#Nandy Sisters
ilovetheater-nl · 28 days
Musical Mania, een gezellig reclame marktje
Tekst en foto’s: Marielle Hoexem Op zondagmiddag 25 augustus mochten wij het nieuwe event ‘Musical Mania’ bezoeken. Op de repetitiemiddag van de liveshow van de musical awards in de avond. Voor een klein bedrag kon een kaartje gekocht worden. Aan de rij voor Studio 21 in Hilversum was te zien dat veel mensen dit hadden gedaan. Eenmaal binnen volgde een gang met leuke marktkraampjes vol met…
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Snippet - Grief - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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A half remembered promise broken...
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
It was only afterward, when dawn's light slanted through the shutters, that the tears came.
"Fuck." Sevika's breath jittered. "Not again."
Silco said nothing. Just held her, awkwardly, as the sobs began. By now, he understood. She wasn't crying for him. Wasn't even crying for herself. It was an ache so far down, words couldn't give it shape. The best he could do was listen.
He'd learned how, with Nandi.
"I'm sorry," Sevika breathed. "This was a shit idea."
"You think so?"
"Fuck, no."
She fitted herself against the sinewy curvature of his body. Watery sunrays slid across the bedspread, nearly touching their twined legs. His fingertips traced the smooth dip above her hipbone. She had none of her sister's softness. But she had her strength. Silco liked strong bodies: the muscles, the scars. Proof of a lifetime's work, and the toll it takes.
Sevika's was young in those days. But the marks were already indelible. There’d be many more before the end. 
And he'd be the cause of most.
"I miss her," she said. "I miss her, and she'd hate it."
"Hate what?"
"Seeing me like this." She wiped her webbed lashes. "Seeing me with you."
"She's past seeing." He felt a tremor, and circled her close. "What? It’s true."
"It’s not, Sil. The dead, they're always with us." Her head tipped back, eyes on the ceiling. "Sometimes, I hear her footsteps in the kitchen. I'll be in bed, just waking up. Still rubbing the grit from my eyes. And she'll come floating in, with that glide of hers, holding a cup of tea." Her throat worked. "That's what she’d make me every morning: a cup of tea. She'd put it on the bedside table, nudge me awake, and then go off to the Temple. And I'd lay there, listening to her footsteps in the hall. Waiting for the door to shut, so I could sneak a smoke with the window cracked."
"She knew you smoked in here?"
"She was deaf, not blind. But she let me do it. Said it kept the bugs out." She exhaled a too-wet laugh. "Now the whole place is crawling with roaches. There's stacks of dishes in the sink. Dust on everything. Nothing in the pantry. It's a shithole, and I can't stand to sleep here alone. But… I don’t want to move anywhere else, either. I always thought we'd grow old here. We'd die together. In this flat. On this bed."
"Like invalids?"
"Like sisters." She lay a palm against his chest, learning the cadence of his heart. "You’ve never had any, have you?"
"No." Silco was quiet a moment. "Just brothers."
"Before. Long ago."  His fingertips stroked, lightly, up the vertebra of her spine. "I barely remember anymore.  Except for the dirt. The hunger. The cold. I never gave a damn about dying in a bed. All I wanted was not to die at all."
"You haven't changed much."
His palm found the nape of her neck, and rested there. "I’ve no plans to."
"Hope so." She smiled, crescent-shaped, against the damp crook of his neck. "Hope you’ll always stay the same hard-driving bastard from the mines. With a bergamot in his pocket and a big speech for everything." Her eyes met his, darkly sheened. "Don't change, Sil."
"If death's the alternative, I'll do my best." He cupped her chin. "What about you?"
"Same." She bit the hollow of his palm. "Just a good-time girl from Oldtown. No money, but a mean right hook."
"Meanest in the Lanes."
"It's all my old man left me." Her eyes slid to the window. Daylight was cutting through the slats: the night was slipping away. "He was a piece of shit. Not always, mind. When Amma was alive, he was decent.  Couldn't help himself. She was like Nandi, you see. Soft. Shining. Brought out the best in everybody."
"He loved her?"
"More than life. That was his endearment for her. Jaan. It's from the old country. Means life. He'd sit there at the fighting pits, the big brute, with bloody knuckles and a split lip. But the minute she floated into the stands, he'd be all mush. Like a little kid. You should've seen him." Her laugh vibrated against Silco's skin. "She spoke the language of the mystics. Same as Nandi. When she'd go to the Temple, he'd wait outside on the steps. All respectful, like a foot soldier. When she came out, he'd have little gifts for her from the market. Offerings, almost. Jasmine buds to braid into her hair. Cheap stone rings. Little sachets of perfumed incense. Sometimes, a book, so she could read to him. Her folk were lettered. She had a calligrapher's hand, and a scholar's fluency. Evenings, she'd teach us all: me, Rohan, Nandi. My old man, too. He couldn't pen more than his name, but he'd hang on her every word. Like the rest of us did. It's what she deserved." Sevika shut her eyes. "Then she died birthing Raakesh. And everything decent in my old man died too."
Silco thought of Mother, and her slow unspooling into madness after Daddy's drowning.
"Grief does that," he murmured. "It finds the cracks—and splits them wide." His palm smoothed a soothing path: her shoulderblades, her spine, the small of her back. "You were young when your father turned."
"Old enough to remember the difference." She nestled closer, her knees curling. "You couldn't unsee it. Nobody could. It was like an open wound. It bled all over. He bled all over too. With his brawls, and his bottles, and his fists. In the streets, he'd take it out on whoever crossed his path. At home, he'd take it out on us. Me and Nandi. Rohan. Sometimes even Raakesh, and he wasn't more than a tot." Her jaw gritted. "That was the worst. Seeing the fear in his eyes when our old man shambled home. The same eyes Amma had. She passed 'em down to all her children—and he couldn't look at them without losing his mind. Every day, we were a reminder of who was missing. A slap in the face. So he'd dish one out in kind."
"Nandi protected you."
"In more ways than I can count."
"And now, you're trying to do the same."
Silco's thumb found the notch of her chin, and tipped her head up. Her eyes were a bloodshot well.  "You think I'm on a self-destructive tear. Same as your father."
Her lips parted, quivering. Then: a sigh. "I know what grief does, too. Especially when it's not just grief."
"I told you. There's too much rage in you, and no place to put it." She lay her palm over his heart. "Nandi knew. She could tell right off.  She tried to keep the worst of it at bay. She'd soothe you, and talk to you, and hold you. That was her gift, seeing into the hearts of people. Knowing what they needed. But her gift couldn't fix this. Couldn't fix you. She could only stanch the bleeding." Her fingers curled, as if capturing his heartbeat. "Now she's gone. And you've got nothing to hold you back. No one."
Silco said nothing. He only took her hand, and held it.
"I know," Sevika goes on, "what everyone says. How she was better than me, and all the rest. The good one. The pretty one. The patient one. But that didn't get her anywhere, did it? I'm the one still here."
"So you are."
"You are too." She blinked hard. But a tear slipped loose against her will. "You're all that's left. Of her. Of any of it."
His thumb traced the teardrop's path. "You've got it backwards, love."
"No. It's true. You're more like her than I'll ever be. You both had that specialness, that—I don't know. That grace. Like you were from a different world. Like you could change ours, with just a whisper. Vander's got it too. Only his burns bright as the sun. Yours… it's something else. Something down deep." Her lips were dry. They caught against his, like the words. "Don't lose it, Sil."
He gave her nape a firm squeeze. "I won't if you won't."
"I'm serious. When we take the fight Uppside, you've got to keep it wired. Don't go off the rails." She gripped him fiercely. "I'm no good with words, but I've got two fists. They're yours, as long as you don’t lose your head." Her voice cracked. "Don’t lose it. Promise me."
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zeherili-ankhein · 15 days
Bro bro
Headcanons of Shivani and Parvati parenting Vinayaki :3
Sksjsjddj haven't given this much thought so might be few but
— ✨ DANCE BATTLES ✨ Ok not like battles but they do dance together as a family, with music and flowers and all. It's really cute. Though most of the time Vinayaki get's sidelined because Shivani and Parvati just can stop starring at eachother T_T
— something Kailash equivalent of movie nights. Yeah that's definitely on their list.
— Vinayaki loves food ofcourse so she and Parvati obviously have baking time together. Shivani sometimes joins in sometimes she just watches them from afar :3
— Vinayaki makes all of them cute cute making charms bracelets, with stones shells and idk flowers but charms? Yeah also she makes them of her other siblings too.
(also im adding a bit of the others too)
— Ashokasundari and Vinayaki are those besties sisters who share EVERYTHING with eachother, and Parvati loves to braid both of their hairs :3 while the three of them gossips. (don't ask me how Vinayaki have hair just imagine she has for the plot purpose ok!!) AND SOMETIMES LAKSHMI JOINS THEM YEAH
— Shivani and Vinayaki have something like a musical concert kind off, where they just play all types of instruments from Veena of Khartal and all. Initially the idea was Saraswati's and she sometimes joins them too, but other than that it's just the two of them.
— Well ofc Vinayaki loves to play pranks on them. Somedays they will wake up with Parvati's hair turned pink or Shivani's jata having glitters in them. She also loves to play those pranks on Kartik... the only one she never pranks is Ashok, bcz that's his sister uwu.
— both Parvati and Vinayaki loves to question Shivani about anything and everything, and Shivani loves to answer them. It's kinda like a game, they would give her some puzzles or riddles and she'd answer them correctly each and every time.
— Nandi is the official babysitter ofc, not really but Ashok and Vinayaki both loves to play with him. They do his makeup change my mind 🗿
— They tried that on Vasuki too, bit he got scared aftwr the first two or three times, because Vinayaki kept on pranking him, so now he just watches from the side.
— Ganga is that disco aunty, and Vinayaki looooves her :3 like they'd be singing the weirdest songs in the highest voices to annoy everyone. This especially annoys Shivani and Chandra idk why.
Couldn't think of anything else 😭 so take this much for now
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actuallyastingray · 7 months
Whelp, this didn't take long to finish. Time to round out my Supa Strikas takes with some much beloved side characters.
Nandi: Best. Sister. Ever. Rookie Season 2 needs to have her bonding with the other Strikas and embarrassing Shakes in front of them
Spenza: Elementary, my dear Shakes
Supa Fran: How every writer sees themselves while making contributions to the fandom. Come to think of it, she has pretty much every single tic most fandom writers claim so she should be totally relatable
Jean-Pierre: I know he's a giant a-hole to the team, but as someone who loves baking but is surrounded by Weight Watchers killjoys, I just have to sympathize with this man
Mrs. Altivo: Marc Zuckerburg's wine aunt
Spike Dawson: Is he a Joker or a Jigsaw parody? Also, why does Klaus not loathe this guy for hoarding strudel?
Ursula: I get the feeling she's always two seconds away from shanking someone
Ginerva: I don't care if she didn't say anything more than three consecutive words in the show. Her accent is amazing.
Skarra's Niece: I put her in the pile with Morgan Stark, in that she was present for 5 minutes of screen time, has basically no lines, and yet the fandom collectively goes gaga over her for literally no reason. Seriously, if I wanted Kids Who Say The Darndest Things, I'd go on TikTok.
Xing: See earlier take on Riano. I will not forgive Moonbug for not having her come back as a consultant for Sa Ming and giving her the character depth she deserves
Hack: See previous takes on Xing and Riano. The least they could have done was make him part of Spenza and Supa Fran's entourage in the later seasons
Attak: See previous... you know what, I'm not gonna continue like this. Just assume I hate Moonbug for conjuring up characters with great potential and then throwing them away after one episode
Kat/Foxy: The biggest mystery is how a guy like Skarra kept a lady like this in good standing long enough to call in a favor
Nanny Garcia: Can we get an episode where someone makes El Matador cry, and she shows up and beats the snot out of them with her carpet slippers? I really want authentic, angry, Abelita energy out of her.
And so ends my Supablr takes series (assuming Rookie Season or the main series doesn't continue). Fortunately, I have plenty more Supablr content waiting in the wings. Stay tuned.
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lexygabe · 11 months
ok but alex and nandi becoming sisters-in-law makes a lot of sense. alex is nerdy gamer, who works in gaming industry and probably has some designing skills and other stuff, meanwhile nandi is future filmmaker and gifted kid with an artistic soul. while nandi is in multiple fandoms of movies/shows, alex is fan of a lot of games (imagine nandi is the one who watched the witcher on netflix, but alex is the one that actually played a game. nandi watched every lego movie and alex played in every lego game. nandi likes hbo's "one of us" while alex likes-). they are meme lords together, they are having long convos with each other about known internet rabbit holes. alex and nandi-
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tllgrrl · 11 months
Sweet Potato Pie by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
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SarahBucky Fleur De Louve Month 2023 - Week 1, Day 2 Prompt: “Sweet Potato Pie” | SFW
Sarah Wilson/Bucky Barnes, and Special Guest Cameo: Sam Wilson
* * * * * * * * * *
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Sarah’s boys were already at the grandparents in Atlanta, and the original plan was that Sam would be in NYC with Misty, the restaurant would be closed until Friday, and Bucky would be home with her for a nice, quiet (maybe not so quiet) Wednesday, then the two of them would make a Thanksgiving Day drive to Atlanta to stay until Sunday, when the boys would come back with them to Delacroix.
That was the plan.
Then came the phone call, and there she was hearing about how some shit had popped off on the other side of the world in a place that she wasn’t privy to know for her own safety, and in the blink of an eye she was on the front porch, kissing Bucky goodbye before dawn…again.
“I’m sorry, nandi,” he said softly, his forehead touching hers.
“I know, baby. It is what it is,” she answered, pulling his dog tags over her head and onto his neck. “Just come back to me in one piece.”
“I will.”
“You better.”
“Save me some Sweet Potato Pie,” he says over his shoulder, walking toward the van.
“Me too!” someone yelled from the passenger seat.
“Ha! I’ll think about it, Cap.”
“You’re the meanest sister ever!”
“No she isn’t.”
“Yes, she is.”
“It’s called Tough Love, Samuel.”
“Just get in the car. You and that Tough Love bullsh—“
She’s used to it by now. It’s sort of The Other Family Business: Superheroes.
This time, however, when the SUV drove off with her brother and her lover, the second the vehicle made that turn out of the driveway, she sat on the front step, and had a good, angry cry.
After a few minutes, she dried her eyes on her (on Bucky’s) t-shirt, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Enough of that…”
She got up, went into the house, picked up her cellphone, a notepad and pencil, pressed a speed dial number, and started making plans.
Evening, on the Other Side of the World…
Bucky dragged himself into the tiny old hotel room, dropped his backpack on the dresser, closed the curtains, checked the room for bugs...and bugs, then he turned on the old school TV set (complete with rabbit ears) and clicked the old remote until he found a futbol match.
He could still smell the light fragrance of Sarah’s hair conditioner, and feel her body against his when he kissed her goodbye.
“Damn…” he mumbled, reaching deep into his backpack and pulling out a small brown bag of plums.
“Happy Thanksg—“
Someone knocked on the door.
He retrieved one of his fixed blade knives from a compartment in the backpack, and waited.
Another knock, this time in a familiar pattern.
“Yo, Buck?”
Bucky opened the door to find Sam standing there with what looked like a box wrapped in a thermal blanket. There was also a smaller flat box sitting on top of it.
“Hey, come in. What’s all that?”
“It’s a special delivery. This goes with it.”
Sam handed him a six pack of a local beer, and pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket.
