#Nami Robin Sanji and Usopp have all been through theirs
kuroananosanji · 2 months
What if the death pact ruins Luffy and Zoro’s relationship
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queenvitch · 8 months
Wish I Were His Dream
When the reader is hopelessly in love with Vinsmoke Sanji, while he falls in love with Nami.
This was written at like 3am so it might sound pretty stupid, but this fic is based on Connan Grays Heather and I took a lil inspiration from Saeran in Mystic Messenger!~
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I will become the world's greatest journalist who writes honestly about the events between the government and pirates. That's that. There's nothing else to it. That is the goal I hold close to my heart since it is the only goal that matter for me. What other dream could I chase after if not that?
Since I joined the Strawhats, I have not wished to do anything except chase after my dream and help my friends on their journey to reach their dreams. I often offer helping out with the smallest things if it means their happiness is rewarded; helping Robin water her flowers, testing out Usopp's new gadgets, fixing up Luffy’s torn clothes… I always wish for their happiness since I have grown quite attached to them- I never intend to have my dreams clash with theirs. If it ever did...why would I travel alongside them? Would I not be a nuisance who makes their progress backtrack? Yes, I would be a bother to them. However, since I do not have any dreams that clash with the Strawhats, I will continue traveling the seas with them. Hopefully our family- that has been brought together despite the odds of us getting along- stick together. That has become one of my other dreams that reside in my heart despite our short history together.
Looking over the pages of my journal, I re-read what I had written in the past up until today. Laughing at myself silently I lifted the cup of black coffee that sat near my journal and took a slow sip, all while staring at the man in front silently whisking away at something that will most definitely become a marvelous delicacy for us rowdy pirates to have the pleasure of eating later on today.
His back faced me, with his broad shoulders casting a shadow from the light emitting through the window in front of him. His soft blonde locks swayed every time a breeze entered the small kitchen. The striped blue button up that he wore would stretch and pull with the slightest movement of his arms, which exhibited the strong lean muscles he had underneath his clothes. The place I sat at made him seem like an angel. To be fair, he honestly is not far from being a real one. The man who was now at the fridge- searching for some unknown ingredient to me- had started humming a soft tune to himself. I listened earnestly attempting to puzzle together what song had managed to get stuck in his head. Identifying the song to be the one played the night before by Brook- our crew's most favorite song yet- I closed my eyes and let a very small smile form as I enjoyed listening to the man's small performance.
Memories about a certain moment when I had discovered one more dream of mine flowed through my head; The moment when I discovered how dear our crew's chef is.
The moment I discovered that the chef was such a sweet person that I wished to keep him happy above my own happiness. The moment when I discovered that I wished to keep him beside me and I at his side at all times. That moment when I discovered I love the chef.
I love Sanji.
The thought of loving Sanji full heartedly made my chest flutter and my cheeks burn.
I remember that moment so clearly. It was when I had collapsed from exhaustion in the bath room one day. He had been searching for me all over the ship, he had a sundae prepared for all the crew but preferred to deliver the desserts to the ladies out of courtesy. I was undressed with a towel and ready to bathe to replenish my strength, but my body gave out when I turned on the faucet. I had fallen face first onto the tile floor. When I awoke, I was informed of my overworked body giving out and how I was found by Chopper.
He told me Sanji carried me down from the bath to his office. I found myself wearing an oversized sweater instead of clothes, although it was embarrassing that the perverted chef saw me in such a state it was also really respectful of him to cover me up with his own clothes. Even if such decency was expected out of everyone, it made me realize that the man was not such a crook and actually took it upon himself to behave in such a way with no one having to supervise him.
After that collapse in the bath room, I had a fever for a week. Sanji stayed by my side when he was not preparing food. He served me the most nutritious soups, changed my towel out often, checked on my temperature, and called Chopper over with paranoia that I had not improved. He had no reason to do any of this, but he did. He may have done it out of sympathy since he had seen me in the nude, however I began seeing him in a different light since then.
Opening my eyes, I looked at the chef once more then turned back to my journal and coffee. I flipped to a page where I had analyzed him when I had been exposed to him behaving differently. I realized my feelings for the man not long after writing this excerpt. I now question my foolishness to look into him more.
Although I once knew Sanji to be simply a loyal comrade, I have recently pondered the complexity of his character and see him entirely anew.
Sanji is a passionate and sympathetic man. He believes that everyone should have the decency to finish their meal out of respect for those who do not receive a meal. He takes initiative to help those who are in need of a hand no matter if it is a starving crook of a pirate or a lonesome head searching for his body. He dreams of a magical place named the All Blue, and becomes giddy whenever he revisits in his heart his cherished goal.
But his most prominent trait is the fact that he is known to be a womanizer. A ladies man. A flirt. A pervert.
I believe that his perverted personality stemmed from his admiration of women, from seeing women to be superior and worshipped for everything. Maybe he cherished the abilities of women to bring and sustain a new life...maybe he cherished the soft kindness that most women carry with them...maybe he cherished the strong women who ignored sex stereotypes...I believe that whatever he admired- or better yet- everything he admired on women led for him to simply love everything about them. He gushes over a female's body, mind, and soul.
When I look at him as a whole, I see a chivalrous kind-hearted man.
Oh, what a fool I was.
I looked at the man who had been moving around the kitchen. I accidentally sang a part of the song as I saw him practically dancing in the middle of the kitchen. He paused, and turned over to me.
“Oh…” I sat up straight upon realizing I interrupted his moment to himself. “Sorry…” I offered an apologetic grin up at him as I sank into my seat about to return to my journal and coffee.
“(name)-chan...” His face turned red slowly then he started wiggle dancing while spouting our compliments on how cute and shy I am.
“You know you can sing for me if you would like, (name)-chan?” Hearts formed in his eyes as he thought of the possibility of me singing for him. I laughed and declined his offer.
“I’m sorry... I didn’t realize I was caught up in your humming. You can get back to it, I just want to review my journal right now…” He stopped gushing over me and gave me a confused expression.
“Why are you sorry?” cheekily grinning at him, I tilt my head to the side without answering him.
I downed the rest of my coffee and washed and placed it away. I walked back to the journal sitting on the table, with Sanji continuously staring at my movements. Ignoring him until he stopped, I flipped through my pages in an attempt to distract myself from the blonde’s stares. When he returned to cooking, I felt many glances shot in my direction.
The door to the kitchen was swung open all of a sudden. In walked the red haired Nami, with a newspaper in one hand and a pen in another. She had barely entered the proximity, but Sanji had automatically offered to serve her a cup of hot coffee and get her a snack if she wished. Accepting the offer, she sat across from me and immediately started reading today's news.
Looking down at my journal scribbled with thoughts of Sanji and sketches of him from the backside, I dejectedly smiled. He didn’t offer me anything when I walked in earlier. I made and served my own cup of coffee. I looked up at the navigator sitting across from me and admired her beauty. I glanced at the chef who stared at her longingly. Smiling to myself in mockery, I stood up and left the room.
Finding myself in the aquarium alone. I followed the fishes dancing in the water. They made me ponder what Sanji’s All Blue would be like.
His dream… Surely he must have another desire like I do. What if his dream is to be with Nami?
My dreams conclude of being the best journalist the world has seen, keeping my family happy, and for Sanji to be by my side and I to his.
This is why my younger self was so foolish.
My dreams clash with one of my crew's dreams now…
I told myself that if that ever happened, I should leave to not burden the Strawhats… But I really don’t want to… Am I selfish for wanting to stay by his side despite him not wanting me?
I really do adore her… She’s such a perfect girl that I would not question anyone falling for her.
Nami is lucky.
She is beautiful, strong, smart, kind, and overall attractive to all. She has many emotional scars and deals with them so admirably...She somehow can become stronger from everything that puts her down. I look up to her. I wish I could be just like her.
I confess that she beats me in everything… I’m not as pretty. Or smart. Or strong. Or kind… But I still envy her…
After continuously hiding myself behind laughter and smiles to the crew for months on end, Sanji began speaking with me more often.
Of course I relished in his attention whenever he would offer it to me, but his thoughts and conversations with me always returned to the same topic. Nami, our navigator.
Everytime he would mention another woman in my presence, my heart painfully throbs. Why can't I just get over it…?
I should be happy for them both.
Yes, I cherish them both but when I am around either one of them my head spins like crazy from the stress of having to put up a front of a happy crewmate. I continuously will ignore this sensation though. I don’t want to ruin their chances with each other… I don’t want to lose either one of them…
I have noticed Sanji flirting and swooning over other females less and less every day. His feelings for her are growing so tremendously that his playboy behavior has dwindled into simply a chivalrous behavior- a respectable behavior that remains loyal to a certain person.
Since he comes to me for emotional support in pursuing Nami, I can feel that one day he will ask her straight up to be with him… I know him… He will definitely make it a romantic and extravagant event. I expect for many flower petals, a fancy dinner, a clean suit, and maybe a gold ring or necklace as a gift. He is simply such a romantic… Of course he will make it a big ordeal. That’s just who he is. I love him so much… I wish that instead of her, it was me who he is pursuing…
I was in the Library reading when Sanji came in for me. I closed the book and gave him my full attention. He looked serious, and I wondered if it was about his love ordeal.
“I need help…” He gulped and stepped closer to me. “(name)-chan, please, help me with your womanly opinions! I plan to ask her to be mine, but I want to make it perfect!”
Staring at him with my mouth slightly agape, I looked down and responded in a quiet voice. “Any ideas?” I then gave him a gummy smile with my eyes closed. He mirrored my expression and sat down next to me.
Turns out my guess earlier was correct. He wanted to have me help choose the gift and flowers to go with his Italian themed dinner.
He is so cliche.
The romantic gestures are so guessable.
But I am not complaining. What position am I in to even complain? I’m desperate for the slightest amount of attention from him.
Tomorrow night. That is when Sanji will attempt to woo Nami.
While we were out shopping today, we chose a golden heart lock necklace with N+S engraved in the heart. It was really pretty, and we found a painter who was able to draw them together according to their wanted posters. It turned out nicely…
The flowers chosen were red rose petals to be strewn about and center pieces of Peonies. I picked up a bouquet of blue roses for myself, but Sanji was quick to include it with his order.
It's almost laughable how terribly friend-zoned I am. Sanji, the one I cannot have, bought me blue roses as a gift of thanks for helping with his love interest pursuit…
Sanji ran to me in my bedroom in his ice suit. He looked amazingly handsome. His white vest sat on top of a white button up, the colors contrast with his red tie making it the main appeal to the outfit. His long legs covered in white strode to me so quickly that I had no other choice but to snap out of my trance.
“Where is your coat?” I stood up to meet him halfway across my room.
“The button popped off…(name)-chan, can you please fix it? The dinner starts in fifteen minutes!” He held the coat that was hidden behind his back out to me. I noticed the red rose that was supposed to sit on his pectoral was in his other hand. I reached out to grab the rose out of his hand and place it in the water among my blue roses.
The sight of the roses made me squint in heart break.
Unlike me, Nami is being gifted red roses and peonies…
“Let me grab some thread and needle.” Leaving him standing near my desk while I searched for the items needed, I ignored the numbing pain in my chest.
“Thank you (name)-chan!!” I smiled gently at him.
Nami has a kinder smile than me...
“Of course, Sanji. Anything for you!” Tears almost slipped out of my eyes when I took his coat with eye contact. I started fixing his button as quickly and neatly that I could.
I bet Nami could do it better than me…
Once I finished, I put the coat on him and fixed his attire up. I fixed his hair and grabbed the rose from my bouquet.
Sanji quietly watched me as I got him ready to send him off.
She would most definitely send him off with more attentiveness...
I can’t even look him in the eye right now…
Just as I was about to place the rose on his chest, Sanji placed his hand in the area it was meant to go in. Looking up at him, I ask why he did that. He shot me a closed eye smile and spoke in such a natural caring tone.
“I just feel like your bouquet could use a red rose among the blue, (name)-chan!’ I blinked at him in confusion and despair.
Sensing my confusion and assuming my sadness was due to him not wanting the rose he explained himself further.
“I have more roses, so don't worry.” He took the rose out of my hand and kissed it.
With my eyebrows furrowing together, making myself seem concerned instead of sorrowful, I spoke in a voice that shook with each word.
Everything he tells me is a stab to my heart.
“Don’t you think that the bouquet should be blue, only? Or red only? Having them both makes the situation complex…” I looked back my the flowers sitting on my bedside.
“I think the beauty of a bouquet comes from having variable colors mixed together.” Once again, the grin he shot me made me want to cry.
“Don’t you think maybe Nami should receive all of the red roses? I mean, you did get them for her.”
“(Name)-chan, it’s just one rose. You have helped me so much, I could never repay you fully…” He lifted my chin to make me look at him rather than the flowers we spoke about.
The rose he kissed… He places it directly in front of my mouth allowing for the soft petals to tickle my lips.
After I took the red rose out of his hand, he gave me a chaste kiss to the forehead. He then stepped back.
“Thank you! For everything, (name)-chan! The dinner time is soon so must be on my way. Good night, (name)-chan!” He stepped out of my room and I could hear his foot steps disappearing as I stood frozen in my room.
Sliding to the floor I held the red rose in my hand so tenderly as I finally cried out the frustrating feeling of being rejected for so long.
Why did he have to kiss me?
Why would you give me this red rose?
Crawling to my bedside, I carefully placed the red rose amongst the blue roses. I curled into a ball on my bed, staring at the roses and wishing for the red one to never wither away.
He belongs to Nami…
Nami belongs to him…
I wish I were Nami.
Gosh, that hurt my heart...
~ Miss Queen
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one-idea · 10 months
Okay I’m fairly new to one piece still. (I just finished Enies Lobby in the anime and I’m half way through the live action)
But I just had a plot bunny that just won’t leave my mind. A devil fruit that can steal dreams.
We all know that Luffy has an unstoppable ambition. He’s going to be the king of the pirates. And his dream and his belief in it is what draws a lot of his crew to him. Not only does he believe in his impossible dream but he believes in theirs.
He knows Zoro will be the world’s greatest swords man. Nami will make a map of the world. Usopp will be a great warrior of the sea. Sanji will find the all blue. Chopper will cure all diseases. Robin will uncover the lost history of the world. Franky’s ship will sail around the world. (Forgive me Brook and Jinbei I haven’t met you yet but I long for you)
But Luffy believes in them. Even when they don’t believe in themselves. Or when others try to stop them or take their dreams Luffy is the first in line to defend them.
So what happens if Luffy loses his ambition. Obviously this wouldn’t happen under normal circumstances. But what happens if there is a devil fruit user that can steal ambitions or dreams. The loftier the dream the more power the user receives. And this user hears of the straw hat crew. This crew of dreamer. Whose captain has the grandest of dreams.
What if he attacks the crew. An out right attack from one man won’t do much against the monsters of the crew. But the user doesn’t need to beat the crew they just need to use their power.
Maybe they’ve watched the crew for a while. They know how protective the crew is. So instead of gunning straight for Luffy they go after one of his friends. And Luffy moves to protect them getting his dream/ambition stolen.
What will the crew do with a Luffy who has no drive. Who doesn’t believe his dream is possible or even real. How do you look at the man who inspired you to chase your outrageous dream, who now doesn’t believe in his own.
And they can’t just talk him into believing again. They have to get his dream back. What won’t the crew do to get Luffy’s dream back.
It puts the crew in such a rough spot. Luffy normally takes out the biggest threat. Not that the others aren’t strong but now they are fighting someone who can steal their dreams/ambition. A person who just got a power up from stealing Luffy’s dream. They’re fighting all the things that make their captain their captain. His dream/ambition/determination/stubbornness.
Imagine the guilt of the strawhat Luffy pushed out of the way. Who is it?
One of the weaker members? He saved Nami’s whole village, freed her from Arlong. He always believes Usopp and after water 7 there’s just so much to their relationship. Copper who he took from a life of loneliness and solitude.
Or is it one of the older members? Robin who owes Luffy everything, the man who made her want to live. Franky? Brook? Jinbei? (I still need to learn more about them)
Or maybe worst Sanji who already has so much guilt from Whole Cake Island (I’m not there but I already know a lot) or Zoro, loyal Zoro who dedicated his own dream to Luffy. Who’s already made so many sacrifices. His own dream is so tightly intertwined with Luffy’s by now what must it be like to see Luffy with out his drive.
Imagine how they would agonize over being the reason Luffy is so despondent.
Because this only works if Luffy has completely given up. No drive what so ever. Like won’t get out of bed, sees no point in fighting back. The opposite of how he has been everywhere else.
I just think it could be a really compelling story if done right.
Part 2
Part 3
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
Ruthless (Zosan X Reader) P4
Plot: Beast off the walking dead series. After the governor attacks your people you head back to help plan an attack back. Luffy's not happy with being left out so ends up following only to end up at the governors town.
Warning: Death, blood, violence, reader being unhinged, bad language.
Reader is a gunslinger of the crew and the younger sibling to Rick. This isn't accurate to the show but it does contain characters and plot lines, deaths have been added that aren't apart of the show. Zoro X Sanji X Reader, poly relationship, Established relationship, Reader is GN.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11
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With the party in full swing the straw hat crew enjoyed the music and conversation with the Woodbury people but over time more and more people stated disappearing as night darkened, Zoro grabbed Sanji and give him a nod, the two sneaking out soon followed by Usopp and Nami. Luffy was enjoying the party and keeping the people distracted along with Chopper, while Robin kept an eye on the place to make sure no one noticed some of their crews absence. The group headed out sneaking around the streets avoiding anyone who crossed their path, "Where do we even start?" Nami asks looking around not seeing anything of interest. "Andrea" Sanji whispers gaining the group's attention as he spots the blonde haired woman walking down the street with papers in her hands. Sanji called out to her in a whisper getting her attention only to be hit by Nami "Were not supposed to be seen" She whispers at him as the woman walks over giving them all a confused look, before she can say anything Zoro grabs her and pushes her up against the wall covering her mouth "Zoro don't hurt her" Sanji growls at the man only to earn a sigh "I'm not, we just need to keep quiet" he says looking at Sanji then at Andrea.
Andrea nods at him letting him know she'll be quiet, Zoro takes his hand off her mouth and lets her go but blocks her only escape route "What's going on?" she whispers a little scared at the situation she's in "We're looking for Y/N" Sanji answers her but is shocked by her reaction, she jumps a little at your name and looks at him almost worried "Their not here, they left years ago" she whispers turning to the blonde man "So you do know them... Where would they be?" Usopp smiles happy it didn't take too long. "Well they wouldn't be here, they'd be at the prison" her eyes open wide in realization "Did you ask the governor?" She panics grabbing onto the cooks shirt making him take a step back "Y-Yes why?" Sanji stutters as Zoro pulls the girl off him "Oh no, Y/N and the governor aren't on good terms, they've tired to kill each other multiple times but theirs a truce between the groups now. He hates them so much and i don't even know why but.." She starts to tear up and drops the papers to the floor, Sanji places a hand on her shoulder as Nami steps closer "But what?" The navigator asks "He-he'll kill them if he knows their here and if he does than.. then the only place they might be is the arena" Andrea looks up at the woman with small tears falling from her face "We were friends since we were kids, even though i left to be here they never thought less of me... i can take you to the arena just let me help if he does have them" A smile grows on the blonde girls face as the group nods at her.
It wasn't long until they made it to the arena, the once quiet area was now filled with cheers and laughter, a strong orange light shines through the gaps and small holes in the hand made metal wall. "I'm not aloud in but i knows a way we can sneak in" Andrea whispers taking them around the side and to an area where scrap metal has been used to cover up big holes "Pull this open" she whispers moving aside for Zoro who easily pulls it open letting the others in. The wooden stands above them are full of people cheering and yelling at something as Zoro closes the metal back to normal once in. Andrea grabs some jackets and coats that are left on the side and hands it to them making sure everyone is covered enough to fit in with the crowd before heading up with them into the stands going up to the top where they can see everything. The area is mainly concrete and dirt, the only lights are coming form big metal barrels and torches, in the middle of a large circle were three pillars, a walker chained up to each one by their necks and arms, the chains attacked to a pull system, so they could be moves back and forth. Men with guns stand guard around the place seeming ready to shoot when ordered, but they seem very relaxed at the moment. The arena attaches to a large factory like building with thick cages filled with walks all groaning and reaching their arms out to grab at anyone who comes by. The big doors to the building burst open, a man with a sack over his head is carried out kicking and screaming, the two men throw him into the circle as the governor steps out of the crowd.
The sack is pulled off showing an older man with a large fresh scar on his face "I think you all know this man right?" The governor calls out as the crowd yells out insults and boos the man "Stealing and lying is punishable by death but i understand why you did it so... i'm giving you a chance at life" The governor pulls out a knife and pushes the man to the ground before cutting the ropes that bind his hands, He whispers something to the man before walking off. A leaver is pulled and the walks chairs come loose, though still attached to the chain the walker stumble closer to the man as he panics and tried to fight them off only to get grabbed and bitten, the three walkers getting on top of him and killing him. Andrea grabs hold of Zoro as he's about to jump in "don't, it's too late" she whispers a tear slipping form her face. Sanji holds Nami in his arms as she hides her face from the sight. "This is crazy we need to leave" Usopp whispers his body tense but the group shakes their heads "We need to find Y/N" Sanji whispers, he goes to ask answer a question when the governor starts walking into the now empty and cleaned up circle to talk "Now for what you've all been waiting for" he yells out as cheers roar through the arena, the doors open behind him the same two men dragging a young boy across the floor, he didn't have a sack over his head like the other one, but he did have an over sized sheriffs hat and long brown hair, he kicked and yelled at the men while his hands where tied behind his back. Andrea almost falls to her knees if it weren't for Zoro catching her "Hay what's wrong?" the swordsman asks as the girl starts to cry "Carl" she manages to get out, Sanji looks at her letting go of Nami and then back to the young boy, "Carl?" Sanji and Zoro speak at the same time before looking at each other, that was your nephews name.
