#Neonatal Herpes
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familythings · 2 months ago
Why You Should Never Let Strangers Kiss Your Baby
I remember when my little sister was born that my mom did not allow anyone to kiss her, especially me. I wanted so much to have a baby sister, so I would sneak secretly to the baby bed and kiss her when she was asleep. Fortunately, my mother never caught me. 🙂 Years later, when I told her about my secret kisses to my sister, she kept repeating that kissing a newborn baby is a sin because babies…
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nohiketoosmall · 4 months ago
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Went on a walk with herp society and found this neonate garter snake under the first log i flipped over. He was so teeny tiny!
I usually dont pick up wild snakes but we were there with some young kids so i picked this guy up so they could get a closer look. He was released under the same log which had a slug and some ant larva so maybe he will take a nip of those.
One person there said he was smaller than her newborn corn snakes. He really was teeny.
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does-truth-matter · 8 months ago
The CDC has quietly changed who should AVOID the MMR vaccine.
They now state that ANYONE that “Has a parent, brother or sister with a history of immune system problems” should AVOID THE MMR VACCINE!
What exactly is an 'immune system problem?" Every autoimmune disorder.
* Achalasia
* Addison’s disease
* Adult Still's disease
* Agammaglobulinemia
* Alopecia areata
* Amyloidosis
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs)
* Ankylosing spondylitis
* Anti-GBM/Anti-TBM nephritis
* Antiphospholipid syndrome
* Autoimmune angioedema
* Autoimmune dysautonomia
* Autoimmune encephalomyelitis
* Autoimmune hepatitis
* Autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)
* Autoimmune myocarditis
* Autoimmune oophoritis
* Autoimmune orchitis
* Autoimmune pancreatitis
* Autoimmune retinopathy
* Autoimmune urticaria
* Axonal & neuronal neuropathy (AMAN)
* Baló disease
* Behcet’s disease
* Benign mucosal pemphigoid
* Bullous pemphigoid
* Castleman disease (CD)
* Celiac disease
* Chagas disease
* Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
* Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO)
* Churg-Strauss Syndrome (CSS) or Eosinophilic Granulomatosis (EGPA)
* Cicatricial pemphigoid
* Cogan’s syndrome
* Cold agglutinin disease
* Congenital heart block
* Coxsackie myocarditis
* CREST syndrome
* Crohn’s disease
* Dermatitis herpetiformis
* Dermatomyositis
* Devic’s disease (neuromyelitis optica)
* Discoid lupus
* Dressler’s syndrome
* Endometriosis
* Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)
* Eosinophilic fasciitis
* Erythema nodosum
* Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
* Evans syndrome
* Fibromyalgia
* Fibrosing alveolitis
* Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
* Giant cell myocarditis
* Glomerulonephritis
* Goodpasture’s syndrome
* Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
* Graves’ disease
* Guillain-Barre syndrome
* Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
* Hemolytic anemia
* Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP)
* Herpes gestationis or pemphigoid gestationis (PG)
* Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) (Acne Inversa)
* Hypogammalglobulinemia
* IgA Nephropathy
* IgG4-related sclerosing disease
* Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
* Inclusion body myositis (IBM)
* Interstitial cystitis (IC)
* Juvenile arthritis
* Juvenile diabetes (Type 1 diabetes)
* Juvenile myositis (JM)
* Kawasaki disease
* Lambert-Eaton syndrome
* Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
* Lichen planus
* Lichen sclerosus
* Ligneous conjunctivitis
* Linear IgA disease (LAD)
* Lupus
* Lyme disease chronic
* Meniere’s disease
* Microscopic polyangiitis (MPA)
* Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
* Mooren’s ulcer
* Mucha-Habermann disease
* Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN) or MMNCB
* Multiple sclerosis
* Myasthenia gravis
* Myositis
* Narcolepsy
* Neonatal Lupus
* Neuromyelitis optica
* Neutropenia
* Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
* Optic neuritis
* Palindromic rheumatism (PR)
* Parkinson's disease
* Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD)
* Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)
* Parry Romberg syndrome
* Pars planitis (peripheral uveitis)
* Parsonage-Turner syndrome
* Pemphigus
* Peripheral neuropathy
* Perivenous encephalomyelitis
* Pernicious anemia (PA)
* POEMS syndrome
* Polyarteritis nodosa
* Polyglandular syndromes type I, II, III
* Polymyalgia rheumatica
* Polymyositis
* Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
* Postpericardiotomy syndrome
* Primary biliary cirrhosis
* Primary sclerosing cholangitis
* Progesterone dermatitis
* Psoriasis
* Psoriatic arthritis
* Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA)
* Pyoderma gangrenosum
* Raynaud’s phenomenon
* Reactive Arthritis
* Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
* Relapsing polychondritis
* Restless legs syndrome (RLS)
* Retroperitoneal fibrosis
* Rheumatic fever
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Sarcoidosis
* Schmidt syndrome
* Scleritis
* Scleroderma
* Sjögren’s syndrome
* Sperm & testicular autoimmunity
* Stiff person syndrome (SPS)
* Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE)
* Susac’s syndrome
* Sympathetic ophthalmia (SO)
* Takayasu’s arteritis
* Temporal arteritis/Giant cell arteritis
* Thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
* Tolosa-Hunt syndrome (THS)
* Transverse myelitis
* Type 1 diabetes
* Ulcerative colitis (UC)
* Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD)
* Uveitis
* Vasculitis
* Vitiligo
* Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease
Wonder how many doctors are paying attention?