“I got one too. Seems like we weren’t going to be spending the holiday away from…well, go’on open your envelope. I’m heading back to my room for mine.”
“Don’t ask me. Just open this envelope. Have a good evening, Buck.”
“You’re welcome, Cyborg Man.”
Bucky heard Sam chuckle as he closed the door.
He moved his laptop to the bed and placed the boxes on the small table in the corner, opened the envelope, and picked up his cellphone, smiling as he dialed the encrypted number on the StarkTech phone.
“Hey, nandi.”
“Hey yourself, mthandi.”
“Can I see you?”
“Of course. Hold on…”
Their screens both go black, then they see each other.
He gently touches her cheek on his screen, and she touches his cheek on hers.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. Wait. Have you…? James. Open the boxes.”
“Boxes? Oh!!”
Bucky unwrapped the large box first and when he opened the seal, steam wafted out, and delicious aromas filled the room.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, or his nose.
It was a whole meal of turkey, dressing, greens, cornbread and slices of his favorite: Sarah’s meatloaf. There was even a separate container of a serving of gumbo.
“Baby…” he chuckled, eyes beginning to brim, “what…what did you—?”
“I figured, since we couldn’t be together like we planned, we could at least…well… shoot, I wasn’t gonna cry…”
Bucky was wiping his eyes as well.
“Sarah…this is just…did Sam get—should I go get—?“
“No. He’s good. Probably on the phone with Misty right about now. The two of us got together. She arranged to have a QuinnJet bring me to New York not long after you left. She knew the team’s prep schedule, so we did our shopping, spent a day cooking, and had the boxes loaded onto the transport before departure.
I asked Torres to make sure neither of you knew about the boxes until you were at your destination. Misty and I made him a combo plate from both of us.”
“I don’t know what to…Thank you, intanda. This is…”
“Close the box, put the heat blanket back on it, get cleaned up and comfy. I’ll wait, so we can have dinner together. Okay?”
Bucky wiped his eyes and picked up the small brown bag, showing her what was inside, “I was gonna have these plums.”
“Have them for breakfast. Your dessert is in the pie box.”
“My dessert is in Delacroix, where I should be right now,” he says in that tone that makes her toes curl in that good way.
“Boy, stop!” she giggles.
He hears Sarah giggle and it makes him want to run all the way back to Louisiana, Secret Empire wannabees and the Atlantic Ocean be damned.
He opened the box and she watched him bite his lip in anticipation. Bites his lip in that way.
She sees him bite his lip and she wants to run to him, Louisiana swamps and the Atlantic Ocean be damned.
“You’re still saving me a slice for when I get home, right?”
“Of course! I brought you over to Team Sweet Potato Pie. No way I’m letting you backslide back to pumpkin! Not as long as we’re—“
“Come’ere, you,” he laughs, walking the phone into the bathroom.
“Where are we going?”
“Getting ready for a quick shower.”
She can see his metal hand and the bathroom ceiling, then the phone tips forward and now she can see him. Most of him. He repositions the phone again and now she can see a goodly amount of him.
He reached into the shower, turned on the tap, then faced the camera, took off his shirt, and started unbuttoning his jeans.
“Want to tell me what you’re doing, mthandi?” Sarah said, before draining her entire glass of sweet tea because The Thirst was real.
“Taking a shower so I can get ready for dinner with my intanda,” he smiled. “Care to join me?”
“Are you taking your phone into the—“
“Sure am. What! It’s waterproof.”
* * * * * * * * * *
@fleurdelouvemonth 2023 - Week 1: “Food” - Day 2: “Sweet Potato Pie”
Also posted on The AO3.
Thanks for reading!
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douglysium · 11 months
Grand Lancer Candidate: Shaka Zulu (Full Profile)
*Note that all information in this profile is subject to change at any time.
Class: Lancer
True Name: King Shaka Sigidi kaSenzangakhona
Nickname: Shaka Zulu, Shaka, King Shaka, Sigidi kaSenzangakhona(Birth Name), King of the Zulu, King of Zululand, Founder of Zululand, Nodumehlezi(the one who when seated causes the earth to rumble), King of Conquerors, Horned King, King of Strategy, Grand Lancer Candidate, GLC, Mad King
Species: Servant, Heroic Spirit, Human
Gender: Male
Height: 177.8cm or 5ft 10in
Weight: 66 kg or 146 lbs
Blood Type: Unknown
Place of Origin: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Birthday: July 1787
Age: 41
Personal Information
Addresses self as: Watashi / Watakushi / Boku / Ore
Likes: Family, Friends, Witty banter, Politicking, Talking, Beetles, Strategizing, Marching, Comedy
Dislikes: Loved ones getting hurt, Loved ones dying, People who don’t listen, People who don’t use their head, People who let their emotions control them, The Berserker Class
Talents: Planning, Fighting, Talking, Making good arguments, Improving Tactics, Improvising, Solving Puzzles, Drawing maps/strategies in the dirt or sand
Natural Enemy: Zwide kaLanga, Gilgamesh(Archer), Shaka Zulu(Berserker), Shaka Zulu(Avenger)
Image Color: Black, White, and Red
Zulu Kingdom/Zululand
Family Members
Senzangakhona kaJama(Father)
Sigujana kaSezangakhona(Half-Brother)
Nomcoba kaSenzangakhona(Half-Sister)
Dabulamanzi kaMpande(Half-Nephew)
Various Aunts
Various Uncles
Servant Stats
Type: Heroic Spirit
Source: Historical Fact
Region: South Africa
Alignment: Chaotic Good(Chaotic Neutral when under the effects of Madness Enhancement)
Hidden Attribute: Man
Armaments: Spear and Shield
Known Summoning Catalysts: A piece of his shield, The tip of one of his spears, A vial of some mud mixed with his blood, A small rock with some of his blood on it
Qualified Servant Classes
As a Lancer he definitely takes on a more heroic and idealized form. He considered his Lancer and Shielder forms to be the most ideal forms to take and he is greatly displeased with his Berserker and Avenger forms. He is also a Grand Lancer candidate. Interestingly his parameters drop whenever he is attacking and rise whenever he is defending or retreating.
“By the way, I AM a Grand Lancer Candidate so I think it’s fitting that I be referred to as such... Hmmm, you’re right, that is a bit long. Alright, alright, you can just call me “GLC” instead my friend. It’s even shorter than “Lancer” and it’s very helpful to use in the midst of a battle where every second matters.”
“Why would you want to summon me in a form that can barely talk my friend!”
As a Berserker, he dual-wields his iconic spear in one hand and a club in the other. Noticeably his famous spear is covered up to the handle in blood. All the stories of the fear and violence he has caused have furthered amped up his Madness Enhancement and exaggerated his Berserker form. Blood constantly drips from tears created in his skin created by muscles too strong and big for his body to contain and one can see veins bulge and pulsate from under his skin. Shaka doesn’t think it’s a good idea to summon him as a Berserker and finds a form in which he is affected so strongly by the Madness Enhancement skill to be shameful. However, this Berserker form seems to calm down if he encounters someone who reminds him of his mother and/or Dingiswayo, or if he is sure that those he cares about are safe and alive. When summoned this form will usually immediately go on a rampage if summoned in modern day due to realizing everyone he cares about has since died. As a Berserker, he is surprisingly capable of speech but can only use it to launch jeering and scathing insults to whoever he is talking to. Even his compliments are backhanded insults. He has a Noble Phantasm that shakes and disrupts the very earth itself. Unlike his Lancer or Shielder counterparts his parameters actually rise when he is attacking and lower when he is on the defensive or retreating.
Shaka is ashamed of his Avenger form and feels like it only highlights the flaws that led to his downfall. As an Avenger he is capable of absorbing both mental and physical pain in order to unleash it as a large-scale attack. He also inflicts a curse Noble Phantasm on anyone who killed him upon his death. When activating one of his Noble Phantasms he will say “If the world wishes to take away my mother then I will show the world pain in equal measure.” Similar to his Berserker form, veins can be seen bulging and pulsating from under his skin. Unlike his Lancer or Shielder counterparts his parameters actually rise when he is attacking and lower when he is on the defensive or retreating.
When summoned as a Lancer or Shielder class servant he is at his most heroic and resembles the wise king he was, and potentially could have continued being. They are also what he considers to be his most comfortable forms and he takes great pride in them. One of his Noble Phantasms as a Shielder involves summoning a council of his most trusted aunts, and he has a special skill that increases the speed and agility of all his allies. Similar to his Lancer counterpart his parameters rise when defending or retreating and lower when attacking.
Strength: C - B
Endurance: B - A
Agility: C - B
Mana: D - C
Luck: C - B
NP: A++
Interestingly, his parameters fluctuate depending on whether he is defending, dodging, and/or retreating or not. They increase when he is on the defensive or retreating and decrease when he is attacking. He uses this to his advantage by throwing his opponents off via his parameters rapidly rising and falling during a fight. This can make his effectiveness, movements, approach, and strength fluctuate wildly in a battle as he constantly switches from defense to offense. It is possible to lock his parameters in their higher or lower state through the use of a command seal for a short period of time.
His luck is increased by one rank as long as he holds his signature shield.
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: C+
Cancels spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.
The effectiveness of the skill is increased considerably while he is defending. He uses this in tandem with his fluctuating parameters to great effect. It should also be noted that his shield is capable of blocking even A-ranked magical attacks and his Magic Resistance is increased by one rank as long as he is holding it.
Personal Skills
Charisma: B++ 
Having a B Rank in this Skill is sufficient to lead a nation as its King/Queen. The morale of the military forces they command is extremely high. It also allows the user to negate the Emergency Prerogative skill of enemies. 
In Shaka Zulu’s case, as a Lancer or Shielder, it becomes more effective when talking and planning defensive strategies or retreats.
Imperial Privilege: B+
An ability that, due to the insistence of the owner, skills that are essentially impossible to possess can be obtained for a short period of time. In cases when the Rank is А or above, even the "burden to the body" can be acquired(such as Divinity).
As someone who is considered the founder of the Zulu empire and an important figure of royalty, he has been granted Imperial Privilege. He uses the ability in order to gain access to one of any number of skills that include Protection from Arrows, Bullet Proof Treatment, Battle Continuation, Unimpeded Movement, Reduced Earth, Disengage, Valor, and even Madness Enhancement.
GLC does not have absolute control over this skill as there is a chance of his Madness Enhancement automatically being called upon via Imperial Privilege when hit by a mental attack or if his emotions overwhelm him enough. It seems to function like some sort of intentional mental or emotional self-defense
He uses Protection from Arrows and Bullet Proof Treatment to help counter projectile weapons(usually while he’s trying to rush an opponent), Battle Continuation to help survive great wounds or continue fighting/talking for a bit longer, Unimpeded Movement to help cross dangerous, hazardous or unorthodox terrain, Reduced Earth to pursue enemies or move far distances, Disengage allows him to retreat and potentially lure enemies into traps, he often takes advantage of the Valor skill to increase the effectiveness of his melee attacks in order to finish off or overwhelm close-ranged opponents, and Madness Enhancement to boost his Strength, Agility and Endurance parameters by one rank while also making his reflexes and instincts even quicker and more refined. Although, the Madness Enhancement decreases his Luck stat by one rank and he tends to only use it in desperate situations when there are no other options because he doesn’t like how it messes with his head and clouds his thoughts. He goes completely quiet when his Madness Enhancement has been activated. 
Sometimes he will witness something that will cause him to get a “flash of inspiration” and unlock a new skill for his Imperial Privilege arsenal while on the fly. This can only happen if he witnesses a skill before hand and, with Imperial Privilege, he can learn or replicate it.
Unimpeded Movement is a skill that lowers the effectiveness of mobility and movement debuffs on the user. Allowing the user to continue to move as fast as possible across all types of terrain while also making it harder to slow them down.
Proof of Friendship: D+
A skill that suppresses an enemy servant's fighting spirit to a certain extent, where then a dialogue can begin. However, the enemy servant must not possess the Mental Pollution skill. In regard to a Holy Grail War, an advantageous check can be obtained when constructing temporary alliances.
He is someone who prefers diplomacy when possible but is not afraid to use threats or blackmail. This skill gains a boost if his dialogue or actions strike fear into the enemy.
Mana Defense: B--
Is a Skill of the same type as Mana Burst, where the user transforms magical energy into a defensive ability.
 In Shaka’s case, it is extremely mana intensive. This means he needs a lot of magical energy to use it properly. Thus, he usually ends up barely using it unless he has enough energy or absolutely needs to. However, at its strongest, it can allow him to protect an entire army. The skill is much more stable in his Shielder form.
Military Tactics: B++
It’s a skill for tactical knowledge used not for one-on-one combat situations, but for battles where many are mobilized. Bonus modifiers are provided during the use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing with an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. 
He gained this skill from the many victories he led his troops to. In the case of his Lancer form, the skill receives a significant boost when taking defensive formations or retreating. However, if he was summoned as a Berserker the opposite would be true.
Strategy: A
Is the ability to seize things in the broader perspective, such as diplomacy and logistics in order to decide victory before the fighting even begins. 
Whether inventing new tactics, improving old ones, or engaging in diplomacy and logistics, Shaka's prowess for planning and strategy, for better or worse, cannot be denied. He often uses this skill along with his Proof of Friendship skill when talking in order to try to help persuade targets.
Mind’s Eye(True): B+
Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deducing an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament. 
Of course, someone with so many combat strategies and tricks up their sleeves has at least a couple of ways to get out of a hairy situation. Its effectiveness increases when he is defending or when he is traversing across the terrain in order to retreat or reach a target.
Shaka has a habit of saying the name of the skill he is actively using out loud when able. He claims it helps strike fear into his enemies while also hyping up both him, his troops, and anybody who may be watching. He does not do this for passive skills or skills that are always active at all times.
“HAHAHA!! I suppose they kind of do sound like cool special moves now don’t they? I mean when you think about it servants always run around yelling the names of their Noble Phantasms too so how is this any different?”
Noble Phantasms
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Isihlangu: Brush My Enemies Aside- C+(Anti-Unit), Maximum Number of targets 1-5
King Shaka’s famous shield of choice, and one that was heavily incorporated into his battle strategies and the combat styles of both himself and his armies. In appearance, it is a massive cowhide shield that stands around 1.5 meters(or 5 feet) tall. It was to be held in the left hand and the king would have his warriors use it offensively by hooking the opponent’s shield and pulling it to the side in order to create an opening in the enemy’s defenses during hand-to-hand or close combat engagements. It was also capable of deflecting the spears and arrows of their enemies and, as such, it is a Noble Phantasm that gains a bonus when defending against projectiles and spears. It can also be used to temporarily disarm enemy servants of any weapons that make contact with the shield. Any weapon or equipment that has a lower rank than that of Isihlangu will be sealed for 1 minute if they are disarmed this way. The shield also has a Magic Resistance equivalent to that of A-Rank and it raises Shaka’s luck by one rank as long as he is holding it.
By releasing the Noble Phantasm’s True Name he is capable of exaggerating the concept of hooking an opponent's shield to create a concussive blast that stuns any opponent caught in its range, allowing him to score in a free hit or two. The limitation is that some part of the target has to make physical contact with the shield. Any projectiles or spears that are a lower rank than Isihlangu will be reflected when hit by this and any projectile with a rank higher than Isihlangu will have their rank dropped by one during the duration of the assault along with suffering a decrease in their damage output and effectiveness.
