#Naiya Ray
laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
Welcome to the Layton NPC Showdown!
This is a bracket to determine which of the many memorable NPCs from across the Professor Layton games are the greatest.
GAMES INCLUDED: Every game except LBMR. Eternal Diva characters are also not included here.
WHAT COUNTS AS AN NPC?: Anyone who doesn't have a puzzle animation. Characters excluded are Layton, Luke, Flora, Clive, Emmy, Randall, Aurora, Des, Espella, Phoenix, Maya, Katrielle, Ernest, Sherl, Hastings, and Emiliana.
WILL THERE BE NOMINATIONS?: Nope! Every NPC will be included.
WHAT ABOUT THE PUZZLE LADS/LASSES?: I only plan on including characters that we can speak to in-game, so no Puzzle Lads or Lasses. Sorry to the people who like them 😔
WHICH CHARACTERS ARE INCLUDED, THEN?: Anyone who isn't an exception listed above that is in the profiles of the game! A full list is enclosed below.
WHEN WILL THE TOURNAMENT START?: More information forthcoming on that! I have to seed the bracket first :)
WHY IS NAIYA YOUR ICON?: In my opinion, she's one of the more underrated NPCs of the series. I'll probably cycle through some of the ones I have available to me right now.
WHAT CRITERIA SHOULD I VOTE ON?: Whatever makes you happy :)
ARE ALTER EGOS SEPERATE CHARACTERS?: No. For instance, Ratman is not included because his secret identity is in the tournament.
US OR UK NAMES?: I will try to make available as many names for the NPCs as possible! Which includes their Japanese names and as many names in the localizations as I am able to obtain from the wiki and my own sources. I'll probably reliably have the English (both versions where applicable), Japanese, and French names for every character when I do the bracket rounds. The list below however is entirely in English.
And now for a list of the entries! I didn't check all of these for inconsistencies, but I attempted to ascertain that I used the US versions. Some of them might be UK versions though because that's the version of the game I have (specifically Diabolical Box NPCs and Last Specter NPCs -- I know some of their US names but not all).
Lady Dahlia Reinhold
Gordon Reinhold
Simon Reinhold
Augustus Reinhold
Granny Riddleton
Don Paolo
Andrew Schrader
Anton Herzen
Katia Anderson
Mr. Anderson
Sammy Thunder
Dimitri Allen
Bill Hawks
Dean Delmona
Subject 3
Family Goon
Hazel (UF)
Maya (UF)
Ernest (UF)
Clark Triton
Brenda Triton
Arianna Barde
Tony Barde
Doland Noble
Levin Jakes
Aunt Taffy
Hans Jakes
Chief Engineer
Roland Layton
Lucille Layton
Henry Ledore
Angela Ledore
Alphonse Dalston
Leonard Bloom
Mrs Ascot
Policeman (MM)
Mr. Collins
Leon Bronev
Hazel (AL)
Amelie Chelmey
Policeman (AL)
Old Red
Carmine Accidenti
Olivia Aldente
Zacharias Barnham
Newton Belduke
Patty Eclaire
Eve (cat)
Jean Greyerl
Knight Captain
Lettie Mailer
Ridelle Mystere
Ms Primstone
Emeer Punchenbaug
Old Rootie
Johnny Smiles
Pipper Lowonida
Phineas Barnone
Madame Doublée
Liza Wight
Grant Sloans
Cesar Chance
Mustafa Fulhold
Hans Lipski
Aleks Lipski
Maverick D. Rector
Seymore Fraymes
The Major
Eddie Torre
Bianca Teller
Security Guard
Taboras Lloyd
Douglas Dert
Mo Heecan
Mrs Slow the Tailor
Midas Pullman
Declan Swabber
Abel Seamon
Felicity Hastings
Gene Ohm
Billy Kidd
Royall Britannias
Clover Pryce
PC Beate
DC Booker
Séan Butchin
Bo Bells
Hessie Tate
Keane Fisher
Bob Bracket
Gudrun Weldon
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halos-top-alien-model · 9 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 1 Match 12
More info below:
Ernicka the Scar-Maker:
Debuted in Halo: Broken Circle
Living within 9th century BCE times, Ernicka would serve as the second in command to Ussa 'Xellus during the San'Shyuum-Sangheili war. At one point, helped lead trops against the San'Shyuum, repelling them from the Planet of Blue and Red. Whilst he believed the they would not attack from their ships - in fear of damaging Forerunner structures - Ussa would recognize that they indeed had a weapon they could fire to kill them while not causing damage. Ernicka followed orders to retreat and survived. Later, when the war ended, he would be amongst those that still distrusted the San'Shyuum and the newly formed Covenant. He would continue to aid Ussa when Covenant loyalists attempted to end his heresy and even correctly deduced there was a spy within their midst helping the Covenant. After killing the spy once revealed, he joined the others in leaving Sanghelios for a shield world dubbed the Refuge. Once there, Ernicka would assist Ussa in governing the Sangheili living there. At one point, Salus 'Crolon would approach and question the duo, saying things that Ernicka felt were treasonous, although Ussa would argue that 'Crolon was merely annoying. As colony-building continue, Ernicka would break up a fight between 'Crolon and young lovestruck Tersa 'Gunok, although was also impressed with the latter's courage. Later, he would have to arrest Tersa and his love Lnur 'Mol on suspicions they were planning a rebellion, but their innocence would be proven and the tables turned against the true rebels: 'Crolon and 'Drem. Ernicka would throw a burnblade into 'Drem's back when he tried to escape, then finished him off with decapitation. However, 'Crolon would escape execution and the shield world, going to inform the Covenant of the Refuge. With the threat of the Covenant arriving, Ernicka would reluctantly trust the shield world's monitor, Enduring Bias. In order to make the Covenant believe they all were dead, the shield world would be disassembled into fragments. Everyone survived by hiding in freight movers, which notably made Ernicka nauseous. For the rest of his life after, he would live in the fragmented habitats under Ussa's leadership, immortalized in sculptures (particularly with him battling 'Crolon) and in legend for centuries. A descendant of his - Tirk 'Surb - would come to serve as the head of Refuge Security during the year 2552.
