#Nagisa X rio
pyropsychiccollector · 2 months
AssClass ask
ok so about my last ask, i realized you did smth similar already lol. with the school play where nagisa had to kiss somone else, around mid last year. I think that one only had kayano, nakamura and kanzaki so im wondering what the others reaction would be or if they got jealous over it.
I couldn't seem to find the one that included Rio and Yukiko… XD I have a vague recollection of possibly doing another school play with them involved with reacting alongside Kaede… But I think Kaede was the main reaction I did. Then again, knowing me I just didn't tag the post… Very possible. XD Regardless, I did Yukiko and Rio again anyway~ And some others. Including a bonus girl~ (✿◠‿◠)
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OC: ಠಿ_ಠ
Nagisa: What's up, OC? You look spooked.
OC: jolts a little U-Um! Y-You don't have to worry about the play anymore. You can go home. ಠಿ_ಠ;;;;;;;;;
Nagisa: But didn't you need a last minute sub…? I can't just abandon you guys! >_<
OC: Yes… Well… (✿◠‿◠)* You didn't tell me your girlfriend was terminally ill…
Nagisa: T-Terminally…? Huh??? She's not… ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠)* seems to appear out of thin air Let's go, Nagisa-kun.
Nagisa: B-But why? OC needs help on this play? I promised…? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: I need you help more. coughs weakly (✿◠‿◠)**
OC: P-Poor thing. You're so young. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
Nagisa: I don't understand what's going on…?! gets dragged off by Yukiko
Yukiko: when they're far enough away Now, when were you going to tell me about this play? Dear? (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: I'm just trying to help out a classmate. >_< They had no one else able to take up this role, so…
Yukiko: Did you know about the kiss scene? (✿◠‿◠)****
Nagisa: No?? But I figured you wouldn't mind since it's not real. ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: And when were you going to tell me, dear? (✿◠‿◠)*
Nagisa: … To be honest, I kinda forgot with all the practicing and line memorizing. >_<
Yukiko: voice reaches subzero temperatures You… already practiced…? (╬≖‿≖)
Nagisa: The lines? Yeah. :O
Yukiko: The KISS, Nagisa. (╬≖‿≖)
Nagisa: Oh, that was only gonna be during the performances. I think counting dress rehearsal there was gonna be three shows.
Yukiko: ………
Nagisa: B-But. Um. I did feel bad after hearing about the kiss part, so I was gonna take you out to a nice dinner after it was all over.
Yukiko: ………
Nagisa: … A-And shower you with as many kisses as you wanted? ^^;;;
Yukiko: (╬≖‿≖) You're lucky you're cute.
Nagisa: What was that lie about being terminally ill??? It's not good to lie about that stuff, Yukiko-chan. >_<
Yukiko: (✿◠‿◠) It wasn't a lie. I've got a fever, and the only cure is…
Nagisa: … More cowbell? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: … A boy just as dense as Mister Karasuma. (✿◠‿◠)
Nagisa: … I don't get it. ಠಿ_ಠ
Yukiko: We'll work on that. (✿◠‿◠) … And new rule: No kissing other girls. That's just rude.
Nagisa: A-Alright… ಠಿ_ಠ
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Nagisa: I'm sorry, I beg your pardon? (⊙▂⊙✖ )
OC: holds out the dress exasperatedly You heard me the first time. The new director says the main characters swap bodies. (╬≖_≖)
Nagisa: But I didn't sign up for crossdressing?! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
OC: Yeah, well, I didn't either. Other girls might like being tomboys, but I LIKE the frills. (╬≖_≖) But the director says jump, we're only supposed to say, "how high?"
Nagisa: @~~~@* The director was not this unreasonable when I first started practicing with you guys.
OC: I said we got a new one, didn't I? Our first one must've ate something bad the other night, and this new chick came in with his blessing. Supposedly. (╬≖_≖) I hear the bitch is thinking about the whole cast swapping bodies. Apparently she wants pictures before, during, and after the show.
Nagisa: ……… Is this new director blonde by any chance? Blue eyes?
OC: Yeah? How'd you know?
Nagisa: I quit. Σ('◉⌓◉’)
OC:You can't quit when we're a week away!!!
Nagisa: I can so. (⊙▂⊙✖ ) Whoever's bright idea it was to let Rio Nakamura take over, they can suffer the fallout. I am NOT letting her use me as a Barbie doll. AGAIN.
OC: It's just one "body swap", how bad can it be? :P
Nagisa: (╬≖_≖) You go on believing that. She won't ever be "content", not when she has all the power in the world as "director". She won't be satisfied until everyone wears all the costumes. You absolute F O O L S…
OC: Yeah, yeah, whatever drama queen. :P
Nagisa: (✿◠‿◠) rips up his script Clearly I have sinned and should have been faithful. I can't save your poor souls, but I'm gonna make it up to Rio. That should at least save me. prances off
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Yuzuki: You disgust me… (๑ `н´๑)
OC: … I'm sorry? ಠಿ_ಠ
Yuzuki: A vanilla Shakespeare play?! In this day and age?! (๑ `н´๑) Did you even TRY to look up adaptations, you swine?
OC: Adapt…huh? ಠಿ_ಠ The student council approves the scripts, and they hafta get approval from the principal!
