need her to hold her to hold his hand and guide him around anymore. Her little boy is all grown up now. Yet... She can't stop herself from showing him her love the same ways still. She can't help herself from fixing his hair when there's a part out of place. She still calls him all the little nicknames she came up with for young him. She still buys him opal cufflinks and suit pins and more for his birthdays.
She also will still carry him to bed if he falls asleep around her. And I do mean will, she can be frighteningly strong when she wants to be.
Also this applies to Squalo, Bel, and Xanxus. But she does loves sharing those "embarrassing" stories parents will tell about their kids. Like odd games they played, silly mishaps they had, and things like that.
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prototypelq · 2 months
DMC Questions Anon here!
How would things go in a scenario where the twins weren't separated after the fire? How would the story we know go in this world? How would their characters be here? What about their dynamic?
Feel free to do this as Dante was still inside the house while Vergil was outside, they were both inside, they were both outside, or any idea you can think of for how this could go. Feel free to tackle multiple variations of this scenario.
Hi Ember, thank you for the ask!
I swear I had already written a post or reblog about this....I'll link it here if I ever find it again.
I'll answer the main question in short - I think if twins found each other after the fire, they would have been much better off in every way possible. First off, they would have each other for support against this horrible trauma, which would already like, eliminate at least 30% of canon twins issues. It won't all be smooth - I can see Vergil trying to take a more assertive/responsible role, as his mother taught him, and Dante buckling against that plus not being treated seriously, which would result in him doing something unbelievably stupid, but over all, I am sure the twins would handle everything afterwards just fine. They would probably be hunted, perhaps the demons would even find them faster than on their own, since there's now double the scent to follow, but nothing stands against Twin Sons of Sparda. They'll probably follow Vergil's idea in dmc3 and try to get their revenge on Mundus, hopefully this time their minds put together could figure a les bloody way for a hell-bound portal.
As a bonus, since this is uncharacteristically short, I do wanna tackle a scenario where V(ergil) reveals his cards to Dante, or Dante is not as blindsided to make use of his high perception skills and figure the puzzle out himself.
It would start out with an obligatory and very forceful hug, as it should with these idiots.
After that - they're probably going to lose their minds about Nero's health in the weeks of Urizen's absence. They'll probably sideline the discussion of Nero for their mutual benefit (Vergil is secretly offended Dante didn't keep Yamato for himself and passed it to Someone Else, still there would be immediate adoration of Nero, Dante does Not want to handle the fallout of his five years of lies from both Vergil and Nero) and try to brainstorm any solutions they can (most of them are hopeless, but perhaps something could stabilise Vergil's current state and win him some time.
(oh also they find actual clothing for Vergil)
Now, even with all the preparation, I don't think the Urizen-Dante match would come out any differently - Dante dies. (as per my personal interpretation that Urizen killed Dante, (unknowing sibling kill count 1-1), but he was able to hold out in the same near-death state that Vergil survived in, till the Qlipoth revived Dante and he was awakened later)
As you can imagine, Vergil is not happy about it. At all. He is being eaten by guilt of harming Someone Important, aka Nero, and the shame of having his """goal""" accomplished and having Dante defeated by "his" hand. This would likely make Vergil even more volatile in terms of his mental state, and he would not be filling around this time. Sorry, no Dancing in the Rain this time, Vergil is gunning to find his little brother.
(oh, it would be super cool if Dante lost his guns on the battlefield with Urizen and Vergil carefully picked them up. first - just to deliver them to their owner, but then to also tentatively use them (the recoil hurts like hell))
After that, the middle of the game is pretty much the same - Vergil awakens Dante (trying the near-stab as the last resort), the twins are forced to travel the crumbled family tunnel to the mansion, Dante figures SDT and flies off to catch Urizen, leaving Vergil to catch up. (not his best moment, but I don't think he would trust himself with new level of almost infinite demonic power around his frail brother)
Vergil probably is not as helpless as in canon, but he still very much appreciates Nero's help in getting to the last battlefield. He wants to believe his brother, but a lifetime of paranoia is not very kind and Vergil is still very desperate to see the battle for himself. I don't think Vergil would spill as much as he does in canon, but he would share that he and Dante are twins for sure.
Dante defeats Urizen, this time without desperate pleas, just sad about the dark thoughts that haunt Vergil's mind. Vergil catches up and is reborn after the battle. I think the events overwhelm Vergil and he bolts this time on his own. Dante sighs and feels rejected, Nero is overwhelmed, demands answers and Dante lashes out with them, then goes to follow Vergil "in case he does something stupid again".
