#Nandy Sisters
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Unholy x Wajle Ki Bara by Rani KoHEnur & the Nandy sisters
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Musical Mania, een gezellig reclame marktje
Tekst en foto’s: Marielle Hoexem Op zondagmiddag 25 augustus mochten wij het nieuwe event ‘Musical Mania’ bezoeken. Op de repetitiemiddag van de liveshow van de musical awards in de avond. Voor een klein bedrag kon een kaartje gekocht worden. Aan de rij voor Studio 21 in Hilversum was te zien dat veel mensen dit hadden gedaan. Eenmaal binnen volgde een gang met leuke marktkraampjes vol met…
#April Darby#Channah Hewitt#Darren van der Lek#de mol en de paradijsvogel#Dorian Bindels#Emma Kok#Frozen#Gaia Aikman#Huub Stapel#Juliette van Tongeren#Laus Steenbeeke#Linda Verstraten#Milan van Weelden#Musical Mania#nandi van Beurden#Rene van Kooten#Shrek de musical#Simone Kleinsma#Sister Act#Soy Kroon#Studio 100#Vajen van den Bosch#Van Hoorne Entertainment#William Spaaij
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Snippet - He's Back - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
A confrontation long overdue.
(Happy Valentine's Day, folks :'D)
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
tw: angst
"I trust," Silco says, breaking the quiet, "you didn't take that personally."
"What, you bailing midway?"
She doesn't frown. But her dipped eyelids shield a stormfront. "...Look. This arrangement? If it's not working out—"
"You know that's not the case."
"I only needed..." To put my pieces in back together. "...Space."
"Yeah?" A flash a familiar vigilance. "Sure it's not because of her?"
Does she mean Nandi?
Her sister's specter has ceased to interfere in the peripheries of their intimacy.
Or—gods, has she learnt about his dalliance with Medarda, the long-game laced together in exquisite deception?
Silco doubts it—he covers his tracks—but sometimes he underestimates the razor edge of Sevika's perceptiveness.
Too late to dissemble if that's the case. But before he braces for impact—before the blowback of her judgement leaves him a smoking crater—he prays for a chance to plead his case. To explain that Medarda balances on the precarious axis between personal proclivity and political leverage. To beg Sevika—
(Beg? That's unseemly for both.)
—convince her, that his attraction is a complicated calculus. His goals are on track, even if the rest's tangled in desire's gilded strings. He'll not deny the thrall Medarda exerts; the fascination of her nimble wit; a rare gift in reading people, even the darkest facets of his own nature.
But it's survival—not need—that shares their bed. It's common ground—not devotion—that drives their bargain. It's the irrevocable necessity of circumstance—not goddamn choice—that turns him to the enemy as he once turned to drugs, drink, dissipation.
There is no tether there. Only game after bloody game, Sevika, and if you give the word, I'll burn the board to the ground—
"Sevika," he begins. "I—"
As always, she preempts him. "Jinx."
Silco struggles to conceal his surprise. "...Jinx.."
"You miss her. Miss her so much you'd rather be here, with me, than alone in your penthouse."
"That's not true." It is, and isn't. "I'm not here for—"
"Don't deny it. There's a piece missing with her gone. And that piece won't be filled by any of us here."
"If by piece—," he dares a cautious sidestep "—you mean peace of mind—"
"You barely talk about her," Sevika cuts in. "Don't like to hear her mentioned. When I bring her up, you either ignore it, or change the subject. As if she's locked up somewhere too fucking precious to share with the rest of us. It'd be fine if you were at least drinking like a fish and smoking like a fiend and throwing yourself headfirst into anything involving disembowelment. Instead, you've been..." she gropes for a second. "Distant."
She gives him a meaningful look. "Like you're still in the Deadlands. Still… somewhere I can't follow."
Inwardly, Silco marvels. Outwardly, he says nothing.
It's true; he's kept himself to himself. Not because he's subsumed everything into his work—he has—but because he's lately sensed himself at a crossroads.
Not of Zaun but his own convictions.
Self-concept's not been in the cards for a while. It left when Jinx crashed into his life. Without her, he's not lost the measure of the game, but the measure of himself.
A father.
Except he's still Jinx's father. It defines him like a chalk outline around a corpse; a name carved on a gravestone. He'll always belong to her. No matter where their paths uncross into separate tangents, or where their roads lead together.
But Silco, himself? Beyond Zaun?
He's yet to find the answer, though tonight's left him on surer footing.
From the streets, fireworks spiral, then fade. In the spreading silence, Sevika says, "You can be not-okay, you know. Nobody'd fault you."
Her gentleness unsettles. His deflection is reflexive. "No, they'd simply kill me."
"They'd have to go through me," she says matter-of-factly, "And nobody gets through me."
They trade a brief smile. Tight as tethers go.
Sevika says, "I figured… that was why you let them stay over."
"Pearl’s girls." She sips slowly. Her chest—still faintly sweat-sheened—rises and falls in measured exhalations. "The entire time they were over, you were so... unlike you. Or maybe you: times ten. Like you'd be with Jinx, only... safer." Her eyes meet his. "You must miss it. Taking care of a kid who looks up to you like you're Janna's godsdamn gift."
"Pearl's kin look to the future. Not to me."
"You care about them." A beat, "Same way you must've cared about Pearl."
Silco steels himself against his habitual response: Admit nothing, deny everything, destroy everyone.
Instead, he takes a long swig of tea, buying time before the final draft.
"Yes," he says.
"Yes, what? Which part?"
"All of it." A deeper swallow; tongue weighing each word. "I did care for Pearl. She was fine company. Generous with herself, and patient with my inadequacies."
Sevika scoffs. "Those being?"
"We both know better than to enumerate." A shadow of a smile slinks across his lips, then fades. "It was good, what we had in the Ditch. Not a matter of what my body needed. More... what my self required. With Jinx gone, there was so little to steer me except survival. Except survival is a stalling tactic. It allows you to continue existing. But life, really living, requires meaning. And meaning demands engagement beyond oneself. Pearl gave me a second chance at that."
Silence from across the table. He waits her out: a stubborn force brooding in place. Finally Sevika shakes her head.
"I should've been there," she murmurs. "Should've gone with you."
"How could you have known I'd vanish?"
He thinks of all the things he could tell her of that time. His psyche-marred misery in wake of Jinx’s departure. His rage and emptiness. How he'd been left with the topsoil of his soul stripped bare. All that was left was a doppelgänger sustained on the fumes of memory.
A soulless medium compelled to descend to the darkest core to mine his purpose from stone.
Quietly, he says, "You pledged me your loyalty. Loyalty isn't grounds to follow a leader beyond death's door."
"Is that where you went? Six feet under?"
"A thousand fathoms deep." Draining the mug, he sets it aside. "That's where Pearl found me. Her, and her girls. And from there... they guided me back. In their ordinariness, they were extraordinary. They had such little in the world. Yet they fought for everything in it. Tooth and nail;, blood and bone. Life took nothing from them without paying a price."
Sevika regards her own mug. "So they helped you figure out how to live again."
A cogent summary. He nods.
"Were you and Pearl...?"
"In love? I'd not take it that far." Silco exhales. Pearl's presence is between his ribs—a vivid ache—but not a mortal blow. Her quintessence was pure steel; it'd steeled and purified him in turn. Even in his blackest mourning, he'll carry that unyielding framework into the future. "We suited each other. A simpatico of spirit and flesh. In another life—perhaps that would've sufficed. In this one..." He traces a fingertip down his left cheekbone: the rough corrugation of scar tissue like tear-tracks. "I'm grateful our paths crossed. But I'll always regret the way they did."
"Because she didn't make it."
"Because in seeking her out, I abandoned you."
Sevika doesn't flinch. But her expression, in tiny increments, softens. For the first time since his return, he sees forgiveness. Forgiveness, and a strange species of sorrow: as if she's bracing herself against worse to come.
She's already lost him in more ways than one; to war, to prison, to something else entirely.
To Zaun itself: the loss that keeps on giving.
"Do you ever wonder..." she falters, as if casual discourse might veer the night dangerously off-course. "...if it would've been better if we'd chosen a different path? Stayed apart, in Nandi's wake?"
"If our lives hadn't met at Zaun's center?"
"If the ...grief... hadn't changed us. If we never became this."
"Us." She gestures: copper fingers singing on oiled servos. Their everlasting entanglement; their perpetual estrangement. "What if we'd kept it strictly business. No strings attached."
"Strings can be severance. Or safety ropes."
"What's the difference if both'll strangle you?"
"Have they?"
"Don't pretend." Sevika sets down her emptied mug. The knuckles of her good hand are pale on the handle. "If we'd kept it straight business, maybe we would've moved on. You with Pearl. Me with whoever this city threw my way. Instead it's always been this weird limbo. The life we're living, and life we could've been living. Except—it's not living at all. More like the coffin's nailed shut six ways from Sunday. But the grave's still yawning open. Open to chance. But ...never closure."
Hope's not a commodity Silco trades in. But right now it's rushing in like a high tide over sandbags.
"Then—" he swallows, "—is it closure you're after? Or an escape clause?"
Sevika shakes her head. Her sigh is edgy.
"Escape," she says, "isn't freedom. Freedom's a choice."
Silco nods, but says nothing. The silence, seconds ticking by, is an unspoken invitation:
Step through, and show me what you'd choose.
"It's why we work," Sevika goes on. "We didn't choose each other. We chose Zaun. That was the big picture, and we were both in it, and the rest didn't matter. For the longest time, that was all I needed. It was enough. But then... then you were gone. Zaun fell apart, and everything else fell to me, and fell fast. And as it fell, I started thinking: what if things had been different? What if we hadn't been so afraid? Of failure; of fallout? Of... each other? What if I'd stopped staring at the big picture, and taken the risk on getting caught in close-up?"
She meets his stare dead-on. Silco forces himself to weather the spotlight of her scrutiny. He feels, inordinately, like he's facing a firing squad, and his shirt's half-buttoned.
"The days dragged on, and there was no news of you. But even so—even though we'd been finished longtime—I kept wondering. Kept wishing. Just like the night we'd lost on the Bridge. Me, searching and not finding. Me, left waiting and not knowing where to stand." The deep-seated hurt in her eyes—a flicker, then a flame—makes Silco want to gut himself. "There were other offers. Same as last time. Other options. I could've taken 'em and escaped that fucking loop. But instead—fuck. I kept on waiting. I waited, and I waited, and I got sick of the waiting. And it hit me: I wasn't waiting at all. I was stuck. Because I couldn't bear to start again, after losing so damn much. Because moving on meant stepping into the dark, and having nothing underfoot if I fell."
Silco starts to say something. He doesn't.
This is about honesty—not eloquence.
"You know what makes Zaun stand apart?" Sevika says. "We're all about change. About action, not inertia. Me? I wasn't acting. I was going through the motions. Surviving. And in my survival, staying in stasis. Meanwhile the gangs kept warring. The chem-barons kept demanding. The politics kept getting bloodier. My world was coming apart at the seams, and there I was, clinging to scraps like my sanity was worth less than a potshot to the skull." A hard smile surfaces: tough as nails, and molten bright. "It'd be easy to blame you. Say it all led back to you abandoning us. Except we both know the score. You taught it to me, over and over. Cost and reward. Win or lose. Surrender—or fight like hell to keep going."
"You did," Silco says. "This city owes itself to your fortitude. Not mine."
"I tried," Sevika counters, blunt. "I held the center, until I couldn't. But that's the point. Holding the center isn't going anywhere. It's stalling in place." The smile fades, but the fire lingers. "I don't know what threw us together. Chemistry, or karma, or fate playing games. But I do know this. I'm done holding the center. I'm ready to move on. But I can't—won't—unless I know you're moving too. Unless I know you coming back is a choice. Not a dead man marking time."
The ultimatum is brutal. But he reads between the lines. She'd kept it together, and kept herself intact. Survived, not as his second-in-command or factional proxy but as a person.
Just Sevika, fighting for life in a universe of atoms. Just as he had done in the Deadlands.
Tonight, closure's not un the cards. But choice is.
And upon that choice, the groundwork for the next stage of revolution.
"Sevika," Silco begins. "I never considered—"
"I'll bet."
"I meant—I never understood, either. That holding the center meant staying in place."
"I find that hard to believe."
"Because you're always ten steps ahead of everybody." Her eyes flash a semaphore of secret admiration. "Every option weighed; every factor calculated. No errors. No exceptions."
Her faith nearly fells him. He's never been more unworthy of it. Never more terrified of knowing he's unworthy.
"I'm not," he says, "as clever as you think I am."
Her snort snags between his third and fourth rib. "Bullshit."
"It's true. I'm—"
Gods, what does he tell her?
That for all his sturm and drang—laying waste to a city and resurrecting it into splendor—he's a fucking coward at heart? Too gutless to let himself bleed; too feckless to let himself hurt. That for ten years, he's held onto himself by the skin of his teeth, and kept a city in his crosshairs—only to be undone by a little girl's tears? Unmade by fatherhood and the promise a legacy more lasting than the wreckage in his wake?
That he's still unmaking himself, putting the pieces in patterns yet unseen?
And still, there's no promise the pattern will cohere into a whole. Into a man who is halfway worthy of a woman willing to be his spine, his shield, his tether. A woman who has been through her own hell, and yet embodies every quality forged from that hellfire: tenacity, toughness, truth. A woman who manages ninety percent of her life effortlessly and the other ten percent ruthlessly; who fights harder for Zaun than anyone but him; who demands respect without begging for approval; whose tolerance for bullshit ends at the doorstep.
Who grants him access to her body, but whose boundaries are uncompromising. Who compromises daily, for his city's sake, and his own, and still sticks around when she has no cause to care.
Silco starts to speak. Stops. His throat's seized up. Ten fingerprints; Vander's phantom chokehold.
And beyond that chokehold: choice.
Silence crawls between them: tense, terrible, tetherless.
At last, Sevika gusts a sigh.