~shared from Jodi Wilson
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marc--chilton · 6 months ago
okokok i like your jacobson's organ post that explained how smells work in mgv
but what about babies
mpreg exists here, but where do the babies come out? do they have vaginas? do they grow one during pregnancy? do they shit out the baby? that seems unhygienic (babies kinda really suck at not getting sick. they can die from herpes simplex, which in immunocompetent adults is basically never an issue beyond the painful sores on the mouth or genitals, but in neonates they can get encephalitis. i think some house episodes cover this iirc but they're doing people too old for neonatal herpes encephalitis and it's rare that these patients would have herpes encephalitis. but. yknow. it's house.) (virustalk brought to you by a virus nerd) (did you know that macaque herpes causes cold sores for them and death for us? fortunately very very very hard to catch herpes B from a macaque. only cases have been in laboratories, mostly around polio vaccine development, because stressed-out lab monkeys -> more virus in their system not hurting them but able to be spread -> lab techs infected by monkey fluids/bites/scratches)
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herpescureindia · 3 months ago
Herpes Virus Infection: Understanding Symptoms, Transmission, and Treatment
Herpes virus infection is a common viral disease caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are two types of HSV: HSV-1, which primarily causes oral herpes, and HSV-2, responsible for genital herpes. Despite its prevalence, there are many misconceptions surrounding the virus, its transmission, and how it affects individuals. In this blog, we’ll explore the basics of herpes virus infection, its symptoms, modes of transmission, and available treatment options.
Types of Herpes Virus
There are two main types of herpes virus:
1. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1): It typically causes cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth and lips. However, HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes through oral-genital contact. 2. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2): HSV-2 is the main cause of genital herpes, a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is more commonly associated with sores and blisters in the genital or anal areas.
How is Herpes Virus Transmitted?
Herpes spreads through close contact with an infected person, even if they don’t show visible symptoms. The most common modes of transmission include:
- Oral-to-Oral Contact: This is the primary way HSV-1 is transmitted, through kissing or sharing utensils and personal items. - Sexual Contact: HSV-2, or genital herpes, is transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. - Mother-to-Child: An infected mother can pass the virus to her baby during childbirth, a condition known as neonatal herpes.
Symptoms of Herpes Virus Infection
While many people infected with the herpes virus remain asymptomatic, others may experience noticeable symptoms that can vary based on the type of infection.
For Oral Herpes (HSV-1): - Painful blisters or sores on the lips, mouth, or gums - Swelling and tenderness in the affected areas - Fever and flu-like symptoms - Itching or burning sensations before sores appear
For Genital Herpes (HSV-2): - Small, painful blisters or ulcers in the genital or anal region - Itching, tingling, or burning sensations around the genital area - Pain during urination - General symptoms of malaise, such as body aches and fever
After the initial infection, the virus becomes dormant in the body, but it can reactivate, causing recurrent outbreaks. Certain triggers, such as stress, illness, or a weakened immune system, can cause the virus to flare up.
Diagnosing Herpes
If you suspect you have a herpes virus infection, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider. A physical examination of the sores or blisters may be sufficient for diagnosis. However, lab tests, including viral cultures and blood tests, may be required for a definitive diagnosis.
Treatment Options
Currently, there is no cure for herpes, but several treatments can help manage the symptoms and reduce the frequency of outbreaks:
- Antiviral Medications: Drugs like acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir can help shorten outbreaks and lessen their severity. When taken daily, these medications can also reduce the likelihood of transmitting the virus to others. - Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage discomfort during outbreaks.
- Home Remedies: Some people find relief using cold compresses or soothing creams to reduce itching and swelling.
Prevention of Herpes Virus Infection
While there’s no guaranteed way to prevent herpes, practicing the following can reduce the risk of transmission:
- Use of Condoms and Dental Dams: Using barrier methods during sexual activity can lower the risk of spreading HSV-2. - Avoid Contact During Outbreaks: Avoid kissing or having sexual contact with others during an active outbreak. - Antiviral Medication: Infected individuals can take antiviral medication to reduce the chances of passing the virus to others.
Living with Herpes
Being diagnosed with herpes can be emotionally challenging due to the stigma attached to it. However, it’s important to remember that millions of people live healthy, fulfilling lives with herpes. With the right management and precautions, herpes can be controlled, and the frequency of outbreaks can be reduced.
Herpes virus infection is a common condition that affects people worldwide. While it can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, it’s manageable with proper treatment and care. By understanding the virus, its transmission methods, and the available treatment options, individuals can minimize its impact on their lives.
For more information on herpes virus infection, you can explore detailed resources on karaatupchaar.
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suara-rakyat-blog · 4 months ago
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Pfizer kalah kes mahkamah dan dikehendaki mendedahkan semua kesan sampingan yang serius. Tahniah kepada mereka yang tidak divaksin.!  Kegigihan anda sememangnya bijak dan betul!
FDA kehilangan kes! Pfizer terpaksa mendedahkan data kesan sampingan vaksin! 9 muka surat kesan sampingan! Seluruh dunia terpegun.
