#Nazca Valley
lemuseum · 2 years
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alpacaexpeditions · 6 months
Embark on an Unforgettable Journey: Machu Picchu and Nazca Lines Tours with Alpaca Expeditions 
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Are you ready to delve into the heart of ancient civilizations, where mystique and marvel intertwine? Look no further than Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines tours, two iconic destinations that beckon adventurers from around the globe. At Alpaca Expeditions, we are proud to offer meticulously crafted tours that allow you to immerse yourself in the rich history and breathtaking landscapes of these extraordinary sites. 
Machu Picchu, nestled amidst the Andes Mountains, stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the Inca civilization. As you traverse the rugged terrain and ascend to the summit, the awe-inspiring beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site unfolds before your eyes. With us, you'll experience Machu Picchu in all its splendor, guided by knowledgeable experts who unveil the secrets of this ancient citadel. 
But the adventure doesn't end there. Our tours also take you to the enigmatic Nazca Lines, etched into the desert plains of southern Peru. These colossal geoglyphs, depicting various animals and geometric shapes, have puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries. With us, you'll soar above these mystical formations on a thrilling aerial tour, gaining a bird's-eye view of these enigmatic creations. 
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Whether you're trekking along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines tours from above, we ensure that every moment of your journey is filled with wonder and discovery. Our experienced guides lead you through ancient ruins, vibrant markets, and picturesque landscapes, providing insight into the rich cultural heritage of Peru. 
We understand the importance of responsible tourism, which is why we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and supporting local communities. With our sustainable practices and dedication to ethical tourism, you can explore Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines with peace of mind, knowing that you are contributing to the preservation of these remarkable sites for future generations. 
Embark on an unforgettable journey with us and discover the wonders of Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines tours. Whether you're an avid history buff, a nature enthusiast, or simply seeking adventure, our tours offer something for everyone. Join us as we traverse ancient trails, unravel mysteries, and create memories that will last a lifetime. 
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Pachacamac, located on the coast of Peru and 32 km south of Lima, was an important sacred site, oracle, and place of burial, which was visited by pilgrims of many ancient Andean cultures, including the Incas. The site, active for over 2,000 years, was named after the god of the same name (Pacha Kamaq) who was worshipped there and considered the 'Maker of the Earth' by coastal peoples.
Sacred Site of Pachacamac
Pachacamac, located in the Lurin Valley, may have been in use as a sacred oracle site from the 1st millennium BCE while its settlement began sometime in the early 1st millennium CE. The god Pachacamac, also known as the 'Maker of the Earth', was a creator god who was also associated with earthquakes. In coastal mythology, Pachacamac had defeated the rival creator god Con who had stopped all rainfall as punishment for humanity's wickedness. Pachacamac then changed the existing human race into animals and created a whole new race of men and women. In some versions of the myths the god sent four stars to earth, the two male stars became the kings and nobility while the two female stars became the commoners.
The god's sacred wooden statue was worshipped at the site, situated inside a large temple complex built on a stepped earthen platform. This structure is contemporary with the Moche and Nazca civilizations (200 BCE – 600 CE). Built overlooking a colonnaded plaza and sitting on an eight-level platform on a natural hill, the temple buildings must have dominated the site. Each level of the adobe brick platform is around one metre high, and they were painted in bright colours with plant and animal designs. The figures were made more striking by outlining them in black. A set of artist's brushes (of human hair and reeds) and a bag of pigments were found buried at the site in 1935 CE. The temple was well-maintained as some areas of decoration show as many as 16 re-coats. Buildings on the highest platform were arranged around a courtyard, and some were used as accommodation.
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gwydpolls · 1 year
Time Travel Question 9: Ancient History II and Earlier
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category is for suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions for this category below if you have them for future consideration.
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Urban Legend in Limbo:
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Touhou 14.5: Urban Legend in Limbo (2015) is a major benchmark for the series.
The incident this time is that urban legends have spread throughout Gensokyo! These urban legends have tied themselves to certain people who are characterized similar to them. Apparently the urban legends are not able to materialize independently because nobody in Gensokyo fears them like they do youkai.
