#Neptune COD
artdrawsok · 1 year
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AH yes, very messy Neptune concept from a bit ago, wee woo
-Since he's a literal blank slate in terms of information on his cannon character, I had a lot of fun with this!
(Easy to read version of my handwriting is in the image description)
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yooo-lets-go · 1 year
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Keegan, the man, the legend
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onlyroach-archive · 8 months
made a goofy cod ghost vine 😭
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How well can the ghosts hold their alcohol? 👀
Rorke - Very well, but he does enjoy being more outgoing/obnoxious when he's buzzier, so some people don't think he can all too well.
Elias - Not at all... one high proof shot would kill this man on the spot. He drinks about half a beer at the annual summer grill out once a year and gets restricted to a chair by the firepit for most the night. Lightweight to the max. Can really handle his s'mores tho, should see how many the man can make and eat.
Merrick - Pretty well. He prefers beer because they tend to have a lighter content, or prefers to not drink at all, since he doesn't enjoy feeling buzzed or drunk, but can still hold his liquor.
Ajax- Yeah, he can slam shots. Does so for special occasions only tho. Like someone's birthday. Or the Marine ball. Or karaoke night. Lit.
Keegan- Also yes. He's Ajax's main drinking buddy, matches him shot-for-shot. Though he's a quiet drunk... likes to sit there spaced out.
Hesh- Absolutely not lmao. Barely drinks because a majority of the time he's got the "Must watch Logan" mentality, so unless he genuinely feels Logan will be safe without him worry-warting, he wont... which isn't often. Gets super emotonal and cuddly.
Logan- Somehow worse than Hesh. See, Hesh won't let him drink because he's terrified Logan will get alcohol poisoning or shit with a single drop of everclear. (He might be right.) Fucking menace whenever he is drunk because he likes to run outta nowhere. Can be stopped if you tuck his arms inside his shirt.
Kick- Likes to brag that he can hold his liquor... and can! Up until he can't, and then he really can't. (He's a puker.)
Neptune- Doesn't drink.
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aoioozora · 3 months
The Ghosts: Ice Cream Headcanons
How would the Ghosts like their ice cream, I wonder.
[these are my personal hcs! Feel free to agree or disagree. I'm open to discussions lol]
Logan Walker:
Can see him being lactose intolerant but would still gorge on ice cream by the tub.
"So worth it," he'd definitely say as he destroys the toilet later
Has to settle for non-dairy ice creams made with vegan milk
I think his favourite flavour would be something classic like vanilla
The others tease him for his basic choice, but he thinks its versatile and pairs with other flavours pretty well
Even on its own, he defends it for having a complex flavour
I can see him being a cone person; likes crunchy, especially the chocolate bit at the bottom
Likes to add crunchy toppings on his ice cream like m&m's and crushed cookies or Oreos
If dared to, he'd deepthroat a cone (did that once and choked; dad had to do the Heimlich manoeuvre)
David 'Hesh' Walker:
Not lactose intolerant
Has a sweet tooth but would not gorge on a tub of ice cream- too disciplined for that
His favourite flavour would be chocolate and/or coffee. He likes the bittersweet taste
He eats ice cream very slowly that he ends up accidentally turning it into soup
For that reason, he's a cup person. He's gotten his hands messy and sticky too many times eating from a cone.
He likes those crunchy silver chocolate sprinkles
Elias 'Scarecrow' Walker:
Has a bigger sweet tooth than both his sons combined
He'd definitely like ice creams with vague names that don't describe the flavour at all like 'Arabian Delight' or 'Tutti Frutti'
He'll eat any damn ice cream flavour there is. He's not picky even if it's disgusting, but mint-choc is where he draws the line; he doesn't like the toothpaste-y flavour
Doesn't mind eating ice cream out of anything. Cup, cone, tub, frisbee, Merrick's bald head (he was dared to once)
Prefers syrups rather than sprinkles
Thomas Merrick:
Not much of a sweet tooth, but has a little ice cream once in a while
I can see him liking hated flavours like mint-chocolate or pistachio. He likes mint-choc better.
He enjoys the minty sweetness while the rest cringe and gag as they relive the awful experience
Feels proud of the fact that he can enjoy and stomach hated flavours
Doesn't mind either cup or cone
Ice cream BITER if he eats from a cone or a choco bar. He's impatient
As an ice cream biter, he likes mochi ice cream
Prefers no toppings or syrups. Ice cream purist.
Keegan Russ:
Hates ice cream because they give him a crazy brain freeze plus his teeth are especially sensitive to cold food
If forced, he would probably eat cookies and cream flavour, but it HAS to be room temperature and partially melted into soup
His ice cream preferences have everyone giving him the side-eye, particularly from Logan.
The only way he'll have any ice cream at all is if it's an affogato, which he genuinely enjoys, or a slightly warm ice cream sandwich
Ice cream drinker
No toppings, but likes chocolate syrup
Enjoys ice cream a lot!
Probably has the biggest sweet tooth among the Ghosts, even more than Elias
Likes exotic flavours like sapodilla, jackfruit, coconut, matcha, or even durian
He would never let his ice cream melt. Eats it at the right pace.
I can see him liking cones! He'd stack two or three scoops of ice cream on them
He'd definitely like those over-the-top milkshake/ice cream monstrosities topped with an ice cream sandwich, whip cream, toppings, cookies, candy canes, and what-not- the ones you eat like you have free healthcare
Ice cream licker- he would NEVER bite.
Will go heavy on toppings and syrups
Alex 'Ajax' Johnson:
For some reason, I feel like he'd be vegan and would prefer vegan ice creams
Moderate sweet tooth. Likes ice cream but it's not his favourite dessert
Likes the classic flavours like strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate
Prefers a cup over a cone. Who knows what non-vegan stuff the cone could be made of, plus he's not big on crunchy
He often makes his own ice creams with coconut milk and various fruits and they're actually delicious, much to the surprise of the other Ghosts.
