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darkevolnrg · 2 months ago
ee:man/ManMindMachine/In Absentia/Negant: Shouldn't Have Done That EP
Format: Digital Download and Streaming on BandcampCat. No.: TT-DDEP-05Style: EBM / IndustrialRelease Date: December 13, 2024 As a special holiday gift, four Tinnitorturous artists—ee:man, ManMindMachine, In Absentia, and Negant—have joined forces to reinterpret classic Depeche Mode tracks, bringing a darker and edgier tone to these timeless pieces. Get ready to experience a black celebration…
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guillemelgat · 1 year ago
I'm sharing this song by Tarta Relena which is an adaptation of Pashtun women's improvised poetry published in the book Songs of Love and War, compiled by Afghan poet Sayd Bahodine Majruh and translated into Catalan as El suïcidi i el cant by Margarida Castells Criballès. Tarta Relena are a band of two young women who adapt lots of interesting texts and pieces of music from all sorts of eras and places into stripped-down electronic and vocal works with incredible harmonies and sonorities. I think this song has a lot of really interesting things going on, and the lyrics are very intense but very beautiful.
M’arrenquin amb un ganivet totes les pigues Let them tear out all of my freckles with a knife si nego que et desitjo, si amagues que m’estimes. If I deny that I love you, if you hide that you love me
Benamat, vine a la vora i seu amb mi una estona, Beloved, come to my side and sit with me a while que la vida aviat serà tal com l’hivern que s’escola. Because life will soon be like the winter that trickles away
L’espai entre nosaltres que ens separa l’un de l’altra The space between us that separates the one of us from the other em nega com l’onada quan s’empassa les barques. Drowns me like the wave when it swallows ships
Ai, agafa’m, ai, abraça’m, ai, tingue’m a la vora, Oh, take me, oh, embrace me, oh, have me by your side que aquesta pena meva se m’emporta i deixa sola. This pain of mine is taking me over and leaving me alone
La meva boca és teva, pots devorar-la sens por, My mouth is yours, you can devour it without fear però deixa’m la llengua lliure per anar-te parlant d’amor. But leave my tongue free to keep speaking to you of love
El jardí del món creares, oh déu meu, i no és pecat You created the garden of the world, oh god, and it’s not a sin que n’hagi pres la flor que a mi més m’ha agradat. That I’ve picked the flower which I like best
Amor meu, jura una cosa, jura que vindràs amb mi, My love, swear me something, swear that you’ll come with me que pugui jo sembrar-te totes les flors del camí. So that I can sow all the flowers on your path
Quan passo prop de la tomba d’un sant When I pass close to the tomb of a saint li tiro pedres pels desitjos que em va negant. I throw stones at them for the desires they deny me
I si era veritat que tu no em sabies estimar, And if it was true that you didn’t know how to love me digue’m per què despertes el meu cor endormiscat? Tell me why you awake my sleeping heart?
Ves-te’n lluny, amic meu, bon viatge i bon vent, Get yourself far from me, my friend, goodbye and good riddance dels amants n’eres un més, i ara me’n trobaré cent! As a lover, you’re just one more, and now I’ll find myself a hundred
M’he repintat les pigues i avui nit em crema el ventre. I’ve repainted my freckles and tonight my insides are burning Si ara em veiessis, perdries la raó per sempre. If you saw me now, you’d lose your mind forever
Demà els que tinguin gana deixaré ben satisfets Tomorrow anyone who wants it I’ll leave well satisfied travessaré la vil·la amb els cabells al vent. I’ll cross the village with my hair blowing in the wind
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lovelivingmydreams · 2 months ago
You know how Lady Negant got Airwalk from AFO? And you know how we learned that AFO stole Tenko's og quirk? And how Nana Shimoura had float? And Quriks are genetic? I think Tenko's og quirk was airwalk. I think he would have liked that one.
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amitytaylor · 11 months ago
I think one of the most compelling themes of My Hero Academia is that anyone can be a villain.
Pain, trauma, life experiences, society, every single moment of your life adds up to who you are.
Endeavor is a hero to society but a villain to his family.
Dabi is a villain to society due to his dad being his villain, traumatic experiences and childhood.
Lady Negant is both a hero and a villain due to the government. Same argument can be made for Hawks.
Skinner is a villain to society because society was a villain to him.
I mean Togas entire arc is about how due to her quirk - an unchangeable personal part of herself - was shunned and bullied so badly at 4!! in middle school!! that she ran away and then to survive became a villain.
