#Nathaniel Thompson
chaotic-starlight24 · 5 months
Chapter 5~Appalachian 8
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Word count: 3.3k words
Summary: The gang joins to bond and create and observation house
TW: Buck being an absolute butt
Note: Check out other chapters at @wise-wolfie!
Buck arrived by horse at the library. If Natalia was there she probably would have made a sarcastic comment on him “ridin in style”. But only Emmy-Lou and Lillian were there. Nathaniel and Nash had track & field. Natalia had cross-country. Zoie had a softball game. And Charlie had soccer. Emmy was relieved that Lillian was there at least. 
“Alright, the objective today is to get the observation house up.” Emmy-Lou decided.
Her and her dad had built up a platform on the edge of the forest, just enough to be safe. Still, no one should be there at night. The basic frame was also built but the rest would have to be done by the group.
Buck shielded his eyes from the sun glittering through the trees, “Only wanted me here to be the muscles, huh?”
“N-no! I-I mean we! We wanted you to be here! Ha ha!” Emmy stuttered out.
Lillian raised her eyebrows with a smirk, “I’m gonna grab some tools!”
Emmy-Lou tried to stop her but she escaped her grasp and jogged to the house.
“What? Nervous to be here with me?”
Emmy decided to channel some of Natalia’s sarcasm, or try to at least, “Nah, you should be nervous to be here with me!”
Buck gave her a strange look, but shrugged and started pulling wood up to the platform.
“Uh…Do you need railing too?” Buck inquired, looking hesitantly over the edge of the rickety platform.
Emmy stroked her chin, “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
“I’ve got a hammer, screwdriver, nails, and a wrench!” 
Emmy, Buck, and Lilly looked over the strange assortment of tools. Where would they even start? 
“You know, I’m pretty sure Nathan is pretty good with tools.” Emmy commented.
Buck sighed, “Well, he’s not here right now.”
“And Nash is ok with a hammer, I think.”
“Once again, not present.”
“And Zoie-”
They really had no idea what to do. But Buck grabbed a saw nearby and started measuring wood. He could do that at least. Lilly grabbed the screwdriver to start putting the rail together. And Emmy went to grab more useful tools.
“I guess we can make do with this.” Buck decided.
It turns out, no, they couldn’t make do with that. The railing was a bit wonky looking and the wood was crooked. Yet they had only been working for an hour or so. But thunder was rumbling through the mountain, and rain had begun to drizzle. It turned into a pour and they decided to move to Emmy’s dad’s workshop. It was really an old garage that even as a workshop barely was used. 
Buck rested his head on his hands, “If your friends can’t come today, we aren’t going to get anything done today!”
Right then, Nathaniel showed up soaked to the bone with Nash and Charlie behind him.
“Hey guys, stuff got rained out.” Charlie noted.
“You guys are gonna get sick! I’ll make hot chocolate.” Emmy warned, stoking up the wood stove.
Nathaniel tried to shake his hair, making little droplets shower the floor and walls. At that moment, Natalia and Zoie walked through the door.
“Dude! I didn’t ask to be rinsed off!” Natalia complained.
“You were already wet!”
Zoie grabbed a nearby towel and dried off her legs and arms, “Well, what have y’all been up to?”
“Trying to work on the treehouse, but it didn’t quite work…” Emmy admitted.
Nathaniel crouched down and observed the railing pieces. Then tsked. 
“You didn’t even cut these straight! What were you doing? Cutting it with wavy scissors?!”
Buck grinned sheepishly, “I didn’t have the right equipment.”
Nathaniel gestured to the array of tools on the wall and sighed. Then got to work measuring the boards. Emmy backed away as Nathaniel focused onto the (badly drawn) blueprints. He would probably figure it out. Natalia and Zoie were in a discussion over the notes journal with Charlie butting in occasionally. So she joined them.
“Emmy, shouldn’t we start focusing on specific creatures or something?” Charlie pointed out.
Emmy looked over the map that Natalia had scrounged up. There were pins and strings connecting pictures of different creatures.
“Yeah, good idea Charlie.”
“I think we should focus on mothman.” Natalia continued.
“But the grafton monster might have more to uncover!” Zoie persisted.
“Alright, alright! How about we look at the evidence for both and then we decide as a team?”
“Fine.” Natalia grumbled, crossing her arms. 
Lillian joined the table with the hot chocolate Emmy had forgotten about and looked over everything.
“I’m not so sure about this, guys.” she voiced, “It looks…unsafe?”
“Like you didn’t know that before?!” Emmy retorted.
Natalia rolled her eyes and jumped as her gaze drifted to Nathaniel and Buck, “Uhhhh, that’s a LOT of wood. Where did you even get all of it?!”
Buck was laying in the middle of the ground with wood scattered around him. Nathaniel was still sitting at the work table, cutting away busily.
“He’s pretty focused! I honestly don’t know how he multiplied all the wood.” Buck remarked.
“Uh, Nathan?” Natalia asked hesitantly, “You good?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, yeah I’m fine.” Nathaniel startled, not taking his eyes off his board.
Natalia looked back at Emmy and shrugged.
Nash came up and tapped him on the shoulder, “Whatcha working on?”
“Oh, I’m making a sandbox.”
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah! I got done with the boards for the treehouse and wanted to build something else. A sandbox would probably be of use for someone!”
Buck got up and stretched out his arms. It must have been a lot of work sitting on the floor.
Natalia slowly pulled Nathaniel away from the table, “How about we take a break from…that.”
Nathaniel glared at her but slowly took off his protective glasses. Then joined them all at the table.
“Ok, shall we take a vote?” Emmy suggested, “Raise your hand for the Grafton monster.”
Zoie, Charlie, and Nathaniel raised their hands.
Natalia, Buck and Nash raised theirs.
“Well Ems, you’re the tiebreaker.”
Emmy looked at both parties and observed the photos. Mothman is kind of powerful and if we find him he could fly away with someone… But the Grafton monster is rarer…
“How about we flip a coin?” Emmy smiled nervously.
Natalia raised an eyebrow and Zoie sighed. But Buck pulled out a quarter.
“Ok, heads for Mothman, tails for Grafton.” Emmy decided.
The coin was thrown and flipped for what seemed like an endless amount of time. Then once it landed, it began to roll out the door.
“Are you kidding me?!” Nash groaned, then he chased after it.
He picked it up with a sigh and suddenly screamed. In the forest, a cloud of moths had formed. They were making a hideous screeching noise. Nash fell back into the garage and Buck hurriedly pressed the door button. Charlie rushed to lock the doors as Natalia grabbed a rifle off the wall. The cloud got closer and closer as it began to form a humanoid creature. Finally the garage closed. 
“I don’t think it can leave the forest boundaries…” Zoie squeaked. 
