#Neither Danny or Tucker know about Tim's feelings
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starlit-crossing · 3 days ago
A Ghost of Yourself
Chapter 7 - Brotherly Bonding
Bruce hadn’t been thrilled when they returned later that afternoon. Luckily Danny didn’t have to deal with the fallout. Bruce was more relieved he had returned, than angry at his leaving. He gave him a look Danny was very familiar with and sent him to his room without a word. He didn’t care the mall had been fun, like afternoons spent with Sam and Tucker after school. The others watched him calmly walk up the stairs, stopping at the top to give them a thumbs-up before disappearing. The others were stuck under Bruce’s gaze.
“What were the four of you thinking? What made you think taking Danny out shopping was a good idea? He’s still a flight risk.” Bruce demanded.
“We get that Bruce, but it’s been two weeks since he got here. Have you talked to him? Gotten to know him?” Steph challenged.
“Steph’s right, he’s not going to want to stay if he feels ignored. Duke and Damian can’t be the only ones.” Tim added.
“If that was the case he wouldn’t have left the other homes. He’s trying to get somewhere, and we still don’t know enough about him to let him do whatever he wants.” Bruce sighed, head in his hand from stress.
“But letting him wander the grounds till he’s stir-crazy is better?” Tim scoffed. “We got more out of him just by talking than anything we’ve tried to garner from research.”
“Like what?” Bruce pressed.
“He has never heard of the Justice League,” Duke chimed in. “Anything about heroes really.”
“He seems to have a regular civilian life, video games, and friends. Not that he’d let much slip about the friends.” Steph added.
“He has shown immense interest in astronomy and aerial advancement.” Damian spoke up.
“It’s why we took him out, Bruce. We wanted to see if we gave a reason to want to stay, that he’d take it. The hope is eventually he won’t need strings attached.” Tim concluded.
“So, you took him out as a test.” Bruce looked amongst them reminded of how well he trained. “What did you promise him?”
“A tour of STAR Labs in Metropolis, to see the space exploration department.” Steph answered waiting for a familiar bat glare, instead, Bruce pondered the thought.
“I’ll allow it, but there should be more of you. What would happen if an incident were to occur while you were there? Who would make sure Danny was out of the way while the others went to help? I’ll reach out to Clark and see what I can do about a tour. It’s his city so he’ll be best as back up.” Bruce answered, tugging his phone from his pocket. The four of them were surprised but decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Duke and Steph went off with their haul while Damian went to find Alfred the cat. Tim followed behind Bruce as he made his way to the study. He offered Tim a seat setting the phone aside.
“How was the mall?” Bruce smiled, taking his seat.
“It was fun, Danny seemed to have had a good time at least from what I could tell. Though something else happened I wanted to brief you on.” Tim answered, pulling out his phone.
“What did you find?” Bruce leaned over to get a closer look.
“So far, we know Danny was traveling to Gotham via a Greyhound, no city he’s passed through holds a record of someone named Danny or Daniel matching his description. The brands of the clothes he arrived in can only be found in the northeast side of the U.S.” Tim explained.
“What states does that leave us with?” Bruce asked.
“Everything west of Indiana, then Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Illinois. A burner phone was in his bag, but neither the phone nor the contacts within have ever been used. The location on the phone was turned off and didn’t ping until he entered Gotham.” Tim answered.
“Hmm… Any contacts on the phone?” Bruce inquired.
“Two numbers neither used and no location mentioned since purchase. It almost feels like he must live in an electronic blackout, but such things would’ve been noticed by now.” Tim rambled.
“How does this relate back to the mall?”
“The attention we garnered is something we’re all used to. It comes with the Wayne name. Danny actively hid from the cameras. Though not many were focused on him, one did catch something.” Tim turned the phone to Bruce showing the blurred image of Danny, his eyes a glow. The man’s face was unreadable as he looked at the phone. Then it shifted to a look only Tim could recognize; he’d seen it when Bruce brought in new members. Whether Danny liked it or not he was stuck with the Waynes at his side.
“Dick will be taking those who wish to go to STAR Labs. I’m sure Connor or Wally can tag along as backup.” He spoke leaning back in his seat. “Let’s also keep an eye on that photo, on the off chance anyone is able to recognize him.”
Bruce had given the green light to visit STAR Labs. They had a chaperone, Dick, who would be joining them. He was the eldest of the adopted children. Danny had seen Tim roll his eyes at the mention of the brother though a smile lit his face. Danny didn’t care though so long as he could go he was happy. They would head out the following weekend, anyone who wished to go could tag along.
So far it was just Tim, Duke, and someone named Cass. Damian and Steph had schoolwork and were unable to take the day off. Danny himself was buzzing with excitement, all week he had been in the library reading up on advancements he had missed because of hero work. They had images of black holes and had found so many lives amongst the stars. Danny had also taken the time to learn more about the Justice League.
There were way more than Danny had thought. So many Danny wondered how no one had heard of what happened in Amity Park.  His entire town had been dragged into another dimension and were attacked on almost a weekly basis until recently. Way more than some of these other cities. Those cities did deal with crime he wasn’t used to, except for maybe robberies. They were human crimes, which dried up with the constant ghost attacks.
Nothing about his home, family, or hero life were online. Tourism was prominent for people visiting for work or on the way to Chicago. He could still picture the lawyer’s face when he saved him from getting hit by a truck when fighting Technus. It was so funny when he realized he was a ghost and not a normal hero. The only conclusion he could come up with was the Guys in White creating a media white out on Amity Park. Powerful people had an easy time silencing those who didn’t have a lot of eyes on them.
In comparison the whole world had their eyes on the Justice League, not just Earth but throughout space as well. This meant they also had the whole world on their back. The UN tracks the heroes across the world and will even try to keep them from getting involved. That shut down his hopes of getting help from the JL. If they were bound by the law and he approached them seeking help he would thrust onto the world stage.
The Anti-Ecto Control act would come up and he would be left just fighting for his right to exist. Still, he wanted to meet them at some point, especially Martian Manhunter. It would be amazing to meet him and learn about Mars, Superman too. Superman seemed to have similar powers to himself, mainly the flying and shooting lasers, but he could probably give him some tips.
Then there was the other teams, all young heroes just like him! Other kids his age doing hero work and getting to hang out. Red Robin and Robin were the most familiar as they were from Gotham. Steph and Duke were more than willing to tell him all about Gotham’s iconic bat family. They also skimmed over the Young Justice and the Teen Titans who were more popular online than the adult hero teams.
The Outsiders were the most recent of the teams, focused on public image alongside heroism. Danny had binged through their social media, spending many hours watching their videos. It gave him a peak into what being a hero was like for other teens. All of this filled out his week of waiting very well and let him get to know Damian and Duke more. Damian still had a wall up with him, but was willing to let him help with taking care of Titus, Alfred the cat and his other pets.
Hiding his emotions was easier now, he barely had to consciously focus on it. His emotions felt stronger too, due to being unable to express them he felt more. The excitement for the next day was almost too much at this point. It had been growing gradually throughout the week and was starting to make headway at dinner. Danny could feel the eyes on him as he wolfed down his food, delicious as always thanks to Alfred.
“Thanks for the food, I think I’m going to turn in early. See you all tomorrow!” Danny announced as he finished off his last bit of steak. Rushing out of the dining room to the stairs and back to his room. He changed quickly into pajamas and settled in for the night. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep right away so he opened the window letting the crisp fall air drift in while he turned on a movie on the computer.
The screams of the Tormentor filled the room, his eyes wandering from the screen every few minutes. At first it was his leg bouncing under the table, then a hang nail on his thumb, the sound of the leaves rustling outside. His eyes fell back on the window, rolling his swivel chair to face the rolling countryside. The lights of Gotham twinkling in the distance, a few bats swooping through the trees.
When was the last time he flew? The last time he just got to have fun with his ghost powers. His mind reached out to the ghost half of himself, it was still there buzzing with energy ready to go at moment’s notice. A light started to flitter through the trees along the main road. He leaned out the window, seeing if it would stop at the gate as it began to slow. As the car made its way down the drive, Danny felt his head bump against something rigid. Above him was the top of the open window, the floor serval inches below him.
A shout escaped his lips as he forced his flight off knocking the wind out of him as he landed halfway out the window. Scrambling back inside his room before the car parked in the drive.
“So, B wants you to babysit?” Jason Asked in between dodging goons.
“Yep, Red came up with the idea to take the kid on a field trip. Keep him entertained and wanted while he’s on house arrest.” Dick answered. “Apparently he’s a big space fan.”
The two of them were currently in Crime Alley raiding an old office building that had been coveted by a newly formed gang. Jason had little interest in the gang itself, but the group had been bragging about knowing everything that happens in the alley. Rumors had surfaced they got a hold of an old Black Mask info broker. So, Jason and Dick went out to raid the place, well Jason did Dick decided to tag along while Jason ignored him but it was progress. So far the man they’d been looking for was a no show, they had cleared the first two floors with little issue but were growing concerned as more members showed but not the target.
“In that case I’m guessing you’re bringing baby blue with you? I don’t wish to be you this weekend.” Jason laughed, chucking a man out the window.
Dick just gave him a look, “Are you serious?” the sibling just gave him a shrug as they pushed deeper up to the third floor. “Superboy is on holiday with Miss M, I thought of Kaldur or KF but they both are busy with family.”
“So that’s why you followed me out here, you want me to help watch the roamer.” Jason exclaimed.
“That isn’t why I came; I wanted to hang out and catch up on what’s happening at the Manor. You wanted to spend family bonding time beating up a gang.” Dick explained.
“What do you mean, that’s how we always bond in this family.” His brother defended kicking open the next door. The fourth floor was different than the others, it was quiet with an open floor plan with large floor-length windows. Crates and boxes with stacked around creating strange angles and cover.
“True, but if I needed backup for the kid I already have it since Orphan is tagging along.” Dick smiled. They crept forward, movement in the back of the room catching their eyes. The two nodded to each other before splitting up. Dick kept talking, keeping the stranger’s attention.
“I don’t really need an excuse to want to hang out with you do I, Little Wing?” he called, moving between the door and the unknown lurker. “I’m mean really it’s been ages, or maybe just a month. You should swing by more often, I know you can cook at least better than the rest of us.”
Finally, with the man cornered, Dick turned past a pile of crates to see a skinny stick of a man. His wiry frame was covered in tattoos with a large jacket hanging loose over his white tank. His dark hair slicked back with so much product it looked greasy and had a small trigger in his hand. He’d rigged this place to blow, and they were standing at the top of it. Before Dick could think any further, Jason was perched above the man ready to jump him.
He had to get the trigger away before Jason made a move, so he went off instinct and side kicked the trigger out of the man’s hand. Second the info broker let go Jason dove on him throwing both out the window. Dick fell to catch the trigger catching the piece just before the thing landed button first. The room felt too quiet after that, Dick was missing something during all the commotion. A crash was heard outside the building, Jason’s grappling hook couldn’t be seen outside.
Dick ran to the window to see two bodies lying on the ground in a pile of trash. Jason seemed to lay on top letting the broker take the brunt of the fall. Dick deactivated the trigger and followed down to check on the two.
“Hood! Are you alright? What happened?” Dick yelled rushing to his side, a groan met him as an answer. He checked Jason over before rolling him off the crushed man. Jason then proceeded to remove his helmet leaving him in his domino mask.
“Fucker decided that holding my arms as we fell was better than letting me save us from the fall. Is he dead?” Jason huffed, pushing himself up into a sitting position. He looked over the man Jason landed on, surprisingly he was mostly fine outside a few broken bones.
“You definitely broke a rib or two, lucky for him he’s out cold.” Dick answered.
“Great, so I can kick him, and he should wake up!” Jason hissed, trying to move his foot but couldn’t get far.
“He needs to go to the hospital before any integration and we should get you back to the cave.” He ordered, calling over his car.
“Like hell! He was going to blow up an entire building, what for? He could’ve died in there with us, so he’s got something worth hiding.” His brother spat.
“You’re right, but if dies due to a punctured lung than he’ll be useless.”
“Fine.” Jason muttered.
“Good, I know you won’t like it but I’m going to have B look over your guy.” Dick began messaging Bruce through his arm communicator.
“Whatever, but if he wakes up have the kid interrogate. It’ll give him some practice.” Dick smiled at the suggestion of having Damian take lead.
“Sounds good, he’ll be glad to.” He grabbed Jason’s unhurt arm and helped him into the car as it pulled up to the alley.
As they reached home, Dick received confirmation that the broker had made it to the hospital alive. Bruce and Damian would be keeping tabs on him until he woke, but he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Jason on the hand kept insisting he was fine, but his attitude on the drive back suggested otherwise. With every tight turn or bump his face would strain and a curse would slip out.