"Forget it." Her chair scrapes across the tiles. "I shouldn't have brought it up." She rises with military precision: all the momentum, with none of the grace. "Let's call it a night. I need some shut-eye, and you need to be at HQ. I'll radio the crew—"
The mind-body connection reinstates with a wallop.
Before she can withdraw, he's cut off her egress. For some reason he cannot fathom, he finds himself kneeling, though what he has a right to profess at her feet is beyond him.
Daddy, he thinks, proposed to Mother like this.
The recollection's absurdly random, and strangely relevant.
Stunned, Sevika backs into the chair, her elbow banging off the wood. "...What're you—?"
"I choose."
The dark lashes flutter. The tough exterior conceals a flashpoint of panic:
He's lost it.
He's gone mad.
Gone for good, oh gods—
"I choose," he repeats, compelling her stare with his. "I'd choose all the choices that brought us here. Because that's what it was: choice. Not karma, or fate, or sheer dumb luck. I'd still choose to crawl out of that river, and stick a knife in Vander's back. I'd still choose to ally with you, because there was nobody else worth allying with. I'd still choose Jinx, and all the wins and losses that followed. I'd choose freedom; I'd choose Zaun. I'd choose to march the streets with my army—every misfit soldier, every broken soul. And you by my side, leading the charge. As you've led everytime I couldn't. As you've led me through the hardest parts of our journey—whenever I failed to light my own way."
The fear shifts to something else: half-formed, fiercer in its vulnerability.
"You—you don't mean that," she stammers. "You never would have chosen this. Not me, not us—"
Silco takes her good hand in both of his.
Sevika tenses, but doesn't tug away. Plainly her first impulse; to save them both from something irreversible. He recognizes that fear; it's his own.
In another life, he'd never give credence to its silhouette. He'd take her hand, twine her fingers through his, hold on tight—all without a single red lie. He'd have cupped her head, smoothed her hair, then dragging her close, so their foreheads met in a familiar circle of warmth.
That'd been the go-to, once. When touch was easy, and trust a matter of course.
Replicating the gesture now seems a forgery. Worse, a travesty of what once was.
Except what once was is no more. Neither are they. Whoever he is—he must learn it all from scratch.
Starting now.
He stays his knees; he keeps her hand in his.
"I don't care," he says. "I don't care if the odds don't stack up. Or what probability matrix I'm fucking over. All I know is: I choose. Us—whatever us means. Whatever it doesn't. Whether it's you jettisoning everything we've built, or me burning it to ground zero—I'd still choose where it's led us. I'd choose whatever path lies ahead. Even if it takes us out of Zaun's orbit altogether—or down to the last circle of hell. No matter where we fall on that spectrum: I choose, Sevika." He breathes, steadies. "I choose whatever's left."
The silence spins like a roulette wheel: a freefall between extremes.
Her hand's a tether. He holds it tight between his fists, until the subdermal tremor stills.
Her eyes are burningly dark. "I'm what's left."
"You are." He skims a thumb over her lifeline, where blue veins branch across her wrist. Life coursing beneath: vital, raw, real. "And you're what I choose. Fuck the rest."
Her breath jitters on a rare laugh. "Yeah?"
"How so?"
"'Cause that's exactly how I feel."
He lifts her palm to his lips. Feels the pulse quickening at the base, overflowing with all he's lacked; with all he needs.
Warmth, want, wholeness.
Unexpectedly, her fingers flex; she twines them through his. The cybernetic hand reaches out to seize his jaw. Gently, then not. She drags him in even as he flows into her embrace. The kiss is like whiskey left mellowing over the hearth-flames: fiery, smooth, familiar. Cardamom lingers in the gaps; the rest's doused in the residue of adrenaline.
Then desire simmers back into the brew: a low smolder, but with the capacity to roar should they pour a stiff shot into the equation. Her arms span his shoulders; his teeth catch her lower-lip. The kiss drags them down deep.
Love's like revolution. An entire paradigm rewritten from the ground up.
In the aftermath, there's always blood.
When they break apart, it's only to breathe. Their skins are pinked with inner-heat; pupils dilated. Sevika's grip is unyielding; her thighs have gone from a rigid V to a needy cinch. His body, fitted between, has traded languor for livewire greed. Memories of earlier burn viscerally bright. Himself inside her, a cock thrust deep; a body on fire against another starved of heat.
He lays a kiss, openmouthed, at her breastbone. Her throat vibrates against his ear: purr, chuckle, moan.
"You should get going," she breathes, "before this gets ugly."
He laps the words from her throat. "That's the idea."
"Tomorrow's schedule... is a shitshow."
"All the better to end on a high note."
It's a quaver of syllables. Halfway to futility—all the way to surrender.
By nature, Silco presses his advantage: cool palms coasting beneath the hem of her nightshirt, blunt fingernails ghosting goosefleshed flanks. Her breasts fill his palms like decadent teardrops: nipples pebbling into silky little hellos as he rolls each with delicate intent, then roughly pinches. Her startled groan fills his mouth.
Gods above and below—the way she arches; the way she rocks. Her own kisses have gone from scalding to incandescent. He knows they're no longer going to make it to her bed—at least, not immediately. He'll have her here, first: in the kitchen, on his knees. With his tongue, then his fingers, then his cock in her cunt.
Nothing romantic to it, but what he wants is far more real.
"Sweet Janna," Sevika gasps, as he rucks up her nightshirt and fastens on her bare tit like candy, "do you ever ease up?"
Silco hums the negation between her breasts. "...You?"
"Gods, no—" She cups his skull, drags him closer, "but tomorrow—"
"Fuck tomorrow." The crudeness earns him a grin. Her fingers tighten on his crown; her knee hikes higher around his torso. "Tonight's Jubilee. Not your father's bloody funeral. Save the damp squib for when it counts."
Her spiky smirk was spreading. But somewhere, he's hit the wrong note. The spark douses into stillness. Her arms loosen; the Valkyrie wilts.
In her absence, there's only the shape of a wary woman: heavy-boned and hard-lined; scars all across the skin.
Breaking their embrace, she tugs her top down. Self-conscious; unlike herself.
"C'mon," she mutters. "Don't play roulette with the cards you're dealt."
"I thought that was our calling." Bemused, he searches her face. "Unless there someone else you're hedging your bets on?"
"No." An old exhaustion creeps into her eyes. One that prefigures Zaun in its entirety. "Just... no."
"I need to be counting sheep tonight. Not stars."
Rising, she gathers the empty mugs, ferrying them to the sink. The shift is sudden and inexplicable. His XO is carved from bedrock, with all its obdurate depths. Moodiness is a character flaw she rarely indulges.
A premonition prickles along Silco's nape. The monster stirring awake. He's never handled disappointment well. Rejection, worse. It makes his knucklebones lock around a blade's hidden heft; ready to dish out whatever collateral damage is necessary until his goal is within reach.
Mine, the monster hisses. Mine.
Ours, he counters, and wills himself to stillness.
"What's wrong?" he says, as mildly as possible. "A minute ago, you were ready."
"I was." She rinses the mugs. Her movements aren't tense, only sharply efficient. "But... tonight's not ideal."
"Bad head?"
Her sidelong smile is wan, but warms her eyes. "Nobody'd level that critique against you, sweetheart."
The Sweetheart is a token; Silco pockets it as compensation. They don't do endearments; haven't in years. Perhaps, tonight, it's one of many rules they're unwriting.
Or perhaps Sevika's setting new parameters for intimacy altogether.
Not his strong suit: abiding by limits. But, then, neither is sharing.
Yet here he stands. Near enough for her heat to soak into him; not so close as to invade her space. He's in no position to inveigle, especially after laying his cards at her feet.
The dice is hers to throw.
"If we're going too fast," he says, "say so. I'll match whatever pace you set."
Her head pivots. She looks—truly looks—as if he's an anomaly she's never encountered. Something enthrallingly new, and far too dangerous.
"You're not angry," she murmurs.
"Why not?"
His shrug isn't effortless, but it's honest. "We've had a string of long days. We deserve to take the edge off, however we like. If that means shut-eye instead of screwing, so be it. But," and here the devil seeps to the surface, "I'd be lying if I said a quickie wouldn't put a spring in my step tomorrow."
She doesn't laugh, but it's a close call. "I think I'll manage without the extra bounce."
"Are you sure?"
"You know me. Always on the ball."
"You're not. Though you do a damn good job hiding it." He reaches out, thumbing a tangle behind her ear. "You're wired. You're always wired. But this is the first time it shows."
She tenses. But the touch, lingering, softens something within. Her eyes drift half-shut. "...It's nothing."
"Just... there's too much riding on the line."
"We're the line, remember?" The caress drifts lower, cupping her nape. She arches into his palm: a dragon seeking shelter. Yet within their closeness is sense of something sinister. A splinter of truth, caught in between. "Unless, in honor of Jubilee, you've chosen abstinence for the month."
"Hardly." There's a trace of a smile; a shadow of bitterness. "That was Nandi's cup of hemlock."
"Hemlock's the killer. Hyssop's the healer." Off her stare, he tips a shoulder. "Your sister taught me the finer points of herblore. During our courtship, I was always bruised, bloody, and bone-deep in doom. She couldn't steer me tidy, so she choose to teach me how to triage a broken arm."
Sevika's scrubbing slows. "That sounds like Nandi."
"A born dogooder."
She laughs—a frayed but genuine sound—just as he suspects her mouth may be running short on indulgence.
"Nah. She had a wicked streak. Only difference is that hers came with a heart of gold. Whereas mine..." She performs a neat sidestep to hang the mugs off their hooks. "Got mine from my old man. Not a lick of shine in sight."
"I disagree."
"Your eyesight's one flaw worth enumerating."
"If I had to list yours, self-deprecation wouldn't feature among them." He catches her wrist, but lightly. "What's wrong? Because something is."
"Something." Her shrug's an imitation of his, but a poor one. "I guess... I'm just being superstitious. Thinking: if I let myself go now, I'll slip up at the next critical juncture. Or get so fucking pissed when you're back to being Zaun's reigning bastard, I won't be able to keep a lid on it? Because—" She swallows. "That's the deal between us. There's always a catch. Cost; reward."
He lets her wrist go. "You think I'm playing games."
"Everything's a goddamn game with you. Same way everything's a game with Janna her-own-damnself. And those games always end up at cross-purposes—and into clusterfucks."
Her silence doesn't quite sit right; Silco feels its surface ripple like a sine wave. There's something vulnerable inside. Something, conversely, walled-off. It recalls the gloss in her eyes when they'd been going at it before. A stormfront brewing north.
Now it occurs to Silco the storm may not entirely be his doing.
"What is this?" He's prowling a circle around her now. "And if you say 'nothing'—"
She nixes the warning with a sharp headshake. "It's not."
"What, then?"
Outside the flat, fireworks: scalding showers of garnet red and verdant green. The eerie fractals dance through the blinds.
On the last ebb of colors, Sevika swallows.
"I can't—" Her voice snags; her lips pull taut. "—trust a single thing about tonight."
"Why not?"
"Because you're you, and I'm me. Between us, there's always a flipside. Some wrench in the spokes. Some debt overdue. That's how this game works. That's how it's always worked." Her chin lifts, defiant, but the eyes hold a haunted sheen. "You drive a hard bargain, Silco. But tonight? This deal feels too good to be true. And whatever I have left... I'm not ready to lose. Not if—if you mean what you say. And not if this is the only shot I get at—at—fuck."
Abruptly, she punches the wall. The lapis tile cracks like ice beneath her cybernetic fist.
Dazed, Sevika stares at the damage, the copper knuckles flexing.
A heartbeat later, she's in tears.
Silco's at her side before he registers it. The monster—always slithering, always shapeshifting—is lured to the stress chemicals wafting in the air. The rest of him—the vestigial organ pumping the barest heat to every extremity—pulls rank over roiling appetite.
This isn't a foe to fight. Nor prey to penetrate.
This is Sevika baring a bellyful of hurt.
"Sevika." He catches her shoulders. "What's gotten into you?"
"Nothing." Furiously, she backhands the tears. "Look, forget it. Just—forget it. It's been a long fucking day. I'm tired. Tomorrow, everything will be fine. You'll be the terror of the deep, and I'll be the stone-cold bitch. Same old, same old. We'll move on; move forward. Like we always do."
"We will." His grip tightens, anchoring her in place. "But not tonight. Tonight, I want the truth."
"Nothing worth sharing."
"Let me be the judge of that."
Abruptly, she wrenches loose.
"Since when do we swap sob stories?" she erupts. "Since when does the Eye of Zaun care what's going on between my ears, and not what deal's brewing in the the backrooms? Since when do you care about anything beyond the big picture, and not what's right in front of you? And why now, Silco? Why tonight, of all nights? When I'm at the end of my fucking rope, and it's just a matter of time before I slip up and strangle myself?"
"Because," Silco snaps, "I do care."
"You don't." She's breathing hard, as if she's sprinted miles to get here. "You're not Sil. You haven't been Sil in over ten fucking years. I was fine with that. Fuck, I was better than fine. I was grateful. 'Cause Sil was mine, and he'd stay mine, even if the rest fell, and our bones rotted. None of this—the dirty deals, the politics, the backstabbing—would touch him. He'd always be that dreamer with a big speech, and the best intentions, even if the worst came knocking. But you—" Her mouth twists. "—you're the fucking monster, remember? The goddamn anti-Sil. You're not supposed to care. You're not supposed to feel a thing. Except lately... you look at me like Sil used to. Like he's still in there, under fifty feet of icewater, and I can't take it. I can't stand you pretending to be him. You can't be. Because him, I knew. Him, I've I believed in. Him, I fought for, and for him, I'd gladly die. You—you're a changeling who stole his skin, and I hate you for it. I hate myself more for wanting you. Because it's too risky to want you. Not if it's all or nothing, and nothing's my most likely bet."
She's barely breathing by the end. The fury's spent itself. Her body's deadweight.
Silco's the one lost at sea.
"Is that what you think?" he says, low. "I'm a pretender in my own skin?"
