#Nasal Prong
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i-am-aristiana · 5 months ago
I wrote a glossary of TF terms.
PLEASE NOTE: These terms are a mix of canon and fanon. It changes from continuity to continuity, and from fanfic author to fanfic author. It’s only a guide, and I have no intention of saying I know more than anyone else. Please take it with a grain of salt.
A NSFW section exist, I will publish it in another post.
Miscellaneous terms
Berth: Bed
Bond: A permanent connection spark to spark from 2 or more Cybertronians. Can be between conjuxed couple, but also happens with twins/triplets/etc, or combiners.
Amica, Conjuxed Amica: Very dear friends, but not more than friends. Another James Roberts creation!
Conjux, Conjux Endura, Conjuxed: Married couple. Thanks James Roberts for that one! :)
Em field: Electronic field emitted by the Cybertronian that another can read / detect, no human equivalent
Energon: The blood of Cybertronian and what they drink as “food’.
Enforcer: Police officer
Kibble: All the parts that had to be removed for one reason or another. It grew to mean parts of alt mode visible in their other modes as well.
Pad: Tablet computer
Split-spark twins: Twins created from a single spark, and it “magically” turned into 2, similar to identical twins. Though they don’t necessarily have the same physical appearance.
Subspace: A storage area that doesn’t physically exist, yet they use it all the time. Thanks the 80’s for the art errors and pulling a weapon out of thin air for that term.
Body part, SFW
Aft: Butt
Armor: The outer part of the frame, what’s easy to see and colourful.
Audials: Ears
Chevron: Part of the helm, on the forehead, that looks like 2 colorful prongs. See Prowl for red chevron.
CPU: Brain
Dermas: Lips
Doorwings: Wings on the back of the Cybertronian made with his front vehicle doors. See Prowl.
Digit: Finger
Exvent: Exhale
Finials: Part of the helm that protrude from the helm. See Drift.
Frame: Body
Glitch: Either when a Cybertronian “crashes” or a very doratory term.
Glossa: Tongue
Helm: Head
Intake: Mouth, throat, lips. This one changes a lot depending on the author.
Nasal ridge: Nose
Optic: Eye
Oral lubricant: Spit
Ped: Foot
Plating: The outer part of the frame, what’s easy to see and colourful.
Processor: Brain
Protoform: Inner part of the “skin”, under the plating or armor.
Sensory horns: Part of the helm similar to ears in humans. See Jazz.
Servo: Hand
Spark: A ball of energy that contains the “soul” of the Cybertronian. Considered located in the chest
Strut: Bone
Type of Cybertronian:
Combiner: A team of Cybertronian that, when transforming, can combine into a giant being instead of individuals. See Devastator or Defensor.
Aerial: Type of frame for a flier that doesn’t look like a Seeker
Conehead: Frame type of fliers very similar to Starscream, except they have their nose cone on their helm, looking like they wear a giant cone
Femme: A Cybertronian having a “feminine” shape. Though some exceptions exist, see Strika
Grounder: Type of frame having wheels. Often derogatory.
Kaonite: Cybertronian from Kaon. Often associate with large, strong frame type, and mainly Decepticon
Mech: A Cybertronian, often “male” shaped but not always
Mechling: Teenager
Praxian: Cybertronians from Praxus. Often a frame type associated with the appearance of Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen, Barricade
Seeker: Type of fliers associated with Starscream frame type
Sparkling, sparklet: baby, children
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nodirectionhome-ao3 · 5 months ago
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Spilled Butterbeer
@jilytoberfest 31 Prompts Day 2. 1271 words Prompt: A: “If anyone does X I’m going to love them forever.” B: Does X.
“You’re insane, you know that?”
“I most certainly am not.”
“A complete nutter. A mad, raving—”
“I think I get the picture, Sirius.”
The pub is loud—hot and sticky with the feel of too many people in too small a room. James and Sirius sit together at a table in the back corner, sandwiched between a group of excessively raucous third-year boys and a young couple who seem to be under the impression that one momentary break from their sloppy snogging might be enough to unravel the entire fabric of the universe. Or something equally dire. 
James takes a quick swig from his butterbeer, missing his mouth just a bit in his haste and sending some of it spilling down onto his cloak. Blast. “I just think,” he says, brushing at the wet fabric with the heel of his palm and grimacing a bit at how hot the butterbeer still is to the touch, “that if we are to truly fancy ourselves experts on subjects of marauding and well-meaning vigilantism—”
“Ugh, not this again.”
“—then we shouldn’t let something as daft as the law keep us from having a little fun at old Minchum’s expense.” 
Sirius leans back against the wall, stretching his legs out into the slim gap between their table and the snogging couple’s. (They still have not so much as paused for air.) “Prongs,” he begins, “as much as I enjoy spending my detentions with you—”
“—I reckon being sent to Azkaban would take some of the fun out of our sixth year.”
“Don’t be so dramatic.” James takes another sip from his butterbeer, more carefully this time. “They don’t send people to Azkaban for using Levicorpus. If they did, half of Slytherin would’ve lost their souls by now.” He pauses to consider that, lowering his tankard down to the table. “Although,” he reasons. “I s’pose if that did happen, we wouldn’t much know the difference, would we?” 
Sirius snorts into his butterbeer, spraying some of it across the table between them. James grins.
“The problem isn’t the spell, and you know it,” replies Sirius. “I doubt the Aurors over there would see the humor in the Minister for Magic being hoisted up to the ceiling by his ankles.” 
“All the more reason to do it then, yeah?”
Sirius shakes his head, grinning. “Like I said. You’re a nutter.”
“Maybe,” shrugs James. “But if anyone does find a way to put that pompous, self-righteous, prejudiced git in his place…I’m going to love them forever. That’s all I’m saying.”
They both turn at that, shifting to observe where the politician in question is still holding court in the center of the pub, gesticulating drunkenly to his table of Ministry glad-handers. Even through the loud hum of conversation that fills the air around him, James can hear the nasal drone of the Minister’s voice as he talks on and on about ‘the problem with the pro-Muggle movement’ and ‘the proper order of a well-structured wizard society.’ 
James scowls. Minchum seems to be under the impression that opposing the Death Eaters’ violence makes him immune to any accusation of intolerance. Far as James is concerned, it doesn’t. Merlin, he hates that man.
A movement behind the man catches James’s eye, then, and he lifts his gaze to find Lily Evans striding confidently forward. She’s holding two teeming pitchers of butterbeer in her hands, and her expression is one of steely determination as she marches purposefully closer to the Minister for Magic. Nearing his table, she lurches—stumbling forward and stretching out her arms like anyone might do when they find themselves on the verge of tripping. In that split second, James is sure he sees her wrists tilt downwards in a deliberate motion right before the full contents of both pitchers come sloshing down over the Minister’s head.
The hum of the pub grows louder, briefly, with the sound of gasps before dropping off steeply to a stunned quiet. In an instant, it seems that all the heads in the room are craned to watch the Minister as he yelps and leaps to his feet. He splutters and gasps, dancing from one foot to the other and wiping frantically at the hot butterbeer that’s still sliding down his face. He is absolutely drenched with the foaming liquid, and—when he begins to dart his eyes around the room—it quickly becomes evident that he is also supremely embarrassed.
Lily, for her part, gives away nothing. She adopts a convincing look of feigned surprise, adjusting her grip on the now-empty tankards so that she can bring a hand up to cover her mouth. (No doubt to hide a smile). 
“I’m so sorry, Minister,” she gushes. “That wasn’t properly orderly of me at all!”