Ayit 'Sevi:
Debuted in Halo: Escalation
At some point, ONI would hire Ayit 'Sevi as a mercenary. Being an outlier amongst the warrior species with a code of honor, Ayit would accept and work as an infiltrator on a few different missions. The first was the extraction of a bioweapon on Ven III, where his presence was used by ONI to convince the UNSC to deal with the pirates - deceiving the Infinity into believing Ayit was part of Jul's Covenant. Spartans Gabriel Thorne and Naiya Ray would go on the hunt for him, but would ambush them and take an unconscious Thorne away from the area. He would take her to the Kig-Yar pirate queen that ruled all the pirates and offer Thorne in a trade; however, Ray would catch up, free Thorne, and capture Ayit at last. Yet Ayit would escape, only to be captured again, only for ONI operatives to arrive and reveal him to be one of them.
Later in the year, Ayit would infiltrate Jul's Covenant and send information to ONI regarding Cathering Halsey and the Absolute Record. During Operation: ATHENA, he would use his cover to help Spartans Thorne, Sarah Palmer, and Holly Tanaka as well as Dr. Henry Glassman get aboard Breath of Annihilation in Jul's fleet and reach the Absolute Record. Once the fleet arrived, they moved to Song of Retribution. However, upon learning that only the Retribution would be entering the Absolute Record, Ayit and Thorne would return to Breath of Annihilation to establish contact with the UNSC whilst the rest of the team followed Jul and Halsey. Whilst doing so, Ayit would convince Thorne to help him sow chaos amongst Jul's men by having the Spartan occasionally attack only to go back into hiding. At the same time, he freed prisoners - which included the failed rebel leader Sali 'Nyon - in order to cause further distractions. However, as he attempted to reunite with a wounded Thorne, some suspicious Zealots under Sali 'Nyon would follow and discover him to be a spy. Thankfully, Ayit bought enough time for Thorne to kill them. Once the mission came to a close, Ayit would help them escape the fleet and Sangheili space.
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amayavittori · 3 years
You know how they say that technically the taller you are you should be colder because the warmth has more space to cover? What if that were true for the Spartans? Namely John. John just gives me vibes of a dad who’s always cold and can’t go anywhere without socks on.
So anytime Infinity is passing by a star or in the atmosphere of a sunny planet - and John just so happens to be on board - then it becomes a regular occurence to see him napping in some strange spot on S-deck, just quietly tucked away in a brightly lit corner. One day, another spartan wonders what the big deal is with this older spartan just lying around like that. He summons the courage to ask John one day but then he accidentally steps into the sunpatch and feels the warmth on his foot and just understands.
Next thing you know, Commander Palmer comes down to S-deck after a long day on the bridge and the entire length of the hall just has spartans sprawled everywhere with blankets and pillows from their rooms. Some of them are propped up against the wall and their heads limply lolled to the side. Thorne is laid out flat, Grant is draped over him in the most awkward position and Spartan Ray is using her leg as a pillows but they’re all dead asleep. It genuinely looks like some sort of nap bloodbath and she panics for a solid second before she realizes what’s going on. She can’t say anything because technically it is connected to the commons room and there are couches and lounge spots set up down the length of that hall anyway and they are allowed to hang out there.
Additionally, one day she steps onto S-Deck and finds Captain Lasky drooling on one of the couches there because he had a thirty minute break and needed to hide someplace that no one would think to find him.
So anyway, I headcannon that spartans are just big ol cats. Simple. They see a sunpatch and they have to take a nap right there.
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infinity-week · 4 years
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UNSC Infinity Week Fanwork Challenge Week 21-27 September 20
A week of fan art, fan fic, gifs and other fan works to celebrate the UNSC Infinity and her crew
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am-i-right-marines · 4 years
Prompt: Ambush
December 24th, 2532
New Vancouver, Road to New Halifax
“-o I said to the guy: Don’t waste your money on a locksmith, I’ve got a pack of C12.”
Corporal Elliot Reynolds chuckled. As did Private Vetras and a couple of other Marines. “You’ve told that story a thousand times. It gets less funny every time, and it was never funny to begin with.”
“Hey, it’s a good story.” Private Gideon Tyler Winters grinned, punching Elliot in the shoulder. “You definitely laughed at it when Wendy was around. You got the hots for my sister or something?” He raised his eyebrows and smirked at the Corporal.
Elliot sputtered for a second before chuckling. “In your dreams, city boy.”
“Ohhhhh!” The other Marines riding on the Scorpion tank with them laughed, even the tank’s gunner and driver.
In Third Platoon, being from the city was an automatic contract to get teased relentlessly.
Gideon turned to look at the driver and raised an eyebrow. “How about you Waters? Any good stories?”
The woman smirked, rolling her eyes behind her visor. “None that involve you. Last time you tried to pick me up you mixed up your line, dropped your drink, and then face planted.”
“Oh? I didn’t hear about that one.” The gunner turned around slightly from his position at the 50. Caliber machine gun, smiling inquisitively.
Gideon laughed. “Hey, at least I tried, Mr. ‘I’ll wait until we’re back starside’.”
Elliot rolled his eyes playfully, looking between the two. “Ladies, ladies, you’re both pretty.”
Waters snorted. “Always with the.... woah.”
Everyone turned to see what had made Waters stop.
And there sitting in a crumpled and burning heap in a cluster of collapsed trees was a warthog with the sigil of the United Rebel Front on its hood and five bodies scattered around.
“Heh. Fuckin’ rebels got what they deserved.” The gunner scoffed.
“Hey, that’s somebody’s son!” Elliot snapped.
“Reynolds is right.”
Everyone snapped to attention. “Lieutenant Price.”
The platoon leader nodded at them as he walked by. “They’re not all bad. I—“
“Hey... you hear that?”
The sound of hover engines. Covenant tech.
Waters suddenly pointed skywards. “Banshees! Inbound!”
Half a second later, plasma bombs dropped from the alien fighters as they whizzed overhead, slamming into the forward vehicles in the convoy and showering the rest in heat, shrapnel, blood, and gore.
Plasma fire started coming out of the trees, cutting down countless unsuspecting Marines. A white line of plasma from a Covenant Focus Rifle shot out of the trees and slammed into Private Vetras’ head, utterly destroying it and covering Elliot in blood. “Shit-!” Vetras got out before he was silenced forever.
