#Nanowrimo 2017
the ableism argument is honestly killing me "well maybe they dont have access to resources like people who can spellcheck so--" you are the biggest amateur writing event of the year. make editcember a thing on your website. here you go here are your badges for helping out a writer who may make spelling/grammar mistakes why would you immediately resort to ai im so so tired
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nettleandthorne · 1 year
hello! welcome. make yourself at home. i'm nettle, writer of hands in the deep, dark earth (alternative title: the gravedigger and the beast). i'll be attempting nanowrimo this year (with a very gentle goal) and i'd be grateful if you walked it with me. journeys are so much better with company, don't you think?
about me: i'm an asexual and non-binary molecular biologist with a love of mushrooms, properly-brewed tea, gothic horror, steampunk, kpop (for my sins) and queer podcasts. i've been writing since i was six and as far as i'm aware, i'd probably just die if i tried to stop now.
about hands in the deep dark earth: a queer gothic romance about a lonely gravedigger and the thing who visits their graveyard at night. focusing on themes of shared otherness and self-acceptance played out through a story of mystery, monsters, and dark magic, i'm hoping it'll turn into the kind of story i needed when i was young and trying to understand myself as someone queer.
thank you for reading! i work full-time so finding time to write and post on here isn't the easiest thing in the world, but i'm hoping nanowrimo will encourage me a little. i will almost certainly lose focus and post mushroom pictures.
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hakuryuu · 4 months
i am full of coffee and love and a deep and unbearable longing for a past i can never return to
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impressionism · 2 years
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I did it! I’m exhausted but I did it! This story is far from done and I will keep continuing to write throughout November BUT it was done and I’m so excited!
For someone who hasn’t written or thought about these characters I created since 2017 and years later taking a chance… it’s a big deal. What also helped me was getting back into writing fic which I had stopped for YEARS to only get back into it this year.
Wow. I think I can like take a mini break, yes? And start up tomorrow?
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everymlmhybrid · 11 months
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hanna-writes · 11 months
Ah fuck it, I guess I’ll do nano this year
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baronetcoins · 2 years
15/chapters out of a planned 22 drafted
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this is going to be a big boy
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naknicromo · 7 months
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Hello and welcome to National Knitting and Crochet Month 2024!!
It's been a quiet few years around here, what with there being a plague and all, but we're back and ready for action! I'm @tassified, you can call me Tassi, and I'll be your tumblr mascot for the month!
You may be wondering what this is all about, so let me explain: NaKniCroMo is a small, all ages grassroots project that's been around since 2017, styled after the more famous NaNoWriMo. Instead of writing a novel, we craft until we can't craft no more!
Pick yourself a challenge for the month - got some WIPs that need tackling? Got a special project you wanna do? Want to learn a new craft? All sorts are welcome around here!
There'll be a prompt challenge for you to do with as you see fit, and a lot of fun centered on yarncraft! Stick around for more information throughout the month!
More fun and community is waiting for you:
Instagram/Twitter/Tiktok - @naknicromo
Discord - https://discord.gg/z2SxEu4gQt
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rweoutofthewoods · 4 months
How did you get into Jegulus?
Oh this is fun bc I don't think I've fully explained before. I blame tiktok, I always liked wolfstar and spent time in and out of the hp fandom since I was old enough to be on the internet (mostly drarry though) and some random time in 2022 tiktok decided to start showing me a ton of marauders content, which honestly I STILL DON'T KNOW WHY. It just started popping up on my fyp even though I'd never heard of most of the new wave marauders stuff. That led to me reading a bunch of newer hp fics I hadn't read since I dipped from hp for Voltron in like 2017. Basically, I read every200k+ word hp fic I could find and eventually I ran out of my old ships and decided wtf I'll read jegulus. MIND YOU, I'm an OG fan so I hated the idea of jegulus at first because it was always jily and the thought of anything else never crossed my mind. But I started reading jegulus fics and got hooked. Then I wanted to get back into writing, went to finish my last Voltron fic, and then decided to write my own jegulus. I started anti-hero for NaNoWriMo in 2022 and just never stopped writing after that... Jegulus was just the perfect ship for me, and I'm not sure I can even imagine anything else ever giving me the inspiration and drive to write that jeggy does.
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genericpuff · 11 months
NaNoWriMo 2023 !!
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(Na)tional (No)vel (Wri)ting (Mo)nth is upon us once again !