But then the creature started moving closer to them, flapping its wings and caterwauling. Natalia opened a window and aimed at it. Then she aimed at the ground with the rifle and shot. The loud bang scared the creature as it flew up and back into the forest. Nathaniel was still laughing at Nash until he realized how badly Nash was hyperventilating. Then him and Charlie went to check on him.
“Well, I’m not sure we can handle mothman.” Emmy said, eyes wide open. “But he’s our main opposition.”
Natalia silently nodded and placed the rifle down. Zoie quickly kneeled down beside Nash as he was still breathing hard. 
“He’s gonna make himself unconscious if we can’t calm him down.” she concluded, “Do you guys know any way to make him relax?”
“Well if it’s a panic attack, if someone brings him down to earth he should stop.” Natalia suggested.
Charlie and Nathaniel started to try and tell him he was ok and comfort him which seemed to be working.
“Nash, it’ll be okay, just breathe,” Emmy said, grabbing some water for him. 
“Ems, I don’t think he’s going to want to go back into the forest…” Lilly predicted. 
“Yeah, I’m not sure how well our group in general can handle the creatures,” Natalia remarked, “unless we can get our game together. We need to learn to stay calm. I can’t be the only one with my head on tight in situations like this.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Buck appeared from the back of the workshop, “Well, that was a doozy!”
Emmy sighed, what was she going to do?
The gang had started work on the treehouse walls with Nash and Lillian staying in the workshop. They sat to keep watch and just so Nash wouldn’t be completely alone. After a couple days break, they were ready to be productive. That was if Natalia, Nathaniel, and Zoie weren’t trying to have a speed walk competition. But they needed the fun, so Emmy didn’t yell at them. Buck was putting the roof together and trying not to fall. He had been a helpful member to the team. It’s a good thing Lilly invited him.
“SEE! You have got to admit I won!” Natalia insisted with her arms crossed.
“Sure you did,” Nathaniel rolled his eyes, “I’ve got longer legs than you. I’m also a track runner so I’m definitely faster!”
Zoie was leaning against the tree with a grin. She was the true winner but watching the two bicker was pretty fun. 
“You know, as the marker for the finish line I could just tell you?” Charlie sighed.
“No! You’ll just lie because you like her better!” Nathaniel argued.
“Ok, ok!” Emmy interrupted, “I think we should get back to work.”
Natalia stuck out her tongue and went back to constructing the ladder. Then Lilli strided up to them.
“Charlie’s sitting with him now.” 
“Is he still a nervous wreck?” Buck cocked an eyebrow.
Natalia gave him a side eye, “Uh, yeah. He just almost got caught by MOTH-MAN!”
“And? Haven’t y’all been almost caught by these creatures before?”
“Well, traumatizing events like that scare even the best of us…” Nathaniel answered, his voice quivering slightly with anger. 
“But it’s been like 2 hours, the dude can stop freaking out.”
“Fall off the bull and get back on amiright?” Buck laughed, until he realized no one else was laughing.
“Just cut it out!” Emmy-Lou butted in, shushing the two with a smack across the forehead.
“Yeah, politely shut up.” Natalia added, “Anyways, Nathaniel, can you come help Zoie and I with the ladder?”
Nathaniel nodded but glared at Buck and followed after her. At that point, Buck was fuming, but he didn’t want to start problems. He looked over to the side to see Emmylou mouthing, Stop.
His eyes rolled, and at that point they were the only two in the room. 
“Look, Buck, I get where you’re coming from, and you two both were in the wrong, but just don’t make him mad next time. He’s real small and gets mad like a little baby gremlin when you irritate him,” Emmy said, trying to lighten the mood. Buck laughed, knowing he towers over that gremlin. (He’s only three inches taller.) 
“You’re right,” Buck said. 
“How about we go work a little more? We can finish the observation house by tomorrow if we get everything right” she replied, fixing her hair. Buck nodded his head and they walked out. 
“Why would he ever say that?!” Nathaniel fumed, “I know Nash overreacted or whatever but he’s pretty new to these-these legends! He was never interested in this stuff! He just joined to be with friends!”
He swung Charlie’s ax into a tree. Natalia inched a bit closer to Zoie.
“Look, my brother may be annoying but at least he can say he has seen mothman and just stared into the face of danger!” Nathaniel tore a hand through his hair, “What can that Buck guy say?! He fell off a bull a couple dozen times?! He is as new as Nash is to this! All of us are!”
“I know, Nathan. But he’s just learning our boundaries. Otherwise I would have fought him myself.” Natalia assured. 
Zoie nodded in agreement, “We’ll get used to him. Maybe we can all gang up on him if he keeps being rude.”
Nathaniel sighed and rested on the ax. 
“Now I don’t think we need more wood…” Natalia proceeded, carefully taking the ax away. 
Nathaniel made a noise of agreement and grabbed the ladder. Zoie then took the back of it and carried it off with him. Natalia pressed a finger to her temples and breathed out. Hopefully this group could stick together. If they couldn’t deal with each other they definitely would not make it in and out of the forest alive.
The next day, there it was, the observation house finished. All they had to do now was furnish it. They had some little sticks nailed to the walls to act as shelves. Preferably for their weapons. They made a little window inside of the house, which Nathaniel had sawed out a medium sized square, and Charlie had stolen some extra fabric from her Mom’s sewing kit to work as a curtain. 
“Fetch your sleeping bags,” Emmylou said, tossing a rolled up sleeping bag into it. 
Everyone grabbed a sleeping bag from the garbage bag filled with an unnecessary amount of items. Charlie, who always seemed to have a sharpie on her, wrote her initials on the bag that carried her sleeping bag. She passed it around. On the bags, it had these initials written. 
B.H  (Buck Holloway)
E.L.H (Emmy-Lou Hendrix)
N.H (Natalia Hart)
L.S (Lillian Starry)
NAT.T. (Nathaniel Thompson)
NAS.T. (Nashville Thompson)
Z.M. (Zoie Morganwood)
C.C. (Charlie Catz) 
“Alrighty! Boys on this side and girls on this side.” Natalia ordered, “A curtain will separate us for the night.”
“What, don’t trust us?” Buck rolled his eyes.
Natalia rolled her eyes even more dramatically to make her point, “What? Volunteering for the guys to sleep on the porch?”
Nathaniel and Nash shook their heads violently and made silent threats at Buck.
“Wait, why are we sleeping out here?” Lilli inquired, already diving into her sleeping bag.
“It’s called an observation house for a reason. We’re making our studies and writing down what we observe,” Emmylou said, throwing down a pile of paper to write notes on. 
“These are for observations we make.” Buck’s eyes went wide and his jaw seemed to drop to the floor. The only thing in his mind was, THAT MUCH PAPER?!?
“None of y’all talk in your sleep do you?” Natalia quipped, braiding her wavy hair neatly, “Or walk? If so, you're getting shoved out either way.”
Buck raised his hand, “Sometimes I recite Shakespeare cause I fell asleep during class when the teacher was reading Hamlet.”
