#Nef Garmat
robocatfan · 11 months
The Ancient Cookies and the MH monsters they would be…
or at least the monsters that remind me of them because by Gog there are so many it’s hard to choose… except Hollyberry that was the easiest-
Hollyberry- Nergigante
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Mainly because in lore Nergigante is an elder that specializes in hunting other monsters of its rank (Just like Hollyberry is known to fight dragons sometimes) and also because it manages to do so without possessing any flashy abilities or elements apart from tons and tons of spikes and regeneration.
we do not talk about how it reproduces
Golden Cheese- Nef Garmat, Kulve Taroth or Ahtal Ka
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Nef Garmat: Elder dragon status and also ‘cause of its wings and egyptian inspiration.
Kulve Taroth: also Elder status and… GOLD and technically ruling a place made of such thing
Ahtal Ka: Same as Nef with egyptian inspiration, but most importantly because of its sheer craftiness and power in spite of what initial appearances imply.
Basically: put this things in a blender and you get this queen
Dark Cacao- Dalamadur, Velkhana or Amatsu
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Honestly it’s mostly Dalamadur because sheer power, status, it’s music theme, how it’s design and name meaning refers to it as an armored tower/ serpent, how itand it’s nake- I mean, Shah version are seen/ thought as gods that shaped and destroy the world just like Dark Cacao is seen as the one who created the cycle of day and night after defeating those two dragons in his tale…
While Velkhana has the ice theming and fight finesse and Amatsu cause of its easter dragon inspiration… and once again it’s theme music
(also Gogmazios was considered an option because of its going to fortresses to consume the gunpowder and how he probably has some in his kingdom… but he needs a break so Gog isn’t here)
And Finally…
White Lily/ Pure Vanilla-
ok let’s be real i have no idea about these two so that’s why they are together
Doesn’t mean there ARENT any monsters that remind me of them though like…
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Versa/ Makili Pietru
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and the BIGGEST stretch of them all…
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Shagaru Magala
like, in my head all of this makes sense i can’t just figure out how to elaborate on most of them (Except with the Pietru dragons and how like Lily they start as a force of good but get corrupted and such)
something something The thing that looks like a flawless and heavenly being is far worse than you imagined them to be something something like that…
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katyvern · 9 months
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Nef Garmat/Nefu Garumudo
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winter-doggo · 1 year
As a non-Japanese Monster Hunter fan, my understanding of Monster Hunter Explore pretty much only extended as far as weird subspecies like "Christmas Volvidon" and "Sweet Tooth Tigrex". But I've just discovered it's flagship monster is this??
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It's an Elder Dragon called Nef-Garmat. I know nothing about them but I love them already
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elendsessor · 4 days
talking about monhun for the billionth time bc while compiling a spotify playlist of some of my favorite battle themes, i noticed just how many soundtracks either are missing a few songs or are straight up absent.
from an ost history standpoint, this is awful. it’s likely these might have been how the osts originally released plus sites like youtube have reuploaded many tracks, however i still feel it needs to be addressed as gaming history conservation continues to worsen.
it’s also important to note that some game soundtracks on spotify are either duplicates or repeatedly get weirdly taken down and/or reuploaded, so these tracks potentially have appeared before and just aren’t available. as such, they might become available in the future, or are at least difficult to access from sound team profiles, especially capcom’s.
these likely aren’t all of them, and this has a chance of changing, but here’s a list of many of the tracks/osts either misplaced or outright missing:
-ukanlos’s theme. somehow.
-nearly every frontier track. mainly ones that aren’t g1-g3, including the high rank version of the great forest’s theme that later became espinas’s in sunbreak which is especially baffling.
-this also includes themes for laviente, unknown, zenith monsters, guanzorumu, inagami, and many map themes. -for some reason, disufiroa’s third phase theme isn’t listed either, despite every shantien phase being uploaded (both third phase disufiroa and fourth phase shantien came out around the same time).
-online’s ost is completely gone.
-nef-garmat’s godly track is gone. this also likely goes for some of explore.
-the unique rendition of proof of a hero that plays during ahtal-ka’s final phase is gone.
-xeno’jiva’s theme is still up but isn’t listed in the current upload of world’s ost under capcom sound team.
-safi’jiva’s used to exist but got nuked.
-mount themes for many monsters in worldborne are gone. while some just have a reused loop overlaying the track, some straight up change instruments or make certain elements the forefront, such as zinogre’s. this also goes for safi’jiva’s target themes.
-fatalis’s remastered theme isn’t on iceborne’s, and his second phase track doesn’t exist.
-arch tempered velkhana’s theme also doesn’t exist. arch tempered nergigante’s does. huh.
-various sunbreak dlc monster themes, such as chaotic gore and amatsu’s tracks, aren’t available.
if that sounds like a long list that’s because it is and again i’m more than likely missing some. what the damn hell.