“It’s an ambush!” Someone shouted.
“Clear the tanks!” Elliot roared, leaping off the tread of the Scorpion and landing in the mud.
“Enemy armor!” Gideon warned, shouldering his MA5 and pouring fire into the trees as two Covenant Wraith Tanks emerged from another direction.
“Get off the road! Get off the road!” Lieutenant Price shouted, sprinting towards a side path in the grass. “Move! We’ll hit ‘em from the side!”
“You heard the Lieutenant, double time it Marines!” Sergeant Parker. The guy was a hardass in every sense of the word.
Gideon rolled his eyes, patting Elliot’s arm as the pair booked it into the trees.
“Find cover!”
“Grena—!” BOOM.
“Open fire!” Hundreds upon hundreds of 7.62mm bullets tore through foliage and wood.
The duo somehow ended up with Lieutenant Price, Sergeant Parker, and Airman Piper. He still had no idea why they had a comms liason from the fuckin’ Chair Force.
“Lieutenant! Just picked up a transmission from Sector Command. They want us to push up and capture the ford at grid 3-by-4-by-9. Apparently a second convoy is supposed to catch up with us.” Piper called.
“How the fuck are we supposed to do that when we’re being slaughtered?!” Gideon shouted over the din.
“Quiet!” Price barked. “We have our orders. Let’s move!”
The five man adhoc fireteam emerged from the trees and cut down a squad of Grunts with combined fire.
A resounding boom behind them followed by an explosion indicated that Waters had turned her tank’s canon on the Wraiths.
“Through the trees! We can’t get pinned here! Move!” Sergeant Parker roared.
“Frag out!”
Through the already deafening roar, the familiar woosh of an M57 Pilum Assault Weapon being fired sounded. A cluster of trees were engulfed in a bright purple and orange fireball, followed by the sound of half a dozen plasma grenades cooking off from the heat.
The surviving tank, Waters’ tank, plowed through the trees and into a field on the other side, followed by two M12 Warthogs and about fifty Marines. Five miles straight ahead stood their objective. They’d escaped the ambush.
“So now the objective is to destroy the bridge, not capture it?”
“Affirmative, Corporal. I just got out of a meeting with the other platoon leaders. A high-strength Covenant Force has been spotted by Air Force SIGINT Specialist Naiya Ray making for the bridge. It’s a tactical location in this sector. Command wants it gone. We’ve been given a HAVOK-Class Tactical Nuclear Warhead to ensure the job is done, and to enforce Cole Protocol.”
Gideon glanced at Elliot, who shrugged, then they both refocused on the briefing. “Specialist Ray estimates we have an hour max to complete our objective. As such, we will be commencing an all out assault on the bridge with 2nd and 4th Platoon. We’ve been allocated one CAS asset, callsign TAU-5. Now, we’ll be assaulting from the South side of the Covenant defenses. 2nd Platoon the North, and 4th the East. Any questions?”
“Sir! No sir!”
“Oorah.” Price nodded.
“Mount up!” Sergeant Parker boomed.
Elliot patted Gideon’s shoulder as the two climbed into the back of an M12 LRV Troop Carrier model, more commonly known as the ‘TroopHog’. “Hell or high water.”
Gideon slapped his friend’s back in return. “Funny this planet doesn’t have any icecaps.”
Elliot smirked. “‘Atta boy.”
A few more marines climbed into their TroopHog before it reved its engine and ripped off into the grass towards the bridge with the rest of the convoy.
Maybe three minutes later there was plasma fire flying all around them and they had to duck low in the seats to avoid being hit. As their ‘Hog bounced roughly over the ground, Elliot looked out to the side, and watched as another ‘Hog caught a Fuel Rod blast to the hood and was engulfed in a fireball. “Standby!” Parker barked.
The Hog drew closer. “Standby!”
Closer. “Standby!”
The plasma fire was immense.
The vehicle swerved in a circle to swing its back around and allow the marines out. “Go! Go go go!”
The couple dozen marines in the vehicle jumped out and raised their weapons, “Go go go!”
Gideon and Elliot both both jumped into a crater created by a plasma mortar shell and used it as a foxhole. “This is the single worst idea I’ve ever seen!” Gideon shouted as he put a five-round burst into the chest of a Jackal.
“No kidding!” Elliot shouted back.
Farther back in the Covenant lines, they saw a cluster of Grunts collapse under a hail of rifle fire. Apparently 2nd and 4th Platoon had arrived.
“Push up! Keep the pressure!” Lieutenant Price barked, lobbing a fragmentation grenade overhead and sprinting forward.
“You heard the man boys! It’s time for some hazard pay!” Parker added, following behind him.
“Go! Go go go!” Private Harper shouted, darting from his own foxhole.
Then the ground started to shake.... and over the hill emerged a Covenant Scarab Tank.
“Reynolds! Get on the horn with CAS! Double time! We need that thing dead!”
“Sir!” Elliot replied, blinking in to what limited HUD marine helmets had and connecting to the local channel. “TAU-5, Bravo 2-7. Request danger close. On our location. Trailing south. Commence 6 seconds. Target is a Covenant Scarab. Over.”
The radio crackled. “Understood. ETA 10 seconds. Standby.”
“Reynolds! Where the hell is it?!”
“Bravo 2-7, TAU-5. Positive I.D. on the target. Danger close. Guns, guns, guns.”
“Get to cover!”
A pair of F-41 Broadsword strikecraft emerged from the clouds at supersonic speeds, loaded for bare with missiles and autocannons. The Scarab frantically turned its dorsal cannon around, but it was too late.
The two human pilots absolutely unleashed into the enemy vehicle, cannons spitting 35mm rounds into the tank by the hundreds. Just as well, each pilot launched one M6088 ST/MMP Medusa Anti-Vehicle missile into the offending target before pulling up back into the clouds as the Scarab detonated in a wash of purple fire.
Of course, not before it got off one final shot and sheared the wing off one of the Broadswords. The pilot, who happened to be the one on the radio, was heard screaming as his fighter spiraled out of control....