Natalia gave him a disgruntled look and nudged Emmy, “Ems, your new boyfriend or whatever is starting to get real annoying. You best teach him some manners or somethin.”
“He’s NOT my boyfriend,” she replied, nudging her back harder. 
“But I could be,” Buck smirked, eavesdropping on their conversation.
Natalia didn’t find this very funny, but Emmy was trying to pretend that she wasn’t totally freaking out. 
“Well you won’t,” Emmy responded, smacking him. 
Nash cocked his head to the side, “But you-”
“SHUT UP.” Emmy quickly interrupted.
“How about we play a game?” Charlie suggested, “21 questions  to get to know everyone better?”
The group made sounds of agreement, and Zoie claimed first pick.
“Ok, Charlie, let’s start off easy. What is a fun fact about yourself?”
“Uhhhh…Well I’m blue-yellow colorblind?”
“Oh! Do you see the world super differently?”
“Well, I don’t know what the world should be like so…no?” 
Silence followed. Natalia’s eyes were darting around the room. Nash and Lilli were playing rock, paper, scissors, shoot. 
“Are we going to continue?” Nathaniel urged.
Zoie shrugged, “If you ask the question.”
“Ok, uh…” he looked around until his eyes landed on Emmy, “Let’s get this game going at a little higher stakes. Is your crush in this room?”
Emmy went rigid. Everyone in the small room turned their attention to her reddening face.
“That’s a little…far?”
“Don’t you have to answer?”
Several muttered something along the lines of that works and moved on.
Emmy suddenly pointed to Lilli, “What was the weirdest thing you've ever done to grab someone’s attention?”
Lilli took a solid 5 minutes to come up with an answer, “I would have to say the time I crawled through the ceiling to get Leo’s attention. I fell through and it hurt, but now we’re dating so…”
“Y’all, how about we focus on juicy questions.” Natalia interrupted, “To make this more fun. I’ll pick.”
“Buck, who is your biggest celebrity crush?”
Buck blushed hard and glanced at Emmy, “uhhhhhh…Reese Witherspoon…”
Natalia laughed so hard tears came out of her eyes. Zoie and Charlie were also giggling.
“Hey! Blondes are pretty!” he defended.
He looked around for a distraction and gestured in Nathaniel’s direction, “Hey! Who do you think is the most attractive in this room?!”
“Me, obviously.”
Everyone started laughing in response, and the only one who wasn’t was Buck. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but eventually shut it. Nathaniel shrugged it off. 
“My turn I guess, Nash?” he continued.
“Why are you scared of girls?”
“WHAT!” Nash sputtered, “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT????”
“You legit called Zoie a “tall, petrifying woman” whenever our group met up for the first time.”
Zoie gave a fake offended look and gasped. 
Then she gazed into his eyes, “You should be scared. I eat children.”
Nash scooched closer to the back wall. So did Buck.
“Alright y’all, it’s 12:00 so I am going to head to bed.” Natalia announced.
The group paused. 
“Ok?” Buck retorted, “You’re not my mom, the rest of us can stay up and party while you go have a “good night’s rest”. Stop trying to take on the leader role, kay?”
Lilli audibly gasped. Emmy’s mouth hung open. 
“Buck Holloway I swear on your life, pretty boy,” Emmy whispered under her breath, “you shut that nasty ol’ mouth of yours if you want to live.”
“What’d you say? Wanna say it again?” Buck clapped back, looking at her in the eyes as if he was about to slap her. 
“You don’t give me that look, pretty boy.” 
Buck got up and walked right up there ready to slap her, yet Natalia ran up and grabbed his arm. 
Natalia shuddered in a breath of rage, “Stop if you know what’s good for you. I’m trying to protect us. I’m the one here to make sure these people survive. YOU are new! So if you’re gonna mouth off to us and be plain rude you can step out into the forest. I don’t know what Ems ever thought of you but I know what I think of you.”
“And what are you gonna do about it? I’m not scared of that ‘dark and scary’  forest of yours! And I ain't scared of you either! Nothing you can do will scare me.”
Natalia looked him straight in the eyes, and punched him across the face. He reeled back into the wall, holding the side of his face with a look of shock.
“Now DON’T GO SO FAR TO LAY A HAND ON MY FRIENDS! You better fix that attitude of yours or step your butt into the heart of the forest and NEVER come back!” Natalia shouted in his face.
Buck quickly nodded and took a seat in the corner. 
“That is another reason…” Nash whispered.
“Now, I think we should head to bed.” Natalia smiled.
The rest of the group nodded as well, squirming into their sleeping bags. All hoped for a peaceful night of rest.
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avatarskywalker78 · 5 months
Chapter: 1/1
Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Agent Carter (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Jack Thompson (Marvel) and Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Jack Thompson (Marvel), OC: Alex Thompson, OC: Sarah Thompson, OC: Nathaniel Thompson, OC: Sophia Thompson, OC: Christina Thompson, Peggy Carter (mentioned), Daniel Sousa (mentioned), Sharon Carter (mentioned), Maria Hill (mentioned), Nick Fury
Additional Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Angst and Feels, Canon-Typical Violence, Survivor Guilt, Introspection, Family Feels, Grandparents & Grandchildren, Minor Injuries, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Background Relationships, Past Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa, Jack/Sarah - Freeform, Everyone Needs A Hug, Finding out the organisation you worked for is evil is traumatising, As is half your team trying to kill you, Jack and Sarah refuse to let their granddaughter be used as a scapegoat, And make sure Alex gets proper legal representation, Both are very protective parents and grandparents
Series: Part 1 of the thompson archives
SHIELD falls. Alex Thompson - granddaughter of Jack and  Sarah Thompson - deals with the revelation that two of her team were  traitors, as well as the fact that now her whole team is dead. Her  career in SHIELD was a lie, everything her family fought for was for  nothing, and she may or may not be having an existential crisis while  making her way across Europe.
Meanwhile said grandparents are just  worried because she’s gone off the grid and the government isn’t doing  anything to try and differentiate SHIELD agents from HYDRA infiltrators,  so they’ve got work to do to make sure she isn’t arrested the moment  she gets back…and they have to believe she will get back, because  anything else is unthinkable.
Tagging: @shrinkthisviolet @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @starstruckpurpledragon @daughter-of-melpomene
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torturedmuses · 2 years
It was supposed to be something exciting for them. Six months ago, Arden planned to still have Nathaniel by her side, but things changed. A devastating breakup had rocked her world, and Arden had forgotten who she was before him. After failing to get all the money back that they put into their anniversary trip, Arden found herself spending the next week with her ex-boyfriend.
A one bedroom beach house waited for them. Arden tossed her carry-on down in frustration once they arrived. “I don’t want to fight with you this week. Please? Let’s at least try and enjoy ourselves.”