(I have so many thoughts about this but my brain is struggling finding the words)
No one is born a villain in MHA, much like in real life, there is very little documented proof that someone can be “born evil” i mean the nature vs nurture theory/debate is still heavily talked about today.
The way Horikoshi writes his characters to be hated and unlikable only to not actually be able to hate them because of what he reveals about them is truly amazing.
I mean fuck, Aoyama is a villain in his own right yet is also just as much of a hero and it wasn’t even his fault it was his parents who also can’t be (fully) blamed bc they were blackmailed.
The more i read this story the more i love this story in its entirety.
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hattiandthemoon · 1 year ago
¿Cómo se inicia algo que va rumbó a acabarse?
Mi débil mente es víctima de malinterpretarse,
no sabe despedirse ni mantenerlo aparte;
¿Cómo acabar algo que hace tiempo iniciaste?
Creo que en el fondo sigue tenue y negante,
creo que cuando el "fin" llega, todo en ti se desvanece de una manera dolorosa e incesante.
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Tragedia es una palabra corta para lo que se avecina,
es tan sutilmente insignificante que parece esa taza que no usas hace meses en tu vitrina;
no se cómo escapar si no estoy dentro, me doy por vencido buscando la salida;
no se cómo negar, si no lo hago,
me doy por vencido buscando mi alegría.
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Todo lo que guardas dentro de ti tarde temprano tiene que salir,
somos cuál retoño del invierno enfrentándose al frío con tal de ser y existir.
Todo lo que pasa tarde o temprano tiene que morir,
se va apagando como el fuego de tu alma con el pasar de tu vivir.
Todo lo que nos pasó, nos jodió y nos llevo hasta aqui,
justo en este punto de inflexión,
ese punto que te hace sentir cuál maniquí,
sin poder moverte en adicción,
adicción a quererte quedar en un lugar que ya no,
ya no es aquí.
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Entiende por favor, no hay odio ni amor,
solo repulsión,
repulsión a las acciones que no tenían dicción,
que no tenían por qué pasar,
pero aún así pasaron,
sin querer, dijiste sin más.
Te atreviste a todo aquello que juraste nunca hacer,
y yo cuál ciego guiado por mis oídos excitados del fulgor de tus palabras,
no me quedo más opcion que dejarte pasar por arriba de mi una y otra vez, eso a lo que tú llamas:
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Esta no es una carta de odio ni amor,
es el sabor de la repulsión,
esa que nace cuando ves lo que no tenías que ver,
esa que nace cuando la ves haciendo lo que no tenía hacer,
esa que brota dentro de ti y no para ni un momento de atormentarme al crecer;
esa que es la pesadilla que tienes todas las noches después de irte a dormir,
que se adueña tu mente y ser,
por no poder dejar atrás algo que ya debía morir.
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No todo es malo,
hay balance,
aún sin odio ni amor, guiado hacia la repulsión,
no todos hacemos lo que queremos hacer,
a veces pasa que ni tu acción,
que ni tú querer,
es suficiente para llevarte exactamente a dónde de tu cuerpo quiere ver;
desde aquí me siento ya más tranquilo,
siendo participe y mi propio guía hacia mi exilio;
el exilio de un sentimiento que ya tiene fecha de caducidad,
aunque no me lo creas tu mismo se la pones,
es más fácil de lo que podrías imaginar.
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Hoy le daré 33 tiros a mi repulsión,
hoy le echaré fuego hasta al amanecer,
voy a pisotearla con ilusión,
hasta que ya no sienta más mi querer;
que se de cuenta que no todo es para siempre,
que se de cuenta que yo decido por encima de mi mente;
y, así,
cuando en sus últimas palabras quiera descansar en agonía,
voy a decirle una cosa más,
para recordarme a mi mismo que todo tiene final,
le diré que la disfruté,
que me encantó todo lo que hicimos juntos,
que no importa que esté mal,
que el equilibrio es mi prioridad,
que aquí dentro hay espacio para todo y nada,
que aprendí la lección,
y que...