Yuzuki: I bet you didn't even TRY searching on rattles off random script website! (๑ н´๑) Audiences are gonna be bored to TEARS with your outdated English and crusty Shakespearean humor! (๑н´๑) Nope. Your play receives a 0/5 stars from me. No witty, clever anime references. Vanilla Romeo and Juliet plot. You're just the worst, and we will be boycotting your "play", madam. (๑ н´๑)(๑н´๑)(๑ `н´๑)
OC: Okayyy, bye, Queen Otaku…? C'mon, Nagisa. stares ಠಿ_ಠ
Nagisa: getting dragged away by Yuzuki ^^;;;;;;;; S-Sorry, OC-chan… Yuzuki says no, so I can't…
OC: huffs Freaking doormat. (╬≖_≖)
Yuzuki: (๑ н´๑) Not a single artistic bone in their bodies, not one!!! (๑н´๑)
Nagisa: It's just a school play, Yuzuki-chan… ^^;;;
Yuzuki: We have STANDARDS, Nagisa-kun! (๑ `н´๑)
Rio: … Does she even care about the "kiss" scene? ಠಿ_ಠ
Kaede: Well, you didn't, Miss "unlimited power". ಠಿ_ಠ
Rio: True~ Art is so subjective~ (✿◠‿◠)
Kaede: (╬≖_≖) Crossdressing isn't art, it's a sin.
Rio: So old-fashioned~ Even when ya get to see Nagisa's L E G S~? (✿◠‿◠)
Kaede: If Nagisa doesn't wanna do it, he's not gonna do it, you swine. (╯°□°)╯
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OC: (✿◠‿◠);;; Nagisa-kun, you're relieved.
Nagisa: ಠಿ_ಠ I am?
OC: Yes, effective immediately. (✿◠‿◠);;; I should be able to find someone else to handle your role.
Nagisa: Even when we're a week away…? ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: ……… Yes. (✿◠‿◠);;;;;;;;;
Nagisa: You look nervous… Are you sure???
OC: YES, Nagisa, I am ABSOLUTELY FREAKING SURE!!!!!! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: But…why? ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: Oh, I don't know. Had an omen the past few nights. (╬≖_≖)
Nagisa: … An omen. ಠಿ_ಠ
OC: Someone threw a rock in my window with a message - "find some other chump." And when I didn't do anything but board up my window… The next night I had a "friendly" red dot on my pillow and I swear I heard a barrage of paintballs decorate the side of my house. The next morning my dad had to call some people to repaint the side of our house, and I found a message in my mailbox that said, "I mean it." And I've had the dot of deadly doom following me since yesterday!!! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: . . . ಠಿ_ಠ Rinka isn't one for subtlety…
OC: Oh, you KNOW that psycho?! Why am I not surprised?! (╯°□°)╯
Nagisa: Well, she IS my girlfriend. ^^;;;
OC: (✿◠‿◠)*** Kindly bugger off, Nagisa. My life is in shambles. From just a few days.
Nagisa: … I'll send you an apology gift. ^^;;;
OC: Nooo, no, no, no. No gifts.
Nagisa: A card, then-
OC: NO CARDS!!! Just polite acquaintanceship. (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: … I have to do something for you…
OC: The best gift money can by is a red dot free life, Nagisa. (✿◠‿◠)*** That psycho's all yours.
Nagisa: …………
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OC: Watch your hands, you perv?!
Nagisa: I-I'm so sorry…! (⊙▂⊙✖ ) backs away
OC: I thought you were a kind, unassuming boy, Nagisa-kun. (╬ಠ益ಠ) What was with that groping, you pig?!
Nagisa: I-It's just how my girlfriend's been training me…! Σ('◉⌓◉’) Sh-She said to do everything like the simulation…
OC: I don't CARE what horny bs you and your… huffs bitterly GIRLFRIEND get up to… Just leave me out of it!!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ) We are NOT doing that in private. And we are most certainly NOT doing THAT in public. You disgusting pig. (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: Why do I feel like Touka-chan set me up…? (人◕_◕)
OC: Oh, you think your perverted soulmate tricked you?! At least try to take responsibility for your own unsightly beastiality!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)
Nagisa: No, no, I think she wanted me booted out of the play. >w< I thought it was a bit extreme we took all our clothes off last night…
OC: … Yeah, you can get out of here. Great idea. (✿◠‿◠) Go back to mating like rabbits. Dirty, disgusting perverts. (✿◠‿◠)***
Nagisa: ……… (人◕_◕) I can't even dispute that with what she made me do…
OC: OUT!!!!!
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OC: What the?!
Ritsu: Hi, OC-chan. (✿◠‿◠) I heard Nagisa was going to be in your little play.
OC: How'd you get my number?! And who the heck ARE you?!
Ritsu: Let's dispense with the small talk and get to the heart of the matter. (❋•‿•❋) Like how you're going to beg me for your life.
OC: Excuse me?!
Ritsu: I have suitable blackmail on you ready to be posted on all social media platforms. (❋•‿•❋) What are you going to do for me? (❋•‿•❋)
OC: … What do you want? ;;;>_>
Ritsu: Find someone else to play opposite you in the main role. Nagisa-kun is mine. (❋•‿•❋)
OC: … And if I let him go, you'll delete all that blackmail?
Ritsu: Never go near Nagisa again, and I'll think about deleting some of the backups. (❋•‿•❋)
Ritsu: (❋•‿•❋) Do we have an accord?
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anzulvr · 4 months
Karma with a s/o who can't hold eye contact 😋😋😋
Tysm if u do have a wonderful day 🫶🫶🫶🫶
♥︎ ʚɞ Karma Akabane x Reader who can’t hold eye contact
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— It's your shy demeanor that catches Karmas' attention the first time you meet him. He notices how around other people such as Rio or Nagisa you’re much more extroverted and you seem more authentic. Every time he tries talking to you, you can’t look him straight in the eyes, and your personality becomes a lot tamer. He assumes it’s because you’re not as comfortable around him, and that you'll open up in time.
 He couldn’t have been more wrong.
The more time you spent in End Class, the less you could look at him. He’s never had a lot of friends and that never bothered him before. Except now it seemed like you were comfortable with everyone else in class. Even Terasaka and Itona were able to pull some conversation out of you.
