#Negan and Lucille
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Negan having a silly goofy moment
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ficnation · 1 year
Chapter 2
Series: The Cockroach
Word count: 2,2k+
Pairings: Negan Smith x Reader; Lucille Smith x Reader; Negan Smith x Lucille Smith
Warnings: usual twd themes
A/n: Let me know what you think about this series! I really hope you enjoyed the first two chapters ☺️
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☁️ Main Masterlist ☁️
☁️ “The Cockroach” Masterlist ☁️
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“This is your emergency broadcast system announcing a message from the government,” the feminine voice on the radio spoke, making your ears perk up. “As of two hours ago, the President of the United States of America has declared a state of emergency, and we ask that all residents be ready for evacuation at any time.”
You resisted the urge to continue slurping the burning hot tea in order to hear the mysterious announcement. In your mind, you tried to guess what the fuss was all about.
“A curfew will shortly begin. If you have not been evacuated by midnight, all citizens are to report immediately to their homes, no matter what.”
The man beside you looked up at the radio sitting on the wooden surface of the countertop right by the broken stove that he promised to fix exactly four months ago. He wore a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt that you were fairly certain belonged to you. The nail clippers he held tightly between his long fingers fell to the floor with a clank. Your attention snapped to your blue-eyed friend, and his foot propped up on your kitchen island.
“Have I already told you that you’re disgusting?” You spun around to face him, curling up your legs and resting them on the swivel chair you sat on.
“Yeah, like a hundred times. I just like disrespecting you in your own apartment. It’s fun,” he said with smugness in his voice as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the back of the stool.
At his words, you kicked out your legs and jabbed your sock-clad toes into his side in an unsuccessful attempt to push him off the chair. But the fucker has seen it coming and caught your lower limbs in a tight grip, hugging them to his chest like a newborn baby.
You tried to get your legs out of his grasp, but your attempts remained unsuccessful. In fact, the more you thrashed around and struggled, the tighter he gripped them. You huffed and gave up, trying to free yourself from his hold. A small smile spread across his lips when you ceased your efforts.
“I hate you,” you mumbled out, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff.
He simply chuckled and patted one of your legs. “I know you do, honeypie,” he said way too sweetly.
After he noticed your expression darken slightly, he puckered up his lips, sending you an air kiss, and you patted his stubbled cheek in response, perhaps a little too harshly, twisting your torso in the direction of the radio. The room went unusually quiet, except for the static noise of the device.
When you started doubting ever hearing an emergency message, the announcement lady spoke up once more, “Due to an unknown virus, some civilians are attacking animals and people. Please avoid contact with others and evacuate from big cities immediately. If you are unable to do that, stay indoors and barricade yourself.”
Your eyes widened slightly before you glanced over at your friend, whose brows were furrowed in thought. His gaze drifted up to meet yours. “I’m betting fifty bucks that it’s a cannibal cult.”
“Whatever you say.”
The man beside you reached out for the pink utensil in front of you, the one filled with your precious field berry tea. Before his fingers could even graze it, you stuck out your tongue and dipped it in the liquid. The painful burning made you immediately regret that action, but you swallowed down the burn, keeping your face stoic despite the pain. You knew that if you showed even a bit of discomfort, your friend would burst out laughing. His grin left his face, and you knew this was another battle won.
“Alright, alright! I’m not touching it,” he said, throwing his hands in the air in an act of surrender. His little demonstration wasn’t enough for you.
You slurped the tasty beverage loudly, eyeing him from the corner of your eye. You lifted your head away from the mug. “I don’t trust you, Murphy.”
Murphy’s hand shot out again to steal your tea, but you slapped it away, stopping it inches from the cup. “What did I do to deserve this treatment?” he whined as he rubbed his injured hand.
“You’re lucky I’m nice or I’d beat your ass, old man,” you mumbled out, sending him a warning glance.
“You wound me, dollface.”
The radio went silent before crackling loudly. The noise ate up a chunk of the government’s emergency message before it stopped, and the stoic voice of the reporter echoed through the room once again, “A person infected by the virus can be recognized by unhealthy pale skin and loud growling. It’s nearly impossible to physically restrain the infected, so if you happen to come across one, get as far away from them as you can. We repeat: this is an emergency broadcast system. Please proceed with caution.” The voice switched to static before fading out completely, and the apartment was eerily silent for a few moments.
You licked away stray drops of the tea from your lips with the tip of your tongue. “That’s it?” you asked, raising your eyebrow in suspicion.
Murphy shrugged in reply. “Sounds like a joke to me.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing full well he wasn’t even thinking about the government’s message, his mind probably preoccupied with the most random dumb thought a human could muster up. Murphy let your legs fall from his grasp before bending down to pick up the nail clippers off the floor. He propped his left foot back on the counter, getting ready to attack his poor toenails, but you took the torture device from his hand before he could even start.
“I was in the middle of some-” His protest was cut short by the loud banging on the door. Murphy met your wide eyes, confusion written all over his face. “Did you order pizza?”
“No, I don’t think so. Maybe it’s one of the neighbors.”
When you moved to get up from the chair and answer the door, he pushed you back into the seat. You protested loudly with a groan and a swat to his arm. If the radio announcement was a joke like he thought, then you had no reason to be afraid to open that damn door.
“Listen, what if the lady was telling the truth? Maybe we have some apocalyptic situation going on.”
You let out a snort before jumping off the chair and letting your legs lead you toward the door. “It’s too early for anything bad to be happening. I’ll just go see what they want,” you said while heading towards the exit without waiting for a reply from the man behind you.
You opened the door, expecting a frantic neighbor or maybe an angry cop looking for you for trespassing or other bullshit things you did the day before. You didn’t expect to find a stranger on the other side of the door. The sickly-looking man with shaggy hair stood there with a panicked expression painted all over his pale face.
“Can I help you?” you asked calmly as you took a step forward, blocking his vision of the inside of the apartment.
Your eyes tried to maintain contact with his, but he didn’t make it easy, darting his sunken orbs from left to right. You blinked, puzzled, scrunching your nose a little bit annoyed. Maybe it was just a random junkie that got the wrong door. You raised your hand and snapped your fingers right in front of his face.
Only then did the man finally look at you with wide eyes, his mouth opening, and closing as he stuttered in fear. He looked like a deer caught in headlights, which only served to increase your growing annoyance and unsettlement. He looked like he didn’t know at all why he was standing right in front of your door.
“Sir, please tell me what you need and I can take care of it. What’s your name?” you added, placing your hands on your hips. You looked the man up and down, noting that his left arm had bloody bite marks on it. “Do you want me to call 911?”
His breathing quickened as his body began trembling slightly. You weren’t sure if he reacted this way because of your words or something entirely else. You waited patiently, but nothing else came out of his mouth for several minutes. His silence made your hands shake.
You had a bad feeling about this situation but couldn’t force yourself to close the door right in front of his face. What if he really needed help but was mute or in shock? You would feel like a total asshole if it was the case.
Murphy called your name from inside the apartment, and when he didn’t receive any response because you were too busy having a stare-off competition with the stranger, he rushed over, cursing under his nose. When he crossed the corner and saw you, he sighed with relief.
“Who is that?” he asked, standing behind you and throwing the stranger a mean look. He took note of the bite marks and the state the unknown man was in. It was all pretty suspicious.
“I have no idea. I think he might need help,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders, pretending that the whole situation didn’t creep you out at all. Murphy has known you for years, so he quickly saw through your bluff. He gently pushed you backward, stepping in front of you to shield you away.
“Do you need us to call 911, man?” His voice turned defensive while he stared off the other man. Damn, he was not going to play into some nice guy, helpful citizen bullshit just because that creepy dude was injured.
It took you by surprise when the stranger finally opened his mouth to speak.
“I… I got bit. I’m going to die. I’m going to turn into one of those monsters, right?” he mumbled out, barely comprehensible. When he didn’t get a verbal response, just two pairs of eyes staring at him dumbfounded, he yelled, “Right?! No one can help me now!” He yanked Murphy by his shirt, screaming and crying.
“Hey man, get your fucking hands off me!”
You panicked, taking a few steps back. What the fuck was that guy talking about? The bite marks on his arm didn’t look lethal; they weren’t even bleeding much anymore. Why did he think he would die? You decided he must’ve been on some strong shit that made him hallucinate, or maybe he was just off his rocker. No other explanation came to your mind.
Murphy pushed the stranger away with a sneer. That guy definitely went too far, and it resulted in the door slamming shut right in his face. It was deserved; he scared you half to death. You decided to call 911 because somebody had to do something about this man. It wouldn’t be very “neighborly” of you to just let him roam around the building, scaring people.
Your friend locked the door tightly, ushering you out of the corridor before following you back to the kitchen. Concern was written across his bearded face. You sat down on the swivel chair, taking a slow deep breath of relief. Lucille crossed your mind. You wondered if she was safe.
The brunet walked up to the counter, standing on the other side, right across from you. He also breathed in deeply, leaning his elbows on the counter and running his hands down his face in exasperation.
“Shit, why did you even open that door?!” he mumbled out quite aggressively, probably more to himself than to you. His eyes met your wide ones, and he groaned out loud.
“I didn’t look through the peephole,” you admitted quietly, taking your pink mug back into your trembling hands. The cup was empty, but you couldn’t find the strength to acknowledge that fact. You knew you should have been more careful.
Usually, you’d get Murphy in a headlock all pissed off for raising his voice at you and ready to make him apologize, but that stranger really did a number on you. You put the cup down and made your way toward the sink to get yourself a glass of water in hopes that it’d calm you down a little bit.
“That’s just plainly dumb. What if he attacked you?” He stared holes into the back of your head. The blue-eyed man was really concerned for you. The possibility that someone could’ve tried to harm you and he wouldn’t even be standing by your side to protect you didn’t sit well with him.
“But he didn’t,” you noticed before taking a sip of the cold water.
“But he could,” he argued, staring at you, but you wouldn’t face him. Murphy walked up to you and embraced you from behind, circling his arms around your waist and pulling you close to his chest. He sighed loudly before continuing, “I know you’re like a damn cockroach, but be more careful for me, yeah?”
“I will try, I promise,” you assured him, your face softening at his concern. He just wanted you to be safe; you couldn’t be mad at him for that. It wouldn’t be fair.
You put the glass down and turned around so you could crane your head to leave a kiss on the underside of your jaw. Murphy looked down to meet your gentle gaze and peck your forehead, his scratchy stubble making you giggle.
“You know I’m gonna hold you to this promise, you little shit?”
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@whiskeypowder @hopefulatrocity @witheringblooddemon @humanmistakes @yttricuz @twdeadlysins @donttelltheelff @spidergirla5 @sexyseabass @sweetpotatospock @witchygagirl @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @missbeeentertainment
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jenniferdarjeeling · 1 year
Even though zombies aren't real and Negan is a fictional character, who else found this scene relatable?
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twdxtrevor · 1 year
I think we all need someone to look at us the way Negan looks at Lucille aka a literal wooden bat
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loganlostitall · 1 year
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We finally made it to ‘Here’s Negan’ tonight. I knew a lot about it but there were things not included in things I’d read and videos I’d watched. Send help.
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naughtyneganjdm · 8 months
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Summary: After moving next door to Negan and Lucille Smith you find yourself incredibly drawn to both of them with their flirtatious behavior. One night they invite you over to a dinner at their house and it sets things in motion for you to start a sexual relationship with the both of them.
Characters: Negan, Lucille & the reader (OC, second person)
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53568841
Warnings: 18+, Swearing, Smut, Little To No Plot, Threesome - F/F/M, Voyeurism, Daddy Kink, Mommy Kink, Pet Names, Unprotected P in V, Oral, Two Women Together, Overstimulation, etc.
Notes: This is a very naughty one shot. It's long. But yeah. Y/N can be your name, or whatever name you choose. Enjoy. If two girls aren't your thing you can just skip over most of their stuff btw. Since I know some people are sensitive.
Moving into a new home was a pretty big deal and you were ecstatic to be doing it, but as you sat on the steps to your back deck you were starting to wonder if you were acting inappropriately. The neighbors right next door had caught your attention. It was a married couple that had been very welcoming from the start. On your first day, they were the first to offer to help you unpack and you were instantly charmed by them. Negan and Lucille Smith. You were nervous at first about moving because you had always heard horror stories about new neighbors, but pretty quickly they made you feel comfortable.
Negan helped you move in most of the bigger things and Lucille had made you a really nice dessert. There was just one thing about the two of them that you noticed almost immediately. They were both flirty. Very flirty. And you didn’t know if that was purposeful or if they were just those kind of people who were extremely charming, but you found yourself swooning over the both of them right away.
There was Negan with his wickedly charming smile, chiseled jawline and gorgeous dimples. And there was Lucille whose smile was breath taking and had a set of the prettiest green eyes you had ever seen. Both of them were touchy, complimentary and very friendly. It was something that you weren’t used to, but pretty quickly you found yourself attached to both of them. It wasn’t like they were making it hard for you to feel that way either.
Tonight they had invited you to a get together at their home and they didn’t let you refuse. Then again, you really didn’t want to deny them. Especially with how good both of them made you feel when you were around them.
“Howdy neighbor,” a deep raspy voiced called out, catching your attention and making you look next door. In the distance you could see that Negan was heading out into his backyard. Just the sound of his so very familiar voice caused your heart to skip a beat. Standing slowly from where you were seated, you could see that Negan was pulling a cigarette out, depositing it between his lips. Starting to pat at his pockets, you could tell that he was searching for a lighter as you made your way into your yard. Stepping before him, you pulled your lighter out to help him. Flashing you one of his captivating smiles took your breath away. Negan bent down allowing you to light his cigarette, letting out a slow rumble of a sound when he raised up and gave you a wink. “Thank you, darlin’.”
“It’s nothing,” you waved your hand in the air dismissively, pushing the lighter into your back pocket. A hiss fell from Negan’s parted lips when he exhaled a large amount of smoke. After, he pulled it from his lips and offered it to you. “I shouldn’t.”
“Are you gonna get grounded?” Negan mocked you, an amused rumble falling from his throat when you accepted the cigarette from him. A proud sound escaped his lips when you shared his cigarette with him. “Thatta girl. With lips like those, you shouldn’t be afraid to put something between them every now and then. “
Coughing, you pulled the cigarette from your lips, noticing the wicked smirk that expanded over his features, “Jesus.”
“What?” Negan feigned innocence, accepting his cigarette back from you. “Don’t be a pervert. I was being innocent.”
“Sure you were,” you placed your hand in over the center of your chest hearing Negan snicker before bringing the cigarette back up to his lips. “Are you ready for your get together tonight?”
“Do I look ready?” Negan’s eyebrow arched and he looked down to gaze over the sweats that he was wearing. When he lifted his stare again, he could see that you had taken the time to look him over too. “A nice dinner and I’m dressed like this?”
“I think you look nice in sweatpants,” you blurt out and suddenly you felt a heat rushing into your cheeks with the way that it made Negan’s eyebrows bounce up. This is what you meant with becoming inappropriate. Instead of considering what you were saying, you were just saying what you were thinking and you couldn’t even believe the things coming out of your mouth. The thing was, in his gray sweatpants it didn’t leave much to imagination.
“You like that?” Negan smirked, exhaling a large amount of smoke away from you so it didn’t blow into your face with a mischievous smirk tugging at his features. Originally you were embarrassed that you said what you did, but he was playing back with you, so what was the point in feeling bad about it?
“Looks thick,” you dropped your stare down again, tipping your head down to steal another lingering gaze and a rumble of amusement fell from his throat. Raising your stare, your eyes locked with his and he looked enamored with your response.