ya, ya no quiero más,
ya no quiero mas,
no quiero más,
no quiero,
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eternalatmn · 13 days ago
divdesmit trīs bezmiega naktis\
esmu savā bezmiega nakts pastaigā. kamēr vien ceļš ir tīrs, eju pa akmeņu klātu trotuāru. ir tum��s un ielas aizpilda pavisam maz siržu. ik pa brīdim aizdomīgs ļaužu bariņš - vairumā sastāvs pa trim. garām diezgan ātri panesas kāds mercedes. pēc brīža policijas busiņš apmet riņķi un aizbrauc viņa virzienā. uz tikšanos, draudziņ! bet vai tad vakaros nedrīkst iemīt pedāli dziļāk grīdā? paldies, tagad taps zināms skaidrs. man salst pirksti. nogriezos vienu krustojumu par tālu un esmu diezgan attālinājusies no galamērķa, bet tāds taču ir pastaigu mērķis, ne? tumšā, tukšā ielā viens tumšs cilvēks min soļus, izliekoties, ka nebaidās. pretī iznāk vīrietis un mana elpa sastingst. cik soļu jānoiet, lai reiz pārstātu baidīties no garāmgājējiem? šķiet visi un vēl vairāk. viņam rokās ir stikla pudele ar kādu alkoholisku dzērienu. viņš paver skatu manā virzienā un es jau redzu, kā mani tulīt apzags vai sadurs. vajadzēja man naktī iet pa šauru ceļu zem tilta. neviena dzīve dvēsele mani te nepamanīs. es turpinu iet ātrāk laternas virzienā. viņš paiet man garām un esmu beidzot iznākusi uz kalnciema ielas. šajā momentā kājas kļuvušas vājas un elpa smaga. acu kaktiņos krājas asaru lāsītes. vai es tiešām tā pārbijos? vai arī šis bija pēdējais piliens citu notikumu virknei? eju garām lokālam veldze un pāris cilvēku tur smejas. ir jau labi. lēnām atgūstu mīlestību pret pastaigām. ar adrenalīna piesitienu. kurp tālāk? ārā negants vējš un negribas iet pāri vanšu tiltam. mājās arī negribas. iet pa mazajām ieliņām negribas. kur viens tik izlutināts cilvēks vēl eksistē? vai par maz sists? es teiktu, ka gana. ak, austiņās sāk skanēt chasing cars un tagad es saprotu. var jau sist, bet we will do it all again. tāds liktens. pēdējais dzīvais saltiņš beidz savu darbību un šķiet es lēnām arī. jāaiziet līdz viršiem, jāpalūko, vai tur kādu jauno izgudrojumu var iegādāties. nevar - muitas kontroles dēļ kavējoties piegāde. okay, man vienu zero koliņu un siltu segu. jādodas pie miera. varbūt vēl viens iesākts video jāsamontē. un tad saldu miegu.
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nixxon42 · 27 days ago
Negant - SCHWARZ!
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vernicosa · 2 months ago
In this way Dante both skirts contemporary politics and addresses an issue of the utmost importance to all Christians, and perhaps particularly to a poet of the afterlife. As the fourteenth-century commentator Benvenuto da Imola noted, if Epicurus were correct, then there would be no hell, purgatory, and paradise:
Epicurei enim negant immortalitatem animae, et per consequens non est dare infernum, nec purgatorium, nec paradisum; quae opinio non solum est contra sacram theologiam, sed etiam contra omnem bonam philosophiam; unde non solum ponit errorem in fide, sed etiam in scientia humana. Epicureans deny the immortality of the soul, and therefore they do not posit hell, or purgatory, or paradise, an opinion that is not only against sacred theology, but also against all good philosophy. Hence Epicureans not only commit an error in their faith, but also with respect to fundamental human knowledge.
Dante addresses the Epicurean rejection of the eternal and transcendent by dramatizing encounters with two souls who remain eternally enmeshed in the transitory and ephemeral. Benvenuto da Imola captures the essence of the materialist heresy that Dante here dramatizes, writing about Farinata that “as an imitator of Epicurus he did not believe that there was another world besides this one, so that in all ways he strove to excel in this brief life, since he did not believe in another better one”: “imitator Epicuri non credebat esse alium mundum nisi istum; unde omnibus modis studebat excellere in ista vita brevi, quia non sperabat aliam meliorem”.
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rausule · 1 year ago
sexum et qui probabiliter putant se legales esse. Detur notae communitatis Bronx, vita anonyma, frequentia derelictionis, furti et interitus, experientiae praeteritae neglegentiae et indifferentiae, vandalismus ubi scit homines res privatas conservari et mores immoderatos carum esse.
videbunt, os clausum et alacres gressus eorum. Noli adtrectare. Quidam enim habitant, haec atomisatio crescens parum ponderis habebit, quia vicinia non est "domus eorum" sed ubi habitant. Eorum usus alibi, cosmopolitani sunt. Sed plurimum valet pro aliorum vita quae significationem et perfectionem a necessitudine sortiuntur ad realitatem localem quam ad reliquos mundum. Desinet enim eis vicinia esse, exceptis duobus fidelibus amicis, qui pendere procurabunt. Talis vicinitas sceleris incursione vulnerabilis est."
matertera multo ante in Theoria vitri fracti argumentatur quod vandalismus in Palo Alto staret, facilius occurrit in locis ubi signa negligentiae dominantur ut sensus humanitatis opprimat.