He also makes choco bars
He makes Logan's supply of non-dairy ice cream
Not a big fan of toppings and syrups.
Not much is known about Neptune, but I'd like to think he's also a moderate ice cream fan like Merrick and Ajax
He'd probably like a flavour not very commonly known or eaten, like raspberry or blueberry
I can see him liking rolled ice cream and gelato a lot
Cup person, for sure
Likes whipped cream and gummy bears on his ice cream
Good boy will put any damn thing in his mouth if he gets his paws on it, so the Ghosts are careful not to give him any ice cream even if he begs with his cute puppy eyes, since dogs are lactose intolerant
But Logan will secretly give Riley a little bit of his vegan vanilla ice cream because a small quantity will not hurt (don't tell Hesh though).
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bloodyquillink-blog · 5 months
Animals, CoD Ghosts HC’s
What animals/creatures are the Ghosts?
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A/N🪶: These are just my options! Feel free to send me yours. These are for all the Ghosts, including former, deceased and current within the Ghosts game. This list will include Rorke, Ajax and Elias Walker. Also this is going to be formatted differently from the first HC, Natural Disasters.
David “Hesh” Walker - German Shepard
Hesh is loyal, probably to a fault. Willing to do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves and get the job done, even if he gets injured in the process.
^ Bringing me to my next point, Hesh is very protective of his family. The mere idea of anyone getting hurt is enough to get this man baring his teeth and attacking.
In the Natural Disasters list, I mentioned that Hesh, according to Urban Dictionary, means courageous, another trait of German Shepards.
One more trait that applies is also Shepards, really any animal in general, being alert as well. This is a given, though, considering he is a soldier in active war zones especially with such effective and deadly enemies. He needs to make every second count and can’t afford to slack in these areas.
I should mention that Shepards are obedient yet stubborn. Hesh knows when to listen to his superiors but he’ll easily let you know when he doesn’t agree with something. Think about when Merrick, Keegan and Elias (mask on) picked them up and Hesh was yelling about their dad still being caught in the crossfire. Merrick got Hesh to sit his ass down but Hesh was clearly not happy about it, understandably.
Logan Walker - Mountain Lion
Mountain lions can’t roar and Logan can’t, or —depending on your headcanons, consciously chooses not to— talk.
Logan finds other methods of communicating, for example, when he and Keegan were about to bust into the room to get to Ajax, Logan used his fingers to count down.
The National Wildlife Federation website says “Mountain lions are territorial and solitary. They use pheromones and physical signs… to define their territory.” (Mountain Lion, Fun Fact.)
Mountain lions are known for being very stealthy predators, again a given considering the fact we’re talking about the Ghosts.
The Mountain Lion Foundation describes them as being relentless hunters which almost connects it to the wiki quote for Logan that calls him a cold-blooded killer and an excellent soldier (CoD Ghosts: Wiki, Logan Walker, Personality.).
Elias T. “Scarecrow” Walker - Black Bear
Scary but not as scary as you may expect.
While Elias is certainly ready to do his job at any point no matter how bloody, he still has his weak spots, that being his sons.
He’s caring but while be stoic when necessary. He’s not territorial but will protect his friends and family when the time calls for it.
Also one detail I find cute about bears is that they have DNA relation to dogs, albeit very distant. I like to call bears giant murder puppies :D
Thomas A. Merrick - Grizzly Bear
I want to say that grizzly bears are often considered to be more dangerous than black bears and more likely to attack if given a reason to.
Both grizzlies and black bears can charge but where black bears may shift away at the last second and avoid attacking, grizzlies may continue to charge and attack their target (once again I’m thinking about Merrick punching Rorke because it just makes me laugh, that man was not ready).
Of course, Merrick is dangerous but he knows when the time is and isn’t appropriate despite his temper. Merrick is a big dude too, so I think this works (“stocky”).
Gabriel T. Rorke - Polar Bear
Once he has his sights on you, you’re already gone.
Hehe, polar bears are mighty dangerous.
Polar bears are bigger and stronger sometimes, but other time grizzlies and polars can be about the same in build.
Polar bears are more likely to attack considering they have fewer resources for food and typically eat a lot as well.
Fun fact: Polar bears don’t hibernate.
^^^ Piggy backing off that, Rorke doesn’t seem to be resting. He’s always planning something, whether it be a plan B or future plans.
He’s a very large and commanding presence who will find alternatives when desperate, willing to do what he must to make sure his plans are completed.
Keegan P. Russ - Leopard
Fast, sneaky. You don’t know he’s there until it’s too late.
Fun Fact: Leopards can roar. Keegan, though very quiet, stills speaks and intimidates with his voice when necessary.
Leopard’s are solitary and ambush hunters, I don’t need to explain this but I will.
If you recall, Rorke had a lot of trouble getting his nasty ass hands on Keegan after kidnapping the Walker family and Merrick.
His first objective was to find Keegan. In my eyes, it’s because he knows that as long as Keegan is alive, Rorke isn’t safe.
Like many animals, leopards care for one another, seen with families. I think Keegan is a very caring person but he avoids showing it often, which is fair.
Keegan continuously checks in with Logan throughout the game. In the underwater mission, he made sure Logan was okay. If you look closely when walking behind Keegan on the submarine, Keegan turns his head back to us briefly.
Alex V. “Ajax” Johnson - Elephant
Ajax is smart and powerful, I want to say he’s very determined.
In the short time we knew him, he was very stubborn as well. He didn’t give up anything and held out for a while. Though he was a lower rank than the other characters.
In his last moments, he made sure the last Ghosts knew what was happening in a last ditch effort to keep them safe and aware.
It’s hard to pin down super specific traits due to the fact that elephants can exhibit many and there’s not much we can give to Ajax.
I want to say that Ajax was more laid-back with his friends and comrades, leaving his bold energy for those who don’t deserve his respect ( insert the iconic scene where Ajax puts up his middle finger right at the Federation soldier ).