The shield does have a limit to what it can block though. As anything with a high enough rank can pierce through its defenses. Shaka is capable of using the shield in combination with Protection from Arrows or Bulletproof Treatment in order to slow down even legendary projectiles such as Gae Bolg to a point where he can catch them or at least survive one hit from them.
“FWHAHA!!! It’s as people these days say. A good defense is the best offense, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Let me show you why you shouldn’t go around throwing weapons so carelessly my friend, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Oi, Looks like you stepped a liiiiitle too close my friend, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Hiding behind weapons and shields isn’t going to save you, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Did you really think you could hit me with such an unwieldy weapon? ISIHLANGU!!!”
Ikwa: The Sound of Flowing Bloodshed- C+(Anti-Unit), Maximum Number of targets- 1
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King Shaka revolutionized combat by ditching the throwing spears that were commonly used at the time for the Ikwa/Iklwa, a short 3ft iron-tipped spear made for close-quarters combat. He had his soldiers use these weapons and forbade them from throwing them, as there was a high likelihood an enemy could just pick them up and use them against the previous wielder and or their allies if the spears missed or were blocked.
As a Noble Phantasm, it is meant for close quarters combat and by releasing its True Name anyone stabbed by the spear will be inflicted with a curse that causes constant bleeding and a “mana leak” once the spear is pulled out of their body. As the spear is being pulled out it creates an audible sound and a brief but violent spray of blood and magical energy. This is all to say that when the spear is pulled out of an opponent their blood will not clot and both blood and precious magical energy continue to leak out of the wound until the inflicted either die from blood loss for as long as the spear’s True Name is released. This means that the curse will stop once Shaka deactivates the true name or when he dies. Wounds inflicted by the Noble Phantasm can be healed by magecraft or magic but even if the wound is instantly healed the victim suffers from losing a large amount of blood and magical energy.
While the True Name is released the spear emits a blood-red mist that smells metallic, and releasing the True Name while the spear is impaled within a living thing or is being pulled out of it will still inflict the target with its full effects. This allows Shaka to throw opponents off during combat by activating the Noble Phantasm later than expected. If the target has no blood only mana will leak from their wound.
“Oi, Looks like you stepped a liiiiitle too close my friend, IKWA!!!”
“Don’t worry my friend, this will only tear you to shreds, IKWA!!!”
“You shouldn’t have turned your back towards me, IKWA!!!”
Izimpondo Zenyathi: An Army That’s as Deadly as a Buffalo’s Horns- A++(Anti-Army), Maximum Number of Targets- 1000
In the same way that Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi can be described as the actualization of Iskandar's commanding abilities and his kingship, this Noble Phantasm can be described as an actualization of Shaka’s battle prowess and revolutionary war tactics into a Reality Marble. The Noble Phantasm recreates Shaka’s famous “Buffalo Horns” formation. A strategy that split soldiers into three categories. The “horns”(made up of younger troops meant to encircle and pin enemies), the “chest”(made up of the best and strongest fighters to act as the main force), and the “loins”(acting reserves/backup that were made up of older and more experienced fighters). The loins would sometimes have their backs facing the battle until it was their turn for combat in order to ensure that they wouldn’t get too nervous and charge into battle too early or run away.
The activation of the Noble Phantasm is a bit literal. Shaka takes a spear or club and when he declares the true name of this Noble Phantasm two massive horns erupt from either side of the weapon’s head while the tip elongates into a sharp point. Once all three of these points hit something the Reality Marble will activate. Ideally, these “horns” and spearhead strike an enemy in order to deal extra damage or catch a target off guard, but it can be used on things like objects or the environment in order to activate the Noble Phantasm without having to get too up close and personal with the opponent. The Noble Phantasm is based around Shaka Zulu’s own deeds and exploits so it isn’t tied to a specific spear or club. What matters is that Shaka Zulu is the one wielding said weapon.
The space within the Reality Marble is that of a large sprawling and completely flat plains/savannah with the sole exception of a tall plateau Shaka is positioned on so that he may give orders to his troops and oversee the battle, but he is capable of leaving the plateau at any time in order to join the battle if necessary. In the Reality Marble, his voice echoes all throughout it and his Charisma skill is increased by one rank. All troops have troops have an E-ranked independent action while in the Reality marble
The troops within the Reality Marble have different qualities depending on what part of the formation they are a part of. The horns(which are summoned on either side of the opponent) are made up of the youngest troops and they have an E Rank in all their stats with the exception of their speed stat, which is D Rank. Some soldiers in the horns wield Iklwa spears while others wield weapons such as clubs. They all wield shields that are black in color. 
The troops that make up the chest tend to be the strongest and/or most talented warriors. They have E Rank parameters across the board but make up for this by having access to an E-Ranked version of Shaka’s Iklwa and Isihlangu Noble Phantasms.
The final group of soldiers is the one that makes up the loins of this formation. They are reserve veteran soldiers. Within his Noble Phantasm, they start with their backs facing the enemy and they all have a low ranking Madness Enhancement that makes them more aggressive and gives them a D-rank in their Strength, Endurance, and Agility. While within the Reality Marble all his troops gain a low ranking Independent Action.
The Reality Marble has some interesting attributes. First of all, anybody within it can simply walk out of it if they manage to reach the marble’s borders, but doing so will cause all their parameters to temporarily drop by one rank. The marble is also in a constant state of shrinking, and the border is guarded by soldiers in a defensive formation who move with the ever-encroaching border and attack any enemy that gets too close to them. If one found themselves caught at the point in which the Reality Marble completely shrinks into a single point they will become impaled and beaten with a countless number of spears, shields, and clubs and will have all their parameters drop by one rank. Their parameters will remain lowered until Shaka dies.
Both the shrinking aspect of the Noble Phantasm and the ability to simply walk out of it is a representation of the documentation and legends of the many people who went through great lengths to flee from and avoid his encroaching armies and conquests.
He can summon his soldiers outside the Reality Marble but he cannot summon more than four at a time(one from each section of his formation), and they lack Independent Action so they have a high amount of mana consumption. This usually limits him to only one or two at a time. He is capable of summoning them very quickly and utilizing them for sudden maneuvers, defenses, and attacks. They can only be summoned within arms reach of him however outside of the Reality Marble. Similar to Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi, all the spirits from Izimpondo Zenyathi are masterless servants.
If Shaka ever found himself in South Africa during a Holy Grail War his Izimpondo Zenyathi would be elevated to EX-rank and it could easily go toe to toe with Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi.
Despite the rank of this Noble Phantasm, it is completely outclassed by Noble Phantasms such as Excalibur, Sword of Promised Victory.
He wears the clothes of a Zulu warrior and has very tough feet. His kicks can be very devastating because of their toughness and the infamous stories in regard to his training.
He almost always walks around barefoot. On the rare occasions in which he does wear shoes his agility parameter drops by 2 ranks.
He incorporates a lot of talking and diplomacy into his fighting style and will constantly try to distract or tide the opponent over with conversations and insults while fighting.
He can recognize virtually any kind of beetle species based on sight alone, whether they be normal animals or magical creatures. He is also very knowledgeable about beetle anatomy.
Shaka was the illegitimate son of Zulu chief Senzangakhona, someone that ruled over a very small chiefdom. Due to bearing a child from a forbidden relationship, Shaka’s mother(Nandi) lied for as long as possible in order to avoid being caught having a child outside of a proper relationship. She claimed that her supposedly pregnant appearance was actually an intestinal condition caused by an Ishaka beetle. Senzangakhona attempted to deny any connection to the illegitimate pregnancy and his involvement with Nandi but he eventually pitied them enough to make Nandi his third wife. Shaka was born in the lunar month of uNtulikazi(sometime in July) in the year 1787 near the present-day Melmoth, KwaZulu-Natal Province, and at the time the Zulu kingdom was still but a small chiefdom. The marriage between chief Senzangakhona and Nandi would not last, forcing her and her son to seek sanctuary in other places. Thus, Shaka spent a lot of his childhood in his mother’s settlements. Proud of his heritage he would tell other kids about his relation to a famous chief by the name of Senzangakhona. However, very few of the other kids believed him and he was often bullied because of these seemingly outlandish claims.
Eventually, Shaka and Nandi would be taken in by one of Nandi’s aunts and would live with the Mthethwa people. He grew up in proximity to a man named Dingiswayo who welcomed with open arms and treated him with great kindness. As he continued to grow it became clear that he had the makings to become a powerful, skilled, and courageous warrior. These attributes inevitably caught Dingiswayo’s eye while Shaka fought within an impi(a type of army) under the command of Dingiswayo. Dingiswayo was greatly impressed by Shaka’s prowess and elevated Shaka’s rank at an early age, making Shaka a commander of his own regiment at some point. These great feats and skills in combat would lead to the creation of one of Shaka’s more famous nicknames, Nodumehlezi(the one who when seated causes the earth to rumble). While within the Mthethwa army, Shaka became increasingly enamored with strategy, battle tactics, and problem-solving. Dingiswayo continued to teach Shaka and help him grow, allowing him to gain even more accomplishments in battle. While under the command of Dingiswayo he found that taking off his sandals and fighting barefoot helped him maneuver better when in battle. He decided to walk around barefoot in order to toughen his feet, something that he would later make his own soldiers do.
Shaka’s father, Senzangakhona, died in 1816, and Sigujana(Shaka’s half-brother) took the throne as the legitimate heir to the Zulu chiefdom. Shortly after this Dingiswayo grew anxious and, in a move to make sure he kept his political authority secure, lent Shaka a regiment so that he would be able to defeat Sigujana and ascend to the throne. This led to a relatively bloodless coup that led to Shaka becoming chief of the Zulu clan. Although, even with his new title and power he remained a vassal of the Mthethwa empire out of loyalty to the dear friend and mentor that was Dingiswayo. As Shaka’s political power continued to grow he was able to spread his thoughts and ideals with ease while continuing to expand his territory through a combined method of attacking quickly and overwhelming foes with military might and utilizing a surprising amount of diplomacy, patronage, and politics. He found a way to get chieftains, such as Zihlandlo of the Mkhize, Jobe of the Sithole, Mathubane of the Thuli, and others, to join him without having to conquer them in battle. He also revolutionized combat by having his soldiers use the Iklwa and focusing more on close-quarters combat along with the creation of his famous “Buffalo horns” formation.
Disaster eventually struck when, a year later, Dingiswayo was caught off guard by an attack led by Zwide kaLanga, the powerful chief of the Ndwandwe nation, and was subsequently defeated and beheaded. Enemies, and later white settlers, attempted to tarnish Shaka’s public image by spreading rumors and propaganda that he had purposefully let Dingiswayo die by withholding reinforcements or even outright betraying him. However, Shaka was filled with an indescribable rage at the death of what he considered to be not just an amazing teacher but also like family. He vowed to get revenge on Zwide through almost any means necessary. 
Dingiswayo’s defeat caused the Mthethwa forces to become scattered and led to the creation of a power vacuum due to the empire that he once led collapsing. A vacuum that Shaka readily filled before using the power he gained from it to reform and gather the remnants of the Mthethwa along with other regional tribes he conquered or allied with in order to create a force to defeat Zwide. During their first clash Zwide barely managed to escape and Shaka came across Zwide’s mother, Ntombazi, who was also a sangoma(a type of healer). As he attempted to use her to find about Zwide’s whereabouts or as bait to get Zwide to return and fight him he came across a strange number of skulls collected by Ntombazi and, upon recognizing one of the skulls as that of Dingiswayo’s, Shaka flew into a rage and decided to get some amount of vindication on Zwide by trapping Ntombazi in her own house and placing wild animals inside it to devour her. After her death, he burned the house down along with her collection of skulls. 
Zwide eventually knew that he would have to defeat his biggest rival and threat if he wished to have any chance at both surviving the conflict and allowing his kingdom to flourish successfully so he launched an attack on the Zulu Empire. Shaka would eventually defeat Zwide’s forces by having his own troops feign a retreat in order to lead Zwide’s army into a trap deep within Zulu territory before striking and defeating his forces at the cost of sustaining heavy casualties. One such death was that of the current head military commander at the time Umgobhozi Ovela Entabeni. Zwide managed to barely escape once again and ran from the encroaching Zulu. In another attempt to draw Zwide back to fight him, Shaka tried to wipe out as much of what Zwide cared about as possible. Threatening to destroy everything Zwide cared about. His anger would eventually subside somewhat with time and he would begin to feel that he had achieved justice for his dear friend Dingiswayo. Although, he felt that Zwide being forced to spend the rest of his life running from Shaka was a fitting enough punishment. Eventually, Zwide would die from mysterious circumstances sometime in 1825. Part of the main Ndwandwe forces fled and he eventually encountered these forces and managed to get the majority of them to yield and join him. He continued to train the soldiers he recruited in his methods of combat.
His reign lasted ten more years after he had defeated the Ndwandwe. During which he continued to expand his territory. He offered chiefdoms he encountered the choice of submitting and allying with him or potentially being conquered by force if they were not forced to flee from an assault by Shaka. He left local administrations in the hands of the reigning chiefs or members of the traditional ruling family that he had appointed. He would also allow soldiers who no longer served in the army to return to their original community, so the identity of each individual community was not completely lost due to conformity within Shaka’s empire. Each settlement of his contained a section of royal women that were usually headed by the most formidable of women. These women would typically be one of Shaka’s many aunts. This, along with him not wanting to produce a legitimate heir, led to his households being dominated by stern older women of the royal family. Whenever he was absent both a female ruler of the settlement and an induna(an advisor, commander, and/or mediator) would wield administrative authority together.
Despite some of his more militaristic methods, Shaka ultimately preferred diplomacy over fighting and would try to talk things out whenever possible. He would almost always give opposing tribes a chance to join him without any conflict but if they refused he would often conquer and/or destroy them with unyielding force.
In 1824 the first white traders arrived at Port Natal, and at this point Shaka was in control of a wide-spanning monarchy. Upon meeting them he sent a goodwill delegation, engaged in diplomacy, and was extremely curious about the technology, and machinery of these visitors. He would go out of his way to view and analyze the various demonstrations of European technology and knowledge. One of these many demonstrations included the showing off of a weapon called the gun. However, after analyzing it, disassembling it, and reassembling it he came to the conclusion that the technology was not yet refined enough and it took too long to fire and reload in the combat of that age. He stated that his forces could beat opponents wielding those rudimentary guns by using the proper tactics and rushing them fast enough with a large enough number of men. It is important to remember that Shaka had a point as these were really early guns and not modern guns that could be fired much more quickly and more accurately. He continued to be interested in the culture of the visitors and the possible benefits he could gain via trade and diplomacy with them and Europe. Shaka would eventually give them land and permitted them to build a settlement at Port Natal, but he remained vigilant and wary of their ulterior motives. He wanted to be closer and more accessible to his potential allies or foes at Port Natal while also keeping a close eye on them so he decided to build a military barrack at Dukuza. He did not want to fight them unless he absolutely had to so he treated them very nicely and did what he could to prevent any conflicts from being encouraged between the visitors and his people.