Rangkaian Maklumat US168 2022-03-05 02:1 kardiomiopati, kegagalan pernafasan akut, vaskulitis tapak suntikan, sawan, alopecia areata, kejutan anaphylactic, Anafilaksis kehamilan, anemia aplastik, trombosis, Aritmia, arthritis,] Asma, bronkospasme, serangan jantung, kegagalan jantung, Ketidakselesaan dada, tercekik, glomerulonefritis autoimun kronik, lupus eritematosus kulit kronik, urtikaria spontan kronik, anemia hemolitik, kolitis, dermatitis, kencing manis, varicella zoster tersebar, Infarksi serebrum embolik, Gangguan endokrin, pruritus, mata bengkak, lumpuh muka, herpes genital, lumpuh saraf glossopharyngeal, vaskulitis hemoragik, serviks, lupus cystitis, lupus encephalitis, sklerosis berbilang, myasthenia gravis neonatal, myelitis, ooforitis tidak berjangkit, tiroiditis, Proctitis ulseratif.
Di atas adalah lebih daripada seribu macam tindak balas, tidak terhad kepada kesan sampingan/gejala ketidakselesaan fizikal yang dialami oleh ramai orang. Ia adalah tingkah laku pilihan yang menyakiti diri sendiri kerana ketakutan.
Daripada 46,000 orang yang diuji, 42,000 mengalami reaksi buruk! 1,200 orang mati! Tiada apa yang menyeronokkan! Orang yang tidak divaksin! Tahniah kerana mengekalkan sistem imun anda berfungsi dengan baik.
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bhagwatiayurved · 7 months ago
Treatment of Herpes Simplex Virus in India
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Guide To Know the Ayurvedic Treatment for Herpes
Herpes is a virus. It causes pain and misery to millions of people worldwide. Ayurvedic therapy treats the disease's fundamental cause holistically. Whereas modern medicine offers a range of treatments to manage its symptoms. Ayurveda was Originated in ancient India. It focuses on using natural medicines and dietary adjustment. It also focuses on lifestyle modifications to help the body regain equilibrium. Let's examine a few potent Ayurvedic remedies for herpes.
Treatment of Herpes Simplex Virus in India Knowing about herpes
The herpes simplex virus is called HSV in short. It is the common virus that causes herpes. There are numerous variations of it. These are such as genital herpes (HSV-2) and oral herpes (HSV-1). Fluid-filled blisters or sores on the affected areas. It is such as the mouth, lips, or genital area. These areas are frequently the hallmark of this viral illness.
Herpes simplex virus (HSV), encompassing HSV-1 and HSV-2 infection.
Direct contact with the saliva, genital secretions, or wounds of an infected person
Intercourse with a sexually infected person (genital)
Genital-oral contact (oral)
Illness, stress, and some medications can all compromise immune function.
Vertical transfer during childbirth (neonatal) between mother and kid
Touch between the skin and a lesion, even in the absence of overt symptoms.
The Herpes Cure with Ayurveda
Herpes is a sign of dosha imbalances According to Ayurveda. It is especially in Pitta and Kapha. A Pitta imbalance can cause inflammation and heat in the body while a Kapha imbalance can cause stagnation and congestion. Maintaining these doshas' balance is essential. It is for managing herpes and averting further outbreaks.
Herpes Diagnosis in Ayurveda
A complete assessment of dosha imbalances and unique symptom presentations is necessary to develop individualized treatment plans for herpes diagnosis.
Dosha Disproportion and Herpes
An Ayurvedic doctor looks at a patient's physical, mental, and emotional conditions. It is to determine whether they have an imbalance in dosha. Customized treatment plans can be developed to address imbalances and alleviate symptoms. It addresses the primary doshas involved in herpes outbreaks.
Modifications to diet and lifestyle
Ayurvedic doctors may also recommend dietary and lifestyle changes. This is to support the body's inherent healing abilities. They would advocate regular exercise and meditation For instance. There can be other stress-relieving practices. It is in addition to a diet heavy in fruits and vegetables and low in processed foods. These changes can lessen the frequency and intensity of herpes outbreaks by strengthening the immune system.
Individualized treatment
Ayurveda's core belief is that every person is different. Every person needs individualized care. This is particularly important for treating herpes simplex or genital herpes. It is because different people will have outbreaks at different intensities and frequencies. Patients and ayurvedic practitioners will create a treatment plan Together. It addresses each patient's unique dosha, symptoms, and way of life.
Secure and non-intrusive
The majority of people consider ayurvedic medicine to be non-invasive and safe. Ayurvedic treatments are safe and natural. It is secure in contrast to antiviral medications. These medications sometimes have unfavourable side effects. Contact a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner from HIV Treatment Clinic in Uttar Pradesh before starting any new treatment. Though certain cures might conflict with other prescriptions or health issues.
Process of Ayurvedic Consultation
The doctor performs a comprehensive intake interview before a consultation in order to gather information about the patient's health history, way of life, dietary preferences, and stress levels. Dosha imbalances can also be found by physical examinations, such as tongue analysis (Jivha Pariksha) and pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha).