You’d get all nervous and trip on your words; you’d look at your hands or shoes, but never directly at him.
Most people, once they get to know him, are scared off by his “jokes” and slightly violent tendencies.
That’s why, instead of assuming you’re into him, he assumes you’re scared because of some rumor that spread around campus. Which one? He couldn’t say for sure. Students would often make up stories about him.
 “He keyed the principal's car and sliced his tires.” (Never happened, good idea though.) 
“He pushed Koyama down the stairs, that's why he sprung his ankle.” (He didn’t, but he wishes he did.) 
“He snuck into the broadcasting room and sold some of Teppei’s personal belongings.” (That one did happen.)
You were hanging out with Rio outside, and he came up to you two out of boredom.
Midway through the conversation, he notices you picking at the grass, a little while after that, you make up a lame excuse to go talk to Okano, who’s on the opposite side of the mountain.
You’re a really bad liar.
Once he’s alone with Rio, he half-heartedly says, “I wonder what rumor [Name] heard about me that has them afraid of me.” 
“Afraid? Why do you think that?”  
“You haven’t noticed? Always getting quiet when I’m around, leaving randomly—it’s pretty obvious.”
 Rio just laughed. "Wow, you’re dumb. [Names] like that ‘cause they like you.”
 He let that new bit of information get into his head. Her conclusion makes more sense.
Now he’s being extra annoying. The more annoying and insistent he gets, the more comfortable you get. 
You get to the stage where you talk to him with excitement, you don’t get tripped up on your words anymore and you’re constantly hanging out, but you still can’t look at him.
He decides (with a lot of encouragement from Korosensei and a little help from his classmates) that the only way things will move forward is if he makes the first move.
When he lays out his feelings for you, he makes sure your eyes are on him. He tilts your head back at himself when your vision starts to wander.
 Even after you officially get together, the nerves don’t completely go away. Whenever he does something nice for you or when he makes you laugh, you hide your face behind your hands or on his shoulder. 
He’s starting to look away from you too; if you noticed how flustered he can get around you, he wouldn’t live it down.
♡ PS sorry It’s been so much time since my last post!!
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strawberry milk (akabane karma x reader)
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He likes it. It’s his favorite brand and you are so good at this ‘communicating’ thing. You’re pretty sure Karma said something after that, but currently, you are on cloud nine and you can barely process the words over your feelings of success.
You would have fist pumped and yelled ‘sublime’ too, had he not waved a hand in front of your face in concern.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re acting kinda- weird?”
Okay, you did not respond fast enough, what did he even say before that? You shake your head and prepare the fastest, most soundproof response you can muster.
“Sorry, I fell down the stairs this morning.” fandom: Assassination Classroom by Yûsei Matsui pairing: akabane karma x gender-neutral! reader warnings: none, unless you count second hand embarrassment notes: - cross posted on ao3 under the same name - first fic ever posted for me, i have more plans n drafts for this universe already but that depends on my motivation lmao - i hope you have as much fun reading as i had writing --- START ---
Mustering up the last bits of courage you can, you pull the two tetra packs from your bag and abruptly stand up.
Unfortunately for you, your chair screeches against the floorboard from the force, and all of your classmates look in your direction.
You could feel the heat creeping up your neck as you quietly mutter out an apology. Thankfully, no one makes a big issue of your disruption and they all return to their own activities.
Now to face the daunting task that’s been plaguing your mind ever since this morning at the train station, where your whimsical decision-making had you convinced that you should totally, definitely, get something for Karma.
You briskly walk across the room, over to where the aforementioned red-headed boy was conversing with Nagisa about some topic you couldn’t process at the moment.
All you want to do is to get to know him better, that’s it. No underlying motives, whatsoever.
“Hey, this is for you.”
You shoved the strawberry milk carton into his hand. A flash of innocent confusion crosses Karma’s face, and you almost let yourself think about how cute of a look it was for someone like him. Before you get to entertain that preposterous thought, he tilts his head in amusement, waiting for an explanation.
“So, uhm- The vending machine! I got lucky, cause it, uhm- it broke, so I got two instead of one- Not that it’s lucky that it broke of course! That’s bad, that has some very bad implications. Uh, you know?” you wave your hands around in an attempt to explain, gesturing to your milk carton as if it would suddenly start talking in your defense.
From the corner of your eye, you see Nagisa giving you a sympathetic smile before grabbing his notebook and gesturing to Karma of his intent to review for the next class.
You were thankful at first, until the realization sunk in that you now have to explain yourself to Karma.
No verbal or social support from your peers.
This will be fine. You convince yourself this before the urge to backflip out of the classroom window can overtake you.
“Thanks, I guess? Why the sudden gift, you like me or something?” He teases, because of course he does, and now you have to come up with the reply or he will know that you lied about the vending machine and that there’s some dubious reason as to why you got two strawberry milk cartons that just so happen to be his favorite brand.
Karma cannot know. He absolutely cannot.
“Huh? Psh! Of course not, I just wanted to thank you for helping me last week, you know? Math isn’t my strongest subject and I- what you told me, that shortcut? It just- it’s cool! It really helped me and I felt like I had to thank you. Yeah?” you ramble, and a part of you wishes the ground would collapse beneath your feet just so you could escape this tragedy of a conversation.
You stare awkwardly at Karma, anticipating his response. You swear he looks like he wants to ask what on earth is wrong with you, but maybe it’s just the nerves.
He shrugs, “No biggie. You didn’t need to go through the effort of buying me something just for that one tip.”
He hates it. He thinks you’re weird and over the top. It’s time for you to exile yourself.
“Thanks, though. How’d you know I like this brand anyway?”
He likes it. It’s his favorite brand and you are so good at this ‘communicating’ thing. You’re pretty sure Karma said something after that, but currently, you are on cloud nine and you can barely process the words over your feelings of success.