Getting in was the easy part, getting out would be harder with all the people who are probably injured, Daryl, Rick and Michonne lead their groups to different parts of the town while you went with Maggie and Glen to save your people, after that you would deal with the governor, Daryl had his people on the roof tops looking down at the arena while Michonne lead a few people inside where they would stay with the crowd while Michonne snuck around to set up charges that would destroy the walker caged doors. The people that were picked for the job are good fighters but not known to the governor or his people so you hoped it would work. You wanted Rick out of the way, he's too unstable at the moment with the loss of his wife and the kidnapping of his son so you sent him to the kitchen with the group where they would take food and set up distractions for when shit hits the fan. You, Maggie and Glen head in while the others wait outside guarding the exit, you three sneak into the factory building taking out any guards you can see and releasing the prisoners, the arena show had been going on for a few minutes so you were confident they would all be distracted, and they were, you knew something would go wrong but you had a plan for everything, well almost everything. "Where's Carl?" you ask the last of your people who shrug, your heart sinks as Maggie grabs your arm "Want me to come with?" she asks worried about you.
You take your gun out of your belt and put it in your boot covering it before turning to her "No we stick to the plan, get them out of here, I'll find Carl." you nod sending the group off as you make your way around, the area was clear but there was no sign of your nephew until you heard the governor's voice "Lady's and Gentleman, may i introduce you to out main entertainment tonight" That voice makes your anger boil, walking towards the big doors you hear more and your heart drops "Young Carl here is going to set the strange for an amazing night, a fight you have all been waiting for" the crowd cheers loud as you grit your teeth, if he wants a show, then fine. You crack your neck and take a breath before pushing the heavy doors open. Your boots crunch the ground as you walk up to the circle, guns pointing at you as you walk forward "Just in time, almost perfect really" The governor claps as you stop near the edge, the walks presses against the pillars growling while Carl sits in the floor his eyes looking at you with a mixture of panic and relief. "Let the kid go, this has nothing to do with him" you comment making the mad man laugh along with some of the crowd. Some men walk up to you pointing their guns at you "I will once you've been searched" the governor smiles as you put your arms up and let them search you, they take the gun off your hip and the one out of your back pocket along with your jacket before walking away, two more guys walk over and grab Carl pulling him out of the circle.
You step foreword a little so your now in the center right where you want to be. "You've made a big mistake, i knew you'd come if i attacked the prison, i knew you'd make a plan to get your group out and i knew you'd attack the kitchen and the town hall, your predictable" he continues to laugh which makes a smile grow on your face causing him to stop and look at you. "Your the one that made a mistake, cause you've forgotten one big thing.... there's a reason why they call me Ruthless" in one quick movement, you pull the gun out of your boot and fire at him, he has just enough time to get out of the way but your first gun shot was the signal to the others. Your group in the crowd pulled out knives and stabbed the guards with guns as the people up top shot the ones near the walls. Michonne activated the bombs blowing up the cage doors letting the walks fall out and stumble to get up. "No one brakes a truce with me or attacks my family" you yell out shooting at the governor as he runs off, you managed to hit him in the shoulder, but he kept putting other in the way of your bullets. Having run out of bullets you try and reload as fast as you can but a guard run at you with a knife, you get ready to fight only for Sanji to jump in and kick the guy away sending him into one of the burning barrels knocking it over and setting the wooden stand on fire. Your eyes widen when you see him, about to speak a thud lands behind you along with a man screaming in pain.
You reload your gun and turn on the spot holding the gun out only for it to end up in the face of Zoro, who just stands there and stares at you, "Gonna shoot me baby?" he asks with a smug smile as you move your gun to the side to shoot someone running up next to you two "What are you doing here?" you ask in disbelief looking form Zoro to Sanji and then over to the walkers as they start to get and move towards you "Y/N, we need to go, everyone's out" Michonne calls out heading to the exit, Sanji kicks another guy before following you and Zoro out of a whole on the wall, after your all through a group of guys pushes a big metal sheet over the hole and hold it in place with pipes. "It won't let long but I'll give us enough time to get out of here... who the hell are they?" Michonne asks her hand gripping her sword "Zoro, Sanji - Michonne" you pant calming down from your angry out burst and introducing the three, Michonne nods at them while loosening her grip before starting to walk along with some other members "Where's the crew, where's Carl?" you ask feeling like your plan is going down the drain "Nami, Usopp and Andrea got him and are heading to the banquet where the rest of the crew are" Sanji explains following you while also keeping a look out.
You curse under your breath as you all rush into a nearby building, your glad Andrea is alive and helping but you need to focus on the situation. "Ok change of plans" you state getting everyone to look at you after one of your people passes you your guns back "Which one?" Daryl asks walking up to you with his group that just arrived "No i mean a real change of plans... Daryl take your team along with Zoro and Sanji and get to the hall, Find the crew and get out." Daryl nods as his team reloads their weapons and you check yours placing them back on your belt. "Michonne go assist Rick in the kitchen while your team sets off the distractions" She nods at you gathering her team and running off to do so. "What about you?" Zoro asks grabbing your shoulder "I'm finishing the base plan, kill the governor" you state as Daryl walks up to you eyeing the two men "What? Not alone your not" Sanji walks forward only for you to put your hand out to stop him and shrug Zoro's hand off your shoulder "I've done this before, if i bring someone with me he'll use them against me, it's better if i do this alone" you state looking at the two. "I want you all safe and i want this to be over so please, just follow Daryl" You walk off, Sanji tried to go after you but Daryl steps in the way "Hay man trust her, she's the reason why he lost an eye after all" The rugged man smiles before walking off to the door.
Sanji and Zoro reluctantly follow but stay back a bit "What do you think?" Sanji whispers looking around the street for any sigh of you or the crew "They may have taken his eye, but he cut their throat" Zoro growls a little, the thought of losing you made his heart pound and his stomach turn. "So we ditch?" Sanji asks with a small smile earning a nod from the swordsman. When the coast is clear Sanji takes Zoro's arm and pulls him into a building where they run through it and to the back heading in the direction of the town hall since that seems like the most logical place. Fire works and explosives go off on the other side of town making building catch on fire and start a panic, Sanji and Zoro mange to get to the town hall only to see it on fire, standing outside it is the governor holding your gun at you with blood coming out if his eye patch and a cut off right hand, while your on your knees on the floor smiling up at him with wet hair and for some reason laughing. Zoro grips his swords as the two run at him but their not quick enough, as you lunge at the man he fires your gun blood splattering through the air as you slam into the governor sending the two of you to the grassy floor "Y/N" Zoro and Sanji scream out.
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thekingofwinterblog · 9 months
Thoughts on those "the downfall of One Piece" videos by that Drizzt guy? He seems to really like Brandon Sanderson, and with you quiting the same author, I thought it may be interesting to contrast views that seem to be so different in regards to the quality of post time skip One Piece
I watched drizzt's take once yeah... Im not doing it again, so i'll try to give my thoughts on his from parts i distinctly remember.
Well to start off with, my opinion on One Piece isn't entierly positive. I too regard it as a series well past it's prime and highpoint... I just dont regard what came after that highpoint as bad(with exception of one arc). It's a series that is good, but is dragged down by the fact that no matter hoe much it tries, it can never recapture the glorious highpoint that was water 7/enies lobby.
By contrast Drizzt regards One Piece post timeskip more in the vein of Naruto. A series with a very clear, and obvious point where it fell off a cliff, broke it's back, and had to crawl across rocky, muddy, marshy terrain towards the finishline.
So lets start with the shit i kinda agree with him. The Strawhat's dreams are for the most part the most underutilized part of one piece by a wide margin.
Ironicqlly, the two dreams i completely disagree woth being used badly are the ones he bitched the most about, namely Luffy and Zoro. Luffy and Zoro's dreams are different than the rest, in that they don't actually have to achieve anything in between. Beat mihawk, and find One Piece. That's it.
The fact that they just travel on their journey, getting stronger along the way is not really a problem.
He compares luffy negatively to luffy, but the reality is that both of them came into the political climate under very different circumstances.
Roger had to actually do it, he was the trailblazer, the one who proved that it could be done... Evsryone else that followed him, luffy included, all had to repeat his feats to reacht he top. It was from the scramble for that goal that the Yonko system came to be, with 4 pirate superpowers who simply did it better than all the rest... but none of them had the power to sweep the rest away.
And its into this system that luffy came in, and in the end toppled, setting the stage for the endgame.
Otger than luffy and zoro though, none of the crews dreams are used in a particularily good way.
Nami wants to map all the world... We never really see any focus on her map making, and later learn there are over 10 million islands on this planet... Good luck with that.
Sanji wants to find the All Blue... I genuinely dont think it's even been mentioned in any real capacity since all blue.
Usopp wants to be a brave warrior of the sea and meet his dad again... Wrll while the latter seems likely to happen very soon, if usopp hasnt done it by now, he will probably remain a man ruled by fear for the rest of his life.
Chopper wants to create cures to any disease in the world... Sorta used in an interesting way by contrasting him with caesar and Queen... But notice he didnt actually go on to fight and defeat either of them.
Robins dream is at least in the same way as Luffy's and zoro's in that there is a logical endpoint, but unlike theirs we really could have gotten way more insights into the past before through poneglyphs discovered in the story, rather than all the lore being dropped all at once. Oda really was way too focused on the ancienct weapons to realise that the poneglyphs could have been used to give us haunting snippets of character momenys, and pictures of lore from a dying age, that brought about the world government, that would all have fit together at the end.
To illustrate this point, we dont actually know the tone or the content of Joy's apology to the Mermaid princess.
Was it a harrowing apology for his own weakness? A nochelant eh, sorry things didnt work out? A We sure gave it our all huh... And yet it didnt change anything.
The fact is, we dont know. And that illustrates what a missed opportunity the poneglyphs actually were. There was so much room to use them beyond info on the ancienct weapons.
Franky's dream is also a missed opportunity, because we are never really given focus or attention on him fixing the ship or upgrading it.
Brooks is bizarre, because he could have achieved his dream at any point during the timeskip, and just... didnt.
And finally i dont remember what Jinbe's dream actually is... Which is a bad sign in its own way.
As for his other conplaints... I don't actually recall them much. It's been a while.
My own thoughts on one Piece post timeskip is that the problems boil down to a number of key issues.
1. Way too many new characters in each arc.
2. The age old One piece problem of Oda almost never killing characters no matter what means almost nobody gets to exit this story on a highnote, and when Characters do die, it usually feels more like an afterthought, rather than a defining moment(Pretty much everyone of luffy's allies who died in wano feels like this). Combine with point 1, and you get stupidly large casts that almost never get trimmed down, meaning every single arc is full of characters who almost always devolve into greek choruses in some form by the end.
3. One piece has completely changed it's fight structures, so fights where we get to see the action from beginning to end are much rarer, rather than the norm. There is a reason most of the strawhats post timeskip only has 1 or 2 good fights each under their belt(if that), when before every single one of them(except brook) had plenty of vool fights and moments. The new structure where we usually only get to see snippets of fights rather than the entire thing mrans oda can put in way more stuff alongside them, but it also means the fights themselves are usually lackluster.
4. several characters have become worse in one or several ways, and the narrative doesnt really avknowledge this. The biggest, by far, is Sanji, who not only is a worse character in every regard, but every single genuine development he got is undermined and undone. He gets a girl who genuinely loves him in the form of pudding. He hits a woman because of the german upgrqdes and decides to abandon them completely, only for his powers to sorta still be there maybe, but in the end he didnt actually hit the girl, it was an invisible queen. I cpuld go on, but oda had some many chances to shake up Sanji's character after the timeakip, and he backtracked on all of them.
5. Haki got fucking insane in wano. Oda made a gigantic mistake early in wano's arc, where Kaido took out Luffy in one blow. It was a cool moment, but it also meant that haki's ability to let fighters stay on their feet and recover from total beatdowns in record time had to baloon to insane degrees. And lo and behold, that is exactly what happened. Which sucks even more, because the qctual explanation about how luffy had to improve to reqch thw kind of offensive that roger, whitebeard, big mom kaido and shanks have and had was actually pretty cool and set up way before this. But unfortunately that's also introduced in the arc where luffy gets up again and again after kaido beat him unconcious, with no other explanation than Haki baby! It sucks any tension out of any fight when you know haki can allow people to just get back on their feet no matter how gravely theyre wounded.
6. Gear five having no actual foreshadowing/being a zoan.
Oda wrote himself into a corner with the biggest reveal one piece ever had... And there was only 2 ways to handle it to make it truly work.
Either go all in on foreshadowing this shit, and have characters point out that luffy losing his rubber body against sea stone when he doesnt when underwater is kinda wierd(which makes sense for a zoan, but not a always transformed parmecia), and judt highlight that there is a mystery here... So that when the reveal comes it all falls into place.
Or, and this is the solution i would have gone with, have luffy awaken and have all the powers of Nika luffy, just withouth a transformation. Id have accepted the cartoon logic becoming part of the world around him as the awakened powers of a rubber devil fruit no problem... It was adding in, oh he's actually a myyhical zoan devil fruit intrical to the world's history where oda lost me.
There are other flaws too, but these are the main repeating ones, you'll find all over the story after impel down.
Overall though, O would say One piece is a good story that suceeds in spite of its flaws... But those flaws very much means that it isnt a perfect story, and after the timeskip, it has never come close to reaching the high watermark again, and thats very the big problem. When you have reached the top, there is nowhere to go but down.
Arguably one piece biggest achievement post timeskip is arguably the fact that in spite of this, it has only had one bad arc, with the rest being good, to great if never outstanding.
The only bad arc of course being dressrosa. I could make an entire retrospective about all the ways that one dropped the ball.
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Time to Forgive [Sanji & Nami]
Sanji: "Will you ever forgive me for what I did back then?"
@chatcambrioleur​​ answered:
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Traveling out of Whole Cake Island had brought a handful of emotions to their little crew as they sailed away. Relief and happiness --- that they were able to bring Sanji home. Sympathy for everything he'd been through, although gratefulness rang strong --- Sanji was back, and they wouldn't lose him again.
It had never occurred to Nami, just how easy it might be to lose him, to begin with.
She had been trying to brush over everything --- to keep the atmosphere light, as if it was something Nami had always been concerned over. It wasn't.
She spoke so often, out of rage and fear. She said things she didn't mean in the heat of a moment, with an aching chest and tear-filled eyes. It was easy to reflect on her moments of wrath as a mistake. To look back on her fury with embarrassment, for how she'd lashed out. In a way, she had that recollective moment when it came to Sanji. If she had known everything, she wouldn't have dreamed of striking him.
Her faith to Luffy was unwavering. He had proven to her, time and time again that he could do anything. Her boys --- Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp --- a motley crew, but they were her boys, and they would do anything for her. They would take down any opponent that stood in her way. On that day in Arlong Park, Nami did what had been hardest for her to do in years, and put her faith in someone else. She trusted them. She trusted Luffy.
Sanji had been in a similar position --- destitute, with no other options. Nami just didn't understand --- he had seen her at her lowest, and he saw how Luffy defied the odds. Why didn't Sanji believe that they would do the same, for him? Where was his trust in his nakama?
On top of everything --- hurting their captain, after all they had shared. Luffy had his moments, Nami knew better than anyone --- but he was their captain. The navigator wouldn't be there, unless she contained the utmost respect and loyalty to him.
Finding herself in the galley, after the rest of the crew had gone to sleep, Nami's mouth drew into a line. She should have figured, he would be here, too. She folded her arms at her torso, the tangerine she had only just begun peeling starting to look unappetizing.
"It's going to take time." Her voice was quiet, though she was blunt as ever. Sanji was one of the few people she expected would never hurt her. One less person she could rely on --- even if he was one of her favorites. Her gaze lifted, and although her tone remained firm, her eyes were soft with care.
"--- You know how much you matter to us, don't you?"
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Sanji knew what he did better than anyone else, he should know better. Nami did the same thing in her own way when it came to Arlong, later Robin with CP9. So he was hypocritical to compare his case to theirs’, yes they were all in despair, yet he had more reason to trust the crew than ever. Luffy defied the odds time and time again along with the rest of the crew, himself included, why couldn’t he trust that too?
There was no excuse, even with the way he was blackmailed. Sanji fought with their captain in a desperate attempt to protect him, and he still adamantly waited for him like the stubborn fool that he was. That was Luffy, and his trust in him never wavered even while taking his kicks. He had a lot to make up for, and Nami’s answer confirmed it.
“I know,” he responded. “I know now, better than ever. I’m sorry, it was very selfish of me to do what I did.” Sanji sighed a little, he never felt more ashamed. But as a man he had to face the consequences of his actions, and be a man about it too, do whatever it takes to set things right again.
“The others are more forgiving, they wouldn’t be sleeping soundly already otherwise,” he admitted as he looked off into the distance. Luffy obviously already forgiven him once he returned as their cook, even corrected Judge on his apparent flaws. Sanji could not ask for a better friend, someone he would gladly cook for again. As for Nami, he had to also take responsibility for putting her in such a position for her to slap him, that was unforgivable. He would never hit a woman, but somehow he did something worse, made a woman hit him. So he turned to face her, eyes apologetic but determined.
“Nami-san, I will do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to make things right. You giving me a chance to is all I could ever ask of you” he spoke sincerely, bowing his head slightly. A part of him wanted to hold and kiss her hand in promise, but he knew better than to let his emotions make things more complicated. Things had to naturally go back to normal, and Sanji owed it to them both, to earn her forgiveness in time. The first step was to not be took awkward, he’d at least try to do what he would usually at this hour.
“I can get you something to drink if you want, what would you like?” Sanji asked her, trying to be more casual like his old self. As this point he didn’t trust himself to get Nami her favourite, what if she didn’t feel like it? He was being cautious, hopefully that was change back to normal in time too.
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greyskyflowers · 3 years
I just have so many feelings about feral, loyal, protective Zoro.
The kind of feral that comes from wanting to see blood and the way it hits his skin like rain on cracked, dry earth.
The kind of feral that comes with someone threatening something that you love, that wild and wrathful feeling that makes it easy to understand why some wars have been started over a handful of people.
The agony of loyalty that keeps him on an unknown shore when everything in him is desperate for his captain, eyes searching the horizon for a silhouette that he knows he won't see.
The same thing that makes every ache and burn in his body, every night he jerks awake with gasping breathes, every time he lays on the ground and thinks of death all worth it.
And it's both terrifying and wonderful.
It's love and fear and all the other scary things that don't go away.
He had his dream, a clear goal that would have been a lonely road but it would have been his.
Now he has theirs too.
It feels like holding small flames in his hand and shielding them from the wind or having multiple heart beats in his chest at once.
He feels powerful with their trust, scared of what the comes with that.
Because there is danger in that kind of love.
He thinks of Nami tearing into her skin to get out the ink of her sins.
Robin screaming into the wind that she wants to live.
Sanji forced back to a family that was never anything more than a cold and lonely cage.
Luffy on his knees in the middle of a battle field with his brother dying in his arms.
He think of the pain they've all gone through and he burns. He smolders with it and although the situations have been resolved, he carries those feelings with him.
Zoro would rip into the world with teeth and steel for them. He never really thought that love could be desperate or that loyalty laid through his body like it's own nervous system. He knows now though that he would fight the earth and crack the ground for them. Fight until there is no place for him to stand. He'd face the sea and draw his blades through each wave until his swords have rusted and his lungs burn with salt.
He'd take their pain like breathing in cursed air and stand in the rubble with his skin painted in his own blood. Relief in knowing that they wouldn't hurt even if it meant he would.
He'd do it all if it meant them being safe.
He knows how quickly the body is destroyed. He knows there's something bloodthirsty in him, something old and hidden. That the cursed swords hanging at his hips and whispering for blood aren't needed for him to want to spill it.
They have nothing on him though. Not cursed swords or warlords or admirals. Not distance or time or anything divine. Nothing compares to the devotion for his captain and crew.
He lays on the deck of the Sunny one night and burns low with love. The sky turning pink to orange to purple to black. Everyone's full of amazing food and half listening to Usopp tell stories and make shadow figures on the wood. They twist on the walls and flicker in the edge of his eye as he points out constellations with Luffy and Sanji. He's arguing with Luffy over what the constellations are and smiling because he loves the happiness in Luffy as he insists that Ace taught him it's actually this. Zoro, you're wrong! Sanji, tell him!
The smell of the tea that Robin and Nami are drinking drifts over on a warm breeze. Something soothing that Sanji recommends before bed, the glass clinks softly when they take a drink and it's hardly audible as they talk lowely to each other.