The Urban Legends are as follows:
• Reimu Hakurei: the Woman inside the Gap (basically Yukari is her urban legend)
• Marisa Kirisame: the Seven Wonders of the School (pretty much every high school in Japan has its own 7 mysteries)
• Kasen Ibaraki: the Monkey's Paw, (a poor substitute for her missing arm)
• Byakuren Hijiri: Turbo Granny (this gives her a motorcycle and a catsuit but it's really about a grandma running along the highway as fast as a motorcycle)
• Toyosatomimi no Miko: Red Mantle, Blue Mantle (she gives you a choice between a red cape and a blue cape and kills you regardless of your decision)
• Ichirin Kumoi: Hasshaku-sama (a Japanese Creepypasta spread on sites like 2chan about a tall dark-haired woman in a sundress)
• Mononobe no Futo: Okiku (a ghost girl who's the main protagonist of an old novel)
• Nitori Kawashiro: the Loch Ness Monster (she thinks it's just an animatronic she made but it's the real deal)
• Mamizou Futatsuiwa: the Men in Black, (it gives her a nice suit and a device that's not a memory eraser. It's just for show. Her tanuki minions are disguised as aliens.)
• Shinmyoumaru Sukuna: Little Green Men (littler than her? I doubt it!)
• Fujiwara no Mokou: Spontaneous combustion (she doesn't even realize the incident is happening for the longest time since blowing herself up is something she already does. The urban legend is mostly manifested by her fire turning blue and thus hotter.)
• Hata no Kokoro: Kuchisake-onna (Pretty? Not pretty? DIE!)
• Reisen Udongein Inaba: Kune-kune (another Creepypasta posted on 2chan in 2001, weird white red-eyed worm creatures that wiggle around upright seen off in the distance that make you go insane if you look at them too long)
Yes, Kasen's urban legend is not so much one as it is a well-known story that nobody thought was real. Same with Futo's.
There are also rumors spreading about seven Occult Balls, that when brought together, can grant any one wish (hey, that sounds familiar...)
The Occult Balls are tied to seven Mystery Spots:
• The Pyramids of Giza
• Stonehenge
• The Tower of Babel
• The Nazca Lines
• Yomotsu Hirasaka
• Hell Valley
• The Lunar Capital
The story itself mostly involves all these girls having whacky role playing fun with their urban legends and discovering the true nature of the Occult Balls. Right up until they go too far and almost cause the destruction of all of Gensokyo.
Strangely enough, despite the severity of this incident, Yukari Yakumo is nowhere to be seen. Instead, Kasen and Mamizou team up to fill her general role. Perhaps Yukari thought one Sage getting involved was enough, or perhaps she's just lazy.
In a rarity for the series, the status quo of Gensokyo is broken in two ways:
A human teenage girl from the outside world makes her way into Gensokyo; and leaves! She becomes a recurring visitor of Gensokyo from heron out, but never fully moves in. This provides the people of Gensokyo a way to hear more about the outside world, mostly in a negative, pessimistic light.
Second, Gensokyo as a whole is poisoned down to the roots: an incident has happened that Reimu could not resolve. Gensokyo has now become a true land of fantasy: if enough people believe something is true, it will be true. The repercussions of this are explored in both mangas running at the time: Wild and Horned Hermit and Forbidden Scrollery, and would continue to be a major element of the series until around 2018, at which point it's kinda forgotten about.
Thus begins a sort of trilogy that follows with Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, and Touhou 15.5: Antinomy of Common Flowers.
Oh, and this game got a Playstation 4 release, making it the first official Touhou game to be released for consoles.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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This pre-Columbian cushma from the Nazca Valley on the south coast of Peru incorporates complex 'scaffold wefting' technique. Camelid fibre, woven in brilliant saturated colours in gauze open weave. c. 300 BC - 600 AD. Private family collection.
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tlatollotl · 2 years
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Cultures/periods: Nasca Phase 5
Production date: 100BC-600
Findspot: Nazca Valley
Provenience unknown, possibly looted
Small-mouthed spherical jar, made of pottery, with design of marine birds.
