cherrypikkins · 9 months
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guys i found my nanowrimo2022 folder lets see whats in it!
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an empty .txt file!!!!
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toboldlywrite · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 1
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I made a cover! That counts as productive, right?
I mean, I did also write.
Word count for the day: 2163
Total word count: 2163
Notes: Wrote all of chapter one. Hurray!
She hit it, and everything exploded into electric blue pixels.
She wasn’t falling anymore. She was laying on something solid. Something hard. She opened her eyes to see not the colored tile, but a sleek, dark floor. A dark floor with a warped reflection on it. Reflecting something looming over her.
And then a voice spoke, breaking the sudden and complete silence.
“What the hell?”
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blackacre13 · 5 months
Hi! We missed you ❤️
Sending you all the good vibes for your health and hoping whatever it is gets fixed soon. And I would be honored to be a beta reader for your literal grocery list so please do keep me posted on that regard ☺️
Thank you so much, friend!❤️❤️
Yes! I will definitely let you and anyone else interested know. Hoping later this spring/early summer! My goal is to start querying this fall👀☺️I know y’all will help hold me accountable.
Can’t wait for everyone to meet Charlie and their mystery lady//Sloane and Willow👀👀👀🤐🤐🤐
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wanderingcas · 2 years
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firstdraft · 2 years
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—ICHORBORN nanowrimo 2022
genre. steampunk. fantasy. new adult. pov. third person, past tense status. plotting / writing synopsis.
One of many apprentice engineers in Londonium, Thaddeus Elliston spends his days elbow deep in engines and gears, and goes home to the boarding house at night too exhausted to enjoy the many pleasures of the city. Unlike his fellow students, Thaddeus has no family or sponsor to pay for his education. If he falls behind, he will be cast out, and his chance at a better life will be gone. Fortunately, he is at the top of his cohort, and one of the most brilliant gearworkers the headmistress has ever seen.
But skill means nothing when compared to wealth. And so, when his jealous classmates start a fight, it is Thaddeus who is expelled.
He believes his life is over until he receives a letter from Dr. Bartholomew Hughes, a reclusive alchemist responsible for the invention of Ichor, the new fuel that runs most modern machinery. With no other options, he agrees to meet Dr. Hughes at his country estate.
What he finds there will change his life forever. 
main characters.
thaddeus. trans man. he left home at a young age, knowing that his mother and stepfather would never accept him as he was. he discarded his corsets and petticoats in favor of living as his true gender, and has found some measure of happiness as an apprentice. but when he gets a letter from his father, he discovers his heritage as the son of an inventor — one of the most infamous geniuses in history. but no one has seen bartholomew hughes in years.
amaryllis. non-binary. one of the many clockwork creations of dr. bartholomew hughes, she is made of porcelain and steel, with a clockwork heart. and through her body flows ichor, the mysterious alchemical substance that hughes invented to power his mechanicals. though she longs for the freedom to see the world, she knows that her kind are seen as mere mindless servants. but amaryllis has a mind of her own, thanks to her creator, and she won’t be a servant for the rest of her life. she refuses.
a bit of a late start to this year’s nanowrimo, but I think I can catch up! add me on the nanowrimo site as evancetera.
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doro-writes · 2 years
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Son of the Sun. a comic sans presentation of this years nano project.
are we still doing those?
inspired by @incandescent-creativity
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greenbriar-j · 2 years
hello writeblr!
who’s doing nano this year and what’s your wip?? lemme know! i feel so out of the loop these days 
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fanboyzuko · 2 years
Me: doesn't write a damn thing for over a month
also me: bangs out 10k in the first three days of nanowrimo
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letrasdetania · 2 years
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🍂 ¡Hola a todos! He andado sumergida en muchas actividades, y desde que comenzó noviembre se sumó a ellas el #Nanowrimo, que me ha tenido escribiendo de lleno para avanzarle a un proyecto en el que ando trabajando con mucho esmero desde hace un buen rato. Les comparto estas páginas contándoles cómo va el asunto 😊 ¿Cómo les ha ido estos días? ¿Cuáles son sus pasatiempos favoritos? 🍂 #paginasdetania #journaling #nanowrimo2022 #nanowrimochallenge #journalingideas #journalingcommunity #journalinginspiration #stationery #stationeryaddict #papeleriabonita #libretasbonitas #leuchtturm1917 #myjournal #journalpages #bujo #washitape https://www.instagram.com/p/ClSQvhcuNDv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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NaNoWriMo 2022
Heya everyone who follows me for Holding the World news, got a heads up for ya!