“It is. I’m kind of a big guy. You should see it when it’s hard,” Negan slurred, stepping closer toward you closing the distance between the two of you. It drew a chill down your spine with the lack of personal space. “If you like the way it looks in my sweats now, you would really enjoy how big it gets when it’s erect.”
“I can only imagine,” you whispered with the warmth of Negan’s breath over your lips. That’s how close he was. “Your wife is a lucky girl.”
“I’d like to think so,” Negan muttered, his hazel eyes gazing over your lips. Just having him looking at you like that had goosebumps developing over your arms. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t incredibly attracted to this man.
“Daddy,” Lucille’s voice called out from the back door drawing Negan to smirk. Looking back over his shoulder, Negan’s eyebrows bounced up and he offered up one of his enchanting smiles. “It’s time to get to work on dinner.”
“Yes mama,” Negan took a step back, finishing up his cigarette before giving you a wink. “We’ll see you tonight Y/N. Duty calls.”
A tremoring breath escaped your parted lips when Negan made his way back up to his house. It felt like the world was spinning around you with how hot that interaction alone made you. The two of you were just fucking around with your words and it had your flesh on fire.
“You okay?” Lucille’s voice called out, finally breaking you from your moment. Lifting your head, you felt a sense of guilt with the way that Lucille’s green eyes were locked on you. With a nod, you tried to gather yourself knowing that it was wrong to be flirting with a married man like you were. Especially with how much you liked both Lucille and Negan. “We’re looking forward to having you over later.”
“I have to get ready,” you announced, pointing back toward your house knowing right now you absolutely needed that shower to cool down after your interaction with Negan. Lucille gave you a wink and then turned on her heel to head back into the house. You had to get ready for the get together they asked you to and you had to find a way to chill the fuck out in front of both of them. They were married for heaven’s sake.
So that’s what you did. You took an extraordinarily long shower and got ready to go to their house. It was hard picking something out to wear because they really didn’t express how you should be dressing. You went through plenty of outfits before settling in on a black dress. Maybe it was a bit much for a get together at your neighbor’s, but you liked the way you looked. The material clung to your breasts drawing attention to them and the bottom of the dress came down to about mid-thigh. This was Lucille and Negan. You wanted to at least make a good impression on them.
When it was time, you headed over to their home with the bottle of alcohol that you were planning to bring as a gift, surprised to see that only Negan’s motorcycle and their Mustang was parked out front. Were you early? Heading up the steps to their home, you knocked on the door and let out a shuddering breath as Lucille opened the door. Standing before you, she was in a red dress where the neckline dipped incredibly low drawing attention to her breasts.
“Wow,” you felt your heart skip a beat at the sight of her. Most of the time Lucille was gorgeous, but she just wore whatever made her comfortable. Now, she looked like she had just walked off the cover of a magazine with how stunning she looked and it took your breath away. “You look amazing.”
“Look who’s talking,” Lucille clung tightly to the door after she held it open for you and you stepped into the home. In the distance you could see that Negan was standing in the corner attempting to put some music on. He was wearing a pair of black slacks with a black button down with only the buttons done up until about his mid abdomen revealing the dark curls of hair over his chest. Both of them looked incredible tonight and you didn’t know how you were going to make it through the night. “You look beautiful.”
Stealing a look back over his shoulder, a wolfish smile tugged at Negan’s handsome lips when he gazed between both you and Lucille. Placing his hand over the center of his chest, he dramatically leaned back and stomped his foot, “Be still my fucking heart. You both are trying to kill me tonight with the way you look.”
Once Lucille closed the door, you heard Negan start the music. In the living room was a table set up with three seats. Candles were lit at the center of it and only three places were set out, “Did I get here early?”
“What do you mean?” Negan stepped forward, his arm hooking around Lucille’s shoulders loosely. You could smell what you assumed was their dinner cooking in the kitchen and it smelled amazing.
“I thought you were having a party,” you clung to the bottle of alcohol in your hand hearing the amused sound that escaped Negan’s throat.
“Did I word it weird?” Lucille wondered, her hand pressing in over the center of Negan’s chest. Lucille’s fingers stroked through the dark hair that covered Negan’s chest as he hummed out at the sensation. “I was just inviting you over for dinner so the three of us could get to know each other a little bit better.”
“Oh,” you felt your face getting hot. Well, if you knew that maybe you wouldn’t have dressed like this, but you didn’t feel so bad considering both Negan and Lucille had dressed up as well. Lifting the bottle of alcohol, you held it out for them to look over. “I brought this since you were so kind to invite me.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Negan accepted the bottle, taking a look at what you had brought and he let out an impressed exhale at the expensive brand you had gifted them. “But I will happily accept this. We can get this started off tonight. I’ll go grab some glasses. Dinner should be done soon.”
“Negan,” Lucille gasped when Negan smacked her ass when he left them to head back toward the kitchen with the bottle of alcohol you gave him. “Sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for. The two of you like each other very much. That’s something to admire,” you waved your hand in the air dismissively. Every time you had seen Negan and Lucille together, they were always kissing or being touchy in some fashion. “It’s nice to see.”
“We try,” Lucille stated with a wink, her hand dragging down over your arm before her fingers curled around your wrist to lead you over toward the table. “Hopefully you like what we prepared tonight. Negan has really gotten into cooking lately and he’s really proud of his food. If he gets tired of coaching, I think he has a chance at being a chef if he ever wanted to put in the effort.”
Lucille helped you into your seat and you felt her hands settling in over your shoulders. Faintly she squeezed at your flesh, an extended breath escaping your parted lips when Lucille’s hands slid further down with her fingertips teasing over your collarbone.
“I just enjoy cooking for the people I actually like,” Negan announced making his way out of the kitchen to set down three glasses on the table. Popping open the bottle, Negan poured some of the alcohol out into the glasses for all three of you. Grabbing a glass for himself, Negan tossed back the drink and hummed when he swallowed it down. “Fuck…that’s good.”
Negan got himself another drink, but the sound of a timer going off was heard and he held his finger up in the air motioning you both to wait. Heading back to the kitchen with his glass had Lucille taking a seat at the table feeling a warmth surrounding you.
“Are you enjoying the new house?” Lucille questioned you, her hand stretching out to place in over yours to draw your attention to her. With her leaning forward, it had the material of her dress dipping down further making your throat go dry. God, you were trying so hard not to ogle the Smiths, but they were making it so hard for you.
“Yeah. It’s really nice,” you stammered through your words, enjoying the way that Lucille’s fingertips stroked at the back of your hand. “I was really nervous about moving since you hear all of those horror stories about people moving and having horrible neighbors, but everyone has been really nice.”
“People mostly stick to themselves around here,” Negan announced walking back into the kitchen holding two plates in his hands. Lowering down the first plate in front of you took your breath away. It looked like you were dining at a five-star restaurant with how good the food actually looked on the plate. Negan lowered the next plate in front of Lucille and leaned back. “We enjoy having you as our neighbor so much more than our last.”
“Were they bad?” you inquired feeling Negan’s fingertips drag across your shoulder as he walked by to head back to the kitchen to undoubtedly get his plate.
“It was just a really old man that was grumpy,” Lucille answered for Negan with a half laugh. “And he didn’t like Negan that much. He always had a problem with whatever Negan was doing. I think his family moved him into their home, so it’s been nice having someone like you living next to us instead of someone who always wanted to fight about something because they were bored.”
“So in comparison, you’re a fucking angel,” Negan returned back to the table with his drink and his plate of food. Carefully lowering down into his seat that was across from you, Negan’s smirk had a lump developing in your throat.
“This looks amazing Negan,” you commented and it had him giving his head a small bob happy to have you complimenting his food. It was even better when you took the first bite. When you met Negan the first time, you would have never pictured him being this good of a cook. Throughout dinner, the three of you had small talk and it was just nice being able to talk with them in a relaxed setting. Long after dinner was done, the three of you were still sitting at the table laughing and talking about life and you were all drinking. A lot. Lucille had moved her chair closer to Negan and you admired the way she stroked her fingers at the back of his neck while all of you talked. There was no doubting that the two of them were close. When Negan went to get up to do the dishes, you started to get up to help him, but his large hands pressed in over your shoulders to get you to lower down. “You cooked that amazing meal for me Negan, the least I can do is help you clean up.”
“You’re a guest in this house,” Negan responded, his lips incredibly close to your ear drawing you to close your eyes tightly. With the warmth of Negan’s breath over the side of your neck, you felt chills flooding your veins. “I can take care of it.”
Parting your lips, you swore you felt Negan kiss faintly at the side of your neck before pulling back to gather everything to clean up. When your eyes opened, you felt your heart racing when you noticed that Lucille was staring out at you with a smirk. Giving you a wink, she stood up from the table to help Negan and you felt like the room was spinning around you. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you were starting to feel heated in their home.
“Maybe I should get going,” you suggested, standing up from the table smoothing your dress out. Heading toward the kitchen, you watched the two of them cleaning up and Negan shook his head. “I don’t want to keep you all night.”
“It’s Friday. I think you are allowed some down time, don’t you?” Negan reasoned with you, nodding off toward the bottles of alcohol that he had on the counter. “I still haven’t made you some of my best drinks that I’m capable of. I’m a gin man and I can get something really amazing together for you. Come on. It’s not a school night.”
“Seriously. Just let us finish cleaning up. We’ll put some different music on. Sit down. Have some drinks. Really get to know one another,” Lucille stepped forward, grabbing a hold of your hands to give them a small wiggle. “Come on, what do you say?”
“I’m almost done” Negan had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up his arms while he finished with the dishes, flashing you a big smile. “Come on. Don’t disappoint me. Just stay for a while longer. It’s the weekend. At least enjoy yourself. You’ve been working so hard to get moved in, when is the last time you got to have a decent night to relax?”
“Yeah, okay,” you agreed to stay with them feeling your throat tensing at the idea of how eager they were to keep you there.
“Just go sit down on the couch and we will be right out,” Negan urged you with a half-smile and you listened.
After you sat you could hear them whispering together about something, but when Lucille returned, she was carrying two drinks, “Negan put these together. I think you’re really going to like them.”
Accepting your drink, you let out a surprised sound on the first sip with how much alcohol was in it. It tasted good, but there was no doubt a lot of gin in it, “Wow.”
“He makes them strong,” Lucille noted with a tiny smile, taking a long sip herself before getting comfortable on the couch beside you. You were talking about your job with Lucille by the time that Negan returned to the living room with his drink.
Negan was lighting something up when he moved in beside you and you choked realizing what it was, “Is that weed?”
“I’m starting to think you’re a bit of a goody two shoes and here I was thinking you were a naughty girl,” Negan snickered, pulling the joint from his lips and holding in the smoke before exhaling. A laugh fell from his throat when he held it out to Lucille who accepted it from him. The way that Negan was looking at you made you breathless when he slid in closer to you. “I just thought you would want to have a little fun and relax.”
“I just didn’t expect you to pull out weed,” you responded, finishing off the drink that Negan had made for you. Taking the glass from you, Negan set it down on the coffee table beside his drink and his eyes were locked on yours. After she took a hit from it, Lucille held it out to you. “I’m not a goody two shoes. I was just trying to leave a positive impression with both of you.”
Grabbing the joint, you placed it between your lips and watched Negan smirk when you inhaled sharply after pulling it away, “Thatta girl.”
Taking it from you, Negan put it back between his lips and smiled, “So, what’s your dating life like?”
“I’m sorry?” you breathed out when you exhaled, noticing that both Lucille and Negan were sitting incredibly close to you. “I’m not dating anyone.”
“By choice? Because you’re hot,” Lucille’s fingers stroked at your arm and it kickstarted your heart in your chest.
“Things just haven’t worked out. I did just move out of state you know,” you declared, letting out a tense breath when Negan wrapped his arm around the back of the couch behind you. It revealed more of his chest to your sight and you cleared your throat uneasily. “I’m okay with that though.”
“Daddy,” Lucille held her hand out and Negan handed the joint over to her. An uneasy breath fell from your throat with Lucille reaching out to lace her fingers into Negan’s hair. Tugging him forward had them right before you when Lucille demanded a kiss from Negan. A hum escaped him with his tongue brushing out against hers and you felt incredibly hot being between them while they kissed. When they parted you were probably breathing louder than you should have been.
“Wow,” you stammered eyeing over Negan when he licked over his lips. “You make good food. You have good alcohol and weed. What other surprises do you two have?”
“Well that’s for you to learn throughout the night,” Lucille explained, handing you over the joint and her green eyes were locked on yours. “Do we make you uncomfortable?”
“Honestly?” you felt a breath hitching in your throat with the sensation of Negan’s nose nuzzling in against the side of your neck. Involuntarily, your head tipped to the side when Negan started peppering wet kisses over your flesh. Lucille lifted her hand to drag her finger across your bottom lip. “Yes.”
“Uncomfortable in a bad way or a good?” Negan growled against your flesh, nipping at your jawline when Lucille pressed in closer to you. God, they both smelled so good between his cologne and her perfume.
Before you had time to answer, Lucille’s lips covered yours pulling you closer to her. At first, she just seemed to be testing the water to see if you would be okay with kissing her. When you didn’t fight her on it, the kiss grew in strength and when she pulled away, your lips parted. It felt like the room was spinning around you. It could have been your body reacting to them or a mix of that with the alcohol along with the weed, but it felt nice. Negan’s fingers pressed in over the side of your face urging you to him. Capturing your lips with his had you falling in closer to him. Fuck, they were both good at kissing. When Negan pulled back, his eyes were hooked on yours trying to read your reaction to everything.
“Good,” you finally answered hearing Negan’s amused laughter before he reached up to cup your face in his hands. Allowing him to pull you to him, you kissed him over and over again, enjoying the way it felt with Lucille’s lips pressing kisses over your shoulder. The taste of alcohol still lingered over Negan’s tongue when it flicked out against yours. It had a warmth developing at your core with your right hand sliding back to caress over Lucille’s inner thigh. A tug at your jaw had Lucille pulling you back to kiss her and it was obviously so vastly different from kissing Negan, but you liked it. The contrast between the both of them felt fantastic.
“I’ll be right back,” Lucille announced, pulling away from your kiss with a smile before getting up from the couch.
“I think we could use something a little more upbeat,” Negan got up from the couch to turn on a different song that was something you felt was a bit sexier. Extending his hand out to yours had you smiling. Taking his hand, you laughed when he pulled you in closer to him. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
“I have no idea what is going on right now, but I can’t complain” you were honest pressing your hands in over the center of Negan’s chest with his large hands grasping to your hips. Together the two of you danced to the music, your pulse jumping with how close Negan was to you. “Are you bad at anything?”
“No,” Negan snickered, his bottom lip dragging across yours with how close he was to you. “I’m just naturally gifted at everything. Play your cards right and you will discover just how true that is.”
“What is this?” you finally asked gasping when Negan spun you to face away from him. With his groin pressing up against your bottom, you felt his hand settling at your lower abdomen drawing you to move your hips a certain way to dance with him. There was a fire burning deep inside of you with the way he was pressing up against you, allowing you to feel the solidness of his masculinity pressed against your bottom.
“Do you always need the answers to everything?” Negan slurred against your flesh with him kissing over your jawline again.
You were doing your best to follow suit with the movement Negan was doing with you while the two of you danced, but it was beginning to get incredibly sexual. Your face was hot. Hell, your whole body was. But you wondered if this was something you were actually experiencing or your brain was exaggerating the details of what was truly happening. With all the alcohol you drank and from smoking the weed, you could have been experiencing what you wanted to be instead of what was genuinely happening. But this felt real. Very real.
Hooking your arm back, you wrapped it around Negan’s neck when you felt his hand lowering between your thighs. A moan fell from your throat when he caressed over your body in confident movements. Kissing down over the side of your neck had a heat flooding throughout your body. Fuck, this was hot. Just having the stubble from his short beard teasing against your flesh had your nipples getting hard beneath the material of your dress.