It was a family trait at this point to pretend you were fine when you really needed rest. No one could stand being benched, but doing anything else would risk evoking Alfred’s wrath. As Dick approached the manor he could make out a figure in one of the upper floor windows. He couldn’t tell what they were doing but when the figure suddenly fell half way out the window he picked up on the gas.
By the time they were out front the figure was back inside, he wasn’t sure if it was Danny trying to escape again but it wasn’t the best time to go see. It wouldn’t make sense if Nightwing showed up with an injured crime lord to a billionaire’s house. Dick wasn’t supposed to be here until tomorrow. He’d ask around tomorrow if it could’ve been anyone else and put the alarms on alert.
Rolling into the garage and helping Jason to the Batcave didn’t take long, Alfred was waiting at the bottom to help. They wrapped a cast around Jason’s hairline fracture in his forearm where the brunt of the fall seemed to be. Luckily his only other injuries were a twisted ankle and some bruised ribs. Bedrest was Jason’s best bet despite the many complaints. Alfred went a head and helped the man to bed while Dick followed suit going to his old room.
It still amazed him that Bruce bothered to keep the rooms untouched. Though it’s not he had much of a chance to go through them. Bruce tended to acquire new bats effortlessly, often finding him before he could begin to miss the company. Alfred never dared move anyone out, even with Jason’s first death he just knew that we may need them again. With that thought Dick changed into some pajamas and crashed as his head hit the pillow.
Sleep was something hard to come by Danny knew this and still fought off slumber for as long as he could. Waiting for ages for someone, anyone to barge in and begin questioning him. For the GIW to smash through doors and windows, drag him away far from Wayne Manor and Amity Park. Nothing happened, no one rushed in and slowly the quiet of the night crept into the room. The only thing keeping him from panicking was the focus he held on to. He had to keep his breathing even, so deep in slumber back to the door only the dead could wake him kind of sleep.
Eventually it wasn’t an act, and sleep slowly stole him away from his adrenaline. Just a cozy comforter and bed spread, the sounds of the countryside and crickets easing the tension in his body. As night went on, Danny’s dreamless sleep got interrupted by the cool air as the comforter slipped away. Danny cracked open his eyes to find himself waist deep through the ground floor.
“Ah!” Danny yelped pulling himself back up out of the floor.
 “What is going on?” he whispered to himself. “I’ve been good, doing so good. I should have control.” He needed to think, this hadn’t happened in so long why would it come back. What would his parents think? Wait, that was a dark path and heavily biased. What would Jazz think?
She’d probably say it had to do with bottling his emotions, keeping everything in and making his powers unstable. It wouldn’t be the first time his powers had acted up due to his emotions and Jazz tended to focus on the psychological. It felt wrong, like the answer was deeper than that. Could Clockwork know? Would he help? he thought.
“Clockwork? Any chance of some cryptic wisdom?” Silence was the only answer Danny received. “Should have known, when has he ever stepped in to help when I ask for it.”
With a huff, he decided to forgo his mysterious power instability questions for now. He would just be extra careful; the others would be suspicious if he suddenly refused to go to STAR Labs and it may be a good distraction if he needed. Danny meandered down the hall to the kitchen, hopefully a snack would help him back to sleep. As the door swung open he came face to face with a stranger.
He was taller than any of the Waynes aside from Bruce, a cereal bowl balanced a top a cast as he froze midbite. His hair was black with a white streak dressed in plaid pajamas and a shirt that read Don’t be a “Dick”ens. Danny opened his mouth to speak but felt a familiar chill creep up and out of his mouth in a frosted breath.
The man before him was a ghost, he looked too normal how was he a ghost. Was he like Spectra or Johnny 13 hiding amongst humans gaining power on their emotions. He shouldn’t jump to conclusions but based on the man’s expression he knew Danny wasn’t human. Whether this was a relief for the ghost he couldn’t decide, but as the spoon fell from his hand Danny was already out the door.
“Wait!” The stranger yelled, the sounds of dishes falling could be heard behind him, but he didn’t dare look back as he dashed to his room.
Hello people of the internet! Spring break is near for me, so I’ve finally gotten to work on chapters! I had some more written for this but decided to save it as a head start for chapter 8 so I can hopefully get the next chapter out sooner. I’ve been loving the comments and hype, I can’t wait to see how everyone feels about this chapter.
I’m not sure if anyone else has this issue with their fics, I’m not sure if it’s bots or actual people but I’ve been receiving messages that are basically ads for artists to make art and comics of my story if I pay them. I understand promoting and advocating for yourself as an artist and your artwork but it definitely feels like automated bot messages and it only seems to occur on Fanfiction.net for me. I go into it deeper on fanfiction.net, but in the meantime I hope you all enjoy the story, and I’ll see you next time! Byee!
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months ago
Tucker: We're married.
Danny: What?
Tucker: If anyone asks you and I are married. We've been married for two years. Not platonic roommates. Understand?
Danny: I'm always down for marriage fraud, but can I ask why?
Tucker: *Sigh* We had a big company meeting today with every level employee at the event center the Wayne rent out. Tammy from accounts was assigned to my table-
Danny: Your mortal enemy.
Tucker: Exactly. So she started giving me grief in the middle of our team exercise project. The other four random employees are looking at me all wide eye and I'm getting tired so I say "Is it because I'm gay Tammy?" To shut her up. But at that time, Timothy Drake Wayne was walking behind me and heard me say it. He jumped in to ask what was going on, and I hate Tammy for being so annoying, but I am not about to accuse her of discrimination for no reason. So I said "Oh it was just a joke. Like on the internet." And then when Mr.Drake-Wayne face didn't relax, I blurted out."My husband thinks my jokes are dumb too"
Danny: Tucker....that's not good
Tucker: I know! I started panicking!
Danny: You ramble when you panic.
Tucker: I do, and I did. Before I realized it, I told Mr. Drake-Wayne, this whole made up childhood friends to lover romance between you and I. It was so good he told me to invite you to the office. So we're married. Please go along with it. If I can get Mr. Drake-Wayne's support I can rise in the company so fast.
Danny: Promotions are 50% networking. Alright, sure, what's the worst that can happen?
Five months later
Steph: What's the big emergency?
Tim sobbing:. I'm in love with the husband of one of my employees.
Steph: Tim....that's not good
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flwrkid14 · 4 months ago
Tim and Danny: Love, Trust, and the Weight of Protection
part 1
Danny knows what it's like to be hunted.
It’s been his reality for as long as he can remember—forever glancing over his shoulder, never truly at ease. Between vengeful ghosts, government agents, and countless other dangers, his survival has depended solely on his instincts, his powers, and the fickleness of luck. He has his friends—two best friends and a sister who would drop everything to stand by him, who he knows would always have his back. But the weight of that reliance feels heavy, a burden he can't quite shake.
Trusting others, truly leaning on them, has always felt like a luxury he couldn’t afford. He wants to feel safe, to let someone else take some of the weight, but the thought of putting them in danger because of him? That’s a risk he can't bring himself to take.
Then he meets Tim Drake.
At first, Tim’s protectiveness doesn’t faze him. It’s Gotham. You don’t date a Wayne-adjacent vigilante and expect anything less than a little paranoia. Danny’s been through worse. A tracker on his phone? Standard. Tim pulling files on his professors? Honestly, kind of funny.
But then, Danny finds out how deep it goes.
He stumbles upon a folder on Tim’s desk—his name printed neatly on the tab. Inside? Background checks on his classmates, neighbors and friends. Surveillance reports. A detailed map of his daily routine. Heart rate data. Sleeping patterns. Eating habits. There’s even a file on Phantom.
For a moment, Danny froze.
This should terrify him—it used to. Being watched, tracked for his every move, reminded him too much of those who hunted him, who’d wanted to tear him apart and dissect him like a lab rat. His first instinct was always to run.
But at that moment? He felt... safe. The notes in the margins weren’t cold or clinical like the ones his parents would have written. No, instead, they were worried. Make sure he’s eating enough. Possible threat? Keep an eye on this one. Look for ectoplasmic spikes—could mean trouble.
This wasn’t someone trying to control him. This was someone trying to protect him.
Tim’s not like the people who hunted him in Amity Park. There’s no malice in what he does. No intent to control or hurt. It’s all fear. Love, even. Danny can see it in Tim’s eyes when he stammers through an explanation, bracing himself for anger or rejection.
He’s scared Danny will leave.
And that’s what gets Danny.
No one has ever cared for him like this, no one willing to go through such lengths just to ensure his safety. Yeah, it’s intense, maybe unhealthy, even by the standards of a world that isn’t known for its normalcy. Danny knows Sam, Tucker, and Jazz would do the same—they’ve all put their lives on the line for him before, and he loves them for it. But Tim is different.
Tim is strong enough to face the dangers of Danny’s world and carry the weight of his burdens without hesitation. It’s something Danny could never ask his friends to do—not because they wouldn’t, but because they have their own lives, their own paths. They would drop everything for him, just as Tim would, but Tim does it with the resolve of a vigilante, already living a life where protecting others is his duty. This is someone who understands the risks, who’s already made those sacrifices, and still chooses to say, “I will protect you, no matter the cost.”
So, he smiles. He kisses Tim’s cheek. And he asks, “Can I put a tracker on you too?”
The way Tim’s eyes light up? Yeah, Danny thinks. This is love.
The batfamily doesn’t get it.
They corner Danny one day, all serious expressions and careful words.
“Danny, we’re worried,” Dick starts, voice soft. “About Tim?” Danny tilts his head. “About both of you,” Steph says. “This… surveillance thing. It’s not normal.”
Danny shrugs. “Neither am I.”
They might understand—on some level. They’d lived through their own kind of danger, faced their own threats. But for Danny, it was different. They didn’t grow up being hunted, didn’t spend years hiding from people who wanted to tear them apart just for existing. For him, trusting the wrong person wasn’t just a risk; it was a matter of life and death.
Tim’s methods might be extreme, but Danny sees the intent behind them. It’s not control. It’s care. Tim watches his back because he knows what it’s like to lose people. Danny lets him because he knows what it’s like to be alone.
“Tim’s the first person who’s made me feel safe,” Danny tells them, voice steady. “You see obsession. I see someone who cares enough to watch my back.”
They don’t know what to say to that.
Their relationship isn’t conventional. But in a city like Gotham, love isn’t always soft and simple. Sometimes, it’s vigilance. Sometimes, it’s knowing someone’s tracking your heartbeat because they’d die if it ever stopped.
Tim watches over Danny. Danny watches over Tim. It’s not about control—it’s about trust. About knowing that, no matter what, someone’s got your back.
The bats worry. They whisper about boundaries, red flags and healthy relationships.
Danny doesn’t listen. He knows what he’s got.
In a world where ghosts and vigilantes collide, where danger lurks in every shadow, Danny’s finally found someone who won’t let him face it alone.
And that? That’s everything.
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yoonjae20 · 2 months ago
Ric(hard) Fenton; Part 1
(Once again slightly inspired by @saltymarshmall0w 's prompt.)
Read on ao3.
Masterpost. Next.
“B, didn’t you promise us as you’d tell if there was a possibility of another secret child?” Tim asks as he stares at the black haired boy, who looks like he had been to hell and back to get here, with blue eyes — because of course, they are blue —  in front of the Manor’s door. 
He can’t help but feel unnerved by the way the boy evaded their security measures and how he hasn’t said a single word since Tim opened the door even when he can see the boy’s hands tremble.
“Yes?” Bruce's voice floats from further in the Manor, his barely audible gaunt drawing near.
“Then who the hell is this?” he asks just as the man turns the corner. He freezes at the sight of the kid, literally blue screening as he takes him in. 
“Actually he’s mine,” a too chipper voice announces and Tim nearly jumps out of skin as he turns to Dick.
The young man must see both Tim and Bruce doing the mental calculations in their heads because he interrupts before they can draw the wrong conclusions.
“If Bruce can go around adopting children, I can do the same.” Then he turns to the boy. “You can come in, Danny.” 
Tim is eerily reminded of a wary, frightened cat as the boy — Danny moves inside. His steps are too silent for a mere civilian. 
Bruce and Tim share a look and Tim knows that they are both asking themselves when Dick met the boy and why he never mentioned him with how familiar he acts around him as he easily tucks him into his side. 
Although neither of them wants to accept it, Dick has changed since the one year where he disappeared without a trace. He’d told them that he was shot leading to him to lose his memories and that he only retained his memories a few days before he came back, but Tim always had a feeling the older man was not telling the whole truth, hiding it behind an easy-going smile. He didn’t speak a single word about what happened during that year, claiming he didn’t remember much of it ever since his memories returned.