Like all the animals and characters on this list, Ajax was dangerous when necessary. He wasn’t spending every moment trying to be scary or intimidating or anything. He’s confident in himself and his abilities and he doesn’t need anyone else to speak up for him.
The respect we hear given to him by the Ghosts after his death was well deserved.
Love you, Ajax <3
Kick - Monitor Lizard
Some kind of reptile (I was so tempted to put him as a Gila Monster but I can’t do that to my best boi).
I’d say probably a water monitor.
These lizards, which can grow to 9 feet btw, don’t surprise their prey, but “actively pursue” them.
While these creatures have venom, but it’s not necessarily fatal.
Kick is definitely dangerous when he’s needed but it’s not like a “I am the grim reaper.” type of thing, it’s more like “I have a job to do and you won’t be in my way.”.
These creatures are known for being intelligent which lines up with Kick’s likely (not confirmed?) role as an information specialist.
The main thing that doesn’t quite line up is the fact that water monitors can be friendly whereas Kick is, if not more stand-offish, then solitary. I do imagine that he eventually opens up, but he’s definitely more comfy with his computers.
Neptune - Owl
I imagine that Neptune, being one of the original Ghosts, is very wise, though more subtle. I can’t think of what kind of owl he’d be, maybe snowy.
I mostly just wanted to include him here. Feel free to add onto him.
Riley… Riley
The most dangerous creature ever, himself.
World’s Best Throat-Snatcher over here being a cutie patootie with blood on his maw. 10/10 best boi.
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smowyashe · 6 days
controversial opinion incoming
i think Ghost's mask is goofy asf and he's not intimidating at all and i think his accent is not as sexy as some of yall say it is
ALSO i bet i could beat him at a game of chess
this has been an official #ghostisoverrated post
thankyou for listening
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gunnrblze · 30 days
Wolf ghost squad stuff :3
Merrick is very distant n a lone wolf in his wolf form. During full moon, he's often just alone in his own mini den he made inside a random tank.
Kick is like a fucking husky in his wolf form, man's LOUD, he howls all the time, he does the whining where it's like he's talking. He's such a nipper too, he will nip hands and try climb on everyone for attention
Elias is a wolf who loves personal space. He's happy to sit near others but preferably have his own sorta room. He nests with rorkes old Ghost uniform n hoodies he's kept. He's technically the pack alpha so he's always near by the team and keeping watch
Logan also loves Elias personal space. He's a very clingy pup and insits sitting riiiiigght on top of his father. He will whine and howl whenever his father is out of eyesight. He also is the type to chase his own tail.
Hesh is a little more independent, but he's always watching Logan. He's hella protective and pretty aggressive. He'll make sure no one hurts his family, especially the youngest pup
Ajax is like Merrick and often just goes out alone to make his own den to relax in, he'll tell Keegan and Merrick where it is so people don't worry. He'll hunt for the group though and is pretty aggressive to strangers growling and snarling at everyone who isn't the squad
Keegan, who is silent but very clingy. One minute, you'll be alone on the couch next minute. A giant behemoth of a wolf has decided to sit himself on your lap like he's a cat. And he expects all of the attention, too. He growls whenever you move your hand away.
Neptune usually will sit on somewhere high above others and keep watch if Elias needs a break or if Logans is getting needy. He's one of the mature Wolf's.
This is sossosooso cute. Wolf pack ghosts au when lol
Also, “Elias is a wolf who loves personal space”, “Logan also loves Elias personal space” is killing me 😭
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habit-poxly · 2 years
father neptune (pt.1)
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader 
sea monster-hunter au!
description: Ghost is a crew member aboard the Bravo 141, a large sea monster hunting ship with decades of battle experience. Upon docking in a small, remote island the crew of the ship are warned by the locals of a spirit that wanders the beach at night- waiting to drag unsuspecting passersby into the depths of the ocean. Disregarding the villagers cautions, they stay the night; unknowingly invading another ghosts haunting ground. 
warnings: alcohol, no sea monsters in this pt >:( , harpoon, strong horror elements 
word count: 4.1k
masterpost | Pt. 1 | Pt. 2 | Pt.3 
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The year is 1809. Simon Riley -better known as 'The Ghost of the Sea' by other monster-hunting vessels- was a member of the crew on the Bravo 141, a large three-mass ship. In the earlier years of the vessel Simon and his crew would be out for months, travelling the open waters in search of high-bounty kills. Yet over the past couple of years, after the loss of crew, friends and family over and over, after the deep wounds that have changed the survivor's bodies forever, after taking beatings and battering- the crew had decided to begin to slow down. Their once bustling crew now reduced to just four: Captain Price, Ghost, Gaz and Soap. It was more honest work now, mostly just drifting their large hunting ship up and down the coastline looking for creatures that wandered too far in; nothing like the massive firefights and battles of their heyday.  
As of recently they had been using the same route, taking them sailing into the same small port village for minimal supplies and trading every journey- It had been the Captain's favourite stop and it was not difficult to see why. The coastline would dip and rise, falling into beautiful rocky beaches and climbing into sharp, nearly completely vertical cliff faces. The out of place looking dock was wonderfully maintained and big enough for them to dock, the small bay it rested in deep and void of undercurrents. The lighthouse was always in working order despite the Bravo 141 being the only ship to regularly pass through other than a few small personal vessels. Inside the village was quaint- only a hand full of buildings scattered distantly across the hilly, grassy landscape. The crew only ever saw a handful of people about- there was almost always a few men in the pub, maybe they'd see one or two men walking through the winding dirt road that lead from the dock into the village centre, but never any children or women- always just older men. They had found it odd, yet they were so few people living in this area the crew had presumed the men shipped their families off for education on the mainland- or perhaps none of these men had anyone at all. 