..... and then slammed cockpit-first into the Scorpion tank driven by Private Sarah Waters.
“Waters!” Gideon exclaimed.
“There’s nothing we can do! Focus on the battle!” Price ordered.
“Harper, where’s that bomb?!”
“Here Sergeant!” The man tossed a briefcase to the Sergeant. Just goes to show how advanced civilization was. A Nuclear bomb in a briefcase.
“Alright, le— ah!”
Elliot whirled around to see Price collapse to the ground with a smoking plasma hole in his stomach. “Lieutenant!”
But Price wasn’t listening, he clasped Parker’s forearm. “You- you gotta get our boys outta here. I can complete the objective.”
“No! No one gets left behind!” Parker replied, voice cracking as more Covenant appeared.
“Goddamnit Joseph!”
“Ryan!” Parker shouted. Then he turned to Elliot. “Reynolds. You’re Sergeant now. I’m not leaving him behind again. Get our boys outta here.”
Elliot nodded, “Fall back!”
Gideon on the other hand, started panicking. “Sergeant! No!” Elliot grabbed his arm and started dragging the Private away. “No! You can’t do this! No! No!”
“I said fall back goddamnit! That’s an order!” Elliot fell into the leadership roll easily, dragging the panicking Private away.
“Sir! Second contact!” Harper barked, pointing at the sky.
Sure enough, a flight of three Pelican dropships descended from the sky and the radio crackled with a female voice. “Raider Flight to Bravo 2-7, you boys look like you could use a hand.”
“You have no idea Raider. We could use a ride.”
“You got it.” The pilot replied.
And the three descended, landing in front of the retreating Marines. “Load up!” Elliot boomed.
And as they all loaded in, Gideon looked back to the bridge where Parker and Price were still positioned. “Sergeant!”
“Mission first! Go, now!”
And, that’s that!
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bellygunnr · 3 years
Spartan Jungle
They had installed it in the previously empty Gym 6 on S-Deck. A massive, nearly wall-to-wall brightly coloured construct of bars, pipes, ladders, and platforms that snaked around itself until forming a massive tower in the center, complete with a bell on top. As of an hour ago, it was now open to Spartan use, and several Fireteams’ worth of Spartans were already crawling over it. 
Except for Blue Team.
The members of Blue Team wandered the gym’s perimeter, their faceplates staring up into the Jungle Gym’s technicolor sprawl, occasionally weaving among its pillars. 
“It seems okay,” Kelly says over TEAMCOM.
“That’s what they said back in training,” Fred replies. “James still got flung halfway to hell.”
“Well, none of these guys have run into anything.”
“They might be too stupid to set off traps,” Linda cuts in. “I am going to climb to the top.”
The effect was instantaneous. Whatever misgivings John was having disappeared as Linda made her declaration. He dives for the first platform he sees and hauls himself up, scaling another three in just ten seconds. He only gets faster as he spots Linda encroaching on his position from the corner of his eye.
Kelly and Fred share a look. With a shared Spartan Smile, they climb up after their siblings.
Thorne was content to sprawl out over the rope obstacle and use it as a hammock. He was even starting to doze off when his HUD flickered with something new-- or, well, he spotted something new. A helmet. Dark green. Gold visor.
“Master Chief?” Thorne says incredulously. “What--”
The words die in his throat. They stare at each other, polarized visor to polarized visor. A brown blur climbs rapidly overhead.
The Chief lunges. 
“Woah--mygodohmygod,” Thorne yelps.
To escape the Chief-- who was bearing down on him like a tank-- Thorne rolls himself over and drops to the platform below. There’s a godawful clanging as his boots hit the metal, but it doesn’t compare to the racket the Spartans above are making.
“Thorne, are you okay?” Grant’s voice comes over TEAMCOM, directly in his ear.
“Blue Team’s on the jungle gym,” he wheezes back. “I repeat, Blue Team’s on the jungle gym!”
Naiya Ray pauses in her progress up one of the numerous ladder. First, it was because of the new TEAMCOM chatter, but then it was because of the proof below her. Blue Team certainly was on site-- she’d recognize Blue Two’s helmet anywhere.
The slightly notorious Fred-104. She raises the magnification on her HUD to closer observe whatever he’s doing. 
He’s paused at the rock wall, his gauntleted hands wandering every foothold and surface with an even, systematic rhythm. Bits of muttering reaches her ears. She frowns intensely. 
“Hey, uh... Fred, right?” Ray calls down, activating her voicemitter. “Everything alright down there?”
Fred jumps, spinning around to face her, a hand halfway to his shoulder (where knives are still firmly sheathed). He relaxes a fraction of a second later.
“I’m just... yeah, everything’s fine. Just checking for traps,” Fred calls back.
Ray cocks her helmet to the side, incredulous. “It’s a jungle gym. Why would there be traps...?”
“Because it’s a training device,” Fred says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “And you should always be prepared for surprises and danger.”
“...Do you want help looking for traps?”
She really wasn’t sure what else to say. Spartan-IIs were just weird. She wasn’t going to try and figure this out beyond that, because all of her theories just pissed her off. 
“Sure. It’s... Ray, right?”
“Just call me Naiya. Be down in a sec!”
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bibliodragon · 4 years
The Haunting of Gym 4
Infinity Week Day 4
Prompt: Ghost
Characters: Fireteam Majestic, Roland, Holly Tanaka, Sarah Palmer
It was a truth universally acknowledged that Gym 4/S-Deck was haunted.
“This is one of those ‘mess with the new guy things,’ right?” Spartan Naiya Ray gaze moved from one member of Fireteam Majestic to the other, a look of incredulity on her face. “Seriously, you expect me to believe that? Ghosts in space?”
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which spartans are lesbianss
tentative first draft:
naiya ray
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selenecrawford · 5 years
Prompt Shorts 2
Hello! Thank you first for liking the first prompt. I had fun and wanted to write another one. This time I used more than one prompt. The list I used this time was from @impracticaldemon (thank you, your prompt lists are amazing! ^^). On this occasion. I hope you like them. This is my vision of a different Nobunaga. As always comments likes and reblogs are always appreciated. Thank you.
Warnings: Intense fluff, if you see something that might be listed as a warning please let me know. Thanks.