If the Minister detects any of the sarcasm in her tone, he doesn’t show it. He clears his throat when he looks at her, moving to straighten his robes as if grasping feebly at his retreating dignity. “That’s quite alright, miss,” he answers, his voice a bit more high-pitched than usual. “Not to worry, not to worry. I’ll just—” His hand darts up to adjust his necktie, and his face is bright red when he turns to address the stunned Ministry officials around him. “Well, now, I’d best be off, chaps. Lots to do, of course, lots to do…”
He flees the Three Broomsticks at a brisk pace, head bowed as the room fills with snickers. 
“I’ll leave these here, then,” says Lily innocently to the Ministry men. She sets the tankards down on their table and turns away from them, setting off through the crowd. When she draws nearer, she catches sight of James and Sirius and smirks. 
James feels a flurry of something in his chest when their eyes meet. Realizing his mouth is hanging open, he forces it shut.
“Potter, Black,” Lily says, still smirking when she reaches their table. “Bit clumsy, sometimes, aren’t I?” 
James can do nothing but stare at her.
“Do you mind, Potter?” she asks, gesturing to his butterbeer. “I spilled mine, you see.”
James, still speechless, manages to push his tankard toward her. She picks it up and tilts back her head, draining it in one breath. Setting it down, she wipes the foam from the corners of her lips (are her lips always that red?) and meets James’s gaze with an undeniable glint of mischief.
“Marry me, Evans,” James says, without thinking. 
She laughs loudly, swatting at his arm and throwing herself down into the empty chair beside him. “In your dreams, Potter,” she says. 
She settles back in her chair, kicking her feet up onto the empty one next to Sirius—who gives her a small smile of grudging admiration and passes her his tankard. “I like your style, Evans,” he says.
She accepts his butterbeer with a nod and takes a few sips. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
With a barking laugh, Sirius stands up. “I’d better get you another round,” he says. “Wouldn’t want you to be empty-handed if Old Minchum shows his face again.” 
He stops on his way to the bar, pausing just long enough to stoop down and whisper in James’s ear: “Congratulations, Prongs. I’ll expect to be Best Man.”
James, his face growing hot, elbows him sharply in the ribs in response. But the move only elicits another snort of laughter from his best mate as Sirius hurries away to fetch them all more butterbeer.
“So,” Lily says, taking another sip from Sirius’s tankard and fixing James with that mischievous smirk again. “You were proposing?”  
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twstunes · 1 year ago
(slight spoilers for Book 7, tho i take it a lot of us have seen Hornton's overblot form + mama Draconia's design at this point lmao. also i'm calling her Draconimom until we get a confirmed eng spelling for her name)
Overblot mask analysis – Malleus + Dark Mirror v2
it's probably been brought up already but i'm gonna be annoyed w/ myself if i leave overblot hornton out of my overblot mask analyses, it's pretty straightforward overall but STILL
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Similar to Vil, the main body of Malleus' mask takes on the shape of a cowl, echoing that of Maleficent's own headgear. This widow's peak-esque shape was already present in the design of Malleus' forehead scales (which aren't normally visible), but the mask better emulates Maleficent by bringing the point down closer to the brow line.
The central V of the mask has a fiery exterior trim; on closer inspection, the "flames" appear to be made solely of shapes based on Malleus' (and Maleficent's) horns. In comparison, the motifs on the further edges of the mask seem to be just basic fire patterns.
Arcs of spikes & scales make up both the interior trim of the mask and the portion connecting to Malleus' eyes. These directly mimic the spines and purple underbelly of Maleficent's dragon form. (The scales on his cheekbones don't correlate to any part of Maleficent's face, humanoid or dragon, and are likely there just to complement this part of the mask.)
Of note is the spiked line extending from the peak of the mask down over Malleus' nasal bone. Rather than representing part of Maleficent's face design, it appears to take after a different source–
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–the main body of the mask is literally his mom's crown. which hurts a bit! own it tho ig, like hey if he's gonna be under so much pressure due to being prince then he might as well get an overblot mask to represent that. "heavy is the head that wears the crown," etc
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Anyway this is like a field day for me bc Draconimom's design is literally so fantastic to analyze. I'm getting hit with the urge to make diagrams. Do u realize how rarely this happens
1. The horns? The horns. I don't think I have to go over this one again. However, the little bumps near the horns on the mask could signify the two…ear guards(?) of the crown.
2. The upper two curved prongs lined w/ dots and spikes on the Dark Mirror's mask match up strikingly well with Draconimom's pauldrons! The lower two prongs bend in the opposite direction, and seem to be there just to balance out the top pair.
3. Like the tattered edges of Maleficent's robes, the lacy edges of her cape could easily be compared to the fiery edges on the upper half of the mask. Comparatively, the frills along the bottom of the mask are distinctly rounder and less flame-like, which matches up well with the softer, almost fluffy-looking edges of Draconimom's skirt. The netting on the mask could then, logically, represent the fabric of the cape/skirt as though they're being dramatically flared out.
(Off-topic, but: if you look closely at the lace cape, you'll see roses worked into the design! This isn't part of the analysis, I just think it's neat owo)
4. Just under the mask's central 4-pointed star, there are 2 small extrusions on each side. These bear an uncanny resemblance to the 2 main lines used in the flow of the embellishments on Draconimom's bodice(?), with the upper one curling upwards while the lower one is just slightly curved.
5. I cannot stress this enough. I'm putting this in image format just so you can see how much I'm not joking. The central line of the mask is not just repeatedly utilized in Draconimom's outfit, it's literally integral to her overall character design. (It's a little hard to see due to her default pose unfortunately, as it interrupts the linear flow)
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tl;dr get in losers we're getting hornton's mom out of that mirror
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tragicallyuncreative · 2 months ago
hey girl how’s your wifi doing also can you translate last post for people who don’t speak nurse 💔
Happy Saturday everyone!! The good news: wifi was fixed yesterday. The bad news: in reviewing the chapter I made a few little changes that turned into big changes and now I'm stuck with a few more pages to write but absolutely slammed with work since starting the new semester Thursday. Currently trying to type quick sentences between breaks crying trying to read these EKGs and not lose my mind over how much I suck at cardiology 😭Ideally, the chapter would be out today, but realistically, I'm looking at tomorrow or Monday. I really appreciate everyone understanding- as much as I want to curl up with a blanket and write, school/ my career comes first!
As for translating my nurse-speak, that leads to something new I'm doing for this chapter and each one from here on out- adding a medical glossary to the end of the chapter! I love love love education and helping people learn new things so wanted to provide that opportunity. I really am procrastinating now, but let's break down my last excerpt together (I'm justifying that this is nursing education so technically I'm doing schoolwork) 😉
ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Hemoglobin: a protein needed to transport oxygen in the blood. A hemoglobin < 7.0 is the threshold to receive a blood transfusion. A hemoglobin <5.0 is life-threatening and can result in heart failure/ death.
PRBCs: packed red blood cells, a type of blood product used for transfusions.
Hypoglycemia: low blood sugar (<70).
D5W: dextrose in water, a type of IV fluid that contains sugar.
NPO: nothing by mouth.
ABG: arterial blood gas, a type of blood test that draws blood from the artery instead of the vein. It tests the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, as well as the blood's pH.
Dyspnea: shortness of breath.
3L NC: 3 liters of oxygen via nasal canula, an oxygen delivery device consisting of a thin tube with prongs that go in each nostril.
12 French foley: foley is another term for a urinary catheter. There are a variety of sizes, 12 French is the typical size for an adolescent male.
18 gauge: IV size. The gauges range from 14-26. The higher the number, the smaller the size of the IV canula. Large gauges are needed for transfusing thick products such as blood, 14G is standard in adults but 18G is acceptable in an adolescent.
Right antecubital: inside of elbow, site where blood is typically drawn from and where IVs can be placed.