You would have fist pumped and yelled ‘sublime’ too, had he not waved a hand in front of your face in concern.
“Hey, are you okay? You’re acting kinda- weird?”
Okay, you did not respond fast enough, what did he even say before that? You shake your head and prepare the fastest, most soundproof response you can muster.
“Sorry, I fell down the stairs this morning.”
You need to pass out right now. Maybe if he thinks you have a concussion you can still salvage your reputation in his eyes. Karma’s eyes widen in concern and you can’t help the butterflies ricocheting in your gut.
“Woah, maybe you should go have that checked with the nurse? I can take you there, I wanna skip class anyway.”
In normal circumstances, you would have reprimanded him for even suggesting that he skip classes and use you as a reason. However, now it is different. Now it is very different when you feel these very dreadful, un-platonic feelings for the redhead.
‘Calm down butterflies, he just suggested a friendly gesture of good, normal, regular, concern.’ You reassure yourself, because if you don’t, you might just blast off into the stratosphere like you were Koro-sensei being complimented by a pretty barista lady.
Karma puts his hand on your shoulder.
You imagine swatting away the butterflies to keep yourself sane, and you try your best to collect an actual, reasonable response this time.
“No, no, it’s fine. Thanks for the concern. A lot of things just happened today, and I’m just a bit overwhelmed. I’m sorry if I’m acting strange.” you speak slower than you did prior, and you find yourself more composed.
Well, as composed as you can be considering Karma still has his hand on your shoulder. You bow your head in shame, not being able to meet his eyes.
He scoffs in amusement, “Hey, don’t worry about it, and really, thanks for the strawberry milk.”
You look up at him and sigh in relief, thankful that he doesn’t think you’re completely insane. He gives your shoulder another pat before moving his hand off to pry the straw from the back of his tetra pack.
“No problem! Thanks again too, for helping me last week.”
A big part of you is relieved that he took his hand off of your shoulder so your heart rate could normalize itself, but a tinier, more delusional part of your brain feels disappointed that he had to pull his hand away at all.
You move to turn and walk away, but Karma speaks again.
“Hey, if you’re still feeling overwhelmed, you can always skip class with me. We can just tell Koro-sensei you weren’t feeling well.” he offers, and it takes every ounce of sense in you to not just accept it then and there. Especially not when you meet his eyes and see them light up with mischief.
You have to be reasonable. Doing so just to entertain your silly little infatuation would disappoint Koro-sensei and tarnish your good record. You can find more excuses to spend time with him without breaking the school rules.
“No thank you, it’s okay. I think I’ll just go to the bathroom and wash my face. I appreciate the concern though.” You nod your head and flash Karma a light smile, to which he shrugs and moves to sit at his desk, drinking the strawberry milk you gave him.
You move to make your way out of the classroom, and you see Nakamura smirk at you. She was probably watching you make a fool out of yourself in front of Karma, and you know for a fact she will tease you about that horrid display of human interaction later. You squint your eyes at her, daring her to laugh or say something, to which she just smiles at you wider and you swear you can see devil horns form on her head.
Nakamura held her phone up while you were walking past. You gape slightly in frustration as you realize what she had shown you.
She had recorded your god awful attempt at giving Karma the strawberry milk. There was physical evidence of it for others to witness.
The worst part? There was physical evidence of it for Koro-sensei to witness.
You quickly stomp into the bathroom and turn on the sink, shoving your face into your hands before you let out an exasperated groan.
There was no living this down for you.
You just hoped Karma wouldn’t take the news so harshly if he found out.
Thanks for reading! :DDD
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akabanerio · 2 years
A sharp knife
Kayano: Oh boy… I wish I had the ability to make boys really nervous
Irina: Holding a really sharp knife to their neck usually does it for me
Rio: I advise you to wear something sexy instead-
Kayano: T-T
Karma: Wasabi and mustard makes a lot of people nervous *grins*
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lilbrainbigheartz · 7 months
Karma Akabane x reader (dunnothenameyet)
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Chapter 2
Today we had in 5th period P.E.
Karasuma-sensei announced that he will take over the P.E lessons.
Seriously, I am glad that an actual HUMAN being will be our P.E teacher.
How should we keep up with a creature who has a speed of Mach 20.
After class, we were about to walk back to the 3-E building and Sugino whines:" A quiz in 6th period, eh?"
Nagisa agreed: "Shame we didn't get to home after all"
Rio and I were also walking back with the class. Rio: "naw we have now a math quiz"
Sometimes I just want rip my math book apart. What are these formulas?!
"I will just tell Karasuma sensei or Korosensei that I'm on my period and want to go home. Who do they think they are?! MATH QUIZ AFTER P.E?!" ,I complain.
In that moment we see a figure standing on the top of the stairs outside.
Nagisa says surprised: "Karma-kun...you're back?"
I raise an eyebrow and said to Rio: "How come I just mentioned my period and a guy with redhair shows up?"
Rio snorts and laughs at my comment.
The redhead in the meantime has a little smile and raises his eyebrows with curiousity: "Oh? So this is the infamous Korosensei? He really *does* look like an octopus"
The rest of the class observed Karma and Korosensei.
Korosensei: "You're Akabane Karma-kun right? I'd hear your suspension was up today. But that's no excuse to be late on your first day back."
Akabane stretched out his hand for a handshake: "It's nice to meet you, Sensei"
In the moment when Korosensei touched Akabane's hand, his tentacle got destroyed and as Akabane was trying to attack him with the Anti-Sensei knife but Korosensei dodged easily and fast.
The class was stunned since Karma was now the first one to damage Korosensei.
Nagisa told Kayano that Akabane and him were in the same class for the first and second year but he got suspended due to his violent tendencies. The periodhead- I mean Akabane kind of looked like that type of guy.