 So for those who have been reading Raising Starlings, you probably saw my update, but I’m going to be doing NaNoWriMo this year.  Haven’t decided if I’ll be actually posting the work anywhere or if I’ll just use my Tumblr to post updates.  I’ll go until either I hit the 50k goal or I run out of story, whichever happens first.  If I finish early, I’m going to start on chapter 17 of Holding the World: Raising Starlings.  I have a chunk of the very end written, and a pretty good grasp on how to get there, so I’m not concerned about picking it up again in December.  I’ll be using the #nanowrimo22 hashtag if anyone wants to blacklist updates. 
Wish me luck, y’all!
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
Nanowrimo 2022: COMPLETE
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I COMPLETED NANOWRIMO 2022 YAAAAAAY!  I’m going to write a bit about how it went beneath the cut!  I’ll post a final nanowrimo draft snippet separately.
Nanowrimo 2022 Recap
This has been an interesting Nanowrimo...  I was between my old job and my next one, which starts on Monday 11/28, for three weeks, which means that, in a way, I was in probably the best position I’ve ever been in for Nanowrimo (I’ve participated in and won Nanowrimo every year since 2008, except for 2011, which I skipped because Skyrim came out, lol!).  
However...  Well, from the last week of September through the first week of November, I was scrambling to do an intense, three interview application process for my new job, including presenting, in a short period of time.  I was slammed and the busiest I’ve probably ever been, trying to get the new job, do all of my work at my demanding old job while trying not to make it obvious that I was attending a bunch of interviews, and then trying to navigate closing up and leaving the old job while doing a bunch of online paperwork for the new one.  
It was a lot.  Like, a lot a lot.
I was just thinking of the last time I took a staycation, how I accomplished so many creative things and had fresh energy for projects.  For most of this break, I basically focused on... breathing?  Being?  It’s hard to explain, but I spent most of the days like I had nothing to do and nowhere to be, like my job was just to... exist (and Nanowrimo, obviously)?  I’ve genuinely never done that in my life.  I can’t tell you if I enjoyed it or not, or even if I think it was “good” for me, but I don’t think I had much choice in the matter, regardless.  It’s just sort of...  What my brain and my body did.
So, I guess I had a lot of time for Nano...  But I was able to do exactly zero planning for it, and I didn’t have that rush of Nanowrimo energy that made last year so easy, even working full time and commuting at my crazy job.  Things got really challenging this last week, because I was out of ideas and, more pressingly, because there was a death in my husband’s family.  I’ve known his grandfather since I was 14 (nearly 20 years now), so...  Well, it was sad, and I tried to support my husband and his family, although I never know what to do or say in those situations.
I guess what I’m saying is that I have complex feelings about this Nano, lol!  As usual, I wouldn’t say I’m proud or happy; the task is done, that’s all.  I’d love to think about what I’ll do next, but understandably, my focus is taken by the new job starting on Monday.  
Hopefully this doesn’t sound negative or like a downer; I don’t mean it that way.  I just have a lot on my emotional/mental plate right now, and it’s important to acknowledge that to myself, I think.  
But!  There are 50,000 more words of my fanfic, Puits d’Amour, coming up!  Please look forward to it!
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toboldlywrite · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day 3
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Mercury decided he wanted to help out (if you look closely at the 2nd pic you might be able to make out the lines of O’s he added)
Word count for the day: 2439
Total word count: 7385
Notes: Finished chapter 3! So far I’ve done a chapter a night which is funny because that sentence came up on Duolingo in the last lesson I was working on (Scríobhaim caibidil gach oíche). This chapter can be summed up with: “Ryn has an existential crisis in a box.”
“Who are you guys?”
“We’re the Secretaries. That’s what we call ourselves, anyway.” Ryn didn’t have to be that good at reading people to see that Zion was proud to be a part of this group. “Causing trouble for Ouroboros Corp one annoyance at a time.”
Annoyances didn’t seem like a very efficient way to save the world, but Ryn kept that thought to herself. “Why Secretaries?” She asked instead. “Doesn’t that mean… someone who helps out CEOs and stuff?”