Saline lock: used when IV is not currently running/ hooked up to anything, keeps the patency of the IV open with saline.
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feverflushed · 2 years ago
A is struggling to breathe and is hooked to an oxygen line. Weak and dazed, they try to take off their nasal cannula.
B gently grabs A's hands and puts the cannula back in place.
"Don't touch it, love. Your lungs need a little bit of extra help right now"
(Bonus if the prongs tickle A's nostrils and make them sneeze)
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helsex-moved · 2 years ago
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I've always thought it was nice to sit out in the rain, when it's not to cold :]
Day 6 - April Showers (prompt via @evil-xisapril)
[I.D. A digital drawing of Evil Xisuma sitting on top of a fallen log, out in the rain. Their hair is wet as are the red pants and sleeveless black turtleneck they're wearing. A four-pronged s-curve cane rests against their leg with several adornments on it, and they have their nasal cannula in. They are smiling softly with their eyes closed. The sky is overcast and full of clouds, but some beams of sun break through.]
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snaillamp · 2 years ago
Fuck appendixes pt. 2
“His appendix ruptured. One of the worst cases I’ve ever seen. He’s lucky you got him in when you did.” Dr Mathieson explained to a stunned Matthew, who sat numb in the visitors area. “He came to right before he went under, freaked out. Anything I should know?” Matthew ran his hand through his hair, looking stressed and tired.
“Uh, he doesn’t do great in hospitals. He hasn’t had great experiences in them.” Dr Mathieson frowned at the round about answer. His mind flicked to the scar stretching down the man’s face. “Okay, well he should be fine, but he’s gonna feel like hell for a few days.” He walked away, thinking about the man he had just operated on, the strange scars on his body. The guy who had brought him in wasn’t telling him everything.
Matthew nodded, his mind scattered. Gunnar returned, handing him a packet of chips from the vending machine. “You good?” Matthew nodded, “Yeah, just, that was scary…” He stared at his hands holding the bag of chips, unable to open it.
“I wanna be there when he comes around, just to make sure he’s okay. He gets nervous in hospitals, hates everything about them. Hell, it even took him a while to warm up to my wife when he found out she was a nurse. I think he will need a friendly face in his corner, you know.”
Matthew chuckled, remembering the awkward first meeting, where Enjar had basically sat silently, letting Charlotte talk the entire time, nodding and humming along with her conversation points. Now, they were as thick as thieves, working together to prank Matthew and organise surprises for him, but Matthew had noticed there was always something between Enjar and Charlotte. He was still tense around her, he was just good at hiding it, perhaps shoving it down.
Gunnar frowned at Matthew’s stress. “Oh, come on sir. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Let him sleep it off and he’ll be back at the lighthouse in no time.” He looked up at his boss’ stress ridden face. A nurse came over to them, informing them that Enjar was being taken to his room if they would like to follow. Matthew nodded. “Gunnar, you should go back to work. I’ll take it from here.” The younger man nodded, looking grim, before. Placing a hand on Matthew’s shoulder. “He’s gonna be okay, you know that right?” Matthew wished he could know for sure.
One thing he did know, was the Enjar was going to be miserable for the next few days and that it might even get scary.
Matthew walked into the room where his friend was hooked up to machines. There was an IV in his right elbow, a nasal prongs on his face and he had been changed into a patient gown. His old clothes were folded neatly beside the bed, ready for him to wake.
Matthew sighed, taking a seat by the bed and waiting for him to wake up. It took about an hour for Enjar to start coming around. Matthew was dozing in the chair when Enjar had quietly groaned, turning his head a little. Looking up, Matthew smiled as Enjar opened his eyes slowly, groggily looking around the room, before he sighed and lay back against the pillow behind his head. He lay there, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, eyes distant. Matthew leaned forward, whispering very quietly.
“Hey, Enjar.”
Enjar didnt seem to react, he just lay there, still and staring. Matthew reached over, grabbing Enjar’s hand and making him jerk. “Sorry, sorry.” Matthew whispered, watching Enjar’s nervous eyes dart around the room. “I didn’t mean to scare you. You okay?” He held Enjar’s hand in his own, it was ice cold. Enjar moaned slightly, looking at him with distant eyes. He moaned again, turning his head away from Matthew and closing his eyes. “Do you want anything?” Matthew asked. Enjar groaned, sounding slightly annoyed and shook his head.
“Okay, okay. Let me know if you need anything.” Enjar turned his head to face Matthew, looking glum. “Yeah… I need to leave…” He tried to roll over, but clutched his stomach in pain, groaning in agony. “Take it easy, En. Your appendix burst, they had to do emergency surgery. You’ll be a little beat up for a -”
“Wait… What?” Enjar mumbled. “Stop talking so fast…” His words slurred as his eyes slid shut. “What did they do to me?” He whispered. Matthew leaned forward, holding the cold hand tighter.
“Your appendix burst, Enjar.”
“My what…?”
“Your appendix.” Matthew said a little slower and louder.
“Oh…” Enjar exhaled deeply as he fell into a deep sleep. Matthew knew there wasn’t gonna be much point staying around. He was tired and he had a shift in a few hours anyway, he needed sleep as much as Enjar did.
Enjar had awoken from the surgery feeling strange. It felt like he was looking at the world through someone else’s eyes. He lay there trying to figure out what was happening, where he was and why he felt so weird. Suddenly something had grabbed him, scaring the shit out of him. He realised there was something on his face and it was uncomfortable, but he couldn’t move his arms to get it off. Matthew's voice was talking about something and the sound of his voice made his head hurt.
He moaned, looking at him and it dawned on Enjar that he was lying in a hospital bed, his least favourite place in the world. Matthew asked if he needed anything, but all he needed was to leave this damn hospital and the tubes attached to him and the cannula in his elbow… He hated elbow cannulas, that’s where they put it after what happened… the day his team…
“Yeah… I need to leave…”
Matthew was still holding his hand. It was nice and warm on his own that was cold. Enjar could feel the chilled IV fluid coursing through his arm and the sensation made him want to throw up. He tried to get comfier, maybe he could sleep through the worst of it, he was already getting tired. As he moved, a heavy, dull pain ripped through his abdomen, making him groan in agony.
‘I hate this… I hate this… I just want to go home…’ His mind circled through the same thoughts over and over again.
Matthew was talking again, but it was so fast, he couldn’t understand what he was saying. It felt like his skull had been filled with sand. He couldn’t understand the humming of Matthew’s voice and it was making everything worse. “Stop talking so fast…” He begged, his vision slowly going blurry as his eyes began sliding shut. He felt strange, “What did they do to me?” He whispered breathlessly, hearing something reply, saying something about his something… “My what…”
“Your appendix.” Enjar’s mind recognised those words, half registering what they meant. “Oh…” He mumbled, before the blackness enveloped him completely.
Nurse Hansen peeked around the door, looking at the man slumped in the bed. He was curled into himself, his right arm sticking out uncomfortably from under a blanket, a large IV lodged in the crook of his elbow. His shoulders rose and fell slowly as he drew in sleepy breaths. She felt bad, he hadn’t slept well the night of his admission, twitching and moaning the whole night, delirious. That morning he had finally passed out, his shaking sobs that he was quietly trying to hold in beginning to fade.
Her shoe squeaked on the linoleum, causing the man to jerk as he roused. He yelped as he bent his right arm, forgetting the IV inside it. “Hey, Mr Nielson? It’s Nurse Hansen, I’m here to give you your medication.” Her voice was nervous, the man scared her, he looked scary. He groaned, rolling onto his back and clutching his abdomen, wincing in pain.
“Get out…” A rasping, whispered growl emanated from him as he glared at her. A shiver went down her spine as she met his eyes, his scar rippling as he frowned.