From here...I'm not sure. I think in the scenario the twins talk it out without any battle and then fall into Hell. Vergil leaves the book as a promise and an apology. Nero doesn't get all the answers he wants, but at that point he has enough clues and the puzzle forcibly assembles itself. Dante spills the beans only in Hell, and Vergil is forced to deal with the knowledge there.
Not sure what to do with the familiars, or Nero's power moment in here, I admit. Nero could unlock his powers in the Urizen rematch fight, before SDT Dante intervenes, but it feels unfulfilling. Familiars have no reason to stop Dante in this, but in the game it's not like they really planned on it, it was more of a suicide mission, so maybe they could repeat that, everyone - them and Dante, thinking this would in one way or another aid Vergil? That's the best I can come up with at the moment.
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What Would They Think?: Vergil X G/N Reader
SUMMARY: The both of you are lying together in bed; however, Vergil can't sleep. As he sits there with only his thoughts to keep him company, his mind wanders aimlessly until he finds himself thinking about his parents--or rather, what his Father and Mother would have thought of you.
BEGINNING NOTES: G/N reader. Pre-established relationship 🌻🌻🌻 >I don’t know but I wanted some sappy fluffy(?) Vergil. Also, in this he is wearing the outfit I referenced in his H/Cs (linked here)--so that’s how he has a tie lmao >Since Sparda doesn't exactly have a cannon personality, I tried to figure out how I wanted him to sound--forgive me if it is rough. Just to be clear: Sparda is NOT hitting on the reader--you’ll know what I mean when you see it. It is an old-fashioned way of showing respect and stuff, not romantic. >Also, I come from a family that (used to) hug a lot so there is hugging between family members--I know that some folks don’t hug much so I thought I would add a note about it lol.
     Warm. A comforting feeling you had gotten used to when sleeping. The snug feeling of toned arms wrapped around you; the sounds of light purring and breathing, only added to the cozy space. It was strange how someone so stoic and curt could be reposeful with you. He brought you peace and you brought him the same: keeping at bay his insomnia and nightmares. 
     Tonight, however, the man of your affections lay awake staring at your sleeping form. He ran one of his hands gently up your arm then lightly pet your head. Vergil involuntarily shook ever so slightly, fearing that he would wake you or that, perhaps, you would fade from his arms like a dream. 
     Thoughts like that made him feel foolish. Here you were laying happily on his chest and he couldn’t shake the fear of this not being real; that all this is just a desperate daydream from a man trapped in his Hellscape of a mind. A gust of wind would come through and you’d be gone and he’d be back in the Underworld, alone. No one in their right mind would lay with him this way, not after what he’s done; and yet, here you are. Completely unaware of the world around you, enveloped in his arms; trusting him not to harm you as he has to so many others.
      A slow steady breath left Vergil’s body as he pushed those thoughts away: not wanting to dwell on such depressing thoughts. He allowed his eyes to close and relaxed his body the best he could. Mindlessly his brain wandered through many different topics, unable to rest. Eventually, his mind ended up on the topic of his family--or rather, his parents. 
      “I wonder,” Vergil thought, “What would Father and Mother think of you?”
     He scoffed at his thoughts, how stupid a question. They are dead. Gone. Never coming back. So, why would he think about something that can never happen? 
     Despite this, Vergil couldn’t help but entertain the idea,  “Father would be surprised that I did not wed Nero’s mother; not taking her hand despite what happened. However, your excitement to learn about him and the history of Hell would surpass that sore point.”
     The eldest son smiled, “You interacting with Father… that would be a sight to see--you already find Dante and me intimidating. The look you’d give me upon seeing him. You would've hid behind my coattails upon meeting Sparda--would he have found it as amusing as I?”
     He indulged himself further as his smile widened, letting his mind picture things. What life could have been if not for that one day, if not for his arrogance as a young man, if not for his time apart from himself; if life had been normal.
     It was mid-December. His parents had invited you both to their home for the holidays. Although you had been dating for quite some time, it would be the first time that Vergil had brought you home with him. 
     Upon arriving, you commented on the size of the home, “I knew that you were well off, but this is much more than I expected…”
     Vergil laughed, “It is even better inside, I assure you.”
     The both of you entered the house. It was cozy; a gentle smell of firewood with undertones of cinnamon adorned the air. There were cute holiday decorations all around: Eva must have decorated with Nero and Dante already. A loud thud of boots drew both of you out of your thoughts; in front of you, stood Dante--who jumped off the stairs and down onto the foyer’s wooden floor. 