"I think the last ten years have been a fucking nightmare. I think, whatever you are—whatever you've turned into—that you've still got a long way to go before you're a man I can trust."
"But you want to trust me." He's inching closer. "Trust us."
"I can't!" She jerks back. "I can't go back there. I can't let myself hope."
"Why not?"
"Because—" The bravado cracks. "Because what's left isn't worth losing. You're never gonna change, and neither will the game, and we're both too fucked up to make this work."
"You're wrong."
Inexorably, he advances; she retreats, until he's caged her against the counter. The monster's wide awake, instincts primed to strike. It's Silco's way; coercion as conversational art; proximity as pressure valve.
But here's neither advantage to be extracted, nor damage to impart.
Only his refusal to let her suffer alone.
"I won't," he repeats, softer, "And I'm going to prove it."
"How? By threatening your way into my pants?"
"By owning the truth. Whatever that truth is." He doesn't touch her. Only breathes the salt-scented air between them: stress, sex, tears. The sensory olio solidifies the stakes. "I'm not Sil, and I'll never be again. But he's what I became, Sevika, and he's in me. All the pieces, and none of the pretty. But whatever's left, you can have it all. So long as you'll give me the same."
She shivers. Doesn't move a muscle. Doesn't lash out.
But nor does she run.
"You're asking a lot," she says, raggedly. "What if it's not worth it?"
"Let me be the judge." He holds her eyes. "Tell me what's eating you alive. Because whatever it is—whatever's got you so scared—it won't be the end of us, Sevika. I swear."
Sevika resists; a muscle quivers in her jaw. But the tears are relentless. Each drop's a surrender, unmaking hard-won stoicism by stages.
Finally, she sags. Her voice is uncharacteristically small.
"It's my old man. He's back."
#arcane#arcane league of legends#forward but never forget/xoxo#arcane silco#silco#forward (never forget)/xoxo#arcane jinx#jinx#arcane sevika#sevika#silco x sevika#sevilco
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Shakes headcanon please
i gotcha!!!! Here you go @yo-girls
Shakes general headcanons

Early 20s
Bad liar
Bad at sneaking out too
Will forever be faithful to supa strikas
Good friends with- miko, riano, de los santos and meda.
Likes fnaf a lot
No video game can survive him
No kitchen can survive him
Srsly, my guy doesn't know how to cook
Will never admit how many times the fire alarm has gone off
Tries to bake… key work “tries”.
Not a huge spender
He is fine with what he has, including his apartment which is barely the size of El Matadors shoe closet :)
Nosy af
The only reason he is the main character is because of how nosy he is and the amount of times he has gone snooping in areas he isn't allowed to go😭
Big donator to fundraisers
He has the mindset of a 13 year old boy
Spends most of his vacation with his mom and sister and of course gaming
Nandi is probably using his old highschool videos as a form of blackmail.
His staple diet includes : cereal or toast,coffee, popcorn and dancing rasta's cooking
Sleeps in boxers with heart prints
Till this day he wonders about what happened between him and skarra (dude it's time to move on)
Kinda clueless at times
Talks in his sleep at times. Like he just starts saying random stuff in his sleep like
The meme master. Loved making them on his teammates and coach.
He can imitate people's voices : like klaus, batman, venom, coach, uragiri
Animal loverrrrrrr. Has been left behind by the team because he just HAD to pet a stray dog.
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Heartbreaking Memories
I wondered if I should edit this small OS after I had written it, but realized that you all deserve to read this the way I wrote it. It is raw, and it came entirely from the heart.
Shiva quietly watched Sati fretting across the landscape of Kailasha, not saying a single word, even as She was starting to rage. He understood Her fury, but this was not a time to let it fester. It was not even the time to be angry, but yet, this had to happen. This pain that His Sati was going through had to happen, and it tore at His heart, tore His very essence, as it is. While He would rather shield Her from all pain, Shiva knew well that being Jagadambika also came with that caveat of having to go through all of this, as had been ordained before the very beginning.
"Swami, I want to go to my father's house."
Shiva sighed quietly within, and shook His head, deciding to try and persuade Her from going. He wanted Her to stay, but what had to happen will happen. Sati had seen all the Devas, Gandharvas, Yakshas, all celestial beings, flying past with their families, joy evident in their mien. Being the curious person She is, Sati had enquired from Her elder sister Rohini what festival was happening, and had heard the truth. Now, She was insisting on going to the one place She had not been invited to.
"Sati, I don't think you should go," He said gently. It was not right as well, given that there had been no invitation. Seeing Her looking irritated, He quickly continued, "My love, we have not received any invitation from your father. It would not be correct to go under these circumstances."
"Swami, that is my father's house," Sati responded adamantly. "I want to go and ask him why we were not invited. How can any sacrifice be done without you?"
"Sati, please understand. You cannot go, my love. It is not right to go anywhere when we aren't invited; even if it is to your own father's place."
"Swami, I grew up there, I spent so much time there. Please Swami, let me go. I want to ask why Pitashree did not see it fit to invite You, who are the Lord of all the Universes."
"Daakshayani, how does it matter? Everyone is mine anyway. Even if not offered to me, it is still offered to me," He explained affectionately. "There is nothing in this Universe that is not mine and there is nothing in this Universe that is mine."
"Swami, please do not confuse me with your words. Give me permission to leave. This is about my honour, for that is what You are. I need to ask Pitashree why he chose to exclude you."
"Daakshayani," Shiva sighed and got up from His position, knowing She had decided to be stubborn, given the mulish expression that adorned Her charming face. Even that expression was enhanced due to it being visible on Sati's moon-like face, He thought, walking towards Her and holding Her by the shoulders, gently kissing Her forehead.
"I will send Nandi and the Ganas with you," Shiva said quietly, hugging Her once, His heart thudding within Him. He could only hope now, for what was written could not be undone.
Shiva froze, when He felt a shot of energy enter Him. He sat up straight, closing His eyes as He felt Sati's fury of destruction enter Him. He realized that Daksha had pushed Her too far, and the raw energy in Her form had awakened, now taking a lesson of almost everyone there. He could feel His limbs trembling, and He gave in to it, for this was His Sati.
For Her, anything would He do.
He could feel Sati's Aadi Svarupa, that of Sarvaloka Aadi Shakti, growling in fury and talking, but all He could sense was pure numbness from within Him. Tears sprung in His eyes, as He knew the tragedy that was about to happen, and yet was helpless, unable to prevent it. This was Her Leela, and it would be wrong to interfere.
In a flash, flames enveloped His Sati, and Shiva felt them envelop Him as well. He allowed the burning fire to dance around Him, as He felt His Sati's energy return to Her Mula tattva, and Her body collapse.
His chest was filled with the horror of what His soul had witnessed, and He felt a cry tear from within Him, a new feeling to Him. He opened His mouth, His howl of pain tearing the fabric of the Universe He Himself had created, as tears slowly made their way down His cheeks, as He felt His other half leave Him in the form of Daakshayani Sati, dissatisfied with the father She had chosen.
His wail had caused the Universe to tremble, caused planets to move off their axes, turned Universes upside down, and yet, all He could do was let out painful bellows, one after the other. His Sati had left Him, and nothing could ever be the same again.
This memory was the first one that had filled Shiva the moment those beautiful eyes fell on Him. The young woman of barely thirteen, yet entirely Aadi Shakti, now stood next to Her father. Those dark orbs that were beyond any Universe now gazed at Him with a resplendent devotion that His heart's strings tugged hard. He knew who She was, for She had always beem Him more than He Himself was. Her lively gaze, the soft smile on Her lips, and the awestruck expression on Her face reminded Him of Sati, heartbreakingly so. And yet, there was an entirely new aspect to this form of His Shakti, one He felt He would see as time went by.
Shiva steeled Himself. This was going to be a hard journey, for Parvati and more so for Himself.
'Your pains will be mine, and all the fruits will be Yours, Uma. For You, I will do anything.'
@ahamasmiyodhah @mahi-wayy @yehsahihai @theramblergal @krsnaradhika @ramayantika @achyutapriya @thegleamingmoon @nidhi-writes @houseofbreadpakoda @hum-suffer @kanhapriya @kaal-naagin @krishna-priyatama @willkatfanfromasia @celestesinsight @arachneofthoughts @idllyastuff @mahaswrites @braj-raj @krishna-sangini @krishna-premi @chaliyaaa @tripurantaka Please please let me know what you all think. I want your feedback!
#shiva#shivablr#ramablr#krishnablr#sanatana dharma#hindublr#shaktiblr#shivashakti#umamaheshvara#satishiva#alameluwrites#desi writing#writers of tumblr#vignettes
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Transients I want to see in Housamo (very very long list)
Just a list of transients I think would be interesting to see in Tokyo;
Land of Wa:
Baku (a creature who devours nightmares)
Satori (a monkey yokai who can read minds)
Echidna (Typhon’s wife)
Eris (goddess of discord known for instigating conflict and manipulation)
Baba Yaga
Sukunabikona (a dwarf who is the god of hot spring and is frequently paired with Okuninushi)
Takemikazuchi (the one who defeated Takeminakata and crushed his arms)
Oceanic Realm:
Pele (Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire)
Kamapuaʻa (a pig-man who is the god of agriculture and is Pele’s husband)
Kāmohoaliʻi (a Hawaiian shark god)
Old Ones:
Mother Hydra (Dagon’s wife)
Tir na nog:
Cú Chulainn/Sétanta
Epona (goddess of horses)
Azrael (angel of death)
Saint George
Mammon (demon of greed)
Ares Goetia Demons:
Kingu (son of Tiamat who was killed by Marduk)
Inanna/Ishtar (also is Shamash’s twin sister)
Deva Loka:
Garuda (Vishnu’s mount)
Nandi (Shiva’s mount)
Karkadann (a mythical rhino)
El dorado:
Tlāloc (god of rain)
Camazotz (the bat who decapitated Ixbalanque’s brother)
Ratatoskr (squirrel messenger of the World Tree)
Njord (god of the sea and is the father of Freyr)
Týr (had his right hand bitten off by Fenrir)
Great Spirit:
Urcaguary (god of treasures)
Kamuy Kotan:
Rep-un-Kamuy (a sea god who is depicted as a Orca who is carefree and somewhat mischievous and armed with a harpoon)
Zakalwe (based of the character from the novel “Use of Weapons”)
Hou Yi (Divine archer and Chang’e husband)
Daoji/Ji Gong
Guan Yu
Red Hare (a famous horse owned by Lü Bu)
Xiezhi (a mythical creature that resembles a ox or goat with the ability to distinguish truth and lies and will stab liars with its horn)
Longmu (a goddess who raised five dragons)
Gonggong (had a fight with Zhurong and lost then broke one of the pillars that Nuwa had to fix)
Urban Legends:
Bishamonten (and the rest of the Seven Lucky God)
Genbu (The Japanese version of the Chinese Black Tortoise of the North)
Byakko (The Japanese version of the Chinese White Tiger of the West)
Lu Zhishen (from the Water Margin novel)
Dong Zhuo (Three Kingdom)
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Bro bro
Headcanons of Shivani and Parvati parenting Vinayaki :3
Sksjsjddj haven't given this much thought so might be few but
— ✨ DANCE BATTLES ✨ Ok not like battles but they do dance together as a family, with music and flowers and all. It's really cute. Though most of the time Vinayaki get's sidelined because Shivani and Parvati just can stop starring at eachother T_T
— something Kailash equivalent of movie nights. Yeah that's definitely on their list.
— Vinayaki loves food ofcourse so she and Parvati obviously have baking time together. Shivani sometimes joins in sometimes she just watches them from afar :3
— Vinayaki makes all of them cute cute making charms bracelets, with stones shells and idk flowers but charms? Yeah also she makes them of her other siblings too.
(also im adding a bit of the others too)
— Ashokasundari and Vinayaki are those besties sisters who share EVERYTHING with eachother, and Parvati loves to braid both of their hairs :3 while the three of them gossips. (don't ask me how Vinayaki have hair just imagine she has for the plot purpose ok!!) AND SOMETIMES LAKSHMI JOINS THEM YEAH
— Shivani and Vinayaki have something like a musical concert kind off, where they just play all types of instruments from Veena of Khartal and all. Initially the idea was Saraswati's and she sometimes joins them too, but other than that it's just the two of them.
— Well ofc Vinayaki loves to play pranks on them. Somedays they will wake up with Parvati's hair turned pink or Shivani's jata having glitters in them. She also loves to play those pranks on Kartik... the only one she never pranks is Ashok, bcz that's his sister uwu.
— both Parvati and Vinayaki loves to question Shivani about anything and everything, and Shivani loves to answer them. It's kinda like a game, they would give her some puzzles or riddles and she'd answer them correctly each and every time.
— Nandi is the official babysitter ofc, not really but Ashok and Vinayaki both loves to play with him. They do his makeup change my mind 🗿
— They tried that on Vasuki too, bit he got scared aftwr the first two or three times, because Vinayaki kept on pranking him, so now he just watches from the side.
— Ganga is that disco aunty, and Vinayaki looooves her :3 like they'd be singing the weirdest songs in the highest voices to annoy everyone. This especially annoys Shivani and Chandra idk why.