Not only that, but it had become even rarer than before that any of them would meet Dick at the manor (even Jason was at the Manor more often) — and when he was present he was always studying them with an intense stare as if he was searching for something in their expressions.
“Dick,” Bruce starts but the man waves him off.
“Later,” he says. “I need to see if I have any fresh clothes for Danny.”
Dick pulls the boy away and they head up the stairs. Tim gives it a minute before he follows, nodding at Bruce, who does the same. He hears them stop in the hallway and he pauses in his steps.
“What’s going on?” Tim hears the man's question and he sneaks closer when he can’t hear the boy’s response. He subtly uses his phone’s camera to peek around the corner. 
“What about Mom and Dad?” Dick asks in a hushed whisper and Tim knits his eyebrows together — confused about who his brother is talking about.
Danny winces with a pained expression.
“The GIW got them in custody for affiliating with and aiding an ectoplasmic entity,” he explains. “You are my only chance.”
“Jazz, Sam, Tucker?” Dick almost seems desperate and when the boy just shakes his head after each name, he runs a hand through his hair and curses. 
“And you are sure we can’t go to them?”
Tim can’t help but ask himself who they are talking about that Dick’s voice is so full of disdain. Danny vehemently shakes his head, eyes squeezed together like he is remembering something painful and when he speaks his voice is shaky.
“I don’t know what to do, Ric,” he says, clutching the top of his shirt like his heart is hurting and Tim’s eyebrows climb to the top of his hairline at the unusual nickname. “I can’t- I can’t do this alone…” 
“Fuck.” Dick takes a deep breath as he hugs Danny. “Okay. Yes, of course I’m coming with you, baby ghost. Just let me grab my things and then we’ll go on our way.” 
“You will not go anywhere.” 
Bruce steps in Dick’s path before Tim can stop him and he narrows his eyes at the pair. Danny flinches away from the man and Dick steps protectively in front of the boy.
Tim knows Bruce and Dick had their rough patches in the past but never like this. Never had Dick looked at Bruce like he was a threat. 
“I’m not in the mood, B,” Dick warns sharply. 
“And I’m not about to let you go off with someone that I haven’t vetted.”
Dick lets out a bitter huff of a laugh.
“Of course that’s the only thing you would focus on.” His voice is cold. “You’ll bulldoze your way through, and prod and condemn, not caring if you hurt someone innocent in the process as long as you can justify your actions. I don’t even know why I’m surprised at this point. It’s what happened to Jason after all.”
Bruce reels back like he’s been punched. 
“Now if that is all, I have to go save the people who actually treat me like family.”
This time nobody stops Dick as he leaves the house, Danny in tow. 
“Master Bruce, Master Tim,” Alfred’s voice tears Tim out of his trance and startles Bruce who froze in his spot. “Where is Master Dick?”
Dick trembles with barely suppressed fury as he leads Danny to his car.
He wanted to believe that Bruce was better — that he wouldn’t have led the Justice League on a hunt after a child, but the longer he is back in Gotham as Richard Grayson — the longer he is around who were supposed to be his “actual” family, the more he grows unsure about that fact. There is no easy trust between them — not the steadfast determination that no matter what happens, they’ll take his side. Not like the Fentons have. (It’s been barely 2 months and he misses being Ric Fenton — misses being Jack and Maddie’s son and Jazz and Danny’s older brother.)
Bruce has contingency plans about them for fuck’s sake. And while he understands that there might be situations where they would be on other sides — the time where he and the Teen Titans had to fight their mind controlled mentors comes to mind — it’s a scary thought. For the first time since ages — since Bruce had taken Robin away from him — he feels like he is on his own. 
Back then he had turned to Clark — to Superman. He was the one who gave him the name Nightwing but Dick is plagued by the nightmares he witnessed Danny having. He doesn’t think he can look at his uncle ever the same again. 
At the same time, he doesn’t know if Danny and him can do this alone. He glances at the boy as he drives out the gates to the manor — he looks incredibly drained. He’s even paler than usual and there’s a sheen of sweat over his whole body as he leans back in his seat, breaths shallow. 
As he drives through the streets of the Bowery a sudden thought comes to his mind. He tears the steering wheel around, tearing Danny out of his doze. He blinks at Dick, eyebrows knitted together when he sees that they are still in Gotham.
“Where are we going?” he asks and Dick gives him a smile that is all teeth.
“Just a little pit stop.”
Jason and Dick don’t talk much — or to be more precise they don’t talk about the important stuff. Not about the — ‘I broke down when I heard about your death and I blame myself for not being there’ or ‘I was sure you hated me and you were glad I was gone’. They barge into each other's apartments, spar or get drunk together and cling to each other when they are sure the other isn’t awake to witness it. It’s not quite healthy — but it’s something better than when Jason was still Robin.
So when the door to one of his safe houses gets slammed open, Jason isn’t concerned. He knows Dick had been off the past few weeks and had been expecting his visit for quite a while now. 
The look in Dick’s eyes is different this time around though. It’s not quite the mix of depression coupled with anger he normally expects — it’s something stronger — righteous fury.
“I need your help,” Dick demands before Jason can question what’s going on.
Jason knits his eyebrows together. 
“What about Bruce?”
There’s a dark look in the man’s eyes for a moment before it passes and that’s the moment Jason realizes that this something more serious than the usual spats he normally has with B. 
“You are the only one I can trust with this.”
He spins around on his heels and is out of the safe house before Jason can blink. Getting a bit impatient and angry about Dick not getting straight to the point and still expecting him to follow — Jason storms out. What he doesn’t expect is the passed out half-dead kid in the passenger seat. A tinge of green enters his vision as he glares at Dick.
“What the hell is going on?”
The story Dick tells as they speed on the highway leaves Jason reeling. If the man’s tone wasn’t carefully monotone as he spoke about Ghosts and an entire town being shifted to a different dimension, Jason would have already declared that Dick finally snapped. He wants to question why he lied to the rest about losing his memories about the year he went missing, but the desperate look he sends him and the way his hands shake on the steering wheel hold him back. It’s only the boy’s quiet snores that have Jason’s volume not climbing above a hiss.
“Are you sure this all happened? That this is real?”
“I was there, Jay,” Dick’s tone leaves no arguments. “I almost watched Danny die, again — fighting Pariah Dark. I would have never forgiven myself if another of my brothers…” He gulps and shakes his head. “I was there this time. I should have made a difference and once again I was helpless”. He slams a fist against the radio, cursing when it turns on, blaring loud music. 
He quickly turns the volume down and both of them wait with bated breath as Danny stirs in his seat, before he goes limp again. Dick lets out a deep sigh.
“How do you think I felt once I realized the situation?” Dick questions. “I was in the middle of nowhere with no recollection of who I was. If the Fentons hadn’t found me-” He shakes his head. “Next I know I’m watching a kid fight fucking Ghosts twice his side and getting thrown around like a ragdoll like it’s a normal Tuesday. That shouldn’t happen Jay, it just shouldn’t.”
Jason stays silent.
“And worst of all, I still knew how to fight,” Dick barrels on. “But no matter how much I tried to help Danny and teach him, it was useless because it wasn’t humans or even metas he was up against. How could my moves counter beings that can fly and go intangible and invisible at will?”
Jason still can’t fathom why Dick hid this from them all — but he knows enough to understand why he needs his help. 
“So what’s the plan?”
Dick shoots him a relieved smile.
“We still have 12 hours of driving ahead of us,” Dick glances at Danny. “I’m reckoning he’s gonna be out cold for at least half of it if not more. I need you to switch with me after half of the drive so I can get a power nap in, then I’ll take over again.”
“Not trusting me with the car?” Jason teases.
“Show me your drivers license and maybe I’ll reconsider.”
They start bickering, and for a moment Jason can convince himself that this is a normal road trip.
Jason’s at the wheel when the boy wakes up. Dick is out cold and despite the man’s protests Jason can drive normally if he wants to. There’s no reason the man has to over exhaust himself.
They had tossed their phones once they crossed the border to Illinois and Dick had withdrawn a couple of thousand bucks. Jason had questioned why they hadn’t done sooner if they wanted to keep Bruce off their trail, but the man told him he’s not the one he is worried about. Considering what Dick told him about the elusive GIW, Jason can harbor a guess on who he is talking about. It’s after that, that Jason wrangled him into another nap — Dick was in no condition to drive any further. 
“Ric?” Danny questions sleepily as he sits up and Jason keeps an eye on him out of the corner of his eyes.
“He’s asleep,” Jason answers and it’s only because he’s used to Damian that he blocks the instinctual kick as the boy realizes he’s not alone. 
“I can see that Dick kept you sharp” Jason huffs out a laugh. “I’m Jason, in case he didn’t mention me.”
Danny blinks at him and shifts so he is sitting cross legged. He knits his eyebrows together, clearly thinking.
“You were the pit stop?” he questions.
“Apparently.” Jason shrugs. “Great work, by the way. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Dick this pissed.”
The boy frowns, gnawing at his lips as he stares out the window.
“You’ve died too, haven't you?”
Jason suppresses his initial reaction to snap at the boy. Instead he grits his teeth as he stares straight ahead, the road blurring together. 
“Ric shouldn’t have let you come.”
He grips the steering wheel until his knuckles are deadly white, green hazing his vision. 
“They’ll cut you open too.”
It takes the wind out of his anger and he lets out a curse. The brakes screech as he stops at the side of the road, nearly catapulting them forward with the force of it. Jason finally turns to look at Danny properly. The boy peels down his t-shirt to reveal a gnarly, ugly red Y-shaped scar as he gulps.
“Ric doesn’t know,” he says as he releases the hem of his shirt, covering the scar once more. “I haven’t told him.”
“Then why me?” Jason’s voice rises without his consent.
“Because you’ll get it,” the boy murmurs. “How it feels to die.”
The boy leans back, turning away from Jason to look at the corn field.
“How it haunts you.”
Jason wants to puke and he lets his forehead fall onto the steering wheel.
“Fuck,” he says emotionally and the boy laughs — broken and hysterical. Jason doesn’t comment on the tears streaming down Danny’s face.
Jason starts up the car again, leading the car back on the road.
“Next time Dick asks for my help, I’ll send him to hell.”
Jason hides a smile when the boy snorts at that. 
Dick comes to himself as they are about to cross the border into Amity Park. Jason and Danny are quietly talking and he wipes away a little bit of drool as he sits up. It’s dark outside and Danny directs Jason as they enter the city. He leans forward as he enters the conversation.
“You’ll think the GIW’s detectors will sense us?”
Danny glances at Jason, before he turns his attention to Dick.
“We should be fine for a few hours at least as long as I don’t have to turn ghost,” he says. “Half of the town is liminal at this point so you and Jason shouldn’t raise any alarms either. They had too many false alarms in the months since you left.”
Jason looks at Dick strangely once they park where they can hide for the night.
“Since when did you have contact with Lazarus Pits?”
“Never,” Dick retorts. “But living above a portal to the Infinite Realms for a year will do the trick.”
Jason's face scrunches up.
“Who the hell builds a portal in their own basement?” 
Both Dick and Danny snort. 
“Gotta love Mom and Dad,” the boy says as Dick nods in agreement. “Only they are insane enough.”
Dick makes a face.
“I could do without reanimated meatloaf for the rest of my life though.”
“Don’t remind me,” Danny shudders.
Jason stares at them in bafflement. 
“You do know how crazy that sounds?”
“Crazier than Ghosts?” Danny questions with a smirk and Jason pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head
“To give it to Mom and Dad they did stop storing samples in the fridge after we lectured them about it,” Dick adds. At Jason's aghast face he just shrugs. “They are passionate about their work.” 
“Insane, absolutely insane,” the man mutters and Dick suppresses a smile.
It had taken him a bit to get used to the Fenton's and their flavor of insanity and chaos. At first he had been worried about them being neglectful at best, but it turns out that they just needed someone to remind them when they got into “hyperfixation” mode. He and Jazz had to stage an intervention and both Maddie and Jack were embarrassed once they realized they took it too far. Dick doesn’t know who is worse — them or Tim when he’s awake for more than three days. 
He was very relieved when his initial hunch didn’t turn out to be true after Danny revealed himself as Phantom to his parents. They did a whole 180 on their research, focusing on learning about the intricacies of the Infinite Realms, their culture and even politics instead — resigning from their high positions in the GIW. That’s when the trouble really started. 
Dick hadn’t lied about getting amnesia after he was shot and it was also true that his memories had only returned — thanks to Frostbite — two months ago. But the only reason he went back to Gotham had been to get Danny help (the longer they waited the worse the situation with the GIW became) — to find out if the Justice League could be trusted. Once he heard what happened with Freakshow and the Reality Gauntlet (and had the memories to properly realize what that meant) he had been horrified. He had given himself a deadline to — if need be, confront the Justice League by the time Danny’s birthday came around and find out the truth. (He had desperately hoped that this was all a misunderstanding, but Bruce’s words still taste bitter on his tongue.)