I've only ever completed NaNoWriMo's 50k word challenge once. It was back in 2017, and I completed it in literally 7 days. I haven't really been able to write at such volume since (ADHD hyperfixations be like) but each year I try to set myself some small goals to hit just in the spirit of the event as I've been doing it for years now (I think I started doing it in high school and that was ageeessss ago).
So! I think my goal this year is gonna be the following:
Finish scripting out the remainder of [AFTERBIRTH] S1
Finish plotting out the remainder of the first two 'seasons' of Rekindled (not the same as scripting, this is just me roughly laying out what I want to happen in each episode !)
That said, I'll also be pacing myself as best as I can as I don't want to burn myself out. The actual physical act of writing has always been really difficult for me, sometimes I get really into what I'm doing and do nothing BUT writing for hours a day, and then that often leads to me crashing and not touching a project for months. IDK why I have such a weird relationship with writing these days, I used to do so much of it as a kid, but I think this will be a great way for me to get back into it, so long as I don't overdo it (*/ω\)
Good luck to everyone who's taking part !!! I hope we all get lots of writing done \(^▽^)/
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duhragonball · 19 days
November Plannin'
All right, I've been thinking it over, and I think I'm gonna have to pull the plug on my NaNoWriMo account. The AI thing irks me, because to me the organization seems to think that it doesn't matter if you use Chat GPT or some other damn thing to reach the goal. And I do think it matters, because to me the whole point of the exercise is that those 50,000 words come from me, and me alone. The only software I need is Notepad.exe. I only downloaded iA Writer because it was like a Notepad.exe for my phone, and I got FocusWriter because it's like Notepad.exe with a wordcounter.
I've heard about the Nano community, and the writing groups, and the public meet-ups, and I'm not knocking any of that stuff, but I never had any interest in that. I just used the website to keep score, and I guess that's what bugs me, because by refusing to condemn AI, they're basically insinuating that the score doesn't matter. "It doesn't matter what you wrote." Someone told me that once and it still gets me kinda hot.
NaNoWriMo doesn't care if I write the words or not. All the org seems to care about is having participants who'll buy the merch and click on their sponsors, or whatever. They're gonna do this shady crap and they take the participants for granted. "What are you gonna do? Leave? You need us to reach your writing goals!"
That's the message I get from them. That's what made me reluctant to decide, because it is handy, and there's a certain anxiety that if I give up the structure the site offers, I might not reach my goal.
And that's the "creative monster" I need to slay this year. When I was in college, I took a semester of creative writing, and there was an assignment called "Killing the Creative Monster", and I interpreted it as a sense of not having enough time to write. Things kept happening, and the stuff I wanted to do seemed like it would take too long with no certainty that it would be worthwhile. That was in 1998. In 2024, the Creative Monster is the idea that I'm dependent on NanoWriMo to get me where I'm want to be.
So I'm gonna close down my account on the site. But I'm not doing it right away, because first I'm gonna save all the stats and stuff that belong to me. We'll start with the banner image I put up on my profile.
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This is Zack Sabre Junior. This year, he won the G1 Climax tournament. He made a big deal about how his career wouldn't be complete until he won the G1. Not just any G1, but this year's tournament. I just put this picture in my profile because I was digging his tag team stuff with Taichi a few years ago, but suddenly I'm reminded of him winning the G1 this year. It was a big deal. He's the first guy to win that I actually wanted to win.
I've won NanoWriMo seven times from 2017 to 2023. But that doesn't matter. Unless I win Unaffiliated Autumnal Writing Challenge (UAWC) in 2024, I'll always feel a bit unsatisfied. That's what this one is about. No pep talks from some author I never heard of because I'm too busy watching anime to read. No funky word-count widget that always malfunctions around midnight. Just me and this computer, and a bunch of tekkers. That's how we're gonna do this one.
Good. I finally feel fired up about this one. I was beginning to get nervous. Let's figure out what I need to work on.
Luffa Annual 6. Ironically, this one actually takes priority over the main fic, becuase it's the Christmas Special, so it has a hard deadline. I was gonna work on it last week, but I kind of blew it off.
I don't know that the annuals are all that popular, but I enjoy making them, even if they are a huge pain in the butt to figure out. I'm glad this is the last one in the set, but I won't just slap it together and call it good.
Tellurium. This is a weird side-bet I'm making here. On my main blog, I used to do a series on the discovery of the chemical elements, and this was the next one on my list back in, uh... 2016. The tricky thing here is that the writing is just part of the job. There's research that goes into this stuff, and I don't want to get lose a days' worth of wordcount trying to wrap my head around molecular orbitals. Call me a glutton for punishment. It'd be relatively easy to just do 10-12 Luffa chapters and call it a month, because I've done that before. I feel like this year needs to be trickier. Also, I really, really want to get Te in the books. I don't think I like the chemical elements more than Luffa, but it is telling that I'm even having that conversation with myself right now.