Couldn't think of anything else 😭 so take this much for now
#vinayaki#shivani#parvati#ashokasundari#hindu mythology#hindublr#hindu gods#hindu goddess#desiblr#desi tumblr#desi tag#desi
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Mashup artists featured on this blog
Note: due to tumblr having a limit on the number of links you can have in one post, I've only linked the tags of those mashup artists who have more than one word in their name, or if it's long/complicated. You'll have to type the others into search yourself.
a table
Andrew Hagen
Anna McBurgendy
Beans McSprout
Bessco Samune
Blanter Co
Blood Love
Cameron Hayes
Chris Taylor
CLMC Music
Cow Vibing
Damonis Midnight
Daniel Kendall
Deep V
Demi Adejuyigbe
Denis Tognolo
Dimitri Schmidt
DJ BrookeTheProducer
DJ Cummerbund
DJ Earworm
DJ Flapjack
DJ MikeA
DJ Morgoth
DJ Poly
DJ Poulpi
DJ Surge-N
DM Mashups
Domino's Dump
Ella Noir
Ellie Spectacular
Ema Pex
Eminem Mashups
eqt. studios
Erika Ersson
FG Roland DJ
Grave Danger
Gregory Brothers
Hailey Schnur
Hala Nassar
Happy Cat Disco
Irn Mnky
J Mixes
jackhoeting 909
Jacob Sutherland
Jake Ranney
Jalex Petrie
Jamie Truelove Music
Jason Rollins
Joebot the Robot
Jerome Tremenz
John Fassold
Jonathan Coulton
Joseph James
Justin Robinett
Lord Pandemicus
Luise Gad Lund
Marc Johnce
Mark Hattori
Matt Nguyen-Ngo
Mauricio V
mashed potatoes
memes die
Michael Henry
Nandy sisters
Nate Belasco
Neil Circierega
Norwegian Recycling
One Bored Jeu
Oskr96fred 4
Otto Hast
Pat and Sean Kelly
Rage/Chill Music
Raheem D
Rani KoHEnur
Red Omega
Rick Sama
Robin Skouteris
Rolling Quartz
Salvador Peralta
SP Mashups
Squeaky Belle
swag mastar
Taylor Kennedy
The Optimist
There I Ruined It
Tito Silva
Titus Jones
Triple Q
Ultra Music
Valter Henrique
Wax Audio
William Maranci
Wyd Hart
Other artists/types of music
Bad Lip Reading
Key shift (major to minor or vice versa)
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Whelp, this didn't take long to finish. Time to round out my Supa Strikas takes with some much beloved side characters.
Nandi: Best. Sister. Ever. Rookie Season 2 needs to have her bonding with the other Strikas and embarrassing Shakes in front of them
Spenza: Elementary, my dear Shakes
Supa Fran: How every writer sees themselves while making contributions to the fandom. Come to think of it, she has pretty much every single tic most fandom writers claim so she should be totally relatable
Jean-Pierre: I know he's a giant a-hole to the team, but as someone who loves baking but is surrounded by Weight Watchers killjoys, I just have to sympathize with this man
Mrs. Altivo: Marc Zuckerburg's wine aunt
Spike Dawson: Is he a Joker or a Jigsaw parody? Also, why does Klaus not loathe this guy for hoarding strudel?
Ursula: I get the feeling she's always two seconds away from shanking someone
Ginerva: I don't care if she didn't say anything more than three consecutive words in the show. Her accent is amazing.
Skarra's Niece: I put her in the pile with Morgan Stark, in that she was present for 5 minutes of screen time, has basically no lines, and yet the fandom collectively goes gaga over her for literally no reason. Seriously, if I wanted Kids Who Say The Darndest Things, I'd go on TikTok.
Xing: See earlier take on Riano. I will not forgive Moonbug for not having her come back as a consultant for Sa Ming and giving her the character depth she deserves
Hack: See previous takes on Xing and Riano. The least they could have done was make him part of Spenza and Supa Fran's entourage in the later seasons
Attak: See previous... you know what, I'm not gonna continue like this. Just assume I hate Moonbug for conjuring up characters with great potential and then throwing them away after one episode
Kat/Foxy: The biggest mystery is how a guy like Skarra kept a lady like this in good standing long enough to call in a favor
Nanny Garcia: Can we get an episode where someone makes El Matador cry, and she shows up and beats the snot out of them with her carpet slippers? I really want authentic, angry, Abelita energy out of her.
And so ends my Supablr takes series (assuming Rookie Season or the main series doesn't continue). Fortunately, I have plenty more Supablr content waiting in the wings. Stay tuned.
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ok but alex and nandi becoming sisters-in-law makes a lot of sense. alex is nerdy gamer, who works in gaming industry and probably has some designing skills and other stuff, meanwhile nandi is future filmmaker and gifted kid with an artistic soul. while nandi is in multiple fandoms of movies/shows, alex is fan of a lot of games (imagine nandi is the one who watched the witcher on netflix, but alex is the one that actually played a game. nandi watched every lego movie and alex played in every lego game. nandi likes hbo's "one of us" while alex likes-). they are meme lords together, they are having long convos with each other about known internet rabbit holes. alex and nandi-

#supa strikas#supa strikas women#supablr#supa strikas shakes#headcanon: supa strikas#supa strikas nandi#supa strikas alex#ship: shalex#relationship: alex & nandi
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Sweet Potato Pie by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
SarahBucky Fleur De Louve Month 2023 - Week 1, Day 2 Prompt: “Sweet Potato Pie” | SFW
Sarah Wilson/Bucky Barnes, and Special Guest Cameo: Sam Wilson
* * * * * * * * * *
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Sarah’s boys were already at the grandparents in Atlanta, and the original plan was that Sam would be in NYC with Misty, the restaurant would be closed until Friday, and Bucky would be home with her for a nice, quiet (maybe not so quiet) Wednesday, then the two of them would make a Thanksgiving Day drive to Atlanta to stay until Sunday, when the boys would come back with them to Delacroix.
That was the plan.
Then came the phone call, and there she was hearing about how some shit had popped off on the other side of the world in a place that she wasn’t privy to know for her own safety, and in the blink of an eye she was on the front porch, kissing Bucky goodbye before dawn…again.
“I’m sorry, nandi,” he said softly, his forehead touching hers.
“I know, baby. It is what it is,” she answered, pulling his dog tags over her head and onto his neck. “Just come back to me in one piece.”
“I will.”
“You better.”
“Save me some Sweet Potato Pie,” he says over his shoulder, walking toward the van.
“Me too!” someone yelled from the passenger seat.
“Ha! I’ll think about it, Cap.”
“You’re the meanest sister ever!”
“No she isn’t.”
“Yes, she is.”
“It’s called Tough Love, Samuel.”
“Just get in the car. You and that Tough Love bullsh—“
She’s used to it by now. It’s sort of The Other Family Business: Superheroes.
This time, however, when the SUV drove off with her brother and her lover, the second the vehicle made that turn out of the driveway, she sat on the front step, and had a good, angry cry.
After a few minutes, she dried her eyes on her (on Bucky’s) t-shirt, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Enough of that…”
She got up, went into the house, picked up her cellphone, a notepad and pencil, pressed a speed dial number, and started making plans.
Evening, on the Other Side of the World…
Bucky dragged himself into the tiny old hotel room, dropped his backpack on the dresser, closed the curtains, checked the room for bugs...and bugs, then he turned on the old school TV set (complete with rabbit ears) and clicked the old remote until he found a futbol match.
He could still smell the light fragrance of Sarah’s hair conditioner, and feel her body against his when he kissed her goodbye.
“Damn…” he mumbled, reaching deep into his backpack and pulling out a small brown bag of plums.
“Happy Thanksg—“
Someone knocked on the door.
He retrieved one of his fixed blade knives from a compartment in the backpack, and waited.
Another knock, this time in a familiar pattern.
“Yo, Buck?”
Bucky opened the door to find Sam standing there with what looked like a box wrapped in a thermal blanket. There was also a smaller flat box sitting on top of it.
“Hey, come in. What’s all that?”
“It’s a special delivery. This goes with it.”
Sam handed him a six pack of a local beer, and pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket.
“I got one too. Seems like we weren’t going to be spending the holiday away from…well, go’on open your envelope. I’m heading back to my room for mine.”
“Don’t ask me. Just open this envelope. Have a good evening, Buck.”
“You’re welcome, Cyborg Man.”
Bucky heard Sam chuckle as he closed the door.
He moved his laptop to the bed and placed the boxes on the small table in the corner, opened the envelope, and picked up his cellphone, smiling as he dialed the encrypted number on the StarkTech phone.
“Hey, nandi.”
“Hey yourself, mthandi.”
“Can I see you?”
“Of course. Hold on…”
Their screens both go black, then they see each other.
He gently touches her cheek on his screen, and she touches his cheek on hers.
“I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. Wait. Have you…? James. Open the boxes.”
“Boxes? Oh!!”
Bucky unwrapped the large box first and when he opened the seal, steam wafted out, and delicious aromas filled the room.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, or his nose.
It was a whole meal of turkey, dressing, greens, cornbread and slices of his favorite: Sarah’s meatloaf. There was even a separate container of a serving of gumbo.
“Baby…” he chuckled, eyes beginning to brim, “what…what did you—?”
“I figured, since we couldn’t be together like we planned, we could at least…well… shoot, I wasn’t gonna cry…”
Bucky was wiping his eyes as well.
“Sarah…this is just…did Sam get—should I go get—?“
“No. He’s good. Probably on the phone with Misty right about now. The two of us got together. She arranged to have a QuinnJet bring me to New York not long after you left. She knew the team’s prep schedule, so we did our shopping, spent a day cooking, and had the boxes loaded onto the transport before departure.
I asked Torres to make sure neither of you knew about the boxes until you were at your destination. Misty and I made him a combo plate from both of us.”
“I don’t know what to…Thank you, intanda. This is…”
“Close the box, put the heat blanket back on it, get cleaned up and comfy. I’ll wait, so we can have dinner together. Okay?”
Bucky wiped his eyes and picked up the small brown bag, showing her what was inside, “I was gonna have these plums.”
“Have them for breakfast. Your dessert is in the pie box.”
“My dessert is in Delacroix, where I should be right now,” he says in that tone that makes her toes curl in that good way.
“Boy, stop!” she giggles.
He hears Sarah giggle and it makes him want to run all the way back to Louisiana, Secret Empire wannabees and the Atlantic Ocean be damned.
He opened the box and she watched him bite his lip in anticipation. Bites his lip in that way.
She sees him bite his lip and she wants to run to him, Louisiana swamps and the Atlantic Ocean be damned.
“You’re still saving me a slice for when I get home, right?”
“Of course! I brought you over to Team Sweet Potato Pie. No way I’m letting you backslide back to pumpkin! Not as long as we’re—“
“Come’ere, you,” he laughs, walking the phone into the bathroom.
“Where are we going?”
“Getting ready for a quick shower.”
She can see his metal hand and the bathroom ceiling, then the phone tips forward and now she can see him. Most of him. He repositions the phone again and now she can see a goodly amount of him.
He reached into the shower, turned on the tap, then faced the camera, took off his shirt, and started unbuttoning his jeans.
“Want to tell me what you’re doing, mthandi?” Sarah said, before draining her entire glass of sweet tea because The Thirst was real.
“Taking a shower so I can get ready for dinner with my intanda,” he smiled. “Care to join me?”
“Are you taking your phone into the—“
“Sure am. What! It’s waterproof.”
* * * * * * * * * *
@fleurdelouvemonth 2023 - Week 1: “Food” - Day 2: “Sweet Potato Pie”
Also posted on The AO3.
Thanks for reading!
#bucky barnes#sarah wilson#sarahbucky#buckysarah#sarah x bucky#bucky x sarah#sarah wilson x bucky barnes#bucky barnes x sarah wilson#sarah wilson/bucky barnes#bucky barnes/sarah wilson#sam wilson#fleur de louve#fleurdelouve month#fleurdelouve month 2023#week 1#prompt food#sarahbucky fanfiction#fan fiction
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basics --
LEGAL NAME: nader xsayarsa of al quolanudar {i decided to give him that second name because why not... and to be extra} NICKNAMES: nandor, nandy, nan, andy, jandy, nan-man DATE OF BIRTH: july, 24th, 1262 GENDER: male PLACE OF BIRTH: al quolanudar {modern day iran} CURRENTLY RESIDING: staten island SPOKEN LANGUAGES: farsi, kurdish, turkish, english, spanish, mandarin, german. EDUCATION: he never went to a school per say, but he did have the best teachers that someone of his status would have at the time. HAIR COLOR: black EYE COLOR: dark brown HEIGHT: 6'4
family --
SIBLINGS: 7 sisters. 2 brothers. PARENTS: yazdan (his dad) and shokoufeh (his mom. who he was the closest to u.u) CHILDREN: around 107. some of them didn't make it to adulthood, others didn't make it past being one year old, and then there were those that were assassinated (it's quite a depressing story that one)
relationships --
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: pansexual RELATIONSHIP STATUS: it's complicated. depending of the season. his thoughts and emtions already have an owners, his body? that's free to roam the streets (you figure that one out, but mostly single tbh).
tagged by: @suckndfuck + @sheantipaxostagging: @externalconceit + @percentstardust + @murkyhazed + @anithikos + @andynked + @2kyears + you!
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Grand Lancer Candidate: Shaka Zulu (Full Profile)
*Note that all information in this profile is subject to change at any time.
Class: Lancer
True Name: King Shaka Sigidi kaSenzangakhona
Nickname: Shaka Zulu, Shaka, King Shaka, Sigidi kaSenzangakhona(Birth Name), King of the Zulu, King of Zululand, Founder of Zululand, Nodumehlezi(the one who when seated causes the earth to rumble), King of Conquerors, Horned King, King of Strategy, Grand Lancer Candidate, GLC, Mad King
Species: Servant, Heroic Spirit, Human
Gender: Male
Height: 177.8cm or 5ft 10in
Weight: 66 kg or 146 lbs
Blood Type: Unknown
Place of Origin: KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Birthday: July 1787
Age: 41
Personal Information
Addresses self as: Watashi / Watakushi / Boku / Ore
Likes: Family, Friends, Witty banter, Politicking, Talking, Beetles, Strategizing, Marching, Comedy
Dislikes: Loved ones getting hurt, Loved ones dying, People who don’t listen, People who don’t use their head, People who let their emotions control them, The Berserker Class
Talents: Planning, Fighting, Talking, Making good arguments, Improving Tactics, Improvising, Solving Puzzles, Drawing maps/strategies in the dirt or sand
Natural Enemy: Zwide kaLanga, Gilgamesh(Archer), Shaka Zulu(Berserker), Shaka Zulu(Avenger)
Image Color: Black, White, and Red
Zulu Kingdom/Zululand
Family Members
Senzangakhona kaJama(Father)
Sigujana kaSezangakhona(Half-Brother)
Nomcoba kaSenzangakhona(Half-Sister)
Dabulamanzi kaMpande(Half-Nephew)
Various Aunts
Various Uncles
Servant Stats
Type: Heroic Spirit
Source: Historical Fact
Region: South Africa
Alignment: Chaotic Good(Chaotic Neutral when under the effects of Madness Enhancement)
Hidden Attribute: Man
Armaments: Spear and Shield
Known Summoning Catalysts: A piece of his shield, The tip of one of his spears, A vial of some mud mixed with his blood, A small rock with some of his blood on it
Qualified Servant Classes
As a Lancer he definitely takes on a more heroic and idealized form. He considered his Lancer and Shielder forms to be the most ideal forms to take and he is greatly displeased with his Berserker and Avenger forms. He is also a Grand Lancer candidate. Interestingly his parameters drop whenever he is attacking and rise whenever he is defending or retreating.