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rest in peace safi theme
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Monster Hunter
Lynian Felyne | Shakalaka
Herbivore Popo | Moofah | Larinoth | Rhenoplos | Mosswine | Gowngoat | Anteka | Kestodon | Kelbi | Ceratonoth
Temnoceran Rakna-Kadaki | Nerscylla | Lala Barina
Neopteron Konchu | Seltas | Seltas Queen | Ahtal-Ka | Vespoid Queen | Hornetaur
Theropod Bird Wyvern Velociprey | Velocidrome | Genprey | Gendrome | Ioprey | Iodrome | Jaggi | Great Jaggi | Baggi | Great Baggi | Wroggi | Great Wroggi | Maccao | Great Maccao | Izuchi | Great Izuchi | Boggi | Kulu-Ya-Ku | Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
Flying Bird Wyvern Yian Kut-Ku | Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Yian Garuga | Scarred Yian Garuga | Malfestio | Pukei-Pukei | Aknosom | Gypceros | Qurupeco | Toridcless | Gargwa
True Wyvern Rathalos | Azure Rathalos | Silver Rathalos | Rathian | Pink Rathian | Gold Rathian | Dreadqueen Rathian | Monoblos | White Monoblos | Diablos | Black Diablos | Basarios | Ruby Basarios | Gravios | Seregios | Bazelgeuse | Seething Bazelgeuse | Khezu | Red Khezu | Astalos | Boltreaver Astalos | Espinas | Flaming Espinas | Legiana | Akantor | Paolumu | Gurenzeburu | Gigginox/Giggi | Rey Dau
Pseudo Wyvern Tigrex | Brute Tigrex | Nargacuga | Lucent Nargacuga | Silverwind Nargacuga | Barioth | Sand Barioth | Frostfang Barioth | Ukanlos
Piscine Wyvern Cephadrome | Plesioth | Beotodus | Delex | Flatfish Piscine Wyvern
Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur | Hermitaur | Daimyo Hermitaur | Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | Taikun Zamuza | Shen Gaoren | Akura Vashimu
Amphibian Zamtrios | Tigerstripe Zamtrios | Tetsucabra | Tetranadon | Chatacabra
Pelagus Rajang | Furious Rajang | Garangolm | Bulldrome | Gammoth | Bishaten | Blangonga | Kecha Wacha
Fanged Beast Arzuros | Goss Harag | Lagombi | Volvidon | Doshaguma | Slicemargl
Leviathan Agnaktor | Mizutsune | Violet Mizutsune | Soulseer Mizutsune | Ludroth | Royal Ludroth | Purple Ludroth | Lagiacrus | Abyssal Lagiacrus | Lavasioth | Almudron | Gobul | Baruragaru | Somnacanth | Nibelsnarf | Balahara
Snake Wyvern Najarala | Remobra
Brute Wyvern Uragaan | Crystalbeard Uragaan | Pumpkin Uragaan | Radobaan | Deviljho | Savage Deviljho | Aberrant Deviljho | Barroth | Anjanath | Fulgur Anjanath | Banbaro | Brachydios | Raging Brachydios | Glavenus | Hellblade Glavenus | Duramboros
Fanged Wyvern Zinogre | Stygian Zinogre | Thunderlord Zinogre | Dodogama | Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Odogaron | Ebony Odogaron | Tobi-Kadachi | Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Lunagaron | Palamute | Great Jagras | Great Girros 
Elder Dragon Fatalis | Crimson Fatalis | White Fatalis | Xeno'jiiva | Safi'jiiva | Teostra | Lunastra | Chameleos | Risen Chameleos | Kushala Daora | Rukodiora | Kirin | Oroshi Kirin | Shagaru Magala | Namielle | Alatreon | Ceadeus | Nergigante | Valstrax | Crimson Glow Valstrax | Thunder Serpent Narwa | Narwa the Allmother | Wind Serpent Ibushi | Malzeno/Qurio | Primordial Malzeno | Velkhana | Vaal Hazak | Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Kulve Taroth | Amatsu | Gogmazios | Gaismagorm | Shara Ishvalda | Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur | Lao-Shan Lung | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung | Jhen Mohran | Nakarkos | Behemoth | Yama Tsukami | Nef-Garmat | Dire Miralis | Zorah Magdaros | Makili Pietru | Oltura
Unknown Gore Magala | Chaotic Gore Magala
Endemic Life Paratoad | Thornytoad | Cohoot | Forest Pteryx | Duffel Penguin | Thunderbeetle | Vigorwesp | Spiribird
Pets Poogie
MH Fusion
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neverrollalone · 2 years
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open for better quality
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winter-doggo · 1 year
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After discovering Nef-Garmat I knew I had to draw em
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