“Mr Nielson…?” Nurse Hansen stepped forward, shaking a little. “You have to take your medication. I can come back a little later, give you time to wake up if you want?” The man scowled, shivering slightly. “Get out…” He growled a little louder.
Another nurse walked by, peeking in at the young nurse. “Hansen? Everything okay in here?” He asked, frowning as he stepping into the room. “I was just trying to give Mr Nielson his medication. He isn’t cooperating.” She was pale, glancing at him as he walked up beside her. He placed a calm hand on her shoulder, a gesture she appreciated.
“Mr Nielson, Nurse Hansen has to give you your medication. Is that okay?” His voice was quiet and low, as he slowly kneeled down to the man’s level. The patient’s eyes were staring at the nurse, but they weren’t all there, it was almost as if he was looking at something that was invisible to everyone except him. “Get away from me…” The man whispered, looking suddenly very small. He was shaking in fear, eyes fixed on nothing.
“We need to talk to his doctor. Who is it?” The nurse moved to the end of the bed, causing the shaking man to jerk again, wincing as he bent his right arm again. He gasped in pain, pushing his head back into the pillow, and gritting his teeth in pain. A cry emerged from him, forlorn and in pain. “Get away from me!” He screamed, his voice raw and cracking, sending the nurses jumping back. The second nurse grabbed the file, before leaving the room, grabbing Nurse Hansen’s wrist on the way. “Okay, Enjar Neilson… Dr Mathieson. Okay, let’s leave him to calm down. It says in his notes he’s been difficult to medicate in the past." He rubbed her shoulder, comforting her. "Come on, lets get back to it.”
Nurse Hansen was quivering, she had never heard a human make that sound, it was chilling. She looked up at the other nurse, eyes wide. “Hey, if it makes you feel any better, he’s probably not like that in normal life, he’s not himself right now I’m sure.”
That didn’t make her feel any better.
“Alright Enjar, we need to have a talk.” Dr Mathieson eased down into a chair, sitting back comfortably and looking at the man who was curled up in the fetal position. He had a blanket pulled over his face, his right arm sticking out from under it, the IV resting in the bruised joint. “Enjar, look at me please.” His tone was firm, but all it did was make the patient in front of him curl in on himself tighter. He moaned quietly into his pillow, the only acknowledgment he gave the doctor, who sighed in annoyance.
“I do not have time to waste arguing with you.” The doctor, exasperated, leaned forward and spoke quietly, an inch from the man’s face. “I need you to take your medication, Mr Nielson. If you don’t, I may need to sedate you and I know you don’t want that.” Enjar shivered, looking up at the doctor, “Just leave me alone…” he whispered into the blanket.
“If you take the medication, I will. You’re only going to make it harder for yourself by being difficult, Enjar.”
The man grunted, removing the blanket from his face, blinking as he came to. “Huh, wait, what’s happening?” He sat up a little more, looking dazed. Dr Mathieson frowned, looking at his confused patient. “Wait, do you not remember what just happened?” Enjar shook his head, “I don’t… I don’t remember… the sky and voices… I…” He lifted a hand to the scar on his face. “I…” The doctor stared at him as tears began to fall from his face. “It happened again…” He whispered, sitting up and pulling his knees close, shuddering. Dr Mathieson was shocked to see a man like Enjar reduced to a sobbing mess. “Enjar? What’s wrong?”
Enjar looked up at him with a tear stained face, sniffing. He let out a shaking sigh, trying to find the words to explain. “I… I haven’t had very good experiences in hospitals… They are always linked to very bad memories… Things I’d rather forget…” Dr Mathieson looked at Enjar’s hands, shaking wildly. “Okay. Well take the medication the nurses give you, it will help you feel more comfortable.” The doctor cringed in guilt, having been annoyed at the infantile way his patient was behaving, now understanding it a little more. He needed to be gentle with this one, not his usual firm, harsh... impatient self.
Enjar stared into the distance, laying back down and pulling the blankets back around himself. “Okay…” He muttered in a small voice, shaking as he stared at his IV, the bruises having gotten bigger. Dr Mathieson eyed it suspiciously. “Is the IV hurting you?” Enjar shook his head, closing his eyes, waiting for the familiar sensation of the cold liquid entering his veins.
The nurse stepped forward, administering the drug. Enjar moaned as the liquid entered his body, shuddering at the sensation. The nurse then pulled the bed table across him, helping him sit a little and take some tablets. He swallowed them with a wince. “Good man. Keep at it Enjar.” Dr Mathieson stood from his chair, leaving the room and writing a note with the nurse to get a consultation with the psych department for his patient.
Walking down the hall, he made his way to an office, knocking on the door of Dr Fayed. The tired man answered, looking over the thick frames of his glasses. “Ah, Dr Mathieson, how’s your patient?” He asked, tried but cheerful, running his had over his balding head. “Actually Ahmed, that’s who I came to talk to you about. Enjar Nielson. You know him, don’t you?”
Dr Fayed nodded, taking the seat by his desk and resting his chin on his hand. “Yes, we have known each other for a few years. I wouldn’t say we are good friends, but we are on friendly terms. Why?” Dr Mathieson leaned against the wall of the office, next to a poster of a man in the anatomical position, layers of skin and tissue peeled away to reveal muscles, bones and organs. “He seems to be suffering some kind of… episodes, perhaps induced by the admission to hospital. Do you know anything about that?” Dr Fayed looked down at his knees, concerned.
“I knew this would happen.” He mumbled to himself as he glanced at a picture on his desk, crumpled and creased, but pressed flat into a nice frame. The image showed his family, including a younger version of himself, his wife and two sons and daughter. They were with his parents and in-laws, crowded in front of a camera in a green park, a large, broken building behind them.
“You know why I came to this country? Why I left everything I knew?” Dr Fayed grabbed the picture. “This is why. These people. I left Syria because I wanted my children to have a better life. They saw things no child should have to see… I saw things…” He choked a little, swallowing the rising sob.
Dr Mathieson nodded, he knew about Dr Fayed’s past, at least a little. “My wife and I decided to come here, and we were free from the physical threats, but the memories… They stain your mind. Every time I shut my eyes I see my sister in law, my mother, my son…” Dr Fayed placed the image back on his desk.
Dr Fayed’s voice wavered as he looked at his son’s image. He looked radiant, happy and so, so young. “When the war started, I was working in a hospital in Damascus, helping surgeons fix wounds that no human should ever recieve… Then my son…” He wiped a tear from his eye.
“I lost something that can never be replaced. So, I took my family and we ran. We came here for a better life and healed physically, but the memories will always remain. When I realised that I wasn’t coping, I joined a group of trauma survivors..." He glanced around, lowering his voice. "I shouldn’t really divulge this, but under the circumstances… Enjar was a part of that group. He worked in some sort of specialist unit of some kind, helping take down terrorists and the like. It left him with many scars, physical and mental.”
The shorter doctor looked up at Dr Mathieson. “Physical scars heal with time. Scars on the mind do not.” He stood, nodding at the doctor. “He stopped coming a few years ago, he seemed to be doing well, I see him when I go fishing sometimes... I fear this will take him many years of progress back. But then again, that man is tougher than many of the men I know. Do not under estimate him.” Dr Fayed gripped the door to his office with a shaking hand and sighing.
“I’m going to grab a coffee, want one?”
Dr Mathieson shook his head. “No, but thank you Ahmed. You’ve been more helpful than you realise.” Dr Fayed nodded, exhaling another shaky breath. “Any time, Tomas.”
