nalu-gifs · 10 days
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...He's gone."
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iamsho · 4 years
btw i'll be updating later, so stay tuned ig😗
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rainteaanddragons · 7 years
headcanons for natsu?
Thank youuu! Love me some of my sunshine Natsu !! I apologise in advance if these get a little shippy, but I’ll try not to let them :)
What they smell like:
Though I’d love to think that he would constantly smell like a campfire, but I think he steals and wears Gray’s deodorant when he remembers…or can actually find it aha - otherwise it’s all ash and smoke!
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc):
Starfish. Honestly, can’t see him sleeping any other way. This makes things problematic once he starts dating and sharing a bed with Gray…Gray likes to spoon occasionally (it is one of the only ways Natsu won’t starfish and push him out of bed) 
What music they enjoy:
I like the idea that Natsu listens to a lot of classic rock, but he’ll listen to anything if he’s in the right mood. Apart from country that is…
How much time they spend getting ready every morning:
He wears variations the same thing nearly every day! So very little…literally, he just rinses his hair and towel dries it, washes his face (when he remembers), then brushes his teeth
Their favorite thing to collect:
Anything dragon! I headcanon that Gray made him an ice dragon pretty soon after they started dating (one which doesn’t melt), and then after that it became a thing that people just bought him little dragons and that Natsu would buy them too
Left or right-handed:
Ambidextrous, but he uses his left hand for writing, and his right as his lead for fighting
Religion (if any):
Nahh, I can’t see Natsu as the religious type…
Favorite sport:
I can imagine Natsu getting really into hockey (if that was a thing in Magnolia…)
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc):
FOOD!! But also he loves finding the highest point in a town and just sitting and looking, especially if Gray is with him. He will sit and just take in the view for ages with Gray there.
Favorite kind of weather:
Hot, sunny days, he loves spring best
A weird/obscure fear they have:
Gray played a trick on him once pretending to be a ghost using one of their bed sheets. Natsu isn’t afraid of ghosts though, he’s afraid of sentient bed sheets. Fuck you Gray…
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail:
I feel like Natsu wouldn’t have the patience for arcade games…but the number of carnivals he’s been kicked out of because of trying to compete the with the fire-breathing guy during his act is something Gray wouldn’t like to count.
Send me a character and I’ll do the thing :) 
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(The Shin Reborn) so since they're both fighters. From Natsu or Erza, who tops in the bedroom? 😏
Here you go! Sorry it took so long!
"Well, we usually deci-" Erza gave Natsu exactly zero chance to finish his sentence before she took action. Natsu let out a startled "Iep!" as she grabbed him by his scarf and yanked him backwards. Actually… she more accurately threw him backwards.
Natsu landed on his back on the bed in their house. "Erza what the heck w- oof!" Natsu felt the breath get pushed out of him as a weight sat on his stomach. He looked up and saw Erza, now requiped into her casual white blouse and skirt, was sitting on his stomach. She was leaning back just a little bit and had her chest pushed out. Her eyes met Natsu's, and very quickly took on a half lidded look. Erza started to lean forward and speak in a low, husky whisper. "Natsuuuuu~."
The dragon slayer knew he was trapped, but that didn't stop him from trying to back up as his girlfriend's face got ever closer to his. "Y-yeah?"
Erza's forehead rested against Natsu's, her eyes still locked with his. She scooted her butt back from his stomach down towards his lap, lightly sitting back and forth against it. "You weren't going to reveal what we do in the privacy of our own bedroom were you?"
Erza let out a hummed chuckle, "Hmhmhm good boy Natsu~. Besides," As she said this Erza reached up one of her hands and tilted Natsu's head down a bit. Natsu then realized her blouse had a few of the top buttons undone as he could now see right down her opened top and at her wonderful cleavage. At this point she started to feel something big and familiar poking back against her rear. "As long as you know who's usually in charge, that's all that matters right?"
"Y-yeabadah..." Natsu wasn't sure what his response was, but it was a response.
Erza smiled and let him keep staring down at her chest. While he did, she gently ran her hand through his pink hair. "That's my good fire dragon~."
Erza knew that there were times when Natsu could absolutely dominate her in bed and that she loved it when he did, but eight times out of ten, she was the one on top and in charge of riding her cute dragon boyfriend~.