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daikenkki · 21 days
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naijabullet · 9 months
Water Lyrics by Victor Thompson
In this post, you will find the complete Water Lyrics by Victor Thompson and we have also attached a video of the song at the end of this post for your listening pleasure. So, without wasting your time, let’s get to it. READ ALSO: We Honour You Lyrics by Nathaniel Bassey Water Lyrics by Victor Thompson If I reason am from now till tomorrowNa only you wey wipe my sorrow.I no fit to…
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noodles-doodles01 · 2 months
Some Gravity Falls Stuff I Found
A lot of this could already be known, but I'm having fun and its a way to keep track. All is from thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com
So for computer passwords:
Dipper- a letter from Bill (his handwriting + he calls him Pine Tree) telling dipper to stare into the sun
Mabel- Places stickers all over the lab until the screen says "lab fully Mabelized"
Stanford/Sixer- Gives a Medical report on Ford's hand taken at 18, the report censors the mention of kidnapping him for cloning
Stanley- eBay for brass knuckles
MatPat- a video of MatPat saying "hello internet, this time, you're on your own"
Cipher/Bill Cipher- Eye of Providence Wiki
Bill- Sesame Street Video
Wendy- A letter from Wendy saying that she wrote a way to ward off evil triangles at the bottom right of the book (I have two ideas for what this could be), also a 👌 drawn in the bottom right corner upside down.
Blind Eye- A seeing eye test that repeats the letters WKHBOOVHH (anagram maybe?) with a colour code at the bottom (I'll include this later in this post)
Robbie- Shows messenger messages between Robbie and Thompson. Thompson seems to be getting real tired of the bullying (He wrote out "If you keep insulting me one of these days I-" and then highlights it as if he's about to delete it, followed by Yea :(). They discuss going to a site to see Bill, and later freak out about seeing him and knowing how they both die (Thompson gets mistaken for luggage and Robbie chokes on a mini skateboard). The end is this photo with Bill in the background:
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Pacifica- A letter from Pacifica herself warning against Bill, saying that she dumped old Tapestries with triangles on it off a yacht with an unnamed friend. She seems to be super uncomfy about mentioning who the friend is (Dipper maybe?). She ends the letter saying that you should follow her on Platinum Paz
Platinum Paz: Details a story of Pacifica having a nightmare about blood being on her hands and everywhere. She then has a conversation with a statue of Nathaniel NW, who asks about her anger. She tells him everything was better before the Pines' came to town, and he says he will help her if she does something for him: go to the Pines' place and grab a small snowglobe that's new (the rift). He is about to shake her hand before she stops and wakes up. She then adds Dipper's number to her phone and sleeps well. Most likely what leads to the tapestries being thrown off a yacht.
Oneeyedking: a hypnosis tape where there is morse code in the background while Bill says "you want to sell your soul to Bill Cipher" three times. I didn't do this but the morse code gives a series of letters (explained below)
If you spam Stanley: you are a taken to something called “the Wheel of Shame” and it is Bill explaining that he knows all of Stan’s shames since he was in his head. They are listed as follows: Ex Wives, Fears, Secret Shames, Unreported Crimes, Stan’s Failed Products, Lowest Moments, Darkest Thought (pin all crimes on Soos), and How Stan Beat Me (He didn’t! I’M STILL HERE SUCKER)
Now for Codes:
When you click on the book of Bill, there is a letter from Ford to Dipper warning against the book. On the last page at the bottom right corner, this code is seen (this is what I thought Wendy might mean):
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I tried all the existing codexes, but they didn't work. Until I typed MASON into the compuer (Dipper's acc name), which gives a sheet where Dipper talks about learning how to make codes. Ford's writing comes in at the end, and the words CRYPTOGRAM CODEX are capitalized at the end. When that was input into the computer, a folder file was downloaded and gave me multiple codes.
I used CypherFontA and flipped the message on the Vertical Axis and reversed the message to get: PER ASPERA AD ASTRA, which means "through suffering to the stars" in Latin
There is another hidden code on the candle, visible through the lightning, and it uses the Runes codex, translating to CURSED. When input into the computer, you get this "Just Say No" campaign poster against drawing triangles (RAD), the words Cool and Parties are both randomly capitalized in this speech bubble from Nancy Reagan (not applicable to the passwords tho)
Carved into the wall (visible when lightling strikes) on the left is the Latin phrase "VALLIS CINERIS", which translates to "valley of ashes", you get this image and a creepy voice that says "why did you do it?" (a reference to bill destroying his home dimension)
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The morse code spells out NAITSUAF, and when input to the computer, gives an offer to sell your soul. At the bottom is a button that asks are you ready, when you click on it, it shows a contract that has the following code on it
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This is also a codex given in the previously mentioned codex file, and it is the theraprism file. It states: "YOU ARE NOW TWENTY ONE GRAMS LIGHTER"
Below the theraprism is more CipherFontA code, which I have not fully completed but seems to list out the terms of the contract. However, I noticed these rectangles near the words and am wondering if it means to take the letter closest to it or if it is a period. I am too lazy to work it all out rn so feel free to lmk what that all says :)
When you sign the contract, it says "pleasure doing business with you" and the flame on the candle is now blue. When you mess with the toggle on the computer, you get a backwards audio message in the same creepy voice as the Vallis Cineris code. When reversed, the audio says: " Someone help, the murderer’s name is Bill”
The prism that sits beside the computer has a code with the following symbols: #?&&!, which reads out as SORRY (this code is in the Book of Bill). When you input that into the computer, you get an image of college Ford and McGucket :(
That’s all I have for now! Feel free to reblog with anything else you might have found! I know of a ton more but I didn’t include them since this post would NEVER end.
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barbiebutgayer · 5 months
Celebrities to Block
Doja Cat
Taylor Swift
Kim Kardashian
Baby Ariel
Lady Gaga
Sabrina Carpenter
Jojo Siwa
Hailey Bieber
Nathaniel Buzolic
Gal Gadot
Haley Kalil
Ariana Grande
James Charles
Trisha Paytas
Tina Fey
Leonardo DiCaprio
Nicole Kidman
Kieran Culkin
Alexander Skarsgård
Sarah Jessica Parker
Amanda Seyfried
Barry Keoghan
Ben Platt
Tessa Thompson
Kylie Jenner
Nicki Minaj
Cardi B
Rachel Zegler
Kerry Washington
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frogwiththephatahh · 2 months
Townsfolk Passwords and their Results
Gideon- Opens a new tab with the google results for "sweat resistant bolo ties"
McGucket- Opens the Cotton Eye Joe music video.
Toby Determined- Opens a new tab with the google results for "restraining order"
Abuelita- Opens a youtube video of the best vacuums for walls
Tad Strange- Plays a video of bread being sliced while sultry music plays
Robbie Valentino- Reveals an online chat log between Robbie and Thompson
Pacifica Northwest- Reveals a written note in which Pacifica warns us not to mess with Bill. It also seems that Mabel or possibly Dipper has also written on the note.