Franky is working on something small, the details lost in the shadows and night but the movement is steady. Relaxing and confident.
Chopper a warm weight curled into his side and watching Usopp. Occasionally wiggling in happiness and poking at Zoro who pretends to have been paying attention.
Brook plays a soft, low song that settles in his bones like home.
The earth is miles below his feet, past warm waters that bleed into cold and the heavy darkness that only comes from the sea. He can hear the waves against the ship and smell them in the air.
But laying there with his crew and drifting on the sea is the steadiest he's ever felt.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Straw Hats With A Shipmate! Who Lost Someone Special
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A/N : For anyone who has lost someone dear to them, whether it was recently or long ago, it’ll be okay. There are times where we either hate ourselves, hold regret, or refuse to accept the reality, but no matter what, we have to accept the truth. These things happen and we have to deal with it. I know some of us like to bottle these feelings up instead of letting it all out. But I just want to say that it’s okay to let it out. Don’t keep the pain to yourself because it’s not going to make things better. Let it all out and bring peace to yourself some day. Everything will be okay.
Warning : mentions of death, negative, heartbreaking thoughts, etc. + MARINEFORD SPOILERS.
Note : I don’t expect you to read this, nor do I expect you to appreciate this. I don’t know my readers, so I don’t know how sensitive some of you are. I don’t normally write this kind of stuff either, hopefully this is the only time you’ll see this.
of course this will have a sweet ending.
This is also pretty long.
Summary : The crew witnesses their crew mate’s loss of a loved one, and notice that their shipmate is acting as if everything’s fine. They won’t accept that.
Everything was peaceful.
The crew was just sailing around the seas for a bit, enjoying their time together after two years apart from each other.
After Fishman Island, the others were just taking a breather and relaxing.
However, you knew that your home island was nearby. 
You wanted to visit it, which the crew agreed, since it let them experience your island and perhaps learn about where you came from.
Unfortunately, you didn’t know how horrible things have been since you were gone.
Nor did you ever expect to see someone so dear to you, die right before your eyes.
When you docked at the island, instead of a warm aura and a homely greeting from the civilians, the island was in ruins.
There was hardly anybody around, and the people that were still there, were all weak and barely alive.
Nothing was right, nor was anything left. Buildings in ruin and destroyed, fields and trees of the forests were burned and there was blood shed all over the ground.
Nothing could be seen but blood. It was truly a horrific sight to be seen.
The crew mates all stare at the sight in horror and shock.
After hearing your stories of how beautiful and amazing the island was and how kind the people were, they were definitely not expecting to see the opposite it was.
“Oi, this isn’t anything like you described. You sure we’re on the right island?” Luffy mindlessly comments, the others staring at Luffy like he was an idiot, Usopp clearly stating it aloud. “Oi, Luffy! Don’t say things so bluntly!”
You, ahead of the group and had an expression of fear and horror written all over, just snap back into reality and turn to Luffy, seeing the others staring at you.
“..I was thinking the same, Luffy.” You weakly smile as a forceful chuckle escaped your lips, you rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. “I guess things can change when time passes.”
“Maybe we are on the wrong island..”
You weren’t. You knew you weren’t. This was the place where you were born and raised.
Although it was completely destroyed, you recognized some of what was left in the rubble, even some of the old people that were barely hanging on.
Your words were heard, the others noticed how quiet it was and already understood the truth. Something happened while you were away from home, and it wasn’t good from the looks of it.
“[Name]-chan... we don’t have to-“ Sanji starts but you only smile lightly at the crew. “It’s fine. Before we go back to the ship,.. can we look around a bit? It’ll be quick.”
They knew what you meant and what you wanted to do, all of them nodding. “Of course, take as long as you need. There’s no rush.” Robin assures softly, Nami nodding in agreement. “We’re here if you need anything.”
You nod at them and continue to lead the group through the streets, them following you in silence as Luffy kept his eyes on you.
You heard some of the groans and noise of discomfort and pain from the ones who were on the brink of death, your head lowering down as you bit your lip, trying to ignore them.
As much as you wanted to run to them and help them any way you can, you somehow already knew it was useless.
Whatever happened while you were gone, it was too damaging to be fixed. The many bodies that were spread across the town made sure of that.
In the back with the crew, you hear Brook, Usopp and Chopper freaking out every once in a while at the sight of the bodies, Sanji and Nami mentioning about feeling a bit sick and just shocked at the sight of them, while Franky, Luffy, Robin and Zoro all stare silently, many thoughts running through their head.
There was one thought they all had in common.
Just what the hell happened?
You continue to walk with your head down, before noticing an all too familiar house and look up, beginning to jog over towards it, a hopeful look in your eyes.
“W-Wait, [Name]!” Usopp calls at the others try to catch up. You ignore him and sprint towards what was left of the home and slam the door open accidentally.
“[ Special Someone ]!” You call out a bit too loudly, looking out frantically for them. “[ Special Someone ]! It’s [Name]!”
A small hum could be heard in another room, you rushing over just as the others arrived at the home.
You ran over and widen your eyes at the sight of them. [ Special Someone ] was leaning against the wall, breathing slow with many cuts and dried blood all over them.
Their clothes stained with the red liquid and the entire house was a wreck, with smashed furniture and shattered glass all over.
“[ Special Someone ]!” You shout in disbelief and horror, unable to process anything as you lunge yourself to the one person who was always by your side.
“[Name]..?..” they breathed out, weakly forcing themselves to sit upright more, you aiding them carefully, as their arms rested in their lap.
“Wow.. I can’t believe it.. how.. lucky.. I get to see you?..” [ Special Someone ] coughs out roughly, spitting a bit of blood out onto their hand as they did so making you even more shocked.
The crew enters the room with eyes wide as saucers. “[Name]?” Nami questions, mouth gaped at the sight of you kneeling beside a person on the brink of death.
Tears brimmed your eyes as you turn to Chopper pleadingly. “Chopper, please, help them!” You cry out with a shout, Chopper’s teary shocked eyes widening more as he nods quickly and rushed over with his bag.
Chopper sits on the other side of [ Special Someone ], opening his bag and grabbing out the proper supplies.
“[Na..me].. stop, I’m fine. There’s nothing.. you can do.” They insisted, turning to Chopper with a weak smile. “A rein..deer?.. how cute..” Chopper didn’t say anything as he continued to do his work, quickly examining the injuries they had before patching them up.
“Shut up, [ Special Someone ], Chopper’s going to help you, okay?! Now, tell me who did this to you?” You say, clasping their hand in yours as they cough once more and tilt their head back.
The others could only watch in silence with sad, concerned or pitiful looks at the sight, assuming that this person was someone so dear to you. They didn’t know who it was but they knew enough.
“... Marines..”
Everyone tensed at the word, a few of them in disbelief. Marines did this?
You didn’t say anything, your grip on their hand tightening as you chew on your inner cheek. “Marines, huh?...”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how long ago did this happen?” Robin cautiously and slowly asks, [ Special Someone ] looking up at her.
They look away and flinch at bit at Chopper’s work as they whisper out an answer. “.. one week.”
No one expected that. Everyone’s eyes widened even more. One week!?
“S-seriously?! This happened one week ago?!” Brook shouts incredulously, Usopp trembling in his shoes. “T-This happened while we were on our way here?!”
Your breath hitched in your throat, your body frozen and completely lost in thought. This..happened.. in a week?..
You.. You could have done something.. if you just got here faster? You could have prevented all of this, if you just arrived sooner?
No, you couldn’t blame yourself. How could you have known? You weren’t at fault, right? Right?
“[Name]. It’s okay..” [ Special Someone ] turns to you with the all too familiar smile of theirs, it was a weak one, but it was still the same.
“Fate has it twisted sometimes, but it’s never wrong. If fate had this in its destined path for me, then I have to accept it. If I must die, I’m happy to have died being able to see you one last time.” They managed to speak out in one breath, forcing their smile wider.
[ Special Someone ] notices Chopper moving away from him slowly with saddened and regretful eyes. They knew the result and reason for it already.
You chose to ignore their words and scoff, feeling tears brimming your eyes. “Stop talking like that, it’s not time for you yet. It’s not too late. Right Chopper?!” You look up with teary eyes at the small reindeer.
“You can save them, right!? It’s not too late!”
Chopper would look down, pulling his hat down to cover his face as his lips trembled and quivered a bit. “[Name], I—“
“Chopper! You’re supposed to be the best doctor I know, so please, tell me it’s not too late!” You cried out, turning to look at the others.
The others already knew the answer too just from the look of Chopper and how weak [ Special Someone ] was quickly getting.
“Franky? Usopp? Zoro?” You call out to them, receiving no answer and just sad looks of pity and sorrow.
“Luffy!” You call out to your captain desperately, seeing his head tilted down with his hat shadowing his face.
“Everyone.. WHY AREN’T YOU ANSWERING ME?!” Confusion ran over you, too worried and afraid to face the truth and have any sense.
Nami stares at you with her own tears threatening to fall, already knowing what was going to happen.
Chopper grips his hat tightly as he stares down, tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping to the floor.
Sanji couldn’t stare at you, his eyes closing shut as he wished he could help you somehow.
Franky looks at you with a frown placed on his lips, staying silent because he thought it was best to remain so.
If Brook had eyes, he’d stare with sorrow and tears as well, also remaining quiet.
Zoro just shut his eyes, almost unable to watch you looking at them so desperately and pleadingly.
Robin looks a bit pitifully, sad eyes washing over her and over at you and your teary form.
Usopp felt tears threatening to stream down his cheeks as well, feeling regret and sadness for you, hands clenched tightly into fists.
Finally, Luffy still held no reaction, arms at his side, head still lowered. But he was trying hard not to get angry or tear up himself, this reminding him of Ace’s death a bit.
“[Name].. it’s too late.. I’ve already lost a lot of blood and my wounds are.. too hurt to be healed.. the damage is done..” [ Special Someone ] breathes out, a small smile forming on their lips.
“[ Special Someone ]... what are you saying?.. I..”
“Stop..” you look down, your hair covering your eyes as your lip quivered.
“I’m thankful you found people to keep you company..” they turn to the crew with a soft smile.
“Stop it..” you whispered, teardrops slowly falling.
“Thank you for taking care of [Name].”
The crew only smiled sadly at [ Special Someone ].
“STOP TALKING, ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU!” You cry out loudly, tears finally falling down your cheeks as you shouted. “[ SPECIAL SOMEONE ]!”
[ Special Someone ] only leans their head back and their breathing only shallows as they slowly lean down into your arms.
A small smile formed on their lips as they whisper out through your cries.
“I’m sorry... and thank you... [Name].”
Your scream and sobs filled the entire island as you clutched their body close to yours, eyes shut and cheeks soaked with tears as the tears drops fell onto their slowly dying body.
The crew watched silently, feeling their heart ache and sting at the sight of you sobbing and desperately clinging into whatever was left of your precious childhood memory.
Later that same night, after you were left alone to make a proper burial for [ Special Someone ], you returned to the crew, who sat waiting in the small home in silence.
Your voice would bring their attention to you and see the weak smile settled across your lips. “I’m sorry for wasting your time!... we can set sail now.”
They would be shocked to say the least. How could you ever think you were wasting their time? Much less, after such a traumatic and shocking event just hours prior.
“[Name], what do you mean? You weren’t wasting-“ You interrupt Usopp with a small forced chuckle.
“It’s okay, it was my fault. I should’ve known there wasn’t a point to come to this island, it’s kind of pointless considering how rundown and ruined it is now.”
“Wait, what’s going on, don’t you feel upset at all?” Nami asks with furrowed brows as she stands up to look at you.
You stare at her with a bit of wide eyes before closing them slowly and put on a big and bright smile.
Your words shocked them and made them speechless. They didn’t know what to say.
“Of course not! About what? There’s nothing to be upset about at all!”
Not even Luffy was sure what to say to that.
So it led them to heading to the ship to set sail the next early morning.
One day.
One day since the crew witness you experiencing and watching the death of a loved one right before your eyes.
Yet, here you were, all smiling and laughing in front of them, as if nothing happened at all. You were making jokes and trying to make the others laugh as well.
But they weren’t.
Sure, they gave sad smiles to you, a few of them offering weak or forced laughs in addition, but they couldn’t understand why you were acting like this.
Were you afraid to seem weak in front of them?
They weren’t sure but they knew something was up. But seeing you be so joyful as if nothing happened was too heartbreaking for them to say anything.
Three days.
Three days have gone by since the day you had witness the death of a loved one.
The crew was getting worried for you. They assumed maybe you were trying to be positive and remain happy in front of the crew, or maybe you really were over the death you witnessed first-hand but that was proven wrong just this morning.
The early morning, Sanji was getting ready to prepare breakfast when he heard noises in the aquarium lounge.
Confused, Sanji takes a peek in the room to see your shaking form, your back facing the doorway as you were curled up, hugging your knees.
He could hear your quiet cries as you hid your face into your knees, thinking you were alone to finally let it out.
Sanji could feel his heart break seeing you all alone, but as much as he wanted to comfort you, he knew it was better to leave you alone. Especially since you were acting like nothing was wrong just yesterday.
But he told the crew.
“I didn’t go up to them, out of respect for their privacy.” Sanji exhales, puff of smoke exiting his lips.
The others listened in silence to Sanji’s explanation of what he saw this morning.
Silence was brought upon the crew.
“..So they’ve been holding it in all this time.” Nami mumbles quietly, eyes saddening at the thought of how much you kept to yourself to keep up such a happy facade.
Thinking about how much you were struggling inside broke her heart.
“I can’t imagine how hard they’re struggling right now.” Brook spoke softly, looking down at the table.
Chopper had tears in his eyes at the thought. “[Name] is going through a lot and—! And we’re not there for them!” He cried out.
“What should we do now that we know what’s really going on these past few days?” Robin questions aloud, the question going through all their heads.
Zoro turns his head over to Luffy, who had been the most quiet ever since they ship left your island.
He was observant so he was watching your fake smiles closely and knew too well that you weren’t over it.
You were hiding yourself, and your feelings from the crew.
But hearing Sanji’s explanation of what he saw, seeing you all alone and crying to yourself made him fill with rage yet, also regret for not being there for his shipmate.
Luffy’s fist made contact with the wooden table roughly, almost breaking it into two as Luffy growls loudly. “HOW COULD THEY JUST KEEP IT ALL TO THEIR SELF?! WE’RE THEIR FRIENDS RIGHT?! WHY DON’T THEY JUST TELL IS SO WE CAN BE THERE FOR THEM?!”
“Luffy!” The others widen their eyes at Luffy’s outburst but they couldn’t exactly disagree with him.
Why didn’t you just tell them the truth of your feelings instead of putting on such a fake act? Didn’t you trust them at all?
“Luffy, you have to understand. It could be hard for [Name] to share this with us! They’re still grieving, so give it time. Okay?” Nami tries to calm down their Captain but it was no use. He wasn’t listening.
“I don’t care!” Luffy shouts, frustration building up. “We’re supposed to be friends, damn it, so why can’t they just tell us how they feel instead of being so positive all the time? It won’t change what happened, but coming to us so we can be there for them can help! That’s what we’re here for!”
“Just calm down! When [Name] is ready, I’m sure they’ll come talk to us. So settle down already and be patient!” Zoro shouts back, having enough of this.
He too was concerned and also frustrated with you for not talking with them but it wasn’t their choice.
It was yours, and they couldn’t do anything but be there when you were ready.
Five days.
[ Special Someone ], the person who always brought you joy.. comfort.. laughter.. and made sure you were the best you that you could be.
They stuck with you through all your ups and downs, all your pains and sorrows, all your anger, complaints and hatred..
Even with all your flaws, [ Special Someone ] never left your side once, always sacrificing themselves for your well-being.
Always making sure you were healthy, eating well, sleeping well, had fresh food and clothes everyday, and ensured that you could live with peace and not a worry in the world.
So why?
Why was someone so selfless, generous, caring, kind... why was someone like that not given the privilege to stay alive? How could someone like them die? After everything they did for you, why was it them and no one else?
Why? Why.. why did they have to die?
You turn onto your side on the bed, hands clenching the bedsheet as you thought about the same thing every day and night, the scene of them dying right in your arms replaying over and over for you every time you shut your eyes.
Hugging your pillow tightly, you glance at the time on the wall and sigh, deciding to get up to greet the crew.
You sit up and get up from your bed, dusting your clothes and began getting ready, making sure you looked decent enough to show yourself to the others, before finally stepping out of the room.
When you finally step out, you see the whole crew on the main deck, doing whatever it is they do.
They immediately all turn to you when they heard footsteps. You look at them and blink softly before smiling brightly and waved. “M-Morning, you guys!”
‘Shit- please don’t have noticed that..’ you thought, hoping they didn’t notice your voice having cracked a bit.
It was quiet as they continued to stare at you, before Brook interrupts it.
“Yohohoho~... it’s the afternoon, [Name]-san..”
Your eyes widen a bit at your mistake. Did you really stay in bed for that long?
“Oh.. is it? I must’ve overslept..” you lightly laugh to ease the growing tension you felt but no one said anything in response.
“..[Name]-san.. have you been crying?” Robin questions softly, a small frown present on her face. Her question startles you as you shake your head immediately.
“What do you mean, Robin? I’m fine, I haven’t been crying at all.” Instinctively, you began wiping your eyes with your sleeves, which already sent answers to the crew.
“Seriously, what’s with you guys today? You’ve all been acting strange for a while.” You smile softly and pull at your sleeps.
“Maybe you guys just need a little adventure. Maybe-“
“Shut the hell up.”
Shocked, you turn to Zoro at his sudden blunt burst from the railing.
“Zoro!” Nami and Usopp hisses beside him, quietly scolding him for being so rude at the moment, making Zoro scoff.
“I’m rude? They just accused us for acting strange the past couple of days. I don’t disagree with them about us being a bit different lately, but they’re the one who’s been acting the strangest out of all of us. And you all know this too. Am I wrong?”
While you visibly flinch at his words, Nami and Usopp faltered a bit and looked away. “Still..”
“Zoro’s right.” Luffy, who had been quiet ever since two days ago when Sanji told them about your moment in the Aquarium Bar.
“Luffy?” Chopper questions softly from a distance, looking at their captain.
Luffy looks up and glares hard at you.
Behind his hard glare was a very faint soft expression with hurt eyes. Hurt, knowing that his shipmate was suffering and he couldn’t do anything to help them. Until now.
“Tell us the truth, [Name].” Luffy’s tone made your breath hitch from how serious he sounded. It wasn’t like a friend, it was like a captain. “Do you hate us?”
Your eyes widen at his question and you looked at him incredulously. “What? Of course not.” You immediately answered, brows furrowed.
That answer was obvious, so why did he ask?
“Okay. Are you happy with the crew?” He asks again, and you just stare at him in confusion. “I’m happy. I’ve always been.”
“...are you keeping secrets from us?”
All eyes were on you as you close your mouth and bit your tongue from saying more.
You stare at Luffy and tried to decipher what was going through his mind before closing your eyes.
“Not at all.”
“I thought our captain told you to tell the truth.” Zoro says instantly after your reply and you bit your lip slightly. “I did.”
“[Name]-chan..” Sanji sighs softly at your denial and stubbornness before Usopp frowns and spoke. “[Name]... I can tell when you’re lying and..”
“You guys, I’m fine, okay! Nothing is wrong, I’m not keeping secrets from you, so let’s just stop this and continue our day, okay?” You exasperatedly sigh, rubbing your head a bit as Franky shakes his head.
“[Name], I’m afraid we can’t.” He says, making you turn to him with a sigh. “Why? Why can’t you guys just-“
“We saw you crying alone, [Name]..” Chopper quietly mumbles, looking up sadly at you. “Why didn’t you come to us?..”
Luffy looks at you, his expression slowly softening as he stares at you deeply. “... you don’t have to be alone anymore. Actually.. you were never alone to begin with.”
You didn’t say anything and just looked away, hands clenched tightly and you bit your lip.
“I know what you’ve been going through. I felt the same two years ago in Marineford, okay? I..I felt so helpless and angry when Ace died.. I thought I was completely alone after losing him and I couldn’t live with myself.. because Ace died.. for me..”
You gulp at Luffy’s story with Ace, knowing fully well how heartbreaking it was for Luffy to be reminded of these memories, his last memory of Ace.
Hesitantly, you look up at Luffy to see pain and small tears brimming his eyes.
“It hurts a lot, [Name].. I know, alright? You feel all alone, and let regret, resentment, pain, sadness, everything, build up inside you, and you either hold it all in and put on a happy smile, or you could just let it all out and scream out the pain.” He continues, his jaw and hands clenching tightly as his tears fell down his cheeks.
The others stayed silent, all of them reminded of their own past and memories of when they lost a loved one, or when they felt completely alone with pain and regret.
Zoro, with Kuina.
Nami, with Bellemere.
Usopp, with Kaya.
Sanji, with Zeff.
Chopper, with Hiriluk.
Robin, with Jaguar.
Franky, with Tom.
Brook, with his whole crew.
Luffy, with his brothers.
You thought back to just a couple days ago with your own loved one dying in your arms and look down sorrowfully.