They had never stayed for more than a few hours during daylight, never having needed to do anything except resupply and head to the dusty pub. The old men inside would tell tall tales on end of a ghost that haunts the coast, walking up and down the beach with a lantern in hand looking for men to drag into the sea to claim for her own. No man on their small crew of 4 was superstitious despite their odd profession- the only ghost they knew to be real was the Ghost who draws their sails, aims their harpoons, and sleeps soundlessly in his bunk. The local's warnings went firmly unheeded by the experienced monster hunters, quickly being discounted as fiction and promptly made fun of, becoming something of an inside joke amongst the crew. After all, they had faced beasts larger then their ship- no ghost, no woman, no chance of death was anything to fear.
After a particularly gruelling chase and fight, the ship had come up empty-handed. The giant, grey monster they had wrapped in their net managing to wiggle free and dive back down into the deep, refusing to resurface. The creature itself hadn't caused any incidents yet- but was massively large with thick rows of razor-sharp teeth, a beast deserving of a hefty bounty. They had suffered three weeks of tracking, chasing and running in circles only to limp back to the only port near empty-handed was a unignorable blow to the crew. The journey home would be long and tedious, far too long to not rest beforehand. Yet the closest large port was days away in Dublin-  in the opposite direction of London, where they were located. It was a simple decision, they'd stay in port for a few nights- possibly a few weeks if they could find a bed in town- and enjoy the peace of the cliffside while they recuperate. 
Sunday evening air blew a chilled but comfortable breeze over the ocean, the ship softly bobbing up and down in the calm water of the bay. As night fell, the men gathered on the ship's front bow for a few drinks as they did often, looking out into the pitch-black landscape ahead of them. They had gone into town earlier in the evening to head to the pub- only to find it closed and the town completely dark. It appeared that all the villagers had turned their lights out the moment darkness had settled over the landscape. 
"It's odd, yeah? They must really believe this place is haunted." Gaz hummed, swirling a glass of whiskey in hand as he leaned over the ship railing. The group of men had long abandoned properly putting on their gear, settling for tunics, breeches and leather boots- all except Soap who still managed to pull enjoyment out of dressing extravagantly. 
"Turnin' out all their lights like that is making it worse. They're scarin' themselves." Price quips with a scoff, drunkenly slurring his words "Hysterical, the lot of em" With a wave of his hand he refills his own glass and takes a long sip. Simon could swear the drink in his hand had to be his 5th or 6th since they started- everyone else having had about the same. It wasn't uncommon to see the men aboard heavily intoxicated while no work needed to be done, it happened almost every evening recently in fact. There were never any conversations over sensitive topics, everything felt far too tender, and drinking was the welcomed substitution. 
"Even if there was a lass walkin' up the beach lookin' for poor bastards to drag in- they could just not go to the beach at night, right?" A wide, cocky grin stretches across Soap's face at his words, face flushed red from the booze. "Would solve the whole issue... And they can keep the lights on." 
Simon had half been paying attention to the conversation happening beside him, his focus mainly on the swishing of the liquid in his cup. The whole thing was ridiculous to him, anyways. Giving it any thought at all was a waste of energy, yet the others had been speaking endlessly about it. Out of habit, he readjusts the piece of cloth covering the lower half of his face- messy blond hair sticking up in every direction. Perhaps that's why Gaz and Soap had insisted they had drinks on deck tonight- to watch for the ghost. Simon guesses Price was just as interested- as he did nothing to stop it, even bringing out his nice whiskey glasses. The only light for miles was what was softly radiating off the lanterns and candles scattered across the vessel, making focusing on anything but the black outline of a shore and waves very difficult. During the evenings when the moon is covered, the ocean swallows any light, making everything below a pitch-black void.
"Can't be that simple, bastards must have a reason to be actin' this way." Ghost grunts taking a swig from his glass, eyes fixating on the ground. The ship's floorboards creaked under his weight as he shifted, leaning his back against the ship railing. 
"Wait- fuck. Look." Gaz loosens the collar of his red tunic and points down the shore to a small, glowing yellow dot. "Someone's on the beach with a lantern all the way down there- didn't even see it 'till now" Gaz announces, gathering everyone's attention to where he was looking. About 500 yards from the ship was the soft silhouette of a woman- wearing a long, loose white dress that hung heavy from the waist down with water. The light from the flame inside wasn't enough to shape any distinct features from her- just her clear outline. She wasn't facing them, not at the moment, her gaze was turned out to sea- ankle-deep in the no doubt freezing ocean water. 
"Someone's fucking with us. One of those bastards from the pub." Soap grumbles, his body leaning over the boat in an attempt to get a better look. Price nodded, taking another long sip. 
For a moment Simon can see why the people in town would be frightened, seeing her there was certainly jarring against the jagged black rocks and swirling waves. She looked like a woman, a real, human woman standing in ankle-deep water.
"I don't think so." Simon says, voice deep and tense. Shuffling closer to the edge he focuses on the figure. Silence falls over the crew as she takes another step deeper into the water, it reaches up to her knees now. The bottom of her loose white dress bubble to the surface- riding on top of the waves. 
She wasn't bothering them, nor had she called out for their attention in any way, she was just standing on the beach alone. Maybe she was a real person who was just someone who liked to linger, or maybe she was a ghost- haunting the beach waiting for one of them to drunkenly wander to her so she can take them away.
"Creepy." Gaz hum's, leaning back onto the ship. "If she gets any closer I'm going to shit my pants." The men chuckle, quickly brushing off the instance as all three turn back to the table on the deck. Quickly the topic is discarded, the group arriving at the conclusion that it was nothing worth worrying about. The men begin a game of cards, enjoying the pleasant evening and indulging in, even more, liquor- yet Simon can't help but stay glued to the railing watching the woman in the water. After a few moments still, she takes a few steps back onto the beach, the sound of the metal clanks from the lantern managing to reach the ship. There she stays, feet planted to the ground facing the open ocean. 