Dick knows bringing Jason along was a risk — considering Danny’s theory that the Lazarus Pit were corrupted ectoplasm, but they need the manpower to get through the GIW’s defenses. Even if he’s scared shitless about what they’ll do to Jason when they find out just how liminal he is. He knows this is a death mission. But it doesn’t have to be for Jason.
“We need to establish some ground rules,” Dick says reluctantly and Jason narrows his eyes at the wording.
“If we get captured, I want you to save yourself, Jason.” Jason scoffs and Dick raises a hand, silencing his retort before it can come. “I’m the sole reason you got involved in the first place. Me and Danny may be willing to die for them, but I’m not letting you sacrifice yourself for something that isn’t even your problem to deal with.”
“If you think I’m gonna agree to those, you are more than stupid than I thought Dick,” Jason’s voice is scathing. “It started being my problem when you came to me for help and we drove for 12 straight hours to get there. If you say those people are your family — then they are mine as well.”
His lips perk into a smirk.
“Besides, I want to meet the people that might be even more batshit insane than B and got you to call them Mom and Dad.”
Dick flushes slightly — the Fenton’s had always insisted on him calling them Mom and Dad and he doesn’t know when the titles became genuine. Even with his memories restored, Ric Fenton feels more alive  — more loved — than Richard Grayson ever did. 
Danny just shrugs as he leans back, arms crossed behind his neck and feet rested on top of the glove box. 
“I guess I have not only two sisters but two older brothers now,” he adds cheekily. 
Jason playfully shoves Danny and Dick gapes at the fond tone in his voice. 
“How?” he stammers — they should barely know each other. “When?”
Jason tucks Danny into his side, angle a bit awkward, but grinning as he ruffles his hair.
“You missed a lot, sleeping beauty,” Jason jests and Dick groans.
“I was only asleep for 1 hour!” he bemoans. 
“Two,” Danny corrects and Dick glares at him, raising a finger.
“Don’t you two dare gang up on me!”
“This is sweet revenge for when you and Jazz teamed up against me,” Danny grins.
“We were literally trying to help you!” Dick complains, shoving Danny’s face away as the boy cackles, Jason watching on with amusement.
Dick might have to leave Ric Fenton behind for good now that his two worlds have collided, but maybe he can still be Richard “Dick” Grayson-Fenton instead.  
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year ago
Dp x Dc AU: That one episode of teen titans where they all dress up as Robin + Tim being a gremlin about his legacy + Danny look alike/twin AU.
So there is that episode of Teen Titans where Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven all dress as Robin (Dick) while he's out and it's admitted that the outfit makes them feel cool. Imagine a young Tim hearing that story mentioned in passing by Dick while trying to manage what becomes Young Just-us. And then when Damain becomes Robin?? Gremlin mode activated.
Tim hosts regular 'Robin' Parties, where the idea is that you come in Robin colors, get a mask at the door and everyone gets to basically hang out in civilian clothes without the identity crises for those just getting started. "age appropriate" drinks, games, and good music are all staples. The parties become more frequent once Damian becomes Robin and he pointedly doesn't attend Tim's parties which... Neither of them are really happy about. Family is complicated, but finally, after a few years of cooling off, it's decided that Robin will actually host this years Robin party.
Meaning Tim shows up in casual clothes (MIT sweatshirt) and a mask, and Damian is actually dressed as Robin when the party is starting to get into the swing of things. The point of it is to make sure all the young heroes get to come and start to befriend each other, so there are a few people who show up and have to actually say that they're *insert alias* and this is met with basically "Dope, nice to meet you Robin" etc.
Insert Danny Twin AU (Or just look-alike fuckery) (for either brother but my brain is on Tim Twin au mode).
Danny decides to show up as his human self, grabs a mask at the door before coming in, and is slowly integrating himself into a conversation when someone grabs his arm- "Hey Red your brother is fighting with a newbie about meat products again-"
And Danny doesn't have a brother but my god has he heard this fight too many times with Sam and Tucker- He's going in and he's defusing this situation because he cannot handle the thought of this argument taking over his new friend group. He deals with it enough, okay?
Robin (like, the real one) looks at him curiously while Danny is talking down the other hero Robin (insert here), and the whole room notices when Robin doesn't take the opportunity to dismiss or belittle his older brother (Lmao because its danny). Damian cannot place his unease about Drake (again, Danny, who is not hiding his identity beyond a mask), and simply decides that this isn't worth the effort.
The party moves on but now instead of everyone calling themselves Robin, Danny is distinctly being called Red. It confuses him a bit, he didn't even know Red Robin was going to be at this party (he hasn't met the guy and doesn't know the lore), but he rolls with it because he's made fast friends with Robin (Bart), Robin (Cassie) and Robin (JON). The kid was full little bro energy and it made Danny laugh, he was so surprised when the real Robin joined them and fell into easy conversation with Robin (Jon).
Danny is playing games with a few others when someone goes to grab a broom to clean up- Turns out Red Robin and his boyfriend Kon had been making out in the closet for most of the party- and the whole room looks at Danny like he's tried to trick them. Tim is at first uneasy that so many people mistook him, but once he's in front of his dupe, puzzle pieces start to move around in his head.
"And who are you again, Robin?" Tim asks carefully, though he suspects he has his answer.
"Uh, Phantom, but you know, a lot of people were calling me Red tonight and I didn't get why until just now." Danny laughs nervously.
"Yeah I bet- Find me monday and we can see about a geneology test."
"That leaves us the whole weekend, to do what exactly? Fuck with people by pulling a parent trap style swap?"
"Nature vs. nuture and all but I don't know how you could be anything but my brother with a question like that." Tim grins and they get to scheming.
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thevoidstaredback · 3 months ago
I have been madly inspired by this post, but I don't have time to write it. Instead, you get a prompt!
Tim and Danny are twins, just as in the inspo prompt. Except, instead of being from the DC Universe, they're both from the Danny Phantom Universe.
The timelines both continue as normal up until just after Dick becomes Robin (DC) and the Portal Accident (DP).
Instead of Sam and Tucker (or maybe you want them there? Idk. In my head, they aren't here) who're with Danny when the portal opens, it's Tim. They'd decided to try and help their parents as best they could (because this is a family of geniuses, guys!). Tim was working outside in the lab while Danny went in to see if anything's wrong in there, the accident happens as canon.
Now that the portal's open, Danny goes out as Phantom while Tim works as his support. (Neither tell Jazz or anyone because they're both allergic to help) Some way or another, Tim gets lost in the Ghost Zone and ends up in the DC Universe, wandering the streets of Gotham.
Jack and Janet Drake had decided to follow Brucie Wayne's lead and adopt a not well-to-do kid. They stumble upon Tim and basically kidnap him. He goes along with it because he doesn't know how long he'll be stuck here and he needs to blend in.
We all know the jokes of Tim being forever 17? Well, being exposed to the portal and the GZ as intensely as he was slows down his aging (unlike Danny whose aging completely stops) Tim doesn't leave Drake Manor much, nor is anyone much around to notice anything, so it's not like it matters. He doesn't actually notice at first!
Then, Tim sees Batman and Robin. At first, it was just glimpses of them, but then he got obsessed. He bought a camera using the Drakes money and set about his quest. He follows the vigilantes, learns from them from a distance, because this is what his brother does! This is what he was helping his brother do!
Eventually, Robin quits, leaving Batman and Batgirl. Dick Grayson leaves Gotham just after that. Then, Bruce Wayne adopts Jason Todd and Robin is back on the scene. Tim pieces it together pretty quick after that
Meanwhile, Danny's a mess. His twin brother is missing somewhere in the Realms, probably scared out of his mind and he can't find anyone who'll help him look! On top of that, Vlad's getting on his nerves more than usual, pushing further and further past the line he'd drawn in the sand.
Then, the Nasty Burger explodes. No one dies, thank God, but Jazz, Sam, Tucker, and his parents are all in the hospital.
Scared out of his damn mind that he'll become Dan, he retreats to the Realms. He flies and flies, grief skewing both his sense of direction and his will to care, and he ends up somewhere dark. It feels different from the rest of the Realms he's explored. Everywhere else, he could feel Clockwork and the Observants Watching, but not here.
Danny, needing to rest and calm himself down, lands in Gotham. Right in the middle of a Scarecrow attack. He's doused with Fear Gas.
Batman and Nightwing have been fighting again, and the new guy, Red Hood, isn't helping matters. Robin, in an effort to just get away for a bit, goes off on his own during patrol. That's when Scarecrow attacks.
Danny, more human than ghost at the moment, sees flames engulfing the building next to him, his friends and family all in there. And right in the middle of everything is his twin brother. He tries to get to them, to Tim, but someone's holding him back.
Tim sees his brother. He'd run to where Scarecrow just left, letting Batman and Nightwing handle Rogue, to check on any civilians that might've gotten caught, and he only sees one. At first he thought that he'd inhaled some of the Fear Gas, but he can think clearly and there aren't any other symptoms.
"Danny?" Tim asks, voice quiet, not daring to hope this is real. He'd almost given hope about ever getting home. He doesn't get an answer, but he can see the symptoms of Fear Gas settling over Danny, so he restrains him before he can hurt himself.
Danny passes out as soon as Tim gets him the antidote, and now Tim is left to explain why he's brought a civilian back to Drake Manor and why the civilian looks like him
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thekitsunesiren · 2 years ago
hello mind if I drop off a prompt?
Damian let's his family know he is going to hang out with a friend.
a bat bugs Damian to find him hanging out with one Danni Fenton.
adult Danny/Sam/Tucker parenting a 12 year old Danni.
The trio earn Auntie/Uncle/Uncle privileges from Damian.
Oh, this will be fun!
Okay, first things first would be the absolute disbelief from the batfam from Damian's announcement. Because Damian. Damian "Demon Brat" Wayne, had a friend. A friend that they didn't have the knowledge of knowing until just then.
With Damian springing it on them, they didn't have the time to ask any important questions, let alone do a background check on the kid and their family.
From what Damian told them, the kid they were meeting was named Danielle, but she preferred to be called Ellie. She and her parents had moved to Gotham not too long ago. He met her on a pure coincidence. And of course, with how paranoid the Batfam was, that didn't settle well for them. The parents could've sent their child to get close to the Wayne family for the money. Or kidnap Damian!
Tim walked up to Damian and ruffled his hair while teasing the younger Wayne about how he finally made a friend that wasn't an animal. With a scoff and a swat as a way to get rid of the opposing limb, Damian turned and left the manor while slamming the door behind him.
As soon as it closed, Tim raced back to where he left his computer. There was no way he wasn't going to let his little brother go anywhere unknown without at least two trackers on him. And with how the others quickly scrambled behind him to get a look on his computer, the others had the same thought.
Damian, however, was excited to visit Dani and her family.
The two had met when he was leaving school and waiting for Alfred to pick him up. And she wasn't that far from him, standing near the road waiting for someone to pick her up as well. At first glance, she looks like she could be someone adopted by father. Black hair tied to a ponytail and shockingly bright blue eyes. Immediately, he saw her as someone that his father would try to adopt just off of appearance alone. With her seeming to be around his age, he could claim that he could have a sibling to interact with more.
Of course, it wasn't long before the stranger took notice of his staring and turned to look him dead on. Her eyes meeting his in a serious stare down where neither of them moved.
When Damian made the move to speak, a car pulled up in front of the girl. The passenger side window rolling down and someone talking to the girl. She responded in turn before opening the passenger side door and getting in. Damian could only stand and watch as the car soon pulled away from the school and drive away into the distance. Not long afterwards, Alfred arrived to pick him up and he rode in silence on the way home while contemplating the other student that he met.
Okay! Here's how I feel like it would go down with their so called meeting out of the way.
Damian would see Dani and would immediately assume that she would be some sort of clone of either his father or one of the other bats. Was she sent to his school to watch and observe him? Did she know who his alter ego was?
After that, he would be watching her every move during class, surprising himself to find out that she was even in a few of his classes. Suspicious.
Does he approach her? No, because that would put too much on him and probably give her the opening she was expecting. He was ten steps ahead of her in every way!
Day after day, he watches and takes note of everything that she does, trying to notice any oddities in her behavior. Or any sign that she was spying on him.
While she didn't seem to be spying on him directly, Damian did notice her personality of being strong willed, stubborn and having a love for puns. Hm, a clone of the Robins maybe instead of Batman?
