#Neptune is supposed to be the Weiss of his group why are you passing off the opportunity to make him more like Weiss???
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Neptune Vasilias

Race: Human
Nationality: Atlas (Argus colony)
Ethnicity: Mistrali
Weapon: Salacia
Gender: Man
Sexuality: closeted homosexual
Starting Age: 17
Birthday: Winter 88th
Aura Color: Blue
Handedness: Left
Complexion: Tan
Eye Color: Blue
Semblance: Ebb & Flow (A Domination type semblance, Neptune's Aura causes all water it comes into contact with to stick to his body. Neptune can then make any water under his Aura's control to flow outwards from himself. With enough training, this could be used to control water, but Neptune refuses to use his power.)
Occupation: Haven student, Boy band keybord player
Previous Occuppation: none
The Vasilias family is to the Argus colony what the Schnee family is to Atlas. That is to say, a never ending source of easy tabloid drama with a darker source hidden from the cameras. This week it's Jupiter was caught cheating on his girlfriend, next week its one of the triplets are doing something crazy online, that week it's abuse allegations against Saturn. But one person the paparazzi just can't seem to catch is Neptune, 2nd son of the Vasilias family. Well, Pluto also, but no one even in the family cares about that guy.
Normally, the reports that are just begging to see "the truth" are just grasping at straws, but this time there really is a hidden truth. When Neptune was just 6 years old, his family took him on a swimming trip just like Saturn and Ops used to do before they had children. It was just supposed to be a nice day at the beach, teaching their children how to swim. But Neptune, always being the cautious child, opted to stay away from the shore line.
That was when Jupiter, then 8 years old, came up with an amazing idea. He lured Neptune to the edge of the pier, and pushed him into the ocean. Just to teach him how to swim. If Neptune was anyone else, he would have drowned in the water. But Neptune was a Vasilias, a family of warriors with Aura levels naturally at 1000. When the water began to enter Neptune's lungs, he developed his semblance Ebb & Flow. Neptune automatically pushed the water out of his body, formed a water bubble around his body, and shot back to the shore.
His parents, who were begging to wonder where Neptune went, saw their sun walk onto shore covered head to toe in water glued to his body. Before they could even begin to realize what they were seeing, Neptune accidentally moved the water onto Jupiter, who immediatly developed his own semblance that vaporizes water. The brothers were never the same since, Jupiter accused Neptune of killing him, and Neptune became a hydrophobe and refused to use his power. So is the secret tale of Neptune Vasilias.
Oh yeah, he's also secretly gay, but everyone knows that.
#I ran out of Icequeendom drawings to photoshop :(#now I have to put in actual effort to color correct some of these drawings :(((#rwde#rwby fix it fic#rwby rewrite#neptune vasilias#the backstory the books gave him wasn't bad but it wasnt good either#you have a character based on Neptune why are you making him so boring#why are you refusing to incorporate the family drama Greek/Roman mythology is so well known for#Neptune is supposed to be the Weiss of his group why are you passing off the opportunity to make him more like Weiss???#oh well#guess ill do it myself#it wasn't even that hard#anyway#I gave Neptune a name for his semblance and a better name for his weapon#“Sun named Neptune's weapon Tri-hard to make fun of him”#he would not fucking do that#anyway way#props to Neptune for getting a crush on the first shirtless man that broke into his parents house#rwby 14
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“Call Me Back” Finale
* Patch Maternity Ward *
Ruby always knew that labor and delivery was going to be one of, if not, the hardest and most excruciating part of her pregnancy. She vividly remembered the tired faces of when Winter, Weiss, Blake, and Nora had delivered their babies and how happy they were after they got to hold onto their babies for the first time. But Ruby also remembered the seemingly endless amount of screaming and curses she heard from down the hallway of the maturity ward each time one of her friends went into the second stage of labor. When Ruby tried to ask for any ideas for how she could make the delivery stage easier for herself (that was the time when she learned she was carrying twins). However, all four girls just looked at her and collectively said one statement.