In summaryTreatment of Herpes Simplex Virus in India at Bhagwati Ayurved offers a holistic and all-natural approach to managing this challenging virus. Since Ayurveda treats the underlying cause, promotes balance, and enhances general well-being, it is a great complement to or alternative to modern treatments. These natural therapies can improve your quality of life and provide significant relief from herpes, regardless of your familiarity with Ayurveda or other treatment options.
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drchitrachampawat63 · 7 months ago
What specific tests and screenings are typically recommended for high-risk pregnancies?
High-risk pregnancies require specialized care and monitoring to ensure the health and safety of both the mother and the baby. When seeking "High Risk Pregnancy Treatment in Kota," it's essential to be aware of the specific tests and screenings that are typically recommended. Here are the key tests and screenings for high-risk pregnancies:
Recommended Tests and Screenings for High-Risk Pregnancies
Early and Frequent Prenatal Visits:
Regular Check-ups: More frequent prenatal visits to closely monitor the pregnancy and address any complications promptly.
Ultrasound Examinations:
Early Ultrasound: An early ultrasound (usually around 6-10 weeks) to confirm the pregnancy, check for multiples, and estimate the due date.
Anatomy Scan: Detailed ultrasound at 18-20 weeks to examine the baby’s anatomy and detect any congenital anomalies.
Growth Scans: Additional ultrasounds in the third trimester to monitor the baby’s growth and amniotic fluid levels.
Genetic Testing and Screening:
Nuchal Translucency Scan: Performed between 11-14 weeks to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome.
Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT): Blood test to screen for chromosomal abnormalities, typically done after 10 weeks.
Amniocentesis or Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): Diagnostic tests that may be recommended if there are concerns about genetic conditions. Amniocentesis is usually performed between 15-20 weeks, while CVS is done between 10-13 weeks.
Maternal Blood Tests:
Complete Blood Count (CBC): To check for anemia and other blood disorders.
Blood Type and Rh Factor: To determine the risk of Rh incompatibility.
Glucose Screening: To test for gestational diabetes, usually between 24-28 weeks, but may be done earlier if there's a higher risk.
Fetal Monitoring:
Non-Stress Test (NST): Measures the baby’s heart rate in response to movements, typically performed after 28 weeks if there are concerns about the baby’s well-being.
Biophysical Profile (BPP): Combines an ultrasound with a non-stress test to assess the baby’s movements, breathing, and overall health.
Cervical Length Measurement:
Transvaginal Ultrasound: To measure cervical length, especially if there’s a risk of preterm labor. This is usually done between 16-24 weeks.
Infectious Disease Screening:
TORCH Screen: Blood tests to check for infections that can affect pregnancy, including toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes simplex.
Group B Streptococcus (GBS): Vaginal and rectal swab done between 35-37 weeks to check for GBS infection.
Specialized Tests for Specific Conditions:
Doppler Flow Studies: To assess blood flow in the umbilical artery and other vessels, useful in cases of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or preeclampsia.
Echocardiogram: Detailed ultrasound of the baby’s heart if there’s a suspected heart defect.
Seeking High-Risk Pregnancy Treatment in Kota
When looking for high-risk pregnancy treatment in Kota, it's crucial to find a healthcare provider or facility with expertise in managing high-risk pregnancies. Here are steps to ensure comprehensive care:
Research and Choose a Specialist:
High-Risk Pregnancy Specialists: Look for obstetricians or maternal-fetal medicine specialists (perinatologists) with experience in high-risk pregnancies.
Reputable Hospitals and Clinics: Select a hospital or clinic known for its high-risk pregnancy services and advanced prenatal care facilities.
Comprehensive Care Team:
Multidisciplinary Approach: Ensure the care team includes specialists such as endocrinologists, cardiologists, and neonatologists if needed.
Personalized Care Plan:
Individualized Monitoring: Work with your healthcare provider to develop a personalized care plan that includes all necessary tests and screenings tailored to your specific risk factors.
Access to Advanced Facilities:
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): Choose a facility with a well-equipped NICU in case the baby requires special care after birth.
By undergoing these recommended tests and screenings and choosing a specialized provider in Kota, high-risk pregnancies can be managed effectively, ensuring the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby.
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cchiroquesblog · 7 months ago
COVID: Pfizer publica la lista completa de sus efectos secundarios y recomienda cada cuánto ponerse la vacuna - El Cronista
*Tras haber forzado a vacunar a miles de millones de seres humanos, Pfizer publica la lista de 1.291 efectos secundarios graves de su vacuna. Pero aún así, dice que todos deberían ponerse una nueva dosis cada año.* 😵‍💫
Aquí parte del listado de los efectos adversos:
- Paro cardíaco
- Insuficiencia cardíaca
- Trombosis ventricular cardíaca
- Shock cardiogénico
- Miocarditis
- Lesión renal aguda
- Mielitis flácida aguda
- Anticuerpos antiespermatozoides positivos
- Embolia y trombosis del tronco encefálico
- Vasculitis del sistema nervioso central
- Muerte neonatal
- Trombosis venosa profunda
- Encefalitis del tronco encefálico
- Encefalitis hemorrágica
- Epilepsia del lóbulo frontal
- Espuma en la boca
- Psicosis epiléptica
- Parálisis facial
- Síndrome de sufrimiento fetal
- Amiloidosis gastrointestinal
- Convulsión tónico-clónica generalizada
- Encefalopatía de Hashimoto
- Trombosis vascular hepática
- Reactivación del herpes zoster
- Hepatitis inmunomediada
- Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial
- Embolia de la vena yugular
- Epilepsia mioclónica juvenil
- Daño hepático
- Bajo peso al nacer
- Síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico en niños
- Convulsión neonatal
- Pancreatitis
- Neumonía
- Muerte fetal
- Taquicardia
- Epilepsia del lóbulo temporal
- Autoinmunidad testicular
- Infarto cerebral trombótico
- Diabetes mellitus tipo 1
- Trombosis venosa neonatal
- Trombosis de la arteria vertebral
🇺🇸 ¡Los laboratorios pretendían esconder esta información por 75 años, pero este pedido fue rechazado por las instancias judiciales!