Dani, on the other hand, is wondering why the young Wayne seemed to be following her from a distance ever since they've seen each other that day on the end of school. From what Danny told her, it was the older Wayne's that she was supposed to avoid in case she was forcefully kidnapped, though it seemed that the younger Wayne was just as bad as the older ones.
How did Dani end up going to Damian's school, you ask? Well, it was simple:
Not long after Danny defeated Pariah Dark and took up the mantel as the next King of the Infinite Realms, Dani had returned from her travels around the world and decided to spend a bit of time with Danny as things calmed down. Maybe even get to know the others a bit better, seeing as she was never properly introduced to them.
She found out that he was dating both Sam and Tucker. Had been for a while now. Huh, go figure. And during that time of dating, she had arrived to catch up and spend a bit more time of all of them. Maybe even try to find a good reason to stay in Amity for a bit longer (even though she really loved to travel).
But not too long after that, a reveal gone wrong left Dani standing in a room with a frantic Sam packing up everything she owned while Jazz treated a barely conscious Danny's wound on his side. A gunshot wound that was from his parents no doubt.
One rushed explanation from Jazz about how the reveal went wrong, and how they had to leave Amity Park. Now.
With a quick meet up with Tucker, the five of them were huddled in a car and pedaling out of Amity as fast as they could. Dani staying in the back seat with Jazz to watch over Danny and make sure that he didn't pass out again on their way to-wherever it was they were going. Her core wouldn't allow it.
The clone didn't know how far they've been driving and for how long, but she knew that they were out of Amity and that was all that mattered. But the question bouncing around her head was: what happens now?
And the answer was to drive all the way called Gotham city and lay low for a while. Thankfully, a lot of the buildings were no questions asked. So when they find a place that could fit all of them (small and cramped as it was) while planning on what to do now. Of course Sam, Tucker, and Jazz all pretty much up and left without much except for some spare clothes and their ghost hunting gear (and a credit card Sam managed to snag from her mom's purse. Her own card didn't have as much on it.). But Danny was out of there and they were safe from both the Fentons and the GIW. For now.
Now, several weeks have passed. Jazz had managed to find a job to help with the money, while Sam and Tucker were both on the way as well. Which left Dani pretty much alone in the apartment with a slowly healing Danny. And while he was healing, he was kept on house arrest, much to his ire. Though he did help out with the cooking and other house chores while the others were out doing their own thing. And if the two of them occasionally floating outside their apartment during the night, who would tell on them?
When about two months passed, the older teens realized that Gotham would be their permanent home until further notice, so it would only be right that they allow Dani some time to get out as well.
So, they enroll her to school! Gotham U no less (Thank you, Tucker). Sure it was a bit stuffy for their tastes (mostly Sam's), but they were sure that Dani would fit in fine! What's the worst that could happen?
Unfortunately, Dani was a clone of Danny, so she was off to a bit of a rough start. And she hadn't really interacted with someone of her (supposed) age before, so it was all plenty new for her. So she really didn't know where to start.
It wasn't until she went to class that she met a kid in the back row facing the window, who looked like he didn't want to be in this class either. And during attendance she learned that his name was Damian Wayne. Odd, wasn't that the name of that rich family that Sam talked (more like complained) about? Oh well, coincidence maybe.
Throughout the entire day, Dani would notice that if they had the same class, he would be looking in her direction for moments at a time.
It was about the last class of the day when Dani pieced together as to why he could be doing that.
He was shy!
Well, Dani would make sure that wouldn't last long. And maybe he would approach her soon.
So every day, Dani would work on getting to know him better. Even when he would brush her off and try to make her go away. She was as stubborn as Danny for a reason!
When the two finally became friends and Dani told that her new friend invited her to her house and also offered her parents, she forgot on whether or not that was truly the rich Wayne she was supposed to stay away from.
Dani had spoken about her friend plenty of times, and all of her parents seemed to like him.
Danny laughed every time Dani spoke about doing something or possibly pranking Damian, thinking that she was doing good with socialization and that the kid had to enjoy their friendship to some degree.
Sam was a bit more cautious of the friend, asking more of his likes and dislikes. Was he really bullying Dani? Did he say anything mean to her? Did she have to go to the school and fight a kid? All and all, Dani slowly convinced her that Damian was a good kid and she let it be. Telling Sam that Damian was a vegan may or may not have helped.
Tucker was a bit more lenient than the other two. The kid was nice to her? Didn't bully her? He was smart and knew his way around tech? Good
But as they stood in front of Wayne Mansion dressed in their more casual clothes, they all thought that they should've asked more questions about Dani's friend.
(All in all: neither of them have truly interacted with someone their age, your honor.)
Confrontations, miscommunication, and possibly a lot of bonding could come from both sides, and I would love to see it!
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helloilikepurple · 1 year ago
DC X DP - Danny Drake
Tim's parents didn't intend to have another child. One was plenty. And then an one drunken night resulted in Janet getting pregnant. It's a bit of a predicament, seeing as neither of them want another child (who will need to be fed and raised and stuff) but are also both generally against abortion. So, she rides out the pregnancy, limiting public appearances so it remains secret. She doesn't want to deal with the publicity her being pregnant would get her. It's too much drama. So she keeps it secret from everyone but her husband, and gives birth in a private hospital.
She refuses to sign the birth certificate. She doesn't want this baby tied to her. She doesn't even bother thinking of a name. She gives him away as soon as he's out. A yet-to-be-named newborn Danny is handed off to an orphanage as soon as he can be. The Drake parents go through medical procedures to ensure another pregnancy won't happen.
He stays there for a only a few weeks before an over-eager, excitable couple comes by with their young daughter, in search of a son to teach all their ghostly hunting ways to because for all Jazz, even so young, is smart, she has no interest in their research. Also, Maddie doesn't want to go through another pregnancy since her first one wasn't very enjoyable (she was in a lot of pain for most of those 9 months, basically unable to work on her research).
They see Danny and are quick to adopt him (well, as quick as you can be, but, with it being a Gotham orphanage, it's a lot quicker than it should be). Jack claims he can see the ghost hunter potential in him and Maddie thinks he's adorable. She's excited to have a little baby again to take care of and hold. She'd always wanted a big family, and while 2 children isn't really a lot, it's enough for someone as busy as her. Jazz is excited to have a little brother, and takes to reading books about babies and parenting to better take care of him. She loves holding him, and brags to all her friends about her baby brother, who's undeniably the cutest baby ever.
Danny grows up with the Fentons, not knowing he's adopted. Everything happens as it does in the show. And then, when Danny is 15, his parents take him to Gotham for a ghost hunter convention, Jazz busy with university hunting. Going to Gotham should've been a nice vacation for him. No ghost attacks for a good two weeks. Just Danny in Gotham - with free reign of the most crime ridden city in the world. Yeah this wasn't gonna' go well.
Gotham is dark. The air smells like sewage, death and bitter hope. The people feel like candles flickering in a storm, stubbornly refusing to go out. Danny decides he likes it. The hotel his parents choose is fancy (paid for by Vlad at the insistence that Maddie couldn't stay in some random, run down place after catching wind of their trip). Danny thought it suspicious but figured he'd deal with it when he needed to.
Anyway, Danny has his own room right across the hall from his parents. It's got a queen sized bed, full sized bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub, a walk-in closet, a tv and a balcony. It's very nice. Danny sets his bags down and collapses onto his bed with a huff. He lays there for a minute, and then reaches for his phone to text Jazz, Sam and Tucker that he made it to the hotel safe (something they insisted on).
And then he stews.
Mum and Dad, for all their brilliance, can be forgetful when it comes to their children. Danny basically has free reign to do whatever for most of the 2 weeks they'll be in Gotham (which is his whole winter break and a little of the first week back).
Vlad's invited the Fentons to a few galas he's attending, insisting they'll be able to show off their inventions to a bunch of people. Danny knows its an excuse for Vlad to spend time with Maddie, make digs at Jack, and show him off as if he was his son. He's not looking forward to it, but the offer came with free, great hotel rooms so it could be worse.
(Plus, with Vlad paying he can spurge on room services and bleed him dry.)
Besides, Danny could do whatever he wanted the rest of the time. He could go to the planetarium and stuff. All he had to do was not out himself as a meta-adjacent person in a meta-hating city. Easy peasy.
All in all, what better time for all this to happen than on Christmas?
Honestly, even with the galas, the garish Christmas decorations all over the place, the music, and Vlad, this is seeming like a better Christmas than usual.
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britcision · 2 years ago
Okay so I’m well aware that this is probably my own fault, but a lot of people seem to have gotten the idea that Bruce is in any way important to this story
This is not a story about Batman
This is a story about the many and varied disaster gays he has trained to commit bigger and more epic disasters than any other gay in history
So let’s fix it and get back to the second most important thing in the story! Timker (and bonus Connor)
Field Trips Without Permission Slips part 1
Tucker was still firmly in his happy bubble, floating along after Tim Drake-Wayne even as they left the Bat Cave.
Connor, Kon, Superboy, he’d be there soon. Tucker wanted to make a good impression; this was Tim’s boyfriend, Tucker really wanted the guy to like him.
That way they could all be friends, and he wouldn’t worry if Tucker and Tim hung out, and talked tech, and maybe got to have a hackathon…
Because of course, even notorious ladies’ man Too Fine Foley would never make a move on a taken man. That’d just be low.
He was just trying to work out what to say when Tim got a buzz on his phone. The excitement dropped off the younger man’s face in an instant, his expression immediately shifting to worry and determination.
“Something’s come up,” he said tersely, and Tucker frowned, wondering if he was about to hear about a second rogue attack in almost as many days.
Gotham… Gotham was kinda exhausting. No offence, obviously, even he could feel the Curse lingering on the back of his tongue.
But trying to keep this city safe was like bailing a sinking boat with a sieve. No wonder they needed the best of the best.
“How can I help?” Was all he offered, trying to make himself look ready and eager.
Tim’s eyes widened as he looked up, like he was only just remembering that Tucker was actually even there at all. That yeah, he definitely could help.
Actually, it turned out he was their subject matter expert when Tim explained the problem.
“Superman just told B he can’t hear Jason’s heart anymore. I don’t suppose there’s a reason you’d know of?” He asked hopefully, and Tucker’s jaw clicked shut.
Because… yeah, he could guess exactly why Jason was now out of range of super hearing. But the bats weren’t cleared to know about Jason’s halfa nature yet, and Tucker was pretty sure Jason couldn’t transform.
It’d be a wild time for him to give it a first try if Superman was listening in. He’d have to warn Danny and Jason, though that might have to wait if they’d… gone… to the Ghost Zone.
And yeah, okay, Tucker maybe shoulda thought of that first, but in his defence Danny died on a regular basis and occasionally just to show off.
Shoulders sagging as he relaxed, Tucker blew out a long breath and grinned at Tim, relief making him lax. And yeah, sure, he didn’t know why they’d gone, but he could bullshit something if they asked.
“Oh, yeah actually… they’re probably in the Ghost Zone,” he explained with a slight shrug, because really? It wasn’t a big deal.
Some of the tension leached out of Tim’s shoulders with the presence of an immediate answer.
“The Ghost Zone? That’s the Infinite Realms, right?” Tim asked and Tucker nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets.
It was always nice to be the guy with all the answers, but having all the answers for someone like Tim Drake-Wayne? Yeah, that felt extra good.
“Yeah, same place. It’s mostly only the Ancients that call it the Infinite Realms, and Danny and Jason probably won’t bother them.”
Not unless Clockwork chose to make another visit, but that would be an Ancient going to bother Danny and Jason.
Tim nodded thoughtfully, making some quick notes on his phone.
“Any idea why, or how long they’ll be? Bruce has probably convinced himself Jason’s dead again by now,” he added dryly, sounding neither impressed nor concerned.
Well, maybe a little concerned. Tucker had kinda gotten the stage door tickets to Batman’s opinion of Danny.
Tucker shrugged again, thinking back quickly over what Jason had told him he’d told his family. He was gonna make himself a cheatsheet if (hope of hopes) hanging out with Tim became a regular thing.
Frostbite? Yeah, they probably mentioned Frostbite. No need to mention he was an Ancient, the yeti certainly never brought it up.
“They’re probably going to see Danny’s doctor. Check Jason’s ecto contamination, see how Danny’s doing away from his haunt; that’s Amity Park,” he added as Tim’s brows furrowed momentarily. “Technically halfas don’t need need one, but Danny claimed it so we dunno what leaving will do to him.”
Which made it sound way more dramatic than it actually was; even full ghosts could leave their haunt if they wanted to. Not all of them even kept haunts in the Zone.
They’d asked last year, before Danny finally took the plunge (and yeah maybe coming out of puberty was why he’d waited a couple extra years - not that he’d gotten the promised Fenton Growth Spurt).
Frostbite had just asked if they even knew where Ember’s haunt was.
