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Hands-on review of Victorinox Swiss Army INOX good looking, fairly-priced, & durable Swiss quartz watches, now adding interesting variations
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#naimakka #outdoors #vsco #nature #sweden #paracord #travel #roadtrip #car #vehicle #steinbeck #quote #vanlife #homeiswhereyouparkit #wanderlust #explore #adventure #survival #survivalist
Thank you to Dave Rankin from KS, USA for his generous gift of his own paracord Rosaries for soldiers, sailors and aviators in the Canadian Armed Forces. Such a tremendous gift. #gratitude
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許多人都知道我是一位熱愛機械錶的人,石英錶對我來說並沒那麼的迷人,畢竟電池、IC 板沒什麼工藝價值,所以基本上除了運動以外,不然我不太配戴石英錶的。
高雄駁二 Pacini Gelato 的店主 – Paul,是一名熱愛旅行以及義大利冰淇淋工藝的藝術家,從決定冰淇淋原料到店內擺設的篩選,以及廣告的設計都由他一手包辦,這麼有個人風格的一位藝術家究竟會選擇什麼手錶呢?相信大家都猜到了,就是這回的主角 INOX Carbon。
Victorinox I.N.O.X
Victorinox 於 2014 年所發表的 I.N.O.X 系列
大家對 Victorinox 這品牌想必不陌生,對它的印象大概就是瑞士刀、旅行背包這類的產品,知道他們手錶的朋友並不多,不過有接觸過它們家手錶的朋友一定都能夠認同其耐用低調���個性。
現今鐘錶世界中最耐操的錶廠是哪一家?G-Shock?絕對是,不過 G 可能無法承受鹽酸、坦克車的考驗。 INOX 是目前唯一能夠承受坦克車輾壓、強酸、高速撞擊、高溫烘烤的一枚怪物,根據官方的說法,每一枚 INOX 都受過 130 次的強度測試,而這回的 INOX Carbon 特別版,更是從新定義了 “極限” 二字,它不僅能夠跟一般不鏽鋼版本的 INOX 一樣,承受高強度撞擊,更能忍受超高溫( 1260 度高溫)的烘烤,以下是其中的一支測試影片,有興趣的朋友可以點進去看看,還蠻厲害的。
記得是一個悶熱的下午,當初不過只想吃個冰消消暑,走著走著就看到了 Pacini,當時對台灣所謂的義大利冰淇淋其實沒抱多大的期待,畢竟多數吃起來大同小異,與之前還在歐洲生活時,所嚐到的真正義大利冰淇淋完全不一樣。
進門後印入眼簾的是特別的廣告、多種口味的冰淇淋以及正在收拾,準備關店的合夥人 Mia,就在 Mia 的熱情推薦下,我點了特別的橄欖冰淇淋,吃過便愛上了,從此之後就常常到這兒來找朋友聊聊天、吃吃冰。
回想起 Paul 的第一印象,最深刻的莫過於他手上的那枚 INOX 了,在幾次的訪談中,我發現他是一位熱愛設計、旅行的職人,他那追求完美的個性,更能從他的冰淇淋感受到,低調、注重細節就是這老兄最完美的詮釋。我曾經問過他,為什麼選擇 INOX Carbon,他不加思索的告訴我:“因為低調不華麗卻有很多細緻的細節藏在其中 ,而且我非常喜愛這枚手錶耐操的性質以及 Naimakka 降落傘繩的錶帶,非常特別呢!“
低調不華麗的 Carbon
質感極佳的 Carbon 系列
INOX Carbon 規格:
錶徑:43 mm
厚度:14 mm
錶耳寬度:21 mm
防水深度:200 m
材質:Carbon Composite
機芯:Ronda 石英機芯
Carbon Composite 其實是一種常見於高級手錶的特殊材質,這種材質有著耐刮、耐高溫、輕量以及不易產生過敏(與金屬相比)的特性,色澤上則是比較黯淡。
雖然沒有光澤,但其紋路、略灰的顏色以及 43 mm 的大錶徑,反而為這枚手錶添加了不少粗獷的元素。
鏡面上浮著 Victorinox 特有的紅色印刷,雖然特別但是個人認為這設計顯得多餘… 不過根據錶主的說法,看久就會習慣了~ 這枚手錶的錶盤很特殊,乍看之下會以為上面 3、6、9 以及梯形時標是貼上去的,但是其實是由相同的一塊材料所製作完成,時標其實是壓出外型後,再印上去。
特殊製作的面盤 layout
Victorinox 特有的紅色印刷
仔細看看錶殼,雖說 Carbon Composite 會給人塑膠的感覺,但細細品味後,會發現它其實蠻別緻的。
這回的 Carbon 特別版的其中一個特點就是 Naimakka 傘繩,此傘繩為瑞典品牌,據說遇到險境時,能利用這傘繩來做求生用途,拆開後能利用此繩索露營、生火、釣魚、吊掛重物等等… 而生為旅行愛好者的 Paul 正是被這多功能、低調卻特別的原因所吸引。
俗話說:“手錶能夠完整反映出錶主的個性及喜好”,這句話在 Paul 身上顯得特別的明顯,此枚手錶低調、細緻,就跟 Paul 的冰淇淋以及個性一樣,低調但是口感綿密獨特!