“I still think about it everyday, but I don’t feel as much pain or regret anymore. I’m almost thankful I survived.. why? Because it means I won’t leave you guys alone. I’m right here with you all, because you guys are my friends, my family!”
You feel tears brimming your own eyes, a few drops already falling down your cheeks.
“I’m not alone because I have you all by my side so I’m never alone! You all help me realize this and I eventually got over Ace’s death.. and even though I think about it everyday, I’m not alone anymore and I don’t cry about it too much. Because I have you and everyone else!”
You wipe at your eyes and sniff a bit, the others smiling softly at their captain, their hearts touched by his words as a few of them could feel themselves tear up.
“You’ve been crying by yourself, all alone these past few days, haven’t you?”
You didn’t answer. You knew the crew knew the answer already.
Luffy began make his way over to you, continuing to speak.
“It’s okay to be sad, to be hurt, to feel pain, and to cry. You could be angry, you can scream, you can sob, you can do anything you want.”
Luffy was now right in front of you, looking at you with a piercing expression.
“But you don’t have to be alone during these sad times. You never have to be alone again, because we’re right here.”
He extends and spreads his arms out, glaring hard at you with tears in his eyes as your own widen at his shouts.
The others smiled wider when they see your tears streaming faster down your cheek and your expression soften as your body lunged itself into Luffy’s arms.
Your arms wrap around his neck and legs around his waist as Luffy immediately wraps his own around you tightly, your face buried into his neck.
Sobs screamed out from your voice, your throat burning but you didn’t care. You sobbed right into Luffy’s neck, his hearing might’ve been damaged but he didn’t care either.
“It hurts.. it hurts so much, Luffy.. why?” You sob out, clutching onto him tightly as you gripped his shirt. “Why did they have to die?! Why..”
Luffy didn’t say anything, just held you closer and just as tight.
The others felt themselves tear up more at your sobs and unable to help themselves, they also ran to join in the hug.
Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Brook all jumped into the hug, all sobbing their own cries and tears, which made you and Luffy drop onto the ground with the others on top.
Franky wipes his own stream of tears as Robin and Zoro smiles at the sight of their crewmates.
Despite your sobs, you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the others and sniffled, smiling genuinely at your family.
You should have known better than to keep it all in and to yourself. You weren’t alone.
You had family who loves you and were there right by your side, through all your joy and pain.
“Thank you, everyone. I’m so grateful..”
You smile wider and shouted loudly with closed eyes.
“Thank you, for loving me!”
A/N : y’all I-I teared up writing this-
I hit the maximum allowed per post wtf- I’m sorry this is rushed too ;~; I wanted it out quickly.
;-; I hope you enjoyed.
580 notes · View notes
Burnin’ up
Summary: On a ship as lively as theirs, Zoro should have known there’s no such thing as privacy. Aka Zoro and Nami keep getting cockblocked. Rating: M. Explicit. 
Can also be found on FFN and AO3.
So, this is a sequel to ‘Feel the burn’. It’ll probably help if you read that first, there are a few references from that story in here.
Amazing Pink left a really nice review on FFN, saying they were looking forward to more and I was so adamant that this was a one-shot and at the time, I was so sure too! But my other WIPs are being difficult right now and my mind drifted over to what a sequel to this would look like… at 2am and thus, this was born! So really, we all have Amazing Pink to thank for the gentle prod, I’m not sure I would have given it any thought otherwise.
Also, no, I was not inspired by ‘Burnin’ up’ by the Jonas Brothers (but I did listen to it after I realised… it’s a good song, let’s not lie).
It’d been weeks since the crew had found out about his relationship with Nami. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was expecting back then when they inevitably did find out. They’d blinked up at the crow’s nest as him and Nami peered down at the crumpled form of Sanji, who was still laying there holding that stupid drink upright like it was the most important thing, and watched as a lightbulb slowly appeared over their heads as they pieced it together.
Well, Luffy took longer but when he finally realised, prompted by Robin and Usopp, he’d shrugged like it was nothing new and asked Sanji if he could have the drink.
They… didn’t care.
Not in the slightest.
Nami had rolled her eyes and said they should go down and get it over with. He didn’t enjoy the knowing looks, but it could be worse. He wasn’t sure what that worse was. They were crewmates… friends, what did they have to actually be upset about?
Instead they’d looked apprehensively as Sanji got to his feet, his eyes had flitted from Zoro to Nami, no doubt trying to decide what absurd reaction to have. The last thing Zoro had expected was for him to kneel in front of Nami, taking her hand in his and press his forehead to it, telling her he’d pray for her good luck, that she didn’t deserve whatever curse had been put upon her to have to deal with that marimo idiot.
Nami had been stupefied for a second but then she’d laughed, head thrown back and Zoro grit his teeth. Neither of them had expected this but of course he should have known that the stupid cook would take this opportunity to take a shot at him.
And just like that, the moment had passed. Everyone was up to speed and watched as Zoro and Sanji duked it out before Nami stepped in.
Nothing had changed.
Considering how easy everything had been up to then, from getting together with Nami and the crew finding out, this wasn’t a hurdle he was expecting.
They kept getting cockblocked.
Whether it was in her room, in the bathroom, in the men’s room… even in the library when she was supposed to be working on maps- they were interrupted. The main perpetrator was Sanji. Zoro suspected he was doing it on purpose, he wasn’t sure how, but he just knew it. It was to get under his skin, the cook was definitely thatpetty and what made it worse was that it was working.
This time was no different.
It was late and Nami had been sitting by her trees when he’d found her with a drink in hand. Dinner had long since passed and they could still hear Luffy and the other’s playing in the distance somewhere on the ship. But it was far enough away that they didn’t have to worry about being interrupted.
Nami’s head settled on Zoro’s shoulder and as much as he put on a show of griping about having to share his alcohol, he still let her have it relatively easily.
“Mm, this is nice,” Nami hummed.
Zoro didn’t respond verbally, but he did hum back at her in agreement. It was rare they could have a quiet moment together. That didn’t last for though as Nami’s hand came to rest on his thigh and started to play with the fabric of his trousers.
He looked down at the hand and although she wasn’t looking, he still raised an eyebrow. “Playing with fire there, Nami.”
“Nothing I can’t deal with,” she said, tilting her head up to look at him and even he knew that was an invitation.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers and although he meant to keep it brief, her free hand snaked up to the back of his head to hold him there. Not one to be outdone, he slanted his lips against hers and pulled her into him. She hummed again but this one wasn’t to convey content; it was to spur him on.
It worked.
He was pushing her back after that, so she laid beneath her trees and he was hovering above her. Her arms wrapped around his waist and her hands ran along his back. As he slipped his tongue into her mouth, his own hand ran along her bare thigh to play with the hem of her skirt.
Just as his hand was about to explore further, that’s when it happened.
A voice that wasn’t his, calling after his girlfriend.
“I don’t believe in God, but I’m willing to if it meant he’d leave us alone,” Zoro said, irritated, against her lips. His hand already retreating down her leg.
“This was funny at first but now…” She sighed heavily; her head thumping back against the decking.
“It was never funny,” he hissed. His trousers were always way too tight when this happened, he couldn’t see the humour in it.
“Oh come on! Seeing the normally composed, aloof swordsman all worked up? Pure gold,” she teased, now looking at him and leaning in to press a lingering kiss to his lips. It was a winding down kiss and Zoro knew it all too well by now.
“Nami-san~” The voice sang again, much closer than either of them expected and the loud footsteps told them the interloper was drawing in quickly.  
How the hell did he find her so easily? Zoro was convinced he’d put a tracker on her.
Hurriedly, he was tugging her back up as she was smoothing her hair down to look presentable when Sanji appeared. Sanji didn’t look phased in the slightest, either he didn’t know, or he didn’t care what they’d been doing. It was too early to tell which it was. Zoro glared at him but Sanji wasn’t looking, eyes trained on Nami instead.  
“Sanji-kun,” Nami greeted, although even her voice sounded strained, at least he wasn’t the only one affected. However, that wasn’t the name he wanted to hear coming from her lips right now.
“Nami-san, I’ve made a dessert in the kitchen for both you and Robin-chan, would you do me the honour of accompanying me there?”
As soon as he asked, Zoro knew she wouldn’t refuse him. Nami could be rude when she wanted to be, normally when she was busy, but evidently, she wasn’t now, and she definitely wouldn’t continue where they’d left off. So, it was no surprise when she stood to follow Sanji, telling Zoro that she’d find him later.
When Nami wasn’t looking, Sanji threw an all to knowing smirk over his shoulder at Zoro.
He knew it! Bastard.
Zoro wondered if during the next storm that hit, he could push the cook overboard and make it convincingly look like an accident.
But even that thought didn’t make him feel much better.
Now, Zoro had no shame about being walked in on. In his opinion, it’s the person’s fault for not knocking or for not minding their own business. But that wasn’t the case for Nami. For someone who’s so forward and confident in her sexual appeal, she’s oddly shy. She goes red, either gets angry or fumbles through being caught (depending on who catches them) and then leaves shortly afterwards.
And that’s fine, the mood’s been lost and if she’s not completely into it then even he doesn’t want to continue. But someone needed to tell that to his dick. Because that’s still ready to go afterwards, ready to soldier through and he’s not sure if he can bear having to calm himself down again.
All of that is thrown out of the window however, when Chopper walks in of them.
Things are getting hot and heavy in the library. Nami’s hovering over Zoro, her lips firmly attached to the junction between his neck and shoulder and when he feels her teeth, he knows he’ll be wearing a shirt for the next couple of days. He doesn’t need the heckling in the men’s room.
Both of them are shirtless, having got rid of them ages ago and at this point, Nami’s skirt should join the pile too because his hands have travelled from the back of her thighs up to her behind to play with sliver of lace there. It really served no purpose now other than bunching at her hips.
He’s about to move things forward when she beats him to it. Her lips trace up his neck the same time her hand moves down to rub over the bulge in his trousers. It takes her almost no time to find his length and stroke him through the material. His head’s thrown back and he’s groaning at her ministrations. He could happily come like this.
“Feel good?” She whispers hotly into his ear, but he can’t respond with words. His loud groan is enough though as she laughs lightly.
Feeling encouraged at his heavy breathing, her hand plays with the waistband of his trousers, fingers tracing along the skin there and making his hips jerk upwards. She pushes past his waistband, past his boxers and he exhales loudly as her fingers delicately touch his dick.
But the strangled squeak at the door brings everything crashing to a halt. They both freeze and turn their heads in horror to see the tiny reindeer stood there. Chopper’s expression mirrors theirs, his eyes round like marbles, and they can see him silently panicking, unsure what to do. But Nami and Zoro aren’t sure what to do either. So all three of them, stay frozen and staring at each other for another moment.
Nami seems to realise their position quickly enough and her hand shoots out of Zoro’s trousers. Her mood does a complete U-turn after that. From the confident, sexy woman above him that just had him squirming for her to a blushing mess that is trying to bury herself into him… or through him, he’s not sure.
That leaves only Zoro and Chopper still staring at each other because Nami’s left him to deal with this as she tries to master how to be invisible.
That lack of shame from earlier was a lie in this moment when Chopper darts out, slamming the door behind him without a word.
Nami’s face is still buried in his neck and he can feel the heat from her face on his skin. He’s pretty sure his face is matching. But on the bright side, his boner has instantly disappeared. Apparently, it’s one weakness is tiny, talking reindeers.
At least he doesn’t have to calm himself down now.
“Oh god. That’s mortifying,” She mumbled against his skin after a few silent moments. “Do we… go after him?” She’s finally pulled her head back to peer up at him.
He shrugged back. How was he supposed to know?
“You should talk to him. You’re close, he looks up to you.”
He spluttered. “And you’re not?”
“This feels like a guy thing.” Sitting up now, she gives him a thumbs up, completely over her embarrassment. “Good luck, Zoro!”
He glowered at her cowardice but knew there was no use arguing. Apparently, this had been settled.
Nami had just got her top back on and skirt straightened when the door opened again and both of them turn to gape as Chopper re-entered. Except this time, he inches in with much more caution and a hoof covering his eyes.
“Is everyone decent?” Chopper asked, slowly moving his hoof down but keeping his eyes closed.
Nami’s gurgling is apparently enough confirmation for Chopper to open his eyes and when he does, he looks incredibly determined. Nami quickly scampered off of Zoro’s lap to sit next to him and attempted to look presentable. Zoro snorted but winced at the elbow he received in the side.  
Chopper approached them both and in his free hoof he was holding condoms. Nami’s eyes bulged and Zoro grit his teeth, knowing exactly what was coming.
“Safe sex is really important. It’s dangerous to not be prepared for a number of reasons, mainly unplanned pregnancy but also for sexually transmitted diseases.” He’s looking at both of them as he speaks, completely clinical and in doctor mode. “Even if you don’t sleep with other people, it’s possible to contract them in other ways and pass them on through sexual activities.”
“Oh god,” Nami said quietly, face burning but still nodding.
Zoro has enough sense to stick his hand out and accept the condoms. He almost balked at the amount of condoms Chopper puts in his hand and is that lube in there?! He doesn’t ask, he’s not sure Nami would survive it.
“Do you need a demonstration on how to put a condom on? Because incorrectly done makes the condom useless.”
Nami wheezes but shook her head and Zoro replied for the both of them. “No, we’ve got this covered.”
Chopper seems to accept that and nods.
“If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate.” Chopper paused, giving them both a moment to think it over, before continuing, “I’m the ships doctor and this is important. I’ve already had this conversation with Robin and Franky.”
That lightens the tension and their embarrassment floods out at the knowledge of tiny little Chopper giving their oldest members the talk. At least Nami doesn’t look like she’s going to combust anymore, and he knows that she’ll be getting details from Robin about that later.
Chopper left shortly afterwards, with a final comment to please come to him with anything, and Nami relaxed slightly, letting out a deep breath in relief.
“Well, looks like I don’t have to talk to him now.”
He felt like he didn’t deserve the punch.
“Whoops, sorry guys,” Usopp said, hand covering his eyes immediately after walking into the library and seeing them sat next to each other. “I didn’t see anything.”
“We weren’t-”
“No need to be embarrassed-” Usopp cut in.
“We’re not embarrassed!” Zoro said. What’s there to be embarrassed about, they’re not even touching.
“It’s a completely natural thing between a couple-”
“For god sake!” Nami snapped, “Uncover your eyes, we’re not doing anything!”
“Do you guys need more condoms? Chopper said-”
That was enough for Nami’s temper to snap. “Get out of here!” And then a book’s being thrown where Usopp once stood.
The door slammed behind him and they’re left in the silence of now knowing that there’s no way the crew aren’t talking about this amongst themselves.
Because Usopp had never walked in on them before.
Zoro wonders how Franky and Robin do it.
He’s currently in the crow’s nest and, normally, he’d be completely focused on what he’s doing but he can’t stop his mind from wandering.
It’s apparently no secret in their crew that him and Nami haven’t been able to get very far, much to his annoyance. Annoyance that they haven’t got far and that they’re all talking about it. He knows they are, based on the looks he’s getting from Franky and he hasn’t even walked in on them. The older man keeps giving him looks like he wants to come and talk to him about it. For now Zoro’s keeping him at bay with his glaring but he knows that only works for so long. He didn’t want to have another sex talk.
Maybe it’s all Robin, Zoro thinks, circling back to his original thought. Franky was huge, there was no missing him, but Robin was crafty. With all the hands and eyes and ears. Maybe she uses them to stop people walking in on them… and can’t she duplicate herself?
Zoro suddenly grimaces, catching himself before his thoughts go elsewhere. There is no way he’s thinking about someone else’s sex life right now. Especially his friends.
Maybe he should just suck it up and ask Franky for advice. He could already imagine Franky’s blubbering but Zoro knew he’d keep it a secret… although he’d definitely tell Robin and she’d tell Nami. And Nami would tease him, even if it helps her too.
“You’re doing it wrong,” a teasing voice called from behind and he turned to see Nami grinning up at him from the entrance of the crow’s nest.
Well aware of the familiar scene before him, he teased back, “Enjoying the view? That costs you know.”
Nami laughed sharply, pulling herself up into the crow’s nest to walk towards him. “We’ll call it even from the last time.”
“Oh, so you admit you’re staring now?” And just like that, any of his previous thoughts vanish as they fall into their normal routine.
Although he’s already warmed up, he still waits for Nami to catch up and stops his squats to walk over and correct her stance. They’ve fallen into a natural rhythm working out together. She doesn’t always join him, he works out every day and sometimes she just doesn’t have the time, so she appears whenever she has a moment to spare. He’s come to enjoy this time they spend together and sharing his knowledge with her. Also, from his appreciative glances when he’s not entirely focused, he can see she’s starting to tone up.
“Is there even a point to me spotting you? I’m pretty sure that weighs more than I do.” Nami’s warmed up by this point but she’s taking a small break before going into sit ups.
“No, but the view’s good so don’t move.” And shamelessly his eye flicked from her face to her chest and back. His grin only widening at her flushed cheeks, but he doesn’t miss the way her own eyes linger around his chest and arms. “Helps if you watch the weight though.”
“I could say the same to you!”
Despite his teasing, Zoro’s kept his hands to himself, only touching her when he needs to. A stark contrast from their normal workouts together and so far, Nami hasn’t noticed. As much as he wants to, he doesn’t know if he could face another interruption. Normally they don’t bother him up there, but if Nami’s with him the crew suddenly turn into blood hounds.
He’d back off until he can at least speak to Franky.
Pride be damned.
“Okay, that’s me done here. You’re going into sit ups,” Zoro said, pointing towards the mat in front of the crow’s nest bench.
With no hesitation she walks over to lay on the floor and start. Normally, he was taking orders from her but up here she followed his word so easily. It surprised him at first and at one point he wondered whether he missed her normal bossiness but she more than made up for it with smart remarks.
“You going to keep gawking like Sanji-kun or are you going to do something?”
Like that.
“Unlike the pervert, I can do both,” he said as he sat on the bench in front of where she was laying and picking up the weight there.
There was a peaceful silence between them as they focused on their respective tasks but Zoro found his gaze drifting over to Nami. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her breathing steadily getting heavier, but she was lasting much longer than normal these days. He’d have to switch up her routine soon to keep her on her toes.
When she laid down after her last sit up, he couldn’t stop himself from looking her over. From the blue leggings to the matching sports bra, she was panting on the floor and he had to try and keep himself from imagining her like that for different reasons. He’d made his mind up and getting himself worked up would only come around to punish him in the long run.
“Sorry to interrupt, but the rest of us are stepping off the ship for a bit.” The sudden appearance of a mouth on the wall didn’t faze either of them, they’d been around it for far too long. “We’ll be gone for a few hours… do with that what you want.” Humour was thick in Robin’s voice before the mouth disappeared in a flutter of flowers.
There was a short silence that followed afterwards as Zoro and Nami looked at each other. The atmosphere shifting slightly in the crow’s nest as the words started to sink in.
Except Nami didn’t seem surprised.
“You’ve been speaking to Robin,” he accused, narrowing his eye.
“Maybe.” She sat up and attempted to look innocent. “Can you really blame me though?”
“Desperate for me then?” He smirked and leaned towards her.
“Like you haven’t been thinking about talking to Franky.” She rolled her eyes, leaning back on her arms to stretch out her body. It worked when Zoro gave her a once over.
Well, she had him there. Sometimes he wondered if she could read his mind. He said nothing but that told Nami everything as her smile broadened.
“Anyway, you should be thanking me.” She stood, getting to her feet to stand in front of him and he wasted no time in making a gap between his legs for her to stand between. “We have a free ship. No interruptions,” she said lowly.
“At this point, I don’t think I’d care if we were interrupted.” His gaze darkening as his hands palmed at her hips.
“Big words coming from someone who still can’t look Chopper in the eyes,” she snorted, her hands equally adventurous as they ran along his shoulders.
“You can’t either!” And he pinched lightly at her hip in retribution.
“Shut up and kiss me Zoro.” She’d long since had enough of this conversation but it didn’t matter for Zoro because it’s a command that he can wholeheartedly get on board with.
He wasted no time in pulling her down onto his lap
The kiss is bruising, and it’s with more force than he’d intended, but honestly, he didn’t care. Because she’s kissing him back just as roughly, lips frantically moving against the others and their teeth clash together at one point, but it doesn’t deter them. They’ve both been waiting far too long for this and it’s obvious in the way she’s already pulling at his hair and he’s probing her lips with his tongue.
They pause to breath roughly against the other’s lips but there’s no rest when her hands insistently start pulling up his top. “You never wear a top to work out and you pick today of all days to?”
“You should have told me your plan beforehand and I would have made sure I was wearing as least as possible.”
The moment his top’s off and thrown behind them, her hands are smoothing across his chest and he’s pulling her back into their kiss. It’s less bruising now but still just as desperate, enthusiasm dripping into the kiss. His hands slip up her waist lingering around the dip in it before fiddling with the clasp of her sports bra.
The bra teases him when they work out together and it’s still doing it now.
“Would you hurry up,” she said against his lips, impatient but unwilling to break the kiss properly. Her hands are now playing with the waistband of his bottoms and it’s not helping him focus on the task.
“Well it’s hardly like I’ve had much practice with taking your clothes off, is it?” He grumbled back. His fingers felt far too big for such a tiny clasp, how did women do this every day?