Sed vandalismus ubivis potest occurrere semel claustris collectivis — sensus mutuae observantiae et civilium officiorum — actus deprimuntur, qui tamquam neglectionis signa interpretari possunt.
Propositum nostrum est quod "neglectus" etiam ducit ad perniciem instrumentorum collectivorum imperii.
Plebs stabilis viciniae familiarum, quae domos suas tendunt, proximis liberis curant, et suspiciones invitorum extraneorum in formosam et inhospitalem silvestrem paucis annis vel etiam paucis mensibus vertere possunt. Res relicta est, terra zizania obsita, fenestra fracta. Adulti obiurgare protervitate pueri desinunt, et pueri etiam magis proterviam hortari sentiunt. Familiae alibi migrant et adulti soluti in viciniam se movent. Eleifend ante anguli copia. Mercator eos invitat ut se moveant. Negant. Pugnae erumpunt. Purgamentum strues populus bibens ante tabernam incipiunt. Tandem concidit ebrius in laeta, et ibi dormivit. Mendici adeunt transeuntes.
Gravis crimen vel violentia contra alienos non necessario vigent in vicinia hoc loco, sed multi incolas putabunt crimen, praesertim violentum crimen, in ortum esse et mores suos proinde accommodare. frequentiis per plateas exeant et, si opus sit, ad unam partem retineant;
Theoria vitri fracti pro sua simplicitate certe suggerit, sed stilla criminis in New York cum primis 1990s verisimiliter ob multiplices causas implicatas in complexu. Praeterea sceleris decrementum totum territorium Civitatum Americae Unitarum implicavit, etiamsi maximum pretium sociale consecutus est, cum multitudo carceris ab 600.000 hominibus in primis annis 1970 ad 2.2 milliones in 2007 abiit.
Ut plura de hisce rationibus disceret, discipulus legere potest articulum ab Alexandro Stille promptum in inscriptione interrete: http://download.repubblica.it/ pdf/domenica/2007/16092007.pdf.
Alia sententia potius nuntiatur a ephemeride "Ilfoglio" in articulo a Christian Rocca data 08/09/07 in promptu ad: http://www.ilfoglio.it/uploads/camillo/tollezerogiuliani.html
Alumni tunc investigationem suam dilatare potuerunt consulendo statistica quaedam circa problema criminis in Italia.
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latinlizard · 2 years ago
Catullus 3
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Robert Bolling Brandegee Dead Bird, c. 1867
Lvgete, o Veneres Cupidinesque, Mourn! O Venus and Cupids, Mown, o Venus and Cupids, et quantum est hominum uenustiorum: and the amount that is people of more loveliness: and thi lot of lovlier peepul passer mortuus est meae puellae, my girl's sparrow is dead, me lasses' sparruh is dead, passer, deliciae meae puellae, sparrow, the delight of my girl, sparruh, thu love of me lass, quem plus illa oculis suis amabat. he who she loved more than her own eyes. who shi loved mow than a oon ayes. nam mellitus erat suamque norat for he was sweet and knew his cos E was bonny nd knew that ipsam tam bene quam puella matrem, girl more well than the girl's mother, lass betta than a oon ma, nec sese a gremio illius mouebat, nor would he move himself from her lap, he wouldint move from a lap, sed circumsiliens modo huc modo illuc but moved sparadically, this way and that way but he jumped aboot, aal aawa, ad solam dominam usque pipiabat; to his mistress alone would he give nips; he would ownly give his lass nips; qui nunc it per iter tenebricosum who now is going through a gloomy journeyeehs noo ganin on a dark path like illud, unde negant redire quemquam. that one, from where they refuse to let anyone return. thisin, that yi dinny return from. at uobis male sit, malae tenebrae but shame on you, evil darkness of shame on yi, evil gloom uh Orci, quae omnia bella deuoratis: Orcus, who devours all of the pretty things: Orcus, scranning aal tha bonny things: tam bellum mihi passerem abstulistis. such a pretty sparrow you have robbed from me. sucha pritee sparrah yiv knicked from is. o factum male! o miselle passer! o cruel fate! o wretched sparrow! o cruel fate! o wretched sparrah! tua nunc opera meae puellae it is your work that now my girl itz yor fault that me lass is now flendo turgiduli rubent ocelli. has red eyes from crying. red eyed from sobbin.
