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raurquiz · 2 years ago
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#remembering #nehemiahpersoff #actor #palortoff #startrek #thenextgeneration #themosttoys #anamericantail #somelikeithot #twins #thewrongman #BarneyMiller #Yentl #TheLastTemptationofChrist #MurderSheWrote #LALaw #DoogieHowserMD #LawandOrder #ChicagoHope #AngelsinAmerica #startrek56
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years ago
An American Tail (1986)
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I can see why many have fond memories of An American Tail.  There are things to like, but this is not Don Bluth at the top of his game.
As he and his family immigrate from Russia to the United States to escape persecution, Fievel Mouskewitz (Phillip Glasser) becomes separated from his family. In the land of freedom - where they say there are no cats - Fievel searches for his family, encountering all sorts of outlandish characters along the way.
Despite their young age, children can understand complex emotions. They enjoy being challenged by characters or stories that feel real. You are not doing them any favors by utilizing broadly painted stereotypes or clichés in your stories while excusing the fact that it’s a movie “just for kids”. For this reason, I should applaud An American Tail and its moments of darkness and honesty... but the movie goes too far. It's depressing. Fievel isn’t an adult looking for his family. He’s a little kid. So little he hardly understands what’s going on around him. He is thrown from one dangerous situation to another while his family believes him dead. There are few instances of fun but overall, it’s gloomy. Constantly being teased as the young mouse and his beloved father (voiced by Nehemiah Persoff) nearly find each other but somehow end up going in opposite directions doesn't help. Look at the cover of the movie/the poster. It looks like a fun adventure, but children, particularly little children - will find this too intense.
There's not much here to adults either, unless you're looking at it through rose-tinted glasses. A thorough analysis does An American Tail no favors. Fievel is not an interesting character. He has no personality because he’s a little kid. Other characters tell him what to do or bring him to the next step in his journey. Remove the young mouse, and the events that unfold would almost go unchanged.
Call this last one a nitpick, but the plot of this animated film is contrived and muddy. I understand the Jewish mice are running away from Russia (a parallel to the humans attempting to escape the Cossacks), but the fact their tormentors being cats doesn’t really make sense. Cats don't chase mice because of their religious beliefs or personal grudges… they just want to eat them! I understand this is an animated movie about talking animals. It’s important to have them all be visually distinct. The message of “mouse good, cats bad” is an easy to grasp. Wouldn’t it have been just effective and much more grounded in reality if the Mousekewitz were persecuted by rats instead? This personal issue, combined with several big coincidences throughout, shows the writing just isn't on the level it should be.
Despite these issues, I wouldn't call An American Tail bad. The animation is smooth, the characters well-drawn, and their designs distinct. The backgrounds are beautifully detailed. There are many inspired sequences. It's a mixed bag but if you remember enjoying it as a kid and you know your children can handle it, then yeah, go ahead. If you missed out back in the day, there's no need to feel bad about it. (On VHS, September 17, 2015)
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arlenschumer · 2 years ago
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TONIGHT on ME-TV @ 12:35am EST, one of the GREAT episodes of THE TWILIGHT ZONE: “JUDGMENT NIGHT” (written by Rod Serling, directed by John Brahm, originally broadcast December 4, 1959) One of the most atmospheric and noirish Twilight Zone episodes of all, the moody World War II drama “Judgment Night,” about the final hours aboard an English passenger ship in the Atlantic—and the German passenger who knows it’s doomed—was directed by John Brahm, who had a history in fog-shrouded motion pictures, like his 1944 Jack the Ripper film "The Lodger.“ Judgment” feels like a miniature movie because, like all the best Twilight Zone episodes, it compensates for the limitations of its television budget with ingenious set design, art direction, lighting and photography, suggesting more (and bigger, like a ship) with less. Serling obviously drew on his own war experiences in “Judgment Night,” even though he served in the Pacific theater as a paratrooper. His own near-death confrontations (grippingly rendered in the recent bio-graphic novel "Twilight Man" by Koren Shadmi) give the frightening scenes of the U-boat’s torpedo attack on the British ship, and the harrowing deaths of its passengers and crew, an unforgettable verisimilitude. And while the twist ending of “Judgment” is one of The Twilight Zone’s most ironic—the series’ first play on the Flying Dutchman concept (the other is season four’s “Death Ship” by Richard Matheson)—the episode’s real-life irony was that actor Nehemiah Persoff, who plays the Nazi U-boat commander, was Jewish, born in Jerusalem. (And keep an “aye” out for the cameo appearance of future star of the classic British ‘60s spy show, The Avengers, Patrick Macnee, as well as American TV and movie actor James Franciscus.) arlenschumer.com/twilight-zone #rodserling #twilightzone #thetwilightzone #judgmentnight #nehemiahpersoff #arlenschumer #tv #television #tvhistory #televisionhistory @dgareps @nyadventureclub @richardsyrettstrangeplanet https://www.instagram.com/p/CoutjUnL-Pb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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josephfrady · 8 years ago