Sometime in October 1827 his mother, Nandi, died. This filled him with emotion and the fact that it reminded him of his feeling of helplessness when Dingiswayo was killed only exacerbated these emotions and clouded his judgment, causing his behavior to become erratic and increasingly violent. He started forcing his entire kingdom to mourn his mother’s death and if he caught anyone showing insufficient grief he would put them to death. He also went as far as to have the mothers of calves killed so that both the calves and the people who witnessed it could know the pain he felt. In a bought of madness, he even went as far as to order that no crops be planted, no milk be used, any woman that became pregnant during this time would be executed alongside her husband and he pushed his military far beyond what was normal in increasingly violent military campaigns. Some rumors say that this was another one of his cunning plans in order to kill political opponents or to get back at those who bullied him in his childhood. However, it was still clear that he was lashing out even at people who didn’t harm him and that he was not in his right mind. A Zulu man by the name of Gala eventually had enough of this madness and during a meeting stood up and objected to Shaka’s outlandish measures. Saying “Nandi was not the first person to die in Zululand!!!” as he berated him. Shaka was at a loss for words but after having some time to think and being reminded of both his younger self and purpose by Gala’s outburst he called off his self-destructive orders and rewarded Gala with cattle.
However, he acted too slowly and his mistakes were beyond the point of being overlooked or forgiven by most of the people within his kingdom. He had no way of bringing back the people he had killed or making it up to the people he had hurt. In 1828, while Shaka’s forces were absent and he lacked guards around the area he was assassinated by his half-brothers Dingane and Mhlangana. They had received support from some other chiefdoms who had all become dissatisfied and horrified by Shaka’s previous actions and, while an iNduna by the name of Mbopa created a distraction, they attacked him. As the king bled out he gave Dingane two warnings. The first thing Shaka said was “Brother are you stabbing me, kings of the earth thinking you will rule? The swallows will do that!!!” as a warning to Dingane and his people about the European colonizers and their malicious intentions and his final words were  “You will come to an end through killing one another.” A warning that would ring true when Dingane took the throne and attempted to remove those who were loyal to Shaka before getting involved in a civil war and getting overthrown after 12 years of ruling by his other half-brother. After the assassination, Mbopa, Dingane, and Mhlangana quickly buried Shaka’s body in an empty grain pit and covered it with rocks and mud.
Whether lionized or demonized, whether loved or feared, it is undeniable that he changed the course of history and his combat prowess and strategy were top-tier as well as his immense foresight and long term planning abilities. The ambiguity and contradicting details of his story as someone who ends up embodying aspects of hope and genius as well as violence and fear add to his level of mystery. The stories of him being a great and noble hero and a brutal tyrant mix together to create a servant that, as a Lance or Shielder, is the ideal ally and worst enemy on the battlefield. However, as a Berserker or Avenger he is a danger to almost everyone around him and is prone to self-destructive behaviors.
He is a noticeably muscular, man who stands at a height of 175cm or 5ft 10in. He has dark skin and a square chiseled jawline. He has a pointy nose and his hair looks like a spiky afro with parts of it being red in coloration along with red pointed sideburns. He has sharp teeth, which he apparently sharpened himself. His feet are covered with scars and he has a scar on his back and chest, both of which correspond to the location of his heart and where he was stabbed during his assassination by Dingane and Mhlangana.
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Surprisingly, despite some of his reputation Shaka is a servant that prizes talking and diplomacy more than combat. It is not uncommon for him to attempt to try to persuade or antagonize the opponent while utilizing defensive battle tactics along with counter-attacks and disarming techniques. He is also not above using jabs, insults, or more underhanded tactics to win a fight. He is also not afraid of running away from a battle, using aspects of the environment to his advantage, or feigning retreat. This gives his fighting style a really odd and hard to predict feel. It is usually quite difficult to tell if he is actually losing, winning, or bluffing in any given fight.
Part of the reason he tries so hard to avoid fighting if possible is because anyone could be a potential ally in the future. Plus, once he starts fighting within a certain range of his full strength he often gets caught up in the battle, excitement, and adrenaline to the point where it is hard for him to stop until the fight is over.
He hates seeing his loved ones in pain and if they are killed by someone he flies into a rage and will enact merciless vengeance on the assailant. It’s one of the few times where he won’t even attempt to talk to his opponent first, he will simply strike silently and swiftly while utilizing the Madness Enhancement skill. He considers this aspect of his personality to be somewhat embarrassing and does his best to keep his emotions in check and prevent himself from ever regressing into a previous and more violent state. He cherishes every moment with his friends and family and tries not to leave their side if he can help it. “You should appreciate your loved one with all your heart because you never know when the world will choose to snatch them away from you my friend. I have very few friends and a lot of enemies too…”
At times he can give the illusion of an extremely weak clairvoyance due to his prediction and strategy skills. However, at the end of the day he is still a man, or I suppose a spirit, now and he cannot account for every possibility and is capable of making mistakes or miscalculations. Not to mention that he cannot make accurate guesses if he lacks information.
He tends to be very blunt with his predictions which can unintentionally make him come off as menacing or rude.
He feels immense regret over the killing of innocent civilians in a kingdom that was supposed to protect them. His own kingdom and by his own hands at that. In order to try to atone for it, he promised himself that as long as he’s a servant he refuses to kill humans and tries to save as many humans as possible. He is currently aiming for 7,000, and he likes to keep a mental note of every person he saves. Although, saving the same person over and over, even in different situations, does not count. It should be noted that this does not apply to nonhuman entities and things that are already dead, like vampires, zombies and spirits. This means he is fine with killing other servants as they are already dead and are spirits that are no longer humans.
Leonidas- They have an obvious and immediate similarity due to the fact that they are both Lancers with notable shields. Some have also compared Shaka’s shield-based tactics to that of the famous Roman phalanx formation. They get along great and can often be seen discussing military tactics and training together.
“I wonder if we are distant relatives or something my friend. BWAHAHA!!!”
“OI!!! Wanna see who’s shield is stronger.”
“I wonder who’s spear has felled more opponents…”
“BWAHAHAHA, my friend, I bet if we put our heads together we can come up with a defensive formation no one could penetrate.”
Napoleon- “It’s not every day you get to talk with a fellow tactical genius.. Well I guess when you’re at Chaldea it is every day. BWAHAHAHA!!! Although… that cannon seems unwieldy my friend…”
Gaius Julius Caesar- He greatly respects Caesar.
“W-what words WHAT ELOQUENCE MY FRIEND!!! Your speeches, your words, nay every letter you speak is done so tactfully. Have I found my equal on the battlefield of words and wit? Julius Caesar does not disappoint!!!! I must take notes.”
“Hey, do you think you could give me some pointers on this speech I’ve been working on? I’m trying to make sure it sounds less… brutal?”
Shakespear- “Bwahaha, my friend, you’re truly someone who knows how to wield words… Just… do me a favor and don’t make me another tragedy for one of those stories of you ok? I’ve already created enough of those.
“That First Folio of yours is quite scary…”
Da Vinci- He considers himself just as much of a genius as Da Vinci so he has begun learning how to paint in order to prove his point. Although, Da Vinci has been studying his battle tactics, formations, and how to use a spear and shield in order to prove that her genius is unparalleled.
Kama- “Yeah sorry, I’ve never really been interested in bearing an heir or any of that. . .”
Oda Nobunaga(Archer)- He sees her as his equal in terms of tactics, innovation, and strategy.
“I’ve never seen someone wield that many guns so masterfully. It almost makes me scared of them… almost.”
Ryoma Sakamoto(Rider)- “I can see you are someone who cherishes their loved ones with all your heart...”
Okada Izou- “I may not wield swords but even I can tell you’re an unparalleled genius, my friend. Hey, this isn’t going to your head is it? And what do you mean you’re not my friend?”
Emiya, Gilgamesh(Archer), and Kid Gil- “HONESTLY, I can’t understand why you guys are so nonchalant about throwing your weapons around like that. Aren’t you ever worried that they will fall into enemy hands or something?”
Emiya-” Hrmmmmmmm, that Rho Aias reminds me a bit of my own shield. You see some of the similarities too right my friend?”
Gilgamesh(Caster)- He enjoys being around him as he feels he helps push him to becoming closer to an ideal king.
“If there is hope for him to be the wise king everyone needed then maybe there’s still hope for me… “
Jack the Ripper(Assassin) and Abigail Williams- “Ah, even kids can be quite cruel I suppose…”
Lancelot(Berserker)- “And THIS is why you should be careful about throwing your weapons around my friends!!!”
Elizabeth Bathory(Lancer)- “Make sure you keep a clear mind and don’t let your emotions and desires get out of control… or else you might end up like that vampire lady.”
Carmilla(Assassin)- He feels uncomfortable around her because in a way she reminds him of all his shortcomings and the madness that overcame him.
“Man, and I thought I was bad…”
Hector(Lancer)- “Our fighting styles are quite similar at a glance aren’t they?”
“Talking to you feels like I’m speaking to a treasured friend and fellow warrior.”
“I appreciate that there’s someone here who knows when to fight and when to run. A dead hero isn’t helpful for anyone.”
“Your fighting style is a lot like mine… have you ever considered using big shields into your fighting style more often.”
Chiron- “Great teachers like you always remind me of Dingiswayo…”
Jason- “It’s great that you understand your strengths and weaknesses and avoid combat but you shouldn’t throw your men under the bus like that my friend.”
“Your eye for recognizing and bringing out the true potential of heroes reminds me a bit of Dingiswayo my friend. Although, he wasn’t quite so scared to say the least...”
Hans Christian Anderson- “Heh, I appreciate your brutal honesty my little friend. Actually, you remind me a lot of Gala. Hmmmmmmm, YES!!! Someone like you can guide me to becoming a truly wise king. You wouldn’t happen to be free to be my new royal advisor perchance would you? Don’t worry too much, it’s only until I can get Gala back.”
Lanling Wang and Diarmuid Ua Duibhne- “Jeez… I never thought I would live to see anyone who’s beauty could rival that of Magaye’s…”
Queztoquaotle, Yasuke, and Damarchus- “I know some wrestling techniques myself y’know. If you ever want to train or get some pointers feel free to contact me my friend.”
Gilgamesh(Archer)- “I just can’t stand a king who throws away all their subjects like that… Yes, yes I know how hypocritical it is for me of all people to say that but trust me when I say it never ends well. A king can never stand on their own no matter how powerful they think they are.”
Christopher Columbus- “Ah, you’re another one of those swallows I see.”
Iskandar and Genghis Khan- Well, well, well. It’s nice to finally meet a fellow King of Conquerors around here. BWAHAHAHA!!! Hm? No, I’m not eligible for the Rider Class… HEY!!! BEING A RIDER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT TITLE!!!”
Hang Tuah- “BWAHAHA, As a fellow professional talker myself I can tell you also have a good grasp of understanding what people want to hear. We should have a chat sometime.”
“I suppose your smooth-talking only shows how good you are with your speech… well most of the time anyway.”
“I know this is a lot to ask of you but if I ever start slipping… y’know becoming “tyrannical” and all that… well… you know what to do...”
Hang Jebat- “Hm? You wanna see my horns… I see… I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding my friend…”
Connla- “If you have no spear of your own I can always craft you one. A good Iklwa does wonders for combat. Oh? You just copied mine… You’re just full of surprises aren’t you...”
Gilgamesh(Archer), Emiya(Archer), and Connla- “Pray I don’t ever catch you throwing around an Ikwa like that..”
Julie d’Aubigny- “FINALLY, a fellow servant who understands that words can be as sharp as any blade. Although, you are a better singer than I could ever be my friend BWAHAHA.”
Ever since they met they are constantly trying to see who is the best talker by bluffing and slinging insults whenever they meet. It has become a sort of game in which they attempt to see who is the first to falter, crack, or be at a loss for words. Julie’s charisma and aptitude as a star will occasionally attract the audiences of many Chaldea staff and servants to their banter-based duels. Currently, they are tied.
Laplace’s Demon and Maxwell's Demon- “No, no, no. Don’t give me any hints about your paradox. I want to try to exercise my mind by solving it myself.”
Nameless Soldier(Assassin)- “I’m pretty good at bringing out the full potential of soldiers and armies my friend. If you stick with me I guarantee we will keep losing to a minimum.”
“Even a genius like me is nothing on their own. Even the strongest, fastest, and smartest need a good army, and you’re like an army all rolled up into one neat package. Don’t worry I’ll be sure to give you plenty of breaks.”
“So like, do you y’know… remember me? You’re made up of a bunch of nameless soldiers from all throughout history. Which would statistically include at least one person who was under my command… I just wanted to say I’m sorry if that’s the case. I won’t fail you this time my friend”
“Make sure you’re getting proper rest. Rest is just as important as working. It helps keep your mind clear, sharp, and efficient my friend.”
“Man guns are a lot more compact, efficient, and quick these days… Maybe they’ve reached a point where I can incorporate them into my battle tactics.”
Dingane and Mhlangana(Assassin)- “While I agree that I had that coming, I hope you can understand why I’m uncomfortable being within arms reach of you guys.”
“Why are you looking at me like that? I’m not going to make the same mistake as last time I swear it on my life…”
*Hang Tuah, Connla, Damarchus, Julie d’Aubigny and Nameless Soldier are all fanservants created by MochiBoni and Omegazplayer respectively. Yasuke is a fanservant created by me and Dingane and Mhlangana haven’t been designed yet. Here are the profiles or art for each respective servant
Hang Tuah- https://docs.google.com/document/d/12mjNkmjnhIIeLgGRvSlVVLhRQqWd4cbEDygfQHSLPCg/edit
Connla- https://twitter.com/mochio_bonio/status/1425858835730685957?s=20, https://twitter.com/mochio_bonio/status/1419297258512601089?s=21 
Julie d’Aubigny-https://twitter.com/Omegazplayer/status/1416650069206573057?s=20
Damarchus- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jArzQOnAWnvSv8MRelYSl1x5DZj-gUndaBmPtO74icw/edit
Nameless Soldier- https://twitter.com/Omegazplayer/status/1416632770059714560?s=20 
Yasuke- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M7V-XS0S_hePGtpLHY3abI-rU8_ek889uqcYnq0cvb0/edit 
Dialogue examples
“Lancer is fine but I would prefer it if you called me Grand Lancer Candidate, or GLC for short.”
“Don’t worry my friend. Our enemies lost the moment I arrived.”
“The next thing you will say is…”
“BOOM SHAKA LAKA!!!! BWAHAHAHA, I’ve always wanted a chance to say that!”
“HA!!! You lost this fight the moment you opened your mouth!”
“Even for a genius like me, that’s a bit difficult…”
“This will not be a battle of muscle but a battle of words.”
“Hm? I talk a lot for a conqueror you say? (tsk) My friend, fighting should not be taken lightly. In the field of combat people can’t afford to hesitate to kill and there’s always a chance you or people you need and care about will die. When I was younger I reveled in fighting and combat and as a genius I eventually realized that whoever was left standing is the one who got the final say in the end and that means that when you fully commit to fighting you cannot hold back. Plus, an endless trail of fighting and combat isn’t exactly the smartest thing to do now is it? You also never know when you may make a powerful ally too, so it’s important you don’t go burning down bridges unless you have to.”
“I consider politics as important as any fight. When you talk you can fight for what you believe in and what you think is right. Just like any other brawl or war.”
“Dingiswayo? He was like a father to me of course… He never failed me or let me down but in the end I couldn’t save him… If only I had acted quicker… If only that damn Zwide could have just… Sorry, I got off track there… ”
“Well, obviously family isn’t just determined by biology. I mean my biological father wanted nothing to do with me… If you only define family using DNA then you are only stunting yourself in the long run my friend. There aren’t many people in this world willing to look out for you so treasure them!”
“Eh!? Are my diplomacy skills really that surprising? Some of those stories about my fighting and conquering were just a liiiiiiiittle bit exaggerated my friend. Besides, I engaged in diplomacy just as much as I fought, which is to say a lot.”