Nathaniel Northwest, Blubs, Durland, Dan Corduroy, Tyler, Bud Gleeful, Lazy Susan, Shandra, Jimenez, Melody, Candy, Grenda, Nate, Lee, Tambry, and Thompson are all rejected.
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker will be released on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on May 28 via Severin Films. The 1981 psychosexual horror film is also known as Night Warning.
William Asher (Bewitched) directs from a script by Steve Breimer, Alan Jay Glueckman, and Boon Collins. Jimmy McNichol, Susan Tyrrell, Bo Svenson, Bill Paxton, and Julia Duffy star.
Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker has been newly scanned in 4K from the original camera negative. It features reversible artwork. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by actor Jimmy McNichol
Audio commentary by writer/producer Steven Breimer and writer Alan Jay Glueckman, moderated by Mondo Digital’s Nathaniel Thompson
Audio commentary by co-producer Eugene Mazzola
Interview with actor Bo Svenson
Interview with director of photography Robbie Greenberg
Interview with editor Ted Nicolaou
Interviews with actors Jimmy McNichol, Susan Tyrrell, and Steve Eastin, makeup artist Allan A. Apone, and writer Steve Breimer
TV spot
Terror begins when a night of murder and bloodshed leads bigoted police detective Joe Carlson (Bo Svenson) to try to frame orphaned high school basketball player Billy Lynch (Jimmy McNichol). However, Billy’s aunt Cheryl (Susan Tyrrell) is the real knife-wielding culprit, and with Billy about to graduate, her twisted urge to keep him all to herself is about to erupt in a wave of carnage. No one is safe when an unstable lawman and a psychotic aunt converge in a shocking climax you’ll never forget!
Pre-order Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker from Amazon.
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deadpresidents · 7 months
Are there any historians who you make sure to get every book that they write no matter what the subject is and if so who?
Oh yeah, most definitely, there are a number of them. Just to name a few: Doris Kearns Goodwin; H.W. Brands; Jon Meacham; Rick Atkinson; Nathaniel Philbrick; Bob Woodward; Robert Caro; Robert Dallek; Rick Perlstein; Ron Chernow; Peter Baker; Fergus M. Bordewich; David I. Kertzer; David McCullough; Ben Macintyre; Edmund Morris; Erik Larson; David O. Stewart; James F. Simon; James Holland; Antony Beevor; Joseph J. Ellis; Christopher Hibbert; Douglas Brinkley; Lawrence Wright...the list goes on-and-on and I'm undoubtedly forgetting some important names, but I definitely have every book published by all of those authors (except for Beevor, who I'm missing a few titles from). Not only am I a book lover and book collector, but I'm kind of a completist, so it's often hard me to resist going out of my way to get everything by certain authors.
(And they aren't historians, but I also am a completist when it comes to Sam Shepard, John Steinbeck, Robert Greene, and Hunter S. Thompson.)
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Round Two
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Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
Defeated opponents: Thompson Twins
Formed in: 1978
Genres: Hip hop
Lineup: Grandmaster Flash (Joseph Saddler) – turntables, drum programming, Flashformer transform DJ device, background vocals
The Kidd Creole (Nathaniel Glover Jr.) – lead and background vocals, writer and arranger
Keef Cowboy (Keith Wiggins) – lead and background vocals, writer and arranger
Grandmaster Melle Mel (Melvin Glover) – lead and background vocals, writer and arranger
Scorpio (Eddie Morris) – lead and background vocals, writer and arranger
Rahiem (Guy Todd Williams) – lead and background vocals, writer and arranger
Albums from the 80s:
The Message (1982)
Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five (1983)
Greatest Messages (1984)
On the Strength (1988)
The Rolling Stones
Defeated opponents: Misfits
Formed in: 1962
Genres: Rock, pop, blues
Lineup: Mick Jagger – lead vocals, electric piano, percussion, guitar
Keith Richards – lead guitar, vocals
Bill Wyman – bass guitar, string synthesizer
Charlie Watts – drums
Ronnie Wood – electric guitar, pedal steel, backing vocals
Albums from the 80s:
Emotional Rescue (1980)
Sucking in the Seventies (1981)
Tattoo You (1981)
Still Life (1982)
Undercover (1983)
Rewind (1971-1984) (1984)
Dirty Work (1986)
Singles Collection: The London Years (1989)
Steel Wheels (1989)
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stairnaheireann · 5 months
#OTD in Irish History | 24 April:
1718 – Birth of portrait painter, Nathaniel Hone, in Dublin. 1764 – Birth of Thomas Emmet, nationalist and brother of Robert Emmet, in Dublin. 1857 – William Thompson, journalist, is born in Derry. 1885 – Birth of athlete, Con Walsh, in Carriganimma, He represented Canada at the 1908 Summer Olympics. He won a bronze medal in the hammer throw, finishing third behind fellow Irishmen John Flanagan…
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avatarskywalker78 · 27 days
Need to Knows
(Redone because it wouldn't let me add links to the old version)
My AO3
My SquidgeWorld
My FFN (all but abandoned tbh but if you’re curious about my old fics)
OC Masterlists (still under construction)
DC & Marvel
Sci-fi & Fantasy
Action, Adventure, Drama
Canon Fancasts
My WIPs (both Active and Backburner, though as is the nature of fic writing these can easily change around if the mood strikes me!)
OC taglists so far (you don’t have to respond, this is a reminder for me!)
