#Nehlarien Lavellan
kurogoesinthedas · 7 years
Oh gosh I just read about Fael's brother and??? I MUST PROTEC
THEY MUST BE PROTECTED also here, look, they’re fine…!
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for a while at least
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kurogoesinthedas · 7 years
What happened to Fael's brother? Sorry I don't think I've followed your blog long enough to see anything related to that.
Anonymous said: I’m new to the blog who is Nehlarien and what happen to them?
Hi! I’ve actually never talked in full detail about it, so I’ll take the chance to do so now ;D And here’s a small presentation of da golden boy Nehl if you want to see what he looks like.
sO. Nehl. Dear Nehl. He was 24 when he died, and Fael was 16. It happened during a pretty cold winter, snow covered everything, and  Fael and Nehl had been sent by their mother to gather some firewood and find certain particular herbs she needed for some ointments. Everything was going fine with Fael being a moody teenager and Nehl the usual bright teasing big bro when they stumbled over a pack of wolves. Except they were not ordinary wolves, they were starving from the long winter, and for some ungodly reason Fael never cared enough to investigate, they were under the influence of demons, specifically a Hunger demon and a Fear demon, who had turned them into mindless beasts desperate to eat and survive. 
Now, Fael had never actually fought a battle before, he didn’t have a great control of his destructive magic yet, and, maybe it was the demon’s doing, or his own, but he was paralyzed by fear, unable to help his brother. Nehl’s bow was useless against an entire pack, so he had drawn his knives and yelled Fael to run away and call for help back to the clan, but he just couldn’t move, staring uselessly as his brother fought to keep the wolves off them both. 
At some point, the fear demon focused on Fael, drawn by his terror, and approached him to try and possess him. Nehl threw one of his knives at it, successfully killing it, but in doing so he left himself open and a wolf lunged fo his throat. Finally, the demon being driven away and something terrible happening, Fael snapped out of his stupor. He snarled, sending a wave of fire all around them that drove the wolves away and burned to a crisp those too slow to run (headcanon: Fael’s storm magic is more precise and controlled, but his fire is directly tied to his emotional state and much more powerful when unbridled). Still, it was too late. Nehl died chocking on his own blood in Fael’s arms, Fael’s weak healing skills unable to do anything. 
A group of scouts of the clan, alarmed by the ruckus and smoke, later found Fael kneeling in the bloodied snow, terrified and sobbing over his brother’s corpse ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) 
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kurogoesinthedas · 7 years
If Nehl had survived, how would he and Dorian have gotten along?
I like to think that they would have gotten along well enough! It’d take a while for Nehl to warm up to him, both because of his Tevinter-ness and, well because he’s a man (while Nehl doesn’t mind Fael’s being gay, he still hasn’t really witnessed him being in a permanent relationship with someone. Don’t worry though. It takes him far less to wrap his head around that fact than around the Tevinter thing) Nehl is a really dalish dalish, so he’s not so quick to separate the Tevinter from the mage. Or the Dalish from the family duty etc. After realizing Dorian is alright though, and he’s not going to hurt his little brother, I like to think they’d be friends :D
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kurogoesinthedas · 6 years
A bunch of Hogwarts Au facts
Dalish elves culturally have no concept of pureblood/mudblood. Mages get their vallaslin after graduation.
Elves are rarely sorted into Slytherin. Fael is the only Slytherin elf of his year.
The few dwarves in the school are either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, as they are surface dwarves. The dwarves that live in the cities underground have their own magic school.
The Pavus family is a line of Slytherin purebloods... That Dorian broke being sorted into Ravenclaw like the nerd he is.
Ages in this AU are as follow: Fael, Linna Sera and Dagna same year, Numin Dorian Mae and Felix 1 year older than them, Josephine Leliana and Cullen 2 years older, Cassandra is 3 years older, Nehlarien 4. Cole is a friendly ghost of the castle. Bull and Krem are from Durmstrang, and meet the group at the Tri-wizards tournament. Solas is the History of Magic teacher.
Maevaris instantly welcomes Fael as soon as he's sorted. She later introduces him to Dorian and Felix. They become fast friends.
Honeydukes Sweetshop is Linna’s favorite place in the entire world.
Sera and Dagna are the Fred and George of this generation of wizards. The whole school is filled with fear and awe. 
Fael and Dorian relationship is the slowest burn to ever slow burn. Fael starts to have feelings during his 4th year. Dorian start hardcore pining for his best friend halfway through his fifth. 
(half of the school had placed bets by that point)
A worrying amount of magic equipment start exposing Dorian’s hardcore pining. Everyone realizes BUT him.
They get together during Dorian's last year at Hogwarts, becoming that kind of couple everyone lowkey hates because they’re a) top tier and b)they’re just so damn sweet it’s sickening. 