“See here’s the things. This may be a Holy Grail War but I don’t see why we can’t all work together to get something we both want my friend. So how about this…”
“I’m clearly leagues above you in power and I could kill you right now buuuuut if you’re willing to ally yourself with me and my master I’ll let you live. That’s a pretty good deal right?!”
“Who knows, maybe we’ll even make a new friend or two during all of this.”
“Oi!!! If you touch even a hair on my friend’s head… I’ll kill you!! …BWAHA!!! Sorry about that sometimes I get a little caught up in my emotions when it comes to my friends and family. But seriously, don’t try anything.”
“There are more ways to help someone than just fighting.”
“My friend, my spear isn’t my strongest Noble Phantasm nor is it my shield. So let me ask you this. Do you know why Izimpondo Zenyathi in particular is my strongest Noble Phantasm? It’s because even a prodigy like me can’t do everything alone. Soldiers, friends, family… people like my mom, Dingiswayo, Umgobhozi, Mzilikazi,  and everyone else. I couldn’t have done it without them. No matter how powerful you are you are nothing without allies.”
“We talk first and fight later ok?”
“Oi, less fighting, more talking!!!”
“I’ll have you know I’m eligible for TWO, that’s right TWO, grand classes my friend. Lancer and… I would prefer not to talk about that second one too much. (Sigh)Man, why couldn’t Grand Shielder be a thing?”
“Okay, I’m feeling nice so I’ll give you ten… no… thirty minutes to run as far as you can my friend.”
“KwaBulawayo? I’ll be honest I was just trying to sound intimidating… maybe it worked a bit too well… Dukuza had a much better balance between intimidation and cool factor.”
“Take it from me, you should consider your actions carefully and try to keep the collateral damage down to a minimum… Just promise me you’ll think with your head and not your heart ok my friend.”
“People I admire? There are too many to count!!! Well, I guess my top two would be Dingiswayo and my mother. Dingiswayo was like a father to me and one of the greatest teachers one could ask for. My mother was as strong as any warrior in spirit and never gave up on me and herself.”
“My plan? I never said I had any sort of plan. What’s with that face? It worked didn’t it? Sometimes one has to think on their feet my friend. Even I cannot predict everything that’s going to happen.”
“I figured valentines day was a great time to show the love I have for all my allies, so I;m handing out these chocolates as a sign of good will to all of my allies and friends. Shaped like the mightiest of beetles of course.”
“Don’t worry my friends, GLC HAS ARRIVED!!!”
“You didn’t think that would be enough to kill me, my friend? BATTLE CONTINUATION!!!”
“BWAHAHA!!! You would really doubt the power of a servant who is eligible for not just one but TWO grand classes my friend.”
“BWAHAHA!!! Don’t worry, the irony of the situation is not lost on me my friend.”
“Sharp spear and an even sharper tongue.”
“Oh c’mon, you don’t think I was really THAT ugly do you? Magaye was just so beautiful that he made everyone who stood next to him look ugly in comparison. So I wouldn’t consider him a good metric for looks. Do you understand what I mean my friend?”
“I’m sorry.. I just can’t forgive you for what you did.”
“If I had known what those shady Nathaniel Isaacs and Henry Fynn were going to do to my image for the sake of that slave trade I would have killed them on the spot…”
“N-no, my kingdom”
“My kingdom…”
“I guess even I can’t talk my way out of this one…”
“One last word of advice my friend…”
“Is that Dingane…?”
“Is that Mhlangana…?”
“I knew I should have retreated…”
“Was I a good king this time…?”
“Heh, don’t worry… I had this coming.”
“I should've saved more people…”
Wish for the Grail
“I wish that I could have been the ideal and wise king so many people think I am. Someone who could’ve put their emotions aside…  and I wish I could protect all those I hold dear to my heart. So they never have to suffer or die… I suppose that’s two wishes though. I wonder if I can wish for just two extra wishes?
Fun Facts
If he was playable in FGO he would be a 5-star servant.
His least favorite class is the Berserker Class because they usually can’t be reasoned with and are hard to talk to.
On another note, he finds being compared to a Berserker in terms of fighting style or mentality quite insulting. Which is yet another reason he tries to avoid intentionally utilizing Madness Enhancement via his Imperial Privilege skill unless it is absolutely necessary. He is also afraid of becoming like that of his Berserker form.
His Magic the Gathering Alignment would be White-Blue-Black-Red with White, Blue, and Black as his center colors and Red as his secondary color.
If he was in the Epithet Erased universe his Epithet would be Horn and one of his moves would involve summoning horned beetles or beetle horns.
If he was in the Hunter x Hunter universe his Nen type would be Transmutation and his Hatsu would revolve around beetles and beetle shells in some way.
His overall servant rank is around A-. Although it would be A+ if he found himself in South Africa.
He dresses like some sort of beetle every Halloween.
He takes Mother’s Day very seriously.
Shaka Zulu’s Alter form would have a beetle motif, with parts of his body having a strong and sturdy exoskeleton. He would also have multiple limbs and a pair of wings.
Zwide kaLanga is also eligible for the Lancer and Berserker Classes.
Both Shaka and Zwide’s Berserker forms have a Noble Phantasm based on the Mfecane.
Zwide was unaware that his mother was collecting skulls.
Dingiswayo is eligible for the Archer, Lancer, Caster, Rider, and Berserker classes. While he is a capable fighter his true power lies in drawing out the maximum potential of others. Under perfect scenarios, he can permanently increase the ranks of a servant’s parameters, skills, and/or Noble Phantasms and allow an ordinary human to fight on the level of a low-ranking servant.
Magaye is eligible for the Lancer, Shielder, and Berserker class. His Noble Phantasm is quite similar to that of Lanling Wang’s or Diarmuid Ua Duibhne love spot. He also wears a bag over his head most of the time for a reason similar to why Lanling Wang wears a mask. Apparently, the average person looks ugly in comparison to him.
Gala is eligible for the Foreigner class and fighting isn’t his specialty. As a servant he is capable of combating and dispelling madness itself and is resistant to most mental attacks. He is considered by many to be a “chain” that binds people to reality. He is apparently very blunt, to the point that he can come off as rude, and stresses being firmly rooted in reality over getting caught up in imagination and wishful thinking. He basically never directly lies or leaves out information.
Shaka’s favorite Pokemon are Heracross and Pinsir, with Falinks being a close second.
If he had a Pokemon type he would be a Fighting type.
The true name of his lily form would be Sigidi kaSenzangakhona, and such a form would be eligible for the Lancer, Shielder, and Berserker classes.
Visual References
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floipenstein · 4 months
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Last day feeding the cats for my parents while they're away. Here's a little rundown, starting with Jodie (mother of my cat Nandi)
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Flurry (~20 years old, we've had her since she was a kitten. She's all white and her eyes are different colors. She is very fluffy and cuddly)
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Stormie (also had since she was a kitten, she and my cat Arya used to be friends for a little bit)
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Dori (I think she used to be an outdoor cat who finally accepted my parents' care and came inside. She's got problems getting around, so my parents made a ramp for her to get up on the couch on her own 🥹)
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Mischief (mysterious and aloof. Giant adolescent goofball. He makes me feel special because he comes out for me but not my brother and sister-in-law. We bonded when he was a kitten and I was upstairs with him, and I picked him up and he diarrheaed on my shoe 🥰)
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The rare picture of all 5 together in one space. Fun Fact two of their names are Doctor Who references because we are nerds.
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bookofjin · 5 months
Account of the Di (WS101)
[I.e. the kingdom of Chouchi. This post covers down to the ascension of Yang Baozong in 429]
The Di are a separate kind of the Western Yi, titled the Baima. At the juncture of the Three Eras, perhaps Bai was a lord or chief, but in that period there was a single court audience. For that reason the Poetry claims:
Since those Di and Qiang, do not dare not to come to the King.
From Qin, Han and onwards, for generation they lived in Qi, Long and southwards, and Hanchuan and westwards, and established themselves as prominent leaders.
In the middle of Han's Jian'an [196 – 220] there was Yang Teng, he was a great leader of the section's family groups. Teng was brave, strong and with many plans and schemes. He was the first to move to Chouchi. Chouchi has an area of a hundred [bai] qing, because of that he used it as a title. [All] four sides are steep and sheer, and are 7 li tall. The road coils like goat intestines for thirty-six rotations. On its top is the source of the Feng river. They cook the earth to achieve salt.
After Teng there was someone named Qianwan. Wei designated him as King of the Baiqing Di. Qianwan's grandson was named Feilong. He gradually grew strong and flourishing, Emperor Wu of Jin made use of him as General who Pacifies the West.
He had no sons, and reared his sister's son Linghu Maosou as his son. Middle of Emperor Hui's Yuankang era [291 – 299], Maosou titled himself General who Supports the State and Worthy King of the Right, the crowd of Di pushed him forward as ruler. Many of the gentlemen Within the Passes who drifted and moved about relied on him. Emperor Min used him as General of Agile Cavalry and Worthy King of Left.
Maosou died, and his son Nandi controlled the position. He and his younger brother Jiantou divided the entourage. Nandi titled himself Worthy King of the Left and stationed at Xiabian. Jiantou titled himself Worthy King of the Right, and stationed at Hechi.
Nandi died, his son Yi was installed. He titled himself Envoy Holding the Tally, Dragon Prancing General, Worthy King of the Left, and Duke of Duke of Xiabian. He used Jiantou's son Pan as Envoy Holding the Tally, General of the Best of the Army, Worthy King of the Right, and Duke of Hechi. He was subject to Jin, and Jin used Yi as General who Conquers the South.
3rd Year [of Xiankang, 337 AD, per Songshu], Yi's senior kinsman Chu assaulted and killed Yi, and also gained his multitudes. He installed himself as Duke of Chouchi and was subject to Shi Hu. Later he claimed to be vassal to Jin. 10th Year of Yonghe [354 AD], changed Chu to be Duke of Tianshui.
11th Year [355 AD], Yi's younger brother Songnu sent his aunt's son Liang Sanwang to take the opportunity of attending to straight away with blade in hand kill Chu. Chu's son Guo led left and right to excute Sanwang and Songnu, and then installed himself as Duke of Chouchi. Huan Wen petitioned for Guo to be Inspector of Qin province, and for Guo's son An to be Grand Warden of Wudu.
12th Year [356 AD], Guo's junior uncle's son Jun killed Guo and installed himself. Guo's son An betrayed Fu Sheng, killed Jun, and then declared himself a vassal to Jin.
An died, his son Shi installed himself as Duke of Chouchi. Jin's 3rd Year of Taihe [368 AD], used Shi as Inspector of Qin province, and his younger brother Tong as Grand Warden of Wudu.
Shi died. Tong deposed Shi's son Zuan and installed himself. Tong was also named De. Zuan assembled a faction, assaulted and killed Tong, and installed himself as Duke of Chouchi. He dispatched envoys to go to Emperor Jianwen, who used Zuan as Inspector of Qin province. Jin's 1st Year of Xian'an [371 Ad], Fu Jian dispatched Yang An to invade Zuan. He overcame him, and moved his people to Within the Passes, and emptied the land of Baiqing.
At the death of Songnu, his two sons Fonu and Fogou escaped and ran to Fu Jian. Jian used [a daughter] as wife to Fonu's son Ding, and designated him as Master of Writing and [General who] Leads the Army. At the defeat of Fu Jian, Guanyou was disturbed and chaotic. Ding exhausted his strength for Jian. When Jian died, he led the multitudes to run to Longyou. He moved to govern Licheng, which is 120 li from Chouchi, and set up granaries and stores at Baiqing. He summoned the barbarians and the Xia, and obtained more than a thousand families. He declared himself Dragon Prancing General and Duke of Chouchi, and declared to be vassal to Jin. Xiaowu promptly used what he had titled himself to make use of him, and later used him as Inspector of Qin province. 4th Year of Dengguo [389 AD], he thereupon had the land of Qin province, and titled himself as King of Longxi. He was later killed by Qifu Qiangui. He had no sons.
Fogou's son Sheng first was overseeing the state, and defended Chouchi. He then controlled affairs, titled himself General who Conquers the West, Inspector of Qin province, and Duke of Chouchi, and conferred posthumous title on Ding as Martial [wu] King. He divided the various Di and Qiang to make twenty sections with Army-Protectors. Each he made a garrison posts, and he did not set up commanderies and counties. Thereupon he had the land of Hanzhong, but continued to declare to be vassal to Jin. Beginning of Tianxing [398 – 404], he dispatched envoys to court [i.e. the Wei court] with tribute. A decree used Sheng as Great General who Conquers the South and King of Chouchi. He was isolated and blocked off by Yao Xing, and did not mange to communicate annually with tribute and envoys. Sheng used his older brother's son Fu as General who Pacifies the South and Inspector of Liang# province, to defend Hanzhong. Middle of Liu Yu's Yongchu [420 – 422], ennobled Sheng as King of Wudu. Sheng died, his private posthumous title was Kind and Civil [huiwen] King. His son Xuan controlled the position.
Xuan, courtesy name Huangmei, was titled Great General who Conquers the West, Opening Office with Ceremony Similar to the Three Ministers, Inspector of Qin province, and King of Wudu. Though he was a declared vassal to Liu Yilong, he continued to defer to the symbol of Jin's Yongxi era. Later he started to use Yilong's Yuanjia calendar.
Earlier, Sheng spoke to Xuan, saying:
I am aged and already old, and will end as a subject of Jin. For you it is good to serve the Song emperor.
For that reason Xuan deferred to him.
Xuan was good at entertaining scholars, and was cherished by migrants and long-time [inhabitants]. 4th Year of Shiguang [427 AD], Shizu dispatched the Great Swan-geese Arranger, Gongsun Gui, to designate Xuan as Great General who Conquers the South, Chief Controller, Inspector of Liang# province, and King of Nanqin. Xuan sent up a petition to request to be aligned with inner vassals. Allowed it. Xuan died, his private posthumous title was Filial and Luminous [xiaozhao] King. His son Baozong controlled the position.
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 1 year
Hijra (South Asia)
Hijra (Arabic: ہیجڑا) is a south asian subcultural identity for transgender women, transvestites (MTF), androgynous male, intersex & non-binary folks. Many Hijras lives in well-organized communities, led by a guru (leader) in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India & some parts of Nepal. Traditionally, hijras are recognized as a “distinct gender” which is different from the normative male & female genders. Most of them are assigned “male” at birth, while a small number of hijras are born intersex and later develop a feminine gender identity or gender ambiguity. Hijras usually present themselves in feminine attire, use feminine names & pronouns for themselves. Some hijras may present themselves in masculine outfits, may use masculine names or vice-versa. Both Izak & Hijragaan are equivalents of the term “Hijra” in Afghanistan. Afghani vernacular term Izak refers to eunuch or people of ambiguous gender/sex. Izak is also used as a slurr against LGBTQI+ community.
Hijra Culture
Hijras has their own traditions, rituals, cults, language & festivities. Hijras typically earn a living through various means, including participating in toli–badhai (ritual blessings), collecting alms, begging, prostitution, dancing & singing at different occasions. These activities serve as common sources of income within the hijra community. Most of the Hijra communities follows a kinship known as guru-chela or guru-shishyaa. This kinship is based on hierarchal relationships of discipleship among hijras, organizing themselves into different dera/gharanas (house). These dera/gharanas serve as social units, provide a sense of belonging and support to gender-diverse folks. Many hijras try to maintain matrilineal relationships within their communities; these relationships include guru ma or ma (mother), daughter, maasi or mausi (aunty), sister, niece, nani or naniguru (grandmother). In hijra community, gurus are revered as mother, parent, guardian & sometimes brother. Chelas are revered as son or daughter of guru. In hijra community, individuals can become members through an ritual ceremony or reet which is very much common within Hijra community. Many transgendered hijras & kothis do castration, emasculation before joining the community. However, community membership is not solely dependent on genital mutilation.