Past Winter/Weiss/Blake/Nora: “Practice breathing and pray.”
Ruby had greatly underestimated the counsel of her close friends and was convinced that they were trying to spare her the terrible truth about childbirth. The truth being that no matter what, childbirth is the most intense and painful experience that a woman can experience. How Mrs. Arc was willing to go through this experience five times (two of those resulting in twins) was truly a mystery to Ruby. But if Mrs. Arc could make it through all that amount of pain and struggle, then so could world savior Ruby Rose right? Oh poor, poor sweet past Ruby, how foolish she was to think that optimistically about the stages of childbirth.
Ruby: “GAAAA-HAAAHHHHhhhh!!!” *she screamed in utter agony, sweating profusely*
Taiyang: “It’s ok sweetie you’re doing great. You just need to wait until the head starts popping out. And by then it’ll be- Gah!” *feels his hand crushing under the pressure of Ruby’s grip on it.*
Ruby: “‘huff!’ If you say... it’ll be a piece of cake. ‘Huff!’ Or any other stupid birthday pun. ‘Huff!’ I’m going to kill you Dad!”
Taiyang: “Yeeep! Read you loud and clear sweetie!” *groaned as his grip was once again under the pressure of a mother birthing her offspring*
Doctor: “Ok Miss Rose you’re doing great, just keep breathing and PUSH!”
* Waiting Room Area *
Yang waits anxiously in her seat along with the other members of her team, their husbands, and Ren and Nora. Yang was trying to find something to focus on but came up blank. She was gripping tightly on chairs arms and ponders about how her baby sister is doing... well for lack of a better term ‘birthing babies’. She tries to calm herself through any means, but when a family member is expected to wait until the end of more or less a twelve-hour process is done, then calm is the last thing she wants to be right now. Yang has spent a good portion of her life fighting monsters and many groups hellbent on the destruction of humanity as a whole along with other things. However, if there was any situation that she dreaded the most was the feeling of helplessness when someone she cherishes is in pain or hurting. But then again, this isn’t normally like any of those cases, this was supposed to be a special day for both Ruby and...
Yang: ‘God damnit.’ *internally trying not to start any waterworks*
This was supposed to be a good day for the two of them, where they would start a new chapter of their lives together. Now there’s only her sister, who’s now all alone on this supposedly special day. Yang felt something in her boiling, a rage she had felt only a few times before in her life. She felt hatred, hatred towards whoever deemed it fit to take away not only her baby sister’s fiancé, but her happy future as well. A future that everyone worked and fought so hard for was taken away from Ruby without her knowledge.
The parallels between her own childhood and right felt so unbearably similar that all Yang wanted to do was hit something. A happy family who was robbed of someone who was so loved and admired by everyone that was close to them, only to never see them alive again. To that was the most painful part, he-Jaune did not deserve to be taken away from his family, friends or his soon to be mother of his children. But someone sought it fit to do just that, and now his parents lost their son, they lost a friend or brother, and Ruby lost the love of her life, the father of her soon to be born children. Just like Summer and so many others were taken away from them, a tragic repeat of history in their family.
Yang: ‘why...? Why?...WHY DID WHENEVER SOMETHING GOOD WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO RUBY DID SOMEONE HAVE TO TAKE IT AWAY?!’ *She didn’t notice when tears started to trail down her face before shaking her head*
Yang had come to terms with the fact that Jaune was gone, they did have a body after all but that didn’t make it any less painful to know. She tried to remain strong for her sister who was no doubt going through the darkest part of her life, and she knew that it would only persist if not addressed. But Yang felt that she lost a friend and a brother many months ago, the saddest part was that it wasn’t something she’s not used to feeling. The sad cycle of their family was supposed to end with Ruby and Jaune’s union but maybe they had placed too much hope in their happily ever after. But whatever the result was, there was nothing that could be done to change it. That to her was perhaps the most painful thing about it.