For real at some point pink heart shaped sparkles may or may not have physically appeared around Fael while he was dreamily eyeing Dorian from the other side of the Great Hall.
Nehlarien and Cassandra hook up at some point because I said so. They’re the Gryffindor quidditch powercouple.
Nehlarien dies in a magic accident the summer between Fael's fourth and fifth year. It's a hard time. Grief brings Fael and Cassandra together to a weird but honest friendship.
Fael was a Chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team up from his third to his fourth year. Afterwards, he left due to discipline issues following Nehl’s death.
After Dorian's graduation, Halward tried to get him to marry a pureblood girl from Beauxbatons. He discovers Dorian's relationship with Fael. Things go south.
After months of not receiving letters during his last year at school, Fael puts together a rescue party Weasleys-in-chamber-of-secrets style and that's when Dorian meets the entirety of clan Lavellan.
His stunt nearly costs Fael the school year, but Headmaster Flemeth found that amusing. She’s weird like that.
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kurogoesinthedas · 6 years
OC as a child meme
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Baby Fael! Tagged by @sakurabunnie and @seboostianillustrations :D 
Fael Lavellan
Who named them/Significance of their name:  his name has no meaning it’s literally a random bunch of letters I came up with that reversed is “leaf” and that sounded elfy so I don’t know  Nehl came up with the name (he was 8 years old and stubborn) and he threatened to stop eating if they didn’t name the ‘little thing that came out of mamae’ Fael so here it is.  EDIT: I found that a meaning for Fael could be “little jewel” :D 
Home they grew up in:  He grew up in the Lavellan clan, always moving around. Mainly they roamed the Free Marches and Antiva, occasionally drifting more towards Orlais.  
Relationship with parents: Not the smoothest. His mother was always very stern with him, trying to dissuade him from his adventures and interests for human culture and lifestyle. She wasn’t thrilled when he showed signs of magic, and even less when it was clear that Fael had no affinity whatsoever for the healing and nurturing kind of it. She so started teaching him the various properties and uses of plants for medicinal purposes, to try and fill that gap somehow. Fael and Adane always clashed a lot, and the strain in their relationship became unbereable for him after Nehlarien died, and it was clear that she blamed him for it. That was the final straw that made Fael decide to leave the clan.  His father Josmet instead was always a much calmer and more sensible person. He spent much of his time with the clan’s halla herd, and while he lacked the charisma to make up for his wife’s temper, he taught him many lessons that Fael truly understood only later in life. The importance of diplomacy, and kindness, and why compromises must be made to live well. 
Three Words to describe them as a child:  Curious, excited, imperious.
Childhood friend(s): Linna and Numin! His magic showed up fairly early, and being the first mage to be born in the clan after a lot of time he was immediately taken under the Keeper and First’s watchful eye for training. That, his bookish attitude and general reputation of being a troublemaker didn’t make him very popular amongst the other children. 
Favorite Toy:  As a Dalish child, Fael didn’t grow up with many toys. Kids in the clan used what they found around to play and have fun. He cherished his book collection though, made up by a bunch of history scrolls and texts provided by the Keeper or bought/stolen from towns and merchants.
Childhood Trauma?:  Does it count as a childhood trauma when his brother literally chocked on his own blood in his arms when Fael was 16? 
Hobbies:  Reading books and romance novels bought (or more often snatched) from passing merchants or towns, dragging Linna along to explore the wilderness and ancient ruins and daydreaming about grand things, doing general mischievous stuff with her, pranking Numin (let’s be honest they’ve been on a prank-war since forever). 
Childhood fear(s):  Up until he was able to use magic (so like, for his first very few years)? Lame enough: the dark. Yeah, elves can see in the dark. But it’s spooky when you walk at night by a pond and you see a pair of glowy eyes staring back at you from the water. He grew it out soon enough though.  Also the various algae you find in ponds and rivers and how they cling to you when you step out of water. Brr. 
Quirks:  He would constantly climb up the tallest tree he could find and hide there with a book until dinner (or a lesson). He liked the quiet up there and how it felt like being above everything (and everyone) else. 
Tagging: @thereluctantinquisitor @chaitea09 @thedosian-cabbage @bogatyris @elvenbeard @otherwolves :D
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kurogoesinthedas · 7 years
OC Questionnaire - Fael
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Tagged by @thereluctantinquisitor​ and @elvenbeard​! Thank you so much :D  I actually don’t remember if I already did this tag meme for Fael... but well let’s just do it again. 
Tagging: @thedosian-cabbage @luinquesse @bogatyris @kf1n3 @otherwolves and whoever wants to do it! 
Under the cut! 