“By the way, I AM a Grand Lancer Candidate so I think it’s fitting that I be referred to as such... Hmmm, you’re right, that is a bit long. Alright, alright, you can just call me “GLC” instead my friend. It’s even shorter than “Lancer” and it’s very helpful to use in the midst of a battle where every second matters.”
“Why would you want to summon me in a form that can barely talk my friend!”
As a Berserker, he dual-wields his iconic spear in one hand and a club in the other. Noticeably his famous spear is covered up to the handle in blood. All the stories of the fear and violence he has caused have furthered amped up his Madness Enhancement and exaggerated his Berserker form. Blood constantly drips from tears created in his skin created by muscles too strong and big for his body to contain and one can see veins bulge and pulsate from under his skin. Shaka doesn’t think it’s a good idea to summon him as a Berserker and finds a form in which he is affected so strongly by the Madness Enhancement skill to be shameful. However, this Berserker form seems to calm down if he encounters someone who reminds him of his mother and/or Dingiswayo, or if he is sure that those he cares about are safe and alive. When summoned this form will usually immediately go on a rampage if summoned in modern day due to realizing everyone he cares about has since died. As a Berserker, he is surprisingly capable of speech but can only use it to launch jeering and scathing insults to whoever he is talking to. Even his compliments are backhanded insults. He has a Noble Phantasm that shakes and disrupts the very earth itself. Unlike his Lancer or Shielder counterparts his parameters actually rise when he is attacking and lower when he is on the defensive or retreating.
Shaka is ashamed of his Avenger form and feels like it only highlights the flaws that led to his downfall. As an Avenger he is capable of absorbing both mental and physical pain in order to unleash it as a large-scale attack. He also inflicts a curse Noble Phantasm on anyone who killed him upon his death. When activating one of his Noble Phantasms he will say “If the world wishes to take away my mother then I will show the world pain in equal measure.” Similar to his Berserker form, veins can be seen bulging and pulsating from under his skin. Unlike his Lancer or Shielder counterparts his parameters actually rise when he is attacking and lower when he is on the defensive or retreating.
When summoned as a Lancer or Shielder class servant he is at his most heroic and resembles the wise king he was, and potentially could have continued being. They are also what he considers to be his most comfortable forms and he takes great pride in them. One of his Noble Phantasms as a Shielder involves summoning a council of his most trusted aunts, and he has a special skill that increases the speed and agility of all his allies. Similar to his Lancer counterpart his parameters rise when defending or retreating and lower when attacking.
Strength: C - B
Endurance: B - A
Agility: C - B
Mana: D - C
Luck: C - B
NP: A++
Interestingly, his parameters fluctuate depending on whether he is defending, dodging, and/or retreating or not. They increase when he is on the defensive or retreating and decrease when he is attacking. He uses this to his advantage by throwing his opponents off via his parameters rapidly rising and falling during a fight. This can make his effectiveness, movements, approach, and strength fluctuate wildly in a battle as he constantly switches from defense to offense. It is possible to lock his parameters in their higher or lower state through the use of a command seal for a short period of time.
His luck is increased by one rank as long as he holds his signature shield.
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: C+
Cancels spells with a chant below two verses. Cannot defend against magecraft on the level of High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals.
The effectiveness of the skill is increased considerably while he is defending. He uses this in tandem with his fluctuating parameters to great effect. It should also be noted that his shield is capable of blocking even A-ranked magical attacks and his Magic Resistance is increased by one rank as long as he is holding it.
Personal Skills
Charisma: B++
Having a B Rank in this Skill is sufficient to lead a nation as its King/Queen. The morale of the military forces they command is extremely high. It also allows the user to negate the Emergency Prerogative skill of enemies.
In Shaka Zulu’s case, as a Lancer or Shielder, it becomes more effective when talking and planning defensive strategies or retreats.
Imperial Privilege: B+
An ability that, due to the insistence of the owner, skills that are essentially impossible to possess can be obtained for a short period of time. In cases when the Rank is А or above, even the "burden to the body" can be acquired(such as Divinity).
As someone who is considered the founder of the Zulu empire and an important figure of royalty, he has been granted Imperial Privilege. He uses the ability in order to gain access to one of any number of skills that include Protection from Arrows, Bullet Proof Treatment, Battle Continuation, Unimpeded Movement, Reduced Earth, Disengage, Valor, and even Madness Enhancement.
GLC does not have absolute control over this skill as there is a chance of his Madness Enhancement automatically being called upon via Imperial Privilege when hit by a mental attack or if his emotions overwhelm him enough. It seems to function like some sort of intentional mental or emotional self-defense
He uses Protection from Arrows and Bullet Proof Treatment to help counter projectile weapons(usually while he’s trying to rush an opponent), Battle Continuation to help survive great wounds or continue fighting/talking for a bit longer, Unimpeded Movement to help cross dangerous, hazardous or unorthodox terrain, Reduced Earth to pursue enemies or move far distances, Disengage allows him to retreat and potentially lure enemies into traps, he often takes advantage of the Valor skill to increase the effectiveness of his melee attacks in order to finish off or overwhelm close-ranged opponents, and Madness Enhancement to boost his Strength, Agility and Endurance parameters by one rank while also making his reflexes and instincts even quicker and more refined. Although, the Madness Enhancement decreases his Luck stat by one rank and he tends to only use it in desperate situations when there are no other options because he doesn’t like how it messes with his head and clouds his thoughts. He goes completely quiet when his Madness Enhancement has been activated.
Sometimes he will witness something that will cause him to get a “flash of inspiration” and unlock a new skill for his Imperial Privilege arsenal while on the fly. This can only happen if he witnesses a skill before hand and, with Imperial Privilege, he can learn or replicate it.
Unimpeded Movement is a skill that lowers the effectiveness of mobility and movement debuffs on the user. Allowing the user to continue to move as fast as possible across all types of terrain while also making it harder to slow them down.
Proof of Friendship: D+
A skill that suppresses an enemy servant's fighting spirit to a certain extent, where then a dialogue can begin. However, the enemy servant must not possess the Mental Pollution skill. In regard to a Holy Grail War, an advantageous check can be obtained when constructing temporary alliances.
He is someone who prefers diplomacy when possible but is not afraid to use threats or blackmail. This skill gains a boost if his dialogue or actions strike fear into the enemy.
Mana Defense: B--
Is a Skill of the same type as Mana Burst, where the user transforms magical energy into a defensive ability.
In Shaka’s case, it is extremely mana intensive. This means he needs a lot of magical energy to use it properly. Thus, he usually ends up barely using it unless he has enough energy or absolutely needs to. However, at its strongest, it can allow him to protect an entire army. The skill is much more stable in his Shielder form.
Military Tactics: B++
It’s a skill for tactical knowledge used not for one-on-one combat situations, but for battles where many are mobilized. Bonus modifiers are provided during the use of one's own Anti-Army Noble Phantasm or when dealing with an enemy Anti-Army Noble Phantasm.
He gained this skill from the many victories he led his troops to. In the case of his Lancer form, the skill receives a significant boost when taking defensive formations or retreating. However, if he was summoned as a Berserker the opposite would be true.
Strategy: A
Is the ability to seize things in the broader perspective, such as diplomacy and logistics in order to decide victory before the fighting even begins.
Whether inventing new tactics, improving old ones, or engaging in diplomacy and logistics, Shaka's prowess for planning and strategy, for better or worse, cannot be denied. He often uses this skill along with his Proof of Friendship skill when talking in order to try to help persuade targets.
Mind’s Eye(True): B+
Capable of calm analysis of battle conditions even when in danger and deducing an appropriate course of action after considering all possibilities to escape from a predicament.
Of course, someone with so many combat strategies and tricks up their sleeves has at least a couple of ways to get out of a hairy situation. Its effectiveness increases when he is defending or when he is traversing across the terrain in order to retreat or reach a target.
Shaka has a habit of saying the name of the skill he is actively using out loud when able. He claims it helps strike fear into his enemies while also hyping up both him, his troops, and anybody who may be watching. He does not do this for passive skills or skills that are always active at all times.
“HAHAHA!! I suppose they kind of do sound like cool special moves now don’t they? I mean when you think about it servants always run around yelling the names of their Noble Phantasms too so how is this any different?”
Noble Phantasms

Isihlangu: Brush My Enemies Aside- C+(Anti-Unit), Maximum Number of targets 1-5
King Shaka’s famous shield of choice, and one that was heavily incorporated into his battle strategies and the combat styles of both himself and his armies. In appearance, it is a massive cowhide shield that stands around 1.5 meters(or 5 feet) tall. It was to be held in the left hand and the king would have his warriors use it offensively by hooking the opponent’s shield and pulling it to the side in order to create an opening in the enemy’s defenses during hand-to-hand or close combat engagements. It was also capable of deflecting the spears and arrows of their enemies and, as such, it is a Noble Phantasm that gains a bonus when defending against projectiles and spears. It can also be used to temporarily disarm enemy servants of any weapons that make contact with the shield. Any weapon or equipment that has a lower rank than that of Isihlangu will be sealed for 1 minute if they are disarmed this way. The shield also has a Magic Resistance equivalent to that of A-Rank and it raises Shaka’s luck by one rank as long as he is holding it.
By releasing the Noble Phantasm’s True Name he is capable of exaggerating the concept of hooking an opponent's shield to create a concussive blast that stuns any opponent caught in its range, allowing him to score in a free hit or two. The limitation is that some part of the target has to make physical contact with the shield. Any projectiles or spears that are a lower rank than Isihlangu will be reflected when hit by this and any projectile with a rank higher than Isihlangu will have their rank dropped by one during the duration of the assault along with suffering a decrease in their damage output and effectiveness.
The shield does have a limit to what it can block though. As anything with a high enough rank can pierce through its defenses. Shaka is capable of using the shield in combination with Protection from Arrows or Bulletproof Treatment in order to slow down even legendary projectiles such as Gae Bolg to a point where he can catch them or at least survive one hit from them.
“FWHAHA!!! It’s as people these days say. A good defense is the best offense, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Let me show you why you shouldn’t go around throwing weapons so carelessly my friend, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Oi, Looks like you stepped a liiiiitle too close my friend, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Hiding behind weapons and shields isn’t going to save you, ISIHLANGU!!!”
“Did you really think you could hit me with such an unwieldy weapon? ISIHLANGU!!!”
Ikwa: The Sound of Flowing Bloodshed- C+(Anti-Unit), Maximum Number of targets- 1

King Shaka revolutionized combat by ditching the throwing spears that were commonly used at the time for the Ikwa/Iklwa, a short 3ft iron-tipped spear made for close-quarters combat. He had his soldiers use these weapons and forbade them from throwing them, as there was a high likelihood an enemy could just pick them up and use them against the previous wielder and or their allies if the spears missed or were blocked.
As a Noble Phantasm, it is meant for close quarters combat and by releasing its True Name anyone stabbed by the spear will be inflicted with a curse that causes constant bleeding and a “mana leak” once the spear is pulled out of their body. As the spear is being pulled out it creates an audible sound and a brief but violent spray of blood and magical energy. This is all to say that when the spear is pulled out of an opponent their blood will not clot and both blood and precious magical energy continue to leak out of the wound until the inflicted either die from blood loss for as long as the spear’s True Name is released. This means that the curse will stop once Shaka deactivates the true name or when he dies. Wounds inflicted by the Noble Phantasm can be healed by magecraft or magic but even if the wound is instantly healed the victim suffers from losing a large amount of blood and magical energy.
While the True Name is released the spear emits a blood-red mist that smells metallic, and releasing the True Name while the spear is impaled within a living thing or is being pulled out of it will still inflict the target with its full effects. This allows Shaka to throw opponents off during combat by activating the Noble Phantasm later than expected. If the target has no blood only mana will leak from their wound.
“Oi, Looks like you stepped a liiiiitle too close my friend, IKWA!!!”
“Don’t worry my friend, this will only tear you to shreds, IKWA!!!”
“You shouldn’t have turned your back towards me, IKWA!!!”
Izimpondo Zenyathi: An Army That’s as Deadly as a Buffalo’s Horns- A++(Anti-Army), Maximum Number of Targets- 1000
In the same way that Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi can be described as the actualization of Iskandar's commanding abilities and his kingship, this Noble Phantasm can be described as an actualization of Shaka’s battle prowess and revolutionary war tactics into a Reality Marble. The Noble Phantasm recreates Shaka’s famous “Buffalo Horns” formation. A strategy that split soldiers into three categories. The “horns”(made up of younger troops meant to encircle and pin enemies), the “chest”(made up of the best and strongest fighters to act as the main force), and the “loins”(acting reserves/backup that were made up of older and more experienced fighters). The loins would sometimes have their backs facing the battle until it was their turn for combat in order to ensure that they wouldn’t get too nervous and charge into battle too early or run away.