In the midst of his touches, you had closed your eyes, sucking down on your bottom lip with just how good he was making you feel. It was when you opened your eyes that you noticed your vision was slightly blurred. The adrenaline could have been kicked up in your body in that moment, but you were starting to think it was more so the effects of the alcohol.
Fuck, why did it have to start up now of all times? You didn’t want this moment to end, but you knew it felt like you were going to pass out.
“I…I think I need to sit,” you informed him as Lucille was returning to them. It had you falling into Lucille’s arms who caught you with ease. “I might have drank too much.”
“I got you,” Lucille led you toward the couch allowing you to lean back against it. Observing you, Lucille made sure you were okay with her fingers tracing down over the side of your face in a tender sweep. “Are you okay?”
“I think so,” you waved your hand about in the air. The sad thing? You were honest. It wasn’t bullshit. The last thing you wanted to do was stop dancing with Negan but all of the alcohol had the room spinning for you.
At some point you must have passed out because by the time you came to fully, the room was dark except for a light that was illuminating from the kitchen. It took a minute before you were able to pull yourself up into a seated position and you wondered how long you had been passed out. Of course you fucking passed out when things were just starting to heat up with Lucille and Negan.
The sound of muted moans were heard causing you to look toward the kitchen. Getting up, you were quiet in the way you moved stepping just to the side to hide yourself when you finally saw what you heard. Negan had Lucille laid back against the table in the kitchen with the bottom of her dress pressed up to her mid abdomen. His head was buried between her thighs, the wet sounds of him pleasuring her flooding the kitchen along with her moans. Lucille’s fingers were tangled in Negan’s hair with her chest rising and falling heavily.
This was a personal moment between the two of them and you should have just left or gone back to lay down, but you couldn’t help yourself from watching. With the sounds that Lucille was making, you could only picture how good it must have felt. There was an ache between your thighs and you were impressed with how fast it turned you on.
“Negan,” Lucille panted, her fingers tugging at Negan’s hair getting him to pull back, licking over his lips when he looked up at her. “Please…”
“Yes mama?” Negan pressed a few kisses over her thighs before getting up to lay in over Lucille. His fingers hooked into the straps of her dress to tug the material down revealing her breasts to him. Covering Lucille’s breast with his mouth, Negan kissed over her breast in long, drawn out motions with his hips bucking up toward Lucille.
Biting down on your bottom lip, you were doing your best to stay quiet when you felt a warmth pooling at your core. From where you were, you could see that Negan’s shirt was fully opened and you had no idea where to look first. Between Negan and Lucille, you were overwhelmed with how beautiful both of them were.
Gradually, Negan’s kisses rose up over Lucille’s chest, toward her neck and over her jawline with her hands reaching down between them. Eagerly, Lucille pulled apart the belt in Negan’s pants with their mouths colliding together. Both of them were incredibly dominant in the way that they kissed. Pushing into Negan’s chest had him stumbling back with an amused sound. Lucille lifted up on the kitchen table and dragged her fingers down over the length of Negan’s long torso. Tugging open the material of Negan’s pants, Lucille reached her hand inside and you let out a small sound of awe when she pulled Negan’s solid erection from his pants. Negan wasn’t kidding. He was big.
Stroking her hand over Negan’s length, Lucille kept kissing Negan with his moans growing louder. Dropping her head, Lucille took Negan between her parted lips having Negan’s fingers sinking into her hair while she pleasure him. God, watching the two of them together had you hotter than you could have ever imagined. There should have been some kind of jealousy going on there, but there wasn’t. You were enjoying watching them. Negan’s long eyelashes fluttered to a close, the muscle at the corner of his jaw flexing with Lucille’s head bobbing over his length. Even the moans that fell from Negan’s throat were incredibly sexy.
“Fuck,” Negan hissed, pulling back on Lucille’s blonde hair. Lowering her down on top of the kitchen table, Negan pressed his hand in over Lucille’s throat to keep her down. Pulling her right to the edge of the kitchen table, Negan reached between them to grab a hold of his erection. Tracing the tip of his cock over Lucille’s body had her purring out, her hips arching up toward Negan. With a wet sound, Negan entered Lucille having her back arching up on the table, her hands wrapping around Negan’s wrists when they found their way to her slender hips. “Fucking hell mama.”
“Daddy,” Lucille tugged at the material of Negan’s shirt to get him to lay over her and meet her in a passionate kiss. Slowly, Negan started to thrust into Lucille shaking the table with his movements. Lifting your left hand, you covered your lips to stay silent. With every thrust, Lucille’s cries started to grow louder and you felt an ache in your body.
Watching the two of them fucking had you desperately wanting to touch yourself, but you knew that you wouldn’t be capable of being quiet if you did that. Hearing both of their moans was like music to your ears and you had to coach yourself from making any sound. It was torturing yourself not allowing yourself to give you any kind of pleasure from watching this. Your nipples were hard and pussy throbbing but doing that might have gave away that you were watching them. You didn’t want that.
Lucille’s arms wrapped around Negan’s shoulders with his thrusts getting rough. Negan was a very verbal lover, praising her and talking Lucille through everything while also not being afraid to moan. It was incredibly sexy and you just found yourself drawn to both of them more the further they continued.
“Come here,” Negan commanded, helping Lucille lift up from the table to pull her in closer to him. With her holding onto him, Negan grabbed a tighter hold of her with Lucille kissing over the side of his neck. How desperately Lucille clung to him and cried out, you knew that she was enjoying every thrust she was experiencing. Adjusting her, Negan pulled his hips back and it had her crying out when his length pulled away from her. Forcing Lucille face first onto the table, Negan lowered down to kiss over her shoulder and moved in behind her. Adjusting her the way he needed her, Negan reached between them to lead his impressive length back into her. The sound of their skin smacking together was heard, his head lifting up. A wicked smirk tugged at his lips when his hazel eyes connected with yours and you silently cussed to yourself. You thought you were hidden enough to not be seen, but there was no questioning that Negan saw you watching them. Palming down over Lucille’s back, Negan growled out when he grabbed a firm hold of Lucille’s ass testing the flesh in his hands. “Good girl.”
Starting to pound into Lucille had her cries intensifying and Negan’s eyes continued to stay hooked with yours while he fucked his wife. Every plunge had Lucille bouncing forward toward the table before eagerly rocking back into him. Negan was putting on a show now. It fueled him to know that you were watching the two of them together.
“Fuck…” Negan’s head tipped back, the vein at the side of his neck prominent with his movements. Once Lucille’s moans were getting closer together, it had Negan’s thrusts more determined leaving Lucille reaching back to place her hand in over Negan’s lower abdomen to get him to stop his movements so she could catch her breath. It was mesmerizing seeing their bodies pressed together like they were. “Do you feel good honey?”
“Yes daddy,” Lucille purred out, her body tremoring from the orgasm that he got her to.
“You want to ride daddy’s big cock?” Negan questioned with a wolfish smile when Lucille shakily pushed up from the table. She pushed into the center of Negan’s chest getting him to stumble back into the chair that was at the corner of the room. Confirming that you were still watching, Negan started to stroke over his swollen cock drawing attention to how big it actually was. There was no doubting that Negan had a reason to be arrogant about things. Shakily, Lucille moved in over Negan and he helped her to lower down over him with her head burying against the side of Negan’s neck. “Fuck Lucille…”
Staying where you were, you felt your heart hammering in your chest and were enamored with the way they moved together. All the way to the end you watched them knowing that Negan would have wanted that. He was putting on a show for you and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it. Once they were having their intimate moment together after everything, you gave Negan one final look with him pressing kisses over Lucille’s shoulder and you headed back to the couch. Laying down, you turned toward the back of it and pretended to still be sleeping when Negan and Lucille stumbled through the kitchen and to the hallway that you imagine led to their bedroom.
It took an ungodly amount of time for you to fall back asleep, but by the time you finally did wake up, there was light flooding into the living room. You were surprised that Negan and Lucille even let you stay the night like this. No doubt, it was time to finally leave as you carefully pulled yourself up from the couch. The question was, did you tell them or did you just leave?
Thinking it over, you headed toward the hallway knowing that you should just let them know you were going to take off. Making it to the end of the hallway, you noticed that one of the doors was partially opened and you pressed into it. When it opened fully, you felt a lump developing in your throat at the sight before you. Negan was sleeping at the middle of the bed completely naked with only a sheet covering his most intimate parts keeping them hidden from you. Then again, it didn’t leave much to imagination.
Stepping into the bedroom, you gazed over Negan’s body and felt your mouth go dry looking at him. God, he was so incredibly sexy with the tattoos that covered his body. Lowering your gaze, you couldn’t help but stare at the v-line over his hips that led to the dark curls of hair over his lower abdomen that made you lick your lips.
“Are you just going to stare are you going to actually take what you want for once?” Negan’s deep raspy voice filled the air, his eyes fluttering to a slow open. An amused, tired smirk tugged at his handsome features with you standing at the bottom of the bed. Sliding his palm down, Negan caressed over the area that was covered by the sheet before yawning. Stretching out his long body had the sheet tugging further revealing the base of his cock. Your mouth went wet and your heart raced. Tugging slightly at the sheets, Negan pulled it away from his body to reveal his completely naked form to you. “Why don’t you take that dress off for me?”
“Where is Lucille?” you questioned, letting your curiosity get the best of you. Your eyes were still centered on his cock and you were certainly tempted.
“She had a shift today. She left you sleep because you looked like you needed it,” Negan was still comfortable at the center of his bed, his head resting back into the pillows. “So why don’t you do what daddy tells you and take that dress off. And how about you use your mouth to make up for what you did yesterday. We were really going somewhere you know.”
Surprisingly, you found yourself listening to him working the dress from your body. It was bold and it was stupid, but you wanted to obey. Humming out, Negan seemed to enjoy when the material dropped to your feet leaving you in your bra and panties before him. Wiggling his fingers at you excited you. Slowly lowering down, you pressed your knees in over the bottom of his bed with Negan’s smile expanding. God, you were actually doing this. Pressing forward, you balanced your body weight evoking a proud exhale from Negan when you started kissing over his thigh.
Lifting your stare, you felt exhilarated with the way that he was watching your movements. Each kiss you were pressing over his flesh was faint, but he seemed to be enjoying it. Just having him watching you like he was had your heart pounding in your chest. Your eyes fell upon his semi-erect cock that was resting at his hip and your lips parted. Crawling further up the bed, your kisses continued over his body and he let you know he liked it in the way that he sounded. Hovering just over the root to his masculinity had his head tipping to the side to watch you better with his dimples becoming more prominent. How couldn’t you want to do something like this with him?
Dragging your tongue out against the length of his shaft had his hips arching slightly toward you. It made you smile to know he wanted this. Inhaling sharply, Negan did his best to keep his eyes locked on you when you continued to press faint kisses out across the tip of his cock. Quiet moans were falling from his throat and they were so incredibly sexy fueling you even more with what you were doing.
“You’re a tease,” Negan grunted with your fingers curling around his cock, stroking it in unhurried caresses. Glaring at him, you got a good grasp of his manhood before wrapping your lips around the tip. Flicking at it with your tongue had him growling out and the way he looked at you was so enticing. You were gentle at first. You wanted to build up that pressure inside of him. And he was completely enchanted with you. The kisses you pressed against the sensitive tip were wet with your tongue following suit with dragging out against the flesh. Having his cock growing harder inside of your mouth fueled you. The ache between your legs still lingered from the night before, but it was growing with the damp heat this was all causing you. “Fuck. Good girl.”
Hissing out, Negan’s eyes came to a tight close with his head falling back into the pillows as you took him further back into your throat. Now it was about testing what he liked. You couldn’t imagine he would have gotten any sexier, but getting to pleasure him showed you that he could. His body was intoxicating with how it reacted to every touch. Doing your best to impress him, you paid close attention to his praises when you did something he liked and you focused on that. Negan was a big fan of when you would drag your tongue across the underside of his cock where the tip met the shaft. And he loved when you’d take him back into your throat because it had his hips lifting slightly off the mattress every time. It was the damp heat that he was drawn to. God, the taste of him against your tongue was incredible too. Just doing this alone would be a gift for you.
A wet sound filled the air when you pulled your mouth from his body. Sheathing his flesh in your palm, you used your saliva to help coat his length making it easier for you to caress over his cock.
“Last night it looked like Lucille really enjoyed herself,” you whispered against his cock, your words vibrating against his flesh. It had his long eyelashes fluttering, his lips parting and then a smile tugging at them.
“It could have been a whole lot better if you wouldn’t have passed out,” Negan proposed, dragging his tongue across his bottom lip. Last night you were pretty sure that they were trying to start something up with you, but your self esteem got in the way. You questioned if that was the case but hearing it come from Negan’s lips made you wonder. Maybe everything did happen the way you remembered it last night. Stretching his hand out, Negan swept his thumb in over your wet bottom lip. Kissing at the pad of his thumb had him humming out before he caressed his fingers through your hair. It was a soothing sensation with him admiring the sight of you. After what you had done, Negan was fully erect in your grasp. Stealing a look at your handy work, you licked your lips and heard his breathing grow louder. There was amusement in his eyes when you looked back up to him. “What do you think about my cock now that it’s hard and in front of you?”
Snickering, you kissed at the ridges of the tip liking the audible moan that followed, “You know what I think.”
There was something so handsome about the way he looked. There was a reason for all that cockiness and it suited him. He was good looking. His body was amazing and he could charm the pants off anyone. Hell, you were an example of that.
Taking Negan back between your wet lips, you lowered your head down over the first few inches. A hum of approval filled the air with Negan’s fingers hooking tightly into your hair. When you pulled back, you were meticulous in the way you dragged your tongue back over his length making sure to hit that sensitive spot just below the tip every time before lowering back again to repeat the motions.
“Fuck baby,” Negan groaned out, letting you take your time pleasuring him. As your movements grew faster, Negan’s breathing became louder and his grasp got stronger. “Relax your throat.”
Hearing his order, you attempted to do what he asked of you. At that point, the strength of his palm was lowering you further down his rigid cock. The tip hit the back of your throat and you did your best to relax for him. Making sure you could handle it, Negan started to thrust his hips up toward you fucking your throat with slow, careful movements. Over and over again he did it before he pulled you away and allowed the air to fill your lungs again. Your lips were wet, your eyes damp, but you didn’t hate what he had done.
“You are such a fucking good girl,” Negan sat up in bed, grasping your jaw with his right hand. The way his hazel eyes were hooked on yours had your body tremoring and he smiled. Sliding his thumb out over your bottom lip collected the dampness over it and he licked his lips. “Good girls deserve rewards. Don’t you think?”
“Yes daddy,” you purred knowing that’s clearly what he liked to be called. His eyebrows bounced up with a pleased expression over his handsome features. Negan’s messy hair was in his face when he pulled you to him. Claiming your lips in a passionate, heated kiss had you purring against the warmth of his flesh. It was hot, wild and you were becoming more and more addicted with each flick of his tongue over yours. Wincing out, you dropped your head back when Negan’s fingers curled firmly around your throat.
“I’m going to fucking destroy you,” Negan growled against your flesh and while that might have made someone uncomfortable, you found yourself absolutely looking forward to it.
Moving fast, Negan used his strength to roll you onto your back underneath him. Hovering his lips over yours had your heart hammering inside of your chest. Nibbling at your bottom lip, Negan tugged at your flesh before giving you another fiery kiss that had you wanting more. So when he pulled away, you were breathless and panting.