這枚手錶在我查了官網之後發現有兩個版本,一個搭配 Naimakka 傘繩,另一個則是使用普通橡皮帶。假設有意購買,我推薦各位選擇 Naimakka 的版本,雖然定價 33000 台幣(比一般橡皮版貴了 2000)但是它多附送一條橡皮的錶帶在其中。
專為冒險而生:Victorinox I.N.O.X Carbon 許多人都知道我是一位熱愛機械錶的人,石英錶對我來說並沒那麼的迷人,畢竟電池、IC 板沒什麼工藝價值,所以基本上除了運動以外,不然我不太配戴石英錶的。 既然如此,為何這回會特別為了一枚石英錶而寫一篇文章呢?原因很簡單,因為這是一枚酷到不行的石英錶... 高雄駁二 Pacini Gelato 的店主 - Paul,是一名熱愛旅行以及義大利冰淇淋工藝的藝術家,從決定冰淇淋原料到店內擺設的篩選,以及廣告的設計都由他一手包辦,這麼有個人風格的一位藝術家究竟會選擇什麼手錶呢?相信大家都猜到了,就是這回的主角 INOX Carbon。 Victorinox I.N.O.X 大家對 Victorinox 這品牌想必不陌生,對它的印象大概就是瑞士刀、旅行背包這類的產品,知道他們手錶的朋友並不多,不過有接觸過它們家手錶的朋友一定都能夠認同其耐用低調的個性。
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sweet talk but don't intimidate her.. #itsakich #abandonedplaces #peoplescreatives #natgeo #fantastic_earth #wanderfolk #visualsoflife #lifeofadventure #thatsdarling #socality #wildernessculture #photoart #stayandwander #neverstopexploring #creativecommons #BPMag #instablog #getoutstayout #naimakka #vscocam #vscogood #bbctravel #nature_sultans #visualarchitects #visualauthority
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Warum wir alle mehr "Lagom" brauchen...
Warum wir alle mehr “Lagom” brauchen…
Ich habe vor kurzem ein interessantes Interview mit einem Psychologen gelesen. Es ging um die Wahl und wie man sich den Erfolg der AfD erklären kann. So was, wie Struktur und Organisation bringt auch ein Stück weit Langeweile mit sich. Jeden Tag gehen wir arbeiten, stehen um eine bestimmte Uhrzeit auf, kommen wieder heim, kochen, essen und am Wochenende ist irgendein Event mit der Familie…
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#Åkes Welt#erneuerbare Energien#Klimaabkommen#Klimaschutz#Klimawandel#Menschen#Naimakka#Schweden#Umwelt#Umweltkatastrophen#Vaillant#Wärmepumpe
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Het verhaal van Åke en zijn warmtepomp #warmtepomp
Maak kennis met
Åke Siikavuopio. Deze kranige 80-jarige woont op een van de koudste plekken in Zweden: Naimakka, een dorpje op 235 km ten noorden van de noordpoolcirkel. Daar is hij ... from B&W Algemeen nieuws
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Victorinox I.N.O.X. Carbon Watch w/ Naimakka Paracord strap ($950) | Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2kiD1Qc
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Naimakka Classic Bracelet
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Hands-On: Victorinox Swiss Army INOX Carbon LE Watch For 2020
The indistinctively named INOX Carbon LE 241927.1 is one of the coolest new Victorinox Swiss Army watch sets in recent years and aptly captures an aesthetic that is currently popular. With more Americans (and people around the world) venturing to local nature in order to “get away” versus the traditional airport vacation, camping and military-style gear are ever-so-in. I’ve probably written more about the Victorinox Swiss Army INOX (aka I.N.O.X.) watches than anyone in the world, tracking the original debut of the attractive durable watches and then having seen the evolution of the line along with its many limited editions. The short story is that the INOX watch family has been very successful for Victorinox Swiss Army and continues to appeal to fashion and collectible watch enthusiasts around the world.
This particular INOX limited-edition watch comes with a black carbon case that replaces the steel or titanium construction of other INOX watches. “Inox” is actually a term for stainless steel. The carbon case is desirable because of its attractive organic texture, soft touch against the skin, and light weight. It also offers a relatively high level of shock resistance. The INOX watch collection is generally about high levels of durability. One way to think of the family would be like suggesting that it is the “G-Shock of Victorinox Swiss Army.”