     The youngest brother wasted no time in squeezing his twin in a large bear hug; which, Vergil protested quite loudly by shoving Dante off of him. A warm smile found its way to your face as you watched the pair. Even though it had only been a week since Dante had seen Vergil, he always acted as if it has been decades since they had been together. 
     You noticed Nero come out from the doorway on the right--wearing a God-awfulsweater. He had his phone out and took a picture of the unknowing brother’s reunion embrace. 
     Nero pocketed his phone, “Glad you two made it,” he stepped further into the room, “was worried you got lost or something.”
    Vergil, finally free from Dante’s grasp, shook his head and sighed, “Our flight was delayed, forgive us for our untimely arrival.” 
     Nero laughed, “I ain’t the one who needs to hear that--swear Grams was gonna have Gramps start a search party to find you two.”
     Finding that Eva was so worried about Vergil made you bite your lip to stifle a laugh. Dante, however, decided to help you further by turning his attention to you; giving you the same bear hug he gave Vergil. 
     You swear you could hear every joint in your body crack from his grip, “Too-- Tight--”
     Dante loosened his grip slightly; still making sure to constrain you--his signature way of showing platonic affection, “Whoops, sorry; forgot you ain’t like us.”
     Although your grip wasn’t anywhere near as hard as his: you squeezed as hard as you could back, “ It’s alright--nice to see you too, Dante.”
     You could feel Vergil seething upon seeing Dante so close to you; however, before Vergil could bark at Dante, Eva walked out and stood by Nero. 
     She was finely dressed in a dark--almost black--red dress with a snowy white-blue shawl draped around her shoulders. Her golden hair had begun to grey in the middle--a reminder that she was just as human as you. 
     She walked over to Vergil and gave him a warm hug, rubbing small circles on his back, “I was worried you weren’t coming--”
     “I wouldn’t dare break my word,” Vergil leaned into the hug as he felt pangs of a happy sad feeling pull at his heart, “It is good to see you, Mother. Have you been keeping well?”
     “Yes, even better now that you are here,” Eva leaned back, her eyes creased at the edges as she smiled.
     Vergil widely smirked; he turned and stuck out his hand, asking for you to come over to him. You left Dante’s hug and grabbed the eldest twin’s hand, sheepishly coming to stand next to him.
     “Mother, this is my partner,” Vergil took on a strangely shy tone, “The one I have been telling you and Father about.”
     Eva smiled opening her arms for a hug, which you did not object to, “It is good to meet you, Vergil has told us much about you,” although you knew she was being nice--you couldn’t help but freeze a bit at what she said, “You make him quite happy, you know?”
     “M-Mother..!” Vergil’s face was bright red with embarrassment as he stiffened his posture.
     Eva let go of the embrace, “It’s true Vergil--you have been much better since they came around.”
     Vergil sputtered, trying to find a response. Nero and Dante were both laughing at him; only adding to his inability to think.
     A loud voice called from the landing on the staircase, gathering everyone’s attention, “Vergil, my boy, I’m glad you made it.”
     The man began to descend the rest of the stairs; it was Vergil’s father, Sparda. You swallowed hard and, unknowingly, began to move back a bit. 
     If you looked up the word “ Intimidating ” in the dictionary, you’d find his picture: he was around 7 feet tall (2.13 m) and wore very fine dark-velvet clothing. Upon his face sat a brass monocle which helped emphasize his piercing blue-eyed stare. Although he was much older than anyone else present; he didn’t look older than his late 30s. His hair was slicked back (just like Vergil keeps his, you noted) and you realized that the twins were spitting images of their father. 
     “Father,” Vergil formally bowed his head.
     Sparda stood in front of his eldest son with a raised brow, “What’s with such formalities? You are here on holiday, are you not?”
     “I am, however, I thought it best to--”
     Without letting Vergil finish, Sparda pulled his son into a large bear hug--just like Dante did earlier. Unlike Dante’s hug, however; Vergil allowed his father to clasp him tightly and even reciprocated by lightly wrapping his arms around the large man. 
     After a few moments, Sparda broke the hug and held Vergil by his shoulders, “You look good; your partner must be treating you well.”
     Dante busted out laughing once more. Nero snorted trying to hold back from laughing at his father’s wide-eyed red-faced expression. You also had gone quite red in the face at the comment.