Blake: “ Yang are you ok?” *places her hand on her friend’s shoulder*
Yang: ��Hmm? Oh sorry, guess I was lost in thought. Got a lot on my mind I guess. Hehehe... ‘sigh.’”
Weiss: “Yang Xiao-Long. If you think for a moment that we’re going to believe that poor excuse, then you clearly do not realize who you are speaking to.”
Yang: “Heh. Yeah I should’ve figured that wasn’t gonna go pass through you Weiss-Cream. Well... I guess I’m just thinking about how Ruby’s doing right now.” *she leans back into her seat*
Neptune: “Yeah, by the way. How has she doing? Before right now I mean!” *adds in quickly*
Yang: “Honestly, not too good. Ok that’s an understatement, she was a mess, had to keep my eyes on her almost all the time. I’ve... never seen her look so defeated before. There’s been bad times before but now... it just brings back some bad memories.” *drags her prosthetic hand over her face*
Blake: “Yang...” *Looks at her old partner sympathetically*
Sun: “Sorry to hear.”
Neptune: “How’ve you been holding up?”
Yang: “What do you mean?”
Neptune: “Well you’ve been there for Ruby all during this time, but I can’t imagine it will be easy for you when you have to... well go back to doing your ‘other’ job.”
Yang: “Wha-? Do you actually think I would leave Ruby all alone during this time!” *eyes briefly flash red*
Weiss: “We’re not suggesting that Yang. But we do need to address this matter, because we have noticed that you haven’t been to Mistral since this... we found out what happened. That’s why we need to talk about it.”
Yang couldn’t deny what Weiss was saying and she had to admit that she has been slacking in a duty she’s neglecting for sometime. Although she would prefer not to do this today if all days. But rarely did they ever have time to hang out with one another.
Yang: “‘sigh’ Okay. Let’s talk.”
Weiss: “Well from what we remember you telling us, you spent most of your looking after Ruby. Even as a child back then you placed yourself with a lot of responsibility. So now after everything that has happened, you may not notice but we see how you are reverting back to the position of a helicopter sibling. However, as you know, you’re also in a position where you have to uphold a duty to the people of Mistral, so you cannot be in two places at once.”
Yang: “So what’s your point Weiss.”
Weiss: “The point that WE want to make is... we want to help easing up the burden you’ve been holding for so long.”
Yang: “...What?” *her face displaying confusion*
Ren: “It’s true Yang. While you are Ruby’s sister, the responsibility of helping her shouldn’t be on your shoulders alone. Nora and I are the godparents of these coming children, so it’s our responsibility to be there for them and Ruby as well.”
Nora: “That’s right.”
Blake: “You and Ruby are one of the best friends I have, who have fought many personal battles alongside me. So let Sun and I return the favor.”
Sun: “Yep.”
Weiss: “Yang, do you remember what I told my father when he tried to force me back home all those years ago. Your not just friends to me, you’re family. So as part of my family, I want to be able to help out as best as I can. Plus I refuse to not help with expenses she may need.”
Neptune: “‘laughs’ What she says.”
Weiss: “So what do you think.” *gives a small smile*
Yang: “..... Y-You guys would really be willing to do all this... for us? *moving her gaze to look at all of them*
Weiss: “Of course. Did you really expect to go any other way?”
Yang: “I-I don’t know what to say.”
Nora: “There ain’t nothing to say, you can’t get rid of us that easily!”
Yang: “Guys..... ‘sniff, sniff’ ....thank you.” *bows her head a little, mostly to hid the fact that she couldn’t hold the tears she had built up earlier at bay any longer*
Blake, Weiss, and Nora group around Yang so that the girls could have group hug around their blonde friend. Soon enough the husbands of the group also formed another layer of hugging to show their support as well. Yang felt as if a large load was taken off her shoulders that she had no idea she was carrying but was just happy to have friends and family such as these. Maybe with them around, she wouldn’t have to worry as much to care for her sister. Even if one of them was gone, there were still others there to help carry the load alongside her, as one big happy family.