Nobunaga felt the first rays of the morning filter one of the broken blinds in his bedroom. The rays were falling near him so he turned around to spoon Selene and at least sleep a couple of more minutes. It was the weekend a bit of extra time at bed won't hurt. He moved his arms ready to hold her warm body on his arms and bury his face on her hair. Instead, he found the other side, warm but empty. The sudden empty space made him wake up with a jolt. Scanning the room he saw her clothes weren't around. His clothes folded against the reclining seat on the corner of his room. He was going to go search for her when he heard the sound of plates in the kitchen. Near the other side of the bed also was her purse, which calmed him a bit but not at all. Taking his time to stretch and wake up completely Nobunaga went to the bathroom to wash his teeth and face. He saw another toothbrush making him calmer than before.
It was the first time Selene was staying with him at his apartment after he stopped her from leaving. Things were progressing slow but firm. Selene decided to work with her friend Naiya Bladesinger, the owner of Sengoku Cafe. A small but nice place to unwind while taking a stroll at the park. Naiya was the only friend Selene had since she moved from her hometown. And after the return from the airport Selene's chaperone. Nobunaga lost count of the times he had to ask “permission” to date, Selene. Naiya was not happy with the situation. She decided to give him another chance as long as a curfew could be included in the mix. He even didn't want to start thinking about the earful Naiya gave him in front of Selene. After finding out what happened between them. Selene was stubborn and strong. But also delicate, a side she only left very few to see. Finishing at the bathroom Nobunaga went to get a pair of jeans on. It was a bit cold giving that autumn was already starting. Still, he could go around the house shirtless.
The smell of food and coffee let him know she was still in the kitchen. His heart started to calm down more making him let go a deep sigh he didn't even think, was holding until now. Barefoot he walked to the kitchen. The small sound of the morning broadcast was being heard. He stopped at the entrance to see Selene dress only with one of his shirts. It won't take a genius to know she was not wearing anything under the shirt. All her clothes were back at Naiya's home. Last night he wanted to have her for himself. He wanted to show her how much she meant to him, in both mind and body. He seduced her and kept loving her until the phone started ringing. If Naiya was her chaperon, Hideyoshi was his shadow. He couldn't stop smiling remembering the moment. He had to take the phone to call his friend and reassure him they both wanted to be together. After a couple of minutes and the mood killed both went to the living to watch some movies and talk. Nobunaga took the opportunity to know more about Selene. He never dared to ask her anything before. He thought she will never get under his skin and will claim his heart. And yet, she did it. Talking with a woman was a new experience for him. In his previous relationships, it was more like a monetary transaction. It was more physical than emotional. He found Selene was the opposite side of him. Although in many aspects she might be different she was willing to try to understand him. And now he wanted to do the same.
“Good morning, sleepy head”. a pair of green emerald eyes appeared in front of him. “Coffee?” a mug of dark coffee appeared in front of him. Nobunaga took the hot mug with one hand. And with the other arm, he hugged Selene giving her a tender kiss that soon turned deep. With their foreheads touching after the long kiss Nobunaga smiled. “Good morning. Early start today?” her smile touched him deeply.
“Yes, I was hungry and wanted to eat something. Come on, breakfast is ready I was about to wake you up.” taking his hand Selene guided him to the table to serve breakfast.
Nobunaga took a sip of the coffee, it was strong and sweet the way he likes it. It was then that he knew how much Selene knew about him. Yet he still was scratching the surface knowing about her. The thought made him stop walking, which in turn made Selene stop to turn around confused.
“Oda? Is something wrong?” her face grew concerned when he saw him looking at her.
“I'm sorry, I've been an asshole with you all this time...” putting a mug on the table Nobunaga pulled Selene toward him. For some reason, a wave of emotion rushed against his insides fighting to get out. In the end, this emotional tsunami won. He couldn't remember the last time he cried. But the tears went down his face in silence.
Selene felt the tears on her shirt, she embraces him as hard as she could. For him to opened to her like that, might have been a huge step. Nobunaga Oda, the Devil King of Hell's kitchen. For her, he was only Oda the hard man who always challenged her but also loved her in his own way. She knew he was trouble, and yet she still decided to risk her heart one last time. Both slid to the floor, finally sitting on their knees. Selene comforted him, with caresses and kisses. With soft whispers telling him that she wasn't going anywhere until he was ok. Meanwhile, Nobunaga cried, he felt ashamed. Finally, his pain won over his iron will. For a few minutes, they stayed together embracing each other. Selene finally went to get some napkins and water for Nobunaga.
“Thank you for trusting me, Nobunaga.” a soft kiss on his forehead Selene combed his hair back. It took him a couple of minutes to calm down. In the end, Selene had to warm up the breakfast once again for them to eat. They keep the silence, it wasn't oppressive or tension. But more like a mutual agreement. After doing, the ditches and cleaning up the kitchen they sit on the couch together. The conversation began trivial, some childhood memories that he thought forgotten. As time went by he opened up a bit more to Selene. In exchange, Selene listened and from time to time asked some questions. The conversation went for a few hours until their stomach rumble with hunger. Selene broke the silence with a few giggles. Nobunaga made a soft smile, talking with her helped him.
“So I'm hungry want something to eat or will we get some take out?” he had to chuckle when he saw her face lit up.
“Oh my God can go get Ramen? I mean there is a new place near and I...” Selene was speaking when Nobunaga took her face in his hands and gave a soft kiss.
“Uh, am I being too annoying?”
“No, I want to kiss you. But if we are going out you need to change you're not going out in that outfit.”
“Ha, well I'm taking a shower I did wash my clothes this morning so, yes I have a nice decent outfit.” sticking her tongue Selene went off to the bathroom. Nobunaga let her leave first while thinking about how strange life could be. Today things worked out in a completely unexpected way. He was clear that he loved Selene. But he will have to work a bit harder to convince her to come back with him. A thought started formed on his head. Another chuckle and a devilish smile appeared on his lips. He went to the bathroom with Selene. After a few minutes of silence, a shout of surprised could be heard throughout the whole place.
Yes, the devil was back!