@shrinkthisviolet (All)
@starstruckpurpledragon (All)
@ocappreciation (all)
@negative-speedforce (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar, Tanya, Theodore Edward Thawne, Teri Merlyn, Brianna Thawne, Zoe Thawne, Ashton Thawne)
@daughter-of-melpomene (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar, Tanya, MCU, Brianna Louise Wilson, Meri Solo, Nellith Skywalker, and Mel Hathaway)
@vexic929 (Steph Taylor, Alyssa Clayton, Charlie Kumar)
@dream-beyond-the-fantasy (Miyagi-verse, Emilie Brooke, Hannah Edwards, Lissa Blackwood, Alex Thompson, Maia Curry, Magni Thorson, Sophia Reynolds, Meri Solo, Nellith Skywalker, and Brianna Louise Wilson)
@ofbriarandrose  (Nicky Connors, James Connors, Leah Barnes, Elaine Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Alex Barnes, Javed, Gemma Laura McKinney, Lizzie McKinney)
@dawnquafam (Maia Curry, Tina Curry, Teri Merlyn, ,Magni Thorson, Módi Thorson, Thrúd Thorsdottir, Fenrisúlfr Lokison, Mel Hathaway, Devon Avery)
@captainsophiestark (Sarah Matthew Thompson, Christina Thompson, Nathaniel Thompson, Olivia Thompson, Alex Thompson, Kathy Williams)
@lady-of-the-spirit (Meri Solo, Maia Curry and Lexa Sullivan)
@ormymarius (Maia Curry, Tina Curry, Devon Avery)
@highlordofkrypton (Maia Curry, Tina Curry)
@fezwearingjellybananas (Theodore Edward Thawne)
@mischiefmanaged21 (Teri Merlyn)
Feel free to ask me anything about my fics or my OCs!! Also any ask games I reblog are always open, though do please specify which one you’re asking for! Likes, asks and follows will be from @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
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mattmurdocksthighs · 5 months
MEET MY OCS (shows)
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name: amelia avery thompson show: outerbanks love interest: rafe cameron faceclaim: fivel stewart
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name: astraea collins - astraea simmons show: criminal minds love interests: darren wilson (oc), matt simmons occupation: military sniper, bau profiler faceclaim: elizabeth olsen
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name: celia river rhodes show: julie and the phantoms love interest: reggie peters faceclaim: diana silvers
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name: juliet carolyn shepherd show: grey's anatomy love interests: jackson avery, arizona robbins, carina deluca, alex karev occupation: neurosurgeon faceclaim: adelaide kane
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name: lady dove show: merlin love interest: sir leon faceclaim: sarah gadon
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name: astryn stark show: house of the dragon love interest: jacaerys velaryon faceclaim: rose williams
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name: riley morris show: riverdale love interest: reggie mantle faceclaim: lucy hale
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name: bianca stirling show: pretty little love interest: faceclaim:
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name: bradley stirling show: pretty little liars love interest: faceclaim: nick robinson
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name: marin quinn show: yellowjackets love interest: lottie matthews occupation: lawyer faceclaim: mila kunis
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name: tara winchester (nee. scott) show: supernatural love interests: dean winchester, meg masters, sam winchester occupation: hunter faceclaim: jessica alba
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name: stephanie 'steph' kane show: the 100 love interest: john murphy faceclaim: chloe bennet
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name: nina grey show: shadowhunters love interests: victor aldertree, raphael santiago kind: nephilim parabatai: lucas callahan faceclaim: conor leslie
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name: lucas callahan show: shadowhunters love interest: jace herondale kind: nephilim parabatai: nina grey faceclaim: brenton thwaites
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name: celeste lucas show: the walking dead love interests: daryl dixon, eliza moore (oc) occupation (pre): bartender faceclaim: alycia debnam-carey
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name: elizabeth 'eliza' moore show: the walking dead love interest: celeste lucas (oc) occupation (pre): detective faceclaim: cobie smulders
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name: wyatt moore show: the walking dead love interest: occupation (pre): bodyguard faceclaim: stephen amell
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name: olivia ann cohen show: the wilds love interest: toni shalifoe faceclaim: natalia dyer
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name: mila carson show: the wilds love interest: kirin o'conner faceclaim: holland roden
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name: rosalind 'rosa' lahey show: teen wolf love interest: lydia martin kind: werewolf faceclaim: madelyn cline
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name: nathaniel wilkes show: teen wolf love interest: stiles stilinski kind: hellhound faceclaim: brenton thwaites
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name: theodore 'theo' barnett show: peaky blinders love interest: michael gray occupation: boxer faceclaim: rudy pankow
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name: leah calloway show: peaky blinders love interest: finn shelby faceclaim: rachel zegler
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name: alexander madden show: peaky blinders love interest: john shelby occupation: distillery owner faceclaim: boyd holbrook
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name: felicity allen | kid flash show: titans love interest: jason todd powers: superspeed faceclaim: katie douglas
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daikenkki · 22 days
0 notes
loganwritesprobably · 2 years
The Hale Family
So, as someone who is an avid enjoyer of all Hales, particularly the Hale men, and is a writer, naturally their wider family comes up when I write. Anywhere between ten and fourteen people died in the Hale fire, not all Werewolves but presumably all family. That is a big ass family.
So, I did what Jeff Davis’s clown lookin’ coward ass couldn’t and I made the full Hale family, further extended family pending because I have too much free time.
Also, they even have birthdays, death dates, and birth years. Fuck you, Jeff.
I won’t be covering Derek, Cora or Malia in particular detail, just giving some basics, because otherwise this post would be.. even longer than it already is.
This took so damn long so.. enjoy
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(This timeline works under the assumption that season 6B, when Scott and co are eighteen, takes place in the year 2013, and fuck you all the Hales lived and got to see their full potential so they can have actual personalities.)
Lillian and Lincoln Hale (Emma Thompson and Eric Roberts)
Lillian, she/her, straight. Born Werewolf.
Lincoln, he/him, straight. Bitten Werewolf.
Lillian’s birthday - July 20th, 1943. Cancer.
Lincoln’s birthday - December 27th, 1940. Capricorn.
Lillian’s death - October 12th, 1997.
Lincoln’s death - March 23rd, 2004.
Lillian lived until Peter, the youngest of five siblings, was fourteen years old and then died. She was the Alpha until her death, and at this point her eldest daughter Talia inherited the spark.
Lillian could’ve been a chef, but she chose to remain at home to care for her gaggle of pups, and later their grandchildren. She loved poetry, and that’s one of the reasons she fell in love with her husband, who was an amateur poet. She loved all of her children equally, or so she said, but everyone knew that Peter was her favourite. He was so much younger than his siblings, so truly they didn’t mind.
Lillian was a Cancer, the mother of the zodiac. She was very maternal, to any and all members of the pack, even those who were older or weren’t family. She argued this was because she was the Alpha, but Lincoln said it was just her nature. He loved that about her.
Lillian died just a short while before her youngest son turned sixteen. She was aged fifty-four. When she died, she was holding her son, who had skipped school that day to be close to her.
Lincoln was not as soft as his wife; he was firmer with his children but still rarely denied them things. He was passionate about education and wanted all of his children to excel in their chosen field, never wanting to pressure them into something they hated. You cannot succeed fully in something that you hate. He loved literature, particularly poetry, and nature. He was elated to move into the pack house when he married Lillian.
Lincoln was a Capricorn, the zodiac that thirsts for knowledge with his birthday on December 27th and was born in the year 1940. He never got a chance to go to university as a young man as he came from a lower-class family than his wife but if it had been an option, he would’ve done it online later in life.
Lincoln died aged sixty-four. Talia had been the closest to her father and it was her that organised his funeral, though it was a family decision to bury him beside his wife.
Talia and Nathaniel Hale (Alicia Coppola and Skeet Ulrich)
Talia, she/her, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Nathaniel, he/him, heterosexual (Talia-sexual). Bitten Werewolf.
Talia’s birthday - February 18th, 1963. Aquarius.
Nathaniel’s birthday - March 30th, 1963. Aries.
Their anniversary - December 26th. They’ve been married for twenty-nine years.
Talia was prepared for a long time to become the Alpha. Unlike many hunter families, Werewolf packs are generally not matriarchal, and neither are the Hales, instead the responsibility of becoming Alpha is given to the eldest born of the current Alpha. This is only not done in rare circumstances such as the eldest dying before becoming Alpha, the eldest being younger than eighteen when the current Alpha dies, or them nominating a younger sibling as a ‘better fit’ for the role. Talia had none of these happen.