Nagisa continued explaining: "When it comes to deadly weapons and foul play Karma got us all beat" Yeah yeah don't exaggerate he is only 14/15 years old. Overrated.
During the math quiz... yeah I know I said I wanted to leave but then I remembered that Korosensei would probably bring some random medicine from other countries to make my "cramps" heal.
So now here I am sitting at my desk and writing that quiz... Honestly I am just freestyling ,the fuck. Math is annoying enough but do you all know what was more annoying?! Korosensei punching with his tentacles the wall and made some squishing sounds.
I hit with my hand my desk and raised my voice: "HEY WE ARE WRITING YOUR QUIZ HERE?! Stop the squishing!"
The class deadpan at my outburst and Korosensei flinches a little sweating "P-Pardon me!"
In the meantime Terasaka and his friends were teasing Akabane because him being the reason that Korosensei is mad. Korosensei then turned around even if his face looks the same you could sense that he is pretty pissed off right now. "You there! No noise during a test!" He sees now Karma eating Gelato or let's say...Korosensei's Gelato.
Korosensei: "Hey! I even flied a colder stratosphere to keep it from melting!" I saw many classmates roll their eyes and I just sighed quietly to myself aboit this whole fiasco. That redhead still has the audacity to be a pain in the ass when today was his first day back.
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tuo-deggol · 2 years
Rio: (points to Kaede & Nagisa) We got this couple:
Kaede: You are better.
Nagisa: No, you are!
Rio: (points to Gakushuu & Karma) And, this couple:
Gakushuu: I'm the better one, end of discussion. Not accepting any arguments.
Karma: NO, I AM
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
I Made an Assassination Classroom Fic
Yep, big surprise from the person who seems to have something new every other day, I know! It's called 'Just Ask Him Out Already!' and it can be found here.
Go give it a read and say hi in the comments!
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
A crosspost from my Ao3 because why not
A crossover where Karma Akabane is in 1A. Assassination Classroom events still happened, but for plot purposes he ends up in UA's hero course. - He could be quirkless - If he's not quirkless, maybe a quirk that has nothing to do with fighting physically but maybe something to do with his puppet master abilities. Basically, if you remember the second arc with Itona Horibe, something to do wit that. Or he's quirkless and got in using skills from assassination classroom + intelligence - ships could be either a crossover ship, or an assassination classromship, i personally like him with Asano Jr, can't remember for sure but I'm pretty sure it's gakushuu, or Nagisa - Karma being one of the few people in 1A who doesn't underestimate Midoriya, not because he was in the same group for the entrance exam, but because he knows Nagisa, so knows just because someone seems harmless, or weak, doesn't mean they are. - Also in this AU I imagine heroes would've been sent after Korosensei as well, so maybe they know about Karma's involvement. Even if they don't I'm pretty sure everyone knows they were taught by him - Assassination classroom character cameos. - His relationship with Bakugo would be quite interesting. I imagine he'd love to annoy him and would treat him somewhat similar to Terasaka, if that's his name, but Bakugo's smarter, so I imagine they'd get along better. Also, he would never just do as Karma tells him, but I do imagine that a plan made by the two of them would be incredibly well thought out, as long as Midoriya isn't against them. And a plan that uses Midoriya's analysis, and Bakugo and Karma's intelligence, would probably be unbeatbale and terrifying. - i did initially think he'd be a Todoroki but I don't think he has to be for this plan to work. But if not, a lot of people headcanon that Karma is abused or neglected, i'm saying headcanons because i don't remember that being part of the headcanon. If you go with this maybe he notices some similarities between him and Todoroki - This isn't needed, but I just think it would be interesting if, when Bakugo is kidnapped, they kidnap Karma too, and this leads to assassination classroom characters trying to save him, while the 1A people try to save them both. They're all succesful - The former 3-E possibly all being quirkless, and this ostracising them even more? - Also Karma is either a loner or Bakusquad. I'm sorry, I know Dekusquad can be badass, but unless he's there for Stain, I'm pretty sure he'd be unaware Iida tried to kill a man. Or maybe it would become his mission to stress out Iida as much as possible. - Also, when they first see Bakugo a lot of people think he's a delinquent, which is fair, but in this universe Karma exists, and he is so much worse. Like he doesn't bully people but he does provoke them and, when it comes to enemies, he's very sadistics. Also, he can and will kill a man if he has to, and fights a lot. That on top of generally rebellious behaviour. - Oh, Bakugo hates him so much, he's so much worse behaved than him and possibly quirkless, but he still manages to draw/beat him in academics and doesn't even seem to study. all the high achievers hate hime a little. Unfortunately for Bakugo, he's Karma's favourite person to torment and he acknowledges Bakugo's intelligence. You know what that means? Academic rivalry - you can have him befriend anyone you want really. I'm curious to see who people think he'd be friends with. - Also, if he's quirkless, or even if he's not, give him weapons or something - Have him be badass. Have everyone be badass. - Idk how you'll do it in terms of class sizes, whether you'll have someone (most commonly Mineta) expelled/ not be there, or if you'll just come up withsome BS reason to add someone else. - Feel free to add Shinso to the class somewhat - Can either be mostly canon with slight changes to acknowledge Karma's presence, because let's face it, when villains show up, he's one of the first to step forward and challenge or provoke or fight them, He doesn't run from a fight, or as AU as you like, writer's choice. - For some reason, i really can see him fitting in with the Bakusquad, and I feel like he'd be a bit wary of Midoriya? I don't think that's necessarily the word but he'd just constantly be waiting for Madoriya to do something badass or dangerous. As i said, he's friends with Nagisa - Also Midoriya, if he's quirkless kind of looking up to/being scared of him, because here is a quirkless kid, on the hero course (something Midoriya was more or less told wouldn't be possible all his life), who isn't scared of and even provokes Bakugo, who refused tol let himself be bullied due to being quirkless, who never backs down from a fight even when he probably should. - Also, once they move into UA dorms, class 1A as family and bonding moments, and maybe Karma tells them about Korosensei and assassination classroom and middle school in general, just cause i'm curious how they'd react to that, especially since I imagine Korosensei would've been a villain or treated like a villain in this AU, so to hear from one of the people who had him as a teacher, from Karma, the full real story of Korosensei, I imagine it would take off some of the black and white world view. - Also, i don't really care what you do with Endeavour, whether you redeem him or make him worse, or have him be like canon but Todoroki not forgive him (just because you're sorry and changing, it doesn't erase the past and Todoroki wouldn't be in the wrong if he chose not to forgive him), that's entirely up to you. - Also Nakamura and Mina friendship? I don't know why I just think they'd be besties - As i said Karam & Bakusquad friendship, because none of them are scared of him and all of them enjoy riling him up and provoking him, whether accidentally or on purpose. - If you make Karma quirkless, maybe highlight the similarities and differences between him and Midoriya, and their experiences - I just think, in a world like My Hero Academia someone like Karma, or a group of people like quirkless class 3-E, would be really interesting to read about. Also even if class 3-e isn't quirkless, they could have "weak" quirks that don't really do much/ aren't equipped to hero work. Mybe some of them go to a different hero school and they meet when getting their hero licenses, or Asano is sent to a hero school and they fight or something during hero license thing, and they both have to do the remedial class things. I'm sorry i ship Akabane/Asano more than i probably should.