British Museum
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ancientcosmicsecrets · 4 months
Did Extraterrestrials Visit Earth Thousands of Years Ago?
Ancient texts and legends describing flying machines
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Ancient Aliens
The idea that ancient aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago is not new. It has been explored by various authors, researchers, and filmmakers for decades. But what are the reasons behind this belief? And what kind of evidence do they use to support it?
One of the main reasons why some people believe that ancient aliens visited Earth is that they find it hard to explain the origin and development of human civilization without external intervention. They argue that humans could not have achieved such high levels of technology, culture, and knowledge on their own and that they must have had help from more advanced beings from other planets. Another reason why some people believe that ancient aliens visited Earth is because they find similarities and connections between ancient cultures and traditions that suggest a common source or influence. They argue that these similarities and connections could not have resulted from independent invention or diffusion and must have resulted from contact with extraterrestrial visitors who shared their wisdom and secrets with various human groups.
A popular T.V. series, Ancient Aliens, attempts to answer these questions by examining various archaeological and historical mysteries that may suggest the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence in our ancient past. The first episode of season 10, titled "Aliens B.C.," focuses on some of the oldest civilizations before recorded history, such as the Sumerians, the Egyptians, and the Indus Valley culture.
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One of the primary sources of evidence for ancient alien theory is the ancient texts and legends describing flying machines, gods, and beings from the sky or other planets. For example, the Mahabharata, an ancient Hindu epic, mentions Vimanas as flying chariots or palaces that could travel across the universe. Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that these Vimanas may have been actual spacecraft and that the gods may have been extraterrestrial visitors.
Another example is the Sumerian civilization, which is considered one of the oldest and most advanced in human history. The Sumerians had a sophisticated writing system, mathematics, astronomy, and law. They also had a complex pantheon of gods and goddesses called the Anunnaki. According to some ancient texts, the Anunnaki came from a planet called Nibiru, which orbits the sun every 3,600 years. The Anunnaki were said to have created humans as enslaved people and taught them various skills and knowledge. Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the Anunnaki may have been extraterrestrials who visited Earth in ancient times.
Consider the pyramids of Egypt, among the most awe-inspiring and enigmatic constructions in human history. Aligned with astronomical precision, these colossal structures were built with stone blocks weighing up to 80 tons each. The question arises: how did the ancient Egyptians construct such intricate and massive structures without modern technology? Could they have had assistance from extraterrestrial beings who provided them with advanced tools and techniques?
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Similarly, Stonehenge in England and the Nazca Lines in Peru are examples of ancient structures that may have had a connection to extraterrestrial visitors. Stonehenge is a circle of standing stones that dates back to around 3000 BC. It is believed to have been used as a ceremonial site and as an astronomical observatory. Some researchers have suggested that Stonehenge may have been built as a communication device or a landing pad for extraterrestrial visitors.
The Nazca Lines are a series of geoglyphs that cover an area of about 500 square kilometers in the desert of southern Peru. They depict various animals, plants, and geometric shapes that can only be seen from above. Some researchers have suggested that the Nazca Lines may have been created as a message or a signal for
extraterrestrial visitors. Of course, not everyone agrees with the ancient alien theory. Many skeptics and critics have challenged its validity and plausibility. They argue that no conclusive or convincing evidence supports the claim that extraterrestrials visited Earth in ancient times. They also point out that there are alternative and more natural explanations for the ancient texts, legends, structures, and monuments that ancient astronaut theorists cite. They accuse them of cherry-picking data, misinterpreting sources, ignoring context, and making unfounded assumptions.
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The ancient astronaut theory, a captivating idea that proposes extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in the distant past, has piqued the curiosity of many. Let's delve into some of the most intriguing points that underpin this hypothesis:
1. Technological Leap: Could the sudden surge in human civilization's technological capabilities result from extraterrestrial intervention? Is it plausible that such advancements were made without some form of higher intelligence guiding humanity?