The activation of the Noble Phantasm is a bit literal. Shaka takes a spear or club and when he declares the true name of this Noble Phantasm two massive horns erupt from either side of the weapon’s head while the tip elongates into a sharp point. Once all three of these points hit something the Reality Marble will activate. Ideally, these “horns” and spearhead strike an enemy in order to deal extra damage or catch a target off guard, but it can be used on things like objects or the environment in order to activate the Noble Phantasm without having to get too up close and personal with the opponent. The Noble Phantasm is based around Shaka Zulu’s own deeds and exploits so it isn’t tied to a specific spear or club. What matters is that Shaka Zulu is the one wielding said weapon.
The space within the Reality Marble is that of a large sprawling and completely flat plains/savannah with the sole exception of a tall plateau Shaka is positioned on so that he may give orders to his troops and oversee the battle, but he is capable of leaving the plateau at any time in order to join the battle if necessary. In the Reality Marble, his voice echoes all throughout it and his Charisma skill is increased by one rank. All troops have troops have an E-ranked independent action while in the Reality marble
The troops within the Reality Marble have different qualities depending on what part of the formation they are a part of. The horns(which are summoned on either side of the opponent) are made up of the youngest troops and they have an E Rank in all their stats with the exception of their speed stat, which is D Rank. Some soldiers in the horns wield Iklwa spears while others wield weapons such as clubs. They all wield shields that are black in color.
The troops that make up the chest tend to be the strongest and/or most talented warriors. They have E Rank parameters across the board but make up for this by having access to an E-Ranked version of Shaka’s Iklwa and Isihlangu Noble Phantasms.
The final group of soldiers is the one that makes up the loins of this formation. They are reserve veteran soldiers. Within his Noble Phantasm, they start with their backs facing the enemy and they all have a low ranking Madness Enhancement that makes them more aggressive and gives them a D-rank in their Strength, Endurance, and Agility. While within the Reality Marble all his troops gain a low ranking Independent Action.
The Reality Marble has some interesting attributes. First of all, anybody within it can simply walk out of it if they manage to reach the marble’s borders, but doing so will cause all their parameters to temporarily drop by one rank. The marble is also in a constant state of shrinking, and the border is guarded by soldiers in a defensive formation who move with the ever-encroaching border and attack any enemy that gets too close to them. If one found themselves caught at the point in which the Reality Marble completely shrinks into a single point they will become impaled and beaten with a countless number of spears, shields, and clubs and will have all their parameters drop by one rank. Their parameters will remain lowered until Shaka dies.
Both the shrinking aspect of the Noble Phantasm and the ability to simply walk out of it is a representation of the documentation and legends of the many people who went through great lengths to flee from and avoid his encroaching armies and conquests.
He can summon his soldiers outside the Reality Marble but he cannot summon more than four at a time(one from each section of his formation), and they lack Independent Action so they have a high amount of mana consumption. This usually limits him to only one or two at a time. He is capable of summoning them very quickly and utilizing them for sudden maneuvers, defenses, and attacks. They can only be summoned within arms reach of him however outside of the Reality Marble. Similar to Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi, all the spirits from Izimpondo Zenyathi are masterless servants.
If Shaka ever found himself in South Africa during a Holy Grail War his Izimpondo Zenyathi would be elevated to EX-rank and it could easily go toe to toe with Iskandar’s Ionioi Hetairoi.
Despite the rank of this Noble Phantasm, it is completely outclassed by Noble Phantasms such as Excalibur, Sword of Promised Victory.
He wears the clothes of a Zulu warrior and has very tough feet. His kicks can be very devastating because of their toughness and the infamous stories in regard to his training.
He almost always walks around barefoot. On the rare occasions in which he does wear shoes his agility parameter drops by 2 ranks.
He incorporates a lot of talking and diplomacy into his fighting style and will constantly try to distract or tide the opponent over with conversations and insults while fighting.
He can recognize virtually any kind of beetle species based on sight alone, whether they be normal animals or magical creatures. He is also very knowledgeable about beetle anatomy.
Shaka was the illegitimate son of Zulu chief Senzangakhona, someone that ruled over a very small chiefdom. Due to bearing a child from a forbidden relationship, Shaka’s mother(Nandi) lied for as long as possible in order to avoid being caught having a child outside of a proper relationship. She claimed that her supposedly pregnant appearance was actually an intestinal condition caused by an Ishaka beetle. Senzangakhona attempted to deny any connection to the illegitimate pregnancy and his involvement with Nandi but he eventually pitied them enough to make Nandi his third wife. Shaka was born in the lunar month of uNtulikazi(sometime in July) in the year 1787 near the present-day Melmoth, KwaZulu-Natal Province, and at the time the Zulu kingdom was still but a small chiefdom. The marriage between chief Senzangakhona and Nandi would not last, forcing her and her son to seek sanctuary in other places. Thus, Shaka spent a lot of his childhood in his mother’s settlements. Proud of his heritage he would tell other kids about his relation to a famous chief by the name of Senzangakhona. However, very few of the other kids believed him and he was often bullied because of these seemingly outlandish claims.
Eventually, Shaka and Nandi would be taken in by one of Nandi’s aunts and would live with the Mthethwa people. He grew up in proximity to a man named Dingiswayo who welcomed with open arms and treated him with great kindness. As he continued to grow it became clear that he had the makings to become a powerful, skilled, and courageous warrior. These attributes inevitably caught Dingiswayo’s eye while Shaka fought within an impi(a type of army) under the command of Dingiswayo. Dingiswayo was greatly impressed by Shaka’s prowess and elevated Shaka’s rank at an early age, making Shaka a commander of his own regiment at some point. These great feats and skills in combat would lead to the creation of one of Shaka’s more famous nicknames, Nodumehlezi(the one who when seated causes the earth to rumble). While within the Mthethwa army, Shaka became increasingly enamored with strategy, battle tactics, and problem-solving. Dingiswayo continued to teach Shaka and help him grow, allowing him to gain even more accomplishments in battle. While under the command of Dingiswayo he found that taking off his sandals and fighting barefoot helped him maneuver better when in battle. He decided to walk around barefoot in order to toughen his feet, something that he would later make his own soldiers do.
Shaka’s father, Senzangakhona, died in 1816, and Sigujana(Shaka’s half-brother) took the throne as the legitimate heir to the Zulu chiefdom. Shortly after this Dingiswayo grew anxious and, in a move to make sure he kept his political authority secure, lent Shaka a regiment so that he would be able to defeat Sigujana and ascend to the throne. This led to a relatively bloodless coup that led to Shaka becoming chief of the Zulu clan. Although, even with his new title and power he remained a vassal of the Mthethwa empire out of loyalty to the dear friend and mentor that was Dingiswayo. As Shaka’s political power continued to grow he was able to spread his thoughts and ideals with ease while continuing to expand his territory through a combined method of attacking quickly and overwhelming foes with military might and utilizing a surprising amount of diplomacy, patronage, and politics. He found a way to get chieftains, such as Zihlandlo of the Mkhize, Jobe of the Sithole, Mathubane of the Thuli, and others, to join him without having to conquer them in battle. He also revolutionized combat by having his soldiers use the Iklwa and focusing more on close-quarters combat along with the creation of his famous “Buffalo horns” formation.
Disaster eventually struck when, a year later, Dingiswayo was caught off guard by an attack led by Zwide kaLanga, the powerful chief of the Ndwandwe nation, and was subsequently defeated and beheaded. Enemies, and later white settlers, attempted to tarnish Shaka’s public image by spreading rumors and propaganda that he had purposefully let Dingiswayo die by withholding reinforcements or even outright betraying him. However, Shaka was filled with an indescribable rage at the death of what he considered to be not just an amazing teacher but also like family. He vowed to get revenge on Zwide through almost any means necessary.
Dingiswayo’s defeat caused the Mthethwa forces to become scattered and led to the creation of a power vacuum due to the empire that he once led collapsing. A vacuum that Shaka readily filled before using the power he gained from it to reform and gather the remnants of the Mthethwa along with other regional tribes he conquered or allied with in order to create a force to defeat Zwide. During their first clash Zwide barely managed to escape and Shaka came across Zwide’s mother, Ntombazi, who was also a sangoma(a type of healer). As he attempted to use her to find about Zwide’s whereabouts or as bait to get Zwide to return and fight him he came across a strange number of skulls collected by Ntombazi and, upon recognizing one of the skulls as that of Dingiswayo’s, Shaka flew into a rage and decided to get some amount of vindication on Zwide by trapping Ntombazi in her own house and placing wild animals inside it to devour her. After her death, he burned the house down along with her collection of skulls.
Zwide eventually knew that he would have to defeat his biggest rival and threat if he wished to have any chance at both surviving the conflict and allowing his kingdom to flourish successfully so he launched an attack on the Zulu Empire. Shaka would eventually defeat Zwide’s forces by having his own troops feign a retreat in order to lead Zwide’s army into a trap deep within Zulu territory before striking and defeating his forces at the cost of sustaining heavy casualties. One such death was that of the current head military commander at the time Umgobhozi Ovela Entabeni. Zwide managed to barely escape once again and ran from the encroaching Zulu. In another attempt to draw Zwide back to fight him, Shaka tried to wipe out as much of what Zwide cared about as possible. Threatening to destroy everything Zwide cared about. His anger would eventually subside somewhat with time and he would begin to feel that he had achieved justice for his dear friend Dingiswayo. Although, he felt that Zwide being forced to spend the rest of his life running from Shaka was a fitting enough punishment. Eventually, Zwide would die from mysterious circumstances sometime in 1825. Part of the main Ndwandwe forces fled and he eventually encountered these forces and managed to get the majority of them to yield and join him. He continued to train the soldiers he recruited in his methods of combat.
His reign lasted ten more years after he had defeated the Ndwandwe. During which he continued to expand his territory. He offered chiefdoms he encountered the choice of submitting and allying with him or potentially being conquered by force if they were not forced to flee from an assault by Shaka. He left local administrations in the hands of the reigning chiefs or members of the traditional ruling family that he had appointed. He would also allow soldiers who no longer served in the army to return to their original community, so the identity of each individual community was not completely lost due to conformity within Shaka’s empire. Each settlement of his contained a section of royal women that were usually headed by the most formidable of women. These women would typically be one of Shaka’s many aunts. This, along with him not wanting to produce a legitimate heir, led to his households being dominated by stern older women of the royal family. Whenever he was absent both a female ruler of the settlement and an induna(an advisor, commander, and/or mediator) would wield administrative authority together.
Despite some of his more militaristic methods, Shaka ultimately preferred diplomacy over fighting and would try to talk things out whenever possible. He would almost always give opposing tribes a chance to join him without any conflict but if they refused he would often conquer and/or destroy them with unyielding force.
In 1824 the first white traders arrived at Port Natal, and at this point Shaka was in control of a wide-spanning monarchy. Upon meeting them he sent a goodwill delegation, engaged in diplomacy, and was extremely curious about the technology, and machinery of these visitors. He would go out of his way to view and analyze the various demonstrations of European technology and knowledge. One of these many demonstrations included the showing off of a weapon called the gun. However, after analyzing it, disassembling it, and reassembling it he came to the conclusion that the technology was not yet refined enough and it took too long to fire and reload in the combat of that age. He stated that his forces could beat opponents wielding those rudimentary guns by using the proper tactics and rushing them fast enough with a large enough number of men. It is important to remember that Shaka had a point as these were really early guns and not modern guns that could be fired much more quickly and more accurately. He continued to be interested in the culture of the visitors and the possible benefits he could gain via trade and diplomacy with them and Europe. Shaka would eventually give them land and permitted them to build a settlement at Port Natal, but he remained vigilant and wary of their ulterior motives. He wanted to be closer and more accessible to his potential allies or foes at Port Natal while also keeping a close eye on them so he decided to build a military barrack at Dukuza. He did not want to fight them unless he absolutely had to so he treated them very nicely and did what he could to prevent any conflicts from being encouraged between the visitors and his people.
Sometime in October 1827 his mother, Nandi, died. This filled him with emotion and the fact that it reminded him of his feeling of helplessness when Dingiswayo was killed only exacerbated these emotions and clouded his judgment, causing his behavior to become erratic and increasingly violent. He started forcing his entire kingdom to mourn his mother’s death and if he caught anyone showing insufficient grief he would put them to death. He also went as far as to have the mothers of calves killed so that both the calves and the people who witnessed it could know the pain he felt. In a bought of madness, he even went as far as to order that no crops be planted, no milk be used, any woman that became pregnant during this time would be executed alongside her husband and he pushed his military far beyond what was normal in increasingly violent military campaigns. Some rumors say that this was another one of his cunning plans in order to kill political opponents or to get back at those who bullied him in his childhood. However, it was still clear that he was lashing out even at people who didn’t harm him and that he was not in his right mind. A Zulu man by the name of Gala eventually had enough of this madness and during a meeting stood up and objected to Shaka’s outlandish measures. Saying “Nandi was not the first person to die in Zululand!!!” as he berated him. Shaka was at a loss for words but after having some time to think and being reminded of both his younger self and purpose by Gala’s outburst he called off his self-destructive orders and rewarded Gala with cattle.
However, he acted too slowly and his mistakes were beyond the point of being overlooked or forgiven by most of the people within his kingdom. He had no way of bringing back the people he had killed or making it up to the people he had hurt. In 1828, while Shaka’s forces were absent and he lacked guards around the area he was assassinated by his half-brothers Dingane and Mhlangana. They had received support from some other chiefdoms who had all become dissatisfied and horrified by Shaka’s previous actions and, while an iNduna by the name of Mbopa created a distraction, they attacked him. As the king bled out he gave Dingane two warnings. The first thing Shaka said was “Brother are you stabbing me, kings of the earth thinking you will rule? The swallows will do that!!!” as a warning to Dingane and his people about the European colonizers and their malicious intentions and his final words were “You will come to an end through killing one another.” A warning that would ring true when Dingane took the throne and attempted to remove those who were loyal to Shaka before getting involved in a civil war and getting overthrown after 12 years of ruling by his other half-brother. After the assassination, Mbopa, Dingane, and Mhlangana quickly buried Shaka’s body in an empty grain pit and covered it with rocks and mud.