     Sparda’s gaze found its way to you; who had backed up to stand a few feet behind Vergil. He let go of his son and walked over to you. His stature was beyond impressive; his height alone made you feel minuscule. What happened, however, left you abashed.
     Sparda, Vergil’s father, The Legendary Dark Knight was kneeling in front of you. His hand was outstretched asking for one of your own. Curiously, you obliged putting forth one of your hands. He grabbed it and gently kissed your hand. It was clear by your expression alone you were confused and very embarrassed at such a motion; especially since, in every regard, Sparda is of a much higher “respect” than yourself. 
     “It gives me great pleasure to welcome you into our home,”  he stood back up, “Vergil has told us much about you. You seem to keep my son on his toes, not an easy feat--I assure you.” his voice reminds you of Vergil’s, but less sharp; more smooth like Dante’s (It is truly bizarre how much the boys really are just their father split in twain), “Finally having a face to the name of Vergil’s affections is quite nice.”
     You had no response--what could you say? It blindsided you how overly cordial Sparda was being: Here you thought Vergil was overly formal, especially when you first met, but his father blows that out of the water. 
     “Sparda, dearest,” Eva broke the silence, “Perhaps you are being a bit too formal with Vergil’s lover?”
     The behemoth of a man turned to his petite wife, “Hm? Oh--” he turned back to you smiling, “Forgive me, it has been quite some time since a new person has entered our home; let alone a partner of my son's. I have not upset you, have I?”
     You shook your head and sheepishly mumbled, “No, I don’t mind--just didn’t expect it.”
     A loud bang came from the doorway behind Eva and Nero; Nero pivoted quickly as Eva followed.
     Dante jogged following the pair, “My damned fuckin’ dog--”
     Sparda laughed and shook his head; addressing both Vergil and you, “Your room is ready upstairs--it is your old bedroom. Once settled, please join us downstairs it is nearly supper time,”
     “Of course. Thank you, Father.” Vergil nodded and with that Sparda headed through the door that everyone else had gone. 
     You followed Vergil upstairs, your bags in hand. The house was huge inside and was easy to get lost in so you made sure to stick close to your lover. Once in the room, Vergil shut the door behind you both; letting out a sigh. 
     “You will have to forgive Father, he is old-fashioned that way,” Vergil turned towards you making his way over.
     Sitting on the edge of the neatly made bed, you looked up at your boyfriend who was now in front of you, “It’s okay--was kinda nice, if I’m honest. Reminds me of how you were when we first met.”
     Vergil laughed and leaned down towards you, hugging you--rather awkwardly due to the position, “They both seem to like you very much. Do you--” he pursed his lips, “What do you think of them--if you do not mind me asking?”
     A loving smile appeared on your face, “They seem very nice; you are a lot like your father. Given’--” you pushed back on him slightly so you could look into his eyes, “I am glad you aren’t so damn tall.”
     Vergil rolled his eyes slightly and leaned in giving you a gentle kiss. He felt your hands wander over his body. A tug on his tie pulled him closer to the kiss; both of you pushed against each other, each kiss filled with a sweet loving feeling.
     If Vergil were to die right here and now, he would die the happiest man on Earth--or in any other place that may exist. You both shared a laugh--life couldn’t get better than this.
     “--Vergil?” a voice pulled him from his utopian dream state. 
     Brought back to reality, Vergil looked at you in confusion. You were wide awake, sitting up, grasping Vergil’s shoulder intensely. 
     “What-?” Vergil’s voice cracked, and that’s when he realized what had happened: he had been crying. His face was damp, his skin clammy, and his pulse was racing. 
     You removed your grip on his shoulder and firmly grabbed one of his hands, “You started moving around a lot and I got worried when you wouldn’t wake up…”
     His eyes softly examined your face; you were wide-eyed and had a look of distress. He felt guilty that he woke you and made you worry, “I am alright love. It is nothing to worry about,” Vergil squeezed your hand trying to show his sincerity.
     “You sure?” your thumb mindlessly began to glide over his fingers and knuckles, “I won’t push you to talk but,” the two of you tenderly locked eyes, “if you want, you can tell me Vergil--you know I am always here for you.”
     A pang of sadness twinged at his heart; he knows that you mean it and yet, he was hesitant. It wasn’t the first time that something like this has happened; night terrors are nothing new for the eldest twin, however, this wasn’t a nightmare. Rather, a sad dream of what can never be. 
     Swallowing his fear, Vergil closed his eyes and took a slow shaky breath, “Okay,” he sat up fully and you followed suit, “It was about you-- or us-- or,” he stumbled over his thoughts slightly agitating him, “about my parents…”
     Upon seeing his growing frustration; you sat close to him and intertwined your arm with his, holding his hand again.  