News to Tucker and the gang that she’d even had one, with how much she wanted to go on tour.
Danny’s haunt would always be his place of power, but with the power Danny wielded? He never needed it anymore. Tucker was pretty sure that when he actually became king the whole Ghost Zone was gonna be Danny’s haunt.
Not cuz anyone had explicitly said so. Just interpreting a lot of the flowery bullshit around Pariah. And no one had told him no yet either.
Tim just nodded, typing a moment more before sending off a quick reply to Bruce.
He did feel a little bad tattling on Danny and Jason like that. If they’d wanted anyone to know where they were going, they coulda just said.
But they also probably hadn’t known Superman would be listening, or notice Jason’s heart disappearing. Really Tucker was doing everyone a favour; making sure no one came back to Batman in a panic attack.
He just hoped Jason would see it the same way.
And then the single hottest person Tucker had ever seen in his entire life popped his head around the door, perfectly windswept black curls pushed back with one hand.
A smile of perfectly white, perfectly even teeth flashed as gorgeous blue eyes like the heart of the ocean landed on him and Tim.
On Tim.
Tim was smiling back even before the other entered the room.
Tim’s boyfriend.
Tucker raised Ida to cover his face without even thinking, cheeks burning and really really really hoping neither white boy knew enough about dark skin to tell.
Tim’s brother Duke was Black too.
Tucker was going to fucking die.
He could not go weak kneed at just the sight of Tim’s boyfriend!
He was only vaguely aware when the walking Adonis spoke, striding quickly into the room.
“Hey, any reason I should be worried that Jason and Danny just disappeared from Gotham’s airspace?”
Ancients even his voice was perfect, rich and smooth like dark chocolate, with just a little bass that made Tucker’s heart flutter. If that voice said his name Tucker was going to fucking die.
Tucker strangled most of the whimper in his throat because he was a fucking adult goddamn it. Jumped and almost smacked himself in the face when Tim called his name from right next to him.
Like he’d said it a couple times already.
And the World’s Hottest Man was looking at him too, the absolute cutest worried little frown marring his perfect brows, and oh ancients just the littlest pout on soft, full lips…
Yeah, no, someone get the headstone, Tucker would just bury himself out back.
Note: I’m genuinely still turning over which name our dear Superboy Prime is going by as his regular name, since it’s… about 1000% going to depend on his relationship with Clark
I cannot fucking imagine anyone but Clark gave Kon El his Kryptonian name. Just. No fucking way. (Kara could but then we’re back to Too Many Characters and tbh she has more tact than that)
So their relationship has to be good enough that Clark offered this very personal piece of himself, and Connor’s accepted it
But Connor is the name his first friends gave him
And his civilian name, so it’s not like he can whole hog the switch
Atm the Bats call him Kon in uniform as the world’s shittiest cover but we’re getting his POV next chapter and I need to know what he calls himself, so… poll!
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara a @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife e @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @trickerdi @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @idkmrpianoman @little-apricot-the-writer writer @chaoticmistake e @the-legal-shipper r @bun-fish @aroranorth-west t  @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon on @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 1 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan n @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 7 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai @greenpyrowolf @frivolous-pastel @honeysuckletook  
For anyone wondering, the reason the tag list looks like it’s having seizures is my phone has decided that letting me scroll around is far too convenient and it’s just going to randomly jump around if I try and move the cursor
You cannot tag a bitch on tumblr mobile without scrolling to the end of their name and selecting them on the search
If you are not at the end it will autocomplete what’s left and thus *gestures vaguely* happy WIP Wednesday
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saphushia · 1 year ago
I know very little about the DCU but everything about DP but for some reason your fic recs intrigued me and now I’m in dcxdp hell and I was wondering if you have more recommendations especially for finished fics 👀 you have opened a can of worms in my brain and I must feed them
ok but i literally got into this shit the same exact way aubdskjfg. literally fell ass deep into this from sheer curiosity barely knowing fuckin anything abt batman and now i've read more batman comics than i ever thought i would in my life.
anyways! yeah i think i've got a couple! apologize if there's a couple duplicates from my last recs i can't be bothered to go check it lmao
⭐= my absolute favorites
Late Night Talkin' [danny/dick] there-was-only-one-bed get-together wheremst danny n dick r hero partners
The Stiches That Bind Us Together [danny/dick] dick's not feeling well, so danny shows up at his apartment to take care of him. and danny knows well enough what hero-ing injuries look like to take a well-educated guess
Consequences danny + fear gas. bad combo
the case of the serial killer dick befriends wierd homeless teenager danny
It's a Small World Afterall [tim/danny] tim convinces danny to take him to amity on a date. he of course then gets kidnapped- by technus, of all people
Can You Fly Without Wings? circus gothica episode but danny gets taken all the way to gotham with freakshow
Cold nights and warm hands danny's sick, so dick of course invites him to stay at the manor, and they relax together
⭐Hollow the bats encounter one danny masters at a gala, and they're all immediately concerned about how blank the boy seems. danny's missing something, something important to him, and he's missing too much to even know what
Baby it's Cold Inside [tim/danny] danny unknowingly gets hit with cuddle pollen, and tim fulfills his boyfriend responsibility of providing snuggles
Surprise Halloween Haunting jason gets kidnapped to be a sacrifice in a ritual, and hijacks it to dial up a friend
4 Times Dick Grayson met Tim Drake's Partner +1 Time He Met Them All Together [tim/danny/tucker/sam] cute tim dating all the amity trio and confusing his brothers. also furry convention scene <3
⭐Bait and Switch thanks to a cult, danny ends up possessing jason, and neither are very happy about it
Last year, I starved. This year, I devour without guilt [danny/jason] danny takes one look at jason and decides he's in need of urgent ghost medical care, so he takes matters into his own hands
The Misadventures of Cosplay Man danny gets stuck in the DC universe for a little bit, so he goes around befuddling every villain and hero he comes across, with the power of bad cosplay.
⭐Satiate jason runs into danny while danny's having a little 'nice to meet you' ravenous brawl with the spirit of gotham. as ghosts do.
Vacation Crashers the fentons' camping trip goes south for all the usual ghost reasons, and that's before the batman crash lands in the middle of all of it. cue a teamup between jazz, danny, and all the bats, to take down vlad
Wanted: Dead and Alive tim rescues an injured teenager he found in a glowing green vat in an unknown experimental facility. proceeds to lose the injured teenager. loses his shit trying to find said teenager who is hiding way too effectively for a guy whose guts were on the floor a few days ago.
ok i'm only like halfway thru my bookmarks but i'm tired now kdsjbfgjkdsfg have fun~
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kaitouhime · 11 months ago
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I'm rooting for Before the JL form personally. How would this affect them meeting Danny for the first time? I can just imagine him crashing in from outta town and the Bats going practically feral for the new baby bird they found. Now if they could get him to stay in one place long enough to treat his wounds and assure him they mean no harm. Maybe he doesn't show up for several years after the JL form? Danny's core is injured and that's why he hasn't picked up on their feelings yet btw.
Timeline for fics could be like this.
Batman, Nightwing, Oracle, and Robin III (Tim) wake up with wings and all the shenanigans of them learning to hide them with magic and learning to use them for the first fic. (Cursed! City Spirit Lady Gotham Intro?) Alfred has surprising knowledge on Liminals and acts mysterious when asked how he knows so much.
Second Fic Has Jason return to Gotham, this one starts off more Angsty and slowly transitions to Found Family feels? Also, the surprise revelation that Alfred is and always has been a Halfa and that's why he's not aged a day since Bruce was a young boy. He hid his lack of aging with a glamor.
Third fic Introduces Damian and his integration to the family along with Steph gettin her wings and Alfred sitting the family down to talk about the history of Halfas and Liminals as he knows it.
Fourth Fic is Cass joining the family and lots of bonding as the timeline catches up maybe have the POV switch between the Batfam and Gothams Citizens? Maybe this one can focus on how the Lore and Mythos of Gothams protectors grew over the years?
Fic Five JL joins the chat! Meeting Batman and coming to know him in the suit as the JL forms and becomes a team.
Fic Six JL meets Batfam! Lots of hijinx as they learn the Gotham Lore and meet the Bats kids for the first time. (Batfam have a grand ol time messing with JL, Cryptid Batfam guys)
Fic Seven JL finally find out Batfam identities! And there are whispers of a town falling off the map in forums at the end of the fic. (Amnity Park is first mentioned!)
Fic Eight A Wild Danny appears! Why is he alone and hurt? Batfam get word of the Lost town and start to investigate.
Fic Nine Switches to Past Amnity Park and Danny's POV of what happened.
Maybe a reveal gone right, only for the Nasty Burger explosion to happen under slightly different circumstances? Ah, more ideas!
Fic Nine outline.
His parents were meeting with GIW representatives with Vlad the day it happened but Danny had a bad feeling so he went to scout things out with Sam and Tucker. They didn't know it was the GIW that his parents were meeting nor that the meeting place was right behind the Nasty Burger, the Fenton parents and Vlad were in agreement to keep it from the kids at the time. On the way there they met up with Jazz, Ellie, and Dante (the Future Phantom from the other timeline) who had gone to the movies together so Jazz could bond with them. (Good! Vlad AU?)
The meeting was in the building behind the Nasty Burger, and unfortunately for the Fenton parents and Vlad, it was a trap. By the time the kids tracked them down things had gone from bad to worse and a firefight had broken out. None of them had time to react as a shot from an Agent went wide and hit, you guessed it, the Nasty Sauce container. Dante acted fast to send up a shield with Dani to protect Jazz from the blast, Danny was a second slower and just barely got his own shield up in time to save Sam and Tuck. Neither of the Fenton parents survived, and Vlad himself lost it when he saw their bodies and things only got worse from there.
Amity Park was under GIW control from then on, which resulted in the native citizens entering into something of a cold war with the GIW as they harbored and hid the now orphan Fenton/Masters children and refused to abandon them as they recovered from the explosion. In an effort to keep the Infinite Realms safe both the Fenton and Masters portals were remote detonated. This had the handy side effect of destroying any research or weapons the GIW might have tried to salvage from the labs. Said explosions meant however that the children were now homeless. Thankfully Jack Fenton surprised all of them by thinking ahead and contacting Danny's teacher Mr. Lancer. He met up to speak with him and give him several Bug-out bags he put together for his children to keep in his side room just in case something went wrong when the conflicts between the Ghosts and the GIW started to get heated.
I have no idea how Ellie still came to be only that she did somehow come into existence and both she and Dante were taken in by Vlad.
Yes, there are holes in my timeline but that's why we have the rest of the Phandom and the DC Fandom to call to aid! (this is me asking for help, I'm running out of steam) Also PLEASE can we not make Danny Ghost King for this? Well-loved by the Infinite Realms Ghosts sure. Royalty no. I'm thinking more Folk Hero Vibes ya know? Add in that AU with Ghost cores bein able to call across great distances with their own unique sounds and Danny having long hair cause he wanted to be different from Dante and that's all I got.
Take it away Phandom/DC Fandom! Ideas to a good home!
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(Look I made a Picture! I messed up a little but still!)
Prompt 299
Hear me out- Ghosts have wings. They have wings, which are affected by their cores, and can make them disappear from sight if they want or need to. You got that? Good. 
Ecto-contaminated people? Don’t have wings. Liminals and Halfas, who have developed cores? Do have wings, and they can’t hide said wings, because unlike ghosts? Their bodies are physical living flesh. 
Now Gotham? Ecto-contaminated, there’s no doubt about it. The amount of portals that have been opened there and death pits and death cults… yeah it’d be surprising if it wasn’t. But again, no one really notices, because at most? Most just get a bit of eyeshine. 
The Bats however? Oh man are they freaking out when they wake up with aches in their back and feathers starting to poke through their skin. Curse? Nope! Welcome to Liminality, enjoy the second puberty of wings, emotion-sharing, fangs, claws, and whatever else you might develop- also enjoy the whole eating fear thing. (Wait, the what-)
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flwrkid14 · 3 months ago
A Love That Hurts: Tim and Danny’s Toxic Tango
It didn’t start like this.
In the beginning, their love had been easy. They found comfort in each other—a soft place to land when the rest of the world felt too sharp. Tim loved Danny’s laugh, the way it lit up a room even when everything else felt dark. Danny adored Tim’s quiet strength, the way he always seemed to know how to pick up the pieces.
For a while, they were each other’s saving grace. Tim helped Danny feel grounded, giving him the stability he hadn’t known since Amity Park became more battlefield than home. Danny made Tim feel alive, like he wasn’t just another cog in the Bat-machine—like he was someone worth loving.
But that kind of love is hard to hold onto when you don’t know how to nurture it.