#anamericantail #1986 #donbluth #nehemiahpersoff #phillipglasser #ericayohn #animation #quote #movie (à Russia)
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thatsmovietalk · 6 years ago
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Just Pinned to Movies on TMT: The Comancheros (1961) Directed by #MichaelCurtiz Starring #JohnWayne #StuartWhitman #InaBalin #LeeMarvin #NehemiahPersoff #BruceCabot #TheComancheros #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary #screen #screenplay http://bit.ly/2LbC4sz
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knitsybitsyspiders · 9 years ago
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Movie time! Hoping baby gives me some knitting time soon too, we'll see! #greenmansions #audreyhepburn #anthonyperkins #leejcobb #sessuehayakawa #henrysilva #nehemiahpersoff #michaelpate #estellehemsley #melferrer #1959
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raurquiz · 8 months ago
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#remembering #nehemiahpersoff #actor #palortoff #startrek #thenextgeneration #themosttoys #anamericantail #somelikeithot #twins #thewrongman #BarneyMiller #Yentl #TheLastTemptationofChrist #MurderSheWrote #LALaw #DoogieHowserMD #LawandOrder #ChicagoHope #AngelsinAmerica
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Fievel Goes West (1991)
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I’m not a fan of An American Tail. Its tone is too uneven, the main character not uninteresting enough, and the plot contrived. That doesn't mean I was necessarily going to dislike An American Tail: Fievel Goes West. A VHS came into my possession, I figured I’d give it a try. Maybe I’d even like it better than the first! Not a chance. This is a much worse film. I’d wager even fans of the original would dislike it.
Several years after the events of the first movie, cats have returned to The Bronx and the poor Mousekewitz family decide to leave for greener pastures far away (again). Separated from his family on the way there (again), Fievel (voiced by Phillip Glasser) uncovers a nefarious plan by a group of cats (led by Cat R. Waul, voiced by John Cleese) to exploit the mice and then eat them. It’s up to Fievel, his friend Tiger (voiced by Dom DeLuise), and Fievel’s hero, the elderly Wylie Burp (voiced by James Stewart) to save the day.
Beat for beat, the opening rehashes its predecessor while trying to distract us with a few generic Western elements. Being duped by someone pretending to be a mouse again makes the Mousekewitz look stupid and makes us annoyed with them. At least in the first movie, it was a cat in disguise. This time, they're duped by a puppet! A wooden puppet! As for Fievel, he's learned nothing about wandering around alone.  It severely undermines the emotional impact of a tightly knit family becoming separated. The fact that it’s already happened does so as well.
I must also question the film’s premise. I realize I’m being unfair because I'm watching Fievel Goes West. That's what's going to happen! but that’s the problem. It’s a lousy and generic premise. No one stayed up late coming up with this idea. This sequel was obviously rushed into production. So just rehash the first movie and throw in some lassos, big hats, saloons, and cactuses. Voila! Kids like Cowboys so they’ll come to see our movie!
Even as a Western, this movie doesn’t satisfy or entertain. I’ll forgive the questionable depiction of Native American Mice. What disappoints is the iconic scenes you expect that simply aren’t there. No cattle rustlin’, no bank or train robberies, no “pistols at dawn”, no cavalry, no prospectors, can-can-ing femme fatales, banditos, not even any revolvers or horses! I know those might not have been accurate to the very late 19th century/early 20th century, when this film was made, but in that case, don't set the movie in the "Wild West"!
This picture does not look as good as the first film (Don Bluth not being included, it’s unsurprising). The songs are neither memorable nor catchy. The side plot with Fievel’s sister Tanya (voiced by Cathy Cavadini) is dull and the plot involving Tiger is no good. This movie only lasts an hour and fourteen minutes and there’s so much of it that is either repeated from the first film or filler that it's almost like it doesn't exist.
If you remember liking Fievel Goes West and you feel like shattering your childhood memories, I recommend this film. It’s not funny, clever, or memorable. There’s no spark of imagination or true passion present at any point throughout. It’s the kind of kid’s entertainment I hate because a bunch of adults took a look at a shoddy product and said “they won’t know any better, just release it anyway”. (On VHS, January 8, 2016)
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thatsmovietalk · 6 years ago
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Just Pinned to John Wayne: The Comancheros (1961) Directed by #MichaelCurtiz Starring #JohnWayne #StuartWhitman #InaBalin #LeeMarvin #NehemiahPersoff #BruceCabot #TheComancheros #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary #screen #screenplay http://bit.ly/2IxZR4i
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