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pearlsephoni · 3 years
The Trial of Shoyo Hinata’s Rising Heartrate: The Sentencing
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing: Kagehina (Kageyama/Hinata)
Characters: Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, brief appearances from Natsu Hinata and Mama Hinata
Word Count: 1,916
Summary: The leap from teammate and friend to something more is a little harder than Shoyo anticipated. But it is a leap that takes two people, a leap he’s taking with his best ally. 
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
Getting home ended up being the exact distraction Shoyo needed. He couldn’t dwell over the dual thrill of Kageyama returning his feelings and embarrassment of their first kisses, not when Natsu was leaping into his arms the moment he stepped inside. 
Shoyo’s bag fell from his hands with an unceremonious thump as he scrambled to catch Natsu and keep his balance. Past her bright hair, he could see their mom laughing and setting off a party popper. “Congratulations, Shoyo! We just saw the news!” 
“Thank you!” He tried to set Natsu on the floor, but when he loosened his arms from around her, she just clung on tighter, until he had no choice but to support her weight and save his shirt from being tugged out of shape. “Natchan, I’m tired.” The only answer he got was a cackle from his shoulder. “Natsuuuuu.” 
“Alright, come here, monkey girl,” their mom sighed with a smile, untangling Natsu from around Shoyo’s body before dropping a kiss to his head. “And you, little giant, need to eat some food and get some rest. C’mon, I made your favorite.” 
Dinner was split between the time it took for Shoyo to inhale his food, and the time it took for his mom and Natsu to finish eating at a normal pace while he told them about the match. He could tell his mom still couldn’t quite follow his description of everything that happened, but even so, the pride that shone from her face was enough to make him want to share every detail he could recall. 
He’d almost forgotten about the confession by the time he went to bed. Almost, but not quite. As he laid there under the blankets, staring up at the pale swathe of his ceiling, he suddenly could feel the echoes of Kageyama’s hands on his cheeks and their lips fitting together. He liked kissing Kageyama, really liked it, but he also knew it could be better. A lot better.
Shoyo Hinata was never one to half-ass anything, and he definitely wasn’t going to start with kissing. As soon as he heard his mother’s footsteps retreat to her room, he rolled out of bed and dug out the old laptop she’d given him when she’d gotten a new one for herself. 
It was a treacherous journey, the things he tried to research. He watched compilations of random movie scenes. He read corny articles with suspect advice. He scrolled through forum posts from people experiencing the same panic. He even flinched at some mildly grotesque diagrams. When he finally passed out that night, it was with his face pressed into his pillow in the age-old method of practicing.
In the morning, he woke up with pillow lines pressed across his face that he barely noticed. He was vibrating with the same cocktail of nerves and anticipation he’d felt the night before, and he was so lost in his anxiety that he missed the worried frowns his mom kept shooting at him all morning. Breakfast barely had any flavor for him - he just wanted to get out of the house and work off some of his nervous energy before morning practice. 
By the time he was locking his bike at the school, the edge of his nerves had worn off, but he was still eager to do some solo drills before anyone else showed up. So when he made his way to the school yard and was greeted by the sound of someone bouncing a volleyball off the side of the gym, he couldn’t help groaning, “Aw, man,” before he registered who was there. 
Kageyama’s head jerked around at Shoyo’s outburst, and the volleyball slipped past his fingers to knock into the side of his head. “...Ow.” 
“Shoot!” Shoyo hurried over to where Kageyama stood rubbing his head, his hands grasping the sides of his head to look at the potential injury. “You ok?” 
“It was just a bump, let go of me, dumbass,” Kageyama grumbled, jerking his head out of Shoyo’s hands. A flush was already rising to his cheeks, and as he picked up the ball and dusted it off, Shoyo noticed Kageyama was looking everywhere but him. The setter was…nervous, even though it didn’t show in his gruff words. It made sense for him to be nervous, Shoyo was nervous, too, but seeing that mirrored in Kageyama made him want to avoid talking about the reason. 
“Why’re you here so early?” he asked instead, trailing behind Kageyama as he tucked his volleyball away. 
“I…wanted to talk to you. Before the others got here.” 