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opdrazimetozdemirsblog · 11 months ago
🦋CMV (Cytomegalovirus)enfeksiyonu
✏️Sitomegalovirüs, herpesvirüsleri Herpesviridae familyasının Betaherpesvirinae alt familyasına dahil olan çift sarmallı DNA virüs cinsidir.
✏️İnsanlarda enfeksiyon etkeni olan CMV türü insan herpes virüsü 5 (Human herpesvirus 5, HHV-5) adı verilir. ‘’sitomegalovirus enfeksiyonu ‘’ adı daha sık kullanılır.
✏️En sık görülen yenidoğan enfeksiyonlarından biridir.
✏️Prevelansı (sıklığı) toplumda canlı doğumların %0,2–1,2 arasındadır.
✏️Göreceli olarak yavaş eşlenen bir virus olan CMV’nin ikilenme (yavrulama) zamanı enfeksiyonu izleyen 48-72 saatte olur.
✏️Herpes Simpleks virus (HSV)’un tersine, CMV konak hücrenin çalışma mekanizmasini ve hücrenin hızlı ölümüne
neden olmaz.
✏️CMV’nin konak hücreye etkisi hücrenin RNA, DNA ve protein sentezini hızlandırmaktır.
✏️ Doğumda (konjenital) enfeksiyon belirtileri gözlenen %10’luk yenidoganda enfeksiyona bağlı ciddi hastalıklar olasılığı yüksektir.
✏️Konjenital enfeksiyonda en sık sarılık, karaciğer ve dalak büyümesi, ciltte toplu iğne başı büyüklüğünde kırmızı noktalar (peteşi).
✏️Beyni etkileyerek mikrosefalı (kafa ve beyin küçük), zeka geriliği, hareket bozuklukları, işitme ve görme bozuklukları.
✏️Yetişkinlerde belirtisiz seyreder, %15’inde ateş, boğaz ağrısı, lenfadenopati (lenf bezlerinin şişmesi), eklem ağrıları gibi özgün olmayan belirti ve bulgular gözlenir.
✅Tanı: Kanda CMV’e özgü IgG antikorunda 2 ayrı ölçümde 4 kat artış, ya da alınan tek numunede IgM antikoru saptanması enfeksiyon tanısı koydurur. Daha önceden IgG’si belirlenmiş olanlarda tek başına IgG yükselmesi (IgM yükselmemelidir) tekrarlayan enfeksiyon tanısı koydurur
✅Tedavi: ilk ilaç gansiklovir, diğerleri valgansiklovir, foskornet ve cidoflovir.
✏️Sanofi ve Novartis firmaların CMV aşısı ‘gB/MF59’ , faz-2 çalışmalarda %50 sonuç verdi ve faz-3 (geniş insan topluluklarında deneme) durduruldu.
✏️ABD Moderna şirketi tarafından desteklenen aşı büyük prestije sahip ‘ Jounal of İnfectious Diseases’ dergisinin 15 şubat 2024 sayısında Xintau Hu ve arkadaşları tarafından yayınlandı.
✏️Covid-19 aşı teknolojisini kullanan CMV mRNA-1647 adı verilen aşısının faz-3 aşamayı geçtiğini ilan ettiler.
#aşı #cmv #cmvasi #asilama #virusler #virus #virüs #cmvinfection #cmvenfeksiyon #drazimetozdemir #opdrazimetozdemir #nişantaşıdrazimet #şişlidrazimet #istanbulestetikdrazimet #plasticsurgery #plastikcerrahi #estetikcerrahi #aestheticsurgery #covid-19 #covid19aşı #istanbul #turkey
🦋CMV (Cytomegalovirus) infection
🇻🇬🇺🇸✏️Cytomegalovirus is a genus of double-stranded DNA viruses belonging to the Betaherpesvirinae subfamily of the Herpesviridae family.
✏️The type of CMV that causes infection in humans is called human herpesvirus 5 (Human herpesvirus 5, HHV-5). The name "cytomegalovirus infection" is used more frequently.
✏️ It is one of the most common neonatal infections.
✏️ Its prevalence (frequency) is between 0.2-1.2% of live births in the society.
✏️The duplication (offspring) time of CMV, which is a relatively slow replicating virus, occurs within 48-72 hours following infection.
✏️Unlike Herpes Simplex virus (HSV), CMV disrupts the working mechanism of the host cell and the rapid death of the cell.
Why not.