The governing bodies within the hijra/kinner community play a central role in maintaining their cultural practices and traditions. These governing bodies hold influential positions on decision-making and community affairs within communities. They contribute to the overall structure and organization of the hijra/kinner/third gender communities.
The spiritual status of hijras is publicly acknowledged & accepted as a part of their gender identity, entitling them to attain a spiritual level referred to as “others” non-hijras. Prior to arrival of Islam in South Asia, kinners (hindu hijra folks) were elevated to the status of demi-god in Indian subcontinent. They were believed to possess supernatural powers that could bestow fertility and good luck upon those who sought kinner's blessings. Upon their conversion to Islam, kinners adopted the label “hijra” which means spiritual migration, transformation, transcend, liminality. Hijras became great devotees of Sufi saints, such as Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Lal Shahbaz Qalaander, Baba Bulleh Shah. Most of the hijra folks incorporated their Hindu beliefs into their practice of Islam after their conversion. They visits Sufi shrines, temples, and mosques, as well as participate in pilgrimages. Muslim hijras also maintain a belief in the Goddess Bahuchara Maa. Bahuchara Maa is patron of hijra, kinner, transgender woman, eunuch, transvestite, kothi communities. She is also known as Mai Nandi in Pakistan.
The word Kothi is common across India & Bangladesh. Other local equivalents of Kothi are Durani (Kolkata), Meti (Nepal), Zenana/Zanana (Pakistan). While Kothis are often distinguished from Hijras, they often dress as women and act in a feminine manner in public spaces, even using feminine language to refer to themselves and each-other. Sometimes the term Kothi is regarded as person who play passive or submissive role in homosexual relationships. In India, the term Kothi refers to effeminate homosexuals & transvestite homosexuals who take feminine role in homosexual relationship with Panthi (a south asian term for masculine gay/bisexual/straight man, who dates hijras & kothis). Majority of kothis don't live in intentional communities that hijras usually lives in. Some argued that term “Kothi” is an all-encompassing term for homosexual bottoms, effeminate males, trans-feminines, transvestites, trans woman, who do not conform to societal, normative gender roles. So the term Kothi would include the identity of Hijra, among others.
Religious Practices
Many hijra communities practice a form of syncretism that draws on multiple religions, including islam, hinduism, buddhism, sikhism, etc. Both Indian hindu hijras/kinners and muslim hijras are devotee of Goddess Bahuchara Maa. Majority of gurus in hijra community are muslim in Indian subcontinent. Annually they pay homage to Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz in Ajmer Sharif.According to Gayatri Reddy, Indian muslim hijras do not practice Islam differently from other muslims. Their religious syncretism doesn't make them any less muslim. Reddy also documents an example of how this syncretism manifests: In Hyderabad of India a group of muslim converts were circumcised, something seen as the quintessential marker of Muslim identity.
Guru-chela system is very similar to Pir-Mureed discipleship of Sufism. In Sufi traditions, a Pir/Guru (spiritual guider) takes on disciples known as Mureeds, forming a deep and spiritual relationship. Some believes that south asian hijras adopted this system of mentorship & spiritual guidance within their own community.
In Pakistan, most hijras do not practice religious syncretism. But they have great tolerance & compassion for other religions. Pakistani hijras are more connected with sufi cultures & Mughal cultures. Some prefers the term Khawaja Sara for themselves instead of Hijra, Khusra. They pay homage to sufi dargahs, pray at mosque or dargah (in male outfit). Hijras also perform Islamic Hajj & Umrah in Mecca, until 2017 when saudi authorities ban religious pilgrimage for transgender & third gender folks.
Hijra Farsi Language
Hijra Farsi/Farsi Kalaam is a secret code language of hijra, khwaja sara, & zennana communities. It is also spoken among non-hijra LGBTQ+ members. Hijra Farsi was originated during the Mughal Era. Hijra Farsi is widely spoken among muslim hijras, khwajasaras & zennanas. Hindu hijras/kinner speaks Gupti language. known as Hijra Farsi, Farsi Kalaam. Some parts of India & in Bangladesh, it is known as Ulti Bhasha.
Hijra identity & culture are documented to have evolved during the Delhi Sultanate (1226-1526) and Mughal Empire (1526-1707), where they held positions as guardian of royal harems, court officials, entertainers, servant for elite households, manual laborers, political advisors, etc. They had been guardians of many sufi shrines in medieval era.
Since 19th century, hijras were targeted by British colonial authorities who sought to eradicate them, criminalised them under Section 377 (1860) & Criminal Tribe Act (1870). This encouraged anti-hijra sentiments throughout the Indian subcontinent, the legacies of which continued in later days. As a result, people started to viewing Hijras differently. Beginning in the 1850s with the British Raj, colonial authorities deployed various strategies to eradicate hijras, whom they saw as "a breach of public decency." The British viewed hijras as incapable of "moral transformation" & assimilation and therefore subjected them to eliminatory policies. In 1860, hijras became subjected to Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which allowed British authorities to prosecute hijras for their sexuality. Even though they were already criminalized under the Section 377, authorities of the North-Western Provinces (NWP) sought to enact a 'Special law' against hijras in 1861.
By 1870, no high-ranking British officials argued against the implementation of special legislation to address the 'hijra problem,' thus solidifying a violent anti-hijra campaign all across the Indian subcontinent. Anti-hijra laws were enacted; whereas a law outlawing castration (a central part of the hijra community, although not required for community membership), crossdressing, community gathering, ritual practices. Hijras were included in the Criminal Tribes Act (1871) and labelled a "criminal tribe", now subjected to compulsory registration, strict monitoring, and stigmatization. Because of economic costs, which were the main impetus behind British colonialism, Hijras and other so-called "criminal tribes" were unable to be collectively sequestered from colonial society.
Furthermore, Child Removal Projects, which had already begun elsewhere in the British Empire, like Colonial Australia with the forced removal of aboriginal children for assimilation into white settler society, were brought to India for all 'criminal tribes' officially in 1911. Child removal was already in de-facto practice against hijras since the passage of the Criminal Tribes Act (1871) to initiate the extermination of hijra communities by preventing initiation, since the dominant colonial narrative was that all trans & intersex children were "kidnapped and enslaved". Researcher Jessica Hinchy notes that the elimination oriented tactics carried out toward hijras during the colonial era were comparable to what Patrick Wolfe called the 'logic of elimination' in British settler colonies, such as the USA and Australia, as well as the anti-joya campaigns executed by Spanish colonial authorities against gender-diverse people centuries earlier in the establishment of New Spain (1535-1821). After the independence, hijras survived these barbaric colonial extermination. But the centuries-old stigma & shame continues as a legacy of British colonialism in modern days. In the late 20th & early 21st centuries, hijras became the subject of more attention, being the focus of numerous news features, films, literature, documentaries, ethnographies, monographs, dissertations. Since the late 20th century some NGOs & rights groups lobbied for official recognition of the hijra community.
Legal Recognition in South Asia
Hijra rights in India:
Hijra community is known by different names in Indian subcontinent.For example: Khusra,Khusaraa,Jankha,Zennani in Punjab; Pavaiyaa in Gujrat;Hinjida in Odisha;Dhurani, Brihonnala,Hijre in West Bengal;Khawajasera in Urdu;Ali,Aravani in Tamil Nadu,Khadra in Sindhi,etc.
Hijra is a pejorative term, most transgenders consider hijra as derogatory & some transgenders does not consider it as a derogatory.Indian transgenders often prefer the term ''Kinner'' for themselves.
In 1994, Hijras were legally granted voting rights as a third sex.Due to alleged legal ambiguity of the procedure,Indian hijras has difficulties accessing safe medical facilities for surgery.In 1998 Shabnam Mausi (a muslim hijra) was elected as India's first transgender MLA.
In April, 2014 Indian Supreme Court recognised hijra,transgender,eunuch, & intersex people as a "third gender" in law.The Court ruled that hijras,transgender people have a fundamental constitutional right to change their gender without any sort of surgery, and called on the Union Government to ensure equal treatment for hijra people.The Court also ruled that the Indian Constitution mandates the recognition of a third gender on official documents and that Article 15 bans discrimination based on gender identity.In light of the ruling,government documents, such as voter ID cards, passports & bank forms, have started providing a third gender option alongside male (M) & female (F), usually designated as "other" (O),"third gender" (TG) or "transgender" (T).
The states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala were the 1st Indian states to introduce a Transgender Welfare Policy.According to the policy, transgender & hijra people can access free sex-reassignment surgery in govt. hospitals (only for Male to Female),free housing,various citizenship documents, admission in government colleges with full scholarship for higher studies,alternative sources of livelihood through formation of self-help groups(for savings) and initiating income-generation programmes (IGP).
On 24 April 2015, the Rajya Sabha unanimously passed the Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, guaranteeing rights and entitlements,reservations in education,jobs,unemployment allowances, pensions,legal aids & skill development for Hijras.It also contained provisions to prohibit discrimination in employment as well as prevent abuse,violence and exploitation of Hijra people.Social Justice & Empowerment Minister Thaawar Chand Gehlot stated on 11 June 2015 that the Union Government would introduce a new comprehensive bill for trans rights in the Monsoon session of Parliament. The bill would be based on the study on trans issues conducted by a committee appointed on 27 January 2014.According to Thaawar Chand Gehlot, the Government sought to provide trans & hijra people with all rights and entitlements currently enjoyed by scheduled castes & scheduled tribes.
The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill,2016, which was initially introduced to Parliament in August 2016, was reintroduced to Parliament in late 2017. Some LGBTQ+ & hijra activists have opposed the bill because it does not address issues such as marriage,adoption & divorce for trans people.It was passed by the Lok Sabha on 17 December 2018, with 27 amendments, including a controversial clause prohibiting hijras from begging.
In April 2017, the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation instructed states to allow transgender people to use the public toilet of their choice.In October 2017, the Karnataka Government issued the "State Policy for Transgenders, 2017", with the aim of raising awareness of transgender people within all educational institutions in the state. Educational institutions will address issues of violence & discrimination against trans people.
On 28 November 2017, N. Chandrababu Naidu, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, announced the enactment of pension plans for transgender people.On 16 December 2017, the Andhra Pradesh Cabinet passed the policy. According to the policy, the State Government will provide an amount of ₹1,500 per month to each trans person above the age of 18 for social security pensions.The Govt. will also construct Transgender toilets in public places.
In early 2019, the Social Welfare Department of Assam published a draft "transgender policy" with numerous objectives, including providing transgender people access to educational institutions, providing shelter and sanitation for the homeless, raising awareness, and issuing self-identification identity cards.
Hijra rights in Pakistan
In Pakistan hijra & khawaja sara community has a vibrant culture (both are culturally & historically different identities). In Pakistan, Hijras are sometimes referred to as eunuch, shemale, mukhannath, transvestite, khusra, moorat/murat, khadra, chakka, khawaja sara/sera, intersex, teesri zins (third gender), etc. Hijras faces humiliation & violence on daily basis in Pakistan. Surprisingly, they enjoy a certain level of acceptance & respect due to their position in pre-colonial Islamic empires & spiritual status. Their presence in Pakistani muslim society is usually tolerated. Many khawaja sara & hijras called themselves cultural heirs of the Mughal eunuchs & mukhannaths.
Pakistani society has a common myth regarding the hijra that they are born with congenital conditions, sexual ambiguities & they are incapable of procreation. In 2009, the Pakistan's Supreme Court officially recognized hijra's gender. The landmark ruling stated that as citizens they were entitled to the equal benefit from the federal and provincial governments' financial support schemes. In 2010, the court ordered the full recognition of the hijra/khawaja sara community, including the provision of free medical & educational facilities, microcredit schemes and job quotas for hijras in every government department. But court did not say anything about their protections from discrimination in public services or housing.
On 8 May 2018, the National Assembly of Pakistan passed country's first historic Transgender Person (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018 (مُتَجَنَّس افراد کے لیے (تحفظ حقوق) قانون 2018ء). Transgender Person Act ensure the right of self-identification of one's gender Pakistani gender diverse people may express their gender according to their own preferences, & they may have their gender identity of choice reflected on their documents (including NICs, passports, driver's licenses,education certificates) The act ensures transgender people's "fundamental rights to inheritance, education, employment, vote, hold public office, health, assembly, and access to public spaces and property.
Hijra rights in Bangladesh
When Bangladesh was under Pakistani rule, the state used to provide pensions to the elder hijra community during their old age. This subsidy was initially continued after Bangladesh gained independence, but was later discontinued. In November 2013, Bangladesh officially recognized Hijras as a third gender. Bangladeshi Hijras are often discriminated, harassed due to public exposure of their ‘inappropriate’ gender & sexual expression which trangresses gender normativity and heterosexual dimensions of muslim society. Despite this, Bangladesh does not have policies outlining measures individuals must undergo to legally change their gender on their official documents,nor is there clarity about who may qualify as a “Hijra”.
A 2013 survey by the Bangladesh's Ministry of Social Welfare showed that, there are 10,000 registered hijras in the country.But some trans activists argued that the actual number of hijras is more than 10,000. In December 2014, the Ministry of Social Welfare invited hijras for the governmental jobs. Some hijras applied for governmental jobs (many of them were trans woman). But later they were humiliated by Social Welfare Department officials during the initial interviews, which were conducted in December 2014. Many reported that they were harassed & asked inappropriate questions about their gender identity & sex life. In January 2015 the health ministry issued a memorandum requesting that “necessary steps are taken to identify authentic intersexual by conducting a thorough medical check-up.” In June 2015, the dozen hijras who were selected from the initial interviews were examined in a government hospital. During the medical examinations, physicians ordered non-medical hospital staff such as custodians to touch their genitals, while groups of staff and other patients observed and jeered — sometimes in private rooms, sometimes in public spaces. Eventually they were identified as Male by doctors. Thus, they lost their jobs. In addition, their photos were published in the newspaper with their real names. Some hijras reported that publication of the photos sparked increased harassment from the general public and economic hardship for hijra individuals.
In July 2015, a hijra named Labannya witnessed the murder of a secular blogger, and helped in the arrest of the criminals. For Labannya's bravery Bangladeshi government announced plans to recruit and enlist hijras as ''Traffic Police.'' In April 2019, Bangladesh allowed the "hijras" to vote under their third gender identity.In that same year, Bangladesh opened its first Islamic school for Hijras. More than 150 students were initially expected to study Islamic and vocational subjects for free.
Hijras in Nepal
A landmark 2007 ruling by Nepal’s Supreme Court ordered the government to end discriminatory practices against the estimated 350,000 people who make up the LGBTQ+ community & paved the way for equal rights legislation. Nepal became the first south asian country to decriminalize colonial penal code section 377. At that same year, Nepal legally recognized Hijra & Methi community as third gender. In 2011 Nepal added third gender category to it national census. However, hijras faced difficulties to change their name & gender.