“Oh.” So much for avoiding it. “Right. I, uh…I’m really sorry.” 
Kageyama’s brows furrowed. Not quite the response Shoyo was hoping for. “Sorry? For what?” 
“For running away last night. That was stupid of me. I just…felt really happy that you liked me back, but really embarrassed by the kisses, and feeling happy and embarrassed made me feel confused, so I just…ran. And I’m sorry. Again. If…” Shoyo’s hands tightened around the strap of his bag, and his eyes screwed shut as he forced the next words out. “If…if you don’t like me anymore, then—” 
His eyes sprang open to meet Kageyama’s, and found him staring at him like he’d grown two heads. Really not the response Shoyo was hoping for. “Everything was so awkward, I thought maybe you could’ve…changed your mind or something.” 
“Because of an awkward kiss?” 
“I mean…technically it was two awkward kisses…” He’d liked the second one, but that detail didn’t feel relevant just then. 
“You thought I’d stop liking you because of an awkward kiss and you running away? After all the stupid shit you’ve done, you thought that would make me stop liking you?” 
“I just— wait. What’s that supposed to mean?” It was a little incredible, how easily one taunt from Kageyama could clear his head. Just like that, his nervousness was burned away by his new indignation. 
“You’ve done way more embarrassing shit than that! If last night was all it took, I never would’ve liked you in the first place!” 
“Screw you! You think I wanted to like a big jerk like you?” 
“That’s not what I meant, dumbass, just listen to me!” Everything in Shoyo burned to keep going, but the sight of Kageyama’s hands fidgeting in and out of fists kept his mouth shut. Kageyama didn’t fidget, not unless he was feeling really frazzled. “Last night was weird, and embarrassing, but you’re always weird and embarrassing. But you’re also really hardworking, and you care about volleyball as much as I do, and you’re really good at making friends, so good that it’s annoying. And I didn’t know why that annoyed me, until I realized that…it’s cuz I want you to spend all your time with me. And maybe that’s weird, and I know you can’t really do that, but…that’s how I feel. And that’s how I found out I like you. So.” 
Every word Kageyama said was like water being poured onto the fire of Shoyo’s indignation, until he was left staring wide-eyed at his confession. For the first time in a while, he couldn’t think of anything to say in response. How could he? He’d never heard so many nice things from Kageyama before, and he felt like he had soda bubbles fizzing through his body that could make him float away. 
Words failed him, leaving him silent as he shrugged his bag off and left it on the ground next to Kageyama’s. He could feel Kageyama’s anxious eyes on him, urging him to say something, but he could only take his hand and quietly lead him around the corner of the gym building to where they wouldn’t be seen by anyone else coming to school. 
“What’re you doing?” Kageyama finally burst out when Shoyo nudged him against the wall. “Why aren’t you saying anything?” 
“Because I want to do this.” In an echo of the night before, Shoyo took Kageyama’s face in his hands and brought him down to press their lips together. 
This time was different. Maybe Kageyama had agonized over their first kiss as much as Shoyo had, because when their lips met, and when Shoyo moved to press another kiss to his bottom lip, Kageyama moved with him, lips parting to let a silent sigh brush against his skin. The feeling made something in Shoyo’s chest jolt, and the only thing he could think of was to get more. He pushed forward, let his tongue brush against the seam of Kageyama’s lips, tentatively dipping in when those lips parted on a gasp. 
It was too much, and not enough. All of Shoyo’s research abandoned him, until he was only acting on instinct. But instinct was good. Instinct was working. Instinct was making him continue kissing Kageyama like his life depended on it, basking in the slick slide of their lips and the brush of his tongue and the warmth of his mouth, distantly aware of the hands smoothing up his back to grip at his shirt between his shoulder blades. Someone was gasping, someone was sucking in air through his nose, Shoyo couldn’t tell who, and he didn’t care. He just didn’t want to stop. 
Then someone moaned, and suddenly Kageyama was jerking away, hands moving to hold Shoyo back when he instinctively chased his lips. “We’re at school, dumbass, you gotta be quiet.” 
Oh. Was that him? Shoyo’s cheeks were already flushed from the kisses, but that realization made his face feel like it could catch on fire. “Oh. Sorry.” 