✏️The effect of CMV on the host cell is to accelerate the cell's RNA, DNA and protein synthesis.
✏️ The probability of serious diseases due to infection is high in the 10% of newborns with signs of infection (congenital) at birth.
✏️The most common congenital infection is jaundice, liver and spleen enlargement, pinhead-sized red spots on the skin (petechiae).
✏️ It affects the brain, causing microcephaly (small head and brain), mental retardation, movement disorders, hearing and vision disorders.
✏️It progresses asymptomatic in adults, and nonspecific signs and symptoms such as fever, sore throat, lymphadenopathy (swelling of the lymph nodes), and joint pain are observed in 15%.
✅Diagnosis: A 4-fold increase in the CMV-specific IgG antibody in the blood in 2 separate measurements, or the detection of IgM antibody in a single sample, diagnoses infection. Increased IgG alone (IgM should not increase) in those whose IgG has been previously determined diagnoses recurrent infection.
✅Treatment: the first drug is ganciclovir, the others are valganciclovir, foscornet and cidoflovir.
✏️The CMV vaccine 'gB/MF59' of Sanofi and Novartis companies gave 50% results in phase-2 studies and phase-3 (trial in large human populations) was stopped.
✏️The vaccine, supported by the US Moderna company, was published by Xintau Hu and his colleagues in the February 15, 2024 issue of the highly prestigious journal 'Journal of Infectious Diseases'.
✏️They announced that the vaccine called CMV mRNA-1647, which uses Covid-19 vaccine technology, has passed the phase-3 stage.
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healthsexed · 1 year ago
Understanding the Impact of STIs on Fertility: What You Need to Know
Infertility is on the rise. Patients are lining up at the clinics of the best doctors for fertility treatment. Many factors ranging from lifestyle to diet and nutrition are affecting fertility today. But there is another reason behind increasing infertility - Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). STIs are one of the top reasons that cause infertility in both men and women. So, in the following blog, let us understand the impact of STIs on fertility. 
Common STIs and Their Impact on Fertility
STIs are sexually transmitted, and many STIs have become rampant nowadays. If left untreated, STIs can travel up the reproductive system of men and women, and cause irreparable damage. The STIs can develop into Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). Here are some common STIs and their impact on fertility: 
Chlamydia - Chlamydia is caused by the chlamydia trachomatis bacteria and is one of the most common forms of STI. This disease affects many young women. It doubles the risk of infertility in them. 
Herpes (HPV) - Another extremely common STI, herpes is caused by the human papillomavirus. It is an incurable infection but is not life-threatening. It can cause infertility in men by reducing their sperm count. In females, it increases the chances of miscarriages and can even spread to the baby in the form of neonatal herpes. 
Syphilis - Though this STI used to be rampant in the past, modern medicine has almost wiped it. But the infection is now making a comeback. Syphilis mostly affects male fertility by causing epididymitis which affects the functioning of the sperm duct, preventing sperm from being released properly or in adequate amounts.
Gonorrhoea - This is also a bacterial infection. Though it affects the fertility of males and females, it affects females worse. It damages the fallopian tubes. If pregnancy does occur, it can be ectopic pregnancies and the disease can also be passed to the baby. It is quite problematic. 
Symptoms and Diagnosis of STIs
Most of the fertility-affecting STIs, when caught early, can be treated before they can affect your fertility. And the only way to catch them early is to recognize the symptoms. Here are some symptoms:
Chlamydia Symptoms
Pain in the pelvis and stomach
Painful urination. 
Weird vaginal discharge. 
Bleeding even when not on periods. 
Pain during sex and blood discharge
Chlamydia is diagnosed through medical tests and examination by a doctor. 
Herpes Symptoms 
Severe itching and pain in the genital region. 
Warts on genitals. 
Pain during urinating.
Anus, genitals, and mouth are afflicted by bumps, ulcers, and blisters.
Discharge from the vagina in females and urethra in males.
Herpes has to be diagnosed by a medical doctor through appropriate medical tests. 
Syphilis Symptoms
Open sores on the rectum, mouth, genitals, and skin. 
Sore throat and fever. 
Headaches and muscle pain. 
Swollen lymph nodes and fatigue
Hair loss. 
Since syphilis has symptoms common to other diseases, it's best diagnosed by a doctor and medical tests.
Gonorrhoea Symptoms
Weird vaginal and penile discharge. 
Burning and pain while urinating.
Swollen foreskin. 
Pain during sex and in between periods. 
Fever, sore throat, and pus.
Stomach, groin, and testicular pain.   
Doctors and medical tests are the best way for accurate diagnosis. 
Treatment and Prevention of STIs
Thanks to the advancement in modern medicine, almost all the above-given STIs can be treated. Herpes is the only one that cannot be treated, but it is a manageable disease. It can be managed by medicines. So, if you are facing fertility issues and are trying IVF fertility treatment in Pune, you should do an STI screening as well. The doctor can then start treatment if any STI is found. Safe sex and fidelity to your trusted partner is the only way to prevent STIs
Impact of STIs on Male Fertility
Many of the above-given STIs affect male fertility. Not only do they affect the quality of the sperm, but they also cause physical damage to the sperm ducts. While sperm quality can be redeemed through some treatments, physical damage needs more advanced treatments. Hence, you need to consult an excellent fertility doctor in such cases as Dr. Ramit Kamate. 
