#Nafula & Sasha
traceofexistence · 7 months
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the amount of gay NPCs in this game :D
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cherryasagiri · 2 years
Who is the Cook in the Family?
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Pairing: Jason x oc
Summary: Can you guess which one tried to burn down the mansion trying to cook? Jason, it was Jason. We knew it was Jason.
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 It was a relatively normal day in the Wayne manor, everyone off doing their own thing before the sun sets. Duke was playing catch in the yard with Dick, Damian was off in the Batcave, annoying Bruce to let him go on more independent missions, while Barbara talked with Tim about some new gadgets he wanted to make. Alfred stood in his usual spot in the Batcave, watching the pseudo-family interact. From time to time, he likes to think about the smile that graces Bruce's face whenever he is around the family's younger members. Seeing the man he raised from a fragile child to a successful man find true happiness is all he cared about. Thus, leaving Amena, Nafula, and Jason.
 Amena and her mother were in the living room, watching a children's program while playing with the new Bratz dolls she recently bought for her daughter. Nafula found a 2008 doll house for her daughter, so the dolls had something big enough to use instead of the smaller Barbie doll house. She was holding one of the dolls, her daughter showing her mother what she wanted her to do. 
"Mommy, it's nighttime, and Sasha needs to go to bed. Can you wash her up like you do with me?" she asked, placing her hands on her mom's leg.
"Of course, sweetie, make sure you do the same for Yasmin!" she exclaimed while taking the toy bath out of the upstairs room from the dollhouse.
For a split second, Nafula got a slight whiff of something harsh. It was a tad strong, making one of her eyes water. She didn't know what it was that didn't smell good, but she could only sigh; knowing who was behind it, she smoothed her daughter's hair before kissing her temple gently. She apologized for leaving the play date so soon and walked into the kitchen. The air was filled with smoke, the fire alarm threatening to sound if the person who caused it didn't fix it. She rubbed her eyes which were beginning to water due to the smoke mentioned, walking over to all the doors and windows to open them. She knew it would only do so much to draft out the smoke, walking over to the cause of the interrupted toy time with her child. 
She pulled out a chair while making sure not to make any noise as she wanted to surprise the person who was in front of her, making a mess on the stove. The grumbling and swearing they were doing under their breath made a smile appear on her face, trying her hardest not to laugh at their torment. It had been a while since she had seen them cook; the moment they had come back into her life, they wanted to do whatever they could to make up for what they had missed. 
"How did you go through life so far without knowing how to make a grilled cheese sandwich, Jason?" she finally spoke up, palm cupping her cheek as her elbow rested on the kitchen table. A slight smirk appeared on her lips, and one of her eyebrows raised. The woman was concerned with how he was destroying the kitchen, yet the smirk never left her face.
She laughed once he turned around. He was startled by her sudden appearance, knowing that she and their daughter were the only ones who could sneak up on him undetected. They, and also Bruce, of course. He didn't understand why they affected him like this; he had known his wife most of their lives but only a couple with his daughter, who honestly still didnt know who he was. He had always had a worry in the back of his mind when he appeared in Nafula's life again. A life where he had no idea he fathered a child. How could he not notice the change in her during her earliest symptoms? If he had known, he would have stayed behind. Be safe and wait for backup like Bruce always wanted. He would have been there for his daughter when she took her first breaths in this world. There is no time to dwell on the past; he has to remind himself. Maybe being in their presence and specific aura made him feel the most at ease and relaxed. 
Jason turned around fast to look at his wife; her smirk caused a huge blush to appear on his face as he gave her an accusatory glare. 
"Excuuussseee meeeee for being dead for a while and then wake up to forget how to speak, eat, and wipe my ass," he retorted playfully. The woman in question stands up and walks toward him with pride in her step.
The small smirk turns into a seductively sly smile. Nafula's hands begin to snake around his shoulders and pull him closer to her front. Her chest is pressed securely on his back while her lips are dangerously close to his neck. He notices the gloss coating her lips as he dreads the sticky substance touching his flesh. It's not like he hates her lip-glossed kiss, but forgetting it being there and being teased by Tim and Dick is something he is not looking forward to. 
"You're always talking about you being dead, Jesus Jason, we get it. You died. You want a cookie?" she questioned, laughing at her joke as she slowly grabbed the spatula out of his hand and craftily turned off the stove before he could notice.
Jason sighed as he realized he was holding in a breath before. He tried to turn his face away, but her intoxicating aroma enticed him to move closer to her. She glanced up at him, fluttering her lashes as the love started to fill her eyes. Jason was able to notice this, his own eyes staring into hers. He moved his head closer to hers, his lips dipping down to meet hers. This is as sensual as they've ever been when sex wasn't already on their minds. He closed his eyes when his heart started to race faster than it has in a long time, loving the feeling that his love for her would never waver. It was an encouraging feeling that boosted his confidence to finally lean down to kiss her.
Or he thought he was going to kiss her. He opened his eyes to see that Nafula was no longer in his face. The cool sensation on his skin where her arms touched and the coolness of his back started to set in. the racing of his heart made him forget the warmth of her presence. Jason regained his composure, turning his body to find and face his wife as he noticed what she was doing now. He watched as she cleaned up the mess he had made, taking out the sliced cheese from the fridge and the bread from the bread container and started to redo his sandwich. Jason noticed the burnt sandwiches he made on the trashcan and sighed. He fucked up, but he knew when looking at his wife that it didn't matter because she was there for him. 
"Well, to answer your question, I don't know, but thank God, I have you now," he boasted, knowing that if nobody got him, then he knew Nafula had him. Said woman, rolling her eyes and smiling even though he couldn't see her as she was still facing the stove. 
"That only sounds like you do stupid shit and pretend you don't know how to do simple shit so I could do them for your lazy ass," she joked, grabbing the plates with the already made sandwiches with a small bowl of tomato soup placed perfectly on the plate. 
She placed the plates on the table and smiled at Jason, who was still in awe of what his wife had done in the short amount of time. Maybe it was her insistence on raising her daughter on her own where she learned how to do things quickly, he thought to himself. Before she could say anything, Jason promptly jumped to his feet and headed to the living room to grab his daughter. They would have a nice lunch together as a family with a newfound respect and love for his wife. When he came back, he placed his daughter in her unique princess chair and sat next to her with a smile on his face.
"I just like to see my hot wife making me food," he finally spoke up.
"Please watch your mouth around my child," she sighed.
"Mommy's hot!" Amena yelled, the little girl giggling while tearing into her sandwich.
"See, even she thinks s–" Jason didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because a sudden jolt of pain shot up from his foot to his spine. Nafula's heel dug into his foot as she watched the male beside her try and hold in a yelp.
"That is why I call her MY daughter, Jason," she responded, smiling over at Amena. The young girl was none the wiser about what was happening in front of her. That didn't bother either of them; it was a lively rest of the day for this small family.
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