Loud laughter busts out behind him, the smell of liquor wafting over the ship as the volume increases. Ghost nearly flinches when he watches the woman's head snap towards him, her gaze no doubt locked on his form. She raises her hand and turns off the flickering blaze- plunging the beach back into complete darkness, shielding her completely. If she hadn't been aware they were watching her, she was now. He straightens, eyes running over the dark area in an attempt to catch her figure again; yet he doesn't. No shadows of movement flicker, no sounds of footsteps are heard, it was as if she had simply vanished from her spot. 
"She's gone." Simon said flatly turning back to the group, he hears Soap choking down a hardy laugh as he hiccups. "Like she walked away?" He asks, Scottish accent thick with drunkenness. 
"No. She turned the light off. I can't see her anymore." He replies sternly hands gripping the railing in front of him tightly. It was worth no mental energy, he had told himself, yet still, he sat there with eyes mulling over the dark evening for the ghost's figure. 
"Creepy!" Gaz says again shaking his head, the three men glance at Price who simply shrugs. "Suppose we could head down and see." 
Gaz and Soap visibly tense, quickly exchanging glances. "All of us, Captian?" Gaz asks. 
Once again he shrugs. "Doubt it's anything more than a woman on an evening walk, I'd like to get out for a walk myself." He says placing down his glass and beginning to walk to the main floor of the ship to disembark, he wobbled slightly in his steps- yet it was nothing anyone was worried about, the rest of them were nearing that point themselves.
The three other men quickly grab their things, following the Captian wherever he decides to take them. Soap had grabbed a harpoon while exiting the ship, earning a stern look from both John and Simon. Silently, the men made their way down the dock and onto the empty beach. From this vantage point, the ground was much clearer, yet still far from perfectly visible. 
" 'right." Price grunts, adjusting his light and turning in the direction they had seen the woman. A thick fog had seemed to begin to quickly rush in covering the path ahead in a thick sheet of it. "Why'd you bring that stupid harpoon anyways?" He raises an eyebrow, half turning to the man behind him. Price was leading the way, followed shortly by Gaz and Soap and lastly Ghost lingering behind at the back. The sound of boots displacing the rocks that covered the ground echoed off the tall wall-like cliff beside them. If she wasn't wearing shoes Simon doubts they'd be able to hear her footsteps- and that was more than likely. 
" 's for protection!' Soap held it up proudly, earning a chuckle from the group.
"From the ghost? That'll come in real handy." Simon grumbles and rolls his eyes, Soap stopped and turned back to him- it only takes a few moments for the two to meet and begin walking together. 
"Only you said it might be a ghost, Ghost." The man smirks, fixing his gaze back on Price.
"Didn't think you were the faithful type, Simon." John muses- a large, drunken grin steadfast across his face-, holding the small light strong in front. Simon wasn't faithful- sure: he had been raised protestant, had gone to church every Sunday his parents made him, had been a choir boy at the city chapel, but he was never faithful. The word held no meaning to him, he had seen the sea swallow many good, capable men,-in his youth he had prayed to women, to bourbon, to money and what it could buy but the only god he prayed to nowadays was Father Neptune. Silent prayers for safe passage leaving every dock, every harbour. No one knows he does it but him, but Simon was never 'faithful', or at least he'd never admit it out loud. 
Yet, clearly, someone haunts these shores. His personal stalking ground was elsewhere- just beyond the breaking waves not two meters from him. This was someone's place they came to pray, he was sure of it. He had hoped their God had been merciful to them, but their pacing of the shore begged to tell a different, more unsettling story. What pain must they have gone through to be so tortured? No person could force him to suffer a fate as he imagines hers to have been- perhaps her story had concluded, and she was left scattered in the aftermath. A ghost like him was difficult to come by, regardless of if they were of the flesh. 
" 'm not." He replies sternly, it was more than controversial to not follow the crown faith, especially after the rise of Napoleon, yet all men who stepped onto the deck of a hunting vessel such as their own would no doubt leave an atheist. Simon had lost his faith long before that ship, though; it dwindled over time as experience after experience cast chisel marks into the stone. 
"But you believe in ghosts?" Gaz quips, chuckling softly. Simon shakes his head, deciding to end the conversation where it stood. 
As the group slowly stumbled further down the beach, it was clear inebriation had begun to make the trek undoable, Soaps steps swaying- feeling slipping over the large rocks that bade the beach- Price and Gaz were not much better. Simon hadn't drunk nearly as much, feeling far more capable here than the others must have. 
Suddenly, Price stops and motions for them to be quiet, causing the men behind him to go rigid. Almost instantly upon the silence settling over them, they heard it. 
Coming loudly from a dark dip in the rock face ahead echoed soft, haunting cry’s- a woman's voice spattered and sobbed, merciless noises racking from the cave and bouncing down the beach. It was as if she was in agony, as if she had lost something so unbelievably valuable to the dark waters that she would never recover, she would walk in mourning forever. The wailing grows louder the more small steps forward Price takes sending shivers down the spines of the men. 
"Hello?" He drunkenly calls out, receiving no response. The crying doesn't fade, instead staying at the same level of distress. John calls out again, this time a decent bit louder while taking a few steps closer. 
"You 'right?" Soap screams louder, his voice bouncing off the walls of the cliffside and bringing the crying to a sudden stop. After shooting Soap sharp glances the men sit in dark silence for more than a comfortable amount of time- frozen, waiting for any other noise. But when none come Price scoffs. 
"This is definitely someone fucking with us, Cap." Gaz asserts, taking a wide step back in the direction of the boat. "Let's just go." His face quickly dissolved into a look of worry, he moves to grip the Captain's shoulder with his hand but Price takes a staggered step back. 
" 's not a thing to worry about, son." The man shakes his head and takes a few more steps toward the cove. 
Simon steps forward, walking after John slowly. "Come on, let's go." There was a threatening tone to his voice. Gaz and him exchanged looks, both now suffering from the same sinking feeling. "John, come on." Simon says again, it coming out as a plea this time, Price now walking full speed towards the entrance to the cove, light held out in front of him. 