“We’ll work on it, but now’s not the time.” Her hands leave his waistband to meet his at her bra clasp and she pushes them away to unhook it with such an ease that it almost mocks him. It’s hard to still be annoyed when the bra’s off and joining his top of the floor.
With her breasts now free, he aims for her neck, working kisses down it and nipping as he works his way down. Her hands are in his hair, threading through it and encouraging him to continue. He kisses a particularly sensitive spot when she shallowly gasps but it’s nothing compared to the noise she makes when he finally reaches her breasts. It’s louder, less surprised and filled with pleasure that makes him twitch in his trousers.
He’s rewarded with the sound again when he takes her nipple into his mouth and licks. Her hips are grinding into his and it’s hard to focus but he doesn’t stop her. If anything, his free hand is pressing her hips into his even more to increase the pressure.
When she bounces this time, he’s pushing her off of him and onto the mat on the floor. He follows after her quickly to cover her body with his own and this position is much easier to roll his hips into hers. They both moan when he does.
“Zoro- hah- take off your trousers,” she rushed out, breathless when he doesn’t relent on sucking on her nipple.
He just about hears what she’s saying over the pulsing in his ears but he’s more concerned with getting her leggings off. He leaves her nipple then, leaving it with a parting kiss before he’s sitting up and pulling down the waistband of her leggings. He doesn’t need to say anything for her to lift her hips, but he does when he struggles to get the leggings off her legs.
“What are these things made of?” He huffs, now sat back on the ball of his feet and glaring down at them.
Nami doesn’t respond but she does start laughing when he gives a particularly harsh tug and they barely give.
“Laughing isn’t helping here Nami!”
“Sorry- it’s just- your face!” She snorts in laughter. “Actually, take these too.” And she’s pulling her underwear down to meet the leggings now at her calves.
Zoro tried to stay focused but she’s almost naked before him for the first time ever and he can’t look away. The leggings finally give and he’s angrily flinging them across the room, hoping he never sees them again.
The foot on his arm distracts him from lingering on that thought for much longer and Nami’s nodding towards his own bottoms. “Take them off too!”
Something that he wholeheartedly agrees with and he’s standing
Nami’s looking up at him in disbelief and eyebrows raised when he joins her on the floor again. He quirks an eyebrow.
“No underwear?”
He snorts. “Never do. Waste of time.”
He’s not interested in her response, although she definitely does mutter something under her breath and it’s most likely snarky. Instead he’s kissing her again, less rushed as it sinks in that they’ve really got time and there’s no one ready to walk in at any second.
His hand wanders down, skimming over her stomach and all too quickly it’s grazing over wet lips. He bites back a groan when he realises how wet she is when they’ve barely done anything but Nami’s moaning below him as his hand teases her. Stroking up and down, he watches her eyebrows knot and she’s biting her lip to hold in her moans.
That won’t do.
With his free hand, he holds her jaw to make sure she can’t look anywhere else but at him and the thumb on his other busy hand stroke over her clit. She gasps then, unable to hold in the noise.
“Come on Nami, you’re not normally quiet. I want to hear you loud, tell me how much you’re enjoying yourself.”
The pinch in her eyebrows and downward curve of her mouth tells him she’s about to refuse him but when she opens her mouth his thumb picks up the pace and instead of words, a wanton moan breaks free from her lips.
“That’s it,” he praised and as much as he’s desperate for his own relief, hers is far more important to him. He’s trying to take in as much of her face as he can, and he almost wished he still had his other eye in this moment.
“Okay, enough,” Nami panted out and she’s pushing his hand away. Before he can ask what’s wrong, she’s cupping him. “I want you in me.”
And he’s all too ready to follow that command.  
“Hang on.” Zoro got up and walked over to the locker across the room. He pushed some stuff out of the way before finding what he was after. He turned back to Nami and smirked as he held up a condom.
“Chopper would be so proud,” Nami laughed. “But you called me desperate yet you’re the one storing condoms around the ship?”
“Saved us time, didn’t it?” He said, shrugging, as he walked back over, throwing the condom down next to her and covered her with his body again. “And don’t mention Chopper right now.” That’s the last thing he needs going through his mind.
He kisses her after that, trying to quickly reclaim the mood and it’s not as lost as he thought it was when her legs start to wrap around his waist. What he doesn’t expect is for her to suddenly roll them so that she’s on top.
“I’d rather be on top if that’s okay with you?”
Oh shit. “Fuck, you’re sexy.”
“I’ll take that as a yes?” She winks at him and moves her hips against his. He can feel her wet heat on his dick, and it makes his head go fuzzy for a second. He needs this to speed up before he loses his load.
“Yeah, you’re sure? We can stop at any time.”
She’s smiling down at him softly and nodding back at him.
After that, she’s picking up the condom and rolling it down his dick. He stops breathing as she does. Then she’s taking his dick into her hand, lining him up and sinking onto him. He grips her hips and shit; this feels better than he could ever have imagined. Nami throws her head back and her palms are spread across his chest to give her some leverage.
He shouldn’t be surprised that she wants to be on top and in charge. It’s no different to their normal daily interactions, where she’s bossing them around and although he’d normally argue back- this he doesn’t mind. In fact, it gets under his skin in a pleasant way and makes him feel even hotter. It’s no secret that her bossiness turns him on a bit and the look she’s throwing at him now tells him she knows it too.
The first time she moves bobs up and back down he almost smacks his head back into the mat but he’s not about to take this laying down. The second time he digs his feet into mat to match her thrust and he’s rewarded with a load moan from her.
The pace only picks up from there and the room is filled with the sound of their moans and skin slapping as they both work towards their high together.
Except, far too soon, Nami’s pace is starting to slow and the way her legs are twitching tells him that she’s getting tired.
He sits up then, more than happy to take over the reins. “More squats for you next time,” he quips in her ear.
She swats his shoulder but buries her face in his shoulder and moans weakly at her last attempt to grind down on him. Gathering her in his arms, he started to stand, refusing to pull out of her and walked them towards the empty wall of the crow’s nest.
He’s well aware of how familiar this scene is, except this time around they’re having sex instead of making out. He presses her up against the wall, her legs still tight around his waist and he thrusted back into her.
“Do you know how good you feel?” He whispered to her.
He restarted the pace, slowly grinding into her and picking it up from there. He continued to whisper into her ear, about how she feels, how he’s going to make sure she sees stars and it worked as her moans start to pick up and she’s moving her hips against him.
She grips onto him, clinging to him in her pleasure and he knows he’s doing something right when he nails start to dig into his shoulders. Maybe it’s the masochist in him but it only turns him on further and makes him work harder.
The way she started to babble nonsense means he’s close to pulling her with him over the edge and he sure hoped so because he can feel his end coming.
“Touch yourself,” he said, his hands too occupied with keeping her up against the wall.
“Zoro.” The way she moaned his name really does something for him and he wants to hear it again. “I’m really close,” she whined.
“Me too,” he panted against her neck.
He kisses her after that and it’s sloppy and uncoordinated and they take more breaks to breath against each other’s lips than actually kiss but it only heightens the feeling.
It’s then, when her moans start to break apart and tumble out of her lips that he felt her tighten around him and he can feel his high drawing in. He can’t last though that feeling of her clamping down of him or her calling out his name. He thrusts in relentlessly to chase after his high and join her and he felt it shortly after, pleasure streaking down his back.
He isn’t even sure how he’s still on his feet or holding her up, but he managed it as he worked through his orgasm with her. It’s only as he started to come out of it that he realised he’s probably crushing her into the wall now instead of holding her up against it.
Stumbling over, he made it down to the mat and collapsed back, pulling Nami on top of him. She moaned weakly when he pulled out of her. Considering how his back stung, he can only imagine the marks he has there.
Nami came to when she started to press kisses against his chest and his hand continued to run a path up and down her back.
“Zoro, that was-”
“Great? Yeah, it was.” He smirked down at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Makes you want to kill our crew members for constantly interrupting us when we could have been doing this sooner? Yeah, it does.”
Nami laughed lightly at that but groaned shortly after. “I feel gross.”
And she had a point. They were sweaty from working out beforehand but mixing in sex with that only made it worse. He grimaced as he peeled off the condom.
“Let’s go get cleaned up.”
“Bathhouse?” She asked, eyes lighting up and it’s evident from her tone that they’ll be doing something other than getting clean.
“The door has a lock too.” His expression mirroring hers and promising other activities.
Nothing more needed to be said as Zoro hauled Nami up and towards the exit of the crow’s nest, clinging to one another as they went.
Shout out to Marimoandtangerine from Tumblr. She drew a scene of Nami and Zoro working out in the crow’s nest for the Tumblr event that we both took part in and joked how much our pieces mirrored each other without us even knowing… but now they definitely do because I incorporated that scene when writing this.  
You can see her fantastic art here.
Chopper said safe sex! The moment I had him walking into this cockblocking escapade, I had to have him giving a lecture.
As always, please excuse any errors.
Thanks for reading.
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 7
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3324 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Nico Robin, Usopp, Franky, Zoro, Chopper, Nami, Sanji, Smoker, Tashigi, Vergo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he’s 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law can’t help but resent Monkey D. Luffy for offering a glimpse of something he’s repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
“Oi!” Straw Hat called. “What’s going on?”
“Luffy!” the cat burglar and tanuki cried in relief.
“Straw Hat,” the mangled parts of the G-5 soldiers groaned.
“Luffy, look,” the long-nosed one said. “It’s the guy from Sabaody.���
“Corazon,” Nico Robin said, immediately taking a defensive posture. “This must be one of Donquixote Doflamingo’s operations if his second is here.”
Straw Hat blinked at Law then smiled widely. “It’s you.”
Law inclined his head. “Straw Hat-ya. I see you made it.”
“He saved me at Marineford,” Straw Hat, still smiling, said to his crew, who exchanged glances.
“Things change, Luffy,” Pirate Hunter Zoro said, hand going to the blades at his hip. “I don’t think he’s here to help us now. He already got the love cook.”
Straw Hat’s gaze went to where Black Leg had fallen, and his expression darkened. “Sanji!”
“He’s alive,” Law said. “For now. I’m afraid I can’t let any of you leave.” This would be more complicated with all of his targets in one place; part of him thought that he should have brought backup after all, but he quickly dismissed it.
“Chopper,” Straw Hat called. “Come look at Sanji.”
The tanuki started to move, and Law lifted Kikoku but suddenly had three swords to parry as Zoro charged him. A distraction. No matter.
Law and Zoro traded blows with their blades until Law lifted a hand and switched Zoro with a snowflake among the amputated parts of the G-5 soldiers. The pirate hunter yelped in surprise before gaping at the moving and talking body parts.
“What the hell kind of power is this?!” he demanded.
“Super freaky, right?” the cyborg asked. “As long as we’re in this circle, he can do what he wants.”
Law’s lips twitched, but his haki flared and he dodged a shot from the sniper’s slingshot. Law swung Kikoku in his direction, but arms sprouted around the sniper and pulled him out of the slice’s path. Boulders in the distance split in two, and Long Nose gaped like a fish.
Law Shambled out of the way of another blast from the cyborg and had just enough time when saw the skeleton approaching to swap him with a rock on the other side of his Room. The skeleton sputtered in surprise, but Law ignored him, turning his attention back to the people in front of him. He tried to raise Kikoku again but couldn’t move her. He frowned and looked down to see hands sprouting from the blade. When he looked back up, he met Nico Robin’s gaze. He smirked and Shambled away once more. She was startled enough by the motion to drop her powers.
With a bit of distance between them now, Law surveyed the scene. He was on the defensive and couldn’t keep Shambling around to just avoid the Straw Hats’ attacks; it was taking a toll on his stamina. He was already starting to feel the effects of prolonged and consistent use of his abilities. He needed to get on the offensive and end this.
But the Straw Hats weren’t going to make it that easy for him.
He was casting around for something he could use to his advantage when his haki prickled once more. He side-stepped just in time to see a fist fly by his head then return to its owner. When Law looked backed, Straw Hat was eyeing him with a frown.
“I don’t want to fight someone who saved my life,” he said.
“I have orders to get rid of all trespassers,” Law replied. “You and your crew are trespassing, Straw Hat-ya.”
“Shishishi, that’s what pirates do,” Straw Hat replied with a laugh.
“I’m a pirate, too,” Law reminded him. “And pirates also protect what’s theirs.” Or their boss’s, who controlled the fate of his crew. Whichever.
“So, this is Doflamingo’s operation,” Nico Robin mused. “What is he doing here in a place that is supposed to be off-limits to everyone?”
“None of your concern.”
“Luffy,” the cat burglar called. Straw Hat glanced over at her. “They’ve taken kids,” she said, gesturing toward the group behind her and Kin’emon. “We have to help them!”
Straw Hat’s expression darkened, and Nico Robin’s lips quirked. “I think we just made it our concern, Corazon.”
Law shrugged. “So be it.”
He turned toward the G-5 ship that had anchored just in front of the lab—and inside Law’s Room—and lifted a finger. With Takt, the ground began to shake as the ship rose out of the water.
The cat burglar looked around, alarmed. “What’s that noise?”
“Why is everything shaking? Earthquake?” cried the G-5 soldiers.
“T-the ship!” Long Nose yelped.
“Woah, cool!” Straw Hat declared, delighted.
Once the ship was high enough, Law sliced Kikoku through the air, and the ship split into quarters, debris raining down from the sky. Law flicked his fingers, and the debris started flying toward the others. Zoro and Kin’emon jumped in front of the children to cut down boxes and boulders while the cyborg bolted to the tanuki and Black Leg, using his huge body to cover them as the tanuki treated a woozy Black Leg. Straw Hat blew himself up like a bubble—Law raised an eyebrow at that—and bounced the threats off to protect Nico Robin and Long Nose. The skeleton dodged as he made his way back toward his crew, and the G-5 soldiers tried to use one another to shield themselves.
As the debris fell, Law slammed the pieces of the ship against the various rock formations in the area, fusing them together. There would be no escape via ship for the Marines now.
With the ship out of commission, Law turned his attention back to his targets. He planned to use the chaos of the debris to disguise his attack, but when he made to jump into motion, he couldn’t move. He looked down to see hands sprouting of the ground, wrapped around his ankles. When he glanced back up, Nico Robin had her arms crossed in front of her and a knowing smile on her lips.
Then she said something to Straw Hat, and he looked over at the immobile Law. Before Law could think about switching with a piece of debris, Straw Hat had deflated and thrown his arms out directly at Law. He hissed as Straw Hat’s rubber arms wrapped around his chest multiple times, and Kikoku fell from his grip as his own arms were restrained.
His hands were still free, though, so he prepared to Shamble out of Straw Hat’s and Nico Robin’s grips—
His eyes widened and he grunted in pain and surprise as something slammed into his back. The strength leeched from his body and his Room fell around him. The pieces of ship and ocean debris that were still swirling in the air were no longer being directed so crashed into the ground, forcing people to dodge. He glanced behind him and saw Smoker, Seastone-tipped jitte driven into his back above Straw Hat’s rubbery limbs. The vice admiral’s gaze was sharp.
“I want my heart back, pirate,” he growled.
Law’s gaze flew back in front of him to see Zoro rushing toward him, and Law was completely helpless. Shit.
“Don’t kill him!” Straw Hat called as the pirate hunter neared.
Law tensed as Zoro raised his sword and swung down. There was blinding pain in his temple and then nothing.
Vergo watched from his hidden perch as the pirate hunter swung his sword and Corazon—no, he would always be little Trafalgar Law, traitor to the Donquixote Family—crumpled. Straw Hat Luffy released his hold on Law, easing him surprisingly gently to the ground. Smoker reached down and searched through Law’s pockets until he found his heart. He straightened and slid it back into his chest. Too bad; that would have been a good way to get rid of Smoker for good. Oh well. There were plenty of hazards on this island Vergo could take advantage of.
With Law’s Room down, the G-5 soldiers started piecing themselves back together with varying degrees of anatomical correctness (they truly were the Marines’ most inept). Captain Tashigi collected herself and joined Vice Admiral Smoker as they looked at the gathering Straw Hats. The tanuki had gotten Black Leg back to his feet, though he was moving with some deliberation. An argument between Smoker and Luffy ensued, seemingly over Law as they both gestured at his unconscious form.
The cat burglar then spoke up, gesturing toward the children behind her. This caught Captain Tashigi’s attention, and she turned an impassioned plea to Smoker, undoubtedly to help the brats. Vergo frowned; he’d gone to a lot of trouble to get Caesar those subjects, so it wouldn’t do for them to be taken away now. Caesar was doing important work for Joker, and those test subjects were necessary.
After some further arguments and discussion, the pirates and Marines split into two groups, with Smoker, Tashigi, and G-5 following the cat burglar, samurai, cyborg, pirate hunter, tanuki, and skeleton inside—likely because Law had taken out the Marine ship so there was no way to get them out without calling for backup. That was something Vergo could work with as the base commander for G-5.
Before she started walking off, Tashigi offered something to Straw Hat Luffy, though the long-nosed sniper ended up taking it. He then bent over and—ah, they were Seastone cuffs. He fastened them around Law’s wrists. So, they weren’t as dumb as they looked after all.
Straw Hat then picked up Law and threw him over his shoulder. The pirate hunter handed Law’s blade over to his captain before joining the group going inside the lab. Nico Robin, Black Leg, and the sniper followed Straw Hat in the opposite direction, likely to their ship.
Vergo found his lips curling upward as he watched Straw Hat Luffy carry an unconscious and powerless Law back toward his ship. Perhaps it was finally time to put the brat in his place.
The first thing Law felt as consciousness returned was the throbbing in his head. The second was the telltale weakness in his body that came from Seastone. Memories flooded back in, and his eyes flew open. He was staring up at a wooden ceiling rather than a gray, snowy sky. Confused, he glanced down to see he was on a bed, and his wrists were shackled in Seastone cuffs.
That… was not good.
“You’re awake.”
Law started at the voice and looked over to see Nico Robin sitting on a stool across the room. She had a book in hand, but she marked her page and set it on the desk. Law’s gaze slid past her and took in the rest of the room—an infirmary, not a brig.
Nico Robin let him take in his surroundings and waited until his gaze turned back to her.
“Welcome to the Thousand Sunny,” she said.
Law frowned, but when she made no other move, he sat up slowly, careful of his aching head, and scooted back to lean against the wall. They both knew he was a minimal threat to her in these cuffs.
“Your ship?” Law finally asked when his companion (no, guard) remained silent. He wasn’t sure if this was better or worse than a Marine brig—though he supposed with no little satisfaction the Marine brig was fused to a rock somewhere outside. Either way, his capture was a complication in his mission, which meant it was a danger to his nakama back in Dressrosa. The sooner he took back control of the situation, the sooner he could finish his mission and assure their safety.
She hummed in agreement. “Smoker wanted to arrest you, but Luffy wouldn’t let him.”
Law blinked at that. “Why?”
Not that Law was worried about being arrested; Doffy would never let Smoker take Law in. But it would have been yet another complication in his operation, and Doffy hated complications.
Nico Robin studied him for a long moment, her gaze unsettling—as though she could see through Law. “Isn’t that the question going around today?”
Law narrowed his eyes. What was that supposed to mean?
He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by the infirmary door slamming open. Straw Hat stood in the doorway, and Law’s breath caught, that tug in his chest returning stronger than ever, as if it refused to be ignored. Straw Hat’s eyes traveled around the room, brightening when they landed on Law.
“You’re awake!”
“And apparently a prisoner,” Law replied dryly, gesturing with the cuffs.
Straw Hat’s expression fell. “That’s not—” He stuck his lips out in a pout. “I just wanted to talk. Would you stay if we took them off?”
“Long enough to kill you, then I’d be gone.” Law was here on a mission, after all. He briefly wondered where Kikoku was but decided it didn’t matter; once he got these cuffs off, he’d open a Room and find her.
“Why would you want to kill me?” Straw Hat asked. He didn’t sound worried about Law’s threat, just confused. Nico Robin had risen to her feet during the exchange. Nothing in her posture said she was poised to attack, but Law had a feeling she’d act in an instant if Law showed any sign of threat to her captain. “You saved me two years ago.”
“You know who I work for,” Law replied with a shrug, aiming for casual and in control despite his predicament. “I’m here on his orders.”
“And you’re a loyal soldier, aren’t you, Corazon?” Nico Robin said. “You follow your captain’s orders without question.”
There was enough give in the shackles for Law to cross his arms. He said nothing in reply, though. His actions at Marineford sat heavily on the air among them.
“I heard about your exploits over the last two years,” she continued. “You’ve made quite a name for yourself, Surgeon of Death.”
Law remained silent. He didn’t care about the Demon Child’s judgment or her use of the epithet he had earned. He did what he had to do. Besides, he was a pirate, and he acted like one.
Nico Robin walked over to the door and put a gentle hand on her captain’s shoulder, a softness to her tone that had not been there moments before. “Be careful.”
Straw Hat nodded, and she smiled at him before leaving. She closed the door behind her, leaving Law and Straw Hat alone. Law would have been annoyed at being underestimated like that, but the Seastone rendered him essentially useless.
This boy, Law thought as they regarded one another, was the reason he had made a selfish choice that resulted in Shachi losing his arm. Why had he done that?