anyway if you choose to write this please do let me know as I'd love to read it, or if you see a fic like this, let me know
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solarsavoy · 2 years
I do have another few ships for the bingo.
If no one else is going to ask, I will. Do MaeIso please.
Also, seeing as you claim that there is no ship you hate: Gakuhou/Gakushuu and Hiromi/Nagisa
Also, if you like: Karma/Rio, Kyoto/Rio and… let’s go with Sugino/Kanzaki.
Only do this if you have time.
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Really testing me with these ones, huh?
The reason I can't really hate any ship is because I believe someone probably ships them for a reason. While I may not agree with that reason, or support it, a person's reason for shipping two people is there reason. It doesn't need to be approved by someone else to exist. However, that doesn't mean I don't think it's super duper gross or that I would ever ship them in a million billion years.
Also, think you meant Kyoko/Rio from Students of Despair, so I went with that one. If you meant a different one, please let me know.
Anyway, I appreciate the ask, Jackie! I always like thinking about different things as a sort of mental exercise, which this did. While I don't like the Hiromi/Nagisa ship, it's interesting to note that there are actual relationships (that aren't familial) that sadly run just like this one would. And like Nagisa, they probably wonder if there is absolutely anything in the world that could make their Hiromi love them. After all, they should, right? Right?? Which only further proves my point, people ship things for a reason. What right do I have to judge them for it?
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wyrmmaster · 7 months
Discussing Blue Archive Lore and going progressively insane has been an experience. The Mystics, for example:
Each academy has its thing, right. Abydos is ancient Egyptian pantheon, Trinity is Christianity (+English/Irish/Scottish myth), Gehenna are the 72 demons, Valkyrie and SRT are Norse, Hyakkiyako is Japanese myth, and so on. So it's easy to establish a framework: "They're representative of cultural figures from x place".
You have the ones that are Obvious: Shiroko is Anubis, Hoshino is Horus, Mika is the Archangel Michael, Seia is Gabriel, Hina is Baal, Wakamo is Tamamo no Mae, Niya is Ootakemaru, Kazusa is Cath Palug, Ako is Astaroth, among others
Then you have the ones that are "Obvious" as in "probably": Serika as Bastet, Saori as Lucifer, Nonomi as Nephtys, Nagisa as Uriel, Suzumi as Sariel, Koharu as Metatron, Hasumi as Sandalphon, Hinata as Jegudiel, Kanna as Odin, Miyako as Mimir, and so on.
Now you start getting a little out there, as you have to expand your the concept of "figure from x place" to "the concept from x place".
Shit like "well, Rin's family name is Nanagami, "Seven Gods", she's currently the highest authority at least on paper, so what if she's The Seven Holy Names of God per Jewish faith? If we assume the GSC President was capital G monotheistic God it'd make even more sense" "What if she's the seven heavenly virtues instead?" "Also possible but I think it's the former".
Then you get to fucking Millenium.
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"Yuuka's halo is a simple perfect circle that looks artificial. Her birthday is 3/14. She is insanely good at math. She's pi. Stop laughing. Look at her twintails. π. Come on, keep up."
"Rio is either the Theory of Relativity both as a relation to Himari's potential Quantum Theory of Light and as an important foundation of our concept of physics, which would fit with her being MIllenium's president OR as she's the President of Millenium and created the city of Eridu, she's supposed to be the Sumerian Deity Enki, God of creation, knowledge, and water and patron deity of the ancient city Eridu." "Maybe she's both." "SHE'S PROBABLY BOTH, THANKS."
"Himari could be the Quantum Theory of Light in relation to Rio - being a more modern and complete concept, or she could be Isaac Newton, who had a mild obsession in the paranormal, like her." "What if she's also got a Mesopotamian-" "It'd be Ishtar, both because of her antagonism towards Enki in some myth her interest in the stars and as a riff on her whole conceit about her beauty. Further backed up by Eimi being her assistant that handles all the physical work, making her the Bull of Heaven. Eimi even had horns in her concept art." "Someone just put forth Euler's Identity, because it's considered a representation of mathematical beauty, like a sonnet is for poetry."