The three men paused as John stood outside the entrance, placing his lantern down onto the beach he calls into the cave again, receiving yet again no response. Simon watches him place his two hands on the rock walls of the cove and lean his head in to look around. 
"You 'right in there, love?" Price slurs out. For a moment, theres nothing- no noise, no movement, just the crashing of the waves and the breeze through the rocks. 
Two hands shoot out from the darkness of the cove, violently shoving John's chest. Frantically he slaps the hands away and lets out a loud, terrified scream  and sending him reeling back. The hands retreat back into the darkness, the sound of footsteps echoing from inside stop as suddenly as they start. Price falls onto the rocks with a loud thud, eyes wide and face panicked- he isn't on the ground for more then a second before he begins sprinting back in the direction boat, running straight past the group and losing both loosely tied boots in the process. Gaz and Soap are quick to follow, immediately retreating with the Captain with frantic screams. In the panic the Harpoon clinks to the ground, abandoned. The footsteps fade as they disappear into the fog- not even the light from the ship was visible anymore.
Simon, though, had remained locked in place, eyes fixed on the cove's entrance. He had seen his crew scared, he had seen these men say final goodbyes to each other on rough missions, had seen them face death and accept it, yet this had terrified them. Sent them running with tails between their legs. It was the booze, Simon told himself, the booze they drank at nausea every night finally driving them all mad. He had no reason for staying, no reason for standing motionless and weaponless outside the cave in wait, his breath ragged and heart thumping in his ears. 
Slowly the crying begins again, sniffles growing to silent sobs.
"Leave now aswell, Man." The woman’s voice staggered out through hiccuped breaths. Despite the demand, her voice sat hollow and soft- only audible due to the echo of the cliffside. "Less I drag you into the deep." Her words seemed unsure, as if she staggered over saying them.
"You'll drown me?" Simon takes another step forward, as if guided to her by her voice- as if she was pulling a string attached to him and dragging him forward. 
"Begone, Ghost." The woman's gentle voice pleaded. 
"Me? I? The ghost? Out of the two of us?" He muses, a nervous smirk settling across his covered features. "Only you haunt these beaches, only your lantern lights these shores, you are the ghost. You've earned the title far more than I." 
"Leave me be, sailor, I beg." Her voice tightened as he further approached, not deterring his speed. "You'll be cursed if you come any closer, I'll swear it!" She began to sputter another sob, the sound of which echoed down the length of the beach. By the time she had finished and Simon had paused it was too late, him standing beside the small entrance- close enough to rest the bare palm of his hand against the cool rock. 
"I am cursed." He huffs, the scent of booze wafted off of him. Simon stood in spot for a moment, thinking over the night's events as clearly as he could. "Tell me 'ghost', what will you do if I've always been cursed?" He hum's, a drunken smile plastering his face.  
The crying quiets at his statement, leaving only the sound of the gentle evening waves in its wake. 
"I'm sorry you have always been cursed." The voice responds, tenderly, far too tenderly to be meant for him. 
The salty night air blew easily threw his thin clothes- the oceans breeze nipping at the little skin he had exposed. Distantly, a panicked voice calls his name- Price, he imagines; finally sobered up enough to realize the possible severity of the situation. Turning back his eyes scan over the still lingering fog. 
What was he even still doing here?
Why had his feet remained in place- why had he been drawn into her? Why did he want to stay? 
A sudden wave of nausea washes over him, his face suddenly heating and his gut turning in his body unbearably. Turning back, as if broken from a spell, his feet move on their own- sending him barreling down the beach towards the Captain's increasingly frantic yells. In what felt like a blurry instant, Simon was hung over the balcony of the boat, the evening's dinner -a worrying amount of alcohol- lost to the ocean tide. Soap had rushed to his side, Gaz tending to Price who was currently sprawled out on his back across the main deck. 
"Fuck! Fuck." Soap grunted. "What the fuck was that? Ghost, what happened?!" His voice was frantic, clearly having sobered up the most out of all of them. 
"I don't- I-" Regardless of how hard he fought, how hard he tried to formulate a proper sentence- he just couldn't. Vomit stained the front of his black tunic, face covering abandoned somewhere on the ship deck
"You broken?" Soap asks, the worry on his face melting into a strained smile as Simon shakes his head no. Soap patted him on the back before turning his attention to the -now passed out- Captain. The four of them managed to hobble into the sleeping quarters and retire safely for the evening- not before Soap pulled the plank they used to exit the boat off the dock. 
When the sun rose, the men were up as always. There was a brief discussion of the previous night's events, but with Simon and Price's aversion to speaking about it Soap and Gaz quickly stopped asking questions. The line of conversation concludes with Price grumbling about losing his boots. Swearing obscenities and curses non-stop. Apparently that morning he had gone down to the shore himself and found nothing, not a trace of anyone had been there. Of them nor a woman. He had said to Simon in private that the tide must have eaten everything, yet Simon knew Price well enough to tell something was bothering him about it. 
In spite of hangovers, the crew went about their daily business of upkeep and cleaning, quickly deciding to visit the pub as soon as it opened. By the time they were staggering back to the ship, it was well past 7 in the evening; with the sun about half an hour from setting, the men had felt silently rest assured of their eventless walk through the beach. As the group approaches the dock, they notice Price's pace in front begins to slow to a halt. 
"Captian?" Gaz calls, eyes scanning Price. Yet, the captain's eyes stay coldly locked onto the dock. 
Pushing past Soap, Simon takes a few steps closer, eyes intently trailing Price's gaze. There, on the top step of the dock, were Price's boots and lantern- shoelaces tied and delicately placed. The men stood in silence for what felt like an eternity, the captain's gaze intensely glaring down the dock. 
After a deep breath in, the captain lets out a strained chuckle, the crow's feet beside his eyes wrinkling under the forced smile. He turns his gaze to Gaz, who looks down the dock with a confused look. 
"You're right-" Price strains, smile draped across his face yet eyes void of such emotion. "Creepy."
Soap pushes forward, being the first to approach the dock. 