@umbralaperture @kimi00twin @elievalentine @kiarigirl @kitsune-mana @kouei116 @kinkymint @briars7 @toloveawarlord @la-piperina @epicdragonlady @shrimpalompa @whalebubblez @silver94 @silver-fox-of-azuchi @xathia-89 @otonymous @unstoppablelinda @lillybelle05 @minty-fresh-kicks @plumpblueberry @firepurplestar @forallyourikemensengokuneeds @alerialumina @rose-of-yonezawa @emeraldtawny @yeshasays
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My WIPs!
An Elf, a Human, and a Dwarf Walk Into a Bar...
After a series of curious events, three beings begin to travel together to a new land, unexplored by anyone before them. In this group are; 
- Pendra Thorn. Going merely by Thorn, she has discarded the more human name her father gave her and has adopted a more species-androgynous name. Humans are named after plants, as are elves, this should work... She is the one who starts with series of events.
- Artaro. The son of the ruler of Theamor. With his elder brother determined to ruin the land that they rule over, Artaro decides to leave his home to find a new place where he can take his people, to save them. He ends up joining a half elvish girl to travel.
- Mica. A dwarvish woman who’s family is grown and no longer needs her to take care of them. After deciding she’s ready to have an adventure of her own, she stumbles upon two young people and joins them, knowing they will need help along the way.
Characters: Pendra Thorn, Artaro, Mica
Broken Thrones
This is a three part series that documents some of what’s going on in the countries of Feria and Issera, as well as what certain people are doing about these events.
Part One: Lumi
- After her best friend, Eira, is crowned heir of the throne of Feria, things begin to get weird. The king is killed, odd things begin happening in the southern part of the country, near the border with Issera. Crop are being destroyed, people are feeling creatures breathe down their necks, and other people are going missing. With chaos rising and odd things happening within Lumi herself, she decides to investigate what exactly is going on.
Part Two: Culraes
- A woman comes to Issera and tells of an assassination plot against the king. Culraes is put in charge of her. He does his job diligently, refusing to let anything happen to his king under his watch. Soon, this woman’s sister and a strange man joins them. After these people join the group, weird things begin happening, things that are of legends, legends that Culraes doesn’t believe. While dealing with this, a war is coming, and it’s the war that Culraes has waited for his entire life.
Part Three: Rosar
- After joining her sister, Amary, in Issera, Rosar’s migraines get worse. Two new voices enter her head, taking the place of the friend she’s had since she was a little girl. Her visions become more intense. And there’s someone out there, trying to track her down, leaving her with nightmares and constant worry. When the war starts, her old friend comes back and she finds out what her true destiny is.
Characters: Lumi, Culraes, Rosar, Eira, Amary, Finlos, Athum, Jeris, Erihhn, Leaf, Avei, Jayah, Taedhe, more to come.
Descendants of Glory 
Raisha, the granddaughter of Jeris, who was a healer and retainer of the king for most of his life. She lives on her family’s farm, breeding, raising, training, and racing horses. It’s her life and she loves it-- for the most part that is. Part of her wants to run off, to be free like the wild horses she sees in her dreams. 
She’s out riding by herself one day when her horse gets spooked and throws her. With her ankle injured and mode of transportation gone, she goes limping through the land. She finds a herd of wild horses, including a stallion with fur the color of blood. She makes friends with this horse and before long, she’s allowed to ride him.
As Rai tries to work with this horse more, her two best friends Solor and Terran, who are twin sons of the king and queen of Issera, keep dragging her into situations involving kidnappers and other dangerous beings. 
Characters: Raisha, Solor, Terran, others...
Of Heroes and Forgotten Realms
Colt Moonblood has been arrested and given a sentence of death for her crimes. That is, until a mysterious woman comes along and makes a case for her that gives her the option to travel across the country and fight the Beast that has been terrorizing the land. With great reluctance, she accepts this mission. The one condition is that a knight has to accompany her, and that knight is Faran Sunhawke.
Thief and Warrior, they set out on their journey.
Along the way, they begin to understand each other, they begin to come to an agreement. However, just as they get into the groove of things, Colt begins to uncover things that shouldn’t be.
Memories that aren’t quite hers enter into her head. Events begin to seem like they don’t add up. There are things that shouldn’t be but are. Even the Beast that lingers on the edge of the country is part of something more. It sucks Colt and Faran into a world they never could have dreamed of.
Characters: Colt Moonblood, Faran Sunhawke, Quill Moonblood, Tallah Fawnstep, Grim, Tasiriti, Seirios
The Beast’s Rose
The Beast is alone in his house with only his staff for company, until there’s an incident with a traveler who tries to steal his rose, his most precious possession, the thing that is keeping him alive. 
That’s how Beauty comes to live in his palace. She doesn’t mind his seemingly harsh exterior or his appearance, as she can’t see what he looks like. Beauty can tell there’s something off about this Beast and his rose...will she be able to figure out what that is?
Characters: Aoide, Tinker, Beauty, Beast, palace staff, others...
The Stone and the Sea
Alana used to have a family and her whole life planned out, she was to be a blacksmith, following her mother’s footsteps. But all that came crashing down around her when her family was murdered by pirates.
Now, as a siren, Alana searches for those pirates, determined to get revenge for her parents and baby brother. On this journey, she crosses paths with a certain sailor several times. Caspian doesn’t act like other humans. He’s not afraid of her, no, he’s intrigued with her. Soon, he and his family agree to help her, but there’s a twist to it...
Characters: Alana, Caspian, Darya, Laiken, Calder, Naiya, Zhaleh, Brishon, others...
Untitled WIP
Amelia Crow, a mechanic who knows nothing how the world used to be. Jax Graves, an artist who knows too much about the world, both what it used to be and what is out there now.
They’re best friends, they have been for years, yet they still don’t know everything about each other. When Amy finds out that Jax has been hiding something big from her, how will she react? And will she continue to be his friend and help him when the government starts to search for him?
Characters: Amy, Jax, Finnick, Maeve, Lisha, others...
A Song for the Stolen 
[credit to @floralandrogyny for the title]
Jessie Taylor is an ensign on a starship, she has been for almost two years. She’s bright, bold, and not trusted by her crewmates. She’s done nothing to them personally, but her family is not a good one. When she is finally allowed on an away mission, she discovers the most interesting being she has ever seen...