Translated from Latin (R. A. B. Mynors (ed.), Oxford Classical Texts: C. Valerii Catulli: Carmina) into English and then into Geordie dialect.
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cryptoscammersnews · 3 years ago
L’AN imputa el fundador de la plataforma d’inversió en criptomonedes Kuailian
El jutge de l’Audiència Nacional Joaquín Gadea ha imputat David Ruiz de León, el fundador de la plataforma d’inversió en criptomonedes Kuailian, una companyia acusada d’haver perpetrat suposadament una estafa piramidal que hauria afectat 65.000 persones i provocat un perjudici econòmic de 500 milions d’euros.
que el magistrat de reforç del Jutjat Central d’Instrucció número 6 ha acordat aquest divendres prendre declaració a Ruiz de León el 27 de maig a partir de les 10.00 hores.
Aquesta decisió del magistrat arriba després d’escoltar quatre responsables de Kuailian que van ser detinguts dimecres i que, segons apunten les mateixes fonts, han quedat en llibertat. Es tracta, en concret, de Javier H., Carlos R. G., Daniel J. M. i Esteban A. A.
I tot això, malgrat que la fiscalia va demanar presó provisional eludible amb fiança de 20.000 euros per als quatre detinguts. Finalment, s’ha acordat la llibertat de tots quatre amb prohibició de sortida del territori nacional, retirada del passaport i compareixença en seu judicial cada 15 dies.
Les víctimes d’aquest suposat esquema piramidal es van querellar a l’Audiència Nacional per fets que podrien ser constitutius de delictes d’estafa, blanqueig de capitals, falsedat i contra la Hisenda Pública.
En la interlocutòria de l’abril del 2021, que va donar inici a la investigació judicial, Gadea explicava que els quatre querellats van idear Kuailian, un sistema d’inversió en criptomonedes establert a Estònia però que operava des d’Espanya. Es tracta d’una causa que, de moment, està sota secret de sumari.
Els querellats el publicitaven a les xarxes socials oferint un producte anomenat ‘kuais’ amb un contracte de 1.000 dies de durada. Els interessats invertien en ‘kuais’ amb la criptomoneda ethereum, tot i que per fer-ho prèviament havien de tenir un moneder amb aquest tipus de divisa alternativa.
Una xarxa de «captació massiva»
Els clients també podien captar nous afiliats rebent el 10% de la inversió dels nous captats en un primer nivell. Es generava així «una xarxa exponencial de captació massiva que ha portat un nombre indeterminat de persones a la plataforma».
«La captació de nous inversors alimentaria la base de la piràmide, permetent la restitució i l’abonament de beneficis als inversors inicials, sense que l’operativa respongui a un negoci real», indicava l’instructor.
Els querellants van denunciar un incompliment de les condicions pactades i que se’ls estava negant el reembors dels rendiments convinguts. «S’informa que han sol·licitat la devolució de l’import de la moneda virtual invertida, sense resposta per part dels responsables de la companyia», afegia la interlocutòria.
Tot i que en la resolució judicial es deia que el nombre d’afectats per Kuailian «està per determinar», les fonts consultades per Europa Press consideren que aproximadament 65.000 persones podrien haver caigut en la presumpta estafa i que el frau pot rondar els 500 milions d’euros.
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azlawdawgs · 6 years ago
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PW Arms Negant 1895 revolver 7.62 x 34R. Amazing condition great collection piece comes with holster. Call the store for pricing at 520- 568 -1455 or swing by the shop. Please share and checkout the website www.azlawdawgsarmory.com. #oldguns #negant #revolvers #guns (at Arizona Law Dawgs) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0qbEXLA1de/?igshid=auffmak7hn69
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farsight-the-char · 4 years ago
I dreamed i was watching an Episode of RWBY and was weird.
Like Cinder had met her Birth Parents somehow? And they were friendly with each other?
Also Jaune kind of went evil? Like he figured out how to Drain People’s Aura and turn them into Grimm via his semblance?
It was most certainly me watching an episode though, since I got up to go to the kitchen.
Definitely the most strange dream i have had in a while.
