#Neal Lockerby
frisbys-artwork · 2 years
Meet Neal
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Neal grew up being teased and bullied for being so skinny at a young age, but a few years into college he became a foodie and became an excellent cook. Despite his love of food he never pursued a career in it, and instead became a software engineer. This came with its own perks though, as he was able to frequently travel and enjoy food from across the nation, which later motivated him to purchase his RV and go explore more places to enjoy while working.
He learned to overcome his fear of body judgements, and proudly displayed his food belly over the years; this even got him a one-night stand with a big trucker orc at a pit stop diner. His best friend, Bill, has become concerned that Neal might actually be pregnant, but a negative test and doctor results ended that. Neal always felt he was too selfish for kids, so he was glad it wasn’t the case.
Hey Everyone! Sorry again for the lack of posts. Life's been leeching off me a lot more frequently, and it's becoming a lot more difficult to finish my OCs every time I learn something new.
But here's Neal, a recent big guy in a short story I wrote. So is he pregnant or is he just a guy who eats extremely well? I mean, he doesn't have his bellybutton poking out (the universal sign of pregnancy in this world of mine), so maybe it's the latter.
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