The cracks started small: an offhand comment here, a tense silence there. They chalked it up to stress, but the arguments began to escalate, unraveling the love they’d built. Neither of them knew how to fix it, so they didn’t try.
One fight bled into another. Danny’s voice was sharp. “They’re my friends, Tim. Something you’d know about if you still talked to yours. When was the last time you even answered Cassie or Steph? You’re too busy trying to fix things that don’t need fixing.”
Tim didn’t hesitate. “And when was the last time Val actually came through for you? She’s got her own problems—why does she need to patrol with you? Are you just keeping her around for the nostalgia? Or are you afraid of letting her go?”
Danny’s lips curled into a bitter smile. “Right, because you’re the expert on letting go. How many of Kon’s clones are you going to try to ‘save’ before you realize it’s never going to bring him back?”
Tim flinched, his voice low and venomous. “At least I don’t run back to my exes when I feel like I’m losing control. What’s next, Danny? You calling Sam and Tucker to bail you out?”
Danny laughed, hollow and sharp. “You really think I need them? I’m here, Tim. With you. Maybe if you spent less time in your spreadsheets, you’d see that.”
The fights always ended the same: one of them storming off, slamming doors, followed by hours of silence. When they apologized, it wasn’t about fixing anything—just avoiding another explosion.
Neither could admit the truth: they weren’t protecting each other—they were just too afraid to let go
Danny didn’t just distance Tim from his friends; he actively cut them out. He deleted Cassie’s texts before Tim could see them, until eventually, she stopped trying. When Tim noticed, Danny shrugged. “She’s probably busy,” he said casually, though his tone left no room for argument.
Tim didn’t push. After all, he wasn’t innocent. When Val invited Danny to patrol with her, Tim was quick to sow doubt. “You really think Amity Park can’t survive one night without you? Or is it just about her? Seems like you don’t trust me to be enough.”
Danny hesitated, his frustration visible, but he stayed. Over time, Val’s invitations stopped, and Danny didn’t ask why.
Sam and Tucker’s visit to Gotham was no different. Danny had been excited to see them, but when the weekend came, Tim hit a low point.
“Do you really need to see them right now?” Tim asked, his voice soft but pointed. “It’s been rough lately. I thought you’d want to focus on us.”
Danny faltered, guilt creeping in. “They already planned the trip…”
“And what about me?” Tim pressed, his voice taking on an edge. “Am I supposed to just sit here and wait while you run back to them? Is that what this is?”
Danny canceled the plans. He didn’t explain, just sent Sam a curt text: Can’t make it. Something came up. He ignored the flood of concerned messages that followed, shoving his phone into a drawer.
When Tim noticed the tension, he didn’t comment. Instead, he doubled down. “You’re better off without them. They don’t understand this life. Not like I do.”
Danny nodded, even as the distance from Sam and Tucker grew into something he didn't know how to bridge.
Tim wasn’t immune to Danny’s tactics either. Bruce invited Tim to family dinner, but Danny’s reaction was immediate. “You’re seriously going to leave me here? After everything?” he asked, his tone more accusation than question.
“It’s just dinner,” Tim said weakly, but Danny’s narrowed eyes stopped him.
“Right. And how long before you’re ‘just’ staying overnight at the Manor? Before Bruce drags you back into his plans? You think they care about you? They care about what you can do for them.”
Tim stayed, sending Bruce a quick excuse. When Dick called the next day, Tim brushed him off with a clipped, “Busy.” Danny noticed the tension but said nothing, a smug satisfaction flickering in his eyes when Tim didn’t bring up the family again.
When Damian later referred to Tim as “too busy playing house,” Danny felt a pang of guilt that he quickly buried under pride. At least Tim was his, now.
They were each other’s shields against the world, but it came at a cost.
Danny missed Sam and Tucker fiercely but couldn’t bring himself to reach out, not when Tim would undoubtedly notice. Tim felt the growing distance from the Bats like a weight he couldn’t shake, but he didn’t try to repair it—not when Danny so clearly needed him more.
The truth was simple and ugly: they weren’t protecting each other. They were controlling each other.
Danny missed the Tim who made him feel safe. Tim missed the Danny who didn’t flinch at “I love you.” But neither of them could stop. Because if Sam and Tucker weren’t there for Danny, and the Bats weren’t there for Tim, they only had each other.
And maybe that was the point.
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evilminji · 2 years ago
Oh the nail technicians would have a BLAST. He just throws open the door and ANNOUNCES "I need the Bitchiest(tm) most reporter offending nails you've GOT!"
Like? (◇.◇ ) *eye glint* Our Time Has Come.
This is GOTHAM, sweetie. They have been WAITING for this day.
Do you have ANY idea how long they have bitched and moaned, strike that, LAMENTED that poor Brucie "himbo" Wayne did not have someone willing to slash tires, guarding his beautiful but emptied headed back?
It's been like watching people bully a golden retriever.
Aim for her "standards of journalism, who's she?" Mother Fuckin, expensive suit bought with himbo tormenting blood money, never heard of BOUNDARIES havin' FACE!
Sandra! Get over here! We need that polish you made! Yeah. The "probably legal" one! Honey... you're gonna be able to SHANK people when we're done~
And Danny is just? Absolutely stars in his eyes. They... they ENABLE the ghost boy? Oh! Bonus for nail technicians! Bonus 1000 years!
Tell him about the clicky clacky stabby heels!
Sam and Tuck have slight regrets. Don't get them WRONG, they'll always support Danny in whatever he does. But like... they were UNAWARE they were letting Feral Racoon With A Biting Problem Man meet his PEOPLE, here? His fashionable, fashionable, delicately perfumed people.
Paulina is laughing at them over the phone because SHE knew. The beauty culture in Gotham is just... Like That(tm). Now she's texting Danny tips. Sam feels vaguely betrayed. Danny... Danny how could you?
Paulina, Danny? You go to HER for "making grown adults cry" tips? In front of Sam's SALAD, Danny? On this? The day of her non-existent daughter's wedding?? Dead to her! Disowned! It's like she doesn't even KNOW you anymore!
Tucker is just trying to see how many "technically legal" "self defense" devices he can fit into one of those fashion corset thingies. Is looking up if it's legal to walk around with stiletto knives if... and bare with him... they were shoes.
He says double down everything they tell him not to do something. Commit to the bit Danny! Fuck it, weaponizable feminine clothing! Maybe he might ACTUALLY get a date out of this! (Danny and Sam: Eeeeeh.. *so-so, it's unlikely hand motion*) If nothing ELSE, it'll help him break into the tech markets! He needed a niche anyway.
Why NOT? It's GOTHAM! You work for the WAYNE'S! Free advertising AND a ready buyers market! Be gay, Danny! Do crimes! Now take these fishnets strong enough to choke out a supersolider without tearing and leave him to market research!
Danny... is getting kinda worried about Tucker. I mean, the tights are cool! But uuuuh.. *hands to sam* Lookin little Mad Scientist around the eyes their buddy... Have you been talking to Mr. Wayne's son again? You KNOW you n Tim feed off each other in some sort of unholy spirally pit of madness, from which neither of you willingly choose to escape.
We confiscated your phone. You're not getting Barbra BACK until you sleep, man.
(Tucker: NEVER! Traitors to the cause!)
But like? A terrifying Goth, a possible mad scientist, and the SINGLE most FERAL GNC Fae-like secretary in the history of forever, walk into Wayne Industries Monday morning.
Yes they work there. No you can't make them leave.
Yes you SHOULD pick a God and pray.
Danny LIKES his new nails~ they got STARS on um~♡ and can poke through STEEL! :3c Now? Now he shall cause terrible people Problems On Purpose(tm).
PLEASE HOLD. *elevator music*
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
Danny Fenton, a new receptionist at Wayne Enterprises:
Vicky Vale, knowing Danny Is Not Ready for her: So, where does Bruce Wayne leave for during his meetings? A new woman? Man? Trouble in the family?
Danny "Town Menace Phantom" Fenton, done with Genderbent Wes Weston: To fuck your mom.
Bruce's experienced receptionist that left for 6 seconds: okay, Danny no--
Danny, who knows something's up with the Wayne family: and your Dad, because we support the LGBTQIA community. Thank you and leave.
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Had to continue, just... so good.
Danny thought it would be better, easier without his soul mates phantom caresses and random pains. It was not. He found himself waiting for the feeling of a bruised elbow, a scraped knee, a black eye. Sure he got plenty of those himself between Dash and being Phantom. But, those were HIS hurts not, theirs. There was something almost soothing to it, like a reminder they were still there still a possibility.
Now Danny aches, the Rejection scar feels like what grandma Ida says arthritis feels like, a deep ache in your bones coming in waves but never truly gone. He feels jittery and nervous. A cell phone ringing ringing ringing but never connecting.
He hopes desperately his soul mate doesn't feel like this. It's almost worse than the fear of making them die, not quite, but a close second. Trading one fear and hurt for another.
He finds himself distracted more easily, his left hand almost always resting on his Rejection scar. A reminder, a reason, a promise. He gets more injures as phantom. More as Fenton too. His parents don't notice, Jazz does but she just makes sure his backpack always has snacks and a freshly packed first aid kit.
Sam and Tucker try, they really do. But neither of them have Rejection scars, Sam has a drawing on her right hip, and Tucker has a phrase on his left arm. They worry for him but they can't understand. They argue about whether or not it was the right thing to do. Yoyoing back and forth creating another background argument for his life.
Its been three months since he Rejected his soulmate. He wonders how his soul mates doing as he stares blankly out his classroom window.
Danny's chest hurts.
Tim felt like shit. His chest ached like someone had stomped on it and fractured his ribs then poured boiling hot water over it. His incessant scratching and rhythmic thumping on his chest surely didn't help but it was the only things that could replicate what the bond felt like, even if it was just the feeling of Rejection.
His eyebags had carryons as Dick liked to point out. Tim had hardly left the cave in the last 3 months. Between bouts of incessant sobbing and intense hyperfocus he has gone through thousands of hospital records around the world of people being electrocuted. He has narrowed the list slowly crossing off people by things like,
- way too old
- wrong place on body to be electrocuted
- has a soulmark of some kind like words or drawing
- date of electrocution
And finally after narrowing it down to 30 people, he went through each person to see if they had a vigilante in their home neighborhood.
Nada zilch nothing.
Except. Well, one didn't have anything. No social media, no email, no pictures, no adress, except a town name. Amity Park, Illinois.
Tim dug deeper. His detective senses tingling. He can smell government conspiracy bullshit a mile away. As soon as he hits the strange firewall he knows he found something important. Even if the person, he glaces at his notes Danny Fenton, isn't his soul mate, this could be something to tip the league off to, illegal meta experiments maybe?
It took Tim three days to break and ask Oracle for help, it was like the firewall was Alive, rebuilding and shifting around him everything he tried to Crack it.
Even with Barbara's help it took another two days with them working together. Finally they did it, and were immediately overwhelmed and horrified. An entire town wiped from the internet, from maps, from social media. An entire town overrun with ghosts, wepon happy government agents, crazy locals, and... a local teen... superhero.
Phantom. A ghost. Not, exactly what Tim was hoping for. He dug deeper. Danny Fenton, son of the Dr's Madeline and Jack Fenton, with an older sister named Jasmine Fenton.
Danny was electrocuted in his parents lab.
Danny was electrocuted the same day as Tim's near seizure.
Danny was electrocuted on his LEFT hand.
Danny is bullied at school.
And in every picture he can find Danny has a hand pressed to his chest and looks exhausted.
Tim found him. He found his soul mate.
Now he needs to help him. Because he looks like a stiff wind would blow him over and like he hadn't eaten in a few days.
He was going to find him and he was going to get answers. Time thumped his chest and pain radiated from the deep bruise he'd created on his chest. It felt good.
May continue this but I'm at work soooo
Okay, so, Brain Dead rejected soulmate AU but Danny is the one who rejected Tim.
Let's say in this world that there are many types of soul bonds.
You've got your standard and fairly common First Words and Skin Art.
Then you've got less common things like Shared Dreams, Colorblind Until You Meet, and Red String.
And then you've got the very rare Telepathic Bond and Empathic Bond.
Finally, there's the ultra rare, one in a million, Shared Pain* soul bonds. It helps that the flip side of this particular bond means Shared Comforts**, but still, it is not the kind of bond people hope for.
Naturally, Fenton luck dictates that this is what Danny (and by extension, his soulmate) gets stuck with.
And at first it's fine. Like, bumps and scrapes happen but it's no big deal. Then the bullying starts and Danny feels a bit guilty that his soulmate has to deal with it by proxy.
But, Danny learns how to minimize damage. And the way Danny can feel his soulmate gentle nursing the pains when he can't, indulging in extra comforts for the both of them, makes Danny think that maybe it's okay.