Matthew sat next to Enjar, who was lying in his bed curled up and shaking. He was in a lot of pain, the painkillers not doing much for him. “Are you okay?” He asked the shaking man. “No…” He mumbled, looking at his right arm, glaring at the IV. “I hate this. I hate the stupid nurses coming in every five minutes for poke and prod me. I hate this IV, it hurts, the medication hurts, this stupid machine keeps beeping every time I sleep, I can’t bend my arm and I hate this stupid doctor for doing this to me. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this…”
Tears began to fall from his eyes. Matthew felt himself deflate, he felt sort of guilty for doing this to Enjar, even if it had saved his life. He had never seen him like this before, even in his worst moments. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled and Enjar looked up at him, scowling.
“Good.” He spat.
Matthew sighed, “Hey I’m gonna go get something to eat, want anything?” Enjar didn’t even acknowledge him.
When he returned with his sandwich, he sat back down and looked at Enjar. He smiled at him softly, but Enjar just frowned, turning his head to stare at the ceiling. He was cradling his abdomen, gripping his side as he drew in short, pained breaths. They sat in silence as Matthew ate, Enjar’s eyes slowly closing until he fell into a light and restless sleep. Matthew could see his eyes moving under his eyelids and he would occasionally twitch and moan. He wondered what he was dreaming about.
A few minutes later, a nurse came in waking him up.
Enjar’s eyes opened slowly, as he slowly looked around, remembering where he was. The nurse explained who she was and that she was there to take his vitals. He glared at her, sticking his right arm out further, his eyes fixed on her as she took his pulse. When she left, Matthew stood to leave too, “Cya, Enjar. I’ll be around, call if you need anything.” He sounded sad. Enjar ignored Matthew as he left.
He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he wasn’t in the mood for talking to people right now. He closed his eyes and sighed, trying to taste the salty sea air, and imagining his cabin. He built the fireplace in his mind, trying to remember… the curves of the driftwood used to decorate the mantle, the sound of the front door as it creaked open, the feeling of his soft bed and warm sheets and the smell of his kitchen drying wild herbs…
A beeping interrupted his train of thought and he glanced up at the machine, hoping that if he stared hard enough at it, it might just explode. A nurse rushed in and fiddled with it, before apologising and patting his arm, sending a dull ache up it. The bruising around the IV was getting worse. He managed to semi-drift off again, falling into a dreamless sleep for a few minutes before a nurse came in to give him more medication. This was the weird powdery stuff that tasted like chalk. He wasn’t going to drink it. They couldn’t make him. “Are you ready for your medicine, Mr Neilson?” The nurse asked, his voice soft and calm.
Enjar glared at him and rolled over, away from the cup with the power inside. “Get out.” He snapped, glaring at the wall. The nurse laughed. “Mr Neilson, you have to take it or you will be in a lot of pain. I can come back later if you want, though.”
Enjar eased back around, staring at the cup of white, chalky powder. “I won’t drink it. It tastes like shit.” The nurse sighed, looking at the cups of powder and water he held in his hands, before placing them on the bed table. “I’ve heard it tastes better if you put it in orange juice. Did you want to try that?” Enjar’s face was all the response he needed, the nurse nodded slowly and grabbed the cups. “I’ll be back later to check in okay?”
He watched the nurse leave the room, before he sighed and lay back again, staring at the ceiling, His right arm was freezing. At some point he drifted off again, only to be woken by a dull, deep pain in his stomach. Groaning and rolling his eyes as he sank into the bed. It crinkled, the plastic sanitary sheet under him sliding around under the sheet.
'I'm going to loose it if I can't fucking sleep.'
The nurse came back about twenty minutes later, armed with a bottle of orange juice, the room darker as the sun had begun to set.
“Hey, Enjar…” He spoke softly. Enjar looked at him, shuddering. He knew he had to take this medication to feel better. He didn’t want to but he had to. The nurse moved the bed to a better sitting position until Enajr winced in pain, bending his right arm to steady himself. The IV hurt his elbow, causing him to cry out. “Oh, oh dear, let me see.” The nurse reached over to look at the IV. Enjar pulled his arm close and shot him a look, causing the nurse to raise his hands in surrender.
“Here’s the juice.” He murmured, pouring the powder in and stirring it with a small stick before pulling the bed table over Enjar’s lap. “You don’t have to chug it if you don’t want, but it makes it easier to get down.”
Enjar stared at the small plastic cup, watching the chalky sediment settle at the bottom and then dissolve. He reached with his left hand, watching it shake weakly, before grabbing the juice and taking a small sip. It did taste better, but it was still pretty rancid tasting. Twisting his face into a grimace, he took a few big gulps, before placing the empty cup on the table. The juice tatsed strangely metallic.
“Did you want to try a bathroom trip, if you can’t I can get a bed pan?” The nurse asked, looking at Enjar’s uncomfortable shifting. “Your chart says you might need to go soon.” Enjar half nodded, not caring about what the nurse wanted,
‘Just go away, I want sleep…’
The nurse lay the bed back down, the movement making Enjar grunt in pain as his body straightened. His mind had already started feeling fuzzy from the medicine. ‘It feels like I’m wearing my body like a heavy suit.’ He thought to himself, feeling clammy, cold and gross as the nurse pulled his IV around the bed and helped him sit. He looked at his feet dangling from the edge.
“Tell me if you can’t walk yet, okay?” The nurse pulled him up and immediately Enjar’s heart began to pound in his ears. He cold feel the cold, hard floor beneath his feet and a ringing sound overtook his mind, blinding him until he felt something cold and hard against his back.
“Okay then, no walking.” The nurse muttered, picking Enjar up and laying him back down. “What… happened…?” He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes. “You fainted, I think. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you dropped like a sack of potatoes. Bed pan it’s going to be I’m afraid.” Enjar felt sick, last time he had used one of those it was after…
“No. I want to try again.” His voice shook as he insisted, taking away any power his words had. “Enjar. I’m sorry I can’t allow that. I have to report this, then I’ll come back with a bed pan okay?” Enjar sighed in frustration and pain, his head still spinning a little. His hands found the railings of the bed and he gripped them tightly, before the spinning seemed to slow. He awoke again, this time being shaken, two nurses calling his name urgently. The guy was back, this time with an older lady.
Her hair was almost glowing in the evening light, the bleach blonde locks tied up in a messy bun. “Mr Nielson, can you hear me?” When Enjar opened his mouth to reply, all he could manage was a strained groan. A light got shined in his eyes, it hurt and made him blink, moving his head away. “I don’t know if he passed out or if it’s just the drugs. Vertigo is a side affect of that one, right? Now again...” The male nurse asked.
“Yeah, but still. Let’s give him a minute then do him.” The female nurse wiped the hair from Enjar’s face, the acrylics on her fingernails making a pleasant scratching sensation against his skin through her gloves. He leaned into it a little, sighing. “You like that huh? Let me get your hair out of the way.” She laughed, leaning his head forward and pulling the clumps of messy, matted hair into a loose pony tail. “There we go. Do you want the pan now?” Enjar’s eyes were glazed over as he looked at her blurry face. It was confusing as he murmured words, barely able to express the rising feeling of dread in his chest.
“I feel… strange…” Her face moved a weird shape, maybe a smile, he couldn’t be sure. “That’s the drugs, honey. You’ll feel a bit strange for a while but it’ll stop.”
“Good… I hate it…”
The nurses pulled the sheets down, helping Enjar get into position, but the small amount of lifting it took to get the pan under him hurt so much. His abdominal muscles clenched as he felt the pulling inside his abdomen grow more painful, before they lowered him down. “Did that hurt?” The male nurse asked. Enjar nodded, teeth firmly clenched. After he had finished, the other nurse changed her gloves, “I just want to check your tummy okay?” Enjar was too out of it to comprehend it, just nodding and laying back, eyes closed and waiting for everything to stop hurting.