2. Global Cultural Connections: Ancient cultures across the globe share striking similarities, a phenomenon that theorists suggest could stem from a shared extraterrestrial source. This theory proposes that these connections are too complex to have evolved independently or through cultural exchange alone.
Many ancient texts, such as the Hindu epic Mahabharata, describe flying machines and divine beings from the skies. Theorists interpret these accounts as potential evidence of extraterrestrial visitations. For instance, the Vimanas mentioned in the Mahabharata are often seen as a prime example of ancient technology that extraterrestrial beings could have influenced. This interpretation, while speculative, adds an intriguing layer to our understanding of ancient civilizations and their possible interactions with extraterrestrial entities.
4. Majestic Megalithic Structures: The construction of massive ancient monuments, such as the pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge, is often cited by theorists as evidence of alien influence. They argue that the precision and scale of these structures are beyond the capabilities of ancient humans.
5. Popular Culture Influence: The theory has become a part of popular culture, notably through the television series "Ancient Aliens." This show explores various archaeological and historical mysteries, suggesting they indicate extraterrestrial activity in our ancient past.
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The debate over ancient alien theory, which continues to captivate and divide, is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. However, it raises some intriguing questions about our origins, history, and place in the universe. Whether we believe it or not, it challenges us to think outside the box and expand our horizons.
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Peru, south coast, Nazca Valley, Atarco
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eastsidemags · 1 year
The Janimal RETURNS
A little over 9 years ago, we stumbled across a group of indie comics artists who would meet up and draw and hang out and just share stories with each other. We were a brand new store and didn’t really know any “industry” people. In walks the Janimal with his book Time Shark (about a time-traveling shark)! A kid-friendly comic artist who is quite possibly the nicest human to ever walk the earth. We immediately fell in love with both his work and him! Shortly after, life took over and Janimal moved to Arizona and we stayed in touch but we didn’t get a chance to host him again.
Now - almost a decade later - the Janimal returns to the halls of East Side Mags!
Jan Marc “The Janimal” Quisumbing is a Jersey tomato roasting in the Arizona sun. A graduate of the Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University (NJ), he now resides in Northern Arizona with his family and 3 cats. He has exhibited at comic conventions from Phoenix Fan Fusion to New York Comic Con and serves as the acting president of the Northern Arizona Cartoonist Association (NAZCA). His fun and cartoony style has a great retro feel and translates easily to the drawing demo classes that have been a staple at Verde Valley libraries and LibCons over the past nine years. He currently works at a library in Northern Arizona as its Program and Marketing Coordinator.
Follow his work on Instagram at #thejanimaldraws
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mmoxie · 2 years
druid FLUID druid FLUID
What a perfect follow-up to the previous ask!
Druid Fluid is directly related to our pals in The SLAPP, who I did not elaborate on very much.
You see, "druid fluid" is a recipe that changes all the time- but fundamentally, it tends to involve psilocybin. The idea is that generation after generation, human beings in search of a shared spiritual experience will concoct a way to approach that experience uniformly. After all, if you have two druids eating two different mushrooms, each mushroom might contain a different experience.
So, you look at places like Stonehenge, like the Georgia Guidestones, the Carnac Stones, the Nazca Lines, Gobekli Tepe, and you check the soil. Depending on how long the location was last occupied, you may have to dig deep, into regolith and subsoil- but at these locations, you tend to find "leftovers"- that is to say, evidence of a psychoactive slurry that was not used, and dumped out.
In 1959, two brothers- Harlan and Dennis Peakes of Happy Valley, New Mexico- created the first formula for druid fluid that would guide the eventual journeys of The SLAPP- which stands for "Super-Luminal Action from Place to Place."
Their initial recipe called for local peyote, along with a melange of spices for flavor and a muscle relaxer to keep them from- to quote Dennis Peakes himself- "falling out of our lawn chairs."
The first recorded SLAPP journey was performed by the Peakes brothers that very same year. Attempting a double-blind study in the same fashion as remote viewing tests at the time, both would complete their trip, write down their experience, put it into an envelope and hand it to the other brother. They would then declare what they saw, one at a time, and open the envelope for confirmation.