What was it about him that tugged on Law’s chest, drawing him into the boy’s orbit?
It couldn’t just be that initial that they shared, a mysterious legacy Cora-san had sacrificed everything to protect Law over. But what was it?
Straw Hat crossed his arms. “I don’t think you want to kill me. Or my crew.”
Law raised an eyebrow. “Oh?” he said. “You might want to ask Black Leg his opinion on that.”
Straw Hat frowned. “Sanji’s okay, though. You didn’t kill him.”
“Only because you interrupted me,” Law drawled.
Straw Hat made a frustrated sound. “No.”
Law blinked. “No?”
“No,” Straw Hat confirmed. “I don’t believe you.” He started pacing, and Law followed his back-and-forth movements with his eyes. “I wanted to thank you. For saving me that time,” Straw Hat said.
“You don’t need to thank me,” Law replied, the same lie falling from his lips that he’d repeated over the last two years: “I acted on a whim, nothing more.”
Straw Hat shook his head. “Jimbei said that you’d be in trouble with that Mingo guy for helping us, and I was worried.” He paused and looked at Law. “Were you? In trouble?”
Law suppressed the urge to touch his throat. “I fail to see how that matters.”
Straw Hat stared at him, seeming to read something in Law’s non-response. “But you helped me anyway. And I’m grateful!” He nodded, as if confirming something to himself. “So, you’re a good guy. No matter what anyone says.”
Law flinched. “No, I’m really not. You should listen to Nico-ya.” His hands were soaked with blood, including that of his own nakama. And if he didn’t complete this cleanup mission, there would be more blood on his hands.
“Nope,” Straw Hat stubbornly decided, as though he knew Law. But if he actually knew him, he wouldn’t want anything to do with Law. He shouldn’t want anything to do with Law. “I can feel it. Right here,” he said, touching his chest.
Law’s breath caught, his protest dying on his tongue. He was touching the same place Law felt the tug in his own chest when Straw Hat came up. Did he…? Did he feel it too? Whatever it was?
Straw Hat suddenly flopped down onto the end of the mattress, bouncing Law slightly. Law grimaced as his head protested.
Straw Hat looked over at Law curiously. “What kind of name is Coradone anyway?”
“Corazon,” Law snapped, still feeling a bit off kilter. “And it’s not my name. It’s a title.”
Straw Hat perked up. “Really? Then what’s your real name?”
Law looked away. “It doesn’t matter. I haven’t gone by my name in years. No one uses it.”
Though Law wasn’t looking at him, he could hear the frown in Straw Hat’s voice. “That sounds lonely.”
Law blinked in surprise. There was something to what Straw Hat was saying. Though the Family treated becoming an executive and earning the title as the highest honor one could achieve, Law had learned over the last six years that it also acted to dehumanize the wearer of the title. Law was no longer Law; he was Corazon, the second in command of the Donquixote Pirates. He was defined entirely by his station in the Family. Though Law had been with the Family for over a decade, he didn’t know the real names of the other three executives—their identities were their titles.
(The irony of Law continuing to remember Rosinante as Cora-san, a diminutive of his title when he’d been undercover, was not lost on him.)
“Anyway!” Straw Hat said cheerfully, letting Law’s silence be response enough, “Smokey wanted to arrest you, but I wouldn’t let him. But while the Marines are here, you should probably stay out of sight, especially after what you did to their ship. That was so cool, by the way! Sanji’ll get you food,” he added, as if that was the most important detail.
Law looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. “So, I’m your prisoner, Straw Hat-ya?”
Straw Hat shrugged apologetically. “I mean, I’d take the cuffs off, but—”
Law smirked. “You don’t want me to kill your crew.”
“Not that I’d let you,” he said, smile turning cheeky.
Law couldn’t help a small laugh. “You think you’re stronger than me?”
“I did beat you,” Straw Hat pointed out.
“That was four-on-one,” Law reminded him. And Law had only gone down when Smoker had surprised him with the Seastone.
Straw Hat’s smile widened. “Let’s find out sometime.” He jumped up off the mattress. “I need to check on my nakama, but I’ll be back.” He crossed the small room and opened the infirmary door.
“Trafalgar.” Straw Hat paused and looked back at him curiously. Law hadn’t realized he’d spoken until Straw Hat had frozen. “Trafalgar Law,” he said again, unsure of why he was telling Straw Hat. “That’s my name.”
Straw Hat’s face lit up into a blinding grin, and Law’s chest tightened. “I like it. Trafal— Tragal— Torao! I like it, Torao!” he beamed before heading out and shutting the door behind him.
Law was in so much trouble.
Next chapter
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sarahwritesss · 4 years
robin + direction
The first thing that gives Robin direction in life (other than survival, of course) is learning to read Poneglyphs. It’s the only thing that connects her to her mother (the only thing that gives her reason to live, after being told for so long she doesn’t deserve to). So, she spends years reading, studying, learning. In doing so, she becomes a fully-fledged archeologist, but the connection to her mother was the thing truly driving her forward.
(Ohara burns, and the only thing that keeps her from going with it is Saul, pushing her forward and giving her hope.)
Finding the Rio Poneglyph becomes Robin’s sole goal in life. Before, it was just mild curiosity, a curiosity Robin had for everything – everything that she could learn, she did. Now, she has nothing, only the history of her island on her back and the realization that the Rio Poneglyph held something the world needed to know pushing her forward.
(She never forgets what Saul told her, but after betrayal after betrayal, after running for her life for so long, she can’t bear to hope. She can’t bear to stake her life on finding friends who would love her for who she is. She locks it away, both her heart and her hopes, finding the Rio Poneglyph her only purpose.)
In that tomb in Alabasta, where her direction lead her for twenty years, she is ready to die. The poneglyph was not it, and she collapses, her hopes crashing down around her. The Rio Poneglyph seems unreachable, her direction gone, and she has nothing left. She accepts her fate, slumping and using the last of her energy to save the man who had defeated the man who had been her comrade for years now (another organization lost, another betrayal by her).
Yet, as she has nothing left driving her, Straw Hat Luffy picks her up, taking her from the tomb. She fights – so, so hard. She has nothing left, she yells. Just let me die, she cries. My direction is gone, she weeps internally. What do I have left? The man of D ignores her, taking her out anyway.
For a couple days, Robin wanders aimlessly, both physically and mentally. She doesn’t know what to do, so she did the only thing she could do, and joins the crew of the man that had saved her life. They are suspicious, but she is coy, and wins the trust of most before long. The swordsman holds out, but he was loyal to his captain, so she knew he wouldn’t be trouble.
Traveling with this crew changed her life. At first, she is baffled. They seem so incohesive, so different. Yet, they and their dreams (their lifestyles, their directions), all meld so well. Pirate King. World’s Greatest Swordsman. Drawing the Map of the World. Brave Warrior of the Sea. Finding the All Blue. Finding the Cure to Every Disease. She doesn’t know where she could fit in with all those, so just drifted along for the ride, enjoying the chaos that the small crew left in their wake.
(She scolds herself heavily for thinking, even for a moment, that she could fit in. They would betray her (abandon her, hate her) before long. She distances herself, ignoring the small voice inside her pleading for her to trust them.)
(The voice sounds suspiciously like Saul, and Robin shakes her head, dispelling the memories of fire and ice filling her mind.)
They traveled to a sky island, and Robin marvels at the wonders the crew was capable of (so sure of themselves and their paths, and god, Robin wishes she could be like that). And, suddenly, hope flared in Robin, a poneglyph telling her, keep going, you’re not lost yet. A sudden drive filling her, she leaves the sky feeling lighter than she ever had, new drive filling her.
And just as quick as hope finds her again, it is ripped away.
Aokiji attacked, leaving her colder than ever, and CP9 came, and she knew all hope was lost. Yet, somehow, before she knew it, her direction had shifted. It isn’t just about her anymore, about her history. Protecting her friends (her family, those who love her for who she is) becomes her sole direction in life. She would let the world burn if it meant her family would be safe.
She should’ve known they wouldn’t take that laying down.
Standing on top of the Tower of Justice, looking down at the crew she had abandoned, she is struck by how huge they seemed. Not huge in size, no, but huge in personality, in dreams. Their purpose in life seems so strong, and standing there, being stared down, she was struck by how much they make her want to stand with them. She shouts denials, cries her fears to them, that they’ll abandon her, that they’ll betray her, and she’d rather die. Her captain, her savior, ignores absolutely all of that.
The flag burns, and her captain shouts, “SAY YOU WANT TO LIVE!”
Through her tears, she shouts back her dream, the one she was never allowed to have, and gets six sharp grins in return. As she is dragged away, she is struck by the realization that she had underestimated them. She thought her captain’s dream was solely to become King of the Pirates, to become the freest in the world. After having seen him at the top of the courthouse, challenging the world, she realizes his dream, his direction in life was more than that.
His dream was also to fulfill theirs. He wouldn’t rest until Zoro was the Greatest Swordsman, until Nami had drawn her Map of the World, until Sanji found the All Blue, until Usopp became a Brave Warrior of the Sea, until Chopper found the Cure to Every Disease. Until she found the Rio Poneglyph (until she found her reason to live).
And she found it with this crew, with these wonderful people, full of fire and dreams bigger than life. She found her way again, her way to live happily with people who will protect her and cherish her, with those who will support her dream as if it were their own. And she will do the same in return.
(The voice inside her, the voice that had been telling her for so long, you’re not alone, don’t give up yet, you’ll find those who will protect you, who will love you, finally quiets, at peace at last.)
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creative-type · 5 years
Guess who wrote about Chopper keeping Zoro alive after Thriller Bark...again
Title: The Good Fight Rating: G Word Count: 2230 AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23204785
Sixteen hours of surgery. Ten pints of blood. Countless stitches and the devil’s own luck. That’s what it took to keep Zoro alive after the battle of Thriller Bark.
Chopper laid his head down against Zoro’s bed, listening with a clinician's ear to the beep of the heart monitor, the steady drip of the IV, the rasp of each shallow breath. If he strained hard enough he thought he could hear the rapid, thready beat of Zoro’s heart, but he knew it was his imagination. He’d stabilized his patient, somehow. Brought his heart back into rhythm and sewed his eviscerated organs back into place. Zoro’s veins and arteries, the connective tubing that pumped his lifeblood from head to toe, were now attached to their proper ports instead of leaking immense volumes of fluid everywhere except where it was supposed to go.
If Chopper had the energy he would have cried. Instead he took a shuddering breath through a face full of linens and tried to keep his hooves from shaking.
Zoro claimed god didn’t exist, but Chopper had fought Death itself too many times not to believe in some higher power. He hadn’t lost... yet. But there had been too many close calls lately for him to believe things would get better anytime soon. Chopper was afraid to even think it, but this latest battle had been a near thing, with Zoro’s life in the balance.
Too near.
He didn’t mean to doze off sitting like that, leaning over his patient like some kind of watchdog, but he must have because when there was a soft rap of knuckles against his infirmary door Chopper jerked violently awake. The sudden motion was enough to tip his chair over backward, and it was all Chopper could do to avoid cracking his head against the ground. The last thing anyone needed now was to give himself a concussion.    
“Hey, Chopper, are you okay?”
Usopp popped his head in the doorway, then rushed in when he saw Chopper laying in a dazed heap on the floor. He helped him to his feet and righted the chair, then brushed off the front of Chopper’s shirt like an older brother who wanted to help but didn’t really know how. Once assured that Chopper wasn’t harmed turned his attention to Zoro.
“Is he…?”
Usopp left the question unfinished. There was still an ashen, unhealthy pallor to Zoro’s normally bronzed skin, the barest hint of blue at his lips visible beneath the oxygen mask. But his respirations were steady and his blood pressure stable, and that was more than Chopper could have said sixteen hours ago.
“Everything has gone as good as I could have hoped for. Better, even,” Chopper said.
“That’s great!” Usopp exclaimed. He wrapped Chopper in a tight hug and danced around in a wild circle. Even after being set back on the ground, it took Chopper longer than it should have for the room to stop spinning.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Usopp asked earnestly. “Everyone’s just starting to wake up, I think Sanji’s putting together a party. You should come out and eat something.”
Chopper shook his head. “I can’t. I need to know right away If he starts bleeding again, and with all the transfusions I need to be careful not to put him into fluid overload. Plus with all those open wounds there’s a huge risk for infection, and...and…”
He meant to say more. He needed to say more, for Usopp to understand that while Zoro was better, he was by no means well . But the harder he tried the more his tongue tied into knots. Chopper knew he wasn’t making any sense, which frustrated him even more , the emotion of it all building up within him with no valve for release.
Chopper let himself plop onto the floor before he exploded, sniffing piteously as his vision went unexpectedly fuzzy. Usopp blinked, body going lax as his usual bravado rushed out of him like Luffy after a gum-gum balloon.
“Hey, it’ll be okay.” Usopp knelt down and patted Chopper awkwardly on the back. “You did good. Maybe you need to take a nap or something.”
He faltered, his eyes going wide as saucers. “Wait, you’ve been up all this time? We were awake all night chasing zombies, and then that weird bear guy came and blew everything all to hell, and we found Zoro, and ohmygod you’ve been awake since before yesterday .”
“Zoro needed me,” Chopper said simply. “He still needs me.”
As if agreeing, Zoro groaned in his sleep, making a feeble attempt to scratch at the drain that kept his right lung from collapsing on itself under the weight of the blood and fluid in his pleural cavity. Chopper hurried over to sedate him, mentally running through the dosing calculations and praying that he wouldn’t drop his already-precarious blood pressure off of a cliff.
When Zoro was once again resting comfortably Chopper returned to his chair to document, jumping a little when he saw Usopp staring dumbfounded out of the corner of his eye. He’d forgotten anyone else was in the room.
“Y’know, I bet one of Lola’s crew is a doctor,” Usopp said. “Maybe I could go ask--”
“Zoro is my responsibility!” Chopper said shrilly. “I can’t trust Zoro with some random doctor I’ve never met! If something happens I need to be here, because if I’m not I...I don’t know what I’d do.”
“I mean, I guess,” Usopp said, defeated. “But  Zoro wouldn’t want you to run yourself ragged, either. What if you’re too tired and make a mistake?”
“I wouldn’t do that,” Chopper said stubbornly, even as statistics of the effects of sleep deprivation rolled through his mind unbidden.
“I won’t lose him,” Chopper said, more quietly. Except the won’t came out sounding a whole lot more like can’t , and he couldn’t stop the tears from falling. It made the fur on his face feel funny, and Chopper concentrated on that instead of the pitying expression on Usopp’s face.
He didn’t understand. He couldn’t, not without being a doctor. Chopper’s fight started when Zoro’s stopped, and it was up to him to make sure that his efforts, whatever they were, hadn’t been in vain.
A normal person would have died taking half of the punishment Zoro had. Even a fourth would have been crippeling. Yet Zoro stood tall, so much blood slicking his skin that it was a wonder he had any left inside. Usopp couldn’t know the look Zoro had given him right before falling unconscious, the faint smile of relief as he realized it was finally okay to let go, because his doctor was there to keep fighting the battle he had no right winning.
“Chopper?” Usopp asked, startling him back to his senses. There was something in his expression, hesitant and a little frightened, that made Chopper think it hadn’t been the first time he called his name.
“You did your part. Now let us do ours.”
The thing about Usopp was that he wasn’t afraid to play dirty, and when it was clear that Chopper had no intentions of listening to him, he went and found Robin.
Not that she looked much better than Chopper felt. Having her shadow forcibly stolen from her had taken its toll, and of all the Straw Hats she was the one he trusted to assist with surgery when he was unable to manage on his own. She had stayed until Chopper was reasonably sure Zoro would pull through, but only after making Chopper promise to call if he needed assistance once more.
But Chopper hadn’t needed assistance, at least not as much as Robin needed rest, so he had plowed on, breaking through his second, third, forth wall of fatigue through caffeine tablets and sheer force of will.
“Your hands are shaking,” Robin observed. She had a bottle of water with her that she handed to Chopper, fixing him with a look until he sheepishly took a drink. Chopper could see Usopp’s shadow in the doorway of the infirmary, whispering fiercely to Sanji and Nami.
Robin noticed his gaze and shut the door before kneeling down to his level. “I know it can be...difficult, at times, to ask for help. But we all have limits, and you have long-past yours.”
She pressed a hard candy into his hooves. “Sanji will be in shortly with a proper meal, but this should hold you over till then.”
“But if something happens--”
“I will wake you,” Robin said. “Nami is getting your bedding now, so you can rest here with Zoro. You don’t have to leave him if you don’t want to.”
All the air left Chopper in a rush. “Oh.” He unwrapped the candy and let it melt on his tongue, even that small amount of sugar boosting his dangerously low levels. When was the last time he had eaten?
“Why didn’t I think of that?”
“You are exhausted,” Robin said matter-of-factly. Then, with a note of reproach in her tone, “You cannot treat anyone if you do not take care of yourself.”
Before Chopper could argue there was a knock at the door. Sanji swept in, and foregoing his usual praise set a tray down at Chopper’s feet. There was a steaming bowl of cinnamon and sugar rice, milk, more water, and a cookie. Out of deference to Chopper’s patient, the cigarette that hung from his lips was unlit.
“Those shithole zombies took our food supply, and I haven’t had much luck raiding theirs,” Sanji said apologetically. “Looks like most went to feeding that great shithead Oars.”
Chopper nodded. Luffy’s appetite was bad enough on its own, but in the body of a giant it was nearly insatiable. “Thank you.”
The smell alone made Chopper’s mouth water, and he ate with mechanical efficiency, scarcely tasting the food before shoving the next spoonful into his mouth. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was, and the rice settled like a lead block in the pit of his stomach. His limbs felt heavy as he drank the rest of the water and his eyes burned with lack of sleep.
While he ate Nami came in with a pillow and blanket, but Chopper ignored it in favor of curling up in Robin’s lap. “Lemme know if his heart rate goes up and his blood pressure down, or if he wakes up, or if...if…”
“Hush, now,” Robin said, placing a calming hand against his back. Somewhere in the distance he thought he heard someone start to sing, but he couldn’t place the voice.
It sounded nice, Chopper thought, and he hoped he’d get to hear it again when he woke up.
Chopper woke up entangled in a pile of limbs and blankets. He blinked against the light of the infirmary, realizing somewhat befuddledly that his hat was not sitting on his head. His eyes were sleep-crusted and his throat was dry and he kinda had to go to the bathroom, but Chopper did not move. For some reason, he didn’t want to.
The smell of blood hit first and hardest. Somehow Chopper squirmed enough to get himself turned around and looking directly up at the bed were Zoro currently lay.
And if he was looking up that meant he had to be laying down . It took another long moment for his brain to reboot itself back to waking, and only then did Chopper realize he was on the floor and surrounded by Straw Hats. His head still lay in Robin’s lap while she herself was sitting up against the wall of the infirmary, and it was Nami’s arm that was currently wrapped around his torso. Sanji lay curled up on top of the blanket haphazardly thrown across Chopper’s legs, effectively pinning him to the ground.
Usopp and Luffy (when had he come in?) were on the other side of Robin, sprawled and taking every last bit of space, while Franky sat in Chopper’s tiny chair with his head rested against his massive forearms.
They were all here. They were all alive. Chopper took a deep breath, feeling it catch in the back of his throat.
Music came in through the doorway, a smooth caress to Chopper’s soul.
Maybe Luffy was right, and they’d gone too long without a musician. Hopefully he would find one soon, Chopper would like to study the therapeutic effects of music on the crew…
He drifted back into a deep and dreamless slumber.
The Straw Hats threw a party, as they always did after their biggest and hardest battles. Chopper still didn’t trust Zoro to leave him alone, and Luffy wouldn’t allow Chopper to miss out on the fun, so they arrived at the festivities together. Patient and doctor. Big and little brother. Crewmates.
Chopper won this round, but deep down he was still afraid. Afraid that each success would encourage Zoro to greater recklessness, afraid that someday he’d go a step too far and Chopper wouldn’t be able to bring him back. Afraid that he wouldn’t make it in time.
But that was the thing about the Straw Hat Pirates, they trusted one another. Just like Chopper believed there was no one Zoro could not defeat, Zoro believed there was no injury he could not fix. That’s what it meant to be the greatest doctor in the world.
Chopper could only hope that he was right.
From across the room Brook began to play a round of Bink’s Sake. Beside him, Chopper’s small hoof nestled into his hand, Zoro smiled in his sleep.  
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luccislegs · 5 years
alsjlskzjs, I loved the Law/maleso/Luffy, you wrote it amazingly! Can I ask for a continuation, maybe with a little interatcing with the crew and their ghosts, but as a little time passes, Male reader finds himself accidentally using the ghosts powers or skills? like, they are at dinner one night, and sneezes fire. Or after getting startled, they silnce the whole ship for like 3 hours? or like, hes talking to Robin and can read the Ponglyps for a few mineuts (Robons mom) and they freak out?
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sorry this took me so long! i really had to take and do this in chunks bc my brain would fry trying to figure out all the little details for everyone. i don’t think sanji has anyone important to him in his past, so he isn’t here. also the first four are the longest bc they play an actual part in some things, and also theirs have the most obvious powers and drawbacks. i hope i did this enough justice to warrant the wait lol
Over the course of the few months you were on the sunny, more ghosts began to show up, like they were drawn to you. Some spirits, like ace and rosinante, sought you out before you ever met whoever was keeping them tethered. Others, like Olvia and Tom, seemed to sense when you met their loved ones, and then sought you out.