She wasn’t sure that she wanted to be the Alpha, she had a good political career ahead of her that she didn’t want to give up. Then, her husband Nathaniel (who her siblings swear up and down is her soulmate) pointed out that she could have both. He was there for her to lean on when things got hard, as the partner of the Alpha, and plenty of women were excellent mothers while having thriving careers. So, she did both.
Talia was the mayor of Beacon Hills for many years and was well loved by her community. She invested family wealth into the town, making sure the community was not lacking in what it needed, never shying away from hard truths when it came to her work.
Nathaniel married into the Hale family because he loved Talia with every piece of himself. When she told him about Werewolves, he hadn’t missed a beat. The night she told him was the night that he told her that he loved her. He became a Werewolf himself shortly after Talia became the Alpha. They were both thirty-four at the time. 
Nathaniel loves Talia because she’s intelligent, a problem solver, he is sure there will never be an issue in their lives that she cannot overcome. Talia loves Nathaniel because he’s grounded and calm, and he has silly quirks that make her laugh like his personal vendetta against green beans.
The couple began having children quite quickly. They were high school sweethearts, went to the same college, and once they had both graduated, they began trying for children immediately. It took a while, and in retrospect they were glad because it gave them time to settle more into their careers, and Laura was born in 1986, when the two were twenty-three. Derek followed in ‘88 and Cora in ‘95, the couple aged twenty-five and thirty-two respectively.
Mae and Stuart Hale (Adelaine Morin and Andrew Walker)
Mae, she/her, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Stuart, he/him, pansexual. Human.
Mae’s birthday - September 22nd, 1969. Libra.
Stuart’s birthday - July 3rd, 1965. Cancer.
Their anniversary - February 11th. They’ve been married for twenty-one years.
Mae was the sort of person who could never quite be categorised. She was a social floater, never restricted herself to one interest or social group, tried everything that she could (and given that they were well off, that was plenty of things). She loved her twin brother dearly, but she needed more than family. She couldn’t be entertained by them anymore, not like the could as a kid, and that was nobody’s fault.
She got along with all of her siblings, though wasn’t particularly close with Peter. Again, nobody’s fault, they were just too different. Peter preferred to be calm, stationary, and relaxed, where Mae loved to be on the move, experiencing new things and amped up with adrenaline. The ADHD to his Autism.
Mae met Stuart while hiking. Stuart is the outdoors-y type, and likes anything and everything nature. When she told him about the Supernatural, he took it in stride in a way that no other family addition had (other than, of course, Brooke - who was Supernatural herself). Stuart is a very relaxed man when he isn’t enjoying nature, and he loves how passionate his wife is. They balance each other.
Stuart loves the little things, like playing Lego with his kids and going out on warm days to paddle in the creek that runs through the preserve. He makes sure to track the wildlife in the preserve, not wanting his Wolfy family to accidentally ruin the ecosystem. They assure him that this is unnecessary, but he enjoys it.
George Hale (Jared Padalecki)
George, he/him, biromantic, asexual. Born Werewolf.
George’s birthday - September 22nd, 1969. Libra.
Growing up, George and Mae were practically inseparable, and it was George that changed that. He watched as she changed, becoming less like him, and decided she would be better off with different friends, friends that were more like her and weren’t family members. Sometimes he regrets it, since he was a little lonely in school after that, but he knows it helped her thrive and so he’s also glad that he made the choice. They continued to be close despite the change, which he was glad for.
He’s kind of the black sheep of his siblings (though this did rub off on Peter in his younger years, just a little), with a more alternative style and taste in music, particularly as a teenager and in his 20s. He grew out of that when he had Iris, at least on the outside, though she was raised on rock music.
George wanted children much more than he wanted a partner. He didn’t much care for settling down with someone for the rest of his life, and as much as he understood the appeal and appreciated how happy his siblings were, it just wasn’t for him. But he did want a child. Enter his friend, who wanted to be a surrogate. Money wasn’t a problem for George, so they found the best doctor for the procedures and less than a year later, he had his little girl.
Celia and Brooke Hale (Claire Holt and Kylie Bunbury)
Celia, she/her, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Brooke, she/her, lesbian. Wendigo.
Celia’s birthday - February 22nd, 1977. Pisces.
Brooke’s birthday - January 8th, 1975. Capricorn.
Their anniversary - July 22nd. They’ve been married for eighteen years.
Celia and Brooke never truly grew up. Celia was always the most energetic and bubbly of her siblings, which absolutely rubbed off on her nieces. The family sometimes joke that they must all have gotten the giggly gene that their aunt has. It’s always been Celia that would be first to volunteer to play with the pups, happy to get muddy or covered in glitter if it would make them happy. The only person who would challenge her for that title would be Peter, but ‘he has a reputation to maintain’.
Brooke was everything that Celia wanted in a life partner. There had been some difficult conversations when Brooke had first met the other Hales because of her species, but after that she had been accepted as if she was a ‘Wolf like the rest of them. 
Celia hates the colour yellow and hates her wife for loving the colour yellow. Brooke loves the colour yellow, and loves tormenting her wife with it even more. They’re the most publicly affectionate couple of the Hales, and the locals love them. Celia works in the elementary school with the youngest kids, so lots of moms know her and while the odd one or two are intolerant, generally they love her and love knowing she’s teaching their children to be caring and gentle. Brooke is a private nurse, working specifically with the Supernatural. While some refuse to see her because she’s a Wendigo, many of her clients like her and it’s good for local relations. The Hale pack has the confidence of all Wendigos, within a couple hundred miles. It’s nice. It feels like family.
Peter Hale (Ian Bohen)
Peter, he/him, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Peter’s birthday - October 27th, 1981. Scorpio.
Peter loves his family dearly, considering himself to be a family man (though he’d never admit it out loud). His best friend growing up was his big sister Celia, and he admired his eldest sister Talia to no end. Mae helped him gain control over his shift and George had taught him how to fight, just in case. Peter went on to become the left hand of the Hale pack.
He was sixteen when he met Corinne, known often by her title of the Desert Wolf. She was a Werecoyote, significantly older than him. He felt special. This is when his daughter Malia was conceived. For a time, Corinne had been content with Peter under her thumb, protected by the power of the Hale pack, or so she thought. When Talia found out, she berated the woman, but Peter’s dedication allowed Corinne to stay. When Malia took half of her power, Corinne fled with her tail between her legs leaving Peter and his siblings to raise Malia to the best of their ability, even while Peter was still in school.
Peter hasn’t bothered with a long-term relationship since Corinne, too absorbed by his duties to his pack, his work obligations and making sure that his daughter has everything that she could ever want. Giving gifts is one of his love languages. 