The nurse’s hands pressed on him, causing his legs to jerk and his abs to tense. “Is that hurting you, Mr Nielson?” A bright, harsh pain ripped through his body, memories flashing in front of his eyes.
Enjar gasped, eyes flying open, everything suddenly a little clearer. He just had to survive. “Get off me.” He gasped, shuddering at the sensation of the deep, dull aching already fading from his body. The nurse stepped back, looking at her counterpart. “Call Dr Mathieson. I don’t like this.” The younger nurse nodded, leaving the room whilst the older one stayed.
She pulled the blankets up onto Enjar and sighed sympathetically. “Oh, my dear. You look like you’ve been through the wars, huh? Maybe if you feel up to it was can wash you tomorrow, clean you up a little, hmm?” Enjar just shut his eyes and tried forcing sleep to come. His mind was too awake now, despite the fuzziness coming back. “I’ll come check on you later, darling.” She whispered, squeezing his shoulder lightly. The touch gave Enjar a fright, images flashing through his mind again.
A black, gloved hand moved into his vision. He could hear someone gasping, was it him? A distant voice said something but he couldn’t understand. The sky was so blue and there was a single bird tweeting in this damn forest of death… His chest was rising and falling so fast and he could hear someone gasping…
He had to make sure his team was okay, he couldn’t be the last one left? Surely the others had survived? That’s why they wore protection…. His face felt wet… A mask came out from somewhere, covering his face, suffocating him, he tried to get it off… A prick of a needle in his right elbow… He screamed for it to stop. It was too much… he just needed to make sure his team was okay, was the target even taken down? Was his victim safe? Someone was holding him down and he screamed for them to stop again, the pressure on his shoulders suffocating him more…
Enjar’s eyes flew open and he glanced around the room. Someone was mumbling something, but it was hard to hear over the screams, before they cut out with an awkward choking sound. Something caught in his throat and he gagged, gripping the things holding him down tightly and sitting up, hacking up his lungs, the movements causing his stomach to hurt. The IV pinched his right arm and the nasal prongs strangled his face.
He snapped.
His fingers flew across his body faster than anyone could catch them and he ripped the IV from his arm, ignoring the pain as he threw it across the room with a cry. He heard it clatter against the ground, as he pulled of the nasal prongs, before he caught sight of his arm, leaking blood all over the place. The sight of it made him feel dizzy, it was like before, when the warm blood had been trickling over his arms and face and chest the smell and the taste…
Everything went black.
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beevean · 2 years ago
After a week, dad is doing much, much better :)
The way they talked about him at first made me fear the worst, but by today he went from a huge oxygen mask that covered his whole face to small nasal prongs, he can sit down and he can talk without much issue
He's still tired and barely eats because he gets fatigued, but he pretty much gets better every day and this gives me hope
I wanted to thank everyone who supported me and gave us their best wishes last week 💖 you guys are so kind and I appreciate that you comforted me when I was scared :)
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better-breath-strips · 4 months ago
Say Goodbye to Snoring: The Benefits of Anti Snoring Nasal Strips
Snoring, a common sleep disturbance, can disrupt not only your own sleep but also that of your partner or family members. Fortunately, there are simple and effective solutions available to help you breathe easier and sleep better. One such solution is anti snoring nasal strips. While snoring may seem like a minor inconvenience, chronic snoring can lead to more serious health problems, including sleep apnea.
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Understanding the Science Behind Snoring
Before we delve into the benefits of breathe right nasal strips large, let's briefly discuss the science behind snoring. When you breathe in and out while you're asleep, the soft tissues in the back of your throat vibrate, causing snoring. This vibration creates the characteristic sound we recognise as snoring.
Nasal Obstruction: A blocked or congested nasal passage can force air to flow through the mouth, increasing the vibration of the soft tissues.
Obesity: Excess weight can lead to a narrowing of the airway, making it more difficult for air to pass through.
Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can relax the muscles in the throat, increasing the likelihood of snoring.
Sleep Position: Sleeping on your back can worsen snoring as it can further restrict the airway.
How Anti-Snoring Nasal Strips Work
Anti-snoring nasal strips are designed to alleviate snoring by gently opening the nasal passages. They typically consist of an adhesive strip with two flexible prongs that lift the nasal passages, allowing for easier breathing.
The Benefits of Using Anti-Snoring Nasal Strips
Improved Breathing: By opening the nasal passages, nasal strips can significantly improve airflow, reducing or eliminating snoring.
Better Sleep Quality: Better breathing leads to deeper, more restful sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized.
Reduced Disruption: For those who share a bed, nasal strips can minimize the disruptive effects of snoring, leading to a more peaceful sleep environment for everyone.
Increased Energy Levels: Improved sleep quality can boost energy levels and enhance overall cognitive function.
Potential Health Benefits: By reducing sleep apnea symptoms, nasal strips may contribute to better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of other health problems associated with sleep deprivation.
These strips have the potential to improve your general health by increasing airflow and encouraging higher-quality sleep. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to your snoring.
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surginatalsurgical · 8 months ago
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Buy New Born Baby Care Products Online
Newborn care is crucial right after birth, as newborns are particularly vulnerable to infections. Expectant parents should prioritize their baby's health and well-being.
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Explore SurgiNatal's extensive range of newborn care items. From the moment of birth and continuing through the first three to four months, newborn care products are vital. Our selection includes baby lotion, wipes, baby oil, cream, diapers, blankets, and more.
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SurgiNatal offers top-quality newborn care products from trusted brands such as Eagle, Generic, Mee Mee, Neosoft, Romsons, and SurgiNatal, all at affordable prices.
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breathclinic · 8 months ago
Benefits of Supplemental Oxygen Therapy for Interstitial Lung Disease Patients
Supplemental oxygen therapy is a crucial component in the management and treatment of Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), overseen by experienced specialists such as pulmonologist in Jaipur Dr. Pankaj Gulati at Breath Clinic. This therapy provides significant benefits to ILD patients by addressing the progressive decline in lung function and improving overall quality of life.
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Understanding Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD):
ILD encompasses a group of chronic lung disorders characterized by inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue, which restricts the ability to breathe efficiently. Symptoms include persistent cough, progressive dyspnea (shortness of breath), fatigue, and reduced exercise tolerance. Causes of ILD vary and can include environmental exposures, autoimmune diseases, and idiopathic origins.
Benefits of Supplemental Oxygen Therapy:
Improved Oxygenation and Symptom Relief: ILD patients often experience hypoxemia, a condition where there is insufficient oxygen in the blood. Supplemental oxygen therapy helps increase oxygen levels, alleviating symptoms such as breathlessness and fatigue. By delivering a consistent flow of oxygen through nasal prongs or face masks, patients can perform daily activities with greater ease and comfort.
Enhanced Exercise Capacity: Adequate oxygenation is essential for physical exertion and exercise. Supplemental oxygen enables ILD patients to engage in physical activities and pulmonary rehabilitation programs more effectively. Improved exercise capacity promotes muscle strength, endurance, and overall cardiovascular fitness, enhancing quality of life.
Reduction in Pulmonary Hypertension Risk: ILD can lead to complications such as pulmonary hypertension, where increased pressure in the pulmonary arteries strains the heart. Supplemental oxygen therapy helps reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and alleviate strain on the heart, potentially lowering the risk of developing pulmonary hypertension.
Support During Exacerbations: During acute exacerbations of ILD, supplemental oxygen therapy provides critical support to manage respiratory distress and stabilize oxygen levels. This intervention can prevent complications and reduce the need for hospitalization, facilitating faster recovery and improved outcomes.