“It’s…” Kageyama’s brows furrowed as he tried to find the right word, only to wave it away with a frown. But that just left them staring at each other in silence, taking in each other’s red cheeks and shiny lips and drowsy eyes. 
Kageyama was…he was really, really handsome, and Shoyo really, really liked him, liked being around him and playing volleyball with him and kissing him. He really liked kissing him, so much that he might’ve picked continuing to kiss him over going to morning practice. But he would never admit that out loud, so he just settled for, “I really liked that.” 
Kageyama’s flush deepened. “Me, too.” 
“I really like you, Kageyama.” 
Kageyama’s eyes slid away from his, and his flush somehow got even deeper. “I…I like you, too.” 
The words echoed in Shoyo’s head as a smile grew wide across his face, until he couldn’t resist stealing another peck. “You didn’t change your mind?” he teased. It was already thrilling to have his feelings returned, but he was realizing that it also meant it was even easier to fluster Kageyama. 
“Would you shut up about that?” Kageyama snapped, though his words didn’t have any of his usual heat behind them. “No, I didn’t change my mind. The only way I would change my mind is if you stopped liking me, or…or if you keep missing my sets or something.” 
He looked so serious as he spoke, as though he had really put some thought into the hypothetical, and that just made fondness swell in Shoyo’s chest. “Guess you’re stuck with me, then.” 
Kageyama’s eyes widened, before a grin pulled at his lips. “Good.” 
As Kageyama leaned forward to press their lips together again, Shoyo had to agree: it was good. What they had was good. And what they were going to have from then on was going to be even better. He couldn’t wait to experience it all.
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asmo-ds · 2 years
"Are you out there, Igneel? Dad?" HE'S CRUSHING MY HEART NATSUUUUU 🥺
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karasimpno · 3 years
I finally worked out for the first time in over 6 months
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ahhh yay!!! I'm going to the gym today even though I don't want to
"I have a gun for a head" "I don't need to explain shit" yeah pretty much
furudate did NOT have to go that hard on the lines for kuroo's arms but he did. he did that for us
natsuuuuu bby
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akkipu · 4 years
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natsuuuuu!!!!¡¡!!¡!¡!!!!!! miwaaaaa!!¡¡!!!!!¡!!!¡!!!
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nalu-gifs · 2 years
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acidrain1698 · 3 years
Lucy: Natsuuuuu! Gray's hogging the game!
Natsu: who cares, it's just a stupid game.
Lucy: oh, you're only saying that because you suck at it.
Natsu: I don't suck, it sucks! You suck!
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macariawolf-owo · 7 years
Fairy tail 538 😢😢😢😢😢
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ellayuki · 5 years
Fairy Tail  /  Lucy POV  /  NaLu
She doesn't think about it.
She doesn't even know if what she thought she heard was real or not.
Nor does she care. She's either right, or she's dead. Hell, he's probably dead either way, with the way that creep is closing in on her.
She looks behind herself, at the empty space outside the door. Then she looks back at her enemy in front.
She takes a deep breath.
Sends out a quick prayer.
And lets herself fall.
She can't doubt it. She knows she heard that voice calling her name.
She just has to trust he'll catch her before she hits the ground.
(He will, she knows he will. There is something that doesn't leave room for any doubt in her heart where he is concerned.)
"Natsuuuuu!!!" His name leaves her tongue in one long, loud breath. 
(He'll catch her. He'll be there. He won't let her die like this.)
Wind rushes past her at awful speeds as she plummets. It's terrifying, the sound it makes as it passes by her ears.
And just as she thinks it's too late, that she's done for, that he won't-
Something- Someone slams into her, arms wrapping around her torso awkwardly, protectively, and together they roll away and come to a safe (if still a bit painful) stop.
She looks up. 
He's there.
The tears that well up in her eyes are from intense relief as well, not just ravaging guilt.
She takes a deep breath.