Arilez is a science experiment, a living being turned into an android, and after years of suffering abuse at the hands of her creators, she rebels. She takes a small pod and flies away into the stars. When she’s found by the earth starship, she gets taken aboard and befriended by one of the ensigns. This ensign helps her discover who she is and what her feelings are as they travel through space.
Characters: Arilez, Jessie, others...
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bollywoodirect · 5 years
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Tribute to P. K. Nair a passionate film archivist & the founder of National Film Archive of India, of India on his 86th birth anniversary. Paramesh Krishnan Nair (6 April 1933 – 4 March 2016) was an Indian film archivist and film scholar, who was the founder and director of the National Film Archive of India (NFAI) in 1964. He is regarded as the Henri Langlois of India because of his lifelong dedication towards the preservation of films in India. A passionate film archivist, he worked at the NFAI for over three decades, collecting films from India and from all over the world. He was instrumental in acquiring for the archive several landmark Indian films like Dadasaheb Phalke's Raja Harishchandra and Kaliya Mardan, Bombay Talkies films such as Jeevan Naiya, Bandhan, Kangan, Achhut Kanya and Kismet, S. S. Vasan's Chandralekha and Uday Shankar's Kalpana. In 2012, Celluloid Man, an award-winning documentary was made on his life and works, by Shivendra Singh Dungarpur. The National Film Archive of India was founded in 1964 and Nair was appointed to the post of assistant curator in November 1965. He established the archive from scratch by collecting films from all over India and the world and was promoted as director of the archive in 1982. He spearheaded the NFAI, Pune for nearly three decades and built up the archive which now enjoys a vibrant international reputation. Landmark acquisitions include the Dadasaheb Phalke films and films of New Theatres, Bombay Talkies, Minerva Movietone, Wadia Movietone, Gemini Studios and AVM Productions. He was instrumental in introducing the works of world masters of cinema like Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Andrzej Wajda, Miklós Jancsó, Krzysztof Zanussi, Vittorio De Sica, Federico Fellini, apart from significant Indian film makers like Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak, Mrinal Sen, V. Shantaram, Raj Kapoor and Guru Dutt to FTII students, film society members, and other film study groups in the country. He was also instrumental in setting up the International Film Festival of Kerala. When he retired in April 1991, he had collected over 12,000 films, of which 8,000 are Indian.
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Ninjago Extended/Crossover Family - Kai
The Kai version of the Extended/Crossover Family. There’s a trend within me that I sometimes change Kai’s canon family role into a different one in other fandoms. The frequent victim of this is Nya, who in here I reassign as Hotaru’s daughter, therefore Kai’s niece, in Sailor Moon AU and Kai’s mother in Touhoujago (She’s Sendai Naiya Hakurei, although since lately I intended Naiya to be a composite of Nya and Maya, she’s her own character now). Hikai is a special one since he technically not Kai’s canon family but got his role changed from ancestor to father in Touhoujago anyway.
Have I talked about why I gave Kai’s last name Hino? :’D *Points at Kai Smith at the far right* (Although Kai Smith existed AFTER I gave canon Kai’s last name Hino) Also, I think I gave Nya’s last name Flamey/Hino in Jay’s EFC graphic but here it’s Hino/Tomoe :/
I just noticed that the crossover Mars family has a variation of ‘ray’ in their given names (Ray, Rei, Raiko)...
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heliocentral · 7 years
OKAY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH they are my wonderful children and they go in groups of four and the one i just posted abt all have names that correspond to one of the four elements b/c like, adam means of the earth and aideen means little flame and pilot is the air related i guess and naiya is a pun because it was originally spelled naia and her middle name is dali and naia+d is naiad like the water spirit
ALso they were made so that each one goes into one of the hogwarts houses (adam is a hufflepuff aideen is a gryffindor naiya is a slytherin and pilot is a ravenclaw) so adam is this wonderful bi Soft Boy who snorts when he laughs and wears those button up short sleeve shirts with lil pastel patterns on them with the sleeves rolled up a lil bit and he is my tiny ray of sunshine with his endless positivity and he has long dreadlocks that he always wears in a ponytail and i love him can u tell
aideen is smol and angry like a lil kitten that wants to fight everything and shes coVEred in freckles and shes just,,,, gay af,,,, and she tries to act like shes tough but shes just not and shes terrified of slenderman like her boggart wld just be him and she has the Bluest Eyes and shes allergic to bananas and is the definition of chaotic good and she loves lizards and buns and she has this one shirt that says smthg like ‘demigirl? more like demigod’ because nerd
naiya is mom she has endless patience and all she wants from life is for her friends to be happy and maybe a little quieter so she can read her book and a little snake friend to keep and give scritches to and shes an amazing cello player but No One is allowed to hear her play. also she really likes art n salvador dali n soft colors and pastel aesthetics and forests and she blushes super easy and has the softest skin ever how does she do it
pilot started as just,,, me with a septum piercing,,, but im trying to give them their own character thats just loosely based on me and not totally me so theyre just a tired lil bean that wants to sleep and be angsty but really isnt like look child ur actually quite happy stop trying to be edgy what are u twelve also they play the piano but has never taken lessons so basically all they can do is poke chords out and go yes this is music also super into rainstorms and plants ans theyre funny without realizing it because theyre too busy trying to look cool. ur not cool child. accept it,
THAt was long oops but i love them and now i wanna do aesthetics for the others but i wont talk abt them here bc thats too many words :>