After all, if it was really to much, Danny's soulmate would have already rejected him.
And when Danny's soulmate starts getting a bit more roughed up when they're 13, naturally Danny returns the favor; never wishing to sever the bond, only wishing he could prevent the pain all together.
Then Danny turns 14.
Then Danny dies. But survives.
He cries that night, his soulmate desperately trying to push comfort through their bond while all Danny can think about is how he shouldn't have gone in that portal. He shouldn't have been so reckless. He should have PROTECTED them.
And to top it all off, suddenly he's not just Dash's personal punching bag. No, there's a whole host of ghostly rogues that like to come bother Danny. And maybe it was still okay when it was just ectopusses or Lunch Lady or Boxy.
But as more and more powerful ghosts come through, as the fights get harder and Danny takes more damage, the guilt over what he's subjecting his soulmate to eats at him.
And after Danny meets Vlad, the first enemy he faces that he really can't beat, he makes the decision. This isn't going to end. These fights, these pains...
Someday he's going to face an enemy that is going to grind him into the dirt. That's going to kill him again, probably slowly and unpleasantly, and Danny already subjected his soulmate to one death, he refuses to put him through another.
So Danny mentally reaches deep inside himself, real hands placing themselves above his heart.
Feeling around for the source of that gentle warmth his soulmate is pushing through their bond.
He finds it, grasping with imaginary hands while his real ones clench the fabric of his shirt.
Feels the way the warmth stutters. The sharp jolt of pain on his elbow as his soulmate probably knocks it when he realizes what Danny is doing.
Danny pays it no mind. He holds the bond between then tightly; tears welling up in his eyes as phantom arms wrap around himself, his soulmate's desperate plea for Danny not to do what he's about to.
Danny yanks, physical hands all but tearing the shirt off his chest as mental ones rip the bond from his and his soulmate's hearts.
The last pain they'll ever share comes crashing into him, the distinct Rejection scar crackling across his chest not unlike the Lichtenburg on his arm.
It hurts, but less than dying had.
Then the pain is gone. Or rather, that pain is gone.
The dull aches from the fight with Plasmius throb and a part Danny finds himself missing the soothing comforts his soulmate had provided him, emptiness filling the space they used to occupy.
But another part of Danny, the part that is more ghost than human, swells with pride knowing he has protected his soulmate from Danny's own inevitable fate.
As Danny inspects Rejection spidering out from his heart, a strange hollow giddiness settles in his stomach. It makes him giggle.
His brain notes that if Dash ever sees this, he'll assume he finally succeeded in making Danny's soulmate reject him.
Danny giggles harder.
Not that Danny will correct him. Or his friends or his sister when they find out for that matter. They worry enough about him as is. They don't need to know just how far Danny is willing to go to protect the people he loves.
He's stifling laughter now, trying not to wake the neighbors.
Sitting alone on the roof of Fentonworks at 3 in the morning, Danny laughs until he sobs, then laughs and sobs until he can't breathe, then laughs and sobs and struggles to breathe until a light blue mist comes gasping past he lips.
His hysterics taper of and he lets the now familiar cold feeling of his ghost form spread across his body, pausing only for a second when he notices the new spiderwebbing across the chest of his hazmat suit, just a shade darker than the rest of the black material.
Oh well. It's not too noticeable and if some sees it he can just pretend it was always there. Just like he's going to pretend the emptiness in his heart was always there. Where it belongs.
Tim is at the Bat Computer desperately searching for any kind of clue who and where his soulmate is.
Of course, Tim had searched before, been searching basically since grade school when it became clear his soulmate was dealing with either bullying or an abusive home.
But Tim's efforts had tripled lately. Ever since that fateful day 4 months ago when he'd practically had a seizure in the middle of family dinner.
It had felt like he was dying, the echos of electric shocks up his arm and into his heart coming through his soul bonds. Followed soon after by the sense of something terrifying and foreign opening up in his chest and forcing its way into every molecule of his body.
Tim is pretty sure he screamed.
It was several minutes before the sensations ended and a strange coldness filled his being. For a minute, Tim was terrified his soulmate had died, until the cold retreated to a place just beside his heart and phantom hands could be felt trying to comfort and soothe.
At the time, Tim thought that would be that. Some kind of terrible accident. A story his soulmate would tell him when they finally found each other.
But that wasn't that.
It started with that strange coldness never leaving the space beside his heart. Then sometimes the coldness would spread, filling his whole body for brief periods of time. Then those periods of time started to come with some kind of pain. A scrape, a bruise, sore muscles.
The kind of injuries Tim got on patrol as Robin.
Which was something he'd not been allowed to do near as much since the aftermath of that dinner when Bruce had learned what kind soul bond Tim had.
"Tim, you can't keep throwing yourself into the line of fire. It's bad enough when you get hurt, but for your soulmate to have to suffer too?"
Stupid Bruce and his stupid rules. Tim and his soulmate had been fine before, thank you very much. And it wasn't Robin that got struck by lightning or something. Tim really isn't sure what kind of accident would result in the things he had felt that night, but electrocution is at least part of it.
But since then, Tim's soulmate had been getting more and more injuries at any and all hours of the day. If Tim had been worried before distressed now. Something had happened and now Tim's soulmate who was already dealing with something before now seemed to be in constant danger. Tim needs to find them, needs to help them, make them safe.
He doesn't look, doesn't take his eyes off the news articles on the screen as a presence appears behind him. No 2 presences. And the elevator dings bringing a third. But Tim keeps scanning articles, looking for some clue about a kid getting electrocuted and a town gaining a young vigilante shortly after.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder, gravelly voice speaking in gentle tones. "It's almost 4am son." Tim doesn't respond. Bruce sighs and spins the chair around. Dick and Alfred are both there looking concerned and stern respectively. "It's bed time."
"My soulmate is in trouble. They're not safe. I need to find them. And you're worried about my bed time?"
"You need some sleep, Master Tim. You won't know you've found anything if you're to tired to see straight." Bruce nods and Dick puts on his best big brother face.
"Get some rest, Tim. We can keep looking later."
Tim opens his mouth to argue, but pauses at the strange tugging sensation in his heart. He briefly wonders what trouble his soulmate is in now before he realizes what the almost feeling of hands on his soul bond means.
He gasps and jerks in the chair, knocking his elbow on the arm rest and the warm blanket he'd cocooned himself in to send comfort back to his soulmate off his shoulders.
Even Alfred's expression turns concerned when Tim wraps his arms around himself, trying to convey along the soul bond his plea for his soul mate not to do this.
"Tim?" Tim isn't sure which family member speaks. Can't focus on it as his soulmate yanks on the bond, ripping it and the strange comfortable coldness out.
Tim cries out, three sets of hands immediately moving in to comfort him. Sight and sound turn to static as Rejection burns across his chest not unlike the electrocution had crawled up his arm four months ago.
Then the pain vanishes.
And Tim looks up at Bruce, knows he's got tears rolling down his face, searching pitifully for a father's comfort.
"They Rejected me."
Bruce startles, but quickly stoops down to wrap Tim in a hug and Dick lays a comforting hand on Tim's head and Alfred retreats probably to make something comforting and Tim cries at the emptiness where the bond should be and the now too warm spot beside his heart.
And yet, deep in his mind where gears are still turning, Tim resolves to still find his soulmate, even without the bond, if only to ask them why.
This was supposed to be a prompt, maybe a premise, but I got carried away.
So now y'all can have this piece of pain I have no intention of continuing. Enjoy!
And since I don't plan on continuing, if some else wants to run with it, have at and have fun!
*Shared Pain in this AU just means soulmates feel the pain, not that they recieve the injuries. So if a soulmate breaks an arm, the other will feel the break, but their arm will be physically fine.
**Shared Comforts meaning that soulmates also share good feelings. So if one person is all wrapped up comfy cozy in a nice thick blanket, the other also feels that warmth. But like with the pain, it's a phantom feeling. Won't keep the soulmate not bundled up from hypothermia.
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hidden-under-lock-and-key · 3 years ago
There is so many way to take this! These are my takes but feel free to take the idea and play a game of Shuffle Bored. This is my response! (Each Bullet point matches up)
•I think Sam and Tucker might think the accident scrambled his memories. His parents and Jazz might think a ghost overshadowed Danny? (And I mean they aren’t too far off)
•I mean they are both young when they died right? 14 & 15 so similar but with Jason Probably being pretty malnourished as a child and Danny’s genetics (thanks Jack!) he would be smaller than Danny, but he is more built. Danny is a twig. So Jason would wake up all all tall and lanky. Danny would wake up short but built.
Note: Jason trying to fight/do tricks in Danny’s body but failing because Danny’s is a limp noodle. Then Danny not realizing he is stronger now.
•I think Jason would figure it out immediately. Sam and Tucker are there asking ‘Danny’ if he is okay. Danny might take a second but I think he would figure it out. (Maybe a day or so?)
•YES! Like Danny is like “Okay Imma leave now” and the League is like “Yeah no”
•Jason would 100% fight Dash.
•In my head they are both halfa’s but honestly only one (J!Danny) or neither would be just as interesting.
•Imma go with no Dan.
•Originally thinking the same universe, but so like different universes more.
Jason frantically googling himself, only to find nothing
•I mean yeah, Dani would be Jason’s clone and dealing with Jason’s personality but she is still Danny’s biologically. (My god Jason dealing with Vlad)
•Yeah still ghost attacks only it’s Jason fighting them so the learning curve isn’t as big.
•I think they find out that Danny isn’t Danny. Either Jason just reveal’s it or they Piece it together. They are still friends but it’s different from how it was with Danny. Jason would 100% feel guilty thinking Danny is like dead dead. From his POV he was dead.
•I think he would be the same old self, especially if he is a halfa. It would be so interesting if he DID have the pit of madness though.
One that note Danny crying because Bruce is super Attentive and active unlike is parents also Dick reminds him of Jazz sometimes and Jazz isn’t here. (After that whole thing is sorted out)
•I think he would go home with Bruce and explain everything about how he is not his son, and that he is stuck. If the Realize that It’s in a different dimension then Jason might be in Danny’s body so that star looking for a way to get Danny back.
•Not Red Hood, he would help Batman and the new Robin out (Looking at you Tim). So would have to think about a new name.
•I think so. Lots of angst <3
•Jason still remembers everything from his life but knows nothing of Danny’s and vice versa.
• Okay so either through Magic OR their souls Recognize that they are in the wrong body and when they are close to their actually body they switch back?
•I think that they would go back to their lives but still visit each as they are halfas now.
Body swap au
At the same time, Danny died Jason was submerged in the pits. Their souls got mixed up and Danny woke up with an Assassins cult in Nanda Parbat and Jason woke up in a random lab in Illinois.
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kizzer55555 · 1 month ago
Plot twist. Danny and Tucker try to solve this by saying that they just found out that their marriage certificate didn't go through, so they are not legally married. (Or Tim was looking into them, discovered the lack of certificate and misunderstood, telling them the ‘grave’ news)
They act appropriately devastated.
What they did not count on was Tim doing everything in his power to give them a proper legal wedding.
Danny/Tucker: “oh no no no, you really don’t have to-”
Tim: “Oh I insist.”
Tucker: We're married.
Danny: What?
Tucker: If anyone asks you and I are married. We've been married for two years. Not platonic roommates. Understand?
Danny: I'm always down for marriage fraud, but can I ask why?
Tucker: *Sigh* We had a big company meeting today with every level employee at the event center the Wayne rent out. Tammy from accounts was assigned to my table-
Danny: Your mortal enemy.
Tucker: Exactly. So she started giving me grief in the middle of our team exercise project. The other four random employees are looking at me all wide eye and I'm getting tired so I say "Is it because I'm gay Tammy?" To shut her up. But at that time, Timothy Drake Wayne was walking behind me and heard me say it. He jumped in to ask what was going on, and I hate Tammy for being so annoying, but I am not about to accuse her of discrimination for no reason. So I said "Oh it was just a joke. Like on the internet." And then when Mr.Drake-Wayne face didn't relax, I blurted out."My husband thinks my jokes are dumb too"
Danny: Tucker....that's not good
Tucker: I know! I started panicking!
Danny: You ramble when you panic.
Tucker: I do, and I did. Before I realized it, I told Mr. Drake-Wayne, this whole made up childhood friends to lover romance between you and I. It was so good he told me to invite you to the office. So we're married. Please go along with it. If I can get Mr. Drake-Wayne's support I can rise in the company so fast.
Danny: Promotions are 50% networking. Alright, sure, what's the worst that can happen?
Five months later
Steph: What's the big emergency?
Tim sobbing:. I'm in love with the husband of one of my employees.
Steph: Tim....that's not good
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