     Your touch grounded Vergil’s mind a bit, allowing him to continue, “It was about my parents… meeting you,” he felt a lump begin to form in his throat, “It is foolish, I know; however, I do wish you had met them,” Vergil forced the sad feeling back down by closing his eyes as hard as he could and letting the crown of his head hit the headboard, “They would have loved you--you would have liked them too, I feel. It-- It is a trivial thing to cry over, I know,” he opened his eyes staring at the foot of the bed his voice not much louder than a whisper, “Sorry, I did not mean to wake you.”
     “Vergil,” you leaned into his shoulder, “don’t apologize--there’s no need to…” you gently placed your other hand on top of his--holding his between both, “What you’ve been through, especially with your family life, is far from normal and,” you could feel him staring down at you; however, you just continued to look at his hands, “it’s okay to cry and be upset--to mourn what you have lost. It’s okay to be sad over things like that, okay?”
     You heard his breathing hitch; you knew he had started to cry again. This was the first time Vergil had ever mentioned his parents in this way--only ever telling the stories of his Father’s glory days and such. If you acknowledged it, Vergil would stop and freeze up again; so, you just gently rubbed his hand and sat with him. 
     A few minutes passed as your lover’s breathing calmed into a normal state. You heard him take a slow shuttering breath as he attempted to re-ground himself. 
     “Vergil,” your voice was meek and you pushed your head slightly harder into his shoulder, “Can- can I ask you something?”
     He moved his head and placed it upon yours, “I don’t see why not.” his voice was a little hoarse but it confirmed to you that he had stopped crying.
     “What were they like?” 
     “Your parents; Eva and Sparda… If you don’t want to talk about them that’s okay, I just was curious.”
     He exhaled audibly through his nose and smiled, “They were…” he leaned his cheek on the top of your head and looked down at your hands, “They were complete opposites and, yet, they were seemingly made for each other,” his voice trailed off as his hand tightened around yours, “Father and Mother did well raising Dante and me, for the eight or so years…” 
     You felt the sadness in Vergil’s voice; to be so young and to have no one but yourself, you couldn’t imagine the pain that he had endured--not to mention everything else that had happened. 
     Vergil continued, “Father was similar to Dante; however, he was more mature and less brain-dead.”
     You tried to hold back a chortle at the sudden jab at Dante but were unable to.
     “It is semi-ironic,” Vergil stopped leaning on your head as he sat back up straight, “Dante is like our Father: and V was much like my mother.”
     Sensing Vergil’s mood beginning to shift to a lighter one, you raised a brow, “So… Eva was an emo poet?”
     Vergil looked over at you and scrunched his face in thought, “Perhaps, in some regard; she did marry and start a family with a devil. However,” your eyes met his own, “she was very much a gentle soul with a burning fire behind her convictions in life… and she also liked cats.”
     You laughed but stopped upon seeing Vergil’s emotionless expression, “What?”
     “When explaining it like that,” he broke eye contact and looked down as a ghost of a smile tugged at his lips, “I suppose you have met both of them, in some regard.”
     “And I enjoyed interacting with both; although,” you took one hand and set it on his cheek, “if that’s how you’d describe your Mother--I think all of you fit that description just fine. You are a very gentle and kind man; well, at least to me anyway.”
     Vergil let out a breath of amusement and leaned into your hand, looking you in the eyes, “Only for you, my love…” he kissed your palm meekly and whispered into it, “Maybe I am more like my parents than I thought.”
     You giggled in response--and at the feeling of him slightly tickling your palm with his breath. His eyes moved to yours again: they were filled with a coy-loving softness that he only could or would allow you to see. 
     Vergil and you exchanged sweet nothings as you slowly laid back down for the night. Deep down he knew that you were the right choice; he may not believe in fate or soul mates but you make him want to. Vergil held you as tightly and as close as he could as he drifted back to sleep knowing that he will never be alone again.
ENDING NOTES: Won't lie--I had a hard time finding how to end this, so sorry if it is kind of abrupt lol 🌻🌻🌻 The next story I have (almost) done is going to be another Vergil sappy story thing… So stay tuned for that! (It's a doozy) 🌻🌻🌻 Figured maybe I should share this here since I haven't posted much. Hope y'all like it! Please let me know if you have any thoughts or comments; I am still relatively new to Tumblr so I am still getting a grasp on things lol
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