Female Doctor: “*Cough, cough*”
Everyone: ‘⁉️’ *They all look up to see a doctor standing in front of them in scrubs*
Female Doctor: “Sorry to interrupt this special moment but I wanted to inform Miss Xiao-Long that her sister has completeld her delivery.”
Yang: “‘gasp!’ Oh my gods, is Ruby ok! Did everything go ok! Please tell me everything is ok!” *she knocked everyone off of her to get up close to the doctor pleadingly, hands clasped together*
Female Doctor: “*laughs* Yes Miss Xiao-Long, everything went off without any problems. Would you like to meet your niece and nephew?”
Yang: “Do I?!”
Weiss: “Ahem!”
Yang: “Eh?” * turns around to see the others picking themselves up after Yang unceremoniously pushed them off after a such touching moment*
Yang: “Oops. Sorry guys, got a little too excited there. Hehe...” *raises hands in a defensive manner*
Weiss: “‘Hmph’ I will forgive you right now but only because it’s a special occasion.”
Yang: “*laughs* Thanks.”
. . . . .
Nora: *sprints past the two of them* “FIRSTONETHEREGETSTOSEETHEBABIESFIRST!”
Female Doctor: “Mam, please no running in-!”
Yang: “Ohhh Hell No Lie-Valkyrie! Those kids are my blood so I get first dibs!” *follows hot on Nora’s trail*
Female Doctor: “Miss Schnee could you please-!”
Weiss: “Damn Brutes, you get there before me I will have words!” *uses Glyphs to boost her speed*
Blake: *Uses Shadow to follow after*
Ren/Neptune/Sun: “So sorry about this.” *starts lightly jogging to catch up to their respective wife*
Female Doctor: “...... ‘sigh’ It’s always like this with Huntresses.” *shakes her head*
*Few Minutes Later*
Nora/Weiss/Blake: *sulking in defeat*
Nora: *pouting* “Using special powers in the last lap is cheating Yang!” *forms an X with her arms*
Yang: “Hey, you got a good five seconds head start on all of us so I don’t wanna hear it.”
Ren: “Nora, you can still see the babies today. You’ll just have to wait your turn.” *he says but internally is just as upset that he can’t see his godchildren first*
Yang: *looks at the door* “Ok. *breathes* Here we go Yang.”
*Door Opens then closes*
Yang enters the room and hears a small tune playing that sounds almost like a lullaby. Just as she does she sees her father standing on the right Ruby, with what seemed to be the biggest smile on his face she’s ever seen. Her dad turns to look to see that Yang had entered and signaled her to come over quietly. She gently walks over to the opposite side of Ruby’s hospital bed and after moving the curtain that was blocking her view Yang stood still, holding her breath. There she saw Ruby, her baby sis, holding two bundles of white blankets in both arms that only showed two tiny, squishy, baby faces. Ruby’s hair was damp with sweat and seemed very tired but was awake enough to soothe her newborns with a lullaby.
Ruby: *stops humming and looks up to see Yang, then smiles* “Hi Yang.”
Yang: “Ruby... They look... I mean just look at them.” *says with a hushed quivering voice, barely able to contain her smile*
Ruby: “*giggles* Yeah. Aren’t they just perfect. Took awhile getting them out but... they look so beautiful don’t they.” *she smiles tiredly*
Yang: “I-Is it ok if I...?” *hold both hands out*
Ruby: “Sure. Dad, could you?”
Taiyang: “Sure sweetie.” *he grabs onto one baby with blonde hair*
Ruby: “Here you go Sis.” *gently holds her other baby with reddish hair*
Yang gently takes one baby into her arms from Ruby and takes the other from her Dad. She looks at both of the babies up close and her lips were trembling with tears threatening to spill out.