The 43mm-wide carbon case is, for this limited edition, given a new Arabic numeral-based dial and a woodlands camouflage theme. The dial is very legible given the decent contrast and is also evocative of the straightforward design of early Victorinox Swiss Army watches such as the “One.” Another special feature is the fully lumed dial that, when glowing, exposes the design of the camouflage pattern. Over the dial is an AR-coated sapphire crystal and the case is water-resistant to 200 meters. Inside this version of the INOX is a Swiss Made Ronda 715 quartz movement with the time and date.
What makes the Victorinox Swiss Army INOX Carbon LE 241927.1 watch really shine is the kit it comes with. First is the camo-patterned Pelican-style case. Unlike most INOX watches, it comes with three straps. It also comes with a matching camping Swiss Army knife (with compass) and an extra classic red Swiss Army knife for good measure. In 2017, Victorinox Swiss Army worked with Naimakka to introduce its first Paracord strap (and the carbon INOX case). Since then, the strap concept has been refined, and on this INOX Carbon LE model, the paracord strap is also a comfortable and easy-to-wear watch strap. The paracord is camouflage in style, and the kit also comes with a khaki green NATO-style strap, as well as a black rubber strap. Also included is a black INOX case bumper, which you can fit to the case if you want even more durability and environmental resistance.
On the wrist, I found the new paracord strap to be a serious upgrade in comfort and convenience versus some of the older designs. In essence, the bottom part of the strap wears like a traditional strap, and the excess strap tucks in between the outer strap and your wrist. One can certainly say that making your product in camouflage is a cliché way of adding a new version. That’s probably true, but this is coming from a brand called Victorinox Swiss Army (so they get a pass, given current trends in fashion). Now, if only Victorinox Swiss Army can figure out a way to make tools pop out of the case. Limited to 1,500 pieces total, the Victorinox Swiss Army INOX Carbon LE reference 241927.1 watch is priced at $1,100 USD. Learn more or order at the Victorinox website here.
The post Hands-On: Victorinox Swiss Army INOX Carbon LE Watch For 2020 appeared first on Wristwatch Journal.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/326hWQF via IFTTT
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“Alter Schwede” ist das kalt da in Naimakka
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#naimakka #outdoors #paracord #bracelet #vsco #armcandy #wristporn #style #life #wanderlust #bushcraft #gear #edc #survival #swedish #swedishdesign #swedishmade
Some for the NEW YEAR! PhotonWire Mouse Cable Review! Better Than A Paracord!?!?!
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Vaillant launches Ake campaign…
Face of the new Vaillant campaign, Ake, lives in Naimakka, the coldest part of Sweden.
Vaillant, the leading heating technology manufacturer, has launched a new brand campaign to mark the beginning of new investment from the business into the renewable energy sector.
The new campaign features brand ambassador Ake, a Swedish man who lives in Naimakka, located 235km north of the Arctic Circle
Ake’s nearest neighbour lives 3km away and until recently, Ake used to struggle with frozen pipes affecting his heating in an area where outside temperatures can drop to – 40ºC.
Vaillant decided to intervene, by fitting a flexoTHERM heat pump for Ake, the renewable heating solution perfect for environments where gas boilers aren’t a realistic option.
The video demonstrates the performance and reliability of Vaillant’s renewables products such as the business’ heat pump technology. In the content, Ake’s home is transformed from the coldest place in Sweden to the cosiest, highlighting how Vaillant products can perform in even the most stringent and challenging of condition
The campaign aims to help installers grow their businesses through renewable heating and hot water technologies and how the energy efficiency of such products can be best communicated to customers. The new brand campaign will be supported by dedicated UK resource designed to support installers looking to do a greater proportion of their work within the renewable sector.
Klause Jesse, UK managing director at Vaillant UK, said: “Renewables have long been a major focus of our business and our announcement highlights how we only expect this to increase in the future. Our ambition is to become known as the global leader in the supply of sustainable heating solutions and the Ake campaign is a key asset in demonstrating the performance of our products.”
The post Vaillant launches Ake campaign… appeared first on Heating & Plumbing Monthly Magazine (HPM).
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8248515 http://www.hpmmag.com/news/vaillant-launches-ake-campaign via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Alex Extrem: Rekord-Kälte von -40 Grad.
In seinem Vlog „Alex extrem“ ist der Meteorologe Dr. Alex Hildebrand unterwegs und besucht Orte mit extremen Wetterlagen. Auch in Naimakka hat er sich selbst von der außergewöhnlichen Kälte überzeugt.
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talk about withdrawal symptoms.. #itsakich #Renegade #jeeplife #jeepadventures #jeeplove #itsajeepthing #4x4 #offroadnation #wildernessculture #getoutstayout #canadagram #camouflage #carsofinstagram #canadianjeepers #bfgko2 #foundlost #naimakka #theelys #funlifecrisis
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