“Fuck honey,” Negan grumbled, pressing kisses down over the side of your neck and toward your chest. Lifting his hand, he tugged at your bra revealing your breast to him when he got the material low enough. Kissing over your full breasts, Negan circled your nipple with the warmth of his tongue before taking it between his lips. Your body was on fire, wanting every bit of what he was providing you with. Curling his arm around your body, Negan worked with the clip at the back of your bra before finally getting it undone. Wasting no time, he pulled at the material tugging your body forward so he could toss it aside and then cover your other breast with his mouth. While he teased and pampered your flesh with his tongue, his other hand caressed your other breast leaving you a panting mess. “You are so fucking beautiful.”
Dropping your head back into the pillows, you enjoyed the weight of Negan over you, taking complete control of you. Each touch and every kiss had you begging for more with you purring out his name. Peppering kisses down over the length of your abdomen had your body arching up toward him and he growled out.
“You deserve to be cherished every fucking night,” Negan declared, biting at your hip as he got up onto his knees. Hooking his arms under your legs, he dragged you to the edge of the bed and grunted when he got you where he needed you. Getting up to his feet, Negan pulled you right to the edge of the bottom of the bed and stared down at you like an animal observing its prey. “It’s a shame that you fucking aren’t.”
A tremoring exhale escaped your lips when Negan tugged at the material of your panties, wasting no time in getting them from your body. Tossing them aside, Negan pushed your right leg up over his shoulder before carefully lowering down. Dragging his fingers over the length of your pussy had you mewling out and he smiled.
“You have such a pretty little pussy, don’t you?” he slurred, lifting his hand to lick over his fingertips before returning them. Stroking his fingers over your most intimate parts had you clutching tightly to the bedsheets that were beneath you. Your eyes slammed shut when Negan lowered his head down to start pressing wet kisses over the inside of your thigh with each kiss getting closer and closer to your most intimate parts. Crying out, you felt Negan’s hot kisses centering in over your sex and you curled the blanket further into a ball under your fingers.
“Negan,” you purred out his name as your body trembled. Strong flicks of Negan’s tongue circling over your sensitive bundle of nerves had you arching your hips to him. And when his lips surrounded the bud and he slurped faintly it had you growing breathless, lifting your head to watch him while he feasted on you. “Christ.”
The strength of Negan’s grasp on your thigh would undoubtedly leave marks, but you didn’t care with the way he left you feeling. Between his mouth and his tongue, you were on cloud nine. Fuck, you didn’t realize how much you truly needed this. Rocking your hips against his movements, you couldn’t help but want more of that friction from his mouth when he pulled away with a moan himself.
“Look at you,” Negan grunted, his fingers tracing over the length of your sex before circling them at your entrance. Inserting one of his long, slender digits had your head tipping back against the bed. You could feel your pulse at your temple when your eyes came to a tight close. Thrusting his finger into you, Negan continued to focus on your clitoris with the warmth of his mouth having you shaking against him between the two. Adding another finger, Negan wasn’t exactly gentle as he pumped them into you, working to hit your g-spot with every thrust after he had found it. You were writhing beneath him and he was using his strength over you to keep you in place. “Come on darlin’. Let it happen. Come for daddy.”
A warmth was rushing to your head and it ached, but it was a good ache. Your thighs were shaking, your body arching up toward him. His fingers were determined, his eyes locked on yours when your hips pulled up with a wet sound. A whimper fell from your lips, your hips shaking and writhing in his grasp. Tiny tremors flooded your body from the orgasm that Negan was able to give you just using his fingers and you were shaken.
“Fuck sweetheart,” Negan snickered against your flesh, still keeping a tight hold of you to keep you in place. “You were really in need of that, weren’t you?”
“Holy shit,” you panted still euphoric after your orgasm noticing how wet his sheets were going to be from what just happened. Even Negan was damp after that one. “I’m sorry.”
“Never apologize for that,” Negan clicked his tongue against the top of his mouth starting to kiss down over your inner thigh again. Almost immediately, his fingers slid back inside of you eliciting an incredible amount of stimulation with the way he was hitting your g-spot. His other hand went to work rubbing at your clit to give you double the amount of pleasure. It had your hips rocking up toward his touch and it was incredible. Every sensation was exceptionally intense since you were already so sensitive, but Negan had a goal and he was determined. Squirming underneath him, you reached for his wrist trying to hold onto something when your heart felt like it was about to pound right out of your chest with the way he was touching you. “Fuck, honey.”
The rhythmic motion of his fingers caressing your g-spot was driving you crazy getting that same fire to flood your body like he did with your last orgasm. Replacing his fingers with his mouth, Negan’s tongue twisted and teased over your clit with his mouth working in unison. You were a panting mess beneath Negan because he knew exactly what to do with you and he did it well.
“Negan,” you cried out hearing the hum that fell from Negan’s throat when he swiftly pulled his fingers out allowing the powerful orgasm to flood from your body. Arching up toward him, you shakily lowered your hands down to tug at the bedsheets. “Fuck.”
“Oh, you are going to be so much fucking fun,” Negan slurred, his amused exhale vibrating against your body leaving you cooing beneath him with the overstimulation that he brought you to. Standing up had your lips parting when your eyes fell to his swollen length that bobbed with his movements. Keeping you right at the edge of the bed, Negan urged one of your legs up over his shoulder when he got onto his knees. With his body pressed flushed against you, you felt chills flooding your body. Tracing a line over your slit with his fingers, Negan smiled and his hazel eyes locked with yours. “You’re already super fucking wet, but if you need me to stop, just let me know?”
Firmly wrapping his fingers around the base of his erection, he toyed with you at first letting the swollen tip tease through your sensitive folds. Purring out had Negan humming and he smiled down at you.
“I know, it feels so good,” Negan muttered, tapping the tip of his cock against your clit having you arching your hips up closer to him. Lining his body up with your entrance, Negan pushed slightly forward giving you the hints that he would fill you, but when he didn’t it had you whining out. Snickering out, Negan’s brow line furrowed as he licked his lips. Unhurriedly sinking his body into yours had you crying out his name. A muscle in Negan’s jaw flexed, his lips parting as your tight canal enveloped his body. The incredibly full, stretching feeling that followed Negan entering you was unlike anything you had felt. Outstretching his right hand, Negan palmed over your breast testing the flesh in his grasp. “Your tight little pussy feels so fucking good. Fuck.”
Taking his time, Negan’s right hand slid down, his fingertips digging into your hip when he started to roll his hips slowly. It was going to take some time adjusting to him, but your body was more than willing. Gasps fell from your throat with every thrust forward he made.
“Do you like the way daddy’s big cock feels?” Negan spoke, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat with a cocky, arrogant smile tugging at his handsome features. Each movement of his hips gradually got harder and faster, allowing him to open your body up further to him. Your moans only fueled him further with the strength of them. “This is only the beginning. Daddy is going to destroy your pussy. You’re going to be feeling me for hours.”
“Please…” you cooed out, a whine falling from your throat when Negan bottomed out inside of you. Writhing beneath him had him smiling and pressing forward to bring your lips together in a sloppy kiss. The warmth of him inside of you and over you sent chills throughout your veins. Whining out, you lifted your head staring down at him stagnant inside of you. You felt every part of him and he wasn’t going to let you move.  
“That’s it honey. Take every fucking inch,” he growled, his fingers curling around your throat drawing it further back against the bed. Panting, your body was aching for that movement and stimulation that he had been giving you. Fuck it ached with him like that inside of you, but at the same time it felt so good. “Do you like having daddy balls deep inside of you?”
“I love it daddy,” you cooed out, gasping when Negan used his strength to move you over toward the center of the bed. Adjusting his positioning, Negan put some strength on the back of your thighs to keep your legs up when he started smacking up with his thrusts, finally giving you that desired movement. They were fluid and rhythmic with his faint moans surrounding the two of you. “Fuck daddy…”
“You are so fucking wet,” Negan muttered, his eyes hooked on your reactions to every movement he made. Sure, he’d steal an occasional look down to watch his cock filling you time and time again, but he mostly liked having that connection with you. He wanted to see what he was doing to you. “You look so fucking beautiful full of daddy’s cock, you know that?”
Crying out, you threw your head back loving the way that the tip of his cock continued to caress at your g-spot having you tremoring beneath him. Plunging his cock into you again and again had your whimpers loud and he was most certainly proud of them. Once Negan found your hotspot, he went all in. He wanted to make you come and he wanted to have you screaming out his name with the way he did things.
“Do you like being fucked like a little slut?” Negan lowered down, bracing his weight with his right hand so he would bring your lips together. The friction from the thick base of his cock rubbing against your clitoris added to the stimulation you were feeling. When you didn’t answer, his fingers curled around your throat again extracting a moan from your lips. “Do you?”
“So much,” you answered him and an amused rumble escaped him. “Your cock feels so big. You’re so deep.”
It had been a long time since you’d been fucked like this. The headboard was smacking up against the wall and he made sure you felt every part of him. Hell, you might have never been fucked like this.
“Don’t stop,” you begged of him liking the closeness of your bodies with his forehead pressed up against yours. Desperately you grasped to his shoulders, your fingers sinking into his dark hair. Negan’s steady thrusts had you wincing out every time.
“Are you going to come again?” Negan’s kisses were intoxicating, with the occasional flick of his tongue over yours. You wondered if he could feel your body tensing up or if your facial expressions were giving it away. There was that heat building in your belly again. A rush flooding through your veins. It was right on the edge and wanted to erupt once more. “Do you want to squirt all over daddy’s cock?”
“Please,” you pled of him, your nails biting into his shoulders with his thrusts becoming harder and more determined. “I want to. I need to come.”
“Your taking daddy’s cock so fucking good honey,” Negan praised you, biting down on his bottom lip. His breathing was loud when he lowered his head to watch his cock plunging into you time and time again. Pressing at the center of his abdomen had him groaning out when he pulled his hips back allowing the rushing flood of your orgasm to hit you. Amused exhales fell from his throat when he looked down between the two of you. You were lost in that orgasm. Your eyes slammed shut, your body shaking and it felt like your heart stopped if only for a second. Your body was experiencing so much stimulation all at once and even though it ached, it kept wanting more of it. Without Negan’s cock inside of you, your hips were arching up and you were panting. Once you got a taste of Negan, you didn’t want it to stop. “Fuck, I knew you were special when I first laid eyes on you, but goddamn.”
With a wink, he grabbed a firm hold of your hips, turning you over onto your knees with ease. Your body was still shaking from the earth-shattering orgasm that he drew out of you when you felt him spanking over your fleshy bottom. Purring out, your hips bounced forward, but he brought them back to him just as quickly.
“You’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you?” Negan caressed over your ass before spanking over it again. There was no question that it was going to leave a mark, but you didn’t care. You liked the way it made you feel. Wrapping his arm around your waist, Negan pulled you up to your hands for you to brace yourself and he hummed out. “I’m gonna need you to balance yourself doll.”
Obeying, you allowed him to move you the way he wanted. Looking back over your shoulder, you watched him stroking his fingers over his girthy length before he led it back into your warmth. It had you crying out, your hips arching forward, but he followed your movements making sure to bring you back to him.
“It feels like your pussy was made for daddy, you know that?” Negan hissed out, his hands grasping firmly to your hips when he started pounding into you from behind. Wet sounds from your fucking filled the bedroom and you were having a hard time keeping up on your hands, but you were doing your best. “Yes. That feels so fucking good. It feels like your pussy was fucking made for me baby.”
“Fuck,” you lowered your head against the center of the bed, your eyes slamming shut while he had his way with you. The plunges of his cock inside of you were hitting areas that felt so fucking good. And he knew it too. “Fuck, that’s deep. Your cock is so big.”
“It feels so good inside of you,” Negan grumbled, squeezing at your fleshy bottom before spanking over it again. The smacks of his lower abdomen up against your ass grew louder with him thrusting harder up. “This pussy is all mine today. Yes it fucking is.”
“Yes,” you mewled out, your fingertips curling around the sheets tightly, your upper half lowering down when your head felt heavy.
Filling you all the way to the brim had you crying out, but he kept a firm hold of your hips to hold you in place. Shakily reaching around, you squeezed at his fleshy thigh hoping to get him to move with your body throbbing around his. Wiggling his hips a bit had you cooing out and he let out that same amused rumble you heard so many times before.
“Watching you squirm on daddy’s cock is amazing baby,” Negan growled out, his palm smacking over your bottom leaving a pinging sensation over your flesh. The sound of Negan spitting was heard and you felt the warmth of it over your skin. Negan’s thumb circled over the pucker of your tight hole eliciting a shuddering cry from your lips when you felt it pressing into you. “Fuck sweetheart. Both of these holes are fucking perfect.”
“Negan,” you rocked your hips back toward him begging for that friction that he was keeping you from. “Please. Fuck me. Please.”
“Oh baby, I will. I promise,” Negan chuckled, allowing you the satisfaction of him pulling his hips back slowly before firmly moving forward with a wet smack. It had you hissing out, your eyes slamming shut while each thrust progressively got harder and faster. “Your body is so fucking perfect.”
It felt incredibly foreign with Negan’s thumb in your ass while he pounded away inside your pussy, but you didn’t mind it. It was him having his way with you and you ultimately enjoyed the idea of being completely and totally his.
“Hopefully in the future you consider letting daddy have this phenomenal ass of yours,” Negan growled out, pulling his thumb from your body before pressing his hand in over the back of your neck. The pressure from it had you hissing out when his firm, sturdy thrusts continued. “Today is about focusing on something else though.”
“Yes daddy,” you wailed out with his powerful thrusts behind you causing you to fall forward onto your stomach and Negan snickered. You laid out flat across the bed and Negan carefully laid over you. The drives of his body became slower with his mouth kissing in over your shoulders. Pampering your body with kisses, Negan’s fingers squeezed firmly around yours. “Fuck.”
“Do you want some time controlling daddy’s cock?” Negan wondered, a wolfish smile tugging at his lips. You didn’t even give him an answer before his cock was pulling from your body. You were weak. You didn’t know how good you would be, but you would do your best. His damp hair was clinging to his skin when he lowered down onto the bed, stretching out his body. Nodding, you shakily crawled in over him. Bracing yourself, you only teased your bottom over his cock when you dropped down to bring your lips together. Repeatedly the two of you kissed and he didn’t seemed to mind or fight it. Hell, every part of this man was addictive. The soft stroking sensation over your jawline had you pulling back to stare down at him. “You were worth the fucking wait.”
“So were you,” you smirked, stealing another kiss from his lips before comfortably moving in over him. Bracing your hands in over his thighs, you lifted your hips just enough for Negan to grab a hold of his cock. Allowing him to press it back into your body had you purring out when you lowered down over his lengthy body. “Fuck Negan.”
“Now I get to watch you fucking yourself on my cock,” Negan bobbed his head about, throwing his arms back behind his head. God, he was so fucking cocky, but for a good reason. Starting off slow, you raised your hips up to the tip of his cock before lowering down. It had him moaning out, his abdomen raising and falling heavily with his breathing. Repeating the same movement had hisses falling from his throat, but his dimples became more prominent with his smile growing. Dragging his tongue across his lips, Negan tipped his head back when you braced yourself on one of your hands while using your other to caress over his testicles. “Fuck. I’m so damn happy you’re our neighbor.”
“I don’t know,” you panted, bracing yourself again when you lowered yourself completely over Negan pulling a loud, raspy moan from him. Multiple times today, the stagnant movements had driven you crazy. Maybe it was your time to do it to him. Having that full feeling was so unique, but you liked experiencing it. “I’m going to get addicted to this dick and want it inside of me all the time.”
“I don’t think there is a problem with that,” Negan grunted, keeping his left arm behind his head but lowering his right so he could circle his thumb over your clit. Purring out, you bit down on your bottom lip starting to roll your hips over his length with his thumb caressing over your body with your movements. “It’s there for you whenever you want it.”