Yang: “They’re so precious! Did you decide on names yet?” *says quietly so as to not disturb the tiny babies*
Ruby: “Yep. If one was a girl Me and Jaune wanted to giver her both Mom’s and Pyrrha’s name. Then if we wanted a boy we would name him Rowan... named after Jaune’s favorite fairytale character as a kid, ‘Rowan the Red.’”
Yang: “... Wasn’t that story about a squirrel?” *starts to giggle*
Ruby: “Yeah. But it was so cute that I couldn’t think of anything better than that. Plus I actually like the sound of it. My little Rowan.”
Yang: “Wow. Summer *kissed the redhead* and Rowan *kissed the blonde*”
Taiyang/Ruby: “....*holds in laughter*”
Yang: “What?” *face becomes confused*
Taiyang: “Yang, Rowan’s the one with red hair and Summer’s the blonde one.”
Yang: *eyes widen drastically and looks down at the two babies she just mixed up* “Whoops. Rowan *kisses redhead* and Summer *kisses blonde*”
Ruby: “That’s better, almost thought you were gonna check just to be sure.”
Yang: “To be fair if I wasn’t holding two bundles of joy in my arms, I would have tried that.”
Ruby: *shakes head while giggling*
Yang: *Looks fondly at both babies once more* “They’re amazing Ruby. How’re you holding up?”
Ruby: “Well the Doctor gave me some painkillers to dull the pain so right now I am doing greeeaaaat~”
Yang: “That’s good to hear.”
. . . . .
Ruby/Yang: “There’s something-.” *both laughs*
Ruby: “Sorry you go first.”
Yang: “Nah it can wait, there something on your mind?”
Ruby: “Ok... So I’ve been thinking for a bit while I have been here, thinking about what happens after I get out of this hospital with my children.”
Yang: “Oh?”
Ruby: “Well you’ve been helping me a lot since what happened to.... after the incident. I reminded me a lot of how things were when we were kids. Then I thought about how these two are going to be living once there back home with me.”
Yang: “Right.”
Ruby: “So with that thinking in mind I realized something that I hadn’t thought of before. How do I wanna raise my kids. Sure I’ve thought about it a lot since I had.... Jaune with me. But now he’s gone, and these little ones only have their mother left in the world. Their mother who is a sworn protector of Remnant...”
Yang: “...Where are you going with this Rubes.”
Ruby: “It’s come to my realization Yang that with Jaune no longer here with me, I’m all my babies have to rely on to care for and nurture them as a parent. But I can’t do that as a Huntress sworn to protect others. So it’s with that I’ve decided...”
Yang: *starts moving closer to Ruby with the babies in tow* “Ruby wait please, before you say anything else-!”
Yang was having a bad feeling about what her sister was going to say next. She hoped, no, prayed that Ruby wasn’t going to do a Raven and give up her kids. Sure these babies had Ren and Nora as godparents but Yang’s seen how that road ends with Raven and she didn’t want Ruby to-!
Ruby: “I’ve decided to retire being a huntress.”
Yang: “.......what?” *her face is one of disbelief and shock*
Ruby: “Yang I love being a huntress. It’s all I ever wanted to be when I was little, it’s what I’ve worked towards my whole life. *holds a hand out playing with Rowan’s hair* But in the short time that these two came into my life, these wonderful things of purity and innocence, I’ve discovered something that’s worth more than all those years spent slaying monsters and stopping the bad guys.”
Ruby: *moves up slowly to retrieve both of her little ones from Yang, who let them go gently* “That’s being these two’s mommy. I don’t want to miss a single moment of either of their lives, I want to see them grow, learn to walk, say their first words and be normal kids with a mom they can come home to who will be there. So that’s my decision, I choose to be my children’s mother..... my little blessings.”
Yang: “...And you’re sure this is what you want Rubes?”