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phoneboxfairy · 4 years
Education - natsu x lucy x cana smut
(Changed my mind. Now back to my sweet fluff.)  Ao3 link -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/24956659
Every once in a while a girl just needs a relaxing night with her best friend. So one night Lucy invited Cana over for a sleepover. Drinking, gossiping, and enjoying a night free from work or obligation were all part of the plan. Then Cana asked Lucy a question that threw everything off kilter. "You're a virgin, right?" Instant blush. This wasn't just flushed cheeks from alcohol. "Y...yeah. I mean, not that it's a big deal or anything. I'd rather focus on writing than sex, anyway." Unless the sex involved a certain someone...but no way was she about to admit that. "Fair enough." She took a drink. "You do know how to masturbate, right?" "Duh. I'm single, not dead." Lucy knew she sounded a lot calmer than she felt. "I've, umm, never used a toy before though." "Never? Girl, you're missing out!" "Really? They're that good?" "Hell yes. The right vibe can be almost as good as a man." A naughty image flashed through her brain, hot enough to make her squirm. Lucy was by all accounts a good girl...but good girls had needs too. And right now Lucy was all too aware of her needs. "I wouldn't mind trying one. You know, eventually." "Why not tonight?" "To...tonight?!" "Yeah, why not?" Cana pulled a small box from her purse and handed it to Lucy. "Think of this as thanks for helping me through the S Class trials." "But...you're here and..." gulp. "So? We're both girls. There's nothing wrong with one friend teaching another about real self care. Besides, not like we haven't seen each other naked before." Lucy was sober enough to see the wisdom in Cana's words. She was also drunk enough to actually want to do it. "Okay. Let's do this." "Good girl. Open the box." Lucy did what she was told. She pulled out the toy and examined it, noted how soft it felt against her skin, imagined it deep inside her... She squirmed. Cana noticed, grinned. "Now get undressed." "Okay." Gods, how her heart was racing! She was feeling a little shy about the whole thing, but honestly arousal and anticipation were drowning that out. She took her pajama top off, noticing how perky her nipples were. She reached to tweak the aching buds, shuddered. Then she slipped her bottoms off, feeling the familiar tingle between her legs. She stroked herself, experiencing her warm wetness firsthand. "Lay back and relax. Think about something that makes you feel horny. Maybe there's someone you feel a certain way about." "There, um, there is." "Good. Think about this special person, imagine they're with you right now. Turn the toy on and rub it against your skin." Lucy obeyed, and trembled as she felt the toy buzzing over her breasts, tummy, navel... It felt so good, and she was barely getting started. She traced it over her outer lips. Exhaled. "Natsu..." "Oh ho!" Cana's voice brought Lucy back to Earthland. "I guess the rumors were true!" "Ru..rumors?" Shit. Her little secret was out. Not that it matters, not like he'd ever see me like that...right? "Yeah, rumors. Everyone in the guild thinks you're into each other. You're always together and you can practically cut the sexual tension every time Natsu looks at you. You guys should hook up." The thought alone was enough to get Lucy worked back up again. Just imagining him pinning her down, fucking her hard on her own bed... she spread her lips, angling her hips and feeling cool air against hot wet pussy. "I can see you're not opposed to the idea, Lu." Lucy shook her head, biting her lip. "No..." "Then think about Natsu right now, fucking you exactly how you've always dreamed. Let your imagination run wild." Lucy nodded. She started fantasizing, picturing her would be lover eating her out, lapping up her horny juices. The fantasy shifted as she slipped the vibe into her pussy. Natsu on top of her, filling her, satisfying her every desire. She wanted him. No, needed him, needed him so much more than she would have admitted. Before tonight, anyway. So she moved faster, pumping the toy in and out, enthralled by so much sensation. At one point Cana reached over and massaged her breasts. Still her mind remained focused on her naughty little fantasy, on the delicious idea of fucking her best friend. "Natsu...oh Natsuuuuu~!" She cried out as her orgasm hit, white light tinging her vision. "...Lucy?" A new voice, one she never expected.
 Shit shit shit...of all the times for him to sneak into my house... She blushed, covered herself with a blanket. Tried her best to be cool and calm about the whole thing. 
"Oh, uh, hi, Natsu."He stared at her, this intense gleam in his eyes.
"What's going on, Lucy? I heard you screaming my name..." Sniff, sniff. "And you smell incredible." 
"Um, nothing. We were just having a little slumber party, that's all." 
"Slumber party, huh..." 
"Yeah." Cana chimed in. "Lucy was telling me how she has a big crush on you, and I told her she should act on it."