Since 2015, Nepal authorized a third gender category ''Others'' for passport holders. LGBTQI+ Nepali activists have criticized this step of goverment. Activists advocated for recognition of one's self-identified gender, instead of gender trinary. In 2019, trans activist Rukshana Kapali took an open stand against labeling herself as "third gender". She has taken legal steps to amend her gender identity to "female". On 31 October of 2021, 29 LGBTQ+ organizations, 2 federations and others have collectively proposed a bill regarding gender identity.
List of notable hijras:
Shabnam Mausi - South Asia first hijra & intersex politician
Laxmi Narayan Tripathi - Hijra & LGBTQ+ rights activist
Joya Sikder - Transgender rights activist. She is a pioneer of activist of hijra rights in Bangladesh
Pinky Sikder
Sanam Fakhir - First Pakistani hijra candidate to contest in election
Lubna lal
Parboty Hijra
Boby Hijra/Bobby Hijra
Salma Sheikh
Rani Chaudhury
Sammi Hijra
Khushi Sheikh
Grace Banu
Gauri Sawant
Zoya Khan
Alina Khan
Shehzadi Rai
Bindiya Rana
Almas Boby
Rimal Ali
Maya Jaffer
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chrissymorgan9700 · 1 year
Firey Love Through Burning Sands Chapter 5: Welcome to Sarasaland!
Luigi couldn't help but marvel at how the warp pipes worked.
Sure, his first experience with them caused him an insane amount of trauma, but he couldn't help but admire the engineering that made it possible. The streams of magic that flowed through them were strong enough to suck your body into its current but concentrated enough to let you safely travel to the farthest reaches of the known kingdoms (provided that you knew your way around).
After going through the pipes to go back and forth between Brooklyn and the Mushroom Kingdom, his fears about the pipes were slowly getting better, even becoming one of his favorite ways to travel. The rosy-pink clouds that surrounded the see-through walls of the warp were kind of soothing to look at.
But he sure wasn't feeling that way now.
He held onto Mario's hand and shuddered, the two of them and Toad following the princess as she guided them to the Sarasaland pipe, the ride seeming to take an eternity. The clouds that surrounded them did little to ease the pit that grew in his stomach as they passed through, the strong currents endlessly pulling at him from all sides. Mario, meanwhile, had his focus mainly on Peach, not taking his eyes off her for even a moment.
When he made the journey to win the Kong Army and save Luigi, the furthest that they had gone via warp pipe was outside of the Mushroom Kingdom's borders. Now, they were using the warp pipe to get there instead of walking the rest of the way.
"Hey princess," Mario shouted, "Where exactly is Sarasaland?"
Peach didn't turn around to look at them, instead looking dead ahead as she searched for the right pipe.
"Just beyond the Dry Dry Desert. Both kingdoms use the desert as a neutral border, so we're going through the warp to get to the main gate away from that region."
He felt Luigi's grip on his hand tighten as the smell of sulfur wafted into the pipe.
The pipe to the Koopa Kingdom was close.
Mario returned the tightened grip in an attempt to comfort his brother.
"Non preoccuparti, Luigi. Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together."
The group moved closer to the wall of the tube, not willing to be sucked into enemy territory as they passed by. After an agonizing moment, Peach's voice rang out as she grabbed Toad.
"The Sarasaland Warp is just up ahead! When I say go, we're going to make a right turn! Ready?"
The brothers took a deep breath.
They held onto each other tight.
And with a sharp turn, they followed the princess and the Mushroom boy down the warp.
Here we go!
Meanwhile, in Sarasaland...
The Bela Nandi held the reputation as not only one of, if not the deadliest, army in the land but also as the only all-female military group in all of the known kingdoms. While the armies of the Jungle Lands and the Koopa Kingdom had great numbers and strength, the Bela Nandi seemed to surpass them both with their genius war tactics and stealth. And seeing as the empire was spread out between four distinct kingdoms that were ruled by the Queen, they were also considered one of the most diverse.
Among the ranks that gathered in the throne room stood Daisy, fully dressed (if not a bit winded from making a mad dash not to be late) with a golden bow in her hands as they all talked to each other, waiting for their general and fellow battle sister to arrive.
Suddenly, the doors opened.
The chatter from the Bela Nandi hushed instantly as the sound of metal clashed together. The warriors lined themselves against the walls as Taraji strode through the room, twin Ida swords in hand. Daisy and the warriors saluted her as she climbed the steps that led to her throne.
"Ukunqoba Nodumo, Bela Nandi!" The queen saluted her fellow warriors as she stood.
"Ukunqoba Nodumo, Indlovukazi!"
With a nod, her soldiers went back to formation, herself sheathing her blades as she addressed them.
"My sisters, Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom will be arriving shortly with her companions for an urgent matter of upmost importance. As to what that matter is, I am not a liberty to say for now. In the meantime, these are your assignments: Princess Daisy and Squadron One, you will be meeting our guests at the Warp Pipe Border away from the desert."
Daisy looked up at her sister, a surprised grin slowly growing on her face. She was going to lead her first assignment! Was it a small one? Sure, but it was better than being stuck in the palace.
Taraji glanced over as the princess failed to keep a stoic expression at the announcement, her own lips forming a tiny smile before continuing on.
"Squadrons Two, Three, and Four, you will be guarding our borders from here in Birabuto to the Easton Islands. The rest of you, continue with your training. We will also be anticipating more guests soon, so we must be vigilant at all times. And let's not forget, the Harvest Festival is almost upon us, so I expect all of us to be ready for that as well."
With a final salute, the army dissipated and headed for their assignments, Daisy walking with her squadron.
"Daisy, a moment if you please," Taraji spoke, getting down from her throne.
The princess froze, turning around to face the queen. Taraji placed her hand on her shoulder, studying her for a moment as doubt and worry war on in her mind.
"This is your first official assignment as my heir presumptive. I understand that you're excited, but remember that you must-"
"Be careful. I know, I know," Daisy interrupted, shuffling her quiver of arrows to the other side. "You worry too much, Raji. I'll be fine! Besides, we know Peach. She's cool."
The queen sighed, her grip on the princess' shoulder tightened slightly.
"Daisy, this is serious. This isn't a visit between friends. This is a request for aid. I am entrusting you with the safety of her and her companions and for you to lead them straight to the palace. I need you to pay attention to your surroundings so no getting distracted. And don't tarry too long. The more time it takes, the more time is wasted. Do you understand?"
Daisy dropped her head in exasperation before nodding her head.
"Yes, ma'am."
Taraji relaxed for a moment, lifting Daisy's chin to take one last glance at her face before letting go.
"Good. Now, go on. They're waiting for you."
The princess turned to leave, but not before a mischievous smirk spread on her face.
"Don't worry, sis. I'll make sure not to scare her companions too badly."
Before the queen could say anything else, her sister ran out of the throne room with a laugh, her bow clutched tightly in her hand as she nearly tripped over her feet in order to catch up with her squadron.
Taraji sighed, feeling a stress-induced migraine coming on as she plopped back down on her throne.
"UGrambi omkhulu nokhokho, lo mntwana uzoba ukufa kwami."
Near the back gates of the city, a rumble was heard as the warp pipe next to the walls expelled four beings out of its bowels. As Princess Peach and Toad landed gracefully on the soft soil that surrounded it, Mario and Luigi shot out of the tube and hit the ground with a hard thud, Luigi landing on top of his brother.
"Are you two okay?" Peach asked as Luigi scrambled off of him and helped Mario up, the latter groaning in pain.
Their eyes wandered around the area, in awe of the section that they landed in. The land that surrounded them was a jungle, not unlike the Jungle Kingdom of the Kongs, but as Mario followed the wall towards a clearing nearby, the sands of the Dry Dry Desert seemed to blow towards him. Luigi couldn't help but stare at the gates themselves, taking in the intricate design of the archways and columns that supported them. The edge of the archways had lotus blossoms and daisies chiseled into the stone, and the columns had flowering vines etched into them. The doors seemed to sparkle like gold, the knocker a giant sunflower. Peach, meanwhile, stared straight ahead, her hands trembling slightly from anxiety.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Toad exclaimed as he made a rush towards the gate.
Quick as a fox, she darted her hand out and pulled the eager Toad back, setting him back down in front of her.
"Wait a minute. Before we are allowed to enter, there are some things that you need to know first."
Mario, Luigi, and Toad paused.
"The Sarasaland Empire stretches over four kingdoms, making it one of our most diverse nations. With that in mind, there are certain citizens that might look familiar.
Her explanation was interrupted as the sound of a war cry echoed through the air, followed by the sound of the gates opening and archers drawing back their bows.The sudden ambush caused Luigi to screech out a startled yelp as he ducked behind Mario, the warriors circling them. Mario immediately went into a fighting stance as he began to see Bombshell Koopas, Kumos, Ganchans, Gaos, Goombos, and Bunbuns. He even saw some Toads sprinkled among the ranks that currently held them all at spear-point. But nothing prepared him for what they saw next.
Right among the thrall of turtle-like creatures and moving stone heads were humans.
Real flesh-and-blood humans like them.
"Che cazzo?!" Mario blurted out as the ring around them got tighter and tighter until Princess Peach spoke.
"Please! We seek an audience with Queen Taraji!"
The soldiers paused for a moment, looking around for a response.
"Yima phansi!" A voice rang out.
The warriors parted as a figure approached them, a bow and arrow clutched tightly in their hands. Luigi peaked over his brother's shoulder and was taken aback by the sight of who he thought was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
Her skin was a light brown and dotted with freckles from her face down to her arms. Her raven black hair was twisted into cornrows that ended with an afro puff that started at the crown of her head to the nape of her neck. Her brown eyes were wide as he noticed white dots painted under them and two white dots on her forehead and chin that were bordered with yellow lines on both sides. She was dressed in a dark orange top that was decorated with daisies at the hem and flared at the bottom into a skirt whose sides were split, revealing tan pants. On her head was a delicate gold chain that wrapped around the sides of her temples and down the middle of her head with an orange jewel dangling from it. Her arms were decorated with an arm cuff on her left arm and a single gold bracelet on her right wrist. Two gold studs adorn her ears, and a small golden hoop piercing decorated her right nostril.
The brothers watched as Princess Peach's shoulders relaxed before putting a gloved hand on her chest and extending her other hand out for the stranger to take.
"Ukunqoba Nodumo, Inkosazana," She spoke.
The woman was still staring at Luigi for a moment before her face broke into a wide grin as she turned to the blonde-haired princess before her, placing her own hand on her heart and grasping the gloved arm with hers.
"Ukunqoba Nodumo, Usisi,"
Peach gave a yelp as she was dragged into a tight hug, her friend's laughter echoing into the jungle behind them.
"Peach! It has been too long!"
"I know, Daisy! And I wish we were seeing each other again under better circumstances."
The Mario Brothers and Toad all stared at the two of them, confused (and a little bit terrified) as the two royals reconnected.
"And who are they?" They heard her ask, gesturing to them.
Princess Peach stood up straight, momentarily forgetting that they were there.
"OH! Princess Daisy, this is Toad," She started, as the Mushroom boy walked up to her and shook the other woman's hand.
"Nice to meet you!"
"And these are the Super Mario Brothers, Mario and Luigi."
Mario tipped his hat to the archer, a small smile on his face. Meanwhile, Luigi gave a shy smile and a wave.
"H-hello there, your Highness." Luigi stuttered.
Daisy gave a huge smirk as she faced the green brother.
"Well, h-hello there yourself!" she giggled.
Luigi's face turned bright, tomato-red as the squadron opened the city gates again.
"Welcome to Birabuto, the capital of the Sarasaland Empire!" Daisy said, their guests gasping in awe. "Now, come! My sister awaits our arrival!"
Taking Luigi's hand, Daisy dragged him through the city gates and towards the palace, Peach, Mario, and Toad following close behind them as the gates closed with an echoing thud.
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deadlinecom · 26 days
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Snippet - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO - It's Not Me
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Young Silco is fierce.
Young Sevika is fiercer.
But Jericho is fearsome.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
After a while, Silco felt the hot weight of her stare. When he looked up, she said, "You look like crap, Sil."
"You don't even notice, do you?" Her eyes raked him up and down. "You're like a wraith. Could cut somebody with those cheekbones."
"A few missed meals. That's all."
"You need a good old-fashioned bender," she said bluntly. "With a big bottle of single-malt. The good stuff. Not the swill they're peddling lately." She took another swallow of gin, and made a face. "Some days, I'd swear it’s battery acid."
"I can’t." Silco swirled his cup absently. "Five rats—" runners"—missing. Five-hundred pounds of chaff—" bullets "—needing to be shipped. A dozen crates of sardines—" rifles "—waiting to be delivered." His fingers tapped out the numbers. "And that's not even half the list. I'll be old and grey before this is done."
Sevika's eyes grew pensive. "Old. Grey. Like Nandi."
"Your sister was barely twenty-seven."
"No. But now she's—" In an urn. With effort, she caught herself. "You remember the lines on her forehead. The way she'd squint. She always said her eyesight was getting worse. It was the smog, she’d say. It's like a sneak-thief. You get so used to the haze, you don't see what it's doing to your body."  She rubbed her own eyes. "Sometimes, I feel it too. A tightness here." She tapped between her brows. "Like a thread pulling through a needle."
Silco smiled, barely. "That's a migraine, love."
"It's a pain in the ass." She drained her cup, setting it aside. "But every day, I’m sorry she can't feel it. Can't see the rust on the stairwell. Can't see the cobwebs strung in the hallways. Can't see the gasoline rainbows in the puddles." Her lips pinched at the corners. "She had a rough life. But she still saw beauty in the ugliest things.” A wry aside, “Guess that's why she picked you."
"Excuse me?"
"I'm kidding, Sil." She elbowed him. "You were good for her.  Nothing like the louts here."
"She was easy to be good to." His fingertip circled the rim of his cup. "Sometimes I wonder..."
He fell quiet, his eyes hooded. "Maybe I wasn't good enough."
"Bullshit. I knew my sister. She didn’t get the life she deserved, but you made her happy. She'd say so, if she could." 
Silco nodded. It seemed the thing to do.
Sevika's scrutiny didn't abate. "She'd also say you need some shut-eye. When's the last time you had a decent sleep?"
"When's the last time I had a decent anything?" Silco lifted his cup, and drained the dregs. Bitter in, bitter out. His lips sketched the barest smile. "At least the company's good."
"Company's always good." Sevika took a bite out of the bergamot. Juice twinkled on her chin. Her tongue ran over her lips, an idle provocation. "I could make it better."
Silco's features stilled around the smile. "What?"
"You heard me."
"You can’t be drunk already."
"Please." She dropped back on her elbows, so her breasts stood up between the loose folds of her shawl. Heavy handfuls, the nipples taut against the fabric. Sevika never bothered with binders back then. "I'm dead sober. And I've never needed liquor to speak my mind."
"Not if your mind's—" He stopped, a sharp swallow like a barb. "—what it is."
"And what is it, exactly? Bent? Broken?"
"You've had a skinful of hurt."
"Wouldn't mind a skinful. Or two fistfuls, and a mouthful, for good measure." At his stare: "Sisters aren't like brothers, Sil. We'd tell each other everything. I mean: everything."
"Everything," he echoed, flat. "Or whatever you'd pester Nandi into sharing."
"Same difference." Her grin held a sly curl. "She told me you had hands made for music. Not the kind played on the fiddle. You'd strum her until she nearly sang the building down." She nudged his leg. "That's high praise. My sister was picky as hell. I can count on one hand how many men made it past our threshold. But you..." She laughed, but not merrily. "She'd do everything short of tying you up in a bow to keep you from walking out."