Luffa 225-234. Of course I still plan to stick with what brung me to the dance. Kakarot is behind me but this fic isn't finished. The problem is that I only have a nebulous plan on where to go from here, and it's coming together a lot more gradually than I thought it would. I plotted a cool scene on my commute this afternoon, so that's a good sign, but I need to be realistic here. Last year went really well because I was writing the Luffa vs. Goku fight that I had been dreaming of for years. Motivation-wise, I've got nowhere to go but down. But I had similar problems in 2018-2020, and I prevailed then.
That Bulma project I was horsing around with. Last year, there was some crank on Twitter getting pissy at anyone who shipped Bulma with any non-canon partners, like there's a rule or something. That kind of inspired me to try to do some shorter works featuring Bulma hooking up with different characters. I didn't get very far last year, but I liked having a side-thing that I could jump into whenever I got stuck with the main work.
You know, thinking about it, I really need to use 2025 to work on some non-Luffa fanfic. In the early years, I worried that working on a longfic would eat up time that I could use for one-shots, and I slowly acclimated to just focusing one thing. But now that the Goku fight is done, the pressure is off to finish Luffa before I die. I mean, it's still not finished, but the Goku fight was a major milestone, and I didn't like the idea of never getting that done.
I mean, I still get kudos on that Caulikale fic I wrote in 2018, and the Gochi thing I did. People like that stuff, and I'm pretty good at making it. Maybe I should run a poll.
I dunno, that's probably enough for now. I should go back to bed. But I feel a lot better about November than I did a few days ago, that's for sure.
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airbus-a350 · 1 month
my first creative setting that became the only thing i could think about started in 2008 when I did nanowrimo for the first time and ended in 2017 when I had to move on. Some characters remain but the very earliest ones are just sort of frozen in time and I know I can't go back to them. it's like seeing someone who was once your absolute best friend on the bus one day and you have a quick polite chat where you promise to meet up for coffee but you know it won't happe. that era is over
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composeregg · 1 year
No seriously look at her, she joined me while I made this poll, demanding to be brushed
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builder051 · 3 months
Whumpmas in July 2024 day 1: Introduction
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Here’s (almost) what I look like. Cred to Fotor for the filter.
Hey, all!
I’m Laur. He/him. I’ve always loved sickfics, both reading them and creating my own. I started off writing for OCs and several different fandoms, but eventually I’ve settled into working within the MCU. I have have ~ 10 different ‘verses ranging canon to AU, and many are focused on different individual characters.
Believe it or not, this is my 8th WIJ (or maybe I pre-date the event? I can’t remember.) Anyway, I’ve been posting fics here since 2017.
At the time I created this account, I training as a professional athlete and dabbling in bodybuilding (hence the name of this blog—the numbers are a random add-on to make the account unique.) I would cross train and swim for an hour every afternoon, then set up the laptop and pour my heart and soul into stories to post on Tumblr. I finally found my writing niche, and I’ve made some best friends for life in the whump/sickfic/emeto community.
My big claim to fame is my completion of the 2018 NaNoWriMo (My total word count was just over 90,000.) I filled the prompt for all 30 days of Novemetober, and I completed the draft of a novel with only 28 days of work. The book has since been published and is available on Amazon. (DM me if you want more info or a link to purchase.)
I used to be able to turn out fics and prompt fills every day, but in 2019 I had some huge health challenges that have slowed me down considerably. The deets aren’t so important, but here are some highlights: the onset of a mental illness, major organ failure, 10+ surgeries with general anesthesia, and three brain injoruous incidents. Now I mostly get around in a power wheelchair. Big change from a few years back.
These days, I have a lot of trouble concentrating, and I have a busy schedule, so my fic and art posts are now few and far between. I still love challenge events like WIJ. I know I won’t be able to answer the question/prompt for every day, but I do have ideas that I’m excited to share.
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b-a-pigeon · 1 year
Ohh Nanowrimo is in like six weeks... I gotta start thinking about what I'm going to do this time!! I've attempted almost every year since like, 2007 & won every year since 2017 (I think?)
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everymlmhybrid · 1 year
ao3 should ignore all legal ramifications and let me put a kofi link solely bc i'm running very close to the end of my scrivener trial but don't want to pay full price for it
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