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tinyshinysylveon · 4 years ago
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i just realized i like assassin better but “hired gun” works too!
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i wonder how hori got this idea for her name (ナガン pronounced “na-ga-n”)
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transthomastaylor · 2 years ago
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Sodālem hodiē āmīsī pulcherrimum et nōbilissimum, quī, ut ait Catullus:
circumsiliēns modo hūc modo illūc
ad sōlam dominam ūsque pīpiābat.
Et posteā rem, quae, sī superī mītiōrēs essent, nē mox ēventūra quidem crēdī potuerit, acū tangit:
quī nunc it per iter tenebricōsum
illūc unde negant redīre quemquam.
Mortuus est canis noster, quī tot per annōs nōs fōverat et amplexū mollī et lambitibus multīs et pīpiātū mulcentī et nōbilī mente. Mortuus est, quī ā tenerīs unguiculīs nōs tam beātōs, tam laetitiā ēlātōs effēcerat, ut nōn fīnem futūrum praedicāre possēmus. Nunc igitur mortuus est.
Tūmor, quem, in rēnibus inventum, medicī dīxerant benignum — vērum cancer erat — in ventrem et pulmōnēs penetrāvit. Quod quum probātum esset, et nōs eum maximō cum dolōre moritūrum crēdēbāmus, magnificentissimē epulātus lēthiferum in sīphunculō medicāmen accēpit, continuōque periit. Tertiā ante obitum hōrā, Īridis arcus in caelō appāruit, quasi lūctūs signum caeleste ac dīvīnum, ut illud epicum:
dum variīs tumulō referunt sollemnia lūdīs,
Īrim dē caelō mīsit sāturnia Jūnō.
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Ab omnibus semper adamātus, interēmptus dēsīderābitur et requīrētur, dōnec superstitēs vīvēmus.
Scrīpsī breve epitaphium in Bajae memoriam. Utinam pulchrius esset scrīptum et venustius, quod, ut nunc rēs sē habet, ipsa verba dēficiunt. Nihil scrībī, nihil dīcī, nihil ita plōrārī potest, ut maerōrem meum familiārumque patefaciat.
Vōs salvēte, pater, puerī, sīs salva, puella!
Chīra, valē, major! Tū quoque, māter, avē!
Parvus eram, minimīs pedibus celerāre vidēbar.
In capite, scītis, lūmina magna meō.
Essem sī validus, geminōs dēfendere possem,
At mihi corpus erat (jamque cinis) minimum.
Magnanimus sed eram, mihi tam quoque magna venustās;
Fīdus vester eram garrulus atque comes.
Bajās trīs septemque beātōs vīxerat annōs.
Lūgēns hunc tumulum condidit alma domus.
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Suprēmam posuī imāginem Bajae īnfantulī nōndum nōbīs trāditī. Mediam imāginem Īridis posuī. Īma imāgō hodiē minus quam ūnā hōrā ante obitum picta est.
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lionofchaeronea · 3 years ago
A Sparrow's Swan Song
Catullus 3
Groan with grief, o Venuses and Cupids, And every human blessed with gracious charms – The sparrow of my girlfriend is dead, The sparrow who was my girlfriend’s delight, Whom she cherished more than her own eyes; For he was honey-sweet, and knew her his As well as a girl knows her very own mother. Nor did he ever bestir himself from her lap, But hopping around, now thisaway, now that, He would chirp without ceasing to his mistress alone – He who now goes along a darkling way, That way from which they say no one returns. But damned be you, you wicked Murk of Orcus, Who gobble up whatever’s sweet to see; So lovely a sparrow you have taken from me. O deed ill-done! O wretched little sparrow! It's thanks to you my girl’s dear little eyes Are swollen up and growing red with weeping. Lugete, o Veneres Cupidinesque et quantum est hominum venustiorum! passer mortuus est meae puellae, passer, deliciae meae puellae, quem plus illa oculis suis amabat; nam mellitus erat, suamque norat ipsam tam bene quam puella matrem, nec sese a gremio illius movebat, sed circumsiliens modo huc modo illuc ad solam dominam usque pipiabat. qui nunc it per iter tenebricosum illud, unde negant redire quemquam. at vobis male sit, malae Tenebrae Orci, quae omnia bella devoratis; tam bellum mihi passerem abstulistis. o factum male! o miselle passer! tua nunc opera meae puellae flendo turgiduli rubent ocelli.
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The House Sparrow at Home and Abroad, Thomas George Gentry, 1878
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