“Just like that?” you whimpered, starting to bounce your hips over his again. The sounds Negan was making made it that much easier for you to fuck yourself on his cock because they were fueling you to keep it up.
“Just like that,” Negan nodded his head, his moans growing louder. “I wish you could see what I am right now. It’s so fucking hot watching your pussy taking my cock like it is.”
“You like that pussy?” you asked with a moan yourself eliciting another groan from Negan. Biting down on his bottom lip, Negan nodded his head and hummed out when you started riding him harder.
“Love it,” Negan growled out, his fingers rubbing faster at your sensitive bundle of nerves. In this position, everything was so much more enhanced and you got to experience that stretching so much more. Every ridge almost felt intensified for you. “Fuck honey.”
Bouncing his hips up toward you, Negan growled out and you found yourself incredibly attracted to the prominent vein that was bulging at the side of his neck. Your bodies were moving in unison when you threw your head back, your hips shaking over Negan when you managed to get yourself to another orgasm. There was no time to gather yourself with Negan rolling you over onto your back. Swiftly turning you onto your stomach again, Negan had you laying comfortably as he carefully laid in over you.
“You are fucking phenomenal,” Negan’s groin smacked up against your bottom when he entered you again making you drop your head down. This time Negan’s kisses were being pressed over your shoulder with his thrusts unhurried. Hooking his fingers with yours, Negan took his time building the tempo behind you before burying his nose against the side of your neck. “Where do you want me to come?”
“I don’t care where, just don’t stop,” you begged of him, your head turning slightly to meet him in a wet kiss that had you purring out against his lips. Negan’s thrusts grew harder with you bouncing your hips back against him. It just felt so good having him inside of you and you never wanted him to leave. Each plunge of his cock was a gift and you were in a euphoric state.
“Fuck,” Negan winced, biting at your jawline when his thrusts started becoming more prominent and sharper. “Daddy is going to fill your pretty little pussy with his cum. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes daddy,” you released his left hand, reaching down to grasp at his thigh enjoying the way the muscle flexed beneath your touch. The grasp of Negan’s fingers around yours grew stronger with his moans more frequent and closer together. “I want to feel you come inside of me. Fill me with every last drop…”
“Fucking hell,” Negan groaned out against the side of your neck, his cock throbbing inside of you. With the first twitch, you could feel the first line of his cum filling you. Even through his orgasm, Negan fucked you with powerful movements. The wet sounds of his body smacking with yours made you smile. Negan’s fingers were sinking into your hair, tugging firmly at it when his movements gradually started to slow down. By the time his movements halted all together, Negan was kissing over your jawline and caressing his fingers at the back of your neck. “So fucking perfect.”
Lazily, Negan pulled himself up onto his knees and watched as he unhurriedly pulled his cock from your body enjoying the sight of his cum pouring out of you and down your thighs. Giving your bottom one last spank, Negan laid down beside you on the bed on his back stretched out.
Both of your breathing was uneven when you rolled onto your side to get a look at him. There was a thin layer of sweat over Negan’s body and his softening cock was resting at his lower abdomen making you lick your lips. Unsure of your movements, you slid across the bed and rest your head over Negan’s chest. When Negan’s arm wrapped around your waist, you realized it was okay to cuddle in over him. Listening to the strong, steady tempo of his heartbeat was soothing to you while you took your time gaining your breathing back.
“I think you were trying to kill me,” you teased, kissing over Negan’s chest and playfully nipping at his nipple. A raspy laugh fell from Negan’s throat.
“Death by sex isn’t the worst way to go,” Negan commented, squeezing his arm further around your hips when he got comfortable in the bed beside you. “Brings a whole new meaning to a killer orgasm, doesn’t it?”
It was easy getting relaxed with Negan. You didn’t plan for it, but somewhere along the way of trying to gather your strength, you found yourself falling asleep with him. It was the sound of a car alarm going off outside that had you shocking yourself awake. At first you didn’t realize where you were. The room was dark and being wrapped up in Negan’s arms while the both of you were sleeping was not something you were expecting. You didn’t hate it, but when your eyes fell upon the picture of Negan and Lucille that was in the bedroom you felt your heart dropping.
“Fuck,” you cussed out, carefully moving out of Negan’s arms doing your best not to wake him as you moved. Negan was a married man and you just had some of the best sex of your life with this man. What the hell were you thinking? Of course, you knew what you were thinking. Negan was one of the sexiest men you had ever laid eyes on, but you also really liked Lucille and what you had done was so extreme.
Gathering your clothes, you haphazardly pulled them on so you could sneak back to your home. You were happy that you were able to sneak out without Negan waking up, but you had no idea how you were going to face Negan and Lucille again. When it was happening, you just got so lost in the moment that you forgot completely that Negan was married to Lucille. Or maybe you just didn’t care, but you should have.
Almost immediately you made your way to the shower. Your body was still weak from everything you put it through. You were going to need to hydrate yourself and get some kind of rest. Negan wasn’t kidding when he told you he was going to destroy your pussy because he did. Everything ached. It was a good ache, but it was like you could still feel him inside of you.
Toward the end of your shower, you heard your doorbell ringing. It was a few times so you rushed in the shower and wrapped a towel around your body. Hooking it together tightly, you made your way to the door to open it. Before you could react, Lucille was walking into your home and you let out a worried sound when she headed toward the center of your living room.
“Lucille,” you clung to the towel that was around you, a breath catching in your throat with the way that Negan’s wife was storming into your home. “What are you doing here?”
“I need a drink and I just…” Lucille finally turned to you to see that you were in only a towel and she smirked. “Well, I came here to ask you if you wanted to go to the bar down the street with me because I had a hard day at work with my asshole boss, but you look…”
“A little underdressed?” you finished, thanking God that Lucille wasn’t here to kick your ass for what happened between you and Negan earlier today. “Yeah, I think I’m going to have to take a raincheck, but we can definitely do it another time.”
“Were you in the shower?” Lucille seemed amused that you came to the door in nothing but a towel and you shrugged your shoulders. “You could have gotten dressed.”
“It sounded important,” you reasoned with her, throwing your hand up in the air while your other hand held tightly to the towel.
“When did you wake up?” Lucille questioned, folding her arms out in front of her chest. With her green eyes locked on yours, you shrugged and cleared your throat uneasily. “Was Negan a good host for you. Did he make you breakfast?”
“He was a good host,” you explained with a nod of your head, a warmth flooding into your cheeks at the thought of your interaction with Negan. “You both have been really good to me. I couldn’t complain. I’m sorry for passing out last night.”
“You can’t help when that happens,” Lucille pointed out, her eyes falling to the top of your towel and you swallowed down hard. “I just feel bad because you missed out on the rest of the night’s festivities.”
“I can only imagine how good those were,” you bit down on your bottom lip knowing that you watched Lucille and Negan having sex together. It took you a minute to gather yourself before pointing back toward your bedroom. “You know, if you really want that drink, I can grab you something and get you one here. I’ll get dressed…”
“Hey,” Lucille called out to you when you turned away from her. You felt her arm snaking around your waist to pull you back to her and a chill ran down your spine. “What’s the rush? If you’re comfortable, I don’t mind.”
“Lucille,” you breathed out her name realizing that her hand was dragging across your breasts through the material of the towel that you were wearing. “What is this?”
“What?” Lucille’s nose nuzzled in against the side of your neck and the warmth of her breath had your eyes slamming shut. Chills flooded your body again when you felt the delicate kiss that Lucille pressed over your shoulder. “I had a stressful day at work and I just thought we could destress together.”
“Is that what this is?” you panted when her kisses started to tamper off over the side of your neck. Licking your lips, you were doing your best to keep it together as Negan’s wife started to pamper your body with delicate kisses. It was vastly different than Negan’s approach, but you didn’t hate it. Your heart started to hammer in your chest again. Lifting your hand, your fingers hooked with hers and you bit down on your bottom lip. “What about your drink?”
“I don’t know. I think you might be better than that drink,” Lucille replied, being forceful in the way that she led you toward the wall in your living room to slam you back against it. Huffing out, Lucille’s beautiful eyes linked with yours and you felt your mouth going dry. “Are you against this kind of thing?”
“Fucking around with my neighbor?” you bit down on your bottom lip, your eyebrows bouncing up when Lucille smiled at your response. After what you did with Negan this morning, you had a good answer for that one. “Can’t say that I’m overly against it.”
“That’s not what I was asking you,” Lucille’s thumb dragged across your bottom lip leading you to instinctively press a faint kiss against the pad of it.
“I know you see the way I look at you,” you countered, lifting your hand to brush your fingers through Lucille’s blonde hair. Fuck, today was starting to feel like the luckiest day of your life with two of the most attractive people you’d ever seen throwing themselves at you. And you were just too deeply into it to turn either one of them away.
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Lucille reasoned until you swept your fingers in over her jawline to urge her close to you so you could bring your lips together in a lingering kiss. Maybe this was bad considering you truly wondered how well you cleaned up after you did what you had with her husband earlier in the day. Each sweep of Lucille’s lips over yours were perfect and it drew you further in toward her. After separating from the kiss, there was a smile over Lucille’s beautiful face and it took your breath away. “I just had to make sure that I wasn’t forcing anything on you.”
“Someone would have to be a fucking idiot to turn you away,” you announced, letting out a nervous breath when Lucille’s fingers traced up over the towel that you were wearing. It didn’t take much to get the material separated having it fall to your feet. Your throat went dry with the way that Lucille was looking over you and you bit down on your bottom lip. Boldly stepping forward, Lucille curled her fingers around the back of your neck pulling you to her so she could bring your lips together again. Between her and Negan, they were so vastly different, but you enjoyed both of them so very much. Lucille’s hand caressing down over the small of your back had you purring out. By the time her hand caressed over the swell of your bottom you were breathless. “You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
Part of you wondered if this was something Negan came up with, but by the expression over Lucille’s face it made you question that thought, “I just mean if you don’t like me like this, you don’t have to pretend to feel this way.”
“If I didn’t like you like this, I wouldn’t have been trying to do this since you got here,” Lucille stated, her other hand sliding down between the valley of your breast causing you to inhale sharply. Sweeping her thumb over the swell of your breast had a breath hitching in your throat. “I couldn’t tell if you were into women at first. You’re a tough cookie to crack.”
“I’m into beauty. I don’t think I need to put a label on it,” you declared with a hum, your head tipping back against the wall when Lucille’s thumb circled your nipple getting it to harden with her touch. “I like what I like.”
“That’s good enough for me,” Lucille’s mouth covered yours again, focusing at your bottom lip as you worked with the sundress that she had been wearing for work. Managing to get the material from her body, it dropped at her ankles with your towel and you swallowed down hard. Having Lucille standing before you in her bra and panties drove you crazy with desire all over again. “The way you look at me makes me feel like a teenage girl all over again.”
“Is that a bad thing?” your fingers caressed over her slender hip and over her ribcage. It made Lucille bite down on her bottom lip when she brought your bodies closer together.
“No, I like it. I like it a lot,” she suggested, urging you to kiss her again.
Right now, with the two of you it was more about learning to touch each other. Lucille was so much more delicate than Negan, but she still had that power in her that drew you to her. In her relationship with Negan, you knew she was the boss and in charge. There was no questioning it. It was incredibly sexy to you. Purring out, you enjoyed the way that Lucille’s lips tampered off over the side of your neck and down over your collarbone. That was one thing about Lucille and Negan. They both were taking charge with things when it came to you and you didn’t hate it. When Lucille’s lips covered your breast, you stroked your fingers at the back of her neck and whimpered out at the sensation. Everything was already so sensitive with your body, that it felt phenomenal being pampered again. Working your fingers around the back of her, you palmed down over the lengths of her body and purred out. Maybe you should have been questioning things better, but you just didn’t care. You were living in the moment and there was no pulling you out of it. Managing to unhook Lucille’s bra, you let the material drop down her arms. Lucille stepping back had you crying out with the warmth of her mouth leaving you, but she managed to pull the bra from her body. Just the sight of her caused a breath to hitch in your throat.  
“You are fucking gorgeous,” you alerted Lucille and the smile it gave her took your breath away. Between Negan and Lucille, you always had a hard time debating which one of them you liked better. Today still didn’t give you an answer to that question. They both were phenomenal. Boldly stepping forward, Lucille brought your bodies together and the warmth of hers pressed against yours had chills flooding your veins. Instead of what happened with Negan, this was slow and drawn out. Anticipation was building between the two of you. Touching each other in unhurried caresses felt amazing and the kisses that you shared between were like a gift that you had been waiting for. “Lucille…”
Part of you wanted to say something, but she hushed you. Her lips covering yours when her hand trailed a line from the side of your neck, down between the valley of your breasts, down over your abdomen and between your thighs. Sucking in a sharp breath of air, you tipped your head back and allowed her to kiss down over the side of your neck with her fingertips dancing over the length of your sex. The sensitivity that Negan left you with was still there, but your hips happily arched up toward the touch of Lucille’s soft fingertips taking their time with you. Between the two of them, you didn’t know what you did to deserve this kind of pampering, but you liked it. Hell, you loved it.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to do this,” Lucille breathed out with a purr following when you felt Lucille’s fingers entering you. It had your head falling back against the wall, but your eyes stayed connected with hers.
“You should have taken your chance,” you trailed your fingers down the center of her slender abdomen toward the top of her panties. Pushing your fingers beneath the material of her panties, your breath caught in your throat when Lucille’s eyes came to a fluttering close with the sensation of your fingertips tracing over her most intimate parts. Urging her legs further apart with your free hand, you mirrored her movements in inserting one of your fingers into her warmth. A second soon followed and it had her lips crashing down in over yours. Passionate kisses were shared between the two of you, breathless moans falling from your lips with the both of you fingering one another. Thank God for the wall behind you helping to brace you because your legs were a shaking mess with everything that happened already today.
Lucille’s fingers slid up over your throat, grabbing a firm hold of your jaw. Forcing your head back had a wince falling from your throat, but you liked the way that Lucille was manhandling you. Your body was on fire, your flesh tingling with excitement.
“You are full of surprises,” Lucille panted against your lips with her body pressing as closely to yours as possible. Backstepping, Lucille had you following her movements until the both of you fell on top of your couch together. The sheer dominance in the way that Lucille was taking over everything had your pulse leaping in your throat and chills flooding down your spine. Every kiss and touch you were eager for with your hips arching up toward every movement of her fingers inside of you. And she was just as eager, her cries of pleasure mirroring yours the stronger the force of your fingers inside of her were.
“Lucille,” you cried out her name, your moan vibrating against her lips when your thighs began to tremor. Tipping your head, you attempted to keep up the tempo of your fingers inside of her with her hips thrusting against the movements aiding to the friction it was causing her with your palm against her clitoris. By the time she was tremoring over you, your body was done and you were happy to have her laying in beside you when you both shared a moment of bliss between each other. “Wow.”
“Wow,” Lucille repeated with a smirk, her head tipping to the side to stare out at you with the both of you cuddled close together on your couch. “I feel like you’re going to be needing another shower.”
“No kidding,” you cracked a smile, your eyes closing with the way the room felt like it was spinning around you. Lucille’s head cuddled in against your collarbone and it felt nice having her laying up against you. It was comforting and it made you feel more connected with her. At least with Lucille and Negan, you didn’t feel like a booty call, even if that’s what you were. You felt admired and wanted by the way they were both incredibly touchy and passionate with you even after your sexual moments together. Although, it was short lived. By the time that Lucille’s breathing had returned to normal she was sitting up on the couch and heading over to her clothes to put them back on. “You’re not staying?”