"She didn't need to tie me up." He set the cup aside. "Four years, I never looked elsewhere."
"Yeah, you were a rarity." She tipped her chin. "Maybe that's why I'm asking. ‘Cause I know you're worth the gamble."
He shook his head. "This isn't a game, Sevika."
"You think I'm playing?" 
"With my last nerve, yes."
"Am I?" She tugged the neckline of her halter, and for moment he saw a glimpse of areola, deep bronze on the paler breast. "Then why're you still here?"
His skin prickled under his clothes. The heat, the heaviness, the memory. Nandi's breasts, the dark smoothness of her thighs. Silco's own hands, tracing her freckles. His lips following. Nandi, sighing: "Here. Here. Here." A constellation, with him as the shooting star.
Where had he fallen? A thousand miles away with her blood-sister.
Her sister, who'd always been listening through the door. Whose presence was a visceral echo of Nandi's, but whose eyes were different: hard, hungry, never satisfied.
Like him.
"Sil?" Sevika's tone downshifted. "Hey—where are you going?"
"Back to work." He rose, dusting off his lap. "I’ve heard enough."
"Hey, c'mon!" A tug on his sleeve. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm not good at this stuff."
"Good at what?" A bite of temper cracked through his calm. "Toying with Nandi’s leftovers?"
She flinched but held firm. "It's not like that."
"What, then?"
"She's gone. You are too. I never see you anywhere. Days, you're cooped up in the Drop. Nights, you're never at your flat. You're not grieving, Sil. You're running." Her fingers tightened around his sleeve. "I'm just… worried."
"So you thought you'd screw it out of me?" He slipped free of her hold. "I've no time for this, Sevika."
"You NEVER have time!" she exploded, and several diners glanced their way. "Not for me, or anyone! You think you're the only one hurting? There's plenty of us going through the same thing, and you're shutting us all out! If you go down, so does this whole fucking city!" Her breath hitched, once. "I don't know what else to do. How else to get your attention."
Silco's face didn't shift. "My attention isn't for sale."
"And the rest of you?" She gestured angrily. "That's fair game?"
"That's not your business."
"Then whose is it? The slags who pant after you in the Drop? The cutthroats who creep after you in the ginnels? The drecks and the dregs whispering in your ears whenever you pass?" She barked a harsh laugh. "Half of 'em would sell their soul for a chance. The other half already sold theirs. But it's the people who matter you're running from!"
Silco's temper, already frayed from nightly arguments with Vander, tugged at its seams.
"I am trying," he hissed, "to keep everything from falling apart."
"By hiding behind your maps and plans and lists?"
"Better than ash in an urn." His stare went inexorably dark. "Now unless you'd like us all to end up in one, I suggest we drop this."
Sevika fell silent. In the background, Jericho's fry-pan sent up a cloud of sizzling steam. The heat seeped in, threading into Silco's veins. His cup was empty, but his hand stayed clenched around it. The cold cut through the warm haze, a tether to sanity.
He waited for Sevika to speak. To curse him out. To signal the end of this conversation. To do anything but sit there, with that strange expression on her face. Like he'd gutted her. 
Finally, she whispered. "Can I kiss you?"
He blinked. "What?"
"Just a kiss." She bit her lip. "That’s all."
"Because."  The red shawl slid down her bare shoulder. "Because I haven't kissed anyone since she died."
"You'll find your pick of punters."
"I don't want punters!"
"Then find a sweetheart. A regular. Someone to—"
"To what? Fill the gap?” She tossed her head, miserably defiant. “Already got a hundred gaps in me. Got a hole the size of the fucking sun. And the worst part is, everyone keeps trying to fill it. With booze. With drugs. With empty promises. It’s all bullshit! I try to eat, and nothing stays down. I try to sleep, and all I see is blood. I try to breathe, and all I feel is—is—" She hauled in a sharp breath. "I miss her, Sil. Every fucking minute. I can't take it anymore! I need a fix. Something. Anything!"
Silco was silent. For a moment, all he could see was the corpse on the steel table. The ash in the urn. The blood on his knife.
The dark, and what lay inside.
"It's not me." His voice echoed back at him; hollow. Like he was on ether. "Whatever's your fix, Sevika. It's not me."
He turned on his heel. He was ready to escape into the night. Down into the labyrinth of his own creation. Anything to flee the pain in Sevika's eyes. All his deepest hurts were mirrored there. Two orphans, born in a city built on odds. And the odds were rigged against them.
Rigged forever—unless they broke free.
He started to walk off. The half-full pitcher bounced hard off his shoulder with a metallic clang. Gin sprayed everywhere. He spun, and Sevika was right before him: tall as a Valkyrie, her eyes full of fire. Seizing a fistful of his collar, she shoved him against the table.
"You selfish rat! You'd leave me to go cold-turkey, wouldn't you? Leave me to rot, with nothing but the nightmares in my head? All for what? Because I'm not HER?" She shook him. "Well, fuck that! I've lost my sister! I won't lose you, too! You can kiss me, or hit me, or do whatever you want to me! But don't fucking walk away from me. Not after—"
Whatever she said next was lost. Jericho's bristling silhouette arrested them both. A butcher knife was brandished in his fist.
"W̶̼͒̆ḧ̴̼͚́a̴͈͌t̶̼̻̄̈́'̵̫̌s̵͇͚͛ ̷̫͒̿t̷͎̺̉̕ḧ̶̖̹́e̶̥̜̾ ̷̖͒͊ŕ̵̪̯̑ǘ̷̙c̸͕̙̓̚k̴̞̭̀͆u̸͔̒͝s̸̪̜̐?̸̡̑ͅ?"
Sevika and Silco traded a glance.  Instinctively, Silco encircled Sevika and put her behind him. He took a step forward. "My fault. Always making the girls cry."
The hulking chef's eyes slitted. "M̴̛̩͈̋͒o̴͙͎̻̝͈͐v̸̭͖̠̭̌͆͐̎ě̸͕̥̘͓͚̂.̶̡̛͖̹̙͂̓͆̀ ̴͙̰̆̌S̸̘̐́̔h̸͓͍̉̒̇̈́̈e̴͎̤͕͙͂́̀̓̃'̵͎̞̞̇̒͠s̷̩̜͚̅̓͋ ̷̺͚̰̍͝g̴̛͔̅̒͆̋o̵̟̳̥̿̚t̴͓͍̙̟͙́͆̈́͗ ̴̯̤͙̬̑̚t̸̡̼͉̥̤̋́̀͐o̷͓̻̲̓ ̴̳̓́̂̊͝p̷̡͇̑̿͒̈́a̵̟̺͒͐̃ẏ̵͍͈̃̽̍̑."
Silco raised his palms. "Put it on my tab. All of it. You know I'm good."
"Y̵͖͗͋̍͊o̸͍͕̫̯̣̔u̷̙̟͕̤͂̿͋'̵̪̪̗̃̌ͅr̸̪̬̺̣͑͑̍͘ĕ̶̬̿̀ ̴̧̰̹̕͜s̴̨͙̫̝̅̀ĉ̵͎͗͂͝ȃ̴̡̙̣̆̅͐͌r̷̡̊͂́ǐ̸̼͔̉͛͝n̷̡͍̱̫̆g̶̯͚͔̠̏̽̈ ̵̡͑̏̎̅̕m̸̨͈͕͐̊̋̈́̓ÿ̵̩̲͖̙́ ̴̛̫̱̬̑̈́c̸̛̜͝u̵̢̻͍̭̔ș̴̫̀ͅẗ̶̹͕̥̰̖͑͠o̸͕̗͍̔ͅm̴̙̖̿́e̷͉͇̺̖̠̿̄̓̈́ŗ̶̉̆͑ş̵̲̬̾͛͌͂͝ ̶̣̮̺̋̇͊͝o̷͈̱̟͛f̴̮̀̀f̸̬̼͇́̿͆̂̉.̴͔͓̐̅̀̃͜͜͜͠"
"It's over. It won't happen again." Silco dug into his pocket, and pressed a few coins into the Vastayan’s hand. "For the pitcher."
Jericho's maw was still bridling. But coin smoothed the creases. "Ṱ̵̢̼́̄͝͝r̷̰̩̒̋o̴͚̾u̷̢͑̔ḇ̶̱̹̓͑͆́ĺ̷̹̚ȇ̷͍̣̱m̷̱͋̀̚ȧ̴͓̭̤̈́͘k̷̺̖̹̎̕e̶̪͖̠͎͆̑͛r̴̛͚̰͜s̵͖͕͙̫̔͌.̴̜̝͔̓̏͜ ̸̯̜͗̅̏͜͝B̵͔̾͑́o̵̳͈̯̜̐͋̇t̵̢͔̗̆h̶̩̜̫͗̒ ̴̰̺̇̓̒o̸̳͉͓̻̔́f̸̯̪̊̿̀ ̶̮̰͈͕̿y̵̨̘̅͂͝o̶͔̍͗̈́̾u̶̥͇͐̆͐.̷"
"We'll be off."
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Actor Yash House : Inside photos, Address & Net Worth
Naveen Kumar Gowda, popularly known as Yash, is a towering figure in the South Indian film industry. As a leading superstar in Kannada cinema, Yash has captivated audiences with his intense action scenes and a series of blockbuster films. Fans are naturally curious about Yash's lifestyle and his new home, the Actor Yash House in Bangalore, where he resides with his wife, Radhika Pandit.
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Source: Instagram
Early Career and Rise to Stardom:
Yash began his career in television in the early 2000s before transitioning to the film industry in 2007. He quickly made a mark and won a Filmfare Award in 2008 for his performance in Moggina Manasu. Initially, Yash starred in several romantic movies like Googly, Mr. and Mrs. Ramachari, and Santhu Straight Forward, which were well-received at the box office. However, his pan-India fame soared with his action-packed movies.
Breakthrough with K.G.F Series:
source: Instagram
Also Read: Inside Ram Charan House: Photos, Address and Price
The release of K.G.F: Chapter 1 in 2018 catapulted Yash to nationwide fame. This movie, one of the highest-grossing films in Kannada cinema, earned him another Filmfare Award. In 2022, Yash returned with K.G.F: Chapter 2, which shattered records and became the third-highest-grossing movie in Indian cinema history.
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source : Pinterest
Fan Dedication:
Yash's loyal fanbase often goes to extraordinary lengths to show their admiration. For his birthday on January 8, a fan created a world record by baking a 5000 kg cake. Another fan group used 20,700 books to create a massive portrait of Yash, setting another world record.
Personal Life and Philanthropy
Standing at 5 feet 9 inches, Yash's charismatic off-screen persona is as adored as his on-screen presence. He married actress Radhika Pandit in 2016, and they have two children. Yash is also known for his philanthropy, running the YashoMarga Foundation. In 2020, he donated INR 5000 each to 3000 workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Source : Pinterest
Yash's new home, the Actor Yash House, located in the Prestige Golf Apartment in Bangalore, is a perfect blend of traditional style and contemporary aesthetics. The duplex apartment is all about comfort and cosiness, with stunning wooden work and crystal-clear floors that reflect ceiling lights, giving it a palace-like feel. Inspired by Yash's movie Rocky, fans have dubbed his home 'Rocky Mansion'.
Actor Yash House Address:
The Actor Yash House is situated in: Prestige Golf Apartment Nandi Hills Road, Karahalli Post Kundana Hobli, Taluk, Devanahalli Bengaluru, Karnataka - 562164
The apartment, surrounded by lush greenery and close to a golf course, offers a serene environment perfect for relaxation.
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Source: Instagram
Yash, whose real name is Naveen Kumar Gowda, is a beloved figure not only in the film industry but also in his family life. Radhika Pandit (Wife) Radhika Pandit, a renowned actress in the Kannada cinema industry, is Yash's wife. The couple tied the knot on December 9, 2016, after being in a relationship for several years. Their wedding was a grand affair, attended by many celebrities and well-wishers from the film industry and beyond.
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Source: Instagram
Ayra Gowda: Born on December 2, 2018, Ayra is the couple's first child. She often appears in Yash's social media posts, where fans get to see her adorable moments.
Ayush Gowda: Born on October 30, 2019, Ayush is their second child. Like his sister, he is frequently featured in family pictures and videos shared by Yash and Radhika on their social media accounts.
Parental Background Yash comes from a modest background. His father, Arun Kumar J., worked as a driver for the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) and later the Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC). His mother, Pushpa, is a homemaker. Despite his humble beginnings, Yash's parents supported his dreams and aspirations, which played a significant role in his journey to stardom.
Pooja Room:
Source: Instagram
The Pooja Room in Yash House is a serene and sacred space, reflecting the family's deep-rooted spirituality and traditions. Here are some details about the Pooja Room:
Yash Rocky House Price:
According to reports, the Yash House costs INR 5 crore. The Prestige Golf Apartments come with a 9-hole golf course and numerous world-class amenities, including an aerobics/yoga room, children's play area, party hall, swimming pool, gymnasium, library, and various sports courts.
Inside the Yash Rocky House:
Spacious Balcony
The balcony offers a picturesque view of the golf course and a central fountain. Decorated with plants, it has a natural and serene vibe, perfect for relaxing evenings. The non-skid ceramic flooring ensures safety for Yash’s children.
Meandering Interior Staircase
Source: Instagram
The duplex features a winding staircase that connects the ground and first floors, adding a lavish touch and a palatial feel to the home.
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Living Room:
Source: Instagram
The living room, with sharp wooden panelling, elegant lighting fixtures, and a comfortable blue-coloured sofa, exudes warmth and invites togetherness. Natural stone floor tiles and ducted air-conditioning enhance comfort.
Elegant Bedroom
The bedroom offers calm and serenity with off-white walls, a classic lamp, crisp white linen, and a plush bed. It features laminated wooden flooring, ducted air-conditioning, and a designer wardrobe.
Space for Kids
Source: Instagram
Yash has created a dedicated play area for his children, packed with toys and designed for their enjoyment.
Net Worth:
Actor Yash net worth is estimated at INR 53 crore, with a yearly income of INR 12 crore. He is the brand ambassador for Beardo and endorses brands like Celkon, Freedom Refined Sunflower Oil, A1 Steel, and Nestron.
 His luxury car collection includes a Mercedes Benz GLS, Mercedes GLC 250D Coupe, Audi Q7, BMW 520D, and Pajero Sports Car.
Other Properties:
Yash also owns a farmhouse in Hassan, Karnataka, where he plans to undertake underwater restoration to help local farmers.
Yash's journey from humble beginnings to a life of luxury and stardom is truly inspiring. His new home, the Yash House, reflects his hard work and success. With world-class amenities and a serene environment, it’s a dream residence for anyone with a taste for elegance and comfort.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1:Who is Yash?
Naveen Kumar Gowda, popularly known as Yash, is a leading superstar in the Kannada film industry. He is known for his action-packed movies and has gained nationwide fame with his roles in the K.G.F series.
Q2:What was Yash's first major film role?
Yash's first major film role was in the movie Moggina Manasu in 2008, which earned him a Filmfare Award.
Q3:Which movies brought Yash pan-India fame?
Yash gained pan-India fame with his roles in K.G.F: Chapter 1 (2018) and K.G.F: Chapter 2 (2022).
Q4:What is the address of Yash Rocky House?
Yash Rocky House is located at: Prestige Golf Apartment Nandi Hills Road, Karahalli Post Kundana Hobli, Taluk, Devanahalli Bengaluru, Karnataka - 562164
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