Ruby: *nods* “I know I can’t prevent every hardship they will face, but I at least want them to have a better childhood than what we had.... No offense Daddy.” *turns to look at her father*
Taiyang: “*sniff* There’s no need to apologize sweetie. I’m just so proud of you right now.” *he says as small tears fall from his eyes*
Yang: “Yeah. *sniff* So am I sis.”
Ruby: “Thanks... so what is it you wanted to talk about?”
After much time spent having each and every member of her team and friends see her little blessings they all took time to explain and establish what would be their plan of action to move forward. Nobody could change what happened, Life is filled with hardships and struggles but together they could rise above it. They all had done so many times before and together they would do so again. Ruby was touched that everyone wanted to help so much with caring for her babies, she almost wanted to cry again. She was so happy to have friends and family such as these, a true blessing in her life.
*Knock! Knock!*
Female Doctor: “Miss Rose you have more visitors. They said they’re family to the newborns.”
Ruby: “Were we expectanting anyone else?”
Yang: “Weeeell I might’ve sent a late invitation to one family.”
Saphron: “For the love of- Move out of the way! I want to see my darling niece and nephew!” *pushes by the Doctor*
Female Doctor: “GAH!” *almost trips*
Saphron: *looks around and sees the four couples in the room* “Oh come on! You all got here before me!”
Terra: *entering holding up a five year old Adrian* “Well we would’ve gotten here sooner had someone NOT send us a notice at the very last minute. Then we would’ve been here sooner.”
Adrian: “Hi Everyone!” *while waving*
Ruby: “Hehehe. Sorry it happened so suddenly that well we kinda forgot make a big announcement about it.”
Saphron: “*snort* Ok I guess that’s fair. Now where’s those darling little angels!”
Ruby: “Well they’re right here but they’re sleeping so I would be- *Saphron swiftly takes them* careful with them!”
Saphron: “Oh my gods! Terra look at them! They’re so cute! Rowan has blonde hair like an Arc and Summer has the her mommy’s hair~ Oh could just eat them up!~” *says in a hushed tone*
Terra: “....Saphron. The red haired ones a boy and the blonde is a girl.” *smiles at her wife*
Saphron: *eyes widen and looks at both babies, who she just mixed up* “.... I knew that. I totally knew that I was just saying that to test you.”
Terra: “Sure. Look Adrian, it’s your new cousins. Don’t be like your other mommy and get their genders confused, ok~”
Adrian: “Sum-Sum and Rowen.” *pokes Summer’s cheek*
Summer: “pfff-! Hehehehehe!~”
Everyone: “Awwww~”
Yep. Everything was starting to feel right in the world again.
*One Year Later; Unknown Destination*
Dark Figure 1: “Is he awake?”
Dark Figure 2: “Not yet, but he should awaken soon.”
Dark Figure 1: “I still can’t believe the Master wants to keep this one alive, it took a lot of effort to take him down and we lost too many of our own. We even had to sacrifice brother Nil in order to make a convincing corpse of this one for the Huntsmen to believe.”
Dark Figure 2: “Brother Nil chose to make that sacrifice, his shapeshifting semblance allows him to become the perfect copy of one’s body and blood. Without him we would never had been able to make those heretics believe that £^%3 ^~< was dead.”
Dark Figure 1: “You maybe willing to follow his bold ideas but I do not. I serve only the command of the True Queen, not him.”
Dark Figure 2: “Patience Brother, we will have justice for Nil soon enough. This only serves as a means to fufill the Queen’s Will. Once we have all the pieces of the puzzle, then we can awaken her from her eternal slumber.”
Dark Figure 3: “Quiet! He awakens...”
A man’s eyes open from his deep slumber, he brings one hand up to rub his temple so ease his piercing headache. He tries to raise himself but feels that he is still too weak. What was he sleeping on? He looks around and sees three distinct figures wearing dark robes and were looking at him from different spots of where he was laying. Alarmed by them he tries to get up but the one closest to him places his hand on his shoulders to keep him in place so not for him to go thrashing around.