"The harpoon is still missing." He notes, turning back to face the group. The captain's lips pull into a tight frown before nodding and beginning to walk to the dock himself. 
Regardless of their previous plan- Simon imagines they'll be back in London sooner than they had anticipated. 
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taglist: @blueoorchid @@hoe4myers @yjhariani -luvurwriting @lexi-zsy09 @galaxieshearme
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artdrawsok · 11 months
First Half - Second Half
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Absolutely pumped this out like a victorian woman craving bare ankles
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random-lil-illing · 1 year
Call of Duty Ghosts headcanons bc im bored
things these hcs will not have: angst, nsfw, reader/ocs, death (i know ajax died but no he didn't. and logan didn't get kidnapped/taken by the federation wdym)
things that will appear: lots and lots of keegan, a lot of teen! keegan and ajax, logan and hesh, fluff, silliness, lgbtq+ themes, elias, merrick, some rorke, and a tiny bit of neptune and kick. Also riley is there!!! gotta love the dog. also theres swearing. oh and this is a somewhat long post
okay so first up teen keegan and ajax hcs (aka when they first joined the ghosts)
-they lied about their ages for the first few months and then randomly went 'yeah we're actually 16/17'. elias and rorke decided to keep them on the team bc they had potential. merrick was very against it at first but was like 'yeah okay'
-those two definitely confused everyone else with their slang just like hesh and logan do now
-they insisted they were best friends but nobody believed them bc they acted so fruitily with each other (it was all jokes they said)
-if we go with the keegan is trans hc i feel like ajax did a 'diy at home' top surgery
-speaking of the walker bros. keegan was their main babysitter, with ajax as second choice if keegan was unable to. elias paid him like 20-30/hour and gave him an extra thirty dollars if he gave keegan the kiddos before he had time to eat
-keegan was amazing at eyeliner (he still is but tries to convince the rest of the team he doesn't do it anymore. they know better than to believe him) and almost always incorporated it into his eye black for missions
-following this up ajax was the master of painting nails and no one was safe from painted nails until he turned twenty two, including logan and hesh as kids. the only one who was sort of safe was rorke bc ajax never had the patience to convince him
-keegan exclusively wore baggy, graphic t-shirts and sweatpants/jeans/shorts outside of missions. occasionally wore tank tops for training. ajax almost never wore baggy clothes, wearing form fitting clothes instead - tank tops, normal t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, etc. The two always stole each other's clothes
-keegan had (and has) the absolutely strangest eating habits. cannot eat three full meals a day without complaining about being full, but two meals a day + a bunch of snacks before and after each meal is fine. refuses to eat something he had a bad experience with once in like second grade but will gladly eat something that could kill him. Cannot cook to save his life (can you tell im projecting)
-ajax on the other hand has fairly normal eating habits but could not cook at all back then. he's okay at cooking now, but he till refuses to eat anything raw (including sushi and raw vegetables) or anything too cooked (mushy vegetables and such)
-keegan definitely set curfews for everyone anytime they decided to go out. he wouldn't strictly enfore them but he'd be a bit upset if they weren't followed (he's anxious and cares abt his teammates just doesn't know how to show it)
-i feel like both listened/listen to ayesha erotica atleast a lil. obv they have other music they listen to (metal, rock, etc.) but they definitely have atleast five ayesha songs in their playlists
-keegan has no idea what the p in his name is for. his birth certificate says 'keegan p. russ' (or katherine p. russ if we go with the trans hc). he tried to ask his parents/siblings but they dont know either. ajax always joked its for 'pussy' and logan and hesh followed in ajax's footsteps
-you know those baby tees with like 'i <3 pathetic men' or 'i put the hot in psychotic' on them. yeah ajax and keegan have those but as like oversized shirts
-keegan rarely ever cried/cries bc hes always forcing himself not to. so to encourage him to cry when he feels like it the team gives keegan ten/twenty dollars after everytime he cries and they tell him to 'get himself something sweet to make up for the tears'
-on that note keegan used to have the biggest salty cravings but now he has a terrible sweet tooth. ajax used to like savoury but hes a sucker for spicy now
okay enough teen headcanons lets move on to the present
-we all know logan and hesh are gen z so i propose: the walker brothers confusing everyone with gen z slang/humour/behaviour. things like 'slay' or saying 'im gonna kms' at any minor inconvenience. logan saying 'nice girl dinner' whenever keegan makes his weird but lowkey bomb lazy food
-some of the ghosts (mainly keegan, logan and kick) listen to music on missions. they mainly have appropriate songs for the occasion like phonk or metal but sometimes when they're fighting or killing an enemy inappropriate music starts playing and they have to try so hard not to laugh. i mean keegan slicing someones neck with 'make u cum' by ayesha erotica playing in the background
-logan rarely swears but when he does they are the most brutally creative swears ever. i'm talking 'pussyy-eating son of a French whore' sort of shit, and worse. much worse. hesh swears regularly but gently, elias the same but a bit harsher, rorke swore like a sailor but gentler than logan, neptune only swears when other do, kick never swears (you gotta bribe him to do it), merrick only swears when hesh, logan and keegan can't hear, and keegan swears a lot but nobody ever catches him doing it
-sometimes the ghosts mix their masks up to keep the federation on their toes
-also lets pretend that at the end of the game elias didnt die and logan didnt get captured by rorke and ajax didnt die at the beginning bc that made everyone else sad which makes me sad and just no. no angst here (pls humour me sadness is a very uncomfortable feeling)
-they tried to have separate rooms at their base but eventually they all just moved into the same room minus elias bc they just feel safer that way
-riley is the community service dog no arguing. whenever someones having a panic attack riley helping them. nightmare? dont worry he sleeps in the same as everyone else he'll just cuddle you. trouble eating/doing something? he'll do it with you
-also keegan, kick and logan 100% spoil riley. everyone treats him amazing but these three treat him like a king
-also i think it'd be funny if atleast one of the ghosts kept getting riley's gender wrong and calling him 'she' 'good girl' etc. bc thats exactly what i accidentally keep doing
-riley's very smart but the one thing he doesnt get is why nobody will eat his dog food with him. his logic is that he can eat human food so that means they can eat dog food. the only person that has eaten dog food with riley so far is keegan bc he will eat basically anything as long as the texture/taste/memory with said food is fine
-speaking of which occasionally keegan will just crack an egg and eat it raw infront of the others bc he thinks their reactions are funny. nobody else but neptune and hesh find it funny
-one time kick switched out keegans eyeblack with sharpie ink and keegan couldnt get it off for a week and didnt speak to kick for a month, not even on missions. he had ajax talk for him.