Dr. Ramit Kamate, for the past few years, has been running the best IVF clinic in Pune called Nakshatra Clinic. Here, you will find the best solutions for all male and female fertility issues and STI diagnosis and treatments at the most affordable prices. So, contact Nakshatra Clinic today for an appointment and consultation! 
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homeremedylifestyle · 2 years ago
Herpes in Newborn Babies (Neonatal Herpes)
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demujeresblog · 2 years ago
Tamizaje neonatal para la detección de citomegalovirus– crucial para tratamiento oportuno
El citomegalovirus (CMV) es un virus común que pertenece a la familia del herpes, que se encuentra en un alto porcentaje de la población (se estima que alrededor de una en cada cuatro mujeres en Estados Unidos lo padece), y puede ser totalmente asintomático para quien lo porta.  Sin embargo, de ser una futura madre portadora del mismo sin saberlo, puede transmitirlo al recién nacido (debido a que…
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juniperpublishers-jdvs · 2 years ago
Effect of Vaccination to IBR with Live and Dead Viruses, about the Premise Rates in Mixed Holstein Heifers
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The present study was conducted to determine whether vaccination with bovine herpes virus type 1 (HVB-1) as prophylaxis for infectious bovine rhinotracheitis has an effect on pregnancy rates in mixed Holstein heifers in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Sixty heifers divided into three groups of 20 animals each were used: no immunogen, live virus vaccine and killed virus vaccine. The diagnosis of pregnancy was determined (45 days post-dissemination) by trans-rectal ultrasonography. For the management of the experiment, all groups were subjected to a protocol of synchronization with prosastagens and estradiol. Significant statistical differences were observed in the percentages of pregnancy, being higher in the control treatment (29.9%) respectively followed by treatment with live virus (19.5%) and treatment with dead virus with (19.2%). where there were statistically different values in the three treatments under study. Inoculation with bovine herpes virus type 1 has effects on pregnancy rates in mixed Holstein heifers.
Keywords: Progesterone; IBR; Ultrasound; Live; Dead Vaccines
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) is an infectious and contagious viral pathology. The virus can remain dormant within the nerve ganglia and reactivated by various situations that provoke stress such as transportation, delivery and treatments with glucocorticoids causing a reduction in reproductive efficiency producing necrotic lesions in follicular, luteal, embryonic, neonatal, weight loss, and lactic acid production [1]. In the cattle breeding context of our country, the lack of control programs and prophylaxis for viral diseases becomes a predisposing environment for the incidence and prevalence of diseases such as IBR, since bovine herpes virus is a disease that attacks the tract respiratory disease characterized by rhinitis, tracheitis and fever, with abortion being the most serious direct consequence from an economic point of view. HBV-1 also causes infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, balanoposthitis, conjunctivitis; occasionally it has been associated with metritis, endometritis, mastitis, epididymitis, dermatitis, enteritis and encephalomyelitis. The objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the effect of vaccination to IBR with live and dead virus, on pregnancy rates in Holstein heifer mestizas.
Materials and Methods
The work was carried out in the Santa Clara Canton Province of Pastaza in the Ecuadorian Amazon, 60 mixed Holstein heifers were used, the animals were sexually mature (checked by sonography) and clinically healthy, weighing at least 350 kg, aged between 18 and 24 months, who have lived for at least one year in the tropics, with a body condition between 2.75 and 3.5, also vaccinated for foot-and-mouth disease, rabies and anthrax. Three groups were formed: without control group (T) 20 heifers, vaccinated with live cattle (VV) 20 heifers and vaccinated with killed virus (hiprabovis-4) (VM) 20 heifers. At this stage, the animals were submitted to a synchronization program, so that the heifers started homogeneously a new estrous cycle, within which the respective monitoring could be performed. For synchronization, we used: estradiol benzoate at a dose of 0.5 cc per animal, and an intravaginal CIDR slow-release progesterone device at day zero, seven days later the application of prostaglandin, withdrawal of the P4 implant, estradiol injection thus initiating a new estrous cycle, which was estimated that ovulation is approximately 60 hours post treatment where were artificially inseminated with conventional semen each of the groups under study and from there determine the times for subsequent studies for percentages of pregnancy. The vaccine was applied 60 hours post-treatment of synchronization and IATF, the respective vaccine prophylaxis was with live virus (cattle master) and died (hiprabovis-4), as explained previously in the scheme of the experiment. The diagnosis of gestation was performed at 45 days by ultrasonography on the same day to all groups under study. A completely randomized design (DCA) was used, the results were submitted to the homogeneity test, for each studied variable the arithmetic mean and the standard error (EE) were estimated. We tested whether there were significant differences between genotypes by applying variance analysis (ANOVA) to a classification criterion and multiple comparisons tests of Tukey-Kramer HSD (p≤0.05).