Dark Figure 3: “My brother, you must not push yourself. You’ve been asleep for a long time, and your body is still too disoriented to move around freely.” *a scraggly male voice*
Awaken Man: “What’s happening? Who are all of you?!”
Dark Figure 2: “Brother, you have been greatly injured in your last mission. You need to be put in a temporary deep sleep in order to heal your wounds. It has been a little over a year ago. As to who we are, we are your companions.” *voice reveals to be a females, who’s sounds like silk*
Awaken Man: “... So I know you all?”
Dark Figure 2: “Yes my friend, you know us all very well. We’ve fought together for many years.”
Awaken Man: “Years...? I... do not recall.”
Dark Figure 3: “Yes. A side effect of the deep sleep treatment I’m afraid. You were dealt a rather heavy injury from the warrior you faced last.”
Awaken Man: “I was fighting someone?”
Dark Figure 3: “Yes, you were fighting against one huntsman named ‘Jaune Arc.’ He was a formidable enemy who had slain over thirty of your own men.”
Awaken Man: “He... killed my men? That bastard! Where is he?!”
Dark Figure 1: “Dead. Slain by your own sword.” *the last member with them stepped in, his voice sounded deep but calm and cold*
Dark Figure 2: “It’s true brother, you had defeated your adversary but soon afterwards you succumbed to your wounds. We had to take you back to our home in order to help you survive.”
Awaken Man: “Yes, I think I’m starting to recall now. I was fighting against a strong warrior, he... had others with him...” *holds his head in an attempt to remember*
Dark Figure 3: “No you are mistaken brother, he was alone when you fought him. But his battle power was vast.”
Awaken Man: “Was he truly? I could’ve sworn...”
Dark Figure 1: “What’s done in the past is done, there is no changing it. You fought Arc, you prevailed and he died. Now come, the Master will be expecting you to fully recover within the next two days.”
Awaken Man: “The Master...?”
Dark Figure 1: “Yes he will be expecting you to come see him, he will want a full report on your mission, Abel.”
Awaken Man: “Abel?”
Dark Figure 1: “Yes, that is your name, Abel Gris. Do you not remember at least that much?”
Abel: “My memory is still not too clear right now, I must have been more injured than I thought.”
Dark Figure 2: “Have no fear brother. We will help you fill in the gaps.” *she runs her hand through his blonde hair*
Abel: “I... thank you my sister.” *it felt odd for him to say that for some reason*
Dark Figure 1: “Well I hope for your sake that you at least remember the events that occurred to you last year before the week is done. The Master is not as understanding as we are and he will expect the full report soon.”
Abel: “Of course... brother.” *why did it feel like there was a spike in his throat to say that*
With that all three of his companions left the healing room. Soon when he felt he was able, he stepped off whatever he was laying on. It looks like a opened metal egg with dark purple crystals sticking out on the sides. He walks forward to wear he sees a mirror at the left side of the room. Slowly he walks over, holding onto what he looks to be injured side that presented the most pain. As he walks up to the mirror he takes a look at himself.
His appearance looks to be young, lean physique despite being in bed for over a year, and what looked to be more than a long horizontal scar to the left of where he supposed his heart is located. A nearly fatal wound indeed. The last thing he looks at is his face. Abel looks at himself as he sees his unkept blonde hair, his pale complexion and his what looked to be dark purple eyes that seemed to have a glow to them. He places his hand ver his reflection in the mirror and narrowed his eyes.
This was the face of Abel Gris. The man who killed Jaune Arc.
- Fin -
#rwby#ruby rose#yang xiao long#rwby lancaster#lie ren#nora valkyrie#weiss schnee#neptune vasilias#blake bellodona#sun wukong#new ocs#taiyang xiao long#rwby rowan rose#rwby summer phyrra rose#call me back#finale
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