Long-term Management and Disease Progression: Continuous use of supplemental oxygen as prescribed by a pulmonologist in Jaipur like Dr. Pankaj Gulati is crucial in managing ILD progression. By maintaining adequate oxygen saturation levels over time, oxygen therapy may help slow disease progression and improve overall prognosis.
Enhanced Quality of Life: Improved oxygenation through supplemental oxygen therapy significantly enhances the quality of life for ILD patients. It allows them to maintain independence, participate in social activities, and enjoy hobbies without the limitations imposed by breathlessness and fatigue.
Supplemental oxygen therapy is a cornerstone of Interstitial Lung Disease treatment in Jaipur at Breath Clinic, managed under the expert guidance of Dr. Pankaj Gulati. By addressing hypoxemia and improving oxygen delivery to tissues, this therapy not only alleviates symptoms but also supports pulmonary rehabilitation efforts and enhances overall well-being. ILD patients benefit significantly from personalized care and comprehensive treatment strategies that prioritize optimizing lung function and improving quality of life through effective oxygen therapy management. Early integration of supplemental oxygen therapy into ILD treatment plans underscores its role in enhancing patient outcomes and ensuring a proactive approach to managing this chronic lung condition.
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sehaaonline · 8 months ago
All you know to know about Oxygen Cylinders
Oxygen therapy is provided with the help of oxygen cylinders and concentrators to people who have or experience difficulty in breathing. When your body’s proper respiration is not working, it requires and tends to get dependent on these oxygen supports. The medical oxygen cylinders and concentrators are exclusively manufactured to supply oxygen in the hospitals and homes. This blog will focus on oxygen cylinders.
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# How is oxygen important to humans?
The human body cannot function and sustain without oxygen. Everything in the body is carried out with the help of oxygen. From making the food (in energy) to converting the breathing (oxygen to carbon dioxide) and keeping the organs alive (via blood), oxygen is one of the most important components required by humans to sustain. Our oxygenated rich blood is responsible for fighting against diseases and illnesses, delivering food to the cells and organs, cleaning the body and keeping it working.
# Can we ever be oxygen deficient?
Lungs are responsible for delivering the oxygen rich air from the atmosphere to the body. The air we breathe is filtered at the nostrils, eliminating the dust and particles, finally reaching the lungs where the bronchioles exchange oxygenated air and take the carbon dioxide from the bloodstream. When the lungs are compromised and cannot function as per the requirement, people encounter breathing problems. These can be bronchitis, respiratory infections, COVID-19, pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.
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# How to know if you are oxygen depleted?
Before you purchase an oxygen gas cylinder, take in account the following things-
Are you out of breath?
Is your chest hurting?
Is your skin bluish?
Do you feel heavy in breathing?
Are you experiencing lack of appetite?
Are you insomniac?
All these factors may or may not conclude oxygen deficiency but should not be taken lightly. You can check your oxygen saturation level via the Oximeter. If it comes to less than 90, consult a doctor right away. Remember to check at least 4-6 times in one go to cut false positives. Oxygen deficiency can lead to heart, brain and lung problems. This is one one requires a hospital oxygen cylinder or an oxygen cylinder at home.
# What is an oxygen cylinder?
A device that can assist in breathing and perform the same function as lungs is defined as an oxygen cylinder. The medical oxygen tank is in the storage container and supplies the given amount of oxygen as per its capacity. A mask or a nasal cannula is used for the same. These are available in different capacities like a 10 liter oxygen cylinder, and one can buy according to their requirements.
Covid-19 made us realise the importance of these cylinders. We came across various oxygen tanks for home use due to the respiratory disease - corona. The outbreak had its impact on lungs and compromised the respiration. This was when a portable oxygen cylinder for home use saved many lives and was a blessing in disguise!
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# How do portable oxygen tanks for breathing work?
The following components are included in the oxygen tanks for breathing-
Pressure gauge
Knob for flow regulation
Nasal cannula
Surgical mask
Operation of the portable oxygen cylinder for home is as follows-
First you’ve to turn on the oxygen cylinder’s valve. This can be done with the help of the wrench on the cylinder.
After this the valve will be open and you’ll be able to check the cylinder pressure inside. This will make sure the ample amount of oxygen is present inside the cylinder.
You can adjust the flow via the flow regulator. Remember to adjust the flow as prescribed by the doctor.
You can further attach the nasal cannula and other tubing prongs with the machine. The oxygen machine is ready to use.
# What are the different types of O2 cylinders?
There are many different types of oxygen cylinders available in the market- industrial and medical. Medical oxygen cylinders are usually made up of steel or aluminium metal. The basic difference between the two is that aluminium is much lighter than the steel cylinders. These are also called portable oxygen cylinders. Oxygen cylinders differ by their composition and the amount of saturated oxygen present inside. As we know they have liquid oxygen hence the amount varies from 1-10 litres. The steel oxygen cylinders can encompass 1-50 litres of oxygen. Sehaaonline can narrow down your search for the right cylinder. Buying an oxygen cylinder from us can be beneficial in many ways- You will be able to know all the features before-hand, easy return and refund policy, and rental options as per the needs of people.
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# Are oxygen cylinders different from oxygen concentrators?
Both the oxygen therapies work on the same aim- to provide optimal amounts of oxygen. But the method of deliveries varies. Oxygen cylinders have a finite or limited amount of oxygen supply (that is a given litre per passage). The more you use, it gets depleted and the cylinder can finish. Although the tank can be replaced or refilled but cannot be taken for longer periods. A concentrator on the other hand works like an AC. It takes the ambient air and filters it and delivers the pure oxygen to the patient. Oxygen cylinders can deliver continuous oxygen but a concentrator can vary depending on the type of device used.
# How much is the cost of an oxygen cylinder?
An oxygen cylinder can be bought from Sehaaonline where a comprehensive range of oxygen therapy is given. The cost of the cylinder increases as we shop for high capacities and accessories. You can get the oxygen cylinders from different qualities and brands. Remember to get the best one suited as per your needs. These are average costly and are cheaper than the concentrators.
# What are the things to consider before opting for a cylinder?
One needs to understand the needs, mechanics, complexities, and technicalities of the oxygen cylinder before buying one. These range in sizes and capacities. If you travel a lot, you may think to opt for a portable oxygen cylinder that can fulfil your journey’s requirements. If you need high volumes of oxygen, stationary tanks can help you. These can be given in the continuous flow or pulse dose mechanism.
A continuous flow can deliver oxygen continuously whereas the pulse dose mechanism delivers the oxygen as per your breathing pattern. PD or the pulse dose mechanism can conserve a high amount of oxygen whereas the continuous flow can waste most of the oxygen gas. Therefore the things to consider are-
Number of hours required
Weight and travel
Purpose of use
Breathing pattern
Capacity of the cylinder.
After knowing the above mentioned pointers, you will be able to opt for the right oxygen cylinder.
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miheartsays · 9 months ago
may 29, 2024
Just triaged this hypoxia Ctas 1 pt who ended up being fine once he got inside lol and now I feel like I overreacted but honestly I would not have done anything differently. His triage vitals were shit. He was not maintaining his saturations. He was febrile, tachy, hypotensive and hypoxic. Even if he was sating well on nasal prongs he would have gone to resus regardless due to the tachycardia, febrile, hypotension and the fact he was saying 75% on RA. If he came in via ems and they stabilized him yeah maybe he could have just gone to major but he was a walk in. He looked good for somebody who was saying shittly but the vitals say otherwise
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ameliawilson0245 · 10 months ago
Living with Less Pain: Exploring the Potential of Ketamine Treatment
Chronic pain casts a long shadow, impacting daily life and diminishing the quality of life for millions worldwide. Traditional treatment options offer relief for some, but many individuals continue to struggle, yearning for a reprieve from the unrelenting grip of pain. Thankfully, advancements in pain management offer a glimmer of hope. Ketamine, a medication with a surprising history, is emerging as a potential tool in the fight against chronic pain, offering the possibility of significant improvement.