Result and Discussion
Table 1 shows the existence of significant differences (p <0.05), from the control group with reference to the percentages of pregnancy with treatments with live virus and dead virus. The results agree with Geiser [2], where six heifers inoculated with bovine infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus showed low pregnancy rates and progesterone levels were low. In this study the values found were lower. Woodbine [3] performed work on heifers inoculated intravenously with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus at days 7, 14, 21, and 28, and sacrificed 13 to 15 days after inoculation and then examined reproductive tracts to detect cytopathological changes, virus and viral antigen, where heifers inoculated on days 7 and 14 had mild oophoritis characterized by foci of necrosis and accumulation of mononuclear cells in the corpus luteum, most of these heifers also had some necrotic follicles in at least one ovary, heifers inoculated at days 21 and 28 showed no lesions of the corpus luteum but necrotic follicles were numerous in both ovaries, the viral antigen was observed in all ovarian lesions and infectious virus was isolated from some affected tissues in uterus of all heifers inoculated at 21 and 28 days [4-7].
It is concluded that IBR prophylactic vaccines with live and dead virus could affect the anatomical and endocrinological characteristics of the corpus luteum and therefore their reproductive behavior, being reflected significantly in the pregnancy rates.
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herpescureindia · 4 months ago
Herpes Simplex Virus: An In-Depth Look at the Common Viral Infection
 The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is a prevalent and widespread viral infection that affects millions of people globally. This virus is known for causing both oral and genital herpes, leading to uncomfortable symptoms and recurrent outbreaks. Understanding the nature of the Herpes Simplex Virus, its transmission, symptoms, and treatment options is essential for managing this lifelong infection.
What is Herpes Simplex Virus?
The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) belongs to the family of herpesviruses, which includes other viruses like the varicella-zoster virus (which causes chickenpox and shingles). HSV is classified into two main types:
HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1): Primarily responsible for oral herpes, HSV-1 is commonly associated with cold sores or fever blisters that appear around the mouth. However, HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes through oral-genital contact.
HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2): This type primarily causes genital herpes, which is characterized by sores and blisters in the genital area. HSV-2 is most often transmitted through sexual contact.
Both types of Herpes Simplex Virus can cause lifelong infections, as the virus remains dormant in the body’s nerve cells and can reactivate, leading to recurrent outbreaks.
Transmission of Herpes Simplex Virus
Herpes Simplex Virus is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact with an infected person’s skin, mucous membranes, or bodily fluids. Transmission can occur even when there are no visible symptoms, making it difficult to prevent the spread of the virus. Common ways HSV is transmitted include:
Kissing or Close Personal Contact: HSV-1 is often spread through kissing or sharing items like utensils, lip balm, or razors with someone who has an active cold sore.
Sexual Contact: HSV-2 is most commonly spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. The virus can be transmitted even in the absence of symptoms.
Mother-to-Child Transmission: A mother with an active herpes infection can pass the virus to her baby during childbirth, which can lead to neonatal herpes, a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention.
Symptoms of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
The symptoms of Herpes Simplex Virus infection vary depending on whether the infection is primary or recurrent.
Primary Infection: The initial infection is often the most severe and can include painful blisters or sores at the site of infection, itching, burning sensations, flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, muscle aches), and swollen lymph nodes. These symptoms can last for 2-4 weeks.
Recurrent Infection: After the initial outbreak, HSV remains dormant in the body and can reactivate, causing recurrent outbreaks. These outbreaks are usually less severe and shorter in duration than the primary infection. Common symptoms include localized tingling, itching, or pain before the appearance of sores, followed by blisters that heal within 1-2 weeks.
Diagnosis of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
Diagnosing a Herpes Simplex Virus infection typically involves a clinical examination of symptoms, but laboratory tests can confirm the diagnosis. These include:
Viral Culture: A sample from a sore or blister is collected and tested for the presence of the Herpes Simplex Virus.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test: This test detects the DNA of the virus and is more accurate than viral culture, especially in detecting HSV in cases where there are no visible sores.
Blood Test: A blood test can detect antibodies to HSV, indicating a past or present infection.
Treatment Options for Herpes Simplex Virus
While there is no cure for Herpes Simplex Virus, treatment options are available to manage symptoms and reduce the frequency of outbreaks:
Antiviral Medications: The most effective treatment for HSV is antiviral medication, such as Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, or Famciclovir. These medications can be taken during an outbreak to reduce symptoms and speed up healing or daily as a suppressive therapy to prevent frequent outbreaks.
Topical Treatments: For oral herpes, over-the-counter topical creams like Docosanol (Abreva) can help alleviate symptoms and shorten the healing time.
Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and discomfort during outbreaks.
Prevention of Herpes Simplex Virus Transmission
Preventing the transmission of Herpes Simplex Virus involves taking precautions, especially during outbreaks. Key prevention strategies include:
Avoiding Direct Contact: Refrain from kissing or engaging in sexual activity with someone who has visible sores or symptoms.
Using Condoms: While condoms do not provide complete protection against HSV, they significantly reduce the risk of transmission during sexual activity.
Suppressive Therapy: For individuals with frequent outbreaks, daily antiviral medication can reduce the likelihood of transmitting the virus to others.
Conclusion: Managing Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
Living with the Herpes Simplex Virus requires understanding the nature of the virus, recognizing symptoms early, and adhering to treatment plans. Although HSV is a lifelong infection, effective management can reduce the frequency of outbreaks and minimize the impact of the virus on daily life. Regular communication with a healthcare provider can ensure that individuals with HSV receive the appropriate care and support to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
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brightnshinythings · 2 years ago
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