Whether lionized or demonized, whether loved or feared, it is undeniable that he changed the course of history and his combat prowess and strategy were top-tier as well as his immense foresight and long term planning abilities. The ambiguity and contradicting details of his story as someone who ends up embodying aspects of hope and genius as well as violence and fear add to his level of mystery. The stories of him being a great and noble hero and a brutal tyrant mix together to create a servant that, as a Lance or Shielder, is the ideal ally and worst enemy on the battlefield. However, as a Berserker or Avenger he is a danger to almost everyone around him and is prone to self-destructive behaviors.
He is a noticeably muscular, man who stands at a height of 175cm or 5ft 10in. He has dark skin and a square chiseled jawline. He has a pointy nose and his hair looks like a spiky afro with parts of it being red in coloration along with red pointed sideburns. He has sharp teeth, which he apparently sharpened himself. His feet are covered with scars and he has a scar on his back and chest, both of which correspond to the location of his heart and where he was stabbed during his assassination by Dingane and Mhlangana.

Surprisingly, despite some of his reputation Shaka is a servant that prizes talking and diplomacy more than combat. It is not uncommon for him to attempt to try to persuade or antagonize the opponent while utilizing defensive battle tactics along with counter-attacks and disarming techniques. He is also not above using jabs, insults, or more underhanded tactics to win a fight. He is also not afraid of running away from a battle, using aspects of the environment to his advantage, or feigning retreat. This gives his fighting style a really odd and hard to predict feel. It is usually quite difficult to tell if he is actually losing, winning, or bluffing in any given fight.
Part of the reason he tries so hard to avoid fighting if possible is because anyone could be a potential ally in the future. Plus, once he starts fighting within a certain range of his full strength he often gets caught up in the battle, excitement, and adrenaline to the point where it is hard for him to stop until the fight is over.
He hates seeing his loved ones in pain and if they are killed by someone he flies into a rage and will enact merciless vengeance on the assailant. It’s one of the few times where he won’t even attempt to talk to his opponent first, he will simply strike silently and swiftly while utilizing the Madness Enhancement skill. He considers this aspect of his personality to be somewhat embarrassing and does his best to keep his emotions in check and prevent himself from ever regressing into a previous and more violent state. He cherishes every moment with his friends and family and tries not to leave their side if he can help it. “You should appreciate your loved one with all your heart because you never know when the world will choose to snatch them away from you my friend. I have very few friends and a lot of enemies too…”
At times he can give the illusion of an extremely weak clairvoyance due to his prediction and strategy skills. However, at the end of the day he is still a man, or I suppose a spirit, now and he cannot account for every possibility and is capable of making mistakes or miscalculations. Not to mention that he cannot make accurate guesses if he lacks information.
He tends to be very blunt with his predictions which can unintentionally make him come off as menacing or rude.
He feels immense regret over the killing of innocent civilians in a kingdom that was supposed to protect them. His own kingdom and by his own hands at that. In order to try to atone for it, he promised himself that as long as he’s a servant he refuses to kill humans and tries to save as many humans as possible. He is currently aiming for 7,000, and he likes to keep a mental note of every person he saves. Although, saving the same person over and over, even in different situations, does not count. It should be noted that this does not apply to nonhuman entities and things that are already dead, like vampires, zombies and spirits. This means he is fine with killing other servants as they are already dead and are spirits that are no longer humans.
Leonidas- They have an obvious and immediate similarity due to the fact that they are both Lancers with notable shields. Some have also compared Shaka’s shield-based tactics to that of the famous Roman phalanx formation. They get along great and can often be seen discussing military tactics and training together.
“I wonder if we are distant relatives or something my friend. BWAHAHA!!!”
“OI!!! Wanna see who’s shield is stronger.”
“I wonder who’s spear has felled more opponents…”
“BWAHAHAHA, my friend, I bet if we put our heads together we can come up with a defensive formation no one could penetrate.”
Napoleon- “It’s not every day you get to talk with a fellow tactical genius.. Well I guess when you’re at Chaldea it is every day. BWAHAHAHA!!! Although… that cannon seems unwieldy my friend…”
Gaius Julius Caesar- He greatly respects Caesar.
“W-what words WHAT ELOQUENCE MY FRIEND!!! Your speeches, your words, nay every letter you speak is done so tactfully. Have I found my equal on the battlefield of words and wit? Julius Caesar does not disappoint!!!! I must take notes.”
“Hey, do you think you could give me some pointers on this speech I’ve been working on? I’m trying to make sure it sounds less… brutal?”
Shakespear- “Bwahaha, my friend, you’re truly someone who knows how to wield words… Just… do me a favor and don’t make me another tragedy for one of those stories of you ok? I’ve already created enough of those.
“That First Folio of yours is quite scary…”
Da Vinci- He considers himself just as much of a genius as Da Vinci so he has begun learning how to paint in order to prove his point. Although, Da Vinci has been studying his battle tactics, formations, and how to use a spear and shield in order to prove that her genius is unparalleled.
Kama- “Yeah sorry, I’ve never really been interested in bearing an heir or any of that. . .”
Oda Nobunaga(Archer)- He sees her as his equal in terms of tactics, innovation, and strategy.
“I’ve never seen someone wield that many guns so masterfully. It almost makes me scared of them… almost.”
Ryoma Sakamoto(Rider)- “I can see you are someone who cherishes their loved ones with all your heart...”
Okada Izou- “I may not wield swords but even I can tell you’re an unparalleled genius, my friend. Hey, this isn’t going to your head is it? And what do you mean you’re not my friend?”
Emiya, Gilgamesh(Archer), and Kid Gil- “HONESTLY, I can’t understand why you guys are so nonchalant about throwing your weapons around like that. Aren’t you ever worried that they will fall into enemy hands or something?”
Emiya-” Hrmmmmmmm, that Rho Aias reminds me a bit of my own shield. You see some of the similarities too right my friend?”
Gilgamesh(Caster)- He enjoys being around him as he feels he helps push him to becoming closer to an ideal king.
“If there is hope for him to be the wise king everyone needed then maybe there’s still hope for me… “
Jack the Ripper(Assassin) and Abigail Williams- “Ah, even kids can be quite cruel I suppose…”
Lancelot(Berserker)- “And THIS is why you should be careful about throwing your weapons around my friends!!!”
Elizabeth Bathory(Lancer)- “Make sure you keep a clear mind and don’t let your emotions and desires get out of control… or else you might end up like that vampire lady.”
Carmilla(Assassin)- He feels uncomfortable around her because in a way she reminds him of all his shortcomings and the madness that overcame him.
“Man, and I thought I was bad…”
Hector(Lancer)- “Our fighting styles are quite similar at a glance aren’t they?”
“Talking to you feels like I’m speaking to a treasured friend and fellow warrior.”
“I appreciate that there’s someone here who knows when to fight and when to run. A dead hero isn’t helpful for anyone.”
“Your fighting style is a lot like mine… have you ever considered using big shields into your fighting style more often.”
Chiron- “Great teachers like you always remind me of Dingiswayo…”
Jason- “It’s great that you understand your strengths and weaknesses and avoid combat but you shouldn’t throw your men under the bus like that my friend.”
“Your eye for recognizing and bringing out the true potential of heroes reminds me a bit of Dingiswayo my friend. Although, he wasn’t quite so scared to say the least...”
Hans Christian Anderson- “Heh, I appreciate your brutal honesty my little friend. Actually, you remind me a lot of Gala. Hmmmmmmm, YES!!! Someone like you can guide me to becoming a truly wise king. You wouldn’t happen to be free to be my new royal advisor perchance would you? Don’t worry too much, it’s only until I can get Gala back.”
Lanling Wang and Diarmuid Ua Duibhne- “Jeez… I never thought I would live to see anyone who’s beauty could rival that of Magaye’s…”
Queztoquaotle, Yasuke, and Damarchus- “I know some wrestling techniques myself y’know. If you ever want to train or get some pointers feel free to contact me my friend.”
Gilgamesh(Archer)- “I just can’t stand a king who throws away all their subjects like that… Yes, yes I know how hypocritical it is for me of all people to say that but trust me when I say it never ends well. A king can never stand on their own no matter how powerful they think they are.”
Christopher Columbus- “Ah, you’re another one of those swallows I see.”
Iskandar and Genghis Khan- Well, well, well. It’s nice to finally meet a fellow King of Conquerors around here. BWAHAHAHA!!! Hm? No, I’m not eligible for the Rider Class… HEY!!! BEING A RIDER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT TITLE!!!”
Hang Tuah- “BWAHAHA, As a fellow professional talker myself I can tell you also have a good grasp of understanding what people want to hear. We should have a chat sometime.”
“I suppose your smooth-talking only shows how good you are with your speech… well most of the time anyway.”
“I know this is a lot to ask of you but if I ever start slipping… y’know becoming “tyrannical” and all that… well… you know what to do...”
Hang Jebat- “Hm? You wanna see my horns… I see… I think there’s been a bit of a misunderstanding my friend…”
Connla- “If you have no spear of your own I can always craft you one. A good Iklwa does wonders for combat. Oh? You just copied mine… You’re just full of surprises aren’t you...”
Gilgamesh(Archer), Emiya(Archer), and Connla- “Pray I don’t ever catch you throwing around an Ikwa like that..”
Julie d’Aubigny- “FINALLY, a fellow servant who understands that words can be as sharp as any blade. Although, you are a better singer than I could ever be my friend BWAHAHA.”
Ever since they met they are constantly trying to see who is the best talker by bluffing and slinging insults whenever they meet. It has become a sort of game in which they attempt to see who is the first to falter, crack, or be at a loss for words. Julie’s charisma and aptitude as a star will occasionally attract the audiences of many Chaldea staff and servants to their banter-based duels. Currently, they are tied.
Laplace’s Demon and Maxwell's Demon- “No, no, no. Don’t give me any hints about your paradox. I want to try to exercise my mind by solving it myself.”
Nameless Soldier(Assassin)- “I’m pretty good at bringing out the full potential of soldiers and armies my friend. If you stick with me I guarantee we will keep losing to a minimum.”
“Even a genius like me is nothing on their own. Even the strongest, fastest, and smartest need a good army, and you’re like an army all rolled up into one neat package. Don’t worry I’ll be sure to give you plenty of breaks.”
“So like, do you y’know… remember me? You’re made up of a bunch of nameless soldiers from all throughout history. Which would statistically include at least one person who was under my command… I just wanted to say I’m sorry if that’s the case. I won’t fail you this time my friend”
“Make sure you’re getting proper rest. Rest is just as important as working. It helps keep your mind clear, sharp, and efficient my friend.”
“Man guns are a lot more compact, efficient, and quick these days… Maybe they’ve reached a point where I can incorporate them into my battle tactics.”
Dingane and Mhlangana(Assassin)- “While I agree that I had that coming, I hope you can understand why I’m uncomfortable being within arms reach of you guys.”
“Why are you looking at me like that? I’m not going to make the same mistake as last time I swear it on my life…”
*Hang Tuah, Connla, Damarchus, Julie d’Aubigny and Nameless Soldier are all fanservants created by MochiBoni and Omegazplayer respectively. Yasuke is a fanservant created by me and Dingane and Mhlangana haven’t been designed yet. Here are the profiles or art for each respective servant
Hang Tuah- https://docs.google.com/document/d/12mjNkmjnhIIeLgGRvSlVVLhRQqWd4cbEDygfQHSLPCg/edit
Connla- https://twitter.com/mochio_bonio/status/1425858835730685957?s=20, https://twitter.com/mochio_bonio/status/1419297258512601089?s=21
Julie d’Aubigny-https://twitter.com/Omegazplayer/status/1416650069206573057?s=20
Damarchus- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jArzQOnAWnvSv8MRelYSl1x5DZj-gUndaBmPtO74icw/edit
Nameless Soldier- https://twitter.com/Omegazplayer/status/1416632770059714560?s=20
Yasuke- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M7V-XS0S_hePGtpLHY3abI-rU8_ek889uqcYnq0cvb0/edit
Dialogue examples
“Lancer is fine but I would prefer it if you called me Grand Lancer Candidate, or GLC for short.”
“Don’t worry my friend. Our enemies lost the moment I arrived.”
“The next thing you will say is…”
“BOOM SHAKA LAKA!!!! BWAHAHAHA, I’ve always wanted a chance to say that!”
“HA!!! You lost this fight the moment you opened your mouth!”
“Even for a genius like me, that’s a bit difficult…”
“This will not be a battle of muscle but a battle of words.”
“Hm? I talk a lot for a conqueror you say? (tsk) My friend, fighting should not be taken lightly. In the field of combat people can’t afford to hesitate to kill and there’s always a chance you or people you need and care about will die. When I was younger I reveled in fighting and combat and as a genius I eventually realized that whoever was left standing is the one who got the final say in the end and that means that when you fully commit to fighting you cannot hold back. Plus, an endless trail of fighting and combat isn’t exactly the smartest thing to do now is it? You also never know when you may make a powerful ally too, so it’s important you don’t go burning down bridges unless you have to.”
“I consider politics as important as any fight. When you talk you can fight for what you believe in and what you think is right. Just like any other brawl or war.”
“Dingiswayo? He was like a father to me of course… He never failed me or let me down but in the end I couldn’t save him… If only I had acted quicker… If only that damn Zwide could have just… Sorry, I got off track there… ”
“Well, obviously family isn’t just determined by biology. I mean my biological father wanted nothing to do with me… If you only define family using DNA then you are only stunting yourself in the long run my friend. There aren’t many people in this world willing to look out for you so treasure them!”
“Eh!? Are my diplomacy skills really that surprising? Some of those stories about my fighting and conquering were just a liiiiiiiittle bit exaggerated my friend. Besides, I engaged in diplomacy just as much as I fought, which is to say a lot.”