 "Act on it..." He turned his full attention to Lucy, eyes still intense. "Is it true?"
Oh crap, no point hiding it now. 
"It is. Although I think crush might be an understatement." She let the blanket fall. Natsu watched, eyes darkened, this devilish smile on his face. She bit her lip. 
Meanwhile Cana stood up, moved away from the bed.
 "I better go. I don't want to interrupt private time."
"Nah. You can stay. You're part of why I'm about to fuck the woman of my dreams. The least I can do is let ya stay and watch." 
The brunette had no objections. 
"Woman of your dreams, huh?" Lucy couldn't help blushing as she watched him get undressed. Vest and scarf off, pants unzipped. He leaned over her, ever the fierce dragon slayer. 
"Yeah. And I'm about to make those dreams reality."
He shucked his pants off, claiming her with a kiss and a deep thrust. Lucy melted. She curled her legs around him and splayed her hands across his chest, the same magnificent body she had imagined over her so many times.
Reality was definitely better than her imagination. He was a bit wild and unruly, but no mistake. He knew how to use his hands, groping and massaging her boobs and stroking her swollen little clit even as he thrust faster, changing his pace as she begged for more. 
"Don't stop, Natsu. Please."
"I ain't about to stop, Luce. I want to go all night with ya." All night...such an appealing idea. Feeling his massive cock inside her, imagining him riding her all night, was a dream come true. She bucked her hips against his, well aware that she was drenching him with her juices. 
The knowledge made her even hornier.
 Truth be told she didn't want to be able to walk in the morning. Her heart fluttered at the idea and she clenched around him. 
"Nat...Natsu...I, I think I'm gonna..."
"Good..." his voice was no more than a growl. "Do it. Come for me." Somehow he managed to go even faster, hitting all the right spots so deliciously deep inside her. She let out a mewling sound that evolved into a moan as she trembled from her second orgasm of the night.
It didn't take long for Natsu to follow suit. He scraped his fangs against her neck, growled, buried himself inside her, and roared her name in the height of fiery passion.Afterglow. They lay tangled together, sharing gentle kisses and whispering sweet murmurs of affection. 
Eventually, reluctantly, he pulled out, leaving her feeling a bit...empty. 
She pouted. 
"Hell yeah. Just give me a few minutes, alright?" He blushed, gesturing in the direction of her bathroom.
"Oh...sorry. Go ahead."
 Once Natsu left the room Cana finally spoke up.
"Better than your little fantasies?" 
"Oh my God yes. He's...wow..." The happy sigh of a woman whose every dream was being fulfilled and exceeded. "Thanks, by the way." 
"Glad to help, especially when I get to watch. You two are really fucking hot together, ya know?" 
"I definitely know." Just thinking about what had happened was enough to get Lucy worked up again. A naughty idea popped into her mind, one that only amplified her arousal. "You can do more than just watch if you want..." 
"Whoa, you're serious?" 
"Yeah. You keep a toy in your bag, right?"
 "Duh. Perfect for long solo missions." Excitement was clear in Cana's eyes, the same excitement Lucy was starting to feel. 
"Good. Bring it over here and sit down." She pointed at the space next to her, where her friend quickly sat. "Get undressed. Hurry. I want to surprise Natsu when he gets back."
"He'll be surprised, all right." Knowing smirk as she stripped then repositioned herself on the bed. "Lu, you should know that guys love girl on girl action. It drives them wild." 
"Really? Huh. This'll be a treat for all three of us, then." Naughty giggle. Lucy got on her hands and knees. She took the toy, turned it on, buzzed it over Cana's body. 
Right as Natsu came back Lucy rubbed the toy over her friend's clit. Cana let out a moan that would make a porn star proud. 
"Damn. What's going on here?" That devilish smile from earlier had returned. Lucy knew Natsu liked what he was seeing. 
"Spicing things up a bit. I figured our dear Cana deserved a little reward for bringing us together." 
"Works for me. Especially if you're staying in this position." He grinned as he grabbed her ass.
"You bet." She shifted her legs to make herself more open, more accessible to the delicious fucking she anticipated. "Get over here. Your girlfriend and her best friend are ready to play." 
"Yeah. Hurry up already." 