In the '60s, the Peakes brothers made friends on the campus of New Mexico Highlands University. These friends- a mixture of mycologists, astronomers, and spiritualists- expanded on the Peakes recipe for druid fluid, adding psilocybin for the first time. Following a shared experience in which they all encountered the same mysterious signpost in what appeared to be distant space, they agreed upon the significance of what they witnessed and formed the club that would eventually be The SLAPP itself.
Between the '60s and '70s, the recipe changed a few times, mostly for recreational reasons. Variants called "Moon Beer" and "Bespoke-A-Cola" cropped up as a carbonated, less spiritual and more recreational take on the fluid.
The current recipe for SLAPP-grade druid fluid is in the possession of an elderly woman in the Seattle area who, citing safety reasons, refuses to share.
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alpacaexpeditions · 10 months
Unveiling Wonders: The Machu Picchu Trail Adventure
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Embark on the journey of a lifetime along the iconic Machu Picchu Trail with Alpaca Expeditions leading the way. Our expertly curated treks to this ancient Incan wonder promise an immersive experience through breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage. As you traverse the historic trail, Alpaca Expeditions ensures a seamless blend of adventure and comfort, providing top-notch guides, accommodations, and unparalleled views of Machu Picchu. Let the allure of the Machu Picchu Trail captivate you, and with Alpaca Expeditions, turn your trek into an unforgettable exploration, where every step is a discovery and every moment is etched in the heart of Peru's majestic beauty. 
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tigermike · 7 days
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The Palpa geoglyphs located in Peru's Palpa Valley, which were created between 500 BC and 500 AD, represent some of the most remarkable ancient designs etched into the landscape. These geoglyphs are associated with the Paracas and Nazca cultures and encompass a variety of motifs, including animals, plants, and geometric shapes. Notably, they predate the more widely recognized Nazca Lines by several centuries.
The exact purpose of the Palpa geoglyphs remains uncertain, leading to numerous theories that suggest they may have served religious, ceremonial, astronomical, or agricultural functions. The enigma surrounding these extraordinary geoglyphs continues to captivate researchers and visitors alike, fueling ongoing interest and investigation into their origin and significance.
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topviral · 25 days
Top 10 Unbelievable Facts About Ancient Civilizations
Top 10 Unbelievable Facts About Ancient Civilizations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feqov_Vbmro Discover the top 10 unbelievable facts about ancient civilizations in this video! From lost cities to mysterious artifacts, learn about the fascinating history of our ancestors. Unlock the secrets of ancient civilizations in our latest video! Discover astonishing facts about the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the advanced urban planning of the Indus Valley. Explore the enigmatic Nazca Lines and unravel the mystery of the Antikythera Mechanism. Learn about the scholarly legacy of the Library of Alexandria, the grandeur of Qin Shi Huang's Terracotta Army, and the remote wonders of Easter Island's Moai statues. Dive into the myth of Atlantis and marvel at the Olmec Colossal Heads. Reflect on the ingenuity, mystery, and heritage of these incredible societies. Watch, like, and share if you enjoy this journey through history! #ancientcivilizations #pyramids #antikytheramechanism #terracottaarmy #easterisland #atlantis #olmec #head via Top Viral https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClbTtzALtMT8AsToyJnTRGA August 29, 2024 at 11:00AM
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cocainaenvenenada · 26 days
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Nazca Valley.
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travelbookingnow · 5 months
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Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Peruvian culture and history with Travelbookingnow's Colours of Peru tour.
From the bustling streets of Lima to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu, this comprehensive 8-day journey showcases the country's most iconic sights and hidden gems. Marvel at the mysterious Nazca Lines, cruise through the Ballestas Islands, and explore the colorful markets of Cusco. Venture into the Sacred Valley and discover the Rainbow Mountain, a natural wonder that will leave you in awe.
With expert local guides and carefully curated experiences, Travelbookingnow ensures an unforgettable adventure that captures the true essence of Peru's colorful spirit.
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