“Negan is making dinner,” Lucille explained, gazing back at you with her gorgeous green eyes. “I might already be late for that.”
“Negan, right,” you cleared your throat adjusting yourself on the couch with Lucille’s eyes still locked on you.
“You’re welcome to come if you’d like,” Lucille chuckled after the words fell from her lips. “No pun intended, even if it sounded bad.”
“I don’t know,” you began, suddenly feeling guilty that you did this with both Lucille and Negan when they were married. You were starting to question if it made you a bad person sleeping with two people that were married and not giving a shit at the time about their significant other. Being together with the both of them was just going to make it extremely complicated. “I think I shouldn’t.”
“Well the offer is on the table,” Lucille finished up with her clothes, moving back to the couch to bend down to leave you with a lingering kiss. A sweep of her fingers over the side of your face made you sigh when she pulled away. “Feel free to come over whenever you please.”
And with that, she left you. It was probably hours that you remained on that couch. Your thoughts eating away at you thinking back on both moments that you shared with Negan and Lucille. If things kept up like this, you were going to get addicted to the both of them and you knew that you couldn’t since they were married.
That was honestly all you could think about. All night long. By morning, you had barely slept. How could you after all that overstimulation? Your body could have used the sleep, but the two of them were all you could think about.
It took a while to gather yourself, but toward the afternoon you looked outside to see that Negan had been working on his motorcycle with Lucille often joining him. You had to talk to the two of them and let them know that you couldn’t see them anymore. Or else it was going to get to be too much and you knew that.
Heading over to their home felt awkward. How the hell were you going to tell them why you were saying this without letting the other know that you slept with their significant other the day before?
“Hey there gorgeous,” Negan’s raspy voice rumbled, lifting his head up from where he was working when he heard your footsteps. Negan was in a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top. With the hot sun beaming down over him, he had gotten a little sweaty. Standing up straight, Negan reached for the towel that he had for himself to wipe off his hands and he met you halfway. Going to lean down, it felt like Negan was about to kiss you, but your hand placed over the center of his chest to stop him. Confusion flooded his handsome features, his head tipping to the side. “Is everything okay?”
“I need to talk to you and Lucille,” you explained lowering your head down doing your best not to look at Negan. Because if you looked at Negan? You knew it wouldn’t take much to have you in awe of that man and his dimples all over again.
“Yeah, okay,” Negan’s hand reached out to grab a hold of yours to lead you toward the front door of his home. Even having him grabbing your hand like that had you confused with things here. “Mama? Y/N wants to talk to us.”
“Hold on Negan,” Lucille’s voice called out with Negan urging you to lean back against their Mustang. The way his hazel eyes stared out at you was giving you butterflies in your stomach and you damned yourself for getting so hooked on them. The sound of their storm door being pushed open was heard and you noticed Lucille moving in behind Negan. “Hey honey. What’s going on?”
“I know this is probably going to sound terrible because of how wonderful the both of you have been to me,” you were hating yourself for even coming to this, feeling a lump developing in your throat with Lucille’s arms wrapping loosely around Negan’s waist. “But I think I’ve come to the realization I need to put some space between myself and the two of you because…well,” you looked between the two, “I just don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“I’m confused,” Lucille’s fingers stroked at the back of Negan’s neck, twirling the dark curls of hair that were there. “Was your sex bad daddy?”
“Was my sex bad?” Negan stammered, his tone suddenly becoming dramatic when he turned to face his wife. Pointing at his chest, Negan stole a quick look at Y/N and smirked. “My sex had her squirting all over the place leaving her in tears of joy. I wore her out so much that she passed out for a few hours with how many orgasms she had.”
“Well maybe not all people like that kind of sex,” Lucille suggested dragging her fingers down over the side of Negan’s neck where it was damp from him sweating.
“How do we know it wasn’t your sex that turned her off?” Negan scoffed, his nose wrinkling suddenly making Lucille offended at the idea. Hearing the two of them bickering with one another about them having sex with her suddenly brought forth an onset of confusion.
“Wait, you both knew…” you concluded causing both of them to look over at you. You felt your heart drop with how they both looked after your words.
“Honey, we were trying to get you to have sex with the both of us before you passed out,” Lucille commented with an amused breath. “You don’t think we didn’t know about the sex we had with you?”
“I thought you liked the both of us?” Negan reached up to wipe the sweat from his brow. It had your throat going dry and you stood awkwardly before them. “I thought you’d want to be part of something like this. We both like you, a lot and thought you’d be a great addition to our marriage.”
“Oh wow, yeah, I had no idea,” you thought about the night you had passed out and realized that maybe it was something that you should have picked up on sooner. “I’m an idiot.”
“A little more innocent than I think you give yourself credit for,” Lucille chuckled, tipping up on her toes to whisper something in Negan’s ear. With a nod, Negan stepped forward, his hands sliding in over your hips eliciting a loud exhale to fall from your throat. “Does that mean you still want to stop doing this? I thought the three of us would have a good thing here. You can come and go as you please. We won’t force you into anything.”
“It’s all up to you,” Negan bobbed his head about, his smile tugging at his handsome features. The closeness of him took your breath away. Licking his lips, Negan dipped down to start kissing over your jawline and it had your eyes coming to a tight close. “I don’t think you want to stop this whole thing. Do you?”
“No,” you answered honestly, your lips being covered by Negan’s. Curling your fingers around the back of his neck, you tipped up in closer to him eager to meet his lips in the heated kiss. Palming down your back led to Negan squeezing over your full bottom. Purring out against his lips had him firmly turning you to face the Mustang. Placing your hands out over the side of it, Negan’s hands were quick to cover your hips pulling you back to him. Growling out, Negan’s mouth found its way to the side of your neck with his arm hooking around your waist to pull your bottom back against his groin. “Negan. Fuck.”
“So does this mean that you want to be part of what we have going on here?” Lucille leaned against the Mustang beside you, her green eyes hooked on yours while Negan’s hips started to buck up against your bottom. Stepping in closer, Lucille curled her finger underneath your chin to pull your face to her. Behind hooded eyes, you stared out at her almost feeling high with the way that Negan was attempting to entice you. “You can say no if you want.”
“I’d be an idiot to say no,” you panted with Lucille stealing a kiss from your lips. Gasping out, you felt Negan’s fingers pushing into your pants to get them down your hips and you heard the sound of Negan’s belt jingling before his zipper was being pulled down. A firm grasp of Negan’s hands over your hips had you crying out when he brought you where he needed you. Moaning out in unison with Negan as he entered you from behind had Lucille purring against your lips. You were clinging onto their Mustang as that familiar full stretching feeling of Negan’s cock buried deep inside of you was felt.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Negan buried his nose against the side of your neck when his hips started rolling behind you with his groin bucking up against your bottom. Smack after smack of his hips against your ass had your head pressing against their Mustang. There was something incredibly dangerous about having Negan fucking you outside in their front yard on a hot summer day, but for some reason you didn’t give a shit. Plunge after delicious plunge of his cock inside of you had you up on your tip toes, your hips doing their best to rock back into his thrusts. “I knew you couldn’t say no to this cock.”
“We should take this into the house daddy,” Lucille urged hearing Negan grunt when he pulled his hips back and away from your body leaving you falling forward against the Mustang. Your legs were shaking with the presence of Negan’s body leaving yours. Shakily you pulled your pants back over your hips and saw Negan gazing back as he pushed his cock back into his jeans. Not that it hid much because you could visibly see the line of Negan’s girthy cock through the material. There were people walking outside, but before you could have much of a reaction to it, Lucille was leading you up the stairs to their home on your shaky legs. Once you were inside, Lucille pulled you to her and had you falling in against her as Negan followed the two of you in. Closing the door behind him, Negan pressed in behind you trapping you between the two of them and it had you panting. “If you think we’re good apart, you can only imagine how good we are together.”
“Fuck,” you purred out with Negan’s lips back to covering over your jawline as he kissed over your sensitive flesh. Lucille’s fingers grabbed at the bottom of your shirt, bringing it up your body. Once it reached your arms, she stepped back allowing you to lift them for her to help you take it off. In seconds Negan’s fingers were digging into your pants to get them down again needing you to kick out of your shoes while they worked together to get you standing naked between them. “Are you both sure?”
“Do we not seem sure?” Negan chuckled against your flesh, his hand finding its way between your thighs having you resting your head back against his shoulder. Lucille’s lips were trailing down over the other side of your neck and over your chest. When her lips covered your breast, Negan’s caress between your thighs grew harder. Your body was on fire. Shaking and your core dripping with anticipation. Unsteadily you reached for Lucille’s shirt that she was wearing working it up her body. “Good girl.”
Getting Lucille’s shirt off had you whimpering out with the circling caress of Negan’s rough fingertips over your extremely sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Hold her tight,” Lucille instructed Negan and it left you breathless when Lucille worked to get the rest of her clothes off.
“Yes mama,” Negan snickered, his arm hooking loosely around your waist from behind. His palm caressed up over the length of your abdomen with Lucille lowering down on her knees before you. It had a breath catching in your throat with Negan’s other hand lifting up to grab a firm grasp of your throat. The warmth of Lucille’s kisses started at your hip, lowering down over your thigh having you tremoring against Negan’s grasp. “You are such a good girl.”
“Negan,” you turned your head slightly so his lips could claim yours in a hungry kiss with his tongue brushing out against yours. Whimpering out, you felt Lucille’s lips pressing between your thighs and you were thankful Negan was holding you up. You were a trembling mess when the warmth of Lucille’s lips surrounded your clit and then the teasing flick of her tongue followed.
“Does that feel good baby?” Negan’s fingers squeezed tighter at your throat and you purred out. Nipping at your bottom lip, Negan squeezed his other hand over your breast and snickered. “It’s rare Lucille and I can agree on someone we both want in our relationship. From the start, we both knew that we had to have you.”
“Lucille,” you sobbed lowering your hand to sink your fingers into her hair with her pleasuring you. Once again, she was so vastly different from how Negan did things, but you liked it. The contrast made things so much more appealing to you. The soft bucking of Negan’s hips against your bottom had them faintly bouncing forward into the caresses of Lucille’s mouth over you having your cries growing louder.
“Your just happy to be pampered aren’t you?” Negan slurred, a moan falling from his throat when you reached around you with your other palm to caress over the front of Negan’s jeans. Helping you get his pants open, Negan grunted against the side of your neck when your hand dipped into his pants to curl your fingers around his thick manhood. “Fuck darlin’, you are so fucking good.”
Cooing out, you couldn’t help but whine with Lucille pulling her mouth from your body when she rose slowly. Meeting your lips in a wet kiss had your taste lingering against her mouth and you hummed out with your tongue brushing against hers. Lucille urged you to face Negan and his mouth met yours in a strong kiss that shocked you with how much you enjoyed it. Over and over again his lips caressed over yours with Lucille tugging at the bottom of his tank top.
Helping Lucille, you got Negan’s tank top from his body and dropped the material on the ground. Kissing over Negan’s shoulders, you found yourself charmed with the freckles that covered his skin and you hummed with Lucille kissing at the side of your neck.
“On your knees honey,” Lucille ordered, sinking her fingers into your hair. Obeying, you lowered down and Lucille pushed at Negan’s pants to get them down. Lucille’s slender fingertips stroked at Negan’s cock drawing attention to the swollen tip that had precum developing at it. Helping Negan out of his boots and his pants, you felt your mouth grow wet watching Lucille caressing over Negan’s hard cock. They were kissing and the way that they were kissing had your heart hammering in your chest. Hell, just getting to see them together was more than enough for you. With her other hand, Lucille motioned you in closer to Negan and she nodded toward Negan’s erection. “Take his cock into your mouth.”
“Yes ma’am,” you purred out and Negan moaned when Lucille led his cock to your wet lips. Keeping your eyes hooked on them, you gagged slightly with Negan bucking his hips toward your throat but eagerly worked your mouth over his length. Remembering what Negan liked the day before, you were sure to pleasure him the best way you could, your right hand caressing over his testicles while your left caressed over the side of his body and around to squeeze over his small bottom.
“You like her mouth daddy?” Lucille questioned against Negan’s lips while they kissed making Negan smile.
“So fucking much,” Negan hissed, his hips arching up toward the motions of your mouth over him. Lucille’s kiss lowered down over his jawline. Wincing out, Negan licked his lips when Lucille’s tongue circled his nipple and nipped faintly at it. Lucille’s kisses lowered down over his hips before she joined you on her knees beside you. Pulling your mouth away from Negan’s with a wet sound, you leaned in to meet Lucille in a kiss and Negan’s fingers caressed both at the back of your neck and Lucille’s. When you parted, Lucille took Negan’s cock between her lips bobbing her head over his length. While she did that, you kissed down over Negan’s testicles eliciting one of the sexiest moans you heard from Negan. The tension from Negan’s fingers hooked in your hair was tight. Gradually your lips rose up over his hip before you joined Lucille who pulled back. Lapping at the head of Negan’s cock with your tongue had his head dropping back, his Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat. Joining you, Lucille’s tongue twisted with yours on occasion with the two of you focusing on the sensitive tip. “Christ…”
Gasping out, you felt Negan lower down onto his knees with you and he hooked his arm around your waist to pull you to him, “Do you want to ride daddy’s face or cock?”
“Let Lucille get a ride on your beautiful cock,” you responded, allowing Negan to lower himself on the floor. Watching Lucille crawl in over Negan, you took a moment to enjoy yourself at the sight with his large hands grasping Lucille’s hips when she braced herself. Excitement flooded your veins at the sight of Lucille’s eyes closing once she lowered down over Negan’s cock.
“Come on,” Negan snapped his fingers helping you to crawl in over him so you were facing Lucille. The grasp Negan had on your hips was strong when you lowered just enough for Negan’s tongue to drag across the length of your sex. In this position, you and Lucille could kiss while Negan had his way with you and Lucille had her way with him.
“You look so fucking gorgeous riding his cock like that,” you slurred against Lucille’s lips, a whine falling from your throat with how hard Negan’s mouth was working over your body. Negan’s grasp on your thighs was strong and your body involuntarily was rocking back against the movement of Negan’s mouth.
All of your moans surrounded the living room, with you enjoying one another. Falling forward, you did your best not to fuck up Lucille’s movements over Negan while he continued to use his wickedly talented mouth to pleasure you.
“Fuck Negan,” you muttered, your hips shaking against him and that’s when you realized your body was still incredibly sensitive from the night before. A proud rumble from Negan’s throat vibrated against your sex when he was quick to bring you to an orgasm. Pulling your hips from Negan’s mouth had him groaning out, but you crawled on the floor to the other side behind Lucille. Peppering kisses over the side of her neck, you worked your fingers over her clitoris while Negan’s hips bounced up toward her again and again from underneath her. “Come for us beautiful.”
Between her pants and sobs, you knew that Lucille was close and so did Negan by the sounds of his hips smacking harder beneath her. Once it had Lucille pulling her hips up and away from Negan, you knew that by her shaking that she reached an orgasm. Grunting out, Negan lifted up and curled his arm around Lucille’s waist. Kissing down over the side of Lucille’s neck, you stroked your fingers through Negan’s damp hair. It led his lips to yours, kissing him but then being pulled to Lucille for another kiss. It was about sharing in this moment and the three of you were doing it well.
Palming down over the side of your face, Lucille shakily got up to her feet and moved over toward the couch to sit down. It had Negan smirking when he forcefully urged you onto your hands and knees facing toward the couch so Lucille could watch your reactions.
“Fuck honey,” Negan slurred, the warmth of his body pressing in behind yours. Just the heat radiating against you felt amazing with Negan’s right-hand tracing from your lower back up to your neck. His left hand squeezed over your bottom before a firm whack was placed over your cheek. Your eyes slammed shut with a moan escaping your parted lips. “You have such an amazing ass.”