Or that was what you guessed anyway, since they didn’t seem to have an answer for it either.
Regardless, there were now half a dozen ghosts following you around, and new symptoms had shown up on top of that.
Safe to say, you were losing your mind.
You were just cuddled up with Luffy on the couch in the aquarium, his head in your lap as you chatted back and forth about the next island.
The urge hit you out of the blue, and you turned your head to the side to avoid sneezing all over Luffy.
That went right out the window as a huge column of flames shot out of your nose when you sneezed, lighting the curtains beside you on fire.
You immediately jumped up, knocking Luffy onto the floor as you panicked, smothering the flames with the other half of the curtains. 
Luffy, helpful dolt that he is, laid on the floor upside down staring at you in awe before jumping to his feet and picking you up in a hug
“That is so cool, ___. I didn’t know you could do that! You looked just like a dragon!”
To be fair, you didn’t know you could do that either. Over Luffy’s shoulder, you sent ace a murderous glare, to which he happily responded with a shoulder shrug, a smirk, and laughter.
You never actually got a chance to figure out what the hell had happened because, mid-hug, you fell asleep right in Luffy’s arms.
A few days after the incident with Luffy, something else happened. You were beginning to think you needed to screen the ghosts before you agreed to help them from now on.
You were hanging out quietly in the boy’s room with Law, who was busy reading over a medical text from chopper, and Rosi, who was lounging on the other end of the couch smoking a transparent cigarette (which, by the way, was pretty funny when he managed to light himself on fire, freaked out, then realized he couldn’t actually burn) when Franky came bursting into the room with Usopp hot on his heels.
You weren’t even sure how it happened, it was like reflex. Rosi jumped and floated up to the ceiling, you jumped off the couch and hit the floor, and then all of a sudden everything was dead quiet.
You could clearly see Franky and Usopp yelling about…something, but you couldn’t hear anything.
Law, on the other hand, was looking at you with curiosity, like he knew exactly what was going on.
“Er, Law…?” you asked, and you heard yourself perfectly fine, but he didn’t react.
Rosi floated down behind you, and you nearly jumped out of your skin when he spoke. “I think you may have just silenced the ship. Seems you can use my calm calm powers, ___.”
You sighed. “Yeah I was afraid of that. how do I fix it?”
But Rosi only shrugged before floating over to law. “Come over here and see if he can hear you.”
You didn’t understand how moving closer would help, but did as told. 
Or tried to. You tripped over the floor mat and tumbled, smacking your head off the floor and blacking out before you could get there.
Your next stop was to see Robin, and you found her in the library, looking over a charcoal shading of some strange symbols. She looked up as you entered and smiled.
“Well hello, ___. What can I do for you?” she asked. She always had a knack for telling when someone was actively looking for her and when you just happened upon her.
“Well…I have a problem. and I think you might be the most able to help,” you said, sitting beside her.
You glanced over the sketches in her hands absentmindedly, and a word popped into your head.
“Those are Poneglyphs, right?” you asked, pointing to them.
Robin froze, then nodded slowly. “How did you know that?” she asked, staring at you with a guarded expression. She had never mentioned them to you before, or in your presence, and she was pretty sure that no one else would have a reason to.
“Uh, that’s sort of why I’m here,” you answered, pointing over your shoulder to the– to her, empty– space where Nico Olvia floated. “I think I may be spouting some of the spirits powers out. It just started. I almost burned the library down a few days ago, then just earlier I muted everyone like Cora used to do.”
Robin looked stricken at the mention of her mother for a moment, as she always did, before it turned thoughtful. “I’ve never heard of that being possible. Although Blackbeard stole devil fruit powers, he can use them freely. You can only use them momentarily, right?”
You nodded, looking back down at the papers. Some of the words you could understand, but most of them just looked like gibberish. Slowly, more came into focus, as if your brain was automatically learning another language. 
Before you could really start to piece the words together though, everything seemed to explode into agony. You couldn’t breathe, as if your lungs wouldn’t expand. The edges of your vision turned black, and you collapsed.
Robin’s voice sounded very far away, and there was Chopper’s alongside hers. As you came to, you could start to make out what they were saying.
“…he just blacked out? What was he doing before then?” Chopper was asking.
“We were just talking about the new powers he developed, and he was looking at the pictures of Poneglyphs, and then he was on the floor gasping.”
“Look, he’s waking up.” That was Law’s voice, and he sounded very concerned.
You opened your eyes just a crack, testing whether that was a good idea. Your head felt like it was splitting open, and Law helped you to sit up slowly. 
“What happened?” he asked, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know. I was talking with Robin and then suddenly everything hurt, like I’d been beaten, and I couldn’t breathe anymore,” you said, looking around at everyone. It was just you, Robin, Chopper, and Law in the room, and they all looked like you felt.
Robin’s gasp broke the silence, like a lightbulb had turned on. “It sounds like you were experiencing what my mother did before she…I wonder if you aren’t taking their powers but also some of their personality too,” she said, looking at you curiously. “What happened after you used Ace’s and Cora-san’s?”
Law broke in before you could answer. “He fell asleep in luffy’s arms after lighting the libary on fire, and tripped and knocked himself out after silencing our room. Which is exactly what they used to do.”
You nodded in agreement, but Robin still looked perturbed. “It seems like you experience more than just their quirks, but their deaths too. That can’t be good. I’ll do some research and see if there’s anything about your powers, but you need to be careful too.”
This new development was slightly detrimental to your health. You couldn’t figure out a rhyme or reason to how your new powers worked, or when they would, but you were keen to find out. 
The safest way, you figured, was to try practicing with a sword and seeing if you couldn’t channel some of Kuina’s swordsmanship at will.
It didn’t work. At all.
You couldn’t seem to find any trigger for making it work, swinging the sword as you normally would have. Zoro seemed disappointed as well, having hoped to have a decent match against someone besides Law for once. It didn’t matter that you explained to him you could only use it for a few seconds.
Only when Franky, who was working on something on the mast, accidentally lost his grip on a drawing knife he was using and sent it flying towards you did those “instincts” kick in. Your vision went a little blurry, as if you were seeing things through water, and you lifted the sword and swung with more grace than you ever had, knocking it aside before it could reach you.
Zoro clapped in impressed surprise. “I guess you need to be in danger to use it,” he said, watching you stumble and fall to your knees. “Are you alright?”
“No, I uh,” you struggled to think through the screaming pain that was lancing through your back. It wasn’t nearly as excruciating as Olvia’s death, but your head was still swimming from it. “Can I ask how Kuina died?”
Zoro paused, looking like he swallowed a lemon. “She fell down the stairs.” He sounded bitter, so you nodded and moved on.
“I think I’m experiencing some of the things the others did in their lives, deaths included. Earlier, I could read Poneglyphs, but right after I went through Olvia’s death. This is…a little scary,” you admit, just as Luffy and Law came onto the deck. 
Franky had gone to fetch them when you collapsed, and they pulled you gently to your feet. 
“Are you alright, _____?” Luffy asked, just as Law asked, “what the hell is going on?”
Explaining it all over again, you sighed tiredly. “I just want to go lay down now, if you don’t mind.”
Nothing happened for a few days after that. At every turn, though, you were expecting an outburst followed by some type of mayhem. Practicing with Zoro a little more revealed that only when something dangerous you weren’t expecting happened did you channel Kuina’s excellent swordsmanship. Needless to say, Zoro was disappointed.
Nami’s first experience happened when you were helping her trim her tangerine trees. It was one of the only pleasant experiences you had, because for some reason– maybe you were just relaxed enough that it was flowing– Bell-mere’s knowledge of tangerines was flowing freely. 
For nearly an hour, you and Nami chatted about the best ways to take care of the trees. You could see Bell-mere floating aimlessly through the trees, and knew she was listening but never once did she input anything to the conversation. 
The only negative side-effect you experienced was an overwhelming craving for cigarettes.
Franky’s was another pleasant experience, since you were able to channel Tom’s knowledge of shipbuilding. It didn’t last as long as Bell-mere’s, but it came much more frequently than Rosi’s or Ace’s. 
You were beginning to suspect that the physical aspects took a different type of catalyst compared to the knowledge. Unfortunately, you were unable to physically put any of Tom’s knowledge into effect, but Franky enjoyed talking with you while he was working.
Chopper’s was another unpleasant one.
Channeling Hiriluk’s medical knowledge was a struggle at best, because even though you knew what was going on, you didn’t really understand, and it gave you a headache. 
Combine that with the fact that you spent almost 30 minutes doubled over from unbearable stomach cramps– which you found out was most likely what Hiriluk experienced before he died from eating a deadly mushroom– and his knowledge really wasn’t worth the experience.
Chopper couldn’t even really enjoy chatting with you about it because you were just so miserable, but the catalyst for Hiriluk’s knowledge was pretty much just entering the medical bay, so you suffered quite a bit from that one.
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Hi c: First things first, I love your blog I saw requests were open, so I wanted to ask a nsfw alphabet for Bartolomeo, if you’re ok with it.
(Hell yeah, it’s Barto Time :3)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Barto is ready to tend to your every need after sex. You want ANYTHING, his crew will bring it to you with a call on his DenDen Mushi. It connects to the speakers on the ship, and he orders his men to bring you whatever you need. (“I’m kinda hungry now…” “On it. Oi, bring up some–what do you want, babe?” “I’m craving burgers right now.” “Bring up some burgers to my room. Whoever makes the best one and gets it here fastest gets a copy of one of my autographed posters!”)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his partner’s face. He just enjoys cupping your cheek and kissing you everywhere he can; your soft lips, your cute squishy cheeks, little kisses on the tip of your nose…As for his body, he likes his hair. His hairstyle is awesome (to him, at least), it’s an eye-catching color, and his hair is just so soft; he loves whenever you run your fingers through his hair.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
His cum is on the thick side, translucent whitish-colored, and a little bitter. Nothing that will make you gag, though.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Okay, so Bartolomeo knows that Luffy isn’t really interested in sex, BUT…he’s had this recurrent dream where he’s in a threesome with you and Luffy-sama, and it always results in him moaning both of your names and absolutely ruining his sheets. Even if Luffy did have an interest in sex, Barto feels he isn’t worthy enough to sleep with him. I mean, sometimes he thinks isn’t worthy enough to sleep with someone as gorgeous and loving as YOU, so the idea of having a threesome with you two is too much for him to think about.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Personally, I think he’s a virgin. He talks a lot of game, but the instant you make a move on him for the first time he’s a blushing mess. As long as you and the Straw Hats aren’t around, he gives off the impression he’s had sex before with how confident he is, but any questions about any of his past (and nonexistent) conquests makes him crumble a bit. He’s actually gotten close to sleeping with a few people in the past, but once he takes them to his room, they see the shit ton of Straw Hats merch (posters, plushies, cosplay outfits, handmade figures, etc.) and they peace the fuck out. To be fair, seeing a dozen plushies of Luffy, Chopper, and the rest of the gang looking straight at you during sex would be…offputting.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The first time you two have sex, he’s anxious about where he should be and he lets you take the reins. He would want to experiment with a few different positions, and he finds he likes being on the bottom most of the time with you riding him. Cowgirl is his go-to, but as long as he gets to see your face he’s a happy man.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He tries to be serious and put on his cocky, confident persona (like how he was at the start of the Arena), but it falls apart almost immediately when you two first have sex. Whether or not he’s goofy in bed depends on his partner, since he’ll follow their lead and try to match their energy. If you’re more serious, he’s more serious. If you’re more giggly, so is he.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Yes, it’s green. And yes, he grooms it as meticulously as the hair on his head. He has a small happy trail and he used to shave it, but after overhearing a few women talk about how they found men with happy trails hot he decided to leave it. It’s surprisingly soft by pubic hair standards!
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Barto is VERY intimate and romantic. He may come across as a monstrous badass as Bartolomeo the Cannibal, but in the bedroom he is so gentle. He wants to worship you like the king/queen you are, and sex with him involves a lot of foreplay. He likes positions where he can look you in the eyes and cup your cheek as you ride him, and his hands and mouth never stop exploring your body. His kisses have a little sharpness to them thanks to his teeth, and he tries not to draw blood or hurt you unless that’s what you want.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Does it about three times a week. He gets hard at the drop of a hat, and it doesn’t subside unless he takes care of it himself. He had a magazine when he was younger, but now he prefers to use his imagination. Even though he does fantasize about some of the Straw Hats, he would NEVER use any of their merch or wanted posters– If he tainted any of his mint-condition, pristine posters of them, he would throw himself into the ocean with his pants still around his ankles. Once he’s with you, he sticks to thinking about you…and/or Nami sleeping with you. And/or Robin. And/or Franky, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Luffy-sama…
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This is a Straw Hat-only fetish, but cuckolding and/or group sex. Obviously this doesn’t apply to Chopper, but as for everyone else? Hell yes. As stated above, he loves the idea of sleeping with you and one or more of his idols at the same time. He wouldn’t even have to be involved, either; seeing Zoro-san taking you from behind with Nami and Robin both sharing you in front, Franky using a few “special inventions” on you, Luffy completely wrapped around you and giving Bartolomeo a sly wink…INSTANT NUT. He feels guilty whenever his fantasies involve Luffy, a) because he doesn’t feel worthy enough to sleep with Luffy or even watch him in bed and b) he gets the feeling Luffy wouldn’t really be into that. Still, it turns him on like you wouldn’t believe.
Non-Straw Hat kinks? He gets really turned on when you wear his clothes, and if you wore his coat while riding him he would lose it. He’s also a bit of a sub, so he likes being on the receiving end of some light BDSM/teasing/edging. He also has a praise kink. It doesn’t even need to be sexual, just tell him he’s a great fighter or that his hair looks cool and his pants will start to get tight.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He isn’t too fond of public sex. Sex is one of the few times he indulges in being submissive and vulnerable, and he doesn’t want any random assholes to see him desperately begging for you to make him cum. He usually sticks to a bed, couch, or the floor of his room. While he doesn’t want people to catch him in the act, he DOES enjoy bragging to the crew over his DenDen Mushi once you two are finished. (“Guys, I just made ____ cum four times in a row!” And then there’s just a fucking chorus of cheering from every part of the ship)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Like I said, he enjoys seeing you in his clothes and any time you praise him he gets turned on. Seeing you kick someone’s ass or verbally go off on someone is also really hot to him; he already knows you’re a badass, but there’s something about seeing you just wreck a bitch that makes his blood rush south.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing that would hurt you. If you’re a masochist, he would try really hard to satisfy you, but he just can’t bring himself to do anything really major. Like he would NEVER under any circumstances slap you during sex, even if you beg him to. I mean the dude apologizes if he grips your hips too hard or if he accidentally bites you when he’s giving you a hickey.
He thought he would enjoy roleplay, but it turns out it just isn’t his thing. He doesn’t wanna fuck you if you’re pretending to be someone else, he wants you. And he’d be kinda hurt if you wanted him to pretend to be something he isn’t.
No bodily fluids. He enjoys being teased and degraded, but he does NOT wanna be pissed on. If you get periods though and you want to have sex during Shark Week, he’s fine with sex as long as it’s easy to clean up after (having sex in the shower, putting a few towels down on the bed, etc.)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He likes to give you oral, but he worries about hurting you with his sharp teeth. If you have a penis, he learns how to deepthroat as soon as possible so he can take all of you in his mouth (and he firmly believes that spitters are quitters. You cum in his mouth, and he WILL swallow and wipe what’s left off his lips before pulling you in for a kiss.)
If you’ve got a vagina, he improves his tongue’s dexterity by trying to tie a cherry stem in his mouth every day until he can do it easily. The closest he really gets to being dominant is when he’s giving you oral; he’ll pin your legs down with a  small growl and stare at you intensely as he eats you out like you’re his last meal.
His first time isn’t anything amazing, but he’s a fast learner. Once you two have been together a few times, he learns how to tell when you like what he’s doing.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s the kind of guy to start slow and sensual, but the closer he gets to cumming the faster and more desperate he gets. Because he prefers having you on top, he likes to let you set the pace; he also LOVES when you two go faster and faster, and you suddenly slow down to tease him right as he’s about to cum.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s cool with quickies! Whether it’s because you just need to fuck away your pent-up stress or you just have a busy day, he totally understands why you’d want a quickie. He’d prefer proper sex though, but if you ask for a quick round he eagerly agrees. He doesn’t initiate quickies that often, maybe once or twice a month.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Barto trusts you completely, so he’s open to trying anything with you at least once. Even with his turn-offs, he’ll really try to experiment with his boundaries; if you wanted him to hurt you, he’d just start grabbing your ass a bit rougher than usual; after some prodding from you, he’d spank you. But any further than that, and he’d say he doesn’t feel okay with it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Barto’s stamina is fairly low at first; the first time he has sex, he was so overstimulated and overwhelmed with emotion that he just collapsed after his first orgasm. As he sleeps with you more often, his stamina builds up and now he can go three or four rounds before he needs to tap out. He doesn’t take a break until you’ve climaxed at LEAST twice. Like his stamina, he doesn’t last very long at first but he can go longer and longer over time. Since he refuses to stop until you’ve cum at least twice, he’ll push himself to keep going even if he doesn’t know how long he can last. He’ll typically last about 15 minutes per round on average, and he usually manages to make you cum before then.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s a simple guy; when it comes to jacking off, all he ever needed was his own hand a good imagination. So he doesn’t own any toys, but if his partner wanted to try them out he would happily try some out (whether it’s on him or on his s/o)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He prefers being teased by you, so he’ll only do it a little bit if he knows it’ll get you to “punish” him for it. If he notices that you enjoy being teased, he’ll do it a bit more during foreplay (kissing your neck and earlobe, dragging his teeth along your skin, lightly squeezing your thighs, etc.)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s pretty damn loud, not gonna lie. He doesn’t mean to be, but you just make him feel so good! He doesn’t like anyone aside from you to hear him beg, but because he’s so loud he usually has to quiet himself by moaning with his mouth against your body or by making a soundproof barrier around the two of you. He’d love it if you gagged him to keep him from making so much noise, whether that be with a ball gag or just a piece of cloth.
Constantly switches between praising you and begging you like the desperate little slut he is. When he cums, it’s usually with a low whine/growl thing that’s just…so hot when you hear it. If you’re the kind of person to make him say things in bed, he does it immediately without any thought to who might hear you, which is why he usually makes a soundproof barrier before you two go at it (“C’mon, Barto, tell me how bad you wanna cu–” “Ah, fuck, ____, I need you to make me cum so badly, I can’t take it anymore! Fuck, please, please…”)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
While he usually makes a soundproof barrier, he used to forget to lock his bedroom door in the heat of the moment. Long story short, Cavendish once walked in on the two of you: Bartolomeo was gagged and blindfolded, and Cavendish had walked in on him right as you two were cumming. Thanks to the barrier, he couldn’t hear you two but he saw everything. He just froze and his eyes widened, and once you realized he was there and made eye contact, he just slowly backed out of the room. You didn’t tell Barto what had happened, but now you always make sure his door is locked whenever you two are about to have sex. If Bartio knew that Cavendish had seen him being your blindfolded and gagged fucktoy, he wouldn’t even know how to deal with it.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Your boy is a shower: 7 ½ inches flaccid and 8 ½ inches erect. Fairly average girth, and it’s a little pink at the tip. It’s got one vein on the left side, but it isn’t noticeable unless you’re staring at his dick for a while.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Ideally, he wants to have sex 4 to 5 times a week, so his sex drive is pretty high. He doesn’t even care if it’s just oral most of the time; as long as he busts a nut, he doesn’t care how it comes about.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It depends on the time of day. Morning sex actually makes him energized and pumped, but afternoon and evening sex makes him more sleepy once he’s climaxed. He’s more likely to fall asleep in the evening, but he won’t do it if you’re in need of some aftercare. Once you’re satisfied (in more ways than one~), he collapses against his mattress and holds you close for some post-sex cuddling until he falls asleep. If you spoon him, run your hands through his hair, and murmur some gentle praises in his hear, he’ll melt in your arms.
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was fun! If you're looking for a request, how about Brook and Nami for "Birthday Card"?
Here you are, hun! :3 I hope you enjoy it! 
A Straw Hat Birthday Party 
“Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here today to commemorate a very special occasion,” Sanji announced dramatically as he stood at the head of the kitchen table, held tilted back and his hand over his heart in the epitome of a regal air. Nami jumped slightly as he slammed his hand down on the table and pointed at her with the other, hearts beating wildly in his eyes. “Nami-swan’s birthday~” Nami rolled her eyes nearly into the back of her head at the ridiculousness of it; her birthday was a month ago, in July, one month before they had reconvened in Sabaody Archipelago and set out to Fishman Island. They had surfaced this morning and were currently sailing onwards in search of another sort of business for Luffy to poke his nose into, and they had all been very confused when Sanji had suddenly summoned them for a premise other than lunch.