"Yes ma'am." He climbed up behind Lucy and rubbed against her ass, brushing against her greedy little pussy. He pushed deep into her and she mewled, forgetting everything except how incredible it felt. 
"Hey, don't forget about me..." Cana's voice brought Lucy back to reality. 
"Oops, sorry. Don't want you to feel left out. Mnnnnh..Damn, Natsu..." Somehow Lucy managed to arch her back and take even more of him even as she slipped the vibe into Cana's wet folds. 
“Turn it up, Lu.” 
“Alright...is this enough?” 
“Nnnn yeah that’s perrrrfect…” Cana was squirming in ecstasy, tweaking her tits and arching her back with each motion. Lucy, despite her inexperience, knew her friend was pretty worked up. By her reactions and increasingly loud vocalizations, she couldn’t last much longer.
So Lucy decided to have a little fun. She thrust the toy in and out. At the same time she leaned closer, flicked her tongue over the tender bud of her clit. 
That did it.
Cana’s orgasm was almost immediate. As tremors of passion rocked her body she let out a moan that eventually became a quite content sigh.
“Holy shit...I’m out. Thanks, Lu.” Cana slowly got re-dressed and relocated back to the chair, spare blanket and a flask of booze in hand and a smug smile on her face. 
That’s when Lucy felt a warm, quite welcome hand stroke her shoulder. 
“I’m still here, babygirl.”
 “You definitely are, and I wanna see you.” 
“See me, huh?” 
“Mhm. I think I’ll be more into it if we’re, you know, eye to eye. Like earlier.” 
“Oh!” Comprehension lit up his face. He pulled out, gave her a moment to lay on her back and get comfortable. He leaned over her, touching his forehead to hers, cupping her cheek in his hand. “Ready?” 
“Yeah. Go on, Natsu.” A deep kiss as they became one and made love anew. He went slow at first, deliberately increasing speed and driving her absolutely wild. More kissing and caressing, punctuated by Lucy vocalizing and begging for more. She was too far gone, too far in love, to care about much else besides him. 
I love him… Her last thought as she came, whispering his name over and over again. 
“Lucy...Lucy-baby… “ 
“Go on, Natsu…” Well aware that she was mirroring her own words from earlier. “Come for me.” As she spoke she traced delicate lines across his skin with her fingers. He shuddered, then nodded. One last thrust, spilling his seed into her as he gasped her name then crashed into her arms. 
Sweet silence followed, accented with Natsu’s ragged breaths, Lucy’s content sighs...and Cana snoring in the corner. 
Eventually Lucy spoke up.
“...I love you.” 
“Never thought I’d hear ya say that. But then, I never thought we’d get this far.” He chuckled, nuzzled her cheek with his own. “Love ya too, Luce. Glad we finally figured it out.” 
“Me too.” Soft sweet kiss. “Let’s get washed up.” 
That was that. Lucy led Natsu to her bathroom. They shared a bath, relaxing in the warm water. Eventually they dried off, dressed, and cuddled together in bed before dozing off in the welcome comfort of one another’s arms. 
The night hadn’t gone as planned. Somehow a relaxing sleepover with a friend had turned into a firsthand sexual education primer, and somehow long-hidden feelings had finally been revealed. It had been unexpected, even a little bit weird at times. But that one night had allowed Lucy’s relationship with Natsu to blossom from friendship to love.
And I wouldn’t trade that for all the magic in Fiore…
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Lucy: *a bit tipsy* Natsuuuuu
Natsu: Oh god no.
Lucy: Do you like me or Anna more?
Lucy: YOU HEARD ME FLAME BOY! You like me, or my great great, great grandmother more?!
Natsu: Where is this coming from???
Lucy: You like her smell, you had a crush on her!
Natsu: I was a child!
Lucy: That is not an answer *sniff* so what is it?
Natsu: Are you...crying?
Lucy: Noooo *sniff* yessss.
Natsu: Ok ok ok ok it's clearly you ok, please don't cry.
Lucy: *instantly stops crying* Yay! Now let me pet you.
Natsu: Did you just crocodile tear me so you could pet *gets tackled* meUGH!
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secretatalanta · 5 years
Natsu, after blowing up another village :
Natsu : okay boomer
The Guild :
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