The sound of Negan adjusting behind you was heard and you looked over your shoulder to get a look back at him. The way that the dark curls of hair clung to his slender body from the dampness of his flesh drew attention to the lines of his torso and it drew you to him so much more. You found everything about Negan sexy. From his tattoos to the slenderness of his form along with the soft fleshy area beneath his bellybutton. Negan’s body in your opinion was perfection. Just like Lucille’s was. But it was definitely Negan’s attitude that really drew more to his sex appeal. Just getting to see him in this state would fuel you for years to come. With the way Negan’s long slender fingers curled around his straining cock, it had your mouth going wet. It brought attention to the swollen tip and the prominent veins in his manhood.
Noticing that you were staring had Negan’s head bobbing about in an arrogant fashion. There was no question that your attraction to him fueled him. The weight of Negan tapping his cock against your ass made you purr out, lifting your hips up closer to him and an amuse rumble fell from him.
“You can’t wait to be full of Negan’s cock again, huh? Good girl,” Negan praised you, leading his cock back into your heated abyss with an unhurried push forward of his hips so you could take the time to feel all of him inside of you. It surprised you how much it actually affected you with the sensation of him filling you every time. Just feeling every ridge and every vein felt incredible. That was honestly what Negan wanted in his meticulous movements. To have you realize just how lucky you actually were to be experiencing this kind of moment. Negan was good. Hell, he knew that and was stressing it to you in the way he did things. “Your tight little pussy feels so fucking good. You know that?”
“Yes daddy,” you licked your lips crying out when he filled you completely. Your hips wanted to bounce forward, but you did your best to stay put when the pressure of Negan’s fingers wrapping around the back of your neck was felt again. With no movement, it was the most addictive torturous feeling because it felt great to have that full feeling, but your body was desperate for the movement. “Please.”
“Please what?” Negan mused, lowering down to press hot, wet kisses over your shoulder. Lifting your stare showed you that Lucille was staring out at the two of you with a smirk. “Use your words beautiful.”
“Fuck me,” you begged, your whine following when you tried to move your hips, but you couldn’t with the grasp that Negan had over you. “I want you to fuck me.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan snickered against your shoulder, nipping at the flesh a final time before readjusting himself. With the firm smack of his hips against yours, it had you purring out and biting into your bottom lip. Every thrust was slow, but it was rough enough to have your hips bouncing forward. With each roll of his hips, each one got just that much faster and by the time he was pounding into you from behind you were having a hard time keeping yourself up on your hands. Crawling forward slightly had Negan following your movements when you got close enough to grab a hold of Lucille’s thighs to keep yourself from falling over. Your sobs of pleasure matched Negan’s moan with Lucille’s stroking her fingers through your hair.
“She really is high off your dick baby,” Lucille muttered and an amused sound fell from his throat. Pressing kisses over the inside of Lucille’s thigh had her body lowering down in closer to yours with her legs separating.
“That’s because I’m that fucking good honey,” Negan was arrogant in the way he responded. Pressing in closer to you had your head pressing back against his chest as he leaned forward to meet Lucille halfway in a feverish kiss. His hips were still bucking up against yours while you were pressed between the two of them. Using your right hand, you grasped firmly to Negan’s hips feeling that all familiar sensation building up inside of you.
“Don’t stop,” you pled with Negan’s fingers digging harder into your hips. Giving you what you wanted, Negan’s mouth pulled from Lucille’s and covered yours with your cries vibrating against his lips. Over and over he pounded into you, until your body pulled up and away from his having his moan follow and an amused rumble fell from his throat with your wet release. “Fuck…fucking…”
“Oh, he’s very good, isn’t he?” Lucille breathed out with Negan standing up from the ground with an arrogant breath. Dropping onto the couch beside Lucille, Negan’s long legs stretched out and he pat his lap.
“Come on mama,” Negan instructed, wiggling his fingers at her. “Your turn. She’s gonna need a minute.”
Lowering down onto the ground, you rest your upper half on the couch when you saw Lucille crawling in over Negan with her back to him. She braced her feet on the couch cushions, Negan’s hands grasping tightly to her hips with her hands bracing against the back of the couch to balance herself. Helping her lead herself down over his length, Negan grabbed a hold of his erection placing it at her entrance as she lowered her hips.
“Fuck me…” Negan growled, his head falling back against the couch when Lucille started bouncing her hips eagerly over him. It had the lines in Negan’s forehead growing with him biting down on his lip. Watching them together was nice, but there was still that want to be part of it. Moving before them, you started kissing over the inside of Negan’s thighs with Lucille controlling her hips over Negan’s manhood. Focusing on his testicles had Negan moaning out since you were pampering his body with wet kisses and Lucille was riding him. “Fuck ladies…”
Pressing your kisses further up had Lucille’s hips coming to a halt when your mouth centered in over her sensitive bundle of nerves. With her whimpers filling the air, Negan picked up on what was happening and used the strength in his legs to bounce up toward Lucille again and again. Breathless moans fell from Lucille’s parted lips with you and Negan working together to bring her to her next orgasm. It was one of the dirtiest, kinkiest things you had ever done but you were all for it. You were exhilarated that these two beautiful people would want you to be involved in their relationship in the first place so you were taking advantage of it as much as you could.
With every flick of your tongue against Lucille’s sex along with Negan’s hips smacking up against her, Lucille’s lower body started to tremor. With her body tensing up and her breathing becoming uneven, it was very apparent that her orgasm was approaching. Closing your eyes, you felt Lucille’s fingers digging into your hair pulling you flush against her and her hips were lowering down over Negan’s after she lost the balance of her hand on the couch. Tremors filled her and she was breathing rapidly with Negan’s moans matching hers.
“Goddamn baby,” Negan hummed against the side of Lucille’s neck and it sent chills through your body knowing that you were able to bring her to an orgasm like that with Negan’s help. One thing about Lucille is that she was incredibly beautiful all the time, but after her orgasm, she just had this glow about her. Licking your lips, you leaned back on your knees with Lucille uneasily pulling herself to the end of the couch. A wicked smirk tugged at Negan’s lips when he realized that Lucille was needing a minute to regain her composure. “You alright sweetheart?”
“I just need a second,” she panted, holding her hand up in the air giving Negan a nod. Licking his lips, Negan nodded his head, his eyes locking with yours when he held his hand out.
“Come on honey,” Negan stood up from the couch, his cock near your eye level making you smile. Accepting his hand, Negan carefully led you to the couch leaning you back so that way you were resting your head in Lucille’s lap. It made Lucille smile when Negan managed to move in over you on the couch. Pushing your legs up over his arms, Negan looked between the two of you to line his cock up with your entrance again. Smacking forward had you gasping out when he filled you again. That was something you didn’t think you would ever get sick of. An arrogant smile followed after your response to having him inside of you again. “I think we found a good one mama. I think this one is going to fit with us perfectly fine.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Lucille commented, her fingers tracing over your face when Negan started to thrust into you again. Negan’s hands were braced firmly against the couch and your fingers were curled around his wrists. Everything in this moment felt more intimate. From Lucille’s fingertips sweeping over your face to Negan’s now, fluid and sturdy movements you knew that you could find yourself getting lost in all of this.
“You’ve been such a good girl over the last few days,” Negan praised you, his muted moans falling from his throat. “I can only imagine how sensitive your pussy is right now, but you’ve taken my dick so well darlin’.”
As Lucille’s thumb swept in over your bottom lip, you parted your lips and took the tip of it into your mouth. Nibbling at the pad of her thumb had Lucille breathing out in a long exhale, her eyes watching your facial expressions as Negan continued to fuck you. Sharp breaths and winces were falling from the both of you with Negan’s continuous, deep plunges inside of you.
“I’m going to come soon,” Negan announced, the lines in his forehead growing with his thrusts getting harder. The sounds of your skin smacking got louder and you clung harder to Negan’s wrists. Lowering her hand, Lucille’s fingertips found their way to your clitoris caressing over it in tempo with Negan’s thrusts. “Fuck…”
The vein at the side of Negan’s neck was prominent when he adjusted his positioning on the couch over you to be able to kiss you while he rolled his hips in a different fashion. With Lucille caressing at your body and Negan’s thrusts you could feel a fire building up in your abdomen. Rocking your hips against his movements felt amazing between the friction of both his cock and Lucille’s fingers. Shakily lifting your left hand you sank your fingers into Negan’s hair with your tongue brushing against his. Mewling out, your thighs tremored when the duo worked together to get you to another orgasm. With your body convulsing and clenching around his, it had Negan’s thrusts growing faster before he swiftly pulled his hips from yours to shakily stand up. Moving before both you and Lucille, Negan started furiously pumping away at his cock. Leaning forward Lucille took Negan into her mouth and Negan’s hips eagerly thrust his body into the warmth of her mouth.
Even through tremors you were able to push up on your palms to join Lucille. Taking turns, you watched Lucille’s eyes come to a tight close when Negan tossed his head back, his abdomen twitching when the first line of his come hit the back of her throat. Swallowing down, Lucille pumped her hand over Negan’s shaft before his dark eyes looked to you.
“Hold out your tongue baby,” Negan instructed and you did as he asked when he pulled his cock from Lucille’s lips with a wet sound. Stroking at the length of his cock had the last few ropes of his cum covering your tongue before you took him back into your mouth to get the rest of his release swallowed down. Gasping out, you felt your head being pulled back by Negan’s fingers and he gave you a wolfish smile. “Good girl.”
Stealing a final, possessive kiss from your lips, Negan tasted himself against your tongue and growled out when Lucille broke your kiss to get you to give her a final kiss. Snickering, Negan shakily moved down onto the couch beside you, pulling you close so you could both rest your heads in Lucille’s lap with his arm hooked tightly around your shoulders. Your legs were tangled together while Negan’s fingers stroked at your damp shoulder.
“How do you feel?” Lucille questioned with Negan peppering faint kisses over your jawline.
“Overstimulated and sore,” you were honest with a hesitant laugh hearing Negan chuckling against your flesh. “But good.”
“Does that mean you don’t want to do this again today?” Negan captured your jaw between his thumb and index finger. “Are you all tapped out?”
“That’s not what that means at all,” you laughed, shaking your head in response cuddling your head in against the side of his neck. Comfort flooded your body with the way that Lucille’s fingers swept at the back of your neck. “Everything I feel is worth it if I get to be between the two of you again.”
“And that’s what we like to hear,” Lucille assured you with a wink when you tipped your head back to stare out at her. You didn’t know what you did to get this lucky, but you weren’t going to question it. You were just going to appreciate everything you were given and that was that.
Tags: @slutlanna976​ @fuckthis-and-fuckthat @jennydehavilland @de-gabyconamor @ibelongtonegan @smallsadjellyfish @labyrinthofheartagrams  @msjamesmarch @thebeautysurrounds @hotfornegan​ @redmercysugar @caprithebunny​ @tuttifuckinfruitty @emoryhemsworth @a-girl-interupted @akumune​ @stoneyggirl2 @xsarcasticwriterx  @haleygreen23​ @xhannahbananax03​ @sanctuaryforthelost @burningredaffair @killaweiser @dead-of-niight  @ayumi-wolf @hollyismentallyillhelp @promiscuousbarnes @tone-stark @lanadelnegan
687 notes · View notes
The things I want him to do with that bat...
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212 notes · View notes
grabyoursaintsandpray · 2 months
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Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan Smith
TWD: Dead City Season 2 Comic-Con Teaser
248 notes · View notes
negans-lucille-tblr · 10 months
The Fan | Jensen x Reader | Oneshot
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Summary: Y/N has an unhealthy obsession with a man with a filthy mouth and an oral fixation he’s hell bent on ruining her life with. 
Rating: 18+
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Tags: audio porn, porn AU, dirty talking, daddy kink, praise kink, slight degradation, oral fixation, oral sex galore, use of sex toy, masturbation, public masturbation, Jensen has a filthy filthy mouth in this one, it might make you feral be warned…
WC: ± 4K
A/Ns: I shouldn’t be trusted to write porn when I’m feeling feral because this is absolute filth and I just wanna thank Laura for commissioning it and sending me further down my crazed rabbit hole. <3
Want your own commission? Find out more here!
Jensen Ackles Masterlist
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“Oh fuck, baby girl, you take Daddy’s cock so fucking well in that tight little cunt, don’t you?” he coos as your whole body starts to break out into a light sweat. “Best damn pussy I’ve ever fucking had, sweetheart.” 
You whine, your back arching off the bed, your head fuzzy with your impending orgasm as your eyes flutter closed and you try to stave it off just a little while longer. 
“Look at you, so fucking perfect, you were made for me, made for my cock inside you. Daddy’s perfect little slut,” he growls, gasping for breath at the end of his sentence, moaning deep from his chest. “Tell me what you are, I wanna hear you say it.” 
“I’m your perfect little whore, Daddy,” you whine out, your fingers working your clit to the very edge of sweet release.
“That’s fucking right you are, baby, feel so fucking good on my cock, fuck, making Daddy wanna fucking cum. Do you want that? Hm? Do you want Daddy’s cum deep in that pussy? Maybe I should put your panties back on you and send you out. Let you walk around the store with my cum dripping down your thighs. Oh you like the fucking sound of that, don’t you?” he chuckles darkly, and you gasp for air, the feeling of the cock pistoning in and out of you almost too much to bear anymore. 
“You’re not going to cum again are you?” he asks. “You know how I feel about you cumming when my mouth isn’t down there to taste it. Do you need my tongue in that cunt again, baby girl? Or are you still craving Daddy’s cock? Look at you, so fucking desperate you don’t even know what you want anymore, you just want to be used, don’t you? You just want Daddy to use that fucking cunt over and over until I’m through with it. I’ve fucking got you, baby girl, you’re mine and everyone fucking knows it. I’ve marked you up good, you wanna see your skin, fucking covered in my claim.” 
You can’t take anymore, and you cum hard, screaming out in pure ecstasy as your climax washes over every inch of you, and you’re left gasping for air, squirming on the edge of over-stimulation as the cock continues to piston in and out of you at the steady pace you’d set it at. 
Your eyes flutter open and you’re brought back to the room, your earbud falling out, letting the natural ambience of your bedroom fill your eyes, the very faint sound of the actor’s voice still bleeding through the forgotten earpiece. Your body is still trembling, goosebumps erupting over every inch of you as you finally reach for the dial beside you and slow the machine down until it’s come to a stop, and you carefully remove the toy from inside you and whimper at the loss of contact, even if you are thoroughly done. You reach for your phone to pause the audio, realising there’s still ten minutes left. You never can make it to the end of one of his audios. That man is far too good at what he does, and it’s a crying shame he doesn’t do videos, though you realise that audio gets you off far better than visual does nowadays. You don’t even think you’d care what the guy looks like, if he can make you cum that hard and that many times with just his words, he could look however he wants and you’d still fuck him. 
Somehow, the guy seems to be all your biggest fantasies wrapped up in one dirty mouthed human, and you’re actually starting to worry about your real dating life, given you’re never going to find a guy that will ever come close to your favourite audio actor, you’re sure of it. Still, it doesn’t stop you from trying, even if your nights do end like tonight; alone and getting yourself off with your best investments yet; your fuck machine and Patreon subscription to ‘Dean Winchester’.  You hadn’t even needed a machine before Dean, and you actually had more real life sex with real life men, but over time you ended up settling for mediocre one night stands less and less, rathering going home to Dean, instead. You know your obsession is borderline unhealthy at this stage, but if the guy would stop putting out the best audios you’ve ever heard, then maybe you’d stand a chance. 