“Sanji, it’s been over a month since my birthday- and technically, almost all of us have had two birthdays since we were separated, so is it really fair to celebrate only mine?” she pointed out with a wave of her hand. Not that she was unappreciative of the sentiment- it was actually really nice that Sanji had committed her birthday to memory, though not entirely unexpected- but it didn’t sit well with her to leave everyone out. Sanji instantly deflated to sink into a chair, grumbling and lighting up a cigarette to sulk. “Look, all I’m saying is, maybe we should have like a joint birthday party for everyone!” she suggested. She didn’t want to ruin all his fun.
“Oooooooh! That sounds like so much fuuuuuuun!” Luffy cried and filled the air with the happy clacking of the soles of his flip-flops slapping together. “Let’s do it, Sanji! Please? Please?” Sanji took a long drag of his cigarette before cocking his head to the side, blowing the plume of smoke through his mouth and nose.
“Nnh, it doesn’t sound too terrible an idea. I could make a hell of a tiered cake with everyone’s favorites…” he began to mumble to himself as he unconsciously rolled up his sleeves and got up to begin rooting around his kitchen for various supplies. Luffy crowed ecstatically and flung his rubbery arms into the air before stretching out his head across the table to where Usopp and Franky were sitting together to begin yelling at them about party decorations. Chopper got up and ran across the table to Robin bleating about scrounging up small little presents for everybody, to which the woman smiled and responded calmly that she was sure they could find something. This led to a slew of construction paper, scissors, glue, and various other art articles from Usopp’s cache being slung across the table to create birthday cards, while Usopp, Franky, and Sanji worked around them on their respective duties. Luffy was attempting to be helpful but kept letting the balloons loose to fly around because he thought it was funny, and Zoro decided it wasn’t worth all the effort and was sleeping on the floor. It was absolute chaos, but somehow Nami had wrangled in the mania just a bit to provide a menial amount of order; she had divvied up the birthday card assignments between herself, Brook, and Chopper. Robin was using her Devil Fruit power to help out in various ways and was lounged back beside Chopper as he sat down on the table in front of her coloring with some crayons.
“Nami? What do you think of this? Yohohohoho!” Brook chortled beside her and held up his card for him to critique his handiwork. Nami instantly grimaced; she should have known better than to ask him to make a card for her. He had drawn an actually cute-looking pair of panties on the front with the simple phrase “It’s your birthday! Show me your panties!”
“Brook, come on, take this seriously!” she tutted and waggled her finger at him. “It may seem like everyone is taking this lightly, but look at how hard everyone is working for all our sakes!” she said with a gesture around the room. Sanji was slaving over a large bowl whisking frosting into oblivion while an automatic mixer churned his cake batter into creamy goodness; Usopp and Franky were kneeled on the floor painting a very elaborate and tasteful banner; and Luffy was actually getting serious enough to actually begin tying the balloons together into arrangements. Brook’s calcified face frowned and he looked down at the card, his bony eyebrows narrowed in concentration.
“I see… I apologize, Nami. I haven’t celebrated my birthday in fifty years. I suppose I forgot how much it meant to others.” Nami’s heart immediately twisted into contorted guilt. She hadn’t meant to upset him! Gosh, darn it, now she had to cheer him up, dammit. The skeleton man was obviously blue. Nami smiled sweetly and reached up to pat his bushy afro.
“Don’t sweat it, okay? I didn’t mean to be harsh! Look, all I meant was that I would rather you pour your heart and soul into it! You don’t need my approval. Do your best!” she said with a nervous edge to her smile. Would it work? God, she couldn’t upset anybody on their joint birthday celebration! Luckily enough, Brook instantly brightened and bent over his card, pencil flying with renewed gusto. Nami breathed a small sigh of relief and went back to working on her own birthday cards.
Considering it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, their little joint birthday celebration was underway right as the sun began to sink towards the endless horizon. They had moved their party to the spacious dining room; the birthday banner was strung across the wall, splashed with brilliant color and bubbly font that simply screamed celebratory cheer. Balloons were placed all about, bouncing along the floor and bobbing along the ceiling, and tied in great bunches at each corner of the room. Sanji’s work of art, the tiered cake with sections catering to each crew member’s taste, was situated on the middle of the table which was draped in white tablecloth. Chopper eagerly went about delivering the cards to their respective recipients before clambering up into his seat between Robin and Nami, drooling as he held a fork and knife and eyed the beautiful cake.
“Carve it up, Sanji, I’m starving!” Luffy whined in a wheedling voice as he banged his fists on the table impatiently. Sanji shook his golden bangs from his face with a snort of derision and a glare that warned “don’t piss off the man with the massive cake knife.”
“Keep it up and you’ll get yours last!” he snapped. Luffy did not take kindly to that, melting into a puddle against the table, but obediently ceased all impatient grumbling while Sanji set to cutting up the cake and delivering pieces around. Nami and Robin got theirs first, of course, but she patiently waited for everyone to get theirs before trying it; oh, but it was so hard to wait, because it seemed simply delectable! It was a tangerine sponge cake with lemon-orange whipped frosting and flecks of strawberry to add some conflicting tang. Nami’s mouth began to water just staring at it, and she practically dove into it when Sanji announced that they could. The icing was simply divine, melting into tasty sugar on her tongue, and the cake was the perfect level of moist and had an incredible texture.
“Sanji! This cake is immaculate!” she cried with a mouthful of her second piece.
“Ah! Only the best for you, Nami-swaaaaaaaan~!” Sanji trilled while pirouetting on the table so fast that she could imagine him little beating pink hearts all over the place.
“Cards! Let’s read the cards now!” Chopper begged while holding his up over his head. They eagerly complied and began reading off the little messages in the cards; it was pretty obvious who wrote who’s. Choppers all had some iteration of “Happy birthday, you bastard!” but also featured adorable little renditions of the tiny reindeer with whoever the card’s recipient was; they were so charming and child-like that Nami’s heart melted just looking at the drawings. It was clear that he put his heart and soul into them. Of course, he grew very bashful with all the gratuitous remarks and tried to laugh it off, but the brilliant grin on his furry face was plenty evidence that he was overjoyed at his handiwork’s reception.
Comparably, Nami’s cards were a bit simpler and had an almost store-bought craftsmanship to them, decorated with floral patterns and containing simple yet heartfelt personalized notes to the recipient. Sanji of course was one of them and he pirouetted so hard that he activated his Diable Jambe, warbling like a deranged songbird about how it would be an artifact that he would treasure for all time. Zoro was smiling wryly because she had made a pretty cheeky comment about his less-than-healthy rate of alcohol consumption.
Finally, it was time to get to Brook’s cards. The outside was unassuming, scrawled with wave patterns, but when she opened it she was bewildered to find that it contained no message or inscription of any kind. She looked up to Luffy and Usopp’s confused expressions to find that theirs suffered an identical issue. Before any of them could inquire, Brook cleared his non-existent throat and stood up to his full towering height, violin in hand.
“I am afraid that I struggled quite a bit in what to put in your cards. Ultimately I realized that I have far too much to say, yohohohoho, so hear it is in song instead!” He flipped the violin about to tuck it beneath his chin before drawing the thin instrument across the taut strings, producing a melodic wave of sound. Nami leaned her cheek into her hand with a small smile; his voice really was amazingly pleasing to the ear, and it seemed that he really had taken her advice to heart. There was nothing that Brook put more heart and soul into than his music. He sang about Usopp first, chronicling his bravery and adventurous soul, moving the elated Usopp to tears (which really wasn’t that hard considering he cried over almost everything). He sang about Luffy next, commending his indomitable spirit and good-naturedness, and though he had no idea what the words were, the straw hat-wearing captain hopped up onto the table and began dancing around singing random notes. Usopp soon jumped up with him and they linked arms, stomping in a circle. The rest of the crew found themselves clapping along, although Sanji snapped at them that it was their funeral if they ruined his cake.
Finally, Brook arrived at his verse for Nami. It was a song of the wind and the sea and tangerines and the navigator’s strong will. Nami felt like he plucked the strings of her heart rather than those of the violin, because she was just so moved by it. She leaned back in her chair while giving Brook a serene, warm smile, and he tossed her a wink while he continued to sing his birthday card for the three of them.
See, Brook? It’s not hard at all- not when you love us as much as you do. Sometimes you just have to put in words a little differently, huh? She thought contentedly as she tapped her foot along to the raucous beat. Nami couldn’t have asked for a more thoughtful birthday card than that.
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alkhale · 5 years
A decadeswap!AU (The Stawhats are around Shanks’ age, and he’s around theirs- Basically, the decades end up swapped, as is in the name! Buggy, Mihawk, and others in his age range are also switched, though the exact details vary- Does this Shanks have a crush on this Hoku? Is Luffy the Pirate King here, or does he want to be one at all? And more!); (Vira, 5/7)
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these two were close enough and I’m blending the ideas a bit–i’ve thought about an idea like this a lot hahaha, with some time travel au fun so here’s just a bit of what it might be like
Oda drew some of the characters at forty but it’s only Luffy and Zoro and Nami so i’d check ‘em out if you guys want reference for older thems! (Hoku’s pretty much like Nami with straighter hair)
Hoku, Zoro - 26
Sanji - 25
Luffy, Nami, Usopp - 24
Robin, Franky - 32
Shanks - 18
In this universe – a great man by the name of Monkey D. Luffy has gone, blazing through the world out of nowhere, and conquered and done what no one has done before, the Grand Line. This man sailed to the ends of the world and came right back ground, spreading his stories and tales far and wide. People hailed him as a hero and a villain, dubbing him with names across the globe. Straw Hat Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat pirates, sailed the seas on their ship, the Thousand Sunny.
And now, as a great era teems with life to follow after this man and find the treasure he left behind and surpass his legacy–
Shanks had always loved the sea.
He remembered the folks of his hometown always joking he was just some welp born in a boat, set adrift somewhere. The older people would say he must’ve been spat out by some sea wench herself and given to the land to wreck chaos and whatever havoc he could until he’d die at sea and she’d take him back with open arms.
He could never settle on land. The rocking of the boat beneath his feet, the constant sway and motion, motion, motion–
He loved the sea. It was why he joined what would be the next greatest crew on this universe at just fifteen–he knew it. His captain was going to do what only one man had ever done before and conquer the Grand Line. And he’d be there, he’d see it, and then he’d start the journey all over again.
He’d be the freest pirate on the seas.
Shanks felt the bit of grilled meat between his lips start to slip.
He stared.
Her hair was white–starkly, brightly, simply white–like paper or clouds. It hung heavy down her back, stopping midway while a hefty chunk curved over her shoulder, uneven ends brushing against her cheek. Her skin was sun-kissed. Her arms toned as they peeked out from beneath the heavy cloak falling over her shoulders and stopping at her ankles. The woman looked several years older than himself–but not that old, right? She doesn’t look a day over…
It’d been her eyes.
They caught off the pretty blade she’d been examining in her hands. An intricate tattoo curved around her left eye, inked like a roguish red, smeared at the end. They were shifting things–dark and deep like the ocean, moving like the sea with a little hint of something–he couldn’t tell from here.
She had ocean eyes.
Shanks felt something in his gut stir. His blood pumped through his veins. A grin was starting to curve over his lips as his food slapped back onto his plate and Buggy looked over with a jolt, halfway through shoving noodles down his mouth.
“What the hell–what’d you see?” his fellow cabin boy demanded, spitting noodle chunks. “You’ve got that face you get when you find treasure–I want in Shanks–”
“Buggy, that dame over there,” Shanks said, a bit breathless, gears already moving as he pointed, “you see her?”
Buggy rolled his eyes, only vaguely interested as he peered around Shanks’ shoulder. “Of course it’d just be some girl–”
Buggy spat out his noodles, eyes popping from his head.
“T-T-The one with white hair?”
“That’s the one,” Shanks rubbed at his chin. He smoothed his scarlet red hair over, adjusting his shirt. “Think I can talk her into something? I bet I could swindle a drink… I can pass off as old enough–”
“Are you insane?” Buggy screeched. The stall owner looked over and he grabbed Shanks by the shoulders, shaking him back and forth. “Do you know who that is?”
“Nope,” Shanks said. “But I’m sure gonna in just a second–”
“You’ll be gutted with your intestines holding you up in a second if you even try!” Buggy whispered, eyes wide with panic in fear. Shanks blinked, curious. “You bumbling idiot–that’s Hoku the Immortal–she’s part of Straw Hat Luffy’s crew–you know, the crew? The crew who conquered the Grand Line, the crew of the man who they’re even calling the King of–”
“Hoku,” Shanks tasted the name on his tongue, liking the sound already. “Hoku–now, that’s a nice name. Hoku–I don’t think I’ve quite heard anything like it–”
“Get your head out of your damn pants and put it back in your head!” Buggy screeched. “That woman is dangerous–forget dangerous, she’s out of your league! Completely! By a thousand times! Some people even say she’s Straw Hat Luffy’s wo–”
“It’s not in my pants,” Shanks said, offended as he calmly brushed his friend’s hands off his shoulders and stood. “‘s right here,” he gave his chest a fond pat. “And I’m gonna give that pretty lady a talk–who cares what crew she was on?”
“Is on–is! She’s holding a sword!” Buggy shrilled. “She’ll cut you in two–”
Just makes her more interesting.
Shanks grinned, eyes shining as he began to walk over, a boy with a mission.
People walked past both of them, continuing on with their days. She said something to the vendor, examining the sword in her hands curiously. The vendor seemed pleased.
Shanks’ sandals slapped the ground. He slid right up to her side, seeming nonchalant as he casually leaned up against the table of armored wares, examining them idly.
She didn’t even spare his presence a glance, eyes focused on the blade. He could see now the faint outline of one pressed to her lowerback.
“You know how to use that pretty thing, dove?”
Her eyes flickered briefly, as though surprised. She stared at the sword in her hands as though she’d thought it’d been the one to have spoken. Slowly, languidly, her eyes trailed sideways right over to him.
There was gold in her eyes. Like treasure hidden beneath lapping waves.
A chill raced down Shanks’ spine.
He offered her his brightest, boyish, most charming grin.
“That’s a dangerous question,” her voice was smooth–languid. Her entire demeanor was relaxed and rippling, hidden like a hint of power. A tigress? “The kind that’d call for a demonstration to prove it.”
HIs lips curved, cheeky. Shanks leaned up against the counter. He came up to her chin, but like this it hid the height she had on him. “It’d mean we’d have more of a reason to chat–why not?”
She arched a dark gray brow. Her head turned a bit now to face him, a touch incredulous, far more curious. He had her attention. Yes, that’s it. You’ve got it, Shanks, you’ve still got it.
Buggy was biting at his nails, pale as a ghost behind him.
Those ocean eyes followed him, from the top of his bright red hair to his chin and down to his saber at his side, lingering longer on the blade and then back to his bright, beaming face.
“What’s your game here?” she questioned, openly curious. “I don’t think you doubt me at all.”
“I don’t!” Shanks agreed, beaming. “You look like you’re quite the beauty with a blade. I just wanted an excuse to talk to ya, dove.”
She looked amused at the name. Her head tipped to the side, making her hair shift with it. He wanted to run his hands through that hair–it looked soft. Different.
“I haven’t been called that one yet,” her lids lowered. Shanks kept his easy grin.
“They call me Shanks,” he said cheerily, offering his hand. She looked purely amused now. “Could I get the pretty name of this pretty lady?”
“I didn’t ask, brat,” she set the sword down on the table, nodding to the vendor.
“It’ll be a name to remember,” he promised, eyes bright.
Her face flickered. She considered him for a moment.
“I’d sooner remember that hair,” she said. “Like apples.”
“You like apples?” Shanks said amiably. “We can talk over apples. The stall down the corner had some nice looking ones–”
“If I give you my name,” she said. “Will that get rid of you?”
Shanks grinned. He knew her name, but it was never the same as getting it yourself.
“You’ll just have to find out, won’t you?”
Her eyes flashed, interested. Her body shifted a bit more. Her cloak swayed, revealing a body hardened with experience and plenty more before it swayed back over, shielding her.
“I’ve always liked a good gamble,” she leaned back, reaching up and taking his hand.
Her fingers were a bit calloused, smoothened out. They curled around his and he held it tight, heart doing a little skip in his chest.
“It’s Hoku, Apple Haired Shanks,” she said, eyes glimmering with amusement. “Will that be the end of it?”
“Of course not!” Shanks said. He grabbed her hand, lifting it to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand. He peered up at her through his lashes, smiling against her hand in what he thought to be as charming as possible.
“I said I’d love,” he mumbled against her hand, “to have a chat with you.”
Hoku looked absolutely amused now. Disbelieving. Incredulous.
“Brat,” Hoku said, as though holding back a laugh. “Are you trying to talk me sweet?”
“Sweet,” Shanks said against her hand. “Bitter. Spicy. Sour–I’d taste it all.”
She laughed, a loud, ringing sound. Hearty. Shanks’ eyes sparkled, holding onto her hand against his lips as he watched her shoulders shake and she pressed her free hand to her mouth, knuckles touching her lips as she stared at him in cheerful disbelief.
“Brat,” he winced at the name. “How old are you?”
“Old enough,” he said. 
Hoku snorted. She tipped her head to the side again, regarding him thoughtfully. She didn’t seem put off with his behavior–was it working? Was he being charming? He should ease up and soften her up with something–food? Food always worked–
Her hand turned in his grip. Shanks stopped, soft fingers pressing up against his chin and tipping it up a bit.
Her fingers glided against his chin, guiding his gaze to her eyes and he–
Shanks stared, mesmerized.
“Never been charmed by such a dashing young boy,” Hoku said, a bit soft, a little low. Shanks’ ears strained for every rich syllable. “Aren’t you worried you’re biting off more than you can chew?”
“I have a big appetite,” Shanks said dumbly, lost in those ocean eyes.
Her fingers shifted. Light as feathers. Her hand cupped the side of his face and she stared down at him, eyes light and playful.
“You sound like the sun,” she said. Those words struck him, something funny deep inside him. “Maybe you’re dangerous after all.”
Why has it taken me so long to meet someone like you–where have you been hiding from me all this time–
Pain exploded across his cheek. Shanks yelped, a strangled noise from where her fingers pinched roughly at his cheek, tugging once. Hoku snorted, releasing her grip on him and giving his cheek a little pat. Shanks gaped, eyes wide as he grabbed his now red and bruising cheek and looked up at her–
“Try in ten years, brat,” Hoku mused, setting her hands on her hips. “Or seeing the world. Whichever comes first.”
I think I’ve just found it– “Wait,” Shanks started. “I’m plenty–”
“Hoku, it’s time to go.”
The deep voice cut clear. Shanks shot to attention, standing up straight and squaring his shoulders while his cheek throbbed. Hoku blinked, turning over her shoulder where a man had appeared–
Bright, spearmint colored hair cropped short over his head, pushed back. Gold glinted against his ear. Broad, broad shoulders–a bare, scarred, muscular chest and dark green cloth hanging onto the promise of muscles and power and–
Three swords tucked to his waist. Three rumored Supreme Grade swords. A scar through his eye–
Roronoa Zoro. The greatest swordsman in the world.
Shanks rose to his full height, puffing up his chest.
The older man was pressed close to Hoku’s side– he didn’t bother with a cloak, dark and powerful right beside her. Hoku half turned her head, face amiable and pleasant–aw, come on now–and she lifted a bag beneath her cloak. “I got some new supplies, you were running out.”
“Took you awhile.”
“Got a little caught up,” Hoku’s eyes flickered back to him, playful but reprimanding.
Shanks straightened, wishing he could double in size.
A single eye, half lidded, slid his way, regarding him with only faint, lazy curiosity.
Zoro took one look at him in entirety–from the hand on his saber and the bright red hair and his youthful face and instantly turned back to Hoku. Unaffected.
Shanks felt the low stab to his pride. A very, very little stab.
“Luffy’s stirred up a bit of trouble deeper in town,” Zoro said, a little lower by her ear. Hoku turned, her face almost to his chest. Shanks bristled, mouth opening in protest. “C’mon.”
Zoro’s hand didn’t drop to her hip–it settled on the closest thing. Shanks watched his muscular fingers curve familiarly along the hilt of her short sword, resting there with his arm lazy around her. It was a different thing–an action that would’ve seemed warning but Shanks quickly got the feel that it was something intimate–something that meant trust.
A bond we’ve got and you don’t, random brat. Beat it.
“Was nice meeting you, brat,” Shanks looked up, eyes growing round in disbelief as Hoku simply followed Zoro’s cue, turning and flashing him a canined grin over her shoulder. “Ten years, yeah?”
“Wait–” Shanks started, “I–”
She didn’t even spare him a single glance back.
His hand dropped to his side. His cheek throbbed, a dull reminder of her presence. Her touch.
There was a flash of white and mint and then they were gone.
Shanks stood there, feeling as though he’d just been tossed by a wave and spat back onto shore.
At some point, Buggy made it to his side, shaking him and screeching incoherent things and demanding details and–
“What’s wrong with you now?” Buggy screeched, pale as a ghost. “Don’t tell me you’re about to faint from a fever–are you about to be sick?”
Shanks clamped a hand over the lower half of his face, eye staring out and cheeks flushed a deep, dark red, all the way to his ears and mixing with his scarlet hair.
“Buggy,” Shanks said, lost and dazed and alive. “Buggy, I think I’ve just sunk.”
- they’ll meet again
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