“See here’s the things. This may be a Holy Grail War but I don’t see why we can’t all work together to get something we both want my friend. So how about this…”
“I’m clearly leagues above you in power and I could kill you right now buuuuut if you’re willing to ally yourself with me and my master I’ll let you live. That’s a pretty good deal right?!”
“Who knows, maybe we’ll even make a new friend or two during all of this.”
“Oi!!! If you touch even a hair on my friend’s head… I’ll kill you!! …BWAHA!!! Sorry about that sometimes I get a little caught up in my emotions when it comes to my friends and family. But seriously, don’t try anything.”
“There are more ways to help someone than just fighting.”
“My friend, my spear isn’t my strongest Noble Phantasm nor is it my shield. So let me ask you this. Do you know why Izimpondo Zenyathi in particular is my strongest Noble Phantasm? It’s because even a prodigy like me can’t do everything alone. Soldiers, friends, family… people like my mom, Dingiswayo, Umgobhozi, Mzilikazi, and everyone else. I couldn’t have done it without them. No matter how powerful you are you are nothing without allies.”
“We talk first and fight later ok?”
“Oi, less fighting, more talking!!!”
“I’ll have you know I’m eligible for TWO, that’s right TWO, grand classes my friend. Lancer and… I would prefer not to talk about that second one too much. (Sigh)Man, why couldn’t Grand Shielder be a thing?”
“Okay, I’m feeling nice so I’ll give you ten… no… thirty minutes to run as far as you can my friend.”
“KwaBulawayo? I’ll be honest I was just trying to sound intimidating… maybe it worked a bit too well… Dukuza had a much better balance between intimidation and cool factor.”
“Take it from me, you should consider your actions carefully and try to keep the collateral damage down to a minimum… Just promise me you’ll think with your head and not your heart ok my friend.”
“People I admire? There are too many to count!!! Well, I guess my top two would be Dingiswayo and my mother. Dingiswayo was like a father to me and one of the greatest teachers one could ask for. My mother was as strong as any warrior in spirit and never gave up on me and herself.”
“My plan? I never said I had any sort of plan. What’s with that face? It worked didn’t it? Sometimes one has to think on their feet my friend. Even I cannot predict everything that’s going to happen.”
“I figured valentines day was a great time to show the love I have for all my allies, so I;m handing out these chocolates as a sign of good will to all of my allies and friends. Shaped like the mightiest of beetles of course.”
“Don’t worry my friends, GLC HAS ARRIVED!!!”
“You didn’t think that would be enough to kill me, my friend? BATTLE CONTINUATION!!!”
“BWAHAHA!!! You would really doubt the power of a servant who is eligible for not just one but TWO grand classes my friend.”
“BWAHAHA!!! Don’t worry, the irony of the situation is not lost on me my friend.”
“Sharp spear and an even sharper tongue.”
“Oh c’mon, you don’t think I was really THAT ugly do you? Magaye was just so beautiful that he made everyone who stood next to him look ugly in comparison. So I wouldn’t consider him a good metric for looks. Do you understand what I mean my friend?”
“I’m sorry.. I just can’t forgive you for what you did.”
“If I had known what those shady Nathaniel Isaacs and Henry Fynn were going to do to my image for the sake of that slave trade I would have killed them on the spot…”
“N-no, my kingdom”
“My kingdom…”
“I guess even I can’t talk my way out of this one…”
“One last word of advice my friend…”
“Is that Dingane…?”
“Is that Mhlangana…?”
“I knew I should have retreated…”
“Was I a good king this time…?”
“Heh, don’t worry… I had this coming.”
“I should've saved more people…”
Wish for the Grail
“I wish that I could have been the ideal and wise king so many people think I am. Someone who could’ve put their emotions aside… and I wish I could protect all those I hold dear to my heart. So they never have to suffer or die… I suppose that’s two wishes though. I wonder if I can wish for just two extra wishes?
Fun Facts
If he was playable in FGO he would be a 5-star servant.
His least favorite class is the Berserker Class because they usually can’t be reasoned with and are hard to talk to.
On another note, he finds being compared to a Berserker in terms of fighting style or mentality quite insulting. Which is yet another reason he tries to avoid intentionally utilizing Madness Enhancement via his Imperial Privilege skill unless it is absolutely necessary. He is also afraid of becoming like that of his Berserker form.
His Magic the Gathering Alignment would be White-Blue-Black-Red with White, Blue, and Black as his center colors and Red as his secondary color.
If he was in the Epithet Erased universe his Epithet would be Horn and one of his moves would involve summoning horned beetles or beetle horns.
If he was in the Hunter x Hunter universe his Nen type would be Transmutation and his Hatsu would revolve around beetles and beetle shells in some way.
His overall servant rank is around A-. Although it would be A+ if he found himself in South Africa.
He dresses like some sort of beetle every Halloween.
He takes Mother’s Day very seriously.
Shaka Zulu’s Alter form would have a beetle motif, with parts of his body having a strong and sturdy exoskeleton. He would also have multiple limbs and a pair of wings.
Zwide kaLanga is also eligible for the Lancer and Berserker Classes.
Both Shaka and Zwide’s Berserker forms have a Noble Phantasm based on the Mfecane.
Zwide was unaware that his mother was collecting skulls.
Dingiswayo is eligible for the Archer, Lancer, Caster, Rider, and Berserker classes. While he is a capable fighter his true power lies in drawing out the maximum potential of others. Under perfect scenarios, he can permanently increase the ranks of a servant’s parameters, skills, and/or Noble Phantasms and allow an ordinary human to fight on the level of a low-ranking servant.
Magaye is eligible for the Lancer, Shielder, and Berserker class. His Noble Phantasm is quite similar to that of Lanling Wang’s or Diarmuid Ua Duibhne love spot. He also wears a bag over his head most of the time for a reason similar to why Lanling Wang wears a mask. Apparently, the average person looks ugly in comparison to him.
Gala is eligible for the Foreigner class and fighting isn’t his specialty. As a servant he is capable of combating and dispelling madness itself and is resistant to most mental attacks. He is considered by many to be a “chain” that binds people to reality. He is apparently very blunt, to the point that he can come off as rude, and stresses being firmly rooted in reality over getting caught up in imagination and wishful thinking. He basically never directly lies or leaves out information.
Shaka’s favorite Pokemon are Heracross and Pinsir, with Falinks being a close second.
If he had a Pokemon type he would be a Fighting type.
The true name of his lily form would be Sigidi kaSenzangakhona, and such a form would be eligible for the Lancer, Shielder, and Berserker classes.
Visual References



17 notes
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In FnF, Silco spent a long time with Sevika and Nandi. You've mentioned he used to visit the Equinox Bazaar and haggle with the vendors. Does Silco speak Vekauran? How many languages besides Va-Nox can he speak? Also I'd love to know how you picked out the languages each character uses!
I based all the languages in FnF on RL equivalents (as does League to an extent - Va-Nox is literally described as "German spoken through a mouthful of mashed potatoes" lmao).
In FnF, the most common language spoken in Zaun is the Piltovan dialect.
i.e Standard,
i e. English.
It is the common language of both cities, and used widely for trade overseas as a commercial lingua franca. Zaun, meanwhile, has its own unique patois in League lore, so I built upon that to create a sort of a fluid vernacular that borrows from different languages/dialects/slangs/syntax in FnF. (A little modern netizen jabber, a little Victorian slang, a little Mancunian, a little Roaring 20s etc)
With that in mind, I decided to base Vekauran on Hindi (given it's the home of champions like Akshan, who is pretty Bollywood-inspired in his look). Nandi and Sevika both grew up speaking Vekauran at home. But they don't have the same amount of exposure to the language; Nandi is described as having an accent when she speaks in Standard (I headcanon her as sounding similar to the actress Ashwarya Rai in this interview). After she lost her hearing, she still retained those speech patterns, having been so enmeshed in that community (folks can still have an accent even if they're hearing-impaired because they'll focus on vocal patterns and mouth movements of others around them and can retain the accent as a result).
Sevika, on the other hand, speaks fluent Standard with zero accent, but is deeply rusty at Vekauran, having run in completely different circles. Her grammar's a bit off. She struggles with the pronunciation of certain words. She can curse up a storm, but she can't do formal greetings, honorifics or small talk to save her life. Poor woman understands more than she can speak.
(Very much a third gen immigrant vibe - and it causes her no small amount of distress because her sister was the Priestess, a storyteller, poetess, and a master of the old tongue, so she feels she has to measure up to the legacy.)
Silco grew up speaking Standard, Va-Nox and Ur-Nox. His mother was from a Noxus-colonized settlement in Ionia, so she spoke that tongue at home, and could barely read or write in Standard. Also they lived in an area full of other Va-Nox-speaking families (Vander's mom was also from a nearby region, so the boys literally shared a common language and bonded over that) and it was a pretty insular community.
Silco's father was of old Oshra va'Zaun stock and spoke Ur-Nox (the ancient precursor to Va-Nox, so similar to Middle German in FnF). He was a Riverman by trade, but well-educated as his family had been part of the intelligentsia and the merchant elite before the Cataclysm. He was the one who taught Silco his letters and made sure he knew his history. After Silco entered the orphanage, he was exposed to a wide array of dialects, so picked up a smattering of everything along the way. In Holle Correctional Facility, his warden, Jonah Lascelles, spoke East Demacian (French in FnF) as well as sign language, so Silco, for three years, was immersed in that dialect, learning both at the same time. He was a fast mimic with a near-uncanny ear for accents. After moving Topside for his stint in the Academy, he picked up the Piltovan manner of speaking (and learnt to mask his working-class accent).
By the time he was a grown man, he was a code-switching chameleon who could pass as a businessman in the streets or a thug in the sheets.
He can't, for the life of him, master Vekauran. Those 'R's roll too much. The consonants pop like bubble wrap. The 'D's are weird. He's got no ear for it, and that frustrates the shit out of him because Nandi could get very expressive and animated (especially in bed), and he had no idea what she was saying half the time.
("Is she cursing? Is she sighing sweet nothings? Is she singing me a nursery rhyme? What?")
("Hush," Nandi says, seeing his confusion and peppering his face with kisses. "I'll teach you.")
(It never happens, alas.)
By this stage in FnF, he can hold a basic conversation with Sevika, and his understanding is passable. His speech patterns are hella stiff, his gramma's off, and the pronunciation is your equivalent of the typical Brit with a very, very posh accent ordering a chicken curry at a Leicester Tipu Sultan.
(Sevika thinks he sounds like a complete twat. But it's kinda cute how hard he tries, so she tolerates it. For a while. )
He does have a favorite Vekauran curseword tho.
"Bhenchod" - lit. "Sister-fucker" in Hindi.
First time he heard Sevika use it, he nearly choked on his whiskey.
On the whole, he speaks Standard as a native, in addition to Va-Nox and Ur-Nox (but his diction is nowhere near as sublime as, say, Mel's), fluent East Demacian, passable Vekauran, and very rapidfire sign language. He's conversant in basic Drekkenian (Czech), a bit of old Shuriman (Classical Latin), South Shuriman (Egyptian Arabic/Masri) and knows a handful of Vastayan phrases (it's just eldritch hisses and growls). The core Ionian languages (Sintic IRL) all sound the same to him.
He can't tell the difference between any of them, so he doesn't bother. That's what Ran and Maven (his translators) are for.
Disclaimer: I speak none of the aforementioned languages besides German and sign language, so I apologise if anything's off.
Share your own language headcanons in the comments. I'd love to read them.
#arcane#arcane league of legends#forward but never forget/xoxo#arcane silco#silco#forward (never forget)/xoxo#arcane jinx#jinx#arcane sevika#sevika#arcane zaun#zaun#arcane vander#vander#arcane piltover#arcane mel#mel medarda#noxus#league of legends#nandi#asks
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John x shakes headcanons (rarepair fo hard)
Don’t judge me man
Helloooo! I tried my best to write about this ship. It's a bit short but I wrote it anyway since it's pretty rare and not many people ship them
So this one is specially for you @zeni1098
John j johnson jr ⭐️x Shakes❤️
John doesn't need a Shakes super league card. He has the whole ass player with him
Play video games together
Or at least Shakes plays and John tries to follow his lead
Shakes was surprised that John can actually cook unlike him
Once the 2 switched jerseys and I think Shakes had a….issue adjusting to John's spandex..
Lol the poor guy was standing there like 🧍♂️’please get this thing off me’
John may or may not have been fangirling that he was wearing Shakes ACTUAL Jersey
John really likes Nandi and likes to film videos with her
These 2 are pretty stupid but Shakes is comparatively smarter than John
Chuck and rasta are confused as to how these two got together (but as their “parents” it’s their duty to show support)
John has accidentally spilled so much information about toni to shakes💀
Shakes teaches him some small tricks since Toni isn’t really the type to teach John REAL drills.
Tsk tsk tsk I am disappointed in you Toni
Shakes dresses up well with his black tank top and green cargo pants….meanwhile John is wearing a bright yellow sweater that his sister made
hope you liked this!
#supa strikas#supa strikas hc#supablr#supa strikas fans#shakes#supa strikas shakes#supa strikas john j johnson jr#strika land#technicalli
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Last day feeding the cats for my parents while they're away. Here's a little rundown, starting with Jodie (mother of my cat Nandi)

Flurry (~20 years old, we've had her since she was a kitten. She's all white and her eyes are different colors. She is very fluffy and cuddly)

Stormie (also had since she was a kitten, she and my cat Arya used to be friends for a little bit)


Dori (I think she used to be an outdoor cat who finally accepted my parents' care and came inside. She's got problems getting around, so my parents made a ramp for her to get up on the couch on her own 🥹)



Mischief (mysterious and aloof. Giant adolescent goofball. He makes me feel special because he comes out for me but not my brother and sister-in-law. We bonded when he was a kitten and I was upstairs with him, and I picked him up and he diarrheaed on my shoe 🥰)

The rare picture of all 5 together in one space. Fun Fact two of their names are Doctor Who references because we are nerds.
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