Work is so mind-numbingly boring, you find yourself watching the clock on the wall and praying that the last twenty minutes would hurry up, so you can get out of the office for the weekend. With the weekend upcoming, you don’t have time to start a new project, but you finished your last one two hours ago, and have been desperately trying to seem busy for your boss’s sake since then. You sigh and twist yourself left to right in your office chair, and practically leap at your phone the second it goes off next to you. Finally, something to do. 
You’re quick to glance around you when you realise that the notification is from Patreon, and you open it cautiously to see Dean has posted a new audio. It’s rare for him to post something mid afternoon on a Friday, and you read the title and the audio information, eager to find out what your Friday night is going to entail. 
Daddy can’t get enough of eating that sweet pussy (with toys)
Contains: Excessive oral sex, daddy kink, use of toys, praise, degradation, slight humiliation, mocking for multiple orgasms, soft dom, aftercare 
You look around the office, feeling your pussy getting uncomfortably wet already, and rub your thighs together, reaching into your purse and grabbing your headphones, before quickly making your way towards the bathroom. You would normally at least try to wait the extra hour, and for  the comfort of your own home, but this one sounds too good to wait. You just want a little glimpse; at least that’s what you tell yourself as you lock yourself into a bathroom stall and eagerly put an earbud in, making sure your phone is definitely connected to it before you turn the volume up a little. 
“Hey, baby girl,” Dean hums through the headphone, and instantly the wetness doubles.
You shift uncomfortably in your heels, and take a seat on the closed toilet lid, hitching your dress up enough to get to your soaked panties. You can just have a little play, it’s not like you’re busy, and no one will know what you’re doing in here. 
“Have you missed me? Aw, I can tell,” he coos, “have you been waiting for me all day? I’ve had a long week, and I was thinking I could use some stress relief,” he explains. “I’ve been thinking about you since I left you naked in bed this morning, been thinking about that sweet little pussy, about how good you taste. My cock has been hard all fucking day just thinking about tasting you when I got home.” 
You try your best not to moan out loud, your fingers now pulling the ruined material of your panties to one side as you take a shuddered breath in and start to tease your swollen clit. 
“You don’t mind if I help myself, do you?” he asks, and then a low hum rumbles through him. “Fuck, let me take those panties off, wanna see that dripping little pussy properly. It’s gonna taste so fucking good, you always taste so fucking good, you’ve got Daddy addicted, d’y’know that?” 
You rush to remove your panties over your heels, wanting to keep up with the fantasy now playing in your mind’s eye, and you quickly stuff them into your blazer pocket. 
“Don’t worry about making dinner, I’ve got enough to feast on right here,” he chuckles lowly, and then the sound of his lips smacking over something fills the quiet, and he moans under his breath. “Tastes fucking good, baby girl,” he praises. “That pussy was made to be eaten, and look at it, practically dripping for me, such a naughty little slut, hm? You want a finger inside you?” 
Instantly you slide one finger inside your warm, wet cunt, and your eyes roll as you throw your head back. 
“So fucking tight, baby girl, you like having something inside you when I eat that pussy, don’t you?” he laughs, “then why don’t you use the dildo I got you? It’s right here, I’ve got it, let me see if I can make it fit.” The sound of vibrations accompany Dean’s hums of approval, and you wish with everything in you that you were home right now, where you could reach for your own vibrator and slide it inside you like Dean’s doing in your fantasy right now. “Fuck, baby girl, you take it so well, does that feel good? It’ll feel better when my tongue is back on that clit.” 
“Jesus,” you whisper under your breath, pushing a second finger inside you in a desperate attempt to mimic the toy you’re imagining. 
“Don’t worry about me, baby, I’ve had a cockring wrapped around my cock all day, I’m gonna be fucking you for hours yet. Now you just lie back and let me take care of that sweet little cunt.”
The bathroom door opens outside of the stall, and you jump to remove your fingers, even though whoever has entered won’t see what you’re doing, you still don’t want to get caught out somehow.  The obscene noises of Dean ‘eating you out’ are still playing into your ear, and you rush to pause the audio in an attempt to calm yourself down a little, hearing the clicking of heels on tile as someone enters the stall next to you.
“Y/N?” you hear Amber call out. 
“Yeah?” you call back, your voice shaky and not trustworthy, right now.
“You coming to the bar with us?” Amber asks. 
You stand up and flush the toilet to complete your facade, heading out of the stall and quickly beginning to wash your own juices off of your fingers before Amber somehow notices. 
“Not tonight,” you insist, your mind very much on the remaining twenty three minutes of Dean’s new audio, and the date with your machine you’ve found yourself with suddenly. 
“C’mon, you’ve not been out in forever, plus, Sascha insists that this new bar has the hottest guys,” Amber explains as she also exits her stall and stands at the sink beside you, washing her own hands. 
“I gave up on men a long time ago,” you remind Amber with a chuckle. 
“Oh c’mon, I’m all for silicone friends, but you’ve gotta get a real dick at least once in a while, and girl for you, it’s been a while.” You laugh at her bluntness and shake your head. “You’re coming, even if I have to pay for your drinks all night,” Amber insists. 
You sigh and roll your eyes, before nodding reluctantly, guessing one drink won’t hurt if it gets Amber off your back. 
“Great,” Amber beams, reaching forward to undo the top button of your dress so your cleavage is far more on show than it was before. “There, let’s go.”
One drink has somehow turned into three, because every time you say you might leave, Amber is quick to buy you another cocktail, and you feel bad wasting her money by not drinking it first. You’re hyper aware of the fact your panties are still stuffed into your blazer pocket, and your pussy is completely bare and exposed under your dress, and the only thing you can fully focus on is the remainder of Dean’s audio you want to listen to. You really do have a problem, apparently. 
By the fourth drink, you offer to pay, feeling bad that Amber is footing your bill all night, and you guess you owe her one drink before you finally go home to your machine. You stand at the bar and shift uncomfortably from foot to foot as you wait to be served, your mind running wild with all the ways Dean is going to fuck you tonight, and when the barman finally stands in front of you, you realise you’ve forgotten what Amber wanted. You guess your way through a list of a few different cocktails, figuring one of the girls will drink them even if Amber doesn’t, and as the barman moves away to make your long order, you hear a scoff beside you. 
You turn your head to look at the man, and are kind of taken for a moment because he’s pretty attractive. Sascha was right, the men at this place really are better looking than the rest of the bars around town. Maybe they have some weird lighting, or something. 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he laughs easily, and his voice shoots straight to your core. Jesus, has it really been that long since a hot guy has talked directly to you? “It’s just I’ve been stood here for over five minutes, and that bar man is only serving the hot girls,” he explains. 
Your brain takes a second to process what he’s saying, and then you scoff and shake your head. 
“Clearly not, he just served me,” you counter. 
“I stand by what I said,” the stranger insists, after his green eyes have raked up and down your body a couple of times. Is this guy actually flirting with you? You find yourself staring for a moment. There’s something very familiar about him, but you’re fairly sure you’d remember ever meeting a guy this attractive. 
“Do I know you?” you ask him, frowning. 
His green eyes light up and he laughs softly, shaking his head. 
“Urm… don’t think so,” he finally offers, shaking his head. But his hesitance only confuses you more. 
“Are you sure? I swear I know you somehow,” you insist. 
The guy begins to blush, and he clears his throat before looking around himself. 
“Well, what if I said my name is… Dean,” he slowly offers. 
Your eyes widen immediately, and you’re not sure if you want the ground to swallow you whole or if you want to kiss the man. His voice that’s what you know, that’s what’s so familiar, and that’s why you’re having this kind of reaction to just talking to some guy. So you’re not that desperate, after all… or maybe you are, depending how you look at it. You would’ve never placed him as Dean Winchester, no matter how intimately you know his voice, because you never would’ve actually expected him to be more attractive than the picture you’d painted in your head. And you never would’ve expected to bump into him at a bar in town of all places. 
But then the realisation hits you fully. If this guy is Dean Winchester then he knows that you listen to his stuff, and he knows that you listen enough to recoginise him. 
“Oh my god,” you gasp, your cheeks burning. “Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed, I’m so sorry,” you fumble to apologise, but Dean just laughs and shakes his head. 
“Why are you sorry? I love meeting fans.” 
The word fan only makes your skin crawl more, he’s going to think you’re some psycho, some desperate woman that needs audio porn to get her kicks. 
“Oh god,” you groan, now feeling your skin crawling in shame. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart, really,” he reassures you, reaching out to grab your shoulder. “Honestly, I’m flattered a girl like you listens to me.” 
“Oh sure,” you scoff, not believing him for one second. You want to tell him you don’t really listen to his stuff that much, but then you realise that might be insulting, and you don’t want to tell him you’re as big a fan as you are, or you’ll just look even more pathetic to him. “Listen, I’ll leave you alone,” you conclude. 
“Oh,” he replies simply, before licking his lips and nodding his head. “Yeah, sure, if that’s what you want.” 
You can’t help but feel like you’ve insulted him somehow, and you swallow hard, rushing to explain. “I don’t wanna seem like some creepy fan,” you excuse. 
“Sweetheart, I’m the one that hit on you,” he laughs. 
Your eyes only widen further, “you were hitting on me?” 
“Yeah, well… I thought I was… I did call you hot, didn’t I?” 
“I guess,” you agree, now feeling embarrassed for a whole new reason. The guy that has given you more orgasms than all the other men in your sexual history put together has hit on you. “I’m sorry, I just always assumed that a guy like you would be married, or at least dating someone.” 
“Nah, my work is just as much for my benefit as it is yours, trust me,” he laughs softly. “So, can I at least buy you a drink, even if it’s just to thank you for liking my work?” 
“I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this,” you confess, already drunkenly laughing behind your hand as you look over at him. 
Dean – or Jensen, you’ve now been told his real name is – seems to wait patiently for your confession, and in the two or so hours you’ve been sitting together drinking and getting to know each other, you somehow feel like you’ve known him for years. Maybe that’s because of the porn, but either way, you’re actually about to say this out loud. 
“The audio that you released today?” you prompt, and a smirk grows over Jensen’s plump lips.
“Yeah…” he prompts. 
“Well, I didn’t get to finish it, but let’s just say I started it in work… in a bathroom stall… and I’m still a mess. I was dying to get home to finish it.” Your confession doesn’t leave you as embarrassed as you thought it would, not when Jensen only smirks harder, and then bites his bottom lip as his green eyes look around the bar. 
“Well… why don’t I just… show you what the rest was like?” he asks, blinking at you. 
“What?” you ask, feeling yourself beginning to sober up at just the very thought of what Jensen’s implying. 
“What if we… y’know, re-enacted it?” 
“So how far did you get?” Jensen asks, breathing against your neck.
You crane it, pushing your head back further into your pillow as you moan softly, dragging your nails through the soft hair on the nape of his neck. 
“Not very, you’d just pulled out a vibrator,” you explain breathlessly, your heart thudding in your chest. If this man is this good at kissing, you’re not sure you’ll survive the rest of it. And you already know what a filthy mouth he’s got from the dirty talking. And from talking to him tonight, you were more than excited to find out that his audios are a true reflection of his own kinks.
“Do you have one?” Jensen prompts, and you blindly reach under your bed for the box that holds your toys, throwing the lid off carelessly and wrapping your hand around your favourite vibrating silicone friend. 
You produce it in front of you, stopping Jensen in his tracks as he smirks, taking it from you and throwing it to the bed next to you both. 
“I don’t have a cock ring though,” you add with your own smirk, and Jensen chuckles lowly. 
“Don’t worry, I’m covered,” he tells you smugly, taking your hand and pushing it under his boxers. Your hand meets soft, warm velvety skin, and as it gets a little lower, you feel the rubber ring at the very base of his swollen cock. 
“Do you always go to bars wearing one of those?” you sass, wrapping your fingers around his erection and growing pleasantly surprised at the thickness. 
“I had it on for the audio this morning, y’know, for authenticity, and figured I’d leave it on because I was so horny. Meeting you was just the bonus,” he explains. 
“What else do you do for authenticity?” you tease, gasping when Jensen’s teeth sink into the delicate skin on your neck. “Do you…” you struggle to regain your composure, grinding your core up against his bare thigh, your slick coating his skin. “Do you actually eat pussy?” you finally manage to ask. 
“Unfortunately not. It’s been a while since I got to eat a pussy… don’t mind if I fill up on you, do you, baby girl?” 
“No, Daddy,” you whimper, not even ashamed at how quickly you submit to him. 
“Oh, someone’s been listening to my work… such a good little whore, f’me, aren’t you? Bet you taste fucking delicious.” 
Suddenly, Jensen’s face is gone, and you feel his hands grab the backs of your thighs and push your legs backwards, spreading you open. He doesn’t waste any time dining on your pussy, making sounds far more obscene then the audios could ever capture, and just when you thought this man couldn’t get you off any harder, you’ve finally felt his tongue for real, the stubble on his face rub along your delicate skin, you’ve finally felt exactly what this man can do to you. 
Your fingers comb through the hair on the top of his head, and Jensen only ever pauses to bite and suck on the flesh at the insides of your thighs, before returning to licking and sucking your pussy like a starved man. Your back arches into his touch, and you nearly lose your mind when you see him blindly reach for the dildo you’d given him, turning it on to a low rumble as he presses the tip to your entrance. 
“So fucking tight, baby girl, you like having something inside you when I eat that pussy, don’t you?” he growls, his voice slightly deeper and far more reminiscent of his “Dean” persona. 
You moan loudly, bucking your hips desperately as he begins to fuck you with your vibrator, and you find yourself torn between wanting his mouth back on your pussy, and wanting his cock replacing your toy. Amber’s right, sometimes you just need the real thing. Especially when the real thing is as tempting as Jensen’s. 
“Fuck, Daddy, feels so good, please don’t stop,” you beg, feeling his mouth back on your cunt in an instant, and he laps at your arousal and moans loudly around your clit when he sucks it between his lips. “Holy fuck,” you shout, staring up at the ceiling, not sure you’re even going to survive this. 
Jensen’s rutting against your mattress, but seems to be in no rush to finish eating you out any time soon, and your thighs tremble either side of his head as he coaxes your orgasm to the surface. 
“That’s it baby,” Jensen pauses for a brief second to say. “Cum f’me,” he growls. “Cum on Daddy’s tongue, c’mon, perfect little cunt, tastes so sweet, you’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you?” he chuckles, looking up grinning at you like the devil. 
“Yes,” you whine, encouraging his mouth back on your clit as he now fucks your vibrator in and out of you so much better than the machine has ever managed to. 
Jensen doesn’t stop to talk again, he just hums and moans against your skin until you’re cumming hard and fast on the toy, and he’s quickly removing it to lap at your juices that are practically flooding out of you. 
As always when you listen to his work, your first orgasm does little to stave off the arousal he’s elicited from you, but luckily, it seems Jensen’s not done with you, because he licks his lips clean and hums, rising back to his knees between your legs. He begins stroking his cock in his hand, his eyes several shades darker as he looks down at you. 
“So,” he smirks, guiding the tip of his cock towards your soppy entrance, only teasing it with his tip before tapping the heavy length on your sensitive clit, making you squirm. “Which of my audios should we re-enact next?” he asks. 
“Any one that requires that inside me,” you reply, watching Jensen chuckle under his breath. 
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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maritamorgado · 4 months
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ficnation · 1 year
“The Cockroach” Masterlist
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Summary: Negan was always good at destroying things, and you were left to pick up the pieces, fix it all up. He broke Lucille’s heart and you build it back up. But who will fix yours when it gets destroyed beyond repair?
Pairings: Negan Smith x Female! Reader, Lucille Smith x Female! Reader, possible other pairings
CHAPTER 3 》 coming soon!
(send me an ask or leave a comment if you want to be tagged in this series' future updates)
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The Walking Dead 10.22 — Here's Negan
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