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"The Game Development Department are Eroge Company references. Yuzu is Yuzusoft, Aris is Alicesoft, and the Saiba twins are Cyberworks's Wendybell and Tinkerbell. We can maybe assume that's just what they are." "Oh, thank god something stupid to end this post on-" "Aris's whole universally loved hero thing with an almighty weapon integral in saving the world might make her Gilgamesh-" "FINE OUR DAUGHTER IS GILGAMESH."
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Just some Nagisa x Rio art I found rolling around the internet~ Let's give this ship some lovin~ :3
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anzulvr · 11 months
Hello how are you doing today. May I request a E class x reader who runs a gossip page on their class and even the teacher and just likes to start chaos. And know one suspect it them (🤫)
End class x Reader w a Gossip page // small karma-reader moment but can be seen as platonic too.
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This account has to be private because the main campus are ruthless, so you do that and follow only class 3E.
Then when everyone starts talking about it Korosensei feels left out and desperately wants to be follow-accepted by the account, he made an Instagram just for it.
His username would be something like @user73637287363828 cause he doesn’t know how to work the app. (Irina teaches him after a while)
They all reply to your posts in the stupidest ways, half of the time they’re beefing in the replies.
@Maehara_Hiroto: My ass looks flat in that angle
@410Ryoma: (reply to Maehara_Hiroto) it looks like that irl wdym?
@Maehara_Hiroto: fuck you.
Your posts vary from:
“Rio has a crush on someone in class 🤫”
to “Korosensei caught following Kayano and Nagisa home.”
“[Name] can’t stop watching Josh Hutcherson edits.”
You reply on your main account to again lower suspicion
@[your user] Neither can the rest of the world.
@n9kamura.rio: (reply to you) same honestly
@user73637287363828 (aka Koro): [Name] please focus on your class work, this morning you mistakenly wrote his name on your math work, this Josh Hutcherson man can wait.
@[your user] No he can’t.
@akabane_karma: (reply to you) but I can? I’ve been on delivered for 2 hours start typing.
At first they think it has to be a stalker, they go full seek mode
You won’t admit it because you cannot let Terasaka know you’re the one who posted the picture of him petting a stray cat.
Eventually they give up the stalker theory and start suspecting eachother.
“Alright who posted the picture of me getting my arm stuck in the vending machine??” Maehara is actually the biggest victim because he’s always doing stupid shit.
“Now that I think about it… Isogai you were the last person with me!”
“You know my phone was dead right? I told you- ‘hey I have to charge my phone’ and I turn around to see your hand jammed in the machine over a bag of Doritos.”
“…it was hot fries actually.”
You come clean at the end of the year but they got attached to the account and force you to continue :)
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tangyangie · 1 year
HI!!!! Ur writings r literally the cutest it makes me cry omg, could u write karma with a very versatile social chameleon fem! s/o who is highly feminine and intellectually and emotionally mature yet exudes an energy and a sense of humor deemed as more “guy like” (get it because women can’t be funny or autistic so I just can’t possibly be a woman) and though all of e class really understood each other, there was still ofc a mild difference in the social habits of not only groups but between genders bc gender norms and generalization yeah? But instead of having a specific group that they exclusively talk to because of similar social behaviors, she prefers to weave into the situations and actually project the manner of others- so like she’s very feminine presenting and witty yet also is like a dumb high school boy. Like she could be decked out in a whole gyaru look and- think of a disney channel movie bully moment- be approached by someone and clap back with the most precise and hilariously dumbfounding response, like it’s perfectly catered to the energy the person gives off in order to deliver a blow that actually gets across and hurts ! Basically a very unexpected obscure mixture of a person that isn’t afraid of getting a joke across, even if that means wearing a mustache made from mascara and a fishing shirt to truly stand for what our country stands for🇺🇸🦅make the green m&m sexy again america
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𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 🌀
desc. karma x fem!unexpected!reader!!
notes. i'm not gonna lie that was really hard to summarize but tysm for the compliment and req!!! this was so fun to write and i could tell as soon as i saw this request
also i assume this is headcanons so please tell me if that's not what you had in mind!!!
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you are karma's favorite person ever.
you're smart and you're funny. it's like he's found his twin flame. except she's 100x more intense.
it's almost as if you adapt to the person you're talking to as well. he just thinks you're so interesting.
one second, you're making dirty jokes with rio—and the next, you're talking with nagisa calmly about ways to kill korosensei.
you're decked out in a long, flowy dress and screeching like an eagle, flapping your arms.
and don't get him started on how much he loves your reaction to class A.
one of them begins berating a classmates for being in class E? you're over there coming up with the most creative insults ever. combinations you didn't think were possible.
karma lives to see the look on their faces after you've delivered their personally catered insult. they're actually dumbfounded.
you're constantly the center of attention together. you're going on about why birds are actually government drones and karma's starting to throw birds into the room to try and kill korosensei.
you adapt to your surroundings. god knows how many different jokes you have with different people because of this.
you play fighting games on the whiteboard with the rest of your classmates. your character is an umbrella and you have a rain buff??
it's impossible to count how many times you've used an american country accent and gone on about how much you love women and fishing.
it's been at least a few months since you've been dating karma. he's still figuring you out.
you both are rubbing off on each other. now karma's calling people ingrown toenails, and you tease him because he stole that from you.
the big 5 of class A still never leave you guys alone.
teppei's pushing his tests in your guys' faces with a smug look. you push your glasses (imaginary or not) up your face and sniff, mocking him.