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This article explores the potential of ketamine for chronic pain treatment in Long Beach. We will delve into the mechanisms behind chronic pain, how ketamine works, the different treatment approaches, and the positive outcomes experienced by some patients. It's important to note that ketamine is not a magic bullet and a balanced approach is crucial.
Understanding the Enigma of Chronic Pain
Chronic pain, defined as pain persisting beyond the expected healing time (typically exceeding three months), can manifest in various ways, including persistent aches, burning sensations, or sharp shooting pains. The causes are complex, often involving a combination of factors:
Damaged nerves: Injuries or diseases can damage nerves, sending abnormal pain signals to the brain.
Inflammation: Persistent inflammation in tissues can trigger and amplify pain sensations.
Central sensitization: Over time, the central nervous system can become hypersensitive to pain signals, even from minor stimuli.
Psychological factors: Stress, anxiety, and depression can worsen the perception of pain and hinder the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms.
The multifaceted nature of chronic pain highlights the need for a multi-pronged approach to treatment. Ketamine offers a unique perspective by targeting the central nervous system directly, aiming to disrupt the pain cycle and provide relief.
Ketamine: From Anesthetic to Potential Analgesic Ally
Ketamine has been used safely and effectively as an anesthetic for decades. Recent research suggests its potential for treating chronic pain conditions, but the exact mechanism of action is still being explored. Here are some potential ways ketamine might alleviate pain:
NMDA receptor antagonism: Ketamine may block the activity of NMDA receptors in the brain, which play a role in pain perception and central sensitization. By blocking these receptors, ketamine could dampen pain signals and reduce overall pain intensity.
Promoting neuroplasticity: Ketamine might stimulate the growth and reorganization of neural connections, potentially helping to rewire pain pathways in the brain.
Anti-inflammatory effects: Emerging research suggests ketamine may possess anti-inflammatory properties, further contributing to pain reduction.
Tailoring Ketamine Treatment for Chronic Pain Management
Ketamine treatment for chronic pain can be administered in various ways, depending on the specific needs of the patient and the type of pain:
Intravenous (IV) infusions: This method involves delivering a low-dose ketamine infusion directly into a vein, typically administered over 30-60 minutes in a clinical setting.
Intranasal ketamine: This involves a nasal spray delivering a measured dose of ketamine, offering a more convenient option for some patients.
Topical ketamine creams: For localized pain, a topical cream containing ketamine may be applied directly to the affected area.
The frequency and duration of ketamine treatment will be determined by a healthcare professional based on the patient's individual response and pain condition. Ketamine is often used in conjunction with other pain management strategies like physical therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other medications to provide a comprehensive approach.
A Path Towards a Life Less Limited by Pain
Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition, but there is hope. Ketamine treatment offers a potential pathway toward lifelessness limited by pain. By working with a qualified healthcare professional, you can explore if ketamine treatment is right for you and create a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your specific needs. Remember, chronic pain management is a journey, and ketamine may be a valuable tool on that path.
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drpriya · 10 months ago
Shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea, can occur due to various reasons, including both physiological and pathological factors.
Here's a breakdown of some common causes:
Respiratory Conditions: Respiratory disorders such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, bronchitis, pulmonary embolism, or lung cancer can lead to shortness of breath. These conditions can cause narrowing of airways, inflammation, or impaired lung function, making it difficult to breathe.
Cardiovascular Issues: Heart-related problems like congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, heart attack (myocardial infarction), or arrhythmias can result in inadequate oxygen supply to the body, leading to shortness of breath. Fluid buildup in the lungs due to heart failure can also contribute to breathing difficulties. ( Know more about- What is Heart Attack ? )
Anemia: A low red blood cell count or insufficient hemoglobin levels in the blood (anemia) can reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, causing shortness of breath and fatigue.
Obesity: Excessive body weight can put pressure on the chest and abdomen, restricting lung expansion and making breathing more difficult, especially during physical activity.
Anxiety and Panic Disorders: Psychological factors such as anxiety, panic attacks, or stress can lead to hyperventilation or rapid breathing, resulting in a feeling of breathlessness even though oxygen levels in the blood may be normal.
Allergies and Environmental Factors: Allergic reactions to pollen, dust, pet dander, or environmental pollutants can trigger respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath, in susceptible individuals.
Physical Activity: Intense exercise or strenuous physical activity can cause shortness of breath as the body demands more oxygen to fuel muscles, leading to increased breathing rate and heart rate.
High Altitude: Exposure to high altitudes where the air contains lower levels of oxygen can cause shortness of breath, especially for individuals who are not acclimatized to such environments.
Smoking and Airway Irritants: Smoking, exposure to secondhand smoke, or inhalation of other air pollutants can damage the lungs and airways, leading to chronic respiratory problems and shortness of breath.
Medications: Certain medications, such as beta-blockers, can cause breathing difficulties as a side effect in some individuals.
These are just a few examples of the myriad factors that can contribute to shortness of breath.
Immediate relief from shortness of breath depends on the underlying cause.
Here are some general strategies that may help alleviate shortness of breath temporarily:
Relaxation Techniques: If anxiety or panic is contributing to shortness of breath, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation can help calm the mind and body, potentially improving breathing.
Correcting Posture: Sitting upright and leaning forward slightly can help expand the chest cavity, making it easier to breathe. Conversely, lying flat may exacerbate shortness of breath in some individuals.
Airway Clearance Techniques: If shortness of breath is due to excess mucus or phlegm in the airways, techniques such as controlled coughing or using a device like a flutter valve or positive expiratory pressure (PEP) device can help clear the airways and improve breathing.
Inhalers or Bronchodilators: For individuals with asthma or COPD, using a rescue inhaler (e.g., albuterol) or other bronchodilator medications can quickly open up airways and relieve shortness of breath. These medications work by relaxing the muscles around the airways, allowing for easier breathing.
Oxygen Therapy: In cases of severe shortness of breath or low blood oxygen levels, supplemental oxygen therapy administered through nasal prongs, a mask, or a portable oxygen tank can provide immediate relief by increasing oxygen levels in the blood.
Nebulized Medications: Nebulizers can be used to administer medications in the form of a fine mist, which is inhaled directly into the lungs. Nebulized bronchodilators or corticosteroids may be prescribed to relieve acute respiratory symptoms.
Pursed Lip Breathing: This breathing technique involves inhaling slowly through the nose and exhaling through pursed lips, which helps regulate breathing and prevent rapid breathing associated with shortness of breath.
Cool Air or Fan: Breathing in cool air from an open window or using a fan can help relieve shortness of breath, especially in hot or humid environments. However, avoid exposure to cold air if it triggers asthma symptoms.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water can help thin mucus secretions and keep airways moist, which may make breathing easier, especially for individuals with respiratory infections or allergies.
Immediate Medical Attention: If shortness of breath is severe, persistent, or accompanied by chest pain, dizziness, confusion, or bluish discoloration of the lips or nails, it may indicate a medical emergency. In such cases, it's crucial to seek immediate medical attention.
Get best treatment for shortness of breath and other medical conditions at best hospitals like Jaslok Hospital Mumbai.
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bereavedmum · 11 months ago
A small improvement
This morning the ICU consultant was 95% sure that Leah would need to go on a ventilator but said that he would monitor her condition for another hour. However Leah’s condition has stabilised again thankfully. Her oxygen levels and breathing have improved a little. This has enabled them to swap her cpap face mask for nasal prongs for part of the time. This is a little more comfortable for Leah…
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