Zion laughed, and Ryn felt her face flush. That was weird. She had seen her clients blush before, but never thought she was capable of it. Or of embarrassment at all. But Zion wasn’t laughing at her. “I thought the same thing at first. But no, Flux chose the name based on these birds that used to live on Earth. Called secretary birds. They hunted snakes. Kicked the shit out of them, and that’s what Flux says we’re gonna do to Ouroboros Corp someday. Their symbol is a snake.”
That Ryn did know. The logo was branded on the back of her neck. Her hand went to it unconsciously, and Zion noticed. They flushed a bit, too.
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to over-explain.”
“No, that’s alright. There’s… a lot I don’t know.” And a lot she didn’t know she didn’t know. 
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November 1, 2022
Sometimes it takes us a long time to learn things about ourselves. I learned that I need study aids in the form of text-to-speech readers when I realized I could tell you the entire plot of the Witcher, but I couldn't read more than a page of a textbook at a time and be expected to remember any of it. Now I think I'm discovering that I love to write - not just to put words together to share ideas - no, I love to physically write.  I love to journal in a pretty book, use pretty inks and stickers - even the act of highlighting sparks joy; so I applied that.  This was the easiest write-in of my life. No blank page fear, no second guessing or backtracking my words and wasting time by "editing" a draft before its done. I know its going to get harder, but even if all i get out of NaNo this year is a better understanding of myself, that's enough. That's love, on its own.
Word Count: ~874
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queenfredegund · 2 years
À l'occasion de l'approche imminente du lancement du NaNoWriMo édition 2022, je relance le #tagtonroman pour parler un peu projet d'écriture. Voici celui qui m'occupe en ce moment, et qui sera l'objectif du mois de novembre également (j'ai pris un peu d'avance, mais que voulez-vous, quand l'inspiration est là, autant en profiter !) :
Titre du projet :
Tout le bonheur du monde
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Résumé de l'intrigue :
Le mariage et la naissance d'un enfant sont par définition les plus beaux jours de la vie d'une personne. Du moins, c'est ce que tout le monde dit. 
Sauf peut-être quand il s'agit de se lancer dans le parcours du combattant que représente un mariage gay, au rythme des petites vexations d'usage et des grosses prises de bec attendues. 
Sauf peut-être aussi quand l'arrivée du futur enfant se vit plus mal que prévu et oblige chacun à revoir son attitude et ses objectifs d'avenir. Heureusement qu’au milieu de ce capharnaüm d'émotions et de déceptions, il reste encore les gens que l’on aime pour se soutenir mutuellement...
Présentation des protagonistes :
Fang Jin Yi, 30 ans | Président de Fang Corporation, l’entreprise familiale, associé à sa sœur Zhu Yan, en couple avec Jun Fei. Romantique, un peu naïf sur les bords, mais aussi plutôt borné lorsqu’il s’agit de faire face aux réflexions et au jugement des autres, il ne souhaite que permettre aux gens qu’il aime d’être heureux, à commencer par son compagnon et sa sœur.
Fang Zhu Yan, 32 ans | Directrice de Fang Corporation, métreuse de profession, en couple avec Benedict, un avocat d’affaires britannique, et surtout enceinte de huit mois de leur premier enfant. Féministe et ambitieuse, elle tente de juguler son addiction au travail avec la pression sociale que provoque l’arrivée imminente de son nouveau-né.
Sheng Jun Fei, 30 ans | Photographe de presse, aspirant artiste plasticien, en couple avec Jin Yi depuis deux ans. Les pieds sur terre et doté d’un caractère bien trempé, son pragmatisme tempère souvent les emballements de Jin Yi et Zhu Yan. Issu d’un milieu modeste, il n’est pas toujours à l’aise avec le train de vie de sa future (et très fortunée) belle-famille.
Voilà, voilà, n’hésitez pas à proposer à votre tour des présentations de vos propres projets @ladyniniane @antonomase @fierce-little-miana @korydweninterim​ si vous souhaitez en parler (ou à me rediriger vers les posts déjà consacrés à cet effet si je les ai manqués 😅) ! Et surtout, bonne chance à vous toutes ! 🙌
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dunne-ias · 2 years
I am days ahead
My first villain is dead
I write all day
What more can I say?
I’m killing it at Nanowrimo, so yay!
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thecoramaria · 2 years
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Happy last day of NaNoWriMo! Only got 1300 words left until I reach my goal 😁 and then I can edit my next video. It’s about a topic that I know tons of fic writers talk and ask about endlessly. Any guesses? 🤔
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