-(over comms on a mission)
kick: hey keegan do you need help?
keegan, fighting for his life against about five enemies alone: ajax tell kick i am about to DIE
-i think it'd be really funny if the ghosts started a tiktok account where they pretended to be airsoft/military cosplayers. theyd get unexpectedly popular and people would be like 'yo wheres ur gear from' and theyd panic and respond with smth like 'we stole it from the government' so theyd just be known as THE anarchist airsoft tiktokers (theyd obviously use different names and masks than usual)
-keegan is the most innocent ghost regarding sexual matters. it was banned talking about/learning about in his house and he never bothered to learn later. he knows the basics (how sex/getting pregnant works) but otherwise no
-merrick, neptune and ajax never had siblings growing up so whenever they see logan and hesh fighting they always wait until either keegan or elias intervene to see if its serious (elias is their dad and keegan grew up with four other siblings). why not kick? kick can't be trusted to intervene if they were tearing each others limbs off bc he and his siblings chased each other with weapons for fun
-keegan loves sugar but doesnt like showing it so he just eats chocolate/ice cream/cake at like two in the morning
-also he moves around a lot in his sleep to the point he could go to sleep on his bed and wake up underneath the same bed like two hours later
-rorke and elias were definitely best friends i refuse to believe they werent. also rorke taught the walker bros how to swear
-the ghosts watch cartoons in their free time. anytime they have a free friday they have movie nights - not limited to cartoons but its mainly that. when they watched the barbie movie they wore pink (also yes they're all feminists no theyre not any -phobic/-ist)
-i know they would never meet him but if they ever met ghost (simon riley) theyd make fun of his accent and maybe mask (especially the 'foap' side profile). they wouldnt take it too far tho i feel like they actually kinda like ghost. he wouldnt like them much tho i feel
-they have game nights and they have rules as to who can play what
-keegan cant play any card games bc he automatically wins everytime or he cheats, no inbetween. hes also banned from twister bc hes the most flexible
-neptune and merrick aren't allowed to play jenga (neptune cheats and merrick always gets way too mad about it). oh and neptune cant play would you rather bc he somehow always is the loser
-logan isnt allowed to play poker or go fish bc he cheats. he also cant play truth or dare bc he always picks truth and never dare
-hesh isn't allowed to play chess because he flips the board. also cant play 'sorry' bc he doesnt like killing off the other players
-kick isnt allowed to play any board game bc he somehow always finds a way to cheat
-elias isnt allowed to play would you rather bc he takes too long to decide
-ajax isnt allowed to play jenga, 'sorry' truth or dare bc hes either cheating or leaving halfway
-merrick also cant play twister bc he cant even do a crab for more than a second. neither can elias but he doesnt want to play anyway
-they have two groupchats - a professional, strictly bussiness one and a free time, silly one. sometimes they'll be talking about a target they have to kill in one groupchat and a minute later theyll be sending memes in the other one. they have the professional chat instead of meeting bc nobody likes those. sometimes someone (usually logan, hesh or kick) will be texting in the casual gc while theyre supposed to be talking abt important stuff in the bussiness gc and merrick or elias will go 'pay attention to the meeting boys' even tho there is no meeting
thats it for now lmk if you want more :]]]
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hellbuticy · 2 months
i think about the ghosts with callsigns all the fucking time. bc ajax's is self-explanatory. BUT grim, torch, neptune, kick, AND EVEN HESH??? knowing the military's approach to nicknames, even the dope ass callsigns gotta have some kinda embarrassing backstories
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What states would all the ghosts be from?
This shit gonna be so easy.
Logan and Hesh are Cali boys. SoCal specifically. This is literal canon and I abuse it routinely for dumbass hc's like surfing and bad accents.
Merrick seems like he came from a "Move around" a lot family, so I'd say just in general he was from the north rockies. Prolly born in Montana.
Keegan "Florida Man" hc is alive and well in all my fics and my heart, so he's from there.
Neptune gotta be from Jersey bro. I can feel it in my nuggets.
Kick is that oddball kinda guy that just has to be from Ohio. Weirdass midwesterner vibes but with the specific strain that goes "Oh. He's from limbo Ohio." (I'd say "Hell Ohio" but Michigan has Hell. And it's a nice city, tyvm.)
Gabriel Rorke, the red blooded American he is, has to be from Texas or some shit. Or maybe just somewhere with a high military presence, like Colorado.
Ajax my beloved... He has to be a city boy. If for no other reason than "I think he'd like it." I say New York New York.
Elias is probobly also from Cali. I think he maybe might have moved out of state, likely for the military training, stayed mobile and moved place to place also because of the military, and then moved back to Cali when he got the wifey pregnant because he wanted stability (in the form of a permanent home rather than a moving one) for his kids. And where better than the state he grew up in?
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twilightarcade · 6 months
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logan-w · 3 months
Kiss, marry, kill
Kick, Keegan, Neptune?
Uhhhhhh marry Keegs because reasons, kiss Kick maybe, I guess kill Neptune? Met him like... twice, tbh. He was nice tho so now I feel bad for having him in kill, thanks Anon
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Kiss, marry, kill
Ajax Neptune and Keegan?
Kiss Ajax, marry Neptune, kill Keegan for his terrible driving
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