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infinity-week · 4 years
Infinity Week 2020 Fic Roundup
Day 1
Boarded, Family, Future, Minor Crimson by in-command-of-the-unsc, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer, Roland the AI, Paul DeMarco, Gabriel Thorne, Tedra Grant
Future by firerwolf, ship: Palmer/Lasky, Dare/Buck, characters: Sarah Palmer, Edward Buck
Infinity Week Day 1 by charizardag, gen, characters: Kelly-087, Blue Team
Boarded by infinityactual, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer, Roland the AI
Ghost in the Machine by bibliodragon, gen characters: Ur-Didact, Jul 'Mdama, Sarah Palmer
Day 2
Time, Garden, Games by in-command-of-the-unsc, gen, characters: Master Chief, Cortana, Franklin Mendez
Infinity Week Day 2 by charizardag, gen, characters: Original Characters, Fireteam Osiris, Alpha-Nine, Fireteam Crimson
Games by firerwolf, gen, characters: Kelly-087, Linda-058, Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer
Sometimes You Just Have to Stop and Smell the Roses by bibliodragon, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Master Chief
Time by infinityactual, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI
Day 3
Red, Blue, Green, Roland by in-command-of-the-unsc, ship: Palmer/Lasky, characters: Roland the AI, Sarah Palmer, Thomas Lasky, Kalmiya the AI
Gunboat Diplomacy by bibliodragon, gen, characters: Sarah Palmer, Olympia Vale, Original Character, Sangheili
Red Blue Green by firerwolf, gen, characters: Original Characters, Fireteam Crimson, Fireteam Majestic
Infinity Week Day 3 by charizardag, gen, characters: Fireteam Crimson, Fireteam Osiris, Alpha-Nine
Green by infinityactual, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer
Day 4
The Haunting of Gym 4 by bibliodragon, gen, characters: Fireteam Majestic, Naiya Ray, Tedra Grant, Anthony Madsen, Carlo Hoya, Gabriel Thorne, Roland the AI, Sarah Palmer, Holly Tanaka
A Day in the Life by infinityactual, gen, characters: Roland the AI, Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer, Jared Miller
Win by firerwolf, gen, characters: Master Chief, Sarah Palmer, Kelly-087, Linda-058, Fred-104, Roland the AI, Blue Team
Infinity Week Day 4 by charizardag, crossover, characters: Master Chief, Kelly-087, DC Comics
Win & Loss by infinityactual, gen, characters: Sarah Palmer, Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI
Loyalty by firerwolf, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI
Win, Loss, Ghost by in-command-of-the-unsc, gen, characters: Master Chief
Day 5
Infinity Cats by bibliodragon, gen, characters: Original Characters, Roland the AI
Date Night by firerwolf, ship: Palmer/Lasky, Dare/Buck, characters:  Edward Buck, Sarah Palmer, Thomas Lasky, Anthony Madsen, Holly Tanaka, Robert Dalton
Date Night by infinityactual, ship: Chief/Lasky, characters: Master Chief, Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer, Roland the AI
Date Night, Missiles, Mutiny by in-command-of-the-unsc, ship: Palmer/Lasky, characters: Thomas Lasky, Sarah Palmer, Roland the AI
Day 6
Union by infinityactual, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI, Original Characters, Sangheili
Industrial Revolution by bibliodragon, gen, characters: Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI, Original Characters, Huragok
Fleet by firerwolf, gen characters: Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI
Infinity Week Day 6 by charizardag, gen, characters: Master Chief, Kelly-087, Original Characters
Fleet, Union, Fire At Will, Crossover by in-command-of-the-unsc, crossover, characters: Thomas Lasky, Roland the AI, Lieutenant James, Preston Cole, James Cutter, Serina the AI, Marvel
Day 7
Home by bibliodragon, ship: Palmer/Lasky characters: Sarah Palmer, Thomas Lasky
Holiday by firerwolf, ship: Palmer/Lasky characters: Sarah Palmer, Thomas Lasky
Holiday, Drydock and Home by infinityactual, gen characters: Thomas Lasky, Audrey Lasky
Infinity Week Day 7  by charizardag, gen, characters: Blue Team, Fireteam Crimson, Fireteam Osiris, Original Characters
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Rules: answer questions then tag the bloggers you would like to know better
Tagged by: @kidl3jin
Name: Kanaiya
Nickname: Naiya/ Rai
Zodiac: Aquarius♒️
Height: 5’4
Language: English
Nationality: American
Favorite Season: Fall or Spring
Favorite scents: pineapples, lavender and cedarwood
Favorite color: Purple, Black, and Res
Favorite animals: 🐢,🐶,🐺,🐬
Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate
Average amount of sleep: 4-10 hours depending on the day
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
# of blankets you sleep with: 2
Dream trip: Underwater hotel in Dubai
Blog est: idk when I made this one, but I’ve been on tumblr since 2013
# of followers: 214 sadly😂😂
Random fact: I’m a photographer
I tag: @dystopian-pleasure , @youweredreamingofmebefore , @maleahh , @internationalcunt212 , @smokingjamesjointwithrihanna
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fridayhome-blog · 4 years
LINK IN THE BIO 🎥 . . . . New Canadian Video Releases Real $teppa ft Smallz Facts YN Drizzy ft. Avo - Courtside Smooth Dollaz - DEMONZ Shao - Rollin' LD Bandz - Saucing It Money Malcz - Can't Breathe ASFLvcky7 - No Cap Ethio Kid - Da Mud D Chase - Summertime Ting Sunnilong - Ray Charles Thierry Nish (Ft. $ERNA) - Or Nah King K LV - Leveled Up Scarlito x Ty-Rex x Jay Flaco - Ese's Nairagee - Dreams Rob Roy - Say So feat. icsoul MxlclmX - Again KILLY & Y2K - OH NO TwoTiime - Up2Me Die Young - Harris R DreNorth | Insantro Trippin on me - Naiya Carlito - On Me Sydrell - Don't At Me DUVY | Painkillers Flexboy BK x Rkizzy x Q Dawg - Rugga DUMBO - NO TOURISTS Big Lean - Eyes Wide Shut Mo Murda x J Rep - 54 Bars Part 1 Flamez - Tales From The Hood JRico - Rock$tar Freestyle Nowujalo - Not The Same 6mob Lucas - Al Capone FTG Santiago X FTG Reggie X TwoTiime - ATTENTION True Mamba - WE LIT! (Calgary Flames Anthem) Tom MacDonald - "The Music Industry PAE CASH - PAIN ON ME GILLIA - Never Change Tuck | Up The Score Nesssia - Bloody Bandana . . . . #podcast #toronto #torontorappers #torontorap #gta #hiphop #rap #6ixbuzztv #rns #newmusic #music #trap #canadian #canadianrap #hiphopcanada #movethecultureforward‼️ (at We Love Hip Hop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDejueCJyTe/?igshid=exwnnwlaj7on
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