Laura Hale (Meghan Ory)
Laura, she/her, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Laura’s birthday - June 5th, 1986. Gemini.
Laura grew up with the knowledge that one day she would become the Alpha of her pack, which was shaping up to be... kind of huge. It was a little bit overwhelming, and it worried her sometimes. She was glad to have her brother. Laura, of course, had other friends, but none of them knew about the Supernatural which meant she couldn’t really talk about the stresses that came with being the eldest child of the Alpha. But she could tell Derek.
They weren’t best friends, Peter held that spot for Derek, but they were very close and helped each other with schoolwork, Laura drove Derek home from school when she had a car, but he didn’t, she went to all of his basketball games. They were very close.
Laura loved skincare and flowers; her room was covered in as many plans as she could fit on each surface while still allowing them to grow. Later in life, she began working on her own skincare line, comfortable enough from their family fortune to open up a business and Derek was her unfortunate test subject.
Laura had a very close friend in high school with a boy called Josh. He was a bit of a man whore and had managed to have sex with just the right people to find out about the Supernatural by accident. This made them even closer, even if he couldn’t quite understand. They had gotten very close, she would even dare to say that they had fallen in love, but then a girl that Josh was friends with after sleeping with her became pregnant. He was a good man, only eighteen when he promised to be around to care for his child, but that meant when Laura went to college, they lost contact entirely. She misses him sometimes still.
Derek Hale (Tyler Hoechlin)
Derek, he/him, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Derek’s birthday - November 7th, 1988. Scorpio.
Cora Hale (Adelaide Kane) 
Cora, she/her, lesbian. Born Werewolf.
Cora’s birthday - August 9th, 1995. Leo.
Lucy Hale (Maia Mitchell)
Lucy, she/her, bisexual. Born Werewolf.
Lucy’s birthday - April 29th, 1989. Taurus.
Lucy is kind of anti-social. She got along well with her cousins, happy to be around them, but was never really interested in their rowdy activities. She was a Werewolf like the others, but was more comfortable with Iris as she was human and so had to be careful to avoid being hurt. Often, they would sit together while the others wrestled or played tag with no shoes on.
Lucy didn’t have many friends at school, mostly choosing to keep her head down and get on with things, though she got along well with her teachers. Her best subjects were always maths based (mathematics, physics, engineering) but she never bothered with college. She didn’t need to work, so she wasn’t too worried about higher education. Not to say that she does nothing, of course she does find ways to occupy her time and earn money, but not through conventional means. She also does a lot of volunteering, mostly with the elderly or the homeless. They’re calm, and nice to talk to.
Lucy is the mentally ill one of the younger generation, (maybe excluding poor Derek), suffering with both anxiety and depression, but nobody at home ever lets her sink too far, always there to pull her back and make sure that she’s taking care of herself, even if that just means sitting on the floor in her room while they work so she isn’t alone.
Charlie Hale aka Jackson Whittemore (Colton Haynes)
Jackson, he/him, bisexual. Human.
Jackson’s birthday - June 15th, 1995. Cancer.
Jackson is a human. His mother is a Born Werewolf, but his father is human, and he gets the genetic short end of the stick. 
The way I use Jackson’s story here varies based on whether I like Talia for the story. If I decide I can make Talia a bad person, I write that she gave Jackson up for adoption because he was human rather than a Werewolf. If not, Mae and Stuart either died as Jackson’s parents did in canon (car crash, though significantly more Supernatural) or Mae was young when she had Jackson, too young, and he was given up (in this situation, he would be older rather than Lucy). There are various other more outlandish ideas (the Whittemores are hunters that kidnapped Jackson to ‘save’ him) but those are my main ones.
If he’s going to be growing up with the Hales, then he is effectively the same as he is in canon, though with significantly less insecurity. Think young Derek. A little full of himself, still a little arrogant, but his desire for success is driven by competition with intelligent cousins and wanting praise (though he’ll get it regardless because his parents love him), this means if he was given the bite, he would simply become a Werewolf.
Jackson Hale is less emotionally constipated, and more affectionate. He would treat Lydia better, treat Danny better (probably also realise that Danny knows about the Supernatural, maybe even be the one to tell him), and just be an all-around better person. Standard douche still, sure, but not as bad as he was.
Iris Hale (Anna Cathcart)
Iris, she/her, bisexual. Bitten Werewolf.
Iris’s birthday - May 16th, 1993. Taurus.
Iris was conceived in a lab then implanted into her biological mother. She was born a human, because her mother was one, and so grew up cherished. Her father loves her dearly, she was always a little spoiled but thankfully it never got to her head too much. George offered to introduce her to her mother a few times, since after Iris had been born, she’d moved town (for unrelated reasons), but Iris had declined saying that he was all she needed.
Iris is an artist. She is happy to engage in any form of art really, but her favourites are pottery and creative writing. She works as an editor for a small publishing company, and she loves it, mostly working from home and on her own time as long as she meets her deadlines.
She has the bubbly gene that Celia has, seeing the joy in everything that happens, always the one to find the silver lining and people say that it’s contagious. She’s the first person to comfort family when they’re down and is very family oriented.
Iris got the bite from her aunt Talia after she got sick one year. It was only normal winter illness, but she’d gotten one after the other and her immune system was hugely struggling, her doctors warning her to be careful, lest she get sick again, because next time it would be much more dangerous. She got the bite not long later, making her immune to illness. 
Sophie Hale (Marsai Martin)
Sophie, she/her, bisexual. Human.
Sophie’s birthday - December 8th, 1992. Sagittarius. 
Sophie is the typical ‘basic girl’ type. She’s adopted, and human, and never particularly cared for getting the bite. She doesn’t need that to win against her cousins in a fight. Sophie is a big fan of going to the gym, and when she started going, she went with Derek. He was already more experienced with exercise, having done basketball for years, and he could stop people from staring (not that she couldn’t do that herself, but he had that look that made guys back off). Now she can confidently say, as long as a guy isn’t Supernatural, she can make him back up.
Though, she isn’t just a gym girl, Sophie also loves going clubbing. She’s been drinking since before she was old enough to do so because she could and growing up with Werewolves meant they often forget you aren’t immune like they are. Now, she loves getting dressed up with her girls, sometimes with her cousins too, and going out to Sinema, or sometimes even Jungle, and just having some fun and letting loose.
For work, she just does something perfectly mundane. She works as a receptionist, but she works as a receptionist at a smaller independent B&B. They get people who stop there just overnight as they’re passing through and couples sometimes too - probably having affairs. Originally, she’d applied to various places for similar but better paid positions, but then when a friend mentioned that she worked at the shitty B&B and sometimes worried she would get hurt, Sophie got a job there for herself. Now, she’s also technically security, and she loves it.
Malia Tate (Hale) (Shelley Hennig)
Malia, she/they, panromantic, asexual. Werecoyote.
Malia’s birthday - February 10th, 1997. Aquarius. 
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