"actually," you sniffle. "according to my calculations, you've got as less rizz than an easy-bake oven. go get some girls and then we'll see how envious we are." you say, with a wink.
the rest of the class is laughing their asses off while teppei's got the most flabbergasted look on his face that's possible. wide eyes and eyebrows to the sky, he drops the paper and runs way crying.
you make a remark about how you love making america great again by making boys cry.
the rest of the class doesn't know how to label you. you fit in with everyone.
yet, you've also got a very distinct personality. you also make references to the weirdest things, like a specific game that got really popular in 2020, especially among middle school boys...
but, they love you nonetheless. even though sometimes, you make jokes that would send you to class ZZZ.
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notes: assuming i understood what you meant correctly, i have like 10 friends like this. perhaps some of these are based of of them... (you know who you are 🩷)
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akabanerio · 2 years
A favour
Rio: Karma, I need a favour
Karma: I am not giving you another lap dance
Nagisa: lap dance?
Kayano: ANOTHER?
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lilbrainbigheartz · 7 months
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Karma Akabane x reader (dunnothenameyet)
Chapter 1
Well what the fuck.
Yep the first words that came on my mind after seeing my now yellow octopus teacher "Korosensei" in front of me.
Korosensei: "Alright students, let's get started"If you didn't know...Korosensei is a creature who destroyed the moon last year and now his ass is in our classroom in the 3-E building...Our mission is to save the earth and our target is our teacher.
But seriously, is the government that incompentent, so they give us MIDDLESCHOOLERS the task to eliminate Korosensei?
Mr Karasuma was standing next to him and his first words were:"Please understand what I'm about to say is a state secret"
Imagine, you are a special agent in the government and suddenly you get that task to watch over some octopus creature teaching a middleschool class who also are supposed to assassinate him.
Sucks I guess.
Just kidding.
After Mr Karasuma explained what the deal was about Korosensei (and that he is super fast in his Mach 20) we all actually had our first period of class with Korosensei. To be honest, he is actually pretty good at teaching. Way better than our principal Gakuhoe-
I MEAN! Gakuho Asano.
During my first days at school I actually was able to make some new 'friends'.The blonde girl Rio Nakamura was already my favourite, because her and I have the same sense of humor.
Nagisa and Kayano were also pretty fine to talk to.
But that was it honestly.
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cure-mango · 5 months
Precure x MLP
What I think the characters would be (only doing the seasons I've watched)
Nagisa/Cure Black - Pegasus
Honoka/Cure White - Unicorn
Hikari/Shiny Luminous - Earth Pony
Saki/Cure Bloom - Earth Pony
Mai/Cure Egret - Pegasus
Hibiki/Cure Melody - Unicorn
Kanade/Cure Rhythm - Earth Pony
Ellen/Cure Beat - Changling
Ako/Cure Muse - Alicorn (wears clothes that hide wings so everybody thinks she's a unicorn)
Miyuki/Cure Happy - Earth Pony
Akane/Cure Rouge - Pegasus
Yayoi/Cure Peace - Pegasus
Nao/Cure March - Earth Pony
Reika/Cure Beauty - Unicorn
Ayumi/Cure Echo - Earth Pony
Megumi/Cure Lovely - Earth Pony
Hime/Cure Princess - Alicorn
Yuuko/Cure Honey - Earth Pony
Iona/Cure Fortune - Pegasus
Seiji - Earth Pony
Haruka/Cure Flora - Earth Pony (Turns into Alicorn when transformed)
Minami/Cure Mermaid - Unicorn (Turns into Alicorn when transformed)
Kirara/Cure Twinkle - Pegasus (Turns into Alicorn when transformed)
Towa/Cure Scarlet - Alicorn
Mirai/Cure Miracle - Earth Pony
Riko/Cure Magical - Unicorn
Kotoha/Cure Felice - Breezie
Ichika/Cure Whip - Earth Pony
Himari/Cure Custard - Earth Pony
Aoi/Cure Gelato - Earth Pony
Yukari/Cure Macaron - Unicorn
Akira/Cure Chocolat - Pegasus
Ciel/Cure Parfait - Pegasus
Rio/Pikario - Unicorn
Bibury - Pegasus
Hana/Cure Yell - Unicorn
Saaya/Cure Ange - Earth Pony
Homare/Cure Etoile - Pegasus
Emiru/Cure MaCherie - Unicorn
Ruru/Cure Amour - Earth Pony shaped Android
Henri/Cure Infini - Pegasus
Hikaru/Cure Star - Earth Pony
Elena/Cure Soleil - Kirin
Madoka/Cure Selene - Unicorn
Lala/Cure Milky & Yuni/Cure Cosmo - still aliens but more pony shaped aliens
Nodoka/Cure Grace - Earth Pony
Chiyu/Cure Fontaine - Pegasus
Hinata/Cure Sparkle - Earth Pony
Asumi/Cure Earth - Pegasus (Was Alicorn when born but gave up her horn)
Manatsu/Cure Summer - Pegasus
Sango/Cure Coral - Unicorn
Minori/Cure Papaya - Earth Pony
Asuka/Cure Flamingo - Pegasus
Laura/Cure La Mer - Seapony/Hippogriff
Yui/Cure Precious - Earth Pony
Kokone/Cure Spicy - Unicorn
Ran/Cure Yum Yum - Pegasus
Amane/Cure Finale - Unicorn
Takumi/Black Pepper - Earth Pony
Sora/Cure Sky - Pegasus
Mashiro/Cure Prism - Unicorn
Tsubasa/Cure Wing - Disabled Pegasus
Ageha/Cure Butterfly - Earth Pony
Ellee/Cure Majesty - Alicorn
Preme/Cure Supreme - Earth Pony (Alicorn as Supreme)
Cure Puca - Alicorn
Komugi/Cure Wonderful - Dog/Earth Pony
Iroha/Cure Friendy - Earth Pony
Yuki/Cure Nyammy - Cat/Unicorn
Mayu/Cure Lillian - Unicorn
Satoru - Pegasus
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