Name: Fael Lavellan
Alias(es): Herald of Andraste, Lord Inquisitor, Amatus, Crackle (Varric)
Gender: Male
Birthday:  21st Firstfall, 9:16 Dragon
Age: 24 at the Conclave
Place of birth: Free Marches
Spoken languages: Common, Elven, Orlesian
Sexual orientation: Gay
Occupation: Inquisitor, Divine’s Victoria Right hand.
Eye color: Amethyst
Hair color: white
Height: 5′7″ (170cm)
Pre-Inquisition: Wolf bite on his left shoulder, from when he and Nehl were attacked. 
During inquisition: Various smaller scars here and there, most evident one is from an arrow on his front right shoulder. During the final battle, a demon clawed at his face and left a big jarred scar on his left cheekbone. A smaller gash on his eyebrow comes from a falling rock. 
Post-Trespasser: the anchor left a spiderweb of scars on what’s left of his left arm. The tendrils go up to the entire left side of the face, although as barely more than faint discolorations. 
Burns: lightning scars on his right hand, from that time he fried himself while playing with thunders in a storm as a kid.
Overweight: No.
Underweight: No.
Color: cold tones, teals, blues and purples, with shiny accents such as silver and gold.
Hair color: No preference.
Eye color: Light colors, all hues.
Entertainment: Exploring busy markets and bazars, learning new things, reading, listening to music or ballads, playing with lightning during thunderstorms.
Pastimes: Combat training, reading, napping, flirting with Dorian
Food: Tiny cakes. Fruit in general, fresh salads full of different kind of vegetables and nuts. 
Drink: Coffee, wine.
Books: History dissertations, Genitivi’s journal series, adventure and romance novels.
Passed university: In a modern AU, definitely. In canon... He snuck into some lessons at the University of Val Rouyeaux. 
Had sex: Yes
Had sex in public: maybe not the full package, but something probably yes.
Gotten pregnant:
Kissed a man: Yes.
Kissed a woman: Yes. Ok kinda. They were kids 
Gotten tattoos: Yes.
Gotten piercings: post-trespasser, he wears a snake earring Dorian gave to him. Does it count as a piercing?
Had a broken heart: Yes but not in the romantic sense.
Been in love: *gestures to Dorian Pavus*
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Yes, especially when the insomnia is at its worst in the later stages of Inquisition and pre-trespasser.
A virgin: No.
A cuddler: Yes.
A kisser: Yes.
A smoker: No.
Scared easily: No.
Jealous easily: No.
Trustworthy: Depends on who you are to him.
Dominant: Yes.
Submissive: Occasionally in bed. Will also take a step back if he needs for the sake of the people he loves.
Single: No
Have they harmed themselves: Not physically, at least not intentionally. Emotionally.. probably yes, although by trying to do the opposite HA. Do not bottle up your bad emotions, kids. 
Thought of suicide: No. 
Attempted suicide: No.
Wanted to kill someone: Yes.
Actually killed someone: Only because he is forced to.
Ridden a horse: Yes! Although he prefers his hart, Rajasha :D
Have/had a job: Yes.
Have any fears: loss of control over his own actions and situations. Helplessness. Dying. Not being able to protect those he holds dear.
Sibling(s):  [Deceased]  Nehlarien
Parents: [Deceased in canon, safe in the Cousin AU] Adane Lavellan and Josmet Lavellan
Children: Yara
Pets: the most pompous and spoiled ball of fur, the cat Vhera.
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kurogoesinthedas · 8 years
"🙋" So i know that Fael have a mom and a dad but does he have siblings or close relatives? 😊
ahahah oh boy you’re digging in the feels pit today aren’t you? So ok, while I haven’t  thought about his extended family yet since there are many things to think about still (and since I don’t think you’d like me to answer this post in a year), I’ll just say that Fael has a older brother :D Or well, had.
Meet Nehlarien, 8 years older than Fael, the Popular Older Brother™, on his merry way to become the lead hunter of the clan. The kind of older bro that covers your mischief from the stern mom but scolds you anyway. 
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(yes it took so long to answer because I wanted to draw him-) I can’t really write everything I want to say about him right now, but I can tell you some things. Nehl takes more after their father than Fael, with ash blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He’s heterosexual, very popular among the girls in the clan (and some boy too), and his bright, lively personality coupled with kindness and a no small dose of cockiness make someone people tent do be drawn to. 
He and Fael are not super close, blame the age gap or the difference in in personality, but they do love each other. Nehl is very protective of his little brother, even if sometimes he can’t really understand him. That’s why he doesn’t hesitate one moment in putting himself between Fael and danger, ending up dying when Fael is 16. c:
Send “🙋” + any headcanons you want to know about my muse. 
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